ANA Sales Enablement Maturity Model
ANA Sales Enablement Maturity Model
ANA Sales Enablement Maturity Model
Maturity Model
STAGE 4 - World-Class
STAGE 3 - Mature
STAGE 2 - Progressive
Sales STAGE 1 - Undefined
Enablement Highly strategic orientation, docu-
mented plans in place; Defined Sales
Working from a plan, balanced between
Enablement function in place for 5+
Operational in nature, reacting to strategic and operational; Defined func-
No defined, evaluated or requests; Loosely defined function in tion in place for 3+ years
Orientation place for less than two years
implemented Sales Enablement
functions or applications
No formal support or tools for asset Extensible platform supports MRM, Sales organization fully supported
Basic asset management and/or sales
management, CPQ, communica- asset management with ratings, across entire sales cycle from lead
portal with collateral, manual CPQ,
tion or other tools; No centralized feedback and version control, sales generation to quoting and contracting;
Sales conferencing tools provided; May
Reporting and feedback effectively
portal for collateral (email templates, performance/incentive management,
Support Tools have manual sales playbooks, sales
proposals, playbooks, etc.); Reps CPQ, conferencing, playbooks integrated drive development of sales support
intelligence data sources, competitive
expected to create their own sales with CRM, field presentation tools for infrastructure; Surveys held regularly to
analysis info, formal product training
support material tablets, etc solicit feedback and ideas
Sales process defined but not mapped Formal lead acquisition process, solid Lead scoring & nurturing, content
No formal lead generation or sales
to buying process; Opportunity opportunity management, Sales process mapped to buying and sales process
opportunity management process;
Processes management is ad hoc and unreliable mapped to buying process, defined by persona & journey maps, prioritiza-
Sales process & buying processes are
for forecasting; No sales enablement process for sales enablement including tion of sales enablement strategy plan
not defined
processes established yet strategy planning is done regularly
Metrics in place to measure effec- Known success metrics for top Marketing ROI, TCO, age of opportu-
Sales enablement success metrics tiveness such as #opportunities, performing reps; Cost of acquisition nities, customer lifetime value, reten-
unknown and not tracked; Revenue sales productivity metrics, #leads (CAC) known, #downloads from portals, tion rate, pipeline velocity, reps have
Metrics tracked but not necessarily tied to generated, CPL in some cases CRM adoption rate, cost per opportu- visibility into team’s productivity &
goals; Lead quality and scoring is known; No regular monitoring, nity measured; Reports monitored and performance metrics (may be gamified
unknown and not tracked reports pulled ad hoc when results reviewed at regular intervals (weekly, inside of CRM), closed loop reporting
not desirable monthly, quarterly, annually) system for all campaigns and metrics
New reps hit quota in 9-12 months; New reps hit quota in 6-9 months; New reps hit quota in 4-6 months; New reps hit quota in 3-4 months;
30-50% of new sales hired unsuccessful; 20-30% of new sales hires unsuc- 10-20% of new sales hires unsuccessful; Fewer than 10% of new sales hires are
Results cessful; Opportunity win rate is 10-15%; Opportunity win rate is 15-20%; Revenue unsuccessful; Opportunity win rate is
Opportunity win rate is less than 10%;
Revenue growth rate is less than 10% Revenue growth rate is 10-20% growth rate is 20-40% 20%+; Revenue growth rate is 40%+