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Dof-Local Finance Circular No. 1-98

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Republic of the Philippines



December 15, 1998

SUBJECT : Duties and Functions of Local Assessors in the Reclassification of Lands

from "Agricultural" to "Non-agricultural" Uses

TO : All Regional Directors, Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF);

District Assessors of Metropolitan Manila; Provincial, City and Municipal
Assessors; and Others Concerned

The current economic and industrialization trends and the apparent demand for housing and
dwelling units by a growing population underscore the need to convert raw lands and even
agricultural lands into economic zones, factory and plant sites, as well as subdivisions and residential
areas. Evidently, even some agricultural lands covered by the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program or CARP need to be converted into non-agricultural uses.

For this purpose the governing provisions of the law are:

1. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (R.A. No. 6657), which under Title XI,
Book IV, E.O. No. 292, series of 1987, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)
was tasked to implement with authority to approve or disapprove conversion of
agricultural lands to non-agricultural uses.

2. Section 20 of R.A. No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of
1991, which provides:

"SECTION 20. Reclassification of Lands. — (a) A city or municipality

may, through an ordinance passed by the sanggunian after conducting public
hearings for the purpose, authorize the reclassification of agricultural lands
and provide for the manner of their utilization or disposition in the following
cases: (1) when the land ceases to be economically feasible and sound for
agricultural purposes as determined by the Department of Agriculture or (2)
where the land shall have substantially greater economic value for
residential, commercial, or industrial purposes, as determined by the
sanggunian concerned: Provided, That such reclassification shall be limited
to the following percentage of the total agricultural land area at the time of
the passage of the ordinance."

"(1) For highly urbanized and independent component cities,

fifteen percent (15%);

"(2) For component cities and first to third class

municipalities, ten percent (10%); and

"(3) For fourth to sixth class municipalities, five percent (5%):

Provided, further, That agricultural land distributed to
agrarian reform beneficiaries pursuant to Republic Act
Numbered Sixty-six hundred fifty-seven (R.A. No. 6657),

Electronic copy of BLGF Documents. Please see “Terms of Use” and “Disclaimers” from www.blgf.gov.ph
otherwise known as 'The Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Law,' shall not be affected by the said
reclassification and the conversion of such lands into
other purposes shall be governed by Section 65 of said

"(b) The President may, when public interest so requires and upon
recommendation of the National Economic and Development Authority,
authorize a city or municipality to reclassify lands in excess of the limits
set in the next preceding paragraph.

"(c) The local government units shall, in conformity with existing laws,
continue to prepare their respective comprehensive land use plans
enacted through zoning ordinances which shall be the primary and
dominant bases for the future use of land resources: Provided, That the
requirements for food production, human settlements, and industrial
expansion shall be taken into consideration in the preparation of such

"(d) Where approval by a national agency is required for reclassification,

such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Failure to act on a
proper and complete application for reclassification within three (3)
months from receipt of the same shall be deemed as approved thereof."

"(e) Nothing in this Section shall be construed as repealing, amending, or

modifying in any manner the provisions of R.A. No. 6657."

In view of the foregoing provisions of law, the following guidelines for the
reclassification of lands are hereby prescribed:

a) In the case of Non-agricultural Lands: — The local ordinances enacted pursuant to the
abovequoted Section 20 of R.A. No. 7160 should be enforced immediately and
automatically by the assessor concerned without the need for the owner(s) or anyone
having legal interest in the affected property or properties to make or file any request for
such reclassification.

b) In the case of Agricultural Lands: — (1) Approval of the land conversion by the
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) is necessary for the immediate and automatic
reclassification even if the Local Government Unit (LGU) has enacted a Zoning
Ordinance reclassifying such agricultural lands into other uses.

(2) In the case where the local zoning ordinance has been duly enacted and no further
DAR approval is required, the reclassification of such agricultural lands shall likewise
be effected immediately and automatically by the assessor concerned as soon as
appropriate notice of the reclassification of the Sanggunian; and certification from
DAR tat approval is no longer necessary, are officially presented/ received by his

(3) The provincial or municipal assessor may be called upon by the Sangguniang
Panlungsod or the Sangguniang Bayan to testify on the present, actual use of the land
and its potential for substantially greater economic value for other purposes. To this
end, the concerned local assessor shall incorporate in the tax mapping and real
property identification and accounting systems a systematic method by which the
following agricultural lands may be readily identified, to wit:

Electronic copy of BLGF Documents. Please see “Terms of Use” and “Disclaimers” from www.blgf.gov.ph
a. all irrigated lands where water is available to support rice and other crop

b. all previously irrigated lands which, for whatever reason, is no longer

accessed by a viable irrigation system or do not have sufficient sources of
water for rice and other crop production but are within areas programmed
for irrigation facility rehabilitation by the Department of Agriculture
(DA) and the National Irrigation Administration (NIA); and

c. all irrigable lands already covered by irrigation projects with firm

funding commitments at the time of the application for land use

The concerned assessor shall maintain close coordination with the DA and the NIA and
secure a copy of the short- and medium-term official irrigation infrastructure development plans of
said agencies for his area of responsibility to ensure the completion of a comprehensive and precise
listing of the above described agricultural lands within six (6) months from issuance hereof. All
concerned assessors shall submit to the local sanggunian and to the BLGF Regional Office a report of
compliance with this directive at the end of the said period and shall regularly, at least on an annual
basis or as may be required in the exigency of the service, update the list of non-convertible
agricultural lands within their respective territorial jurisdictions, informing the local sanggunian and
the BLGF Regional Office of all amendments or revisions thereof.

Upon completion of the list, the concerned local assessor shall issue within three (3) working
days from payment of reasonable service fees to the treasurer by, and receipt of a written request from
any interested party, a certification that he has conducted or caused to be conducted an ocular
inspection of a given parcel of land or area within his territorial jurisdiction and that, on the basis of
his findings, the property or area is or is not included in the list of non-convertible agricultural lands.

All BLGF Regional Directors are hereby instructed to ensure full compliance with the time
limits fixed herein and to take or initiate the necessary punitive action against any infraction hereof.

However, in case there is a conflict between the LGU and the DAR as in O.P. Case No. 96-C-
6424, dated March 29, 1996 of the Office of the President (OP), the controversy should be elevated to
the OP for resolution.

Accordingly, the following Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) should be strictly observed
by all assessors concerned:

(A) In the case of cities: —

City Assessor shall, within three (3) days from the presentation/ receipt of the notice
of conversion by DAR or the local zoning ordinance:

(1) conduct ocular inspection of the affected real properties;

(2) verify the validity or propriety of the DAR conversion approval and/or
the extent and coverage of the local zoning ordinance;

(3) enter in the Journals or Records of Assessment the purported


(4) prepare and approve the revised Field Appraisal and Assessment Sheet
(FAAS) or Field Sheet, as the case may be;

Electronic copy of BLGF Documents. Please see “Terms of Use” and “Disclaimers” from www.blgf.gov.ph
(5) issue the corresponding tax due declaration;

(6) update such other assessment records bearing the classification of the
property, as the: cdrep

(a) Ownership Record Cards (or form)

(b) Tax Map Control Roll

(c) Assessment/ Tax Roll

(7) Accomplish part "(A)" of the Real Property Tax Order of Payment
(RPTOP) covering the reclassified land specifically indicating that the
revised assessment thereof takes effect the quarter next following the
reclassification, pursuant to Section 221 of R.A. No. 7160.

(B) In the case of municipalities: —

Municipal Assessors shall, likewise, within three (3) days from the presentation/ receipt of the
notice of conversion by DAR or the local zoning ordinance:

(1) conduct ocular inspection of the affected real properties;

(2) verify the validity or propriety of the DAR conversion approval and/or the
extent and coverage of the local zoning ordinance;

(3) enter in the Journals or the Assessment Records, the purported


(4) prepare the Field Appraisal and Assessment Sheet (FAAS) and the
corresponding Tax Declaration bearing the Offices' recommendation to
the Provincial Assessor for his approval;

(5) update such other assessment forms bearing the property classification as

(a) Ownership Record Cards (or form)

(b) Tax Map Control Roll

(c) Assessment/ Tax Roll

(6) prepare/ accomplish part A of the Real Property Tax Order of Payment
(RPTOP) covering the reclassified land specifically indicating that the
revised assessment thereof takes effect the quarter next following the
reclassification, pursuant to Section 221 of R.A. No. 7160. cda

(C) In the case of provinces. — The Provincial Assessor shall review the revised FAAS and
Tax Declaration prepared by the Municipal Assessor in accordance with the above instructions and, if
the same are found to be in order, approve the same. Thereupon, the Provincial Assessor shall,
likewise, cause the updating of the other assessment records mentioned above which are maintained in
his Office.

Henceforth, all assessment records shall, in line with the foregoing instructions, be reviewed
in order to determine whether or not there are inconsistencies with existing and/or previously issued

Electronic copy of BLGF Documents. Please see “Terms of Use” and “Disclaimers” from www.blgf.gov.ph
DAR conversion approval, or enacted zoning ordinances of the sanggunians, in which case, correction
thereof should be made within the next quarter upon dissemination of copies hereof by the BLGF
Regional Directors and the District Assessors of Metropolitan Manila Area within five (5) days from
their receipt of this Circular, who shall see to it that the instructions embodied herein are religiously
complied with.

For this purpose, the said Regional Directors and District Assessors are hereby required to
submit to the BLGF Central Office a monthly progress report concerning the activities of the
Provincial, City and Municipal Assessors in their respective jurisdictions relative to the foregoing

The initial report shall indicate information such as:

(1) the dates this circular has been received and disseminated to local assessors;

(2) the manner by which the Regional Office or the District Assessors monitored compliance
hereof by the assessors concerned; and

(3) the accomplishment report per LGU.

This Circular is being issued in response to reports received in this Department that some
Provincial, City and Municipal Assessors reclassify lands from "agricultural" to "non-agricultural"
uses only upon receipt of monetary and other material considerations. This issuance, likewise, intends
to remind all concerned that such alleged malpractice is in violation of R.A. No. 3019, the Anti-Graft
and Corrupt Practices Act.

All BLGF Regional Directors and District Assessors of Metropolitan Manila Area are hereby
instructed to disseminate the contents of this Circular to all Provincial, City and Municipal Assessors
within their respective jurisdictions for strict compliance.



Electronic copy of BLGF Documents. Please see “Terms of Use” and “Disclaimers” from www.blgf.gov.ph

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