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Ne damnent quae non intelligunt. Quint.

E» rig ys TkKr^Yj xa.TT)yopouuTi eocvtw (TVUSTrlg-txToLf, 5toc, 61-
TO <p*uspou hs\eyXet, xa) StsuMvei,
*Js xot) am£er«£« tco
Xo'ycp- uansp ouSaj ecu ex tou vrpopecuSg uixccu luucc^Euog, evefya.
X qr\aroiiTO xuta r Sou vroXeploov.

AOYKIAN. riEpt 7 a pt) pxb'uf <BirevEi» haQc Xr . t


At the Univerfity Prefs l'or the Author :

Sold by J. Cooke, J. Parker, and R. Bliss, Oxford

MeiTrs. Payne and Mackinlay, and F. Wingrave,
London and J. Deighton, Cambridge.

1808 .



Euler s Demonjlration of the Binomial Theorem.

Xt may be proper to inform fome readers,

who enter on
a perufal of this Reply, that in the year
1806 a paper was
printed in the Philofophical Tranfadtions
of the Royal So-
ciety of London, entitled, “ A
new Demonftration of the
" Binomial Theorem;” and that
in 1807 a paper was
publilhed in the Pranfadlions of the
fame Society, “ On
“ the Preceffion of the Equinoxes
both by the author
or this Reply.
The appearance of the firft of thefe
papers feems to
have excited an uncommon
degree of chagrin in the
minds of two writers one in
% the Critical, the other in
the Monthly Review ; and, as is frequently the cafe with
angry people, they have vented
their difpleafure in illi-
beral expreflions, mingled
with falfehoods, in what each
dignifies with the title of
a review of the Demonftration,
which they pretend to have
Perhaps this exprefiion may not be ftriftly
mformed that the perfon
accurate, as I am credib
who executes the mathematical depart men
** ^° nth Ver y frequently writes in
the Critical. The two
,b0Ve 3lludcd wri
to ma y be one and the fame individual
B * Ai
2' A Reply to a Critical

Although the want of veracity, in this implied affier-

tion, was very evident to me on the firft reading of their
ffridtures, I did not think it neceffary to print any reply
to their animadverfions.The fubjedt being level to the
comprehenfion of every one, who has made any advance-
ment in Algebra, I was perfectly fatisfied, in my own
mind, that mathematicians would foon perceive the mif-
reprefentations and falfehoods employed by thefe review-
ers to injure the character of my paper.
With refpedt to my
paper on the Preceffion of the
Equinoxes, the fame two critics adopt a line of condudt,
in one fenfe, diametrically oppofite to one another ; the
one critique being very fhort, and the other very prolix.

The following is all that is faid of it in the Critical Re-

view for November 1807. “ It is impoffible to under-
(land this paper without the aid of diagrams.” In this

account there is no incivility, either expreffed or implied,

and therefore it conveys no caufe of offence but fome- ;

thing more might have been expedted from a candid and

intelligent critic on a fubjedl, which has employed the
attention of feveral of the mod able mathematicians in

Europe, and in which even the illuflrious Newton him-

felf made a mi flake. be obferved, that an
It is alfo to

analyfis of the paper is given in the introdudtion, without

the aid of a diagram. The reviewer’s account feems
fomething like handing over one’s exertions to oblivion ;
in which, however handfomely the conveyance
may be
made, there is nothing very flattering toward the au-
thor, nor any indication of attention or knowledge
in the


The on the Preceffion, by the Monthly re-

oppofite defcrip-
viewer, is, as already intimated, of an
Its violence of hoftility is carried to
the extreme in
every fentence alluding to my paper. Had
the cenfor
of difap-
confined his animadverfions within the limits
probation ufually obferved in his monthly inftrudtions,

his opi-
fhould not have taken the trouble to controvert
of lupe-
nions. reviewer uauft always affitme an
A air

nnd Monthly 'Reviewer. 3

riority over the author under his confideration, however
different the real ftate of their comparative merits may
be. This is perfectly underftood by readers of difeern-
and they confequently perufe the decifions of the
unknown judge with a due degree of caution. On this
account it is feldom or ever in the power of a malignant
reviewer to a wound on reputation as fevere as his

rancour. Attention and circum (lances lay open the de-

sign of the affaflin,
and the injurious opinion which he
attempts to diffeminate is rejedled with fcorn by thofe,
who are acquainted with the fubjeX, and have a due
lenfe of honour. From hence it is, that writers on topics
level to the comprehenfion of readers in general are
relieved from the confequences of the unjuft difapproba-
tion of reviewers. The difapprobation, if moderately un-
makes but a flight impreflion, which
is quickly
erafed by refleXion and candour, and, if it is direXed
with boldnefs and malignity, it recoils on the publication
in which it appeared.
The cafe is different who publifli on fubjeas
with thofe
of abflraa fcience. The judges of luch
produaions are
comparatively very few, and they are very thinly
tered j and therefore authors of this clafs
are much at
the mercy of a reviewer, if he is determined
to lower or
ftifle their reputation. His mifreprefentations are boldly
impofed on general readers as fair criticifm, and
his falfe-
hoods, cautioufly expreffed, are advanced
with an air of
integrity, and with a folemn affurance
that a confcien-
tious difeharge of his duty to the
public is his only mo-
tive for his ftriXures. The detraXion is read by the
many, and fpread far and wide the power of deteXing

its want of truth is limited to the few, and cannot

propagated with any degree of precifion,
but by writing.
It was not till fome time
after its publication, that
read the account of my paper on the
Preceffion, given in
the Monthly Review for laft September.
perufal of itA
gave birth to the preceding reflexions,
and alfo to a de-
termination of replying to the
animadverfions of both re-
B ^ viewers
4 Of the Demonjlration

viewers ;
and been carried into execution
this defign has

as foon as my profeffional duties would permit. By con-

tinuing to fufTer in filence under their afperfions, I muft
have appeared criminally inattentive to my own cha-

ra£ter,and unworthy the friend fliip of thole, who have

repofed confidence in me for integrity and exertion.



the accounts of my demonftration of the

Theorem, given in the Critical and Monthly
in fubftance nearly the fame, mod
of the remarks
which thefe produftions might feparately deferve, will

apply with equal propriety to both. The firft


which I felt after I had read the pages alluding to it, was
that of aftonilhment. The form of my
expreffions in the

Demonftration was fo much changed, their arrangement

fo much altered, their bearing on one another fo much
diftorted, and my manner of eftablilhing the extended
that it was
form of the theorem fo completely concealed,
reviews, and the
only by the titles of the articles in the
occafional mention of my own name, that I found it to
paper which was fo unhandfomely
be my
the reviewers
Under this deformed and mutilated afpeft
readers, and then pro-
prelent my demonftration to their
I (hall now take the li-
ceed to deliver opinions, which
berty of examining.
of the foundation
Neither of them gives any account
the demonftration refts. On the
contrary, it is
on which
cautioufty concealed, and
evidently with the defign ot
The confe-
making it appear that the proof is indireft..
claim to origi-
rence inferred by both is, that it has no
the charge
nality. Iproceed therefore to fliew, that
of the Binomial Theorem. 5

thus brought forward by them is not founded in truth,

and cannot be fupported but by their own grofs mifrepre-
My demonftration may be confidered as confiding of
two parts. In the firft part it is proved directly, and
merely by the principles on which multiplication is con-
duced, that when n is a whole pofitive number,

== xn + nax ’1 — 1
-f- 7i.
71 I 1
a x*—* 4- &c. and that x-—a\

n— I
= x” — nax ”— i + n.
a x”—- — &c. The firft four-

teen articles are employed in proving the truth of thefe

equations ; and, although it is undoubtedly true, I
deemed it needlefs to aftert, that the law of continuation
ismade as evidently to appear, as that there may be any
number of magnitudes in each of the two ranks men-
tioned in the twenty fecond and twenty third Propofi-
tions of the fifth book of Euclid.
The firft part being eftablifhed, the fecond commences
in the 15th article. In this it is proved, that 1 -f-.r) « x

1 + x\ m = 1 -{- n -j- m. x + n 4- m. —— x
+ &c.
when n and m are any whole pofitive numbers. The
proof of this, as to the law of continuation in the feries,
re ^ s u on the firft part as a foundation
P for T+Ty x ;

*"+*1'” =T+T|' + to by i
, involution, and n +m is a whole
number. Thus far therefore the proof is ftill dire£t.

Put 1 + x]” — 1 -f nx + n. - —3
- x
+ &c. and 1 4 ah"

—^ 7;/ — j
i + mx 4- m. - x1 -f- See. and therefore,5 when the
firft of thefe feries is multiplied by the fecond, the pro-
duct muft be equal to the feries 1 + n + m . x + n 4m
n + m—i ^
2 ~Jt>
X **" ^ = 1 + 1
> f° r equals being
multiplied equals, the produfts muft be equal.
if the one feries be actually multiplied
by the other, and
the products arranged as in my
multiplication A, we are
3 relieved,
v Of the Detnonjh'at ion

relieved, as I have ftated in the 16th article, from the ne-

ceffity of confidering n and m as whole numbers. The
feries expreffing the product will ftill be I + a +m . x


n -f m.

ji | Yfi .
. xx
J -f &c. For we know by what
lias been previoufly and directly proved, that the coeffi-

cients of the feveral powers of x are reducible to this re-

gular form, and that this muft be the law of continua-
tion. The proof, therefore, is ftill direft.

From hence it alfo dire6tly follows, that we can raife

any binomial any propofed power whatever, as
feries to
ftated in the 17th article; and
it immediately follows

from this, and not from any new mode of proof, that we
can exprefs the rth root of 1 + x in a binomial feries, as
in the 18th article. The fucceeding articles are confe-
rences of thefe and a direft proof pervades the whole.

From the above confiderations it clearly appears to me,

that the opinion of the reviewers was not the refult of an
examination of my paper, when they pronounced the de-
monftration to be indireft. had read it with any If they
degree of attention, they muft have perceived that the
fecond part depends on the firft. They might indeed have
feen this at a glance, for there is a reference to the 13th
article in the 15th, and two parts. It
this connects the
is alfo faid in the introdu&ory fentences, “ in order that
the reader may perceive the proof to be complete, a
fucceflive perfual of all the articles is neceflary.” I

now proceed to apply thefe confiderations to the remarks

of the reviewers.
The Critical reviewer, having given what he calls a

defcription of my method, proceds to afiert, from what

he has exhibited, “
that the proof is not a direct one
and that it “ has no claim to originality, for Newton
adopts the ftfme method.” To the firft of thefe afiertions
I anfwer, that the method of proof which this critic pre-

fents to his readers is certainly not a dire& one, but it is

not mine. By the fecond expreffion he evidently means

to fay, that Sir Ilaac Newton demonftratcd the theorem ;

of the Bbiomial Theorem. 7

and to this my anfwer is, that the aflertion is not true.

Dr. Horfley thought it neceffary to fupply the defeft by
introducing a demonftration, in page 38 6. Vol. I. of his
edition and the following teftimony is fo explicit that it

cannot be miftaken, and fo refpe&able that it muft: be ad-

mitted. The quotations are both from Mr. Baron Ma-
feres’s Scriptores Logarithmici.
“ How Sir Ifaac difcovered this theorem, (the bino-
“ mial,) is not known nor is any demonftration of it,

“ even in this eafieft cafe, (in which the index m of the

“ power to which the binomial quantity is to be raifed,
“ is a whole number,) any where to be found in all his
works.” Vol. II. p. 167.
“ This is the famous binomial theorem, invented by
Sir Ifaac Newton, but of which he has no where given
“ a demonftration.” Vol. III. p. *103.
Thefe quotations are intended for the information of
general readers ; for it is well known to mathematicians,
thatwhat Sir Ifaac faid on the fubjedt was never meant
by him to be confidered as a demonftration.
The Critical reviewer alfo fays, “ The fame kind of
“ proof too, our memory does not fail us, has been ad-
“ opted by the Baron Maferes in fome of the volumes’ of
“ the Scriptores Logarithmici.” I am in pofleffion of all
the ftxvolumes of that very valuable work, but I can
find no fuch proof in any one of them.
every judicious reader the Critical reviewer muft
appear guilty of felo de fe, in the flippant paragraph
which concludes his critique, as it betrays a total igno-
rance of the necefiity of different cafes in the demonftra-
tion, as alfo of the different arguments
requifite to their
The writer in the Monthly Review (hews more inge-
nuity in torturing my formulae, and is apparently more
fortunate than his brother critic in difputing
the origi-
nality of my demonftration. He dates in uncouth fym-
bols, and in combinations which I never
ufed, the eflen-
tials, as he thinks, of my method
of proof j and after this
B 4 in-
1 2

8 Euler's Eemovjlration

ingenious proceeding, he infers a charge

of plagiarifm
againft me, from the dmilarity between
fome of my ex-
and thofe employed by Euler. That the reader
may have the fulled: evidence on which this charge is
grounded, I, firft of all, fubmit to his perufal a copy of
Euler demonftration, •verbatim et literatim omitting his

introduction, condfting of three articles, as not being ne~

eeflary to the eftablidiment of the theorem, and
not be-
ing in the lead: connected with the accufation advanced
by the reviewer. The expredions printed in Italics are
thofe which the critic quotes in fupport of his charge.

“ §. 4 . Ante omnia autem cum dt a + b = a (1 +—a )


eritque quoque (
a + b)" = a» (t + deque totum nego-

tium reducitur ad evolutionem hujus potedatis (1 + — )”


quae porro ponendo ——x redit ad banc (1 -f x) n , quam

novimus, quoties exponens n fuerit numerus integer pod-
n— I
tivus^ aequalem fore huic feriei 1 -1 . x -i .

n— n— 2 n— I —2
123 at

verurn d n non fuerit numerus integer podtivus, valorem

n 72 72-
X4 &c.

hujus feriei tanquam incognitum fpeCtemus, ejufque loco

hoc dgno [7/] utamur, ita ut jam in genere habeamus

n — 1 4 n x -{ n n—% x, occ.

de qua etiam nunc plus non novimus, quam cafu, quo 7

eft numerus integer podtivus, fore [72] = (1 + x)» reli-

quis autem cadbus quinam valores huic dgno [tz] conve-
niant, fequenti modo inveftigemus : Unde demum pate-
bit, etiam in genere fore [72] = (1 -f x)» quicunque nu-
meri pro exponente n accipiantur, quo paCto propodto
noftro plene fatisfecerimus.
hanc inveftigationem inftituendm duas hu-
§. 5.
jufmodi feries feu duo talia dgna [72] et [ m] in fe invicem
. mul-
: i I

of the Binomial Theorem. 9

multiplicemus ut feriem obtineamus huic produ&o [in] .

aequalem, quam facile patet hujufmodi fonna expref-

fum iri

ex 2 + D.t 4 + EX 5
I -f- AX + + CX 2 etc.

cujus coefficientes A, B, c, D, E etc. quemadmodum per

binas literas in et n determinentur ut pateat; ipfam mul-

tiplicationem faltem inchoemus.
r i m 2
m] = i H . + x + etc.

- — — n— i 2
i + . x + .
. x + etc.
i i a
m— I
M •
0] i -4- —m
4 x


• xx etc*

n in n
+ —

.x +



XX &c.

n ii —
XX &c.

Quod ft jam hoc prodiidtum inchoatum cum forma af-

fumta i -f- Ax -f- bat + cx 2 etc. qua idem produ&um ex-
primi ponimus, comparemus, fiatim intelligitur, fore A =
— —I m n nn —
= in in

111a =

»,+ net E .
( . 1 . five B
i a
mm — m nn — n
+ inn + unde
fit b = in + n m + n — .

a a i a
§. 6. Quemadmodum hie duos primos coefficientes A
et B, per literas m et rc-determinare licuit, ita manifefturn
eft, ft fuperior multiplicatio ulterius continuaretur, inde
etiam fequentes coefficientes c, d, e etc. per eafdem lite-
ras vi et n quamvis calculus mox ita fieret
deffniri poffe,

moleftus, ut maximum laborem requireret. Interim ta^

men bine tuto concludere poffumus onines plane coeffi-
cientes A, b, c, d, e etc certo modo per binas literas m ;

et n determinari debere etiamfi ipfam rationem, qua ;

quifque per has literas definitur, adhuc ignoremus, hie

autein imprimis obfervari convenit, hanc compojitionis ration
vein non ab indole literarum m et n pendere , fed perinde J'e
ejje habituram, five ha liter# m ct n denotent numeros inte-


IO Euler’s Eemonfration
gros five alios numeros quofcunque. Hoc
ratiocinium non
vulgare probe notetur quoniam ei tota vis
, noflrre demanjlra-
iionis inititur.

§.7. Hinc nobis via aperitur, veros valores om-

nium coefficientium a, b, c, d, e etc. inveniendi, dum
m et n tanquam numeros integros fpe£ta-
fcilicet literas
mus, quandoquidem hinc eaedem demonftrationes oriun-
tur ac fi quofcunque alios numeros denotarent.
autem literis m et n ut numeris integris utique habebi-
mus [m] = (1 4- x)”> et [n] = (1 4 *)« unde harum for-
mularum produftum erit [m\ . — (14 jam ve-

ro hasc poteftas evolvitur in hanc feriem 4

; 1 x 4
m fn m n —1 m+n m 4 n —1 m 4 n —2
xz 4 .
. . x3
l 2 I 2 3
nunc igitur fi literas m et n in genere fpedtemus hanc
feriem ifto figno [ 4 n] indicari oportet, unde hanc in-
fignem veritatem nancifcimur, femper elfe [rri] . [n] =
O 4 w] quicunque etiam numeri loco iftarum literarum
§. 8. Cum igitur binae hujufmodi formulas [m] et [n]
in fe invicem dudtae praebeant fimplicem formulam ejuf-
dem etiam plures ejufmodi formulas in fe in-
indolis, ita
vicem du&ae ad fimplicem revocabuntur, habebimus fci-
licet fequentes reduftiones

[m] . [«] — [m 4 «]
[m] . [n] . [p] = [m 4 n + p]
O] . [«] . [p] . [q] = [m 4 «
q] etc. 4p 4
hinc fi omnes ifti numeri in, n, p,
q etc. inter fe capiantur
aequales fcilicet =m obtinebimus fequentes redu&iones
OP = [**»] ; j>p = [3 m] ; |>]
= [4m] j etc.
unde generaliter erit [m]a — [am] ;
denotante a nume-
rum quemcunque integrum.
His praenotatis denotet litera i numerum quem-
§. 9.
cunque integrum pofitivum ac ftatuamus primo 2m — i

ut fit m—— ac pofiremarum formularum prima dabit

T . ] ,

of the Binomial Theorem , 11

[— = [;] quia autem i eft numerus integer, erit [z] =

(i + .r) ;
(vide §.4.) ficque erit [ — ]*
= (1 + x )' unde ra-

i ?
dicem quadratam extrahendo fit [— ] = (1 + x )~7 ficque

jam tantum fumus confecuti, ut theorema Neutonianum

etiam verum fit cafibus, quibus exponens n eft hujufmodi

fradtio —
§• 10. Simili modo 'li ponamus 3 m= i ut lit m= —
altera formularum fuperiorum prsebet [ —3 3
= [z] =
(* + x) hinc radicem extrahendo nancifcimur [— = 1

(! + *) — ficque
theorema noftrum etiam verum eft fi
exponens n fuerit hujufmodi fradtio — , atque hinc in ge-
nere manifeftum fore [ —Cl
] = (i + x)~ ita ut jam demon-
ftratum lit, theorema noftrum verum efle, fi pro exponen-

te n fradtio qusecunque — accipiatur, unde veritas jam eft

evidta pro omnibus numeris pofitivis loco exponentis n

§. ii. Supereft igitur tantum, ut veritas quoque often -
datur pro cafibus, quibus exponens n eft numerus negati-
vus. Hunc in finem in fubfidium vocemus redudtionem
primo inventam [zzz] . [zz] = [zzz -f- n\ ubi denotet zzz, nu-
merum pofitivum five integrum five fradtum ita ut fit uti
modo oftendimus [ m ] = (i 4- x )«, deinde vero ftatuatur
n = — m eritque m -fn = o ideoque [o] = (i -f- x ) 0 — jy
quibus fubftitutis formula fuperior fuppeditat (i -f- x) m .

— zzz] = i unde colli erimus — m~\J = I
(i + x)’»
(I + x)-™ ficque etiam demonftratum theorema Neu-
tonianum verum quoque effc, fi exponens n fuerit nume-

12 Of the 'Demonjlration >

rus negativus quicunque atque adeo hoc

theorema nunc
quidem firmiffimis rationibus eft confirmatum.”
The greateft part of the 15th, and the whole of the
1 6th articles of my
demonftration, are now fubmitted to
the reader’s perufal, and the expreffion is printed in
lics, which the reviewer quotes in
fupport of his charge.

“ evident that if the feries equal to

It is
multiplied by the feries equal to r+~H«, the produCt muft
be equal to the feries which is equal to 1 4- + Now
the two firft mentioned feries being multiplied into one
another, and the parts being arranged according to the
powers of x, the feveral products will ftand as in the fol-
lowing reprefentation.

I + x[ n = 1 + nx + n - .
— a
- x
+ n. -

-—— x 3
Z~i — m—I m — 1 m—%
-f x\ m + +m
I I nix ,

. x -f- in. .
x3 Sec.
a a 3
J - )

n— I n—x n—l
I +
nx +n . — *'

n. . at
2 3
n— 1
mx 4- m . nx 4- m . n . x3 Sec.

in— m— i
in . x 4- m. . nx 3 Sec.

in —1 in- a , „
in. . x3 Sec.
2 3
For the fake of reference hereafter let this be called
multiplication A.
Now with refpeCt to the coefficients prefixed to the fe-
veral powers of x, in the foregoing multiplication, two
obfervations are to be made, by means of which the de-
monftration of the theorem may be extended to fractional
In the firft place, fuppofing n whole num- and m to be
bers, the fum of the coefficients prefixed to any indivi-
dual power of x, in multiplication A, muft be equal to
the coefficient prefixed to the fame power of a- in the bi-
nomial •
n M -

of the ’Binomial Theorem.

71 + VI —I
mx + n + m x1 + n + m
nomial lerics I +
+ n

+m — I n + ni — 2 71 +m—i n + m—'.
+ +
X3 71

” + ”~37
+ &c. The certainty of this circumftance
4 ,
, .

reds partly on the 13th arrticle, and partly

on a plain
axiom, viz. that equals being multiplied by equals
products are equal.
In the fecond place it is to be obferved, that the whole
any power of x, in the produdls of multi-
coefficient of
plication A, may be reduced to the regular binomial
71— 1
'form, eftabliffied in the 13th article. Thus n.—^— +

mn +m — . — the whole coefficient of x

by actual

nz + m + 2 fnn— n- •m
multiplication becomes = n + rn .

71 + m—1 ...
Alio n .
71— I
71 —2
b mn .
71 1
b rn .

m- 1 m—2
n +m .
the whole coefficient of x , by adtual

n3 4- m —
71" — 3 m z 4 ^rdm -

multiplication becomes +
2m~ n — 6 mn + 2 4- 2m =n+m .
n +m— I n + 7ii —2
6 3 *
And from the preceding obfervation it is evident, that we
may in the fame manner reduce the whole coefficient
of any other power of x, in the products of multiplication
A to the regular binomial form.
j 6. But in proceeding, as above, to change the form
of the coefficients prefixed to any power of x, in multi-
A, into the regular binomial form, we are not
under the neceffity of fuppofing 71 and m to be whole
numbers. The adual multiplications will end m the fame
powers of n and m, the fame combinations of them, and the
fame numerals , whether we confider n and as whole num- m
bers or as fradions.

H 0/* ihe Derflonjlraiion

We are therefore at liberty to fuppofe n

and m to be
any two fraftions whatever, in the two feries multiplied
into one another in multiplication
A, and the fame two
h actions will take the place of n and m refpe&ively in

the regular binomial feries n + m-i

i +
x n + m.
n -f in — i 71 -f m —2 n -f m—1
• -j-

* + n+m .

n -\- m —2 b+w - ~3 **

^ c w ^i c ^
exprefles the pro-
3 4
du£t of the two feries into one another.”

In writing his critique the reviewer feems

to have had
three objects in view. The firft was, to make
his ac-
count of my demonfiration cover as much paper as
ble; the fecond was, to give of my memoir as
intricate a
reprefcntation as poflible and the third was, to lower its

reputation as much as poflible. After quoting the paf-

lages printed in Italics, but at fome diftance from
another, and involved in his own confufion, he fays,
“ We
think that thefe extra&s prove, beyond the pofli-
“ bility of a doubt, that the principle of Mr. Robertfon’s
“ demonfiration is precifely the fame with that which
“ was adopted by Euler thirty
years ago. It is not our
“ with, on the famenefs of the
principle, and the fimpli-
two demonftrations, to found a charge of
city of the
“ plagiarifm againft Mr. R. but he muft abandon all :

“ claim to originality or priority of invention which

muft be awarded to Euler.” Notwithftanding the
above difavowal of any wifii to “ found a charge of pla-
“ giarifm againft” me, the reviewer, feven months after
the appearance of the critique now under confideration,
when fpeaking of my paper on the Preceflion of the
Equinoxes, fays of me ;
“ In a former Review refpe&ing
“ his demonfiration of the Binomial Theorem, we no-
“ ticed the circumftance of the coincidence, that the
“ main principle of that demonfiration was the fame
with that which Euler advanced and ufed fifty years
“ ago.”
of the Binomial Theorem.

t( ago.
As the reviewer’s dates are fomething like Fal-

flafTs men in Buckram, it is proper to inform the reader,

that Euler’s demonftration is contained in Novi Com-
Academic Scientiarum
mentarii Imperialis Petropolitanse

Tom. XIX. pro anno 1774.

After alluring the reader, that I did not fee

demonftration was printed, I proceed to con-

till my own
fider the two circumftances on which the preceding infi-
nuation of plagiarifm is founded.
The firft of thefe circumftances is the multiplication of
one binomial feries by another, as in my multiplication

A ;
the fecond the great fimilarity between Euler’s

and my expreffions, printed in Italics, concerning the

famenefs of the produces, whether n and m be whole
numbers or fradtions. Now if the multiplication of one
feries by another is to be confidered as a proof of pla-
giarifm, Euler and others muft be adjudged guilty, as
authors before him fet the example of fuch procefles, in
which they have been followed to the prefent times, by
almoft every writer on Algebra. The accufation of pla-
giarifm, founded on the fecond circumftance, is frivolous
in the higheft degree. Any fchool-boy, who underftands
71 X
a little algebra, is able to reduce, for inftance, n . f

m n + m—I
rnn +m .

to n+m .

and he knows that

the redu&ion “
fame powers of n and m,
will end in the
“ the fame combinations of them, and the fame nume-
rals, whether we confider n and m as whole numbers

“ or as fradtions.” It is a truth of which every one is

convinced, who underftands algebraical multiplication j

and the enunciation of this truth admits of fo little varia-

tion, that no difference could reafonably be expe£ted in
Euler's and my appeal to the principle. It is moreover
fuch an anlwer as every mathematical teacher has given,
and ftill muft give, to any inquifitive pupil on the fubjedt.
The reader may judge how eager the reviewer was to
fix a charge of plagiarifm upon me, by his founding one
1 6 Of the Demmfl,ration of the Binomial Theorem.

upon the two circumftances already ftated, and

by his in-
ability to recur to any coincidence
in the ufe made of
them, to prove or ftrengthen the accufation.
If my com-
binations of the principles had been fuch as
Euler em-
ployed in his memoir, the critic would have had
ground for his infinuation of plagiarifm and he would
have been fully juftified in awarding the priority of
vention to Euler. But, this not being the cafe, his
nuation and award juftify me in aflerting, that he has
Ihewn once his with and his inability to injure the
character of my paper. On the whole, I confider his
review of my demonftration as a bungling and grofs mif-
reprefentation from the beginning to the end and his

charge of plagiarifm as more becoming a boy, with a

fmattering of Algebra, than an intelligent and candid

In Euler’smemoir on the fubjeft in queftion, it is

taken for granted that the Binomial Theorem has been
previoufly demonftrated, as far as it relates to the railing
of integral powers. There is, therefore, nothing in it
analogous to the firft part of my paper ; which, as al-
ready ftated, I deem abfolutely neceftary as a foundation
for the fecond part. Beyond the circumftances already
mentioned, Euler’s memoir is fo ftiort, that it is to be
confidered rather as the outlines of a proof, than as any
thing like a complete demonftration.



AS the account, in the

Monthly Review, of my paper
on the Preceffion of the Equinoxes may have been per-
ufed by fome who have not feen the paper itfelf,
or who
have feen and not examined it, I think it proper, firft of
all, to fubmit the whole of the introductory part of the
paper to their confideration.

Perhaps the folution of no other problem, in

philofopby, has fo often baffled the attempts of
ticians, as that of
determining the preceffion of the equi-
noxes, by the theory of gravity. The phenomenon
was obferved about one hundred and fifty years
the Chriftian but Sir Ifaac Newton was the firft who

endeavoured to eflimate its magnitude by the true

ciples of motion, combined with the
attractive influence
of the fun and moon on the fpheroidal
figure of the earth.
It has always been allowed, by
thofe competent to judge,
that his inveftigations relating to the
fubjeft evince the
fame tranfcendent abilities as are difplayed in the
parts of his immortal work,
The mathematical
principles of Natural Philosophy: but for more
than half a century paft it has been
juftly aflerted, that
he made a miftake in his procefs, which
rendered his
conclufions erroneous.

“ Since the dete&ion of this error,

fome of the moft
eminent mathematicians in Europe have attempted folu-
tions of the problem. Their fuccefs has been various *
but their inveftigations
may be arranged under three gel
neral heads. Under the firft of thefe may be placed
as lead to a wrong
conclufion, in confequence of
a mif-
toke committed in fome part
of the proceedings.
c fecond
l8 On the PreceJJlon

fecond head may be allotted to thofe, in which the con-

clufions may be admitted as juft, but rendered fo by the
counteraction of oppofite errors. Such may be ranked
under the third head, as are conducted without error fa-
tal to the conclufion, and in which the refult is as near
the truth as the fubjeCt feems to admit.
The authors of thofe inveftigations of each of the
three deferiptions are entitled to much praife. Their
productions afford the moft unqueftionable proofs of great
talents, great zeal,and great perfeverance, exerted in the
cultivation of fcience. The miftakes committed in thofe
of the two firft deferiptions, and the obfeurity and per-
plexity with which thofe of the third may be charged,
are, in my opinion, to be attributed to the fame caufe,
the uncultivated ftate of that particular department of the
doctrine of motion, which conftitutes the appropriate
foundation for the folution of the problem. The depart-
ment to which I allude is that of compound rotatory
“ In confequence of this perfuafion, I have, in the firft

nine of the following articles, endeavoured to inveftigate

the primary properties of compound rotatory motion,
from clear and unexceptionable principles. The d’.fturb-
ing folar force on the fpheroidal figure of the earth is
then calculated, and the angular velocity which it pro-
duces is afterwards compared with that of the diurnal
revolution, by means of the properties of rotatory motion
previoufly demonftrated. The quantity of annual pre-
cefiion then calculated in the ufual way, and alfo that

of nutation, as far as they are produced by the difturbing

force of the fun.”

In drawing up this introduction, contained in the fore-

going quotation, I intentionally omitted the names of
thofe who had written on the fubjeCt. As different opi-

nions have been entertained concerning the merits of

their folutions, I was defirous of avoiding any appearance
of partiality and I was the more im prefled with the
of the Equinoxes. *9

propriety of fuch filence, as miftakes have been made in

the fubjedt by fome authors, of whom, notwithftanding,
I can never l'peak but with the higheft refpedt. The
truth is, that the folution of the problem requires fuch a
nice adjuftment of the parts effential to its completion,
that even very able mathematicians, till within thele laft:
feven years, found a great difficulty in feparating what
had been accurately written on the fubjedt, from that
which is objedtionable. Even the late Dr. Horfiey,
whofe very great ftrength of mind and keennefs of pene-
trationwere never queftioned, after commenting on the
heps by which the illuftrious Newton attempted the fo-
lution, concludes with the following paflage,
alluding to
one part of his procefs : “ Si hoc vere didtum fit, nefcio
qui fieri poffit, ut alius
pundtorum agquinodtialium

motus, a vi lolis oriundus, quam calculi Newtoniani

“ fuadent. Quern
tamen longe alium invenerunt viri per-
magni Eulerus et Simpfonus noftras quos velim
“ tor confulas. Ipfe ;

nil definio”—
My critic, in the
Monthly Review, was not troubled with any
fuch diffi-
dence ; for, as will
appear hereafter, not being ac-
quainted with the fubjedt, he was not
aware of anycaufe
of difmay.
It is furely
proper for a critic to examine the
parts of a production, in the
fame order as they are de-
.yered by the author; and it is
a duty incumbent upon
him thus to proceed, when the order of
the parts is dif-
tindtly ftated in the procefs
which he is confidering, and
mention is made of their bearing on
one another, fo as to
produce the intended effedt. It
may therefore be fairly
fuppofed, if the reviewer had
been candid, he would have
examined, firft of all, my articles
on compound rotatory
motion; then thofe in which
the fun’s difturbing force
is calculated; and afterwards,
the combination of thefe
two parts, according to what is ftated in the laft
graph of my introdudlion. By fuc h a proceeding
would he
fo far have been able to preferve the
appearance of
c a
2d On the Precejfion

candour, and it would alfo have enabled him to prefent

to his readers a diftinCt character of my paper.
The which he had undertaken required- fuch a
character; but judging from his effort, he has, either
irom prejudice or inability, completely failed in drawing ;

it. He has given a lift of writers on the fubjeCt. but he

has not enlightened his readers with any detail of their
refpeCtive merits. He has prefented us with feveral for-
mulae, but he has forgotten to mention the fteps by
which they were eftablillied ;
and he has even ventured
to point out a plan, as he thinks, for the folution of the
problem under confideration, but he has no where even
mentioned the only very difficult part, which is abfo-
lutely requifite for its completion. He has, moreover, in
his review of my paper, palled over in lilence what for
feveral years has been conlidered as the only very diffi-
cult part in the problem. From
he has diverted the this
attention of his readers to matter which has been com-
mon to authors fince the time of Sir Ifaac Newton, and
ever muft be common; and in this part, becaufe I adopted
the figures aud manner of proceeding of a particular au-
thor, he has endeavoured to fix upon me a charge of
grofs plagiarifm. This he has done, in one part, without
any allufion to my general acknowledgement in the in-
troduction, in which it is faid, that “ the quantity of an-
nual preceffion is calculated in the ufual way, and alfo
“ that of nutation, as far as they are produced by the
difturbing force of the fun.”
As the reviewer, by his arrangement, has contrived to
give a reprefen tati on of my paper, as confuted and per-
plexed as perhaps can well be produced, I take the liberty,
in examining his critical pretenfions and the extent of his
veracity, of proceeding according to the order pointed
out in my His remarks on my articles
concerning compound rotatory motion are therefore firft
of all to be confidered.
In page 12 of the Review the critic fays,
“ In the
. , con-
of the Equinoxes ,

“ confiru6tioti of his articles, we Imagine that Mr. Ro-

“ bertfon wiflied to demon firate every thing more Geome-
“ trico, fince otherwife that which is diflufed over five
“ pages, might have been comprifed in two. We are
“ not averfe to the confumption of ink and paper, when
“ perfpicuity and diftinclnefs are to be the refult but, as :

“ Mr. Robertfon was evidently writing to mathemati-

“ cians of tolerable growth and manhood, who mull, for
“ the comprehenfion of the latter part of his paper, be
“ well acquainted with the ordinary fluxionary procefles,
“ to fuch undoubtedly he would have been more intelli—
“ gible if he had been more fuccinft. Why, in treating
5* of angular velocities, were not the fluxionary fymbols
“ ufed, fince they are not in a fubfequent part avoided ?

“Is it neceflary to re-fiate, in a formal article, that an

“ angle varies as the arc direbtly and radius inverfely ? If

“ 3 be an angle, z its correfponding arc, and r c the ra-

“ dius and cofine, then 3- OC —

CC —
^/( r
—c 2 OC c, if
“ */r
—cz Would not this have fuited
the fine be given.
the acquirements and comprehenfion of mathematicians,
“ as well as the three geometrical articles of Mr. Robert-
“ ? for we mud repeat, that the convenience
of thofe
“ who muff neceflarily be his readers ought to
be con-
“ fulted by an author. Mr. R. was not writing to the
“ ftudents of Oxford, who have fcarcely wetted
their feet
“ in the waters of the elements his readers are the;
“ members of the learned fociety iti whofe
“ his memoir is inferted.”
The full flow of pertnefs, which runs through the pre-
ceaing quotation, can only be perceived by
a mathema-
tician ; but any one of common fenfe
may judge of the
merits of the canon of criticifrn which it
contains. The
plain interpretation of it is even when the fubje£t
this :

under confideration is a geometrical figure, it is perfectly

needlefs to ule a diagram it is only neceflary to
; exprefs
the refult of the confideration in
algebraical fymbols.
His reafons for this rule appear to be two
; and the firft
c 3 is,
2Z On the TreceJJion

is, that it will fave the confumption of ink and paper:

The lecond is, that it will be fuitable to the acquirements
and comprehenfion of mathematicians.
mull be admitted, that the firft of thefe reafons is
good, as omitting an inveftigation, and putting down the
refult only, will affuredly fave ink and paper. Thus far
I yield to the profound fagacity of the critic, and ac-
knowledge my failing in economy. His lecond reafon
does not reft upon lo firm a foundation. He himfelf may
be one who can gralp a fyftem by intuition, or who front
the {lighted: hint relating to the linalleft part can imme-
diately fpring at and feize the whole ;
but in condefcen-
he Ihould confider, that
fion to the generality of readers
fuch mental agility and gigantic powers are very feldom
to be found.
Every attentive reader of the paper will perceive my
reafons for proceeding geometrically. The three firft ar-
ticles, of which the reviewer complains, may be perufed
in five minutes, and the manner in which they and the
fourth article are demonftrated, relieves the doctrine of
compound rotatory motion from much perplexity. Thofe
who have treated the fubjedt moll fully, as far as I know,
are Landen, and the late Profelfor Robifon of Edin-
burgh the firft in his \ ith Memoir, and the latter in

the 3d edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, article

1 1 7, See. under the word Rotation. I have all the refpedt

for the memory of thefe authors, which a very high opi-

nion of their abilities and works can produce; but I am fo
far from fearing a comparifon of my articles with theirs,
that I entreat the reader of this to enter upon it. If he
does, he will be able to judge for himfelf of what I have
written on compound rotatory motion, and even thofe of
very moderate mathematical attainments may make a ge-
neral comparifon in half an hour.
In anfwcr to the reviewer’s queftion, whether his fym-
bolic exprefifion would not have fuited the acquirements
and comprehenfion of mathematicians, as well as the
three firft geometrical articles in my paper, I reply with-
of the Equinoxes. 23

out hefitation in the negative. By doing as he propofes

he undoubtedly means to fay, as he exprefles himfelf in
another part of his review, that he would illuminate ma-
I am of
thematical procelfes, and enlighten his readers.
a different opinion : by doing I think he would keep

them in the dark. When he wrote the canon, he mull

have forgotten thefe words of Horace,

“ Brevis effe laboro,

Obfcurus fio.”

It is deemed needlefs any re-

to detain the reader with
marks on the reviewer’s obfervations, beginning with the
laft paragraph in page 12, and ending with line 7 from

the bottom in page 13, as they do not in the lead affeCt

the character of my memoir. By introducing them he
certainly wafted ink and paper; but if a fenfe of this want
of economy give him a moment’s vexation, in the next
he may be cheered by the recolleCtion, that his recom-
pence is proportional to the extent and not to the quality
of his writing, and that in collecting the paflages alluded
to from different authors, he did not fubjeCt himfelf to
any mental exertion.
I now proceed to confider thofe articles in my paper,
in which the fun’s difturbing force is calculated.
In the 66th Prop, and its Cors. Lib. I. Princip. Sir
Ifaac Newton pointed out methods of afcertaining the fun’s
difturbing force, and his firft commentators lo fully ex-
plained them, that the proceedings of lubfequent writers
can only be confidered as fo many modifications of the
fame inveftigations. From
a knowledge of this circum-
ftance was perfectly aware, that, as to matter, there was

neither room nor occafion for originality in this part of

my It therefore remained for me to determine,
whether would be moft advifable to proceed by calcu-

lating the fun’s difturbing force on the whole mafs of the

earth, confidered as a fpheroid, or by calculating the fame
force on the matter of the earth, without the greateft in-
ferred fphere. Sir Ifaac Newton let the example of
c 4 efti-
3.4 On the P'receJJidn

edimating the fun’s diftprbjng force by the latter me-

thod. Some of the mod who have
able mathematicians,
given or attempted lolutions of the problem, adopted
figure, and, !o far in fub dance, followed his procefs
; but
I have never heard of their being
accufed of plagiarifm.
The reviewers of. their productions, perhaps, underdood
where the difficulty in the fubjeCt lay, and, from their
fenfe of common honedy,
they adhered to truth, or did
not venture to expofe their ignorance of the fubjeCt.
As almod all the doubts and midakes in the fubject ori-

ginated in the fecond of the above-mentioned two methods

of edimating the didurbing force, I preferred the fird, viz.
that ufed by Simpfon ; and becaufe I did fo, and fo far in
fubdance ufed Simpfon’s method, the reviewer accufes me
of plagiarifm. Thus, fpeaking of my paper, he fays, “ Con-
cerning the articles after the 9th, very little remains to
“ be faid but we think that we are judified in dating, that

they are borrowed from Thomas Simpfon. Thus, art.
“ 11. is the fame as problem 1. of Mifcellaneous Tradts,
p. II, differing only in
Mr being put F the fun’s ab-
SC ’

“ folute force on a particle at C. Articles

13, 14, are the
“ fame as the 3d lemma of Simpfon, page 7. Article
“ 15th is the fame as corollary 1. of the 3d lemma. Ar-
ticle 16. is the fame as corollary 3. of the 3d lemma ;
“ and article 18. is the dune as lemma 1. page 3.”
I confider this precifion of reference as fair in the cri-
tic, and, according to the concluding fentence in his re-

view, I avail myfelf of the very fird opportunity to pre-

fent to the reader a fpecimen of his jujlice. He fays my
11th article is the fame as prob. 1. This
in Simpfon.
Hth article is my fird relating to the fun’s didurbing
force, and is to be confidered as the foundation of the
fubfequent articles on the fame fubjedl. As to both mat-
terand method of proceeding, it is much the fame with
the mod early comments on the 6th cor. to Prop. 66.
Lib. I. Principia, and alfo much the fame with what is
to be found in the following authors :

of the Equinoxes. 25

Silvabelle, Prob.I. Philofophical Tranfa&ions for 1755.

Walmefley, Lemma 1. Philofophical Tran factions for
75 6 ‘ .


_ Frill de Gravitate, page 120. &c.

Frifi, Cofmographioe, page 102. See.
La Lande, Aftronomy, article 3695. Sec.
Mr. Vince, 410. Aftronomy, article 1015. 8cc.
With what appearance of juftice, then, can the reviewer
alfert, that my nth article is borrowed from
when not only in fubftance, but alfo in manner, it is to
be found in every writer on phylical aftronomy ? I did
not borrow it from Simpfon
as others before me, I ob-

tained my information on the fubje<ft from that copious

fource, the Principia, and I drew up the article in fuch a
way as was likely to be mod fubfervient to the object
under conlideration. It is to be obferved belides, that
my nth aiticle is in length more than double Simplon’s
Prob. I. nor is there a tingle line in mine which I would
confent to ftrike out. Surely the critic’s ideas of bor-
rowing and famenefs are very lingular, and, on the pre-
fent occalion, confiderably twilled from the meaning af-
fixed to the words by men of common fenfe and fair mo-

With refpeft to the other articles mentioned in the

laftquotation, the aflertion of the reviewer is equally
tant from truth. No one of them was borrowed from
Simpfon. The affinity is fuch as I have already dated,
and is fuch as mull occur in the iolution of every pro-
blem of much extent and intricacy, which has
been fre-
quently conlidered. A candid critic would have
this, but at the lame time perhaps
he would have re-
marked, that the matter common to writers
on the fub-
je£twas put together with great care, fo as to form
eafy union with the other parts, and
that throughout
there were no marks of borrowing,
famenefs, or l’ervile
The reviewer’s expreffions, immediately
after the laft
quotation, oblige me to notice fome of his previous ani-
On the Treceflion

madverfions. When I drew up my paper, I was per-

fectly aware of the following truth, which the critic be-
gins to Hate near the bottom of page 6. “ In a feparate
“ treatife, D’Alembert folved the preceffion of the equi-
“ noxes but it was in the 5th volume of his Opufcules,

“ publifhed in 1768, that this great mathematician made

fome ftrictures on the folution of Thomas Simpfon,
and pointed out errors, (in our opinion, real errors,)
which have never been amended, although they re-
“ quire correction, fince the refult of his calculations
“ agrees with refill ts obtained on certain grounds, and
“ by more perfpicuous precedes.”
If by this laft remark the reviewer means to fay, that

Simpfon’s errors have never been diftinctly mentioned,

and the neceflary corrections pointed out, he is very im-
perfectly informed on the fubject, as will foon appear to
every intelligent reader of this Reply. — The extent of
four pages in the Review, after the laft quoted paftage,
confifts, in my opinion, partly of nonfenfe, and partly of
vain oftentatious obfervations, entirely foreign to the cha-
racter of my paper.
In the feventh volume of the Tranfactions of the Royal
Irifh Academy, there is a memoir on the Precefiion of

the Equinoxes, by the Rev. Matthew Young, D. D.

S. F. T. C. D and M. R. I. A. Of this memoir the fol-
lowing account was given in the Monthly Review for
September 1801.
It is known to mathematicians, that Newton, calcu-
lating the effedfts of the fun’s force in producing the pre-
ceffion of the equinoxes, fell into an error, and made it

lefsby one half than the truth. Since his time, the pro-
blem has been rigoroufly folved, firft by D’Alembert, to
whom the theory of gravitation is indebted for one of its

ftrongeft confirmations. That great mathematician de-

termined analytically the motions of the earth’s axis, on
the hypothefis that the ftrata of the terreftrial fpheroid

had any form and denfity whatever and he not only


found his refults agreeable to obfervation, but he afcer-

of ibe Equinoxes. 2J

tained the true dimensions of the fmall elllpfe defcribed

by the pole of the earth.
<« The principal objeCt of the prefent memoir is to dif-

cover diftinCtly in what the fallacy of Newton’s reafoning

confifts; and to this end, the learned author examines the

three lemmas which Newton prefixes to his 39th Propofi-

tion, and then the feveral corrections propofed to be
made by Simpfon, Frifi, Milner, and Landen, in order to
obtain an accurate refult. This examination is performed
with much perfpicuity; and Dr. Young properly acqui-
efces in the correction made by Landen. This acute and
excellent mathematician, in the thirteenth of his Mathe-
matical Memoirs, Vol. II. p. 50. has (hewn, that the
principal miftake in Newton’s procefs arofe from not con-
sidering the centrifugal force of the particles of the re-
volving ring of moons, aCting in opposition to the folar
force, while fuch a ring has a tendency to revolve about
a momentary axis, in confequence of the compound mo-
tion which it mull neceflarily have on becoming rigid,
agreeably to the fuppofition.”
Dr. Young’s memoir deferved the character of perfpi-
cuity, and much more extended praife than what is given
in the Monthly Review. I perufed it with great atten-
tion, before I drew up my own, and from the investiga-
tions which it contains, and previous reading in Phyfical
AStronomy, I faw clearly where Simplon’s mistakes lay.
I did not permit his great and juftly acquired fame to

lead me into a ha(ty decision. The mistakes alluded to

are Statedby Dr. Young in the following pallage.
“ Mr. Simpfon has pointed out the
mistakes in the fo-
Iutions of this problem, propofed by M. Silvabelle
WalmeSley but neither is his own calculation entirely

faultlefs; and his conclusion appears to be correCt, only

bccaufe the errors in the premises compenfate each
Thus he SuppoSes, that the whole motive force, aCting
a detached rigid ring, revolving with a two-fold
one round its centre, the other round a diameter, is equal
to the efficient force by which the plane of the ring is

28 On the Vrecejfion

moved round its diameter ; whereas the former is to the

latter as two to one, half the whole motive force being
counteraded and rendered inefficient by the centrifugal
force. 2dly. He luppofes. that the whole efficient mo-
tive force,ading on a detached rigid annulus, revolving
in the fame manner as before, is equal to the whole
cient motive force ading on an annulus, attached to and
connected with a fphere, which is alfo falfe in the ratio
of one to two the centrifugal force in the cafe of an at-

tached annulus vaniffiing ;

and therefore no part of the
whole motive force is rendered ineffectual ; and conse-
quently half the motive force in the latter cafe will pro-
duce an equal effeCt as the whole in the former, half of
the force in the former cafe not contributing in any de-
gree to the motion of the annulus round its diameter,
but being totally employed in counteracting the ten-
dency of the ring to revolve round a momentary axis.”
The affertions contained in the preceding paffage are
not to be confidered as opinions they are the refults of

demon ftrations, and by them the faulty and the correCt

parts of Simpfon’s Solution are diSinCtly feparated from
one another. The inaccuracies Sated by Dr. Young are
contained in Simpfon’s 2d lemma, and its corollaries, nor
have I heretofore heard of any other miftakes being attri-
buted to him.
There are two reafons, as it appears to me, for fup-
pofing that the reviewer had not feen Dr. Young’s me-
.moir, or did not recoiled: it, when he difplayed his learn-
ing and penetration on my paper. The firS is, that a
knowledge of it would have faved him from flounder-
ing about in the dark, in queft of Simpfon’s miftakes.
The Second is, that a knowledge of it would have Se-
cured him from an expofure of his grofs ignorance of the
fubjed. The truth of this laft oblervation will be mani-
feS from the following representation of Dr. Young’s
affertions, drawn from adual demonflration, and of the
reviewer’s opinions, refting entirely on his own Self-con-

, -

of the Equinoxes 29

Dr. Young. Rcvieiver.

“Mr. Milner’s and Frill’s

“ The plan of demonllra-
calculations become like- tion, which we have here
wife corredl in the refult, traced out, is nearly fol-
in fame manner as
the lowed by Mr. Milner, in
Simpfon’s, by the mutual the Philofophical Tranfac-.
counteraction of equal and tions of 1779 ;
and that
contrary errors. Thus they gentleman’s folution appears
both hold, that the precef- to us by many degrees the
lion of a rigid annulus is moft precife and perlpicu-
double that of a folitary ous of all limilar procefles.

moon, whereas they are e- “ Mr. Milner’s demon

qual, as we have already ftration is entitled to notice
demonftrated, by which the and diftin&ion, fince it is
preceffion would come out not perplexed by terms of
twice greater than the truth; art, nor encumbered with
but they likewife are of o- the properties and formulas
pinion, that the preceffion of theories, connected per-
of an attached and folitary haps with the fubjedt of
annulus are equal, whereas difcuffion, but not necelfary
the former is double that to that difcuffion.”
of the latter : this error,
therefore, counterbalances
the former.”

I now
return to the reviewer’s charge of plagiarifm.
In page 14, fpeaking of my paper, he fays <f
In article
the author, between the two forces to turn the
“ fpheroid, makes the
fame comparifon which Simpfon
draws towards the conclulion of his fecond problem,

P* *4* a °d confequently the criticifm, which we have
already made on the juftnefs of that comparifon, is here
“ to be applied.” :

Perhaps the reader of this Reply will be afloniflied;

when he is allured, that the reviewer, after millaking a
found part of Simpfon’s folution for a faulty
one, has
carped at it, (and confequently without making
any imi
3® On the TreceJJion

predion,) and that this carping is the criticifm alluded

to in the laft quotation. As to the famenefs of compari-
son, made in my 19th article, with that which Simpfon
draws towards the conclufion of his Second problem, p.
14. I think the reviewer has made a miftake. I prefer

this fuppofition to the affertion of his being guilty of

telling an evident lie.

The reviewer, after quoting the whole of my 19th ar-

ticle, makes the following observation, which, from Some
previous expreffions, he evidently wifhes to be confidered
as a continuation of what he calls criticifm, but what I

have called carping. — “ Now, according to this explan-

ation, only at the equinoxes that the other circum-
it is

“ fiances are the fame, (and in this point the effedt of the
ee in other pofitions, the
difturbing forces is nothing) :

“ other circumjlances are not the fame ;

and consequently
there no reafon why the forces fhould be equal.”

In the beginning of my 19th article it is Said, “ As the

“ librating force —x x a1 —e 2
x Z, ascertained in
article 16, and the force — Z, obtained
in the laft arti-
cle, are calculated on the fame hypothefis, viz. that
“ the force of a particle is as its diftance from the plane
“ d c f in Fig. , or the plane
9 dmes
in Fig. 10 , if they
produce equal angular velocities, the fpheroids in the
two figures being equal in every refpedt, and all other
circumftances being the fame, the forces themfelves
“ mult be equal.” As the truth of this affertion does
not admit of a doubt, the only meaning which I can affix
to the ambiguous expreffions in the preceding quotation
from the review, is, that as the effedt of the difturb-
ing force at the equinoxes is nothing, in this fituation
there can be no equation. Now as the two tides of
the equation, with which the reviewer quarrels, exprefs
in fadt the ratio of the forces, if his objection be ad-

mitted, it would follow, that at the equinoxes no propor-

tion could exift between the forces, as the difturbing
of the Equinoxes. 31

force is then equal to nothing.

His criticifm, therefore,
amounts to nothing more than an indirect cavil againft
the doctrine of prime and ultimate ratios ; a do&rine, to
which, as far as I have heard or feen, no author of repu-
tation has objected formore than half a century. The
remark, however, contained in the laft quotation of the
the only one in his review of my
ftri&ures, is
Simpfon in his Preface, when fpeaking of his Traft on
the Preceffion of the Equinoxes, juftly obferves, that the
only very difficult part is the determination of the mo-
mentary of the pofition of the earth’s axis.
My tenth article was introduced as preparatory to this
part, and in the 20th and 21ft the preceding articles
cerning the fun’s difturbing force were fupported
thofe on compound rotatory motion, for this important
It was therefore neceffiary in thefe laft-mentioned arti-
cles to combine the fun’s difturbing force
on the whole
mafs of the earth, the fun’s centripetal force on
the earth
in its orbit, and the centripetal force
of the earth on a
body fuppofed to revolve at the equator in the
fpace of a
diurnal revolution, in order to obtain an
expreffion for
the force caufing preceffion. Perhaps to fome it may ap-
pear very remarkable, that the critic
paffes over this part
of my paper in filence, as the greateft
nicety in any folu-
tion inuft be found in the determination
to which I have
alluded. For my
own part, when I confider how far his
ftrnWs are indicative of knowledge, I reckon his for-
bearance on this occafion as a lingular
mark of his pru-
As the articles already mentioned, and
the manner in
which they combined, conftitute all the peculiarity
in my paper, there was no ablolute
neceffity, after the
3 ift, for any addition. It appeared to me,
however, to
3* On the Precejfion

be highly proper to add the four lad articles, in order to

render the whole complete, as far as the fun’s didurbing
force is productive of preceffion. The reviewer, without
intending it I fuppofe, exempts one of thefe from the
charge of plagiarifm, when he fays, <f Articles 22, 24, 25,
“ &c. are the fame with problem 4th and its corollaries
“ by Simplon, &c.” Now the truth is, that they
p. 15.
arc the fame, both in fubdance and manner, with what
are to be found in feveral writers but in drawing them ;

up, I followed no one of thofe writers in particular.

Such deviations and fuch additions were made, as ap-
peared productive of perfpicuity and I thought myfelf ;

perfectly fecure from the charge of plagiarifm, when in

it was dated in the introduction,

allufion to thefe articles
that “ the quantity of annual preceffion is calculated in the
“ ufual way, and alfo that of nutation, as far as they are
“ produced by the didurbing force of the fun.” Surely
this acknowledgment was fufficiently full. Making no allu-
fion to it, and at the fame time proclaiming an accufation
of borrowing, conditute, as far as I know, a new cafe in
the art of reviewing. When the reader has reflected on
thefe circumflances, perhaps he may be at a lofs to deter-
mine, whether injuflice or folly predominates in the cri-
tic’s charge of plagiarifm.
The complaints of the critic, in his peroration, are very
pathetic, and I fincerely condole with him as to his lofs
of time, as I verily believe that there is good ground for
his lamentations. But it was not fair in his fit of ill hu-
mour to lay the whole blame upon me. After reviewing
his own exertions upon the fubjeCt, he ought to have
faid to himfelf, “ From all I now fee, I alone am to
t( blame. In the examination of this paper, I fet out as
a a critic before I underdood the fubjeCI, and as a confe-

ss quence of not underdanding the doCtrine of prime and

ultimate ratios, I find I am now in the fame date as
« when I began. What I have written mud therefore-
6£ be l'upprefled. My infufficiency mud not give birth to
< three crimes j
falfehood towards the author^ impofition
<£ towards
of the Equinoxes. 33
towards my employer, and a violation of duty towards
the public.”
Acgording to appearances, neither modefty nor con-
fcience fuggefted any thing like fuch a foliloquy to the
critic. With the mod complete felf-aflurance, and the
mod confident reliance on his own attainments and abi-
lity, he deals out his canons of criticifm, his cenfures,
and his But on examining the fayings of the
unknown judge, how different are our opinions from
thofe, which he feems to have formed in his own mighty
mind His canons of criticifm are found to indicate a

deplorable deficiency in judgment ;

we alccrtain that his
cenfures are founded in his own mifconceptions and it

is abfolutely proved, that his praifes are bellowed on


Errores, non infultandi, fed veritatis Audio, notamus.”

From the preceding ftatements it is alfo evident, that

his charges of plagiarifm are unfounded and frivolous.
His advancing them only furnifhes an additional proof of
his own ignorance in the fubjeft. If he had really read
the writings on the preceffion, to which he alludes, he
would have found a confiderable portion of them, both in
fubftance and manner, to be common and if he had de- ;

liberately confidered the nature of the problem, he

have been convinced, that, in fome parts of the folution,
variations in the proceedings were neither to be
nor defired. From a knowledge of thefe circum
fiances, I
perufed his charges with perfect compofure.

" Idem fi clamet furem,

Mordear opprobriis falfis, mutemquc colores ?”


The critiques in the

Monthly .Review, to which the
preceding obfervations apply, are not
lingular either in
their quality or defign. On examining that periodical
publication for fome years back, find
I it has been the
34 A Reply to a Critical

general pra&ice of the mathematical writer, or writers,

to give as favourable accounts as poflible of the produc-
tions of Cambridge authors ;
and as generally unfavoura-
ble accounts of other authors of this country.
It is not to be fuppofed for a moment, that this obfer-
vation is intended as a refledlion on that Univerfity. As
a corporate body it is accountable for its public meafures
only, and not for the private proceedings of one or a few
individuals. It cannot check the zeal of thofe who write
in the Monthly Review, however indifcreetly and need-
lefsly their zeal may be exerted in its favour ;
nor can it

corredt this zeal, even when it recurs to milreprefentation

and falfehood. The authors only of fuch produdlions are
to be blamed ;
but, being unknown, their imprudence
chiefly afledls the publication in which it appears. When
a manof real attainments in fcience perceives that deli-
berate, judicious, and candid criticifm pervades a review,
he will liften with refpeft to the opinions of the critic ;
but the fame reader will turn away, with ftrong difap-
probation, and even difguft, from any publication, in
which the tide of local prejudice is evidently fo violent,
as to bear down before it thefe guardians of lociety, can-
dour, manners, and truth. Critiques written with iuch
prejudice not only defeat their own purpofes ;
they con-
vey befides a very compliment to the place in whofe

favour they are publiflied. That reviewer muft be very

vain indeed, thinks that his praifes are requifite to
raife or fupport the charadler of the Univerfity of Cam-
bridge ; and he muft alfo be very fooliflr and unjuft,
when he endeavours to do this by criticifing works
which he does not underjland.
The attention of many was fixed on the local prejudice
above mentioned, by the following glaring inftance of par-
tiality and mifreprefentation. About fix years and a half
at Wool-
ago, Dr. Hutton, of the Royal Military Academy
wich, printed a fecond edition of his pamphlet on the 1
ciples of Bridges and about the fame time, the late Mr.

George Atwood publiflied a Diflertation on the Con-

and Monthly Reviewer. 35

and Properties of Arches 3

ftruftion The laft-mentioned .

gentleman was educated at Cambridge ; the firft was not.

The appearance of the two publications, on the fame fub-
jeCl, and nearly at the fame time, feems to have induced
the reviewer to form the ridiculous and unjuft defign of
exalting the mathematical character of Mr. Atwood, and
deprefling that of Dr. Hutton. Critiques of this tenden-
cy, but written without a knowledge of the fubjedf, were
accordingly inferted in the Review and falfehoods, fuf-

ficiently extenfive,
were cautioufly introduced, in order to
form, a pretence for praife and detra&ion. It appears
Irom the correfpondence, in the numbers for May and
June of 1802, that Dr. Hutton remonftrated againft thefe
mifreprefentations ;
but no fatisfaftory explanation could
be obtained. He therefore addrefled a letter, of confi-
derable length, to the Editor of the Monthly Magazine,
and it was inferted in the number Auguft, 1802, of
that publication. The following is the firft paragraph of
Dr. Hutton’s letter.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.

“ AMONG the various periodical publications that
have been proje&ed in the courfe of the laft half century,
reviews of new books have held a diftinguiflied place.
The idea was plaufible and popular ; the encouragement
prompt and ample. The benefits to literature, and to the
public, expected from fuch regifters, were too obvious
and important not to meet the hearty good
wifhes of
moft readers. How pleafing and convenient, to
have a
regular regifter of all new publications, and
an account of
all that is moft important in
them How ufeful thus, not !

only to be apprifed of whatever new

books come forth

* A Very able and candid rcview of Mr.
Atwood’s Publication appeared in
the Bnt.fh Critic for January
1804. and it was accompanied with diagrams.
Let no one attnbute this

to partiality, asI do not know
nt qUe ’ n ° r d°
1 kn ° W Wh ° WritC thC mathcmatical ai tides
3*5 Extracts of Dr. Hutton’s Letters

on the fubje£ts we are mod interefted in, but alfo to be

informed of their particular merits and contents, for di-
recting our choice or rejection, and to be arnufed and in-
llruCted by made from them, and, in
abftracts judicioufly
fhort, acondenfed epitome of the whole works With ! —
fuch flattering ideas, we pleafed and congratulated our-
felves, eagerly encouraging fuch obliging critics and re-
viewers, without dreaming of any adverfe confequences
refulting from them. How could we
any thing
from fuch obliging, good, and' able men? They
could have no end in view but the public good. Who
could harbour a thought of their ever being actuated by
the mean paflions of jealoufy, envy, malice, and all un-
charitablenefs ? of turning their privilege of concealed
reviewers to all the purpofes of a job, to miflead the pub-
lic mind — to abufe its confidence — to puff off the very
trafli of their own connections and their friends — to mif-
reprefent and condemn the mo ft valuable works of others;
thus concealedly and implicitly deceiving the public by
falfe notions, to the great dilcouragement of true and ge-
nuine literature ?”
After expofing in detail the reviewer’s partiality, mif-
reprefentations, and infidious expreflions, Dr. Hutton
proceeds to obferve, that “ It is impoffible to avoid per-
ceiving, that there exifts fome fecret and myfterious
motive for fo much offenfive matter, very different from
what ought to aCluate the mind and influence the con-
“ duCt of a fair and judicious reviewer. Whatever it
may be, it certainly ought not to appear in the writ-
“ ings of a reviewer; whether it be fome pique again ft
“ any man in particular, or whether it arifes from a dif-
“ pofition in the gentlemen of Cambridge to difeourage
“ the productions of others a difpofition with which

“ they have fometimes been charged, though perhaps

“ unjuftly and illiberally. I here mentioned Cambridge,
“ becaufe it is faid the mathematical writer for the
“ Monthly Review is at prefent an ingenious young gen-

tleman, redding in that Univerfity, of the name of
“ Wood-
relating to the Monthly Reviewer. 37
Woodhoufe if I am miftaken in this, I afk his pardon

“ for the mention of his name, and he will correct me by

“ difclaiming the concern. Till then, in common with
“ many other perfons, he will excufe me for the belief,
“ that he is the reviewer, whofe conduft in the alleged
“ inflance is fo much complained of. Whatever be the
“ concealed caufe, Sir, whether one or both of thole juft
alluded to, or whatever elfe, the faft appears raoft cer-
tain and evident.”
A letter from Dr. Hutton, on the fame fubjeft, is al fo

inferted in the Monthly Magazine for O&ober 1802.

The following is the firft fentence of that letter :
“ writer in your Magazine (Sup. No. 89. p. 645.) has in-
advertently, or in following too implicitly the Monthly
Woodhoufe,) mifreprefented fome of the
reviewer,. (Mr.
employed in my Treatife on Bridges; and I will
“ thank you to allow room for two or three lines to cor-
reft the miftake.” — It appears from this laft letter of Dr.
Hutton’s, that .Mr. W. had not in the interval, between
the publication of the two, owned the reviews attributed
to him, nor have I ever heard that he has made any de-
claration on the fubjeft. From this circumftance perhaps
fome may fuppofe, that Mr. W. was not the author of the
critiques, of which Dr. H. complains but from particu- ;

lars about to be mentioned we may fairly infer, that

reviewer was a friend of Mr. W.’s, and from a temporary
fear that he could not favour him in the Monthly
view, he quitted his poft in a moft cowardly manner,
confequence of Dr. Hutton’s letters. The truth of this
furmife refts on the following confideration.
In the year 1803. Mr. Woodhoufe publiflied a
volume, entitled, ££ The Principles of Analytical Calcula-
tion. In this work the author very kindly under-
takes to inform mathematicians, what is really
meant by
the fign of equality, how they are to underftand
the ne-
gative fign, what the precife objeft of the
binomial theo-
rem &c.
is, 8cc.

Being defirous to know what his friend the critic faid

3« si Reply to a Critical

of all this inftrudtion, I turned to the Monthly Review,

number after number, and, Grange
to tell, I found that in
this publication he deferted Mr. W. on this occafion, al-
though on others he uniformly approves of his writings,
and adopts his opinions 3 the Monthly Review is filent as

to the merits of the above-mentioned performance. But

in the developement of fecret proceedings it frequently
happens, that the difeovery of one circumfiance enables
the inquirer to follow his object ; and this was the cafe
in the prefent inftance. In confequence of the informa-
tion, which I dated in the note in page i. of this Reply, I
proceeded to examine the internal evidence in fupport of
the aflertion, that the fame perfon frequently wrote in the
Critical Review ;
and on turning to that publication' for
June 1803, I found the fame learned critic holding forth
with all his eloquence on the tranfeendent merits of his
friend’s publication. Like a fkilful general, he had only
moved out of the reach of Dr. Hutton’s galling fire.

His friendfhip towards Mr. W. was unabated ; and it

was exerted, as it appears from dates, with remarkable
promptitude. The order of the Syndics of the Prefs, for
fixing the price of the book, is dated the 12th of Februa-
ry, 1803. There muft have been fome interval between
this time and the publication of the work, fo that the
muft have been very quick in reading and compre-

hending his author, and very afiiduous in drawing up a

condenfed but minute account of its excellence, before
June. The volume, it is true, is thin ; but w^e are told
by the critic, that “ it will exercife the talents of the
“ higher mathematicians.”
The fame friend to Mr. W. appears in the Critical Re-
view for July 1805, and, in contemplating his merits, the
critic feems to be overwhelmed with admiration. e ‘ His
“ fcience and Ikill,” the reviewer obferves, “ can be ap-
“ preciated only by the higher mathematicians. A com-

* See the Monthly Review for January and December 1S02, and for May
1805. See alfo the Critical Review for June 1805, from page 147 to 155.
“ parifon
and Monthly Reviewer. 39
<e country
parifon between the mathematicians of this
“ and France, during the laft century, would be highly
“ worthy of his pen for yet, notwithflanding the high
“ encomiums paid to the French, and the voluminous
“ works ilfuing from the Parifian prefs, v/e are inclined
“ to think, that they have rather increafed the forms,
“ than added much to the flock of fcience. Our author
“ will enable us to fee this matter in the cleared point of
“ view, as he is one of the few mathematicians of Cam-
“ bridge, and when we
Cambridge, we cannot add
“ many for the red of England a who have dudied with
“ diligence and attention the late French writers on the
“ differential calculus, or what we more properly call
“ duxions.” —
R'iJ'um teneatis amici P for this reviewer
knows every corner of the united kingdom, and the ma-
thematical purfuits and attainments of every individual
in it. It is therefore not to be wondered at, that he
knows Mr. W.’s private Rudies, and that he can compare
his acquifitions with thofe of all the mathematicians in
the country. As numbers labour in vain to attract pub-
lic attention, and to obtain the approbation of critics, this
author mud be edeemed very fortunate indeed in having
an advocate, who can fo readily comprehend his mod in-
tricate refearches, and who can, without delay, announce
their comparative excellence to the world. The critic

It is very eafy to account for the appearance of more mathematical
lications from Cambridge than from any other place in this kingdom. The
members of that Univerfity, who perfevere in the ftudy of fcience, and who
are confcious of their ability either to elucidate its truths or enlarge its boun-
daries, can look with confidence to the Syndics of the Prefs for affiftance,
to render their writings profitable to
themfelves, and ufcful to the public.
All apprehenfion as to the pecuniary rifk of
printing is removed, and thofe
who write with a view to publifh are at once ftimulated by the laudable de-
fire of fame, and animated with the hope of a fair and honourable recom-
pence for their labour, in the falc of their produftions. In other places, ma-
thematicians may be equally fuccefsful in their attainments, and authors of
as worthy of public attention; but a with to
prefent them to the
world checked by the deterring confederation of an immediate
and furious
expcncc, and an uncertain and flow indemnification.

40 A Reply to a Critical and Monthly Reviewer.

alfofeems very happy when he delivers thefe eulogiums,

as on thefe occafions he prolongs his talk with apparent
On other occafions he is. very frequently in a different
humour. In reviewing the beft mathematical produc-
tions, he fo generally conceals fafts on which the invefti-
gations reft, fo grofsly mifreprefents others, and fo very
often forms unfair combinations of circumftances, merely
with a view to blame, that the following line may be af-
fixed as an appropriate motto to his ftridtures :

Nemo Mathematicus genium indemnatus habebit.”



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