Dreadfox Games - Gypsy
Dreadfox Games - Gypsy
Dreadfox Games - Gypsy
Reid Stewart
Jeff Hill
Ivan Manolov
Richard Kinch, Corrado Marcucci, Chip Krolik
Israel T, Jason M, Owen H, Paul A
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Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC.
See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does
not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
Gypsy Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Gypsies
are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the
Seers, sages, soothsayers - gypsies go by rapier, scimitar, short sword and one additional
many names. In truth, the mysteries shrouding bladed weapon of the player’s choice weighing
these enigmatic vagabonds transcend the labels under 4 lbs. They are proficient with light armor,
of mortal men. They are the mediums of fate, but not with shields.
seers into the fabric of the weave. Perhaps the Deck of Divination (Sp): A gypsy utilizes
gypsy reads omens, perhaps her sight travels a deck of divination cards that activate only
forth in time; the only certainty is that her visions for the character who created them. Each card
manifest through cards. A gypsy’s deck is her represents a single spell that may be selected
conduit, a focus of immense power that allows from any class spell list. The gypsy may have no
her to react to the present before it ever occurs. more than one of a particular spell in her deck at
In the space of a few seconds, these augurs any time. A spell foretold by a divination card is
see that which is and that which shall come to always considered divine. This ability does not
pass. Or perhaps, that which should have come constitute a spell list. As such, it does not grant
to pass. For in those pivotal moments between the gypsy the ability to use scrolls, staves or
sight and reality the fingers of a gypsy sidle to wands without passing the appropriate checks.
work, ever-subtly testing the boundary between Once per turn, provided the gypsy has a
destiny and volition. free hand, she may draw the top card from her
Role: A gypsy’s gifts are every bit as versatile deck as a swift action. She may then direct the
as they are unpredictable. Some manipulate spell depicted on the card by expending the
fate with a demeanor of peace, foretelling the appropriate action according to the casting time
occurrence of restorative magics. Still others of the spell. A card must be discarded at the end
portend the doom of their foes, specializing in of the turn in which it is drawn. Discarding a card
destructive divinations. There are even gypsies is a free action. Once discarded, a card ceases to
whose blades resonate with divine inspiration, function until the following day, when it must
culling foes far beyond the scope of mortal men. be returned to the deck and shuffled with the
Alignment: Any nonlawful. rest of the cards.
Hit Die: d6. At the start of her day, the gypsy must shuffle
her deck or the magic in the cards does not
function. A gypsy may omit any number of cards
from her deck prior to shuffling, but any cards
Class Skills omitted prior to shuffling will not function until
The gypsy’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Bluff shuffled into her deck the following day. If any
(Cha), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge card other than the top card is drawn, the entire
(arcana) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), deck ceases to function until the next day. The
Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) cards in the deck must remain face down until
(Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge drawn - if the face of any card is seen before it
(religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), is drawn, the entire deck ceases to function until
Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Dex), Sleight of Hand the following day.
(Dex), Spellcraft (Int).
In order to create a divination card, the gypsy
Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier. must succeed on a Craft (card) skill check. The
DC is equal to the spell level of the card x 3. It
takes 50g worth of raw materials (exotic inks
Class Features and fine card stock) to create a divination card.
Regardless of the cost, the gypsy may attempt
The following are class features of the gypsy.
to create one and only one card per day. If the At the GM’s discretion, a premonition may be
gypsy wishes to create a card depicting a spell forced upon a gypsy. GM-induced premonitions
that has a material component cost, then 3 automatically succeed and do not consume a
times the normal quantity of components must daily use of this ability.
be offered to the fates at the time of creation, Wanderlust (Ex): At 1st level, a gypsy
or the card will not function when drawn. If gains Fleet as a bonus feat. The gypsy gains
the gypsy wishes to create a card depicting a one additional instance of this feat for each
spell that requires a focus, then that focus must additional bard, gypsy and rogue in her party.
be provided at the time of creation; thereafter,
the card itself serves as the spell’s focus. Cards
may not be drafted with metamagic, and they
may not be used in conjunction with magic
item creation feats. A gypsy may only create
a divination card if she could include it in her
deck the following morning (she cannot create
spare divination cards or divination cards that
she does not yet have access to). At any time,
the gypsy may destroy a card from her deck,
thereby freeing space for a different card of the
same spell level. A divination card is every bit as
fragile as a mundane card.
To foretell the magic imbued in a card, a gypsy
must have a Wisdom score of at least 10
+ the spell level. The Difficulty Class
for a saving throw against a gypsy’s
divination card is 10 + the spell level
+ the gypsy’s Wisdom modifier.
The gypsy may have a number of
cards in her deck based on her level.
The parameters of her deck are given
on Table: Gypsy. In addition, she
receives bonus cards if she has a
high Wisdom score.
Premonition (Su): Gypsies
are capable of having premonitions,
symbolic visions related to a query.
At 1st level, a gypsy may use this ability
once per day. At 7th level and every 6 levels
thereafter, she gains an additional daily use of
this ability. The base chance for a successful
premonition is 70% + 1% per gypsy level, to a
maximum of 90%. If her premonition fails, the
gypsy experiences a nightmare so vivid that it
inflicts 1d6 points of damage per gypsy level.
Premonitions are full-round actions that last for
1 round. While experiencing a premonition, the
gypsy is considered unconscious.
Base Divination Cards
Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Deck of Divination, 3 - - - - - - - -
premonition (1/day),
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Augury 4 - - - - - - - -
3 +1 +1 +3 +3 The sight +1 5 - - - - - - - -
4 +2 +1 +4 +4 Augury 6 3 - - - - - - -
5 +2 +1 +4 +4 6 4 - - - - - - -
6 +3 +2 +5 +5 Augury, the sight +2 6 5 3 - - - - - -
7 +3 +2 +5 +5 Premonition (2/day) 6 6 4 - - - - - -
8 +4 +2 +6 +6 Augury 6 6 5 3 - - - - -
9 +4 +3 +6 +6 The sight +3 6 6 6 4 - - - - -
10 +5 +3 +7 +7 Augury 6 6 6 5 3 - - - -
11 +5 +3 +7 +7 6 6 6 6 4 - - -
12 +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 Greater augury, 6 6 6 6 5 3 - - -
the sight +4
13 +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 Premonition (3/day) 6 6 6 6 6 4 - - -
14 +7/+2 +4 +9 +9 Greater augury 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 - -
15 +7/+2 +5 +9 +9 The sight +5 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 - -
16 +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 Greater augury 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 -
17 +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 -
18 +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Greater augury, 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3
the sight +6
19 +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Premonition (4/day) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
20 +10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Greater augury 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Augury: As a gypsy gains experience, she discard it for one additional turn.
acquires potent methods of manipulating fate. Cast in Stone (Su): The saving throw DC of all
Starting at 2nd level, a gypsy gains an augury. cards in a gypsy’s deck of divination is increased
She gains an additional augury for every 2 levels by 1.
of gypsy attained after 2nd level. A gypsy cannot
select an individual augury more than once. Distant Prophecy (Su): Extend spell may be
spontaneously applied to a single card per day.
Unlike standard divination cards, unique cards This does not increase the casting time. A gypsy
granted by auguries constitute supernatural must discard a number of cards from the top of
abilities. They can’t be disrupted in combat her deck equal to the extended card’s unmodified
and don’t provoke attacks of opportunity. They spell level in order to activate this effect.
aren’t subject to spell resistance, counterspells,
or dispel magic, and don’t function in antimagic Evasive Tramp (Ex): A gypsy with this augury
areas. The Craft (card) DC of a unique card gains evasion. A gypsy must have at least 6
granted by an augury is equal to 5 + the augury’s gypsy levels before selecting this augury.
required gypsy level. Foreboding Vision (Su): Empower spell may
Broadened Horizons (Su): If the spell or effect be spontaneously applied to a single card per
written on a card is not used, a gypsy need not day. This does not increase the casting time. A
gypsy must discard a number of cards from the card, the gypsy must discard the top card from
top of her deck equal to the empowered card’s her deck, although she may still activate this
unmodified spell level in order to activate this effect if she has no cards left to discard.
effect. A gypsy must have at least 6 gypsy levels Recurring Archetype (Su): 2 copies of a single
before selecting this augury. card may be included in a gypsy’s deck, subject
Harrow Skeptic (Su): Once per day, a gypsy to her normal deck limitations on Table: Gypsy.
with this augury may add 5 to her caster level This augury does not apply to cards granted by
check to overcome a creature’s spell resistance. other auguries.
This ability may only be used against a creature Strength (Su): A gypsy with this augury may
that has resisted a spell cast from the gypsy’s create the Strength card and include it in her
divination cards, and the use of this augury deck. Once drawn, this card grants the gypsy a
must be declared before the roll is made. A +2 insight bonus to attack rolls, Strength and
gypsy must have at least 8 gypsy levels before Constitution until it is discarded. At gypsy level
selecting this augury. 10, these bonuses increase to +4. This card does
Inevitable C onclusion (Su): 2 copies of any not need to be discarded at the end of the gypsy’s
card may be included in a gypsy’s deck, subject turn, but the gypsy may not draw another card
to her normal deck limitations on Table: Gypsy. until it is discarded.
This augury does not apply to cards granted by The Fool (Su): A gypsy with this augury
other auguries. A gypsy must have the recurring may create The Fool and include it in her deck.
archetype augury before selecting this augury. A Once drawn, the gypsy may direct the forces
gypsy must have at least 6 gypsy levels before within the card as a standard action, setting one
selecting this augury. creature she can see into motion. The target of
Manifest Destiny (Su): This augury allows a this card immediately takes an extra turn, as if
gypsy to declare the name of a single card and its turn had come up in the initiative order.
remove the top card from her deck until she The Hanged Man (Su): A gypsy with this
draws the card she named. The entire process augury may create The Hanged Man and include
takes a single swift action. All cards drawn prior it in her deck. Once drawn, this card immediately
to the card she named must be discarded. takes effect. It grants the gypsy’s entire party fast
Premature Prognostication (Su): A gypsy healing equal to her gypsy level. The gypsy does
with this augury may create a single card one not need line of sight or line of effect to include
spell level above her normal limit and include a target in this effect, and her party is defined as
it in her deck. She does not receive bonus cards herself plus any player character or cohort with
at this level based on her Wisdom score. Upon whom she believes to share a fate. The effect
reaching gypsy level 18, this augury instead lasts a number of rounds equal to half her gypsy
grants 1 additional card at spell level 9. A level. The effect expires immediately if anyone
gypsy must have at least 8 gypsy levels before in her party takes a standard or full-round action.
selecting this augury. If the effect expires before a standard or full-
Queen of Wands (Su): A gypsy with this augury round action is taken, each target is also affected
may create the Queen of Wands and include it by a single restoration spell. At gypsy level 14,
in her deck. This card functions exactly like the this effect becomes greater restoration. This card
cleric’s channel negative energy ability, using has no material component cost. A gypsy must
the gypsy’s level as her cleric level. This card have at least 8 gypsy levels before selecting this
need not be discarded at the end of the gypsy’s augury.
turn, but the gypsy may not draw another card The Hierophant (Su): A gypsy with this
until it is discarded. The Queen of Wands may augury may create The Hierophant and include
be used 3 times per draw. After each use of this it in her deck. This card functions exactly like the
cleric’s channel positive energy ability, using the augury gains uncanny dodge. At gypsy level
gypsy’s level as her cleric level. This card need 8, this augury also grants improved uncanny
not be discarded at the end of the gypsy’s turn, dodge. The gypsy uses her gypsy level in place
but the gypsy may not draw another card until of her rogue level when determining whether or
it is discarded. The Hierophant may be used 3 not she can be flanked. If a character already has
times per draw. After each use of this card, the uncanny dodge from another class, the levels
gypsy must discard the top card from her deck, from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack
although she may still activate this effect if she to determine the minimum rogue level required
has no cards left to discard. to flank the character.
The Moon (Su): A gypsy with this augury
may create The Moon and include it in her deck.
Once drawn, the gypsy may direct the forces
within the card as a standard action, rendering
her entire party incorporeal for a number of
rounds equal to half her gypsy level. While
this card is in effect, the party’s equipment is
enhanced with the ghost touch special ability. A
gypsy must have at least 8 gypsy levels before
selecting this augury.
The Star (Su): A gypsy with this augury may
create The Star and include it in her deck. Once
drawn, any character who holds the card gains
fast healing 3. If a character holds The Star for at
least 3 consecutive minutes, she is completely
nourished. This card need not be discarded at
the end of the gypsy’s turn, but the gypsy may
not draw another card until it is discarded. A
gypsy must have at least 8 gypsy levels before
selecting this augury.
Two of Cups (Su): A gypsy with this augury
may create the Two of Cups and include it in
her deck. Once drawn, as a standard action,
the gypsy may attempt to inflict any amount
of damage to one creature she can see, up
to a maximum of 1d12 per gypsy level. The
target receives a Will save to negate the effect,
DC 10 + 1/2 the gypsy’s level + the gypsy’s
Wisdom modifier. If the target fails this save,
the gypsy suffers an equal amount of damage.
This damage cannot be reduced in any way. This
card functions as a level 3 spell for the purpose
of metamagic auguries. A gypsy must have at
least 6 gypsy levels before selecting this augury.
Twist of Fate (Ex): This augury allows a gypsy
to draw an additional card as a move action.
Uncanny Intuition (Ex): A gypsy with this
The Sight (Su): At 3rd level, a gypsy’s levels before selecting this augury.
second sight enhances her mundane senses, Exarch of Fate (Su): Maximize spell may
granting her a +1 bonus to all Perception and be spontaneously applied to a single card per
Sense Motive checks. These bonuses rise to +2 day. This does not increase the casting time. A
when the gypsy reaches 6th level, to +3 when gypsy must discard a number of cards from the
she reaches 9th level, to +4 when she reaches top of her deck equal to the maximized card’s
12th level, to +5 at 15th, and to +6 at 18th level. unmodified spell level in order to activate this
Greater Augury: At 12th level, and every effect. A gypsy must have at least 12 gypsy
two levels thereafter, the gypsy may select a levels before selecting this augury.
greater augury in place of an augury. Omnipotence (Su): When using omniscience, a
Auspicious Occasion (Su): This augury allows gypsy with this augury may rearrange the order
a gypsy to return her discard pile to her deck of cards as she sees fit. A gypsy must have the
and shuffle it as a full-round action, renewing omniscience augury before selecting this augury.
the magic in her cards. This ability may only be A gypsy must have at least 16 gypsy levels
used once per month. A gypsy must have at least before selecting this augury.
16 gypsy levels before selecting this augury. Omniscience (Su): As a full-round action,
Death (Su): A gypsy with this augury may a gypsy with this augury may glance at the
create the Death card and include it in her deck. face side of the top cards of her deck without
Once drawn, this card immediately takes effect. suppressing the deck’s magic. She may look at
The gypsy must foretell the death of 1 creature a number of cards equal to half her gypsy level.
she can see as a standard action. The target She may not rearrange them in any way. Cards
of this card receives a Will save to negate the that immediately take effect upon being drawn
effect, DC 10 + 1/2 the gypsy’s level + the gypsy’s are not activated by omniscience. A gypsy must
Wisdom modifier. If a creature succeeds on this have at least 12 gypsy levels before selecting
saving throw, it becomes a skeptic, receiving a this augury.
+5 bonus to saving throws and spell resistance The Chariot (Su): A gypsy with this augury
against a gypsy’s divination cards. If a creature may create The Chariot and include it in her
did not have spell resistance before making this deck. Once drawn, the gypsy may direct the
save, it gains spell resistance against the gypsy’s forces within the card as a standard action. As
cards equal to its HD + 15. These bonuses last a full-round action on their next turn, the gypsy
until the target is subjected to harrow skeptic. If and every member of her party may teleport,
a creature fails this saving throw, it loses half independently, up to 10 miles per gypsy level.
its hit points and must attempt a Fortitude save The gypsy does not need line of sight or line
at a -5 penalty. If a creature fails this saving of effect to include a target in this effect, and
throw, it dies instantly. If a gypsy draws Death her party is defined as herself plus any player
but does not have a standard action available to character or cohort with whom she believes to
direct the forces within the card, she becomes share a fate. The gypsy may choose to exclude
Death’s target. A gypsy must have at least 16 characters from this effect. This teleportation
gypsy levels before selecting this augury. is not subject to mishap, nor does it provoke
Deft Manipulation (Su): Quicken spell may attacks of opportunity. However, characters may
be spontaneously applied to a single card only teleport to a location that they have seen
per day. However, unlike quickened spells, or to a party member’s immediate vicinity. A
quickened divination cards may be cast as a free gypsy must have at least 12 gypsy levels before
action. A gypsy must discard a number of cards selecting this augury.
from the top of her deck equal to the quickened The Devil (Su): A gypsy with this augury
card’s unmodified spell level in order to activate may create The Devil and include it in her deck.
this effect. A gypsy must have at least 12 gypsy
This card allows the gypsy to charm an enemy, saving throw DC is based on the gypsy’s Wisdom
as charm monster, with two major exceptions. modifier. The gypsy’s magic remains in the card
Firstly, a creature does not receive a +5 bonus until it has been activated. The space a fated
to its saving throw if it is being threatened or card occupied in the gypsy’s deck is considered
attacked. Secondly, the attitude of a successfully free the moment it enters the possession of the
charmed creature improves to helpful, so that fated creature. The card may never be returned
opposed Charisma checks are not required to to the gypsy’s deck - once a gypsy gives a card
convince the creature to do something it would to its fated recipient, it is gone forever. A gypsy
not ordinarily do. If the gypsy attempts to charm may only grant 1 card per use of The Tower. A
a creature with this card, the target receives a gypsy must have at least 12 gypsy levels before
Will save to negate the effect, DC 10 + 1/2 the selecting this augury.
gypsy’s level + the gypsy’s Wisdom modifier.
This card functions as a level 7 spell for the
purpose of metamagic auguries. A gypsy must
have at least 16 gypsy levels before selecting
this augury.
The Emperor (Su): A gypsy with this augury
may create The Emperor and include it in her
deck. So long as this card remains in a gypsy’s
deck and not in her hand or discard pile, the
gypsy gains a medium base attack bonus, a +4
insight bonus to AC and a +2 insight bonus to
saving throws. A gypsy must have at least 16
gypsy levels before selecting this augury.
The Tower (Su): A gypsy with this augury
may create The Tower and include it in her
deck. Once drawn, The Tower allows a gypsy
to draw any number of cards and declare one
a creature’s fate. This process takes a standard
action. Every card that was drawn as a result
of The Tower but not declared a creature’s fate
must be discarded. The gypsy need not discard
the fated card at the end of her turn, but she
may not draw another card until the fated card
has either been destroyed or transferred into
the possession of the fated creature. Either
the gypsy or the recipient may spend a move
action to exchange the card, provided they are
adjacent to one another and the recipient has
some means to hold the card. Once a creature
is in possession of a card declared to be its fate,
it may activate the card at any time as if using
a scroll. Unlike a scroll, a fated card does not
require the fated creature to have the imbued
spell on its spell list, pass a Use Magic Device
check or have a minimum ability score. The card
uses the gypsy’s current caster level, and the
Handling the Deck of Divination: slowly on the face of a playing card.
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