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Teachers open the door.

Volume - 6 Issue - 9 You enter by yourself.

March, 2011 (Monthly Magazine)
Editorial / Mailing Office :
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Tel. : 0744-2500492, 2500692, 3040000
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Editor :
Pramod Maheshwari
Dear Students,
[B.Tech. IIT-Delhi] All of us want to get organized. The first thing in getting organized is to find our
obstacles and conquer them. Make a beginning by conquering obstacles for
Cover Design starting in right earnest.
Om Gocher, Govind Saini Sometimes the quest for perfectionism holds us back. We occasionally feel that
we should start when we have enough time to do a job thoroughly. One way to
tackle this kind of mindset is to choose smaller projects or parts of projects that
Rajaram Gocher can be completed within 15 minutes to one hour or less. It is important to keep
yourself motivated. Approach your projects as something which are going to
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matter how small they may be. Never hesitate to ask for help from a friend.
Praveen Chandna
Make all efforts to keep your motivational level high. You might feel
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How do you act or react to your life? When you are merely reacting to events in
Sudha Jaisingh Ph. 0744-2500492, 2500692 your life, you are putting yourself in a weak position. You are only waiting for
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Unit Price ` 20/- Presenting forever positive ideas to your success.

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Pramod Maheshwari,
B.Tech., IIT Delhi
Owned & Published by Pramod
Maheshwari, 112, Shakti Nagar,
Dadabari, Kota & Printed by Naval
Maheshwari, Published & Printed at 112,
Shakti Nagar, Dadabari, Kota.
Editor : Pramod Maheshwari

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 3 MARCH 2011

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 4 MARCH 2011
Volume-6 Issue-9
March, 2011 (Monthly Magazine) CONTENTS
Regulars ..........
Much more IIT-JEE News.
Know IIT-JEE With 15 Best Questions of IIT-JEE
• Prime Minister promises IIT for Kerala
Challenging Problems in Physics,, Chemistry & Maths • IGNOU, IIT Bombay conduct workshop for
visually impaired students
Key Concepts & Problem Solving strategy for IIT-JEE.

IIT-JEE Mock Test Paper with Solution IITian ON THE PATH OF SUCCESS 6
Professor Amitabha Ghosh & Narendra Patni
AIEEE & BIT-SAT Mock Test Paper with Solution
Previous IIT-JEE Question

Study Time........
8-Challenging Problems [Set # 10]
Students’ Forum
S Physics Fundamentals
• Calorimetry, K.T.G., Heat transfer
Success Tips for the Months • Atomic Structure, X-Ray & Radio
• It is more important to know where you are Activity
going than to get there quickly. CATALYSE CHEMISTRY 29
• The secret of success is constancy to Key Concept
• Purification of organic compounds
purpose. • Boron family & carbon family
Understanding : Inorganic Chemistry
• Action without planning is the cause of all
failure. Action with planning is the cause
of all success.
Mathematical Challenges
• We cannot discover new oceans unless we Students’ Forum
Key Concept
have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
• Definite integrals & Area under
• One person with a belief is equal to 99 who curves
• Probability
have only interests

• A thousand mile journey begins with one Test Time ..........

step. Start today. XTRAEDGE TEST SERIES 50
• Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet Mock Test IIT-JEE Paper-1 & Paper-2
Mock Test AIEEE
on the ground.
Mock Test BIT SAT

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 5 MARCH 2011

Prime Minister promises IIT for mention he said. He said girls in Kerala knowledge of digital technology for
Kerala have a better record than boys in shcool employment. The workshop is an
education. They also excel in sports and introduction to the FOSS-based Orca
outnumber boys in enrollment in higher screen reader on the Linux desktop."
education. Orca is a powerful FOSS based
“That Kerala society treats women well is feature rich screen reader for the
indicated in the fact that the average life Linux desktop. A project started by
Sun Micro systems, Orca assists the
expectancy of women is higher than men
by four years, “he said. Union Ministers visually impaired in performing all
A K Antony, Vayalar Ravi, K C the daily computing tasks with no
Venugopal, Mullapally Ramachandran, sighting assistance. IANS
KPCC President Ramesh Chennithala,
Thiruvananthapuram, Prime Minister Former State Chief Minister Oommen IIT Bombay to open Campus in
Manmohan Singh indicated that the Chandy were among those present. New York
Centre would sanction an Indian
The Indian Institute of Technology-
Institute of Technology for Kerala. “I IGNOU, IIT Bombay conduct Bombay could be soon set up a New
know that state has demanded an IIT. workshop for visually impaired campus in New York. IIT-Bombay
I am sure that aspiration will become a students has got invitation by The New York
reality, “he said, inaugurating the
New Delhi: The Advanced Centre for City Economic Development
‘Kerala Development Congress’ here.
Informatics and Innovative Learning Corporation (NYCEDC) to submit
Highlighting several projects (ACIIL) at the Indira Gandhi National their proposal to set up a campus for
sanctioned by the UPA government for Open University (IGNOU), in applied science courses in the Big
the economic, social and educational collaboration with the Indian Institute Apple.
development of Kerala, he said Rs 475 of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B),
crore has been earmarked for conducted a 'Digital Drishti Workshop'
development of Thiruvananthapuram for the visually-impaired recently.
and Kochi under JNNURM program. The workshop focused on basic
Other projects were a new Central computing and Internet surfing while
University at Kasaragod, the Indian using Free and Open Source Software
Institute of Science Education and (FOSS). The main objective of the
Research and Indian Institute of Space workshop was to enable visually
Education and Research in impaired students to operate basic
Thriruvananthapuram, while a campus Internet functions and social
of Aligarh University was coming up Director of IIT Bombay Devang
networking sites, and empower them
in Mallapuram, he said. Khakhar was invited by NYDEC to
for employment. "IIT-B has specifically
set up a campus there. He told “My
In investments in the Defence sector, named this workshop as 'Digital Drishti'
team is working on the appropriate
Singh said Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd as it aims to provide a digital vision to
plan,” he told. Indian Institue of
was setting up a new strategic the blind with the help of spoken
Manangement Bombay dean is also
electronic plant in Kasargod, while tutorials, which are software driven,"
taking New York proposal seriously.
Bharat Earth Movers Ltd has set up a said Prof. Kanan Moudgalya, Professor
The host city will provide the
new unit for manufacture of products of Chemical Engineering at IIT-B.
considerable land and all the needed
for defence, railway and metro in the Krishnakant Mane, Consultant, Spoken
state with a total investment of Rs 260 Tutorial Project at IIT-B, who is
crore. The Prime Minister also visually impaired himself, added, "The Canada's Carleton to have ties
referred to Kerala’s achievements in workshop which as a precursor to the with IIT Mumbai, Jindal Global
the social sector, saying the state has Digital Drishti Project, will give an University
the lowest incidence of poverty among overview of the power of Linux-based
major states in the country. Women’s screen readers to the visually impaired. Toronto: Canada's world-famous
empowerment, especially their socio- The project is aimed at empowering Carleton University is set to sign
economic condition deserves special visually impaired students with proper memorandums of understanding

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 6 MARCH 2011

(MoUs) with various Indian conferences and sharing information these problems. It is proving to be
educational institutions during the among businesses in the two countries," both a boon and a bane. While it is
visit of it president and vice- she said. bringing in a plethora of funds, not
chancellor to India next week. Apart from meeting government much of it is reaching the hands of
officials in Delhi, Dr Runte would also the people who have toiled for it.
call on Sam Pitroda, chairman of the While the Capitalists are getting the
National Innovation Council, to invite return on investment they deserve,
him for the excellence summit to be held they are also siphoning of funds
at Carleton University in June as part of which they should be giving to the
the Year of India in Canada. Government for the welfare of the
needy. The Government is not
U.S.-based IIT Alumni receive spotless either. The funds it receives
2011 Padma shri for Science and are further filtered at various levels
Ottawa-based Carleton is the only Engineering with the one at the bottom of the
university in the world to have a full- sieve, the common man, receiving
fledged India-centric Centre of Dr. Mani Lal Bhaunik, IIT just a grain of sand, if at all.
Excellence in Science, Technology, Kharagpur Alum and Dr. Subra
Trade and Policy to raise awareness Suresh IIT Madras alum have been Today IIT Delhi Alumni hold
about bilateral studies and public honored for their significant Leadership positions in Industry,
diplomacy, and develop initiatives to contributions in the field of Science and Government, Academia, Non-Profit
build a better understanding of both Engineering. Organizations and other areas.
countries. Together, we can take advantage of
Dr. Bhaumik, a known physicist has
our diversity, combine as a group
University president Roseann Runte, contributed for the development of a
and make a difference to our society.
who is leaving for India on Friday, told particular type of laser ray used for
We just need to brain storm and
the sources she would meet top Indian Lasik corrective eye surgery, which
arrive at decisions which together
academics and sign MoUs with various results in removing the need for glasses
shall benefit not individuals but our
institutions during her five-day visit or contact lenses.
which takes her to Delhi, Mumbai and Dr Suresh, who was recently nominated
Hyderabad. Let our Resolution for 2011 be for
by President Barack Obama to be the
each of us to Challenge our thoughts,
Director of National Science
"We will sign MoUs with Jindal Global Provide potent Inputs and Network
Foundation (NSF), an independent
University near Delhi, Jai Hind College with all at the Conclave and then
federal agency in the U.S. has
under Mumbai University, IIT Mumbai Lead all we know, to Build a
pioneered in the use of
and Petroleum University. These Glorified India that it deserves to be.
''nanobiomechanics'' technology.
MoUs are geared towards exchange of
faculties, students and interns, joint These two were among the eight Admissions in the USA
research and programmes, and eminent personalities, chosen for
conducting joint degree courses,'' she distinguished service in any field, in the While it seems true that admission
said. category of foreigners/ NRIs and PIOs. rate at IITs is less than even the most
The awards will be conferred by the selective US school like the CalTech,
During her visit to Hyderabad, Dr President of India sometime around it does not mean IIT recruits students
Runte would also meet the president of March or April this year. of higher caliber. In a country like
the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute the USA, educational resources were
which is a bi-national organization that well developed and the enrollment
promotes understanding between India capacity for engineering majors is
and Canada through academic
kept about the same as the number of
activities and exchanges. WAY
seniors intending to enter those
Dr Runte, who is going to India at the 12th March, 2011, Welcome Hotel programs, Moreover, there are lot of
invitation of the Birla Institute of Sheraton, Saket, New Delhi top-notch schools of about equal
Technology and Science (BITS), caliber which decreases their
Leadership Conclave 2011 is an annual
Hyderabad campus, to be their guest selectivity figures. Top 50
Business Meet designed to
said she would also meet engineering schools in the USA
congregate the High Achievers among
representatives of the Federation of exceed IITs in almost all respect and
IIT Delhi Alumni towards a Noble
Indian Chambers of Commerce and another 100 or so other schools are
Common Cause.
Industry (FICCI) to discuss joint not far behind.
initiatives with them. "We may sign an The unparalleled economic growth of
MoU with FICCI on internships, the Country has further burgeoned

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 7 MARCH 2011

Success Story
This article contains stories/interviews of persons who succeed after graduation from different IITs

most of the IITs' successful alumni credit their alma mater

with playing a foundational or leading role in their
achievements. The U.S. television network CBS recently
Professor Amitabha Ghosh featured the IITs in its widely watched news programme,
Director, IIT Kharagpur. 60 Minutes, as "the most important university you've never
heard of.'' The show's co-host, Leslie Stahl, suggested:
"Put Harvard, MIT and Princeton together and you begin
to get an idea of the status of this school in India." The
idea of IIT as an institution of excellence has long been
The IITs have long had a reputation of being among the embedded in the consciousness of India's educated classes.
very best engineering institutions in the world. In a ranking The quality of student input into the IITs is the single most
of Asia's best Science and Technology institutions by important determinant of their rate of success and is
Asiaweek in 2000, five IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Madras, perhaps unequalled anywhere. The IITs are a magnet for
Kanpur and Kharagpur) were ranked in the top eight. the brightest young men, largely hailing from middle class
The astounding international success of IIT alumni sections of society.
suggests that there are very few institutions that can rival Through a rigorous selection process, an exacting
the IIT system in the calibre of graduates produced. The workload and spartan living conditions, the IITs require a
honour roll of those who have received their first degrees monastic discipline of its undergraduate students.
from the IITs is long and includes some of the most
influential entrepreneurs, executives and managers in the
world. Nandan Nilekeni, Infosys Managing Director; Rajat
Gupta, Managing Director of McKinsey & Company;
venture capitalist Kanwal Rekhi, founder of Excelan; Mr. Narendra Patni
Vinod Khosla, partner in Kleiner Perkins and co-founder
B-Tach from IIT-Roorkee
of Sun Microsystems; Gururaj Deshpande, founder of
Sycamore Networks; Victor Menezes, Senior Vice-
Chairman of Citigroup; Rakesh Gangwal, former CEO of
U.S. Airways; Venky Harinarayan and Rakesh Mathur, co- Narendra Patni is the founder, chairman, and chief
founders of Junglee.com; Vinod Gupta, founder and executive officer of Patni Computer Systems.Patni is a
chairman of InfoUSA; Rono Dutta, President of United graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Airlines; Arun Sarin, who is set to be the Chief Executive and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also holds
Officer of Vodafone in June 2003; M.S. Banga, Chairman, an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management. As
Hindustan Lever; and 2002 Magsaysay Award winner of 2005, his net worth was US $650 million. On November
Sandeep Pandey are all IIT undergraduate products. As 8 2008, the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
though this were not enough, Infosys founder, former honoured Narendra Kumar Patni with the Distinguished
Chairman and current Chief Mentor, N.R. Narayanamurthy, Alumni Award. This award, bestowed during IIT
received his post-graduate training at IIT Kanpur. Roorkee’s Eighth Annual Convocation, was given for
Corporate Development, Administration and
Tremendous career success in the U.S. is testament to the Entrepreneurship.Mr. Patni has been associated with this
fact that the IIT graduate is a highly competitive product in educational institute from the time IIT Roorkee was known
the global marketplace. A study by University of as the University of Roorkee, where he completed his
California (Berkeley) Professor Anna Lee Saxenian Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering in 1964.
indicates that approximately 10 per cent of all start-ups in In recognition of his academic excellence, he was awarded
Silicon Valley between 1995 and 1998 were by Indians, a scholarship from the Grass Foundation for his Master’s
most of whom had come from the IIT system. It has been degree in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts
suggested that the IITs have, perhaps, produced more Institute of Technology (MIT).
millionaires per capita than any other undergraduate
academic institution in the world. It is not surprising that

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 8 MARCH 2011

By Previous Exam Questions

obtained by higher value of λ which will not give

PHYSICS total internal reflection
⇒ Total internal reflection will be given by
1. Two Parallel beams of light P and Q (separation d)
containing radiations of wavelengths 4000 Å and 5000 λ1 = 4000 Aº
Å (which are mutually choherent in each wavelength b
∴ µ = 1.2 + = 1.25
separately) are incident normally on a prism as shown (4000 × 10 –10 ) 2
in figure. The refractive index of the prism as a
⇒ b = 0.8 × 10–14 m2
function of wavelength is given by the relation
b (b) Applying Snell's law at N for wavelength λ2
µ(λ) = 1.20 + 2 where λ is in Å and b is positive
λ sin r 0.8 × 10 –14
µ= where µ = 1.2 +
constant. The value of b is such that the condition sin i (5000 × 10 –10 ) 2
for total reflection of the face AC is just satisfied for
= 1.232
one wave length and is not satisfied for the other.
A sin r
⇒ 0.232 = ⇒ sin r = 0.232 × 0.8 = 0.9856
sin θ = 0.8 0.8
⇒ r = 80.3
From the figure it is class that the deviation δ = r – i
Q = 80.3 – 53.1 = 27.2 º
B C (c) The intensities of transmitted beams of λ1 and
(a) Find the value of b. λ2 are 4I and I respectively.
(b) Find the deviation of the beams transmitted through Also Intensity ∝ (Amplitude)2
the face AC
⇒ Amplitude ∝ Intensity
(c) A convergent lens is used to bring these transmitted
beams into focus. If the intensities of transmission form ⇒ Amplitude of wavelength λ1 ∝ 4 I = (2 I )
the face AC, are 4I and I respectively, find the resultant
intensity at the focus. [IIT-1991] and amplitude of wavelength λ2 ∝ I (= I )
Sol. (a) λ1 = 4000 Aº and λ2 = 5000 Aº Since both the radiations are mutually coherent and
b 1 while coming to focus these travel equal path,
µ(λ) = 0.2 + 2 ⇒ µ ∝ 2 therefore these two beams will arrive in phase at
λ λ focus.
where C = critical angle
Here, sin θ = 0.8 (given) ⇒ θ = 53.1º ∴ The resultants amplitude = 2 I + I =3 I
∴ µ= - 1.25 ∴ Resultant Intensity = (3 I )2 = 9I.
2. A cart is moving along + x direction with a velocity
M of 4 m/s. A person on the cart throws a stone with a
λ1 θ velocity of 6 m/s relative to himself. In the frame of
d θ
N r reference of the cart the stone is thrown in y-z plane
λ2 Q θ=r δ making an angle of 30º with vertical z axis. At the
highest point of its trajectory, the stone hits an object
For higher value of µ, the value of C will be less and
of equal mass hung vertically from the branch of a
vice-versa. So lesser value (less than 1.25) of µ will
tree by means of a string of length L. A completely
be rejected for total internal reflection because for
inelastic collision occurs, in which the stone gets
for this C required will be more. Sice µ and λ are embedded in the object. Determine:
inversely related therefore lesser value of µ will be

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 9 MARCH 2011

(i) The speed of the combined mass immediately Applying energy conservation from Q to M, we get
after the collision with respect to an observer on
1 V2 (2.5) 2
the ground, 2mV2 = 2mgl ⇒ l = = = 0.318 m
2 2g 2 × 9.8
(ii) The length L of the string such that the tension in
the string becomes zero when the string becomes 3. Three particles A, B and C, each of mass m, are
horizontal during the subsequent motion of the connected to each other by three massless rigid rods
combined mass. [IIT-1997]
to form a rigid, equilateral triangular body of side l.
Sol. θ = 30º, v = 6 m/s This body is placed on a horizontal frictioness table
(x-y plane) and is hinged to it at the point A so that it
When the stone reaches the point Q, the component can move without friction about the vertical axis
of velocity in the +Z direction (V cos θ) becomes through A (see figure). The body is set into rotational
zero due to the gravitational force in the –Z direction. motion on the table about A with a constant angular
velocity ω. [IIT-2002]
Z L V´ y
+Z +Y
V x
Vcosθ θ
Vsinθ X
P ω
t = 0 Vx=4m t=t

The stone has two velocities at Q

(i) Vx in the +X direction (4 m/s) →
(ii) V sin θ in the + Y direction (6 sin 30º = 3 m/s) B l C
The resultant velocity of the stone (a) Find the magnitude of the horizontal force exerted
V´ = (Vx ) 2 + (V sin θ) 2 by the hinge on the body.
(b) At time T, when the side BC is parallel to the
= 4 2 + 32 = 5 m/s x-axis, a force F is applied on B along BC (as
(i) Applying conservation of linear momentum at Q shown). Obtain the x-component and the
for collision with an mass of equal magnitude y-component of the force exerted by the hinge on
the body, immediately after time T.
m × 5 = 2m × V
Sol. The mass B is moving in a circular path centred at A.
[Since the collision is completely inelastic the two
masses will stick together. V is the velocity of The centripetal force (mlω2) required for this circular
the two masses just after collision] motion is provided by F′. Therefore a force F′ acts on
∴ V = 2.5 m/s A (the hinge) which is equal to mlω2. The same is the
(ii) When the string is undergoing circular motion, at case for mass C. Therefore the net force on the hinge is
any arbitrary position
Fnet = F'2 + F'2 +2F' F' cos 60º
2mv 2
T – 2mg cos α =
l 1
Fnet = 2F' 2 +2F' 2 × = 3 F′ = 3 mlω2
Given that T = 0 when α = 90º 2

2mv 2 Y
∴ 0–0= ⇒v=0
l A
F′ 60º
∞ M
l Fnet l
2mg sinα F′ F′
α 2mg cosα
B l C
⇒ Velocity is zero when α = 90º, i.e., in the
horizontal position. (b) The force F acting on B will provide a torque to
the system. This torque is

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 10 MARCH 2011

l 3 dm A
F× = Iα = ρ × 2gx × …(ii)
2 dt 100
3l Therefore the rate of change of momentum of the
F× = (2ml2)α system in forward direction
dm 2gx × A × ρ
3 F = ×v= (From (i) and (ii))
⇒ α= dt 100
4 ml
The rate of change of momentum of the system in the
The total force acting on the system along x-direction backward direction
= Force on backward direction = m × a
F + (Fnet)x
where m is mass of liquid in the container at the
This force is responsible for giving an acceleration ax instant t
to the system.
m = Vol. × density

c.m l x

∴ The rate of change of momentum of the system
F + (Fnet)x = 3m(ax) c.m.
in the backward direction
F 3 F l F = Axρ × a
= 3m Q ax = αr = × =
4m 4 ml 3 4 By conservation of linear momentum
3F 2gxAρ
= Axρ × a =
4 100
F g
∴ (Fnet)x = ⇒ a=
4 50
(Fnet)y remains the same as before = 3 mlω2. (ii) By toricell's theorem v′ = 2g × (0.25h )

4. A large open top container of negligible mass and where h is the initial height of the liquid in the
uniform cross-sectional area A has a small holes of container m0 is the initial mass
cross-sectional area A/100 in its die wall near the m0
bottom. The container is kept on a smooth horizontal ∴ m0 = Ah × ρ ⇒ h =

floor and contains a liquid of density ρ and mass m0.
Assuming that the liquid starts flowing out horizontally m 0 gm 0
∴ v′ = 2g × 0.25 × =
through the hole at t = 0, Calculate : [IIT-2000] Aρ 2Aρ
(i) The acceleration of the container and
(ii) The velocity when 75% of liquid drained out 5. A hydrogen-like atom (described by the Bohr model)
Sol. (i) Let at any instant of time during the flow, the is observed to emit six wavelengths, originating from
height of liquid in the container is x. all possible transitions between a group of levels.
The velocity of flow of liquid through small hole in These levels have energies between –0.85 eV and
the orifice by Torricelli's theorem is –0.544 eV (including both these values). [IIT-2002]
(a) Find the atomic number of the atom.
v = 2gx …(i)
(b) Calculate the smallest wavelength emitted in
The mass of liquid flowing per second through the these transitions.
orifice (Take hc = 1240 eV.nm. Ground state energy of
= ρ × volume of liquid flowing per second hydrogen atom = – 13.6 eV)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 11 MARCH 2011

Sol. (a) If x is the difference in quantum number of the nRT
states then x+1C2 = 6 ⇒ x = 3 For benzene, P = PB0 =
n+3 1× 0.082 × 293
= = 0.098 atm
= 74.48 torr (Q 1 atm = 760 torr)
n Similarly, for toluene,
Smallest λ nRT
P = PT0 =
− z 2 (13.6eV)
Now, we have = – 0.85 eV …(i) 1× 0.082 × 293
n2 = = 0.029 atm
− z 2 (13.6eV) = 22.04 torr (Q 1 atm = 760 torr)
and = – 0.544 eV …(ii)
(n + 3) 2 According to Raoult's law,
Solving (i) and (ii) we get n = 12 and z = 3 PB = PB0 xB = 74.48 xB
(b) Smallest wavelength λ is given by PT = PT0 xT = 22.04 (1 – xB)
= (0.85 – 0.544)eV And PM = PB0 xB + PT0 xT
λ or 46.0 = 74.48 xB + 22.04 (1 – xB)
Solving, we get λ ≈ 4052 nm. Solving, xB = 0.457
According to Dalton's law,
PB = PM x 'B (in vapour phase)
CHEMISTRY or mole fraction of benzene in vapour form,
P 74.48 × 0.457
x 'B = B = = 0.74
6. The molar volume of liquid benzene PM 46.0
(density = 0.877 g ml–1) increases by a factor of 2750
as it vaporizes at 20ºC and that of liquid toluene 7. The vapour pressure of ethanol and methanol are 44.5
(density = 0.867 g ml–1) increases by a factor of 7720 mm and 88.7 mm Hg respectively. An ideal solution
at 20ºC. A solution of benzene and toluene at 20ºC is formed at the same temperature by mixing 60 g of
has a vapour pressure of 46.0 torr. Find the mole ethanol and 40 g of methanol. Calculate the total
fraction of benzene in vapour above the solution. vapour pressure of the solution and the mole fraction
[IIT-1996] of methanol in the vapour. [IIT-1986]
Sol. Given that, Sol. Given that,
Density of benzene = 0.877 g ml–1 For ethanol (C2H5OH), Pe0 = 44.5 mm Hg
Molecular mass of benzene (C6H6)
= 6 × 12 + 6 × 1 = 78 M(C2H5OH) = 2 × 12 + 5 × 1 + 1 × 16 + 1 × 1 = 46
m(C2H5OH) = 60 g
∴ Molar volume of benzene in liquid form = ml m 60
0.877 ∴ Moles of ethanol, ne = = = 1.3
M 46
78 1
= × L = 244.58 L For methanol (CH3OH), Pm0 = 88.7 mm Hg
0.877 1000
And molar volume of benzene in vapour phse M(CH3OH) = 1 × 12 + 3 × 1 + 1 × 16 + 1 × 1 = 32
m(CH3OH) = 40 g
78 2750
= × L = 244.58 L m 40
0.877 1000 ∴ Moles of methanol, nm = = = 1.25
Density of toluene = 0.867 g ml–1 M 32
Molecular mass of toluene (C6H5CH3) ne 1.3 1.3
∴ xe = = =
= 6 × 12 + 5 × 1 + 1 × 12 + 3 × 1 = 92 ne + nm 1.3 + 1.25 2.55
∴ Molar volume of toluene in liquid form nm 1.25 1.25
92 92 1 xm = = =
= ml = × L ne + nm 1.3 + 1.25 2.55
0.867 0.867 1000
According to Raoult's law,
And molar volume of toluene in vapour phase
44.5 × 1.3
92 7720 Pe = Pe0 xe = = 22.69 mm Hg
= × L = 819.19 L 2.55
0.867 1000
88.7 × 1.25
Using the ideal gas equation, and Pm = Pm0 xm = = 43.48 mm Hg
PV = nRT 2.55
At T = 20ºC = 293 K Hence, total vapour pressure of the solution,

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 12 MARCH 2011

PT = Pe + Pm 3d 4s 4p
= 22.69 + 43.48 = 66.17 mm Hg Ni ion =
According to Dalton's law,
Pm = PTx´m (in vapour form) 3d 4s 4p
Hence, mole fraction of methanol in vapour form, Ni ion in
Complex ion
Pm 43.48
x´m = = = 0.66 dsp2 hybridization
PT 66.17
Hence structure of [Ni(CN)4]2– is
8. (a) Write the chemical reaction associated with the N≡C C≡N
"brown ring test". 2+
(b) Draw the structures of [Co(NH3)6]3+, [Ni(CN)4]2–
and [Ni(CO)4]. Write the hybridization of atomic N≡C C≡N
orbital of the transition metal in each case.
In [Ni(CO)4, nickel is present as Ni atom i.e. its
(c) An aqueous blue coloured solution of a transition oxidation number is zero and coordination number is
metal sulphate reacts with H2S in acidic medium to four.
give a black precipitate A, which is insoluble in 3d 4s 4p
warm aqueous solution of KOH. The blue solution on Ni in
treatment with KI in weakly acidic medium, turns Complex
yellow and produces a white precipitate B. Identify
the transition metal ion. Write the chemical reaction sp3 hybridization
involved in the formation of A and B. [IIT-2000] Its structure is as follows :
Sol. (a) NaNO3 + H2SO4 → NaHSO4 + HNO3
2HNO3 + 6FeSO4 + 3H2SO4 →
3Fe2(SO4)3 + 2NO + 4H2O
[Fe(H2O)6]SO4.H2O + NO
Ferrous Sulphate
→ [Fe(H2O)5NO] SO4 + 2H2O
(Brown ring)
(b) In [Co(NH3)6]3+ cobalt is present as Co3+ and its (c) The transition metal is Cu2+. The compound is
coordination number is six. CuSO4.5H2O
Co27 = 1s1, 2s22p6, 3s23p63d7, 4s2
CuSO4 + H2S Acidic
 medium
→ CuS ↓ + H2SO4
Co3+ion = 1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p63d6 Black ppt
3d 4s 4p 2CuSO4 + 4KI → Cu2I2 + I2 + 2K2SO4
Hence (B) white
I2 + I– → I3– (yellow solution)
3d 4s 4p
3+ 9. An alkyl halide X, of formula C6H13Cl on treatment
Co ion in
with potassium t-butoxide gives two isomeric alkenes
Complex ion
Y and Z(C6H12). Both alkenes on hydrogenation give
d2sp3 hybridization 2, 3-dimethyl butane. Predict the structures of X, Y
NH3 3+ and Z. [IIT-1996]
H3N NH3 H3N NH3 Sol. The alkyl halide X, on dehydrohalogenation gives
two isomeric alkenes.
K − t − butoxide
Co or C 6 H13Cl   → Y + Z
Co3+ X ∆ ; – HCl C 6 H12

Both, Y and Z have the same molecular formula

H 3N NH3 C6H12(CnH2n). Since, both Y and Z absorb one mol of
NH3 H3N NH3 H2 to give same alkane 2, 3-dimethyl butane, hence
they should have the skeleton of this alkane.
In [Ni(CN)42– nickel is present as Ni2+ ion and its
coordination numbers is four Y and Z (C6H12) H→
2 CH3 – CH – CH – CH3
Ni28 =1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p63d8, 4s2 CH3 CH3
Ni2+ ion = 1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p63d8 2,3-dimethyl butane

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 13 MARCH 2011

The above alkane can be prepared from two alkenes HC≡C –C2H4 – CH2OH (X)
CH3 – C = C – CH3 and CH3 – CH – C = CH2 It is given that 0.42 g of the compound (which is
0.005 mol) produces 22.4 ml of CH4 at STP (which is
0.01 mol) with excess of CH3MgBr. This shows that
2,3-dimethyl 2,3-dimethyl
butene-1 the compound (X) contains two active H atoms (H
butene-2 (Z)
(Y) atom attached to O, S, N and –C≡CH is called
The hydrogenation of Y and Z is shown below : active). Of these, one is due to the p-alcoholic group
CH3 – C = C – CH3 H2 (–CH2OH) and the other is due to the –C≡CH bond,
CH3 – CH – CH – CH3
Ni since both these groups are present in (X), hence it
CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 evolves two moles of CH4 on reaction with
(Y) CH3MgBr.
CH3 – CH – C = CH2 H2
CH3 – CH – CH – CH3 H – C≡C. C 2 H 4 – CH2OH + 2CH3MgBr →
Ni (X)
CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 BrMgC≡C–C2H4 – CH2OMgBr + 2CH4
Moreover, the treatment of (X) with H2/Pt followed
Both, Y and Z can be obtained from following alkyl by boiling with excess of HI gives n-pentane
halide :
(remember that 2HI are required to convert one
–CH2OH into CH3). This shows that the compound
CH3 – C – CH – CH3 (X) contains a straight chain of five carbon atoms.
∆; –HCl 2 H / Pt
CH3 CH3 H – C≡C–C2H4 – CH2OH 2 →
2-chloro-2,3-dimethyl butane CH3CH2.C2H4 – CH2OH
 → CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 + H2O + I2

CH2 = C — CH – CH3 + CH3 – C = C – CH3
CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 On the basis of abvoe analytical facts (X) has the
(Z) 20% (Y) 80% structure :
Cl 5 4 3 2 1
HC≡C.CH2 CH2 – CH2OH (X)
Hence, X, CH3 – C – CH – CH3 4-pentyne-1-ol

CH3 CH3 The different equations of (X) are :

ZnCl + HCl
Y, CH3 – C = C – CH3 Room
H − C ≡ C − CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH  2
→ No reaction
Z, CH3 – CH – C = CH2 AgNO3
CH3 CH3 Ag – C≡C – CH2CH2CH2OH + NH4NO3
White ppt.
10. An organic compound (X), C5H8O, does not react
appreciably with Lucas reagent at room temperatures 2CH3MgBr
Br MgC≡C.CH2CH2CH2OMgBr + 2CH4
but gives a precipitate with ammonical AgNO3
solution. With excess CH3MgBr; 0.42 g of (X) gives 2H2/Pt
224 ml of CH4 at STP. Treatment of (X) with H2 in CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH
the presence of Pt catalyst followed by boiling with
excess HI gives n-pentane. Suggest structure of (X) Pentanol-1
and write the equations involved. [IIT-1992] 2 HI
Sol. Lucas test sensitive test for the distinction of p, s, and CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3
∆, –H2O; –I2
t-alcohol. A t-alcohol gives cloudiness immediately, n-pentane
while s-alcohol within 5 minutes. A p-alcohol does
not react with the reagent at room temperature. Thus, The production of 2 moles of CH4 is confirmed as the
the present compound (X) does not react with this
reactions give 224 ml of CH4.
reagent, hence it is a p-alcohol.
(X) = C4H6.CH2OH(p-alcohol) Q 84 g(X) gives = 2 × 22.4 litre CH4
Since the compound gives a ppt. with ammonical 2 × 22.4 × 0.42
∴ 0.42 g (X) gives =
AgNO3, hence it is an alkyne containing one 84
–C≡ CH, thus (X) may be written as : = 224 ml of CH4

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 14 MARCH 2011

+ +

11. Show that the value of tanx/tan3x, wherever defined 1 2 4
∴ maximum at x = 1/3 ⇒ ymax = –  =
never lies between 1/3 and 3. [IIT-1992] 3 3 27
tan x tan x minimum at x = 1 ⇒ ymin. = 0
Sol. y = =
tan 3x 3 tan x – tan 3 x Now, to find the area bounded by the curve
y = x(x – 1)2, The y-axis and line y = 2
1 – 3 tan 2 x
tan x(1 – 3 tan 2 x)
3 tan x – tan 3 x
1 – 3 tan 2 x y =2 C
= [Q tan 3x ≠ 0 ⇒ 3x ≠ 0] B
3 – tan 2 x 4
⇒ x≠0 A
⇒ tan x ≠ 0 O 1 x=2
0 ∞
+ – +
1/3 3 2

Let tan x = t
⇒ Req. Area = Area of square OABC – x( x – 1) 2 .dx ∫
2 2
1 – 3t
⇒ y=
3– t2 ∫
= 2 × 2 – ( x 3 – 2 x 2 + x) dx
⇒ 3y – t2y = 1 – 3t2 2
⇒ 3y – 1 = t2y – 3t2 x 2 x 3 x 2 
=4–  – +
⇒ 3y – 1 = t2 (y – 3)  4 3 2 
 0
3y –1  16  16 10
⇒ = t2 = 4 –  4 – + 2 = –2 = sq. units
y –3 3 3 3
 
3y –1
⇒ ≥ 0, t2 ≥ 0 ∀ t ∈ R
y –3 13. Find the intervals of values of a for which the line
⇒ y ∈ (– ∞, 1/3) ∪ (3, ∞) y + x = 0 bisects two chords drawn from a point
Therefore, y is not defined in between (1/3, 3).  1 + 2a 1 – 2a 
 ,  to the circle
 2 2 
12. Find all maxima and minima of the function  
y = x (x – 1)2, 0 ≤ x ≤ 2. 2x2 + 2y2 – (1 + 2 a)x – (1 – 2 a) y = 0
Also determine the area bounded by the curve [IIT-1996]
y = x(x – 1)2 , the y-axis and the line y = 2 [IIT-1989] 2 2
Sol. 2x + 2y – (1 + 2 a)x – (1 – 2 a) y = 0
Sol.  1 + 2a   
y = x(x–1)2 ⇒ x2 + y2 –   x –  1 – 2a  y = 0
 2   2 
   
4 max
27 Since, y + x = 0 bisects two chords of this circle,
x mid-points of the chords must be of the form
O 1/2 1 min (α, – α).

y = x(x – 1)2 y+x=0

dy x
⇒ = x.2(x – 1) + (x –1)2 (α,–α)  1 + 2a 1 – 2a 
dx  , 
 2 2 

= (x – 1) . {2x + x –1}
= (x – 1) (3x – 1)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 15 MARCH 2011

Equation of the chord having (α, – α) as mid-points is ax 2 x b+ x–b
T = S1 = +  
( x – a )( x – b)( x – c) ( x – c)  x – b 
 1 + 2a   
⇒ xα + y(–α) –   (x + α) –  1 – 2 a  (y – α) ax 2 x x
 4   4  = + .
    ( x – a )( x – b)( x – c) ( x – c ) ( x – b)
 1 + 2a    1 – 2 a 
= α2 + (– α)2 –  α–  (– α) x2  a 
 2   2  =  + 1
    ( x – c)( x – b)  x – a 
⇒ 4xα – 4yα – (1 + 2 a) x – (1 + 2 a)α x2 a+x–a
=  
– (1 – 2 a) y + (1 – 2 a) α ( x – c)( x – b)  x – a 
2 2
= 4α + 4α – (1 + 2 a). 2α + (1 + 2 a).2α x3
⇒ y=
⇒ 4αx – 4αy – (1 + 2 a) x – (1 – 2 a)y ( x – a )( x – b)( x – c)
= 8α – (1 + 2 a)α + (1 – 2 a)α x3
But this chord will pass through the point ⇒ log y = log
( x – a )( x – b)( x – c)
 1 + 2a 1 – 2a  ⇒ log y = log x3 – log (x – a) (x – b) (x – c)
 , 
 2 2  ⇒ log y = 3 log x – log (x – a)

– log (x – b) – log (x – c)
 1 + 2a   
4α   – 4α  1 – 2 a  y' 3 1 1 1
 2   2  ⇒ = – – –
    y x x–a x–b x–c
(1 + 2 a)(1 + 2 a ) (1 – 2 a)(1 – 2 a) y'  1 1  1 1  1 1 
– – ⇒ = –  +  –  +  – 
2 2 y  x x–a  x x–b  x x–c
= 8α2 – 2 2 aα y' x – a – x x–b– x x–c– x
⇒ = + +
⇒ 2α [(1 +2 a – 1 + 2 a)] = 8α2 – 2 2 aα y x( x – a ) x ( x – b) x( x – c)
1 y' –a b c
⇒ 4 2 aα – [2 + 2 ( 2 a)2] = 8α2 – 2 2 aα ⇒ = – –
2 y x( x – a ) x ( x – b) x (c – x )
[Q (a + b)2 + (a – b)2 = 2a2 + 2b2]
y' a b c
⇒ 8α2 – 6 2 aα + 1 + 2a2 = 0 ⇒ = + +
y x(a – x) x(b – x) x (c – x )
But this quadratic equation will have two distinct
roots if y' 1 a b c 
⇒ =  + + 
(6 2 a)2 – 4(8) (1 + 2a2) > 0 y xa– x b– x c– x
⇒ 72a2 – 32 (1 + 2a2) > 0
⇒ 72a2 – 32 – 64a2 > 0 15. Two planes P1 and P2 pass through origin. Two lines L1
⇒ 8a2 – 32 > 0 and L2 also passing through origin are such that L1 lies
⇒ a2 – 4 > 0 on P1 but not on P2, L2 lies on P2 but not on P1, A, B, C
⇒ a2 > 4 ⇒a<–2∪a>2 are three points other than origin, then prove that the
Therefore, a ∈ (– ∞ , – 2) ∪ (2, ∞). permutation [A'B'C'] of [ABC] exists. Such that :
(i) A lies on L1, B lies on P1 not on L1, C does not lie
ax 2 bx c on P1.
14. If + + + 1,
( x – a)( x – b)( x – c) ( x – b)( x – c) ( x – c) (ii)A' lies on L2, B lies on P2 not on L2, C' does not lies
on P2. [IIT-2004]
y' 1  a b c 
Prove that =  + +  Sol. Here 6 of permutations are possible as, A
y x a–x b–x c–x corresponds to one of A', B', C' and B corresponds
[IIT-1998] to one of remaining A', B', C' and corresponds to
ax 2 bx c third of A', B', C'
Sol. y = + + +1 ∴ A lies on L1, B lies on the line of intersection of
( x – a )( x – b)( x – c) ( x – b)( x – c) x – c
P1 and P2 and C lies on the line L2 on the plane P2.
ax 2 bx x ∴ A' lies on L2 = C
= + +
( x – a )( x – b)( x – c) ( x – b)( x – c) x–c B' lies on the line of intersection of P1 and P2 = B
C' lies of L1 on the plane P1 = A
ax 2 x  b  Thus, [A' B' C'] = [CBA]
= +  + 1
( x – a )( x – b)( x – c) ( x – c)  x – b  i.e., permutation of [A'B'C'] is [ABC].

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 16 MARCH 2011

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 17 MARCH 2011
Physics Challenging Problems
Set # 11

This section is designed to give IIT JEE aspirants a thorough grinding & exposure to variety
of possible twists and turns of problems in physics that would be very helpful in facing IIT
JEE. Each and every problem is well thought of in order to strengthen the concepts and we
hope that this section would prove a rich resource for practicing challenging problems and
enhancing the preparation level of IIT JEE aspirants.
By : Dev Sharma
So lutions will b e p ub lished in nex t issue Director Academics, Jodhpur Branch

Passage # (Q. No. 1 to Q. No. 3 ) − 2m(hν − φ)  qB t 

(C) × sin θ × sin  0 
Light having photon energy hv is incident on a qB 0  m 
metallic plate having work function φ to eject the
2m(hν − φ)  qB t 
electrons. The most energietic electrons are then (D) × sin  0 
allowed to enter in a region of uniform magnetic qB 0  m 
field B as shown in figure. The electrons are
3. The plot between x-coordinate of the location of
projected in x-z plane making an angle θ with x-
→ ∧
electron as a function of time for different
axis and magnetic field B = B 0 i along x-axis. frequencies v of the incident light, is
x x (ν2 > ν1)
Maximum pitch of halix described by an electron is ν2
(ν1 > ν2) ν1 ν2
found to be P. Take mass of electron as m and ν1
(A) (B)
charge as q. Based on above information answer the
following questions. t t
x x
ν1 ν1 (ν1 > ν2)
(ν1 > ν2)
(C) ν2 (D) ν2
θ t t

4. Two students were given a physics problem for

z – finding maximum extension of spring if blocks are
imparted velocities v1 and v2 when spring is
1. The correct relation between P and B0 is unstretched
(A) qPB 0 = 2π cos θ 2(hν − φ)m v1 m m v2

2(hν − φ) 1 1
(B) qPB 0 = 2π cos θ By student A: m( v1 + v 2 ) 2 = kx 2
m 2 2
(C) qPB 0 = 2π 2(hν − φ)m 1 1 1
By student B: mv12 + mv 22 = kx 2
2πm 2 2 2
(D) P = × hν − φ (A) Student A is correct, student B is wrong
qB 0
(B) Student B is correct, student A is wrong
2. Considering the instant of crossing origin at t = 0, (C) Both are correct
the z-coordinate of the location of electron as a (D) Both are wrong
function of time t is
5. Two particles having positive charges +Q and +2Q
2m(hν − φ)   qB t  are fixed at equal distance x from centre of an
(A) − × sin θ1 − cos 0 
qB 0   m  conducting sphere having zero net charge and radius
r as shown. Initially the switch S is open. After the
2m(hν − φ)  qB t  switch S is closed, the net charge flowing out of
(B) × sin θ × sin  0  sphere is
qB 0  m 

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 18 MARCH 2011

+Q x r +2Q 8. A toroid having a rectangular cross section (a =
2.00 cm by b = 3.00 cm) and inner radius r = 4.00
cm consists of 500 turns of wire that carries a
S current I = I max sin ωt with I max = 50.0A and a
frequency f = = 60.0Hz. A coil that consists
Qr 2Qr 3Qr 6Qr 2π
(A) (B) (C) (D) of 20 turns of wire links with the toroid as shown
x x x x
in figure –
6. Four different circuit components are given in each
situation of column – I and all the components are
connected across an ac source of same angular N = 500
frequency ω = 200 rad / sec . The information of
phase difference between the current and source
voltage in each situation of column – I is given in
column – II. R
Column – I Column – II a
N' = 20
(A) (P) the magnitude of b
10 Ω 500 µF required phase
difference is π / 2
(B) (Q) the magnitude of

Induced emf
5H phase difference is
π/ 4
(C) (R) the current leads (A)
4H 3 µF in phase to source
voltage Time
(D) (S) the current lags in
1K Ω 5H phase to source
Induced emf

(T) the magnitude of

required phase
7. In column – I condition on velocity, force and
acceleration of a particle is given. Resultant motion
is described in column – II. Time

u = instantaneous velocity –
(C) Max value of induced emf is 0.422 V
Column – I Column – II
→ → (D) Max value of induced emf is 0.122 V
(A) u × F = 0 and (P) path will be

F = constant circular path
→ →
(B) u . F = 0 and (Q) speed will

F = constant increase • Pluto lies at the outer edge of the planetary
→ → system of our sun, and at the inner edge of the
(C) v . F = 0 all the (R) path will be Kuiper Belt, a belt of icy comets that are the

time and | F | = straight line remnants of the formation of the solar system.
constant and the • Gamma ray bursts - mysterious explosions at the
particle always edge of the Universe - were first detected in
remains in one plane 1969 by military satellites monitoring the Test
→ ∧ ∧
(D) u = 2 i − 3 j and (S) path will be Ban Treaty.
acceleration at all parabolic • Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the
→ ∧ ∧
time a = 6 i − 9 j second largest moon in the entire solar system.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 19 MARCH 2011

8 Solution
Set # 10

Physics Challenging Problems

Qu e s tio ns we r e Pub lis he d in Feb rua ry I ssu e

1. [D] 7. [C]
After closing both switch potential difference across KQ KQ
C1 and C2 will be different Vsurface at inner solid sphere = −
a b
VC1 = V; VC 2 = 0 Vinner surface of shell = 0
2. [B,C] 1 1 1 1
∆V = KQ − ; W = KqQ − 
 1 1 1  a b  a b
E 0 z 2 1 −  − E 0 z 2  −  = 3E 0
 9  4 9
z=2 8. [B]
λ1 If outer ball is grounded.
=3 No change is charge distribution will occurs at outer
λ2 shell is already at zero potential
 1
KE1 = E 0 1 −  − φ
 9
 1
KE 2 = E 0 z 2 1 −  − φ THE COLOURS OF COMPLEX
 4
KEα 2 = 8.5eV
λ This page is going to take a simple look at the origin
3. [B,D] of colour in complex ions - in particular, why so
many transition metal ions are coloured. Be aware
 dB  area of
e AB =   ∆AOB, using (E.M.I.) that this is only an introduction to what can grow
 dt  into an extremely complicated topic.
1  3 
= (4) ×  4 × × 2 × 2 Why do we see some compounds as being
2  2 
 coloured?
Total e of loop White light
 1 3 
= 3×  4 × × 4 × × 2  × 2 = 2 × 24 3 = 48 3Volt You will know, of course, that if you pass white
 2 2  light through a prism it splits into all the colours of
 
the rainbow. Visible light is simply a small part of
4. [1] an electromagnetic spectrum most of which we can't
see - gamma rays, X-rays, infra-red, radio waves
and so on.
Each of these has a particular wavelength, ranging
from 10-16 metres for gamma rays to several
hundred metres for radio waves. Visible light has
wavelengths from about 400 to 750 nm.
5. (A) → T,R,S (B) → R (1 nanometre = 10-9 metres.)
(C) → Q,R (D) → P,T The diagram shows an approximation to the
spectrum of visible light.
6. [B]
Vtotal = Vsolid + Vshell
KQ  2 a 2   − KQ 
= 3a −  +  
2a 3  4   b 
 11 1 
= KQ  − 
 8a b 

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 20 MARCH 2011

Students' Forum
Expert’s Solution for Question asked by IIT-JEE Aspirants
1. A long straight wire is coplaner with a current Since, these forces are equally inclined with x-axis in
carrying circular loop of radius R as shown in figure. opposite directions and have equal magnitude,
Current flowing through wire and the loop is I0 and I therefore, negative x-axis neutralise each other.
respectively. If distance between centre of loop and Hence their resultant is along negative x-axis or
wire is r = 2R, calculate force of attraction between towards the straight wire.
the wire and the loop.
This resultant force,
µ 0 I 0 I  cos θ 
dF = dF' . 2 cos θ =  
π  2 – cos θ 
∴ Net force on the loop,
I π
2 – 3 
I0 µ0 I 0 cos θ
π ∫ (2 – cos θ) dθ = µ II
0 0
 3 
 Ans.

Sol. Assuming that diameter of loop, which is

perpendicular to the straight wire to be x-axis, 2. Two long parallel conducting horizontal rails are
connected by a conducting wire at one end. A
Considering two equal elemental are lengths Rdθ uniform magnetic field B (directed vertically
each of the loop at angles θ with negative x-axis as downwards) exists in the region of space. A light
shown in figure. uniform ring of diametre d which is practically equal
to separation between the rails, is placed over the
rails as shown in figure. If resistance of ring be λ per
Rdθ unit length, calculate force required to pull the ring
θ x
with uniform velocity v.

I0 Rdθ
dF' I × F

Sol. When ring moves to the right emf is induced in each
Distance of each elemental length from straight wire of the two semi-circles. During an elemental time
is x = (r – R cos θ) interval dt, displacement of the ring is vdt.
or x = R (2 – cos θ) Consider tow semi-circless separately.
∴ Magnetic induction, due to current I0 through During this interval, left semi-circle cuts flux of area
straight wire, at position of these elemental lengths is shown shaded in the figure(A). This area is d(v dt).
Therefore, flux cut by semi-circle during this interval
µI 0 µ0 I0 is
B= =
2πx 2πR (2 – cos θ) dφ = B d(v dt)
(along inward normal to this paper)
µ 0 I 0 Idθ
dF' = BI (R dθ) =
2π(2 – cos θ) × B d
According to Fleming's left hand rule, directions of
these two forces will be as shown in figure.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 21 MARCH 2011

Then R0 =
d Let equivalent thermal resistance of the given heat
circuit between A and B be R.
Since, circuit consists of a large number of rods or
square cells, therefore thermal resistance of the part
on right of dotted line CD, shown in figure (A), is
Fig (B) also equal to R.
dφ A C
Hence, emf induced in it is e = = B vd.
This emf tries to force an anticlockwise current in the
circuit as shown in figure(A)
Similarly, emf induced in right semi-circle is also Fig.(A)
equal to e = B vd and it also tries to force current in
the same direction as shown in figure(B). R0
Hence, these two semi-circles are two identical
electrical sources connected in parallel with each
other. EMF of each source is e = B vd and internal R≡ R0 R
resistance is
r= λ. B R0 D
∴ Equivalent internal resistance of parallel Fig.(B)
combination of two sources is
Hence, given arrangement of rods is equivalent to a
r/2 = πdλ heat circuit shown in figure(B). AC, CD & DB are in
4 series with each other and this series combination is
Since, rails have negligible resistance, therefore, in parallel with AB.
equivalent resistance of the circuit is
1 1 1
r 1 ∴ = +
R= = πλd R ( R0 + R + R0 ) R0
2 4
e l( 3 – 1)
Hence, induced current through rails is I = . Solving above equation, R = R 0 ( 3 – 1) =
But current through each semi circle is equal to I/2.
Temperature difference between A & B = (T1 – T2)
Force required to maintain velocity of ring at
constant = Retarding force acting on ring due to T1 – T2 KA(T1 – T2 )
∴ Rate of heat flow = = Ans.
induced current = 2 × Retarding force on each semi- R l( 3 – 1)
I 4B 2 vd 4. Suppose a distant double star consists of two dense
= 2 × B d = BId = Ans. stars of equal mass which emit monochromatic
2 πλ
radiation of same frequency. Wavelength λ of the
3. A large number of identical rods are arranged as radiation varies periodically with time period
shown in figure. Each rod has length l, cross-
T = 31.4 days. If (∆λ/λ)max = 10–4 , calculate distance
sectional area A and thermal conducticity of material
between the stars and their mass.
is K. Ends A and B are maintained at temperatures T1
and T2 (< T1) respectively. If lateral surface of each  20 
 Given, G = × 10 –11 Nm 2 Kg – 2 and c = 3 × 108 ms –1 
rod is thermally insulated, calculate rate of heat  3 
transfer in steady state.
A Sol. Double star is a system in which two dense stars
revolve around their centre of mass with the same
period in the same sense.
Maximum wavelength corresponds to the light
B emitted by a star when it is moving away and
Sol. Since, rods are identical, therefore, thermal resistance minimum wavelength corresponds to the light
of each rod is same. Let it be R0. emitted by a star when it is moving directly towards
the observer. Hence the maximum and minimum

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 22 MARCH 2011

wavelength both are received simultaneously as Sol. Whenever a particle moves a wave is associated with
shown in figure it. That wave is called matter wave or de Broglie
wave. Interference pattern is obtained due to these
A λmax
Let velocity of electrons be v when accelerated
through potential difference V. According to law of
conservation of energy.
B λmax
Gain in kinetic energy of electrons = Work done by
electric field
From this figure, it is evident that maximum and 1 2eV
minimum wavelengths are received twice during one ∴ mv2 = eV or v=
complete revolution of the stars. Hence, period of 2 m
revolution of the stars is equal to where m = 9.1 × 10–31 kg (mass of electron)
 ∆λ  λ – λ min If particle of mass m is moving with velocity v,
2T and   = max .
 λ  max λ min wavelength λ of wave associated with it is given by,

Since, stars are of equal mass, therefore, distance of h

λ= .
each star from its centre of mass is equal to half the mv
distance between them.
∴ Wavelength of parallel stream of electron is
Let distance between the stars be 2a, then each star
moves in a circle of radius a with period 2T. Hence, h h
λ= =
2π πa 2eV 2meV
velocity of each star is v = a=
(2T ) T m m

∴ Velocity of one star relative to the other = 2v. Distance between two consecutive maxima means
fringe width 'ω'. In Young's Double slits experiment,
 ∆λ  2v 2πa λD
∴   = = fringe width ω =
 λ  max c cT d
cT  ∆λ  hD
∴ 2a =   ∴ ω= = 3 × 10–6 m or 3 µm Ans.
π  λ  max d 2meV
= 2.592 × 1010 m Ans.
In double star system, centripetal force required for
circular motion of stars is provided by the MEMORABLE POINTS
gravitational force acting between them.
mv 2 Gm 2 • Parsec is the unit of Distance
Hence, = where m is mass of each star.
a ( 2a ) 2 • Estimated radius of universe is 1025 m
4av 2 4a  πa  4π 2 a 3 • Estimated age of Sun is 1018 s
or m = =   =
G G T  GT 2 • 18/5 km h–1 equal to 1 ms–1
c 3T  ∆λ  • 1 femtometre (1 fm) is equal to 10–15 m
or m =   = 1.7496 × 1029 kg Ans.
2πG  λ  max • Dot product of force and velocity is Power

5. In Young's double slit experiment, a parallel stream • Moment of momentum is equal to

of electrons, accelerated by a potential difference Angular momentum
V = 45.5 volt is used to obtain diffraction pattern. If
slits are separated by a distance d = 66.3 µm and • Rocket propulision is based on the principle of
distance of sereen is D = 109.2 cm from plane of Conservation of linear momentum
slits, calculate distance between consecutive maxima
on the sereen. • The largest of astronomical unit, light year and
Given, mass of electron, m = 9.1 × 10–31 Kg parsec is Parsec
Planck's constant, h = 6.63 × 10–34 J–S.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 23 MARCH 2011


Calorimetry, K.T.G., Heat transfer


Calorimetry : where C´ is a constant that depends on the nature and

The specific heat capacity of a material is the amount extent of the surface exposed. Simplifying
of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of it dθ C´
by 1 K. This leads to the relation = –C(θ – θ0) where C = = constant
dt ms
Q = ms θ
Kinetic theory of gases :
where Q = heat supplied, m = mass, θ = rise in
temperature. 1
The pressure of an ideal gas is given by p = µnC2
The relative specific heat capacity of a material is the 3
ratio of its specific heat capacity to the specific heat where µ = mass of each molecule, n = number of
capacity of water (4200 J kg–1K–1).
molecules per unit volume and C is the root square
Heat capacity or thermal capacity of a body is the speed of molecules.
amount of heat required to raise its temperature by 1
K. [Unit : J K–1] 1 2 1
p= ρC or pV = mC2
Thus heat capacity = Q/θ = ms 3 3
dθ 1 dQ where ρ is the density of the gas and m = mass of the
Also = × gas.
dt ms dt
i.e., the rate of heating (or cooling) of a body depends Root Mean Square Speed of Molecules :
inversely on its heat capacity. This is defined as
The water equivalent of a body is that mass of water
which has the same heat capacity as the body itself. C12 + C 22 + C 32 + ... + C 2N
[Unit : g or kg] This is given by N
m×s where N = total number of molecules. It can be
sw obtained through these relations
where m = mass of body, s = specific heat capacity of 3p 3RT
the body, sw = specific heat capacity of water. C= =
ρ M
Principle of Calorimetry : The heat lost by one
system = the heat gained by another system. Or, the Total Energy of an ideal gas (E) :
net heat lost or gainsed by an isolated system is zero. This is equal to the sum of the kinetic energies of all
It system with masses m1, m2, ...., specific heat the molecules. It is assumed that the molecules do not
capacities s1, s2, ...., and initial temperatures θ1, θ2, .... have any potential energy. This follows from the
are mixed and attain an equilibrium temperature θ assumption that these molecules do not exert any
then force on each other.
Σmsθ Σ sθ 1 3 m 3
θ= , for equal masses θ = E= mC2 = RT = pV
Σms´ Σs 2 2 M 2
Newton's law of cooling : 1 2
Thus, the energy per unit mass of gas = C
The rate of loss of heat from a body in an 2
environment of constant temperature is proportional
to the difference between its temperature and that of 3
The energy per unit volume = p
the surroundings. 2
If θ = temperature of the surroundings then 3 3
The energy per mole = pV = RT
dθ 2 2
– ms = C´(θ – θ0)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 24 MARCH 2011

Perfect gas equation : velocities between c and c + dc per unit volume is
From the kinetic theory of gases the equation of an 2
dn = 4πna3 e − bc c2 dc where
ideal gas is
pV = RT for a mole m m
b= and a =
m 2kT 2πkT
and pV = RT for any mass m
M and the number of molecules with the velocity c per
Avogadro number (N) and Boltzmann constant (k) : unit volume is
The number of entities in a mole of a substance is 2

called the Avogadro number. Its value is nc = 4πna3 e − bc c2

6.023 × 1023 mol–1. The plot of nc and c is shown in the figure. The
The value of the universal gas constant per molecular velocity possessed by the maximum number of
is called Boltzmann constant (k). Its value is molecules is called the most probable velocity
1.38 × 10–23 J K–1.
Degrees of Freedom : Principle of equipartition of
energy :
The number of ways in which energy may be stored
by a system is called its degrees of freedom.
Principle of Equipartition of Energy : This α c Crms
principle states that the total energy of a gas in
α= 2kT / m
thermal equilibrium is divided equally among its
degrees of freedom and that the energy per degree of The mean velocity
freedom is kT/2 where T is the temperature of the
c = 8kT / mπ and vrms = 3kT / mπ
gas. For a monoatomic atom the number of degrees
of freedom is 3, for a diatomic atom it is 5, for a Conduction :
polyatomic atom it is 6. The transfer of heat through solids occurs mainly by
Hence the energy of a mole of a monoatomic gas is conduction, in which each particle passes on thermal
energy to the neighboring particle but does not move
 1  3
µ = N  3 × kT  = RT from its position. Very little conduction occurs in
 2  2 liquids and gases.
Which is the same as that given by the kinetic theory. θ1 θ2
For a mole of diatomic gas µ Q
 1  5 Q
= N  5 × kT  = RT
 2  2
For a mole of polyatomic gas µ d A
 1  Consider a slab of area A and thickness d, whose
= N  6 × kT  = 3RT opposite faces are at temperature θ1 and θ2 (θ1 > θ2).
 2 
Let Q heat be conducted through the slab in time t.
When the irrational degrees of freedom are also taken
into account, the number of degrees of freedom  θ − θ2 
Then Q = λA  1 t
= 6n – 6 for non-linear molecules  d 
= 6n – 5 for linear molecules where λ = thermal conductivity of the material.
where n = number of atoms in a molecule. This has a fixed value for a particular material, being
Kinetic Temperature : large for good conductors (e.g., Cu, Ag) and low for
The kinetic temperature of a moving particle is the insulators (e.g., glass, wood).
temperature of an ideal gas in thermal equilibrium Heat Current : The quantity Q/t gives the heat flow
whose rms velocity equals the velocity of the given per unit time, and is called the heat current.
particle. In the steady state, the heat current must be the same
Maxwellian distribution of velocities : across every cross-section. This is a very useful
In a perfect gas all the molecules do not have the principle, and can be applied also to layers or slabs in
same velocity, rather velocities are distributed among contact.
them. Maxwell enunciated a law of distribution of Q dθ dθ θ − θ2
= – λA where the quantity = 1 is
velocities among the molecules of a perfect gas. t dx dx d
According to this law, the number of molecules with called the temperature gradient.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 25 MARCH 2011

Unit of λ : Different units are used, Stefan-Boltzmann Law : If a black body at an
e.g., cal cm s ºC–1, cal m–1 s–1 ºC–1, jm´1 s–1 ºC–1. absolute temperature T be surrounded by another
Convection : black body at an absolute temperature T0, the rate of
loss of radiant energy per unit area is
It is a process by which heat is conveyed by the
actual movement of particles. Particles closest to the E = σ(T4 – T04)
source receive heat by conduction through the wall of where σ is a constant called Stefan constant and its
the vessel. They rise up-wards and are replaced by value is 5.6697 × 10–8 W m–2 K–4
colder particles from the sides. Thus, a circulation of
particles is set up – hot particles constitute the The total energy radiated by a black body at an
upward current and cold particles, the side and absolute temperature T is given by
downward current. E = σT4 × surface area × time
The transfer of heat by convection occurs only in Note : Remember that rate of generation of heat by
fluids, and is the main mode of heat transfer in them.
Most fluids are very poor conductors. V2
electricity is given by H = I2 R or or VI Js–1 or W.
Radiation : R
Thermal Radiation : Thermal radiations are
electromagnetic waves of long wavelengths.
Solved Examples
Black Body : Bodies which absorb the whole of the
incident radiation and emit radiations of all
wavelengths are called black bodies. 1. An earthenware vessel loses 1 g of water per second
It is difficult to realize a perfect black body in due to evaporation. The water equivalent of the
practice. However, a cavity whose interior walls are vessel is 0.5 kg and the vessel contains 9.5 kg of
dull black does behave like a black body. water. Find the time required for the water in the
Absorption : Every surface absorbs a part or all of vessel to cool to 28ºC from 30ºC. Neglect radiation
the radiation falling on it. The degree of absorption losses. Latent heat of vaporization of water in this
depends on the nature and colour of the surface. Dull, range of temperature is 540 cal g–1.
black surfaces are the best absorbers. Polished, white
Sol. Here water at the surface is evaporated at the cost of
surfaces absorb the least. The coefficient of
absorption for a surface is the water in the vessel losing heat.

radiation absorbed Heat lost by the water in the vessel

aλ = = (9.5 + 0.5) × 1000 × (30 – 20) = 105 cal
radiation incident
Let t be the required time in seconds.
The suffix λ denotes the wavelength of the radiation
being considered, Clearly, aλ = 1 for a black body, for Heat gained by the water at the surface
all values of λ. = (t × 10–3) × 540 × 103
Emission : Each surface emits radiation (radiates) (Q L = 540 cal g–1 = 540 × 103 cal kg–1)
continuously. The emissive power (eλ) is defined as
the radiation emitted normally per second per unit ∴ 105 = 540t or t = 185 s = 3 min 5s
solid angle per unit area, in the wave-length range λ
and λ + dλ. Clearly, the emissive power of a black 2. 15 gm of nitrogen is enclosed in a vessel at
body (denoted by Eλ) is the maximum. temperature T = 300 K. Find the amount of heat
required to double the root mean square velocity of
Kirchhoff's Law : According to this law, for the
same conditions of temperature and wavelength, the these molecules.
ratio eλ /aλ is the same for all surfaces and is equal to Sol. The kinetic energy of each molecule with mass m is
Eλ. This simply means that good absorbers are good given by
emitters. Hence, a black body is the best emitter, and 1 3
a polished white body, the poorest emitter. m v 2rms = kT ...(1)
2 2
Prevost's Theory of Exchanges : All bodies emit
radiations irrespective of their temperatures. They If we want to increase the r.m.s. speed to η times,
emit radiations to their environments and receive then the temperature has to be raised to T´. Then,
radiations from their environments simultaneously. In 1 3 1 3
the equilibrium state the exchange between a body mv 2rms = kT´ or mη2 v 2rms = kT´ ...(2)
and the environment of energy continues in equal 2 2 2 2
amounts. From eqs. (1) and (2), T´ = η2T ...(3)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 26 MARCH 2011

The internal energy of n molecules at temperature T Sol. The quantity of heat Q passing across the stone is
is given by given by
5 KA(T1 − T2 ) t
U = nRT Q=
2 d
5 Here A = 3600 sq. cm = 0.36 m2
Similarly, U´ = nRT´
2 d = 10 cm = 0.10 m, (T1 – T2) = 100 – 0 = 100ºC and
5 t = 1 hour = 3600 sec.
∴ Change in internal energy ∆U = nR[T´ – T] K × 0.36 × 100 × 3600
2 ∴ Q= kilo-calories ...(1)
5 0.10
or ∆U = nRT[η2 – 1] Now heat gained by the ice in one hour
= mass of the ice × latent heat of ice
5 m 2
=   RT[η – 1] = 4.8 × 80 kilo calories ...(2)
2 M
From eqs. (1) and (2)
5  15  4 K × 0.36 × 100 × 3600
=   (8.31) (300) [4 – 1] = 10 J 4.8 × 80 =
2  28  0.10
4.8 × 80 × 0.10
or K =
3. 10 gm of oxygen at a pressure 3 × 105 N/m2 and 0.36 × 100 × 3600
temperature 10ºC is heated at constant pressure and
= 3 × 10–4 kilo cal m–1(ºC)–1s–1
after heating it occupies a volume of 10 litres (a) find
the amount of heat received by the gas and (b) the
energy of thermal motion of gas molecules before 5. A flat bottomed metal tank of water is dragged along
heating. a horizontal floor at the rate of 20m/sec. The tank is
Sol. (a) The states of the gas before and after heating are of mass 20 kg and contains 1000 kg of water and all
the heat produced in the dragging is conducted to the
PV1 = RT1 and PV2 = RT2 water through the bottom plate of the tank. If the
µ µ bottom plate has an effective area of conduction 1 m2
Solving these equations for T2, we have and the thickness 5 cm and the temperature of water
µV2 P 32 × (10 × 10 −3 )(3 × 10 5 ) in the tank remains constant at 50ºC, calculate the
T2 = = = 1156 K temperature of the bottom surface of the tank, given
MR (10 × 10 −3 )(8.31× 10 3 ) the coefficient of friction between the tank and the
Now T2 – T1 = 1156 – 283 = 873 K floor is 0.343 and K for the material of the tank is 25
The amount of heat received by the gas is given by cal m–1 s–1 K–1.
M Sol. Frictional force = µ m g
∆Q = CP(T2 – T1) = 0.343 × (1000 + 20) × 9.81 = 3432 N
The rate of dragging, i.e., the distance travelled in
(10 × 10 −3 )29.08 × 10 3 × 873 one second = 20 m.
32 ∴ Work done per second
= 7.9 × 103 J = (3432 × 20) Nm/sec.
(b) The energy of the gas before heating This work done appears as heat at the bottom plate of
M i the tank. Hence
E1 = × × RT1
µ 2 3432 × 20
H= cal/sec
where i = number of degrees of freedom 4.18
= 5 (for oxygen) KA(T1 − T2 )
But H= (Q t = 1 sec)
(10 × 10 −3 )5 × (8.31× 10 −3 )(283) d
2 × 32 3432 × 20 25 × 1× (T1 − T2 )
Now =
= 1.8 × 10 J3 4.18 0.05
3432 × 20 × 0.05
4. A slab of stone of area 3600 sq cm and thickness 10 ∴ T1 – T2 = = 32.84
4.18 × 25 × 1
cm is exposed on the lower surface of steam 100ºC.
A block of ice at 0ºC rests on upper surface of the Temp. of bottom surface T1 = 50 + 32.84
slab. In one hour 4800 gm of ice is melted. Calculate = 82.84ºC
the thermal conductivity of the stone.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 27 MARCH 2011


Atomic Structure, X-Ray & Radio Activity


Atomic Structure : The maximum number of electrons that can be

According to Neil Bohr's hypothesis is the angular accommodated in an orbit is 2n2.
momentum of an electron is quantised. X-rays :
 h  h When fast moving electron strikes a hard metal,
mvr = n   or L = n
 2π  2π X-rays are produced. When the number of electrons
2πr = nλ striking the target metal increases, the intensity of X-
rays increases. When the accelerating voltage/kinetic
h  c  z –1
vn = Zn =  × ms energy of electron increases λmin decreases. X-rays
2πmr  137  n
have the following properties :
 h2  n2 n2 1 (a) Radiations of short wavelength (0.01 Å – 10Å);
rn =  2 
 Z = 0.529 Å where k =
 4π mke
 Z 4 πε 0
high pentrating power; having a speed of 3 × 108 m/s
in vacuum.
 ke 2  15
fn =   × 1 = 6.58 × 10 Hz Continuous spectrum
 hr  n n
 
(Varies & depends on
accelerating voltage) Characteristic spectrum
1 ke 2 Z − ke 2 ke 2 Kα
(fixed for a target material)
K.E. = ; P.E. = × Z; T.E. = – ×Z Kβ
2 r r 2r Lγ Lβ

− 13.6 Z 2
T.E. = ev/atom where –13.6
= Ionisation energy λmin λ
+ P.E. hc hc 12400
⇒ +T.E. = = – K.E. (b) λmin = = = Å
2 eV K.E V
Note : If dielectric medium is present then εr has to
1  1 
be taken into consideration. (c) = R(Z – b)2 1 − 2 
λ  n 
v 1 me 4 z 2  1 1 
= =v= 2 3  2
− 2 b = 1 for k-line transfer of electron
c λ 8ε 0 h c  n1 n 2 
(d) Moseley law ν = a(z – b)
1 2 1  p mv
= RZ  2 − 2  = = R = R0A 1/3
where R0 = 1.2 × 10–15 m
 n1 n 2  h h
R = radius of nucleus of mass number A.
n=7 * Nucleus density is of the order of 1017 kg/m3
n=5 –0.85 eV Isomers are nuclides which have identical atomic
Kδ Lγ Pfund
n=4 number and mass number but differ in their energy
Kγ Lβ Brackett (I.R.)
n=3 (I.R.) –1.5 eV states.

Kβ (I.R.) Nuclear binding energy ∆mc 2
n=2 –3.4 eV =
Balmer Nucleon A
where ∆m = mass defect

Limiting line of Lyman series
–13.6 eV [ Zm p + (A − Z)m n − M ]c 2
Lyman Series
(U.V. rays)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 28 MARCH 2011

* The binding energy per nucleon is small for small (f) In a nuclear fusion reaction small nuclei fuse to
nuclei. give big nuclei whereas in a nuclear fusion reaction a
* For 2 < A < 20, there are well defined maxima big nuclei breaks down.
which indicate that these nuclei are more stable. Thermal neutrons produce fission in fissile nuclei.
* For 30 < A < 120 the average B.E./A is 8.5 MeV / Fast moving neutrons, when collide with atoms of
nucleon with a peak value of 8.8 MeV for Iron. comparable masses, transfer their kinetic energy to
colliding particle and slow down.
* For A > 120, there is a gradual decreases in
B.E./nucleon. ∆λ v
According to Doppler's effect of light =
* More the B.E./A, more is the stability. λ c

Radioactivity : E nhν nhc

Power, P = = =
t t λt
β particles are electrons emitted from the nucleus.
(n → p + β) out put
In put
(a) N = N0e–λt
−dN dN
(b) = λN where = activity level
dt dt
Solved Examples
1  1  T1 / 2
(c) N = N0   = N0  
2 2 1. The energy of an excited hydrogen atom is –3.4 eV.
n Calculate the angular momentum of the electron
⇒ A = A0   where A = activity level according to Bohr theory.
Sol. The energy of the electron in the nth orbit is
0.693 13.6
(d) T1/2 = En = – eV
1 13.6
(e) τ = Here, – = –3.4
λ n2
(f) τ = 1.4 T1/2 or n=2
2.303 N 2.303 A nh 2 × 6.63 × 10 −34
(g) t = log10 0 = log10 0 Angular momentum = =
λ N λ A 2π 2 × 3.14
2.303 m = 2.11 × 10–34 Js.
= log 0
λ m
2. The wavelength of the first member of the Balmer
(h) If a radioactive element decays by simultaneous
series in the hydrogen spectrum is 6563 Å. Calculate
−dN the wavelength of the first member of the Lyman
emission of two particle then = λ1N + λ2N
dt series.
The following parameters remain conserved during a Sol. For the first member of the Balmer series
nuclear reaction
1 1 1 5R
(a) linear momentum = R 2 − 2  = ...(1)
λ  2 3  36
(b) Angular momentum
For the first member of the Lyman series
(c) Number of nucleons
1 1 1 3R
(d) Charge = R 2 − 2 = ...(2)
λ´ 1 2  4
(e) The energy released in a nuclear reaction
Dividing Eq. (1) by Eq. (2)
λ´ 5× 4 5
Q = [mx + mp) – (my + mz)]c2 = ∆m × c2 = =
λ 36 × 3 27
Q = ∆m × 931 MeV
5 5
or λ´ = λ= × 6563 = 1215 Å
27 27

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 29 MARCH 2011

3. Hydrogen atom in its ground state is excited by Sol. Initial kinetic energy of the electron = 50.0 keV
means of a monochromatic radiation of wavelength Energy of the photon produced in the first collision,
970.6 Å. How many different wavelengths are E1 = 50.0 – 25.0 = 25.0 keV
possible in the resulting emission spectrum ? Find the
Wavelength of this photon
longest wavelength amongst these.
Sol. Energy the radiation quantum hc 6.6 × 10 −34 × 3 × 108
λ1 = =
E1 1.6 × 10 −19 × 12.5 × 10 3
hc 6.6 × 10 −34 × 3 × 108
E = hv = = = 0.99 × 10–10 m
λ 970.6 × 10 −10 × 1.6 × 10 −19
= 12.75 eV = 0.99 Å

Energy of the excited sate Kinetic energy of the electron after third collision = 0

En = – 13.6 + 12.75 = – 0.85 eV Energy of the photon produced in the third collision ,
E3 = 12.5 – 0 = 12.5 keV
Now, we know that En = – This is same as E2. Therefore, wavelength of this
photon, λ3 = λ2 = 0.99 Å
13.6 −13.6
or n2 = – = = 16
En − 0.85 5. In an experiment on two radioactive isotopes of an
or n = 4 elements (which do not decay into each other), their
The number of possible transition in going to the mass ratio at a given instant was found to be 3. The
ground state and hence the number of different rapidly decaying isotopes has larger mass and an
wavelengths in the spectrum will be six as shown in activity of 1.0 µCi initially. The half lives of the two
the figure. isotopes are known to be 12 hours and 16 hours.
What would be the activity of each isotope and their
4 mass ratio after two days ?
3 Sol. We have, after two days, i.e., 48 hours,
N1 = N10   = N10 /16
2 2
N2 = N 02   = N 02 /8
N1 N0 8 3× 8 3
The longest wavelength corresponds to minimum Mass ratio = = 10 . = =
N2 N 2 16 162 2
energy difference, i.e., for the transition 4 → 3.
13.6 Now, A10 = λ1 N10 = 1.0 µCi
Now E3 = – = – 1.51 eV
32 After two days,
hc A1 = λ1N1 = λ1 N10 /16 = A10 /16 = (1/16)µCi
= E4 – E3
λ max A2 = λ2N2 = λ2 N 02 /8
6.6 × 10 −34 × 3 × 108 λ2 T 12 3
or λmax = But = 1 = =
(1.51 − 0.85) × 1.6 × 10 −19 λ1 T2 16 4
= 18.75 × 10–7m = 18750 Å 3
or λ2 = λ1
4. X-rays are produced in an X-ray tube by electrons 3  1  1
A2 =  λ1  ×  N10  ×
accelerated through a potential difference of 50.0 kV.  4   3  8
An electron makes three collisions in the target
before coming to rest and loses half its kinetic energy 1 1
= λ1 N10 = A10
in each of the first two collisions. Determine the 32 32
wavelengths of the resulting photons. Neglect the = (1/32) µCi
recoil of the heavy target atoms.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 30 MARCH 2011



Qualitative Analysis : C + N + Na fusion

→ NaCN
Qualitative analysis of an organic compound involves in organic compound sodium cyanide
the detection of various elements present in it. The
elements commonly present in organic compounds X(Cl, Br, I) + Nafusion
→ NaX(X=Cl,Br, I)
are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, halogens, from organic compound sodium halide
sulphur and sometimes phosphorus.
S + 2Na fusion
→ Na2S
Detection of Carbon and Hydrogen :
from organic compound sodium sulphide
This is done by heating the given organic compound
If nitrogen and sulphur both are present in any
with dry cupric oxide in a hard glass test tube when
organic compound, sodium thiocyanate (NaSCN) is
carbon present is oxidised to carbon dioxide and
formed during fusion which in the presence of excess
hydrogen is oxidised to water.
sodium, forms sodium cyanide and sodium sulphide.

C + 2 CuO → CO2 + 2Cu
Na + C + N + S fusion → NaCNS

2H + CuO → H2O + Cu in organic compound sodium thiocyanate
Carbon dioxide turns lime water milky. Detection of Nitrogen :
Ca(OH)2 + CO 2 → CaCO 3 + H2O Take a small quantity of the sodium extract in a test
( from C ) ( Milky ) tube. If not alkaline, make it alkaline by adding 2–3
Water condenses on the cooler parts of the test tube drops of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. To this
and turns anhydrous copper sulphate blue. solution, add 1 mL of freshly prepared solution of
ferrous sulphate. Heat the mixture of the two
CuSO 4 + 5H2O → CuSO 4 .5H2O solutions to boiling and then acidify it with dilute
( white ) ( Blue)
sulphuric acid. The appearance of prussion blue or
Detection of Nitrogen, Sulphur and Halogens : green colouration or precipitate confirms the
Nitrogen, sulphur and halogens in any organic presence of nitrogen in the given organic compound.
compound are detected by Lassaigne's test. Chemistry of the test : The following reactions
Preparation of Lassaigne's Extract (or sodium extract): describe the chemistry of the tests of nitrogen. The
A small piece of sodium is gently heated in an carbon and nitrogen present in the organic compound
ignition tube till it melts. The ignition tube is on fusion with sodium metal give sodium cyanide
removed from the flame, about 50–60 mg of the (NaCN). NaCN being ionic salt dissolves in water.
organic compound added and the tube heated So, the sodium extract contains sodium cyanide.
strongly for 2–3 minutes to fuse the material inside it. Sodium cyanide on reaction with ferrous sulphate
After cooling , the tube is carefully broken in a china gives sodium ferrocyanide. On heating, some of the
dish containing about 20–30 mL of distilled water. ferrous salt is oxidised to the ferric salt and this reacts
The fused material along with the pieces of ignition with sodium ferrocyanide to form ferric-ferrocyanide.
tube are crushed with the help of a glass rod and the 6 NaCN + FeSO4 → Na4[Fe(CN)6] + Na2SO4
contents of the china dish are boiled for a few sodium ferrocyanide
minutes. The sodium salts formed in the above 3Na4[Fe(CN)6] + 2Fe2(SO4)3
reactions (i.e., NaCN, Na2S, NaX or NaSCN)
dissolve in water. Excess of sodium, if any, reacts formed during boiling of the solution
with water to give sodium hydroxide. This alkaline → Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 + 6Na2SO4
solution is called Lassaigne's extract or sodium prussian blue
extract. The solution is then filtered to remove the When nitrogen and sulphur both are present in any
insoluble materials and the filtrate is used for making organic compound, sodium thiocyanate is formed
the tests for nitrogen, sulphur and halogens. during fusion. When extracted with water sodium
Reactions : An organic compound containing C, H, thiocynate goes into the sodium extract and gives
N, S, halogens when fused with sodium metal gives blood red colouration with ferric ions due to the
the following reactions. formation of ferric thiocyanate

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 31 MARCH 2011

Na + C + N + S NaCNS (b)CS2 layer test for detecting bromine and iodine:
from organic Sod. thiocyanate Boil a small quantity of sodium extract with dilute
HNO3 for 1–2 min and cool the solution. To this
3NaCNS + Fe → Fe(CNS)3 + 3Na+ solution, add a few drops of carbon disulphide (CS2)
ferric thiocyanate (blood red) and 1–2 mL fresh chlorine water, and shake.
Note : (i) Some compounds like hydrazine Appearance of orange colour in the CS2 layer
(NH2NH2) although contain nitrogen, they do not confirms the presence of bromine, whereas that of a
respond Lassaigne's test because they do not have violet/purple colouration confirms the presence of
any carbon and hence NaCN in not formed. iodine in the compound.
(ii) Diazonium salts do not show Lassaigne's test 2NaBr(aq) + Cl2 CS
2 → Br2 + NaCl(aq)
because they are unstable and lose nitrogen as N2 gas in sodium extract dissolves in CS2 to
on heating. Hence during fusion, no NaCN is formed give orange colour.
in Lassaigne's extract due the loss of nitrogen.
Detection of Sulphur : 2NaI(aq) + Cl2 CS 2 → I2 + 2NaCl(aq)
The presence of sulphur in any organic compound is in sodium extract dissolves in CS2
detected by using sodium extract as follows: to give purple/violet colour
(a) Lead acetate test : Acidify a small portion of Detection of Phosphorus :
sodium extract with acetic acid and add lead acetate In order to detect phosphorus, the organic compound
solution to it. A black precipitate of lead sulphide is fused with sodium peroxide, when phosphorus is
indicates the presence of sulphur. converted into sodium phosphate.
(CH3COO)2Pb + Na2S H→ PbS + 2CH3COONa 5Na2O2 + 2P Fuse
→ 2 Na 3 PO 4 + 2Na2O
( Compound ) Sod. phosphate
lead acetate black ppt
(b) Sodium nitroprusside test : To a small quantity The fused mass is extracted with water and the water
of sodium extract taken in a test tube, add 2-3 drops is extract is boiled with conc. HNO3. Upon cooling a
of sodium nitroprusside solution. A violet colour few drops of ammonium molybdate solution are
indicates the presence of sulphur. This colour fades added. A yellow ppt. of ammonium
away slowly on standing. phosphomolybdate indicates the presence of
phosphorus in the organic compound.
Na2S + Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] → Na4[Fe(CN)5NOS]
Na3PO4 + 3HNO3 → H3PO4 + 3NaNO3
sodium nitroprusside violet or purple colour
H3PO4 + 12(NH4)2MoO4 + 21 HNO3 →
Detection of Halogens :
( NH 4 ) 3 PO 4 . 12 MoO3 + 21 NH4NO3 + 12H2O
The presence of halogens in any organic compound is ( yellow ppt .)
detected by using sodium extract (Lassaigne's Quantitative Analysis :
extract) by silver nitrate test.
The quantitative analysis of an organic compound
(a) Silver nitrate test: Sodium extract (or means the estimation of percentage composition of
Lassaigne's extract) is boiled with dilute nitric acid to each element present in the organic compound.
decompose sodium cyanide or sodium sulphide (if
Estimation of Nitrogen : Duma's Method :
present) to hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen sulphide
gases, respectively. This solution is cooled and silver Principle : A known mass of the organic substance is
nitrate solution added. A white precipitate soluble in heated with excess of copper oxide in an atmosphere
ammonia shows chlorine, a yellowish precipitate of CO2. Carbon, hydrogen and sulphur (if present) are
sparingly soluble in ammonia indicates bromine, and oxidised to CO2, H2O and SO2 while nitrogen is set
a yellow precipitate insoluble in ammonia shows the free. A small amount of nitrogen may be oxidised to
presence of iodine in the given organic compound. oxides but they are reduced back to free nitrogen by
passing over a hot reduced copper gauze.
NaCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq) ∆
Oxides of nitrogen + Cu → CuO + N2
white precipitate
The nitrogen thus formed is collected over conc.
(soluble in ammonia)
KOH solution taken in Schiff's nitrometer tube which
NaBr(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → AgBr(s) + NaNO3(aq) absorbs all other gases i.e., CO2, H2O vapours, SO2
light yellow ppt. etc. The volume of nitrogen collected is converted to
(sparingly soluble in ammonia) STP and from this the precentage of nitrogen can be
NaI(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → AgI(s) + NaNO3(aq)
% age of Nitrogen
yellow precipitate
28 Vol. of N 2 at STP
(insoluble in ammonia) = × × 100
22400 Mass of Substance taken

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 32 MARCH 2011


Inorganic BORON FAMILY &

Fundamentals CARBON FAMILY
Tetragonal (i) to hydrocarbons by treatment with carboxylic
Boron family: structures of the boranes : acids,
The bonding and structures of the boranes are of (ii) to alcohols by reaction with alkaline H2O2, or
great interest. They are different from all other (iii) to either ketones or carboxylic acids by oxidation
hydrides. There are not enough valency electrons to with chromic acid.
form conventional two-electron bonds between all of The complete process is called hydroboration, and
the adjacent pairs of atoms, and so these compounds results in cis-hydrogenation, or cis-hydration. Where
are termed electron deficient. the organic molecule is not symmetrical, the reaction
In diborane there are 12 valency electrons, three from follows the anti-Markovnikov rule, that is B attaches
each B atom and six from the H atoms. Electron to the least substituted C atom.
diffraction results indicate the structure shown in BR3 + 3CH3COOH → 3RH + B(CH3COO)3
H H 1.33Å H
B(CH2 . CH2R)3 + H2O2 → 3RCH2CH2OH + H3BO3
B B primary alcohol
H H 1.33Å H
The higher boranes have an open cage structure. Both H2CrO4
normal and multi-centre bonds are required to explain R R´
these structures : ketone
1. Terminal B–H bonds. These are normal covalent H 2 CrO 4
bonds, that is two-centre two-electron (2c-2e) bonds. (CH.3 . CH2)3—B → CH 3COOH
carboxylic acid
2. B–B bonds. These are also normal 2c-2e bonds.
3. Three-centre bridge bonds including B.... H....B (CH.3 . CH2)3—B + CO 
as in diborane. These are 3c-2e bonds. H O2
[(CH3 . CH2)3 – CBO]2 2 →
4. Three-centre bridge bonds including B...B.... B,
similar to the hydrogen bridge. These are called open [CH3 . CH2]3—COH
boron bridge bonds, and are of the type 3c-2e. Hydroboration is a simple and useful process for two
5. Closed 3c-2e bonds between three B atoms. main reasons :
B (i) The mild conditions required for the initial
hydride addition.
(ii) The variety of products which can be produced
B B using different reagents to break the B—C bond.
Reactions of the Boranes : Reaction with ammonia :
Hydroboration : A very important reaction occurs All the boranes act as Lewis acids and can accept
between B2H6 (or BF3 + NaBH4) and alkenes and electron pairs. Thus they react with amines, forming
alkynes. simple adducts. They also react with ammonia, but
the products depend on the conditions :
B2H6 + 3RCH=CHR → B(CH2–CH2R)3
2 B2H6 + 2(Me)3N → 2[Me3N . BH3]
1 excess NH
B2H6 + 3RC ≡ R → B(RC=CHR)3 B2H6 + NH3  temperatur
low  3 → e B2H6 . 2NH3

The reactions are carried out in dry ether under an excess NH 3

atmosphere of dinitrogen because B2H6 and the    →
higher temperature
(BN)x boron nitride
products are very reactive. The alkylborane products
ratio 2 NH :1B H
BR3 are not usually isolated. They may be converted higher
 temperatur
3 2
6e → B3N3H6 borazine
as follows :

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 33 MARCH 2011

The compound B2H6 . 2NH3 is ionic, and comprises important species are the cyanide, cyanate, and
[H3N → BH2 ← NH3]+ and [BH4]– ions. On heating, thiocyanate ions and their derivatives.
it forms borazine. 1. Cyanogen. There are three known isomers of
Boron nitride is a white slippery solid. One B atom composition C2N2 :
and one N atom together have the same number of N≡C–C≡N C=N–C≡N C=N–N=C
valency electrons as two C atoms. Thus boron nitride 1 2 3
has almost the same structure as graphite, with sheets Isomer2, isocyanogen, and isomer 3, diisocyanogen,
made up of hexagonal rings of alternate B and N have been detected by nmr and other spectroscopies;
atoms joined together. The sheets are stacked one on isocyanogen is extremely unstable and polymerizes
top of the other, giving a layer structure. above –80ºC. Isomer 1, cyanogen, is a flammable gas
Borazine B3N3H6 is sometimes called 'inorganic which is stable even though it is unusually
benzene' because its structure shows some formal endothermic (∆H f 298 = 297 kJ mol–1). It can be
similarity with benzene, with delocalized electrons prepared by oxidation of HCN using (a) O2 with a
and aromatic character. Their physical properties are silver catalyst, (b) Cl2 over activated carbon or silica,
also similar. or (c) NO2 over calcium oxide-glass; the last reaction
3BCl3 + 3NH4Cl
B3N3H6 allows the NO produced to be recycled :
2HCN + NO2 → (CN)2 + NO + H2O
MeMgBr Cyanogen can also be obtained from the cyanide ion
by aqueous oxidation using Cu2+ (cf. the Cu2+ – I–
B3N3H3(Me)3 reaction) :
Hydride Anions of Aluminium : Cu2+ + 2CN– → CuCN + ½(CN)2
Both Al and Ga hydride anions are obtained by the or acidified peroxodisulfate. A better procedure for
reaction dry (CN)2 employs the reaction
4LiH + MCl3 Et
 2O
→ LiMH4 + 3LiCl Hg(CN)2 + HgCl2 → Hg2Cl2 + (CN)2

However, for AlH4 the sodium salt can be obtained The cyanogen molecule, N ≡C–C ≡ N, is linear. It
by direct interaction : dissociates into CN– radicals, and, like RX and X2
compounds, it can oxidatively add to lower-valent
Na + Al + 2H2 THF
 → NaAlH4 metal atoms giving dicyano complexes, for example,
150 º C / 2000 psi / 24 th

The salt is obtained by precipitation with toluene and (Ph3P)4Pd + (CN)2 → (Ph3P)2Pd(CN)2 + 2PPh3
can be converted efficiently to the lithium salt : A further resemblance to the halogens is the
disproportion in basic solution :
NaAlH4 + LiCl Et
 2O
→ LiAlH4 + NaCl(s)
(CN)2 + 2OH– → CN– + OCN– + H2O
The most important compound is lithium aluminum
hydride, LiAlH4, a nonvalatile crystalline solid, stable Thermodynamically this reaction can occur in acid
below 120ºC, that is explosively hydrolyzed by solution, but it is rapid only in base. Cyanogen has a
water. In the crystal there are tetrahedral AlH4– ions large number of reactions. A stoichiometric mixture
with an average Al–H distance of 1.55 Å. The Li+ of O2 and (CN)2 burns, producing one of the hottest
ions each have four near hydrogen neighbors flames (~ 5050 K) known from a chemical reaction.
(1.88 – 2.00Å) and a fifth that is more remote Impure (CN)2 can polymerize on heating to give a
(2.16Å). Lithium aluminum hydride is soluble in polymer, paracyanogen which will depolymerize
diethyl and other ethers and can be solubilized in above ~ 850ºC.
benzene by crown ethers. In ethers, the Li+, Na+, and N N N N
R4N+ salts of AlH4– and GaH4– tend to form three C C C C
types of species depending on the concentration and
on the solvent, namely, either loosely or tightly C C C C
bound aggregates or ion pairs. Thus LiAlH4 is N N N N
extensively associated in diethyl ether, but at low 2. Hydrogen Cyanide : Like the hydrogen halides,
concentrations in THF there are ion pairs. Sodium HCN is a covalent, molecular substance, but is a
aluminum hydride (NaAlH4) is insoluble in diethyl weak acid in aqueous solution (pK = 9.0).
Proton transfer studies, however, show that as with
Carbon Family : Compounds with C—N Bonds; normal protonic acids, direct proton transfer to base B
Cyanides and Related compounds:
B : + HCN → BH+ + CN–
An important area of "inorganic" carbon chemistry is
that of compounds with C—N bonds. The most occurs without participation of water.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 34 MARCH 2011

The colorless gas is extremely toxic (though much
less so than H2S); it is formed on addition of strong
acids to cyanides and on a large scale industrially by Elements Named for Places
the reaction :
This is an alphabetical list of element toponyms or
CH4 + NH3 1200
→ HCN + 3H2 elements named for places or regions. Ytterby in
Sweden has given its name to four elements: Erbium,
∆H = –247 kJ mol–1
Terbium, Ytterbium and Yttrium.
Hydrogen cyanide condenses at 25.6ºC to a liquid
with a very high dielectric constant (107 at 25ºC). • Americium : America, the Americas
Here, as in similar cases, such as water, the high
dielectric constant is due to association of • Berkelium : University of California at Berkeley
intrinsically very polar molecules by hydrogen • Californium : State of California and University
bonding. Liquid HCN is unstable and can polymerize of California at Berkeley
violently in the absence of stabilizers: in aqueous
solutions polymerization is induced by ultraviolet • Copper : probably named for Cyprus
• Darmstadtium : Darmstadt, Germany
3. Cyanides. Sodium cyanide is made by absorbing
gaseous HCN in NaOH or Na2CO3 solution. It used • Dubnium : Dubna, Russia
to be made by the reaction of molten sodium with
ammonia first to give NaNH2, which reacts with • Erbium : Ytterby, a town in Sweden
carbon to give sodium cyanamide Na2NCN and
• Europium : Europe
finally NaCN according to the stoichiometry
NaNH2 + C NaCN + H2 • Francium : France
In crystalline alkali cyanides at normal temperatures, • Gallium : Gallia, Latin for France. Also named
the CN– ion is rotationally disordered and is thus for Lecoq de Boisbaudran, the element's
effectively spherical with a radius of 1.92 Å. Hence
discoverer (Lecoq in Latin is gallus)
NaCN has the NaCl structure.
The main use of NaCN is in the extraction of gold • Germanium : Germany
and silver from their ores by the formation of cyano
• Hafnium : Hafnia, Latin for Copenhagen
complexes. The ions Ag+, Hg 22 + , and Pb2+ give
insoluble cyanides. • Hassium : Hesse, Germany
Calcium cyanamide (CaNCN) is made in an impure • Holmium : Holmia, Latin for Stockholm
form, largely for fertilizer use, by the reaction
• Lutetium : Lutecia, ancient name for Paris
CaC + N2 −
1000 º C
→ CaNCN + C .
∆H = –297kJ mol–1 • Magnesium : Magnesia prefecture in Thessaly,
4. Cyanogen Halides : The most important
compound is cyanogen chloride (bp 13ºC), which is • Polonium : Poland
obtained by the action of Cl2 on HCN, by electrolysis
of aqueous solutions of HCN and NH4Cl, and in • Rhenium : Rhenus, Latin for Rhine, a German
other ways. It may be polymerized thermally to province
cyanuric chloride, which has the cyclic triazine
structure similar to that of melamine. The chlorine • Ruthenium : Ruthenia, Latin for Russia
atoms in C3N3Cl3 are labile and there is an extensive • Scandium : Scandia, Latin for Scandinavia
organic chemistry of triazines, since these
compounds are widely used in herbicides and dye • Strontium : Strontian, a town in Scotland
stuffs. Compound of the type (XCN)3, X = F or Cl,
react with stoichiometric amounts of F2/AsF5 in • Terbium : Ytterby, Sweden
CFCl3 to give [X3C3N3F] [AsF6]. • Thulium : Thule, a mythical island in the far
Cl N Cl north (Scandinavia?)
N N • Ytterbium : Ytterby, Sweden

Cl • Yttrium : Ytterby, Sweden

(cyanuric chloride)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 35 MARCH 2011

Inorganic Chemistry

NiO + B2O3 ∆
1. A green coloured compound (A) gave the following
Ni(BO 2 ) 2 [Oxidising flame]
reactions : Nickel meta
(i) (A) dissolves in water to give a green solution. borate ( Brown )
The solution on reaction with AgNO3 gives a ∆
white ppt. (B) which dissolves in NH4OH solution Ni(BO2)2 + C Ni + B2O3 + CO
and reappears on addition of dil. HNO3. It on [Reducing flame]
heating with K2Cr2O7 and conc. H2SO4 produced
(iii) NiCl2 + H2S → 2HCl + NiS ↓
a red gas which dissolves in NaOH to give yellow Black ppt .
solution (C). Addition of lead acetate solution to NiS + 2HCl + [O] → NiCl 2 + H2S ↑
(C) gives a yellow ppt. which is used as a paint. (A)
(ii) The hydroxide of cation of (A) in borax bead test
(iv) NiCl 2 + 2NaHCO3 → NiCO3 + 2NaCl
gives brown colour in oxidising flame and grey (A)
colour in reducing flame.
+ CO2 + H2O
(iii) Aqueous solution of (A) gives a black ppt. on
2NiCO3 + 4NaOH + [O] ∆ Ni 2 O 3 ↓
passing H2S gas. The black ppt. dissolves in
aquaregia and gives back (A). Black ppt .
( D)
(iv) (A) on boiling with NaHCO3 and Br2 water gives
a black ppt. (D) + 2Na2CO3 + H2O
(v) (A) on treatment with KCN gives a light green (v) NiCl 2 + 2KCN → Ni(CN ) 2 + 2KCl
(A) Green ppt .
ppt. (E) which dissolves in excess of KCN to give (E)
(F). (F) on heating with alkaline bromine water Ni(CN)2 + 2KCN → K 2 [ Ni(CN ) 4 ]
gives the same black ppt. as (D). ( F)
Identify compounds (A) to (F) and give balanced
NaOH + Br2 → NaOBr + HBr
equations of the reactions.
Sol. Reaction (i) indicates that (A) contains Cl– ions 2K2[Ni(CN)4] + 4NaOH + 9NaOBr ∆
because, it gives white ppt. soluble in NH4OH. It is Ni 2 O 3 ↓ + 4KCNO + 9NaBr + 4NaCNO
again confirmed because it gives chromyl chloride (D)
test. The colour of oxidising and reducing flames
indicate that (A) also contains Ni2+ ions. Hence, (A) 2. When a substance (A) was treated with dilute HCl, a
is NiCl2. The different reactions are : colourless gas (B) was evolved, which turned moist
(i) NiCl2 + 2AgNO3 → 2AgCl + Ni(NO3)2 litmus paper red. On bubbling (B) through lime
water, a precipitate (C) was formed, but passage of
AgCl + 2NH3 → [Ag( NH 3 ) 2 ]Cl
So lub le
further gas resulted in a clear solution (D) . A small
sample of (A) was moistened with conc. HCl and
Ag(NH3)2Cl + 2HNO3 → AgCl ↓ + 2NH4NO3
white ppt . ( B) placed on a platinum wire, and introduced into a
The equations of chromyl chloride tests are : Bunsen burner flame where it caused a green flame
colouration. On strong heating, (A) decomposed,
NiCl2 + Na2CO3 → 2NaCl + NiCO3
giving a white solid (E) which turned red litmus
4NaCl + K2Cr2O7 + 6H2SO4 → 4NaHSO4 + 2KHSO4
paper blue. 1.9735 g of (A) was heated strongly and
+ 3H2O + 2CrO 2 Cl 2 gave 1.5334 g of (D). The sample (D) was dissolved
Re d gas
in water and made upto 250 ml in a standard flask. 25 ml
CrO2Cl2 + 4NaOH → Na 2 CrO 4 + 2NaCl + 2H2O aliquots were titrated with acid and required 20.30 ml
Yellow solution ( C )
of 0.0985 M HCl. Name the compounds (A) to (E)
Na2CrO4 + (CH3COO)2Pb → PbCrO 4 + 2CH3COONa and give chemical equations for all the reactions.
Yellow ppt .
Calculate the gram molecular weight of (A).
(ii) Na2B4O7 . 10H2O ∆ Na2B4O7 + 10H2O Sol. (A) + dil.HCl → gas (B) lim e water
→ milky
Na2B4O7 ∆ 2 NaBO 2 + B 2 O 3 ⇒ gas (B) can be either of SO2 or CO2
144 42444 3 ⇒ (A) can be BaSO3 or BaCO3 (BaXO3, X = S or C)
Transparent bead
BaXO3 → BaO + XO2
(A) (E) (B)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 36 MARCH 2011

(i) Confirmation of X - (Ba = 137, X = X, O = 16) 2Cr2O3 + 8NaOH + 3O2 → 4Na2CrO4 + 4H2O
Ba + X + 3(O) 137 + X + 48 1.9735 yellow soln. (D)
= =
Ba +O 137 + 16 1.5334 4. A metal (A) gives the following observations :
X = 11.91 = 12 (i) It gives golden yellow flame.
Thus, (X) is Carbon (ii) It is highly reactive and used in photoelectric cells
(ii) Confirmation of Ba - 1.5334 g of BaO [suppose as well as used in the preparation of Lassaigane
it is unknown MO of molecular weight (M +16)] solution.
were dissolved is 250 ml solution. (iii) (A) on fusion with NaN3 and NaNO3 separately,
25 ml of MO = 20.30 ml of 0.0985 M HCl yields an alkaline oxide (B) and an inert gas (C).
= 20.30 ml of 0.0985 N HCl The gas (C) when mixed with H2 in Haber's
N(MO) = 0.08 N process gives another gas (D). (D) turns red
MO - Milliequivalent = 0.08 x 250 litmus blue and gives white dense fumes with
0.08x 250 HCl.
equivalent = = 0.02
1000 (iv)Compound (B) react with water forming on
no. of mol = 0.01(since MO has divalent cation) alkaline solution (E). (E) is used for the
Weight saponification of oils and fats to give glycerol and
∴ no. of mol = = 0.01 a hard soap.
Molecular weight of MO (v) (B) on heating at 670 K give (F) and (A). The
= m = 153.34 g mol-1 for MO compound (F) liberates H2O2 on reaction with dil.
Thus, atomic weight of M = 153.34 – 16 = 137.34 mineral acids. It is an oxidising agent and
therefore M is Ba and MO is BaO oxidises Cr(OH)3 to chromate, manganous salt to
⇒ A is BaCO3 manganate, sulphides to sulphates.
Molar mass of BaCO3 = 197.4 g mol-1 (vi) (B) reacts with liquid ammonia to give (G) and
BaCO3 + 2HCl → BaCl2+ H2O + CO2 (E) (G) is used for the conversion of 1, 2
(A) (B) dihaloalkanes into alkynes.
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O What are (A) to (G)? Explain the reactions involved.
(C) Sol. (i) (A) appears to be Na as it gives the golden yellow
CaCO3+ H2O + CO2 → Ca((HCO3)2 flame. It is also used in the preparation of
(D) Lassaigane solution which is sodium extract of
∆ organic compounds.
BaCO3 → BaO + CO2
Na + C + N → NaCN
Na + Cl → NaCl
3. A solution of a salt (A) when treated with calculated 2Na + S → Na2S
quantity of sodium hydroxide gave a green coloured (ii) Compound (B) is Na2O and (C) is N2 while (D) is
ppt (B), which dissolve in excess of NaOH. (B) acts NH3, as (D) is alkaline and turns red litmus blue
as a weak base and loses water on heating to give a and gives white fumes with HCl
green powder (C). The green powder is used as (C) + H2 → NH3
refractory material. When (C) is fused with an alkali N2 + 3H2 2 NH 3
in presence of air or oxidising agent, a yellow ( D)
coloured solution (D) is obtained. Identify the NH3 + HCl → NH4Cl
compounds from (A) to (D) - White fumes
Sol. The compound (A) is chromic salt. The chemical (iii) is prepared from Na as follows.
reactions are as under - 2NaNO3 + 10 Na → 6 Na 2 O + N 2
(i) With calculated quantity of sodium hydroxide - ( B) (C)
CrCl3 + 3NaOH → Cr(OH)3 + 3NaCl 3NaN3 + NaNO2 → 2 Na 2O + N 2
green ppt (B)
( B) (C)
(ii) In excess of sodium hydroxide, soluble NaCrO2 is
formed (iv)Compound (E) is NaOH as it is used in the
preparation of soaps.
Cr(OH)3 + NaOH → NaCrO2 + 2H2O
(sod. chromite) Na 2O + H2O → 2 NaOH
( B) (E)
(iii) Since Cr(OH)3 contains -OH group, so it will act
as a base. On heating it will lose water to give CH2OOCC17H35 CH2OH
Cr2O3 powder (C)

2Cr(OH)3 → Cr2O3 + 3H2O CHOOCC17H35 + 3NaOH CH2OH + 3C17H35COONa
(C) (soap)
(iv) On fusing Cr2O3 with an alkali in presence of CH2OOCC17H35 CH2OH
oxygen or oxidising agent, a yellow soluble
chromate will be formed -

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 37 MARCH 2011

(v) (F) is sodium peroxide as only peroxides gives H2O2 (iii) Cu + 2HCl → CuCl2 + H2
on reaction with dil. acids. [D]
2 Na 2 O 670
 K
→ Na 2 O 2 + 2 Na 2CuCl2+K4[Fe(CN)6] → Cu 2 [Fe(CN ) 6 ] ↓ + 4KCl
( B) ∆ ( F) (A) chocolate ppt

Na 2 O 2 + H 2SO 4 → H2O2 + Na2SO4 (iv) SO2 + Ca(OH)2 → CaSO 3 ↓

( F) dil. (F) ppt
(F) gives the following oxidations :
Cr(OH)3 + 5OH– → CrO42– + 4H2O + 3e–
Mn2+ + 8OH– → MnO4– + 4H2O + 5e–
S2– + 8OH– → SO42– + 4H2O + 8e–
The reduction equation of (F) is
O22– + 2H2O + 2e– → 4OH–
(vi) (G) is sodamide because it is used in the
dehydrohalogenation reactions.
Na 2 O + NH3(l) → NaNH 2 + NaOH
( B) (G ) (E) An acid-base indicator is a weak acid or a weak
base. The undissociated form of the indicator is a
CH3 – CH – CH2 + 2NaNH2 ∆ CH3 – C ≡ CH different color than the iogenic form of the indicator.
Br Br Propyne An Indicator does not change color from pure acid to
+ 2NaBr + 2NH3 pure alkaline at specific hydrogen ion concentration,
but rather, color change occurs over a range of
5. (i) A blue coloured compound (A) on heating gives hydrogen ion concentrations. This range is termed
two products, (B) and (C). the color change interval. It is expressed as a pH
(ii) A metal (D) is deposited on passing hydrogen range.
through heated (B). How is an indicator used?
(iii) The solution of (D) in HCl on treatment with
Weak acids are titrated in the presence of indicators
K4[Fe(CN)6] gives a chocolate brown coloured
which change under slightly alkaline conditions.
precipitate of compound (E)
Weak bases should be titrated in the presence of
(iv)(C) turns lime water milky which disappears on
indicators which change under slightly acidic
continuous passage of (C) forming a compound
Identify (A) to (F) and give chemical equations Some common acid-base indicators?
for the reactions at steps (i) to (iv).
Indicator pH Range Acid Base
Sol. [A] heat
→ [B] + [C]
Thymol Blue 1.2-2.8 red yellow
Blue colour
( i ) HCl Pentamethoxy red 1.2-2.3 red-violet colorless
Heated [B] H
→ [D] (   → [E]
ii ) K [ Fe ( CN ) ] 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2.4-4.0 colorless yellow
4 6
Metal chocolate coloured Methyl yellow 2.9-4.0 red yellow
lim e
→ Milky [→
[C] water C]
Milkiness disappears Methyl orange 3.1-4.4 red orange

[F] -Naphthyl red 3.7-5.0 red yellow

Conclusions from the above set of reactions Bromcresol green 4.0-5.6 yellow blue
(a) Reaction of the solution of the metal [D] in HCl
Methyl red 4.4-6.2 red yellow
with potassium ferrocyanide to give chocolate
coloured precipitate indicates that the metal [D] is Bromcresol purple 5.2-6.8 yellow purple
copper. Hence the blue coloured compound [A] must Chlorphenol red 5.4-6.8 yellow red
be a copper salt, most probably copper sulphate. Phenol red 6.4-8.0 yellow red
(b) Reaction of [C] with lime water indicates that
[C] is SO2 gas. Thymol blue 8.0-9.6 yellow blue
Hence all the given reactions in steps (i) to (iv) can Phenolphthalein 8.0-10.0 colorless red
be written as below. -Naphtholbenzein 9.0-11.0 yellow blue
(i) CuSO4750 C
→ CuO + SO3 SO2 + ½ O2 Thymolphthalein 9.4-10.6 colorless blue
[A] [B] [C] Nile blue 10.1-11.1 blue red
(ii) CuO (hot) + H2 → Cu + H2O
Poirrier's blue 11.0-13.0 blue violet-pink
[B] [D]
Trinitrobenzoic acid 12.0-13.4 colorless orange-red

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 38 MARCH 2011

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 39 MARCH 2011

`tà{xÅtà|vtÄ V{tÄÄxÇzxá 11
This section is designed to give IIT JEE aspirants a thorough grinding & exposure to variety
of possible twists and turns of problems in mathematics that would be very helpful in facing
IIT JEE. Each and every problem is well thought of in order to strengthen the concepts and
we hope that this section would prove a rich resource for practicing challenging problems and
enhancing the preparation level of IIT JEE aspirants.
By : Shailendra Maheshwari
So lu t ion s wi l l b e p ub lished in nex t issue Joint Director Academics, Career Point, Kota

1. For complex numbers z1 = x1 + iy1 and z2 = x2 + iy2 x+ y 2 + f ( x) + f ( y )

7. If f   =
we write z1 ∩ z2, if x1 ≤ x2 and y1 ≤ y2. The for all  3  3
1− z for all real x and y. If f ´(2) = 2, then f(2) is -
complex numbers z with 1 ∩ z, we have ∩ 0,
1+ z
Justify the result. Passage :
Let Z denotes the set of integers. Let p be a prime
2. AP and BQ are fixed parallel tangents to a circle, and number and let z1 ≡ {0, 1}. Let f : z → z and
a tangent at any point C cuts them at P and Q g : z → z1 are two functions defined as follows :
respectively. Show that CP.CQ is independent of the f(n) = pn; if n ∈ z and
position of C on the circle. g(n) = 1; if n is a perfect square
= 0, otherwise.
3. Let f(x) = ax2 + bx + c & g(x) = cx2 + bx + a, such
8. g(f(x)) is -
that |f(0)| ≤ 1, |f(1)| ≤ 1 and |f(–1)| ≤ 1. Prove that
(A) many one into
|f(x)| ≤ 5/4 and |g(x)| ≤ 2
(B) many one onto
(C) one one onto
4. A straight line is drawn throguh the origin (D) one one into
and parallel to the tangent to the curve
9. f(g(x)) = p has -
x + a2 − y2  a + a2 − y2 
  (A) no real root
= ln   at an arbitrary
a  y (B) at least one real root
 
(C) infinity many roots
point M. Show that the locus of the points P of
(D) exactly one real root
intersection of this straight line and the straight line
parallel to the x-axis and passing through the point M 10. g(f(x)) is –
is a circle. (A) non periodic function
(B) odd function
 1 (C) even function
n n
Cr  , If n is even (D) None of these
5. Show that ∑ (−2) r
r +2
=  n +1

r =0 , If n is odd
n + 2

∫x tan −1 x dx , then expression In in terms
6. Let In =

of In–2.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 40 MARCH 2011


1. g(x) = sin x ; 0 ≤ x < π/2 A

1 ; π/2 ≤ x ≤ π
sin2 x/2 ; π<x
lim g(x) = lim g(x) = g(π/2) = 1
x→π 2− x→π 2+

lim g(x) = lim g(x) = g(π) = 1

x→π− x→π+
g´(π–) = g´(π +) = 0 B D C
and g´(π/2–) = g´(π/2+) = 0
Hence g(x) is continuous and differentiable in (0,∞) =1+s ...(1)
sin x sin(sin x)
2. < t
x sin x = –s ...(2)
sin θ |c|
Let f(θ) = ; 0 < θ < π/2 t t | b || c |
θ so =1– ⇒ t=
θ cos θ − sin θ |b| |c| |b|+|c|
f ´(θ) = use it in line AD .
cos θ . (θ − tan θ) | b || c |  b c  b | c | +c | b |
= < 0 as tan θ > θ pt D : .  + =
θ2 | b | + | c |  | b | | c |  |b |+|c |
so f(θ) ↓ which divides BC in ratio of |c| : |b|
so f(x) < f(sinx) as sin x < x similary use eq. of external angle bisector line AE
6.5  b c 
3. (i) 6C4 = = 15 ⇒ r = p  − 
2 
|b | | c |
(ii) coeff. of x4 in (1 – x)–6 solve it with BC to find pt. E.
= 4 + 6 – 1C6 – 1 = 9C5 = = 126 5. Consider
eix(1 + eix)n = eix [1 + nC1eix + nC2ei2x + .... + nCneinx]
(iii) select 3 different flavours : 6C3 ways  n+2 
choose (at least one from each) 4 cones :
i x x
e 2 
. 2cosn = eix + n
C1ei2x + n
C2ei3x +...
C3 – 1 = 3C2 = 3 ways 2
6.5.4 ....+ nCnei(n+ 1)x
so required ways = 6C3 × 3 = × 3 = 60 Compare real parts & get (a)
Compare imaginary. parts & get (b)
(iv) Select 2 different flavours : 6C2 ways
choose (at least one from each) 4 cones ; 6. Let Ei = the event that originator will not receive a
C2 – 1 = 3C1 = 3 letter in the ith stage.
so required ways (either 2 or 3 different flavours) Originator sands letters to two persons so in 1st stage
6.5 he will not get letter.
= 60 + 6C2 3 = 60 + × 3 = 105 Prob. that letter sent by 1st received is not received
4. Let A at origin & P.V. of B & C are C (n − 2)(n − 3) n − 3
by originator is n −1 2 = =
b & c. C1 (n − 1)(n − 2) n −1
 b c  similarly prob. that letter sent by 2nd receipiant is not
So line AD ⇒ r = t  +  n−3
|b| |c| received by originator is
n −1
& line BC ⇒ r = b + ∆ ( b – c ) so P(E2) = prob. that originator not received letter in
solve them together to find pt. D 2
 n−3
 b c  2nd stage is =   .
t  +  = b + s ( b – c )  n −1 
|b| |c|

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 41 MARCH 2011

similarly P(E3) = prob. that originator not receive 1 1 1 π/ 2

letter sent by the four person getting letters from two 7

– + –
5 3 0 ∫
sin 2θ sec θdθ
recipients is
29 181
 n −3  n −3  n −3  n −3  n − 3  n −3
 . . . =  = 
4 22 =
+ 2(cos θ) 0π / 2 – 0 dθ = –∫105
 n −1   n −1   n −1   n −1   n −1   n −1 
8 23 9. 9x2 – 24xy + 16y2 – 18x – 101y + 19 = 0]
 n −3  n −3
Similarly, P(E4) =   =   (3x – 4y)2 = 18x + 101y – 19.
 n −1   n −1  Let the vertex of the parabola be A(α, β). Shift origin
2k –1
 n − 3 to A and y-axis along the tangent at vertex (3x – 4y + l).
Similarly, P(Ek) =   So the axis of parabola be 4x + 3y + m = 0 (along x
 n −1 
axis) If L.R. of parabola be a then it’s equation is
So the required prob. is
P(E) = prob. the originator not receive letter in 1st k
= P(E1) . P(E2) . ........ P(Ek)
2+ 22 + 23 +....2k −1
 n−3
=  
 n −1 
2k −1 −1
2. ( 2k − 2 )
 n−3 2−1  n −3  3x − 4 y + l 
 4x + 3 y + m 
=   =    = a 
 n −1   n −1   5   5 
x x
∫ ∫
2 2
7. y = f(x) = e zx− z dz = e zx .e − z dz (3x – 4y + l)2 – 5a(4x + 3y + m) = 0
0 0
9x2 – 24xy + 16y2 + (6l – 20a)x + (–8l – 15a)y
x 1 x
+ (l2 – 5am) = 0
∫ ∫
2 2
y´ = e zx .e − z dz + 1 = – e zx (−2 ze − z ) dz + 1
0 2 0 comp. it with given equation.
1  z 2 zx x x  1 6l – 20a = –18

=– (e .e ) 0 − xe − z .e zx dz  + 1 = xy + 1
2  0  2 ⇒ 24l – 80a = –72 ...(1)
dy 1 –8l –15a = –101
– xy = 1 ⇒ –24l – 45a = –303 ...(2)
dx 2
From (1) & (2)
I.F. = e ∫
− x / 2 dx 2
= e−x / 4 ⇒ 125a = –375 ⇒ a=3
10. circle : (x – 1)2 + (y – 1)2 = 1
∫ ∫
2 2 2
Sol is y . e − x /4
= e−x /4
dx = e−z /4
0 ⇒ x2 + y2 – 2x – 2y + 1 = 0

2 2
x /4 −z / 4
y= e e dz.
8. ∫ sin n θ sec θ dθ = ∫ sin (n –1 + 1) θ sec θ dθ (0,1)B
= ∫ sin (n – 1)θ + cos (n – 1)θ sin θ sec θ ) dθ E
= ∫ sin (n – 1)θ + [ sin (n – 1)θ cos θ
– sin (n – 2)θ sec θ ] dθ
= ∫ (2 sin (n – 1)θ – sin (n – 2)θ sec θ ) dθ
2 cos(n − 1)θ
=– – ∫ sin (n – 2)θ secθ dθ
n −1 Let the line be y = mx
1 π 2 sin 8θ − sin 2θ 1
Altitude of ∆ =
2 0∫ cos θ

1 + m2
1  2
π/2 π2 For DE length : solve line with circle.

=  − cos 7θ 
2  7 0

sin 6θ sec θdθ ∫ x2 + m2x2 – 2x – 2mx + 1 = 0
(1 + m2)x2 – 2(1 + m)x + 1 = 0
π2  |x1 – x2| = ( x1 + x 2 ) 2 − 4 x1 x 2
− ∫ 0
sin 2θ sec θdθ

4(1 + m) 2 1 2
1 2 2 2 π/2 = −4 = 2m
− − (cos 3θ) 0π / 2 −
2  7 5 3 ∫ 0
sin 2θ sec θdθ (1 + m ) 2 2
1+ m 2
1 + m2

|DE| = x12 + 1 |x1 – x2| = 2
− ∫
sin 2θ sec θdθ
 1 + m2

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 42 MARCH 2011

Students' Forum
Expert’s Solution for Question asked by IIT-JEE Aspirants
1. Find the value of x for which the 6th term of Sol. Here, the tower PQ = h m.
 log(10 – 3x ) 5 ( x – 2) log 3 
m From the right-angled ∆PQA, QA = hcot 45º = h.
 2 + 2  , m ∈ N P
 
is equal to 21 and binomial coefficients of the 2nd, 3rd
and 4th terms are the first, third and fifth terms of an h 60º C
Sol. The binomial coefficients of the 2nd , 3rd and 4th terms 60º
Q 100 m
are mC1, mC2 and mC3. B 45º
From the question, mC1 = a, mC2 = a + 2d, mC3 = a + 4d, 100 m
the first term of AP = a, common difference = d. A
∴ 2 mC2 = 2a + 4d = mC1 + mC3 h
m(m – 1) m(m – 1)(m – 2) From the right-angled ∆PQB, BQ = hcot 60º = .
or 2. =m+ 3
2 6 h
m(m – 1)(m – 2) From the right-angled ∆PQC, CQ = hcot 60º = .
or m(m – 1) = m + 3
m(m – 1)(m – 2) ∴ BQ = CQ =
or m(m – 2) = 3
so Q is the middle point of BC.
m –1 Also AB = AC = 100 m; so, ∆ABC is isosceles.
or 1 = = (Q m ≠ 0, m ≠ 2)
6 ∴ from geometry, AQ ⊥ BC.
∴ m=7 Now, from the right-angled ∆AQB,
 x
 BQ2 + AQ2 = AB2
Now, t6 of  2 log(10 –3 ) + 5 2 ( x – 2) log 3  = 21
  h2
∴ + h2 = 1002
2 5
 x 
∴ 7C5.  2 log(10 –3 )  .  2 ( x – 2) log 3  = 21
4h 2
    or = 1002; ∴ h = 50 3
7.6 log(10 – 3 x ) ( x – 2) log 3
or .2 . 2 = 21 ∴ the height of the TV tower = 50 3 m.
or 2 log(10 – 3 ) + ( x – 2) log 3 = 1 = 20 3. A variable chord PQ of the parabola y = x2 subtends a
or log(10 – 3x) + log 3x–2 = 0 right angle at the vertex. Find the locus of points of
or log{(10 – 3x) . 3x–2 } = 0 intersection of the normals at P and Q.
∴ (10 – 3x) 3x – 2 = 1 Sol. The vertex V of the parabola is (0, 0) and any point
or (10 – 3x) 3x = 9 on y = x2 has the coordinates (t, t2).
or (3x)2 – 10 . 3x + 9 = 0 So let us take P = (t1, t12 ), Q = (t2, t 22 ) and
∴ (3x – 1) (3x – 9) = 0
∠PVQ = 90º.
∴ 3x = 1, 9 = 30, 32
∴ x = 0, 2. P(t1, t12 )

2. ABC is a triangular park with AB = AC = 100 m. V(0,0)

A TV tower stands vertically at the middle point of
BC. The angles of elevation of the top of the tower at
A,B,C are 45º, 60º, 60º respectively. Find the height Q(t2, t 22 )
of the tower.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 43 MARCH 2011

nπ π
t12 – 0
As 'm' of VP =
t1 – 0
= t1 Now, I1 = ∫
| sin x | dx = n ∫ | sin x | dx ,
t2 – 0
and 'm' of VQ = 2 = t2, (Q |sin x| is a periodic function of the period π)
t2 – 0 π
VP ⊥ VQ ⇒ t1.t2 = – 1 ...(i)
The equation of the normal to a curve at (x1, y1) is

= n sin x dx
y – y1 = . (x – x1). (Q sin x is positive in the interval)
 dy 
  = n [– cos x ]0x = n (1 + 1) = 2n.
 dx  ( x1, y1 )
nπ + θ
Here, y = x2 ∴
= 2x. I2 =

∫ | sin x | dx . Putting x = nπ + z,

∴ the equation of the normal at P(t1, t12 ) is θ θ

y – t12 =
(x – t1)
I2 = ∫ | sin(nπ + z) | dz = ∫ | sin z |dz
2t1 0 0
or 2t1y + x = 2 t13 + t1 ...(ii)
Similarly, the equation of the normal at Q(t2, t 22 ) is
= ∫ | sin x |dx

2t2y + x = 2 t 23 + t2 ...(iii) θ

Eliminating t1, t2 from (i), (ii) and (iii) we get the = ∫ sin x dx (Q in 0 ≤ θ < π, |sin x| = sin x)
locus of M. 0

(ii) – (iii) ⇒ 2y(t1 – t2) = 2( t13 – t 23 ) + (t1 – t2) = [– cos x ]θ0 = – cos θ + 1
or 2y = 2( t12
+ t1t2 + +1 t 22 ) ...(iv) ∴ I1 + I2 = 2n + 1 – cos θ.
Also, t2 × (ii) – t1 × (iii)
5. The decimal parts of the logarithms of two numbers
⇒ (t2 – t1)x = (2 t13 + t1)t2 – (2 t 23 + t2)t1 taken at random are found to six places of decimal.
= 2t1t2( t12 – t 22 ) What is the chance that the second can be subtracted
or x = – 2t1t2(t1 + t2) ...(v) from the first without "borrowing"?
From (i) and (v), x = 2(t1 + t2) Sol. For each column of the two numbers,
1 n(S) = number of ways to fill the two places by the
or t1 + t2 = x ...(vi) digits 0, 1, 2, ... , 9
From (iv), 2y = 2{t1 + t2)2 – t1t2} + 1 = 10 × 10 = 100.
 1  2  × × × × × ×
= 2 x  + 1 + 1, using (i) and (vi) y
 2   × × × × × ×
∴ the equation of the required locus is Let E be the event of subtracting in a column without
x2 borrowing. If the pair of digits be (x, y) in the column
2y = +3 where x is in the first number and y is in the second
2 number then
or x = 2(2y – 3), which is a parabola.
E = {(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), .. ,(9, 0),
nπ + θ (1, 1), (2, 1), ..., (9, 1),
4. Show that ∫ | sin x | dx
= 2n + 1 – cos θ, where (2, 2), (3, 2), ..., (9, 2),
(3, 3), (4, 3), ..., (9, 3),
n ∈ N and 0 ≤ θ < π. ......
nπ + θ
(8, 8), (9, 8),
Sol. I = ∫ | sin x | dx
(9, 9)}
nπ nπ + θ ∴ n(E) = 10 + 9 + 8 + ... + 2 + 1 = = 55
= ∫
| sin x | dx + ∫ | sin x | dx = I

1 + I2.
∴ the probability of subtracting without borrowing
in each column = .

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 44 MARCH 2011

6 6 2 4 3 3 –1 4
 55   11  = . + . + .
∴ the required probability =   =   .
 100   20  14 41 14 41 14 41
8+9 – 4 13
= = .
6. Prove that among the two lines equations are 14 . 41 14 . 41
x–2 y z +1 x y –1 z–2
= = and = =  13 
1 –4 2 2 3 –1 ∴ θ = cos–1   .
one is parallel to the plane 4x + 3y + 4z = 1, and the  14 × 41 
other intersects this plane. Find the point of
π  13 
intersection and the angle that the line makes with the ∴ the required angle = – cos–1  
plane. 2  574 
Sol. The direction rations of the normal to the plane
 13 
4x + 3y + 4z = 1 are 4, 3, 4, and = sin–1   .
the direction ratios of the first line are 1, – 4, 2 and  574 
those of the second line are 2, 3, – 1.

4,3,4 (0, 1,2)


4x + 3y + 4z = 1 1. Weight (force of gravity) decreases as you move

Clearly, 4 . 1 + 3 . ( – 4) + 4 . 2 = 0 away from the earth by distance squared.
So, the first line is perpendicular to the normal to the 2. Mass and inertia are the same thing.
plane. Hence, the first line is parallel to the plane.
3. Constant velocity and zero velocity means the
But 4. 2 + 3 . 3 + 4 (–1) = 13 ≠ 0. So, the second line net force is zero and acceleration is zero.
is not parallel to the plane. Hence, the line
4. Weight (in newtons) is mass x acceleration
x y –1 z–2
= = cuts the plane 4x + 3y + 4z = 1 at (w=mg). Mass is not weight!
2 3 –1
an angle. 5. Velocity, displacement [s], momentum, force
Any point on the lien is (0 + 2r, 1 + 3r, 2 – r). and acceleration are vectors.
It is the point of intersection P if 6. Speed, distance [d], time, and energy (joules) are
4(0 + 2r) + 3(1 + 3r) + 4(2 – r) = 1 scalar quantities.
–11 7. The slope of the velocity-time graph is acceleration.
⇒ 13r + 11 = 0. ∴r= .
13 8. At zero (0) degrees two vectors have a resultant
 22 33 11   22 20 37  equal to their sum. At 180 degrees two vectors
∴ P =  – ,1 – ,2 +  =  – ,– ,  . have a resultant equal to their difference. From
 13 13 13   13 13 13 
the difference to the sum is the total range of
π possible resultants.
The angle between the line and the plane is –θ
2 9. Centripetal force and centripetal acceleration
where θ is the angle between the lines having vectors are toward the center of the circle- while
direction ratios 2, 3, – 1 and 4, 3, 4 i.e., the direction the velocity vector is tangent to the circle.
cosines are
10. An unbalanced force (object not in equilibrium)
2 3 –1
, , must produce acceleration.
2 2 2 2 2 2
2 + 3 + (–1) 2 + 3 + (–1) 2 + 32 + (–1) 2
11. The slope of the distance-tine graph is velocity.
4 3 4 12. The equilibrant force is equal in magnitude but
and , ,
4 +3 +4 2 2 2
4 +3 +4 2 2 2
4 +3 +4 2 2 opposite in direction to the resultant vector.
2 3 –1 4 3 4 13. Momentum is conserved in all collision systems.
i.e., , , and , ,
14 14 14 41 41 41 14. Magnitude is a term use to state how large a
∴ cos θ = l1l2 + m1m2 + n1n2 vector quantity is.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 45 MARCH 2011

Mathematics Fundamentals

Properties 1 : Every continuous function defined on [a, b] is

integrable over [a, b].
If ∫ f (x) dx = F(x), then Every monotonic function defined on [a, b] is
b integrable over [a, b]
∫ a
f ( x) dx = F(b) – F(a), b ≥ a If f(x) is a continuous function defined on [a, b], then
there exists c ∈ (a, b)such that
Where F(x) is one of the antiderivatives of the
function f(x), i.e. F´(x) = f(x) (a ≤ x ≤ b).
Remark : When evaluating integrals with the help of
∫ a
f ( x) dx = f(c) . (b – a)

the above formula, the students should keep in mind 1 b

the condition for its legitimate use. This formula is The number f(c) =
(b − a) a
f ( x) dx is called the ∫
used to compute the definite integral of a function
mean value of the function f(x) on the interval [a, b].
continuous on the interval [a, b] only when the
equality F´(x) = f(x) is fulfilled in the whole interval If f is continous on [a, b], then the integral function g
[a, b], where F(x) is antiderivative of the function x

f(x). In particular, the antiderivative must be a

defined by g(x) = ∫a
f (t ) dt for x ∈ [a, b] is derivable
function continuous on the whole interval [a, b]. A on [a, b] and g´(x) = f(x) for all x ∈ [a, b].
discontinuous function used as an antiderivative will
If m and M are the smallest and greatest values of a
lead to wrong result.
function f(x) on an interval [a, b], then
If F(x) = ∫ a
f (t ) dt, t ≥ a, then F´(x) = f(x)
m(b – a) ≤ ∫

f ( x) dx ≤ M(b – a)
Properties of Definite Integrals :
If the function φ(x) and ψ(x) are defined on [a, b] and
If f(x) ≥ 0 on the interval [a, b], then ∫ a
f ( x) dx ≥ 0 differentiable at a point x ∈ (a, b) and f(t) is
continuous for φ(a) ≤ t ≤ ψ(b), then
b b
d  ψ( x) 
∫ a
f ( x) dx = ∫a
f (t ) dt 
dx  ∫
φ( x )
f (t ) dt  = f(ψ(x)) ψ´(x) – f(φ(x)) φ´(x)

a b
∫ ∫
b b
f ( x) dx = – f ( x) dx
b a ∫ a
f ( x) dx ≤ ∫ | f ( x) | dx
b c b
∫ ∫ ∫
2 2
f ( x) dx = f ( x) dx + f ( x) dx, a < c < b If f (x) and g (x) are integrable on [a, b], then
a a c
1/ 2 1/ 2
b  b   b 

f ( x) dx = ∫
f (a − x) dx ∫ a
f ( x) g ( x) dx ≤ 
 ∫ a
f 2 ( x) dx 

 ∫ a
g 2 ( x) dx 

0 0

b b
Change of variables : If the function f(x) is
or ∫a
f ( x ) dx = ∫ a
f (a + b − x) dx continuous on [a, b] and the function x = φ(t) is
continuously differentiable on the interval [t1, t2] and
 b a = φ(t1), b = φ(t2), then

a 2
f ( x) dx =  ∫ f ( x ) dx if f(–x) = f(x)
b t2
∫ ∫
 0 if f(–x) = – f ( x ) f ( x) dx = f (φ(t )) φ´(t) dt
a t1

 b Let a function f(x, α) be continuous for a ≤ x ≤ b and

2a 2
f ( x) dx =  ∫ a
f ( x ) dx if f(2a – x) = f(x)
c ≤ α ≤ d. Then for any α ∈ [c, d], if
 0 if f(2a – x) = – f ( x ) b b
I(α) = ∫a
f ( x, α) dx, then I´(α) = ∫ a
f ´(x, α) dx,

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 46 MARCH 2011

Where I´(α) is the derivative of I(α) w.r.t. α and  n −1 n − 3 n − 5 2
f ´(x, α) is the derivative of f(x, α) w.r.t. α, kepping x  n . n − 2 . n − 4 ..... 3 ( when n is odd )
constant. In = 
n −1 n − 3 n − 5 1 π
 . . ..... . ( when n is even)
Integrals with Infinite Limits :  n n−2 n−4 2 2
If a function f(x) is continuous for a ≤ x < ∞, then by π/ 2
definition If In = ∫ 0
cos n x dx , then
∞ b
f ( x) dx = lim
b→∞ a ∫ f ( x) dx ....(i)  n −1 n − 3 n − 5 2
 n . n − 2 . n − 4 ..... 3 ( when n is odd )
Im = 
If there exists a finite limit on the right hand side of n −1 n − 3 n − 5 1 π
 . . ..... . ( when n is even)
(i), then the improper integrals is said to be  n n−2 n−4 2 2
convergent; otherwise it is divergent. Leibnitz's Rule :
Geometrically, the improper integral (i) for f(x) > 0, If f(x) is continuous and u(x), v(x) are differentiable
is the area of the figure bounded by the graph of the functions in the interval [a, b], then
function y = f(x), the straight line x = a and the x-axis.
d v( x) d d
b b
dx ∫ u ( x)
f (t ) dt = f{v(x)}
v(x) – f{u(x)

f ( x) dx = lim
a →−∞ a ∫ f ( x) dx and Summation of Series by Integration :
n −1
r 1 1


f ( x) dx = ∫−∞
f ( x) dx + ∫a

f ( x) dx lim
n →∞
∑ f  n  . n = ∫
r =0
f ( x) dx

properties : Some Important Results :

a 1 a  1  1 
∫ x f ( x) dx = a ∫ x f ( x) if f(a – x) = f(x) n −1 sin α + (n − 1)β sin  nβ 
 2  2 

0 0
sin(α + rβ) =
a f ( x) a  1 
and ∫ 0 f ( x) + f (a − x)
dx =
r =0 sin  β 
2 
π/2 π/2  1  1 
∫ log sin x dx = ∫ log cos x dx n −1 cosα + (n − 1)β sin  nβ 
 2  2 

0 0
cos(α + rβ) =
π π 1 1 
=– log 2 = log
r =0 sin  β 
2 2 2 2 

1 1 1 1 π2
Γ(n + 1) = n Γ (n), Γ(1) = 1, Γ   = π – + – .... =
2 12 22 32 12
If m and n are non-negative integers, then 1 1 1 π2
+ 2
+ 2
+ .... =
 m +1  n +1 1 2 3 6
Γ  Γ 
π/ 2 2   2  Area under Curves :
∫ sin m x cos n x dx = 
0 m+n+2 Area bounded by the curve y = f(x), the x-axis and the
2Γ  ordinates x = a, x = b
 2 
b b
Reduction Formulae of some Define Integrals :

= ∫
y dx = ∫a
f ( x) dx
e − ax cos bx dx =
a + b2 2 Y
y = f (x)
∞ b
e − ax sin bx dx =
a2 + b2 y x=b
∞ n!
e − ax xndx =
a n +1
O δx X
If In = ∫
sin n x dx , then Area bounded by the curve x = f(y), the y-axis and the
abscissae y = a, y = b

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 47 MARCH 2011

b b
= ∫ x dy = ∫ f ( y ) dy

Puzzle : Marble Mix Up

δy x = f (y)

The area of the region bounded by y1 = f1(x), y2 = f2(x)
and the ordinates x = a and x = b is given by
b b
= ∫ a
f 2 ( x) dx – ∫ a
f1 ( x) dx • Years ago, to puzzle his friends, a scientist
gave one of four containers containing blue
Y and/or yellow marbles to each of the friends;
Tom, Dick, Harry, and Sally.
• There were 3 marbles in each container, and the

number of blue marbles was different in each


one. There was a piece of paper in each

container telling which color marbles were in
O X that container, but the papers had been mixed
where f2(x) is y2 of the upper curve and f1(x) is y1 of up and were ALL in the wrong containers.
the lower curve, i.e. the required area
b b • He then told all of his friends to take 2 marbles
= ∫ a
[ f 2 ( x) − f1 ( x)] dx = ∫a
( y 2 − y1 ) dx out of their container, read the label, and then
tell him the color of the third marble.
f(x) ≤ 0 for all x in a ≤ x ≤ b, then area bounded by
x-axis, the curve y = f(x) and the ordinates x = a, x = b
• So Tom took two blue marbles out of his
is given by
container and looked at the label. He was able
=– ∫ a
f ( x) dx to tell the color of the third marble
D C X • Dick took 1 blue marble and 1 yellow marble
O from his container. After looking at his label he
was able to tell the color of his remaining
A • Harry took 2 yellow marbles from his
container. He looked at the label in his
If f(x) ≥ 0 for a ≤ x ≤ c and f(x) ≤ 0 for c ≤ x ≤ b, then container, but could not tell what color the
area bounded by y = f(x), x-axis and the ordinates
remaining marble was.
x = a, x = b is given by
c b c b
= ∫
f ( x) dx + ∫ c
− f ( x) dx = ∫
f ( x) dx – ∫
f ( x ) dx • Sally, without even looking at her marbles or
her label, was able to tell the scientist what
color her marbles were. Can you tell what color
A marbles Sally had? Can you also tell what color

f (x)≥0 marbles the others had, and what label was in

C N each of their containers?

f (x)≤0

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 48 MARCH 2011

Mathematics Fundamentals

Some Definitions : Probability :

Experiment : A operation which can produce some In a random experiment, let S be the sample space
well defined outcomes is known as an experiment. and E ⊆ S, then E is an event.
Random experiment : If in each trail of an The probability of occurrence of event E is defined as
experiment conducted under identical conditions, the
number of distinct elements in E n(E)
outcome is not unique, then such an experiment is P(E) = =
called a random experiment. number of distinct element in S n(S)
Sample space : The set of all possible outcomes in an number of outocomes favourable to occurrence of E
experiment is called a sample space. For example, in a =
number of all possible outcomes
throw of dice, the sample space is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.
Each element of a sample space is called a sample Notations :
point. Let A and B be two events, then
Event : A ∪ B or A + B stands for the occurrence of at
An event is a subset of a sample space. least one of A and B.
Simple event : An event containing only a single A ∩ B or AB stands for the simultaneous
sample point is called an elementary or simple event. occurrence of A and B.
Events other than elementary are called composite or A´ ∩ B´ stands for the non-occurrence of both A
compound or mixed events. and B.
For example, in a single toss of coin, the event of A ⊆ B stands for "the occurrence of A implies
getting a head is a simple event. occurrence of B".
Here S = {H, T} and E = {H} Random variable :
In a simultaneous toss of two coins, the event of A random variable is a real valued function whose
getting at least one head is a compound event. domain is the sample space of a random experiment.
Here S = {HH, HT, TH, TT} and E = {HH, HT, TH} Bay’s rule :
Equally likely events : The given events are said to Let (Hj) be mutually exclusive events such that
be equally likely, if none of them is expected to occur n
in preference to the other. P(Hj) > 0 for j = 1, 2, ..... n and S = U H j . Let A be
Mutually exclusive events : If two or more events
have no point in common, the events are said to be an events with P(A) > 0, then for j = 1, 2, .... , n
mutually exclusive. Thus E1 and E2 are mutually  Hj  P( H j ) P(A / H j )
exclusive in E1 ∩ E2 = φ. P   =
 n
 A  ∑ P(H k ) P( A / H k )
The events which are not mutually exclusive are
k =1
known as compatible events.
Exhaustive events : A set of events is said to be Binomial Distribution :
totally exhaustive (simply exhaustive), if no event out If the probability of happening of an event in a single
side this set occurs and at least one of these event trial of an experiment be p, then the probability of
must happen as a result of an experiment. happening of that event r times in n trials will be
Independent and dependent events : If there are Cr pr (1 – p)n – r.
events in which the occurrence of one does not Some important results :
depend upon the occurrence of the other, such events Number of cases favourable to event A
are known as independent events. On the other hand, (A) P(A) =
Total number of cases
if occurrence of one depend upon other, such events
are known as dependent events. n(A)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 49 MARCH 2011

Number of cases not favourable to event A (i) Probability of happening none of them
P(A) =
Total number of cases = (1 – p1) (1 – p2) ........ (1 – pn)
n(A) (ii) Probability of happening at least one of them
n(S) = 1 – (1 – p1) (1 – p2) ....... (1 – pn)
(B) Odd in favour and odds against an event : As a (iii) Probability of happening of first event and not
result of an experiment if “a” of the outcomes are happening of the remaining
favourable to an event E and b of the outcomes are = p1(1 – p2) (1 – p3) ....... (1 – pn)
against it, then we say that odds are a to b in favour
If A and B are any two events, then
of E or odds are b to a against E.
Thus odds in favour of an event E B
P(A ∩ B) = P(A) . P   or
Number of favourable cases a A
= =
Number of unfavourable cases b B
P(AB) = P(A) . P  
Similarly, odds against an event E A
Number of unfavourable cases b
= = B
Number of favorable cases a Where P   is known as conditional probability
Note : means probability of B when A has occurred.
If odds in favour of an event are a : b, then the
Difference between mutually exclusiveness and
probability of the occurrence of that event is
independence : Mutually exclusiveness is used
a when the events are taken from the same
and the probability of non-occurrence of
a+b experiment and independence is used when the
b a events are taken from the same experiments.
that event is .
a +b a+b (E) P(A A ) = 0
If odds against an event are a : b, then the
P(AB) + P( AB ) = 1
probability of the occurrence of that event is
b P( A B) = P(B) – P(AB)
and the probability of non-occurrence of
a+b P(A B ) = P(A) – P(AB)
that event is . P(A + B) = P(A B ) + P( A B) + P(AB)
Some important remark about coins, dice and playing
(C) P(A) + P( A ) = 1 cards :
0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1 Coins : A coin has a head side and a tail side. If
P(φ) = 0 an experiment consists of more than a coin, then
P(S) = 1 coins are considered to be distinct if not otherwise
If S = {A1, A2, ..... An}, then
Dice : A die (cubical) has six faces marked 1, 2,
P(A1) + P(A2) + .... + P(An) = 1
3, 4, 5, 6. We may have tetrahedral (having four
If the probability of happening of an event in one faces 1, 2, 3, 4,) or pentagonal (having five faces
trial be p, then the probability of successive 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) die. As in the case of coins, If we
happening of that event in r trials is pr. have more than one die, then all dice are
(D) If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then considered to be distinct if not otherwise stated.
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) or Playing cards : A pack of playing cards usually
P(A + B) = P(A) + P(B) has 52 cards. There are 4 suits (Spade, Heart,
If A and B are any two events, then Diamond and Club) each having 13 cards. There
are two colours red (Heart and Diamond) and
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A ∩ B) or black (Spade and Club) each having 26 cards.
P(A + B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(AB)
In thirteen cards of each suit, there are 3 face cards or
If A and B are two independent events, then coart card namely king, queen and jack. So there are
P(A ∩ B) = P(A) . P(B) or in all 12 face cards (4 kings, 4 queens and 4 jacks).
P(AB) = P(A) . P(B) Also there are 16 honour cards, 4 of each suit namely
ace, king, queen and jack.
If the probabilities of happening of n independent
events be p1, p2, ...... , pn respectively, then

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 50 MARCH 2011

Statement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper (XTRAEDGE FOR IIT JEE) required to be published
in the first issue every year after the last day of February.


1 Place of Publication : 112A, Shakti Nagar, Kota, Rajasthan

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March 1, 2011

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 51 MARCH 2011

Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 243
Instructions :
• This question paper contains 81 questions in Chemistry (27), Mathematics (27) & Physics (27).
• In section -I (8 Ques. SCQ Type) of each paper +3 marks will be given for correct answer & –1 mark for wrong
• In section -II (5 Ques. MCQ Type) of each paper +3 marks will be given for correct answer no negative marking
for wrong answer.
• In section -III contains 2 groups of questions [Pass. 1 (2 Ques.) + Pass. 2 (3 Ques.) = 5 Ques.] of each paper +3
marks will be given for each correct answer & –1 mark for wrong answer.
• In section -IV contain (9 Ques. of Numerical Response with single-digit Ans.) of each paper +3 marks will be
given for correct answer & No Negative marking for wrong answer.

(C) A grey-blue gelatinous precipitate of Cr(OH)3

CHEMISTRY and a white precipitate of Mn(OH)2 are formed
(D) Soluble Na2MnO4 and a grey-blue precipitate of
SECTION – I Cr(OH)3 are formed
Straight Objective Type 4. Electrophilic substitution reaction in naphthalene
occurs as -
Questions 1 to 8 are multiple choice questions. Each 8 1
question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of 9
7 2
which ONLY ONE is correct. Mark your response in
6 3
OMR sheet against the question number of that 10
5 4
question. + 3 marks will be given for each correct
answer and – 1 mark for each wrong answer. (A) Position-1 (B) Position-2
(C) Position-9 (D) Position-6
1. 60 g of NaOH is converted into NaCl and NaClO3 by
the action of Cl2. The Cl2 is produced by the reaction 5. Consider the following reactions
between MnO2 and concentrated HCl. The amount of CH2OH
MnO2 required for the process is (+)

[At. wt. of Mn = 55, Na = 23, O = 16, H = 1] 1. H

→ Product

(A) 70.95 (B) 25.65 g
(C) 65.25g (D) 75.45 g OH

2. Given the half cell reactions, H (+)

2. HO OH → Product
(i) Fe2+(aq) + 2e → Fe(s) ; E° = –0.44 V ∆

(ii) 2H+(aq) + O2(g) + 2e → H2O(l) ; E° = + 1.23 V
2 OH H ( + )
E° for the reaction,
3. OH 
→ Product

1 Cl
Fe(s) + 2H+ + O2(g) → Fe2+(aq) + H2O(l) is
2 Cl Cl
(A) + 1.67 V (B) –1.67 V 4. alc
KOH ( excess
) → Product
(C) –0.77 V (D) + 0.77 V
Cl Cl
3. Which of the following changes occur when a
solution containing Mn2+ and Cr3+ is heated with an
NaOH solution and H2O2 ?
(A) Mn(OH)2 and Cr(OH)3 precipitates which are Cl Cl
formed initially dissolve due to formation of 5. alc
KOH ( excess
) → Product

Na2MnO4 and Na2CrO4
Cl Cl
(B) Soluble yellow Na2CrO4 and a brown precipitate
of hydrated MnO2 are formed Cl

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 50 MARCH 2011

Reaction in which benzene is formed as a product Which of the following option (s) is/are correct
is/are - regarding (Y) among the following ?
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (B) 1, 3 and 5 (A) HCl (B) Conc. HNO3
(C) 1 and 5 (D) 1, 2, 3 and 5 (C) O3 (D) Excess Cl2 water
6. In a solution of an organic solute (mol. wt. = 180) in
CCl4, where the solute is dimerised, 50 g of the 11. XeO3 can be prepared by
solute are present per litre of the solution. The (A) XeF2 Hydrolysis
  →
osmotic pressure of the solution is 4.11 atm at 27ºC (B) XeF6 + SiO2 →
(Assume R = 0.082 litre atm K–1 mol–1). The degree
(C) XeF4 Hydrolysis
  →
of association of the solute in CCl4 is -
(A) 75.5 % (B) 70 % (D) XeF6 Hydrolysis
  →
(C) 60 % (D) 80 %
12. Which is correct order ?
7. Arrange CCl4, AlCl3, PCl5 and SiCl4 according to (A) Ease of hydrolysis : CH3COCl > CH3COOC2H5
ease of hydrolysis > (CH3CO)2O > CH3CONH2
(A) CCl4 < SiCl4 < PCl5 < AlCl3 (B) Acidic strength : HCOOH > C6H5COOH
(B) AlCl3 < CCl4 < PCl5 < SiCl4 > CH3COOH
(C) CCl4 < AlCl3 < PCl5 < SiCl4 (C) Acidic strength : FCH2COOH > ClCH2COOH
(D) CCl4 < AlCl3 < SiCl4 < PCl5 > BrCH2COOH
(D) Acidic strength : 4-Methoxybenzoic acid
8. OHC–– ––COCH3 → < Benzoic acid < 4-Nitrobenzoic acid
< 3, 4-Dinitrobenzoic acid
OHC –– ––CH2CH3
13. Consider the reaction sequence and pick the correct
It can be performed by - statements
(i ) NaNH (ii ) C H Br
(A) glycol / H+, Zn / Hg + HCl, H3O+ CH3–CH2–C≡CH   2   → X
2 5

(B) N2H4 / OH– followed by H+ Pd − BaSO 4

H2 /  → Y alk . 
KMnO 4
→ Z
(C) OH– / ∆, H2/Ni
(A) Z is a diol
(D) Both (A) and (C)
(B) Z is a meso compound and is optically inactive
(C) Z is a racemic compound
(D) Y is a trans alkene
Multiple Correct Answers Type
Questions 9 to 13 are multiple choice questions. Each Comprehension Type
question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which MULTIPLE (ONE OR MORE) is correct. Mark This section contains 2 paragraphs; passage- I has 2
your response in OMR sheet against the question multiple choice questions (No. 14 & 15) and passage- II
number of that question. + 3 marks will be given for has 3 multiple (No. 16 to 18). Each question has 4
each correct answer and no negative marks. choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE
9. A concentration cell is a galvanic cell is which, is correct. Mark your response in OMR sheet against
(A) the electrode material and the solutions in both the question number of that question. + 3 marks will be
half-cells are composed of the same substances given for each correct answer and – 1 mark for each
(B) only the concentrations of the two solutions wrong answer.
Paragraph # 1 (Ques. 14 to 15)
(C) E°cell = 0
(D) the Nernst equation reduces to, Diprotic acid is the one, which is capable of giving 2
 0.0591  protons per molecule in water. Let us take a weak
Ecell = −   log Q at 25°C diprotic acid (H2A) in water whose concentration is
 n 
'c' M.
KMnO4 + Gas (X) H2A + H2O HA– + H3O+
10 H2O2 + Gas (X) Aq. Suspension At eq.c(1–α) cα1(1 – α2) (cα1 + cα1α2)
(cα1 + cα1α 2 )[cα1 (1 − α 2 )]
Br2 water + Gas (X) Ka1=
[Y] Reagent c(1 − α1 )
50 mL of 0.1 M H3PO4 is titrated against 0.1 M
NaOH. pK a1 , pK a 2 and pK a 3 for H3PO4 is 3, 7 and 11

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 51 MARCH 2011

14. What will be the pH when volume of NaOH added is SECTION – IV
25 mL ? Numerical Response Type
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 7 This section contains 9 questions (Q.19 to 27).
+3 marks will be given for each correct answer and no
15. What will be the pH when volume of NaOH added is negative marking. The answer to each of the questions
50 mL ? is a SINGLE-DIGIT INTEGER, ranging from 0 to 9.
(A) 2 (B) 3 The appropriate bubbles below the respective question
(C) 5 (D) 7 numbers in the OMR have to be darkened. For
example, if the correct answers to question numbers X,
Paragraph # 2 (Ques. 16 to 18) Y, Z and W (say) are 6, 0, 9 and 2, respectively, then
A hydrocarbon (X) of the formula C6H12 does not react the correct darkening of bubbles will look like the
with bromine water but reacts with bromine in presence following :
of light, forming compound (Y). Compound (Y) on X Y Z W
treatment with Alc. KOH gives compound [Z] which on 0 0 0 0
ozonolysis gives (T) of the formula C6H10O2. 1 1 1 1
Compound (T) reduces Tollen's reagent and gives 2 2 2 2
compound (W). (W) gives iodoform test and produce
3 3 3 3
compound (U) which when heated with P2O5 forms a
cyclic anhydride (V). 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
16. Compound V is - 6 6 6 6
O 7 7 7 7
CH3 8 8 8 8
O O 9 9 9 9
(A) (B)
O O 19. Find the number of waves made by a Bohr electron in
one complete revolution in the 3rd orbit.
|| 20. 0.1 M NaOH is titrated with 0.1 M HA till the end
(C) CH3 – C –CH2–CH2–CH = O point, Ka for HA is 5.6 × 10–6 and degree of
(D) CHO – CH= CH – CHO hydrolysis is less compared to one. Calculate pH of
the resulting solution at the end point in the nearest
17. Compound W is - whole number.
(A) COOH – (CH2)2–COOH [log10 (5.6 × 10–6) = 5.2518]

COOH 21. M(OH)x has Ksp = 4 × 10–12 and solubility 10–4 M, x

(B) is :

COCH3 22. Certain mass (Wg), of urea was dissolved in 500 g of

(C) water and cooled upto – 0.5 ºC where by 128 g of ice
COOH separates out from the solution. If cryoscopic
(D) CH3–CH2– CH – COOH constant for water be 1.86 C m–1, the value of W will
| be :
CH = O O

18. Compound 'X' is - 23.

1mole CH – Mg – X
  3  
→ X
+ H 2O
(A) CH3 (B) O


The numbers of stereoisomers of 'X' is :
(C) (D)
24. The number of isomers for the compound with
molecular formula C2HDFCl is :

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 52 MARCH 2011

25. The number of stereoisomeric products formed in the π
following reaction is (A) 0 (B)
Ph Ph

(C) (D) π
H D + H MgBr
→ 
→ H 2O 2

CHO CH3 5. If | 2 z − 3 + 2i |
(Optical pure) (Optical pure)
π   3π 
= |z| sin  + arg z1  + cos − arg z1 
26. How many molecule of phenylhydrazine is used to 4   4 
form osazone from glucose. i
where z1 = 1 + then locus of z is
27. A gas is being heated in such a way that its pressure 3
and volume both are tripled. The absolute (A) pair of straight lines
temperature of the gas bec ome …….. times. (B) circle
(C) parabola
(D) ellipse
MATHEMATICS 6. If 't' is the period of f(x) satisfying
f(x + 5) + f(x) = 0, ∀ x ∈ R and 4th term in the
 2x 
Straight Objective Type expansion of  3 −  has the greatest numerical
 5 
Questions 1 to 8 are multiple choice questions. Each
value, then |x| belongs to-
question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE is correct. Mark your response in  45 30   30 25 
(A)  ,  (B)  , 
OMR sheet against the question number of that  16 7   7 4 
question. + 3 marks will be given for each correct  25   5 45 
answer and – 1 mark for each wrong answer. (C)  ,9  (D)  , 
 4   3 16 
1. ∫
x (1 + x 4 / 5 )1 / 2
1/ 5
is equal to
7. The sum of the factors of 9! which are odd and of
5 the form (3m + 2), (where m ∈ N) is equal to
(A) 1 + x 4 / 5 + k (B) 1 + x4/5 + k (A) 45 (B) 53
2 (C) 51 (D) 40
(C) x4/5 (1 + x4/5)1/2 + k (D) 1 + x4/5 + k
5 8. Let ax + by + c = 0 be a variable straight line, where
1 a, b and c are 1st, 3rd and 7th terms of an increasing
2. The range of the function f(x) = is- A.P. respectively. Then the variable straight line
1 − 3 cos x
always passes through a fixed point which lies on-
 1 1   1 1
(A)  − ∞,−  ∪  , ∞  (B) − ,  (A) y2 = 4x (B) x2 + y2 = 5
 2   4   2 4 (C) 3x + 4y = 9 (D) x2 + y2 = 13
1 1  1 1 
(C)  ,  (D)  − ∞,  ∪  , ∞ 
 2 4   2 4  SECTION – II
2 Multiple Correct Answers Type
3. If x (f (x) – 1) – x (7f (x) + 5) + 10 f (x) + 14 = 0
∀ x ∈ R, and f(x) be a continuous function Questions 9 to 13 are multiple choice questions. Each
∀x∈ R –{5}, then f(2) is- question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
7 7 which MULTIPLE (ONE OR MORE) is correct. Mark
(A) (B) – (C) 3 (D) –3 your response in OMR sheet against the question
3 3
number of that question. + 3 marks will be given for
4. If α and β satisfy the equations
each correct answer and no negative marks.
1 + x2 
sin–1(2x +3) + sin–1   = 0 and α α α 

 2x  9. If A(α) = α α α  , α ≠ 0 then
 2 | x − 1|  α α α 
sec −1 ( x 2 − 2 x + 2 ) + tan–1  =0
 1+ x2  (A) 2A(1) = A2(1)
respectively then (B) A3(1) = 9A(1)
β 2x 2x 
 cos −1
1+ x 2
+ tan −1
1− x2 
dx is equal to (C) adj. A does not exist
(D) A–1 does not exist

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 53 MARCH 2011

10. A solution of the differential equation Paragraph # 2 (Ques. 16 to 18)
yxy–1dx + xy lnx dy = 0 is-
Let (1 + x + x2)20 = a0 + a1x + a2x2+…..+ a40x40.
(A) yx = 1 (B) xy – 1 = 0 40
(C) = log 2 x
(D) x = log y 2 Further S = ∑a
r =0
r . Two coefficients are chosen

2π from the coefficients a0, a1,……a40 and the

∫ cos probability that they are equal is P (considering no

11. (cos x) dx is equal to
three coefficients are equal) Units digit of S is equal
2π π/2
1− P
to b and a =
−1 π 
∫ ∫
(A) cos  cos x +   dx (B) 8 sin −1 (sin x ) dx
  3 
0 0 16. If ( a − b + b) 6 = I + f, when 0 ≤ f < 1 and I ∈ N, then

the value of I is-
∫ sin
(C) π2 (D) (sin x) dx (A) 413 (B) 414
(C) 415 (D) 416
12. If z is the complex number satisfying |z – 3 – 4i| ≤ 10 and
17. Equation of hyperbola which is confocal with the ellipse
α = sin–1(sin |z|max) ,
x2 y2
  | z |max + | z |min   + = 1 and having perpendicular asymptotes is-
β = cos–1  cos −   then a2 b2
  3 
(A) α – 3β = π (B) α – 3β = – π (A) x2 – y2 = (B) x2 – y2 = 96
(C) sin2α + cos23β = 1 (D) sin2α + cos23β = – 1 2 2
(C) x – y = 30 (D) x2 – y2 = 24
13. In the expansion of (x + y + z) 18. The coefficient a3 is equal to
(A) every term is of the form 9Cr. rCk. x9–ryr–kzk 3 20 4 20
(B) coefficient of x4y7z3 is 0 (A) (B)
(C) the number of terms is 55 18 18
(D) coefficient of x2y3z4 is 1260
20 20
(C) (D)
17 3 18
Comprehension Type
This section contains 2 paragraphs; passage- I has 2 Numerical Response Type
multiple choice questions (No. 14 & 15) and passage- II
has 3 multiple (No. 16 to 18). Each question has 4 This section contains 9 questions (Q.19 to 27).
choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE +3 marks will be given for each correct answer and no
is correct. Mark your response in OMR sheet against negative marking. The answer to each of the questions
the question number of that question. + 3 marks will be is a SINGLE-DIGIT INTEGER, ranging from 0 to 9.
given for each correct answer and – 1 mark for each The appropriate bubbles below the respective question
wrong answer. numbers in the OMR have to be darkened. For
example, if the correct answers to question numbers X,
Paragraph # 1 (Ques. 14 to 15)
Y, Z and W (say) are 6, 0, 9 and 2, respectively, then
Let parabola I be x = y2 – 4, parabola II be x = ky2 the correct darkening of bubbles will look like the
and L be y = 1. following :
14. If the tangent line L1 meets the parabola I at a point
Q other than P, then the y-coordinate of Q is – 0 0 0 0
(A) 7 (B) – 7 1 1 1 1
(C) 6 (D) – 6 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
15. The angle subtended by the chord PQ at the vertex of
4 4 4 4
parabola I is
5 5 5 5
5 1
(A) tan–1   (B) tan–1   6 6 6 6
7 2 7 7 7 7
4 1 8 8 8 8
(C) tan–1   (D) tan–1  
3 8 9 9 9 9

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 54 MARCH 2011

19. If ∫x 4
2x +1
3 2
dx = A ln
1− x2 − x
+ c then PHYSICS
+ 2x + x −1 x2 + x +1
the value of A is ........... SECTION – I
Straight Objective Type
20. P is a variable point on the circle with centre C and
radius 9 units. CA and CB are perpendiculars from C Questions 1 to 8 are multiple choice questions. Each
on x-axis and y-axis respectively, then centroid of question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
the triangle PAB always lies on a circle of which ONLY ONE is correct. Mark your response in
radius......... OMR sheet against the question number of that
question. + 3 marks will be given for each correct
answer and – 1 mark for each wrong answer.
21. The maximum number of points with integer
coordinates lying inside the figure bounded by the 1. For equation given below, E1 denote the rest energy
graphs of two distinct linear functions, which map of uranium nucleus, E2 denote the energy in the
[–1, 1] onto [0, 3],with x-axis is ...... intermediate state, and E3 denote the rest energy of
236 137
uranium fragments 92 u → 53 I + 97
 39 y + 2n
22. If x and y are real variables satisfying
x2 + y2 + 8x – 10y + 40 = 0 and (A) E1 > E2 > E3 (B) E1 < E2 < E3
(C) E1 > E3 > E2 (D) E2 > E1 > E3
2a = max.[(x + 2)2 + (y – 3)2];
2b = min [(x + 2)2 + (y – 3)2] then find a + b. 2. If the difference between the largest wavelength in
ultraviolet region and visible region of the hydrogen
23. Given a right circular cone of volume v1. If v2 be the spectrum is 536.8 nm. Then the smallest wavelength
volume of the largest right circular cylinder that can in the infrared region of the hydrogen spectrum (to
be inscribed in the given cone, then ratio 4v1 : v2 is the nearest integer) is-
equal to ....... (A) 802 nm (B) 823 nm
(C) 1882 nm (D) 1648 nm
24. Let f : A → B be an invertible function. If
f(x) = 2x3 + 3x2 + x – 1, then f–1(5) is 3. A circuit is connected as shown in figure with the
switches S1 and S2 open. When the both switches
are closed the total amount of charge that flows from
x m f ( x) + h( x)+ 1 y to x is-
25. If g(x) = Lim is continuous at
2 x m + 3x + 3
m →∞ 9µF 9µF 9µF
x = 1. Let f(x) & h(x) are also continuous and x

g(1) = Lim (ln(ex) )2 log x e , then the value of

S1 S2


(2g(1) + 2f(1) – h(1)) is

2Ω y 4Ω 3Ω
 sin[ x]
α + ; x>0
 x
26. Let f(x) = 2 ; x = 0 Here [x] 9V
  sin x – x 
β+  ; x<0 (A) 0 (B) 54µC
  x3  (C) 27µC (D) 18µC
denotes greatest integer function. If f(x) is continuous
at x = 0 then area of the region 4. A ray of light traveling in water is incident on its
{(x, y) ; 0 ≤ x ≤ α, 0 ≤ y ≤ β} is ...... sq. units. surface open to air. The angle of incidence is θ.
Which is less than the critical angle. Intensity of
x2 y2 incident ray is I1 and Intensity of ray in air (after
27. A line through P(λ, 3) meets the ellipse + =1 refraction) is I2 than choose correct option–
16 9
at A and D meets the x-axis and y-axis at B and C (A) I1 > I2 , because speed of light ray is higher in air
respectively, so that PA.PD = PB.PC, then least compare to water
value of | λ | is …………. (B) I1 = I2 , because frequency of light ray does not
change due to refraction.
(C) I1 > I2
(D) I2 > I1

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 55 MARCH 2011

5. A hollow conducting sphere is kept concentrically
f x f d2 − x2
inside another hollow conducting sphere of larger (A) . (B) .
radius. Three switches S1, 2m d 2 − x 2 2m x
S2, S3 are attach to system q0
as shown. Initially charge S1 S2
at each sphere is q0 and all
S3 f d d2 − x2 f d d2 − x2
(C) . (D) .
switches are opened . Then 2m (2d 2 − x 2 ) 2m x2
the potential difference
between the two sphere SECTION – II
have non-zero value when– Multiple Correct Answers Type
(A) S1 and S3 opened, S2 closed
Questions 9 to 13 are multiple choice questions. Each
(B) S1 and S2 opened, S3 closed
question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
(C) S2 opened, S1 and S3 closed
which MULTIPLE (ONE OR MORE) is correct. Mark
(D) All S1, S2 and S3 closed
your response in OMR sheet against the question
number of that question. + 3 marks will be given for
6. Consider a neutral conducting sphere with a non
each correct answer and no negative marks.
uniform cavity. A positive point charge and a
negative point charge are placed respectively at 9. One fourth part of an equiconvex lens of focal length
centre of the sphere and outside the sphere. Then net 100 cm is removed as shown in the figure. An object
charge on the sphere is then (magnitude of charge is of height 1 cm is placed in
same for both charge) front of the lens. It is
observed that all the images O
+q –q are of equal height.then
(A) Object is at distance of cm from the lens.
(A) Negative and distributed uniform over the 3
surface of the sphere (B) The magnitude of magnification produced by
(B) Negative and appears only at the point on the upper and lower part is equal
sphere closest to the point charge (C) The number of image formed is two
(C) Negative and distributed non uniformly over the (D) The product of magnification of both the lenses
entire surface of the sphere is negative
(D) zero 10. When photons of energy 4.25 eV strike the surface of
a metal A, the ejected photoelectrons have maximum
7. In an experiment to determine the focal length (f) of kinetic energy TA eV and de Broglie wavelength λA.
a concave mirror by the u-v method, a student place The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons
the object pin A on the principle axis at a distance x liberated from another metal B by photons of energy
from the pole P. The student looks at the pin and its 4.70 eV is TB = (TA–1.50) eV. If the de broglie
inverted image from a distance keeping his/her eye in wavelength of these photoelectrons is λB = 2λA, then
line with PA. When the student shifts his/her eye (A) the work function of A is 1.25 eV
towards left the image appears to left of the object (B) the work function of B is 4.20 eV
pin. Then (C) TA = 3.00 eV
(A) x < f (B) f < x < 2f (D) TB = 1.5 eV
(C) x = 2f (D) x > 2f
11. In a RLC series circuit shown, the reading of
8. Two particles of mass m and particle of mass 2m are voltmeters V1 and V2 V2
tied from a light string of length 2a. Both of mass m are 100V and 120V, R
tied at the ends of string and third particle tied at respectively. The
middle of string. The whole system is kept on a source voltage is V1
frictionless horizontal surface with the string held 130V. For this
tight so that each mass is at a distance 'd' from the situation mark out the
center p(as shown in figure). Now the particle at mid correct statement (s).
point of the string is pulled f (A) Voltage across resistor, inductor and capacitor
horizontally with a small but are 50 V, 86.6 V and 206.6 V,
constant force 'f '. As a result the (B) Voltage across resistor, inductor and capacitor
particles at end of string move d d
are 10V, 90V and 30V, respectively.
towards each other on the surface. P
m 5
The magnitude of acceleration, m 2m (C) Power factor of the circuit is
when the separation between them 13
becomes 2x is– (D) Circuit is capacitive in nature

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 56 MARCH 2011

12. A square pyramid is formed by joining 8 equal 14. The speed of the block at point B just after it strikes
resistance R across the edge. the incline BC is–
Equivalent resistance. m m
(A) 20 (B) 10
sec . sec .
(A) between P and A is 7R/15 C
D m 5 3 m
(B) between A and C is 2R/3 (C) 10 3 (D)
(C) between A and B is 8R/15 sec . 2 sec .
(D) between P and A is 15R/7 15. The speed of the block just before it strikes incline
CD is:
13. Two swimmers A and B start swimming from
different position on the same bank as shown in m 3 m
(A) 5 2 (B) 5
figure. The swimmer A swims at angle 90° with sec . 2 sec .
respect to the river to reach point P. He takes 120 m m
seconds to cross the river of width 10m. The swimmer B (C) 10 (D) 5 3
sec . sec .
also takes the same time to reach the point P.
y Paragraph # 2 (Ques. 16 to 18)
Two trains A and B are moving with speeds 20m/s
30m P x and 30 m/s respectively in opposite direction on
parallel straight tracks. The engines are at the front
10m end. The engine of train A blows a long whistle.
Two passenger p and q are in train A and B
A B respectively. p and q are moving with speed 10m/s
5m in the same direction of their respective train w.r.t. to
train. Assume that the sound of the whistle is
(A) velocity of A with respect to river is 1/6 m/s. composed of components varying in frequency from
(B) river flow velocity is 1/4 m/s. f1 = 800 Hz to f2 = 1120
(C) velocity of B along y-axis with respect to earth is Hz, as shown in figure.

1/3 m/s The spread in the frequency
(D) velocity of B along x-axis with respect to earth is (highest frequency – lowest
5/24 m/s. frequency) is thus 320 Hz.
The speed of sound in still f1 f2 frequency
SECTION – III air is 340 m/s.
Comprehension Type 16. The speed of sound of the
whistle is
This section contains 2 paragraphs; passage- I has 2
(A) 310 m/s for passenger P and 370 m/s for passenger q
multiple choice questions (No. 14 & 15) and passage- II
has 3 multiple (No. 16 to 18). Each question has 4 (B) 370 m/s for passenger P and 380 m/s for passenger q
(C) 310 m/s for passenger P and 380 m/s for passenger q
choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE
(D) 370 m/s for passenger P and 370 m/s for passenger q
is correct. Mark your response in OMR sheet against
the question number of that question. + 3 marks will be 17. The distribution of the sound intensity of the whistle
given for each correct answer and – 1 mark for each as observed by the passenger P in train A is best
wrong answer. represented by
Paragraph # 1 (Ques. 14 to 15)


A small block is moving with 20m/sec. on smooth

horizontal surface AB. All the surface AB, BC, CD (A) (B) f2
are frictionless. The block strikes the inclined plane f1 f2 frequency f1 frequency
BC. The collision between the block and inclined BC
is perfectly inelastic.

(C) (D)
f1 f2 frequency f1 f2 frequency

2.5 m 18. The frequency spread of sound as observed by the

passenger q in the train B is
60° (A) 310 Hz (B) 300 Hz
B (C) 380 Hz (D) 290 Hz

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 57 MARCH 2011

SECTION – IV 22. Consider an RC ckt as shown. R 2R
Numerical Response Type Connected with a battery.
During charging time constant C
This section contains 9 questions (Q.19 to 27). of ckt is…. 2R R
+3 marks will be given for each correct answer and no (Take RC = 6 units)
negative marking. The answer to each of the questions
is a SINGLE-DIGIT INTEGER, ranging from 0 to 9.
The appropriate bubbles below the respective question 23. A uniform chain of length
numbers in the OMR have to be darkened. For L has one of its end
example, if the correct answers to question numbers X, attached to the wall at
Y, Z and W (say) are 6, 0, 9 and 2, respectively, then 3L
the correct darkening of bubbles will look like the point A, white length
4 37º
following : of chain is lying on table
X Y Z W as shown. Min. coeff. of
0 0 0 0 friction so that chain
1 1 1 1 remains in equilibrium can
2 2 2 2 be written as 1/n. Here n is
3 3 3 3 … (cos 37º = 4/5)
4 4 4 4 24. A plane progressive simple harmonic sound wave of
5 5 5 5 angular frequency 680 rad/s moves with speed 340
6 6 6 6 m/s in the direction which makes equal angle θ with
7 7 7 7 each x, y and z-axis, Find the phase difference (φ1 –
φ2) the oscillations of the particle in the medium
8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 located at the positions ( 3 , 3 , 3 ) and
(2 3 , 2 3 , 2 3 ) . (assume cos θ > 0)
19. 6 parallel plates are arranged as shown. Each plate
has an area A and Distance between them is as 25. A standing wave exists in a string of length 150 cm
shown. Plate 1-4 and and is fixed at both ends. The displacement
plates 3-6 are 1
amplitude of a point at a distance of 10 cm from one
connected equivalent 2 d
of the ends is 5 3 mm. The distance between the
capacitance across 2 3 d
and 5 can be writted as two nearest points, within the same loop and having
nA ∈0 4 2d displacement amplitude equal to 5 3 mm, is 10 cm.
. Find min
d d 5 Find the mode of vibration of the string i.e. the
value of n. (n, d are d 6 overtone produced.
natural numbers) 26. A small satellite of mass m is revolving around earth
20. The work done in turning the hemispherical bowl of in a circular orbit of radius r0 with speed v0. At
mass M and radius R by 180º can be written as certain point of its orbit, the direction of motion of
satellite is suddenly changed by angle
. Find λ. θ = cos–1(3/5) by turning its velocity vector, such that
π speed remains constant. The satellite, consequently
goes to elliptical orbit around earth. Find the ratio of
speed at perigee to speed at apogee.
Initially Finally 27. If the end of the cord A is pulled down with 2m/sec
then the velocity of block will be : (× 10–1 m/sec)
21. A big sphere is rolling with speed on the ground as
shown. Two particles
of equal mass are at A
distance R and R/2 ω = v/R
from the center of
sphere. KEA/KEB can B A
be written as A/B
where A is a two digit R/2
number and B is one 2 m/sec
digit no. find B. (A and
B are undivisible) B

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 58 MARCH 2011

Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 237
Instructions :
• This question paper contains 57 questions in Chemistry (19,) Mathematics (19) & Physics (19).
• In section -I (6 Ques. SCQ Type) of each paper +5 marks will be given for correct answer & –2 mark for wrong answer.
• In section -II [2 Pass. (3 Q. × 2) = 6 Ques.] of each paper +3 marks will be given for correct answer & –1 mark
for wrong answer
• In section -III (2 Ques. Column Matching Type) of each paper +8(2×4) marks will be given for correct answer.
No Negative marking for wrong answer.
• In section -IV contain (5 Ques. of Numerical Response with single-digit Ans.) of each paper +3 marks will be
given for correct answer & No Negative marking for wrong answer.

4. What is the major alkene formed in the following

CHEMISTRY Hofmann elimination ?
CH3 Θ Heat

Straight Objective Type N
Questions 1 to 6 are multiple choice questions. Each CH3 CH3
question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of CH3 CH3
which ONLY ONE is correct. Mark your response in
OMR sheet against the question number of that (A) (B)
question. + 5 marks will be given for each correct N N
answer and – 2 mark for each wrong answer. CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3
1. The final temperature of a sample of a monoatomic CH3 CH3
gas that is expanded reversibly and adiabatically from (C) (D)
500 mL at 300 K to 2.00 L is N N
(antilog 0.073 = 1183) CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3
(A) 119 K (B) 150 K
(C) 300 K (D) 20 K 5. Calculate the de Broglie's wavelength of electron
emitted by a metal whose threshold frequency is
( i ) B H / OH ( − ) 2.25 × 1014 Hz when exposed to visible radiation of
2.    → A. Product A is -
2 6
wavelength 500 nm.
Me ( ii ) SOCl 2
(A) 9.84 Å (B) 80.25 Å
H Me (C) 25 Å (D) 65 Å
(A) (B) 6. When BrO 3− ion reacts with Br¯ in acid medium, Br2
Me Cl is liberated. The equivalent weight of Br2 in this
Cl reaction is -
Me Me
H Cl 5M 5M 3M 4M
(C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)
8 3 5 6
Cl H
3. Calculate the weight of copper that will be deposited Comprehension Type
at the cathode in the electrolysis of a 0.2 M solution This section contains 2 paragraphs, each has 3 multiple
of copper sulphate when quantity of electricity equal choice questions. (Questions 7 to 12) Each question has
to the required to liberate 2.24 L of hydrogen at STP 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY
from a 0.1 M aqueous sulphuric acid, is passed ONE is correct. Mark your response in OMR sheet
(atomic mass of Cu = 63.5) against the question number of that question. + 3
(A) 6.35 g (B) 3.17 g marks will be given for each correct answer and – 1
(C) 12.71 g (D) 63.5 g mark for each wrong answer.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 59 MARCH 2011

Paragraph # 1 (Ques. 7 to 9)
A H-Like species is in some excited state ‘‘A’’ and (A)
on absorbing a photon of energy 10.2 eV gets Ph
promoted to a new state B. When the electrons from N
state ‘‘B’’ return back to ground state directly or
indirectly, photons of a fifteen different wavelength (B)
are observed in which only nine photon have energy Ph
greater than 10.2 eV.
[Given hc = 1240 ev – nm] CH = CH – CPh
7. Determine orbit number of state ‘‘A’’ of hydrogen (C)
like specie - NH2
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (D) None of these
8. Find the ionization energy (in eV) of hydrogen like
specie - SECTION – III
(A) 54.4 (B) 122.4 (C) 217.6 (D) 340 Matrix - Match Type
This section contains 2 questions (Questions 13, 14).
9. Find the maximum and minimum wavelength
Each question contains statements given in two columns
(in nm) of the emitted fifteen photons -
which have to be matched. Statements (A, B, C, D) in
(A) 104.2, 288.88 (B) 288.88, 104.2
Column I have to be matched with statements (P, Q, R,
(C) 828.88, 10.42 (D) None
S, T) in Column II. The answers to these questions have
Paragraph # 2 (Ques. 10 to 12) to be appropriately bubbled as illustrated in the
Alcohols can act as nucleophiles. For example, following example. If the correct matches are A-P, A-S,
acetals and ketals are formed by treatment of A-T; B-Q, B-R; C-P, C-Q and D-S, D-T then the
aldehydes & ketones with alcohols in presence of correctly bubbled 4 × 5 matrix should be as follows :
acid catalysts with ketones. The process is more P Q R S T
difficult due to steric reasons & generally reaction A P Q R S T
fails B P Q R S T
10. The product of the reaction, RCCH2CH2CR H is – P Q R S T
OH Mark your response in OMR sheet against the question
number of that question in section-II. + 8 marks will be given
R R for complete correct answer (i.e. +2 marks for each correct
(A) O (B)
row) and NO NEGATIVE MARKING for wrong answer.
13. Vander waal constant a & b of a real gas are 4L2
R R atm/mol2 and 0.05L/mol respectively, if 80 gm of gas
O [molecular mass 16 gm] is placed in 10L vessels at
300K, then match the column -
Column –I Column-II
(C) (D) None of these (A) Pressure correction (P) 0.06L
(B) Free volume available for (Q) 1 atm
H+ the motion of gas molecule (L)
11. The product of reaction, RNCO + R′OH 
→ is
(C) Actual volume occupied by (R) 9.75 L
(A) NH2 – C – OR′ (B) RNHCOR′
gas molecules (L)
O O (D) Volume correction (S) 0.25 L
(C) R′NHCOR (D) None of these (T) 3 L
14. Column-I Column-II
O (A) O2– → O2 + O2–2 (P) redox reaction
12. (B) Cr2O7–2 + H+ → (Q) one of the species
undergoes only
|| oxidation
Ac2O O
→     → (C) MnO4– + NO2– + H+ → (R) one of the species
H+ undergoes only
Me (D) NO3– + H2SO4+ Fe2+ → (S) disproportionation
excess OH − +
→ H→ [P]
   (T) one of the species
∆ ∆ is oxidation as well
[P] is - as reduction

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 60 MARCH 2011

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 61 MARCH 2011
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XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 64 MARCH 2011
–2 5+
SECTION – IV Initially we have taken 10 mole of A . In reaction
2+ –3
Integer answer type (I) number of moles of Sn required = 5 × 10 moles.
In reaction (II) the number of moles of N2H4
This section contains 5 questions (Q.15 to 19). –3
+3 marks will be given for each correct answer and no required = 2.5 × 10 moles.
negative marking. The answer to each of the questions In reaction (III) the number of moles of I2
is a SINGLE-DIGIT INTEGER, ranging from 0 to 9. required = 5 × 10 moles
The appropriate bubbles below the respective question Determine the value of p.
numbers in the OMR has to be darkened. For example,
if the correct answers to question numbers X, Y, Z and 18. A drug becomes ineffective after 50%
W (say) are 6, 0, 9 and 2, respectively, then the correct decomposition. The original concentration of a drug
darkening of bubbles will look like the following : in a sample was 10 mg/ml which becomes 4 mg/ml
X Y Z W during 10 months. Assuming the decomposition of
0 0 0 0 drug of first order, what is the expiry time of the drug
1 1 1 1 in months? Give the answer in nearest possible
integer in month.
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 19. 20 ml of a solution of potassium dichromate of
4 4 4 4 unknown strength was treated with excess KI
5 5 5 5 solution and the liberated iodine required 24.5 ml of
6 6 6 6 sodium thiosulphate of 0.1 N strength. Calculate the
7 7 7 7 mass of potassium dichromate dissolved per litre of
its solution (Atomic mass of K = 39, Cr = 52)
8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9
15. The following result have been obtained during
kinetic studies of the reaction A + B → C+D SECTION – I
Experiment [A]/M [B]/M Initial rate of Straight Objective Type
of C/M Questions 1 to 6 are multiple choice questions. Each
sec–1 question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE is correct. Mark your response in
I 0.1 0.1 6.0×10–3
OMR sheet against the question number of that
II 0.3 0.2 7.2×10–2 question. + 5 marks will be given for each correct
III 0.3 0.4 2.88×10–1 answer and – 2 mark for each wrong answer.
IV 0.4 0.1 2.40 ×10–2 1. How many 6 digit number can be formed using the
Calculate the order of above reaction digit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 that have at least two of the
digits the same:
16. In iodometric estimation of Cu+2 ion the following (A) 6(65 –5!) (B) 66
reaction took place. (C) 6! (D) 66 – 5!
2Cu2+ + 4I– → Cu2I2 + I2 2

I2 + 2Na2S2O3 → 2NaI + Na2S4O6 2. If the value of the integral e x dx = x, then the
If 100 ml of CuSO4 solution added to excess KI e4
requires 500 ml of 0.2M Na2S2O3 , the molarity of
CuSO4 solution is.
value of ∫
ln x dx is

(A) e4 – e – x (B) 2e4 – e – x

17. In the following sequence of reactions the reducing (C) 2(e4 – e) – x (D) None of these
and oxidising agents are properly mentioned
3. If the roots of the cubic x3 – 6x2 – 24x + c = 0 are the
(I) (II) (III) p+
first 3 terms of an A.P., then sum to first n terms of
5+ A
m+ n+
A the A.P. is:
Sn N2 H4 I2 (A) n(3n –1) (B) n(3n – 7)
4+ – (C) n (5 –3n) (D) none of these
Sn N2 I

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 65 MARCH 2011

1 2 2  Paragraph # 2 (Ques. 10 to 12)
1 
2 1 − 2 is an orthogonal matrix then
Consider two functions y = f(x) & y = g(x) defined as
4. If A =
3  below
 x y z 
 ax 2 + b, 0 ≤ x ≤1
the value of x + y is equal to- 
f ( x) =  bx + 2b, 1< x ≤ 3
(A) 3 (B) –3
(a − 1) x + 2c − 3, 3 < x ≤ 4
(C) 1 (D) 0 
 cx + d , 0≤ x≤2
5. Let zr, r = 1, 2, ........ n are the 'n' distict roots of 
equation nC1x + nC2x2 + .......... + nCnxn = 0 in an g ( x) = ax + 3 − c , 2 < x < 3
argand plane. If there exist exactly one  x 2 + b + 1, 3 ≤ x ≤ 4

zr, r ∈ {1, 2, ........., n} such that
 z − (−1 + 2i )  10. If f(x) is differentiable at x = 1 and g(x) is continuous
arg  r  = π , then 'n' can be – at x = 3 and the roots of the quadratic equation
 (−1) − (−1 + 2i )  4
  x2 + (a + b + c) αx + 49(k + kα) = 0 are real and
(A) 10 (B) 12 distinct for all values of α, then possible values of 'k'
(C) 14 (D) None of these lies in the interval-
(A) (–1, 0) (B) (–∞, –1)
6. The parabolas y2 = 4a (x – b) and y2 = 4cx have a (C) (1, 5) (D) (0, 1)
common normal other than the x-axis
(c > a > 0) if – 11. If g(x) is differentiable at x = 3 and f(x) is continuous
(A) 2a < 2c + b (B) 2b < 2c + a at x = 1, then the equation of a line perpendicular to
(C) 2c < 2a + b (D) 2b < 2a + c the plane ax + by + cz = 2 passing through (1, 1, 1) is
x −1 y −1 z −1 x −1 y −1 z −1
(A) = = (B) = =
2 2 2 6 3 8
SECTION – II x −1 y −1 z −1 x −1 y −1 z −1
Comprehension Type (C) = = (D) = =
3 6 8 8 6 2
This section contains 2 paragraphs, each has 3 multiple
choice questions. (Questions 7 to 12) Each question has 12. If g(x) is differentiable in its whole domain, then
4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY a + 1, b – d, c + 3 are in-
ONE is correct. Mark your response in OMR sheet (A) A.P. (B) G.P.
against the question number of that question. + 3 (C) H.P. (D) None of these
marks will be given for each correct answer and – 1
mark for each wrong answer. SECTION – III
Paragraph # 1 (Ques. 7 to 9) Matrix - Match Type
Equation of a parabola can be written in the form of This section contains 2 questions (Questions 13, 14).
L12 = L2 where L1 = 0 & L2 = 0 are two perpendicular Each question contains statements given in two
lines. Here L1 = 0 represent axis and L2 = 0 tangent columns which have to be matched. Statements (A, B,
on vertex for parabola. If a point P(x, y) lies on C, D) in Column I have to be matched with statements
parabola then equation of parabola, (distance of point (P, Q, R, S, T) in Column II. The answers to these
P(x,y) from axis of parabola)2 = Latus rectum × questions have to be appropriately bubbled as
(distance of point P from tangent at vertex) then illustrated in the following example. If the correct
Let S ≡ 4x2 – 4xy + y2 – 16x – 12y + 9 matches are A-P, A-S, A-T; B-Q, B-R; C-P, C-Q and
D-S, D-T then the correctly bubbled 4 × 5 matrix
7. If parabola S = 0 has latus rectum of l length then should be as follows :
l 5 equals P Q R S T
(A) 8 (B) 7 A P Q R S T
(C) 13 (D) 5 Q
8. Tangent at vertex for parabola S = 0, is – C P Q R S T
(A) 2x – y + 2 = 0 (B) 8x + 16y – 5 = 0 D P Q R S T
(C) 2x – y + 7 = 0 (D) 8x + 16y – 9 = 0
Mark your response in OMR sheet against the question
9. If parabola has vertex (a, b) then 40 (a + b) equals – number of that question in section-II. + 8 marks will be
(A) 2 (B) – 31 given for complete correct answer (i.e. +2 marks for
(C) 4 (D) 31 each correct row) and NO NEGATIVE MARKING for
wrong answer.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 66 MARCH 2011

13. Column-I Column-II SECTION – IV
(A) Natural numbers less than the (P) 3 Integer answer type
fundamental period of
cos x cos ecx − sin x sec x This section contains 5 questions (Q.15 to 19).
f(x) = is
sin x + cos x +3 marks will be given for each correct answer and no
r r r negative marking. The answer to each of the questions
(B) If a , b and c are three non coplanar (Q) 1
r r r r r is a SINGLE-DIGIT INTEGER, ranging from 0 to 9.
vectors such that p = (a × b ) × (b × c ) , The appropriate bubbles below the respective question
r r r r r r r r r r
q = (b × c ) × (c × a ), r = (c × a ) × (a × b ) numbers in the OMR has to be darkened. For example,
r rr r rr if the correct answers to question numbers X, Y, Z and
and [ pqr ] = [ab c ]n , then 'n' must be W (say) are 6, 0, 9 and 2, respectively, then the correct
(C) If there are exactly two points on the (R) 4 darkening of bubbles will look like the following :
x2 y2 X Y Z W
ellipse +
= 1 whose distance
a 2
b2 0 0 0 0
from centre is same and is equal to 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
a 2 + 2b 2
, then eccentricity of the 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
ellipse is , where k is equal to 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6
(D) In an acute angled triangle ABC, (S) 2
tanA, tanB & tan C are in H.P. 7 7 7 7
then the minimum value of 8 8 8 8
1 9 9 9 9
cot B is , where k is equal to
(T) 9 15. Let x + y = 60, where x, y ∈ N. If both greatest and
least values are attained by f(x) = x(30 – y)2. Then
14. find least value of f(x)

Column -I Column-II n
k xα{e1/ x } + k x ≠ 0
(A) If f "(x) + f '(x) – f 2(x) = x2 be the (P) 4
16. lim
∑ 4
k =1 k +
= p and f(x) = 
 p x=0

differential equation of a double 4

differentiable curve such that where {.} represents fractional part of function, is
f(x) ≠ 0 then number of local differentiable at x = 0, then find the least possible
maxima on this curve is integral value of α + k + p.
(Q) 0
(B) If ∫ f ( x) sin x cos x dx 17. Normals at three point P, Q, R at the parabola
y2 = 4ax meet in a point A and S be its focus if
1 | SP | . | SQ | . | SR | = an(SA)2, then n is equal to
= ln f(x) + c and
2( a − b 2 )

18. If P be a point on the parabola y2 = 3(2x – 3) and M is

foot of perpendicular drawn from P on the directrix
π of the parabola, then length of each side of an
a2 f   = 1, then b2 |f(0)| =
2 equilateral triangle SMP, where S is focus of the
parabola is
(C) If y = a ln |x| + bx2 + x has its (R) 1
extreme values at x = – 1 and 19. The number of points on hyperbola xy = c2 from
x = 2 then 2(a + b) is equal to which two tangents drawn to ellipse is
π / 2 sin 8 xln(cot x) (S) 3 x2 y2
(D) ∫0 cos 2 x
dx is equal
= 1 (where b < a < c) are perpendicular to

to each other is………….

(T) 2

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 67 MARCH 2011

Four simple harmonic vibrations x1 = 8 sin ωt,
x2 = 6sin (ωt + π/2), x3 = 4 sin (ωt + π) and
x4 = 2sin (ωt + 3π/2) are superimposed on each other.
SECTION – I The resulting amplitude and its phase difference with
Straight Objective Type x1 are respectively -
Questions 1 to 6 are multiple choice questions. Each 1 π
(A) 20, tan –1   (B) 4 2 ,
question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of 2 2
which ONLY ONE is correct. Mark your response in π
OMR sheet against the question number of that (C) 20, tan–1(2) (D) 4 2 ,
question. + 5 marks will be given for each correct
answer and – 2 mark for each wrong answer. 6. Binding energy per nucleon versus mass number
1. A 2 m wide truck is moving with a uniform speed curve for nuclei is shown in figure. W, X, Y and Z
v0 = 8 m/s along a straight horizontal road. A are four nuclei indicated on the curve. The process
pedestrian starts to cross the road with a uniform that would release energy is -
speed v when the
truck is 4 m away

Binding energy/nucleon
from him. The 2m Truck v 8.5 Y
minimum value of v X
Man 8.0
so that he can cross 7.5 W

in MeV
the road safely is - 4m
5.0 Z
(A) 2.62 m/s (B) 4.6 m/s
(C) 3.57 m/s (D) 1.414 m/s
2. An inclined plane makes an angle 30º with the
0 30 60 90 120
horizontal. A groove OA = 5 m cut in the plane
makes an angle 30º with OX. A short smooth Mass number of nuclei
cylinder is free to slide
cylinder A (A) Y → 2Z (B) W → X + Z
down the influence of
(C) W → 2Y (D) X → Y + Z
gravity. The time taken by
the cylinder to reach from A
2 30º
to O is (g = 10 m/s ) - O SECTION – II
Multiple Correct Answers Type
(A) 4 s (B) 2 s (C) 2 2 s (D) 1 s
This section contains 2 paragraphs, each has 3 multiple
3. A body is moved from rest along a straight line by a choice questions. (Questions 7 to 12) Each question has
machine delivering constant power. The ratio of 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY
displacement and velocity (s/v) varies with time t as - ONE is correct. Mark your response in OMR sheet
t t against the question number of that question. + 3
marks will be given for each correct answer and – 1
mark for each wrong answer.
Paragraph # 1 (Ques. 7 to 9)
(A) s/v (B) s/v
Two small balls of mass m and electric charge Q are
attached to ends of an insulator rod of length L and of
negligible mass. The rod can rotate in the horizontal
plane about a vertical axis passing through rod at a
(C) s/v (D) s/v distance L/3 from one of its ends.
7. Initially the rod is in unstable equilibrium in a
4. The potential energy of a particle of mass 1 kg is , horizontal electric fileld of field strength E. The god
U = 10 + (x – 2)2. Here, U is in joule and x in metres. is then gently displaced from this position. Then
On the positive x-axis particle travels upto x = + 6 m. maximum velocity attained by the ball which is
Choose the wrong statement : closer to the axis in the subsequent motion will be -
(A) On negative x-axis particle travels upto x = –2m 5QEL QEL
(B) The maximum kinetic energy of the particle is 16 J (A) 2 (B) 2
3m 5m
(C) The period of oscillation of the particle is
2π second QEL 3QL
(C) 2 (D) 2
(D) None of the above 15m 5m

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 68 MARCH 2011

8. Work done by electric force as the rod rotates from P Q R S T
unstable to stable equilibrium position is -
(A) q E L (B) qEL B P Q R S T
4 3
(C) qEL (D) qEL D P Q R S T
3 4
9. If rod is displaced ttle from its stable equilibrium Mark your response in OMR sheet against the question
position it executes SHM about vertical axis. Time number of that question in section-II. + 8 marks will be
period of the SHM will be - given for complete correct answer (i.e. +2 marks for
2π mL 5mL each correct row) and NO NEGATIVE MARKING for
(A) (B) 2π wrong answer.
3 QE 3QE
13. In the diagram shown in figure, all pulleys are
2π 5mL mL
(C) (D) 2π smooth and massless and strings are light. Match the
3 QE 3QE following :
F = 80N
Paragraph # 2 (Ques. 10 to 12)
A small ball B of mass 'm' is suspended with light
inelastic string of length “L” from a block A of same
mass “m” which can move on smooth horizontal
surface as shown in figure. The ball is displaced by
angle θ from equilibrium position & then released :

θ 1 kg
3 kg
L 4 kg

B 2 kg

10. The displacement of block when ball reaches the Column -I Column-II
equilibrium position - (A) 1 kg block (P) will remain stationary
(B) 2 kg block (Q) will move down
L sin θ
(A) (B) L sin θ (C) 3 kg block (R) will move up
2 (D) 4 kg block (S) 5 m/s2
(C) L (D) None of these (T) 10 m/s2
11. Tension in the string when it is vertical -
(A) mg (B) mg(2 – cos θ) 14. In the system shown in figure, mass m is released from rest
(C) mg(3 – 2 cosθ) (D) None of these from position A. Suppose potential energy of m at point A
with respect to point B is E. Dimensions of m are negligible
12. Maximum velocity of block during subsequent and all surfaces are smooth. When mass m reaches at point
motion of the system after release of ball is : B:
(A) [gl(1 – cosθ)]1/2 m
(B) [2gl(1 – cos θ)]1/2 A
(C) [glcosθ]1/2 2m B
(D) Information is in sufficient

SECTION – III Column -I Column-II

Matrix - Match Type (A) Kinetic energy of m (P) E /3
This section contains 2 questions (Questions 13, 14). (B) kinetic energy of 2m (Q) 2E/3
Each question contains statements given in two 4
(C) Momentum of m (R) mE
columns which have to be matched. Statements (A, B, 3
C, D) in Column I have to be matched with statements
(P, Q, R, S, T) in Column II. The answers to these 2
(D) Momentum of 2m (S) mE
questions have to be appropriately bubbled as 3
illustrated in the following example. If the correct (T) None
matches are A-P, A-S, A-T; B-Q, B-R; C-P, C-Q and
D-S, D-T then the correctly bubbled 4 × 5 matrix
should be as follows :

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 69 MARCH 2011

Integer answer type Black Holes-The Most Efficient
Engines in the Universe
This section contains 5 questions (Q.15 to 19).
+3 marks will be given for each correct answer and no The scientists have just found the most energy-
negative marking. The answer to each of the questions efficient engines in the universe. Black holes,
is a SINGLE-DIGIT INTEGER, ranging from 0 to 9. whirling super dense centres of galaxies that suck in
The appropriate bubbles below the respective question nearly everything. Jets of energy spurting out of
numbers in the OMR has to be darkened. For example, older ultra-efficient black holes also seem to be
if the correct answers to question numbers X, Y, Z and playing a crucial role as zoning police in large
W (say) are 6, 0, 9 and 2, respectively, then the correct galaxies preventing to many stars from sprouting.
darkening of bubbles will look like the following : This explains why there are fewer burgeoning
galaxies chock full of stars than previously
0 0 0 0 expected.
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 For the first time, the scientists have measured both
the mas of hot gas that is being sucked into nine
3 3 3 3
older black holes and the unseen super speedy jets
4 4 4 4
of high energy particles split out, which essentially
5 5 5 5 form a cosmic engine. Then they determined a rate
6 6 6 6 of how efficient these older black hole engines are
7 7 7 7 and were awe-struck. These black holes are 25
8 8 8 8 times more efficient than anything man has built,
9 9 9 9 with nuclear power being the most efficient of man-
made efforts, said the research's lead author,
15. A bird flies for 4 sec with a velocity of
Professor Steve Allen of Stanford University.
|t – 2| m/sec in a straight line where t is in second the
distance covered by the bird is ….. (in m) The galaxies in which these black holes live are
bigger than the Milky way, which is the Earth's
16. An object of mass 0.2 kg executes SHM along the x-
axis with a frequency 25/π Hz. At the position galaxy and are 50 million to 400 million light-years
x = 0.04 m, the object has K.E., 0.5 J and P.E., away.
0.4 J. The amplitude of oscillation in cm will be …...
(PE is zero at mean position)
17. Difference between nth & (n + 1)th Bohr's radius of H
atom is equal to its (n – 1)th Bohr's radius. The value
of n is ……..
18. In the arrangement shown in the figure m1 = 1kg m2
= 2 kg. Pulley are mass less & strings are light for
what value of M, the mass m1 moves with constant
velocity (in kg)
Black holes are the most fuel-efficient engines in
the universe.
The results were surprising because the types of
m2 black holes studied were older, less powerful and
19. A block of mass 1 kg is attached to one end of a generally considered boring, scientists said. But
spring of force constant k = 20 N/m. The other end of they ended up being more efficient than originally
the spring is attached to a fixed rigid support. This thought, possibly as efficient as their younger,
spring block system is made to oscillate on a rough brighter and more potent black hole siblings called
horizontal surface with µ = 0.04. The initial quasars. One way the scientists measured the
displacement of block from the (Eq.) mean position is efficiency of black holes was by looking at the jets
a = 30 cm. How many times the block will pass from of high energy spewed out.
the mean position before coming to rest ? (g = 10

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 70 MARCH 2011

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 71 MARCH 2011
SYLLABUS : Physics : Full syllabus Chemistry : Full syllabus Mathematics : Full syllabus

Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 432

Instructions :
• Part A – Physics (144 Marks) – Questions No. 1 to 2 and 9 to 30 consist FOUR (4) marks each and Question No.
3 to 8 consist EIGHT (8) marks each for each correct response.
Part B – Chemistry (144 Marks) – Questions No. 31 to 39 and 46 to 60 consist FOUR (4) marks each and
Question No. 40 to 45 consist EIGHT (8) marks each for each correct response.
Part C – Mathematics (144 Marks) – Questions No.61 to 82 and 89 to 90 consist FOUR (4) marks each and
Question No. 83 to 88 consist EIGHT (8) marks each for each correct response
• For each incorrect response, ¼ (one fourth) of the weightage marks allotted of the would be deducted.

6. To measure the length of cylinder, a student uses the

PHYSICS (Part-A) vernier calipers, whose mains scale reads in
millimeter and its vernier is divided into 10 divisions
1. A resistor of 10 kΩ having tolerance 10% is which coincides with 9 division of the main scale. He
connected in series with another resistor of 20 kΩ observed that when the two jaws of the instrument
having tolerance 20%. The tolerance of the touch each other the eighth division of the vernier
combination will be - scale coincides with any one of main scale division
(A) 10% (B) 13% (C) 30% (D) 20% and the zero of the vernier lies to the right of the zero
2. A particle is moving in a straight line with initial of the main scale. When he placed of a cylinder
velocity and uniform acceleration a. If the sum of the tightly along its length between the two jaws the zero
distance travelled in tth and (t + 1)th seconds is 100 of the vernier scale lies slightly to the left of 42 mm
cm, then its velocity after t seconds, in cm/s, and the fourth vernier division coincides with main
is - scale division. The correct length is -
(A) 80 (B) 50 (C) 20 (D) 30 (A) 4.14 cm (B) 4.24 cm
(C) 4.06 cm (D) 4.22 cm
3. In an experiment it was found that the string vibrates
in n loops when a mass M is placed on the pan. What 7. Which is not used to determine specific heat of a
mass should be placed on the pan to make it vibrate solid -
in 2n loops with the same frequency? (Neglect the (A) Calorimeter (B) Hypsometer
mass of pan) : - (C) Hygrometer (D) Stirrer
M M 8. If a bird diving with 6m/s see a fish moving up in
(A) 2M (B) (C) 4M (D)
4 2 water. If speed of fish as seen by bird is 18 m/s then
4. A coil of one turn is made of a wire of certain length calculate actual speed of moving fish. (µwater = 4/3)-
and then from the same length a coil of two turns is (A) 9 m/s (B) 12 m/s
made. If the same current is passed in both the cases, (C) 16 m/s (D) 18 m/s
then the ratio of the magnetic induction at their 9. If a convex lens forms image of an object over a
centres will be - screen placed at 180 cm from object with
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 4 (C) 4 : 1 (D) 1 : 2 magnification 2. Now lens is shifted to new position
5. When magnetic field at P and Q is same then and image is again formed over the screen. Then
OP/OQ = ? distance between two positions of lens is -
Q (A) 40 cm (B) 60 cm (C) 120 cm (D) 30 cm
10. Assuming the sun to be a spherical body of radius R
at a temperature of T K, evaluate the total radiant
power, incident on the earth, at a distance r from the
sun, is
R 2 σT 4 4πr02 R 2 σT 4
O P (A) (B)
r2 r2
(A) 2 (B) 1/ 3 2 πr 2 R 2σT 4 r 2 R 2 σT 4
3/ 2
(C) 0 2 (D) 0
(C) 2 2 (D) 2 r 4πr 2

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 72 MARCH 2011

Passage based Questions (Q.11 to Q.13) 18. Nuclear forces are -
The alternate discs of iron and carbon, having same (A) attractive only
area of cross-section are cemented together to make a (B) repulsive only
cylinder whose temperature coefficient of resistivity (C) attractive or repulsive depends upon separation
is zero. The change in temperature in two alternate (D) neither attractive nor repulsive
discs is same. The ratio of their thickness and ratio of
19. The stopping potential depends on -
heat produced in them is found out. The resistivity of
(A) intensity of incident light
iron and carbon at 20°C are 1 × 10–7 and 3 × 10–5 Ωm (B) frequency of incident light
and their temperature coefficient of resistance are 5 × (C) both (A) and (B)
10–3 and – 7⋅5 × 10–4 per °C respectively. Thermal (D) neither (A) nor (B)
expansion is neglected. Here ∆R1 + ∆R2 = 0 (where
∆R1 and ∆R2 are the increase in resistances of iron 20. Displacement of a particle of mass 2 kg moving in a
and carbon respectively with the rise in temperature) straight line varies with time as s = (2t3 + 2)m.
because combined temperature coefficient of Impulse of the force acting on the particle over a time
resistivity is given as zero. interval between t = 0 and t = 1 s is
Now answer the following questions - (A) 10 N-s (B) 12 N-s (C) 8 N-s (D) 6 N-s
11. Ratio of their thickness is - Passage based Questions (Q.21 to Q.22)
(A) 54 (B) 45 (C) 35 (D) 21 Moment of inertia of a straight wire about an axis
perpendicular to the wire and passing through one of
12. Ratio of heat produced in them is -
its end is I.
(A) 0.51 (B) 1 (C) 0.15 (D) 2
21. This wire is now framed into a circle (a ring) of
13. A copper wire is stretched to make it 1% longer. The single turn. The moment of inertia of this ring about
percentage change in its resistance is - an axis passing through centre and perpendicular to
(A) 2% (B) 1% (C) 1.5% (D) 2.5% its plane would be -
 3   3 
14. A spherical volume contains a uniformly distributed (A)  2  I (B)  2  I
charge of density 2 µC/m3. The electric field intensity π   4π 
at a point inside the volume at a distance 3.0 cm from  π2   4π 2 
the centre is - (C)  I (D)  I
 3   3 
(A) 18.08 × 103 N/C (B) 9.04 × 103 N/C    
(C) 4.52 × 10 N/C (D) 2.26 × 103 N/C 22. Now the same wire is bent into a ring of two turns,
15. The maximum velocity of a particle executing simple then the moment of inertia would be :
harmonic motion with an amplitude 7mm is 4.4 m/s.  π2   π2 
(A)   I (B)   I
The period of oscillation is -  3   12 
(A) 0.1 sec (B) 100 sec    
(C) 0.01 sec (D) 10 sec  3   3 
(C)  I (D)  2  I
 16π 2   4π 
16. The surface energy of a liquid drop is E. It is sprayed
into 1000 equal droplets, then its surface energy Statement based Question (Q.23 to 24)
becomes - The following question given below consist of
(A) 1000 E (B) 100 E Statement I and Statement II. Use the following Key to
(C) 10 E (D) E choose the appropriate answer.
rd (A) If both Statement I and Statement II are true, and
17. Activity of a radioactive sample decreases to   Statement II is the correct explanation of
3 Statement I.
of its original value in 3 days, then in (B) If both Statement I and Statement II are true, but
6 days its activity will be - Statement II is not the correct explanation of
1 Statement I.
(A) of original value
27 (C) If Statement I is true but Statement II is false.
1 (D) If Statement I is false but Statement II is true.
(B) of original value
9 23. Statement-I : The ratio of specific heat of a gas at
1 constant pressure and specific heat at constant
(C) of original value volume for a diatomic gas is more than that for a
monoatomic gas.
1 Statement-II : The molecules of a monoatomic gas
(D) of original value
3 have less degree of freedom than those of a diatomic

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 73 MARCH 2011

24. Statement-I : No interference pattern is detected 32. Which of the following can be applied on wounds ?
when two coherent sources are infinitely close to (A) 1% phenol (B) Penicillin
each other. (C) Chloroxylenol (D) Streptomycin
Statement-II : The fringe width is inversely
33. Arrange the following compounds in decreasing
proportional to the distance between the two slits.
order of stereogenic centres
(where r0 is the radius of the earth and σ is Stefan's CH3
constant.) CH3 CHOH
25. Two mass m and 2m are attached with each other by
a rope passing over a frictionless and massless pulley.
If the pulley is accelerated upwards with an
acceleration 'a', what is the value of T ? I II
g+a g–a
(A) (B) CH3
3 3
4 m (g + a ) m (g – a ) CH3 CHOHCHCl
(C) (D) C C
3 3 H H
26. A source is moving towards an observer with a speed III
of 20 m/s and having frequency of 240 Hz. The (A) III > I = II (B) III > II > I
observer is moving towards the source with a (C) I > II > III (D) II > III > I
velocity of 20 m/s. Apparent frequency heard by
observer if velocity of sound is 340 m/s is - 34. NH4 COO NH2 (s) 2NH3 + CO2 . if
(A) 270 Hz (B) 240 Hz (g) (g)
(C) 268 Hz (D) 360 Hz equilibrium pressure is 3 atm for the above reaction,
27. A coil of area 80 square cm and 50 turns is rotating kp for the reaction is -
with 2000 revolutions per minute about an axis (A) 4 (B) 27
perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.05 Tesla. The (C) 4/27 (D) 1/27
maximum value of the emf developed in it is -
35. If 1.2 g of a metal displaces 1.12 litre of hydrogen at
10π NTP, equivalent mass of the metal would be -
(A) 200π volt (B) volt
3 (A) 1.2 × 11.2 (B) 12
4π 2 (C) 24 (D) 1.2 + 11.2
(C) volt (D) volt
3 3 36. One mole of acidified K2Cr2O7 on reaction with
28. In a resonance tube, using a tuning fork of frequency excess KI will liberate ……..moles of I2 -
325 Hz, two successive resonance lengths are (A) 5 (B) 4
observed at 25.4 cm and 77.4 cm respectively. The (C) 3 (D) 2
velocity of sound in air is -
(A) 300 m/s (B) 310 m/s 37. Which of the following is correct order for stability ?
(C) 320 m/s (D) 338 m/s (a) (C6H5)3C⊕ (b) (CF3)3C⊕
(c) (CH3)3C⊕ (d) (CCl3) 3C⊕
29. What amount of energy is required for making a 500 kg (A) b< d < c < a (B) a < b < c < d
body escape from the earth. (Given g = 10 m/s2 & (C) b < c < d < a (D) b < d < a < c
radius of earth = 6 × 106m) -
(A) 3 × 109 J (B) 1.5 × 109 J 38. An alkyl bromide 'F' forms Grignard's reagent with
(C) 3 × 10 J (D) 6 × 1010 J Mg when treated with water, it forms n hexane, when
treated with Na it forms 4, 5 diethyloctane, 'F' is -
30. In a semi-conductor diode P side is earthed and (A) 1-Bromohexane (B) 2-Bromohexane
N-side is applied to a potential of 2V. The diode (C) 3 -Bromohexane (D) Neopentane
(A) not conduct (B) conduct partially 39. Which of the following is correct statements?
(C) conduct (D) break down (A) Hybridization of S in H2SO3 is sp2
(B) H2S is polar while SO3 is non-polar
(C) NH3 has smaller bond angle than NF3
(D) All statements are correct
31. A moisten salt is rubbed with oxalic acid between the 40. Which of the following pair of ions makes the water
fingers and smells like vinegar. It indicates the hard -
presence of - (A) Na+, SO42– (B) Mg+2 + HCO3–
+2 –
(A) Sulphur (B) Nitrates (C) Ca , NO3 (D) NH4+, Cl–
(C) Nitrite (D) Acetate

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 74 MARCH 2011

41. The hydrolysis constant of KH for the reaction NH2

H2PO4 + H2O → H3PO4 + OH– is 1.4× 10–12.
Ac2O Br2 H2O
The ionization constant for (A) (B) H⊕ (C)
H3PO4 + H2O → H2PO4– + H3O+ is
(A) 7.14 × 10–3 (B) 1.4 × 10–12
(C) 7.14 × 10 –12
(D) 1.4 × 10–3 CH3
The find product 'C' in the above reaction is -
42. A physician wishes to prepare a buffer solution at NHCOCH3 NH2
pH = 3.58 that efficiently resists a change in pH yet
contains only small conc. of buffering agents. Which one Br COCH3
of the following weak acid together with its sodium salt (A) (B)
would be best to use -
(A) m-chloro benzoic acid (pka = 3.98) CH3 CH3
(B) p-chloro cinnamic acid (pka = 4.41) COCH3 NH2
(C) 2,5-dihydroxy benzoic acid (pka = 2.97)
(D) Acetoacetic acid (pka = 3.56) Br Br
(C) (D)
43. Which of the following represents graph for
freundlich adsorption isotherm
x x


(A) log (B) log 48 Consider the following about SN1 mechanism ?
m m
(I) Usually carbocation forming substrates reaction
log P → log P → with this mechanism
(II) Non- polar solvents favour this mechanism
x x (III) Electron donating substitutes increase the rate of


(C) log (D) log the reaction proceeding with this mechanism
m m Of these statements
(A) I,II and III are correct
log P → log k
(B) Only I is correct
44. The electronegativity of the following elements (C) II and III are correct
increases in the order (D) I and III are correct
(A) F > Cl > O > S (B) S > Cl > O > F
(C) F > O > Cl > S (D) Cl > F > O > S TC × TB
49. The value of value of for a real gas is -
(Ti ) 2
45. Which of the following generally increases on going
from top to bottom in a group ? 4 8
(A) (B)
(A) Metallic character (B) Electronegativity 27 27
(C) Oxidising behaviour (D) Acidic nature of oxides 2
(C) (D) None
Cl 27

50. What is the product of the following reaction
46. + Mg T.H.F [X] CO2 [Y] H [Z] CH3
CH3 OsO /OH–
C=C 4
Product [Z] is
(A) (B) H OH OH H H OH
(1) (2) (3)
(A) only 1
(B) only2
(C) (D) (C) only 3
(D) 1 : 1 mixture of 2 and 3

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 75 MARCH 2011

51. The most effective pair of reagents for the CH3
preparation of tert-butyl ethyl ether is Mg–Hg+H2O H⊕
(A) Potassium tert- butoxide and ethyl bromide 59. 2CH3 –C A B
(B) Potassium tert-butoxide and ethanol O
(C) Sodium ethoxide and tert - butyl bromide Indentify B in the above sequence -
(D) tert- Butyl alcohol and ethyl bromide CH3 CH3 CH3
52. After dissolving the outer shell of egg in acetic acid, (A) CH3 – C —–C–CH3 (B) CH3 – C –C–CH3
it is put in distilled water. Which of the following is
true about size of egg - OH OH O OH
(A) decreases CH3
(B) increases (C) CH3 – C –C–CH3 (D) None of these
(C) remain constant
(D) First increases then decreases O CH3

53. Nylon-66 obtained by condensation polymerization 60. ZnO is white when cold and yellow when heated . It
of - is due to development of -
(A) Adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine (A) Frankel defect
(B) Phenol and formaldehyde (B) schottky defect
(C) Terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol (C) metal excess defect
(D) Sebacic acid and hexamethylene diamine (D) metal deficient defect
54. Which of the following statement is not correct?
(A) Primary pollutant are those which are emitted
directly from the source
(B) Secondary pollutants are those which are formed
in the atmosphere by the chemical reaction
between primary pollutants and the constituents  1 tan θ 
61. If A(θ) =   and AB = I, then
of atmosphere  − tan θ 1 
(C) Chemical reaction between primary and (sec2 θ) B is equal to
secondary pollutants produce tertiary pollutants
(D) SO2 is a primary pollutant (A) A(θ) (B) A (–θ)

55. The no. of faraday required to reduce 0.2 mol (C) A(θ/2) (D) A(–θ/2)
C6H5NO2 to C6H5NH2 is
(A) 1.2 (B) 0.6 62. If a function f : R → R be such that f(x) = x –[x],
(C) 0.3 (D) 0.4 where [y] denotes the greatest integer less than or
equal to y then f –1(x) is
56. In the following reaction
PCl5 H 2O
 → HCl + A (A) (B) [x] – x
x − [x]
the product 'A' is
(A) H2P2O4 (B) H2P2O7 (C) Not defined (D) None of these
(C) H3PO4 (D) H3PO3
2 + 2 x + sin 2 x
57. The complex [Pt(NH3)4][Pt Cl6] and [Pt (NH3)4 Cl2] [Pt 63. lim is
Cl4] are
x →∞ (2 x + sin 2 x) e sin x
(A) linkage isomers (A) equal to zero (B) equal to 1
(B) optical isomers
(C) co-ordination isomers (C) equal to –1 (D) non existent
(D) ionisation isomers
64. The mean deviation from the mean of the A.P.
58. Which statement is incorrect - a, a + d, a + 2d, ……. a + 2nd is
(A) In exothermic reaction, enthalpy of products is n(n + 1)d
(A) n(n + 1)d (B)
less than that of reactants . (2n + 1)
(B) ∆Hfusion = ∆Hsublimation – ∆H vapourization n(n + 1)d n(n − 1)d
(C) A reaction having ∆H < 0 and ∆S > 0 is (C) (D)
2n 2n + 1
spontaneous at all temperature
1 65. tan–1 (tan (–6)) is equal to-
(D) For the reaction , C(s) + O2(g) → (A) –6 (B) 6 –2π
CO2(g) ; ∆H< ∆E (C) 3π –6 (D) (2π –6)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 76 MARCH 2011

66. The solution to the differential eq. 75. An equilateral triangle is inscribed in parabola
d2y dy y2 = 4ax in which one vertex is origin. The side of the
+ sin x = x, given =1, y = 1 equilateral triangle should be
dx dx
when x = 0, is (A) 4a (B) 4 3 a
x 3
x 3 (C) 8 3a (D) None of these
(A) y = – sin x –1 (B) y = + sin x –1
6 6
76. If tangents are drawn to the ellipse x2 + 2y2 = 2, then
x3 x3 the locus of the mid-point of the intercept made by the
(C) y = + sin x + 1 (D) y = + sin x + 1
6 3 tangents between the coordinate axes, is
1 1 1 1
67. The locus of the mid-point of a chord of the circle (A) 2
+ =1 (B) 2
+ =1
x2 + y2 = 4 which subtends a right angle at the origin 2x 4y 2
4x 2y 2
is: x2 y2 x2 y2
(A) x + y = 2 (B) x2 + y2 = 1 (C) + =1 (D) + =1
2 2 2 4 4 2
(C) x + y = 2 (D) x + y = 1
Statement based Question (Q.77 to 78)
The following question given below consist of
68. Let R be a universal set and
Statement I and Statement II. Use the following Key to
A ∪ {1, 2, 3} = {1, 2, 3, 8,10} and n(A) = p, then choose the appropriate answer.
(A) 2 ≤ p ≤ 5 (B) p = 2 (A) If both Statement I and Statement II are true, and
(C) p = 5 (D) None of these Statement II is the correct explanation of
Statement I.
1 − x7
69. ∫ (1 + x )x7
dx = a lnx + b ln (1 + x7) + C, then- (B) If both Statement I and Statement II are true, but
Statement II is not the correct explanation of
(A) a = 1, b =2/7 (B) a = 1, b = –2/7 Statement I.
(C) a = –1, b = 2/7 (D) a = –1, b = –2/7 (C) If Statement I is true but Statement II is false.
(D) If Statement I is false but Statement II is true.
cos x x 1
f ′( x) x y
70. Let f(x) = 2 sin x x2 2 x . Then lim = 77. Statement-I : The variable lines – = m,
x →0 x a b
tan x x 1 x y 1
+ = (a, b are constants, m is a parameter)
(A) 2 (B) –2 a b m
(C) –1 (D) 1 always meet on a hyperbola.
71. If three points A, B and C have position vectors Statement-II : The locus of point of intersection of
(1, x, 3), (3, 4, 7) and (y –2, –5) respectively and if two lines is obtained by multiplying their equations.
they are collinear , then (x, y) is
(A) (2, –3) (B) (–2, 3) 78. Statement-I : If the lines x + 2ay + a = 0,
(C) (–2, –3) (D) (2, 3) x + 3by + b = 0, x + 4cy + c = 0 are concurrent then a,
72. In the space the equation by + cz + d = 0 represents a b, c are in H.P.
plane perpendicular to the because
(A) YOZ plane B) ZOX plane 1 2a a
(C) XOY plane (D) None of these Statement-II : 1 3b b = 0 ⇒ b =
73. The solution to the equation 1 4c c
cos4 x + sin4x = sin x. cos x in [0, 2π]
(A) 1 (B) 2 | x |, 0 < | x | ≤ 2
79. Let f(x) =  . Then at x = 0, f has
(C) 3 (D) None  1, x=0
74. The difference between the radii of the largest and the (A) a local maximum (B) no local maximum
smallest circles, which have their centres on the (C) a local minimum (D) no extremum
circumference of the circle x2 + 2x + y2 + 4y = 4 and
pass through the point (a, b) lying outside the given 80. If α, β are two different complex numbers such that
circle, is β−α
|α| = 1, |β| = 1 then the expression =
(A) 6 (B) (a + 1) 2 + (b + 2) 2 1 − αβ
(A) 1/2 (B) 1
(C) 3 (D) (a + 1) 2 + (b + 2) 2 –3 (C) 2 (D) None of these

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 77 MARCH 2011

81. If in the expansion of (1 + x)m (1 – x)n, the coefficient (a + b + c + d )!
of x and x2 are 3 and – 6 respectively, then m is (C) (D) None of these
a ! b! c!
(A) 6 (B) 9 (C) 12 (D) 24
87. A bag contains (2n + 1) coins. It is known that n of
82. ~ (p ∨ q) ∨ (~ p ∧ q) is logically equivalent to these coins have a head on both side, whereas the
(A) ~ p (B) p (C) q (D) ~ q remaining n + 1 coins are fairs. A coin is picked up at
random from the bag and tossed. If the probability
83. The position vectors of the vertices of a quadrilateral
r r r r that the toss results in a head is 31/42, then n is equal
ABCD are a , b , c , d respectively. Area of the to
quadrilateral formed by joining the middle points of (A) 13 (B) 12 (C) 11 (D) 10
its sides is

1 r r r r r r −1  1 
(A) | b × c + c × d + d × b |
88. ∑ tan
i =1
 2 =
 2i 
1 r r r r r r π −π
(B) | a × b + b × d + d × a | (A) (B)
4 2 4
1 r r r r r r r r (C) (D) None of these
(C) | a × b + b × c + c × d + d × a | 4
1 r r r r r r r r Passage Based Question (Q. 89 to 90)
(D) | b × c + c × d + a × d + b × a | Consider the quadratic equation
4 x2 – mx + (m – 1) = 0. Where m is real number .
84. In the triangle with vertices at A(6, 3), B(–6, 3) and On the basis of above information, answer the
C(–6, –3), the median through A meets BC at P, the following questions
line AC meets the x-axis at Q, while R and S 89. Find the no. of integral values of m such that given
respectively denote the orthocentre and centroid of quadratic equation has equal roots–
the triangle. Then the correct matching of the (A) 1 (B) 2
coordinates of points in List-I to List -II is (C) 0 (D) None of these
List- I List-II
(i) P (a) (0, 0) 90. Find the set of values of m such that given quadratic
(ii) Q (b) (6, 0) equation has one root positive and other root
(iii) R (c) (–2, 1) negative–
(iv) S (d) (–6, 0) (A) m∈ R (B) m∈ (–∞, 1)
(e) (–6, –3) (C) m∈ (∞, 0) (D) None of these
(f) (–6, 3)
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(A) d a e c
(B) d b e c
(C) d a f c
1. The storm cock or male mistlethrush sings as
(D) b a f c
a thunderstorm approaches.
85. The value of definite integral 2. A typical double mattress contains as many
x x as two million house dust mites.
∫ e {cos (sin x) cos
I= x
+ sin (sin x) sin 2 } dx is
2 2 3. The average human will grow 590 miles
(949.5 km) of hair in their lifetime.
1 π/2 eπ/ 2
(A) [e (cos 1 + sin 1)–1] (B) (cos 1 + sin 1) 4. About 51% of incoming solar radiation is
2 2 absorbed by the earth's surface and 14%
1 eπ/ 2 absorbed by the atmosphere.
(C) (eπ/20cos 1 –1) (D) [cos 1+sin 1–1]
2 2 5. Only 2% of male red deer are seriously
86. A library has a copies of one book, b copies of each injured in their antler-rattling contests.
of the two books, c copies of each of three books and 6. The United States recycles 25 percent of its
single copy of d book. The total number of ways in annual 180 million tons of household
which these books can be arranged is rubbish.
(a + 2b + 3c + d )! (a + 2b + 3c + d )! 7. Venus is the hottest planet with a
(A) 2 3
a!(b!) (c!) a! b! c! temperature of 480 °C.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 78 MARCH 2011

Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 450

Instructions :
• This question paper contains 150 questions in Physics (40) Chemistry (40), Mathematics (45), Logical
Reasoning (10) & English (15). There is Negative Marking
• Each question has four option & out of them, ONLY ONE is the correct answer. There is – ve marking.
• +3 Marks for each correct & – 1 Mark for the incorrect answer.

4. A system is shown in the figure. The time period for

PHYSICS small oscillations of the two blocks will be -
k 2k
1. A particle is given an initial speed u inside a smooth m m
spherical shell of radius R = 1 m that it is just able to
3m 3m
complete the circle. Acceleration of the particle when (A) 2π (B) 2π
its velocity is vertical is - k 4k
3m 3m
(C) 2π (D) 2π
8k 2k

u 5. The displacement of two identical particles executing
SHM are represented by equations
(A) g 10 (B) g  π
x1 = 4 sin 10 t +  and x2 = 5 cos ωt
(C) g 2 (D) 3g  6
For what value of ω energy of both the particles is
2. A rigid rod leans against a vertical wall (y-axis) as
same ?
shown in figure. The other end of the rod is on the
(A) 16 unit (B) 6 unit
horizontal floor. Point A is pushed downwards with
constant velocity. Path of the centre of the rod is – (C) 4 unit (D) 8 unit
6. A solid sphere of mass M and radius R is placed on a
smooth horizontal surface. It is given a horizontal
impulse J at a height h above the centre of mass and
sphere starts rolling then, the value of h and speed of
centre of mass are –
x J
B h
(A) a straight line passing through origin
(B) a straight line not passing through origin M C R
(C) a circle of radius l/2 and centre at origin
(D) a circle of radius l/2 but centre not at origin µ=0
2 J
3. The height at which the acceleration due to gravity (A) h = R and v =
5 M
becomes (where g = the acceleration due to 2 2 J
9 (B) h = R and v =
gravity on the surface of the earth) in terms of R, the 5 5 M
radius of the earth, is – 7 7 J
R (C) h = R and v =
(A) 2R (B) 5 5 M
2 7 J
(D) h = R and v =
(C) R / 2 (D) 2R 5 M

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 79 MARCH 2011

7. As shown in figure, wheel A of radius rA = 10 cm is through a consumer of unknown resistance, what
coupled by belt B to wheel C of radius energy does the consumer give out to its
rC = 25 cm. The angular speed of wheel A is surrounding?
increased from rest at a constant rate of 1.6 rad/s2. Assume d1 = d2 = d
Time after which wheel C reaches a rotational speed A
of 100 rpm, assuming the belt does not slip, is nearly- +q
C –q

(A) 4 sec (B) 8 sec

(C) 12 sec (D) 16 sec K
q 2d q 2d q 2d 2q 2d
Q (A) (B) (C) (D)
8. Let P(r ) = r be the charge density distribution 4ε 0 A ε0A 2ε 0 A ε0A
πR 4
for a solid sphere of radius R and total charge Q. For 12. Consider the network of equal resistances (each R)
a point ‘p’ inside the sphere at distance r1 from the shown in Figure. Then the effective resistance
centre of the sphere, the magnitude of electric field between points A an B is –
is- A
(A) 0 (B)
4π ∈0 r12
Q r12 Q r12
(C) (D)
4π ∈0 R 4 3π ∈0 R 4 B

9. An isolated and charged spherical soap bubble has a (A) (5/3) R (B) (5/6) R
radius 'r' and the pressure inside is atmospheric. If 'T' (C) (5/12) R (D) None of these
is the surface tension of soap solution, then charge on
drop is - 13. A current of 2 ampere flows in a system of
conductors as shown in the following figure. The
(A) 2 (B) 8 π r 2rT ∈0 potential difference (VA – VB) will be - (in volt)
∈0 A
2rT 2Ω 3Ω
(C) 8 π r rT ∈0 (D) 8 π r
∈0 2 amp C
10. Current versus time and voltage versus time graphs
of a circuit element are shown in figure. 3Ω 2Ω
I(A) V(Volt) B
(A) +2 (B) +1
(C) –1 (D) –2
1.0 4.0 14. Consider a toroid of circular cross-section of radius b,
amp Volt major radius R much greater than minor radius b,
(see diagram) find the total energy stored in magnetic
t(s) t(s) field of toroid –
4.0 4.0
sec sec
The type of the circuit element is :
(A) capacitance of 2 F
(B) resistance of 2Ω
(C) capacitance of 1 F
(D) a voltage source of e.m.f 1 V

11. Three identical metal plates of area 'A' are at distance

d1 & d2 from each other. Metal plate A is uncharged,
while plate B & C have respective charges +q & – q.
If metal plates A &C are connected by switch K

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 80 MARCH 2011

B2 π2b 2R B2 π2b 2R 18. A step down transformer reduces 220 V to 110 V.
(A) (B) The primary draws 5 ampere of current and
2µ 0 4µ 0
secondary supplies 9 ampere. The efficiency of
B2 π2b 2R B2 π2b 2R transformer is -
(C) (D) (A) 20% (B) 44%
8µ 0 µ0
(C) 90% (D)100%
15. AB and CD are smooth parallel rails, separated by a
19. Of the following transitions in hydrogen atom, the
distance L and inclined to the horizontal at an angle
one which gives emission line of minimum frequency
θ. A uniform magnetic field of magnitude B, directed is -
vertically upwards, exists in the region. EF is a (A) n = 1 to n = 2 (B) n = 3 to n = 10
conductor of mass m, carrying a current I. For EF to (C) n = 10 to n = 3 (D) n = 2 to n = 1
be in equilibrium:
D 20. In uranium (Z = 92) the K absorption edge is
F 0.107 Å and the Kα line is 0.126 Å the, wavelength of
C the L absorption edge is -
B (A) 0.7 Å (B) 1 Å
L (C) 2 Å (D) 3.2 Å
E 21. A material whose K absorption edge is 0.15 Å is
A θ irradiated with 0.1 Å X-rays. The maximum kinetic
(A) I must flow from E to F energy of photoelectrons that are emitted from K-
(B) BIL = mg cos θ shell is-
(C) BIL = mg sin θ (A) 41 KeV (B) 51 KeV
(D) BIL = mg (C) 61 KeV (D) 71 KeV

16. In the circuit shown the cell is ideal. The coil has an 22. The element which has Kα X-ray line whose
inductance of 4H and zero resistance. F is a fuse of wavelength is 0.18 nm is –
zero resistance and will blow when the current (A) Iron (B) Cobalt
through it reaches 5A.The switch is closed at t = 0. (C) Nickel (D) Copper
The fuse will blow -
23. The momentum of a photon having energy equal to
+ F the rest energy of an electron is:
2V – L=4H (A) zero
S (B) 2.73 × 10–22 kg ms–1
(C) 1.99 × 10–24 kg ms–1
(A) after 5 sec (B) after 2 sec (D) infinite
(C) after 10 sec (D) almost at once
24. A parallel beam of uniform, monochromatic light of
17. In the circuit shown X is joined to Y for a long time wavelength 2640 Å has an intensity of
and then X is joined to Z. The total heat produced in 100 W/m2. The number of photons in 1 mm3 of this
R2 is – radiation are –
R2 (A) 222 (B) 335
(C) 442 (D) 555
X 25. The figure shows the variation of photo current with
Y anode potential for a photo-sensitive surface for three
different radiations. Let Ia, Ib and Ic be the intensities
E and fa, fb and fc be the frequencies for the curves a, b
R1 and c respectively -
Fig. Photo current
LE 2 LE 2
(A) (B)
2R 12 2R 22
b a
LE 2 LE 2 R 2
(C) (D)
2 R 1R 2 2R 13
Anode potential

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 81 MARCH 2011

(A) fa = fb and Ia ≠ Ib (A) N + 0.01 n
(B) fa = fc and Ia = Ic (B) N + 0.001 n
(C) fa = fb and Ia = Ib (C) 0.5 N + 0.001 n
(D) fb = fc and Ib = Ic (D) 5(0.1 N+0.0001 n)

26. The internal resistance of a cell is determined by 30. When 36 Li is bombarded with 4 MeV deutrons, one
using a potentiometer. In an experiment, an internal
reaction that is observed is the formation of two
resistance of 100 Ω is used across the given cell.
α-particles, each with 13.2 MeV of energy. The
When the key K2 is closed, the balance length on the
Q-value for this reaction is -
potentiometer decreases from 90 cm to 72 cm.
(A) 13.2 MeV (B) 26.4 MeV
Calculate the internal resistance of the cell -
(C) 22.4 MeV (D) 4 MeV
(A) 100Ω (B) 75Ω
(C) 50Ω (D) 25Ω 31. In a radioactive decay, let N represent the number of
residual active nuclei, D the number of daughter
27. In the potentiometer arrangement shown, the driving nuclei, and R the rate of decay at any time t. Three
cell D has e.m.f. E and internal resistance r. The cell curves are shown in Fig. The correct ones are –
C whose e.m.f. is to be measured has e.m.f. E/2 and
internal resistance 2r. The potentiometer wire is 100 R
cm long. If the balance is obtained the length AP = l, N
t t t
D(E,r) (1) (2) (3)
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 2 and 3
(C) 1 and 2 (D) all three

P 32. Young's double slit experiment is made in a liquid. The

10th bright fringe in liquid lies where 6th dark fringe lies
in vacuum. The refractive index of the liquid is
G (A) 1.8 (B) 1.54
C (E/2, 2r) (C) 1.67 (D) 1.2
(A) l = 50 cm
(B) l > 50 cm 33. A particle moves in a circle of diameter 1 cm with a
constant angular velocity. A concave mirror of focal
(C) l < 50 cm
length 10 cm is placed with its principal axis passing
(D) Balance will not obtained
through the centre of the circle and perpendicular to
its plane. The distance between the pole of the mirror
28. The figure shows a metre-bridge circuit, with AB =
and the centre of the circle is 30 cm. The ratio of
100 cm, X = 12 Ω and R = 18 Ω, and the jockey J in acceleration of image to that of object is -
the position of balance.
1 1
– + (A) (B) (C) 2 (D) 4
2 4

34. A concave mirror of focal length 15 cm forms an

X R image having twice the linear dimensions of the
A J B object. The position of the object when the image is
virtual will be-
(A) 22.5 cm (B) 7.5 cm
If R is now made 8 Ω, through what distance will (C) 30 cm (D) 45 cm
J have to be moved to obtain balance?
(A) 10 cm (B) 20 cm 35. A telescope has focal length of objective and
(C) 30 cm (D) 40 cm eye-piece as 200 cm and 5 cm. What is the
magnification of telescope ?
29. The pitch of a screw gauge is 0.1 cm. The number of (A) 40 (B) 80 (C) 50 (D) 101
divisions on its circular scale is 100. In the
measurement of diameter of a wire with this screw 36. A compound microscope has magnifying power as 32
gauge the linear scale reading is 'N' cm and the and magnifying power of eye-piece is 4, then the
number of division on the reference line is n. Then magnifying power of objective is -
the radius of the wire in cm will be - (A) 8 (B) 10 (C) 6 (D) 12

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 82 MARCH 2011

37. Two blocks are connected by a massless string
through an ideal pulley as shown. A force of 22N is
applied on block B when initially the blocks are at
rest. Then speed of centre of mass of block A and 1.0 m
block B, 2 sec, after the application of force is
(masses of A and B are 4 kg and 6 kg respectively O 
and surfaces are smooth) –
(A) 10.2 N upwards (B) 4.2 N downwards
(C) 8.3 N downwards (D) 6.2 N upwards

B F = 22 N
A 6kg
4kg 1. According to Bohr’s theory, angular momentum of
an electron in fourth orbit is -
(A) 1.4 m/s2 (B) 1 m/s2 h h 2h 4h
(C) 2 m/s2 (D) None of these (A) (B) (C) (D)
2π 4π π π
38. A chain of length 1.5 πR and mass ‘m’ is put on a 2. 1.25g of a solid dibasic acid is completely neutralized
mounted half cylinder as shown in figure. Chain is by 25 ml. of 0.25 molar Ba(OH)2 solution. Molecular
pulled by vertically downward force 2 mg. Assuming mass of the acid is -
surfaces to be friction less, acceleration of chain is – (A) 100 (B) 150 (C) 120 (D) 200

3. Rates of effusion of hydrogen and deuterium under

similar conditions are in the ratio -
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 4

F = 2mg 4. For equilibrium NH4HS(s) NH3(g) + H2S(g)

KC = 1.8 × 10–4 at 298 K. The value of Kp at 298 K
2g g 5g (A) 0.108 (B) 4.4 × 10–3
(A) 2g (B) (C) (D)
3 2 3 (C) 1.8 × 10–4 (D) 4.4 × 10–4

39. In hydraulic press radii of connecting pipes r1 and r2 5. Given that H2O (l) → H2O(g) ; ∆H = + 43.7 kJ
are in ratio 1 : 2. In order to lift a heavy mass M on H2O (s) → H2O (l) ; ∆H = + 6.05 kJ
larger piston, the small piston must be pressed ∆Hsublimation of ice is -
through a minimum force f equal to -
(A) 49.75 kJ mol–1 (B) 37.65 kJ mol–1
f –1
(C) 43.7 kJ mol (D) – 43.67 kJ mol–1
6. Which of the following is a Lewis base ?
(A) CO2 (B) BF3
(C) Al3+ (D) CH3NH2

7. The solubility product Ksp of sparingly soluble salt

Ag2CrO4 is 4 × 10–12. The solubility of the salt is -
(A) 1 × 10–12 M (B) 2 × 10–6 M
(A) Mg (B) Mg/2 (C) 1 × 10 M (D) 1 × 10–4 M
(C) Mg/4 (D) Mg/8
8. Which of the following chemical reactions depicts
40. A uniform rod of length 2.0 m specific gravity the oxidising behaviour of H2SO4 ?
0.5 and mass 2 kg is hinged atone end to the bottom (A) 2HI + H2SO4 → I2 + SO2 + 2H2O
of a tank of water (specific gravity = 1.0) filled upto a (B) Ca(OH)2 + H2SO4 → CaSO4 + 2H2O
height of 1.0 m as shown in figure. Taking the case
(C) NaCl + H2SO4 → NaHSO4 + HCl
θ ≠ 0º the force exerted by the hinge on the rod is :
(g = 10 m/s2) – (D) 2PCl5 + H2SO4 → 2POCl3 + 2HCl + SO2Cl2

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 83 MARCH 2011

9. Potassium has a bcc structure with nearest neighbour COONa
distance of 4.52 Å. If atomic mass of potassium is 3a,
its density is -
(B) ; SO3
(A) 454 kg m–3 (B) 804 kg m–3
(C) 852 kg m (D) 900 kg m–3 CH3

10. If E 0Zn 2 + / Zn = – 0.763 V and E Cd

/ Cd
= – 0.403 V, (C) ; SO3
the emf of the cell
Zn | Zn2+ ||Cd2+|Cd (a = 0.004), (a = 0.2) will be Br
given by - SO2 – O – C – CH3
0.059 0.004 O
(A) E = – 0.36 + log
2 2 (D) ; NaOH
0.059 0.04
(B) E = + 0.36 + log CH3
2 2
0.059 0.2 17. The product(s) obtained via oxymercuration
(C) E = – 0.36 + log
2 0.004 (HgSO4 + H2SO4) of 1-butyne would be –
0.059 0.2 (A) CH3CH2COCH3
(D) E = + 0.36 + log (B) CH3CH2CH2CHO
2 0.004
11. The value of P° for benzene of certain temperature is (D) CH3CH2COOH + HCOOH
640 mm of Hg. The vapour pressure of solution 18. Acetophenone is prepared by the reaction of which of
containing 2.5 g of a certain substance ‘A’ in 39.0 g the following in the presence of AlCl3 catalyst –
of benzene is 600 mm of Hg. The molecular mass of
(A) Phenol and acetic acid
A is -
(B) Benzene and acetone
(A) 65.25 (B) 130 (C) 40 (D) 80
(C) Benzene and acetyl chloride
12. For adsorption, ∆H is - (D) Phenol and acetone
(A) + ve (B) – ve
(C) zero (D) may + ve or –ve OCH3

13. A reaction which is of first order w.r.t. reactant A, 19. 1

.Br2 / NaOH
2 − heat
has a rate constant 6 min–1. If we start with CH3
[A] = 0.5 mol L–1, when would [A] reach the value of
0.05 mol L–1 ? OCH3
(A) 0.384 min (B) 0.15 min
(C) 3 min (D) 3.84 min (A) (B)
14. The number of molecules present in 1 cm3 of water is CH3 Br
(density of H2O = 1 g cm–3) OCH3 OCH3
(A) 2.7 × 1018 (B) 3.3 × 1022
(C) 6.02 × 10 (D) 1000 (C) (D)
15. CH3NH2 + CHCl3 + KOH → Nitrogen containing Br CH3 CH3
compound + KCl + H2O
Nitrogen containing compound is –
(A) CH3 – C ≡ N (B) CH3 – NH – CH3 20. Phenol NaNO / H 2SO 4
 2  → B 
H 2O
→ C NaOH
→ D
(C) CH3 – Ν ≡ C+ (D) CH3 – N+ ≡ C– Name of the above reaction is –
(A) Libermann's reaction
16. 4-methyl benzene sulphonic acid react with sodium (B) Phthalein fusion test
acetate to give – (C) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
CH3 (D) Schotten-Baumann reaction



XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 84 MARCH 2011

CCl3 26. Homolytic fission of C–C bond in ethane gives an
intermediate in which carbon is -
1 eqv . of Br / Fe
21.   2
→ A. Compound A is - (A) sp3 hybridised (B) sp2 hybridised
(C) sp hybridised (D) sp2d hybridised
27. The IUPAC name of the compound is –
(A) (B) Br
(A) (2E, 4E)-2, 4-hexadiene
Br (B) (2Z, 4Z)-2, 4-hexadiene
CCl3 (C) (2Z, 4E)-2, 4-hexadiene
CCl3 (D) (2E, 4Z)-4, 2-hexadiene

(C) (D) 28. The brown ring test for NO −2 and NO 3− is due to the
Br Br Br formation of complex ion with the formula –
(A) [Fe(H2O)6]2+ (B) [Fe(NO)(CN)5]2+
22. In a reaction (C) [Fe(H2O)5NO] (D) [Fe(H2O) (NO)5]2+
Hypochlorous R
CH2 = CH2  → M →
CH2 – OH 29. The correct order for the wavelength of absorption in
CH2 – OH the visible region is –
where M = molecule (A) [Ni (NO2)6]4– < [Ni(NH3)6]2+ < [Ni(H2O)6]2+
R = Reagent (B) [Ni (NO2)6]4– < [Ni(H2O)6]2+ < [Ni(NH3)6]2+
M and R are (C) [Ni(H2O)6]2+ < [Ni(NH3)6]2+ < [Ni (NO2)6]4–
(A) CH3CH2Cl and NaOH (D) [Ni(NH3)6]2+ < [Ni(H2O)6]2+ < [Ni (NO2)6]4–
(B) CH2Cl – CH2OH and aq. NaHCO3
(C) CH3CH2OH and HCl 30. In nitroprusside ion,, the iron and NO exists as Fe (II)
(D) CH2 = CH2 and heat and NO+ rather than Fe(III) and NO these forms can
be differentiated by –
23. Which of the following will have least hindered (A) Estimating the concentration of iron
rotation about carbon-carbon bond – (B) Measuring the concentration of CN–
(A) Ethane (B) Ethylene (C) Measuring the solid state magnetic moment
(C) Acetylene (D) Hexachloroethane (D) Thermally decomposing the compound

24. Which is least reactive towards nucleophilic 31. Four reactions are given below
substitution (SN2) I 2Li + 2H2O → 2LiOH + H2
(A) CH2 = CH2 – CH2 – Cl II 2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2
CH3 III 2LiNO3 heat
→ 2LiNO2 + O2
(B) CH3 – C – Cl IV 2NaNO3 heat→ 2NaNO2 + O2
CH3 Which of the above if any is wrong
Cl (A) IV (B) III
(C) I (D) None of these

(D) CH3 – CH – CH3 32. Name of the structure of silicates in which three
Cl oxygen atoms of [SiO4]4– are shared is –
(A) Pyrosilicate
(B) Sheet silicate
25. Among the following the least stable reasonance
structure is – (C) Linear chain silicate
- - O - (D) Three dimensional silicate

33. The metallic lusture exhibited by sodium is explained


(A) - N (B) - N
by –

O- O- (A) Diffusion of sodium ions

- - (B) Oscillation of loose electron
- O - O

(C) N (D) - N (C) Excitation of free protons


O - O- (D) Existence of body centred cubic lattice

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 85 MARCH 2011

34. Hydrogen is evolved by the action of cold dil. HNO3 (A) is continuous on (0, π/2)
on – (B) is strictly decreasing in (0, π/2)
(A) Fe (B) Mn (C) is strictly increasing in (0, π/2)
(C) Cu (D) Al (D) has global maximum value 2

35. 'Lapis-Lazuli' is a blue coloured precious stone. It is 3. If the radius of a spherical balloon is measured with
mineral of the class – in 1 % the error (in percent) in the volume is –
(A) Sodium alumino silicate (A) 4 π r2 % (B) 3 %
(B) Zinc-cobaltate  88 
(C)   % (D) None
(C) Basic copper carbonate  7
(D) Prussian blue
4. The relation R defined on the set A = {1, 2, 3} is
36. In which of the following arrangements the order is given by R = {(1, 1) (2, 2)} then number of correct
not according to the property indicating against it – choices from the following is -
(A) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ < F– (increasing ionic size) (i) reflexive (ii) symmetric
(B) B < C < N < O (increasing first I.E.) (iii) Transitive (iv) anti symmetric
(C) I < Br < F < Cl (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
(increasing electron gain enthalpy (–ve))
(D) Li < Na < K < Rb (increasing metallic radius) 5. Let U be the universal set and A ∪ B ∪ C = U then
{(A – B) ∪ (B – C) ∪ (C – A)}c =
37. Which set of hybridisation is correct for the (A) A ∩ (B ∩ C) (B) A ∩ (B ∪ C)
following compound (C) (A ∩ B ∩ C) (D) None of these
NO2, SF4, PF6−
6. If A and B are square matrices of same size and
(A) sp, sp2, sp3 (B) sp, sp3d, sp3d2
| B | ≠ 0 then (B–1 AB)4 =
(C) sp2, sp3, d2sp3 (D) sp3, sp3d2, sp3d2
(A) (B4)–1 AB4 (B) BA4B–1
–1 4
(C) B A B (D) None of these
38. The increasing order of atomic radius for the
elements Na, Rb, K and Mg is –
(A) Mg < Na < K < Rb f ( x + α) f ( x + 2α ) f ( x + 3α)
(B) K < Na < Mg < Rb 7. Let g(x) = f (α ) f ( 2α ) f (3α)
(C) Na < Mg < K < Rb f ' (α ) f ' ( 2α ) f ' (3α)
(D) Rb < K < Mg < Na
g ( x)
where α is a constant then lim =
39. Which of the following ion forms a hydroxide highly
x→0 x
soluble in water – (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) –1 (D) None
(A) Ni2+ (B) K+ f 2d e 2a b e
(C) Zn (D) Al3+
8. If ∆1 = 2z 4x 2y and ∆2 = 2d e f
40. When CO2 is bubbled into an aqueous solution of e 2a b 4x 2 y 2z
Na2CO3 the following is formed –
then ∆1/∆2 =
(A) NaOH (B) NaHCO3
(C) H2O (D) OH– (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) (D) None

MATHEMATICS 9. The number of ways in which 20 one rupee coin can

be distributed among 5 people such that each person
gets at least 3 rupee is –
1. y = 2x2 – log | x | passes - (A) 26 (B) 63 (C) 125 (D) None
(A) two minima & one maxima
(B) Two maxima and one minima 10. The total number of six digit number x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
(C) Only two minima have the property that
(D) Only two maxima x1 < x2 ≤ x3 < x4 < x5 ≤ x6 is equal to –
(A) 10C6 (B) 12C6 (C) 11C6 (D) None
2. The function f(x) = 1 + x sin x [cos x],
0<x≤ [ . ] = G.I.F.

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 a 2 a 4 
11. 2 1 + +
+ .... ; a = logen is equal to –
22. ∫ sin 2 x dx =
 2  (A) – cos x + C (B) cos x + C
(n − 1) 2
n −1 n +1 2
n +1 (C) – cos x sgn sin x+C (D) None of these
(A) (B) (C) (D)
n n n n φ( x)
f ( x)φ' ( x) − f ' ( x)φ( x)
 2
18 23. ∫ f ( x) φ ( x)
f ( x)
dx =
12. The term independent of x in  x −  is –
 x 2
φ( x) 1   φ( x ) 
(A) C62 6 18
(B) C122 12
(A) log +C (B) log  + C
f ( x) 2   f ( x ) 
(C) 18C828 (D) None of these
2 3 φ( x ) φ( x )
2 1 2.5  1  2 .5 .8  1  (C) log + C (D) None of these
13. 1 + . +   +   +.. ..= f (x) f (x)
3 2 3. 5  2  3 .6 .9  2 
(A) 21/3 (B) 31/4 (C) 41/3 (D) 31/3 24. Segment of the tangent to the curve xy = c2 at the
point (x′, y′) which is contained between the
14. If ω is imaginary cube root of unity then co-ordinate axes is bisected at the point –
arg(iω) + arg (iω2) (A) (–x′, y′) (B) (y′, x′)
(A) 0 (B) π/2 (C) π (D) None  x' y ' 
(C)  ,  (D) None of these
1 2 2
15. ∑ log 4
is equal to –
r =1 2r 25. There is a point P(a, a, a) on the line passing through
n(n + 1) n(n + 1) the origin and equally inclined with axes the equation
(A) (B) of the plane perpendicular to OP and passing through
4 2
(C) n(n + 1) (D) None of these P cuts the intercepts on axes the sum of whose
reciprocals is –
16. If a1, a2, . . . . a15 are in A.P. and a1 + a8 + a15 = 15 (A) a (B) 3/2a (C) 3a/2 (D) 1/a
then a2 + a3 + a8 + a13 + a14 = r r
(A) 15 (B) 10 (C) 25 (D) None 26. If a = piˆ + 5 ˆj + 17kˆ and b = 2 q î + 13 ĵ + k̂ have
equal magnitude and p, q are positive integer ∈ [1,
17. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers, such that 1000] then the total number of ordered pair (p, q) is –
bx2 + (a + c) 2 + 4b 2 x + (a + c) ≥ 0 ∀ x ∈ R then a, (A) 33 (B) 32 (C) 31 (D) None
b, c are in – r r r r r r r r r
27. If a , b , c be such that | a + b + c | = 1, c = λa × b
(A) G.P. (B) A.P. (C) H.P. (D) None r
r 1 1 r 1
18. If a1 < a2 < a3 < a4 < a5 < a6 then the equation (x – a1) and | a | = , |b | = , |c | = then the angle
2 3 6
(x – a3) (x – a5) + 2(x – a2) (x – a4) (x – a6) = 0 has – r r
(A) Four real roots (B) One real root between a and b is-
(C) One real root in each interval (a1, a2), (a3, a4) and (A) π/6 (B) π/4 (C) π/3 (D) π/2
(a5, a6)
(D) None of these x2 y2
28. The equation + = 1 will represent an
19. Solution of the differential equation 8−a a−2
xdx + zdy + (y + 2z)dz = 0 is – ellipse if –
(A) x2 + 2yz + 2z2 = c (B) x2 + yz + z2 = c (A) a ∈ (1, 4) (B) a ∈ (– ∞, 2) ∪ (8, ∞)
(c) x2 + 2yz + z2 = c (D) None of these (C) a ∈ (2, 8) (D) None of these
20. The slope of the tangent to the curve y = f(x) at 29. Angle between the tangent drawn to y2 = 4x at the
(x, f(x)) is (2x + 1). If the curve passes through the point where it is intersected by line y = x – 1 is –
point (1, 2), then the area bounded by the curve, (A) π/6 (B) π/3 (C) π/4 (D) π/2
x-axis and the lines x = 1, x = 0 is –
(A) 5/6 (B) 6/5 (C) 6 (D) 1 30. Consider four circles (x ± 1)2 + (y ± 1)2 = 1 equation
21. The maximum area of a rectangle whose two of smaller circle touching these four circles is –
consecutive vertices lie on the x-axis and another two (A) x2 + y2 = 3 – 2 (B) x2 + y2 = 6 – 3 2
lie on the curve
y = e–|x| is equal to – (C) x2 + y2 = 5 – 2 2 (D) x2 + y2 = 3 – 2 2
(A) 2e (B) 2/e (C) e (D) 1/e

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31. If the point P(a, a2) lies completely inside the triangle | x|
formed by the lines x = 0, y = 0 and x + y = 2 then 39. The domain and range of f(x) = cos–1 log [ x ]  .
exhaustive range of 'a' is –  x 
Where [.] denotes the greatest integer function
(A) a ∈ (0, 1) (B) a ∈ (1, 2)
respectively –
(C) a ∈ ( 2 – 1, 2 ) (D) a ∈ ( 2 – 1, 1) π π
(A) [ 1, ∞), [0, ] (B) [2, ∞), [0, ]
2 2
32. The distance between the orthocentre and the π
circumcentre of the triangle with vertices (0, 0) (0, a) (C) [2, ∞), { } (D) [1, ∞), {0}
and (b, 0) is – 2

1 2 40. The graph of the function y = f(x) has a unique

(A) (a + b 2 ) (B) a + b
2 tangent not parallel to x-axis at the point (a, 0)
through which the graph passes, then
a 2 + b2 log e {1 + 6 f ( x)}
(C) a – b (D) lim is –
2 x →a 3 f ( x)
33. If the sides of a ∆ are 3 : 7 : 8 then R : r is equal to – (A) 1 (B) 0 (C) 2 (D) None
(A) 2 : 7 (B) 7 : 2
(C) 3 : 7 (D) None x 2 − 9 x + 20 x 2 − 9 x + 20
41. If P = lim – lim and
x →5+ x − [ x] x →4 – x − [ x]
34. The equation sin x (sin x + cos x) = K has real
solution then K belongs to – x 2 − 9 x + 20 x 2 − 9 x + 20
Q = lim – lim
 1+ 2  x →4+ x − [ x] x →5– x − [ x]
(A)  0,  (B) (2 – 3 , 2 + 3 ) P
 2  [.] = G.I.F. then =

1− 2 1+ 2  (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) None
(C) (0, 2 3 ) (D)  , 
 2 2 

[ x 2 ] − 1
 ; x2 ≠ 1
x π 42. Let f(x) =  x 2 − 1 then at x = 1, f(x) is –
35. The function f(x) = , (0, ) has –  0 2
1+ x tan x 2  ; x =1
(A) One point of minimum (A) Differentiable
(B) One point of maximum (B) Discontinuous
(C) No extreme point (C) Continuous not differentiable
(D) Two point of maximum (D) None of these
36. If solution of the equation 1
43. If (a + bx)ey/x = x then (xy1 – y)2 =
π y2
3cos2θ – 2 3 sinθ cosθ – 3 sin2θ = 0 are nπ + and
r (Α) x3 (B) 3x2 (C) 1/x3 (D) None
nπ + then | r – s | =
s 44. If f(x) is continuous function such that
(A) 3 (B) 9 n +1 3
(C) 7 (D) 1
∫ f ( x)dx = n ∫ f ( x)dx =
n ∈ Z then
n π n −2
37. If cot–1 > , n ∈ N then maximum value of (A) 16 (B) 0 (C) 2 (D) None
π 6
n= 1
(A) 6 (B) 5 45. If x2f(x) + f   = 2 for all x except at x = 0 then
(C) 4 (D) 3
38. Period of the function f(x) = sin 3π{x} + tan π [x]
where [.] and {.} denote the integral part and
∫ f ( x)dx =
1/ 3
fractional part respectively, is given by – (A) 4/3 (B) 8/3
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 1/3 (D) None
(C) 3 (D) π

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7. Directions : In following question, find out which of
LOGICAL REASONING the answer figures (A), (B), (C) and (D) completes
the figure – matrix ?
1. Fill in the blank spaces
6, 13, 28, . ?. . .
(A) 56 (B) 57 (C) 58 (D) 59

2. Choose the best alternative ?

Car : Petrol : : T.V. : ?
(A) Electricity (B) Transmission (A) (B) (C) (D)
(C) Entertainment (D) Antenna
3. Pick the odd one out –
(A) Titan (B) Mercury 8. Directions : The questions that follow contain a set
of three figure X, Y and Z showing a sequence of
(C) Earth (D) Jupiter
folding of piece of paper. Fig. (Z) shows the manner
in which the folded paper has been cut. These three
4. Direction : In questions, find out which of the figure are followed by four answer figure from which
figures (A), (B), (C) and (D) can be formed from the you have to choose a figure which would most
pieces given in (x). closely resemble the unfolded form of
figure. (Z)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

5. Directions : In question, choose the set of figures A B C D
which follows the given rule.
Rule : Closed figures become more and more open 9. Direction : In following questions, complete the
and open figures more and more closed. missing portion of the given pattern by selecting from
the given alternatives (A), (B), (C) and (D).

(C) (X)

(D) (A) (B) (C) (D)

6. Directions : In question below, you are given a 10. Directions : In question below, you are given a
figure (X) followed by four figures (A), (B), (C) and figure (x) followed by four figures (A), (B), (C) and
(D) such that (X) is embedded in one of them. Trace (D) such that (X) is embedded in one of them. Trace
out the correct alternative. out the correct alternative.

(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 89 MARCH 2011

(A) Only 1 is correct
(C) (D) (B) Only 2 is correct
(C) Both the sentences 1 & 2 are correct
(D) Both the sentences 1 & 2 are incorrect

ENGLISH 10. Which one of the two sentences given below is

wrong on the basis of the underlined words :
1. He is a very "ingenuous" businessman.
1. Find the correctly spelt word – 2. I like him for his "Ingenious" nature.
(A) Geraff (B) Giraffe (A) Sentence 1 is correct
(C) Giraf (D) Gerraffe (B) Sentence 2 is correct
(C) Both the sentences can be made correct by
2. Find out that word where the spelling is wrong – interchanging the underlined words.
(A) Puncture (B) Puntuation (D) Both the sentences can not be interchanged hence,
(C) Pudding (D) Pungent both are wrong.
3. Pick up the correct synonym for the following words
11. Choose from the given words below the two
Plush :
sentences, that word which has the same meaning and
(A) Luxurious (B) Delicious
can be used in the same context as the part given
(C) Comforting (D) Tasty underlined in both the sentences :
4. Choose the alternative which can replace the word 1. His "aloof" behaviour is an indication of his
printed in underline without changing the meaning of arrogance.
the sentence. 2. During our field visits we visited "remote" parts of
When he returned, he was accompanied by 'sprightly' Rajasthan.
young girl. (A) Far-off (B) Introvert
(A) Lively (B) Beautiful (C) Distant (D) Depressed
(C) Sportive (D) Intelligent
12. Find out which part of the sentence has an error. If
5. Choose one alternative which is opposite in meaning there is no mistake, the answer is 'No error'.
to the given word : " Meatless days" / have been made / into a film / No Error
Astute : (a ) ( b) (c) (d)
(A) Wicked (B) Impolite (A) Meatless days (B) have been made
(C) Cowardly (D) Foolish (C) into a film (D) No Error
6. Choose the word which is closest to the 'opposite' in 13. Which part of the following sentence has an error ? If
meaning of the underlined word the sentence is correct, the answer will be 'No Error".
Many snakes are 'innocuous' :
Looking forward / to / meet you here / No Error
(A) Deadly (B) Ferocious (a ) ( b) ( c) (d )
(C) Poisonous (D) Harmful (A) looking forward (B) to
7. Choose the one which can be substituted for the (C) meet you here (D) No error
given words/sentences :
Giving undue favours to one's kith and kin' 14. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of
the given Idiom/Proverb :
(A) Corruption (B) Worldliness
The 'pros and cons'
(C) Favouritism (D) Nepotism
(A) Good and Evil
8. Find out which one of the words given below the (B) Former and Latter
sentence can most appropriately replace the group of (C) For and Against a thing
words underlined in the sentence : (D) Foul and Fair
The bus has to "go back and forth" every six hours.
(A) Cross (B) Shuttle 15. Replace the underlined word with one of the given
(C) Travel (D) Run options :
The Second World War started in 1939.
9. Read both the sentences carefully and decide on their (A) Broke out (B) Set out
correctness on the basis of the underlined words : (C) Took out (D) Went out
1. I am out of practise these days
2. I practice law

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 90 MARCH 2011

8. [A]
OH, H(+)
1. [C] MnO2 + 4HCl→ MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2 OHC–– ––COCH3
0.75 0.75
3Cl2 + 6NaOH → 5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O
Zn–Hg + HCl O
60 3 CH– ––COCH3
= O
40 2
x 1.5
= O H3O(+)
3 6 CH– ––Et OHC– –Et
x = 0.75 O
∴ n MnO 2 = n Cl 2 = 0.75
9. [A, B, C, D]
Wt. MnO2 = 0.75 × 87 = 65.25
2. [A] Eº = SRP – SRP 10. [B, C, D]
c a
= 1.23 – (– 0.44) 11. [C, D]
= 1.67
3. [B] 12. [B, C, D]
H2O2 converts Mn(II) hydroxide rapidly into All the three except (A) are correct. The ease of
hydrated MnO2. hydroylysis is in the order :
CH3COCl > (CH3CO)2O > CH3COOC2H5 >
Mn(OH)2 ↓ + H2O2 → MnO(OH)2↓ + H2O
4. [D] 5.[A]
13. [A, B]
6. [D] π = iMRT CH3 – CH2 – C ≡ CH   

( i ) NaNH
(ii ) C 2 H 5 Br
i = 0.6, ∴ 1 – = 0.6 ⇒ x = 0.8 = 80% CH3 – CH2 – C ≡ C – C2H5
7. [D] (X)
(1) H
→ → →
− H 2O (+) C2H5
CH3–CH2 C2H5
alk. C=C

KMnO 4 H H
H(+) (+) H OH
(2) OH 
→ OH →
OH Meso compound
OH optically inactive cis alkene
(+) (+) ( +) (Z) (Y)
OH −
→ OH H
(3) (+)
OH CH2OH Passage I
(+) (+)
→ −
→ H
→ 14. [C] H3PO4 + NaOH → NaH2PO4 + H2O
5 2.5 0 0
(+) (1)
2.5 0 2.5
In 4th case anti-elimination is not possible hence here pH = pKa1 = 3
benzene does not form.

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pKa1 + pKa 2 Ph Ph
15. [C] pH = =5 H D H D
2 (
i ) Ether
→ H OH + HO H
(ii ) Water
Passage II Ph Ph

16.[B] 17.[C] 18.[A] 26. [3]

Br Alc. KOH O /H O
 2 CH
3 → CH
3 
2→ H OH
hυ Zn O
Br CH=O HO H 3Ph – NH – NH
(X) (Y) (Z) (T)    

←2∆ AgNO3 / NH4OH
(CH2)3 I 2 / NaOH
←   COCH3
(V) (U)
(W) N–NH–

Numerical Response
H OH + Ph–NH2+NH3
19. [3] H OH
20. [9] CH2OH
HA + NaOH → NaA + H2O 27. [9]
pH of salt after hydrolysis may be calculated as,
1 = 2 2 ⇒ T2 = 9T1 = 9
pH = [pK w + pK a + log C] T1 T2
pH = [14 + 5.2518 − 1.301] = 8.9754 ~_ 9
21. [2]
M(OH)x Mx+ + xOH– 1. [B] Put 1 + x4/5 = t
10–4 10–4 x × 10–4
Ksp = [Mx+] [OH–]x = 4 × 10–12 2. [A] Do yourself
or [10–4] [x × 10–4]x = 4 × 10–12
or [x × 10–4]x = 4 × 10–8 x 2 + 5 x − 14 x+7 −9
3. [D] f(x) = = ∴ f(2) = = −3
It holds good, if x = 2 2
x − 7 x + 10 x−5 3

22. [6] 1 + x2 
128 g of ice separated means weight of solvent in 4. [D] For sin–1 (2x + 3) + sin–1   =0

liquid state = 500 – 128 = 372 g  2x 
∆Tf = Kfm 1+ x2
1.86 × W –1 ≤ 2x + 3 ≤ 1 and – 1 ≤ ≤1 ⇒x=–1
or 0 – (– 0.5) = × 1000 2x
60 × 372
 2 | x − 1| 
∴ W = 6g For sec–1 x 2 − 2 x + 2 + tan–1  =0
 1+ x2 
O x = 1 is the only point which satisfies the
( ii ) CH MgX OH so α = – 1, & β =1
23. [8]  3+→
(ii ) H 3O
O O 5. [B] arg(z1) =
π   3π  1
⇒ sin  + arg z1  + cos  − arg z1  =
24. [6] 4   4  2
Ph Ph ∴ | 2 z − 3 + 2i | = |z|
25. [2] H D + H MgBr

(Optical pure) (Optical pure)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 92 MARCH 2011

3 − 2i 1 1 1
= = = −
2 1 2ky 2k 6
or z− = which represents a
z 2 1
L≡y–1= − (x + 3) ⇒ x + 6y = 3
circle this meets parabola I at point Q
x = y2 – 4 = 3 – 6y ⇒ y = – 7, 1
6. [A] Q = (45, –7)
Clearly t = 10 since T4 is the numerically greatest vertex V of parabola I is (–4, 0); slope of PV = 1;
term 1
T T Slope of QV = −
∴ 4 > 1 and 5 < 1 7
T3 T4 1
tan ∠ PVQ = 7 = 8=4
7. [D] 1 6 3
9! = 27 × 34 × 5 × 7 odd factors of the form 3m + 2 are 1−
neither multiple of 2 nor multiple of 3. So the factors
16-18. [C,A,B]
may be 1, 5, 7, 35 of which 5 and 35 are of the form
S = 320
3m + 2, their sum is 40.
Unit digit of S is b = 1
8. [D] 20
C 1
a, b = a + 2d, c = a + 6d Also P = 41 1 = ∴a=4
C2 41
So a(x + y + 1) + d(2y + 6) = 0
Which always passes through (2, –3)
Numerical Response
9. [B,D] 2x + 1 1 x2 + x − 1
|A(α)| = 0 ∴ A–1 does not exist 19. [1] ∫ ( x 2 + x) 2 − 1
dx = ln
2 x2 + x + 1
α 2 α 2 α 2 
  20. [3]
Now A2(α) = 3 α 2 α 2 α 2  = 3 A(α2)
α 2 α 2 α 2 
  P
⇒ A2(1) = 3A(1) C
⇒ A3(1) = 3A2(1) = 9A(1)

d(xy) = 0 A
⇒ x = c (general solution) The given circle is (x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = 81
⇒ If c = 1 one of the solution is xy – 1 = 0 Let point P(a + 9cosθ, b + 9sinθ) be lie on it. Let
If c = 2 one more solution is xy – 2 = 0 G(h, k) be the centroid of ∆APB, then
1 3h = 2a + 9cosθ and 3k = 2b + 9sinθ
⇒ = log 2 x
y eliminate θ : (3h – 2a)2 + (3k – 2b)2 = 81
2 2
 2a   2b 
11.[A,B,C] Locus of G is :  x −  +  y −  = 9
Do yourself  3   3 
required radius = 3
|z|max = 15, |z|min = 0 21. [1]
α = sin–1(sin 15) = 5π – 15 Let the functions be f(x) = ax + b
β = cos–1(cos(–5)) = 2π – 5 where f(–1) = 0 or f(–1) = 3
f(1) = 3 or f(1) = 0
Do yourself 3 3 3
a=b= or a =− ,b=
2 2 2
14-15. [B,C]
4 3 3 3 3
y2 – 4 = ky2 ⇒ y2 = =1⇒k =–3 so the graphs are y = x + and y = − x +
1− k 2 2 2 2
P = (–3, 1) They enclose a triangle (fixed) with x-axis which
includes only one point (0, 1) with integer
Slope of tangent at P at curve II

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 93 MARCH 2011

25. [1]
(0,3/2) Lt
x→1– g ( x) = Lt
x→1+ g ( x ) = g (1)

(0,1) h(1) + 1 f (1) f (1) + h(1) + 1

= =
3+3 2 2+6
(–1,0) (1,0)
h(1) + 1 f (1) + h(1) + 1
So = f (1) = …..(1)
22. [9] 3 4
Centre of given circle be C(–4,5) and its radius r =1 2
Let the distance between two point A and B be
(1 + ln x )
ln x
d(AB) so 2a = max{d(PQ)}2 where P ≡ (x, y) and Now as g(1) = x→1
Q ≡ (–2, 3) Lt 2
(ln x )
x →1
2 2
= [d(CQ) + r] = ( (4 − 2) + (5 − 3) + 1) 2 2 = e ln x = e2 …….(2)
h(1) + 1
= ( 2 2 + 1)2 So from (1) & (2) = e2 ⇒ h(1) = 6e2–1
and 2b = min{d(PQ)}2 = [d(CQ) – r]2
& f(1) = 2e2
2 2 2 2
= [ (4 − 2) + (5 − 3) − 1] = (2 2 − 1) So 2g(1) + 2f(1) – h(1) = 2e2 + 4e2 – 6e2 + 1 = 1
so 2(a + b) = (2 2 + 1) 2 + (2 2 − 1) 2
= 2(8 + 1) = 18 ⇒ a + b = 9 26. [6] for continuous at x = 0
1 2 sin[ x]  1 x2 
23. [9] Volume of cone v1 = πr h Lim α + = Lim β +
3  – + .... = 2
x →0 + x x→0 –  3! 5! 
α = β – 1 = 2 ⇒ α = 2, β = 3

x 3

x r
From figure = O
h− y h 2
h x Hence required Area = 2 × 3 = 6 sq. units
i.e. h – y = x or y = h(1 − )
r r 27. [8]
If v be the volume of the cylinder, then
Let the equation of line through P(λ, 3) be
x x3
v = πx2y = πx2 h(1 − ) = π h( x 2 − ) x −λ y −3
r r = = r ⇒ x = λ + r cos θ
cos θ sin θ
dv  3x 
= πh x  2 −  and y = 3 + r sin θ
dx  r 
– + – x2 y2
Line meets the ellipse + =1
0 2r 16 9
3 Such that 9x2 + 16y2 = 144 at A and D
2r ⇒ 9(λ + r cos θ)2 + 16(3 + r sin θ)2 = 144
Hence x = gives a maximum of v
3 ⇒ 9(λ2 + r2 cos2θ + 2λr cosθ)
 2r   2  4 + 16 (9 + r2 sin2θ + 6r sin θ) = 144
∴ v2 = π h  1 −  = .πr2h
 3   3 27 ⇒ (9cos2 θ + 16 sin2 θ) r2 +
v 1/ 3 9 (18λ cos θ + 96 sin θ)r + 9λ2 = 0
∴ 1 = =
v2 4 / 27 4 9λ2
∴ PA.PD = … (i)
Thus 4v1 : v2 = 9 : 1 9 cos θ + 16 sin 2 θ

24. [1] Since line meet the axes at B and C

f–1 (5) = α so f(α) = 5 3λ
2α3 + 3α2 + α – 1 = 5 ⇒ 2α3 + 3α2 + α – 6 = 0 So, PB.PC = ... (ii)
sin θ cos θ
(α – 1) (2α2 + 5α + 6) = 0 ⇒ α = 1
Hence f–1(5) = 1 from (i) & (ii) ⇒ λ ≥ 8

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 94 MARCH 2011

9. [A,B,C,D]
1. [D] Conceptual O x
1 1 1 
2. [B] = R 2 − 2  f 200
λ  3 ∞  m= = =
( f + u ) (200 − x) (100 − x)
λ = 823 nm 200 – 2x = 200 – x; x= 0
3. [D] 200 100
C1 = 9µF C2 = 9µF 9µF = C3 (200 − x) (100 − x)
200 – 2x = –200 + x
3x = 400

2Ω 4Ω 3Ω x⇒ cm

10. [A,C,D]
9V Kmax = hν–W
i = 1A TA = Kmax = 4.25 – WA …(1)
Charge on 'C1' = Q1 = C1V1 = 9× 2 = 18µC TB = (TA – 1.5 )eV ...(2)
Charge on 'C2' = Q1 = C2V2 = 9× 4 = 36µC TB = Kmax B = 4.7 –WB ....(3)
No charge flow from 'y' to 'x' = 36 – 18 = 18µC P2 h2
T= =
4. [C] 2m 2mλ2
I1 > I2 Because only a part of it get refracted 2
TA  λ B 
=  = (2) 2
TB  λ A 
5. [A]
TA = 4TB ...(4)

11. [A,C,D]
If S1 & S3 is opened and S2 is closed then potential V2
between the two spheres will be non zero

6. [D] Conceptual
7. [D] V

V1 = VR2 + VL2
If x > 2t the image will be formed between f & 2f
(100)2 = VR2 + VL2 …. (1)
8. [C] f
| VL − VC |= 120 …..(2)
V = VR2 + (VL − VC ) 2
(130)2 = (VR)2 + (120)2
θ θ d VR2 = (130) 2 − (120) 2
T VR = (250) × 10
b b VR = 50V
(100)2 = (50)2 + VL2
m x x m
VL2 = (50) 2 ( 3 ) 2
f – 2T cos θ = 2m a ……..(1) VL = 50 3V = 86.6V
T = mb
a cosθ = b |(VC–VL)| = 120
Solving VC = 120 + VL
= 120 + 86.6
f d d2 − x2 VC = 206.6 V
b= ×
2m (2d 2 − x 2 )

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 95 MARCH 2011

12. [A, B, C] 13. [B, D]
C R/2 (B D)
R/2 10m
R R/2 vA vy
A 5m B vx + u
30 = ut ….(1)
 3R R 
 ×  10 = vAt ….(2)
2 2 R
R eq PA = +  (vx + u ) t = 25 …..(3)
 3R + R 2 
  (vy) t = 10 …… (4)
 2 2 
T = 120 Sec
3R R 7 R
= + = 30 1
4× 2 2 8 u= = m/s
120 4
 7R  10 1
 ×R  vA = = m/s
7 R
R eq pB = 8 =  120 12
 15R 15 
  1
 8  vy =
P 1 25
vx + =
4 120
R 2 R 5 1× 6
vx = −
24 4 × 6
R/2 R/2 1
A (B, D) C vx = −
2R v B = v x 2 + v y2
R eq AC =
P 14. [B] 15. [A]

A 30°
D C B 2

2.5m 20 cos 60°
20m/s 60° 10 m/s
2R R R
2R + ⇒ 20 sin 60 °
3 A R D R C R B
v B = 20 cos 60° = 10m / s
R By energy conservation between BC
1 1× 4 3 1× R 1 1
= + + × m(10) 2 = mg × 2.5 + mv 2
R eq 2R × 4 8R R × 8 2 2
100 1
= 25 + v 2
1 15 2 2
R eq 8R 1
50 = 25 + v 2
R eq = 25 × 2 = v2
[ v = 5 2 m / s]

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 96 MARCH 2011

16. [C] 17. [B] 18. [C] 24. [6]
r rr
y( r , t ) = A sin( ωt − k.r )
10m 10m
A B 2π k
P Q k̂ = (cos α î + cos βĵ + cos γk̂ ) = (î + ˆj + k̂ )
λ 3
20m/s 30m/s φ1 – φ2 = 2(3) = 6 rad
Velocity of sound for passenger P = 310 m/s
25. [4]
Velocity of sound for passenger Q = 380 m/s Let equation of the wave be
 v + v0  y = A sin kx cosωt
∆f ' =  ∆f

 v − vs  Q 5 3 = A sin(k × 10) ……. (1)
 340 + 40  And 5 3 = A sin(k × 20) ……..(2)
∆f ' =   × 320
 340 − 20  From (1) and (2) and the given conditions,
380 π
∆f ' = × 320 = 380 Hz 20 k = π – 10k ⇒ k =
320 30
2π π
Numerical Response : Q k= =
λ 30
19. [1]
⇒ λ = 60 cm.
Q L=n
2L 2 × 150
⇒ n= = =5
λ 60
C C As the number of loops is 5, the string vibrates in
R the 4th overtone.
20. [0] λ = 0 ; CM at
21. [5] v A = 2 v 26. [5]
5v r2
vB =
22. [8] O θ θ v0
Hint : τ = Req.Ceq. r0
Req. = is the resistance across terminals of p
capacitor assuming all batteries to be short circuit
−GM e m
23. [4] TE =
F Using conservation of angular momentum about O.
mvPrA = mvArA = mv0r0 cos θ
3v r
v A rA = v P rP = 0 0
T T f
λL Using conservation of energy
4 1 −GMem −GM e m 1
mv 2P + = = + Mv 02
n=4 2 rA r0 2
F cos 37° = 9 v 02 r02
v 02 r0 v 02  r0 
4 ⇒ 2
=−+ Let = x
50rA rA 2  rA 
F sin 37° = T = f 2
⇒ 9x – 50x + 25 = 0 ⇒ x = 5 or (5 / 9)
f= ≤ µN
16 27.[5]
1 1
⇒ µ≥ ⇒ µ min =
4 4

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 97 MARCH 2011

Numerical Response type questions :
15. [3]
T V 
r1 = 6 × 10–3 = K[A]m . [B]n
1. [A] 2 =  1 
T1  V2  6 × 10–3 = K [0.1]m [0.1]n ……(1)
–2 m n
r2 = 7.2 × 10 = K[0.3] [0.2] …....(2)
2. [C] –1 m n
3. [A] r3 = 2.88 × 10 = K[0.3] [0.4] …....(3)
Mass of 2.24 L H2 at STP = 0.2g –2
r4 = 2.40 × 10 = K[0.4] [0.1] m n
neq of Cu deposited = neq of H2
w Cu 0.2 by equation 1, 2, 3, and 4
31.75 1 n = 2, m = 1
∴ wCu = 6.35g
rate law = K[A]1 [B]2
4. [C] order of reaction = 1 + 2 = 3

⊕ –H2O 16. [1]
N N meq. of Na2S2O3 = meq. of I2
= meq. of Cu2+
100 = meq. of Cu2+ = m moles of Cu2+ (nf = 1)
5. [A]
K.E. of ejected electron = hν – hν0 molarity = =1
E=[ – h[(2.25 × 1014)] 17. [4]
5+ x =(5–m) m+
h h A A
λ= =
c  c  2+ x =2
h (2m) − ν 0  (2m) − ν 0  Sn
λ  λ  4+
6.625 × 10 −34 5+ 2+
= ∴ for 2 moles of A no. of moles of Sn
(2 × 9.109 × 10 −31 × 3.75 × 1014 )
required = (5 – m) moles
= 9.84 × 10–10m = 9.84 A ∴
for 10–2 moles of A no. of moles of Sn

(5 − m) –2
required = × 10 moles
6. [C] 2
(5 − m) –2 –3
7. [B] 8. [B] 9. [C] ∴ × 10 = 5 × 10
∴ (5 – m) = 1 or m = +4
10. [B] 11. [B] 12. [B]
4+ x =(4–n) n+
Column Matching: x=4
13. A → Q ; B→R; C→P; D→S
14. A → P, S, T ; B → R ; C → P, Q, R; D → P, Q, R

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 98 MARCH 2011

∴ for 4 moles of A
required = (4 – n) moles
no. of moles of N2H4
–2 4+
∴ for 10 moles of A no. of moles of N2H4
1. [A]
(4 − n ) –2 required = total – All different digits
required = × 10 moles
4 = 66 – 6! = 6(65 – 5!)
(4 − n ) –2 2. [B]
∴ × 10 = 2.5 × 10–3 Let lnx = t2
2 2
or (4 – n) = 1 x = e t ⇒ dx = e t . 2t dt
2 2
or n = +3
∫ ∫
2 2
2 t 2 .e t . dt = t (2te t ) dt
1 1
3+ x =(p –3) p+
A A 2

2 2
= (t e t )12 – e t dt = 2e4 – e – x
I2 x=2
3. [B]

I Sum = 6, Product = – c
α = 2,
∴ for 2 moles of A no. of moles of I2 required 3 (2)2 – d2 = –24
= (p – 3) moles d2 = 36 ⇒ d = 6, – 6
–2 3+ Ist term = – 4 or 8
∴ for 10 moles of A no. of moles of I2
(p − 3) –2 S = [–8 + (n –1) 6] = n (3n –7)
required = × 10 moles 2
2 or
(p − 3) n
∴ × 10–2 = 5 × 10–3 S = [16 + (n –1) (–6)] = n (11– 3n)
2 2
or p – 3 = 1 4. [D] AAT = I ∴x+y=0
or p = +4

18. [8] 5. [D] Given equation (1 + x)n – 1 = 0

1 a0 1 ⇒ (1 + x)n = 1
k= ln = ln 5/2
t a0 – x 10 'n' distinct roots of equation (1 + x)n = 1 lie on a
1 circle of radius 1 unit with centre (–1, 0)
Let expiry time of the drug, te = ln 2
k Now, (–1, 2 ) lies on director circle of circle
ln 2 (x + 1)2 + y2 = 1
or te = 10
ln 5 / 2
10 × 0.693 10 × 0.693
or te = =
(ln 5 − ln 2) (ln 10 − 2ln 2 )
10 × 0.693 10 × 0.693 (–1, 0)
or te = = (0, 0)
(2.303 − 2ln 2 ) (2.303 − 2 × 0.693)
10 × 0.693 6.93
or te = = = 7.56
(2.303 − 1.386) 0.917  z − (−1 + 2i ) 
arg  r  = π
or te ≈ 8 months  (−1) − (−1 + 2i )  4
 
19. [6]  z − (−1)  π 2π
arg  r  = ⇒ =8 ⇒n=8
24.5 × 0.1  − (−1)  4 π/4
20 × N = 24.5 × 0.1 ⇒ N = = 0.1225
mass of K2Cr2O7 dissolved
294 6. [C]
per litre of its solution = 0.1225 ×
6 Normal to y2 = 4cx at 't '
= 6.0025 gram y + xt = 2ct + ct3 .....(1)
~ 6 gram
Normal at (at12 2
+ b, 2at1) to y = 4a(x – b)
y + xt1 = 2at1 + at13 + bt1 .....(2)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 99 MARCH 2011

from (1) & (2) ⇒ cot2 B ≥ cot A cot C
t = t1 & 2ct + ct3 = 2at + at3 + bt ≥ 1 – cot B (cot A + cot C)
b + 2a − 2c ≥ 1 – 2cot2B
⇒ t2 = >0
c−a 1
⇒ cot2B ≥
⇒ (b + 2(a – c)) (c – a) > 0 3
⇒ (2c < 2a + b) 1
⇒ (cot B)min = ∴k=3
7. [A], 8. [B], 9. [D] 14. A → Q, B → S, C → S, D → Q
2 2
4x – 4xy + y – 16x – 12y + 9 = 0 At local maxima f '(x) = 0 & f "(x) < 0, f(x) = y
⇒ (2x – y + λ)2 = k (x + 2y + µ) f "(x) = x2 + y2 ⇒ x2 + y2 ≤ 0
⇒ λ = – 2, k = 8, µ = 5/8 ⇒ x = 0, y = 0 but y ≠ 0
5 ⇒ not possible for any real point
(2x – y – 2)2 = 8 (x + 2y – )
8 f ' ( x)
f(x) sin x cos x = 2
 5 (a − b 2 ) f ( x)
 x + 2y − 
( 2 x − y − 2) 2 8  8 ⇒l= 8
= 2 1 2
5 5  5  5 ⇒ f(x) = ⇒ =–
 
2 2
(a − b ) cos 2 x a2 a − b2
 
⇒ b2 = 3a2 ⇒ b2 |f (0)| = 3
equation of tangent at vertex is 8x + 16y – 5 = 0
 37 6  y' (–1) = 0 & y'(2) = 0 ⇒ a = 2, b = −
vertex  ,−  = 40(a + b) = 31 2
 40 40 
⇒ 2(a + b) = 3
π/ 2 sin 8 xln cot x
10-12. [A,B,A] ∫0 cos 2 x
dx on solving = 0
Do yourself
13. A→ P,Q,R,S, B→ R, C→ S, D→ P
(A) f(x) = cosec x – secx, Numeric Response

which is periodic with period 2π 15. [0]

r r r r r r r r r r rr r
(B) P = ((a × b ).c )b – ((a × b ).b )c = [ab c ] b f(x) = x (x – 30)2 ⇒ f ' (x) = 0 ⇒ x = 10,30
r r rr r r r rr r f(10) = 4000, f(30) = 0
Similarly q = [ab c ]c and r = [ab c ]a
r rr r rr f(x)least = 0, f (x)max = 4000 .
⇒ [ pq r ] = [ a b c ] 4 ⇒ n = 4

a 2 + 2b 2 16. [4]
(C) as > b , points must lie on major axis
a 4k 1 1
= 2
– 2
a 2 + 2b 2 b2 1 4k + 1 2k − 2k + 1 2 k + 2k + 1
Now a = ⇒ 2 =
2 a 2
 1 1 
∴ e=
⇒k=2 ⇒p= ∑  2k (k − 1) + 1 − 2k (k + 1) + 1  = 1
2 k =1

(D) For ∆ABC

cotA cotB + cotB cotC + cotC cotA = 1 f(0+) = k ⇒ k = 1

Also 2cotB = cotA + cotC also f(x) is differentiable xα – 1 {e1/x}

A.M. ≥ , G.M. ⇒α>1⇒α=2⇒α+k+p=4
cot A + cot C
≥ cot A cot C

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 100 MARCH 2011

17. [1] ⇒ tan θ =2
| SP | | SQ | | SR | = a3(1+ m12) (1 + m22) (1 + m32) 8 8
vmin = = = 3.57 m/sec.
 2  1 5
= a3[1 + (Σm1)2 – 2 Σ m1m2 + (Σm1m2)2 – 2m1m2m3 Σm1 2  +
 5 5
+ (m1m2m3)2]
2. [B]
 3 2(h − 2a ) (h − 2a) 2 k2 
= a 1 + 0 + + − 0 + 
 a a2 a 2  3. [A] From work energy theorem,
1 2Pt
= a [ k2 + (h – a)2 ] = a (SA)2 Pt = mv 2 or v = … (1)
2 m
ds 2P 1/ 2 s 2P t

18. [6] 2 
y = 6 x −

t ⇒ ∫ 0
ds =
M ∫ 0
t 1 / 2 dt

2 2P 3 / 2
3 3 s= t … (2)
Directrix x − = − ⇒ x = 0 3 m
2 2
from (1) & (2)
3 3  s
coordinates of P be  + t 2 , 3t  ∝t
 2 2  v
coordinate of M are (0, 3t)
4. [D]
3 3 u(6m) = 10 + (6 – 2)2 = 26 J
MP = + t2 & MS = 9 + 9t 2
2 2 u (– 2m) = 10 + (– 2– 2)2 = 26 J
2 As u(6m) = u (– 2m), particle will go upto x = –2
3 3  9
9 + 9t2 =  + t 2  = (1 + t2)2 – du –d
 2 2  4 &F= = [10 + x2 + 4 – 4x]
dx dx
4 = 1 + t2 ; Length of side = 6 ⇒ F = – 2x + 4
At x = 2, F = 0
19. [0] So x = 2 is mean position.
Locus will be director circle x2 + y2 = a2 + b2 < 2c2 which Kinetic energy at x = 2, 26 – 10 = 16 J
do not intersect with xy = c2 As x = 2 is mean position so we can put
F = –2(x – 2) where (x – 2) is distance from mean
a= (x – 2)
1. [C] 2
2m Truck v0 v so ω2 = ⇒ ω = 2 (m = 1 kg)
B 2π 2π
4m = 2 ⇒T= = 2π
T 2
Let the man starts crossing the road at an angle θ as
shown. For safe crossing, the condition is that the 5. [D]
man must cross the road by the time the truck
describes the distances. The resulting amplitude & corresponding phase
difference can be calculated by vector method.
4 + AC or 4 + 2cot θ

4 + 2 cot θ 2 / sin θ A2 = 6
8 v
or v = … (1) →

2 sin θ + cos θ A3 = 4 A1 = 8
dv →
For minimum v, =0 A4 = 2

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 101 MARCH 2011

Σ Ax = 8 – 4 = 4 1.8 1 .8
A= =
Σ Ay = 6 – 2 = 4 K (2πf ) 2 m
ΣAy = 4 A= 4 2
1 1.8 1 1.8 3
A= = = =6c
2πf 0.2  25  0.2 50
φ = 45º 2π 
 π
ΣAx = 4
17. [4]
Therefore resulting amplitude is 4 2 & phase rA ∝ n2
difference with x1 is φ = But rn+1 – rn = rn–1
(n + 1)2 –n2 = (n – 1)2
6. [C]
Energy is released in a process when total BE of the
nucleus (= BE per nucleon × no. of nucleons) is 18. [8]
increased or we can say when total BE of products is
more than the reactants. By calculation we can see 19. [7]
that only in case of option (C) this happens.
Let the initial amplitude decreases from a to a1 to
Given W → 2Y other side i.e. after the first sweep.
BE of reactants = 120 × 7.5 = 900 MeV 1 1
BE of products = 2(60 × 8.5) = 1020 MeV Ka 2 − Ka 12 = µmg (a + a1)
2 2
Passage 1 [decrease in Elastic PE = work done against friction]
7. [C] 8. [B], 9. [B] 1
or K (a + a1) (a – a1) = µmg(a + a1)
Passage 2 2µmg
or a – a1 = … (i)
10. [A] 11. [D] 12. [A ] k
Similarly a1 – a2 = …(ii)
Column Matching k
13. [A → R,T ; B → P; C → Q; D → Q,S] or an – 1 – an = …(iii)
14. [A → Q ; B → P; C → R; D → R] Adding all,
2n µmg
a – an =
Single Digit Numeric Response : k
15. [4] the block stops, when
The area under the curve in this v-t graph gives total µmg
µmg = kan or an =
distance. k
v µmg 2n µmg
2 m/sec ⇒a – =
k k
⇒ (2n + 1) = = 15
t (sec) n=7
2 4
16. [6]
ω = 2πf =
K = (2πf)2m
Total energy
0.5 + 0.4 = 0.9 J
0.9 = KA2

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 102 MARCH 2011

6. [C]
PHYSICS l = +8 × 0.1 mm = 0.8 mm
MSR = 41 mm, VSR = 4 × 0.1 = 0 .4 mm
1. [C] Effective resistance
L = 41 + 0.4 – 0.8 = 40.6 = 4.06 cm.
RS = (10kΩ ± 10%) + (20kΩ ± 20%)
∴ Tolerance of the combination = (30kΩ ± 30%) 7. [C]
2. [B] 8. [C]
The distance travel in nth second is 6 m/s
Sn = u + ½ (2n – 1) a …..(i)
so distance travel in tth & (t + 1)th second are 3
St = u + ½ (2t – 1) a ….(ii) I vI = vo
St + 1 = u + ½ (2t + 1) a …..(iii)
As per question,
O vo
St + St + 1 = 100 = 2(u + at) …..(iv)
Now from first equation of motion, the velocity of 3 3
particle after time t, if it moves with an 6+ v0 = 18 v0 = 12
4 4
acceleration a is
v0 = 16 m/s
v=u+at ….(v)
where u is initial velocity II
So from eq (iv) & (v), we get v = 50cm./sec.
9. [B] u1 screen
3. [B]
Length of string l = number of loops × O x
Since, length is constant, wavelength λ will
become half when the number of loops become v2
two times.
v I v1
Further, frequency f = = constant
λ 180 cm
1 m1 = 2 ∴ v1 = 2u1
∴ v should also become times.
2 ∴ u1 + v1 = 180 ⇒ u1 + 2u1 = 180
∴v∝ T ∴ u1 = 60 cm & u1 = v2 ⇒ v2 = 60 cm.
∴ x = D – u1 – v2 = 60 cm
Therefore, speed v will become times when
2 10. [C]
mass on the pan is reduced to M/4.
11. [B] ∆R1 + ∆R2 = 0
µ NI R1 α1 ∆T + R2 α2 ∆T = 0
4. [B] B= 0
2R ρ1l 1 ρ l
∴ α1 ∆T + 2 2 α2 ∆T = 0
1 A A
For coils made of same wire N ∝
R l1 ρ2α 2
∴ =–
⇒ B ∝ N2 l2 ρ1 α1
5. [A] BP = BQ
µ0 µ 12. [C] In series H ∝ R
2M M
. = 0 . ρ1l 1
4π (OP) 3
4π (OQ) 3 H1 R1 ρl
∴ = = A = 1 1
H2 R2 ρ l
2 2 ρ 2l 2
⇒ = 23 A

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 103 MARCH 2011

13. [A] Cp 5
ρl ∴ For monoatomic gas, = = 1.73 and for
R= (Q m = A l d) Cv 3
A diatomic,
ρd 2 Cp 7
R= l ⇒ R ∝ l2 = = 1.4 or
m Cv 5
∆R  ∆l 
× 100 = 2 ×100  = 2%  Cp   Cp 
R  l  ∴  
 >  

 Cv  mono  C v  di
14. [D] E= 24. [B]
3 ∈0
25. [C]
15. [C] The equations of motion are
Vmax = Aω ⇒ 4.4 = 7 × 10–3 ω 2mg – T = 2ma
T – mg = ma ⇒ T = 4ma & a = g/3 so T = 4mg/3
4400  7 
ω= , T = 2π   If pulley is accelerated upwards with an acceleration a,
7  4400  then tension in string is –
T = 0.01 sec 4m
T= (g + a)
16. [C]
E = T 4πR2 26. [A]
E′ = n1/3 T 4πR2 = (1000)1/3 T 4πR2
E′ = 10 T 4πR2 = 10 E 27. [C]
e = NABω sin ωt
17. [B] N = N0 e–λt ⇒ emax = NABω
18. [C] Remember
28. [D]
19. [B] Remember v = 2ν (l2 – l1) = 2 × 325 (77.4 – 25.4) × 10–2
20. [B] s = 2t3 + 2 = 338 m/s
ds 29. [A] I method
= 6t2 Escape energy = Potential energy
Impulse = m (vt = 1 – vt = 0) GMm
= =mgR
= 2(6 – 0) = 12 N–s R
= 500 × 10 × 6 × 106 = 3 × 109 J
21. [B] Given that II method
ml 2 1 m 2GM GMm
I = m (ve)2 = =
3 2 2 R R
I1 = mr12 = m g R = 3 × 109J
but 2πr1 = l 30. [A]
2 In this case N is at higher potential. It means the
l 3I
∴ I1 = m . = diode is in reverse bias so it will not conduct.
4π 2
4π 2
m 2
I2 = 2. . r2 = mr22
2 31. [D]
and 2(2πr2) = l 2CH3COONa + H2C2O4 → Na2C2O4 + 2CH3COOH
m.l 2 3I formation of acetic acid gives smell of vinegar.
∴ I2 = =
16π 2
16π 2 32. [C]
33. [A]
23. [D]
No of stereogenic centres in I, II and III are two,
Both statement-I is false and statement-II is true.
two and three. respectively. Hence the correct
For a monoatomic gas, number of degrees of
sequence is III > I = II
freedom, n = 3 and for a diatomic gas n = 5.
Cp 2 34. [A]
As =γ=1+ NH4 COO NH2 2NH3 + CO2
Cv n
(s) (g) (g)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 104 MARCH 2011

teq. – 2p p 46. [A] Br is better LG.
2p + p = 3
p = 1atm Cl Cl Cl
kp = (2p)2. (p) = 4 δ− δ+ δ−
+ Mg Ether O=C=O
35. [B]
geq of H2 = = 0.1 ≡ geq of metal Br MgBr C –OMgBr
0.1 geq. weighs = 1.2 g O
1 geq = 12 g ; E = 12 ⊕
36. [C] Cl
K2Cr2O7 + 7H2SO4 + 6 KI –→ 4 K2SO4 +
Cr2(SO4)3 + 7H2O + 3I2

37. [A]
38. [C]
Since the Grignard's reagent gives n-hexane with
water therefore, alkyl group is a hexyl 47. [D]
group therefore, 'F' is a bromohexane. It may be 1- O
bromohexane or 2-bromohexane. or NH2 NH2 –C–CH3
3-bromohexane. Since 'F' forms 4, 5 - diethyl
octane with Na, it must be 3-bromohexane which Ac2O Br2
undergoes wurtz reaction. Acetylation
3 2 2 2 3
Br O
3-Bromohexane NH –C–CH3
CH3–CH2–CH2 – CH – CH–CH2–CH2–CH3
Br H2O Br

39. [B] CH3 CH3

40. [B] Mg+2 + HCO3– 48. [D]

Carbocation is formed during SN e– donar group
kw increases the stability of carbocation .
41. [A] kH =
Ka H 3PO 4 49. [C]
Critical temperature (Tc) =
42. [D] 27 Rb
A Buffer solution is more effective in pH range of a
Boyle temperature (TB) =
pka ±1. Rb
x 1 Inversion temperature (Ti) =
43. [C] log = log k + log P. Rb
m n  8a   a 
 × 
TC × TB  27 Rb   Rb  2
44. [C] ∴ 2
= 2
(Ti )  2a  27
Electronegativity increases along a period and  
decreases down a group.  Rb 

45. [A] 50. [A]

Metallic character increases on going from top to
bottom in a group due to decrease in IE.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 105 MARCH 2011

CH3 OsO4/OH–/H+
H H Syn reagent
cis-Alkene OH OH 61. [B] Q AB = I
(meso-compound) 1  1 − tan θ 
B =A–1 =  
1 + tan θ  tan θ
2 1 
51. [A]
 1 − tan θ 
CH3 CH3 sec2θ B =  
Θ⊕  tan θ 1 
C2H5Br + CH3 CH3–C–O K CH3 –C–O–C2H5
sec2θ B = A(–θ)
62. [C]
52. [B] Fact f(x) = x – [x]. Since for x = 0 ⇒ f(x) = 0
For x = 1 ⇒ f(x) = 0
53. [A] For every integer value of x, f(x) = 0
⇒ f(x) is not one-one
54. [C]
⇒ so f –1 (x) is not defined.
55. [A] mol = 2 sin 2 x
x factor +2+
F = 0.2 × 6 = 1.2 63. [D] lim x x
x →∞  sin 2 x  sin x
2 + e
56. [C]  x 
PCl5 on hydrolysis gives phosphoric acid (H3PO4). as x → ∞
2 1 1
57. [C] l = lim sin x
= oscillatory between to −1
x →∞ 2 . e e e
The compound given are co-ordination isomers.
⇒ non existent.
58. [D] 64. [B]
(A) ∆H=Hproducts – Hreactants The mean of the series is (a + nd)
Exothermic ; ∆H = – ve; Hproducts < Hreactant Mean deviation from mean
Sublimation = fusion + vapourization
∆G = ∆H – T∆S
2n + 1 ∑{(a + rd ) − (a + nd )}
r =0

If ∆H < 0 , ∆S > 0 ; ∆G = Always – Ve 1


(Spontaneous )
2n + 1 ∑| r − n | d
r =0
(D) ∆n = +ve, ∆H > ∆E [2(1 + 2 + ..... + n) + 0] d
2n + 1
59. [C] n(n + 1) d
CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 =
2n + 1
CH3 – C + C–CH3 CH3 – C —–C–CH3 65. [D]
O CH3 OH OH If (–tan–1 tan 6)
3π π
Pinacol Now, < 6 < 2π ⇒ – < (6 –2π) < 0
2 2

and tan (6 –2π) = – tan (2π –6) = 6 –2π

⊕ Hence tan–1 tan (–6) = – (6 –2π) = (2π –6)
66. [C]
CH3 d2y dy x2
= x – sin x ⇒ = + cos x + c1
CH3 – C —–C–CH3 dx 2 dx 2
O CH3 y= + sin x + c1x + c2
Given y = 1, = 1 when x = 0
60. [C] dx
So 1 = 0 + 1 + c1 & 1 = 0 + 0 + c1 (0) + c2

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 106 MARCH 2011

c1 = 1 & c2 = 1 π 5π
x= , in 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π
x3 4 4
∴ required solution y = + sin x + 1
6 74. [A] x2 + y2 + 2x + 4y – 4 = 0
67. [C] Centre (–1, –2), radius = 3
Let distance of (a, b) from centre of given circle
then greatest distance = l + r
P(h, k) least distance = l – r
OP h2 + k 2 1 Difference = l + r – (l – r)
= cos 45° ⇒ = = 2r
OB 2 2
h2 + k2 = ⇒ h2 + k2 = 2 2
B (at , 2at)
Locus x2 + y2 = 2
68. [A] A must have elements 8 and 10 2at
75. [C] 30° tan 30° =
But A may or may not have elements 1, 2 or 3 A 30° at 2
1− x7 (1 + x 7 ) − 2 x 7 2

∫ (1 + x ∫
C (at , –2at)
69. [B] 7 x
dx = dx
) (1 + x 7 ) x 1 2
= ⇒ t = 2 3 ⇒ BC = 4at = 8 a 3
1 2x 6  3 t
 dx, = log x – 2 log (1 + x7) + C

=  −
 x 1+ x
7 
 7 x2 y2
76. [A] + =1
70. [B] C2 → C2 – xC3 ⇒ x2 (tan x – cos x) 2 1
⇒ f ′ (x)= (tan x – cos x) 2x – x2 (sec2x + sin x) x y
Tangent cos θ + sin θ = 1
2 1
71. [A]
A (1, x, 3) ; B(3, 4, 7) ; C(y, –2, –5) 
 0,
1 

Dr's of AB ⇒ 1 –3, x –4, 3 – 7 • sin θ 

⇒ –2, (x – 4), – 4 ⇒ 2, (4 – x), 4 P(h, k)

& Dr's of AC ⇒ (y –1), (–2– x), –5 –3
 y −1  x + 2 
⇒–  ,  ,4 O •
 2   2  A  2 
, 0

 cos θ 
 x+2
 4− x =
⇒ Then,  2 2 1
+0 0+
8 − 2 x = x + 2 ⇒ 3 x = 6 ⇒ x = 2
h = cos θ ,k= sin θ
( y − 1) 2 2
&⇒– = 2 ⇒ y –1 = – 4 ⇒ y = –3
2 2 1
cos θ = , sin θ =
72. [A] Given plane is 2h 2k
by + cz + d = 0 … (i) cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 1
Dr's of the normal of plane (1) is ⇒ 0, b, c 2 1
Q Dr's of x-axis ⇒ 1, 0, 0 + =1
4h 2 4k 2
∴ a1a2 + b1b2 + c1c2 = 0(1) + b(0) + c(0) = 0
1 1
∴ plane (1) is parallel to x- axis i.e. plane (1) is Locus 2
+ =1
perpendicular to YOZ plane 2x 4y2
73. [B] cos4x + sin4x – sin x cos x = 0 77. [C] Do yourself. 78. [A] Do yourself.
1 – 2 sin2 x . cos2 x – sin x cos x = 0
79. [A]
sin2 2x + sin 2x – 2 = 0
∴ sin 2x = – 2 and 1
If sin 2x = 1
i.e. 2x = 2nπ +
2 Local maxima at x= 0

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 107 MARCH 2011

β−α β−α β−α cos x{cos(sin x) − sin(sin x)}]
14444 4244444 3
80. [B] = = f ′( x )
1 − α β 1 − α β 1 − α.β
1 x
1 1 = [e {cos (sin x) + sin (sin x)} ]0π / 2
− 2
β α | α −β |
= = =1 1 π/2
1 |β−α |⋅| α | = [e (cos 1 + sin 1) –1]
1− α ⋅ 2
86. [A]
81. [A]
Total books = a + b + b + c + c + c + d
Coefficient of x = n – m = 3 … (1)
2 (a + 2b + 3c + d )!
Coefficient of x Total arrangement =
(a!) (b !) 2 (c !) 3
m(m − 1) n(n − 1)
= – mn+ = –6 …(2)
2 2 n
87. [D] P(E1) = selection of biased coin =
Put n = m+ 3 in (2) and get value of m. 2n + 1
82. [A] n +1
P(E2) = selection of fair coin =
~ (p ∨ q) ∨ (~ p ∧ q) 2n + 1
≡ (~ p ∧ ~ q) ∨ (~p ∧ q) Probability of toss result H
≡ ~ p ∧ (~ q ∨ q) ≡ ~ p H  H  31
= P(E1). P   + P(E2). P   =
83. [C]
R C  E1   E2  42
S Q n n + 1 1 31
= ×1+ × =
A B 2n + 1 2n + 1 2 42
Get n = 10
Area of quadrilateral = 1/2 | AC × BD | ∞ ∞
−1  2  −1  (2i + 1) − (2i − 1) 
But, middle points P, Q, R, S form a parallelogram 88.[C] ∑ tan
i =1
 2
 4i

∑ tan
i =1

 + (2i + 1) (2i − 1) 

∴ Area of parallelogram PQRS = | PQ × PS |

∑ [tan ]
1 r r r r r r r r = lim (2i + 1) − tan −1 (2i − 1)
= |c × d + b ×c + d × a + a ×b | n →∞
4 i =1

1 r r r r r r r r  [tan −1 (3) – tan −1 (1)] 

= |a ×b +b ×c +c × d + d × a |  
4 −1 −1
 + [tan (5) – tan (3)] 
y  + [tan −1 (7) – tan −1 (5)] 
84. [C]  
B(–6, 3) A(6, 3) = lim ................................. 
n →∞
................................. 
P  
(–6,0) Q x
................................ 
+ [tan −1 (2n + 1) – tan −1 (2n − 1)]
C  
(–6, –3)

P ≡ (–6, 0) ; Q ≡ (0, 0) ; R = (–6, 3)

= [
lim tan −1 (2n + 1) − tan −1 (1)
n →∞
 −6−6+ 6 3−3+3
S≡  , 
 3 3  π π π
= − =
≡ (–2, 1) 2 4 4
89. [A] D = m2 – 4 (m –1) ⇒ D = (m –
85. [A] 2)2
 1 + cos x   1 − cos x  For equal roots D = 0 ⇒ m = 2
I= ∫
e x {cos(sin x) 
 2
 + sin (sin x) 
  2
 } dx
 only 1 value of m for which quadratic equation
have equal roots
= ∫e
{cos (sin x) + sin(sin x)} +
444424444 3 90. [B] α β < 0 ⇒
(m − 1)
<0 ⇒ m <1
2 1
0 f ( x)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 108 MARCH 2011

3. [A]
Q g=
(R + h ) 2
1. [A] GM GM
u2 = 5gR ∴ 2
9R (R + h ) 2
∴ v2 = u2 – 2gR
⇒ 3R = R + h
= 5gR – 2gR = 3gR ⇒ h = 2R
So option (1) is correct.
4. [B]
B Both the spring are in series
k ( 2k ) 2k
u Keq = =
k + 2k 3
Tangential acceleration at B is µ
Time period T = 2π
at = g (downwards) K eq
Centripetal acceleration at B is m1.m 2
where µ =
v2 m1 + m 2
aC = = 3g m
R Here µ =
∴ Total acceleration will be 2
m 3 3m
a= a C2 + a 2t = g 10 ∴ T = 2π . = 2π
2 2k 4k
Alternative method :
2. [C]
Let l be the length of the rod and θ the angle of rod m m
with x-axis (horizontal) at some instant of time.
Co-ordinates of the centre of rod at this instant of
time are
y m m
x1 x2
l ∴ mx1 = mx2 ⇒ x1 = x2
force equation for first block;
θ B 2k d 2 x1
x (x1+x2) = m
3 dt 2
x= cos θ d 2 x1 4k
2 Put x1 = x2 ⇒ 2
+ x1 = 0
dt 3m
l 4k
and y = sin θ ⇒ ω2 =
2 3m
Squaring and adding Eqs. (1) and (2), we get: 3m
∴ T = 2π
l2 4k
x2 + y2 =
4 5. [D] E1 = E2
l 1 1
Which is an equation of a circle of radius and centre ∴ m1 ω12 A12 = m 2 ω22 A 22
2 2 2
at origin. but m1 = m2

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 109 MARCH 2011

∴ ω12 × 16 = ω22 × 25 10. [C] In case of a capacitor
q = CV
∴ 100 × 16 = ω2 × 25
ω = 8 units dq  dV 
∴ i= =C  
dt  dt 
6. [A] Let the force producing impulse J is F then
dV 4.0
2 = V/s = 1.0 V/s
F × h = mR2 × α dt 4.0
Therefore, if C = 1 F then i = 1×1 = 1A (constant)
and F = ma (where a = Rα)
2 2
∴ mah = mRa ⇒ h = R 11. [A]
5 5
Also impulse = change in momentum
or J = Mv
7. [D] at = αA rA = αCrC
r  10 +q –q
αC = αA  A  = 1.6 × = 0.64 rad/s2
 C 25 1 C2 1 C q2
Energy loss = ×V2 = ×
100 × 2π 2 C+C 2 2 C2
ω 60
t= C = = 16.35 sec. q2 q 2d
αC 0.64 = =
4C 4ε 0 A
8. [C] P(r) = r
πR 4 5 5 5
12. [C] RAB = R || R = R
+ + + 6 6 12
+ +r + +
+ ++1 + +
++ + + 13.[ B]
+ + + +
+++ +
1A A
From Gauss law
D 2Ω C
q ∫ ρVdV 1A
∫ E.ds = en =
ε0 ε0

3Ω 2Ω
Qr 4πr dr B
∫ π R 4
/ ε0
VA – VC = i R = 1 × 3 = 3V .......(i)
VB – VC = 1 × 2 = 2V ........(ii)
Q r14
E.4πr12 = 4 π VA – VB = 3 – 2 = 1V
πR 4 4
ε0 µ 0 Ni
14. [D] B =
Qr12 2R
E= φ = πb 2 × B × N
4πε 0 R 4
φ = Li
9. [B] φ µ0 N 2b2
4T L= = , with b <<< R
Inside pressure must be greater than outside i 2R
pressure in bubble. This excess pressure is 1 2 µ 0 N 2i 2 2
Energy = Li = b
provided by charge on Pa 2 4R
4T σ2 15.[ A] N cos θ
= N
r 2 ∈0 θ B
4T Q  Q  N sin θ F = BIL
= 2 4
… σ = 
r 16π r × 2 ∈0  4πr 2 
Q = 8πr 2rT ∈0 θ mg

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 110 MARCH 2011

N cos θ = mg …..(1) hc 12.4KeV.Å
21. [A]| EK | = = = 82.7 KeV
[⊗ indicates current I is flowing into the paper] λK 0.15Å
N sin θ = BIL …..(2) The energy of incident photon
BIL hc 12.4
∴ tan θ = Eν = = = 124 KeV
mg λ 0.1
The maximum kinetic energy is
16. [C] E= L Kmax = Eν – |EK| = 41.3 KeV ~
– 41 KeV
E 22. [B]
di = dt
L Frequency corresponding to wavelength of 0.180
E nm is
i= t ν = c/λ = 1.67 × 1018 Hz
From Mosley's law
i = ×t 3
4 ν = cR (Z – 1)2
i = 0.5t
5 = 0.5t 4
(Z – 1) = = 26
t = 10 sec 3cR
17. [A] Z = 27
E Hence element is cobalt.
Steady state current in L = i0 = Energy stored
h E m c2
2 23. [B] p = = = e = mec
1  E  λ c c
in L = L  = heat produced in R2 during
2  R 1  c
Nhν λ
LE 2 24. [C] I = =
discharge = . ∆t.A 1mm ×1mm 2
2R 12 c
Pout 110 × 9 100 × 10 –9 × 2640 × 10 –10
18. [C] % efficiency = × 100 = × 100 N=
Pin 220 × 5 (3 × 108 ) 2 × 6.63 × 10 –34
= 90% ~
− 442 photons/mm3
 1 1  25. [A]
19.[C] ν = RcZ2  2 − 2  Stopping potential of a & b same so frequency
n 
 1 n2  fa = fb
* Saturated photoelectric current of b & c same so
20.[A] intensity Ib = Ic > Ia
l   90 
26. [D] r = R  1 − 1 = 100  − 1
N l
 2   72 
E(L) r = 25 Ω
27. [B] VA – VB < Ε
E(K) E(Kα) VA – VP = Ε/2
K VA − VB l
= 0
VA − VP l
hc 12.4
E(K) = = = 115.9 KeV l0 E
λK 0.107 VA – VB = <E
hc l 2
E(Kα) = E(K) – E(L) = l0
λα l> ⇒ l > 50 cm
= 98.4 KeV
EL = E(K) – E(Kα) X l
28. [B] = for balance
= 115.4 – 98.4 R 100 − l
EL = 17.5 KeV 12 l 12 l'
hc 12.4 KeVÅ Initially, = , finally =
λL = = = 0.709Å 18 100 − l 8 100 − l'
EL 17.5 KeV or JJ′ = l′ – l = 20 cm

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 111 MARCH 2011

29. [D] f −15
m= or +2=
0.1 f −u − 15 – u
Least count =
100 – 30 – 2u = – 15
0.1 – 2u = 15
2r = N + n ( ) u = – 7.5 cm
N n
r= + (0.001) f 0 200
2 2 35. [A] MP = = = 40
r = 0.5 N + n (0.0005) fe 5
r = 5 (0.1 N + 0.0001 n)
36. [A] M.P. = m0 × me
30. [C] 32 = m0 × 4
6 2
H → 42 He + 42 He ∴ m0 = 8
3 Li +1
Q = (K (K α1 + K α 2 ) – Kd 37. [A] F – 2T = 6a and T = 4 × 2a
= (13.2 + 13.2) MeV – 4MeV ∴ F – 16 a = 6a
= 22.4 MeV F
⇒a = ⇒ a = 1m/s2
31. [D] 22
N = N0e–λt, D = N0 (1 – e–λt) 6 ×1 + 4 × 2
∴ aCM = = 1.4 m/s2
R R e – λt R 10
R = R0e–λt, = 0 – λt = 0 = λ
N N 0e N0 38. [D] Acceleration of chain is given by
= const. 2mg − mg / 3 5g
a= =
32. [C] m 3
10 β1 = 10 ×
µd 39. [C] According to Pascal’s principle
in liquid f1 A r2 1
= 1 = 1 =
λD f2 A2 2
r2 4
β2 =
6β2 = 10β1 f1 = Mg
6λD 10λD
d µd 40. [C]
10 Length of rod inside the water = 1.0 secθ = secθ
µ= = 1.67 F

33. [A]
f = 10 cm
θ 1.0 m
1 cm W
2  1 
Upthrust F =   (sec θ)   (1000) (10)
   500 
30 cm
or F = 20 sec θ
Weight of rod W = 2 × 10 = 20 N
f − 10 1 For rotational equilibrium of rod net torque about O
| m |= = =
f −u − 10 + 30 2 should be zero.
rI 1  secθ 
=m= ∴F   (sin θ) = W = (1.0 sin θ)
ro 2  2 
ωo = ωI 20
or sec2θ = 20
a r 1 2
∴ I = I =
a o ro 2 or θ = 45º
∴ F = 20 sec 45º
34. [B] f = – 15cm = 20 2 N
for virtual & 2 times large image

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 112 MARCH 2011

12. [B] Adsorption is exothermic process due to
CHEMISTRY attraction between adsorbate and adsorbent.

nh h 2h 2.303 a
1. [C] mvr = =4× = 13. [A] t = log
2π 2π π k a−x
2.303 0 .5
= log
2. [D] Meq. of Acid = Meq. of Ba(OH)2 6 0.05
1.25 = 0.384 min
⇒ × 1000 = (0.25 × 2) × 25
⇒ M = 200 14. [B] 1 cm3 H2O = 1 g H2O
1× 6.023
No. of molecules in 1 g H2O = × 1023
r( H 2 ) M ( D2 ) 4 2
3. [B] = = = = 3.3 × 1022
r( D 2 ) M ( H2 ) 2 1
15. [D]
∆ng Isocyanide test also known as carbylamine test.
4. [A] From Kp = Kc (RT)
= 1.8 × 10–4 × (0.082 × 298)2 = 0.108
16. [A] 4-methyl benzene sulphonic acid is stronger
than acetic acid thus it will release acetic acid from
5. [A] ∆Hsublimation = ∆Hfusion + ∆Hvap sodium acetate.

6. [D] In CH3NH2, N has one lone pair of electrons.

CH3 – CH2 – C ≡ CH + H2O HgSO
17. [A] But–1–yne  4 →
7. [D] Ksp = 4s3 = 4 × 10–12 ⇒ s = 10–4 M 2 4

CH3 – CH2 – C = CH2

8. [A] OH
− enol tautomeris m
Oxidant is the one whose O.N. decreases during Keto
  → CH3 – CH2 – C – CH3
the reaction. H2SO4 (O.N. of S = + 6) changes to O
SO2 (O.N. of S = + 4)
Anhyd . AlCl
9. [D] 18. [C] + CH3COCl   3 →
Z× M 2 × (3a × 10 –3 ) COCH3
d= =
a3 × NA  4 × 4.52 × 10 –3 
  × 6.02 × 10 23
 2 3  + HCl
 
= 900 kg m–3
0.059 [Cathode]
10. [B] Ecell = E 0cell + log
n [Anode]
19. [B]
0.059 0.004 CH3
= [– 0.0403 – (– 0.763)] + log Br
2 0.2
0.059 0.04
= + 0.36 + log 20. [A] Libermann's reaction
2 2
∆P WB M A Br
11. [D] = 21. [A] 1 eqv . at Br / Fe
  2
or MB =
WA (∆P / P°) 22. [B] CH2 = CH2 HOCl
2.5 × 78 × 640 aq . NaHCO
⇒ MB = = 80 CH2 – CH2   3 → CH2 – OH (glycol)
39 × 40
Cl OH CH2 – OH

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23. [A] 31. [B] LiNO3 on heating gives
Free rotation around carbon-carbon bond takes ∆
4LiNO3 → 2Li2O(s) + 4NO2 + O2
place easily in alkanes. Now ethane and
hexachloroethane both are alkanes, but in
32. [D]
hexachloroethane bulky chlorine atom is present
while ethane is least hindered. Three dimensional sheet structure are formed
when three oxygen atoms of each [SiO4]4–
tetrahedral are shared.
24. [C]
Due to the presence of –Cl group which is a +M
33. [B]
Due to oscillation of free electron Na metal shows
metallic lusture.
25. [A]
Due to similar charges on adjacent atom the
structure is least stable. 34. [B] Mn + 2HNO3 → Mn (NO3)2 + H2
- -

O 35. [A]

- N
'Lapis Lazuli' is the aluminium silicate present in
O- the earth rocks as blue stone.
• •
26. [B] CH3 – CH3 Homolytic
 → C H 3 + C H 3
bond fission
methyl free radical
36. [B]
B < C < N < O when we move from B to O in a
Free radical is formed which is sp2 hybridised
periodic table the first ionization enthalpy increase
due to the attraction of nucleus towards the outer
H most of electron and IE of N > O.
37. [B] NO2 → sp
SF4 → sp3d
27. [A]
PF6− → sp3d2
If atom or group of higher priority are on opposite
direction at the double bond of each carbon atom
then the configuration is known as E and if they 38. [A]
are in same direction then the configuration is Mg belongs to group 2. Therefore its size is less
known as Z-configuration. than that of Na.

(2E, 4E) – 2, 4-hexadiene 39. [B]

Alkali metal hydroxide KOH is highly soluble in
28. [C]
The brown ring test for NO −2 and NO 3− is due to 40. [B] Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 → 2NaHCO3
formation of [Fe(H2O)5NO]2+


The absorption of energy or observation of color
in a complex transition compounds depend upon 1.[C] y = 2x2 – log | x |
the charge of the metal ion and the nature of the
dy 1 |x| 1
ligand attached. The same metal ion with different = 4x – × = 4x –
ligands shows different absorption depending upon dx |x| x x
the type of ligand, the presence of weak field 1 1
ligand make the central metal ion to absorb low 4( x + )( x − )
dy 2 2
energies i.e. of higher wavelength. =
dx x
– + – +
30. [C] –1/2 0 1/2
The existance of Fe2+ and NO+ in nitroprusside ion
[Fe(CN)5NO]2– can be established by measuring 1 1
∴ y has minima at x = – and x = but x = 0
the magnetic moment of the solid compound 2 2
which should correspond to is not point of maxima as x = 0 is not in the
Fe2+ = 3d6 four unpaired electron. domain.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 114 MARCH 2011

2. [A] f(x) = 1 + x sin x [cos x] f ( x + α) f ( x + 2α) f ( x + 3α)
π Q g(x) = f (α ) f (2α) f (3α)
Q0<x≤ ⇒ 0 ≤ cos x < 1
2 f ' (α ) f ' (2α) f ' (3α)
⇒ [cos x] = 0
∴ f(x) = 1 f ' ( x + α) f ' ( x + 2α) f ' ( x + 3α)
∴ f(x) is a constant function and hence ∴g′ (x) = f (α ) f (2α) f (3α)
continuous. It neither strictly increasing nor f ' (α ) f ' (2α) f ' (3α)
∴ g′ (0) = 0
 Sr  g ( x)
3. [B] It is given that   × 100 = 1 lim = g′(0) = 0
 r  x→0 x
4 3 4π
v= πr ⇒ log v = log + 3 log r 8. [A]
3 3
f 2d e 2d f e
1 3
δv = δr ∆1 = 2 z 4 x 2 y = – 4 x 2 z 2 y (C1↔C2)
v r
e 2a b 2a e b
δv 3δr
× 100 = × 100
v r 2d e f
=3×1=3 = 4 x 2 y 2 z (C2 ↔ C3)
Hence error in volume is with in 3 % 2a b e

4. [C] 2a b e
Set A = {1, 2, 3} and R = {(1, 1), (2, 2)} = – 4 x 2 y 2 z (R1 ↔ R3)
Since (3, 3) ∈ / R it is not reflexive 2d e f
Since R–1 = {(1, 1) (2, 2)} = R, R is symmetric 2a b e
Since the situation in (a, b), (b, c) ∈ R does not
= 2d e f = ∆2 (R2 ↔ R3) ∴ ∆1/∆2 = 1
arise in R, R is also transitive.
Also R ∩ R–1 = {(1, 1), (2, 2)} ⊂ DA = {(1, 1) 4x 2 y 2z
(2, 2) (3, 3)}
⇒ R is anti symmetric 9. [D]
Hence (ii) (iii) and (iv) are correct. Q All coins are identical
∴ First we will give 3 coin to each person so
5. [C] that every one has at least 3 rupee, now rest
{(A – B) ∪ (B – C) ∪ (C – A)}C = (A ∪ B ∪ C) 5 coin we have to distribute among 5
– {(A – B) ∪ (B – C) ∪ (C – A)} person in such a way that any one can get
= A ∩ B ∩ C { Q A ∪ B ∪ C = universal set} any no. of coin.
∴ Total no. of ways
6. [C] C5 – 1 = 9C4 = 126
(B–1 AB)2 = (B–1AB) (B–1 AB) = (B–1ABB–1 AB) {Q No. of ways of distributing n identical thing
= (B–1 AIAB) = (B–1 A2B) among r person when any one can get any no. of
thing is n + r –1Cr–1}
(B–1AB)3 = (B–1AB)2 (B–1AB) = (B–1A2B) (B–1AB)
= (B–1A2BB–1AB) = (B–1A2IAB)
= (B–1 A3B) 10. [C]
Now (B AB)4 = (B–1AB)3 (B–1AB)
–1 x1 < x2 ≤ x3 < x4 < x5 ≤ x6 gives rise to the
= (B–1A3B) (B–1AB) following four cases
= B–1A4B x1 < x2 < x3 < x4 < x5 < x6
x1 < x2 = x3 < x4 < x5 < x6
7. [A] x1 < x2 < x3 < x4 < x5 = x6
g ( x)  0  x1 < x2 = x3 < x4 < x5 = x6
Q g(0) = 0 ∴ lim   form ∴ Total ways 9C6 + 9C5 + 9C5 + 9C4
x→0 x 0
= 10C6 + 10C5 = 11C6
∴ lim g′(x) = g′(0) ... (1)

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 a 2 a 4  17. [B]
11. [D] 2 1 + + + .... = ea + e–a Q b>0 ∴D≤0
 2 4 
(a + c)2 + 4b2 – 4b (a + c) ≤ 0
1 n2 + 1 ⇒ a2 + c2 + 2ac + 4b2 – 4ab – 4bc ≤ 0
= eln n + e– ln n = n + =
n n ⇒ (a + c – 2b)2 ≤ 0
18 ⇒ 2b = a + c i.e. a, b, c are in A.P.
 2
12. [A]  x − 
 x 18. [C]
Let (r +1 )th term is independent of x f(x) = (x – a1) (x – a3) (x – a5) + 2 (x – a2)
1 (x – a4) (x – a6) = 0
18 × − 0 a1 < a2 < a3 < a4 < a5 < a6
2 nα − m
∴r= =6 {Qr= } f(a1) = 2 (a1 – a2) (a1 – a4) (a1 – a6) < 0
+1 α+β
f(a2) = (a2 – a1) (a2 – a3) (a2 – a5) > 0
∴ (r + 1) = 7th term is independ of x ∴ At least one real root lies in (a1, a2)
6 Similarly, at least one real roots lies in each
 2 interval (a3, a4) and (a5, a6)
∴ 7th term is 18C6 ( x )18–6  − 
 x But f(x) is cubic, therefore there are only three
18 6
= C6 2 roots.
2 3 Hence the equation f(x) = 0 has one real roots in
2 1 2.5  1  2 .5 .8  1 
13.[C] S = 1 + . +   +   + .... each interval (a1,a2) (a3,a4) and (a5,a6)
3 2 3.6  2  3 .6 .9  2 
2 19. [A]
2/3  1  (2 / 3)(5 / 3)  1 
=1+   +   xdx + zdy + (y + 2z)dz = 0
1 2 2 2 ⇒ xdx + 2zdz + zdy + ydz = 0
3 xdx + 2zdz + d(yz) = 0
(2 / 3)(5 / 3)(8 / 3)  1 
+   +...
3 2 x2
+ z2 + yz = c
−2 / 3
2 2

 1 1 3
= 1 −  =  = 2 2 / 3 = 41/3 20. [A] slope of tangent
 2 2
14. [D] = 2x + 1
−1+ i 3 − 3 −i ⇒ y = x2 + x + C
Qω = ⇒ iω =
2 2 when x = 1, y = 2
π ∴2=1+1+C ⇒C=0
∴ arg (iω) = π +
6 ∴ y = x2 + x
−1− i 3 3 −i
Q ω2 = ⇒ iω2 =
∫ (x
∴ Required area = + x) dx
2 2
∴ arg (iω2) = 2π – 1
6 x 3
x  2
=  +  =
∴ arg iω + arg iω2 = 3π  3 2  0 6
15. [A]
1 1 r 21. [B] y = e–x
Q = = y = ex
log 2r 4 1 2
log 2 4
r R Q
r 1  n(n + 1)  n(n + 1)
∴ ∑2 = 
2 2 
r =1 e – x : x ≥ 0
16. [C] y = e–|x| = 
e x : x < 0
a1 + a8 + a15 = 3a1 + 21d = 15
⇒ a1 + 7d = 5 By symmetry
a2 + a3 + a8 + a13 + a14 = 5 a1 + 35d Let P = (t , 0) then
= 5(a1 + 7d) Q( t, e–t), R = (–t, e–t)
= 5 × 5 = 25 and S = (– t, 0)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 116 MARCH 2011

∴ Area of rectangle = 2te–t = f(t) say Intercepts on axes made by the planes are
df 3a, 3a, 3a
then = 2{–te–t + e–t} = 0 ⇒ t = 1
dt ∴ Sum of reciprocal of the intercepts
d2 f 1 1 1 1
= + + =
= 2{ – (1 – t)e–t – e–t} < 0 for t = 1 3a 3a 3a a
dt 2
Hence, maximum area 2/e 26. [C]
| a | 2 = p2 + 25 + 289 = p2 + 314
22. [C] r
| b |2 = 4q + 169 + 1 = 4q + 170
 sin xdx if sin x ≥ 0
 ∫ According to question

I = | sin x | dx =  r r

− sin xdx if sin x < 0

| a |2 = | b |2
⇒ p2 + 314 = 4q + 170
= – cos x + C if sin x ≥ 0 ⇒ p2 = 4q – 144
cos x + C if sin x < 0 = 4(q – 36)
= cos x . sgn (sin x) + C p, q are +ve integer
 1 ; sin x > 0 1 ≤ p, q ≤ 1000
| sin x | 
{Q sgn (sin x) = =  0 ; sin x = 0 p is even integer let p = 2 K then
sin x − 1 ; sin x < 0
 4K2 = 4(q – 36) ⇒ K2 = q – 36
Q 1 ≤ K2 ≤ 964
23. [B] ⇒ 1 ≤ K ≤ 31
d 1 φ( x)  ∴ Number of ordered pairs (p, q) = 31
From the option  log 
dx 2  f ( x)  27. [D]
r r r
 φ( x )   f ( x)φ' ( x) − φ( x) f ' ( x)  f ( x) ∴ |a +b +c | = 1
= log    × r r r rr rr rr
 f ( x)   f ( x) 2  φ( x) ⇒ | a |2 + | b |2 + | c |2 + 2( a.b + b .c + c .a ) = 1
1 1 1 rr
f ( x)φ' ( x) − φ( x ) f ' ( x )  φ( x)  ⇒ + + +2( b .a )
= × log   2 3 6
f ( x)φ( x )  f ( x)  r
Q cr = λar × b 
f ( x)φ' x − φ( x) f ' ( x) φ( x) =1  r r r r
∴ ∫ f ( x)φ( x)
f ( x)
dx  c ⊥ a and c ⊥ b 
r r r r

2 ⇒ b .a = 0 ⇒ b ⊥ a
1 φ( x) 
=  log  +C
2  f ( x)  ∴ Angle between them is
dy c2 28. [D]
24. [D] =– 2
dx x x2 y2
+ = 1 will represents an ellipse is
 dy  − c2 x' y ' y' 8−a a−2
⇒  = = − =–
  ( x ', y ' ) ( x ' )
( x' ) 2
x ' 8 – a > 0, a – 2 > 0 and 8 – a ≠ a – 2
⇒ a < 8, a > 2 and a ≠ 5
∴ Equation of tangent at (x′,y′) is
∴ a∈ (2, 8) – {5}
y – y′ = – (x – x′)
x' 29. [D]
Which meets the co-ordinate axes at A and B y = x – 1 is a focal chord of the parabola
(say) then A = (2x′, 0), B = (0, 2y′) y2 = 4x. Therefore tangent at its extremities are
Mid point of AB is (x′, y′) perpendiculars.
30. [D]
25. [D]
D.R's of OP = a, a, ,a A1
∴ Equation of plane ⊥ to OP and passing (–1, 1) B (1, 1)
through P is A O
a(x – a) + a(y – a) + a (z – a) = 0 B1
⇒ x + y + z = 3a (–1, –1) (1, –1)

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 117 MARCH 2011

A1B1 = 2 2 x
35. [B] y = f(x) =
1 + x tan x
AB = 2 2 – 2 = 2( 2 – 1)
dy 1 + x tan x − x (tan x + x sec 2 x)
OA = 2 – 1 ⇒ =
taking origin as centre and OA as radius circle dx (1 + x tan x) 2
will touches all four circle
1 − x 2 sec 2 x
∴ equation of circle is =
(1 + x tan x) 2
x2 + y2 = ( 2 – 1)2
x2 + y2 = 3 – 2 2 y = x2 y = cos2x

31. [A] (0, 2) O π/2 π

= 0 ⇒ x2 = cos2x
P(a, a ) dx
(2, 0) π
There is only one point in (0, ) say x, at
Clearly a > 0 2
Also P lies on that side of line x + y = 2 dy
which =0
Where origin lies dx
∴ a + a2 – 2 < 0 ⇒ (a – 1) (a + 2) < 0 at x1 – h ⇒ x2 < cos2x ∴
⇒ – 2 < a < 1 but a > 0 dx
∴0<a<1 dy
& at x1 + h ⇒ x2 > cos2 x ∴ <0
∴ a ∈ (0, 1) dx
32. [D] ∴ at x1 slope change from + ve to – ve
Triangle is right angled at O(0, 0). Therefore ∴ There is only one critical point
orthocentre is O(0, 0) and circumcentre is mid
 π
a b in  0,  at which f(x) has local maxima.
point of hypotense i.e.  ,   2
2 2
∴ Distance between orthocentre and 36. [B] 3cos2θ – 2 3 sinθ cosθ + 3sin2θ = 0
1 2 ( 3 cosθ + sinθ) (cosθ – 3 sinθ) = 0
circumcentre = a + b2
33. [B] ⇒ tan θ = or tanθ = – 3
Let a = 3K, b = 7 K and c = 8K 3
a+b+c π π
∴s= = 9K ∴ θ = nπ + or θ = nπ –
2 6 3
R abc s abcs ∴ | r – s| = | – 3 – 6| = 9
there = . =
r 4∆ ∆ 4s ( s − a)( s − b)( s − c) 37. [B]
3K.7 K.8K 7 R 7 n π π n
= = ⇒ = cot–1 > ⇒ < cot–1 < π, n∈ N
4.6K 2K K 2 r 2 π 6 6 π
34. [D] sinx (sin x + cos x) = K { Q cot–1x ∈ 0 (a, π)}
⇒ sin2 x + sin x cos x = K ⇒–∞< < 3
1 − cos 2 x sin 2 x π
⇒ + =K
2 2 – ∞<n< 3π
1 – ∞ < n < 5.4
⇒ (sin2x – cos2x + 1) = K
2 ⇒ max. n = 5 {Q n ∈ N}
Q – 2 ≤ sin 2x – cos 2x ≤ 2 38. [A]
1− 2 sin 2 x − cos 2 x + 1 2 +1 ∴ tan π [x] = 0 ∀ x ∈ R since [x] ∈ Z
⇒ ≤ ≤
2 2 2 Period of {x} = 1
1− 2 2 +1 ⇒ Period of sin 3π{x} = 1
⇒ ≤K≤ Hence period of f(x) = 1
2 2

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 118 MARCH 2011

| x |  xy − y 
39.[C] f(x) = cos–1 log [ x ]   ⇒ xy2 + y1 – y1 = aey/x  1 2 
 x   x 
|x| ⇒ x3y2 = aey/x (xy1 – y) = (xy1 – y)2 (from 2)
For domain >0
x 1
⇒ (xy1 – y)2 = x3
⇒ x ∈ (0, ∞) y2
and [x] > 0 and [x] ≠ 1
⇒ x ≥ 2 ∴ x ∈ [2, ∞) 3 −1 0 1

|x| | x |
= 1 then log[x]   =0
44.[B] ∫
f ( x)dx = ∫
f ( x)dxt ∫
f ( x)dx + ∫ f ( x)dx
x  x 
2 3
f(x) = cos–10 =
+ ∫
f ( x ) dx + ∫ f ( x)dx
3 3 3 3 3
= (–2) + (–1) + 0 + 1 + 2 = 0
40.[C] ∴ f(a) = 0
log e {1 + 6 f ( x)}  0 
∴ lim   form 1
x→a 3 f ( x) 0 45.[B] x2f(x) + f   = 2
log e {1 + 6 f ( x)}
⇒ lim 2 × =2×1=2 3
6 f ( x) 1 1
∫ f ( x)dx
I= put x = , dx = − 2 dt
log e {1 + x} t t
1/ 3
Q lim =1
x→0 x 1/ 3 3
1 1 1 1
x − 9 x + 20
⇒I= – ∫
f  . 2 dt =
t  t ∫
1/ 3
f  . 2 dx
x x
41.[D] lim
x →5+ x − [ x] 3
 1  1 
= lim
(5 + h) 2 − 9(5 + h) + 20
= lim
h2 + h
⇒ 2I =
1/ 3
∫  f ( x) + x 2
f   dx
 x 
h→0 5 + h − [5 + h] h→0 h
3 3
x 2 − 9 x + 20 (4 − h ) 2 − 9(4 − h ) + 20  2  1  1 2
x →4 x − [ x]
= lim
h →0 4 − h − [4 − h ]
= ∫  x f ( x) + f   2 dx =
1/ 3 
 x  x 1/ 3

h2 + h 1 1
 16
= lim =0 ∴P=0 = − 2  = – 2  − 3 =
h→0 1− h  x 1 / 3 3  3

42.[B] f(1) = 0 8
[(1 + h) 2 ] – 1 1−1
f(1 + 0) = lim 2
= lim =0
h→0 (1 + h) − 1 h →0 2h + h 2
[(1 – h) 2 ] – 1 0 −1
f(1 – h) = lim = lim =∞
h →0 (1 − h) 2 − 1 h →0 − 2h + h 2
1. [D] The pattern is x2 +1, x2 + 2, . . . .
⇒ f(x) is discontinuous at x = 1 Missing number = 28 × 2 + 3 = 59

43.[A] (a + bx)ey/x = x ... (1) 2. [A] A car runs on petrol and a television works by
Differentiating, w.r.t. x we get electricity.
 x. y − y  3.[A] All except Titans are planets of the solar
bey/x + (a + bx)ey/x .  1 2  = 1
 x  system.

 xy − y  4. [C]
⇒ bey/x + x.  1 2  = 1 {Q (a + bx)ey/x = x}
 x  5. [B]
⇒ bxey/x + xy1 – y = x
⇒ xy1 – y = x – bxey/x 6. [D]
⇒ xy1 – y = aey/x ... (2) (from (1))

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 119 MARCH 2011

7.[B] The third figure in each row comprises of parts 4.[A] Lively : Correct synonym to 'sprightly' as both
which are not common to the first two figure. means, 'someone
8. [A] dashing/energetic/enthusiastic'.
Beautiful : (Irrelevant)
Sportive : (Irrelevant)
9. [C]
Intelligent : (Irrelevant)

5.[D] Wicked : It is almost a synonym to 'Astute'

Impolite : Irrelevant because it is the antonym
10.[A] of 'polite'.
Cowardly : Irrelevant as it is the opposite of
ENGLISH Foolish : (It's the correct antonym of 'Astute'
which itself means 'clever, shrewd'.

1.[B] Geraff : 6.[D] Deadly : It means 'Fatal'.

Incorrect spelling. Hence, this is not a proper antonym to
• 'e' should be replaced with 'i' 'innocuous'.
• The word should end with 'e' after 'ff' Ferocious : It means 'horrible'
Giraffe : Hence, irrelevant to the opposite of 'innocuous'.
Correct spelling. Poisonous : It means 'venomous'.
Giraf : Hence, an irrelevant 'antonym'.
'fe' is to be added in the end. Harmful : It is a perfect antonym of innocuous
which itself means 'harmless'.
Gerraffe :
• 'Ge' is to be replaced with 'Gi' to make the 7.[D] Corruption :
correct spelling. Irrelevant
2.[B] Puncture : Worldliness :
No error. Irrelevant
It makes the tyre flat. Favouritism :
Puntuation : Irrelevant
Error of spelling Nepotism : (Correct Answer) because
Correct spelling is 'Punctuation' It's a kind of corruption in which the authority
in power takes the advantage of giving
Hence 'c' is missing. opportunity to their relatives in their self
Pudding : interest.
No error
8.[B] Cross : (to pass by, to intersect)
It is used as 'Dessert'
It means different
Pungent :
Hence, irrelevant.
No Error
Shuttle : (Proper answer)
It is some what 'sharp' and 'shrill'.
It's a kind of "regular beats" of an air flight or
3.[A] Luxurious : (Plush) bus service between the two stations.
Something full of all 'amenities' making life Travel : It means to journey.
'cozy' and 'snug'. Hence, irrelavent.
Delicious : Irrelevant as it means 'something Run : (to move regularly)
very tasty.'
Hence, irrelevant.
Comforting : 'Irrelevant' as it means 'giving
necessary comforts', whereas 'Plush' means 9.[D] Only 1 is correct :
more than comforts. Inappropriate answer because sentence 1 can't
Tasty : (Irrelevant) be correct using 'practise' as it is a verb, whereas
It means 'delicious' the required word should be a noun.

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 120 MARCH 2011

Only 2 is correct : 'Meet you here' (erroneous)
Sentence 2 is also wrong because the word Because 'meet will be replaced with 'meeting'
'practice' is wrongly used as a verb. It should be Phrase 'looking forward to' is followed by
a verb like 'practise'. Hence, incorrect answer. present participle (V. I + ing) form of the Verb.
Both the sentences 1 and 2 are correct. No error : (incorrect option)
This is not relevant. Part 'C' is erroneous.
Both the sentences 1 and 2 are not correct.
14.[C] Good and Evil
Correct option, if both the words, i.e. 'practice' This is a wrong interpretation.
and 'practise' are interchanged respectively, it
really makes a meaningful sentence. Former and Latter :
Wrong interpretation.
10.[C] Sentence 1 is correct : For and against a thing.
This option is wrong because the word Appropriate option as it really suits the Idiom
'ingenuous' means 'frank and simple' which is ins and outs.
inappropriate. Foul and Fair : (by hook or by crook)
Sentence 2 is correct : This is an inappropriate option.
This option is also wrong because the word
'ingenious' means 'clever or prudent' and this is 15.[A] Broke out : (to start suddenly)
inappropriate. 'Correct and relevant' option because it is used
Both the words, i.e. 'ingenuous' and 'ingenious' for 'wars' and 'diseases' e.g. cholera broke out in
if interchanged together respectively, it really Surat in 1985.
makes both the sentences meaningful. Set out : (to start)
Hence, appropriate option. it is different because it is used when one leaves
Both the sentences can't be interchanged. for somewhere
This is an incorrect option because words have e.g. He set out on his long voyage to Achilese.
been misinterpreted together. took out : (incorrect use)
Incorrect option. Because it means differently.
e.g. He took out a one rupee coin to give to the
11.[C] Far off : beggar.
It can't be used in place of 'aloof' as far off' Went out : (Incorrect use) Because meaning is
means long-long ago. different
Hence, incorrect alternative . e.g. : The light went out when I was preparing
Introvert : It means 'self-centred', for my Board Exams.
Hence, It is an incorrect alternative.
distance : This is an appropriate word because
one of the meaning of 'aloof' is distant also ATTITUDE
while keeping distance between two nouns.
• Great effort springs naturally from a great
Depressed : (it means 'hopeless') attitude.
Hence, quite irrelevant. • "An optimist is a person who sees a green
light everywhere, while the pessimist sees
12.[A] "Meatless days" This is the name of a novel.
only the red stoplight... The truly wise person
Hence, no error is there.
is colorblind."
Have been made : (Erroneous)
• Like success, failure is many things to many
Because 'have' should be replaced with 'has'
people. With Positive Mental Attitude, failure
because 'meatless days' is a singular noun.
is a learning experience.
Into a film :
• Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give
No error in this part of the sentence. thanks for everything that happens to you.
No error : Incorrect option because there is an • You cannot control what happens to you, but
error in the sentence. you can control your attitude toward what
13.[C] Looking forward : (No error) happens to you, and in that, you will be
This is a phrase. mastering change rather than allowing it to
'to' (no error) master you.
This is a preposition. • You cans do it if you believe you can!

XtraEdge for IIT-JEE 121 MARCH 2011

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