XtraedgeMarch 2011 PDF
XtraedgeMarch 2011 PDF
XtraedgeMarch 2011 PDF
Editor :
Pramod Maheshwari
Dear Students,
[B.Tech. IIT-Delhi] All of us want to get organized. The first thing in getting organized is to find our
obstacles and conquer them. Make a beginning by conquering obstacles for
Cover Design starting in right earnest.
Om Gocher, Govind Saini Sometimes the quest for perfectionism holds us back. We occasionally feel that
we should start when we have enough time to do a job thoroughly. One way to
tackle this kind of mindset is to choose smaller projects or parts of projects that
Rajaram Gocher can be completed within 15 minutes to one hour or less. It is important to keep
yourself motivated. Approach your projects as something which are going to
Circulation & Advertisement give you pleasure and fun. Reward yourself for all that you accomplish no
matter how small they may be. Never hesitate to ask for help from a friend.
Praveen Chandna
Make all efforts to keep your motivational level high. You might feel
Ph 0744-3040000, 9672977502 overwhelmed because you are focusing on every trivial thing that needs to be
got done.
How do you act or react to your life? When you are merely reacting to events in
Sudha Jaisingh Ph. 0744-2500492, 2500692 your life, you are putting yourself in a weak position. You are only waiting for
© Strictly reserved with the publishers things to happen in order to take the next step in your life. On the other hand
when you are enthusiastic about your happiness you facilitate great things to
happen. It is always better to act from a position of power. Never be a passive
• No Portion of the magazine can be victim of life. Be someone who steers his life in exactly the direction he wants it
published/ reproduced without the to go. It is all upto you now.
written permission of the publisher
If you do what you have always done and in the way you have done it you shall
• All disputes are subject to the get only such results which you have always got. Getting organized requires that
exclusive jurisdiction of the Kota not doing things that cause clutter, waste of time and hurt your chances
Courts only. adversely of realizing your goals. You should concentrate only on doing things
that eliminate clutter, waste of times and hurt your chances adversely of
Every effort has been made to avoid errors or realizing your goals. You should concentrate only on doing things that eliminate
omission in this publication. In spite of this, clutter, increase your productivity and provide the best chance for achieving
errors are possible. Any mistake, error or your goals.
discrepancy noted may be brought to our
notice which shall be taken care of in the The first step should be to stop leaving papers and other things on tables, desks,
forthcoming edition, hence any suggestion is counter tops and in all kind of odd place. The more things you leave around in
welcome. It is notified that neither the places other than rightful places the quicker the clutter will accumulate. Keep
publisher nor the author or seller will be things in their assigned places after you have finished using them. It does not
responsible for any damage or loss of action to take along to put something away. If you leave things lying around they will
any one, of any kind, in any manner, there from. build into a mountain of clutter. It could take hours if not weeks or months to
trace them and declutter the atmosphere.
IIT-JEE Mock Test Paper with Solution IITian ON THE PATH OF SUCCESS 6
Professor Amitabha Ghosh & Narendra Patni
AIEEE & BIT-SAT Mock Test Paper with Solution
Previous IIT-JEE Question
Study Time........
8-Challenging Problems [Set # 10]
Students’ Forum
S Physics Fundamentals
• Calorimetry, K.T.G., Heat transfer
Success Tips for the Months • Atomic Structure, X-Ray & Radio
• It is more important to know where you are Activity
going than to get there quickly. CATALYSE CHEMISTRY 29
• The secret of success is constancy to Key Concept
• Purification of organic compounds
purpose. • Boron family & carbon family
Understanding : Inorganic Chemistry
• Action without planning is the cause of all
failure. Action with planning is the cause
of all success.
Mathematical Challenges
• We cannot discover new oceans unless we Students’ Forum
Key Concept
have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
• Definite integrals & Area under
• One person with a belief is equal to 99 who curves
• Probability
have only interests
2mv 2 Y
∴ 0–0= ⇒v=0
l A
F′ 60º
∞ M
l Fnet l
2mg sinα F′ F′
α 2mg cosα
B l C
⇒ Velocity is zero when α = 90º, i.e., in the
horizontal position. (b) The force F acting on B will provide a torque to
the system. This torque is
c.m l x
∴ The rate of change of momentum of the system
F + (Fnet)x = 3m(ax) c.m.
in the backward direction
F 3 F l F = Axρ × a
= 3m Q ax = αr = × =
4m 4 ml 3 4 By conservation of linear momentum
3F 2gxAρ
= Axρ × a =
4 100
F g
∴ (Fnet)x = ⇒ a=
4 50
(Fnet)y remains the same as before = 3 mlω2. (ii) By toricell's theorem v′ = 2g × (0.25h )
4. A large open top container of negligible mass and where h is the initial height of the liquid in the
uniform cross-sectional area A has a small holes of container m0 is the initial mass
cross-sectional area A/100 in its die wall near the m0
bottom. The container is kept on a smooth horizontal ∴ m0 = Ah × ρ ⇒ h =
floor and contains a liquid of density ρ and mass m0.
Assuming that the liquid starts flowing out horizontally m 0 gm 0
∴ v′ = 2g × 0.25 × =
through the hole at t = 0, Calculate : [IIT-2000] Aρ 2Aρ
(i) The acceleration of the container and
(ii) The velocity when 75% of liquid drained out 5. A hydrogen-like atom (described by the Bohr model)
Sol. (i) Let at any instant of time during the flow, the is observed to emit six wavelengths, originating from
height of liquid in the container is x. all possible transitions between a group of levels.
The velocity of flow of liquid through small hole in These levels have energies between –0.85 eV and
the orifice by Torricelli's theorem is –0.544 eV (including both these values). [IIT-2002]
(a) Find the atomic number of the atom.
v = 2gx …(i)
(b) Calculate the smallest wavelength emitted in
The mass of liquid flowing per second through the these transitions.
orifice (Take hc = 1240 eV.nm. Ground state energy of
= ρ × volume of liquid flowing per second hydrogen atom = – 13.6 eV)
Let tan x = t
⇒ Req. Area = Area of square OABC – x( x – 1) 2 .dx ∫
2 2
1 – 3t
⇒ y=
3– t2 ∫
= 2 × 2 – ( x 3 – 2 x 2 + x) dx
⇒ 3y – t2y = 1 – 3t2 2
⇒ 3y – 1 = t2y – 3t2 x 2 x 3 x 2
=4– – +
⇒ 3y – 1 = t2 (y – 3) 4 3 2
3y –1 16 16 10
⇒ = t2 = 4 – 4 – + 2 = –2 = sq. units
y –3 3 3 3
3y –1
⇒ ≥ 0, t2 ≥ 0 ∀ t ∈ R
y –3 13. Find the intervals of values of a for which the line
⇒ y ∈ (– ∞, 1/3) ∪ (3, ∞) y + x = 0 bisects two chords drawn from a point
Therefore, y is not defined in between (1/3, 3). 1 + 2a 1 – 2a
, to the circle
2 2
12. Find all maxima and minima of the function
y = x (x – 1)2, 0 ≤ x ≤ 2. 2x2 + 2y2 – (1 + 2 a)x – (1 – 2 a) y = 0
Also determine the area bounded by the curve [IIT-1996]
y = x(x – 1)2 , the y-axis and the line y = 2 [IIT-1989] 2 2
Sol. 2x + 2y – (1 + 2 a)x – (1 – 2 a) y = 0
Sol. 1 + 2a
y = x(x–1)2 ⇒ x2 + y2 – x – 1 – 2a y = 0
2 2
4 max
27 Since, y + x = 0 bisects two chords of this circle,
x mid-points of the chords must be of the form
O 1/2 1 min (α, – α).
This section is designed to give IIT JEE aspirants a thorough grinding & exposure to variety
of possible twists and turns of problems in physics that would be very helpful in facing IIT
JEE. Each and every problem is well thought of in order to strengthen the concepts and we
hope that this section would prove a rich resource for practicing challenging problems and
enhancing the preparation level of IIT JEE aspirants.
By : Dev Sharma
So lutions will b e p ub lished in nex t issue Director Academics, Jodhpur Branch
2(hν − φ) 1 1
(B) qPB 0 = 2π cos θ By student A: m( v1 + v 2 ) 2 = kx 2
m 2 2
(C) qPB 0 = 2π 2(hν − φ)m 1 1 1
By student B: mv12 + mv 22 = kx 2
2πm 2 2 2
(D) P = × hν − φ (A) Student A is correct, student B is wrong
qB 0
(B) Student B is correct, student A is wrong
2. Considering the instant of crossing origin at t = 0, (C) Both are correct
the z-coordinate of the location of electron as a (D) Both are wrong
function of time t is
5. Two particles having positive charges +Q and +2Q
2m(hν − φ) qB t are fixed at equal distance x from centre of an
(A) − × sin θ1 − cos 0
qB 0 m conducting sphere having zero net charge and radius
r as shown. Initially the switch S is open. After the
2m(hν − φ) qB t switch S is closed, the net charge flowing out of
(B) × sin θ × sin 0 sphere is
qB 0 m
Induced emf
5H phase difference is
π/ 4
(C) (R) the current leads (A)
4H 3 µF in phase to source
voltage Time
(D) (S) the current lags in
1K Ω 5H phase to source
Induced emf
1. [D] 7. [C]
After closing both switch potential difference across KQ KQ
C1 and C2 will be different Vsurface at inner solid sphere = −
a b
VC1 = V; VC 2 = 0 Vinner surface of shell = 0
2. [B,C] 1 1 1 1
∆V = KQ − ; W = KqQ −
1 1 1 a b a b
E 0 z 2 1 − − E 0 z 2 − = 3E 0
9 4 9
z=2 8. [B]
λ1 If outer ball is grounded.
=3 No change is charge distribution will occurs at outer
λ2 shell is already at zero potential
KE1 = E 0 1 − − φ
KE 2 = E 0 z 2 1 − − φ THE COLOURS OF COMPLEX
KEα 2 = 8.5eV
λ This page is going to take a simple look at the origin
3. [B,D] of colour in complex ions - in particular, why so
many transition metal ions are coloured. Be aware
dB area of
e AB = ∆AOB, using (E.M.I.) that this is only an introduction to what can grow
dt into an extremely complicated topic.
1 3
= (4) × 4 × × 2 × 2 Why do we see some compounds as being
2 2
Total e of loop White light
1 3
= 3× 4 × × 4 × × 2 × 2 = 2 × 24 3 = 48 3Volt You will know, of course, that if you pass white
2 2 light through a prism it splits into all the colours of
the rainbow. Visible light is simply a small part of
4. [1] an electromagnetic spectrum most of which we can't
see - gamma rays, X-rays, infra-red, radio waves
and so on.
Each of these has a particular wavelength, ranging
from 10-16 metres for gamma rays to several
hundred metres for radio waves. Visible light has
wavelengths from about 400 to 750 nm.
5. (A) → T,R,S (B) → R (1 nanometre = 10-9 metres.)
(C) → Q,R (D) → P,T The diagram shows an approximation to the
spectrum of visible light.
6. [B]
Vtotal = Vsolid + Vshell
KQ 2 a 2 − KQ
= 3a − +
2a 3 4 b
11 1
= KQ −
8a b
I0 Rdθ
dF' I × F
Sol. When ring moves to the right emf is induced in each
Distance of each elemental length from straight wire of the two semi-circles. During an elemental time
is x = (r – R cos θ) interval dt, displacement of the ring is vdt.
or x = R (2 – cos θ) Consider tow semi-circless separately.
∴ Magnetic induction, due to current I0 through During this interval, left semi-circle cuts flux of area
straight wire, at position of these elemental lengths is shown shaded in the figure(A). This area is d(v dt).
Therefore, flux cut by semi-circle during this interval
µI 0 µ0 I0 is
B= =
2πx 2πR (2 – cos θ) dφ = B d(v dt)
(along inward normal to this paper)
µ 0 I 0 Idθ
dF' = BI (R dθ) =
2π(2 – cos θ) × B d
According to Fleming's left hand rule, directions of
these two forces will be as shown in figure.
∴ Velocity of one star relative to the other = 2v. Distance between two consecutive maxima means
fringe width 'ω'. In Young's Double slits experiment,
∆λ 2v 2πa λD
∴ = = fringe width ω =
λ max c cT d
cT ∆λ hD
∴ 2a = ∴ ω= = 3 × 10–6 m or 3 µm Ans.
π λ max d 2meV
= 2.592 × 1010 m Ans.
In double star system, centripetal force required for
circular motion of stars is provided by the MEMORABLE POINTS
gravitational force acting between them.
mv 2 Gm 2 • Parsec is the unit of Distance
Hence, = where m is mass of each star.
a ( 2a ) 2 • Estimated radius of universe is 1025 m
4av 2 4a πa 4π 2 a 3 • Estimated age of Sun is 1018 s
or m = = =
G G T GT 2 • 18/5 km h–1 equal to 1 ms–1
c 3T ∆λ • 1 femtometre (1 fm) is equal to 10–15 m
or m = = 1.7496 × 1029 kg Ans.
2πG λ max • Dot product of force and velocity is Power
Limiting line of Lyman series
–13.6 eV [ Zm p + (A − Z)m n − M ]c 2
Lyman Series
(U.V. rays)
Energy of the excited sate Kinetic energy of the electron after third collision = 0
En = – 13.6 + 12.75 = – 0.85 eV Energy of the photon produced in the third collision ,
E3 = 12.5 – 0 = 12.5 keV
Now, we know that En = – This is same as E2. Therefore, wavelength of this
photon, λ3 = λ2 = 0.99 Å
13.6 −13.6
or n2 = – = = 16
En − 0.85 5. In an experiment on two radioactive isotopes of an
or n = 4 elements (which do not decay into each other), their
The number of possible transition in going to the mass ratio at a given instant was found to be 3. The
ground state and hence the number of different rapidly decaying isotopes has larger mass and an
wavelengths in the spectrum will be six as shown in activity of 1.0 µCi initially. The half lives of the two
the figure. isotopes are known to be 12 hours and 16 hours.
What would be the activity of each isotope and their
4 mass ratio after two days ?
3 Sol. We have, after two days, i.e., 48 hours,
N1 = N10 = N10 /16
2 2
N2 = N 02 = N 02 /8
N1 N0 8 3× 8 3
The longest wavelength corresponds to minimum Mass ratio = = 10 . = =
N2 N 2 16 162 2
energy difference, i.e., for the transition 4 → 3.
13.6 Now, A10 = λ1 N10 = 1.0 µCi
Now E3 = – = – 1.51 eV
32 After two days,
hc A1 = λ1N1 = λ1 N10 /16 = A10 /16 = (1/16)µCi
= E4 – E3
λ max A2 = λ2N2 = λ2 N 02 /8
6.6 × 10 −34 × 3 × 108 λ2 T 12 3
or λmax = But = 1 = =
(1.51 − 0.85) × 1.6 × 10 −19 λ1 T2 16 4
= 18.75 × 10–7m = 18750 Å 3
or λ2 = λ1
4. X-rays are produced in an X-ray tube by electrons 3 1 1
A2 = λ1 × N10 ×
accelerated through a potential difference of 50.0 kV. 4 3 8
An electron makes three collisions in the target
before coming to rest and loses half its kinetic energy 1 1
= λ1 N10 = A10
in each of the first two collisions. Determine the 32 32
wavelengths of the resulting photons. Neglect the = (1/32) µCi
recoil of the heavy target atoms.
The salt is obtained by precipitation with toluene and (Ph3P)4Pd + (CN)2 → (Ph3P)2Pd(CN)2 + 2PPh3
can be converted efficiently to the lithium salt : A further resemblance to the halogens is the
disproportion in basic solution :
NaAlH4 + LiCl Et
→ LiAlH4 + NaCl(s)
(CN)2 + 2OH– → CN– + OCN– + H2O
The most important compound is lithium aluminum
hydride, LiAlH4, a nonvalatile crystalline solid, stable Thermodynamically this reaction can occur in acid
below 120ºC, that is explosively hydrolyzed by solution, but it is rapid only in base. Cyanogen has a
water. In the crystal there are tetrahedral AlH4– ions large number of reactions. A stoichiometric mixture
with an average Al–H distance of 1.55 Å. The Li+ of O2 and (CN)2 burns, producing one of the hottest
ions each have four near hydrogen neighbors flames (~ 5050 K) known from a chemical reaction.
(1.88 – 2.00Å) and a fifth that is more remote Impure (CN)2 can polymerize on heating to give a
(2.16Å). Lithium aluminum hydride is soluble in polymer, paracyanogen which will depolymerize
diethyl and other ethers and can be solubilized in above ~ 850ºC.
benzene by crown ethers. In ethers, the Li+, Na+, and N N N N
R4N+ salts of AlH4– and GaH4– tend to form three C C C C
types of species depending on the concentration and
on the solvent, namely, either loosely or tightly C C C C
bound aggregates or ion pairs. Thus LiAlH4 is N N N N
extensively associated in diethyl ether, but at low 2. Hydrogen Cyanide : Like the hydrogen halides,
concentrations in THF there are ion pairs. Sodium HCN is a covalent, molecular substance, but is a
aluminum hydride (NaAlH4) is insoluble in diethyl weak acid in aqueous solution (pK = 9.0).
Proton transfer studies, however, show that as with
Carbon Family : Compounds with C—N Bonds; normal protonic acids, direct proton transfer to base B
Cyanides and Related compounds:
B : + HCN → BH+ + CN–
An important area of "inorganic" carbon chemistry is
that of compounds with C—N bonds. The most occurs without participation of water.
NiO + B2O3 ∆
1. A green coloured compound (A) gave the following
Ni(BO 2 ) 2 [Oxidising flame]
reactions : Nickel meta
(i) (A) dissolves in water to give a green solution. borate ( Brown )
The solution on reaction with AgNO3 gives a ∆
white ppt. (B) which dissolves in NH4OH solution Ni(BO2)2 + C Ni + B2O3 + CO
and reappears on addition of dil. HNO3. It on [Reducing flame]
heating with K2Cr2O7 and conc. H2SO4 produced
(iii) NiCl2 + H2S → 2HCl + NiS ↓
a red gas which dissolves in NaOH to give yellow Black ppt .
solution (C). Addition of lead acetate solution to NiS + 2HCl + [O] → NiCl 2 + H2S ↑
(C) gives a yellow ppt. which is used as a paint. (A)
(ii) The hydroxide of cation of (A) in borax bead test
(iv) NiCl 2 + 2NaHCO3 → NiCO3 + 2NaCl
gives brown colour in oxidising flame and grey (A)
colour in reducing flame.
+ CO2 + H2O
(iii) Aqueous solution of (A) gives a black ppt. on
2NiCO3 + 4NaOH + [O] ∆ Ni 2 O 3 ↓
passing H2S gas. The black ppt. dissolves in
aquaregia and gives back (A). Black ppt .
( D)
(iv) (A) on boiling with NaHCO3 and Br2 water gives
a black ppt. (D) + 2Na2CO3 + H2O
(v) (A) on treatment with KCN gives a light green (v) NiCl 2 + 2KCN → Ni(CN ) 2 + 2KCl
(A) Green ppt .
ppt. (E) which dissolves in excess of KCN to give (E)
(F). (F) on heating with alkaline bromine water Ni(CN)2 + 2KCN → K 2 [ Ni(CN ) 4 ]
gives the same black ppt. as (D). ( F)
Identify compounds (A) to (F) and give balanced
NaOH + Br2 → NaOBr + HBr
equations of the reactions.
Sol. Reaction (i) indicates that (A) contains Cl– ions 2K2[Ni(CN)4] + 4NaOH + 9NaOBr ∆
because, it gives white ppt. soluble in NH4OH. It is Ni 2 O 3 ↓ + 4KCNO + 9NaBr + 4NaCNO
again confirmed because it gives chromyl chloride (D)
test. The colour of oxidising and reducing flames
indicate that (A) also contains Ni2+ ions. Hence, (A) 2. When a substance (A) was treated with dilute HCl, a
is NiCl2. The different reactions are : colourless gas (B) was evolved, which turned moist
(i) NiCl2 + 2AgNO3 → 2AgCl + Ni(NO3)2 litmus paper red. On bubbling (B) through lime
water, a precipitate (C) was formed, but passage of
AgCl + 2NH3 → [Ag( NH 3 ) 2 ]Cl
So lub le
further gas resulted in a clear solution (D) . A small
sample of (A) was moistened with conc. HCl and
Ag(NH3)2Cl + 2HNO3 → AgCl ↓ + 2NH4NO3
white ppt . ( B) placed on a platinum wire, and introduced into a
The equations of chromyl chloride tests are : Bunsen burner flame where it caused a green flame
colouration. On strong heating, (A) decomposed,
NiCl2 + Na2CO3 → 2NaCl + NiCO3
giving a white solid (E) which turned red litmus
4NaCl + K2Cr2O7 + 6H2SO4 → 4NaHSO4 + 2KHSO4
paper blue. 1.9735 g of (A) was heated strongly and
+ 3H2O + 2CrO 2 Cl 2 gave 1.5334 g of (D). The sample (D) was dissolved
Re d gas
in water and made upto 250 ml in a standard flask. 25 ml
CrO2Cl2 + 4NaOH → Na 2 CrO 4 + 2NaCl + 2H2O aliquots were titrated with acid and required 20.30 ml
Yellow solution ( C )
of 0.0985 M HCl. Name the compounds (A) to (E)
Na2CrO4 + (CH3COO)2Pb → PbCrO 4 + 2CH3COONa and give chemical equations for all the reactions.
Yellow ppt .
Calculate the gram molecular weight of (A).
(ii) Na2B4O7 . 10H2O ∆ Na2B4O7 + 10H2O Sol. (A) + dil.HCl → gas (B) lim e water
→ milky
Na2B4O7 ∆ 2 NaBO 2 + B 2 O 3 ⇒ gas (B) can be either of SO2 or CO2
144 42444 3 ⇒ (A) can be BaSO3 or BaCO3 (BaXO3, X = S or C)
Transparent bead
BaXO3 → BaO + XO2
(A) (E) (B)
`tà{xÅtà|vtÄ V{tÄÄxÇzxá 11
This section is designed to give IIT JEE aspirants a thorough grinding & exposure to variety
of possible twists and turns of problems in mathematics that would be very helpful in facing
IIT JEE. Each and every problem is well thought of in order to strengthen the concepts and
we hope that this section would prove a rich resource for practicing challenging problems and
enhancing the preparation level of IIT JEE aspirants.
By : Shailendra Maheshwari
So lu t ion s wi l l b e p ub lished in nex t issue Joint Director Academics, Career Point, Kota
∫x tan −1 x dx , then expression In in terms
6. Let In =
of In–2.
|DE| = x12 + 1 |x1 – x2| = 2
− ∫
sin 2θ sec θdθ
1 + m2
y – t12 =
(x – t1)
I2 = ∫ | sin(nπ + z) | dz = ∫ | sin z |dz
2t1 0 0
or 2t1y + x = 2 t13 + t1 ...(ii)
Similarly, the equation of the normal at Q(t2, t 22 ) is
= ∫ | sin x |dx
2t2y + x = 2 t 23 + t2 ...(iii) θ
Eliminating t1, t2 from (i), (ii) and (iii) we get the = ∫ sin x dx (Q in 0 ≤ θ < π, |sin x| = sin x)
locus of M. 0
(ii) – (iii) ⇒ 2y(t1 – t2) = 2( t13 – t 23 ) + (t1 – t2) = [– cos x ]θ0 = – cos θ + 1
or 2y = 2( t12
+ t1t2 + +1 t 22 ) ...(iv) ∴ I1 + I2 = 2n + 1 – cos θ.
Also, t2 × (ii) – t1 × (iii)
5. The decimal parts of the logarithms of two numbers
⇒ (t2 – t1)x = (2 t13 + t1)t2 – (2 t 23 + t2)t1 taken at random are found to six places of decimal.
= 2t1t2( t12 – t 22 ) What is the chance that the second can be subtracted
or x = – 2t1t2(t1 + t2) ...(v) from the first without "borrowing"?
From (i) and (v), x = 2(t1 + t2) Sol. For each column of the two numbers,
1 n(S) = number of ways to fill the two places by the
or t1 + t2 = x ...(vi) digits 0, 1, 2, ... , 9
From (iv), 2y = 2{t1 + t2)2 – t1t2} + 1 = 10 × 10 = 100.
1 2 × × × × × ×
= 2 x + 1 + 1, using (i) and (vi) y
2 × × × × × ×
∴ the equation of the required locus is Let E be the event of subtracting in a column without
x2 borrowing. If the pair of digits be (x, y) in the column
2y = +3 where x is in the first number and y is in the second
2 number then
or x = 2(2y – 3), which is a parabola.
E = {(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), .. ,(9, 0),
nπ + θ (1, 1), (2, 1), ..., (9, 1),
4. Show that ∫ | sin x | dx
= 2n + 1 – cos θ, where (2, 2), (3, 2), ..., (9, 2),
(3, 3), (4, 3), ..., (9, 3),
n ∈ N and 0 ≤ θ < π. ......
nπ + θ
(8, 8), (9, 8),
Sol. I = ∫ | sin x | dx
(9, 9)}
nπ nπ + θ ∴ n(E) = 10 + 9 + 8 + ... + 2 + 1 = = 55
= ∫
| sin x | dx + ∫ | sin x | dx = I
1 + I2.
∴ the probability of subtracting without borrowing
in each column = .
f ( x) dx ≤ M(b – a)
Properties of Definite Integrals :
If the function φ(x) and ψ(x) are defined on [a, b] and
If f(x) ≥ 0 on the interval [a, b], then ∫ a
f ( x) dx ≥ 0 differentiable at a point x ∈ (a, b) and f(t) is
continuous for φ(a) ≤ t ≤ ψ(b), then
b b
d ψ( x)
∫ a
f ( x) dx = ∫a
f (t ) dt
dx ∫
φ( x )
f (t ) dt = f(ψ(x)) ψ´(x) – f(φ(x)) φ´(x)
a b
∫ ∫
b b
f ( x) dx = – f ( x) dx
b a ∫ a
f ( x) dx ≤ ∫ | f ( x) | dx
b c b
∫ ∫ ∫
2 2
f ( x) dx = f ( x) dx + f ( x) dx, a < c < b If f (x) and g (x) are integrable on [a, b], then
a a c
1/ 2 1/ 2
b b b
f ( x) dx = ∫
f (a − x) dx ∫ a
f ( x) g ( x) dx ≤
∫ a
f 2 ( x) dx
∫ a
g 2 ( x) dx
0 0
b b
Change of variables : If the function f(x) is
or ∫a
f ( x ) dx = ∫ a
f (a + b − x) dx continuous on [a, b] and the function x = φ(t) is
continuously differentiable on the interval [t1, t2] and
b a = φ(t1), b = φ(t2), then
a 2
f ( x) dx = ∫ f ( x ) dx if f(–x) = f(x)
b t2
∫ ∫
0 if f(–x) = – f ( x ) f ( x) dx = f (φ(t )) φ´(t) dt
a t1
f ( x) dx = lim
a →−∞ a ∫ f ( x) dx and Summation of Series by Integration :
n −1
r 1 1
f ( x) dx = ∫−∞
f ( x) dx + ∫a
f ( x) dx lim
n →∞
∑ f n . n = ∫
r =0
f ( x) dx
1 1 1 1 π2
Γ(n + 1) = n Γ (n), Γ(1) = 1, Γ = π – + – .... =
2 12 22 32 12
If m and n are non-negative integers, then 1 1 1 π2
+ 2
+ 2
+ .... =
m +1 n +1 1 2 3 6
π/ 2 2 2 Area under Curves :
∫ sin m x cos n x dx =
0 m+n+2 Area bounded by the curve y = f(x), the x-axis and the
2Γ ordinates x = a, x = b
b b
Reduction Formulae of some Define Integrals :
= ∫
y dx = ∫a
f ( x) dx
e − ax cos bx dx =
a + b2 2 Y
y = f (x)
∞ b
e − ax sin bx dx =
a2 + b2 y x=b
∞ n!
e − ax xndx =
a n +1
O δx X
If In = ∫
sin n x dx , then Area bounded by the curve x = f(y), the y-axis and the
abscissae y = a, y = b
Puzzle : Marble Mix Up
δy x = f (y)
The area of the region bounded by y1 = f1(x), y2 = f2(x)
and the ordinates x = a and x = b is given by
b b
= ∫ a
f 2 ( x) dx – ∫ a
f1 ( x) dx • Years ago, to puzzle his friends, a scientist
gave one of four containers containing blue
Y and/or yellow marbles to each of the friends;
Tom, Dick, Harry, and Sally.
• There were 3 marbles in each container, and the
f (x)≤0
Nationality : Indian
Nationality : Indian
I, Pramod Maheshwari, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Pramod Maheshwari
Signature of Publisher
March 1, 2011
(ii) 2H+(aq) + O2(g) + 2e → H2O(l) ; E° = + 1.23 V
2 OH H ( + )
E° for the reaction,
3. OH
→ Product
1 Cl
Fe(s) + 2H+ + O2(g) → Fe2+(aq) + H2O(l) is
2 Cl Cl
(A) + 1.67 V (B) –1.67 V 4. alc
KOH ( excess
) → Product
(C) –0.77 V (D) + 0.77 V
Cl Cl
3. Which of the following changes occur when a
solution containing Mn2+ and Cr3+ is heated with an
NaOH solution and H2O2 ?
(A) Mn(OH)2 and Cr(OH)3 precipitates which are Cl Cl
formed initially dissolve due to formation of 5. alc
KOH ( excess
) → Product
Na2MnO4 and Na2CrO4
Cl Cl
(B) Soluble yellow Na2CrO4 and a brown precipitate
of hydrated MnO2 are formed Cl
CHO CH3 5. If | 2 z − 3 + 2i |
(Optical pure) (Optical pure)
π 3π
= |z| sin + arg z1 + cos − arg z1
26. How many molecule of phenylhydrazine is used to 4 4
form osazone from glucose. i
where z1 = 1 + then locus of z is
27. A gas is being heated in such a way that its pressure 3
and volume both are tripled. The absolute (A) pair of straight lines
temperature of the gas bec ome …….. times. (B) circle
(C) parabola
(D) ellipse
MATHEMATICS 6. If 't' is the period of f(x) satisfying
f(x + 5) + f(x) = 0, ∀ x ∈ R and 4th term in the
Straight Objective Type expansion of 3 − has the greatest numerical
Questions 1 to 8 are multiple choice questions. Each
value, then |x| belongs to-
question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE is correct. Mark your response in 45 30 30 25
(A) , (B) ,
OMR sheet against the question number of that 16 7 7 4
question. + 3 marks will be given for each correct 25 5 45
answer and – 1 mark for each wrong answer. (C) ,9 (D) ,
4 3 16
1. ∫
x (1 + x 4 / 5 )1 / 2
1/ 5
is equal to
7. The sum of the factors of 9! which are odd and of
5 the form (3m + 2), (where m ∈ N) is equal to
(A) 1 + x 4 / 5 + k (B) 1 + x4/5 + k (A) 45 (B) 53
2 (C) 51 (D) 40
(C) x4/5 (1 + x4/5)1/2 + k (D) 1 + x4/5 + k
5 8. Let ax + by + c = 0 be a variable straight line, where
1 a, b and c are 1st, 3rd and 7th terms of an increasing
2. The range of the function f(x) = is- A.P. respectively. Then the variable straight line
1 − 3 cos x
always passes through a fixed point which lies on-
1 1 1 1
(A) − ∞,− ∪ , ∞ (B) − , (A) y2 = 4x (B) x2 + y2 = 5
2 4 2 4 (C) 3x + 4y = 9 (D) x2 + y2 = 13
1 1 1 1
(C) , (D) − ∞, ∪ , ∞
2 4 2 4 SECTION – II
2 Multiple Correct Answers Type
3. If x (f (x) – 1) – x (7f (x) + 5) + 10 f (x) + 14 = 0
∀ x ∈ R, and f(x) be a continuous function Questions 9 to 13 are multiple choice questions. Each
∀x∈ R –{5}, then f(2) is- question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
7 7 which MULTIPLE (ONE OR MORE) is correct. Mark
(A) (B) – (C) 3 (D) –3 your response in OMR sheet against the question
3 3
number of that question. + 3 marks will be given for
4. If α and β satisfy the equations
each correct answer and no negative marks.
1 + x2
sin–1(2x +3) + sin–1 = 0 and α α α
2x 9. If A(α) = α α α , α ≠ 0 then
2 | x − 1| α α α
sec −1 ( x 2 − 2 x + 2 ) + tan–1 =0
1+ x2 (A) 2A(1) = A2(1)
respectively then (B) A3(1) = 9A(1)
β 2x 2x
cos −1
1+ x 2
+ tan −1
1− x2
dx is equal to (C) adj. A does not exist
(D) A–1 does not exist
1/3 m/s The spread in the frequency
(D) velocity of B along x-axis with respect to earth is (highest frequency – lowest
5/24 m/s. frequency) is thus 320 Hz.
The speed of sound in still f1 f2 frequency
SECTION – III air is 340 m/s.
Comprehension Type 16. The speed of sound of the
whistle is
This section contains 2 paragraphs; passage- I has 2
(A) 310 m/s for passenger P and 370 m/s for passenger q
multiple choice questions (No. 14 & 15) and passage- II
has 3 multiple (No. 16 to 18). Each question has 4 (B) 370 m/s for passenger P and 380 m/s for passenger q
(C) 310 m/s for passenger P and 380 m/s for passenger q
choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE
(D) 370 m/s for passenger P and 370 m/s for passenger q
is correct. Mark your response in OMR sheet against
the question number of that question. + 3 marks will be 17. The distribution of the sound intensity of the whistle
given for each correct answer and – 1 mark for each as observed by the passenger P in train A is best
wrong answer. represented by
Paragraph # 1 (Ques. 14 to 15)
(C) (D)
f1 f2 frequency f1 f2 frequency
Column -I Column-II n
k xα{e1/ x } + k x ≠ 0
(A) If f "(x) + f '(x) – f 2(x) = x2 be the (P) 4
16. lim
∑ 4
k =1 k +
= p and f(x) =
p x=0
(T) 2
Binding energy/nucleon
from him. The 2m Truck v 8.5 Y
minimum value of v X
Man 8.0
so that he can cross 7.5 W
in MeV
the road safely is - 4m
5.0 Z
(A) 2.62 m/s (B) 4.6 m/s
(C) 3.57 m/s (D) 1.414 m/s
2. An inclined plane makes an angle 30º with the
0 30 60 90 120
horizontal. A groove OA = 5 m cut in the plane
makes an angle 30º with OX. A short smooth Mass number of nuclei
cylinder is free to slide
cylinder A (A) Y → 2Z (B) W → X + Z
down the influence of
(C) W → 2Y (D) X → Y + Z
gravity. The time taken by
the cylinder to reach from A
2 30º
to O is (g = 10 m/s ) - O SECTION – II
Multiple Correct Answers Type
(A) 4 s (B) 2 s (C) 2 2 s (D) 1 s
This section contains 2 paragraphs, each has 3 multiple
3. A body is moved from rest along a straight line by a choice questions. (Questions 7 to 12) Each question has
machine delivering constant power. The ratio of 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY
displacement and velocity (s/v) varies with time t as - ONE is correct. Mark your response in OMR sheet
t t against the question number of that question. + 3
marks will be given for each correct answer and – 1
mark for each wrong answer.
Paragraph # 1 (Ques. 7 to 9)
(A) s/v (B) s/v
Two small balls of mass m and electric charge Q are
attached to ends of an insulator rod of length L and of
negligible mass. The rod can rotate in the horizontal
plane about a vertical axis passing through rod at a
(C) s/v (D) s/v distance L/3 from one of its ends.
7. Initially the rod is in unstable equilibrium in a
4. The potential energy of a particle of mass 1 kg is , horizontal electric fileld of field strength E. The god
U = 10 + (x – 2)2. Here, U is in joule and x in metres. is then gently displaced from this position. Then
On the positive x-axis particle travels upto x = + 6 m. maximum velocity attained by the ball which is
Choose the wrong statement : closer to the axis in the subsequent motion will be -
(A) On negative x-axis particle travels upto x = –2m 5QEL QEL
(B) The maximum kinetic energy of the particle is 16 J (A) 2 (B) 2
3m 5m
(C) The period of oscillation of the particle is
2π second QEL 3QL
(C) 2 (D) 2
(D) None of the above 15m 5m
θ 1 kg
3 kg
L 4 kg
B 2 kg
10. The displacement of block when ball reaches the Column -I Column-II
equilibrium position - (A) 1 kg block (P) will remain stationary
(B) 2 kg block (Q) will move down
L sin θ
(A) (B) L sin θ (C) 3 kg block (R) will move up
2 (D) 4 kg block (S) 5 m/s2
(C) L (D) None of these (T) 10 m/s2
11. Tension in the string when it is vertical -
(A) mg (B) mg(2 – cos θ) 14. In the system shown in figure, mass m is released from rest
(C) mg(3 – 2 cosθ) (D) None of these from position A. Suppose potential energy of m at point A
with respect to point B is E. Dimensions of m are negligible
12. Maximum velocity of block during subsequent and all surfaces are smooth. When mass m reaches at point
motion of the system after release of ball is : B:
(A) [gl(1 – cosθ)]1/2 m
(B) [2gl(1 – cos θ)]1/2 A
(C) [glcosθ]1/2 2m B
(D) Information is in sufficient
Instructions :
• Part A – Physics (144 Marks) – Questions No. 1 to 2 and 9 to 30 consist FOUR (4) marks each and Question No.
3 to 8 consist EIGHT (8) marks each for each correct response.
Part B – Chemistry (144 Marks) – Questions No. 31 to 39 and 46 to 60 consist FOUR (4) marks each and
Question No. 40 to 45 consist EIGHT (8) marks each for each correct response.
Part C – Mathematics (144 Marks) – Questions No.61 to 82 and 89 to 90 consist FOUR (4) marks each and
Question No. 83 to 88 consist EIGHT (8) marks each for each correct response
• For each incorrect response, ¼ (one fourth) of the weightage marks allotted of the would be deducted.
(A) log (B) log 48 Consider the following about SN1 mechanism ?
m m
(I) Usually carbocation forming substrates reaction
log P → log P → with this mechanism
(II) Non- polar solvents favour this mechanism
x x (III) Electron donating substitutes increase the rate of
(C) log (D) log the reaction proceeding with this mechanism
m m Of these statements
(A) I,II and III are correct
log P → log k
(B) Only I is correct
44. The electronegativity of the following elements (C) II and III are correct
increases in the order (D) I and III are correct
(A) F > Cl > O > S (B) S > Cl > O > F
(C) F > O > Cl > S (D) Cl > F > O > S TC × TB
49. The value of value of for a real gas is -
(Ti ) 2
45. Which of the following generally increases on going
from top to bottom in a group ? 4 8
(A) (B)
(A) Metallic character (B) Electronegativity 27 27
(C) Oxidising behaviour (D) Acidic nature of oxides 2
(C) (D) None
Cl 27
50. What is the product of the following reaction
46. + Mg T.H.F [X] CO2 [Y] H [Z] CH3
CH3 OsO /OH–
C=C 4
Product [Z] is
(A) (B) H OH OH H H OH
(1) (2) (3)
(A) only 1
(B) only2
(C) (D) (C) only 3
(D) 1 : 1 mixture of 2 and 3
53. Nylon-66 obtained by condensation polymerization 60. ZnO is white when cold and yellow when heated . It
of - is due to development of -
(A) Adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine (A) Frankel defect
(B) Phenol and formaldehyde (B) schottky defect
(C) Terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol (C) metal excess defect
(D) Sebacic acid and hexamethylene diamine (D) metal deficient defect
54. Which of the following statement is not correct?
(A) Primary pollutant are those which are emitted
directly from the source
(B) Secondary pollutants are those which are formed
in the atmosphere by the chemical reaction
between primary pollutants and the constituents 1 tan θ
61. If A(θ) = and AB = I, then
of atmosphere − tan θ 1
(C) Chemical reaction between primary and (sec2 θ) B is equal to
secondary pollutants produce tertiary pollutants
(D) SO2 is a primary pollutant (A) A(θ) (B) A (–θ)
55. The no. of faraday required to reduce 0.2 mol (C) A(θ/2) (D) A(–θ/2)
C6H5NO2 to C6H5NH2 is
(A) 1.2 (B) 0.6 62. If a function f : R → R be such that f(x) = x –[x],
(C) 0.3 (D) 0.4 where [y] denotes the greatest integer less than or
equal to y then f –1(x) is
56. In the following reaction
PCl5 H 2O
→ HCl + A (A) (B) [x] – x
x − [x]
the product 'A' is
(A) H2P2O4 (B) H2P2O7 (C) Not defined (D) None of these
(C) H3PO4 (D) H3PO3
2 + 2 x + sin 2 x
57. The complex [Pt(NH3)4][Pt Cl6] and [Pt (NH3)4 Cl2] [Pt 63. lim is
Cl4] are
x →∞ (2 x + sin 2 x) e sin x
(A) linkage isomers (A) equal to zero (B) equal to 1
(B) optical isomers
(C) co-ordination isomers (C) equal to –1 (D) non existent
(D) ionisation isomers
64. The mean deviation from the mean of the A.P.
58. Which statement is incorrect - a, a + d, a + 2d, ……. a + 2nd is
(A) In exothermic reaction, enthalpy of products is n(n + 1)d
(A) n(n + 1)d (B)
less than that of reactants . (2n + 1)
(B) ∆Hfusion = ∆Hsublimation – ∆H vapourization n(n + 1)d n(n − 1)d
(C) A reaction having ∆H < 0 and ∆S > 0 is (C) (D)
2n 2n + 1
spontaneous at all temperature
1 65. tan–1 (tan (–6)) is equal to-
(D) For the reaction , C(s) + O2(g) → (A) –6 (B) 6 –2π
CO2(g) ; ∆H< ∆E (C) 3π –6 (D) (2π –6)
Instructions :
• This question paper contains 150 questions in Physics (40) Chemistry (40), Mathematics (45), Logical
Reasoning (10) & English (15). There is Negative Marking
• Each question has four option & out of them, ONLY ONE is the correct answer. There is – ve marking.
• +3 Marks for each correct & – 1 Mark for the incorrect answer.
u 5. The displacement of two identical particles executing
SHM are represented by equations
(A) g 10 (B) g π
x1 = 4 sin 10 t + and x2 = 5 cos ωt
(C) g 2 (D) 3g 6
For what value of ω energy of both the particles is
2. A rigid rod leans against a vertical wall (y-axis) as
same ?
shown in figure. The other end of the rod is on the
(A) 16 unit (B) 6 unit
horizontal floor. Point A is pushed downwards with
constant velocity. Path of the centre of the rod is – (C) 4 unit (D) 8 unit
6. A solid sphere of mass M and radius R is placed on a
smooth horizontal surface. It is given a horizontal
impulse J at a height h above the centre of mass and
sphere starts rolling then, the value of h and speed of
centre of mass are –
x J
B h
(A) a straight line passing through origin
(B) a straight line not passing through origin M C R
(C) a circle of radius l/2 and centre at origin
(D) a circle of radius l/2 but centre not at origin µ=0
2 J
3. The height at which the acceleration due to gravity (A) h = R and v =
5 M
becomes (where g = the acceleration due to 2 2 J
9 (B) h = R and v =
gravity on the surface of the earth) in terms of R, the 5 5 M
radius of the earth, is – 7 7 J
R (C) h = R and v =
(A) 2R (B) 5 5 M
2 7 J
(D) h = R and v =
(C) R / 2 (D) 2R 5 M
9. An isolated and charged spherical soap bubble has a (A) (5/3) R (B) (5/6) R
radius 'r' and the pressure inside is atmospheric. If 'T' (C) (5/12) R (D) None of these
is the surface tension of soap solution, then charge on
drop is - 13. A current of 2 ampere flows in a system of
conductors as shown in the following figure. The
(A) 2 (B) 8 π r 2rT ∈0 potential difference (VA – VB) will be - (in volt)
∈0 A
2rT 2Ω 3Ω
(C) 8 π r rT ∈0 (D) 8 π r
∈0 2 amp C
10. Current versus time and voltage versus time graphs
of a circuit element are shown in figure. 3Ω 2Ω
I(A) V(Volt) B
(A) +2 (B) +1
(C) –1 (D) –2
1.0 4.0 14. Consider a toroid of circular cross-section of radius b,
amp Volt major radius R much greater than minor radius b,
(see diagram) find the total energy stored in magnetic
t(s) t(s) field of toroid –
4.0 4.0
sec sec
The type of the circuit element is :
(A) capacitance of 2 F
(B) resistance of 2Ω
(C) capacitance of 1 F
(D) a voltage source of e.m.f 1 V
16. In the circuit shown the cell is ideal. The coil has an 22. The element which has Kα X-ray line whose
inductance of 4H and zero resistance. F is a fuse of wavelength is 0.18 nm is –
zero resistance and will blow when the current (A) Iron (B) Cobalt
through it reaches 5A.The switch is closed at t = 0. (C) Nickel (D) Copper
The fuse will blow -
23. The momentum of a photon having energy equal to
+ F the rest energy of an electron is:
2V – L=4H (A) zero
S (B) 2.73 × 10–22 kg ms–1
(C) 1.99 × 10–24 kg ms–1
(A) after 5 sec (B) after 2 sec (D) infinite
(C) after 10 sec (D) almost at once
24. A parallel beam of uniform, monochromatic light of
17. In the circuit shown X is joined to Y for a long time wavelength 2640 Å has an intensity of
and then X is joined to Z. The total heat produced in 100 W/m2. The number of photons in 1 mm3 of this
R2 is – radiation are –
R2 (A) 222 (B) 335
(C) 442 (D) 555
X 25. The figure shows the variation of photo current with
Y anode potential for a photo-sensitive surface for three
different radiations. Let Ia, Ib and Ic be the intensities
E and fa, fb and fc be the frequencies for the curves a, b
R1 and c respectively -
Fig. Photo current
LE 2 LE 2
(A) (B)
2R 12 2R 22
b a
LE 2 LE 2 R 2
(C) (D)
2 R 1R 2 2R 13
Anode potential
26. The internal resistance of a cell is determined by 30. When 36 Li is bombarded with 4 MeV deutrons, one
using a potentiometer. In an experiment, an internal
reaction that is observed is the formation of two
resistance of 100 Ω is used across the given cell.
α-particles, each with 13.2 MeV of energy. The
When the key K2 is closed, the balance length on the
Q-value for this reaction is -
potentiometer decreases from 90 cm to 72 cm.
(A) 13.2 MeV (B) 26.4 MeV
Calculate the internal resistance of the cell -
(C) 22.4 MeV (D) 4 MeV
(A) 100Ω (B) 75Ω
(C) 50Ω (D) 25Ω 31. In a radioactive decay, let N represent the number of
residual active nuclei, D the number of daughter
27. In the potentiometer arrangement shown, the driving nuclei, and R the rate of decay at any time t. Three
cell D has e.m.f. E and internal resistance r. The cell curves are shown in Fig. The correct ones are –
C whose e.m.f. is to be measured has e.m.f. E/2 and
internal resistance 2r. The potentiometer wire is 100 R
cm long. If the balance is obtained the length AP = l, N
t t t
D(E,r) (1) (2) (3)
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 2 and 3
(C) 1 and 2 (D) all three
B F = 22 N
A 6kg
4kg 1. According to Bohr’s theory, angular momentum of
an electron in fourth orbit is -
(A) 1.4 m/s2 (B) 1 m/s2 h h 2h 4h
(C) 2 m/s2 (D) None of these (A) (B) (C) (D)
2π 4π π π
38. A chain of length 1.5 πR and mass ‘m’ is put on a 2. 1.25g of a solid dibasic acid is completely neutralized
mounted half cylinder as shown in figure. Chain is by 25 ml. of 0.25 molar Ba(OH)2 solution. Molecular
pulled by vertically downward force 2 mg. Assuming mass of the acid is -
surfaces to be friction less, acceleration of chain is – (A) 100 (B) 150 (C) 120 (D) 200
39. In hydraulic press radii of connecting pipes r1 and r2 5. Given that H2O (l) → H2O(g) ; ∆H = + 43.7 kJ
are in ratio 1 : 2. In order to lift a heavy mass M on H2O (s) → H2O (l) ; ∆H = + 6.05 kJ
larger piston, the small piston must be pressed ∆Hsublimation of ice is -
through a minimum force f equal to -
(A) 49.75 kJ mol–1 (B) 37.65 kJ mol–1
f –1
(C) 43.7 kJ mol (D) – 43.67 kJ mol–1
6. Which of the following is a Lewis base ?
(A) CO2 (B) BF3
(C) Al3+ (D) CH3NH2
(C) (D) 28. The brown ring test for NO −2 and NO 3− is due to the
Br Br Br formation of complex ion with the formula –
(A) [Fe(H2O)6]2+ (B) [Fe(NO)(CN)5]2+
22. In a reaction (C) [Fe(H2O)5NO] (D) [Fe(H2O) (NO)5]2+
Hypochlorous R
CH2 = CH2 → M →
CH2 – OH 29. The correct order for the wavelength of absorption in
CH2 – OH the visible region is –
where M = molecule (A) [Ni (NO2)6]4– < [Ni(NH3)6]2+ < [Ni(H2O)6]2+
R = Reagent (B) [Ni (NO2)6]4– < [Ni(H2O)6]2+ < [Ni(NH3)6]2+
M and R are (C) [Ni(H2O)6]2+ < [Ni(NH3)6]2+ < [Ni (NO2)6]4–
(A) CH3CH2Cl and NaOH (D) [Ni(NH3)6]2+ < [Ni(H2O)6]2+ < [Ni (NO2)6]4–
(B) CH2Cl – CH2OH and aq. NaHCO3
(C) CH3CH2OH and HCl 30. In nitroprusside ion,, the iron and NO exists as Fe (II)
(D) CH2 = CH2 and heat and NO+ rather than Fe(III) and NO these forms can
be differentiated by –
23. Which of the following will have least hindered (A) Estimating the concentration of iron
rotation about carbon-carbon bond – (B) Measuring the concentration of CN–
(A) Ethane (B) Ethylene (C) Measuring the solid state magnetic moment
(C) Acetylene (D) Hexachloroethane (D) Thermally decomposing the compound
24. Which is least reactive towards nucleophilic 31. Four reactions are given below
substitution (SN2) I 2Li + 2H2O → 2LiOH + H2
(A) CH2 = CH2 – CH2 – Cl II 2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2
CH3 III 2LiNO3 heat
→ 2LiNO2 + O2
(B) CH3 – C – Cl IV 2NaNO3 heat→ 2NaNO2 + O2
CH3 Which of the above if any is wrong
Cl (A) IV (B) III
(C) I (D) None of these
(D) CH3 – CH – CH3 32. Name of the structure of silicates in which three
Cl oxygen atoms of [SiO4]4– are shared is –
(A) Pyrosilicate
(B) Sheet silicate
25. Among the following the least stable reasonance
structure is – (C) Linear chain silicate
- - O - (D) Three dimensional silicate
(A) - N (B) - N
by –
35. 'Lapis-Lazuli' is a blue coloured precious stone. It is 3. If the radius of a spherical balloon is measured with
mineral of the class – in 1 % the error (in percent) in the volume is –
(A) Sodium alumino silicate (A) 4 π r2 % (B) 3 %
(B) Zinc-cobaltate 88
(C) % (D) None
(C) Basic copper carbonate 7
(D) Prussian blue
4. The relation R defined on the set A = {1, 2, 3} is
36. In which of the following arrangements the order is given by R = {(1, 1) (2, 2)} then number of correct
not according to the property indicating against it – choices from the following is -
(A) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ < F– (increasing ionic size) (i) reflexive (ii) symmetric
(B) B < C < N < O (increasing first I.E.) (iii) Transitive (iv) anti symmetric
(C) I < Br < F < Cl (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
(increasing electron gain enthalpy (–ve))
(D) Li < Na < K < Rb (increasing metallic radius) 5. Let U be the universal set and A ∪ B ∪ C = U then
{(A – B) ∪ (B – C) ∪ (C – A)}c =
37. Which set of hybridisation is correct for the (A) A ∩ (B ∩ C) (B) A ∩ (B ∪ C)
following compound (C) (A ∩ B ∩ C) (D) None of these
NO2, SF4, PF6−
6. If A and B are square matrices of same size and
(A) sp, sp2, sp3 (B) sp, sp3d, sp3d2
| B | ≠ 0 then (B–1 AB)4 =
(C) sp2, sp3, d2sp3 (D) sp3, sp3d2, sp3d2
(A) (B4)–1 AB4 (B) BA4B–1
–1 4
(C) B A B (D) None of these
38. The increasing order of atomic radius for the
elements Na, Rb, K and Mg is –
(A) Mg < Na < K < Rb f ( x + α) f ( x + 2α ) f ( x + 3α)
(B) K < Na < Mg < Rb 7. Let g(x) = f (α ) f ( 2α ) f (3α)
(C) Na < Mg < K < Rb f ' (α ) f ' ( 2α ) f ' (3α)
(D) Rb < K < Mg < Na
g ( x)
where α is a constant then lim =
39. Which of the following ion forms a hydroxide highly
x→0 x
soluble in water – (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) –1 (D) None
(A) Ni2+ (B) K+ f 2d e 2a b e
(C) Zn (D) Al3+
8. If ∆1 = 2z 4x 2y and ∆2 = 2d e f
40. When CO2 is bubbled into an aqueous solution of e 2a b 4x 2 y 2z
Na2CO3 the following is formed –
then ∆1/∆2 =
(A) NaOH (B) NaHCO3
(C) H2O (D) OH– (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) (D) None
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(C) (X)
6. Directions : In question below, you are given a 10. Directions : In question below, you are given a
figure (X) followed by four figures (A), (B), (C) and figure (x) followed by four figures (A), (B), (C) and
(D) such that (X) is embedded in one of them. Trace (D) such that (X) is embedded in one of them. Trace
out the correct alternative. out the correct alternative.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B)
Numerical Response
H OH + Ph–NH2+NH3
19. [3] H OH
20. [9] CH2OH
HA + NaOH → NaA + H2O 27. [9]
pH of salt after hydrolysis may be calculated as,
1 = 2 2 ⇒ T2 = 9T1 = 9
pH = [pK w + pK a + log C] T1 T2
pH = [14 + 5.2518 − 1.301] = 8.9754 ~_ 9
21. [2]
M(OH)x Mx+ + xOH– 1. [B] Put 1 + x4/5 = t
10–4 10–4 x × 10–4
Ksp = [Mx+] [OH–]x = 4 × 10–12 2. [A] Do yourself
or [10–4] [x × 10–4]x = 4 × 10–12
or [x × 10–4]x = 4 × 10–8 x 2 + 5 x − 14 x+7 −9
3. [D] f(x) = = ∴ f(2) = = −3
It holds good, if x = 2 2
x − 7 x + 10 x−5 3
22. [6] 1 + x2
128 g of ice separated means weight of solvent in 4. [D] For sin–1 (2x + 3) + sin–1 =0
liquid state = 500 – 128 = 372 g 2x
∆Tf = Kfm 1+ x2
1.86 × W –1 ≤ 2x + 3 ≤ 1 and – 1 ≤ ≤1 ⇒x=–1
or 0 – (– 0.5) = × 1000 2x
60 × 372
2 | x − 1|
∴ W = 6g For sec–1 x 2 − 2 x + 2 + tan–1 =0
1+ x2
O x = 1 is the only point which satisfies the
( ii ) CH MgX OH so α = – 1, & β =1
23. [8] 3+→
(ii ) H 3O
O O 5. [B] arg(z1) =
π 3π 1
⇒ sin + arg z1 + cos − arg z1 =
24. [6] 4 4 2
Ph Ph ∴ | 2 z − 3 + 2i | = |z|
25. [2] H D + H MgBr
(Optical pure) (Optical pure)
d(xy) = 0 A
⇒ x = c (general solution) The given circle is (x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = 81
⇒ If c = 1 one of the solution is xy – 1 = 0 Let point P(a + 9cosθ, b + 9sinθ) be lie on it. Let
If c = 2 one more solution is xy – 2 = 0 G(h, k) be the centroid of ∆APB, then
1 3h = 2a + 9cosθ and 3k = 2b + 9sinθ
⇒ = log 2 x
y eliminate θ : (3h – 2a)2 + (3k – 2b)2 = 81
2 2
2a 2b
11.[A,B,C] Locus of G is : x − + y − = 9
Do yourself 3 3
required radius = 3
|z|max = 15, |z|min = 0 21. [1]
α = sin–1(sin 15) = 5π – 15 Let the functions be f(x) = ax + b
β = cos–1(cos(–5)) = 2π – 5 where f(–1) = 0 or f(–1) = 3
f(1) = 3 or f(1) = 0
Do yourself 3 3 3
a=b= or a =− ,b=
2 2 2
14-15. [B,C]
4 3 3 3 3
y2 – 4 = ky2 ⇒ y2 = =1⇒k =–3 so the graphs are y = x + and y = − x +
1− k 2 2 2 2
P = (–3, 1) They enclose a triangle (fixed) with x-axis which
includes only one point (0, 1) with integer
Slope of tangent at P at curve II
x 3
x r
From figure = O
h− y h 2
h x Hence required Area = 2 × 3 = 6 sq. units
i.e. h – y = x or y = h(1 − )
r r 27. [8]
If v be the volume of the cylinder, then
Let the equation of line through P(λ, 3) be
x x3
v = πx2y = πx2 h(1 − ) = π h( x 2 − ) x −λ y −3
r r = = r ⇒ x = λ + r cos θ
cos θ sin θ
dv 3x
= πh x 2 − and y = 3 + r sin θ
dx r
– + – x2 y2
Line meets the ellipse + =1
0 2r 16 9
3 Such that 9x2 + 16y2 = 144 at A and D
2r ⇒ 9(λ + r cos θ)2 + 16(3 + r sin θ)2 = 144
Hence x = gives a maximum of v
3 ⇒ 9(λ2 + r2 cos2θ + 2λr cosθ)
2r 2 4 + 16 (9 + r2 sin2θ + 6r sin θ) = 144
∴ v2 = π h 1 − = .πr2h
3 3 27 ⇒ (9cos2 θ + 16 sin2 θ) r2 +
v 1/ 3 9 (18λ cos θ + 96 sin θ)r + 9λ2 = 0
∴ 1 = =
v2 4 / 27 4 9λ2
∴ PA.PD = … (i)
Thus 4v1 : v2 = 9 : 1 9 cos θ + 16 sin 2 θ
2Ω 4Ω 3Ω x⇒ cm
10. [A,C,D]
9V Kmax = hν–W
i = 1A TA = Kmax = 4.25 – WA …(1)
Charge on 'C1' = Q1 = C1V1 = 9× 2 = 18µC TB = (TA – 1.5 )eV ...(2)
Charge on 'C2' = Q1 = C2V2 = 9× 4 = 36µC TB = Kmax B = 4.7 –WB ....(3)
No charge flow from 'y' to 'x' = 36 – 18 = 18µC P2 h2
T= =
4. [C] 2m 2mλ2
I1 > I2 Because only a part of it get refracted 2
TA λ B
= = (2) 2
TB λ A
5. [A]
TA = 4TB ...(4)
11. [A,C,D]
If S1 & S3 is opened and S2 is closed then potential V2
between the two spheres will be non zero
6. [D] Conceptual
7. [D] V
V1 = VR2 + VL2
If x > 2t the image will be formed between f & 2f
(100)2 = VR2 + VL2 …. (1)
8. [C] f
| VL − VC |= 120 …..(2)
V = VR2 + (VL − VC ) 2
(130)2 = (VR)2 + (120)2
θ θ d VR2 = (130) 2 − (120) 2
T VR = (250) × 10
b b VR = 50V
(100)2 = (50)2 + VL2
m x x m
VL2 = (50) 2 ( 3 ) 2
f – 2T cos θ = 2m a ……..(1) VL = 50 3V = 86.6V
T = mb
a cosθ = b |(VC–VL)| = 120
Solving VC = 120 + VL
= 120 + 86.6
f d d2 − x2 VC = 206.6 V
b= ×
2m (2d 2 − x 2 )
A 30°
D C B 2
2.5m 20 cos 60°
20m/s 60° 10 m/s
2R R R
2R + ⇒ 20 sin 60 °
3 A R D R C R B
v B = 20 cos 60° = 10m / s
R By energy conservation between BC
1 1× 4 3 1× R 1 1
= + + × m(10) 2 = mg × 2.5 + mv 2
R eq 2R × 4 8R R × 8 2 2
100 1
= 25 + v 2
1 15 2 2
R eq 8R 1
50 = 25 + v 2
R eq = 25 × 2 = v2
[ v = 5 2 m / s]
(5 − m) –2
required = × 10 moles
6. [C] 2
(5 − m) –2 –3
7. [B] 8. [B] 9. [C] ∴ × 10 = 5 × 10
∴ (5 – m) = 1 or m = +4
10. [B] 11. [B] 12. [B]
4+ x =(4–n) n+
Column Matching: x=4
13. A → Q ; B→R; C→P; D→S
14. A → P, S, T ; B → R ; C → P, Q, R; D → P, Q, R
a 2 + 2b 2 16. [4]
(C) as > b , points must lie on major axis
a 4k 1 1
= 2
– 2
a 2 + 2b 2 b2 1 4k + 1 2k − 2k + 1 2 k + 2k + 1
Now a = ⇒ 2 =
2 a 2
1 1
∴ e=
⇒k=2 ⇒p= ∑ 2k (k − 1) + 1 − 2k (k + 1) + 1 = 1
2 k =1
18. [6] 2
y = 6 x −
t ⇒ ∫ 0
ds =
M ∫ 0
t 1 / 2 dt
2 2P 3 / 2
3 3 s= t … (2)
Directrix x − = − ⇒ x = 0 3 m
2 2
from (1) & (2)
3 3 s
coordinates of P be + t 2 , 3t ∝t
2 2 v
coordinate of M are (0, 3t)
4. [D]
3 3 u(6m) = 10 + (6 – 2)2 = 26 J
MP = + t2 & MS = 9 + 9t 2
2 2 u (– 2m) = 10 + (– 2– 2)2 = 26 J
2 As u(6m) = u (– 2m), particle will go upto x = –2
3 3 9
9 + 9t2 = + t 2 = (1 + t2)2 – du –d
2 2 4 &F= = [10 + x2 + 4 – 4x]
dx dx
4 = 1 + t2 ; Length of side = 6 ⇒ F = – 2x + 4
At x = 2, F = 0
19. [0] So x = 2 is mean position.
Locus will be director circle x2 + y2 = a2 + b2 < 2c2 which Kinetic energy at x = 2, 26 – 10 = 16 J
do not intersect with xy = c2 As x = 2 is mean position so we can put
F = –2(x – 2) where (x – 2) is distance from mean
a= (x – 2)
1. [C] 2
2m Truck v0 v so ω2 = ⇒ ω = 2 (m = 1 kg)
B 2π 2π
4m = 2 ⇒T= = 2π
T 2
Let the man starts crossing the road at an angle θ as
shown. For safe crossing, the condition is that the 5. [D]
man must cross the road by the time the truck
describes the distances. The resulting amplitude & corresponding phase
difference can be calculated by vector method.
4 + AC or 4 + 2cot θ
4 + 2 cot θ 2 / sin θ A2 = 6
8 v
or v = … (1) →
2 sin θ + cos θ A3 = 4 A1 = 8
dv →
For minimum v, =0 A4 = 2
37. [A]
38. [C]
Since the Grignard's reagent gives n-hexane with
water therefore, alkyl group is a hexyl 47. [D]
group therefore, 'F' is a bromohexane. It may be 1- O
bromohexane or 2-bromohexane. or NH2 NH2 –C–CH3
3-bromohexane. Since 'F' forms 4, 5 - diethyl
octane with Na, it must be 3-bromohexane which Ac2O Br2
undergoes wurtz reaction. Acetylation
3 2 2 2 3
Br O
3-Bromohexane NH –C–CH3
CH3–CH2–CH2 – CH – CH–CH2–CH2–CH3
Br H2O Br
(Spontaneous )
2n + 1 ∑| r − n | d
r =0
(D) ∆n = +ve, ∆H > ∆E [2(1 + 2 + ..... + n) + 0] d
2n + 1
59. [C] n(n + 1) d
CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 =
2n + 1
CH3 – C + C–CH3 CH3 – C —–C–CH3 65. [D]
O CH3 OH OH If (–tan–1 tan 6)
3π π
Pinacol Now, < 6 < 2π ⇒ – < (6 –2π) < 0
2 2
∫ (1 + x ∫
C (at , –2at)
69. [B] 7 x
dx = dx
) (1 + x 7 ) x 1 2
= ⇒ t = 2 3 ⇒ BC = 4at = 8 a 3
1 2x 6 3 t
dx, = log x – 2 log (1 + x7) + C
= −
x 1+ x
7 x2 y2
76. [A] + =1
70. [B] C2 → C2 – xC3 ⇒ x2 (tan x – cos x) 2 1
⇒ f ′ (x)= (tan x – cos x) 2x – x2 (sec2x + sin x) x y
Tangent cos θ + sin θ = 1
2 1
71. [A]
A (1, x, 3) ; B(3, 4, 7) ; C(y, –2, –5)
Dr's of AB ⇒ 1 –3, x –4, 3 – 7 • sin θ
∑ [tan ]
1 r r r r r r r r = lim (2i + 1) − tan −1 (2i − 1)
= |c × d + b ×c + d × a + a ×b | n →∞
4 i =1
3Ω 2Ω
Qr 4πr dr B
∫ π R 4
/ ε0
VA – VC = i R = 1 × 3 = 3V .......(i)
VB – VC = 1 × 2 = 2V ........(ii)
Q r14
E.4πr12 = 4 π VA – VB = 3 – 2 = 1V
πR 4 4
ε0 µ 0 Ni
14. [D] B =
Qr12 2R
E= φ = πb 2 × B × N
4πε 0 R 4
φ = Li
9. [B] φ µ0 N 2b2
4T L= = , with b <<< R
Inside pressure must be greater than outside i 2R
pressure in bubble. This excess pressure is 1 2 µ 0 N 2i 2 2
Energy = Li = b
provided by charge on Pa 2 4R
4T σ2 15.[ A] N cos θ
= N
r 2 ∈0 θ B
4T Q Q N sin θ F = BIL
= 2 4
… σ =
r 16π r × 2 ∈0 4πr 2
Q = 8πr 2rT ∈0 θ mg
33. [A]
f = 10 cm
θ 1.0 m
1 cm W
2 1
Upthrust F = (sec θ) (1000) (10)
30 cm
or F = 20 sec θ
Weight of rod W = 2 × 10 = 20 N
f − 10 1 For rotational equilibrium of rod net torque about O
| m |= = =
f −u − 10 + 30 2 should be zero.
rI 1 secθ
=m= ∴F (sin θ) = W = (1.0 sin θ)
ro 2 2
ωo = ωI 20
or sec2θ = 20
a r 1 2
∴ I = I =
a o ro 2 or θ = 45º
∴ F = 20 sec 45º
34. [B] f = – 15cm = 20 2 N
for virtual & 2 times large image
nh h 2h 2.303 a
1. [C] mvr = =4× = 13. [A] t = log
2π 2π π k a−x
2.303 0 .5
= log
2. [D] Meq. of Acid = Meq. of Ba(OH)2 6 0.05
1.25 = 0.384 min
⇒ × 1000 = (0.25 × 2) × 25
⇒ M = 200 14. [B] 1 cm3 H2O = 1 g H2O
1× 6.023
No. of molecules in 1 g H2O = × 1023
r( H 2 ) M ( D2 ) 4 2
3. [B] = = = = 3.3 × 1022
r( D 2 ) M ( H2 ) 2 1
15. [D]
∆ng Isocyanide test also known as carbylamine test.
4. [A] From Kp = Kc (RT)
= 1.8 × 10–4 × (0.082 × 298)2 = 0.108
16. [A] 4-methyl benzene sulphonic acid is stronger
than acetic acid thus it will release acetic acid from
5. [A] ∆Hsublimation = ∆Hfusion + ∆Hvap sodium acetate.
O 35. [A]
- N
'Lapis Lazuli' is the aluminium silicate present in
O- the earth rocks as blue stone.
• •
26. [B] CH3 – CH3 Homolytic
→ C H 3 + C H 3
bond fission
methyl free radical
36. [B]
B < C < N < O when we move from B to O in a
Free radical is formed which is sp2 hybridised
periodic table the first ionization enthalpy increase
due to the attraction of nucleus towards the outer
H most of electron and IE of N > O.
37. [B] NO2 → sp
SF4 → sp3d
27. [A]
PF6− → sp3d2
If atom or group of higher priority are on opposite
direction at the double bond of each carbon atom
then the configuration is known as E and if they 38. [A]
are in same direction then the configuration is Mg belongs to group 2. Therefore its size is less
known as Z-configuration. than that of Na.
4. [C] 2a b e
Set A = {1, 2, 3} and R = {(1, 1), (2, 2)} = – 4 x 2 y 2 z (R1 ↔ R3)
Since (3, 3) ∈ / R it is not reflexive 2d e f
Since R–1 = {(1, 1) (2, 2)} = R, R is symmetric 2a b e
Since the situation in (a, b), (b, c) ∈ R does not
= 2d e f = ∆2 (R2 ↔ R3) ∴ ∆1/∆2 = 1
arise in R, R is also transitive.
Also R ∩ R–1 = {(1, 1), (2, 2)} ⊂ DA = {(1, 1) 4x 2 y 2z
(2, 2) (3, 3)}
⇒ R is anti symmetric 9. [D]
Hence (ii) (iii) and (iv) are correct. Q All coins are identical
∴ First we will give 3 coin to each person so
5. [C] that every one has at least 3 rupee, now rest
{(A – B) ∪ (B – C) ∪ (C – A)}C = (A ∪ B ∪ C) 5 coin we have to distribute among 5
– {(A – B) ∪ (B – C) ∪ (C – A)} person in such a way that any one can get
= A ∩ B ∩ C { Q A ∪ B ∪ C = universal set} any no. of coin.
∴ Total no. of ways
6. [C] C5 – 1 = 9C4 = 126
(B–1 AB)2 = (B–1AB) (B–1 AB) = (B–1ABB–1 AB) {Q No. of ways of distributing n identical thing
= (B–1 AIAB) = (B–1 A2B) among r person when any one can get any no. of
thing is n + r –1Cr–1}
(B–1AB)3 = (B–1AB)2 (B–1AB) = (B–1A2B) (B–1AB)
= (B–1A2BB–1AB) = (B–1A2IAB)
= (B–1 A3B) 10. [C]
Now (B AB)4 = (B–1AB)3 (B–1AB)
–1 x1 < x2 ≤ x3 < x4 < x5 ≤ x6 gives rise to the
= (B–1A3B) (B–1AB) following four cases
= B–1A4B x1 < x2 < x3 < x4 < x5 < x6
x1 < x2 = x3 < x4 < x5 < x6
7. [A] x1 < x2 < x3 < x4 < x5 = x6
g ( x) 0 x1 < x2 = x3 < x4 < x5 = x6
Q g(0) = 0 ∴ lim form ∴ Total ways 9C6 + 9C5 + 9C5 + 9C4
x→0 x 0
= 10C6 + 10C5 = 11C6
∴ lim g′(x) = g′(0) ... (1)
= 0 ⇒ x2 = cos2x
P(a, a ) dx
(2, 0) π
There is only one point in (0, ) say x, at
Clearly a > 0 2
Also P lies on that side of line x + y = 2 dy
which =0
Where origin lies dx
∴ a + a2 – 2 < 0 ⇒ (a – 1) (a + 2) < 0 at x1 – h ⇒ x2 < cos2x ∴
⇒ – 2 < a < 1 but a > 0 dx
∴0<a<1 dy
& at x1 + h ⇒ x2 > cos2 x ∴ <0
∴ a ∈ (0, 1) dx
32. [D] ∴ at x1 slope change from + ve to – ve
Triangle is right angled at O(0, 0). Therefore ∴ There is only one critical point
orthocentre is O(0, 0) and circumcentre is mid
a b in 0, at which f(x) has local maxima.
point of hypotense i.e. , 2
2 2
∴ Distance between orthocentre and 36. [B] 3cos2θ – 2 3 sinθ cosθ + 3sin2θ = 0
1 2 ( 3 cosθ + sinθ) (cosθ – 3 sinθ) = 0
circumcentre = a + b2
33. [B] ⇒ tan θ = or tanθ = – 3
Let a = 3K, b = 7 K and c = 8K 3
a+b+c π π
∴s= = 9K ∴ θ = nπ + or θ = nπ –
2 6 3
R abc s abcs ∴ | r – s| = | – 3 – 6| = 9
there = . =
r 4∆ ∆ 4s ( s − a)( s − b)( s − c) 37. [B]
3K.7 K.8K 7 R 7 n π π n
= = ⇒ = cot–1 > ⇒ < cot–1 < π, n∈ N
4.6K 2K K 2 r 2 π 6 6 π
34. [D] sinx (sin x + cos x) = K { Q cot–1x ∈ 0 (a, π)}
⇒ sin2 x + sin x cos x = K ⇒–∞< < 3
1 − cos 2 x sin 2 x π
⇒ + =K
2 2 – ∞<n< 3π
1 – ∞ < n < 5.4
⇒ (sin2x – cos2x + 1) = K
2 ⇒ max. n = 5 {Q n ∈ N}
Q – 2 ≤ sin 2x – cos 2x ≤ 2 38. [A]
1− 2 sin 2 x − cos 2 x + 1 2 +1 ∴ tan π [x] = 0 ∀ x ∈ R since [x] ∈ Z
⇒ ≤ ≤
2 2 2 Period of {x} = 1
1− 2 2 +1 ⇒ Period of sin 3π{x} = 1
⇒ ≤K≤ Hence period of f(x) = 1
2 2
|x| | x |
= 1 then log[x] =0
44.[B] ∫
f ( x)dx = ∫
f ( x)dxt ∫
f ( x)dx + ∫ f ( x)dx
x x
2 3
f(x) = cos–10 =
+ ∫
f ( x ) dx + ∫ f ( x)dx
3 3 3 3 3
= (–2) + (–1) + 0 + 1 + 2 = 0
40.[C] ∴ f(a) = 0
log e {1 + 6 f ( x)} 0
∴ lim form 1
x→a 3 f ( x) 0 45.[B] x2f(x) + f = 2
log e {1 + 6 f ( x)}
⇒ lim 2 × =2×1=2 3
6 f ( x) 1 1
∫ f ( x)dx
I= put x = , dx = − 2 dt
log e {1 + x} t t
1/ 3
Q lim =1
x→0 x 1/ 3 3
1 1 1 1
x − 9 x + 20
⇒I= – ∫
f . 2 dt =
t t ∫
1/ 3
f . 2 dx
x x
41.[D] lim
x →5+ x − [ x] 3
1 1
= lim
(5 + h) 2 − 9(5 + h) + 20
= lim
h2 + h
⇒ 2I =
1/ 3
∫ f ( x) + x 2
f dx
h→0 5 + h − [5 + h] h→0 h
3 3
x 2 − 9 x + 20 (4 − h ) 2 − 9(4 − h ) + 20 2 1 1 2
x →4 x − [ x]
= lim
h →0 4 − h − [4 − h ]
= ∫ x f ( x) + f 2 dx =
1/ 3
x x 1/ 3
h2 + h 1 1
= lim =0 ∴P=0 = − 2 = – 2 − 3 =
h→0 1− h x 1 / 3 3 3
42.[B] f(1) = 0 8
[(1 + h) 2 ] – 1 1−1
f(1 + 0) = lim 2
= lim =0
h→0 (1 + h) − 1 h →0 2h + h 2
[(1 – h) 2 ] – 1 0 −1
f(1 – h) = lim = lim =∞
h →0 (1 − h) 2 − 1 h →0 − 2h + h 2
1. [D] The pattern is x2 +1, x2 + 2, . . . .
⇒ f(x) is discontinuous at x = 1 Missing number = 28 × 2 + 3 = 59
43.[A] (a + bx)ey/x = x ... (1) 2. [A] A car runs on petrol and a television works by
Differentiating, w.r.t. x we get electricity.
x. y − y 3.[A] All except Titans are planets of the solar
bey/x + (a + bx)ey/x . 1 2 = 1
x system.
xy − y 4. [C]
⇒ bey/x + x. 1 2 = 1 {Q (a + bx)ey/x = x}
x 5. [B]
⇒ bxey/x + xy1 – y = x
⇒ xy1 – y = x – bxey/x 6. [D]
⇒ xy1 – y = aey/x ... (2) (from (1))
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