Speed Master N2-Bunpou

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iifiitiiifi iiiliiilitililltffi titiii!


f ??1.111 : Ewqlq
. ta
'.{- F .,\ ill ? 7 ! .:r -] ) -XE.+ffi 4 **g a 4( v 4 N vgE t( A$EEV E A & Z
?sr ^ ? .+ ).qs.: iri i )iaeoiyLt1)
'+i..4 L4U2 'qq EH* 4'*ay617l--ly g &(0* E * .) G f,:lEv
^ e >\6ce .lSYSl 4e {1€o1)!( r'jyij
"4frA)a4.:l* QT
2 qW >. 'trst ?- WH(r}ff
qsi ?_Hll{.'\,EEEq (, 4/ ). 4 y ?El X n .V a g .^ 1 K, q\.ffi,}g
l-n ^16e .l.*yts vl f .ti.:t y+1 1
.41(r.d .fl&H#EgHI .4_E
TSH* :ES*$ts 'ffiE .&Wa ?: { r-
s ? e61yuye,.-a .1. y? ol )+ q
=-c* - AE>1
)is s6\i"it.;ty*
!lq{c+ Y"y(t1t
q To.?:lffiE-:%ffi][o ZN .]E#+rz ES
.1Bc:t .rtrV.V "/q El
F Bcr51g.S^E.
c.q.l+q {i ?:l
':lyl "+1 E 1--t q f, ?v*?.va2,^>1.tcy4t:1f
jri - tr<a.7.gp
Ec ,ia - ii?
YY ,qq QrlYr
'J- (tG <4+ +.1) Fg HTa {
.r"ZqifVg r1yq1
(=rg).q ..f.EFt}erz .J-?}
'.4^EUn q 4
n:Vl(\Ez '.,>+(r+ll+g$ yzJ-
(tea >1i{rH*4F_v+trt$
>4 :J
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> yy o+tr .itt vt'1y:r '4 ,i.q Q t ]i
{1?l 2 } 4+ Y/ H*) --t *ln 44co c^-G rt *} yllf "_f-} rrag z
)r(11* y..'t" ?.{l -' qpy.v - >x'ai(o t ? B- JwffiaTjy
alq? .?;t - E &
qggE zUq4tJW4.^gF!l.1 'HazU? e*J-arv4 zN ":t1E AqWUEH
: YEI :l .4c Yq +t ?.nflTl ? ? .r! Q
:l#'W9l1ff'4 l.TeH< E 1-4=-c: tr.1 '1lgPTa:t*Orcz FtffiyE r/ ag+ij.B
vl1 1 ,qil >r6Q(e r1)_(1!q y+l .t ){oEacys))
:l (a? Ft
Conlenis,/ E*,/ 1r:l

t*t-:DI; .........3

6<UE*.,/ lxl .....4

t: t*L - aat) r< t, t1k i:k$a$tvt:t\
Japanese Language Proficiency Test and grammar comprehension exercisesz/
E iE H^C, + iil f I iE X l"] EE,/ g E 0 I ts al I
EJ !+ E E E rll
.jr/, t, r \
I4UaF. pattern,/E41ltlE:'J ......8
List of the sentence ell'. E

za*o[Ft\fr. Er'L th\ h'f:

book,zty,frt\trffifi)*,/ol.4el ,\l,tE
How to use this

at_\>rv,yJ_,{EH )v ... l.r.u ......12

Warming up - revision drills,z,E6,$irt-8Affi2,/+lBoJ ++ E+

z t*h.s;hlJt\ {fr\ u
WWE6*4DH.iE """'25
organizing basic sentence patternsz/ElaHHffi#IE/z lE EB 8El

unitl ln,fiyl.tcbl(1)(2) ..'.....26

unit2 lt-)(1)(2)"" ""'34
Unit3 ltl->Z)t7t)(1)e)..... ......44
Unit4 l^)l(1)(2).... ""'52
A,/*tt *2 e,/
Practice exercises ETj"J# A

unit5 lttv=VJ>-)(1)e)...' """"66

i E
I)TFE+'ltl(1)(2) ....'74
unitT lViz<>l(1)(2) ""84
i" Elto .Elle- hvfil*1ffi#[Exll4l .*W-Wfii.,/socuo]uos e;duexe ]o suor]elsue{'sroMsuv:xrpuaddy
H(rXt4 . *W-fl+trg
>"! Y:!'r14 calr\,cl c.? c-su
ZZL" .....?r1)?
LZL.. .:::l:r.n=.Y('.'ilil#
a cIQ?\1\q
ozL . 1ctc7\\\q
etl" ...HsEg+HI EeH
Y{-1 a e g r1'4 r1'rl
zLL'. ...#SES[HI EZH
Yll 1 .& ? t1.4 r17
801" ...#SEgf*E* ErH
yha C ? \r.? r17
1Y][ 16E,-,/W*Kf H+/suorreururexo )colA
LoL. . wu=HfH*
y{\1e c*
@ +fi&ir,Z@ KYiTlE/@ sasrcraxo ocrlcerd
zol.. ...\.. ..@EHffiE
26"' (a(t)lE!trJ
c"ly -: 8r!un
:.<T? +. ltlL . {* J I-rt t L\Lea l. lzh i aatl e< z<ar' .-.-.
T E E! : EAEEU EEEL L/Jt\AT*T*.8. EA1EH?,Ja'E.IJE L. #ET 42t."
,' /:r\3-r\;a tl/L - aat)e< tlh' -,;:
=- t-2

x -#EEE?,O fc&>aE--#=\
Z t e€+f,.
. b hL ,)!\ t. fi2 Ueu@L \aLta t
eilffiE : +28 0 E. 12Eo$tEaEsEE)
+,jt $at
j2a)V: N5 (EbPd LUt) - N 1 (F66-fDLt\)
Ir{flr5 tr hL .h' L lzL i t) h't'
N 1 : fiElEUr,Etr,<'iF.nn6?6'#&rLffi-{ 6 Z thrr 3 a.
(:61-;ri<* t! bL 2Jt L llh -: tl i't,r\ <b ltttl.rl ia 6L .i' \- {ltL a
N 2 : s H ffi tatil@T \Fh tt6 E AEEoIEfil t--fii Z. * U tlElE t \ rEffiT {*h tLA E^iEd fr,
zL\ I ,l r,L\
6tBtrrgfr1-{ 6Z thrT8 6.
l.Lt,ea<z -:
6 bL .h, l: EL rt\ 8 U ,t\
N 3 : E H *\rsE,frT'lEr'tt6 E^=ALfr, 6ffitr18ffi-{ 6 Z thiT 3 6.
* EL<* t. 6L . t) h\r\
N 4 : 9665/r EAEEU IEfrlt 6 Z tfirT I 6
z B/L<z t {tL a zr\ 8 rl ,r\
N 5 EAH!
: rrE6.iEA b 6fr8trr8fr4-{ 6 Z thir 3 6 "
l, ll lL h, t'< t<<fv < ,i*, L<rk ftL \\
>d)v E tffit+E E*Fui EHXJ} I+HOEEffi
LL7 € U
(x+ :
.*t) SAL!'

bLe 6 U a L\ 'srL&)
(T+ .EEft .T'T) 0-60H
+an aD
N1 a7afr+ =+
E,CE+ 0-60H
, t )h'\\ 74.
[# fi4 60,} ffifr1 0-60H
.$l'A':.:6:: LB::: :,::::')t$i:,: U', i'', .,'',.i .,::tr, ,.r',., r;iirt{:|ltlll.i.:,,ii ilit,,;l''il€.ir'Lz'i;,:rr:,r'€j"rr.rur-,,..:, iaiirtlr iir ittilil*r" i:r,.r
.,8:E*ffiS,.,.{*S.l.e*E€,.'i.'**).',,,r ,r' ii:,:'i,.' i...it,,: E EH*Effi ,,,.{X9.,,,;,fi ffi 31,, J!ig}.l,,;; 0''.;,80ffi
t.hr, ir,I.e,A!r::,-
N2 ffiffi ..!.O5Jt..,,
,:,,.,'-16?,.4:*Ul ii:]. .r,,,,9,*,t$!i' j,,..::r. :r, ,::,,-rr'rr
:,.t:im.,;#,r,,,. S$ri:i,.::''i r,.',!ffi,:,#. ,r,O-lSOH'i
€ u : !\ <L
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(t?.=Eft) 11

llL- bt,z
(t+ ,\:hE1
.EEft.X)t) 0-60H
\7h - 5 b€ ahl{) t.Dt\ =EEf;r#
EEE*rffi (X,t) .ffifi+ 0-60H
N3 7O't| =t
B& ah,t, .s:lL b t2f,\t\
BH fi4 40'tj EH fi4 0-60H
IJLZ 6 U : I\ LJL- bLe 6 U : L\ .,;tLl!a
'LZ (X+.EE#) 30/,} EEEi[Effi (T+ .EEft .X'*) 7t.
,1h - 5 VZ Ah6) Xltt\ 8 ?r)l\ 0- 1 20H
N4 (Xt*) .Efifi4 60,} =afrfi?
=EEf;r#b&1h't\ la t2h'l\
EH fi4 35'tj EH fi+ 0-60H
tfh- LVZ
6 ti
a O
.s/t- Lfr'"- tsLA
€ U
(x+ - L'
.EEft .t'*) .\rlLlta
=;E*r# 8?r'L\
0- 1 20H
N5 l7h - b vd
EEEfrffi (tit)
.\: lL =+

b r ah't\ <h
r,f fi+ 304 EH fi+ 0-60H
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t./L<t\ d) t)? I * tJ/" i ZaEa 6>at)

aah,< ,i.;rr,< ZiiiL<Tl" h,<t.<Tt' < ,\:L 3 A@L<L t< t\ Aea o.ta t:<<h
eAffi ' Teffi : [f'fr 6f+H..] t &1+ RAfi a I E 8,5* (']' re ( L 6 . z f,Ll)l.tri'Z.E L t \ a l+H) .l
r+IJEf 6"
E 6A . qlt) r< L IJL dhUra
* (hl, < t*, EAEEH?h ififfiAi^-A,\-, (http://www.jlpt.jpl) eEFHl,< </."dt\.
" j-# c+
1 E
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\\E I) Q=a\ A,4 yqQr I
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\1.JC@a yh y? \\
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*1\\h\\:1./q -c:]q
!*' "l c ) 4 p \\:t.6a yh 1 y+ \1
7 I a +ix(rHx 1Y:Y
\Alr#,? {l c< ? \q6=l c.3 :1 1+ U! (, HX QEIY:Y Qt
Ya.]Yri r/:! E :!1"r Et ay::.
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4..t) :l > YtY
I a B
Y:!' sl? e \\
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":11 *ZQgy:y
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? y;tyt1 Y;..lYf) Za\1llQijY;\'
ZI o L
& <V Q ? rclYr,{Yl4l c g :1 g M C, X l. YiX(rX
+a\1l1qf)"r':Y E QX\\tr Yg QflY:Y Y:Y
\\:lYg\14c 7
rlQel {E"J '€Eg.txfJ9- rx
.1 :ae
i't, I,JY
Y +\1:]
Qf,118 tt?ty?qfly:\.
' 2 *.LsV 7 2 I A (r=l 1 #61& r r,, 1 :7r 1
E '(r"11?frA1?WWJCDWY g+ 'gMs!1+VaY= H ')rlLEgY-E
\1 \1t+ (t
\1+)y\q c:yyaQ1.1Q? €f ,r* !q?r 1tttl ? q ,1.q
2E a (t E7 r 14:i }ii E' l\q' 1,Y"?,U>Z W=|H%+Y u
#' (r.'-l -2 z S F,
w-= t4+ g qE
729 A*VffiU, t 1=l r 1= q! 1+ H C, EE' )y & {t g! 9 g H :, E"r +E f ff e ,..,{}',.
\1.q fr = \1 :t+fi 1t+1.) :f O+ f y,q \\?t q iiyil.,t -
" e * )sv 7 2 2 a*u#eEE
e +5)- a fflHEt t a & h rv $ rSi
SEfrE r 1'l g' W=*U LEJ e rQE 1 I 1 Edr
9=!' . E ?E O +: ++,* HEE r Yf \*=lt*
",9 E1v2 ? yt vqQaa e<\ c+\1.+ at * a.-a qasit
) r c : {!l-€ .ct
" 9 * .}sV 7 2 I AfrUAIHE*9 E & liY
\1.q fr ? \1) I 1: =
I U qll.ttc I
ycq E1 2A1)t)
(tA 'Zttl=l*gEr(rEEyE
<+> \1.9 tu ? .. . j :.
y? 2) 9vcl4l>wff+ttr,E HE z)Qra?)1
4(\r4O ZN
,!i.4 tJ r\
Listof thesentence pattern,/H49t)*,/=d eiLE
{ fl U 7 h

i, -i,

-Db-f 6t -L)t
- ( rtt; - l-

-tf -h\ b l-,<

U /-'L'
- zt\zlf -Affi
-lZl,,Tt* -Tl;(t*) ur }futevt
-l.{oh\hth Et -f5r"t7t6115tr;
-6 L/al,t -lth\tt) h\
-db (:( -P6-fE
--hrc) -h\8 t,)

-r)!\ (hr) bcT -3t')

- ? Z/JU\ -fcltt:Ati
-Lr\a $ow -fiUIs-tv
- T,ZZTI*/CU\ -: lf;Ut
- t*d (tD'3 -/JL\60)r)
- t*6,) t &r)
- leJE.!L) I

-a+h.3t- -t*Lt.,r)<

-b*t') -tcbLf <.0=)

-?*/aut -ztts(
-r)-/cL\ -22t
- Zt tts6 t -t L(-/Jt\
-22b6 - Lt*r\a baI)
-<zz -aL\l3jltJ
- t:FF: (

-(r*(-(r*) Z/:
- Lr\a bori -l.trzT
-Dtra -1+6
-Fittaztt*b6 -3/rL6
-<t*Lt\60)/i" -ztfit,
-< a-lEa -FilIt-
-/aLtZL6/aLt - tht
-l-1,4?1,-1,6) - t;?8
- t;a? (
z til
-xlii:dl,tz - t;E?t\(
=lc?Jy - t?r19f1}--
E?ICD*- 11Eft 3-
99sVO4- ? 9tt? -
1227=11=t- )-r1yf -
2c=le.=l_ cnafl&-
rlIlB)-(rB Qt1?- )al E:,-
q).}- (Er) 2'r -
r(t1E -\clQ (f
- ) >17(frAfl&-
),llE- c0c0q-
?la- Qs?"t-
>Ia- 7 2{f ?227 -
)8#- I+)-
&Qt17 -rQQt17 - }ffY- -4##;i
El) fi Ed- 9rtr19 ) - rffirel n
"Lc+Lle_ r1*_
{1c=1- Q4Ag Qf-
frtualj- r(rlfiElJ-qf,-
\\?tUq r1f,l).r1ft- r19HH*:1-
QZ 't
t1?1/ga1? q)-
t1tt44&81>- fl:l?2t19-
=lc\qY=?&9P- El?2Qr1?-
ftrlp!-- )],--
? Qr1?fl_ .Lc++\qg-
\c(92?.- "LQ4{/a-
2t1L- A\qW2@)-
2lc\1? -
>cE[1?.t- 2{1st:1-
? QB?t(- .drdur*
9=1(t*9 n ;1":fl,i
=1-CD(t*g ;::{il:;
Elv 2h' h't:
,jrl"t-J) irL\,!r,4 ,)r\ 3 6ha* .z -lil-lJr\
bt<t-6a .\:/Lt,ta
*/c3E0) l-it) )vxfrL(. xuCIEAE!/a
]ILBL -i$L .j'.-: . "4 OL
H* L ffi )* A +H U* -f . XEU > 7 )vlJffi+ tl?#a - c Ltt- LJ . € h ET -c
at-v t.L t *t. ztL<tLaffiC:. EirooituxEevxt.
+lLl*L -aLJlL U)tlLfit\I,?
lrr- F oHr+L&+T, *Y\Mrt,oftRgt t-*T.

dt\ - L b u2tJE< L z- LlJh

aRlbIu. ttLll t L(. */c*hf tv 2 ah$t. E,ftiltffiU l,*-f (3E)"

6 r. L r hr <U @i ,jr,4(r!. Ue)

ffi?z t;.
a Lb)$hboL
ztLh\ E+Et al.u.6,r\L :F -f "

First. sentence pattems that users will leam are shown.

x Japanese alphabetical order

E.il, +t{nit*zillEpl+4+>JHtrEtr" x&r+EKlAii.

f-r5{6t zoAiltrbtaE.ti:L*+tath-
E-Bel 9"14
^l+H+ +* +ql^l +ql6J^l+. LI-<til! Za<leE.aLrsat:<61,?ilr,iiL\r.
n-t, &Lrr*LFL#..Lqw.LqL<t\*Lf..
n-Etrilg Etettilt. gtrlr#Aerf.
n-ELtlr r&)rliLtE-t+rfh.
tr-E6rPrrr25d ffi E8rr|{r5c. )<*a.\n\*< ( t & L tc,

tr-El,ttf I<mraL&rtr. EbE/rLa=htsr\<tlLr\,

tr- tD)(c? @Fab<aA - :EP;1rE++u\rrffiLrr..

,srdtJr\ r\ ,9 2h' h't .atLt, k a trb. h,< t--L +5no:6. u,fi, f rc- iiiiiir rrL r,l:. iqMouF.dE
xEgo) H ffi f I*t \fr 6,yH0) + TIE-#, I, *T .
U{/. 6 4{_. Itr l: } - (.,!lrJt*r!o }') l:l*r,tt. Lr' L, -tt Arroffi fi
Users will check the usage or meaning of a sentence pattem in each .Lafrb<+atut flfr, fli. ,\orrtLlj{oT, gts, lf-t-]
Iar,a/r:dErrtlrj. ,)6nii, ry I O-. frijr.diDr'r,br,f E l
sentcnce. i,rrr, | 6r, Iri. r, l f E J, tdi18*icriBr,.r'nr,r. t - /:.
=! " " =

Gd++ 6ft , E4 EtrH,E,fri+,Hri*.

+€ el el "l Li ^l+B+ E1| +ql^l slgl6J^l El.

a.5LaL, b.n.6i6l ;. t;rd dr.{,;iw,f l
e ( ll_ '. iA ' - a.,' h. Ll:

'hht"&F' *€
#rr*+q:a+1 4r1a^ 4tr .+.i^4?' t- o
t, 4Hfi- " -:
rl !l:1:r +.q8:N y*f i11.1*1.YY:(Errra=tIi+B'1+I: i E
uo4eueldxe fuzlueuelddns aq1 sr ere11 . ..
.. ;, . Lt.rflE . r.. - t..
. .Etr:;
'-f-)ffuHEEHt rrYitr":r!1+{1E+,Daii;V:r+ry]1..1' B
\\@c+>Z E) 'E+!+4?:qerq fl)a:l- ?
s=?G ilu(1:cgEG@t
i iuq\.q, - nroil4'&>q&.+ye a ^ v. -o
; 'f-Ei1f,ra::
hh+E ;rh1ah €&5& t"+Ei'" tr&+ c, ; t.a \ )c>qze{ ',r, ,E / E
=h i ,c>cr&- |
' Y rl+i * EE la) Z HS14, if t tr ts :z+
i -ru.rs.r ( ?:( o ?:ie :;:
'spJoa Jerllo pue I .19t." '39q@dg:1fi.11tre{flHt (}; ar: B
uaped scualues eql ueeateq uJoJ aqlJo uorloewoc oql su€ou : :.n.J'. r:'1
| ,r"ae '+oaara=r..(g:s*s! r*ir'-:: I
! .e.r9 tr.1rr1)c:4:9Frrq$** 3Ez,44E-j=.::- E
' 4 E r1 g& T.ACDWflCD 7 #AqI7 ffi4 p -c4\qqi:1' !
2'l (81 A:l..t >2c?+ .: .q/!] \11)y.'! i
t;/y li\+:?"/ *+E re--n+::- i: .
'1eh9iE E1'E-AE B++ &+ Alz 11hE+th G-t1v €&E 1aE "B
)--J- 'T?]S](nTE.!'qgofic *trt
'hhruEE GEI[1- ld&+
' qlr4ff itoEHEf ? (.R )
=t]iF(rqtl+Etsr?g' '&+@+?9! ;lzr1?-
'\-41 Iq ]e+3?r:ta Fi1g4g9q*
'eoqplog ur uollrJA sr uaged ecualuas crseg
'ueged ecuelues eql Sursn ecueluas oldurexs eq1 sr ere11
'ua11ed ecueluas eql toJ uomseJdxe cgrcads eq1 sr are11
3 ?.!' vrv
slF(0ffi]52 tt ? YE' A Lxil6l4 c$l&ffi4 .ctc
S 'r'E) t ?.'!tlt-|
ALHt*ttqHVlE (DffiX
9!)Qt,(l *)t\:J -> \lIJYlY
F t )' h h+ € & lv laa 15 EEtlr b Fv 16 E Pz* ta lz la] [te
hh& 6*S tai'& PF" Eo{a+ tGP t6 I El4a
bhrE*t.e +&+ l. t1r 9I I t*tlz I iztz hh96 ir*Lo Eil* t.h{c +E h+h E
lLr+161h-6 lrGE?Et'1?* {ehE*3€H.&lat"laGizalrr.&.:Atleg-=tt'++El.Eti'+h+E€-'(}r?:s-ifrlbr -{tr<)
' (yl=) Yl+fr+F+.gR' |rtstrqlr+'#l,6lTsg[Egga
' k'!;LLTIYAIWWE&-X' {r!l++Eu+.9'l++lF $l9tl+-tra
*Z 'rJH+-T*eg '{r!++ry!++tt1++![({tX[4 '-ItHl+[i:+:=i;zi\k+r 'k#i{t-qq 'E.l4.l]+I[4].R@ '{rtl+-H4a
'suexe 1.ou g Sutsn ecqce:d 11ra a.\ 'p:uerl c req noi leqr lceqo pue uortoes eqlgo qsrug ot ',{1zurg1
' ue4 jo sued puoJas puu tsru aql u suorlerurs eJrlleer scrl:e:d
1 11m eL11,
JI?q qcee ur g 'sue11ed
e3uoluos9IJol€toleu8elIIAelA lruneuoelnlqsuoJr:qteiorqrrqVsuedo.\1olurpapr^rpoJese8essedoldueg slllJptpue
secuelues 'se8essed aldues q?norq] ueqt asn ol aoq pue suaued :lu:rues snoup,\ Jo s8urueeu crs?q oql ,,(pn1s 11rn em '1 ge4 u11,
'r{ooq srq} esn o} epmS
HElv l6i-ry lo,/Y{H6,H+V Y
)Raya ( ) l-^tLAa(;F6&t\6ata. 1 2.3.4r)D-?i=U/jdU\.
iHl E
+D4)1., 1) Z? ZTVE> | tt bad, , *LL ( ) ffifirR.i:r,l.Dtf"
Htrfr&rrarfrF=.reaT, +E dH+ftA ( ) t{^fii+*xt L *
1 i:I,( 2 tit 6/r-f( 3 tt.b/:.< 4 t.fl'b.:-(

+*("il=dAi:rH6 ( ) tirtrt L(v./:*r. aa a 4itl]7;6 Lls ( rs./:"

1 /:Ll'(: 2 tt-/:b 3 t.b 4 ft.+t.
3t.i @,

oDrrffi<(. Lr"5- ( )@dflt/svr.

1 au.t 2 .,:T 3 52 4 .<
Di . oftsdfLi: ( ).
1 ".
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E+H i .i-Ara ( ), :l"rlft$. flrLr3 6O[:.
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1 &v,: & il/jt) 2 ( Li'trrrrv. a a1311: lj vr6 4 ,\raAv\

H,8iEE6o+++Aftf+i:f6.L ( ) u, :*3'*&H-ErrA6"

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1 i:f 3'rr v. 2 Iat.=a 3 iJfirrrr,t y'' 6Lv.
12 rt( S1*6/:( 5/,4,\rrir'."
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13 :'i I'EEil,ffir,
i /"t.
* ( -F-frii ( )"
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14 ?itl:rt,.(fE*L
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22n.V t .VQ"4.V I rArr.Fl Z :l l.
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:rsl v :Iq--t e z4;1Qi z )taq.v t
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1 :osq.E,
#,E/:itrrr ( I?{: F{iEv. ( )"
l bUll:llv.i./Fr,: 2 *.*./a 3 i:fSrru. 4libttta
2 ( ). xr,fFjtr6ffiBL/:.
1 jiia 2 /jut 3 i?, l: 4 ij'r,.v.

ao)f+46IrLffL\. *-tB)ffit^i"c-l'S/: ( )"

1 tfr. l) /j 2 /j[if t,.vr $ /c D D)'ef /. 4 L:Sv./av.

xtw*L<-^r4i6r 6 i L L:1.275r. +mi:-/\L:a ->Als.h L 3 tNL < ( ).

1 (rr6lrvr 2 <'ll'r.}]u\6 3 (6Lr\/-rr/rv\ 4 jri:,*D6
tL&^a&ffitg1v.(6f<'i:Efi.( , )"
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ILJ ( ),al
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1 ifi.!(./r( 2 t&rt,!) 3 /j[] 4 Lt'r. u a)

10 i 6o;/itr. fiLfi:^tfr () Lv.=6. E*tBi:{-< LffiffiL<gHi.Eo<v. (

1 t)Ebb 2 talztb t /3trL 4 faLtb
11 H'tEit9-: ( )E?r-<v.<. 61r1fu':>rlt: ( ) ttiL<E<L*.-clc"
1 *r 2 a 3 ** 4 6v./c-

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1tt.EL< 2 i:BEL< 3 i:jc( 4lzL->A
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( )-l 'i*
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1 <*rtfb 2 <<tub 3 (66i 4 <bb
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.Vatt V _-tqf, e ..}=f-Fl Z .S(oX I
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.,ry;".({,14 V 71.1:1.17 e 4+1.1 J t.rf7tfir,rfl --l{l.N t
"( ) rrQcNS 'll>UclEa.^1Ellc-ffi:l# I
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r\ 6!\

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a"tii:Lo(i. D. &+a)E*E*E L ( T bfi, b b I b b _( )"
1 it-r-rrAv, 2 Li.frv. 3 -fiti 4 L iJlrv.

4 ho*, *.b<-r7|,t)*Aa (
) ia.
1 <,/i 2 Jata 3 lif/: 4 btlfi
5 t*1bb( ), {Hil/j/,/j/.f*t:it)(( 3 /:.
1 tlv.r 2 i:( D-r< 3 E-i< 4 E<bz<
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1 <bb 2 <v\< 3 (ij< 4 (v\6
[tsy, (
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1 i:tlEBf 2 lirt,hoA 3 [:f s/evr 4 l: L<lt
ffiL < ffi#8 {v/:*tff.h*hd>tt/-tit D, N*firbtL ( ) bb"
1 if}*'ol: 2 r,.V. 3 LfV.v. 4 !fi,-c/c
9 #r'trbbv7l7/li ), *;v. Lv. L Lli.3" I i3vr"

1 7)rf('l3tz:L 2 zl,bZ? 3 z1,blr,.:l( 4 rt'b

10 7Lc I."7."rr* ) >66^i<vr6otF,bt, 7* ) y*r€,:/: ( ( )"
1 rr3+ 2 bb 3 tr\zit 4 ts,LA
1 1 . L t \/e 0 ffi a z t t + Z, €fi & tr /i t:,fEv. (
lL/cL t*E.Rzl'-,fEZ 6 ).
1 ,'ui/3 2 fi:Lli 3 ,16 4 Z, la
12 +tro+FBofi,ffi. f /ic /: (
.fFj-i*r. &{rtER*
1 6/- 2 6/-rt, 3 rsA,A 4 .>ll

r3 6 + l"LASt ;rsv.<" *sHT[l'r. l, A-i<u\6 L . X&rrnE L<ffiRt:rgq )"

1 ,.ill: 2 fi\lertv\ 3 ,rat 4 btJli
14 il84. hL) 7J\t ) " :: i:ffiu: (
1 <<b 2 <bb 3 r*,_< 4 (vrrzr

15 bbv'tlD, frr?alZbbF<!+t:: *("t#:(* ( )"

1 (<tr+hfi'rs 2 <$r,147't* 3 (<ltlcbrt 4 A&>$/efi,/t

1'17# V +.7# e .1a# z za# r
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9)c.,t? 7 )or'l?9.fi e 0S.g:l Z )att t
'.'r E f I J (, 9 Q .T ? r^ r{ } Qffi --'l
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.Fl ?.1? v 1?lor\? I ),-,\79.V Z +27.V L
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)rr€fr'l V "f^?e.g:l e >14:-1 Z 1c'Q:1 t
"-f-F 0 ?svYY q:lYY '( )9.A+ft:EV*o: I
:tVQ V 7Q,\4 0 J-.l& Z +2n.V t
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:\aQ v lr/tf,7 e 4- Z XYI t
or/rf7r1) .
-+4 -! ( ; .>o$:l!E* r Fl--t{, I
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.7.,\? ? (t €.( I l,l-: r1? Z ).,t.?--t l
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I 3 +Ef. ArF) Eti:** L/:.

1 A6LL: 2 t2*L< 3 LL6t: 4 tz<bL<

2 -effi6'@l&Lti.6 (
). .0)N+r.dt*r.*t"
1 /jll 2 .< 3 3,i. 4 i:it
It ( l:Hv.CrLirEo T L*. ->/c ( ). H*tllrs-E Zrs 1la.\L*..c/e"
1 C6v.r 2 bt-.C 3 t abf 4 tv\f
ts.ti|.:ftrt, u.ott. 1i 3 t ( /rvr ( ) fil/r(. *j#ir/rv. ( ) rf.
1i.6 2.t 3 it-l- 4 htl
frrtroLr}t) LTv,ba ( ). ffiulqtr-r'$v.fi.
1 l='c*t< 2 taL<ti 3 i:lr( 4 i:ffL(
BFoto. EE30,-E< ( ).
1 a-Lfbb 2 ZL?rab 3 aLi:L(tzr6 4 ilillrvr
7 E+^atrt* a/L ( ). <,1* v) t*tib a"
1 Lg-ia[J' 2 Lv..i.tf 3 tLfct> 4 2r,r)oii
I :&tr.tt++ ++4o,ft* ( ), &Lr*affia-fiv.fl:& Lt.
1 tL< 2 I.L< 3 L'fbL 4 t:tbt
.iL. frE ( ) i.6-6.f. bgfirt ) C.{"vrf Lft"
1 $t#0f a 2 *;ffi0 Llc 3 ijffi 0 *. Lle 4 tsffi0 tr:botc

10 Hil*i#riB*ra
or. EHrriS*r.
( )
1 aLl.tb 2 aLtt:.rrb 3 aLrr)6 4 atfirhb
11 *;Lr i#e6i L-L]'.tt/c6Dir.Lb. r2jrLmrri-r-vr ( ) Hi,LtirL'.
1 fi,r>L 2 }il,: 3 fir'D 4 lcbt
12 :o&Aii,
tit {
A<ffi</3v.t'fi.6. ?A,blt ( ) .Lita0*.t/-"
1 ,L.Hd9-A 2 ,L.HdL/e 3 ,L.EdL*f 4 ,L'Efl,L/rv.
13 +8.?+(tr3<ffih496
( ) ol:, *tE*("E(L*c/:"
1 ,6D/j 2 ":>L\rf 3 :6?/i"c/: 4 abt]('.L/:
14 S#6r ) ttz, 7^taffiR.tr. *iEbr.6<aact"

1 ffiv.(,1r6 2 ffivi(&.t 3 ffi\,.<a*f 4 Ht,.(4.* Lt

15 :r-E*tv./r.t L/e. D)? ( ) )t'tzHLlirc((/i3v'"
1 6D/av.
: 2 6b*{f/- 3 6h/e 4 fru\*Llc

:lO.\4 I JO,t4 0 ?.,t8 Z X>>4. I
o.Afi 91
) +v+rFl:t 22 Qr\t{$ '1 ) svHi&:l+y a
>1nE v --t1?E e ra4^x# z 4^n# r
ZEJaX V ?qJ-.f-Il e ZQsVtlZ-'{ Z 24sV{14 t
"$F1 )1 Qc{i*JU"fr#4f 'J-o ( ) ?ETsSEtrJWEn.VVJ* 8l
.t?.$LL V 2,\)cLL e 4oLt Z >Lt I
I i >LL:tiw- '224 ( ) :lws 'gl t;+wsg+qsl zt
.'rY+r'l(** V Z4-? q T* e }"f-fl?* Z ZX I
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) )HFl?*./rrA
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'( ) 'w--3r 'sfi"1*EV-f- 0t
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"T( ) >or,lTtut*?a * a'(}> > 1f+
.lf+1--,1 (T V Z\^>c-"42li QI e zQ:l6T z z4;1QT t
'( ) raf7,fiffl ? rAQ;.yE .flgsca:
".fl@$(.r7 V -:fi??(t/'t? e -\g{,lcN E \^ ? z sva Q,tQ t
'7 crz:,)BFJ ( ) .r{u 4E?HH 0 B GFISSHT*.I+ '.J-TtY
.,tY:Fl.J-SEl V .r r: FIJ-{,14 I .A +FIJ-O$ Z r^ +IlJ-??? L
"( ) -f-#JHY '")+(rHtr I
+ c.g T.Fl{l!, 7 \A\A.Ft{l!, e :114Q2Lt Z Z!-4Q2L| t
"( ) 9Y* '? 44c-?l '{ -+. rrrrl--l*Y} I
+J?: V --t1 F1:l?? e -f.E\^).ot7_-'l?? z $t12172 t
'( ) >g .m* .Ttetg#.^1!* t
*8r; v
.g.g ( ) .'rff--,1* r .(, c}.11 El). B > c-H
)taq v :IQI 0 i-.^* Z J-Jl.g+ t
o.lo.vt: ?MI 9.(r)1*E '( ) .lU> >VW4ffit*rV&
$:i v axc- e ?: z a* I
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1BrflrLn{- h ag < b/-a, ft4i: ( ) [ p t3tr.7."
1 il*6 2 *.*."c/c 3 &* -oAvb 4 i**r(vrav\
2 Xfi?+EL: I 6 L. /=.+dql2 I o)EX< ffiHrr ( ).
1 iEv.? i /i 2 EZ a la 3 ;@vrol:- 4 E< i {>tv.

3 E AA/jr.6 L v. o (, &ffirr6 * /, t lfr.Z b ( ).

1 i:iI* :>T\>b 2 L iii.3D rrv. 3 /j[if itrrv. 4 *rlii:llv:r.rrvr
4 l}hBr}F.f:lrr ( ) tLleB. D:L:{f$ftv,r
1 Tt I 2 Ttfi,r*v, 3 fT* *f 4 ft-<
5 aLa+B ( ) ij'r'D v:(. 6c L 6fi05fi L*ii/-"
1 E"5i 2 Eil'/rv. 3 i$l"a" 4 W./ua"v,b

6 Ev F'7o&il. ,8,:/:if D ( )"

1 +v. 2 €i.-/: 3 gv:("f 4 *( rri.ot
fisEi./rv./-/jitD, r> t-LZo#XIt. 4n.-( ( ) i./r.
1 66) 2 66,( 3 6Dblrv. 4 {>6,i/rv:

iEoiE<("H,to(". ( ) L*ls.c.*rf.
1 i,i(<" 2 ?,i(v)r 3 i,i(*" 4 i,ilv.t

I PXa*T/*tJ ( ) rE) o(", v l, > tirlllt boHHELr'"

1 Al:lo( 2 ^ AL:Lc(
t:ItrLij' 3 4 )J:->rya

10 W"clct * a.?. hA,tsTVstlfr;i ( )"

1 }i/j 2 ,\3t 3 *r/j 4 irD/j
11 Znr rt. Jtkfi ^.affi# aR#r) ( ), +*&rrffiaffiv.*f"
1 ArBL< 2 &d>1".cT 3 taN>< 4 &rrLl.L(
12 @w Etit,i:i6r)'[: ( ), fi&r&rrePrrSav,o
1 *< 2 ft/3vr(. 3 *b*L< 4 *( 6 B: (
r3 .illt. lF#at+W.t
li tiA
( )#fi,ttlctl.#,Tfr>b"

14 6*iD ( ) LLl:ts. NirF4-;(3/:.

1 frfi,tJb 2 l\fi,r,ilc 3 W,rt'tlb 4 Hi'lrt i
15 E1{i5 ( ) raa;r. +E d.+ ( lE 4 /:v.2"'efrr.....'.
1 3A 2 l, 3 6Lv. 4 tll

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"rrrrTrr)-l +&HhEl .t ) ) LL:':LL\Ln.VE{n 9t
S)-)rz1!E'l' V >,1+1FE'J' e ?>1?E'1' Z )-1!E'!' t
"QI14a2Z f )-$ or1r7sq4.V1 ( ) &4 2 (02{ tL
1ar7.$-f-:,1 I ,\!tqS.g--,) e 7e.g:l Z 7e-f---l l.
et!.1 "r';J'r'1
":-JC> ( 8l
) fi# r <a*i'V'fl)/r't17-.fi$ElWeHfl
4^E(Pq *E V >(8n *E 0 rrQc4g g c4 Z Zqn *q L
"{a2!1,\t1.v1 ( ) TI6-11(o+ ',n4c- E1}1a*l:1fr(0>t14 y 4-4 ZJ
-f-")..r.ggg V -f-J- ? ?.^.fiffi e -f-J. Q Z\^.V*X Z 4^J Q Z.q# L
"el ( )'-4-+(,"1*Hftl ll
)1(o V ..?El e +2 Z JE I
"t1''l t1.{ ( ) .^7w$9).G+rE{#I 'fl,i (^1afl(oq 0}
>GE ?.Ft?{rfi n }cfi ltlQ e }c'ft ?.Ft'r{E z >-Ha2E I
-......\v ( 6
4-">y 7, 1 > 1 # ) -.fio.,t *+1Q Q 9.1 t i r(-f-)--rfirfft'l '**Pf .l
?.g-f-J-"f-Fr v n.v4^J{1q t n.g-f-J?: z n.g-f.J-(r9 L
t( ) :lo*1).GFfTs(EEJ.I4€ 'a+FV$^) I iltK& 'a*.4sr 'nQ) I
:14a? V :14aq g :lttaZ Z )14y2 I
".#??:lo.V1tlQ (
) .>U> >o))&U{2s[a!t4:t*A(o\EW L
>GI21 V :laeF7Q g X,lc-:l Z .>1H--,) t
'r+E 8.):lHH?.)# 'flu+ ( ) EffslE I
413tQ--r(T 4p6Q--r(T t 418',r--lqf, Z 4^E.lrlqT r
) ?Jr{t'8?ogz I
4pr'rlota:1 {:I V -f-fr/r).1:tQT e -f-8A34:lQI Z J^81--lqf t
'( ) ?w9*#{ffiEg'q4oHfu t
al*w"?gg f r4rrSlYgg 0 .r7V99 Z ,^1EIJY1!! t
"( ) as9:lF*.fu 'Jaz,\>u.6EJ-HI./t-f-+ 0.gc+Flts'ro? e
z+CIH ? -f.F.IH T ZZH Z QH l.
.+ ..8
.\,\1UQ.>oy+:l(T ( ) s#H$*Y!9$q,^ q ? 9J-.1 ( V- 4 < ), z
'/ q ^/:i "r' tl ,\.J"r' 11
:lE! , WE e >1X:1 Z --l{,{4 L
'2Q..V2??.11*+$)?'( ) .,r1H .FtHtr)rg.$ t
1 tm ( ). Mal+Wrt:fir;.l?t*.7r"
1 lit ->T 2 rt: ! ->T 3 tr:.;tt< 4 i:85 L<
2 tvkL.lr, t+owCIElat, ( ) fiDAv.*Lt.
1 aiBL( 2 td>1"cT 3 [:]=< 4 ticvr<
3 &t^AffioteE ( ), *<o+p5xrrffi-iftL(v,6.
1 L:f'iL< 2 lzL":>T 3 AiBL< 4 th ("tA
4 [Eir/*v.] ( ). A^{42A Dri-L ( 64f 3 /j, L v. i Hft(.j-.
1 Lv.i. 2 Lv.-;( 3lr,r)OiJ 4 Lv.:(6
5 ,fFjr.lg*6f bfi'&tw.Z< <tLb ? )-)v7 i^r,x ( ). Etr6A ( )"
1 rrD 2 Li. 3 L 4 [i
6 ghWt4il)aItXAtiL,Eo(v.t*r, EfiLo)*.&F,Cv./e6, ( ).
1 fflvr/:1re-/: 2 Fjv)/.v\i:-tr.>/c 3 ffJv:/cvr^ALte
4 f-{v.ti.=t
7 ic*€ffrr69, *rr-H(*t>*trev, ( ).
1 aL"ef 2^+fE/-it+E,
Lv.v.*L/: 3 LoaLrj- 4 tL*.L/c
8 ( ). "e.* badttt/yaEHA#firlrj-"
l Lv.iOL: 2 2t')ad 3 Lv.o< 4 Lv..:({>
9 [email protected]#i:, L:it*A ( ) tB*>tt<3/e"
l0 ERi.B101l(6v. ( ) L:ar. trEtp{iEo(vr6aLtlfi,f-:r,.7-.
1 8< 2 )Bv'< 3 ;Fvr/: 4 Er\aL\
11 aLa*1lr-#4k#t: ( ) i*. illE6 /urt.
1 5&r' 2 ffir,r/) 3 dir':& 4 ffir,rbrl
l2 (
ffiLr,.$ C;va;ftfi ), FRtHZI:ffiLv.tEi:tH.i.ttD&Dt"
rl . 1 i:L 6/rv. 2 t.Lfefii->a 3 E<hz< 4 t:6 Lca

13 tE+8 /-l:&>tf]-:itAffi. v,( 6tot ?l [8000F1?,i->ftrt,6, 4 r+Ii ( ). 142000

FII:13 6 it"-,
1 l:rsz.L 2 Lf bt 3 L L<6 4 L:L(l*
14 frl,6v.L:r€E*A ) LH*itlctiD. Btr6BE56/rv.r)<"Bf.:t"
1 *.z<btfza 2 *.2<ttfb 3 W.Z<<*Lza 4 #.2<<*L
15 ffik ( ). ,xv ta6trt*^rFle<FjD/jct"
1 i:lc( 2 tv,it 3 ttiL->'c 4 Lv.ilf
11$ V +1c- t >a z :1A I
"f,f trrl.<fi QEl:loPL>.+. 's:l c4**5fl*Ff '*1.| : fl
"( ) ..711?*l:fi!En.V46 '7ZI --l{++gYoffi9: V 9t
)or1? V >17 e >Gf,:l Z >a7:l t
"ZQIV?:7XH- ( )*9(E?F|..VE tl
rzrf++1.I {,14 V ?l{lc\ $ r/rf7.fir^trl --l{lcl Z *l.1 * t\t13${16y t
'Qrl ${Qt{ffi '.FlLl.^ $YY+ 8fi '( ) r+ EJ4sfiHli*Y+.1VIlYVE 01
cftalt Y+l
J4- P )a4.V e >1X Z )cV.V l.
c-$:tt-. (1
"--lcEl)c-Yz )S ( ) J-.r+.(/sl+l':l(0 --l I 4 4 \fl?l\^J\^H zL
--lctr7l ? ?rrrfl V r.\f7 $ I lrlQ e :la.VI n.l Z rl (l .g.Fl 7 t
>o4! v .^4' I rAQcN$.|, Z t
- e.n "f^c441
'-LJ- q 2ZE1,15z7rrffi--l ( ) 4\*4tr 'flqg 01
.+? Y.q
)18? , )w?>--l 0 )1H:l Z >\\>Aq I
Y:l rlvq.*
.?-:-S>T*tut*oH'( ) Y*W 'fIYVE
(0q'@ v Ja'@ {t'e z q@ I
'-f-F\'1SJ,:l ( ) ?+Hef 'EtT*o:
)r{G)'l 7 )rtt.$:l I a<-Q:l Z >o\:l l.
'4^EUcyLt ( ) 41-s)44 'TrY*Yo+g
2(4*V .,tYlC{* e I Tq+ Z Zq* t
".rr-f+1? ( ) 4ct14 ).1+t '9)cCEE, 'FlY I
'--tHy ( ) zY:l< 4 l, Y4+-4Y 7fl&:VaB+H'Hl,E I
rtrf+TlJ-(attr*?Ftr V \Afltrl">(r??E+ I
8 ?.7..tqg1gaZZfu Z .V ( ?slrrQFlJ(0ZZR+ l.
'( ) sfi#9{?+?E}1 Ll'EsfiY?ltn.tlU2'I'iU4^4WsV4a V t
).-lR? I ),t2o4 e Z ).w2{--l I
>14:-l ?.0{+.+.q
"4F BJ-sfi? ? q$?{go}v+ '( ) gffiW'Flt#%o? e
ozlc.vf.t t">f{!$*e '}o ( ) 4 _J:t1A.Vol 'T1H'4(044t Z
2cf,--l v 1oQ:l g )tla:l z ao:lc{:l t
".'rB ) *aEruZ '\1Y42 tJo?: qgt+l ( )H- t
: oAr{E
* -i

(v. ( . 4b.'f b, ( b etc.)

(+(.J )
(fi*j * p:. /-f:1,:. 6 fuv. etc.)

Na: tsfl,,6;d
rJr'ji L
( I *tv.tr. i:3t,i.rs-],i,'/- 3 tr etc.)

N= U;il (i!2".,,
$r, L
s11. ( o. ? betc.)

[A) 41: *fr[*,/*frY,,

A ril.t\ "l ritJr.

Y : Tt ( . f1f . ra v r. fit\ -> /:,11t\ fi, ts 21' -> /:etc.

t\ t\

A : 79 v t
J3E' "9
. < tr v \. rt fi\ -> /:. 4 ( ts fi, .:, f: etc.
*# *tt)

Na: 3 /i-v./j. S lav.(" ii/3vr. $ ltt,,fi:> /:. * ir-v.(. l!/efi'.:> /: etc.

i*&v..EHia/j-', /:.EHir-f i*/ri.-, /: etc.

aiH+ r. Lr' D ir /r r.. /r L" ot"*EE i: I ( v: i r.

Eir i-, b b Hry *,ff[ r^W.- < v. * f.
We have been somewhat flexible in our choice of kanji or hiragana for the
transcription of words in this text.

xt T Ein + tr E+ tFf. tr w #^ I * fr 19H tr.fr , mEE - E E E .L X 4n T E ifr ffi &i Is tr

:r\ "

*zlqlxl ;lrfzir-|olzl, szlql ql6tl^l= aCaI4 9+-11

"l:^JE +g6ull +l#
6Ia *+qq. ='9

lEiv FcE Elr
El,ffifi$ffi,[9$lE:', i
suroped ocuoluos clseq 6urzlue6.rg
EIH@tt;*:}[. ffi
f,t11 +11 ,lty:y1lfl*
E-ltrbt6E zoaffihtbtaE. tc3;L*lrT'ttr.
tr- ( {lE EA<tJtz. ZLteZt< ELr()ifrlaLr?"
tr-lf a*Lb#l,Lf taflF,ctct)Efrcfct) t.,Tlt*-tutc.


E-[r lr?t* +tb<lzL?H.t+rffa.
tr-E6##b bt ffi'Et,#rr*?5f. t#o,\rJ*( (tL* t,tc.
[-6L/a[r &<f;Ef $f/4[r(. te>fi.tsL<=bar\rtrLr\"

Z-ZUt ('p? trrH€D(c?. :trF"lTR++ u\rj'ffiu\/..

)^oc-@t - a - h h\ E -)T:iEura d u r"

trfiy I. /:6 (1)
rL'6 a.b, pfiy h [-*e--l F%W7 AJ /j=/.. HH o>ft5*r1'.*b

f-O--]. rtM:Li* fi$trffi7 I al a#l#Ef!.r 6 o/j t Ebrtfi,->/:" ?tuitAFfii:

{r)fti/:{ro(", AFfil: LoT, Elat f-XfFzt} i l,:*ffi*.?r-l:" Li.L. -frtltrJitoffiffi
t L<11Je><fibtt/:u >lr'y I r,t, *.Afl;.t 1-t:6 O(" . \W, Zo> E;j-, v I. [-6--l
r,.6 VrA AHF,rrrH ft" fr;6Ail. .( y l- [--@--l. i?/:V.i* Drrr.bv.[--6--l
/i/ru, L #r,, &)6 Ati. rr,h'.2 h f-@--l, ffi\B*.ril.*t5.fi,<'fi,bu,u' L E.> /:"

a.6Ltrv. b.rt,b-fbt c.Lv.iif d.i:6fi,rt,bbt

g YloE't 4E C :
"eN.+H*H 0 Ft G+ '? ?
* -l
: r-.! '.? {t.,r"Et
{t G YYsSF4fl .t+ (0
n/;3#'r;,,,N ;
21=lH4lH' ? EW
;t c
s " )-?ty > !r--t*[email protected] Lsrnr /FlEg : g
'F"1a+1 !t
i2 Elr izLfu F".Slzlnlo EI6 ltlylt la+V,/
:t "etr. dg
' YC*+ [E 4 H* S,] fr& t1,WHrrE + +y #'fi vt
\-,/',$rees eql pu? s?rl euo e8eut snorlerd g9 'FizTTY gYEE+Ut $ ctzr : v W
aql ueealeq ocueroJJrp aq1 sse:dxs o1 pes11 Ei
rz&ffi v <g' rl $fl
'H1*E*4"2 6
s f,l),]]- v"
Q Eh4iSE? 6 F l-rJ\1) c ff I \q!g@ tL,
- ''- f "?TQPQE:A '4-
t +U:N
cn&*\la I r. I 4 h + W,,
Ft44 LL:Vy - 4 a4,t#'T-.-}
*hh1- €i.z *15 L'Eth .tepb tr1 flch . osli\^)14+{ > i
[h r. & h,/ Y r',#&I+!E A+x]a3'!rx r{Hg+
'r4##+* / uorlcruuoc e s?q ro lsrsrol
-o:1uoc ,{r:l sr 1eq1 ?uq1 eq1 sserdxe o1 pesn 1ffisgffs ?H v-rd>q|H{ 'rtl$tr (Y-.:r=)& l
r94$dS!EEo ) *' >\1r-.-2)*r&9.4ry.
?:+ .l
"48.1S: q 7_.VQE:t\ry .Es?7 :
.^$1H: rtEv (J..? -vzts)& i
,r ,' *F,Erch(r-4Qfl' *:'r,'-r[€ C,ttl],-,,,
':lc- t4:1*!5vy '--l$&Ers6( :
' [.Eh ++lr to t6l, & tsJffiYe 'FE,c[@Gql[+ o.?HssEfr{fi o r ygrt ?.?y& r
h [.1r P -S1e +.trr"" th,/ " E],,!,0l.l4Hm 4E+
H+rE+45+f{9:*./'\nsas Pelcadxsun -(q o
? . 4 c* S t A -7 { 1 g!,
V*ffitt EE*g'FEtI@Gq=[H*y ee !
pasnec 3ur1eo3 pesud:ns eq1 sse:dxe o1 pasn
e] f, c+{t{tB:l ,
+f trfi+4H I r
Elr I xE*rJ c ef I ? Hu4&
,g-E ^, i)
a?try zHH*-.vry *+E'pfJlllc"rn+E "Q z :B
":l c-?l
\^?E >:-f- 'f 7?HsfirF+E.n.V'&(IHH 'ffHg:V&!
,,,'' r FlYll,?.,,. r,trr, ffiIk**E,';' Nr' . '' .' " f +J-"1rlr tt g
'..,' a
EE ir" Etkls +E {ltzE' hlztr. '.? {,Iy.fi*l:1.)
/.]:t > -f-sfi < E 4_.v
$:V1E<-*-u'FIZfi" r{ 'J,l-!m? t E oE_lB
- i
lo E lo / " ts g*+f! Eg51++HTs'xE7]' tr TE I
E+EliHil/ pulu s.euo ur srelst8a: 3urq1
ro ,fto1s e lnoqe ' V +) Z H:V 1 + sf q Fl+
'ff]fif,61t+V E EI I
4el o1 sluea ouo uoga pasq '\
? 2 E2\P,W4? f rJ 1 H(lEiqlEEg E&
.FlZr17-!, Jt )
@tu5) SEt tt=E#-?.t*E#, I -a &

-[f )rdffirl tur5gsF.

c) d :

Prefix used to express the superhcial appear-

ffia : bo)*^ i8Tl,: ts-cf:afi,tsfr> ? ance. It means "looks / sounds lile -.' ".

B : bz\.blsVro f 6.flhLtfAHf : ->t>tF-Tv.6if,. H!ilffH,B. .zletE E+: >::-::: d

"lq . r-e+,J9 s_i.r I 9.t .

ffi (: - -X) E 4tt. fr re[f0)tavr;fifa" 1 E&i,:ffifl L

A::,r3r61,,tO + lJ
+t 7-

ffi e : H + E L, *Ix ", T htl f:a rt..

-E 6 *;tLre Lti. -> f:.
B : -E 6 !? 1.d2Pr[f /3vrfa.

ffie a o)/\z}"*. -#*. bfi,fs ?
B a alLv'+rt\ bt 6 E illE a & D e t4vr/./jfi o
Ed6 8.t|..lFU'\. l--o)EEH. E

#DD#7AJ rUr)H!*E*d"
ffie E{,$ftoAt6#t. Ef ErL r. tt8l,. D ) fi->f:L Used when one wants to judge something,
and means "consider from the - point of
raba ?
view / criteria". ,/@HT*n*lW. *n " Dt
4#2tr'. ./ +\I+ 6J nll
I) bot*+hrbt6t. /iE/ic /:/-Ds lsLi ?
;I r-+3 . 7l=-o_-E_ d4;lEL el el"l=^I-3

Z@IZ@/,bq), ',*' N',:'frft " + r,f:1596t


$ i: "tl/L&l:,T" i!H,.*." E,6in,ifrl',Tifrs(r,t'

iAif y. LroLiigtf 5/:. i6,'tLL?r'",/rddl-olqEL4=eEl El
' +,
g .' =+'l *7)Y 4 s+
$ : I ( E,B L/aurrq i h'b lo .+7t
i- r. %)t$lrtettr. E-rnr.t+
bv++r+-rr'-- ftAr.bb*be>bL
taa/ v:e^t+1+ €uaur
fiffi"36r.Dir.. y:*ht-a I=
* <-f ,."
tga*m,**g*rnt**i&lsrsi*i&wd*hr*sw**wr*uqrffi +6adff r:rr9.:,,3,,iirr r: ::,., .

)- - A -iBl,dDlr, Zl'tl;i3rttr: U ( ru
^,<tE "ri tu\f^;ffio)*rE.
-:ei i.r erpress a leeling of discontent to
ffia : irFH$,ftc <lnl+i,bli->tl ? ::. ore'i status is not high enough and not
::.:rl"',i rcrrhai'. Ei l.idrHl&'t. 'Et:
B : ).++-a(tE. ? A,rea L 6 *nbrsutc; ? : - .. ;1. 'i.-\)tTHf,\",/ r-9 oJtrIoJ
': -:.: ?]-lrL 4-- E+9 +EIul:-
ffi A : a&)/-, +E. /B l) rrl0B+a6 lt3./s bfi,6, fr l:q'{a
B:* t:* t? +E H+ (|frb.>aE-> /: ( t[;, lr}?)l + <ttl-
E[na:4661 N:r{Xo)]

') c"> (x+ 'l trrf+1 I 'e
'c 'Q 'e
sx 4.v.v $ --l 'p fl)1:,1 .FlZ.^ ? 72 $n.V
'w4-Jwvss4rsz=-4AIh',( ) nrce-l g
'2\^>1+?{l+qsg@& ( ) JtTE}(rgt* 'Ft}*gv n
.Etr..ls)_f-qg.( )1]#ioEo" e
'Etr-f--)+T( )>qre 4
'1Lf,ti\)c-Ht|#FAgct.,r .( ) Zes\-&.-w4:rfl} I
"\1?+f)ffil.--?c2g-ylFEeg9 (( *a I - e cri_
***&&aat*66taa*6t9arta6a&6te6&aasea€6*aatata*66q&rra* g 4ffiJ
'$J-11..rr7w$1ii,g+ry (:l+>'q ")+>'e) awg ,Ttt},&ac+Q g
'4aE1>c-Lt>'* (J...r u 1I:t '9 :)rlr71<1'e) E&Tl{i'9}"1fi?!E*s6Y* L
"Q q?tzEy,t+1+oLrriXEo\ill'(? ?-f-;'q az $x.v'e) B Ey(rEl 9
" c1 :1 c- ta v+
7 2 E (a * 4 i!{W(o Z :1W* Z E' J 0 E ffi (rA TtV : HtR+g *
".+ (Jl'q {l'e) 1ff ) 47a4 'fl#!,\)H&?44sv{+1dffii:f$* 9
j M+--'lFV 'EN.a-f- QsV@ (fl>o T:,1 'q Fl)1--t 'e) M+ '?? t
oflt4) t+?l
E ()-G) q4 h >G"> (as#'e) HHWcog"?+'s%7G rt.17 2
Z'Ltfgqly.-aE g
!.A.). 1ffi
$,1-)'f.4 'fHq (.f-ncg.g.ffg:t'g lXq.v.V:l 'e) * ')Gg??.fitArr--lHflft6, Z
-] rA ) c !l--l HHI.A ) rA +
'(.F17.1+'q .Ft?rzr A'e) L7WH+*') cq:Vaq.1?4rWHT*9+*Ycp".,?fl,HK t
'r1?fifl#& QE||11:I.' gQc, q' e c\Y
+hhrEzffi.tr(. EllEt**.(ts6-fiTt"

E^,7}[t (tilbcT *fit-,tchtlt6-cA. ffffit-*l,tz.

E'., p E,/*[t ZLtetr-tc<dLUH+. -E <H.76ttc E/a[r"
L-r- EUri t,OB *s+Etra 6C)t*. L 3I3. L*a "
ll-EZ5?t*/e[r h.t, ? abL. EEEEitEftf . Z/TLEZZUP/JI,rAI:"
tl-t*{?#* {EHEE(*IA. L(t,#t\t,Dctc.
tr-t*€ t,&L) ffit*6 E*.t). U- L'26-f e( &f:: fcTt "
tr-€IFBE A+taIfrhdl&*r v7. zatl#t*t3/al"t.

)io)c-@tz a - h h\ E -2-f :)tsora d u r"

^6=#tTO t:,J-'v l/:t>(2)
tor: fr'y l. [:tL+UH! lt )t/:6/rt,,6 [-C--_lr, ,|.tL ( (^( v oAS+frkra

U66f--e--lLv.)Ai.Dit. ui:'y l.O[f ;rf "f vrt,fvr', Lfi,, Eh\D]Af4i aL

,rf 3/3vrv/!a/('6FfiEEir/rv.i.Dv.v.Lfi,, lV,tslrvr7):bv.t,.L*.. HEE!/r,c.*
+. ir;Jr'y t*t/ait(" fJ/4Vr. trfrau:llv l. {bb" *.b/rpr{fre1,r(Vr(, /r(i

bttrzl:flE3FtE,L/:q, u9"c (0 t L->lxtgrtt)'L/:0-f b. 4EorHi:F-zbfi,

D i r.f----o--l. 3 b ., /:E D*rirlt6 j < . i b t .a rrv\v, I i /:-"
!'i 3

a)L/:u;l-jv f.ilAHL L 61,.4.i6f bat&tr+? L(u'ba<'. ;t* l''1*' ufrz

h Ln+ifia(v.b" tEbtJ.. rt,bv.v.E)I &-d- b:yt- ;t5reDOEH6il
Drt( <lab" -1.
j8v.:lY*. z{- l.,r-* . ri,t-;v h[,-@--lHifi("] ftu,Err*6i.6 L/t-lrv..

a.-fi b.it8(*j3 c.t&t5i:L(lJ d.:,i/rL,

e. L v. i {> a;l* f. if 6 L } l, g. L':a('liiru: [. /:1,rSr$2 (

'*h [oE *laL" '-f-) q f, +
-€.1 l,h lhr lr l"lo't"6 6 Yqct'l11
a 4W)(XW&'ffi'?E,EIY:k'J. ? q . \
- ) / ",+l*t)H6F.E4,if Hsl' !{UBv"g 4Hy a*-A
W 'gW 'Eg!H "Wtr" /'peuorlueueq
ttl r! "
IIra ..eues oql ere saldmxe Jeqlo,, lceJ eql
'slr{l JoUV .r- sE IIea se,, sserdxe o1 pes;1 "+JH€ I qiffio?.95-1'fif, ?BflYd'Pfl(r" lI
'9vR&? f qr1? l-**EJBtr4C,rQ
El ) 2l? E(o 2'+{Hc, t^/9 Eef t-.1 S
hl7 BEI-
"$ E.^iS
?.^? qq44+ 'gE 'EEjtFEIff!fr <t- ),4--s1)E
*€g2Eeli,,.'i+.i.: Q$$rArA g E9 'ETrzFTI.g qA.Vz >ffi "1 Q : s
'&E r{atft iy
or+.la -Y; ) HE '49$:tE : VE
& EttYts Fh ={7
k- izltt/;.&fr#@*
Ed))!' E"/,,mou 1q3u
dn 3ur1e1 lou sr euo,, sserdxe o1 pssn
']-q.WEXWH "q E?tArl ).."-f-fl4r I y 4'EgZEf-lgM'Vo: E
I119,6t1 q 4g--lHEE2(1c Bs#z?fl^, (L I
] - f l€.1&
Qt6(a$o.l --.iF4") -f- q I "81@ffi@ g
j r.rr7rfi!|rtH?I 'Ym '1.=? q.zB f, Sgy VB
'&E +ie&+
1e.i ,rlt -hh]o."&f, :lb + re _;r" d, g
?. tott / ""M111+1€+CH4rAgC:lz" +9
'aliq&Aq??uz'J-ffiEm* ""1q:
lrllir4t!!*/ .,uorlfiqrs srql ur tr op l.uec,,
Surdes fq leruep ?uo:1s e ssa:dxe o1 pesn
a r'rf7.fi!|)1<.4-tr Effs '?EI vll
I-r1fif laulsg *arq ? I fi € f co2.l &
tlfifl}9?3 -
TYt* 'TFz -vu ) f,sst*,#*€t 'p 4 i y 4-+ro2B
" n.V
l1Ftah 6E +h t. ?t\^t{tTa z z a+'*#m$hi2r+, " f, q E, ? ;tffi@
v Et r--f fYLbE *{e'-i[vlt"E &h: o
+v '&E hFlah 6+E *15 E*tr ibr? @ 34.t1,.\t4U > >.+lg$Etr
(} _-l
> RO ? q
& h14R t"lo/'MHV|)Ev !1* ' "-E(.
-tr '*+Rqg-,, cv "ErE,r+?rE+*H .E
+l41$y+/ ,,,{€a raqtoue ur - pue ',(em
ouo ur ^-,, sr y Eur,{es .(q slcedse 1uero;;rp
s.y ssardxs o1 pesn oqy .tcuepual :o e8ueqc Q 2?tv 2 tt Q.ar+a 2' 17aQ,2M g 41e{ .Y g
ur€Iec e spJEAol serq e sse:dxe o1 pesn
oE.l:lc- ')
'E+&EgfiE4ov '? t--flJ 4:1 0.9.fl 0 g+..f Gpt..sy.l+ g 4t(02
trcr+l'-ftJtrgE.l ftv 'z+ .€ (I) #--
*4 ** 9 tt >c g rl ElExlct2,fr 2 q&
-;run@a@er: 1 V:q:+ id:d
t -l {e-r, 4llAEIEtl. I'TB) AftiC iA!'61l
! a J.i dw.3r= rJ
t. Bo)FIE7$tr*El
lA At&3 i: L( I
is used r..
B :r:::::'if
k gG /,\
-i *s7 t{aa+r&'6t+ zb L 3 . -:iiHEtH,a; PfrftEdffi.e Et b there isn't A, B can't become rea-ii ".
-'tl [AAl&31:L(B_] Pl':.. i.. - . =
L il(" 3 lrv.. ol,lt ". : -
€E4r rA I
ti .. .'
,: itrdi l-\ : fi )vvx rril.6i: ff fursL\d) ijt 3 v.rf ia. el"l.

: z z. a 0) t * A tttvzfr.*E L ( ii. H{ i- *. t /-fi, ,, N:ESEE + Eebtl-


@ttEr{-rdul o)Hffi e. TffiFare<

^,2 [/J[\ aB-aF.IF""
Used to express "never happens'' and strong-
&Ba : EAilftAo-i{A. 7 1 ) tv t fi"ca. 1y deny the possibllity. I '1!ltT'i'
fli :t'.8.,
*z-tiEl,l]lh6iE4frEI* z t,J xl - oli l ul: 9
B : ?, , ffi(: I. "
)V T.I? Ef EOlEffiEI(" L r . E/JLT 9Els 7l;C9,J-I7ll +e;I= E€.

0l< a7 * 7 )vtt- D +i$(p z/aLrJ. ]^r++ L i. V :51t9*+ + :CldLl

gf{*.--i#ffi ? ?Ltea. -e 5 2Z6|)*tL"

@6 6;EEEtry D -Ur. ZOEiEE!/d,lE

Take up a certain topic and used to express
the universal behavior. ,u 1,?l1t tifrE4, fn
6q*GF!tt,8.,,"]ts E]nl= r B€
0 t:llrt,liv'Oii. AEEtra€,0)f f 4'J €39 +Elrl= s€. ="1
&,B,v.E .
, l,,,,,N,l {tS,,, *,,,'.:::L1\Ato0}l*.',

&l E E! t** : h:41H ?) 7$58t t t)fif;

16F ^,arU thrbcT
;a !,
*ll:r46irLa t) a*-{.
Used to express " -
aimed to do something
ffi s * E#fi,- /:[] 5. ASaifi bL<,Eglt-t:.htLthtbc leads to a successful result". "6 E ,,*zr
fr\ fr\H-fr 1- hHrtla Hffi Ffi+ A\4 |
+ R',t
r, 10 * n{,rl/:" 4€
il ,tr I
7l1l 6J9
7I El*4+ a4_? olq

ffie :
4Wat(,;,t /: ( 5 LF.btL< tfi,./.1e"
l*/.$0) v i#.Lr. I
B : ) L" 4, t) 7 i.r*,l:tttLtlfbctcJ-" N:ffiBsaoj+ DtLIDi6:(

"PEqEll6-vZir? l-C4fnii ) AetC, L llul-l-
(,lf,?9Ft 'I Eef)*Fr 'o
'P ac4ssri\.fi .Q ,e
) YzFIJ-7 >1--1Bw? 'c ; J-81
"-f-E.^H 7tt:lcpQfr4*CV '#E 'f ' ) #Y I
. qH?:la.VttT,iffig(08+ ,( ) y *g( I
'!11) GTs(9'&AH*l(2Xry', ( ) 2 tt > EFlgt{,# g
'$J_Y.1Ei$_-l€v '( ) HB+ ',Ylwfl(o2 Z
ozta.rltt gJ.g&l .( ) €g .P!so+\fg*g I
"\1 ?+fl#c-&C09^ttFEeg9(q +CD + - e (,:L
I {f fiJ
":lo.VaHs#E€ . () . T --l.,r.g 'q ) c S5ffr/r. V'q :-l1MSffiW-- g
"t/rfiFlJ-O ct zz HJ-gef (Ilo g (.^ ? 'Q Flo $ Q.1 'e) E*+ L
"f, (r1f7)c'q r1*:G'e) Lt.v49>rrFJ.sfi# .flJ.g.lstaR--l tta4 g
(Fl>oQ--tBE8..g'q Fl)1:lBE8? e) -2-r 'FtHHOy* g
'+}Jr.g.? ac+:lY4a|) )17,+E'(0 T ? ?fl q 7.V4 9rt 'e;HH'fr*flgots? t
'(8.'{)*f) 'q EsS)*..7'e) fjB 'flF1t* (\flo2 I
'718 t&Ifra*a ')H4?<
4Jqa{f 'H+V '; of,7 ) f7 (PJ.q q F1.>2: ? 'e) EI+7.taEg4s#g}g z
'-f-"> (Elg 'q "a
4* 'e) 7 ? E+FlHgW '.>a ?.^Y E s%ff,* t
"r1Pfi.f}ffi&QE1|11I'g QA q' e CDY
G@&$&$AS96&6@&€3*A*A*Aaaaaa a aa aaaaaa6&6e6&&aaa*&&&
tr-tJ-t -trP6 ZEctcl:JL. E?e*ff 62btqT'f "

tr-lf [r FHt;l,t El,taffilZ!*. tto+J'Er.J ( /CdUr.

tr-ir6 L? boqAhrb t,?. f*:(t\6zths.hh\a"

L tl\
bDl)ixF. +,'ffiEri I,*T"
tr-fE(l*)tt6fuAtt 6 xc tHhtctcll t. H/r-tlrLrSft/*#p/c"
I - /e I r# O a 5E fil$r z ) E c fzht= h teLr,,,a a 5Iz. fH& t*in 3 fr L, tc.

[-lffru# +a^+tw. {tsrjEiE < /rr\rf,#urr. fia*+6a(\LTT.

[-?5-?5 ,HEFPBEI:rt&LfB(. +E[*+tLL\.

)fr.a@ - @t. a - h h\ E -2T:iECIra d L r.

^6=H6T0) r"_ (1)
b b ffirfrfira!fr ?E*#jH t ffi ,s/: *#x i: I 6 L . E A,ir, 0r 3 i: 1 /r i* r v p I *b
i$o (v.(. < alF,Wa-ofis 9' - laz a /a"
=t*r!.wa)+t:4 ( vr6 , ?.litl.. xa+oi.ui[-o--l6r.f--e--lr./:
*c( " .t Il P bi.il i*- l. L -> ( vr tzr i 3 rr aT b b " *./.. AF{ O,f&iffi+if 6 A[
vr b

Arr I ( . iE r. I'tflFl0> e> 6 fi E iJ. y = l. L :> T R.6 1t,1 <, r' v'' IHIH i: /r 6 "
v"=r*frfra+r 50-100lwt\LaqrttE"t:<arbb" flit 1 , F'f a LFTEL(.
* /:Dil tE{t" a i L(. E/j: /.6 orr. 3 )t E!,r&'tfi,/:r:l--@--]|tz.
ffitrlltt 30

Et:1, ls"ca L* i " frfrd)+ri*, y=0)a/-rtrl:* 6f-- @--l. Tr,/-/at"- 6 D

k r^ LIH Z b, aa;*#R. fr E iJ 7 v )v + * o)mH t rs b I = *F0 Lli I =rv., iJv. [:
/; ->T U*. a ore> A. . LrsffitH < L. frE A+ 5 [--@--lrr 6"
* "t-il : gEoEHofr 1lc -/:*r]'/r DrrHtv\(. ysa I a i': a, /: 6 0)
* bfi' : i6n. b,{J /:iI rr E olt tL
* 7 v )v +- - : b Z k.<W P th 2 147: St J l! t f
t ,{t l: lfu E! ra *.b tL b .t
a. f i:iiv: B futs ( b. t, B J.]_L. l: ^lv,rtt
c. d. tf e. fi,bt-a
f. ll'r. r.
l] g. tsVrf:O i frt: h.lkffi
34 t
ct* . g
eqtr fiEi=,E ? $H.,rE ? YA(oH%(o+aaE
,',r'.i ,...i.r.
,,':i l.,.li iliillfJ-Ui8i1.,,,,.,,,,,,,',,..t',,'.,,t',,,,] ',,,]- i a2 >ax:,JY_fu| Vffi
;:1.:':,r': ;,-1,,'., ;..
" f,a1gxF
i. L ii,rt. ii,rr,i, f l :l.Ji,,rr,]'+,r', 'i:t{&o.*;r,:.,i.l/\i,'i..,,
E\1EI=lE.g4t '?:tH4<_.4I Y 1aE '>a?t g
E+LZ +
6 + €+i" *la rhf. E1e- LeEhr l61zE i aZ ),t4t: V
/'.Bl,.r, [H f+d{rr #6q "EH4}W.H:F,, Y+l
WF{+,/ 4- op ot tuea,{ll?or L, eTI SurTeoJ ()r/rc__l@ ffi)ffi
slqrsserde::r s,Jo{?ads eql sserdxe 01 pasn
"€+?9+fg\1rruE r1+t+9\1(fl):1.9-
ziliiq\x? l\1rJt -rtHlfl (a+a EE@
'; ....,;:.::..;.:
tgE}+E 'E7J4 : N "elX.VZ
9E; / flfrgE} : eNl G) tl)Gv+.? 9:lYOaEE '@IGJi[{tl+ ".7"1ta{r): fl
r(or(Fl + [gc\t]
"e+Z >14 y 4 yg.# '=1*g : Vfl
+t 15flthti r lahlo [oGVr Ettr& ta " _v+
[8.9 0.g.rlY.],/ ""11 Bg'Y g)i]}]:12" g+
4-Ja q EH g .?
Ia'v 0'g.Flvl H// .,8oslslnqY
.{po 1ou,, ssa:dxe o1 pesn sl I S.g (,t .g$l V l . \ 4a'[email protected]+ Pry * > :tyw > st.y:t'fly q? g
'YrE(, teEzQaz'>
&Jfl?JVl 'lr.ilA lE& Cr(FlVl*
t( fi trl.Fl ^, $ €
I r(t1fl6 + r(:l$
ltY9u +{ H.(2&[?ffir
,.:.. .
L\qt1g1 + r(9.6.#H:.:A
, q 'Elrra
'(1T? +aqQo@lIE?Erl@z Hh-sfi.rrvca*s
1aV Etta
'&E +Sbf" lrB +i/
& t6 tfl--l?Qo.(r..1fiy.frVl / "s+1, F#>fi's%VAVQ6@ro4:t:t
l€Th 'v LH4,Y&:t 'Y.*t:fr la.ttrQa
,7t 1* V,g V I lH,/ 'y g rcqe !q?y sueddeq
ssa:dxa o1 pasn sr IS
? Q (,.g./ryl V.gV l--,1
{lc-.tg r ') 1s(E c tA I zi -...1 <E(oy 4H +E)f ) g
'E+4?292E{rQ E:lt}HC,
V' )-rEA [8 --lg qCr,g(1fJ V\gV]& =l?QCo{lt1?l,.-rcl*
'.? {1.}YTY?
"H{ry) c'?sfiEEV tu{lY !*qAHVrt E I : B
jZE).+c{$aH.VJ*:y g
"i ":lc-?lE
f Ytr/]H!: N ff ltfr:( 'J.I*ZU7 f,irlg5l+ '€Glr-f-A*tAWHE|E.9 a
9+-E++1uaug:V i$ ..Lf.l)oM))*sF*&,t
r s].li?: A E
&, tttL(?)ffi:1gTE 'J-96lr..6. T4( L< lQeb#h : €.H
hnrhh ++16 L'.lr fz H
k, lor?e1v fitoPE bn +@ 6++/ '*At .,t+.> Q"? Ft+ECo Y _+ : _+< 4+L
H+l+E\Efi*8144 ' |,tr\g-y g q g seld .' f
y, ?n'4 >
-uexo IEroAes ?uraoqs,,(q senssr ro s8ulql
,{ueur e:e aJeq} t?ql lceg sql sss:dxe o1 pasn B (-ra&<Yca"€,H) U
q at>! $ ge1-ge\- a
9 \1 9 \1rgU*E+ Wh' 2 {l*4n& C0\*4*@ i,.___, F-L--"--- ,
&t-o&lrdHincbah, 5. 44e
^,IJT fl\-l tr'rfH!*afr?. =
Used to express the lact that "rhe srlurion is
*X a : Bfr l,:2., 4 I.rEtL< Tt - < < fub.> TE -> tea].'J4 -, so there must be -".... .- - *- - -
l'L1A1,J:q, nEl(! ./ ..:- =@.

E? el ge. ^Jslolq 4 +E ^l / !j+: - _ :-= 9

B : 6 bb/-" *1H.1-tcl;)L. ?o)-:> 6 t) /: j. "l= +EIts .

lrir?fl + LY F
$c 3€lt/:t)(ti*. 6 * Lt 'Ell:A
wgl Htrtt#.<+ .t *r-. @lNe:41P656 N: #+EbAl

ii W-tr4*! L/:!Jt. ffiHl: rrry [] iiSf :. L i*r g /4v,o

: .+t ,h /
"eii46id;r*A6xeAg*#6i@Aq%9Wffi e*Sfr W*ffi {@ffi %ffi@@M@@@i@!@@

; -"; & t-offier.l tr\f HDk" t-otrl

l. 5 .: ^,+tr[;
il&*d;lf +; t)
xx#rEeL ij.
f 4 -affir,aDL#L L*. L/:.
rE E a;zr- Used to express "on that
* I is more fomal. /" - ffitll,/= " E)'E.E "
situation". -DL
Ll, l_at * l Ei&ilEt.,/r_9 zl;lql: 4
Etra : ril. 4a $ffiv) L*f. r- <"*jiEt,r,:4;0 *-r" =
el"l . [-oL 3 ] 94 a++ s€.

B : bb,vrc(. 6tffiv.*iil"I. *E a*ffiatfrtr;r6. tt,tt.ttr::...r,::,.t,,,,..i,,.,8r3i:,3]'t,,1+t ifil. ..,t

,,.1.,,,,,,,,,.,,,1.:,'',.,.1€i,LN::ltttk6O: .i

&l-AD5t r) o)firT. +llHfoEEtt,

-hrbVT <AEWD-LII6#.TE" l
tAr' 6 L( l is used when A is taken
tBa a o*j)E. 150+Ff i:r 3/:/-T-f ->7. a reason for the judgment. /ffi tAr.6 L(.]
up as

fr\fir,f,, tEh+tlfiffi,EH, ,Ua!H A" ./ f A

B tsbltlj" l_ir,
x -> LiEi ia. n,i,L<) g eEllE +EJ ol++ A= -=
We illH 3 1". ##m L<*.h -> /:lt"
'€Ltfi b,{JU,
a L, IE L ( /r: t. E#C*.r,.ft$ U?.
r,.,r'r .,, .,,,,..,,,,...
r, rN:, :
.,r iii.,+rt.i,r.b)
B Bt Lef&
18, "

&l-A)iffil ofire. [AlrEI:|c5. d

L #r\
(-l er\fH!*Etg.
IA W H I is used to express "right after A
ffi(-,r-Z) happens, then ./ ffi I Alkffi) fr\f4*,
*i" tilR A h.+-7, nzu.flr ..- " BilH,.E A .,/l
ftiID. HHlU.trr&Hrtra*0 *t-/:. ;f Lv.fH*Eir,l. t) )tffil I BEll-e rATl oJqLitr +--r 9 9
"l= +E}\rlEI

)XH. r'I^Zv./:
V :ffi{fDE+3:1'
Ele ba-, FaLhttv."c):A *tfi,"
: N :5[E# ]i+
B : -f b*ill". fr a,,tL$'t+t, < /:. A v\o rrr. 0if.fr,

.g 0 .g.Fl
'I )a Q (o.tlr\8t 'o
'p 'q ,e
)) *l! rrft:lS >17.t1'c --,1 Q sf TK
"_f- F 0 g:v4 ( ) a.vful ,Et 4 _J(o? g
":tH \(
"rl )--1.'rEFt?-f.E 0+0FlG+^ ) :la!ilg- t
"GAE I Y: ( ) ,\*".Vlt6g. 'qgFlf, I
'.la.V4'rfi fl11)cy5S!f--,I*'( ) {lHJ.gZ [|WA?W'n.${4(0{ A
orrrr)1n+2d ( )"*AilpvrE I
'r 1 ?rt.fl# c-&co gttFqqgg rq+a l - e (,i_
"+^Eqwaw* @HM'q #"&'"1 Er.s#ss*otrlE I
"_f-,)-+ c.V*a -y
.,\"90 f,}89 ()1? n.V',Q >1n.q',b'! tpcoffiE{ "-f-J-7 c-.V1$trrtvq'HoE+ L
'.,\Bil > >v>H4- (:l (l sf 'q ) 0 ef 'e) v+Ifu€f 'J-o-f-f,rr) a*4(Dd- I
".'\7H4.A *C+JEVJ#X.$I&H '(Tf.f 'e) EH>-Yf ?9.?.,rH I 'q --l)L].J
'(trf7 E s)P:l"f-'q .lfl1,[ ? .,rFt:l.f-'e)
El&"). fi .g.Fl 7 i f7{r/r's% 7.,\ )a.VcYE,t A ? (.,\ 7 .,tS--l*l? ?e +{fWAW.% t
+ G+;k
+H0IFI6p7trff--l*t# ') aEXHi*i"(--l (,r.g.Ft 'q .g Q.g.Fre) 7rt&sq^a2fr4& g
'"$-Ja Ztt
--t#GHsfiF4 QlaQ(2rfitA17'Q J.Fl?{lr+'e) F}S.gq}gtr-_ 4ar-a '+tr+aY* Z
v(tw(0** q!rJ-+El?.+4.5-T*v : v+E x
'.,r1l+J-. (?.!'q )E'e) g+ytg,ir.?.\-'q 7.v'4 vssflgzr t
"r1 ?r+.flR ? QE1t11!.' 9QC0 q' e (0Y(
3z\:6pDlJt\Er). zav.tllt*
tr- * U za€+rtJl*2tr-ffilzEfctt)tsLTt.
tr-/c0t6O/i /c*t;tt-iEF"l ( 61,t, O LUr)ffi111;f-y$7d t6q71.
tr-/itf* L fiE< (tt*t\dv I{'Et, t. lEtl6titr:i t/t.

E^,pllfLt H&tr/ao>tr. t,\ctfLrfa.

I-/e[t6O# $c ZL\UpP I)fitr*tsl\t Ohrrtb.

aB /:
iitAEfttp u. ffitroE$t€;E* t *f"
tr-[*E6#< tt61*E6rr<. +oF':Et\hr*tta"

)Rae - @tz a - n h\ b-2f :ECIra d u r"

^6=#tT@ y
,".=il. f HaT u<Hz'/.*attt (" D v.rilrEa tsv'ft a /a" frfla+otti i:JEiX
L* i r. b<.bb. DLr6E3 (L\6 rj- rrv.6 [--o--l,
?.r.b E D i:]Hi(
v. ( d)/a. 7v)v+-tt*.>4 ( oAri. g=at,.rru.frErE baL_ttf 3l=-O--l
L mE i 7)r. EDrs a L r it tst}7)T&> b

l*St L(ri. itriE{'ffi[A. 'tfrEts}voD]T[:'fX-:. L A Dr.-6tlbtubo Lfi, L. ift

iE<,tBIh[--@]. iEEtsozo].]Tl: L(tj ( a;r*. -fiy.o*r t**ELV\o r7 3>
t-EzIl<fi < i-i* +rZZbtlbir. Eir,ltirH ( /r6.
EtrH/: 9-= t il SHotsffii*. frEloT{,r.f oT[:ffiv,(*; < L. ffiE+-trf.aa y
-irirl6 Lt,.i 6 aTbb. /:/i. *a-,{Xt*3tt Ersc:T, */:4[qfi,Zra],JfutLbr>
/r \ o a ia 6 +raf it,/4 /r. 7 V )v + * O,L, Hdrr4. U.lffi. 7a l=-ld--l *r S ! l,r /s r
lv r, r r

a./:r,\6ori b.3u c.iil6i.( d."?lfv.

e./jLi*L f. r.50 e.tt.r6/a-r< h.trt,.6Or.

.rr:i )1l{,EL?€l,r.,ii + l4r ' N.:li.,,,,..lu:
't"ta +te&P* Es hEV EtE& I' ' q T 1 --l ? ?'?.fi-4 Q 2U?w$:l.) 6.)@r+trf-[{ufl
ts ).9$ ?pvl./"EE!4swME &XY
e21R+ 'V.XEEla ).s9 ?flvl+t/'v "-f-J-otrYss ?: -f-fii ti ti?J|*tg .>BE?E[H+*XT
ol ror:d sr g uoqa pesn sl [g ).g g ?IlV]
&Eqf V 'l..EA l9)r44?flVl& >(gB ?fl - t
,cl@B + \1fJ+;.:n "4t9@Bt1?tnY'VAWAG r? q $ "a Q : g
..:: ":.1.:::t .l::::'..:::'::.:::
.EZ >1S+Htg G\18t" : VEl
'RE ++tz *ta1a ltzlefz
€EFv 5tFr fvtt &fv *Eb lzlg&t"/'ffi "
giirEE [.8 trIE6EV+g-*+CS*+E{.rdE' ?(
+ri ff *eiiiI N + s[4421 w
"z+^a qf 1?ff)4: fl
- +w /'uol4e$s
llnclJJrp € ur ue^o enrt euoc Surqleuos
a>pu o1 Surleeg SuoJls eql ssardxe o1 pasg " E\g:aqt Tr+lg ? E JsfiET]--l# ? G I : v [I
'€+& g+fE € Efl > SE?518e,)
1*z'.2-r,1sj rlu!$t1.l ff rq(, gEffi=@.
.rl"i:ll i:r.ial. iial. .ir .,
,, .]p0+r,1?",:1r,:a'r,: 1i$ip6f'ri.;'r fi rr r,r,
.RE '"v![(oBt17"t
lz *lcf"tc l.Fz1eB [tzlcf, ElBl6 rh
& - EIE t', / "
A,n'mfrgl+Iafi ffiE+iilEE 9 >.flT ?i,*9*1 f q I' n.V?lry f r'l )rl@--| tta 2 il
-ouos errsep ro edoq o1 Suqaag 3uo4s sq1
aoqs pu? o1
.E reEfiT{t >c.Et:14( 4+#H Q .,r 6 : flH_il
,,- luzm ,(11eer,, sserdxo o1 pasn
c#l>EE'aYf,Hq\1? l\1+-tlFVJ& ?lcDBt1"l^'{01
-f-) e r, ? \ 1.)^1s;] : il1;l#Yff ;,I g
, l9qac4*i,r{,.,,',r9gt t:*sltirqNli@ _i
.q g
E',? .11 #FtnB Z,\>(ptffi:,l+t*A+
c.Prcl + t€crtrl
"<{ f7rfitr lt ? tt:? q f AS.) > -fi ? +1--lEEHgt YN
lota l1a ts*&t CV, E[re?Ft*Ifi '. 1 2 (x+--lVW
*.7 > >1 4& Q \
V.l ,/ ",,re1W 'Yr+EbEv?." Y* 'Y4,
[E l-8 (ldrlY] H/,,g sl 1r'y st Burqleuos (, o
se 3uo1 se,, sse:dxo o1 pesn sr ? f, -6.J-. 1 -rr ? E If t ?fi ca :'6Er 1 rr q + &tr .\ 1, tI
Ig 0 El Vl
IEflE=JqE)V ) 'lrA.CD tE OHrIV]@
lt66b\. fiiEt5^EDrtfat \trl*
t 3$ ^'fClt* U )766t--"Rq.6t.r?"
ffie }sl** f-E Urt'ffi11t.'112 (13lro
Used to express the feeling that one has a
complaint bur agree that the siruation or

Ttttbtilt*,U/i j" f,{/r,Li.. */iDa

matter is still bettel / Ei'-.H:.7:=. iSE,
B tt.4>TtoT Ei/l.llirflll86trEttt&l+E!. er-o 9.13
+, ^J+ol+ Lll+ol ol4 +e +. +i] sla
/6Vr I. 6I= E 6,i .


ffie rs L Lfi.+EEH Ary -> /:V D. ffi o L* ) Lfi,rsrt.o to ,.,',r,r,l,,Ei?3rJ::,lrr,,:+ tCtj*L,t.'t,

@tlta:516'6 #h\T6A
V.VI ? N: e^&e661
L rr 7' /-" WtrLbtill*.lrfa J "

&l- t lc@DrElAT.
-*u /dr)l f ettd.
Z 0)'#.{dl!oA.l1h\

-- last
y'.lH L < 71' 6 it. 7& A -f66tl" /: I r.' r. * t,fFJ 6 €-r( Used to express the fact that "one did
time and nothing changes after that". /*)L
ffitt /t$lfrE&tr, ?-tr-dELl+H *tt I ."
u. * lt_i,+ 2)ol ElaE+-oE : F ol+zlE dsl
zl'9lr+] E a+'lE}ts .

E I EiE. illE f A,t?*->/: ?

V:,,:,,,*,:*. .'..*,,. .*0
B : 2 fi E Etl,:A;*r*.> tc* r) T. f . L * "c a * ill""
g. aEWtJ z +i!tr.E/:* t) ts LT't

&[A l-ftt:C ) AftrT. l-At?6tttI

e* r ,/ AAil ] OHW."
AlaJci- (..1 is used to express "before
ffi A;*|,:ftie?,,) / tt- slm^rtitlbtrLt
. doingA belore A". ry "[A (:4E '-r, <
frwn,-*i.'t iff. A +zBf // A FilBiE frlHE "
t:ftij4cT, )v * tv o>"ailWfiill b ta *. -r "

w ;{A a i6 E b o) ,/ lAt:Jii-<) g eElls rA=.I71 d

ql / Arlqlr 9 9"1 .

v :ffiD6(o))l
. '''l+ l.ftTi=T
N :9564:5 )

&b0)0),ltHt.?r\r. f -offi rabrffi r)l

6* ^'? [fU r
r!\u? ttt\a)
1 ztd*'{.
&EHiidaB pl{[ri. b, -f ("#iLv. $ot ir Lrr6"
Used to express something "has a strong
-".,/ r-9-
tendency of
fiMrAlLFilE'.,/ ^IEg ^Jeql qldl
ffia: a.oT iny tf Di ? t k. rHrri+3/:'c/:fi,b" ?*ol :bI+ .:1.9 qtrl +E,.

B : i - A," z7'bvlv'iiD. t x -> LT,l*pE( rrv. i

El€a;tv.r.. &iE. Hlr-pH( rr ->/:!." )uahffiLfi,.
t t -> L L/:HSL i..

'EEqEll.6-v 83 rcl I-C4rnll J &4tc0e ]!uo-
.I >c"TW:t.a .+
>.q g ? Ft
1F{1.+ 'p .ocl\l+'c 0E.q "0s.9'e
. qE?.rr:P+FIBFJ:lgA+(oZ ,( ) ) FJ?Eg I
t( ) zu > )1H 'sJ- 'ElEH00e.l I j(,zu > >1fi'fltrE[v] t
QEl:A1#o-gq 8Y? c'9 '>H4 E (r+E* '.^fi ) TsS41E '( ) gM-f-# e
" --lUq .d't.{ a$s()(W ( ) VH 4
"-f-"> ( )
Q #G\&Yl.^ ? ) H!.afl+'"? {t + c- 4 ) r; *: R ? H* ? HI' n.V )1 4&+l o 2
"\ 1 ? fi.fl# c-& cDq-?trReg€ \c{+cD } - e @i-
I {rnJ
'e.N (ttr#lG'Q tr? G'e) *sfi1]#i+H 'TlY4 4
^*(0+ I
"4t[4LLsV+qPaL+Eg Qa+W'.q >c-?tv.l '.e) < {-....y(0q1,\1w L
.g-Ja.rfi?flv> f,:t\az 'J (r,l 8'q 0€'e) :1a!.fl-:1+f,oxt+rtRqt?F I
..+ (1 E+t.+ q 1E e) .ryr?-yr >:pr-\glg$g)HsfiV# 'fl$l&lE(oEg 9
'fri\)1 A.VOIFl 0{}'(>.99?fl 'q >.99?'q<yA.J t
"qtt GV(o 9.1* 'Q .g ? ?.,rf; 'E) flfi{tlta 2ZA+ ? G 9s#TH t
"E Qla 9.^7'Q .= ?:t1-]'e) {ta.t:122A o}F.,r? ) {tjln.gYg '.fl?B} Z
ot^f,i?rzfl:l*T '(0S.fi'q >cS.fi'B) rAfT-}EH{Bq 'El+gtrM I
'r1 ? fi.fl#I& QElt11!-' *QA q' e CDY(
,RAa. bOa6. E Lt\ttatiEt}/adUt.

1 zJ.#4. (a. l,: L<it b. i* 6 L I

) a *-f *"6+/j. #.fit{la-/:LD3fs!./'/r"

2 ,tE;F G. Ltsbt 9.Lu.) 6a;i*) -BE+tr*ffi,ttbat rr+i:tsbo>/:-/.0.

*t. ZtLt H'lHl: L I i.
,t^ii. HE,A=,+,HL.ff L<. J < l=-l*a (a./:a)t:. b. <rii:)_l L=irr. + l

MaH,H,*4 Z a ij'r.1,: L( i*vr []t3vr"

4 H_0>l /j6o (a. lJ3(#3 f
b. Lv.,i-l*'). i*l, Z4 tj rfra.
5 lEd<fLtt Di:;A&*$c < v\rrv\ (a. i: L(tt b, i:6 fi,21,b 6-l. ). fii:*"'+AHL(
l lt/:"
a0)t|+tffi,il(v. b t 7 | V z'tl;/:*. b (a. ( til,: b. -tr) /rOa.. 3,e>ba L i:

7 Z-ttfi,DSS ( ut y )\Affii*7 *ffY,,*.Lv.v.*frr. *ELv.iX,H (a. 6 L/rvr b. ti a

(#*). *f,uv.Affi(.-fr.6. 1-cZ < *.-f,fi3 ( /iEv..
8 tEto.ttj (fi0 (a. 6Lav. b. ci.av.) r#fltbai*j ( &v."
9 iEB&ig-# G. ta\ ('c( b. Lv. i 4>o>it) HFiiR. Et+imrrifuL(v\6.
10 fi-€+Lv.ift$it, l*t+a*E;& (a. iJ6 L I rl b. iiLv.i L). fn+a$fi{$3t6/:
e>o;fiLfro+ytrt 6 U,E/:"
11 ba#t-Zi raffi-A (a. fi,b-f b t b. &h("2(). 116oiE+tt v- zzl'b&tttbfi,
i' LIL*.t L"
12 t*f z h 7it. t\4 *1) > (a. AebSi:L(ti b. ilE(ii3) ryq $/:trv..
13 J-Ltsi:Ev.ffif2. f{Lr'L ?)("iE-r (a.':>if/rL b. oitrVr) Io
14 aoFv.fi*r ztJ. E,/:EDrrifiL (a.5 b.t,)') r. v.v.("f*a.
15 -e1ffi6'46 ?) tlF-/: (a. r)L\rrrir<' b. l,: L(ll). zs* 7 4 - [:*( (tt/:)u
r,*l*Lb*:vr !v: L E.ca 1fule.
16 +ElilHXr. bf - LA-i*ffi3 r, E€ (a. 6 Lrev. b. Da 6ri*) ttrt,->/e o


.?t 4 o">
Q v l,gEg.g&l .()
zzltctLt-.v.I (84'q >.iff--r 'e) E#caoro 9I
'94"?{rua (1 F{t.=?'q .A"EtG'e) Yf?sfiffi(0?'aZ4-7.fi9J,*o <-1(,B G* 9t
oT (:la.Vfil?.1FI--l.f-.q .g(rg.,rfi .E) nHr.iV .?{ty.^
.B G g. tl
sfry--l 0 E( .+X--1ffi>UnMyfi&>cg.StzrS,q2l1q Qq#:t_4 i 4
'r4a?lwY 'J (1 E{t
s/'q ? +'e) +ffi B 4kg"1 * H lf ' n .* Z 4^.Va QsVa g ** ? "1 * t| F|').VVW (0 E l,f, 8I
":l-+1#:)E .(.fi(a g rA.T 'Q .Ft?.zr ? 'e) s6{ c}t/rtA ? G g >.lG--l#fH Ot*Ht zl
E1# A > a64:lF '(--l 0 +'q HVt'e) r^r^(/951*(rYg+E 'IlltrG--142(02 ll
i Q2?tryQ11--l?.? or4rr?>afl?lf 't#?t'q (,l B'e) :1c-ll:l4*'trSFl1?Q 0l
'E.? {1.+*dF '?.97
a.vf{>H (?.!'q >17.9'e)EaBoH51'.?{l.^EXylg.$'?t Q +z Tg1WAflfl(DE 6
'Qlco9.A7'9 .'t-vl1*?.'\Fl:1.=f-'e) +*rF?E{gca:')1.fi 4aE I
":laE 1)wSI*Y*
14-421c;Q:14( "L-4 Clt Q Q.$<\4'9 .gO 9.,rf+'E) nfl,VZWl:l-f-.'tFlSlH: L
':l(0e.9'q 1F{t.+'e)t,rrrsfiBig}v?{--lgSlEcaqE'..?{t.^R?.gY$9EtlEcagg I
'14f7.firlfl:l+\cy ?a+J-+q
0.+'q TK'e) :laE42.v.{-.w I '(--l
".41 ?.Ft-f-fldc)& ' Q 2.+9 Ft 'q >.g ? ? It 'e) ry I
c-t4:1HB.l ( a 9J-M4t ()1?.g'q .g 0.g.F? 'e) MtrvE 'Ft*Hef a2:lfr:.i:; t
..rrr?rrFt:t)ryoFV .( 0 S.g'q 1 E{tal'e) }tr) c-fl{:t6*
+E17.rH3f '(Trd'q t#,&'.1 Qq**sv'fiiw94 I
"r1?!+(2Rg-QE1t11I '? QC|q 'e AVi
Z-6*r) .-ryeab*,t). 1Hdffi60)dF"'tLT t,*'sf=.

[^,fiif4lr fiLhrH.Ab 6)tsLT , ffrv)fitsttti "

Eefr/ELr 3+F':. EEa*LbtffiHl-,fzOt*. Eft#t!\,EL\H-(f,

E- EEte6E +l*azt EtebE. ehazLLf,tt;,1.8?-e 3-.


ll-a?ifr>6 +EI;),c(. BFt*,,.L-f?t(tst)?2bt)*t,

1.,*Tzz H/na=#T=r\?e?. t1*t=7=**6hilib4"
I-?B (-?t*) =r\?t*;H t. iH L?t*=r\rt\6aar;. fiErjfiEfl/c.
tr- E[ti tr0ti 4;srat66irtd7$ t r\E+$66. Z/rLhr^+-Et\a $Oti"

RoC-@t - a - -2-f ?EU/r d r \.

h h' 6
"t4 t>z)17 -(t)
t++aftwttffi1< i l:16iDbtub+m. *t+<,FE+. HELv.-nt'HtF_/:0-f bL, fr.
6 D 6-116 o t,:E D btLb. *H. t*4r,:'>r,.<,fp1i.ffiFd t#o /: L 3 i:gF5C
tifi,Lc. wffiLf--6-_-] . L.rttbb.
-fi, frfrqi# if . 6f fr€r H/i'afifrnt:F4rrtsb | 4 7fii", <, frfiXtt.ry+rcb b
fi+a L r. i or tt. *iBoEi6r' E wta< +_3 ( v. b $ a/: L,H, "" ( vr /:. t**# /: t, a
tr,tr L *fry.O )\atrFt*. E r,. [:iE < EE/L< r,r /: O /j.
i : arrfijE. /\& of*+,\oH,L.rrH* D. f++#awtlrt'D 6. f++i:f$L( 6 o L
? t, a)ul=-*fr,1-b-tt*-c (6 6, I i. E1371,tib ta t:tt-;/:" ?ar. *f Lv., ,l 7
o-#iHA7)r?Tbtlb & i l:A i?. v.*H/-rcrsn f- i-- l. ?trLrts. +t4 t/Z)t7 t
- ,J, a.

er* D b. (tt {gt6vr

6. d. <.< e. <>':>bb
/r/: v I g. aL trabt h. Lt,.r6Ot'

,,ii6r;i,iarrsiir!:.rrr.r.. ,.:,::rr.r3rr.t:s,rs;9di]9.1eai6|r&^e;9fr:tst@:t a-e-s-:_.*..&lts..F-*.q.a
?gfi77.7 + .GrSl@: N :ti
'hF t: : U@*
1- 6 r9a +61z5th 31e ir*E i ?:.n17?v+1 AEE4Y
=lfrtleth ;:
k [t!t-{ & ["] / ",,H*tfi* l-:l.H+5TE,E!fC "?f+:l (,1w
:i ?)a
-JeJJrp,{lFnsnun sl.e euo'crdol ur€Ial e ol
sauo, lr uoqa,, t"r11 tc€J eql sserdxe o1 pes11 E+ t sf --l ry'79"t772a 0 grl'.? {t.+uiryrlfiftFlfrE
? a?14.
'E+4 lL++9P1
rtEE'r.7q g",HEft )(1 c ltBEE9ql@ €,L,-
a g?t772- ,
la{215: N fi+r{ : eNl @
q*q + Iecl!{l
'htl.1e1- € rfz *bEir 1z1rP iilo
"71 E,tJa!)4
6T+ > ?.fl1 'TEQa*t1#tlHq6 '*fisli1?4sfi+a+A
S g+// ,,uonuntrs I?nsnun uE
uI pallnser pue lerol utegac e puo,(sq seo? I' Q- a').t
3urq1euos,, t€rlt ]oeJ aql ssardxe o1 pssn 'h*EZ 4^?fr1,4y* 'flEU
'.4J- q f +1FHaElg*l
'€*4 l?-)J ' dSCD
c fi I x+*( 1 fi f I aEE' 2"+EIrq*EiJ @
tt+.i -
:1! a^/
rr).r*?#'E'.? {t + I E}sfi ? : oq€}-1 iiflirr tr€zE
t1gg, + f+qq: A ">74* > f, ").a1eEIaE '7214!):B
l"la *1r rhIS loP'-q1z ie-r 11:
I5 1z-!- ie -rl' EH[!,, #4I;BlqV" "6
"r1fl ({ ErH 00I "?4.,t1.9gtr : V
H{tl1E y ,,,/ ,,- ot.Qqrqrssod otr s,ereqt,,
;f (
ro ..op I,upJ.. leqt t:ej oqt ssa:dr: ot p:.n
- ii
>a4t4w#Eo!rH$) B
"+4Eq\1? l\1flrq
fiEglEq E- ) [rtr++.)*q7 : I E)@ ; 1fl#l- e
; oY+ZT$5t1
'16 trntAil^ a- \., tt-t\a/--, I \+ /t.,--^
-, -
c- r* '? .v?t&?tyfl+d ^,-l (*so
TguhYa a t @ .- lp) M
t'lrJrcl + #2#: A q 9{-@) 5;l i 1 I;' . . ".. 1 .'r ? .c. )5f ? .V?l A cl :l - 7
l"[6.+t rhFb Lrle_ slle -rF 9 :l ??14'i' i :' -i,1?.,\. G I ?.9+ c-.9Hfl'L,I ?
1e--, / "ggtB "#rgHTil*B{+l '€H4t
Ei+,ll;,, ,/ .,]r op ot llnsuJrp s,lr'- 01 saul
:uo Jr uels!, 1?q1 1r€.+ aql ssardxe o1 pesl
'Ydi=e 11?
[r1aBErg(,gE-'e21 ?€f ,t-]& :1!ri6r.ii6rr.ii.r:i,i .. .

t17.r(-,, I
:: :,,.riii!rrii!riii, ,€,,::;;i:i,::tsit3tdti6,,:,,sr:si:i6i-ria,:e
a€0)c a7)lEfi+<66 - a. *lLtt,
-22fr)a TV\ALZZC6a-aE*-t"
Used to erpress :ie i;: :::: r.mething is
ffi Sttr. 6 _ ]lil F{ ir /: 6 . E E A D rr ry b fi, tt: rs 0 22 t) 6 " being prmesrd or:eng ;r-ra1- *zr+

m fr lE. H t,:44, r4 vrf;f75r1g 222b6. tr4 +c-+- -.= -'..1--

V : EZ**f + ))64 .,::.::


*tAfl*Bl AVT iAt Ic5. Ul26

6 $-?t* (-(t*) Bt6l aF.wt='6.
Used to express the tact thet
-\henever one
ffiHHlf . y#"cTl*p JtaEH r. it -c * 0 Lrev.Xfiiiffi does A, he, she ahrar s des IA B". f
itB.l Fi"rl^.E- -el -_1,::=
= B".
,/[A<(iB i er= =..=.Effi
<.'9 eoJr]r
I el"lE'IEllJ4.
ffiABCTHH[it. *f'Lv.4a rH L?ti^lz ]' rL a *tt./s'>a
v:=11< + t*
v.6 o

& tb 6 *i+nrffiIc d {t(. ?71&) <{qlDD\

7'#-TZZ rt6l tu.|fHffi.
Used to express the fact that "if all require-
B (X+46#E) ments are met, then one can do something
for the first time". ,/"ffitr7#'+*r+, tffi
-tkfr?ffiH+' ft!H.E.",'rq€ :raol ++
qq ElEi +€7I= 6J i 94r zl5 9"1

TZZ. EHoffiAdtS Hf . LrrrS *9-.


.tl,.llt,;;1:t,1.'t,,,,tf,..,*; T + 72 "..,,',.,,,::,:,:;,.,;

&I #v.ffi l* v' b L re a L l,:+rhr+fr L ( < ft- 3 v." *Etf b a L

[Jr.t]r.6 L/L*t1"" (. 6. Hia(",f6,&L<ZZ, ,r<
aa t rr+^i6 AT-f .

@66+.t.1i L. t6={.-ril
8 -^,Etra $af
Used to express the feeling and emphasize
ffie tr 3 l"it Llir("f .2 L ;{Al: frfutsL\ l,i D. -#.t 3 that "something is truly -". ,/fif +++
*, ,Erfd "EE-"
ffJffiE",/"]€ Erl
/6 7-* ("trSfE l- a ( tta v> b" dl rC EJE - olEL 4= ++9 A:3dI= g€ .

.: ': ':.:
? tuT a ? t) * y - Et\a troti&.

B :,l,;l,rll$*15ll,i;, ,,.l..,6!-I5:!,qH'.,,;,;.;
@itrta:Htl N:EEEI
&* * /j + {^ft A /- li rt' b, &> A, fe l.7&, "c /: b z1' tt v' ? ) ! "
* +t+riAEv\ a t & L/: t * it. m L < vY,b L''
'ffrtl\atrLtiSa ?

724???'l t{-}"tS'O
ZEcc-'p .,r_fZ#l'c Fl>'q QEE'E
"z+.gH-+g '( ) a{=LflflI 9
'+1F.^)1tS?az4-4Eg'( ) ziTw:ly-.( y
"e+ ( ) XEI ')a\HYw 'fif&rys%fl e
'4-J1f t4)rrffl ( ) wS?.gE# 'JQ21+? cJ. z
f, (
) AEE'IUZ liz >aP B lls%Y:o? t
"\1 ?qflAr--&AqVtrEBH8 tcl+A I - eA !
'Glco$ ?vz?'9 .:lca9 Qral'e) L ), 4< 4s!'sv(oz*:l"f-v*4#fivrga g
'4-Jc+?14afr* '(El)'q 2: >'e) oFr{trfi--,I+fl+cM L
"+1ffi' *4Yt+(02 ? G+')'t *t (
I > ',q Fr) 'e) .^lE'8lE ( g ) 'q Fl) 'e) 161 I
,FtE ac^.e)
--lH.jf ? :tctt ) y+?Flsggf# ..g (Zec-a.9 0 Yz ) YzsfiSEHYV I
".41W (7Ztt??: q ??"'e) aryq '..? {t.^1 g +fllt i
":lc- +
1)1+.+ Qtt.V?%Mf-ry'(:l{rE+'q AEE e) dgiH 'Ft}.t yl.icd-?y t
. za
(ZE"L'e .,r_y+*l'e) 0 ?ft;trOEI+, )a 4rlrf7]S:l EE 4HHa+tA Z
al? (.^7..#'g r1]'p) 1*! ,)a4s{*4y,tttco# I
"r1 ?rt.fl#I? QElt11:I.' gQCo q' e ay
ea66&&*t6a6&6A6AtttA9Aaaa6€e€a*aaaaaaaa aa aaaaaaaa6*r&&*a66&.
tr-#lr5 ffilitf#Tfi 1r). *fF+fu*f fi (ht. */;)*D#Af tr6,
tr - #tlO t I*bA H#t. t-,tctiV a Z EWbcT . *;Et* i * t.
Z t,

tr-?ELtr6OE ?Et-t*ttLIrFlRcTl*Ltrt,OE.
l)-Tlttb itrzz. ,Z't{AffiU<A86"
E.-/J[rE E E/e[r fE+tiiar\[t z. n*Rtutf,. ff(tctrzE 6tLr.
E - [I 1,5 ? I:-V6) *EI=VZ. frfi6VU 5. at Ltehrfifrt9t F*l t,tz.

Zd|I=itrcTF-ct (Tt18. ERrS-.
tr - t5€HE
(Jt\ E
ztLd*ffil;. 'fEtfiEIgt;g : 8)tHT6 & a t: t,*t "

)/Roc -@t. a - h h' 6 -2T:iEora d u r"

t4 t-/7fi7 t(2)
t4 r> 7fi 7 jL li. Z}+ltDffii:., t'l rih*."c/:. EArit. 2004+t"H,#ls("46D D
tul:Z i 2rr. ara*("O;ffiiHA{, i/r!\r, A L ifr$i Z, 4 prllt>tvbifrghTbb.
=iffiiHA[--O--l i >,Ffi A[-O--l. -iffiiH# t, ?trLtl,F."(dn€ L oF{i:il
++EEBErr&) 6. Lfi,Lqf 4 r^/ zlt 7 tothdtJ, *)J\Ao*krtr20-30;l LrL-b ( . f+
+A rtr f -'" f--@)--l # L /: fr> L . *j A<, : - L - * fikhA rr B. F.u r [: H Ffr t L /: 0,
H'i' a 4 Z & rd,s/: 0'f
" ?ft e fr FTa fi\frXa-t,+W.fi .
t++t 6. Ffi.rr4ita;F. t4aEfri:f b tt) it. f c LF6L+f v,tibi. Li'L.
*Al,: bfi,q {,-d- < -aH^ryf bafirwLv.HP"l{,. f (t,:ir6,:i-ro-]} ) aHPfi6

a a"xn L \,', 4 7 a-ijfi{/*li. f++A L -&ft^R & o rr ( L ( 6 t,'' v.ffiA L ts -> ( v \ 6

or' {'f;fr"'f-- @--l'
a.fi'lab b. ltbb
latloa t c. [:ift, ( d. (it Lv.6 a;("6 6
e.rt.Lb f.<btb e.t{t#,t: h.trv'i.L6/rvr

,i6Pr:s*19ifl;iimiiBr1l:19Bt.lrril3iil1di9:q:9:9;g6P$.!6!8;giin!aieli9dliidrBrllgi9Aii&{elJiedr,idiBiq*9*in9{%19rr .
I rrr+)tl+:eNn * " qH)G*.gS-f. 1EE,?,A a y c+
tlgq?: + ]r1ga[*4: li
: v ,; '.? {tt1?q??rlfi n,V4 9 ? : Q Ea H* 'q Z : B
I]\1fl>rr1S+ : n
,, i co:14clE> c.,rf+ryFt(02 j-Ltw)^y_-.figly : VA
::i r
'h[r hh 3*lz *1gP"3 E o FrET rle
r1:iE slzEE lor'v*12 fh-r ,/ ""ilAF, : .f,,1,1r#?El
E4*H H ?9.1, r,, C],.:l,M ++X+HtS+,/',,-
go ,(1rlrqrssod e eq tq8ru ereqt,,1eql 3u11ee3
i! -r:
a^rleulrJJ€ (leltlceur sserdxe o1 pesn $ crw '.Fl'rt?-sfisg '.? +ti1?E?=[IgB-)] <\1 y 4 Lg
\l)!: >t4a1a :
' E+4 E++Ee€ gH ] 0EE"+H1 ?
'..+ a e \g t1f/B ? ?t1? *' (.L',
ltt gY1 E,( I 4rcl$l,agE q \1 ? -]& I
!, "n.fi-f-J- I ^ 4+()YY 'g:Eeltg a.VcyH'LI> : Hfl
I o.4-6-J- C>ZH .ft\.7F-l
2P*t4 + €:*QXI: n e !]*).f,i
$ !St'J*s I 's%f.J- I 1+a.!..\13sV aTgtEVa: &U
'1:F1ale ^
+.hrhI5 * ic-fvRirr la
1c5P th1v* iv:ta:/ ";?igl;l "€HI+r?.qy
'Tcl'x,+t*4" -'L+' EE1 trSl,+'H !++./
f 'j'ilq.c,: v&q'Fr:r&49.^FJ
',,--.- op 1.ue3 euo ',{11euor1ouE,,
1eq1 3uqee3
co.> ar _. K t I f7 r /r )- ?.7, ef ( jl y
oql ssoJdxe pue qte^ Ieuolllo^ qlra pesn :i 4 E o y(f,r: + !g ? M ) rt
'€*?Y[HC\1? f(19+a
tr 94{l-, L L
-)TCre+fsJ'>r 4S:tere*Ee
j ttt f7 .! 1 Y.,\
Hlopo.g ?"?'7.V2.l) o[s%Eft2c9!]{fl8 : fl
2cgltl + *: N
"4tt,VO?.r I JYW+.Vfl! "yIZ,\a B ) ?sfiy : V8I
1" [6 rfzr-a [t" / 1ri6
LzlzloF. frlh < ialFz 11toE i,e>r,/ ".gg$
< fT.l1+16++rr
"$E a*"v
"< fi\ 4.+F1t,4>,l4HgdI' .q ea.+
>,IllifE$lr",, ,,<ueld ro dcrlod e> uo:3 gfrf+*++:;trEil'
gede eq o1 1ou,, 1€q1 1J€.] eqt sseJdxe ol pesn a > L > +.-HrEE!=IwEt+Ho: il
"Yf,H€\1? TrIq l:
g gll,/\1PIUflE9 2 c$!:l ^, :1r0 L
f rA (@*Ed{${) l & 'r!;..
-z1=l + [Cc\trl of,
Za=l + [ec\!r]
q:sf ).HFl+i+riE E1 '91J[,\*4H 'qaA k Hfil
' ["6 ,i1a t5 oL& t6 B 5l L [6
vrrh& l' ["1 :lS ?1 :lY],' "gE[U o
,i; T.'\
*rlfE r)! 8 ' 7ri+E L! v ,, ll+ ' Y.,lEl I z
1 --1 a 91 :1 v
l fu/// !g lo Y ssec u ou?s ! \'l !l/ u ,]-r--1 r ^o'\ ag=-Fl:ttr* .7TTH#&7TTH*i'ffi
Jql sr rJn:Jr Jr.ll.. tBqt )JeJ oqr ssa:dr: or pasn
'YdgQ\,1? lqe?aae
egcDY ) )_rya l9a ] 8 9a _-lvl@
91=l^,21:l- I6
aErlDt tcEotrS[,r- *ED=11\5
^,ff* LtrgOfi titfi<I(iffi5t*b?"
* il'r' oq ftcfrmE n mle other
Lsed rc erytss
XX (Ja*{o=#) 6 i H& S Fts /-fafi'b, +f 'v fi tl peoph chtugcr bcirc lmprh r0 some
ertfir ri: = r-.$T€tuitr.
L< a v\r. /t ut*MtfrLrE Ltr60)/i&. =E_.-=5.T,4;-={Irt.
i.{ -J{ gle tjl:; *ai+ ,::1 E}4
&& e : )i',
t) / , *$fi'Ert ", L Hv\ iao = ====
B : ) A,. $ a rlL* 1 rs "cTl*.Ltr€A/jra"
''H1=l * **'"r#
a[-l-3,3bLtU til€. BDd6ft
14$ -/:ttOZEl*66 #5tt!flB*
smding tr o lirll.v consent
8XA : aa4, t) 7WI)HL. 10EH/jc(. L sed to admin
that " some{tiag is sitable fu --. .'*:t
"ffiF+=*€E' -=E*:F.S-.L.J*" //
B r.\-o f 6. Hv./iWAZEIl66h" Y,,6&6f a. --l:;:irLr'- +- ;i=. *++= 7lE
+ +Ellli= Ed-.
( vtvto
t,3r?f] + Et(DCtlJ,6,6,.::
EIETE 1", fi f ytrB+LTv.f:titrlDZEl*fr>cT, X EII{a: *fttr/1966
N:r#E (E 56) I
;+rri * v.ia.

axHohd". .Hr-slf <md+t=t

151*<ata *d.
ro(. Di v.i "S., l:ffi6 Lftz1,.
II+lyu t, t - Lffic Used to express a strong will or to show a
factual attitude. ,z ffi#14'{t4**zr jqP,!4
EH!t+7" ,/4971 'l*olt+ €,i eFoE
<*rE< ( tEv.. +Elq= s+3 E€.

&+troil&i: t*. fi6t+at*L< elt6 J " L,,,:,,.,:,.:V:I,::E=E + Artb

,& l-6 6 H*.tr. ffi kr*Effi

163^, €,ry*tffiIz
(Jt\ e t#.-"
l:az*tffilav\av\ bbBrt:T 3 (.
Used to express the fact that "an incidenl
w*fHf#Ra;gnrrrS $R causes anew sihration". ,z*7i "*e+mf
&fffH!,8#H!f+7" "/ tqqj ^Iaol ^lls+
)EJ.E rri: 5t'i.i: rs 0 *. L/:" d7I= *: s+r I +ElS4.

m 6 ) t 1" y /r r rr,rE-Lrr l, i: /r b aT, a tLa*tffiIaP

l t
et +.c) €*&131:11

I +l +-
"--l-t- +, t*s!l;r.r':.*:t;

'€+q9rl6-v09r( lC4(n:.1 ) A4tcle lluO*
q1:t'+ z+v>'a
.+o 9.^1El) 'P >aEH ?:o{tal'c q$'q trrzg?:'e
tET ( ) GE>tr
)fr 'A Q_l tf ?14(0t\7 >{t*o $G\^ 'QrA$() c-Q)l Y..-4Flsfi{t(0Ya4( t() I
"f4.rl<\Qsvy"L(- s(rvE "Fl:14a2 .a{t ( ) tlf7.fififf: fl
j rtrf7.fififl Q
EyEEI 4 ^ 4 1 4 : Y t
"-f-F1M*: n.V1.l2 'J-o-f- E k9.Va ) .'t-sSEtlS ( ) --lffig: a**** I
'+E 0Y:fi#E:lElFl:) r )x '$-JY
>YGfl :
0 Q.i Y-) q
f rr) a > aeYHX.V-*u*TA#jtr '( ) trv()Er '(
) HWq(q"t)X I
"str!ta){lffXs$llfl '( ) ?\^)1 4u=4Pf&flYg{, t
"r 1 ? atflR c*& a qtttrEBHQ tcl+CD I - e cD !
'+ 1 F 1 :,1 ? Z 11rfi9 (:l#*ffi '9 J*i# 'q 4o41H[d.srtv+./r]Qffi I
" ..,\
*.tl ; ;r-.,rEi:l ( T -11
El '?.gz (+V'q +v> 'e) \le:l{*msfiY* '$}.'t1ffi?c. r ?rlHilEEo tg.l L
"e+ (2laE7't72
oht'q 42(0{1?t'e) :t1v9w '.?{l+ o?t&+EAH. t i .^"?-f- iia41**F/ I
"(.+ca I > 'q .+(r 9 t/r1El)- 'e) c-.v44a++Y(oHtr1f q g 'Fl--,lg+Ia g
't4fi )7.,t$lfl:1O QHlAQvZY:'A{l (Q
?t/tf7'Q .trfig ??t4yl'e) flgpf V
"(-f-EE?'q -rEe|.g 'q 1#iU{ .fr oQ,\ 111f,7 E.}sSH4:ttaZgsV&!'J:tHffi
"a+E Afi
.Fr1-g{r ttl*e }e{ ()- osr--t 'Q >-8t q'{i**iii:t14qr3M}AiS .Ft4 E 4 < z- z
j r/tf7 -l :?@ffi ' ?.fi .,tvz ) 1 #n 4c-.S&.sSHY
'(21'q 2121'e) fl 'e1'q 21:1 e) 4l ; ilJyttQZ (,r*ls%[EFtEBfl+ I
"r1 ?!+.f)#& QHtlAl[.' ?QCD q' e (DY(
Z-tz/6Lf<(E) Ezl.@ctzblf (. ?* Er;t\zt&E=1 -*':':,
E-E, Et*1 #4.O*{+t=7}'>fct)ticfcAT. iXaItst< ' It=n t;
E-??6 +te8 uea L.F'r\??6. ?L\?L\E aArs:E( i**5,
E-E L?^,/e[t fris#&.EctiJ. Eff-,t t V<+e+tJ6t',*t"'tltztc.
tr - E [*[ t a tt O O {eH t: F'5E[*/J u\ E IJi[ I a $AO. a ri O r)/iB ('-f "
{itrF9.6.t )9UTLft*t,rrrgU. frl"L/jt\LE).
tr-[rEp( zzh\battuhrRz6zatilrt. 9EEE:T*h;*cttt"
l)-JZZteZT tEIt. 7 z 2os,.frl*I=Zte*T*,frtPl,fc"

/Ln (1)

l,YFt 0> 3 +4. d)

-ffi ffi v r /i "l /: a fi; I )dd a-Be.]T b .c /:. 14 tl
E+. H *tO E+ Pd r"
tYt.iL.o)fi.6 bi. | /4vr * *. -&FSf,i.HZZ..
H-*k0>W7fri:-A3-o [vr7-v.6*ru.tr) fi,bi|*->A I ( ( l*t tJup i v.6_] *("H
)EZb t--6-l= bre 1( i1v.iils vrd)73rr. -trtt * "ca L* a t Z a r<'D: ii
blt, i/:efu F@--l, l{o{y*a L 3 i:*/: [v. Lv,Lirt.6 ) rt'bl"bts\tu
tf v.ii13vr0)/:-" i"? (-/t(" )iLtai ar,!, T-{+aniD i:Et,FL/:.
t|aE itH/ll\06re>b t v.i E , Zo):t t*E ll [-O--l. r$,fffi6rif i:ts/j6
t ffi./-/a" )ut:6it]ehFdrEi 7c. t rs ( t ( ( l* t,Do i
v.6_l *a"Ei a Lria" S /:. -,t',[--t-l1|/:5lt(r,./rr.. f,d6tX*/J b) L
,B.c(j.<> /:" zLa, tL6rr:"D @, b < ) aKta zf. -Af./: afub Z Lt:-ts.

a. Liiv.)Loa b. LL( c. /3vr[p t) d. rr 6

e. rL/r( f. [:ltR, ( e. f:htf < h. l::/:.i-(

t1fl*217 + fEc-&&l '.sfi7v*$i-sfi
li 2.1?Y-s.g *W{g(o > *7 Q ffi
'1e1iEroz *E bE -i "*ry+'#o "
lE, la =1e&+
rrr vEl=il"ta"+gtr9ffE! ''Ilr4l+ : "y +E AE
,,t" fr*t{; € / lzruap elalduoc ezrszqdue
pue elduexe .. L, unururu aql aoqS E-'-sg-f-E Qta:1fi01?.946ffi
$ Ft Erl+BH.rE'21 ?
"9EWFt4Yr ut
11?-21 7 -i.9
"7'V?la 2 E
26.3\gll + E6; N E{sS$EQ.,r(:'ZcE=[B I QtA!-tlS 'Qtl?l c-Mm
1rFla1r'= l" t,+1" r'h h1o -Etta 'qE'?r,tfZFl?:q,\QZ 'zEEd:-lYr, 'c!\1 : s
F, +il'{;l.Pz 6-r,/ ''ggLE ,,-!lLW
' -a t+t\E4'J ,, v+,,/ ,,suadd€q ra^eu
= .-- ur
-- 'uoilenlrs ,(yuo,, ssardxa o1 pesn i t1f,7.! aa:l?gFJ ?:l E "E.tr/rf7$ '"1i.ffifl : Y[I
"€=&YrH€ 1t
\1 ? [\1fi-]l$B*'ftflJgfficr-l@ ltl*
}cEdtl- V
,. oz.v.vYl+t??.F]
;E :tz tt.t Q f zU+ 'qcc tr vz ) f, c-J-1f ftlEYko?YE
qcc + f+\18: n ; '.nr*
'1]Lrr1ah 5t"b laPio +1a r5ftar- G
" E.J. ' )o fi:lYsg 7: (044t 'qCC, 1E ? Q y 1V|_Wri
l'6 E-, .t' 'EE[E+R? "+ilFHfrH '€ l.i
H4r+T,, d,+ g+,/ Surueau lecrxoPered
aorls pu€ ,,llrts lnq '- ssa:dxe o1 pasn
sr 1r ,,
x ":1a4J24fr 'q,Cqn nE{t+ J t4f7 4pr:|t"J q g tr
o 6 \22vd'g
q1.-,4.-- E
cr+lR€u? lslr+z'\q9(1)-.-l@
er)>"nE + {co##v}:N
t rJC?:n
?t e Z:t dEI&+ sf ? ? ,VE+ (0+*+ ')gQJc- MFIH,U
:]tr i. y7
ieFlale ++tr +1" tlellii [u i
i: r 61tO loio [:hr ,' '+].!'fir "&]'g " )l c- tt:l [iiT{Ft €zYi' g+#' > fig4U * + +, I tfl +{ z A
it, ry* "Firt' 518[q+.+F,,]+5 I 912i,, v.-L{./ i Y.r
'..llnsoJ llr1lrru+ ou seqrear Surqlsuos'sluele d o-r P - -l - -
.{uru regu,, lrqt Surlaag eq1 sserdxa o1 pesn n '+a r + r -, 'gq:lHrl*Y '>Tlq7yftl,2 rrltl$l
a 6\22,CEI1.]<Cr1? Tl/
" -
i! (=D > {18"1- e
c ?J944 f #E*C, Z' 4DJ c E 2\12 \\@
'71 E E J.:% 4 ZVdt'5477 Z +
e:Vtt .y_T: .s771 F A\:i#irzVrtgrt#.lfFtE+fi!
>fI?: + gQE+E: A o.,\8.-?>)1:l Qrz
'lsl6 [6 rEtia7- -r.ft [z
+9"iu >, \ *'+ 2 >c4 E -> EVJ#'Fl
'le - r,/''g !1[t] 7 +l4ly,,//,,st rl ")-V$ts m
"+..1tlE?l{' ".'ifii
s" 1 el"el pue --- op 1,uop,, sssrdxe ot pesj
>f/??-; L
'Yf,E{C, l-+E(02',)-UfJ.l -l@
arAeH[,r:i€4l@B] @Et- ]-Arlt
6 3- El*tra t AA atarut*aecJ eLramElrd.
i,Ei.; Srld]g- r dlo qress..i1
re E[*tra6@0). * /j* /j+v,E rrffi* * f *r.
3E rsAtud[md[arF ff -_t:tlr,;
E.:.-.ts- FI:--. l+'Er -:..ii+.
W tt4 o1'yylii. t * zr St[ l: ts \ ts fi; 2 /: Z It L t 5 $ Q Q,
,l::aC$' $t-&, -{:i..; q-oB..l
9i ?4" -!-! a4 E* 3a. 1=r:-= +
lAilEEi:;t*.rsT*t 5 i/c.
mffi6Erii*E€.{fiAv.LI*0!5 $OO. Ellr,-lf. {,c tf I IifIil +flrrrtoo
lll:i ,:
'16 Lv'"


7 $-/41,rp51r.1
BE=EI BrU arrf*Bt*d.
-\.'-- ! "F I B - rs uocC m d+{B\ -if not A,
tX4a;*?+ & to/at rFErJ. a i v. i &i6iiA y> \ rsv.. L Bdrm"tsomErE- { --{-;:,Et) Bl
ia.a A= " tE .,.. il i*84---._-:
,Bc/: Lf-f . --\:j:,8{ ts- a E{= .' 5EE"

B= €*_;:: .*=4- 'L: E= €;'-}d4.
ffi* irtu iJ i. rr q reft L < v. (, +'du t LAU \Fi{ U. Htti, b rs rr:E$bfrr + ,|tED
v' L€bttfc? a T-f "

alA (.EZ<J @r<. [A t.it] & ) t..l

8 3-Effiz?
iA l:6i(- is rsed ro exprs -fir ir A".
$ Ilt+r* . 44 t:b ag.:g.lztfr,Z(. trBdEofUHffi H aE //,H --{i:6i=- {1,=. 'pffi
g f,.lf i-
H!E=' *:8.=" -,\i:6:-: =- e eEreA
,+-t +-
14 U /go r_\"I *4q. ;}= E:t=-_;4-*.

gtfr. b o B E6z
CI'r. i, ?. EIe.{t rfi* a rH {, f i6s, t ffi e> N:H#} + ECki.<
bat],:rsvl * L/:"

(oA9 6.'tFl? 'I >1 ?'o
; c$l--l 'c 0 .8.9 'q >{tE'e
[7) oYsfiH{- ( ) E(02 "V44 i EgI-] I >o?l Eglrl--. )' 4-s1) I
"t1*. ).>.'r:e;1 Q:|1HM'( ) .'tfl?s$-{-:'19*s$iik t
'-]11)? > )1W#7ry *a '( ) tAr{ &?2.^1WEl}tr 'flHff t
"9Q?lQZfr:{T'tA Lff <}ctzt '( )HI,E:g
')o?lry '? Z4-4&4-J.gYEl 'trlJ-EH : Y z
vzR*s%(a QYf-sfiYoT+
o:1,-rt:l? 4 'J-o+ c-.Vtt ?+E:lg51 '( t
"\1?fi()Rc-&c2gtttrH+ge ##cD + -e c0!-
t{a9a€taaa6t+a*a&a&4666!at6a*8*tttt66aat8*a9e&a6t&*66&attaa* I4rnJ
"+cww- '(){tq:l'q >z:l ?--l'e) { xr 4 h(,ryatf 'nYflt I
't^fi?.I**rtET' (0.8.q.,'rvz'q >Ge.g:l'e) 1#+1'FlJ-d*Yo? L
HFt???E+->*64at'.SBF'(O9 (.',r?'9 AAXQtrftQ'e) 722?> f 9
or4rrsg?:++H?WX ' ()1 ? 'q )1 'e) H-- 'FlYoE I
."1+E1ft?:y+ CT?e1.^?y'()c-e.fi 'q )cS.g:l'e) €|Ac+(< f
ot,\fl?? Q*.%Y+.S
f4 ,A ZZ*4 ?
'e) rrflQ trrT).,tElFt€T1(r?F|.l{ttr
'(9 c-'q 9c2c-
q'q 'e) 7,
.7 9 ?'#Y$ '( > >JlE :tt', ;; Z';;":i'::;:;:ffi;q;
( rz 'Q y+ I
":laFt1*st ) ) ? ? e) Zs|'l.fi"f-!t ').^Gtl6o*+k 'Fl?7Yr+
'r1?fiflH&QE|I11I'? c<A q' e Av
c&s&&6&**&tt6**@@6&&tt&aaSgaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa66@6&r&atB66
tr- **t6 ZLtst-tc< dA. -,A. Dpengflt:tr"
E- E Etil, *c'e6Ar\E, EfiU. 9E t*H t)frlra" \aE: T ( E4 :,

tr-EtfE i#ffFJl$t*. tr@t3/aF'1ffi/itrt;. Z=*.+;;x7-ar-*j;\.

tr- E# ffiBEr'. if < o)iE,Et.li<atita ?
tr-li?* (#^X) IEftI++t;?*, E?TrjT8*t,;-.
tr-Et*&t{/e[t 79'v 7 hrt\*Th)E,,L.Eiltrtt.&u*tt/L. -E,1. ( i:6 ; r=

t 6
zoEEtE+trt*. tar\a)*f+EE?L\TlibhTt\4h.TTh\. lJa t)2

noo-@t. a - h D b-) f?iECI/i d u \"

fi'.:t < Rla R.a+ fit E
4 ^l\Dli*@i
71; fr> -> t:Ikrt f , I )dd *iB i. fu /: lt O ffi r., ffi 7 t g -) ;,, .) t:. ?
0> I)dd ir+trfrrgi.*L(v. bat r.D. a,EB+,ftf:it+trI.\o+Nt+E;r( ( ftbi,L
(r,,/: a t rtiZ Z[6--lt a /i" +tk*./: l)dt) irgi.itl:lt 4)lE,t;F-ri.?rH',
?: r:;E- I a nz:r\6[*-il] \wa*kt*Eot46rrrattrE
iL. a D r:# L r ,: L nr)crt'
blaba "
e ffi a it . o ,&d) fiE \, r{fi {,i ? rr (. +filH rrt #,, *wt Hw-r b lyFfraT . H
D /a/: O (" il tr v.r.. L i6-i< v\ 6 "
[rLiL_] iJ. ElA("ii-it/:/:-ir. 4 7 ].'("i* 19x19 *rHeBL(v.6
Yi:r&r..4 z l.' a)[6--l. _til: a l)id oEBFdA L"ffiHAor/,6 Lir_,-;,",rr.
fiLr,t-t|/:ot lJdd o E4[:&* tL< t fi,->/:],8,o (u.,6.

/:-Ult,: b. L r.
a. c. ib d. i:6 L Cu.(
e.i:r3 t.\tLb g.:L/3L h.i:i**jfif/rvr

'.,\ *.7 > 0 g?Aef 9:l ? ?:
I€9:N rqql*:l :eNl€) ?? :
r(? + tgc\tl + ',{1.*F 'G7zt+qY)tll*gHXfr"1e++ 'sg+1 F B
'EE += Elb [e&E iefztleialr EE : FJ:r y ; El 4->Y1r&fl7 a ? ".g+J-Hgq (U*+) ffi
tz*E iiFv.t?E El"[a la r[1=6= r'le-
/ ttj+k r'hez?- - t.,'"MF*I.4*TTIFEIH+, ':l >
T{ '=+i[!+ryr,vg+ 'sgfir
/ seldu€xe suos elr? f,luopue:"-ffl]IiH"
Jo uorru
-ro;ur,,{esreaq ur€uacun aor{s pue',,- lBrp
oE@Jrr ?.]".fl$/,'E#'$lZ EQ Z j otArl)* :g
preeq I I * alrl sptrnos 1r,, sse:dxe o1 pesn ,qtl .l
ar-z+,t)J{l*4 ,!
;{fYEgTla B+E : Y&g
y:\,y> i:l s
[4]rl trH' C rJ'l !E?E+H,FJ g]B,qfl{:L ls {17 -:;'uZL
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rlfl"rJ o)
+ [€crtr]
' > ?.f?
1eG= 8z E V G &tla hltv 1' > a y+ &.HoE1'"1 * E m Vffi
c.+ffi E'")-f-.18
.: , B 'd 6 o\ ]!r&." [B;){,,1
y.l' \' LIIEE+E+#+!E(1lg1Ep'"-E s'{,
!-:[!r Y {8, e+ 'tsr+[uIs:111.7v.] Hl
,' puno:?1ceq ro uortrpuoo saoqs qorq,r g
y srseqdue pue ',,9 J?J ool" sr lr os 'v sr ?.fl1 Jtt - + Q.1 Q: "Y Q
8uq1euros,, ss:rdxa o1 pesn sr Ig:l{l}V_]
.eii# "Y|.lo.vf 'vggto E9 VM
tie ,1Il\ltJ \1>Y+ '111
Fl4V ZEZEH+g+IE '? l-E ]+=
llf1.7-. L I
v'$gE)v I' Ar.y1q 18 rrrr:Jvl@
2r1g?qlt + E*ffi: N "+1Earil.}r1
' e=L'Lb rlLe E=
il.|]1e @#+Va I -4 < Lrj+* 'rtff E Lt(oLLWM+*o89ffi
lt tL= rilz s--r.,"ilElH =18 "fisE v.
yELl. - Yx ,,
9*,' ,,- Jo srseq eql uo . Jo
(d+trrlGET?i$i 'p4!fltti#*$m
z \\>11?
esruerd eq1 uo . uo p:s?qrr ssardxe o1 pasl
" 6 >E?/Vn'S',
r zy_ 2t19Ell^' 0 t
g(1? t2l _-rHE . tlfig+ . vE&-l&
q * I d d, {--E '
li "TTEE AEETUZ '*,\./ Tg:F=r.l (tE 'ZV : B
q .1+q@.(
: ^-.%e {
rJaZErlSJ'ag,tsZ.{ffiEl:V*E :Vm
:l 'r .r
ij '$J-E.r..SEH.,\HE Q ,r ? . 17 ?
29 + ++qQE: A * w 'trt:l'Ll+ '9; '-f'..)(09qHQcyfrT1*+T/1,(oY : B
1e[\1atr r= t.hl! lo.Py!--lz E ..0$FEJ-FI?
bB (L: le-.Pef') ) ./'',,il,aEfu \E+4?itll!+
#y{" .\r,+r/ ,.suaddeq ,(lqtssod Surqieuos :Pr
(uoqeqrs oql uro{ 8ur8pn|,, ssa:dxa o1 pssl-1
ZZ fr 4 *+TI':? -l')- ? + \'1s%9*fi]{0 &
tr' Fl Ygz/Q: V m
I ? - 94t44l7EEP f F+ (9,4U1Yi)l@ I
:i" 9=+l-rf.. 6
or-trlSctt@c_ tr\:'Ei
13$- ZEtil, Xe. ilfGEt-i6i6ilHEFEilAar
!6 d.
L-iEdD.qml aEre e c - -- and show
X& (Jarr,H,+i:) + /, 6 v t 6 pr t3 r,if,
E i*#& F f/jl. thC Smumm !r L-.tprrurnilt ril*: requireS
'a?i: - r-f t' i-=:.. &
t ffii,*= )\fll-l:A-r l:1r i. ) r.. --EEE:lF{rErE4trt
i.r -- .!:, 9! i. +t* {:-:. *s}ol
- -- _-.lE
:; 4: + -.r{;t
Wa : D) LI r. Lff- f rrffittafbtrv\" S#i f ( /r
v.ZEaL. EEE. u r,f h ArF*ti(6 b*;)i'ieb. 0EilXr'+ C&HL
B: ?)L/:b, W

a*m6q=n IE{FCEieI;EtrE
14# ^'E?8 Etrn6"

Lsed n il* th< :m Lrqi n uririls or

ffi (/'troEfi r] #S ) a fcrmai *inmr A.1=.
=:i*i, . aZ -+)= ==. ==+84
EH 7 frilHE?*.
1." trlR\ot )',0 /j3 t".
1721, t, ti <
. {:
";i ?z,l; "-+=_>
A(+EI) .offiflii. ^t) ypftw/:
rq,A. #E+IEE?*. H:I:l + E?t
It/-if r.
L(*j V) *.t/-"

affi+r- lz--<Lg<r6tt*tr1
15)-Et*&t*/*t r tGz6#.
Used to tell smme rhar
tre ft E *i'ftr 0 L/:&t4 E *iE Ltt.4:0 /cv.o)rj-rr. do that mrch-.
1'm don't
Ert-=a "-:=ffi+Un[-
have to

+ffiq);' :i*=ii, !'--:ctr?l .r,J4l

a"*l5Aitv.i.rr(" L r ) i." 4a ?lo}tr {*, ,- a+= =€.
B * t. v. 6: L* bL 3 t:tj V:Ei)ILT
H6 < /jEv..
N:,IrEJ '

8a +'it'tt Ll:lfti ,r-V\V\lvf f ,\o

B t,ripr Z, ?trLIiIl&7;EEL&. ##ri6 v) *f fi,

.l 6 A6.Htt\ft*l- trafl /t - t I E*
16*^'*f\6 q.
I!a : fr;a*, trABCJ osE+ttb r) *fr.. Used to expss the frr tfiar -rmething is
perfatll- done-.
-4€ gg.:A.-
ga.. err{ ar g +
B :'r4.*t1". frD StaT L*. "c/:.L("f" g5E. */: 4{E}.

,^'|, * j-" v:#uiF=F + tf,r6

mB< i. Lir/c < 3/-a brt,b, afl-ttrr*#8 Bfulaur"

.'t f+.Fl f, 9f Fl :'l '+ 'o
)tr-G? $ --l
',p e/C'O ,e
1.+ ? ? I c---l 'c .g?
E,\>1*?A*s$ffrffi?+, '( ) E-lErag I
'-f-"){t.++14a2'Fto ( ) v*9)(d4arftffiaffiEAaz n
8. > >qEzJFl/..t '( ) +g+r (Y* 0 $b e
; FV '..? {t7.rFJ ( ) EiiT{-)J+( T4( L. }.flVgsg$ffi z
oT ( ) . &? -4 4 rsc{s c4 ,n.stAs?.v4( 4+Ft"7E I
s 4rfiJ
'rrrf7 (rlg'q 0 E'e) {fwFv '+lEqRI 'n.v,\*sfi&4--.v I
.g+E agrtY<+-6.+E.+E '(Y+E A:l(+',q Y+F!OTeS'e) Ft--l? $A.V:7 L
T#VE (EG--l 'q Bo'e) VtlW 'Wa2 <U*ry> 9
"q r1 E1:1W6'(?"'q 1.=??:'e) +*).gt'$YgUe{'..7*UZ q $',E I
I a tttfT '\"1
(.fi?'q .91 'e) .E1<z'?lF.l t; Q2la 7BJ-s#ElIl:\?2 77.'r)18r9-l n
q 9)? ')EJ.919 '(:ur.+'q ">{tr} e) +,\x,l4E?.^1flffflg*9o*Yo" e
':la E
q{0 () +1!1Uq: n1Qfl y n+
94sfi).a-{+&E.,r1 W(o+tlA*WH '()r1..c-Q $.)'q )rr-c-? 9--l 'e) +{4oUd! Z
'2tq)lt{tt*Y.flr*$sfiE'9>>*.Pfl?: (ZQ'q q e) 1f+s%Y- t
"r1 ?f+.f/#.r& QfltlAI'? QCD q' e CD{l
asa866ea6e6@6@@&&&6es6s6G*&tecaaa.aa aaa a a a a.taaae6c&at6a6a66
,*.A a, b Aa6, E-Lt\t*a 6iEt}/adLr"

1 j L. f6tf a a7t+r-'it*L @.a/ttb b. (iJ) ?"

2 ,4 x*- (a.t:t,b b.h*v)) v4/ @.<:< b. l:[-ar. E*tft=i:6a;
llt, .) if 4 *;v. | ( /3prl2.
3 -/\d);6tHvr(v. bt DL DrJ_r[Lv.L i*r*E (a.'Ersur [. frf;rr -

4 ,^'11il,$fftt.Wr,/:a (a. a L L tsb L b. t4ffiU:) ,€*ffoG*tftd>t:,

5 HHOH;H(E./:i. L tTfrL h.(i*Lv.6d) b. Lu.i r"s>, ti.
6 FEo/.DiEE&ifi*iH L (a. ir/:v, b..c.c&tb) < a f:.
7 aa j i rrtrffi/rfi$li. btrLtrtlofi /iLlr114pg L (a. f;ltsr. b. :J.t6 ).
8 tL$o;f aL3 itffir.tLlraD. 7 =.to) (a. : L trsbL [. /;1.: L t,lir\i. a[:
nflr,.-tsb L/i"
I A : frJA*rilAf&NriKDtri.c/:1,]t. +iEiJ@ElFF/jie.
B : Lr )i:-trv.->A" ?*Lzj.rygi (r.Lv.i {>a;/;- b.latiD:L|JAEi J,
10 AttffiEl:ij*4tr$irrz.gr6 q, <afr#f (a. (,:r6a ( b. t: L 4t frbtlb,s*
Thb "

11 ffiLv.p"5pg6 )\a)Jt,f$Df l:. Ah\a)Jcfr+r+r3 bf alzt*-> (a.Thtb b. (

a?). t/\/:'t=zb"
12 E+6 A,t*., 1fr7'D+Hffi&6 6c(, a(LUEo (d. oofr>b b. A* l) ) &5/:'L(
Li. ->te "
13 {Ei*. +f Lv.fffitH,Z @.<}ttb b. (tt) ba<, tigrrl
( 6+v.. ^t*e><Ha(v.
14 a ao L.b.@E,W+r !?fiIrr#6(v. aoT,ii'-',-xaHf. Ltjsl*L (a. i.
teb b. (At6 ) "
15' A E,Litw*[:cv\(ofi;&*r#Fr66. Efir. -+H. HXaffiE**tIt: h. li
tJaztlt*rb b. aLttbb).
16 fErrfriE. E^\t-f b J. i r,:t*->/:o)t|, lEo+o&W\k1fr,rtE€f* (a. (E Lu. {> a;/:-


>Z *44 2 oWYg ? c-.f-Fl;+oF6 '(--l{1..} 'q 9 aa 'e) 1 ? 0 w+ 1+ ? c+?14 9r
'.,r*7>)-1SCtlEg (1sl??'q )y+?: e) -f-.F.f.)trG)l 4"aH+/ 9t
":la F1 >1ff+TWWloZ'(.9
?'q )Jr?'e) 4?REJ Tt/rffia$lW(offiIflflt TL
>G+f (.9?'q >1a.e) W_ ..fi"1f+{fl*.lyzE){.f+ Qf ZgLL>*.|_ yt_t( er
'+ E 1 7.r :lt*w ?t**ft HH ca () ?Z --t'q go :t'e) :l Hg: (o*!ea d&'fr' zt
" "
vz *J-Fl? >H* Q ? .(0.e.fir/r:p7'Q Xc-c-'q 1ffiffiy+og5lE tt
" "44ffi4Crir
c \,1 (--l+r+ 'q .g ? 'e) ZZ X g ? .l a .44.L3T^pig*ff(& .Fl)- y 4-sr(/Eg 0t
"ttr$1, (:t+l+ 'q (oa1(.^flQ
'e) rlQffii:l") +.dii$"Ftg+ro: 6
'.,r*il ) rm+..nw '(EG:l'q --l+lrl'e) +Hl4w#H 'Flg(rEE g
'(.'tvz.Flf,ef Fl--1 'q Z Q'e) 1BHsfi. 44(ogl}00l:,)E- '.Ft?El+.1 (.S il(02 L
"gtt.V (qU g .q gc-c_.e) VggJ-!"JR i ,*(0a g ) +__,lqy2 g
ffi ".1+E AEytT2 >a+za-ffii{ '().,r-.c7 g:l'Q )Ge.g:t 'e) y(oE 9
'?lQZ 7-f-9E,E@o*HI+WH. ' ()c'S.g:l 'q a(oX Q.^Ft?'e) Hfl*W n
ffi .r?
w 92
o 9 tl1.y*tl$V 'i'dca: '(1.+ ? ? 'q --l{1.}
'e) :t ar+ ) E gE&:t?4+:l+E(r&{E* g
'flrA)-J,tyy44 ()Ge.g:l 'q )r1..c-? g_-t 'e) 4*(0*tH .FlJ-v+*o? 7,
"(-f-;ca I (.,r ? 'Q "1+8.,0 T €rFtr) 'e) z#:1- 4 --.w4r .)-orA{gflrkw t
"i1 ?fi.flR? QE1t11!.' I QCD q' e OY.
F"5EE 1 )fr.aYa ( ) [z^tL6at;ffi6&t\€0)6. 1 3 . 4z):E-:iEL|/a

ra+atu. ( ) #. B. Hts,/jrr. Eo>t46. *ffii*f"t<"&)6

1 Lr. 2 LL< 3 Lu,->/: 4 &L'ill'

,fl$rnl'tLv. ( ), Elat irrt I., WLa*lr'vr i:*( ( lt/:.

1 l.Ji/4.< l:6r.r.irDf3i:o34i:i./:i(

( ). +LA/rrr+iLv.ilt6rf.
.r)I."7-7it. -)\ary'l+
1 te>("=( 2 Ar:31,:L(il 3 &6Ll: 4 &*t#r;
:o)8. lHW. ( ), EPfliltL ( 6 f ii'6 Lt,'.
1 itLv.i L 2 i*6LJ0 3 ti$trbA, 4 ii5(*.'3

( ) 4afr.( l:t*a-zt-f r 7 e-:r > z7 l- 7 6 6 D. A[|A L*>* u)

*.b bts\'"
1 Lv.i 6arl* 2 Lilv.i{0>0> 3 Litr.*D/sv. 4 t_e^Z<

/='Eo>< > ! e > aiblErii. Y4t#"afr4. ( ). trortutAt:'EZ* L/.:"

1 i: L<il 2 i:[Ec ( 3 i:iAc ( 4 tt.Lb

+EAfRTrt:ru\(. v\6V\ b71>&/:A ( ) |t,tr-L(v. b a trl:, ffihlto>

+H r i, *!10rtrrH z< ui. "c /:.

1 <\tA 2 (i* 3 <.< 4 <<b

ff-4 > ( ). E < ffivravr( {> fgli-lrv. L v. i ,*iri:,li}'.">/:.

1 itL 6r.< 2 itLv.iL 3 i:FE:( 4 l,:6LCv\(

iF.ffi ( ) ,\frT4*.brL<v' btr#irf+i:ifttL<*b a L ii. L ( 6 tr ->t:J t- ls


1 i.b-rbt 2 /:pr/rfi.:( 3 ,'3D 4 fi'lab
10 fBts W20ftab,jtji6i6('.t *rstLF-fi;h rl * L/:. Ef Lv.. L*rr?r. D ( ).
t [:si-v.t L*f"
1 ryff. 2 i.xr s -n
4 {,t,
11 .z.61rfl1iCvr(r,r6 (

4.ElE+ <,)ftb, "

1 aL Lrsbt 2 .La< 3 :L/jL 4 ir/:v.

F":82 )RAyA |;l*tLte:=F-X\trlcD &Lrfr. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4r)DF6fE


tr E z r l*. 169rrErL( L * i . *tl* r10r\rliU b t ) ta t

ESPd a btta
1 llA,T;,.Av\(" ilv\ bt.Ltsv' 2 l+/-f 46 i:itfi I tl'rrv.
3 II"A,TJ*/:/itJfi 4 II^LT 4/:v.6 ot-

2 tYlrt> p ->/:art,..'...o a raif frEffi;dAl,: 6 6 -ct:ft)JrsBE:ttr. B. /r LLrt,

/R &)"

1 rr*s I t6r,,i 6 0ti. 2 ts*:bALiiaifAflsr7r

3 Aij E t3vrz 6 l, /j 4 /r*r'E rr ( ( {> v.t,.

+tra+r v l-,ftll 2nH6 L/:ilD. +*/ji:HHv./:t Lir/rr,.irDO*BED Lv.iH4

a". ffiv.*;A& o

1 tL"c /:/ir,l *. L/i-> /: 2 tL) /it/i- /:

3 +Ii /iit("lifsfi,->/: 4 tL"c/:/itla Z LtJh"c/:

IUtrrE,6 L 5 +t: (6v./jL. aia<"Dv.a;flE-mE& 5ifrv,(

1 Tt'lrsv.i Lf .6 2 f]r].Jrsv.i. L 6 /av.
3 1Ti.rrv.(" *a < 4 Ttfi,lsv\(-" ilv\ b i1lrv.

BFE arzr* 7 4 -(ffi.tlf 5/: j i f:-. ry E dil,ffi/jti D. gEriffi ( (

1 ffit&tbt.b/a 2 tuffitv.iiL/:-
3 fiU$fiDF 4 r 4 ftr9ftD:4 D+trv,

v\r6ffi Lvri L iJi. 0 E-cAi 6 Ev.L,E i r'6 Lir-rrv.iiD. ?/16. *EaBlE

1 Lv.)aL/: 2 Lv.i6d)t 3 L0tr.36/rvr 4 t a.t la

7,8+rrE+*Bi:ltrL( &i.c/c" ("6. atrLrt'Drrts/j. l-->l']r) ffitfrL(. i.im/aE
el- o

1 L<</jE6 2 ls-<Li./:ir/ev.
3 L( v.v. {> 4 ls->a CI Lv.6 O/j

S l& rr( v. /: Etfr t h "c < RtI b o lt * lc 0 ffi a a L rf " t, 3"i, € t'l^a ** (" *s tL i: v'
b->L* b o

1 [:iIr.a0*t/- 2 i.it*3]LN*iiA,
3 i: 6 L Cvr(v. * f 4 l,:f /rpr7, v) *.t L

F6E3 )R.A$A * t;,^.6ft6 &.v\$AA.1 . 2 . 3' 4rE-?iE(I/rdur.

1 2 Etts * rr^4.i:jVZr2bv) *t"

1 i: 2 )t">a 3 rt,i,->/: 4 4:tz)vr->'1f

2 Zo)hle D r-67t *v'ba*.r,r * L iliBi.

1 i.bL< 2 Hvta 3 P5 4 x

3 ++Xi*EHo+r * . Wffit#t L( L * v'. tDle- EI


1 Lbttf: 2 tril 3 e)rl< 4 WfrA

4 \r,*ts4 u v l- o) _ * Ea(#Eff [:ft[/3v:.

1 t 2 ,16v. 3 ..r.)f,7r*tt 4 ("til:

5 *flirEa(v\6aLilELv.L * a Lrrr$ lspr.

1 H< 2 2.$ 3 *tr1: 4 bfi'\

6 ?o>lt+i:_ * LEv'8tLb/ibirt,.
1 g--if 2 #i.fru(v./: 3 ygiSv:/j 4 E6rr

- 7 ZA,tsi:/:(ELaffiW, * ryE*ri:iJ*S*,r|/sv:o
1 16 2 LAv. 3 4 ',ffi&.
F"5EE4 )RayEa--dfi,LTf- 1 lr,Ef--5--l o+t-^6&6tr\60)a 1.2. s.4

fl. if rN?Tffi i.R. b a fi:'W fi, -,> /. o t a /: e>, - +-= - I1 y t \ tt.Tt < a L iJ (" 3 -) i. t6 v r L,E. c
<b3 D&;(v./:. t abrr. +./\ritt+< , 4 t)71:117,7* ( <l*lsbts ( /r D. ,H.v.t7-a
ff 6?T< aLi:l-/:" -E'tiillrv.tb*bet<u./:/:-lll.,4 rt)7t1,0ftS/#"l(*/:F$il.
i. /:'fi 3 t r,. L v. i f--T__l " < L < . I 4/:.:t fi,ftf:ts \ > fi, A ) t, t : *. /: 4 S',J X,\1T B.

< L<, ifr.lt-t 1 >

alk€ti, :trL : L ii66 * v. L i frT*6[--3--llt/: D ( ilv.*-. ? a L
lE DFIT,'.*6 r,,.

3 ir. Eff L< DaR€..6 4rrffi ba--4 l. Li. L. E 4i:,8 ->a ( Z L flrri?E( L * v..
q,-E--o*rrt-rbortrffiHt:rsrg. fr#E. hffi.-/:3 D l: ts.<L*.a arb6. Hruf--5-_-]
tLttT 4 )vAtfi )lrt:),,tttc*.*.. w0>fft110>t 3i:;12r21"
a o)frL&.t < l] E L ( v. b a t, tt., trL],lffil1tr l: 59 t +ffi. b o rrv. + t. ls <> ( I /:. < L< .
La t a+Ht+ffi.Aatpd>/:" L. 5Ea+ftDf i:v.68+F{. t4ul:F&tR b.t
?*Ly)*., tLr,*wFNfiftTrt:',1-t( t 3 iJ. , r 7itt*/:f. ffiffi€;60 fi ) 1i:JjE bb.t t.
L(vr b. ?a\a firffiW6$*v. L. Eir-&v..

1 1 -i"++6ii/r ( rr o /: 2 -i"++6rrrfi < fs.:,/:

3 T=i*L i:iJA bb I fa-/: 4 R++r,t**.b"c/:

2 1 /r*; 2 E( 3 Lr.6 4 frsbL

3 1 f 2 rr 3 it 4 i:

4 1 fi:i*v.bfuta(rab 2 f[:ijv.bfursltsbi.6L/utrv.
3 f i:i*v. bttta (reblibi q f [:iJv. bturs ( rr,6("L r i i.

5 1 E 2 ii 3 3tl 4 -llfu.

16* I)0)-IZ 6*t)aBdE. T<tEAflHA*Uft"
I-fiEEiE fri:p Lw. itLr/c#EE a zr(t;ftsr61 au:fct). *ffiaE.{y,
,j)ff LU\"
I-ft@&iE f&tt*6f. Lh\Tbl,t;htD&)t!. E CIHt)ijEfl(Lrt.

tr-EI5tl6 rREaE6E*rtr6#iHt0)F,:EH{;?L\(. H,E ad

E.'E[rp/e lEL*, )+, X{:n v i Ettctc)r2)v&,ffi2r. i-E*iefl]a.L,<
tr- (O) ZLtihtb EaazEfi#5. c**)ftr\r*ffiH{;)F*rifcrrTf fa.
z- Q?*te bt zd)E*EIr*. a*ae*b bf .,ErJ.r6;=frEEt;/a : /c"
tr- 6#!tlrf -,\t*. &.LrshtaTt\6at tt**>t, *z6t,tz"

)ioo- @t. a - -2f :iECIra d

e h\ b U r.
It tv= v7 r*.1 L u, )ffiRtf.["" (v. blab ) fi," t )v3 v7, *L iJ. 1000 r.
20004i: Air/'*'6 L v'btab. Eu'ffi[*F."rETbb. zo>ffiRl:i'i'. /:,#,#il.

:- t
\, 6 5Ar,,HE:1&l*
,JL ,i
L D( v' b Lv. i " 6 * i, oHRa l: .,8,#
d;-6L(v.6E+f AS+. tt$+/r D. E$Ffi t W"pfra--@-l4f&HE", ( L* i. A.
zrlit,:El:v.<v./:f @*--], HrcqnpaL* i a t robb"
ffiiE, a7)t )v = v7!*1,:. 2- v +, > t wtttrLbww.T]^-wlfiL(v. b a t fiibfi'->
/:. t v +r 7 it. tu* r. fiLl:r>aam\flffij. bwJH. L L(fu bttav,/:. L*. L.
.tltttv=V7r*28*?bb*.1.+Za L. ffiltrr^m.< /r ":>/:" )*.0, *v*.t
7 iiAat[--@]. ffiEE[: 6 Frg t+zb. t fi]bfi,.:>/:btl/ifi:. E'*.t HsEE*rH
l*f bo)it. f,l'l:t,a1Heifi-e 6ED btlb. "#r{,. *jEErr+< LHRiaf, *jEE/rv.-;
iJv\ (,: rs b L HE ( /r 6 f6--l ii5,$Al* L /: i L rt: &> b la ba"

a. a&rs b-f b. ,. L,B, L c. fi,o) I i t: d. 6 ,.* rli-

e. lt:*:tl b f. L v. c /: S. b* q a

9,9dPl1l!elel*A36F6rsi!$ie|qa*;:oi@llysyalAlon9:9J-ddyo:1rr:r,:. - s.&
@t(=ffi r*z f rl*r4l,r6t; t 6e-o)&
T! ;t^,
"t- fDAX.aE fl,A&.51= $ )1..1 ttllHr*"
j ffi (tr9) *. b<'++ha€HaiE$;
Used to express the fact that "(ir reality, it is
L < \.' bh\Q&.a1.. 1)
if ,.' ".,, "(i[64Ejfi+) i.]ri4
not, but) as
--1+" [(rH.E. ,/ r({nl= r_i;:l 4zl+)
h <
Elil -ileJr ol4= elEl .

; ffi, tf 4 / ," l-v ZaE)\l*, * 6 ("jtt: E *.tu<v.bht [r3rfJ] + D\0)&fl-
e&.51affiv.(_Ei /:" I
@ trua: 7.;,'rc56)
li! ;ri


2,$- th\*bt f
(l oH!*.
Di. + < fi t. LAr\

, ffiAiE. EHo+r. ,t\Et'r)*bdtLW.t L(v.7"#v,t y;

Used to express "basically there is a problem,
but one does not cme about it". /" ].lt*iiiI
fi 1t/t ltltu, F jH,E'.,/
rn5:e +!l7l-,+.]tgjrfll/r{."

'l+ftr(F,fi,tIb" 9'l+. 1l-l tl? 1:l _e].rr

+= 9"1 .

w?ow'l+.t*. lH i, rrltD ba6h\*,bt,xa+i:7ft0'[/- f

L3r:)fl + @bir*t:!'
T, *,)utWtlt:" @ INa :T'Erd N :Fgrdl
N :/\E + b/)\th$

.t€r:isii6giiriliiiiiiertnsrr:1rlr:ro:#dl9al:ila6raldt9ai9ia96tl6r:icr*{;r:riar;ilsr:1er:rEsrlsr:i6rrii6rr:rifi+ , , -

&Et)f": 1.. 6 aSffi Drno)+ffi1-& 2 T
.: a t v\a-td.*9.
a ttra

ffi.oF+F.niJ. flEit(v.l:htEBiE ft.i:p4t),Uf : rrr *]

Used to express the fact that a rnatter is
changing to a next matter in a short time. :/
Jtz.'6feEiFl /,1, H+:i,,I;lT i1'+:1?rl!.d.E.
&>bfi,b, &Lti-> (vrc /:b ? 1t ,/ale ^l+q qu ^l.ilol trl-f,
rJ a9
s{1 .

ffi E sErroi:. *,-JaE /-. +t L< a /i.'. !''

V :}F:ft'' + b'&Ef e
4 L. * /:rHi.ll(11 - /:"

:rgtal!u:$t:tctitct:gtaetBi:i6r3rft rrsr:9i;r3srrs

4],^.gr*tebt i
& [-ri lJ
e fi < J & ur

only " in u riring.

f 6.:916-= 3 =4

ffi (trE) 4P, fl,WtrlZ*te itH'tt 6, ffLo*"'+r'' tufir,b Used to express "not
"611'f(E" H!+EiEJtltn{. , r^-"Jol
olulz|] :IY el.lg Eq il39l +al .

ffil: tlE. Btt6*E. +fffiffittr-f z i rf. A:-Ul,) I
B: ? i fi," al}A,*tebt. B+i {r i.....'.. i 6 6 nEdF i[
t7-r'L*- N : tf+(r66) /
r)t, \.ct,.a :'

. -...,- -" -.',*,,,J]

&[Attt:Ic il afira. BOft*ElrJ

5} ^' ELtcta E lrtlcd)6 AE7tr9 "

] t '- /: B.] is used to express A which
,, ffit{ilara*r.if:r 4 ++tr.."v*:zr Eltctc7 rT
1i is a typical example of B. ,u,H [A ! t , r /:
B..l Eln7il,*zi B Eillttl-lH'.titl]+ A",/ [A

j , t\">(.5H4+ftc(3*.1-/:"
' *o"= er i1 L ii
&!',tB.l el eqlE Bq !l_e4oJ qlst A
$ €'l4".qEl

r, ffit<'Uta;t4ZrsL.y i ) a ) ("CJ, rt+<, ttL7,


' ,,N':<b-yV '* &.1\:lc
: Ltctcrl,gJWfirl.lfi4bllu<v,b. ;l

;idl$*jll$;il*.*r.arrrYe6*6ilakq**gkadls:r$ifted]r@ldlielsi6@*&sa*a.ssxs- --aE i re r

el-6t D 0)N l- ) AYte. N f)tEtr7)\#

,1,,*$,,a 6*L)o)-Ii <. giEet*r4urfiExt.66 - tt*d
* ffi ara;++f. Sffi [::u.(Af&EA' LT ls ( <, fr)*UAF &7n"
) b * l) oN l: l is used to express the m-

ftBor A t EA 3 ltl:
t:^h A
I. usual result caused by N which goes beyond
a certain level. ,'F, l&>* I, oNi:l fl!fl7{,
;I *,rr N H!Btt lt,h-rE. ?;tlE-,!Cffi ?g+"
ffi^DHSrHr. bfr/:-xfi Lv.EirHEiHl*. fr>*t)-t: @ )u';=l= ,, la*\ o)Ni:l
;ll s=i
el a3r1]e N9 4E7l *
E E- + $= ar+71 'J e.9- s€
il d

!i &E*:igv'oi'/rvr j i /:-.

)11 N ;6*0CI 4 ,,{fi 1 tr

- Etrtl6
, jtsilr9,6lg6rv;6ix6rrr,:iors*ioisr*gr*Aei6iiaiidri.id!6,!dy$riil$ytiF6isaxbrl*****ith;iat6iSi@itsqsp-n9rfsiq6r6;6ghg*sfr#tqd,
@lA l.dilJ6 il aYtT, 66.ffi (B)
'{,"f**} h\ffiut aBFfrpE+rdd (N E*.t.
ii ++-#6
f mrEA. h 7i'.,1ruE*rtr6'Ef+fikaffryr. 5 *u?ft
E C -*E)o
$ [A (': # il 6 B ] is used to express a place or

;i"'; iHl: tr': (v\ * f .

time (A) that something (B) can be realized.
* Used in writing. ,/ frl A t:*.i
A ilA\fl,^,
f:.- 1
t;TiXS: ril i.E.JE\a'l @q.hfiiFfi ( A).,/l A

$ ffi zoro+ gE*JIr6 + tr oGDp i*. a ff + i: It-r a 1.0.3o/o a il i:Jjli6 B.l 9 €r,f s qB (B) 7I ]JenI=
i,, +:lLI ^l+ + (A) I LIEI.JEL +ol nl 4 "J .
.r tBln t- ts 0 . trryffi 2 liuL_ rs ba t firnEXL tt
.J FF/' -> t:" :
:16rrr'r rele:::*rj,:$rr$rlernj!aierrB:191*:a;iat:Eipus!e!9dn8neaBa9*;:rgi*tBtB!ffi!1s!1€*srlstsrdededjerlssrrh*:9:9.'
N :EA + l.AjlJ6

@EAREa e75\ 5=flil-iE#.ll . TISd

vLi. f!\z< t aa
Used to express natural presumption or
expectation of the talked-about person. /,!.
ifr,U fr!^+rr g +*.drl fr E r+Eil{fr1fr t1.,/e+
llel "J+ rr-gtr 4^l .J€31 += ql+EJ€
sql .

rr N:Eg, + Oztfj-h\6 .

I..UJLA a€*€&**&e66a6e€€aaaaaaaaaaGa**6446&sa6*e*9684$@66e*a*8*6&6&6

,RAa. bAa6. E Lt\t*a6iELI/adtt"

1 lLt.rivrr{>. 7 7 ) :,/ a lmAirt,b+h-tlfiLl: (a.rt,aI i l: b. : La t )i:) Jr'

U < turslf4il!& LT v, b
2 +D6/:6[t. EErri6*tbo> (a. i:r'*.hf b. 6r.*r"f). ]?iEcNl:FFl,:r4c(V:

3 fEi*v.9-i:,&z /: (a. r. L,8., L b. b t,E i L ). f (I:EHR,0 tlhd>/:"

4 lEktJZ I 4 tv @. rir,1rs59 b. a\rsbf). 85tr6 3tr1v./:-.
5 H+tr,6. H+E,HI (a. Lv.":>/: b. L L /:) fuZaL.bil. #. H|ilrt:F,i_f:Ik
FnTa* b "

6 4+aH-iJ. (a. e>*Da b.h* 4 i:; 551,:.r73>&.tJbflfii?<te-r<L*..t


7 EAtrtt (a. rJ5il6 b. i:#ut6) H$tHa+E-64t1*. ffi+fr&aaHrf"

8 z{r 3 / [:$ffvrffia; (a. tr b. a L tifi,b). 61l L v.v.fi*tf[.; (v.,6l,3jSv:/3r,r.

!..UJL B s66666666@€6A6+AS6*S6*eA**A*****&**64*g+ee*6*6S6&@e@eg9aA666

TOa - f a+h\bffi6trH/a6o8-2jE7)/Jdut"
1 1Fr,*.tszO+(.. HirE(v.6 ( ) t3/r;=*(.ffiv./iL/:.
2 atrLtt 6L6LH6 /-a74f7fsati, H+5ri**6r. H',irttZi-/: ( )

3 [f84. friE. Lt.t*./ak)l)/-" 6c3*t+',(v./: ( ). F.l:F*0 LL
/.'i, L('.....1
4 fEil. i'- v l.ttA ( ) F"IEE I:-cv'<6frfr,L ( u\ 6
=*o "

5 A : ltA,t tt.lVLBtJtabO ?

B: a L" /;'*("ftlEL(5/:U/1. 1 )ffi+31,:.

h'c A
+tr:?. +t{Er3 /e ( /r"" (.
a. b* 0 a b. a&-rs bt c. o L fi,!.bt d. ,. L,B. i L
e.fi,aI)[: f.tt:t3tlb

tr-t? EE[*XiH0),E EErfr*fHf taT. &{€ZtaL?. I ) T 6h'
)*D(( /c'dLt"
I-E[tiEEI* 3EUEISttraEEI*. 2Eflrs6 6+EA 1bbLTttt"
I,- /J I t E E E ti z z d h ) t tt tr z a, Iitr. {'] 6 E u /a r.
t L

I-[iE lrteZEI*tJ[r

t) u'
ftR dtttx'Hf+t*. EB+0)6o>EIEEt*Lt t%*.6tt fx"
tl - & i ?l*/* [ tft a* LtT h XAt] ti (. Z a H a H fli 6 t : r t E, a ?li/e I rz)r" \

tr- * i $ Ob A, EE[*JH& L \r) E . .EflJrs Lh\ l, &a $a6 5,. q Z <* E tua &

[J^,il[t In]hib:(6.

ROO-@t -L6=#ATO - h r) 6-?T?)EL)/a d t"

a U

i*. zetl-fL/:Lal+B:o j i rrEffitf bafab)fi," ?l.Lti. APfii:[EEf. f
.s<agfi+no+.lfifi,b42a < (iia D ft\tfib i.
#*. g)JryJt*" Hh\at{jthFfra
9\rctr"avro.[-c--l , H,:+tJttTb . t itr 3 av." L*. L. ltl:u[€, ]. m
q ilfuWt.b5[(rzr6o L ( 6 HE{ a L'E D(ilv. Eitlrr,.. ,Eif i:. *sEH./;u.c tfv.
oBl,:it. €'s/:%tiHtY,tTc/:d>L:$, fflarhrtr@- ( 0 ER6alrr-#./i" rtL:-:t>
o{6i1. +*gJWrtr++:(vr6. :o} ) Afff3 tF'tL< i*L\Av\ J.t<'bb"
+v+ i > t!, t tv = v -7' > * t ihffii. at- 6.--]. )rEEWbWtH.rb za. t firb
fi'->/:.o ttv= v7,*l:+x'fi#.l.;656[-@--l, ZiHRl:l+L( 6 n v+i>ttlilbfi,a
@t * t t b it j- r 6 5
" {+*, T a i6J. *f Lv'fi i*t t i 6 :. EWrsl?#rJ t R/:t
HE tr-* t


za \'
b. f(" c. i:a L/:J. L ij/rr,, I, a.ij/rr,.i.
e.*v. t. l1,r)-Li* g./rL\aL(:it h. Iirraic:,

LAlJnld B 7)rEItUrdLlatl tt
[A a t) : ] {: it B.] is used to express "if

Di ? trii?i
A is not realized. then also B doesn't come
? true,,. ./E [A irr,\: L i:B B] E!F7{, t
a "18+ A 6Bin, B E,i/irdi-r", ,/ iA r.
i * l-, {' : (,}./e[tE E I:t*, bfi, tl /; u t t; fi>
l..: L i:il Bl g €EIs_ rA 7l t*ala _e*_o
s] B 7I €eJil3 ?lr- 1r I r+E+q= xd.

'v:EttfsL] + ftl.l*

-' '1:: '-'' &[E- :(l*t]lJrdu\- tt. EC :li
:,3$;F^, (&) 5$Ate5 t
I Za
t U< rdr\-FE.j A

ffi , 6d)ti*. AJ#.-,I-r
i1 g"g > + ^i)J
'/-.J + rsr E-=.* a*-t
:'r,.4. S

Used to express "something that shouldn't

li v.<.tri.b. be happened and the unfavorable situation
when it happens". / *;t: " I;ft\'[-E--**,
EtH+E!8118, {HJ[T14trflj Et6ttE!+
ffie: L,h* l-. t4/j&ra" ,B.rrf. i.v l-r.6-#r.a)-# cl*!=
// rgolL}^j1-+g= aa} ..lqts +ql
+al ?l€ ^Irllr € jiq'1 .

v :=aj- + t(,I)tia

rlr- t J !
lZr B I Aft2A.l*,t AEl,tctb,
IE-1' , * F a.
\ v.
BAtd ar\fEiuFttS-"
ffi ri+ E A, 6 \.'* f L. 4E i:EE{6f 6 ,'L'i ,'. *i-A("4-. t!

tA Z B I is used to express "first, do A
and then do 8". I Aa ./H ZrBr
+zi "trfi Az,E,tl&P,". .t tA i )a'eB l
ai -trI < 6fi l-d'cl:.tti*E(fJt,r/:7):1"-{-/>" el €rllE I +11 A+ trI+ B= dEI : 9

* El LIE+\1ltrI
',; ffi+f,,trrt.lr. *-t--Af:ffi+*tL*f. <aLT, l_. !

V:Z7fc )I +_tc
i v. ) tt$& L( 6 b i fi., i*abl:v. L,B,r,. * f. iti
*t), N:H&O )

&66+ffitry0 trJ. Znt-?r\<H)

12}- Etra ZEI*
th^" -tPEU6Cttit^r6t1E.
ffi43 Wtfla EL\aZEl*.'# Lv. i L /iil("rr ( . c D
Used to erpress the leeling or impres.ion
when something is taken up as a topic. z'lE
H1++f6, l{r6nTB+F/iEt( lf[.ryiBE
v\. L?ffi1F1/ri L 6eb. tr-i(61 3€ut6 Lv.i : L
rll E

ill 1t)a\. ,/qq ^l6J+

reql ql;l] czl.l
ii eolLl . rl= e9.+EI'I: g'dJ.
( 9o =
lt ffilA i gq)lw,*.u'o Ii}li tirf ll + tt\f -tl*
j! ffiA ae> L/3
#x-rr -'vA/ Nvr" ffi
EEEl. R't"- 'lllifr( ( le
[. R,t:'lllirr .L++:(: (
le'>L $

: ....
$ B: i-o,tLt)ZZl*.qEllif(-/r,<"rEflniAf ba? fl
;-* * fi, P:t,rf) l'. $
;* -.

€[-l-EU]rdUlJ aut f gPtr6gA=g
q, 3;:^,
Z) r'
L sed ro erpress "rnusr be " in witing.
:: ffi'A'FUl
- 'tra " .tE..-" H!+EriEF!*Ar{. ./ r-oJ
" "l =aJ9ir| 4i elFlg EqilaloJ E-d.
:f n : :: [: Efi,n<u,6 J. L HSE("f
c u'
tfir?il +

r+,v .\ EH.i1 t-+d.4+

n .. 14
D t)*EL,
tt+d, l-+EEBtl
F+EfEiEA r999(166)l
@tNa:1EfU{r6A1 N

'- q,.)-
I ( 9o
". "- s.d ET q.hs S *

@l-f,EI.- U e) ) XftF. l,fc D # = lc
fl14*^, (&) i?t*rautrt DlaF-ta.

Used to express "let's do -.' together" and

ffi -tl. r. < : a * f*/:/,/:-i. D. ,B,v.tlv)'#L65tjpb suggest something or invite someone. ,/ lE
i.! "-Ei6i,++", 4a#iE.ltrH+F!ta,
t4*ELh\" ,t. ,, r*rl .--IxL ell 4l+.}7lLl r-l-I7l
'I "I= g'd.
ffi (IH) L? ta?ta'llJqzr"tib b " L r'L , 4 Za\'b /-''lt ;
v :#Lgf + rlatdL\r)\
("i*'lX,}.ilE4i*1./4vr" #L ( ( 6_.EfcBfi:E6a?,t


[*/eUtit. iI
. . :i,,q.:;;:lF[[email protected]*:G,@ig '.'.'---.'-.-..-'....,',*,,*:#.

' 'r:: i:r' erat:ier:i4r:9;riiar:gti*tdrio***r..ui*,:etgtitii*t:lsx98'n*@,tg**atBBn9€i*i1si:i3

-[;Z lrtzZEt*/el,t $
B -q : Ftffi9 7rl.lt?Ht#fir&t.c/:ir
t, h,<
) /;r,.p.1" L r i i.. ii
B: ?i) *&>, :ir,?E+it/ir,b, e>bEzl,tzzzl*
i:: A!lI. r 6. H.+6ri&) bfi,b o (. FJL4*(" 36L iJ $

", IIEP, /sr" 'I. ;

*i "-
r'* @t( giiEt.4i-r) Zo)lf, I 7)\t\t\.i t t,),

* ffil4g16v,{;f l,tzZZltlf.LrLiD. H,L,a/:h, i@NhRTt


{t )H!*t*d.
-ti -;i' Used to express "(thinking naturally,) -is

rL l:1t<L3ijz.f{+l'ftr,:,^'0j.f"
$ better". / *i
-,!tlg,,l., A L#kLl,fi. \+"
t1 rr,( E!.=:iSt. 7t1"3,r1u3 oE Cz]-6ll ),rEol +t}l
,lfro**e*:ii:i@iBi€6qdfrex9d*6tG[a!@dn6le@nexpai6t:Blpr!?iaaerae*rhi6tirtq@a_.--.sl.-_-s:-s,s.,s..i.-.e.:e.r....:.-!.sE-.i.ps -: :i: 9"1=- rlE+$+.

v:64 I
tn;',iarU, ;+ liCLlcit{*fiLt

Na :
N :EE=n(f66) i

.diiiEEq*;;iirri@P6Hsi4a€l*gsian6i$rt&tutdea@iry$gat1ffitsr€5p;iriaild?1di.94.4..-e-,a..,,e.,d...,!.: ...k

@l--d6t ) rd- ttt urdr).1 t9au\68
t3$v*t,' ,;
aHEEt-t. +;Err- ifi.
L l t-...;

L Hi* L (Eia6
Used to show strong negatiYe rvil1 such as
g * ffi+, B d) a gt61/\u rF!\ L ,1.0:H
\/s\/re.vglz_:g.u.yqj=j-l/!o -, /:. "never do such a -.'". Subject is the first
E Ln
person.,/:Ezr!fl L,'lzi,,iE1r*EE " v'.ry.llf.E,
f!- ffi t, -tr L *jiEit€t{.rtFur L,B,", /: tu<"fir. ?AEr])+: ^.t1.1+16 ""
€3 oJ-q $,EL ;+r ,J*
.liEEH /riir. ' r-61: a
I ,l:= LlEld
rr t, t t /: L<'-f
4. +q= "Jta
+ el

-> frkLA'L *. - "



:er*srnisriiirr**l:6i1@#iiaie*ia;r6!s!lstnieior**iEth9ai@:9txtidrio4eriiar:driils*$iirlai6!:r**,*iiai@rqi:,i; ..e'
' ' v'' t6 + aL''
@8.3"j1t:7Ddtffilj. lEnA + eLl]
afrbdA (fl1 : 9Eo)atlt;*l,z

l"UJt,A &asase*69eag*t*aaaaaaaaaaaat€e6&a&a*a&e*&*&€***8*s*g&3e66*&*

)RAa. bDa6. ELt\t*aEiEL|/adur.

'l h"4 F7v 2 i*,fEfutllD. ?o>tqptrl:|I.<h @. Av\.Li:il b. Ir ba;rrB)

bfi,b/4vr- t $4v'.
2 at at?iJHv.6orrtffi3/j,.b, ,'**/rL<Rt (a. jinrarrb b. I,rr).
v.c 6 Jt,EA 8"rf I.
3 n/ta\h-f
I rji
b (a. -Er b. --t). *LFUELv.&ifiAEb.
: Z(
t t*H"'lJ/iL,Hi.
4 Atr;*AB"$ Lv.) b. Lv.i.L) tl, tl'Eoyt?,t+r:Lv.i ..Lr6&)6"

5 :offiit. iA* ltt:='v >ToM (a. rfErBb 0 *tL b. i:ffiieA [, *rll")"

6 HIATEFx"rc"rbfi*i:cv.(, -*#r,:4i (a. r i rH b. I ) L) b r) *rtl"r..
7 \ETt., (6Jt>t*/:L,H.) l,iL'. 7#!L(i3 ( l: 13. i L/:i L il&v' b. . L/:6
O(. i*/rv').
8 D) v.r##*i:rsb) L, lA'YtliUt*tb (a.o>/t b. *v.) L,8,., (vr/:"

l"UJtl B 6&*e886A&6&&*eegS6666AS900aAAA&t&Aee66@6at9AOeA69@9e€€Aee&t*

TOa - t a+DEFEiE*/a6aA-):EUAdU\.
1 *.aitL< a ). {* l,:V\V\ r. D i fi,bt1,| 139:"

2 .oJi+^t*L < 6ffi Lv''i.D. t x - L r6ffie>t))4 AiES' ( ). Lff- l**tJ

3 'f4rrfrga bfi,bzl,D>lst,r7):0. ;{,moE+ij. +<1i< ( ) }o
4 toffitiffitr.-J4rfi*+ltffi{}a L L:tt-,>tcar.6 i:trLftBirr 6 ( ) L,E-
+- ) 4,-+
/g/v \ y o

(*oi+He3) .o#it,,fEH-Loi+.e.*& & < #-ifr,\tt:ts.r, , ) a{EH ( /i3 v..

a. a Zf b. * v. c. i:fHie/rvr d. /rv: a L i:it

e. Ii 6arsb f.i:aL/:iLil/rr..

- Unit 5A'E'E l- NU.lrCl 7)\ 82 ni-y{-6Dt3'.

16* U Et, )EtNtUryWatLUt\Lt t. frr*t)E6H/;7i:*" 16 ,

I .., /rr,\, /i [, E fE tt*r)r€ h\ 2 fctit, E, b'e o b ) /;j f:4 t ; < K -: 1,.', 4
L, |

tr-lk(O) d,ld",lit: tc*,. ZaEt*Ha atYf:f:.

Z*tillbcT t\zvzeaftWbca. fr+dL$r4);-T:(= -. .

tr-?t)[lR !\ El\
EI:fr&t(t)lrF. */i-tr6rv))tE':T. ?.,
E-T[t6 l[t,J'19ffi,a#df At+aE#-fr\&+t Lf t\5,
Z-EZZllt +tt<7. ffifilzTt<EZ6hr. tE6tlEZ -a, * -i:,
tr-t*E[ti E Hr)6+;Et*lF.e.*T t-,fzhr. +t+t*Erra lfi-.-:t1 -:-.

)i0)C- @t - \6-=HdT@ a - h h\E -?d?EL)/a d c r.

lgftfex*(". HF.i* l-iIF_l Ll*ltitfr,./:. ilr=l:,F-iT_ I ::,: r. Z :;:=.)+,1,
fir,>-> /:E$,fta tirFB+.ft_l L F+.5j. 1603+L:irF t:fftr12;6;'zr I I tf;E
+l.b/. r+&+rrtra
l, 6 j-. tr < +flrrffi\,'/:" ?0) /:D. iln:_ i;
-= -; ;i,j;r*
= =
EL. EE+. B4-[--@-]. E-F-rrr,. < c 6 &;.>t:.
*f. ffi-i:+il btabOitAtraCb b. 7)Ji). 4On
6 r., ij.; r:,,I=.: r.l ii.
jHZfifrlt/:f-@-1. 130rlt,: * (" tt ->/:o IEI Dffiffi^(aa > i- > o/.*;i:rrEl,..
.-::-- e * r rr6 Z^ l,:iE5tri.= /:" f--@--l/\ur,-jHZf 3 i:i:t>. :IEit7.-"
<*blaffirJ[Rf uaD-
6 (r D/i= /:.
lkt", + D6 o&H("bb" irFrit. giBo+L'6 o70 - 80ooi'-+tia"€+i*Afi.h
g3 a+l"fv./:. Dab. IEJ ("H. fr 6lr#oHt,n )'f- ) .-; : a a. +ti
i:rE.; (v\6+ D6 tJ20-3Oo/oT*>.; t:" tk€(:*{,1, r;- 7, :E:,:,',= . L
D0rft11;6r bfi\rstirt.b a L rrr */:Z ) fi"
<v.6 b. D.6r. c. iiLv.i L d
<u* f.6*|]t,:6 g.^ h. /ill::

i X ; ^, r!){rF t'6t\
i t B o):ltF-qD\ffr r\<r\6] z t-d*i *
1 reAr*+mlh*.TDJ*.?#{!Ebttav'r:. i$ tA(l-l*8..1 is used to express the fact that
tffitaErj-2(t)tlR, trHfio-tB.t'FrrE;Rt:/;.>/: ;
"after doing A, B goes on all the whilc. ,/,8
tA(n*B-i fr\fln, +.n "ffiT r rlrn-,
),') t.ll g
-H.*1\1+!1i5I [tt;[i*". ,/ iA(]l*B j
9 '€EllE rA.]r. q^,1 + Bel
rJEITl. dlqzl
i ffi1El:A, -/:o.ttt, t+&+*L(tJrR<"f . -a "^.lq :1-9 ,IEI{ .

i8;6$|9|wnwll,i1Briiidii,*ii:fr19ils:l9rlsrrlsr:i6r}rl9;rr..r@:\::t:1.::tr '.ai:,:.::....

V :ffit?f + J)J,*

&fif; R15+=7)\7L-E 15HEl+ t Etrlie 66

? rl,i: ^.
i3 l."7 z. tr
^'Ezzh\ ii vD' *<)

Used to emphasis a result or fact completely
I ffitr lso>t:, +ii6 EZZil\ rE[:to < L * u. * L/:. opposite to expectation or anticipation. :/ifr
i,EltRfEtAlrlfl ;lt1{rll,qf+fr!EiIE L. ./ €

fl ffi'*l*.
7, > ;*{) } ( if;trrv\ol,:. - !lLl dl^Jr+ Tlrle}!- C+qel ag ,J
^=#EZbh'' =;Il=

: <.)i,l (:EE)t(:li.>/:.
g lr3r33l + {f Ab'
''iii;e}s|iisrti6;raluatsiitsti;i::igrlsisGi6,iliA1lylsrn$iiidjrial%i9;rt.rerqr6:ridri:r$i1a: ll:llll : e :: sl @ INa: ?€H N : aarT#1

'i @[u)zr]z- urc19c, - i

,3 t^,rF(O) 9t:

€ 4)lal LCZ*.g*rfr,a
urf fiERlr

I wu. bv'b'fi4Ltix. Atia <.e>b. L [- L!.Lf:. ii

Used to express the fact that "after doing
many things, the result becomes like this".
+i " *il Et+E{l+'162.tr, ar,trrff
,/ llftT

t: ffiffi1*. #xul:x. {,'> t EJEI[:;fl.D btlb ] i l':rr D. -+ trI+.I

I: fr\lli4^" t'roJrl 7|.zl ol eJ a!1"

^- t;
zl rl?ui:
eg ,IEI"J .

++, Hnotrt++':> Z Lirr 3 /:" :E:fc +

I if
N:&H + 0*(CI)

* ",.'"
I m<WmoEg) 6:rUEgZhL <. *Lv. 7)^ *,, -. fl fg,:*."#:;;i;;.,,,i$(
ii Used to express the tact that ",.'"rrrnsto
Usedtoexpressthefactthaf runs to
it reu-r-^GL\ ,-4rEr ) +r .- -*\-, 1 ,. ,i

li rel:6 c StEfrlLy'
bLiftirft brt
b/e/:6 53 u\......o
btSU\......o ae +El.JEt.. r-:l
a---,t d+ a9 r-it :lcl,
*. f
H a_--r| +El-JEl .l-l 7tEl, zl

li: :, el"l= '+EI"JEI '

e: r.r'DA :'ii,'€:ri7 - &cttt" ; **^,-*lLt) il'+ A : TltJt\
" OzF U
\ c,/-o
iY+. ,. L+ Na:,EEft(rd)

^'f:llfr>cT Ii
tb\5=fliti B ril tr\f H!*at3'"
I*,ir l.,Ic D lSeDlc D da I t (.18).
1 ffil;ra;*: trtillfr>cr. fflEl*tj1,. Li'-: /:[l D, b t -> {t
t: [A /j'i]6 c < B I is uscd to express the fact
that "because it's A, so cedainly, i1's 8". It is
t ifl.&t 3/i L,H i " used when one is impressed with something or
praises something.,/,H [A/jil6- (B ] H!

ffi tEl*x ff - v < > ti|l fr>cT. retr€4|: HE't L t'" *n

nr,-i, "rEtr,lla, r,'iL-lZ'ER' B!fi.B"
ffii,ffi r-(&*tzElrEj'14tfrH. ./ I At:tt *,. <
B_l el €rll+_ rAolLl4 EloJdl BrL ;+:- el
"l= iiCl . +EJ;I7]L+ ?+ts Ell

Ir3r?)] + lt1J6=C

tr [Na:{EH(rd) N :7ifi-YYY(rd)]

^,[*Etra E
.:- f aj)Eli
a" 3l,tn,tE{= - }4ctDF<H.
:-s :,: l=rmes I :i=r,:e of one thing
ffiBf B a&., fuF-ziih.c/:Z i rg-ia" frLl*t|\at. ("-, -r[= -c
:: j, =ti:rr
E( m]-:.. rother thing.
; +:: l. :/=-.=.=1-:L, tt)+
f D HR- (v\<. dflsflfivc 3 *ri/.',(" L/:il D. : r--:: =:' i : .,, .- :.' ;-?il g ++
::. :- - -!l= ^Iq
w? a; bF. E At*Etra E , lL*\rt\ apfr i: fi 1r 0 .t.c
&> -> t:, ^4 il:rc + BtLlf t

(E=E*,E-I:f :a. td6aE+

-r[\6 *E*;.tt?.

ffi ='v,t 6 * /:. /{ t) aE\R.tffiv.(0r6.

, s: :: i;rs: t ::iL:r': :I: :r erperience
r]: I M m {r:xil nE :B -ai__ :iz-riJ*
: -: .==fi144i"
ffi a 6 D oi.;-r*it. l4t*EXt,:E< brLL L/:ii
'- ..: .l
:r. q

zc al{, rg(tr 6 ia?[r:lf"

^S<"l*it(, v:Fll,( + LtA

4"r.7:t[=- ifi:. -rf6At]. te

^,rf ^,/i[rE E:a=:_ --:EEZ=T,
" -j' : j s N: I r_rss..because
ffi + -., t -rrv. v./illll. a aV - Afi, b F.&Wb a i:f-E. rrr: r :ai trtuni' ; l,iilli:B]
' | - lE . - ,ig.E."
<a/a" ! -: - ,: I j. 1r r[ a _.:r -]+ rlEl

ffi JLEho El.? ii. +tA+E+irEA, r v. A tiB lZ, H'rrtr+E

/:' L B D ( v. b ru ro

N + il +IiHDI + Et t. ,:

t i}fa : rilErrCtf I;fiE{B : ?tb1cn-7- :

l" UJl, A sac*6&6ee&s&€8&9eataaaaaaaae&*&$999a6eeea6e&ts*&*6eea&*9*&66

,R.0) a. b A)5. E Lt\{ta €i,EL}/adtr.

1 .oAili:.Lc( (a.l.llt b JrJ*). */j-tr6,ft1"/.'. Lir/rv..

2 tEtttt) /vy 2 a#) f-u1q672./:ir. +tr0)iirrr. #s ytv (a. Dizi. b. D
a b), frrhT 3 6 r. D i r. 4> bfi,b rrv..ltEQ/i.
3 Ft4ftf 6 i.tiilHt,:E{ri.. itc /: (a. fr b. o*). t+llfii:1r ( i L t,: Lt.
4 aOiiH+. (a.6* l, l:6 b. A* l, 6) 3?r-v.r". €^ia0116,/:v\Au,\o
5 njuoiE* (a. (v.6 b. /:ii6.(). Sfrri:i *v.ia"
6 +Ai* f <+t-#,J,*9.*i. fiL h.llLv'i L b. Lv., L). irt,{:a6{H +E6*("6v.
7 ..ii15+H[i:]EEatu&t:ts.( (a. v.*f b.b0 * j-).
8 aO+Sffi. 'fEftJ/iiiD. tff6[*r/: ( 6l"ov.(v.6 (a. 1;.lir b. /:'t,ti:). Hi ba*)
).*.< a"

l" UJl, B $ae9a46&*Bge€c6e8e*ete&4&s*sa66&*6€ee&a66&*&€6@&*$es6so*66&e

T@ a - t A+D EffiEiE */a bA6.-))80/adt,r.

1,4+6 ++H ( ). A+1<"@ < . t a)r*.Err,fFJ Lrs ( bfi'bI i rj-.
2 Bl,btlbreH,VL(, 1t*qLEi+oHtr,ta--f:b, v,y.btab ( ). f a< eiE
3 fEiiff64$L( ( ). *.bacLrttry.b->/:I ) l:* DEtits<>/:."
4 aOE. Fl-Brrf :< fivr!1r ( ). j4DTirEv.oii6.fftr,:/6vro
5 tr ->/: ( ). jE&l:+8";fr.t:V13 * L/:.
a. X -{i- b. ,-l*
c. fitJ&>"cT d. tlll:
e. Di.6/. f. lilv.i L


[* z zt;r\6EU [*tt*rf . E,L. L( ( Edr,r"
I-d5EHtefictc lE tt Fffiatce!. t -, )v'ruflitt ** 6tHtellctc.
tr-?l*itfef,:/*!t Z Ltr. z tT t \6 t \6YA A= h tu? tl#/e {: te t t "

tr-(6{ V?htiLttt\ 5Af 1 oi}fi?trts6.

i.Eix(6{ L?#Zrrtr"
fl-AIr?E[rSlrtLr h Iil A FJE hr, L' Ed ( . *ts E R. lzTt h) /c UI ? I* [ I 5 ttte f] c tc.
ZL,8 r a

tr-txf {tl{ lfrJ=t *U*niifr.a2 bU r 6. lp,(lti a < lE)t\T t\ 6 "

tr-E?H Za t\a 7.F LU\ - r -Z d?A <E2tr. fffu ,J)H{i"

I-tFdbf z 0)Et- t*. +ffizldn.d. . * < aailJiahsihtLa.

aoc-@t-x6=HaTO a - h h\ 6 -2f?iECI/r d u \.

irF-B+,ft (2)
z),2A, =.itrlt. ilFi:i+tu(. v\b)\oat b li]:F:,+) LW/-ta. ilt=cTitir
,r*E(. E?airffiv.(". *;#irxtldzaaaa L[:f (,f8. ( L* i " li];r..+Egu
L a @. t Mi- t ) A I ft /4 r7,. _l L . i ar ir E,lE r r) "l /:.,f4 *. Fe-''] ;- trsfg v, iI
i ++ v

FcTit. B+Ffio*.r.6&v.6orri+3r. tfLl t(/-.5.8.1 t?ir-l aDrrEB+. Afi

li "c f: " IE.ft r ir ftAB! /r E {t+Btrr. . tu b J iI r= -, f f--E--l 4q.filrs 7 r 7 | 7 -

I f ->/:aT'&>b"
rit. ii.ofgv.ilr -: T/:t'a:.;nElEL iJ Dd) I i rr 6 art- /:a/ib, ,.. ilFrtlg
B+. [ftXi:Eka\E\irr) * h /r (, H*.4--T-][ ] < {6)v\t L. q'Eoil',r4't&
I 0 fi, ls 0 r* fi' -, /: o) ('. f.'l+] t&tsr a h i. -; /: " A'Elirfrf; 4S{' A < 4 E L (
4> 96 HE4S

6iE6frl:Llsfi,. /:Lv. a. -fi, 'F.Lv.H'l4irf;f;4Ff batil.*./a-cf:l ) /i'" Pc

5 /" L |l;IEt:<,
, hh
D l= s lr bb a .
a. (i*i./efut3r,r b. Afdb-t- c. 6"6 &t?rsfi,-/: d. (6 E Lri..i-&r,.
e. i:rii 't. i:f iaij' g. /svr('iJt,r Erful3ur h. ,.3 l, iJ

@l-d6 tr,\rb.l ar) )H!*atd.

-tr22r! '1
i 6 t l- ltEE t,+o),tr'fEEtdf r)t*6
:'.,,, re-H.*X
frtutil'f b+Hf_L & Hzrl-2lt : o{tSt,<,. $
Used to express "whenever -". Usually, a
$ (v.a. 4* l: &fi,":> /: L,K i "
sentence of speaker's feeling comes after this
: phrase.,/*il: "litH+,BE" [!H8.. Itrli:t
eli itinifr ,/,.,5tHH'.tEl+ll.+i?, ./ t -alE -J*r
WAol*ri'f4r'E?trY'HtE.< < ?ar'6. {.gl:Ea.
} olr+= elirl= +EllLrI .9ql= +zl_cl dcg
l.tl Stol ", ""'l-t."rl
'lir'. ..tii

v:-Ba + {.t1,
E !ql5't;?tJ.l awb * < I*lrt'|a "

-Ef f,rts
i. @t-o)ulEt-u =
T 4 7t1tJ] ) t r\ ) Ei
tV;t -tt-Y
,'E&B 4916 I t zRg"
Used to express "consider from ^-'s view".
ii*. ffi: o>il.D o,flEEtr*tt{. 7R?itffio,$fiBi*L<67t3
Za l;/.
apfr .:*il ",ilrrtHfF,1.fitttr" lr'!tr,E-, ./ r -
el .J+.1
^i^-l {z}a}Er
ol;}: gEi:= +E}
EE("f "

i L ,.6 Lfursv. ii D. ilr.d) i.

ffi 6 rr /:latttl*4. E /a N:6tdfc + l-dnlt
i[t iJzir6/3v'A(-f]"

',q." *;

@l-AEF":bFB ) AfrrT. iA{-F€{ft/d<
i-;.1 -Zffrttt
i tA&ffibf B-l is used to express "B comes
tr+EEfdbd. tr < ltrP+ rt,b@*ra)ttttF*b",:v,"
;.i ffi j(c:- l into existence regardless of A". ,/ .fl AaEi
':1 r:La: I r,nB)ffiW*,, tzr "uHlEin, 5 t/:}".
Ii-;ffi'fp*ogr.rf pr€F€f,:d. L i:tr. ( . r,.v.6 o AHv\/:v\. $ //l Atfdr,-l'BlI €4E rAql 'Jll$ol u
zl .B=J€ri: LIE+'J ag

it =
N :Effi + TF€{)B

*rJ'- Ll&Tt't4,7)t4,Vr *&rEEoHaqt-?r)r.t-0)tr!ffirc.tr61

s tE,tEpziffid#.r'F.ra.
i m*uaSl"rrHr'rrfiiBi /:./itrJ/so)tri,
6v7(s\ z-ct>ottlv.l,:3
'- -' '- - $ ?u;,
I ti-(t*r'r*r:reu't.
! $
4 u \ l6lJ''d!'lJ'dv r d\ o i;$
ll of the existing condition. u 'tr
+ryi+rttlt*, ** "illti+, fptlft"
ffi'f Aotri:ELN'1,:*
;8&yt'"^"rtxfsev bttbphttef:/JLt j.
€ 6iffirfr+5&"//€ir+Erlql qrdl r-rl:'4EL

a ; 6
s -,aqhl4:
4,r l-5ro1u1
-E^rrr +++ +Elql= li
i.. ..:l o

v : Hgffi xbna + <H7:1fit)rdr1


d6Effllet,r ^
:g &f -f. rdtr1\. t16b\6
< : C U D\lifd
$ wam 3++afr13 zoir, &ifirrsLr,.tDt:. ]t+E+a
-'-" -
L .:
;i < -rdlJntdrd Srdr'\.1 t t) f E[*t*
i{ 63r,Et'6€lEilsrr?aT-f" ts


rill Used to express the fact that "one doesn't

want to-, but circumstances do not pemit
$ ffi+go+&lt. Ed)*eHEt:FfiEEfisa,'c /: !.E b€6E to avoid -' so that one reluctantly has to -".
: i!
Eraut. ;i

^lcol 9lq!
" 4.E$.ffiHS,
,/ r-6}n 4.1
7r,1+T'rli'H+ "H!H,H..
q€ i se1 -a121 go
tr itH;[t,F E]itf i*,

a?tffi ilffi 9ildtidrtistig*iffi *18!er;*idu8s:BilsxEirilidr!r#irBttg.:ia
-- .,t

V :6t5&b6. +' d6ElEldfr

- .-;
g {UchtZtevt
: & n : Yt.EaffiaEft{j. /st,'A-r-d-r."
fFI6 fift&)

: s,i5 E6!r. l--rbF":Ear)l r=fr

: i
f e : vri. 7J(.{'J,'AA b, *.Lrtrtl,2h''Zbb)*t,L.

Used to crpress There's no problem to

6t i:l
-"negatir el}.
:= jt 6lElE["
=U- r-;IE E
tr'JiHtE,-:=jr--. =a=rj9i-
tff .::.::l:,?*.i3j-1j**l***ffi il glLL ;|r 9--t Il9 r'd.

V : eitue + btLri\ZfiLl i

l,\B E\lB'{6Flrdei*fd 8b\ 5 f- L,

LLf.t\ t-,ebi
g rdr\rrr6-t lartEt\l -tE*n
'fl'w:arffi&[fi( *abLr-f" ;i
L, ffibfet,r?titr6ftr*< fi Used to express a feeling of "can't stop
doing -"derived from strong emotion or
t L "c ( 3 /:o('.
f ffi+n6 i:v..tl4 tLto4ge+{ablaur1, g desire.,:.U. ff 14f,llHtrEtHf[q,{+ffi >t. *
i "Z.'1&H+4T1' ffiEE.
ii tr ';3r* ,."0]"1
I t*tr5flt&1.ts">/:. i*
a]iI4"J ++ 5oE r-6171 g:r'= 93 +
$,rlr E ,,1€- LlEiLll= lrdJ .

s s 8,8..s .* d

V :fTlllrdul + e.Htl5l1rdtr

!@ns*rasrwi*rsBnlffi i&,r

16.: -FEU
tt ft
t @l- A D lt B.l atrtT. I AalfEqT)\tfi t)
St(4 > 9 € z-

: E
il <r)6Fdtt. B oltF-qb\ffi <l 8u))Ei
t! z*.9.
l+)Jrttffi. < FEr.,[*. ttrl[tl /:v. L,Hv. * f .
lAFE0lJB.l is used to express the fact that
"as long as A, it is B". ,/,H lA [E t) lJ B.] ffi
EffiM r6 Ffr | /avrFEUlt, 7ED*j l;. t:4 * 2 )a't-)1&
/ v- lJ C +
+. sl Wn, *)1:
,lt*". ,,lA[!1,ttB]
" A#i*J+SH{lB:lfE, ]5ti!*E e
el Er]l-e rACEllT]
;+ -FoJg BtEllTI q"l {+r 4E el
!; "lqzl=
El= LIE}LJ .

v:ffi< \I'
A:tuu\ I+ D\dDle
Na:tnu\A/tnt\CbA J

I..UJLA a6$66@S9*&S&6araaaaaa. aoaaaa$se6669eaa66&a€6@@sss46&a*sd*6s*

,fr.A a. b Aa5. IE Lt\tta E:-80/ad l,t"

1 $ff,l'Atli: (a.frail b. i:fittt). 1 l-.';t,ir'f4p1i.i*. fl6AEEf b;1PfiE/j.

2 aaq-H-tF,b G.t.-tl b. i:f i'Lil'), *Li.., /:Zbaa-t &,H,v.,Hf"
3 i"rillit. G.tlfrbf b.tlfrbrsv.). f b-;to>&>b+Iil&*D(u.*f.
4 (€Hrr*a < 1) ^e.vr("6 L 3 l:. J- Llsl:t*t:6 it (a. (il*.ra fuf"1t,t b. (fi'tsl:>
&v.) Io
5 A:jrP#rsarc*+It?11<a?
B : i77A [: I.77)vrt\fu36+ o/:LliJ. +EEft-r.0. 1ir.6'6 t G.fSlrv.
b' 1+ b i'utr v') .

6 Jst*Av.il. ffiffiir;Ev./:14f 6 (a. E L Z,p0 e)q *tL b. i Lci..i- e>0 Xtl,).

7 ffia E. 3 E+HLfi,E</tfi'":r/:fi,b, *fHffrHal+f i*EAr.,. (a. (" iJv.tafi,":r/: b. ("
(it,D 11ls/t,->/:).
g bo^rt:v.lb (a. IrF[? l: b. [El, it). ) fr ( uri.rrv.L,Bi.

I"UJtl B a€&€e6***6*6S&S&&6*6S&S9S86@6€&*e*ea6&&*6***

TOa - f A+firbffi6E*/a6DA.-2:EU/rdL\"
I fi) ZilAuJ. ( ), V>Art\-#)rt)J<.bb"
2 .tra/atJ*#*rH<v.6.D_l.L.. Eilff6Flbfi,aRl+,ttb ( ) laba"
3 :o{+rEll. sciEi>7'r*t)'.|Li.frr. liaa<'<6 ( ) b0*tt""
4 ba)\t|ffiAefrt !ts!r ( ) bf:v.f,a" v.c6Hr.3iL6"
5 +r>^firbb ( ).A36Df.ei("xFdED*f.

a. i.3D ii b. E Lcl..i- c. i:f i'LiJ' d. AFfiirf

e. 6"6 tlfltsvr f. (" l*u. blrtsvt

-Unit 6@€E IFU/rCl D\83d-yl-6D*t" ,i

)R.A a. bAa 5. ELt\t*a€iE0/adtt"
1 *H. ryffiE (rv C&E(r../: G.ab-rsbt b. r.L,Bi L). F.l:166;ivrrHL
2 *jAil h.bb i.r. L/:i Li*/rv. b. bb*.t,.) *i. <ttf+ttirefub L if pE! /3!r.

3 aa b/:0 l,J -rti?s < . E. Bft f€ltt (a. /ev.a L[.tt b. ], {>arrrD) f ("i:y',c
( \ 60

4 Av\itvi*. ?5f (a. *v. b. Ir") Lv.:6,8i /,("frr\.v\rofdi:r'€^\+2r"

itta<L*."><v.6 /,T-f "

5 )H 0 a)\rt;F,<\/\ba (a. : t /:-r.6 b. 6r.*.hfl , lVkt*)..Frif 3,HL/:.

6 HEr.btt(aZ-.lt-a.. AT. /r,\ (a.Lv.=/: b.Lv.iaLtt) h-FfrOf\Wfi\

7 *+Ie/&H.-f t.r b.zl,a} i l:) 'ffi)tt))a: L tl. Ad13:li bhril,H,a"

b (a.

8 aoNo)\Y.,|t., * 6rE3(v.6 (a.fi,L,8, L b.fi,o> J i i:) lFbltTv,b.

9 v. < trijq.r lvr tAbfu< 6. *P-+!1,:A^i(,1. (a. /rv.a L L:l* b. ] i 6 oA D). D
a < bprfi r. r Lv\ 0)fi'b71: I l3 V:o

10 yE1>v.v"tva (a. : L /:-r.6 b. tr) . /ildaf z l- 6 3-, L 16i:ievr13p,o

11 xtsay-fr.(a. i:tHiE/rv. b. i:iitJb) ftHaflaa lt>f-tvff:**) b. v.v.. -fit
E!i:. 41 l-v.l* D:r v f uffi497;6v, LE btvb "
12 H^a | > i)v+ytriil. Ett G. o>atsb-f b.Ir). i@,'|.r4,ffiv,if,fffi&Eil(v.6"
13 v..:6 ir"Ht8rrtil*rs ) Lot6, @. b* vl 0> b. L.ar) €E i:+EI tt*_tfrf:
fii btgrt,":>t:"

14 &rr OXa<il*rH( < 6 (a. I i f fJrsr,r/. b. Lv.i: e tt), <tLlatJH,:W

,r6tr L(v.6 L v. ) a. L /:"
15 Jt+roSrtit. zttfi,ba),+^tEE-f 6r.6 Litlsv.. f <42l: (a. t.(" b. I
i rl*/3vr1.). 4Ei:Hi\rrfi4dfiL/:v.a L AiEl"til) 7)rprpr"
16 at:ubif. +Hi:tEDirB':> t:) * )v (a.i:fEiE/rv. b. i.a L/:L L iJtrv.).

,ROa. bAa6. E Lt\t*a6iEt}/adtr.

1 friEo€ir#ffil*. ffiEE*r+E+Ea (a. i.5 rt it b. /itti:) , ltErLb Lv." HE

2 tLktfT*t,l*f (a.fi\b"ca b. tlLv.i L) +f-Czol|frfirl+/i.

3 {+EUrr4Hir&v. (a. ,.5 l] ii b. i:otl). E;t,6Ail?ir,.*r}/-,,"
4 EA-aEA9 bffiM.rb6 [ij{,.sr e ] +d. Wk aSawa (a. D z bfi, b. X). lE t 71,

5 tLt*ryk @. tPfib-f b. l,:f it13; , tt-Ltsfi,bhlfi,lr<v.*f.
6 tr*q @.tPfrh-f b. i:9-lr.lt), -LiRafiL&iEll'1,:BBeii6a)il. i.tr D,L'Ed/j.
7 H,+a+rt 3 /rr*(",Efiv\rL\ 6 H&&/: L t H<, ?tH (a. L tr v.riiv, btttszl,->
/: b.-f b i:J. L/:a L it/rv.).
8 4 >7 )vr/t L:7,7'-/:b, {lti6tt$b G.l*L<'flt./r b/d.\,t b..{ * €Atl+
& v.).
EAir. 163e+i:r't,ElfiAorH/'ll tX,+L( (a.l.ll* b.X). z}}+N)LoPfi. i6rl,L

10 1Lfi;ffiFtt L/.BoAltd)i+trSii. (a. 6 * t] t,:6 b. D. bfi,) tit:v.6 o/jc /:"

11 lE?>ffitR,b (a.t:<>r,1 b. [: j-it13;. ?Eo*jJa: /-aa Lrr,Hu\rH atLb"
12 aoffiffitr. H->afi,D1i@rfirxlt/rD. tr/t)v (a. L(iji./elcfst,t b. L<6
6 Lc*..i-13vr)o
13 Er.a++E/:LBD6Ao*UAtt.
:i"l( bDbr,
3-Ir'y t\o)ll,a\.+/rffiv,t) /j" E4 (a. l*L
v.i L b. i:r-il-rf). ,fFjLg}lt_ta<a<'hb"
14 dFe hL*fr?1.0H. afL*r2 El. +Et+t (a. L(v.6 b. Eil(v.6)"
15 a tra,H.+tt40ffii:6 rr6oi:. FF0 r,:ts4 (a.fiLI&>oa b. Da bfi,), *Ll,:,[.BdiJ'
fi,0 zj,U<u, b.

16 7tvts4 l-O+4.ri. 2 L 6. +Xiif *ii(ltLv.LEc?.3/:. +tLv.+Xl.:/\

"t#t: (a.,ft* lta t,Jrt,rsbtsv' b. ft,k(" 6 : U<;fi,2/rv\) o)<.. I )uf":>ltLf

E- ( 5!rtj 5 t;#xtt,cT ZLtstt'i4rE6.H^6< 5t,rrJ5. HllTlEcfctl
),JU \U \.

tr-)f#?L /:L\
tr-?*? l 6zhtf:i?. EhzaL[*EbleLt"
I- E Z6d,ArAE t>d L. t-ZEZt <t\6ZZAderAt. E t$fit;a h>cfa

I-/er)r5 td( O*lltret* 1 [Ef . zJr{f r/37)r$,8€{itt\(t\*_f .

tr-0)6E? frrox.l*8c t. *fiLr\Hdt\=d La$E?+tt;/r6tF".)"

tr- 6@0) fifrt8l,tx$@O. *fi-/#t;iirf(Ut/aLt"
tr- El* VbElr< rafqZ.|,J'. HH€l*1, bEl,<.*<a$3frTf*ffidi'L(u\6.

)RaA - @1. a - h h\ b -2T?Er)/r d U \"

1991+9 t*z| ')7t 4
E. 1)7ary,IH
fji+r. )l<a+fi,bB'l+artt+rrr+.8,6
Ir/:." JoH'l+ttEa$fLAiJ3. +E.a;[E+4r."5]0. ,rtat9o3- l- tE<, ESHa
{, o[--O . ,*Pg)rwt L b, lf 0 o/:e>o.. +tt*-(!r/:.
. o;d+r,-+.FH [:tr6 t , H'Wt&-14ffirr't1frfisbfi, bb ( ts ->/:4 , t) 7 a*+*
Tbb t v. i uli[ -E--l, 6 * 5'* a.e.*E*rH /:" Z}Fffii:v./r ( ls-/:Hh\a\*F.

? alk, * * z't t) 7 ofrfiJt#l=-E---] nfrEfirtl bitl:ir. E 6 *f Lv.+.{tiEUEi*

i:I l). .a\'l+"t*/trr ( L 65000+riltbEtoAffirA b.Lfir7,'fi,0, lz 4 z-"> )
L effi *r{i it b tu/:. 7 4 zw z it*E€46ffi . 4" 3 ( r,. 6 E+ i:n6oB rt;+n tu<, i6 c /:E,fi

rtrfr> "c/:" lt oi6q tt*- (v,/: [-t-

l, E]<, tttttFu,(€HA?S b+_ifrt L<
v./: } aTbb.

a. tco>a b. rrirD c. Y-.bt*^bt d.o6Lr

e. &l*DDL L( f. WffiT c. < bu.& 6 h. (*r
L /jr'

@[ArdD\58"] Afrre . lArih\Bl tu)
)E+*Etd. A l. l$ltF*qAft dtIE75\
a ra(". FS4tIerlS. i tE u. or .+4{, IA a-ri 6 B ] is used to express a paradoxi-
cal fact like "it is A but B". In A, expression
to show condition comes.,',H IA rrir 6 B.]
B!+7{, *zr "Ef*Er,, iE.6EB" Filul+
i7{. A,trEltlizrlti\H!*4,r}fr{.,, tA
rrir6Bj el €r,IE rAollEJ Br zI!- gd
I LlEldEL r\oli trli= LIEI'|:- g'dol
-LtrI .

A :,HI-,UI
Na: gg1a55; * *u,u
N :?db(c6b) )

ia!\ur, 6
xEa b ah\*T. I FJ o 2 )t - ) 0)1fr
abad turipis665t.
Used to give a tlpical example. In "---", the
typical example comes and means "also the
others in the same group". rr+lllit*'4F4f+
- Eft*'l+*{a. t: "l-,1 4HE'JH
lb+Mtlt.E t+" E'J.HE. ,/qlji3"J.,i=
!: *;l . t-: "ll qlElE aol ej^l r++
rE elel ?rlEr 4- elrll= LIEI*

N:EA + tteDDtt-<

IA =r=*E!.
6 OoB ] is used to express a paradoxi-
cal fact like "it is A but B". It is rather writ-
ten language. //E [Ai,o)OB] F!llr{, *
n "tsftEa. Ilr:tEB" [tE1*. ]l6i#.
./lA{AAB ol €El-E fAolzl"J ts 4=
qd+ ++d4. +4irl4"J.

lrir?f I + b0)0)
@ [Na : Iadt5h\td / l-t\5r\f 66

-_ _' '_
- a t a ZT ) I - o=Jgtgl, l
9 @I rd75r 5
,ir,,*,,,$ -atrET' *
ctll?,=.u o

li!l:ill ii+-ot z,Tru5fir3 r. +Et: a *.'" ii

Used to express "under ---" or "utrder the
effect of " "']tf(+fi"lffi "
F!H.B. ,,, t-oJ *91: f -el 96*3 Eq4r
; +- 4.;- 4:-elul.
" /-(9o
ii:i li

g ffi,tta}Effi1r. Di v. a*F,A$tfH-c/:/t'(. e( ^Ers.

?,i N :ftf + o)btc
? 4) 2
I \ 60

*, -t ")f ==. EfD\5+U[f9 6rl
t r) f Ei5a. !!ffio&I{tz\g7ErE"
a!-z ;
ia erp:ess -'iudging lron the lact or
Llia ' ' F*= (u'
L se.J
a'ffi ? -.
3ppetrr:i.-e like - and shorv the reason of
rhe jucgmeni. -. - :1. {#tA. #i**
t';; btZ6dAAt,, *./irs0l-/a," +< f D /f E V.. =.;14' 1
':! :=::
'i:. =.:'i:1118. ..' !f,Elgl
=ir.:::: 9rrlE
,:- lirff I + TZZEU&t
$ ;E l:iEvr t6 \. ro
E [N:E+td /E+T6A
N: <gD166l

? .L*r &tA,tHr Bl off7c. lADrgbnls,

.8 '-tX*'C
L /:t\
znt.at)t< B baba ) tu) )Et[x
' q$'
t*9. A b\ B o)i*E==trdrCu6
1l wx+a+d. z zhRH<H< F.z/:
r"o.r D B < R.zt:0 f6 6 i -t-a*t"
.'- kt}"
t'r,'Eiful]_ELta. il
IAhtr(' B..] is used to express "ifA chmges,
:ll _ :
then B also changes based on that". A is the
B./ Ill tAitHf
. re:ofcx$. {, ll h\ffi,Tto ) L t.LF,< r 3 b Lur {
determinant factor of
'd\fla\,"48+A ln{, r.jtLtHl$, Btl

,4P1{". tzr a € B EJlrt,?1gq*. ,' tAik

fsu'fi,tt &>" : H-e Bl I eEJE IATI E.lE ra"I *+q
,:lr_ I BE E++r 9!l_= LI4"J. A7l_Bel eA
= +Eld+.
" d s s P4' ,ci7l rl= ag

N :fir) + )RHT

Btr/e6 tUb!*ri
&[A < 5t\rd 5 B ) AftrT.
T ,,,_( li 8E:Ctr6AEryDUrr. tAi:tb
B o)ltf 75\t t,lil t
ffifrlEir. ibfrt:Et#h
:i,l -(LtL 6
it D fab < 5[\/J 5. Ait &fr+et b, ;
^ntd =)*rR.
[A ( r; l're B B.] is used to express "wou1d

Lv'a#*firlHi(v. b< a /i. $

rather B than A" by taking up A that one
really doesn't like. .r rH [A < 6v.A6B ]
a ElBfr , tU++HH,ilif ,EE4r A, *z; "5 A fE tL,
*! ffi6 /-rsHI:FEaTil6 < 5t\/c b, n/-Etr i rr* L/j. ll
il ill
BE+l ".,/ I A( r,v,re6B el -€4lE oI+
{ .;
j.rq-I: A= 5q rAel Eln1blBBTl *+l
+a 6l:'s€.

v;filn5 + <5rrr$5

"' t?
t*- @l-vz*(l afriT. lv tt\ ?PffirdH
"6 -(*C trl-tel trr3gstr65!-"
* ffirEt.l:*, < aa, * ) 7 ijrjl.r !p:it D. ff/-?*tJ IV<*f.] is used to express "to extreme
extent likeV".,//H [Vfif) fr\fr,fi. ii
6t _- zi "tLl v tsti,itt4+EilfE,E". ,/f v(*-e l I
I, Lt*,Eblrv.. eEllE rVTI= +rJzloJ 3E4zlr 4=

ffioa L. tr- A t I-/e < ( 6 v,vir

frR't1r,:*U!f?. V :ifluC', ;*'r'*E
LJ. ]


l"UJl,A 6&6e6€e6S6@A€taaaaa aa aa aaaaaaSe6€&6*&*E*&6&*&*&A&9&&8464&&8a

)Raa. baa6. E Lt\tA) €)EtI/adl,t,

1 108 3 E("g-r.""". ,iA (a.fsfi;i> b. /jr.D) if < i*4fir3 *rt/-. ?o)Ett,

E/:t o+#{Sfr,r6, b k<"f .
2 Hffil:ilE*t h. it l]&b ir D* b. l) ) L L(. vr6vr brsfuwts*ffiiry',c(v\6
aT, Lb i: i*F-fElr\',Z'wts A,Tt .
3 BHf* 1 E+Ffir4i:Er3,H L /: G. 6 ar<" b. rrao). iBtrA#L L(oiES6ti->/:/:d>.
ff#E. 5 E+PflErLofIJEi: tt";/:.
4 {.EqbbffikrGil. v'v.*H€# G.oL L b. oL L(") ftUrfieit(&>il'l:vr"
5 tftf,r*) 7aA-i(v.6L: [email protected] b.hbL),y4 rv l-.[i{,rDl:l"rj?a"
6 btsfio>fiptfi (a.$ffir b. o 6 L r). fEf ir.' r v v*tsFth\t:tsbfi' $ l[/at,r
L. El,a. @';vt/:l-f brt,6 Litlrv.d)("f.
7 4Eit. ',tB.LE\rLb (a. ( bv./rD b. < Bv. j i?) X&frb, L *("Ec<b/-T-r.
8 ftIErr 94 t'v lt (a. L(*r b.-rb *r) fittv.L iJ,H,btrv..

I"UJtl B a&€&&&&a*666&6**S**6AtA6**9€e€Ae*9e6*&*e*466*6&**&44&*6&$ser

TOa - f a+h\Eft6trH/e6a6-2&UladLt.
1 v.:6L6rcLrE)rst-, B* ( ),Kv.*L/:.
2 EA ( ). fr#PrilE*ffi'ftrrEr^, XH#,T&r't3 aF,lELts":> (v\6"
3 /<ilr ("1:ig i-/: ( ), ,'WtW. t4p1A*'*r/fi6i:igil'i'r/:"
4 A:*/:t'1E-l-/i"cT"
B : .i- c. * /:l? Rh' ( ) i*D bltf: bBb I "
5 OA+T\ V\' 6 +18 THRLTV'b ( ). Arr9- (t,:fr$b< t_*. ) afi,tsh"
a.{aa b. ,rffr c. fafi\b d. L . bt bz L
e.arbL(" f.tt*.De>tL<

I - EHdp t z. E) ( H$*EH
t, <H. L){To) 6 0) rr,l,g],-tt ) t,
*t "

tr-EffiU? ,^.i[lEffiu<. r\zr\zrt/\-74 -J->hiiE *-f"

Z- Z,WVb za^All* EfEl€E#o))- )vdl*uo. 160)tr hrafin.,<L\a"
E-l&[t? @fl#t6t-t*. z*Lhrt-si;rtext#6*fiur(L\r)ar,t*rB.+a6ter:.

tr - tr [I ir /a 5 te I t ll+ -itit2Ll fc a t: . d# lEE a +A€,hr

frl^h: za L
I- L'
b c tc h) b Iz t*ht t*
Z- Ett6t l.j16g#6bh\btrr\EttbE. =#l^tafJ/rLr.
EPf U*tr BF t*trCl\-7- a -ticfeLl
E t. Efrtdir t,) t-,<. {EJ6C^d U
[] ^, (r [f /3 [ r 7)r tc-+E i ) a t& a hrallilffiht * | \tr L< . *s h\ L t \ ? uarc I r#.

)R.aA - @1. a - h h\ E -2d:i80./e d r r"

74 Z'">(2)
:IrT"fEtarArfiir. +I D 6 c L.ffrLv. H*TRrHt*-3 [-ilr"./.laiJ/e b/tfi,->
/:. ?a/:h. ,l iE[- Z--l, f+r]a * <lFi( ] i l:H*tirc(1,= /:" FrJZ0f. ,+
q bDDfurhr-c-l{1, tfiri&aiH( L(. mrrifirats\zr} ir,:4162ub" r,17;29
b tt <"i:miErrtr*0,6Ettl:EE&;: <". * /:, bf fi'ts€f*<"Lifiglr3 6 J i t'
a ,':

fuWrt + offih' & "'fiJRB! [: I il 6 . T 4 z < > fi;tl fir a L ( 6 ifi Flr L ( v. b lt/: a l. t

a Ll:I+olil 3 0*:r.lr.l= G) l"
Efi*,hr,:tbt. :.r) t)"al*aLil3ii. tE{totl/:Lo,f i:*jv.(6t3 < ttE.b.t
( v. /r v. L !. ) . ? o /:a>, 7 4 7 < > o E$,ft l: t*,L.W/i.c /: I lt b ol*a){.61 * it. rq.ft
i3 *i t i ( il. HmE [-1il- e * A * Aeifi H .,l1ffit rc 11,U9 lH tr tirs. T t, *. .c a
: ,,Jc&>c:
a /)'i, tt-1,i, i I, a a

" TAFEI L lEl Dl+al6t 3 t{#r'':;<>. lE,ftl:iE,Hl:48 3 6 i: il. 7 4 zv > 0) } i i:.
A'\r- 3j-iEBrf 6 J,).ll- i: rr v. "

a.i:['-r.rL( b. l,:ffiD( c. titDd; d. Ar.(

e.i:ll*./rfl3t,r f. ttsbt g.fD*t,. h.("itlsLr/>

*" -
.4 @tvlE< I atr :e, lwwre- t d&&*
y -ra1
o- ^:i i

rfiet.-?61 ttrlgs125r.
I V t[ ( ] is used to express "to do something
i ffiao< a<, ) > lt,E,-> /:NlLt: *':; fi, -> l:il t*, ffi.l{*. diffrcult, do -.' at full through to completion".
Ic re ll ffi( : L ,r(- 3 (. tiffitr
,, H IY +fr. < ) fr\tfr ,t;. " NrE Br'+rylfAt
('J-, trlFrtr;qi4-" H!HE. ,/ [\i]E( I el
/:r'J,r"?( eqltr f=+I* rs El,l4rl1l ?ld.l -dl
; ffi( - L - iEU*Ehrtttz1l-jtt t I,E-, /:ffi.+ft&.apf..
Eir el= el!1=. L+E}!lEI.
= 'E(z
j L60t*j"ftLA(/:'8t,,. v izTt+ + &)<

-,'"*1' @l-A ) o)trtT. l-A O{EEi5m

l-rfi uC B
i5 a
( l);

ti 6l\
zm.a,)1dr. Bg a)

i re+mrl*. ,^.F5 = - zr.6E-F^r-^ * (. L,^i/l,'tr

E B! al
IA i:fi D ( B ] is usedto explain "when
'. ,-+a+4 y+!r++ , rJtJf a degree or kind of A changes, then B will
,- l-ltlblu (. 3;t'C;t/J:r- A7J'J8'\tr 9o -
change based on that".,- rE I r\ i:,6 D < B ]
H!tr7,\, ri- ",r s!fe,q4fF.*4TF! ifr , !r

i ffi, - I.'<"{*tv.af ,atj'. fuHaEEIioLj(. ,tr4 > l.fi/: I,L;fHfi,r-i,s

el 6orEls_
rA9 CE+
" E{]H,,de.,/ tA i:lri D( B l
+-=-7I El+lt rrlql
i. *.
*4,, "*iol B;iql 4i: 9olj= L}E}LJEI .

N: ,^J, + l.rilU(

: j -trHtf(H)
,* dL\
@l -a3 6 t tt-l tr)f H!*" 4+Etlrd
ttt-?r)ciB^6ttt-,fFf .
ffie,mEHL?t*.'Z.f€,EAHt++*L(( 0j. Lii
/:-Eu'" :1
Used to express "when one does -.-". lt is
used when the speaker wants to say some-
lli thing special.,/"Itt++H'J E,llE" [1]F.,E.. +
,€+#oH LI,IEHU?tl. ,]ToI

ffi(t+o+.Ez.4E) +ffiSrlEl.l+, Erl+nitEi1tH,,/i-I +,,u

{JI\ D iln L}iir(},4,
4i: gl"l . siE+ 71ql rl;ll EJ-g Etl rI-*
J.-f . j < trEr'Dl:-t (", HL/.&& L<

i rs*l*fir/>0


\/-cv'o N :EEft + I-HI,<

s a {b
@ tfrEldt-."ril tftElf t--t)lr$oBr)er*
{,;t"$,F ^'Ettr)/r 5
/eL r rdru tH[Ed6tto)tiE.

ffi&(18ffi,f >, e-*) 4E{8ffi("3 /:otl. E+L z s'v

Used to express the conclusion such as "must
be-" or "nothing but -". ,/1-<rrfr,lr* "iE
t+- ", "rErl^ . fth .H-lud\t;li:' . ./t !
7 zls * <> 1 ts ":t < )J & a b t /: ff" xlz l*htt* t ) * E L "
tt rllE-ol+rr4qlE-olel9l -19 dlqEL 4
,r +C e "ll9 g6J .

m?Errrr/- t:ff#:> a L rrr 3 /:o)it, ffi+nor#HrtrFi'-: /:

N :ffiR + l;lei165trL)
fi, bl=tr*h\te5lJ[r"

liqL Y.prP
4E=*EI*U&). x.( 4 >-"fr, +tr;EA D.
@.ft * F!rd{ruE+0 a*ta. t-t r.it*
t tf6 +rDh\*<, I Ft t; ) )U-J AIU
a+rab) 8tt36iP56*U"
t; *.oH+f;+gLi. Used to show a typical example. In "-", the
typical example comes and means "the other
* 5'*rrE;#l:ftlilL(r",6"
5 .r(,,i ,/rl+,ll'ft*1tF!
things in the same group".
+1r!" ..-r E'ltJ.jS+Yr, t,r.'lEl-iEHlI
il ffi E4i:v.6 rfiil. ii|d,l*vb. b.tt i A l:.f E i:-fit1lr,: Ir!+tiltU,? ,l*" s!.8,:.8.. ,/rlls3"J cl=,'
!- -9d. t-r ql qlgEl= aol elil gC r+
* L(r,'/:/:-3. 6tt:a*DffLi:r'r'l -.":
el el ,l Er el!- 9l El
Lrl Eh! E+. .

ii N:E-# + AHU&b

@[AA146aBJ Afire , de I-FI,Ut/
14 ^,Ete6E L+tEA l.?U)<. [Ar*5 B tt\f fi"+
ffi 1E i**& i*t/r L v, il D. t- * t" aifi Et*6 z. 0: ij x'frEffit-rd6.J -tE*t"
^4. AL /e is used to express that "if
6 L B.]
i) A, the result or conclusion is B"when A has
L <,,s already come into existence. ,/ffi I ALbb
l Bl F!j17{, *^*f'Etdi+{r1 A, *zi "nE

ffi#fr&rr* btursv,tle6z. B i: t,t*.Z/cE ) rrv\v\ RE e [! ifr ,.itE$t{ B ttf Rstr* iA".,/l A

LrsZtB) 9 €EI-t olll C"JeJ ^IdJ Aql
,a" tA4d BeI= er+.€Eol rJ4r -I- l1
5*an&r!B!9}9Ai6i&14rie;ffieB{d1@*gdihqwe.#ei&r&@!3*a*ffisn6rasls - B g. g ow re- F4
II irjt?5ll'.,'1'',pr46g,,
, . tr - .-..t,.i

&l-VOU*t)l AWT. I l, &)tB:lc

^,T U:Fl,I f t. t,IcU)tB:/titi\*IEt fdU)

ffi EAl,:v.6 P{i:H+il1l- H/:fi,-> /:l"ff ir. t-c tT'.R efi8b:Ct,t:fd -tdtt.
l-V-i- D * v'l is used to express "something

,r-E < . E /Ld U !F0r(" L /:" that one wants or tries to do falls through".
,/,H [Vf-D*r.] fr1fltr, *l; "^HgH4riffi
++. Hi&ft H+'ii69-lt"ift+.fr f " . /, I y
ffiii- r. < oiE{t/: a/:u L". trtfra#d.reilittf /r D /e ( -r"D&r.-1 9 €tl-e r6}d.7 iJ46J a , dln
4!- ,1ol CdElzl gla ELlrtH+r a€
.lEldLI. =

,, :V : ex**-, .Lr 61;6q,1, ,,,

. :::,:arti9:rrr:::*gSiatnB
@HAOHE15+IJE[, EtP"Sl5tERttE+t-
6 ^.,?t*/eutrt ItLr:L

n@t6 L/:v'o> i.. #Iif;F!/rWfrr?fLfirEf E /u/rv.+i+rr Used to sa5 one') opinion. judgmenr. ques-
tion or suggestion. /tE,+l E E H!HrL. +rlttf.
lEl4aer!. +ilrrt. //z}al el 9 a ol +
;'E Air
+8, 9+.1+ AloJ-g ,:}E|qlzll ,l^16}= s

,,.,,ll [llr3t?.3 ],,,,r,r,+r i ret*fSL_lj:1, ,r': i

@ tt',ta : t4 t"t : ffi]

)F.A a. b Oa6. E-Lt\t*a 6iEL)/ad Lt"
1 ZZI:ZZ (a. r)v'/: b.a'>/:) *HR. <afri*,rtrb.t-(:L * L/:.
2 .a7*?tvii. 4t (a. ('ffiD( b. t:ffiD(). tSet*.Zb.t Lr3 bh<*f

3 (+o-#,EEg3 ) ."iEH (a. i:tHL( b. ar# L() ii. Z.fiEH-#,q#tbAfi,h < /:-a

4 '7 7 E /-rrA+6Lt:atJ., lLf.H?7]ltEqE.-c/:/t,b (a. (" [*i.ii&v. b. i:i*i./r D /s

v\) o

5 8Ell. {,* LHI (a. AItDD b. r.BiJDD(), r, <oru-rE#qfir4lbtLb.

6 <WLW> a[:6 W,Ikr,:6 &v. (a. L v. iL b. L rr b L), i**.(,: Da a+ftrtlfL.v.a)
tl,ts&> ?

7 +rhfii-fl"v.iE*E/jct:aT, E+3 Lttt?^Z (a. j-** b.f D*v.) rL/:"

8 FFSHEB&rfi,s/: t) rrf. ;Er 6 ffiHl: bfi,b I i rr# lht 9--r 3 lsa (a. TBha
b. f it/317r) /r"

I..U/L B &&*e&&&.*e6aa*64e66*6e6ec6*s9*ee*g*e466Ge6@@@&@@&*&e&6s696Aa

TOa - t A+D6ffi6trH/at'AX-28LIladUt"
1 aaT/:6ij. A'i6 6O6'f+fu L aa 6 /t21">/:c-ttti. I < 4.3 ( ) . bttl:
l- E;
e /D\ /o

2 ltt4 l. <,D6. L.EEi:€"c/: z _l[v,t,.Ef E iJf ."<,ltL < (. * /jEZf ( )._]

3 X^Ea)i.3 A trH5trotl E l: ( ) .d{.d>/:iI) frprp,"

4 a o'tirfitftRr3/:o>i*. f (?it'l:sDEE HoIthrttb->/:fi' 6l,: ( )"
5 3iE 4Et ( ), ffiWfitt\Lbrs*). aafi'],JL D+. /jD/j.

a. D v.
* b. itDE 6. ffivr( d. ffi D(
e. re b t f. llr.A | /4Pr

* r a0 s * $ s * e * a &e * 4 $ 66 g 4* * I * * &a * * e€ &6 &a a a a aa ar aa o aa ee 6 6G&* s 66 e &6&G6 a* ? e6 a e* a 66

- Unit 7 o)',EB t FU JrCl b\ I OO td"

tr - E
rJ ?E f d /,{;Fq: t t/cE TH. At*78 I t;', )
rJ T-t h tr6L t \ aZt Tt "

I- E[tiit^, ELriz)r
{El*EEAL\ttra#. +Et\Etrarr. e < Lp,r6ETTt.
I-t&t? 9E0)-#]AT. 4t#8 afrfi 1 EUTTHE€I&*?+tit;*Tt\6z Zhrt
tr-0)I? EE-fr6E4 e < *c'fiEr)&)O.E?. tsh\ll ( /:'d ur"
l)-Qti ,lF":@tiErrHh\t-rr.6-hT. ? < ofliWrPEfiirj+#+tt=tdcT 3
I - tf, Dr rJ E fArriEfifi t_feht c tzJ*hr u E. at Lldt -.trp&a h\t I a u * c tz "
6r\b <

[ - iF ? [, ?'He*T V< tulfr t- txa E - f,1 E rr?+"1 t 6fliE : ( /c "

-- (oE) 5ll-!f 0rrr
E6'a#=a :f trrr. #: /ctl 8. Ehteht'tfc"

)ftOO-@{ - a - h h\ E -)-f :iEtlra d u t"

+FS Ltt*)Eat\*F 4 --l:HtffiL[T--lff-; (u.6. /{- t 4 * L it. R*r
*Hf b *3F,/a.v't\*t 4 - o a t /a,. EE I Erfrfi,lLb a 0)/r * F 4 - [:. tH E l"
[t*+, 10 EH)ffi L/:ir. -d-^l( ) ] ( vr/./r fi,->/:o t.E: /-iirqft36ffi O4fi,HH'l+"
v.br,9 6 t4*i6.1 Lv.hltbff#{SfH++fr Ltihe>< . ++a#Tb i e f i:rr 6.
llJbr,:*jE,Av.zr*F 4 -aEfrtti"ra*/:ott, tEoX*#.fi.c/:" &> * i, ^ElffiA
zrI /rr..4,/r,fftb D. 4/,t--6-_-]. E*Lirzt *f 4 *t:Tt->/:aTbb. Z a

il. 4 l\lfn( f[Hf-tr. iH A /-r]f;#{6 L au. L. fUH+tr tffi)i,6 A*rv./3v,o g2

7). < 4,ftfrft r, . f: *: tr t,
r <, D b b tl [l il v, 1. 7r,.. F@=] "
aa H r./r## {S l- /s !, r
[ d--lxqrr. iai* L",L.Ed L(v.6 .. tE 5 /-{J'l'Eb.

a.ala b.rh3r c.tl'r.lri: d.*<"L(

e. Iil:!fprfr f. ot(" B.Lr..ltr. h.[E[)("ii
)i- h.

*i*3,i ^' (&) 5ll* Ir[\rr E

E ffiHu.r.D. H+Jar)Hi :ttr#i8".>/:ll L', :ire b-+ Y,

@[A A) D,A tt\h\ ] afrtT. [A a ua
*e) )h\. AEq AAI*p&)&)i5\l tt))
'a [fr.Zb t E.c (H i a L il L/:.
9w--'--, IA ] ) /',,\ * v.l'.] is used to express hesi-
g ffi t F+Pd Lr.[Ria6Fgffitrr7r*,.:>/:DT, trea#tr*t\rr Ci

Ii tation like "do A or stop doing A". ,/,H [A

,: /tl'->/:o
j,r'A*v'r.l t1\frli, *i "1ijiA.
j i r:A * r\r\l1!€
Xi X. /:ir. *#EE $
A' H1lEi,H.. ,/ 1 A
rA:j "Jzl A-= 6la ?J+,.]r 4=

1l - ;! El !=- 4E+ \ll trI .


v :HHfi' EA3 + i\ + E3 + e.urbl

@l-eueJ tur3pintr. f-l {;ta [a

tIii;*-,*do,p^,ifit? -g)' - $ *l*66^tb0), t\rt,l*66€oji
mffi ii Used to express "without -". "-"should be
; 3-: < t't'L:h(". i^t*tLr'. {LF}EAf*/:r.'L.8,.: ; "something originally or usually exists. ,u
"rtE"" lr'!H.E. -..- trrlllnHlE "4.X,U
!.,1 +- !- i^frl\*.tr. ,EF-trh\fr.ffi" ",/ t- slol 4
E 9"1 . r-r "l: re4l flqo} * 1. 6J*
6i /go ii
dr=arol +Ef.
,l4Li.. fikf:r>aifr9fit:cllfiiv,l:/:-it* tLfi,. ri

N;HA + &h8T
$ e : bfi,D * L/:. EI., (vr b )tl:trt\llJ bl:a\Ty'fi, *
iiii aif.. *;#o>.LiJrE*T. ("36[EDaI#iJaLX
,,*' $

{d +-r
Y +.o
9," S

& l--l {. lJ l-EErd 5 L Er\ J ) rd{.Etro)

r $ ,,^,& cL/ (
'*i{ - riig ;; 8l D\xc. t-tr\-ffiiffird-at,
Zr<t h

f :'v.111'Ul:'ia-l lt*Lt t-" r6Ail. imr,r ; ucl tu\fH[*Etd.

r$ $ ln "--", "somethilg notdone in a nomal situ-

-; *rurr-)>&A,\/:vrttrbfsptts#))
$ a
ation" comes md express "even do an exfueme
-"../ | - t E "-tr*i_t6i&8ff,f+.En!+".
q-1 $

tz; "iti+fFtf!'#+16" Htl6,.u." ./'-t 4lr-

reaz:a lt<'t6 /:d>l.l-.ffi&tEr,./: q L< 6 ii D. fii*" r.uSolE -Izl elg CEel ar ol l}rl r-4
$ h E
7)al7l nlt)
i!; ;; 4= 9El= LlEldtrL
11 ::f ?{,ti/e r,. L,B.b/rv.. ;t
= =+rloJ

"t' N :llru + tct <

1.,+DrHrlotgEt9fi ( Ettht,t tt
4 -ari A
l.'fEi*IE. *lc,
f,fi18t tfi++58#.
&6 a iar HH l: rs .> f:ati ! -# 6 fit? a,E o /:. Used when speaker strongly wants to make

Lf"tffr.tfrL( 3 /:i. b.
ffi @ E t)- <. : i L (/='t6r 3 /:
an asseftion. Also used to express a sense of
iitrfi. ta;Iqfr+E!,L''H ",/
E i, +if F!
/l7l 41lel i+
ATT" €- ,J;I7ll EJ6ln
49 "tlql ^l€.61= s'E] . !E
+ , olal+ zltsaq 4rldul .

&KA : .at7 tEn< b b./:u. /jia" i,H L r,.81tr;4pq

Ii3r?)] * Afi.
*/Jv.. @tNa:B+rd- N:E€n/a: l

I e : raLf, /:h,b?fi,.,/:Lti.

&IA|db\D I-B ) AfriT. I-AD\FtrC.
B aUrf TLqrSo)Et tf,ERl-rd:lcl t
I ?iil!\
IA iJi' t) i: B ] is used to express "because
olA, something unexpectedly badly resulted
inB"..u,H tAlfr'1, l:Bl Eiltrl{,*,ri "H
- A lr!,trtr, 3r{ B.6filfHzrl.F!lii+H!
,5R".,/[Aiir.D t:B] 9 €qlE rA7] g
6Jo,_c B+= el^Jelg +s ?4zI rl9rl:
+: 9nl='i4!14.

tr3r?f I + ldb\D l;
@ tNa : ##f* / E+866


1S;-0)t? )7'
;i 5, Znt.EJu\TBEt6J

;: ffir+;tmB. lElil{+R t a=,fr1_fv,0)t?i*e>bia6-r3 $ "

I A o)-t(" B ] is used to express "first do A
+r' and based on that, do 8". //,H IAOI'e B.]
/-o tit "Eititr{iAzE', i+fL#rd
tH1ds" H!. 1,E.. ,'tAOt-cBl 9 €Ell
& :"iitoHi: r*. mffi t r < i"'r#fi.bo)l.?.
E r+-lj A= 6111 +^.1 raql
6IEL 4.=- elEl= LI4EI+. =Z6lq

r,/:/j3 *9-I i. *;EFvivr/: L*f.

N :FEt,6ur + a-LT


7 ^, E[\iz]- EV\5hr @EEEEo)+z+ l- ?u\r-#EEq 6 t t 1.. iE

# H'z'<;S# t lF. a /t-/:rtt, ffirrrHf 36 Et\ar). Ef €oJt <z
at.d#'rRz#.tJT t] u r a rd=Ht +ll


56 Ltra#. 6 I -> t Erstf'li/s -:>a L*. ->/:" Used when one wants to explain something
and say various words to find appropriate
ba)\d* DDEtrarr. * DDf 36Et\arr. ef&rt expressions.,/ i,tHt iE,FIE'J+ +h)tl-inlfr A\
E.114, ti --+f+'f',iI E!*[i'{, rl+,U6ff
?ftt3-lc0 l-trv,lvff. i-di*H!i_Et,*. ,,/n]-,tloJ
43+ sdg
ql;ll €gg *rl
*ol ol/l EJq€ 5"1 tr: g

iiifr ,**r:r$rtidl9:rsL:iy;r$!r#r.rP

lrirl5l + 8fl3#+ lr3rf,il +' eL13i}

6iNa, :&trtL\rN:#El-

Ith t\
tr\f Hr*c. 66+l]
WE T 6 ft 8> OTA+EOSEtr IFFEd
t:L trh<t\
Used to express "as far as -" and limit the
inlomation to judge somethinC.,/*n "+
fl i'L Fl z r! ", /v 7 H;Ff *l ftri rfii [R.E fl!'l;.H,,8
H,,/t-el B9lE:,: el el"le qE +89
6+71 9+ d!-el B+l-= +C+E+.

--'- l+ D\tD(l*
N:-O )

l"UJt,A e6a0ss$at3a6aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS&aa*ttt&aaaat?*ao9a*3

,fr.o)a, bAa6. E Lt\tta Zi*L|/adLr.

1 EA (a.H*;i b.tri"-ir.) Hi *v.r.. t:>t Bo(v./:ilD. *iDr.6SlEgrH

6 6 Z b a L tt:fs -t /c.
2 G.fi'bL< b. f rL() H "ctc$ttatti, 6, Jl?tI<L*.-c/:.o
3 /:* l,:755 (a. ii3 r 6. ffiv,(). -;\rHr.t,i6. L 6 A 0 *f "
4 L +orytrF 6 Lfi, b)fr <> (*(. E rr [: {> ffirfi i:EEE/j ->/c (a. ali
b. oi.) L, LkdaFtcv./:o ^oEHit. ^,

5 H.& Hrl/:* *E(L*..>/: (a. tj'r.t) b. iJ'r.r] l:). 6lx[tAdJv\( L*.of:.

6 #A5A Da*l+tt, i6LAv. (a. o.Lr b. o-t.t:) il€L* j-.

7 hA,rsi Z*'t (tstuT, (a. 7,FLv.or.A* tvbafi, b. 7hLv.Lv.i i.b3it6 Lv.
ii.). ltlLE-(pr1,r/:. brt,0 *ril""
8 f/.rr-EE-ifc (a. fE t, rl* b. r; i.iJ). ?o,fE#i*s+ri*6 r; *riA,(" L/:"

I..UJL B Gaaataaacaaaaaaaaa

TO a - t o)+h\ bffi 685/e6 Ot -2]El.j/Jd L \.

1 +&ilrraH-tr4-rt.. /:-i.DEHrr+vr(vrt ( ).
2 Dav.ii6ffi jg'r,:j6i..,H#t a=atLAv. ( ) fi*e>ba L [:rs\ *f"
L I r) i',tD"
3 tLaZZirHi.-:/: ( ) t,:. 76tr.€-(L*.->/:."
4 ;H,ffi*t,:',ftzifi,'41< ( ) i.jEclcilD. +Elij?i( iLi:L/:"
5 .ft$rr*&b->f:1*., /:* l,:. H'l+ ( ) EiEtr Lfi,l.Tt < . L 6 bv) *f j"

a. * v\ b. /-/a c. i.s-[) d. a a i-(,

e. A * (' f. tl'r. 0 i:


I-??6 r,h'bau\z thrbcfcE, *9wxhtv\??g. -f (t.rdr\
fct*) rJU\U\"
tr - E tri 6o?6atr fi#( tdr \ r \ E rra t,o? g ttLr z a+ H hr/\L}ti
" "

l)- IXbtccT itfiW)frfiht{'h&>6l76tec< . *-f 1t#t--Ef;ftlqlr,t7 717..

I-E,lrtcEZAT TEkaf t4 >fiifl.( /eutrr E. flJa@,IzUtcZzaT. bL
*.td*.h 6 /eLt.
fl-[i VT tt iEtu(*61; L?t,. EEfr-A. #,ffiA^tl6^3/;"
Z- $otffr>6 r\?6*rrVcZa[Ehrte(ldatF'at. dCILt\$olrrb6"
tr^'60l*5 f ritrtt66Ore5' 6a-lg. r-=rfifl+'ftt;EUtclt.
l'-Ltictc l,*ctct 9Et*fi+=rr,Z'*b.Lticte.

)io)o- ot- xaeHaTO a - h h\ b -2f ?iEL|/e d u r"

4lSiS (2)

a+a+l#Bit. Hk L 6 [:]H.i-ffill<v. b" 2009+affial: r 6 L. 35

ffi.fi'b39ffi.a*46#a;*UAl*. E'[tri30 .6%,all+.fir16.|o/orj."c /:. E{tii. trlHB!i:a( 6 .
79 t-7'> [:ttu,("ffi 2li.olHE ("4 b" IF.Wti E * A'* /jrr. ? ( at'l*.rtr,ft$A++

1' a Hifr & W( r-c--=l +H4$ L /: r,, L 4 Z b f,ll+nrr' A < ls ":, /:L v. ) i t ra b a "
*i6+a)tHrnt*rt+Iv,t.)tsfii6 L L(. R[. ] -, (it*;E,Av\/t-;. .t *tr_18-r
b t-.- a 6 H( 3 /:" iE 6 L{ <. i:H)ffi L/:-Alj. tE *rfr*ADfrgiB D. r 36

? 1o>),,r,:*->l:rt,D Lv..<, tsaL;i / a]flort.6[€--l] i /j'. t.E:l"lt.

/-'ff?itJ(\<afr*ifrerhe>a[--@l4if:. t|+ttfrLT *<", zt- 7 4 * i:H6'fffi'fE
Itbbalab i *.. .Af u.( 6 'fi;lfl2ts\..a(" ilAt\r'. L. Li.L. E+qoii.++6<,.ft4
ffir"'(*/:Ra:L&tZbL. ll.l,;trtsf b -l
cl.l(u b. toOfirbb c. L v. i *r 0t<" { /3tr d. A,/i"cI:
e.l:&;t:->A f. LDreb o t-l -t-> - Af. h. i:L(6

&f-tu\) - td5Td tur 3 gn1-5.
^,?Tt, 5. -t
IFIE l,lct tf. tOlcDrd U) )
ffi iffia-tEt,cbu\L)l turf
ffia :;RE, €H. lt*-ab/*/:t,,a't. #o9arri Ha*g. (1.

B : ,ir+A+TLAr'tr,jrt.|. 7|v,(T$tit'ftt rL" E


Used to express "even doing -". and show

the speaker's strong determination like "to
Hlf63trD<. ,rr-bhha, make something come true, it is dght to do
extreme -". ,'/"8[itfitH+" HlHg. tzi'i
f 8,4+ *
ffi [fivrE$o#filH.TT$Lb ) t 1. j i
t,[ Bt] S:'ft5, Hf+ t&,'ffi H! S'iH Ue
L 'ffi " flrin.ifr ,{E!rEr,rlH,E",,r- += 7,1I drl

5:r r+= elElE r€'d8}jr 4!- ,l-3 9rlall^j4

ir. 5/: c (vr 6 L,H. i " E _r+= +EJ4oJ 7r1g;IE €4r += El4
el a6J €el= LlEldr+.

V:H:C + eb

&=rEb\*E l,r\- 8pTEIE',Erd- 8 t.rr,\

r. tb Lct6rd 5l tr1IH[tE*g.
Used to express"if one can do it" u,hen talk
about something difficult or impossible to
realize. / *.T *il.E* lL&ffi H!S'164i*E
6EI6EH!+'fH, +4r "lEXdUErifr" H!l
.8",/4,dol ol4+,lol'I +7I;+,lql EI
;tl r+^l 7I-;;iLldr ol4= 9!l='lEldE+.

v i avtrt ffit16 + b0)rd5

_ - -' -"'-_!!
1t @t66=5EpEZb\u\2bE
o4t r)
L/rrt tArr
E0\4 60)?E/eur

zt6t]!] z xEWffi t.=ffi
aLz r<
!"6 t tot
m +A/ar' D *tt l: tr tu 7r El\a bAT t
t; IE"
tsL\" t8 Used to express "one idea or concept is not
lf always right" euphemistically.,/ + YAh!+#
ffi ( rs b atta tLL v. ii D. .fFJr 6 A ( /3lt[l'vrrrr ti!
Pqrr* $
"T:6Ei.jt Hfii9l.fEEr!.8 +Effr H!'
,;[.,,r"1ts ++ol+ ^J4ol 6J* E}EE}I

EUra6Org/JLr" s 3 -J f iiEL 5 ',1€. e.]:"aizll 7ix.-l: .+.


lr3trf I + et13b0)Tbfit\

@l-E?-6t&r.l trrfHtx" l--l t.

^,tr2fr>tccT l*i*,DEEd
u)LL la
6 t ) rdHErlrd t tPEe
t rd-i6r\*5. B!* : rcEUtE.
4€+Aa H L trtr
ffiL!)n<zA tI6lc p ( iJ. t,(r/t,o>ft11-7;65rqX aXfa 6at
Used to express "when doing ---". ln "-",

f a;r. ;+L ( i*sr#ffi*r*iPd \,\Ai"il ( /:'8 v." special timing to make up one's mind or im-
portmt thing comes. ,/"ftt+Sflil[rtl+" E!fi
,H..' ..- I EEffi Er+,5 flJ+]}--L++r{ lr! il1.1EEt
a-2&, #!fiottv- lr
AEqtr!+'l€. E;tFllii.l*.,/r"€
9"1 . r-r ql= ael=- e6l,=
4r zI
)vL+bLv.iiL("f. ;
+s+ ^I6Jol
SEl .
7I+1 "J-=-.

v :Fui ti-i I

+ l'6fc=T

€;E U+0r66+=b\5BUL-tE. ffi
a {.! $ahr66 UA.
ttrti Dr*d*rE.

Used to express deep emotion that speaker

: ggffi leels from a certain fact. ,/ii,it-,\r!Htr+
+HtrtU H4r. iliffi H'lF{H!*Enf,. ./ d 7+71
; xgA : iOCD. L.t,.iao A{&OFrrV)V\o qtr
^I!-E+E] -e a ql5 +ol s5l6}= s

s l) :rLr " lfr,.CIFt:it. .i4r.H <#tll3rri b$-a v : E1*r1f6,l
hr,'6 tr,.
r1 t.'

f lEE4t*trrl

+ bo7:\64

NaiIEAi6'' ,,,
f*:, ,' !.d-a-.ilq* h's'e.8 s.s'8
t- t Ur )
& Eri o *8,/ EEh' h, 5 RT b.
{].*ii -tZt \ ti fiERHtE UC66t tuf H!*. fif;Xrr
&<rdu)f e7)rtt ).
llliiim :. arffiffiir DILlat,IfitLb afi., +tFE UIIEZZTFW ti
li Used to express 'Judging from another posi-

:t a Y- a blt.bfi' D /ev.. :
tion / part like -, the result is the same".
L sually. the result is a bad rhing. l\
t{Hh!.ffinrh t"frFA' E'. ,*R*[E-,l+" r1!,H
$ ffi ffiffi olt HtP^tLIzl,teEZZT. Da) 1 E>v'oty1fr.rr?€ fl
.E. rgR,1.i.ktr+BtrEjltE.LLfr.4. ./ | - +Y E+
.JZi/++o-e.{o}E Ar+= ?E}r s}E =
, .'/t! el
"l a4= +zl *+ e+7I *E+.
[,.,.,.:,:_]:-:_3J1._,._"_ - #
m,ms*aefn.%3diai6.6.:smia.ap.H!*ss.e. N :+18 + t.LfcXZZ-e

'il @l-E t,-t{,1f lfiEeb:Zbl t-&l,t

) lt,El*.{tEi)\rdu\)5\b
L b'x
L nELrD\l t
r) ) H!*. r5ffi€rt8u\
il a#Sd#j-zth\&t\.
I .xe" 1
Used to express "evenif something is under
^' condition" or "condition like - is un-
avoidable". Often shows the speaker's dis-
1i:,, ;{ satisfaction or unconvinced feeling. /" Hll lE
E + f t, ttr,E " " H 4+f + )tt /,[EJ'rr'E t!.Elt i' i*
E!+,1€" lr.!H,B,. tajjtifr ,^.1i jff fEzirgfr4Fil
,L'ffiLLlf,i?../t+^l -4=-- *elol4E I t-
4= ^.le}3- q?, + gLgrlE E=3EJr ol4
-= 9"1 . +trIg tss}.l.+ -JFC + 91.= 7le
-3 ,l+'I:. Zerz\ Y*4.

lr3rrf I + l;UCt'
l € lNa , rr.fl] rir , ftgl ' ,l

@Efl r tt l.f{ h\€gfe z t d.F". u) H l.
i:* lfrio
I lJ"l Lticta #
6 lcttlr,lEf trE. l):DrD LCUrrcl
E EXH : )v. * /jqx.i'L ts\ta ?
Used when someone forgot something

) L. 'f : < iEAr(" -ruttgL/*rJ\

$ *l
: t) - ) ?- - L7-t:b. 6c vH 1 ilj
important but that comes up in one's mind
again. It shows the feeling of "despite my-
self, I have forgotten that". ,,HE f
L(tj ( Ltictc" H,t-hB
it 7fi! ii
,)) ?arc.it E IE+lr!+,f68.1 Flartr;( " aE "zi
i+8" flt,L'tH,,/",1-7 99"J +91sl7I +s.+
y.). m&)-6. 6 c L+< H bLtictc" ?i L/:b, Z/-/sl: ))l
a9 ^J43I ^l+61:
9,941 4". TlBol *Z 9+.
]i'Ql . rzJE qn


t)t ul
V:ffA + tufi.=fc

l" U/t, A **ttt9BG€&[email protected]*6466G&&t**666*6*&&&r6&$&s&68

)R.Q a. b Aa6. E-Lt\tta 6iE0/ad ut.

1 <aE.$tt ffiLv.6oAft'lEL G. afi,b b. (r6),*jAAtry;'b'y'Wfiiar*->f:LTt"

2 +^i.ta*.bfLb h. {arsb b. ifr'rl l:). z,t-viEtl:tr l, /:v..
3 rl-tr;Bil. E( fu,1fi.Ll:fi,D l.+t:-#ii6 (a. Lv.i a Lf6rrv. b. Lv.) 6or6
4 lfuNffulit-r b G. t.fr;/:->a b. rcb< () t*. wa:- L i:itHiL< ( /j'3 v."
5 EA\otri:Di L(.A,/sifi.iil:$llEr,6 bafi,L,H,' L. .)br,. (a. $afi\bb
b. {o)T4.*b)"
6 tv-b G.t.L/:t-abT b. l,:L/: Labi:6). SFSXi.)et3vri\6. I < irr.Dtrvr
/ do

7 A,ryEo5f;ft. HHrS*fr'"
B : ,?h\. ftrE/jL,E i " trlfrt b (a. l,: L( 6 b. l,: j-ir.13;. /jvr"tliEv.ffiffi[:46.
8 L *. -c t:tsb. *;ifA6 + tuir4 3 (v. b ) t,r,:, baX+WatFq fr tW.f, oT h I,
G. a b. L) /i-c/:.

I"UJtl B
TOa - f a+h\6FBE*/aEA&-1XU/JdUI.
1 *ilBFAI]fiv l-ii. Di L(6Z.ELv.i ( ) rr.6/LiJ.,fEfU/:L,Biffiffia;-':>/i"
2 *+tffiPll,.L
( 3'
) EHAE+HIBi, l:pbtbLv..)*ryrtr.
+EIo$r&6tr6v./:. L

3 +Dbit;ffiir[.ts,-ct:L * iJ. t\btlb ( ) Rb.({' 4 /:vrL.*fl/aD E,alaba.

4 +iEtr+t!rzrd)(". a o{+rFfr Lav. t-r b ( ). *iEo,tEEE r-llI4t,. ts brL r i.
5 tEf.i:. - rtri+ L A*Af battffi.Lv. ( )"
a. (f 6 b. i: L( 6 c. l:b/:->T d. *> ars b
e. nr ofiibb f. 6 or $ t3v.


- Unit 8A'trq I l'rU/rC.l D\ 1O'l

)R.O a . bA a E. E-Lt\tIa 6iE1)/ad l,t"

1 EaaE+E (a. i:rf D( b. Ai*DD), a*fi\av&81"i: J.bU<trlr;Z( /j'Ev..

2 lEtt. *ftt{,E (a. (*r b. Av.() *f Lv.ftTtffid>/:o>i:. +Etu<u*.->/:.
3 ffiit{,/-/i (a. $aa b. arrb), ?rr> }."o)ftEqrr} ( av\q)r. =-fradr3zi

4 *fi Lu.ff$Il (a.a;{>Lr b. &iJDDLL<) t,*LtLl:Wihfir1lbtrLt.Ltt, .d)tr

5 €Hr.-lEi i,. Hrrt i* iffi (a. too>o> b. L A b L). r+HE 0 r,:4 ( a;l* fr>3 bd>f:
i* ) /lvrt,r/3o

6 tt$6@t66. {,0fi G.+ff,r b. < Dv.&b) ffiE< 6c6( 646.


lj3. * a L t:$u1 7;L i 1"3"v.*f.

8 ? kAi:'fXtu (a. ( Bv.& D b. L:ffiL(). tr.I*lLt.r,:h13/:'LE">Tltt:Bv.r,.L,B,
i r.
9 a0)fi )1ii. zj.ry (a. rrirB b. i:rfiDr), L(6ffi68*,-v.v..

10 &>afi+^tt, ++^awwh D(). E * E"* rr#Efiixt t 7. "

(a. & it DE b. i:rin

11 a0)*- ArVEffirZt:a ll. BA LDtrr,+*.fiifri"c/:fi,b G. [:ili./r 0 *tL b.tk

12 +ne><rF ) )v)v?7, > tfr.t) (a. &rv./: b. Arrb) F+oEFrilE,a bllt.i&L,
13 a t"a+ D 6 /: t *rt+WtF*,L/: (a. L . bthbt b. i:P.*L(). ..ox+4it.<tL
14 H*t) alfr+E (a. ( Bv.& B b. i:ffiL(). frIllavabi * [:ii/: ( e Lo a#1+ t v. /:
/:-3. 4grt.bq rrL i l..Sv.* L/:"
15 #Lt,.p#a?, hLrsf'tfi)J L({,->A (a. v.i) Dr60*l*_Lfi, b.v.( l,:iti./e
16 il: i'( H*lsi:1io /:al?,ft$rr'EL < (, L': C: {, # 6 (r.
*ff. b. 9- D * v.) rlBc
@ e 9* * * 6 6 @ ee s * * s 6 &Ba€ 66 66 &e $BI &e I e 6e* * t * AS* a aaa a aa6 @ t a* a&a4 a&* I e aa d* &* a * ! &I &a

,ROa. bAa6. E Lt\tfa6iEL|/adtr"

1 Vtr* l-A*/:gv\(p:/4urd)a". z\-74 *1t11< (a. [:L<6 b.tib/:->a), hR.

2 lLf.rtt3trErffigtf btv,)oramr.(. H\,./: G. Lr,.ii. b.ifr.l]l:; pr3
trrt: t v. i *.. ,tFJ
L 6 E*rrH ( * ltfi, -> /:o
3 +r'NWtl- (a.J ir.L*u.1. b. (<"6). .ott$il+E+[:f&i"bt(L*v.*
Lr i.
4 lV*o>zC-+ i:lt.fpjr. &EFrEif A (a. L v. i 6 a;rliav. b. 6 ori6 -r/:) "
5 ffiffiij,tHBkrttf-rytutJ.v.v. (a. Lv.i 6arft*rrv. b. t,:itr,a6lev.).
6 RlLb (a. t:*r/c->a b. a; rs b), E LIX/*-c/:&;a E i:E l, /:\,..

7 iiiEEt.Bt.'Rb i L,E"]/:ii. iffiE(" trfiffi,a+f v f irLlt-ts\," 6o L+<T"#!A

(a. L(*,'t,./: b. L(*i 1,) /-/i-r/:"
8 +E.l_St-#tAB <. G. t:fr>/:->a b. i: L/: L i br),410>.tvr,:Wii(r../:/jr,./:.
9 tLfirfl*-Lf trrt,2 /: (a. FEi? b. iJ'*.4 t,:;. aD6 i:Elfladlr.it( L*.->/:.
10 frLfirma (a. ltR D rl* b. o.L.r). fElJ. ot+("fr 6 E A;Eot #rsH#4.0>.A("

11 +EoA;#rii. {EZ?)rs747-7 il-:>6Htri.c/:" 6-L6. f,L (a. [:L/:L

abT b. tta&>/:c () v.r..7 4 f 7 /r D/rv\d)t-rr.......
4 B il. 4iEi: j-v.s p L,B.c /: b, FYBzl, b z I -rr* B (.a. LTv./: A,/j
12 1yd:,,revt

b. L/:).
13 *v.6Oir#frrO(". lrfi"1i &v.)i. b.e:A(") *sFFv.L*-1.-.

14 tVkr,*f-4 t'v | (a. * r L< b. o Lr) -+ffit L(v. /:att?. /iE.ats*7 4 *l:
'li\re ( ts c (. D A,ts i3ir-, fi.0 L(t\ 6 lib , "
15 , -i Ull. (a. HJs i *' b. Hr?tsvr/') -H, * tur/.f vrfff: /:ir. H-c1- J.rt'":>/:
L,B,i 6 aouL':>/i" w
16 Bffi.(u.t.L/:t.br b.oI(") ffitjitlaoir. Hh\affiRDI Eqae<ff6.

FEE 1 )fr.ayD ( ) i.^frAat;ffi6&t\60)6' 1' 2' 3' 4#6-?iELI/a

i:r 1 I
L- \ )f v:*r Li8 c /: ir. +ffi i:rlE ("H b L< h<. 4g tt. I fi' - /. L
,B.z (v'6 o

1 * v.i. 2 I r r.L*v.r. 3 Ii1."it/rv.r. 4 /tV.1.

H&a++ ( D)** "c ( v. /3 tr.-, /:E)ur,:, 15+ ir l) i: IEJ ffi.A r Q'> te

1 l-/: 2 -fb 3 L< 4 LTv'b

/{-t 4 -afr+Wtt. 3000Hr.815000H*r. a7H ( ) ;.6ffivr/:L*f.

1 6 r.* bf 2 tYfrbf 3 olr 4 i:tr"u. D(

EfBr.bMX[tOv\(. a6[AA-\6 ( ) *.]^WJ6€ftEts(ts->aL*.->/:"

1 $arsr> 2 ttaXittfb 3 Dzbfi' 4 tr

*ftarttJdrtrific /:i. b^<.f:1tE tcie> 3t6. 3 r,r ) oii ( ) Lr Dv.f 0fri-"

1 b*.u) 2 6*tI:6 3 b*0a 4 6*l)16

? r, 7 ,,(Ar il. Sf; f"f m*r)ffi ( rr c /: ir. M L rt'ffi,ta*. T )"

1 E6*v. 2 fr.bara 3 Eat:IL/:aLilAv. 4 ftQ drvrt

ao)lff-y , r7<'l*, /(i,i(+7 =z ). z\z t v | *--Ir. Hr*. **/r


D. E * e"* /rzff -') t+Ltua LrirS 6"

1 i: L( 6 2 A it Dr) t L< 3 l?-b/:'>a 4 t\frfrf
JtE4 ). HH{'eEEi:6tgrrF+0. trEr''tiEf;LL/:.
1 Lv.):tl* 2 iJLv.)L 3 ab-rsbf 4 /.'uli:
+B iJ*-i*rrbbo)T, /{-7 4 -trHffi ( ). A;Err*Sb'>afi'bt:rs6.
1 tbi:L(6 2 L(*r 3 L(r6 4 tbD.bfi'

10 tLaE)\t*X,*€a;*.ffiflSL/:
rit'ir^& r,
( ) I +6 fiE/: & v. i tc rt:"66q6L< U *. -> t:.o
*>o>rsb 2 rt'Alat. 3 loaa 4 IIED ri*
,, 11 7- y *a++_t ( lt' -dffiilmr#f L/: l' 6 &,B,v'rHf .
) t:':;
1 F,b 2 F,t: 3 F,< 4 HTv.. b

FJilE2 )RAYA EI*tLttE*X\trtc6&U\r). 1' 2' 3' 4DEffi6E=

tr$Ot-2i80lad Lt"

1 tgrxrr tAt-ii D, trtEog &Tlr b< a "

1 'c.l:fua 6 3 Lci.i/rv' 2 cJrit36 t'Etsvl
3 ",Jl/u/rv.(iJv. 6 iaAv. 4 'c l:{L( il i. /e fuf.Ept

tr,ffiore'fffiH. + < frAerb

" f <"i:l6D&i"
1 i:I' L/:i L iltrv: 2 / +:- +-

3 Lv.i 6oa" 6trv: 4 l,:tHiB /r v'

+E++ *
t tJXfi
A is# tJ /r v:. W< b r'D i i'ij. f,l.t t axffit)
t:29r< i
1 J.]l*/j 2 tj'r. |, /j. 3 Wffiri 4 aLli

U7 ) rrl+l:rHilflifCT =z I Grsn^
1 l,: i*i.tr D ta v. 2 L v. i 6 or 6 trv. ("iJ te v.i. 4 litt*,b

/\& oEifrEBiir: Lr".rc'EYL < <H. t*fifE6

1 ffE € b tlflrsv.. 2 f;+Ef D* t,',
3 fr+e>b i:iri./r | /4vr 4 t+er< ilr.A Nt/.s\tt

)t a
-t., fr*. #t E-ERfE r ii. 4t+. *fil'r.
ii:,(: j , j i ,' (t' o,
RH rr D. D i v' a,ftw
(}- U ljn ?
o++ H a iE+R
d-At (
1 Lav\(- iiv. bllts\t 2 L( 6 3 l-.fi,Ztsvt
3 LIiri*av.r. 4 ii6"6 tt#rsv.

7 fiL/:6oIfi+ErriEla)ttt:rs6l)T-f
ba L/.
. b.LreTt* A AI6+E
1 -fbi:iIi./rq*t/- 2 tbr,:l.L/:aLit6D*tL
3 -f b A,TLi: 4 LI i rtJA q *.iaLrt,
8 :p/:1"7tt1492+t.7)1) *xv*.thF.
I f.t\ (

1 t3"6 t|?tsl,-t: 2 L/et?i*r.A 6 /rv.

3 L/:Lv.i 6a;r6rsv. 4 L(v.6

F"183 )R.aYa * i;,^.6F6 X.t\$at 1

. 2 . 3 . 4rttb-2iEL\l*dLr.

7 Z I affiO Eli:rs- 1. * Ef ,. Breffi L(*i 3 te 3 v..

bv'tsb 4 bb<b

* *fi' blOffii: ts "caE"c< *b. *\frlf /-tr.oB$llP,*c

(v\6 iIr\l*Av\o
1 4>otsb 2 AL.L 3 bl:Lrti 4 Eij)

?4:r.vl * ha)\tt, X.$, <trLllDrg1tsv,.

1t 2 ,L.EA 3 <,t6 4 L(*r

i. | /3 tTro

1 4.4v. 2 HJ:'f 3 .Li:fJ

5 *tsEi*+B L(6,ltLv.D L <. * *.t:t (i:rHi.il(?Tc


1 *.tc 2 Atlu: 3 ,.L,H.i L 4 R.a

,e,/-/a1*.4>lB 0> * lvo>Wr,ti*.fFjr.lo,L.twfi*f $afiib
1 Labkhbt 2 v.6 3 CD'T 4 fi,fuffi,tJ<

,E i*ffift rE ( tF.L rv. /c rr. * J*Lrai3Ev.: ( l,:iBv.

lJ V.o

1 tE7) 2 *)tK.a 3 f<" 4 aL/jr.6

F6E4 )RAyH6fr.LTf------lr,6f-- s--l a+t-^6a6&r\60)6 1 . 2 . 3 . 4

f*a;EI<'ll. 2+l:Ltr, V7 ) 0)3>, - tvhtffrfi,lab" B4+r.6. Vf I o>l:*rs#h

,r100li[ ( *)nL. zJl6v.iH4affi ,.t( I |tb.
.0)3 >, *rl,i*. fr-7 >7 4 7 t L<+lzi L. ngirspSi:iiHHl:u7 ) aiq4"tH ( . L
,rr3 6. l- I l, VT ) firq+3 eilil. .0)3 >, *tv&*la, . L i3 L/:. BEoiHa
ALrBv.. i{,$Ao e, AEA dF Eo+<"rH < u 7 .t lill hoa,
SItnZi:iJ. €i:6 * e'* A )',/:Lir\,.6 " <0)+o- rrE^E /-Tb6. F/ie l"

1 l-<tAtt/:" H ( L. Ev./LffiEr", +1. rr$ltl< i /a'L v. i " f,*/:6 iiAE. Ht3 /-irv.
, Ftl lr r L rt\ /:'h; lr rt. c ft o L a b*r. OC E,t l* iH*T--4__l )\fi;*.h -r /: !- i
z. r. L,L. Bd

i:zuiri:ts0, lha 0:ffi6*3. L i t aIBWU<u*.->t:" f{/:6ii. aorfiEt. r. i, €^

A Loi{*fr**\rts0, hLrs*r,L'o+rmf€Lrv./:. B^e Ltt.<al4, 7, > za3 >

)tturs Dr6{EB#L. +("i1. iiftrrluaU7=71- L L(ifiEEL(v.6.

tEE. lEl D j i /r v7 I = > 2 - tvitT46Iur50rxl6 ffir.ia(v' b Lv. i. c7 =z I tfr
4-f bAl:6ii. ai l-t:=/ 2 -tvtWLtrhv\(v\r\Afiiaif A \/"sv>bll/jrr. 3/ 2 *tv
lilFWL /:Af,s(rr C 7 - x I- Grs p u L v. ) b ii( il a \,.. ffi+E L ( ( tt b )t/:6 rrr 3 (.
ut e>< 7 u a c. 7 = 7 | :b n 6 ar b b
" < o,F., Et 3 /- ii. *. h 0 a )ufiif,i,t*. t-5--l.

Wfllrs.2-fr2tt#", (v\6a;i.6 Lfursv.o 7E aifr#.Xl i*. +(,:ffiLr,.ltJPt66"

6oLb 2 Zttts b 4 /:/il,

2 1 Do oiH* 6zJiry'.= <v.(trbfEL/: ( rsb

2 Da)\oifl46otuo'|, L(".(EE (rsb
3 DA)\aiE*6c* E>ts (,A ffiv\av. blrtsvt
4 Da )\aiF*6 @a /: D L(v.('+Le>b

1*r 2 i* 3L:4a

Lftno o>o> 2 LlsbL 3 *("L( 4 IrE

4 ('d

51 L( 6 E L<>fi,Llsut 2 -trbl.J. L/:L L li/rv.

3 t bt:if ,'A | /31: 4 !/arr(" ilvr f f1l6Lr

#*' *q ffie"w


Mock examinations
Ht Et Eltft=nilffi


fll aoiEB6iiv.c {>f v.(v\ba[:. +B ( ) lE,Lrv.6"

1 i:[Er( 2 |,3rv\( 3 i:HL( 4 i:L(tt

E aot-r-ttlE -rr:-ffiv, ( ). ts6Y,,4:t(9v.r,,."

1 <rli: 2 tj'r.Di. 3 /:'r,ii: 4 6il(i:
tt ffi+5-HtE,a ( ). ,tila;E#tt.i.bwgtJ/3vrL EbtrL*.t.
1 -trrit 2 o>a 3 t rs b t
4: 4 ,.3" t, rit
E 6E1m. alstrurL<s+l.i*i6-,-a t ). r+i+a5[?Lr."
1 .Lttsbt 2 .LA< 3 .L/jL 4 :Lr.D

E tr"Mta ( ). a/Lr. btt#,a+*wtffi'ft!(flr,:|]r3vr"

1U,_L 2Ir 3 tfl: 4tkffi

E EL btA.t*t.t bfi-( ) is/cv.a;r. - L 6at6l: L I,"

1 &aDle 2 &E( 3 &E 4yke>A

til *)tL/: ( ),frH.a*lli.r''+tr3/..

1 tibt:->A 2 rt,bUT
3 tabt\bt 4 11;t, 7J:.fir-a

E *BoiiJaffirSriH'e. +,,\ ( ). ffi/c66!gsrrv.*f.

1 ltlv.iL 2 ti6(ij* 3 ii6Lil, 4 Lv.i_iJ'

E trF{it* /:BEirffiLv. ( ). Hn. m,itr.rr D iHL ( /ro ( 5 (v\6o

1 D.ar. Z !yr)-Lt*
3 tbbL 4 L t*v.16aa
E ryJlffirtt.LraE (
1 Lt,r'(if Lv.6 a;/j 2 |*r=(ijr.&bta\'
3 lirc(6r,.V. 4 til.< 6 6 L:tr.2 rs p.

r1 xr+r,rz zfrfir)rgJrfrrg . e.2ri,Hilij'r,.\,. ( )"

1 i:fHiE& v. 2 Lv.i 6a;/J
3 i:i L/:i. L iltrvr 4 Lr,.i {:t)("ii/rvr

E :- Lte i:ffif,{-,.ntrr= ( it. &-7 tvts'4 I'A ( ).

1 rlE'6 tf$rrv. 2 ,-6 Da 6 ('ij/rv.
3 L/rv.i. L i*trv. 4 L{S/rv.

FdE2 2€Oyo * E^tLAal-FBtt\6Ot. 1. 2. 3 . 4ilb-)7_6(.}/e


E F.tr_ * li+rt* n +ar#iEril&/urev."

1 fr.c (t)6 2 Lv..c/: 3 r 4 6DeE/-*
Ll4 fit#tR.t:|i.r.h;. * _a+frba{E?r( L*.,c/:"
1 *L3 2 e;*.0 o> i: 4 EE
E E+EA,I* * &OEH6*.AL*.->/c.
1ftS 2ffift 3r 4 o>h.rs bf
E HLv'&ptr:H, /:sttE /-ii. bo +H@E@3. *
Xffit"t ( c/:.
10)z.d.lFu)3+ 4 r:v\(

En Xt":> ( ar,:it. * --nkffifir,Y'ETb b

1 it c.e> L'r b ^iE
2 +,;-r L 4 +

F6E3 28ayH6.ffiLT. t-T6l h\6 4 n-l a#t-x6a6&t\60)€. 1 . 2' 3 '
4 h\ b-226 o'/ed t r"

/ry :1 >&4frv.\hd>( 10+],.rs6trr. t{r 3/ ("-#,fEfIJ/.-L,B) a;rr; t)vTb

b. <l...*.ril. +#EaB < [Tsl -rilTe5 A L(r.DiBBA L(r,,/:" fi',rs 0 *
Ffiiri'i' 1, . lESrriE*Lb aL 6 /:Ls/:(,1'(" b'> /:. L : Arr. ) - )vTa*tLlfffiHi:
y.HtB-fa Lrrr3. E Bi:*rr'blav.iH?<" 6/tv 3/rt:DWL [Jg I .

L r. L. . o*lTtl.frED f 3< v. b t, t l"r 6 A v\;E.6rr,fE b tL< L *' " *OW-

/:) *rur. [iE?^.atEeu aF{ieZ<v. *r--]. t+EE L:trit|.rtt?:btsrs\fi:'ff, < hb

tLb). t+EI;E+Htr68. i€F*rr DL E +A#oyt*t*t*i"bj tr D. HEi+,&r=*

olE+Ro;^q0t.J.broat L 3 D5E,r.il6. [tfH(.] t l*t*) i*-#f 6 i.r.r) F{
lEZ ( L * ) rr. E A;BiJ IEJB ^H-#:#Tfrrvrn(.. *+fu f 20]| iIH L rr ry tuB rr b rr


IEJBE*;Ei3ifu.*L(v.ilif'tt* an-| " [E< irL'i*6 v)fi]La aEv.* L/:_l

L v. i I & Eil4X.. /: I L $ b b" /r-tt' I o t a /e rEi ir*s 3 /: oi'. h l*hfi' b Pfi +)J

ttz7,-t /:ir.z{')3>a+-t I <F,a L t3-l L l < -l t*L a 0H*rsaac.[frif DiJ.]

L+Tr,\3 La bt, i*">T Lrs0 a+-t+rL, <Di.i.D+fuL<ui.->/:o)Tbb

a" t, r* b. tt:, E AEE e +"5j NE )',a ) )v T F, b trL b o) iJ. I r - x o "=tA r fuWL
*L/:-l Lv.ilirrixac}rA" ao)izo)Htrit. [ffiftJ (Lr) 0)) a la) t
)',*tf l:tt -> /: I L /:-"
./ { v :1 > aE+*ffifrE iJ L ( 6,fEfU /jri. Do iE+*rtr9] r. a +tJ Etrr 3 6 f[;fi {,Ts re

* t v ? rttt.tJ b L. tc rt, ( a4Lt\reffi6E 6 i * ( @trt'rs ( b b. Tg * rr,Z.Erii

a<a->ftft. f n-\ .

Lv.i 2 LlebL 3 L v.o/: 4 tL<
1 <frrtlb 2 <zubtfb 3 (v./:/i ( 4 < <tub

1 [:HL( 2 l:I,.r. D( 31,:FFc( 4 i:ift: (

1 i:i*r.A B trv. 2 tsut i. L 6 /rVr
3 i:liF I tf /rv. 4 Lv.i {>a;f 6rev.

1 Etr Ltt AZ.Eir/s 1 r* ->a-'*l:ts -c/:.

2 T€|,:t ty ) La < (6. *I*t:ftH/LHI (rs-;/:
3 -E H Li:E+Ffi trt,tJ 7a,Y'Wfi\bbfib a
4 iE+o{[Fftrra < r6 rywa,i-rSrart] 1ts"cf:

H2H Elft=rilffi

F5E1 28AyA ( ) I,z^tL6Ol:ffi6&U\60)6. 1'2'3'4h'b-2ZD


E v.:6 I < A,\6 il+6 /-rtib* l, A-iav' ( ;. ,l6arEArFgivrd)t.6 L/L

& v.o
1 aLLrebt 2 aL/jr.B 3 DZbfi' 4 tabtbbL

E ar,o*1+.t*mf+[tfv.L. ,tX|>*v.fis, fi+ES'r]B/i-&v. ( )"

1 i:f[j$r3p. 2 L v. i {> a;/j 3 /jli * L/:. 4 ("llv. ta{vfst1:

E 1i+-. atHFAL/:v'. Lrr6 bartT:i, +ffi,*iEffi ( ) rL t *'.

1 L< $ N;':4.;rrv. 2 L(ijr.* btsu, '
3 tbr,:itiilif&v. 4 iiE 6 &fSrrv.

fI bori+-d)+{*r[J. ffiIo*ffia+"Jr. L rrrS 6. mLv.{E*/jrr. HHi-6

( )"
1 ,)V\rrfr V\ 2 i:ilr.&t2t417r
3 fatJoattib6 4 /:r,t* L/j.

E tvrt-7r>alYWEz" ( ). ,-)vr*)i)7l)fl+trt. &+*rilAAF,(

v\ 6 i: jEv) rr v\o

1 t:1,8"2< 2 rt,bt7aL 3 o):-tfifi,b 4 i*6LI4

f N6ll4.(3/: ( ), ,rr*rlfrb.Li:Lli.
1 aL/:L 2 .tfitJfr>"cA 3 :LLrabL 4 :L/r(

f ffi.H7\*.ts$Xa ( ). av.i:++. 7*ni,,l,Ptf'H.L/:"

1 t 2 l)_I_t 3 v)* 4x

E J.]tBfritF+4 J)v7 i:?-3 * L/:ii. +utrr4* tu<rt,b[*. +D6 i.i.'arii.*.=(:?'
)v7 ( )"
1 [: it# & t]'* rt/- 2 L/:v.6 orf
3 Eabriia *.t/- CI 4 L /r r. ,(*ll \,, b*L * it/-

f ffit|t (6tts*&,1./i" t[rab3->t, tLr,:traffi'r+ ( ) <tlbriba"

1 I,:'E D( 2 l,:FE-: ( 3 tiiili->a 4 t,: i. t.i-(

[q ?+A a D. A i:f']i-6 *aE! rs v i - iJ ( i1Lv.6 o/a-.

1 *frb 2 *E-rf: 3 *ilb.) 4 *[., (v.(

E Ett#l: t b t. E aoFfr tt'R; ti4'tr ( ) <ara"

1 L<^tb 2 L'c"cbb
3 L&v.<.. t*vr |futaVr 4 Lir/:V.
f-l- * llr'(oi
ffi^E /-tt b 6 ffiEI gF{E a)<.2 -r >/4. fiLfir<o$Fltra-Bnt ( ). 4-x.<"
,&q fr-r"
1 Eii ) {ara b 2 E">f:fr;tf (
3 Aa E.bfi, 4 E) < bv,rs6

fdE2 ?8OXo) * l-NruAOI;ffi€ &t\60)4. 2.3.4h\6-)ZbUts


-7 \ )t)r * ,r. E.+ t*Affi,r,:, t|#tfr+e> b a t t.
1 -l-

1 @juirrv. 2 ffiItr& 3 iL6/rVr 4 j'ralf

E &tEar'*At>r-r*. * _Ai:.71:bb? a /a.

1## 2 i:6 3 +H+ 4 t!.fi,0 fi,

E +Ed)*;*6. EErrffi!ftv,fr6 o *'far, *_a

trHlffi L( ( /:-E v..
1 /rv. 2 J i* Da) 3 4 a Lrr

E : oHlti#t+efr r:tsir?E?k *.tI /:21r, fH *r:
1 rt,0>j i l: 26 3 /&fi'":, /:. 4 .{rl$

f tLt*4,6 v.Et * ,r,v?E*t:itL(6EfLv'"

1H'c<u'b 2 tJ,b 3 V7)t 4 lattlbo<

F.5E 3 2 € OyFt---"fi,LT. I-Tr8 l h' 6 a *-;;-r.t

n- A+ t- &t \ 6 0) 6, 1' 2' 3'
4h\b-2Z6LIladLr" ^6R6

EArBa; I-,H6.1 Lv.)Fi;iJit. [+r. br!-t.&fittb) t v.,HffiA++6. +;Sr

il go out. leave trDL-aRA fui.t" trU6] [i. B4;E*Ha;l)JW.riHf < 6. *4
ElrrEi;flefr.b. lE],E/-6 e < r'6DrLr i" Li.L. *48!rrEi;iJLilv..i-. [H

b ) alLt,'fr l*ffiHri*6 D *t /-.

t*z<Z^< ( /iEv.. w*a L 3 it l&Ea+i:16-l rf L. €;-fil:frbt * ll*

rB. [Xo+r'&gJ-f b) rt. ril. v'fia6 [+*'bryr,:_Pp$tf a) t v'iH
p^ilav\orf. ri*. /r€'iola rrll: tH6-l fiil*.btlbaTL& ii'. ZlLt
f[6t,:i*. E^;E("iJ,fFJrr [4,] (". .fFJrr [F_] raa;r.. Lv.i i trt,bZZlrilir-tf
ra0 *.tL"
E4;*rlr. t+Effi-l 5, tE;61 Aa\ (ij*"'{'tf) oW, Lt arrift'aWLZZ*t"
-:*.0..o)i ) rswFfifi;E4;E fl3_l IFNJ rsaTt. Eif l,:. )\fi,bR,ztsuiftpfi,
[ffi)vWralhFfiA EAE*rH t+-] f" lB)vTtelkfrrt' b^atkFfr"'. Ai' b
t L b,i- *

F,i-tsv'lkFfrr. t, A t o^,fr.orkE[,\ L. . o i ) rsfsgt& tH 6 -] t-tr[l-<\,\ b 0)

rj-. [3'+7,.] irH/:_l [HHirH/e _] rrD0)#.tE6 ] < H 3 *f [3'+7'] t, _] [HE_l


tl0 . [ r. bF,Zb-rfir,:f*frLl:/itl-e, fr/:':> 6 l, H/rv.-] L.B-:(v.6r.6

LfL*t/-" 4fr,fueil tHf.l tl*.-/: tffiEtHj.l tL'h* hAHr.l aL'o)#rL6.

.oI )rati-fi [Z-l .

W+t Do& )r,:422"7,. */:. 6 b=-f..rt,bDa ] i rr: L A 4 ) *)tbz\,,

L v.i I L lt.
( tl,t1'tt0. atrLtty.IV,l:I c( 6Err 0 *t " Ia
tirs.t tbfrn-rbh\w 122 |
r-=,fl.Ifl=E#+l Lv.v.*fo
&>re/:o>BaE#rlt. ID:l: " frb ) LA) aTL x )
" 21, ?

Lr.6 2 bbvrtJ. 3 -f rabL 4 ZfLt*?a L

1 lt:$ttl7r 2 i.fr;/:b 3 i:rfi D( 4 l,:iA'l (

1 faryb)< 2 b'f futt

3 iiL 6r.< 4 tGLt:t abT

1 i:+c3 * L/: 2 t,:xr-<rur)

3 4 i:*c < i*f rf

1rr ZE 3o) 46
H3E HffiEilffi

F"lEl )€AyA ( ) tz^trr6A\;F6tt\60)4. 1'2'3'4h\b-2ZD

t-I/e d L t.

E +xfittherb ( ). *f*. +Eazf)z*)vt$*nbt-rJ..L*r"

1 )-ttii 2 ttib/:->a 3 tti.If 4I("

A bavz l-.7 7ii. v7 ) iH*a$s5 /eir b,F-H,a&RrrETat b" pX ( ).

1 E J- bz\, 2 tt.rt,rt,b bf 3 lj'r. l, ,. 4 it L 6 (
f ffiJ,t*.Dbr. -.tr ( ) E+i:iBixl:ilrrav\o
1 LL< 2 3i, 3 iirtib 4 tta-Il

E ffiE. ha;i{Aritz.j-,Ha ( ). fiLt4*.-( ( /:'8v..

1 i:tEiBa 0 *t/- 2
3 .L*r-'l-l:i*v,6tLi.t/- 4 ^1L<aj&i.t
xlLb t,:i. Lta LiJ6 0 *.t/-

fil ba*4lo+IEi*v. bv\bA^r. bh+t ( ) 6ri<. A&&zsL(jIErir

Il- *4.') ^+,

1 l+l< 2 ffiqa g 6q<vtb 4 ffi\/:

fE ,lllEar. bbi.q $iqtfik*.av\&, t.ab*L<v.6ir. fi1,r!r,rfrt3 D71:bb t, B

AiEA ( ) tit-"
l Fkt:Dab(.i*rrv. 2 Bt* f l: ilv. D Nttstl.
3 6k{rl:itij } if trvr 4 *.h'c'cbb

E .oErEHA*E6iEBrrrtgZ.:>a ( ). irr.d)El&r6n&i:lEIDliA
iEErrr*9. D lhd>/:"
1 l.ll* 2 Ir 3 .? 4 6r,l (

til ilJ^6 /-H H h'W+ra. v\r 6 ',fr-ohitt';18*\L<*b ( ). rriB*lJr-6
t t < 6**6"
1 <ri: 2 er*. t) 3 ( Du,&6 4 E Zbzl.

E EjE)Eir.<vr[{vr/r. .ft. ^rv f."i:2r.6 fi,},.b ( ) [RcrL*i.

1 /Jvri. L,B, i L 2 ) trt:

3 tavrtr.3 4 4 tsVr&tsbL

E E*rsH+E/- ( ). frlEiz l-oFlffirr} < /3 vt.,f41.,16&. a L T $ b b o)

1 Arr-B 2 o ( ttl: 3 li|lfr.."ca 4 i: L(ii

ffi-;tt ( ) fi$rr Dr 3 6 bil7:1ru." 4tiffiFto>ihffitffi-r,:#.i- /e E v."

1 i6N/3r,ra L i:iJ 2 thu<.z
3 ih-f t:Lb 4 i6f ( bv'rs 6

E HHe Lra.7uwr*1r14*3r. srrfio ( ). ;6rilt* bts ( ts b "

.Li:ii 2 .L[:L(ii 3 .L /jr.b 4 aLLrsbt

F"182 ?3o)Xo) * t-^tLAOl;86&t\60)4. 2.3. h\b-)zEutt


a1)^ttJ * r,tui.-f
1 2 *llEa) 3l-r:'D( 4 XfRa
E trEl'l:1Y1:ij/. ?) /:vrir- * iJ,H,r" a v..
*i, I 4
2AM 3 6it 4 L/:v.
E wfrtl&t u< L*v.. * ( ts -< L*. ->r:"
DZbfi, 2 ,- t"6 3 F.Hfr# 4 $Elia
E tEtJIfl ll l:1 * tF19€u.,H L/:"
rt'*.hf 3 ,r 4 v\bo)

E )\4vvl-('6- * _-fbaLi*rgr3vr.
1 tAA 2 ]'EI 3 rr*r 4 ffittrto>

F"183 23'OyH6ifr.LT. tTSl h\6 a n1 0)+E 6ffi6&r\60)A. 1.2.3 .


tLrttq+3 A7-LE'6*Elt. ,t<'rHAD^(v l&th.<,/:toaTb6. ++(,:. trr,U( <

b &ftn r,*Xtl. E f -E( v. 6 " + r 6, HA )ya1 6. f{ v:*. f b b E h )\ L -fr# rrffih

a ortr+L\ri"
;iiL P{ L oEq. |_l3-l 21,/a0 fiv.H$,ltl,:* rA fi,o)ttb. fi,-:>aa)r.ii. rr&
t) tt b L 3 a;., t* l. l-. &>bv,tt)\&fur/frrt. D+66Ji:Cd.*,t:? ) /i. I-2i_l
, t a a b o)<tt*)\r. Drfi 3 a*D bttav,t:a<-b bo L*. L. ]i,.ftrtt.
f i*rr <. lELE A*E btrL<\,,b"
.(v l- i:B6f 6;tflAi:ttrLB'.a(y l. tffla 4Ha;1iirrtft++t firf.b D <"r.8_lr.
t*t 64"\t &&)(v. a < a t-" a latt. btrLbtrLriltil\rtr? ( a z l. v 7b+az(v:6 i.

Ltt"Wt.X]^iri$i.0'. # Lv.fr/z\i.ts b o a ) Uf. Z l- V z.6iH,Z(u,\ < .

friE. ao& ) rr..v la)ttaLrf-Ai:fUHLta t v.i f-2I o ^(v l.t,:

* Av. t ffi.0 E. < /^ b L . AiJf c t Xt.Eht I b trL< 3 /: L A Z bo (" iJ tst,,/i b )

71, o

c 24 3 tabtl 4il

i* 2t: J/t 4rr

z-I -- 2 Et br,: Li. L 4 ?trLfi,b

1 i: L L/c i. L iJ/av. 2 L: iJ*i J iJ'A v.

3 i:ffli$r3 Pr 4 L v. i {> at(" {> &v.

1 Et4.irrr 3 /L( v.6 2 ;{A 36 t'tflbv'
3 il,}.(i*Lv.6 o/i 4 ilA Da 6 ('fi/evr

TE X+ El -#

li t!/L : AarJ &< t- llh+,hf:t\t-@a .\.hffa

EA=EHE /] EilffiT':EE* N2 *i*ZE- F?A'-
,'u\ta tt t\,si4 \9 <

Answers, Translations of example sentences
frFE .,frl]xH!ffui+
aHEF. o{E el
h't\ t a

H1E] ffi2A H3ts H4E] H5E HS E] 4ttE] tr88 iE 9'El, HlOE H1lE] #1zts
I 2 4 2 2 4 I 4 3 J 2
2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2
3 4 3 3 4 2 2 4 3
4 3 2 4 2 4 4 2 D a

5 3 2 a
3 3 5 4 4 3 4 2 4
6 4 4 1 1 6 3 2 4 3 2
7 2 2 4 4 7 2 D
4 4 3 3
I 2 3 2 3 3
I 3 3 1 4 4
I 3 3 c 2 s 2 2 4 a

10 4 , 2 1 0 4 2 2 ,J

II 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 4 3 2 3
12 3 4 J 4 4 3 2 3 1 1

r3 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 c
4 2 4
14 2 2 3 2 3 I ,14 2 4 4 2 4 3
t5 4 I 1 4 1 1 15 1 1 1 3 3 2

UNITl-l ( h;'UJrA) 1-a.a 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-a 6-b 7 a 8-b
\7rV>2) ec @d @f @e @s il..UJrB) l-c 2-f.f 3-b 4-a 5-d
( IlrJrA) 1-a 2-b 3-b 4-a 5-b1 6-a 7-a 8-b ( I{rrJrc) 1-a 2-a.b 3-b 4-b 5-a 6-b t -a B-a
(l'iurrB) 1-d 2-c 3-a 4-I 5-b g-a 10-a 11-b 12-b l3-b 14-a 15-a 16-b

UNIT 1 -2 UNIT 4-1

(*+tz>)) Oa @s @b @f @c <+\,v>) ee @s Od @f Ob
(l'r'uJrA) 1-a 2-b 3-b 4-b 5-a 6-a 7-b 8-a (l-;'uJrA) 1-a 2-a 3-a 4-a 5-b 6-a 7-b B-a
(l':'UltB) 1-d 2,f 3-a 4-c 5-e (h.UJl,B) t-a Z-t 3-d 4_b 5_c
( F'lrlrC) 1 -a 2-b 3-b 4-b b-b 6-b 7-b B-a
9 -a 10-a 11-a t2-a 13-b 14-a 15-b i6-b UNIT4-2
<frv>i) ec @d @a @b @s
UNIT2-I (l{'UlrA) 1-b Z-a 3-b 4-b 5-a 6-b 7-a B-b
(ft,V>)) eb @s @f @a (Fr/.,r,B) 1-f 2-a 3-c 4-b S-e
(l'ruJrA) 1-b'b 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-b 6-b 7-a B-a |-:uJrc) t-a 2-a g-b 4-a 5-a 6-b 7-a B-b
( l'rurrB) 1-c 2-e 3-f 4-a 5-b g-b tO-a 1j-b 12-b 1J-a 14_a l5_a 16_a

uNlr2-2 uN[5_1
<+rv>))At @h @c @e <+\,v>) ec @d @b @a @f
( I-:'lJJl,A) 1-b 2-b 3-b 4-b 5-b 6-b 7_a B_b ( I..-.u.,r,A) 1_a 2_b 3-a 4_b 5_a 6_a 7_b 8_b
(l."UlrB) l-c 2-e 3-f 4-d 5-a ilr'UJrB) 1-c 2-e 3-d 4-f 5-a
(hrUlrC) 1-a 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-a 6-a 7-b B-b
9-a 10-a 1't-b 12-b 13-a 14-b 15-a t6-a UNIT5_2
<a\,r>il es @h @b @f @a
UNIT3-I (h:'UrrA) 1-a 2-a 3-a 4-b 5-b 6-a 7-a B-b
<f tsV>)) Af @c @a @s @e |.rUJt,B) l-d 2-e 3J 4-b 5-a
(I{rrJrA) 1'b 2-a 3-a 4-b 5-b 6-a.a 7 -a B-a ( N'uirc) 1-b 2-a 3-b 4-a 5-b 6-a 7-a 8-b
(FUJTB) 1-i 2-b 3-e 4-a 5J g-a 10-a jl-b 12-a t3_a 14_b 15_a t6_a

uNrr3-2 UNIT6.1
(+rv>i) Oe @c @a @h @d <t\,v>i) ee @b @s @f @d

( l'rrJJrA) 1-b 2-a 3-a 4-a 5-b 6-a 7-a B-b (Ir'rrJrA) 1-a 2-b 3-a 4-b 5-a 6-b 7-b B-b
(l'i'rrjrB) 1-c 2-e 3-b 4-d 5-a (li'rr/rB) 1-c 2-a 3-d 4-f 5-e
(FrrJt,C) 1-b 2-a 3-a 4-a 5-b 6-a 7-b B-a
UNIT 6-2 9 -a 10-b 11-a 12-a 13-a 14-b 15-a 16-b
Grr>)) ee @f @b @a @c
( ['l]ll,A) 1-b 2-a 3-a 4-a 5-a 6-b 7-a B-b UNITS-l
(l'."lrlrB) 1-d 2-e 3-b 4-f 5-a <A\,r>)) ee @b @d @a €, c
(Frlrrc) 1-b 2-a 3-a 4-b 5-a 6-b 7-a B-b il-r'rrr,A) 1-a 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-b 6-a 7-b B-a
9-a l0-a 11-a 12-b 13-a 14-b 15-b 16-a il-i'UrLB) 1-b 2-d 3-f 4-a 5-e


<rav>i> Ob @e @a @d @c (A+v>)) Aa @t @c @e @b
|.r'rJrA) 1-a 2-a 3-b 4-b 5-b 6-a 7-a B-a (ii'rrJrA) 1-b 2-a 3-b 4-a 5-a 6-a 7-a B-b
il-r'ulrB) 1-c 2-f 3-a 4-b 5-d il-:'rrlr,B) 1-b 2-d 3-f 4-a 5-e
(l-r'rrr,c) 1-a 2-a 3-b 4-b 5-a 6-b 7-b B-a
UNITT-2 9 -b 10-a 11-a 12-a 13-b 14-a 15-a 16-b
<+\,1/>)) eb @b @a @e @c

FJIffi I 5 2 10 3 4 I 2 4 2 2
4 6 a 4 5
1 3 11 2 r6EE 3 3 2 2
2 2 7 2 r6E 2 5 4 1 1 6 'I
3 2

3 I I 1 4 6 2 2 2 7 2 4
4 4 s 1 2 7 4 3 3 rdffi4 5 4

r6ffir 5 2 T() a
3 I 4 4 1 1

I 2 6 4 I1 4 2 r4E3 5 I 2
o o
2 7 2 il58 ? 5 I 6 2 3 2

3 4 I c I 4 s 2 2 4 7 4 4 2
4 3 I 1 2 7 4 3 3 rdffi 4 5 4

EIEE I 5 t0 2 14 18 2

6 3 1t 4 15 ,s 4
2 3 7 4 12 'I
t6 3 20 1

3 4 I 3 r6ffi2 17 3 21 4
4 2 s 4 t3 4 Hffi3 22

r6H1 5r 3 I{} 4 4 t8 3
4 0 1 II 2 5 1S 1

2 3 7 4 t2 6 20 2
3 I 3 r6E2 7 1 21 3
4 , I 4 t3 rdffi 3 22 2

Fdffi1 5 4 t0 4 14 2 r8 4
2 e 2 II 1 t5 4 lg
2 4 7 12 4 t6 20 2
3 I F€82 17 3 21

4 2 g 2 I3 a
Fdffi 3 22

f,rr\,!tl, t<

w English ffi This is a Picasso painting? It's kind of pedestrian for a

UNIT 1-1 @-r/
a -h\bTA t *k A: I wonder if that dog's lost?
Judging from the name, it's probably a woman. B: I don't know about that, but it's looking this way with
tr - < ttt; sad eyes.
Don't cry like a girl over something like this! ffi (news) Japan made their way to a secure victory in the
tr - t/ first match of the toumament.
Everyonesanganddancedhappily. ffiA: I helped Tanaka-san out, but he didn't even say a
tr-Lt\Ztf singlewordofthanks.
One of Japan's most famous tourist spots is Mount Fuji. B: Not even a word?! That's really cold of him.
tr -(; L(t* @ -h'btAt
You're really good for a first-timer. ffi A: I wonder who this postcard is from?
a-I;Ebhtbbt B: Judging from the rounded handwriting, it's probably
Lots of people came in spite of the rain. Yamada-san.
tr-6Ltt\ SA: The results of the examination were released
I'd appreciate it if you didn't make all these pessismistic yesterday, weren't they? I wonder how Hayashi-san did.
comments without even knowing the facts. B: Judging from how she looks, she probably didnl do
l-&.Ut{':a verywell, don'tyouthink?
The two countries continued to wage a long conflict over O -€ LAt\
theissueofnationalborders. &You're going to fall sick if you keep playing those
computer games without stopping for meals.
O - Lt\Ztd &! A: I made a bad decision. This shirt is a bit too loud.
SX foods.
Sushi is one ofthe most well-known Japanese B: That's because you always buy stuff without looking
ffi Carnations are the first thing that come to mind for at it closely.
Mother's Day, but other types of flowers make fine ffi You're going to give up at the start without even making
choices, too. an effort to see ifyou can do it?
ffi A: I saw Mount Fuji from the train window this moming. @ - < tt;
It was beautiful. ffi A: When did the Edo period start?
B: Oh yeah? Speaking of which, Tanaka-san said he's B: You're a college student and you don't even know
going to climb Mount Fuji next month. that?
@-Lz{rh\h\bbT ffiA: Sorry, I'm only going to be home at around 10
&X There are some people who can't write basic kanji tonight, so go ahead and eat first.
despite being in university. ffi B: Again?! But you said you were going to be back early
@ Even though my friend had better grades than me, she today!
wasn't able to perform well in the actual exam and ended
up failing it. UNIT 1-2
El (at a ceremony, etc) Thant you very much for coming n --, (-e)
despite your busy schedule. My room just keeps on getting smaller and smalier with all
@ -&.e>{->T the stuffthat I'm accumulating.
& (news) Party A and Party B battle
are waging an intense E -r)U\ (h\ &>-cT
in parliament over the national All that effort final1y paid off- I passed the exam.
fBA final race primarily involving the Olympic E -2ZAL\
representatives will be held. I'll never be able to memorize so many kanji in one day.
@-t.|,<t* n -gr\a60)t*
ffi A: He usually dresses quite flamboyantly, but Mori-san's Money can sometimes change the way people behave.
outfit today is really subdued. ! - EZZ1 t*At.\
B: He said he's going to a part-time job interview today. Karaoke? Sorry, don't have the time for that now I'm
Sl Those kids look pretty matme for high school students, sitting for an exam tomorrow.
but when you try talking to them, it's clear that they're tr -t*6f6.3
still kids. The price aside, it was a really delicious meal.

n - lt€ L & [.) trying to eat less and get more exercise finally paid off -
The cooking was fabulous, and the senice was excellent, I've lost 10 kg!
too. @A: Isn't it great that we managed to sce so many
- -8ffi.3{,; paintings for real?
We can't do the job without the support of Company A. B:Yeah. Coming a1i this way to Italy has been rea11y
wofih it.
e --n rc')
II A: The number of young people in this town has also UNIT 2-1
decreased- it's become ful1 ofjust old people. tr -t)lt
B: Yeah. The number of shops and restaurants keeps Since I said that I'd give it a try I intend to stick with it
falling too. I wonder what's going to become of the place until the end.
in the future. n -+f t;
& A: I wonder ifthey'Il build a 1ibrary in my neighborhood, Please drop by when you are in Tokyo.
too. ll -h\E l-<
B: There's no chance. Apparently, the municipal debt You can tell he's angry by looking at his face.
keeps getting bigger and bigger every year. a -)Rffi
ffi The performing skills of this orchestra are improving, I'11 1et you know as soon as we know the details.
but their expressiveness has been suffering. tr --f t; (t*) t\6trAt\
@ - 8 ZZ<l*At\ It was a little expensive, but I just had to have it.
5B A: Hey, why don't we go check out the sales tomorrow? l1 -/SLt11t61i51i
B: Sorry, no time for that right now I have an exam She broke into tears just as I had finished saying it.
next week. a -lfh\t)ht
EE A: Let's go out and see the cherry blossoms this weekend. Not only is the job at my curent company uninteresting,
The weather's going to be good, I think. the pay is also low.
B: Sorry, I don't have the time for hanami at the moment. tr -]u 6 -f 6
I have to hand in my paper soon. I'm really busy this month, what with all these businesss
O -t*d<ti8 trips and the move.
Ell Content aside, I thint the title ofthis book is fantastic.
$$ A: Japan's rea11y gotten their act together recently. O - {: 6 - {: 5
B: Yeah. Whether or not they'll win is another matter &A: How is the team doing?
entirely, but I think they'Il put up another good fight B: We're kind of in a bind at the moment-many athietes
today. can't play their matches, what with al1 these injuries and
E (at a party) Jokes aside, I'd like to get started dght away. the flu going around,
O-t*€LiU &It'sbeenalongday-Ilostmywallet,andmybossgot
llNot only is the food here great, the view is awesome, angrywithme.
too. ffi A: Are you free for a meeting this aftemoon?
ElHe's going to have to be hospitalized for a year. It's B: Not today, what with the meeting and the workshop
going to be tough for him, but also his entire family, too. for new trainees. I can make it tomorrow, though.
A -Ada8l; @ -D-ts.tt11'Oi5tr
II Any future analysis of the Japanese economy will have 88 (someone who saw the fire) I heard this loud booming
to take into account the consumption tax issue. noise, and the next minute a fire had broken out.
E-4.: Carlos not being able to play in the match - that's ffiHe dropped everything and dashed out of the factory as
huge! soon as the five o'clock bell rang.
B: Yeah. The team won't be able to win without him O-tthtt)h\
'l -rZlaLt &ETofu is not just rich in protein, it also contains lots of
[ .\: Japan's up against Brazil in the first match. vitamins.
B: Brazil?! Weren't they the champions last time? Japan ffi A: Our manager's been really annoyed recently.
loesn't stand a chance. B: Really? He's been yelling notjust at his subordinates,
ElYou're not going to be able to carry that table by butalsothedeliverypeople.
l.rurself. Let's move it together. @-f t; (t*) t\|f,Ltt\
f,l \le. give a lecture? I'm not qualified to do that. M (about a fi1m)
! - . i, \ a 6 0) A: Are you crying?
trI Children learn by imitating their parents. B: I couldn't keep myself fiom sobbing when I saw that
El Lite ner.er goes according to plan. last scene!
-t -ilL\/ib.< ff A: What,s up? you're smiling to yourself.
B I:'s been a rough three months, but all that effofi I made B: I can't stop myself {iom smiling when I think about
howourteacherlookedbackthen. B: As far as I know, he's living with someone, but
O -I){t they're not married.
ffi A: Were you serious when you said that you were going @ -tLt6O/j
to take me to Hawaii? & I'd like to try staying at a luxury hotel at least once.
B: Of course. It was a promise, so that's what I intend to ffi I work really hard, so it'd be nice if they raised my salary
do. a bit.

ffi I took on the job, so I'm going to do it and bear the fuIl @ -/al,t66rr
responsibility. ffiA: I wonder if an easier work arrangement would be
ffiYou can't cancel the contract once you've signed it. possible.
@ -fFt; B: You always want to have it easy.

& I spoke to Mori-sensei at the party the other day. & A: This place is always packed.
& A: In that case, I'11 borrow your umbrella and come back B: Yeah. I wonder ifit'Il ever get any better.
to return it soon. @ -tXL6r)<
B: Oh, don't worry about it. You can retum it an5..time - ffi Whatever the result is, it's important to give it all you've
at next month's meeting, even. got until the very end.
A -DEl,< W Let's eat here I don't know whether it's any good, but
S A: Apparently, this shop was built 150 years ago. it looks like we can get our food quickly.
B: I see. You wouldn't know it judging from how lt 1ooks. @ -E(,r* U
ffi A: Yamada-san's changed since getting married. ffi A: I've only taken one vacation so far this year.
B: Yeah, he's become a lot gentler. His manner of B: Countyourself luckythatyoucanevengo! Ihaven't
speaking is completely different. been anywhere yet.
@ -)Rffi ffi A: I somehow managed to get us some reserved seats,
SE (news) An earthquake hit the Kanto region a little while but the oniy ones remaining were these ones right at the
ago. We will bring you more detailed information as end. Is that OK?
soon as it becomes available. B: Ofcourse. I'm happyjust to get a seat at a1l.

* A: Excuse me, when will the goods arrive? @ - 6U

B: I'm sorry would you mind waiting a 1itt1e longer? W I've only had a glass of water since I was hospitalized
We'lI inform you as soon as we know. I sti1l haven't had anything to eat.
ffi A: Have you met Yamada-san recently?
UNIT 2-2 B: I only met him at a meeting two months ago, and
tr -[EU haven't seen him at a1l since.
This cough is not going to stop unless you quit smoking. ffi The last time I wore this kimono was two years ago.
tr -AU @-ELrt,i2<
The last time I wore this kimono was two years ago. ffi The team members were introduced to each other prior
tr -/ctr6OE to the meeting.
I sometimes feel like taking a leisurely one-week holiday. ffi The rules were explained prior to the start of the match.
tr-ttr*L @-?[fL\
It's a really hard, nanow bed, but at least I can sleep on it. ffi My younger brother gets bored easily he always wants
tr -: lfLr to move on to something new.
He's just a high school student, but really matme. ffi A: How about this T-shirt? She likes cats, so she might
n -AU\60)r) fancy this.
Iwonderifthere'sabetterwaytogoaboutit. B: Mmm. It's nice, but don't you think it's a 1itt1e
z -t'fica juvenile?
There will be performances of the two countries'national Maybe I'm just getting old, but I tend to forget things
anthems prior to the match. easily these days- people's names, small things that I
tr -t*L6r!< need to do, stufflike that.
Content aside, there are just too many t)?os.
UNIT 3-1
@-[EU a-6*t)
ffi This cough won't stop unless you quit smoking. Please I forgot to take photos amid a1l the excitement.
take this opportunity to make an effort to quit. tr -l+At\
WA: I wonder if we'1l ever be able to get by without Itwouldbeinconceivableformetowinaprize.
having to ride those packed trains. tr -iJtgt
it'll be tough
B: I think as long as you stay with your The experience of training together with everyone for
cufient the past three years has given me many unforgettable
& A: ls he single? memories.

,l-ZttbAt ffiYou should take on a variety of challenges when you're
I'm more worried about the children than I am about young. You might fail multiple times, but that's the only
myself. way you'I1 learn anything by experiencing things for
a-22b6 yourself.
The economy has been picking up s1owly since the start of @ - Lt\a 60/;
this year. ffi A: Hara-san hasn't been able to play any matches due to
1-< Z< his injuries, but he's our most fervent suppofier.
You can only convey to somebody how you really feel by B: That's how a leader is.
writing it in your own words. ffi A: He's still a kid. Imagine how the poor boy is feeling
tr -<t* (-<t*) when you lose your temper like that.
The paper tore as I was writing, erasing and rewriting my B: Giving your child a sterri dressing-down when he does
words over and over again. something wrong is a sign of a parent's love for him.
tr -Lr\460)/i
There will always be bad times along with the good ones. UNIT 3-2
That's life! l) -h\tJa
We're still trying to decide if we should fly or take the
O -f\fcLt bullet train.
&X (while tidying up a room) J -tilt7z tttb6
This was really expensive, so it would be a waste to toss Your time studying abroad was really worth it-you speak
it...and this was a present from my friend, so I can't wonderfulEnglish.
brlng myself to throw it away. I can't bear to part with n -f t* LI\6OE
either! I really hope he'Il give his best.
& (while moving house) I've lived here for many years, so af -< Atta
I can't really bring myself to leave. I'11 show you this time we're going to win lor sure.
-l+/Jt\ n -hL\ZL6lcL\
ffi -whi1e using a change machine) Our opponents are strong, but if we go all out, we can
A: That's weird. I'm short of Y100. probably beat them.
B: That's not possible. Count the money more careful1y. a -1,-1,4 ?lal,Z)
SAlthough this was an event that nobody could have Everyone's opposed to our wedding, whether it's our
predicted, everyone has shaken it off and calmed down parents or our friends.
now. ! -t;iA:(
A -6*.t) The station is straight ahead along this river.
{l My mother fell sick wonying about me. 1-6.+4{#lZ
fl Our teacher took a temporary break from work when she This incident has prompted me to pay more attention to
fell into a state ofsonow after the death ofher dog. how I can maintain my health from now on.
?, -ztttrat
[t away
He's usually kind of reticent, but he starts to chatter @ -1,;l-4-LZl,4
a1l climbing.
of a sudden when it comes to mountain K& You should let one of your parents know, whether it's
ElMaking your own lunch is healthier and saves you yourfatheroryourmother.
money, but it could be tough ifyou did it every day. ffi Let's have a look at how much it costs anyway, whether
i- -))66 we're buying or not.
Il A week has passed since the accident, and the cause is @ -t;iA?(
justbecoming clear. WIf you follow the tracks and go shaight along this road,
E The number of young people who are not interested in you'1l see a Chinese restaurant on your left.
cars has been growing. ffi A: This place is packed. I wonder if it's someone famous?
0 -<t* (-(t*) B: With all those policemen standing in a row along the
B Tokyo has been seeing really fickle weather oflate the passageway, I'll bet it's someone famous from out of
rain keeps coming and going every single day. town.
EI \\'henever ABC Publishing puts out a new book, it O -hlf;A
becomes a bestseller. ffi (explanatory text) We are unable to respond to email
:- -a ZZ inquiries without names and addresses.
Il cookery program)
r ffi 6: Do you think I'11 be able to get tickets for the ABC
\\hate\er cuisine you plan on making, it all starts with conceft ifl wait in line an hour before they go on sale
:le selection ofyour ingredients. You can only draw out tomorrow?
::le best flavors from each dish if your ingredients are IEEI: I'm so[y, I can't tell -rou for sure. We expecr a r-er1'
iesh. high demand for them.
pot, that would work better.
WA: They told you that it's dangerous for a woman to A-ZZte(
travel there alone? ffi During the exam, please make sure to remain calm and
B: Yeah. I can see what they mean, but I still think answerallthequestionswithoutgettingflustered.
they're worrying too much. ffi Although this was an extremely dangerous operation, we
@ -f tA Lt\60)/a" were able to complete it without anyone getting injured.
ffi (said by a father) You're already a high school senior, so @ -tcblf<, (tz)
I'dappreciateitif youhitthebooksalittlemoreandnot ffiI decided to go on to graduate school after much
just play soccer all day. agonizing.
ffiA: Gasoline prices are much higher than they were last ffiAfter being made to wait, the match was posQoned in
year, aren't they? the end.
B: Yeah. It would be nice if they went down a little. ffi After getting all worried, he ended up borowing money
@ -tiUAZt$bA from his boss at the company.
ffi A: These Italian-made shoes cost Y100,000. O -??6
B: Wow. There's a reason they're so expensive - both ffiI ran all the way there in desperation, despite having
the shape and color are exquisite. almost given up on making it in time.
WAoki-san, your study abroad stint in Canada was really ffiI'm trying to bring myself to study, but I'm worried
worlhwhile you speak wonderful English. about her, so I can't get any work done.
{, -< Aft6 ffi Even though my 1eg is getting better, it's going to take
*& How do you dance the samba? Please show me how it's another six months before I can run again.
done. @ -t;l3Er<
$& I'11 show you the next time- I'm deflnitely going to pass ffi A: Where's Yamada-san? Maybe she got the date wrong?
the exam. B: No, I don't think that would happen to her.
@ -E*ffi\-- $8 Damn. This sort of thing always happens when I'm in a
ffi Lots of shops and restaurants opened after they built hurry.
the bu11et train station, and the area in front of it is now O - L L(-At\
buzzingwithactivity. ffiIt's been ten years since the incident, but I can't get
$& They're going to raise the price of cigarettes soon, so I through a single day without thinting about it.
decided to quit smoking. & Many researchers have tried to solve this conundrum,
but not a single one has succeeded.
UNIT 4-1 @ -;-1*t\at,aa
tr -t6tl( (t;) ffiThe cold weather isn't going away even though it's
Not only was I at a loss for an answer, I blurted out alreadyMarch.
somethingstupid. ffiEven though the fire at the factory didn't end up
tr -ZLla( becoming too serious, it made all the neighboring
Idecided on this apartment without hesitating because it residents extremely anxious.
met all my conditions perfectly. ffi It doesn't matter if you win or lose. Having said that,
l) -22t: though, I'd be disappointed if you 1ost.
I keep intending to wake up earlier, but I keep going to bed O -tt\FEU
late. SThe sort of life you lead now isn't going to change
a - t-1,< unless you leave your current company.
There isn't anyone at this company who will stand up to the ffi He was told that the cancer is growing, so there's little
president and go against him as an individual. hope unless he opts for surgery.
a-tl,T-trr \ @ -Lzffiz<
We tried to recruit interested parties, but not one person &X The university extended the library's opening hours in
raised their response to requests from students.
n - L ilt \ a € OO ffi In response to their demands, an initiative to increase the
They say it won't pose any health problems, but I'm amount ofgreen space throughout the city has begun.
worried about whether that's real1v tme.
tr -ar\pjirJ uNlT 4-2
It won't sell unless they lower the prices a bit more. J -EA
tr -t;FE?f This sort ofincident could also happen in Japan.
Apparently you can see Mount Fuji from here, but it's a-{tLa
cloudy today. I can't eat all ofthis by myselL

a -Zttil- currently halted. It is not available for purchase.
I don't have any money an,.!vay, so I'm going to go straight @ -l;t*t5&td/Jt\
home without stopping along the way. ffi A: I'm thinling of coming to return the umbrella that I
a -f:UE borrowed the other day. When would a convenient time
The election system is a large-scale national problem and be foryou?
can't be changed so easily. B: You don't have to. You can just bring it with you the
,) - th) next time you visit.
Why don't we go to a nearby hot spring resort like Hakone? & A: Should I go for surgery?
tr -t;?3 B: No, no, that won't be necessary. It will get better with
(notice) Due to construction work, entry is not allowed. the medication.
tr -t;t*&tfar\ @ -8t16
There are staff members on hand, so there's no need to XE A: Excuse me, do you have the May issue of ABC?
worry. Please put your mind at ease. B: I'm sony, we're a1l sold out. A new batch will come
n -i;Eit\< in tomonow.
Which laws are this conshuction project based on? &S I have lots that I want to say-I won't be able to finish
writing everything on this one sheet of paper.
SBA: I don't like my own personality-it is possible to UNIT 5-1
change it? ab*UA-E
B: Our personalities can be changed, but you need to my coat in the extreme heat.
have a strong will in order to do so. l) -httF"i t
@ A: Does Japan stand a chance at winning? As soon as I thought the baby was crying, it started to
B: Yes, it's possible. / No, that's impossible. laugh. Its mood swings are really extreme.
@-t;€8?t\< a-h\a&aE
M Salaries for civil servants are decided according to The area around his eyes was all swollen, just as if he'd
certain laws. been in afight.
ffi The destination for this company trip was decided based tr -t;fCtr6
on the results ofan intemal survey. (exam question) What are your opinions on the current
@ -ti.ltlZ educational problems facing Japan at the moment?
W A: Today's concert was really good. E- L 0 \ ? /-
B: Yeah. I was a1l the more impressed because I haven't He performs at various music events, crossing between
been to a perforrnance in a hal1 like this in a while. genres like rock orjazz.
W.d: Yamada-san said he broke his leg and will be coming tr - (O) Ztt:DE
to work in a wheelchair for a while. It's something I have to do every day, so I'd like to find a
B: Really? It's going to be even tougher for him since he way to get the dishes done easily.
has to change trains and buses several times. l1-A&tebt
@-th\ This film created a sensation not just in Japan, but also
M A: Is Tanaka-san offtoday? abroad.
B: He's not here? Oh, that's right, he said he was feeling tr -€r$f,2-f
a bit run-down yesterday. They kissed even though everyone was looking
&$ (letter) How have you been? Everyone here is doing fine.
I heard from Hara-san that you'll be coming to Kyoto A -h\A&aE
next month. Please drop by our place as well ifyou have ffi (advertisement) This game offers you a realistic
the experience, just as ifyou were driving a real train.
@ -Zttit- & My friend was positively stunning in her wedding dress
&G aren't
(from a father to his son) Both Mom and Maki
- she looked as if she was wrapped in a radiant glow.
tonight? O - 6 D* b?-
around today, so why don't we go out for dirurer
& A: What should I do? I'm not going to be able to hand W You see lots of young women on the trains recently who
in my paper on time. I'm not feeling so good, either- have no qualms about putting on their makeup in full
maybe I should ask if I can take a break from my part- view ofthe public.
time job tomorrow. ffi That man dashed into the fire and saved the old woman
B: Why don't you do that? without paying any attention to the surrounding people
@ -t;?3 who were trying to stop him.
W(poster at the entrance)The revolving door is out of O-rL^F.)8
order. Please use the enhance on the left. SG Why don't you take an umbrella along? It's that time of

E!(explanatory text) Manufacture ofthis product is yearwhentheraincomesalongallofasuddenjustwhen

you thint it's going be sunny. tr - *t\
& Dad it's Sunday. He went
seems really busy, even though Whatever happens, I'm not going to make any excuses.
out againjust when I thought he'djust come back.
@-O&/;6t @-/JL\zLt;t*
$& (advertisement) Everyone needs proper skincare these m We can't get this party started ifthose two aren't here.
days just women, but men too. ffi A: What do you thint? Can it be fixed?
ffi A: Apparently, Company B is also planning to launch a B: Hmm, I can't tell unless I give it a hy.
new product next month. @ - (&) a$Afr.6
B: Really? Not just Company A, but Company B too? I ffiMy dog barks realiy fiercely at anything outside that
guess we're going to have to get our act together, too. makes even the slightest noise.
@-LLr:/c ffiA: This paper is really tough. It makes me want to lift
*& like
I've been mainiy travelling around countries in Asia material from someone else's thesis posted online.
Thailand,ChinaandMalaysia,takingphotosineach. B: I know how you fee1, but if you do that, you'll
*E People who live in condominiums that don't allow dogs definitely be denied credit for the course.
and cats often keep smaller animals like rabbits and O -tf
hamsters. ffi There are the children to consider, too. Why don't you
@b*t)O)-l,a decide if you really want to pursue the divorce alter
& I was shoeked at the company president's utter lack of talking it over one more time?
responsibility-he hasn't reflected on the accident at a1ll ffi First, one-on-one interviews with all new hires will be
ffiProduction of Fuji's new electric car apparently hasn't conducted. We will then decide what soft of work you
been able to keep up with the staggering demand. will be assigned.
a-Eblt6 @-tt\aztt*
XXDue to the vehicle crash inside the tunnel, traffic is ffiKeeping an animal as a pet is not just fun and games. It
. currently held up lor up to 5lcn. also involves difficult responsibilities and a lot ofhassle,
ffi China's GDP for 2010 increased by 10.3% compared so you have to be prepared to take all ofthat on.
with last year, confirming it as the world's second largest & A: I'm sorry, something suddenly came up and I won't
economy. be able to go tomoffow.
@ - (0)) ZttaDE B: What? That means it'll just be me handling all the
ffi "Aoki-san isn't here yet." "We1l, you know how she is. I preparations tomorrow? Well, OK.
wouldn'tbe worried." @ -t;tHEAt\
W "Why don't you get Hara-san to translate that?" "Good ffi (tria1) A: What has been written here-is this true?
idea. She's good at English, so she can probably finish it B: Yes, without a doubt.
within an hour or so." ffi I did some research, and it seems that this artwork was
definitely painted during that period.
UNIT 5-2 @) - (e) arrilrL\r)
n -I-e 6XYou came a1l the way here-don't you feel like iiving it
You can give me your reply by next Monday. Please decide up a little?
what you'd like to do after thinking it over carefully. ffi (from a text) Everyone has their own problems. These
a - tL\a Z tl* problems will not be solved just by thinking about them,
A 30% discount means something that costs Y20,000 will howevet. No matter how painful it may be, you should
be *6,000 cheaper. take it one step at a time.
tr -aL\ZL[;[* @ -lzzl2Fcztt*ttl\
I can't put anything here, so that I won't have to clean this ffiA: Would it be a good idea to have qualifications when
place looking for ajob?
tr -t;Z l,tcZtl*tlLt B: Well, in this day and age, it's best to have them. But
There's nothing better than being able to live without pain you won't necessarily find work just because you're
or hardship. qualified.
n - t;ffiie/"it \ && It would be great if nothing actually happens, but just to
It was confirmed that the documents they discovered were be on the safe side, I always take out an insurance plan
indeed from that era. whenever I go on an overseas vacation.
n -t)(t*/aCrr: @ -*t\
We can consetve the natural environment on this island if ffiI promised myself that I would never forget what
we work together. happened today.
tr - &a €0)A 6 SX I thought I'd never touch alcohol ever again, but I had a
The manager is really strict-he'll be furious if you're late littie to drink that day.
or something.

@ -t*Lt\aL
UNIT 6-1 ffi Seems there was an earlhquake last night. As fbr me, I
al b*t) l;b was fast asleep and didn't notice at all.
I'm happy about being transferred overseas, but I was ffiIn Japan at the time, Buddhism continued to spread
shocked at how abrupt the news was. among the population.
tr -rJ-t[rt; a -<L\6
He really knows how to be grateful for money because he ffiVan Gogh also painted landscapes ofparis.
grew up in a poor family. ffiAlthough this temple was built at the end of the 14th
tr-X century, it burned down in a fire in 1952 and was
After getting hopelessly lost, I decided to forget about subsequently rebuilt.
buying it on that day. @ -rr-/jtrt;
]-ti.ltb->a ffi This team has a good goalkeeper, so as you might expect,
In keeping with everything he says, Tanaka-san is really it's tough to score against them.
knowledgeable about wine. ffi Because the Scandinavian countries have an advanced
n - f tXX social welfare system, a high propoftion of their citizens
I haven't used the air-conditioner once since moving. consider themselves happy.
tr -rt\6
He graduated from the medicine faculty of A University at UNIT 6-2
thetenderageof 19. tr -FEut*
Z - t.Z6h\ We'I1 be OK as long as we stay here. Don't worry.
I was so busy that I worked through Saturday and Sunday l) -€66.1|tSht-ctc
instead ofgoing on vacation. He had to take a break from his club activities in order to
tr -t*Lt\4 8 take the exam.
I was always good at English, but just hopeless when it tr -f t*rrabAt\
came to maths. I hope I don't get any complaints over something like this.
L -(€d U)h\Zfil\
e-ft){X It's no problem at all if you're late by about 5 or 10
ffi They said he was the brightest prodigy in the history of minutes.
the school. tr -AL\<ttt\ 6tLtL\
ffi A walk every moming has become part of my routine I was worried about the typhoon, so I just had to go and
ever since I started keeping the dog. check on my fields.
ffiThat was the first time I'd met him since I graduated tr -{;-ff,Ltd
fromcollege. Evenifhewas justsayingitinjest, shewasreallyhurt.
@-tz1h\ z-lz2tt
ffi Even though it's summer, I'm far from losing weight. In It breaks my hearl to hear this sort of sad news.
fact, I've actually gotten fatter. l) -&.fflb{
@ Far from being able to converse in French, my younger Lots oftourists visit this island no matter what the season is.
sister can't even speak much English, and yet she went
to Paris alone for a holiday. @ -t;?[,
O-X (O) ffiWhen I see the children making their best elforts to
ffi After agonizing about it, I decided to leave the company. study, I really feel happy that I'm in this job.
ffiHe fina11y won the recognition of his peers after going ffiThat customer is a real pain to deal with - always
through a lot ofhardship. This year, he was able to open complaining about something or other.
his own store. @ - t;?'*ltd
@ b*t) t-$ ffi The noise generated by the airplanes is a huge problem
ffi (advertisement for a movie) A beautiful love story filled for those living in this area.
with sorrow. You won't be abie to hold back those ffiIt might be a trivial issue for you, but that's not the case
tears... for other people.
* I was furious when I heard those utterly irresponsible @ -&ldtr5.t
remarks that the minister made. ffi I'd like to bring together
an outstanding, talented team
@ -ti.Ltb'tT from world, regardless of nationalif,.
al1 over the
ffiThe food was delicious, just as you'd expect from a ffiI want something that's well-made-the price isn't an
popular place like that, but I thought it was a 1itt1e too issue.
crowded. @ -<l*httthtst,t
@ He's really strict about his healthcare regime, as you & It was just a mistake on the customer's part. God forbid
might expect for a sporlsman. that she blames it on us!

& You can't come over to hang out every time you have a kabuki emerged and evolved during the Edo period.
offlday @ -$O0)
@-d'6t1+Att ffiEven though we won this time, there are still many
E&Around 3% ofhigh school seniors are forced to give up issues that the Japanese team needs to address, including
on the idea of going on to university because their lives their inability to score goals.
aredifficult. ffi Even though I was doing well at the beginning, my legs
SX I would have to to
say that this accident was due suddenly began to feel heavy when I passed the 20km
problems with nationai safety management program. mark and I couldn't continue.
@ -<€6 t_)h\Zttt\ @ -A$t<
ffi A: Am I not supposed to drink anl.thing the night before SX -expressing thanks) I feel really gateful that I was able
the checkup? to study under you.
B: It's dll right to drink water or tea. ffi Your personality becomes completely different
& With this sofi ofcontent, there's no harm in broadcasting depending on which parent you were raised by.
rl as rt l, - ECaZd*68
@-/CL\ft*.1\e,*rAU\ $&-a mother to her child) Are you done with your
ffi I can't help singing along whenever I hear this song. homework? Probably not, judging from the way you're
ffi My parents are much older now, so I have no choice but keeping quiet. Hurry up and get it done.
to help out with the housework. ffi I'll bet the food is delicious, judging from how there's
@ -[Et] t* always a 1ine.
& -interview with the oldest athlete) @ -,\ffiT
I'd like to keep at it as long as I'm in shape. & Things seem good or bad depending on the way you
ffi We're going hiking according to plan as long as it think about them. Let's look at this in a positive light.
doesn'train. &I wonder if we'll be able to get this job done a little
faster depending on how we go about it.
UNITT-I @-<6r\/ra
tr - < E t \A 5 ffi Recently, the number of young people who choose to
Ifyou're going to pay money to eat this kind offood, you leave their company rather than be transfered to a rural
might as well cook it yourself. area seems to be increasing.
a )Rtr< ffi I'd rather die than bow my head to that guy.
Let's decide where to go depending on tomorrow's weather. @ -<Ef
tr -f *-e m It's true that the ramen there is delicious, but I wouldn't
I wouldn't work so hard until I got sick. stand in line to eat it.
J-|ZZAh)A| ffiHiroshi, you didn't come on this vacation to play those
Judging by the way Wang-san is smiling, I'11 bet he passed computer games, did you?
the exam.
.-bhrE UNIT 7-2
My apartment is on the first floor. It's smal1, but there's a E -t;ffiL< (ti)
garden attached. The following things are required when registering.
tr -d)€L< n -t;tiltj<
That dog is going to be happy for sure under its new master. You can choose from a variety ofparty plans depending on
a -t,AA the number of people.
We're married, but we're not living together yet. tr -EWVA)
Z-t.I*Ubt|< 16 countries are participating in this toumament, including
This method has been adopted in many cities including former champions Brazil.
Tokyo. ! -+,!t\<
They have to win the next 5 matches in a row in order to
O -trJD win the toumament.
ffi(end of a greeting) It's just a simple gesture, but I tr -[:ltr)ABAU\
would like to offer you this as a token of my heartiest I was able to get this job only because of Ishii-sensei's
congratulations. guidance.
ffi Our kid is still only 2 years old, but sometimes when we a - ttfAz
quarrel, he looks worried, even though he's just a chi1d. There's no way you can search for a book if you don't
@ - &LtOy; tl,< know either the title or the author.
& There are many foreign staff members from China and tr - q D * t\
various other counkies at my company. The party last night had a standing buffet, but I kept talking
ffi Many aspects of traditional Japanese culture such as to people and never got around to eating anything.

tr -tt*/Jt\D
Isn't it weird that the elderly have to pay a higher UNIT 8-1
contribution? 11 -pqo;<t*
Based on what I heard from Hayashi-san, the party will
@ -+F< take place as planaed.
€X I
The first marathon I ran was tougher than I thought, but tr -8t\ar)
was really happy to be able to run the whole He's a really talkative guy kind of cheerful I guess, or
$B (at a coffee shop) We hope you enjoy the exquisite taste breezy.
and aroma of this coffee, made using oniy carefully tr -ffi8<
selected beans ofthe highest quality. This suruey showed that about 10% of elementary school
@ - t;rfi Uf students come to school having skipped brealfast.
&At this school, you can choose from among a wide n -o)-t-e
selection of courses appropriate to your objective and Please call after making sure that you have the correct
level, from introductory courses to those for professional phone number.
interpreters. a -Aft
M* If you pay with a credit card, you can accumulate points While the lives of human beings have been getting better
accordingtotheamountyouspend. and more comfortable, many animals and the natural
@-t;HL<. (t*) environmenthavebecomevictims.
K Please be sure to bring your admission ticket when you tr - tdD U t;
come to the examination. I'm sorry to have caused everyone so much trouble by not
ffi Oulletin board at a university) The foilowing conditions contacting you.
apply when applying for a scholarship. Please make your n - * f Lf
application after you have verified them carefully. I stayed up all night studying, but the questions were totally
@ -t;[trrlJE/JL\ different from what I expected.
ffi (interview with the champion) We owe this victory to tr - (&) ar)- *t\,
none other than the combined efforts ofboth the athletes I couldn't decide ifl should say it or not, but in the end, I
and the staff members, who joined forces and worked decided not to.
K His successful fight against the cancer was all thanks to O - (&) ah\-*l\ht
the initial early detection. ffiIt's expensive, so I couldn't decide if I should buy it
@ -AWAb or not. I it in the end, though, because I
decided to buy
WThis electronic dictionary supports various languages figuredl'dbeabletouseitfortherestofmylife.
including English, Spanish and Chinese. S! Iagonized over whether I should sleep for another hour
&!I'd like to express my sincerest thanks to my teachers or not, because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to
and everyone else who treated me so kindly during my wake up.
time in Japan. @ -f&e'e
@-tft6t &II only had an hour to sleep, so I couldn't decide if i
I3 He's normally quite mature, but he suddenly starts to go should go to bed or not. In the end, I didn't.
onandonwhenitcomestocomputergames. *!A: Could I depend on your support in some form or
fllf Mori-sensei can't come, it might be a good idea to other for our project?
change the date. B: If it's to help people who're in trouble, of course.
O -d[*t\ Putting aside the question of money, I'11 try to help as
IlI really wanted to see Mount Fuji while I was in Japan, much as I can.
but the weather was bad the whole time and I never got O - * T L(
around to it. EE "Look at the number of people waiting in line at that

EII was looking forward to the long weekend, but I had restaurant!" "Wow. Personally, I wouldn't wait in line to
to write this piece and ended up not being able to go eatramen, though."
anywhere. SlMy friend has been skipping meals in order to iose
I -f t*At\D weight, but I wouldn't go all that way just to shed a few
II Isn't it utterly unfair that there are children who want to pounds.
go to school, but are denied the chance to do so because @-Afi
ofeconomic reasons? llEveryone thought that it had made them free.
E I thought I heard something, and then I looked and saw ff! I was able to pass the exam because I studied a little bit
this swallow's nest under the roof that seemed to have every day.
come out of nowhere. It gave me a real shock. There ffiA: I think this air-conditioner is broken. There's no cool
rvere aiso these really cute swallow chicks. air blowing at a1l.

B: What? So that's why it's been hot. @ -batrE
o - tf,r) tl t; ffi$I'd like to start my life over again if it were possible.
@l only just carelessly misplaced my cellphone ffi "The preparations look like a lot of work. Why don't you
somewhere, so I can't meet my friend now. get someone to help you?" "I'd ask someone ifI cou1d,
ffi I'm sorry to have caused everyone a1l this trouble with but everyone's busy, so it's no use."
all my inadequate explanations. o -Lr\)60)16/JL\
@ -o).tr S& You won't necessarily be happy just because you have
ffi Construction plans ought to be decided after consulting the 1ooks.
the neighboring residents. #It would be nice if the cost of living fell, but your
$$ Please check all goods before placing an order and problems aren't going to be solved just because
making your purchase. everything became cheaper.
a-ttib\-tL\aD @ -lz&>tc->a
ffi I tried making a gludon beef bowl by myself, but it was ffiThere are several conditions when applying for the
kind of weird. Too salty, maybe, or too sweet. scholarship. Please inquire with the office for more
ffiHe's kind of a serious guy - too earnest, maybe. He details.
doesn'tjoke around at all. ffi One important thing to bear in mind when writing your
@ -FErl'ct* thesis is to make sure you follow the rules for writing it.
ffi As far as I know, this university is the top institution in @-t'Ahsba
terms ofresearch on Japanese literature. ffi Some of the technology they use for cellphones these
& Telephone calls to hospital patients are taken from days is simply phenomenal.
9am to 9pm. Exceptions will be made in the case of an & A: This CD is great. The woman's voice is really nice.
emergency, however. B: Isn't it? There's something about it that draws the
listener in.
UNIT 8-2 @-l;l,t tzz<
tr -((6 ffi When I talked to the company president about how well
If there's anything you don't understand, you should this product was going to sell, I didn't know what the
quickly ask even ifyou're a bit embarrassed. real situation was like.
tr -Lr\at,o?€/ct'\ ffi We don't know how many students have obeyed since
It's not always a matter of winning. What counts is the we banned the use ofcellphones.
substance. @ -t; L<€
l) -tr 6tc->T ffi Even ifyou're going to apologize, you should do it more
The first thing I did to get started on my job hunt was to sincerely.
talk to my seniors. ffi They're probably going to want to avoid prolonging the
n-EUlt|ZZT problem, too.
The original design wasn't very good, so changing the @ -Lti'ttc
colors didn't really do much to improve things. &E A: You still haven't gotten the hotel reservations?
tr -ELr6 B: Yeah, they're really packed. If I had known this was
Even if you were going to be late in coming, you should going to happen, I would've made the reservation earlier.
have contacted them just one phone ca1l. &Ah, we should've 1eft earlier. Then we would've have
1-bAhi66 had to hurry so much.
I feel really sad when I think about how this restauant that
I used to frequent al1 the time is going under.
If I was going to do it all over again, I'd like to go back and
relive my high school days again.
Z - Lti-ttc
Damn! We were supposed to bring our dictionaries today.

ffi A: Boss, looks like the trains have stopped running.
B: This is a rea1ly important meeting, so we have to go
even if we have to walk. Let's forget about the hains and
catch a taxi.
9X There's a saying that goes something like"make sure you
struggle with hardship while you're young, even ifyou
have to buy it". I really think it's true.

ffi +trEE ffiA : xtziE, Aatr*q to F.EEI , ltJeELaP."
e: nBtTrtl4r ? +iatlr iltlg.+,fi]LE*1t.
UNIT 1-1
. -h'6-{at UNIT 1-2
J^tr++E, nIHEEi'Hrts. n --, (-e)
tr -<ttl: +hFallt!*ffifrrt, El'nl4rffilrltrAi+Gzl'.
IEEH^, E{/vs,firl.S9Sn[q]. tr -Df r (h;) boa
tr -tf *fiHtlrlH, litla.
,tAE*j&AEEIBts. E -?Z/d!\
n -Lt\Ztd )l/t ?i\.t, -^EEZlr,iEZ.itF!.
iiituE4, Er,itE:17,,ti/xfr. n -tt\abAV
tr -t;L<ti +#itrffifitr, AEt,f4+r{{^"
Exi-H rtH!,^'*d,, -tJ?;1FTlfi(pF4. tr -tzz<t*ttL\
Z-lzt,h\DhbT FliokixrlSE, Eq-;lAi{, rEttE+lnotnlEttll.
trtrTNr, $E*71p4^" tr -Bdrtc'3
tr -6Lht\ Z<Yittt:6,4rE6E1RI+,
EiUZiElF.iHE. itfri)ik^tt"
E1 tr -tt€,LAU
1-Xa>(ca $tffiZ".triil7 . BV.EAIFH\+"
E4EHI+ljffl"lE, ffitrts]t:lt+7K4F!?+. Z -X+h.*lz
7qE A A-"I Hlf€'lt, r{f rif B/iitt6 7.
mqiE "41+i5" ,n*\1*189t)R/18i, rii, .feffriL&FIUH!. K&A : E+l+itF!+{U,X.lFIFid.,'y, &EZ+)'.7.
ffiA:+_t+ trr.fr,+fi+6aviT E+rx. ,t+T" e: Er[4. r&+Higa-Hid4., t8u.trELhrv,l?
s:Erlq, {r$\H|tt, lliiJt,Erl.TAEq*[e" ffiA:fiAmit&e-,+.tr+/'EEzt+qE?
@-t--$h'bhbT s : +tffi6468. fi&,EH!,fH+ie.tTI*.A$-H.Hfir"
ffiE/*E.li+4,,ftrEE#4E!'r+Htz:*8fr1.),tr,H. ffii.t,f.EiF*&zli-rEigl+T, -ifr*1l"u*11&r-."
ffi EH,IC E tt+t fr1 ffirfr,t, ltrE% ll"+iftH egi HE EE H!* @ - 8 z 6'ct*At \
Jt, ffia: nP, B,E:rlltri*rqr?
ffi (id{t ) B : ljTE, T,EZrt. 6E*1[F!Et,fE.
6intrE"tutL,x,it, i[HH+nF!1:{{, Ij]rt&,in*-7atr wA:x/a\+@frllrf,!, la+i, *HizE!?
fiirBi9t. B : TfsT11" ,R+Uiffi+F1lEilEtt , TLHitfr\Ett)1.
@-&b{->a @-t*d(ti8
ffi (+,f tqt) E+L, H.4"1frHl,tE{, AHfE eH,trnittT,tl$t*. xEriiB4+H!FrA, fii/,itLf,ElEH11.
ffiE14E.trf^[EHF!itt, ,E+TE,trHlrtF. reA: B4[.(ft[q9ET4't"
@-t--|,<t* s: Er[4, Lt)ixFi26frE#w, +)a:r,h{--a1pr+6i]tLfr-ffi"
ffi A:+Ftd.€+T+h1+1pi\t#fr\#, +^*p+TlEHtl.Flr''1.&ER. & (Hq+i)
s:fiii,4t*Eii,,fTl. AE]Ift,1\t, +Xfi1f..+E{+trfiT"
ffi nFfirTEftEHtre, F.lfF_KH-tKEt,\B'i,ffi" 1EFf,fi! @-r*68&U
i_il,i6, trEH+&ri't. reBt,EH!4trr/HiE, /^rfiEtrrlnlrKFttEH4/r+.
&.AE+fiHH!tri? dt+tuFmi;i, z{ft+-9trfF*trH!tri. ffii+T-+[!EH, 5!],rt41T, ifiEL),t11flffR.
o-[f @-d+F.3r,.
xrA : ,J[+4\rE, E6ErtS67r[4? reAE+l+,trE4lt\41*. Ti;11ffifnfr\F],866fta.
n:T*IE. IHWP^lRlt\htuAA.i[88ryU " @A: +1B6FHf62frntt*ffiifr, t',]EfR-lir[,].
g(+,rrEt) E46Eii€-BAE!rb++ffi4rfH-EAHlXAfU. s:Erlq, tsf[ qE&tr,|&, t]i7qi*DAn7.
8lA: H+, +t+ETfl!, *F-tritriffa[itiijj" @-:Z/*Lr
B:--tri6ff[itii.t ? EEr'l€+r]liij" wa: 4fii,E14lLE!H-iittFEf[EE[n.
e -h\Et6t B:f[EE? t]tE(ltutrly.FE. 6trI6EffilP,.

s:4ii,istEl*?H!iE, reit+tg1+ff? frBtr'T1:"
EA:+idE6trSHlE*EEF^rE,? /l.t EIEt+SE? @-tt\at,A
e:r,fl!F!t+T'6*., TET:|-EV.? Wr4+4Etatii?8.
z-€Ll*t,t re,tffi5rrt, BirriE,\e.
ATWTEZE+1ffiI\, /;+ffiW" @-rt\rr6rr
a-\: E,E,il&. .6l*4148^s)L:t'.iEah7 " reEff+# f -+F, itr€, ifrffEE:, Frff-6H)5ArA1?"X
s: flBEfr$11!fr6irft*T*7. E-7+]*f1"
FJiE^eEFi, t1T*h, -)+!a-,ftffi+q? ffiA : aEEruEEFlEEE^tHrlq"
! -(tfl; s:Er[!j. *H-lif!]tfHT"
g .r: irFEtltE4[-+lE?
: : f6:6EtY4frE. n[*]rzlifiEng?

uNr 2-1 uNr 2-2
tr -rlt tr -FEU
F,fifiif,lqtw, +td,ri/86trffirUfrtr" -qqrfrlE, -rtTfrYtLs7.
tr -+fr; n -3u
a -htEl,< Z -tzlt*LOfi
z -)xH t]-tiLt*u
fi ffits, Bt!:trEfE16. Ei,{,EfLrEn+WR, l111FEnfil6+fra"
tr -dt; (t*.) t\5tLat\ tr -:[fLt
Ef/iE.{11fr, 'iEtrE6f+Zi*. iSEH+4, -8t18.fi.^-t+"
a -/r.L\h'AabE tr -at\€o)r)
fiHEisiqiii, iu,?JiRr. 6a&EE1fEliitt*[[[l.
ll -lth\L)h\ n -L--!Eica
+.IJfill^A, Zit(riEltH,E, rht!,&Ift. tLFzPr\, ittr4frtrF{rtrSf.
tr-P6-fE n-r*L€r<
H+4i. ffiA[t, BIE{RE. Z(int|a, E++fr1+*tL:'rui?7.

e-tD-f 5 o.'trFr.)
W+ffi^ l*$.)rfi1\ftt5l,E/tt*Wt ffi.Rq^ilifi, iLSAilLV." i#Bftrl+, !*!l*hFE"
#rf; : xB*.(n, n-Ei/t6BEE!, -lFe?Wl#"fr$fr+X?a. ffi A : qE4i/H4btffiEE+dil+T"
lRitx&!F(" B: tr.9.ft.il.tl'Hl^-"Ir,ff , tii1Rre.
ffi +-r.1++t@. n?&*[KqT, ^HTE]5. ffi A : ,f&trEEgE-1?
ffiA : T+68ffiE-Tr!l? e : Et+kf,ffitrfi! , turnE +@t11trE 6-tu, lF,ftikF.4-\E.
e: 4'XnEAi{. ni?+ffiqFErflE+11Lfr\. Tf-Brl). W @-ttt6Oli
xHlifr,itiqEfE. Emlr-ltEarigi5"ruq.
(O-h'-ter\h\Aa6E W)Z/t^*H*eX, EA46EflrFAi,tr-T.
ffi(6f!l,^itB!,(iE) E[t!J "W"' ttu-F, ., 4.+]-+ffi, ,)( A)-frL\t'0)h'
4'i!rtH@tH*T. ruA: a&EEfattwrlFfrlfi-*8ft.
&:.fiFlftFjU-n[qtriqEF]i,'fiUDt'1+TT+-t6!IiE, EEHTII; u, rO*4444r^t-+!0ts"
@-tfDriD &A:tstr,H.EI7rFf.
ffitr,H^f(441ft.?trfrffi, [A'H+HfrT#+*. e:€r[4, 66EtstrftZ.n']*rE"
ffiA:f+KftrE1E'kEf*r[4. @-t*L6r)<
e:€rlq, 6'flffT,tr, xttIEEffF-iiFrTLEr]. ffi6€4Rlr,f4, tr.t*4itrH+tlfttrE11trryW.
@-ft; (t*) r\6irlcr\ ffi6€4tr1[,iEr, E*ts8-1t8t62ff1,+t)*W, EtEtstrEg"
ffi ({Ttrp) @-rrr* L
a:t+:xr[4? ffiA: +^]1*/trfua-6"
e : cts, 6Tfr,trfr1fl8+rrffi, B/iE.r.ftxf . e : 6E*di6fH7. 14.*,, [wvLh[&69*18"
&A: hllL-+^xlft,? reA : iti*1-?s!]TlFE,HrfiH, 6ts_F,6DtF!. 6r-1?
s : HEn[ffiZrilfr1t++, -EIE'Z.IEX" s: *f , AEUAh$T+EA "
O-r){t @-3',)
*&A:tn{,iiI,H*,*H_fr"HF*H_fr\n\z $&{+HZ,E, sET-tru,(, Llt/1.tlslknillw"
e: g,{EHH!. E+.ffihr\nwT. frBiEtsfi+lH. &A:E[. ai[tUTOEl?
& E{ft1+trT , &,tk€frl+ffilt " e: EtE Ef*AEit6i[f rht, -Eftfi1f.&n+lt)-t .
&Eft*S#rcFTz!, i,tr6Effi+J&ryiH. mtsi+ru,B8ffi+Et'tk-H+8.
@-+ft; @-t;fticT
&X &X +i!.+46zBt. tLJtlE7 n\fi"
8A:n[+tBt1H-T+T" -+]LDtiSE*. &La*)+\hzffi. %)t:t-*\\4fr\iL1fr.
s:tW, ll/1'ts11Ltr*[iix,6. TtE+48!E1.lEEtrrE. @-:[fLt
o-h\6t-< m.*_*?saH,B, 1R,REI=+,[,E|E.
g3A:B-t,E, !,fii,rso+BtEt€rlvT. reA:Bi+r'wtr28/tfft iu=ti1ffiffi.
s :fft*rrFl, e: r,8., x1tr'EE!, T{!, +T+LU+F"?
gA: drE4lE/trqTf,\r[4.
^a=\aill-€-EfrHe6;t-t+" reErEtrt-L+?Jfr1rxfr\.. &fr4a18E"" 6
s:Er[4,t1$iR*f. r,\.;]i4+rlt,'EtflUBtftAr-t+T" H-n-b4'*1fr11/t^fr\. ^trz+B\.
atk11;u+,f6!,Ein,, fiin
*l (+,tHt) Etl.tx:;^tuaft+7 tug.. UNIT 3-1
rl+l€Fpai5E+ffi8. - ]-bft)
m A : ffTE, 6fiil.ftzB'JiREfrr[4? )!6j-+, EiEtHFfff .
B :7FlfHE, i€E+-T. Afn-Efr, diSt'trfi16. n -€lit\
ft68,t'{, 1'"IsE.

t -irtLr 't:&tu+, FfrEt\\+, )r*fi1\F-tiret18"
-+*, €-a[f\).x*frrfrn, BExEEHlEtz. tr -t;ia:(
al -ZttfrAL iE€ts+i4-Ht, itftjT+-fi.
r,y$u+frt+'E, Blr*rh+E,r'Ed,6rr+,f6E8,r.. a -x*iffit-
a -2264 U,tlY,h*tL, 4triit.c..*HrEE -E!9.i{f3,ft.
E,\+1F, &'E EJ&,A15EFr-I 7 "
a -<zz @-l.1,4-t;l,z
AEHHBffiiEH*8, tfrCtEfifi*AEd,E!,h,f6. re!*+.1+, 6+1!,1+, rt!Eii,-,-*ft&i1.
tr -rtf (-rt*) ru*i!.iT, .6*t\w, HHJ1EA$tWFE"
E7W, WlE, "
?fiA$+illT @-r.iA?<
n-Lr\460)t gxtE6ffiE6ElB+F6-H€Tt, 6Lnh6*X+@rts-r?"
ErtH'Wlrfr1a:J4tl, tuA#ffiffiW*tJ"EB]iE1+. g&A:^F-?tW" ETEHII/2,8.)'.IrI1.
n : ll1B6ff[E HRnhE . Ef.F_Wf'+EXE!+fi+,l.n[4.
O -irfcLr C) -h\tea
&3(-EglEEl'El) ilt;k'ETEl',fg7, ts+EH\thfr\, &(tEH+)
ttxlkB:r;B1lt+EfrlrUllH4r'5ififrFf+. +kiilxeuE
.E|'*B-r. E_"
ffi (ffiABilE1,l4) *Hll.€frX, A,H]L6,E.EB+. m ,*,tv: aulqtrFlaec,Glr\.H!H, -f zl.EtBilFg.*fi!ifr,
@ -l+/cr\ 6EXr! r-9 ?

& (1E,HfR1lEUt14fl1) ,Etr : ltt!,64tH8. E)btsEA/.-1FlP.

e: E61*r[4" 6w1aafl)L. @-AU\-LtrAL\
s:TEJaErts. l,\\+\+\\W" rur,?,HTRfEMT.A, fi'!\n*H-f#trtt[, nFnI+J-flrB{r
W8tr-E+7Tatffiill{6!+iH, ).7.fi8rry'.*t(" ffit?,fi\+.
@-frr*.") wA: x)\ifr,vr-+k+fr*t?ifrLv,frfuwf t
&XA*+E,L'+tz+, \+l^+frt+aqff" e:ErE" +I4E6EBE!EiEE!,.58, ,f&,lit,kEt+E,L'T.
&n[Az].dtlltfllEtlE, Zffi#.ffiZ, iH7-.EiE1|ElH!1H. @-rttLt\60)E
@-Zttfe6t ffi(ia+fili-E) t?;H4=41\#+7. ruf.frEEt*. 4\fr]g|tr'
* ffitl | Z(at1^ifr1fr €*A : iii'HH!ftf6Lr;*+yB7 "
ru ift&g rt&4if*H, tqi6fr,t+, t[g.aeilaFi&filiE, n : Er[4, ^H-fr]4fr2E^a-t-b"

@-))66 ffiA: ryfii,Brn-EtfrlftlH!ffi, q+htu;"

w5ffi-rHu*, SfrrHtr,E,lES15't6€f . n: ELl. frfr\$++nq,V\rffi.frtu*l\1:H](+.
G)-<r* (-(r*) @-<dta
ffi fiH6n-+iLTm-+JL1FE, ++riE7F4FnF!.5" ffi +Effi, E/zu|nrIllt E)L+&AEEE"
&eecH,tfli+H/tEF!frfi+, trhAfr.+At+fr11,ffi. rets]iH!+i{, trfrgewhf*-€"
@-<zz @-t*ffir;
s(f+]E.F.F) Z(trF_l+ANry, Afnh1r^)ftt1)lrh" vt6*tt\ mu+fi+rtH!+*enrt4il'1, fr1l"71p.?Wtrffi, +fiEE
*nW, tFjEMilFtilEZFIlffiE. &q1+l'{.mltr*.
W+4aB!Ft'lR, *r4fr&ffifllfr\. ilfrU/**r!\".itrE, .F,AE ffirlE-Ctqir(,fi|7, L\ft,h*ill., &/nEdiE.

@-Lr\a6o)r uNlT 4-1

ffiA : , -HwH>frELLX, ,ftrE, ,iU,HE Z -tz6ti( (;)
)<fr1FEFffi)rX" Z^fftrEaE6, ,ERiXa-ry).WtW1fr"
s: iIBtEU.Krl4. tr -Zttr<
f.l;:121'ffiffi4'lfi, F,trrll,FBF,t€JaqH{rE'lE. l)-22+,
a -Dtr6 B+A-E]eEtqa-t,\xjiiK1Efi,trxl,e.:tr,.
4hrd1*, [E4.ii.fi+**, HExEUi4E44. tr-L Lr-raur
1-fiUaztt*ba tE*fr4.*frUt,.ftr8, iE*[r++.
EtrbE+T,IfU, 4iElFE*l+" tr -tl*t\at)al)
n -<t*Lr\€o)t Eii@,H Liqar,tru, EHfi!E6Eat+r6E1RE,L,.
*fr]€lbi1r+fr8tfr. tr -aL\['FU
I -<altA ltffiH W-tg. &Hi,t*r++.
Brh, +k-Eqffi14J.X€" tr -EFE:(
I -Ar\z86tu\ Efiin/^)zry62ana+fi. E'in+x*?"
frnqhlF.lr, .fEE, .F,qEEE*h, &Tfrirrflhft)" fl -Eifiz<
- -tzt,4?tzt,z) M#rL$1fr\yA1+, IbIFHf;.rr"

@ -tiltt.
O-zLla( ffi A:+-F!iF++r6fi44.
Str -g i{ Ht, H=tl ft fnfr [64 i* itr, iHEEi[+i }tH+]iErfi46 l,JfE. e : Er[4,1Rr.il6tst]E!.l.lrtr9iB]+H!iH.+A7, JEHBi]1"
ffi E.ft 8ii EIFHfr [6 E! r1f , .fE
fr 4i!, lrL(f u 4H 7, +Eii ffi A : rfi_trliElE!wH,+frl, aEtEtt!144fiftffiit:frT
h -t),*.(n. e : Eu[4" tu4.+ft{e1fl4tr+.+fr Et, HWWiht "

Q,-tctr>ll( k) @-th'
gx M,hiffi +R, trE4Ei1afi fr +pii. ffiA:E++ii,E?
ffi -T1+ F'jz"*R, lt+[EiE,-uiI T . B : ii* ? )l2^ifr.*, ttuvttuLifr. e r. H l4iE l& ?_+fr1 iAW
ffi itllEiiE, rg+rytiEi6E/dt,ln[tr{#T Bi. ffi ia' ) /611 I +hiit B.H .i.a a[tri . *,14 7 E fc *., j.Ji,i:-:=
( nq: .fi!,

(A-22t) zl'trH l. fE *H*llrii. i#-ri*&irtr.

$k E€ E 4frI6&, E Ji!E-+! Br{+ [! A*, .itrfiEffi fi itU,?E. @-zttit-
ffi ri€;iStIl1+r, .ftr-ffi +Uitr, "F.k+-.t'7 " ffi ( ia,*lf./ L +ift, ) + X 1trr1.6 li*. ffi. 5 it TET-, Wtrt *.li )
ffi Eft F''t,l * IFTFH rfi !+{+, tE it fre+nfr . i.g. ii l_ +- +
Br,t fli^*rl.rEEZIrE"
E,IiE]. "l wA: E/^fr'.aB? ftE*7(/L I " gtrtlT^l+, EE-FlritA
@-t;[E:( iB-TIPirlg"
ffi a : L[ EZ<*r[4. ErEtE..fH E,t,9T ? e: iltln[4.
mH &Eitff E3F1?)1 . tL'F n E+tstt#.ffi. " ffi (,\E4!Fll!]firft)
o-L ^i+t'[[4.
L<-Ar\ HTIE+tllE4frtp+, iBr,6rl{ Hl,\ E 4LE,\.
ffi ,.+6tEEi!},E,tr lzA I +7, itE-i6ffiEB}r+" ffi (trff
) AHrfi *Tr.l,llE{+ )LEf , #E iltr "
W 1F4wnA&B*r{tE afi$rft , E EtkH- + " @-r;t*&tdar\
@-tttt\aBaa ^F;effiU ffi A : +t/ii,lg*trEf ,E1#laEll+, 19tr89?
KX E iJt Er4E.- ir\T, itrI1iE++r+E+i+ ffl^-r"
H s : I66lH{t*,E.*, T}t/318tr*F{lEt,lE, H,*flini UT.
re rf H!^,t Ef*itt.ER,t,tiH, itrE, t!,iaF"t E Hrr E R inffi ffi A : ErEl&+*LL#r+s4?
(9- 3 iaa
o-aL\|]E0.J ffiA : r1rtr,
iBFl "aec" tr1 s ElHu\t
KX .F.4rB+l,[,e/* -,1, if, f Ff' ifi lH jX,,i,t6+ liA. *it'l " a[1t.t,\f+"
n : xtziE,
w ffi )n * |L1+1F.,H, +,Eits h,l Eitt + ,t, 6 fl r],i,lill {c fi. 6E W+.q ffifrW)s.?T, r1-tfrft5ri.
ffi tr + :ttiil [!4*fi r ,ItrE, ,ii+E+a T tr + /,H H! +fE' Ei t'E] . UNIT 5-1
ru E+,E,flIiilE1r+8 , F\/.Ftfrt+\AJ Hi 4+eE!i6A. tlb*ua-E
X!*A, n-%t)lflT L,R.
UNIT4.2 a1 -h\tP'at
L l -{+6 q.r L Et Elltr9i??, ifrx 4 t x.ft7, +.IE frI g.tL1fl'E\rA.
Bt+r(+&, +\Etr fl 'Ei!H nt frEF+ " lt -Da&aE
a -3t16 1tu1*ll4,l[r!!F t+, HEHH]-"IE6[,q+ f .
iZ./^Z , -/a ),IETT " tr -t;+J'{,r6
I -zttit- i{EE ) ridiI,[tr B AA Ht H! rilE4,{, iAB H B l]!-=..-[,.

\lkli,, /+ii4:)tlE,iE*7, H+*EArE. l) - tlt-cfc

a -ti.ltl. ,filtBru rffi+. Eia+4r1rl, )tli€#.+rt"1 .
E+fiU,tr, tr El7vEtrZE!;t 14ffi , Fn UT'deffr +1fl&9" a- @) zttibE
it -tD A$EaE). tz,I&-trr, Ffr D), 1qHfff +tufr@.
t.Htqz+fr , *r{t[ Hlifl RF. Z t+ ? Z -Aais6t
tr -t;?* AttsE,, AiNE EA, EE'M!E-tiEEE"
(trfi) n -6r)*rrT
rnEtfir+, fl,^7F€i!,\EE-6.fui[, trE* T xtr.
I -t;t*&td/Jt\
+tin6qnEa, /ar,HE,5" r{,1'il8,. o-h\a&)L-
n -t:EJt\f && f g ) l^TtHsFE H x,[! € +, EE-
( -En
f f FE.i.f cf +l ![+ E(
Ef eEitt|j, EtRtEjtZi*i#**i6H! I jitBh}+rt.
W +E\frUtr'tEEF.,'Efr,tEiFXWttAEH!-,f+fEflR.
@-7E6 @-Lh\*h-{
xx A : ltiiF HE E r]ti6, fi6Ett4 H E H!14t,frl]g ? ffi &i[, r+HE H+ t-E rU lt lkfr\{ir, \b$1E7< tr;HEt El Ell
t]-{lIqffi..iFE, Pit
u: /rE!1+t8E El E Effi41R5EH!.e.-fri. AF,,HP]F.
mA: FAEnl62+fr8+.ryt ffi nFtrE+r,EiEEHl,\t{rrrFfl , ftrL/\,^+, sttu7 z
s:EE!, H{:dE" ,/T, Z(F{F,E. @-h'tF"it ^.
@-r:€8Jr\< re 8ffi E1SC, -+,ILXE€. -+./L^ftp+N, iE+H*il+rFI?
W /L\
h fr frI Tti F.tR+,8]*i+mil,8 F! " ffi E*tEEHt, itr€E*!+{U1R1trp4. E! El]tr U h er4Et
ffi srhfi IrA,lift f : jE.H,EtR+,EA-,lt',l,i3iEAFIrfi R*iT*H!. xTW, 6.^vgil17 "

@-aalbE-f 4'i*.
EB(r'-€) Y],X-T&lvft,'l+.H'l+rgffi4tFni. @-l;tEiE/at,t
ffi A : ?+K, fiiii n /e\-"lTt,Eq+FriPffi" €x (]*H)
R : EL1" 7<'R'i{EaZ}-"I![4, B/z.r:,lilrgt#rrE. n[ft,lil^\A a : ts,BEF!fr[ES*n9?
1g+r[iH44. n :EF!, ,;+EF*"
@-LUr:t ffi184fi!r*+, +/EinBrfiq,?n[tHt.ftFfrEiElrtrr.
g$-HIr,{*, &i+qErEititr,la+14. +Etu-l*trjlz+H! @- (e) )r[*raurr:
uiil{EA+HJfiiH,+" ffi++,HtlrE*r, ffiE,lH1hfi- r.GZt+?
WET!)EF+N,tilU 1Hf,la\BF., +HA+E4a+4.A:0FA)- ffi({H) ,tA[66EfitrlEt&" .{trE, ;tri$, m'EEr+fr+4t1rr.
4fr1t1'4tltl" nfiEfRE#, i!,q-f-f)UE',i,€.
@6*Ua-E @-t;zt-tczt\tttL\
re n[t]tK,tE4it€Ei+finffiH,EA, +tfi,lttsi,l,€rr:fr,i+l* &S A : qE,i,i4F,F'jifr. i6Eqn15+tf,ftffiLbfrt+"
2.,t'fffHllffitrR" B: En[4, BJtEistTfilut,lt" ftITts4 . lEF-, TEinH f 'fr
.f+4ir!i.*. w&ttET'E+,1-r,Fr+Ei. /vTrfi,L'. *lEfl.IrftffHlglfr+. -
a-Ebffa Eqx,t+[o.
BB ]-[1&, frTp6trtrHlte*4$frt, +hlT/^\trfr1+ . @ -*ut
ffi:oro€,E, f trElcop5Bf+tHtL,, iHr[-f 10.:q", EE,rlf ffifk,tEE=4tT.*,LJiE4'7tEtE!5'f6.
Efl'fr =fr " ffi trf*)i,E Ereff4E:rIEriE, 'iE€, i[li[En6 f ,fiiE.
@- (o) ztti.h\b
ffi"€/iiIis*4{." "!fi, illHlifr, 6,H+E,r'." UNIT6-1
"n[ti€z].,H*6[i+Eg"" "Ett[4, xtTE+e+i#Elii!*ii,fr!iE, a]
W 6*t)t t)
i,rr-t4'lrtdrrE.tlTnE." l14h.t lF+\1p6)r(. di€E+_r^{ . E-1REZri.
tr -rr-/-trt;
UNIT5-2 IfrrEwh7.ET, Fhu.tr61+rifr1atfr.
n-t? tr-x
TIAHlEEC-Eli;-jtJiilUl , ttrt+tlAE., Ht*frf;/L1, sE. Ifr|*.fr\+"R, /*Elll]-;rr*4.tr7.
n -8t\azLt* ]-/ilt&>oA
tlt+rfBtE, lr+EffiFH.HliE, +'iEEn+Flrr. ElEiqHii,n[4, H+1RTft+rliE.
tr -/jr\zLt;t* tr -(L)l*
lr+^+T+rBtrHlifr, ift1t/2,fr1-Tfr2ilt" M u*, -/ltFtt,HjiaiE.
tr -t;Z l,teZtl*telt tr -(t\6
E&ft'ttBtEntElT. ltLU.litDfrlFEt, +crl1-a/r#fi!l4+Bn.
tr ^/HtrH,
-t;tEEAt\ J -tz4h\
F.*FWik, AqH!frF15*EiFlFf+nF. rt,ET, EUiE*ffil1, ih]j i;Ett11r.tF"
tr -&)rt*rau'r' tr -t*Lt\)L
)ta*,L'ljh, -E*i+1FB,tr,frl1r5E!Hf*l]E. D)ffifriqffi!rtT+H, W+ffirfi*p -.filLa[6ff.
tr -&)Ed)/*D tr -llEut*
)5tr-ifli")n, qEtrfUz4fl'j, -EA1ErrlHl. .RqGatsEilt&*,<. .f,Irl,L'!U.
tr -*t\ Z -€661?tsh\->tz
Z<trE/^ifl., 1tl8E6+A'ffftr F!. lbhltirt, 5f5.6iPrl--.i^e.6*[fi!ifidl"
n -(t*D/ablat,r
o-/rr\ztr;t* l*trf++i#, --tufr+4&ffiia, 1i-T t.
ffigtsn[ffi,\6)FHlEEf[sl, tr-(6d t-2h\Zrr.L\
ffiA:Ee++? avv\+r,1? EEn/i++q+bf+E!{srE, Flr.fEtrrltt1tt*F"
B: r,R, 4E6iJiE:iit-THljE, Htt.ffErj4. n -aLrct*u\b*1.trt\
@- (&) )$atrb +E,L'6/x1fi!8rffi, *A6frry."
^1+Ftr,ftE+rLX, X$+tfrEtu.
mftaflrrE, trrRsJir{rfHa-,fi.rlFrtE, Btu*rtFj{lryLrq. n -E3-f,1rdfift8.1&,
8a:18f;'^e6?E,\rlpj. &A[ISiEEl-t1g TiEHlrA{f . a -lz2|t
e:*llEffii6E!,1,'f6"ff+iBMflfzMfrifrjiklbrtez<T+/n" tfi+t)E/t^1t$1ttulH.H..,t'17)tr'"
O-tf ]-Lff)bt
wvHt +, EHlqrqB{E, ffif,(r6E11trE6E-Ttr Bt,Sl]6, 1.^+fr , *t'H1v?fr1lq")y,tr),1\in"
Br,lftf,l., trrtq-ftj&trri{. Zfs, HWtrlW.lt Zt+fr e-rt){X
rtF. 6&ffiinfeE+4iE frnu.*fr\rtt.
O-tLDZLll m )^ilP+4qll,'*., -r47'F-]:fr\"Hf.*ft,!'1biW.
tI|E+-dnmTaERH+U+4t/^H!+:,1fr,-[61p.?'ffiEfrffilkFFl$:, ffi8Et+fFjlurafi\ffi-ftilvilffi,.
B4+#[ffiq.i6*f*tr. @-tz6D
2l A:xi6E, HALNfA*7<77 ffiEinEtr7i, TfllktritlTrE, ,?mtr,C+T.
s:i4, ilZiit*, Eq;l..RE+k-t)\*18&q? ry, EEIS ffiffii+EUi-BEi*iET, it€+iE*Fr+i-{, iti-/.),tlery

tlitrftiif. @-f €d tu2h\ZttL\
@-x (o) GXA : t0 ElBf-rtPkt, lt/t ffiTrt?tar,tt
TEEAE,!+R, 1&48#4R. B: 6E, nB:&*.##ltAfi\AWftX
w ttu+w* -d fr\r*R, 1+ F! F"t E ,\,fil Fli^El, + +, ffiH a E g fi REtsf rt6, FftBaffifi 1!,iSXA.
EEIIE4H. G) -a(,\T[*.1\ 6iraL\
@6*L)t-t) g5
-qf fl]tr+ffi 7, a[u.Zii+TrEHX"
re ( €"lrE ) I.E tl+tH+Fii H! fit+. i6-Etft +yzi,t+ E E E! w tqar-L+ldt, &rLFfrEr.+,fia8ff .Hll5ffi r.
ERiE. @-FEr.lt*
& riTlt H H!ts fr Htt l*,t'frI ,f,-H, !,f iU,trlEH+ft .
&8 ( xi+2dE-t Httfi+ fr1a fr\ *ijj )
@-ti.LtbcT RryHffrt, &ABM*rt.
m 6ffi Ea/l5 Er HIIE+H r[4, t*\fr1+* Effiri $, H/tEt]HIf 7 & .R4^Tm, *.fi1nn+\* \\*Ifr+nil1.
&,f86'lEE,ligdt F, xt E t P,I H$@iRq*Fffi .
@ -t*Lt\a L
afi ifr.E+7 tuF-. )i,*, +tEHf,t/\E+,
m Ef -,fi lLa[ tr -< 5t\46
g q iir+llnFry fi R4,ffrjil]el1ft+, r6rlr E Ef&qE"
Frr El +, Ifr+\&.RAz_+ lfr|+E . L) -A* C
O-<t\6 AEq^H!^-1tr48*ry[ErE.
& B E B! + Fi E @t s B 2t R, t t g s z 4 ifi y'.R\kti Fa y@*fi lb
tr -(*r
+tEisE6,F49.f4*r.if "
eF!" ll -tZZt.a)At
KX E tri&+iE D+!+, 6*qr(tsf [^€+E]FH.trxEE! " a -/r,htb
W lt&F! trA tr h*+ffitll+tu.11ErL, Ffr t:), E+rj H E H!+
+tHlrBlEltr-&, E*&l., .fEffitsrEpi"
iEHl,\Fr&H! ft,{rl]H"
fi ffi nE.R zl.trtt, trf,f + H!X€, L' E#T . -t*+,rE- E! .
z -$aa
tr -FEUI* Ein*"w7, iEttE.i+tr-tr"
Aq,f+.EiIEB,titX6. .f6r{,hrg
" a -d&Ubtt-T
a -€68:Etrh\.t tsftFffi]*, U6HiE, iLf4fr\tfrfiffi7"Ft"
tu hT Z 1n, T.ETIfuL|R *E[ Elifr a.
Z -<l*h\ttbfr.l\ O-/a'is6
BiIffiS,tE, --jUE+g&F!iE. qft$7 " s3 ('dfi+H!R,E) A,\tt#rtf;ffiF , ita\ll(,htL r "
tr -(€d l-2htzfr.L\ w xYfr\lr+.tvfr y, lafi#,lilw)*, E*FU+,,r&trE+E
q Efrt| ++ q+ EpfEalu-,fi t!,tsx6 ,5,iuru6a+hftr"
tr -/"r.f \rld:u\ EtLtrL\
^++, @-dt*Dbtv<
1E,L'6ixlH!F/ ffi , T1+ *AE Htr_. m fi,il]AE, urf E,\i+, )TAm.?ff@^ffiWF.
ft -Eqirtd w u.Etf.*ffih€, 1R4 fl *fr1 t+^I.ft, A[4Tirtr J.lt, fii E

ff R€{&, EFtfiF*I,rnX, AB+ffi Erfi, " ,tr8,8fuX.

z -l.)lt @-{rAA
afi l\E/ziFlfi ttuxl5,H.,,5ITirE
" W B)tE f t#,C+ T, lEE,'t+ fi'T W, fl +lt^.6:g.tr \F. 4 fr1 l,J RE.
a -eflht & E*i+lfi HlEilR, ffitt{Tffi , .fEE, ET:+AE.,,E!^ft
ts,t,8il6, T^+fr , At\H11.4fig,Jttr "
^+t)t\ @-068r
@-L;2ll ffi (frsBifrz,fE) frEE ztfral+a+T+r, EE{R1+.
XE -€+UHfr+ z frl%afi , +tB/rr1, H -,itrisf r,ff E,e;k ru /\af; f+f!!tr we rc H &T ffiK.,t&t&i4,6-r+ "
!+t " @-tzztd6t
&X n[tE,\, w ( f++xia rin,) tF \Lwfia E4 ?
-Ht)L+ilt F+W, ^eErEZ'. *8. 6&.f& .

@-l;titl* rE. EEitt[E" ^l,\zriF,ifr

tr trBFftlE Blr,E R,r[A*, tD,L f,! r+EE1Er"€ E! t',]tr. & AfiFBZ+QB!E\.A*, d trfr1E^tr,-i^ftr.
A fi fi * irt{ AEE I H /1. i S tE, .{tr xt {,f & ,\* ii, tfr-r F-'fll\ /2,
E E @-)iffir
tr+7. re s:+2€tR+,E,\ H!tSi*+A1+6* Wd.F*^t+ " fi ,tilisEEE
o-arabt TTH!,-HffiFE.
II rrEt Efg, &.inffi ,,r.8ry.6E 4 Hffirt " w Bar,ff , +R+,Effit*r-f+, tuHE ij?+ +-,fi itrlTrE.
g Ttr ttffiHt*.,,H.z., fiEtis*i+fiE.^t O-< 6t\/JD
@-<l*h\ttbftL\ &8 ryf iE ft ilt rL *, tE XWffi fl lttfi t r.ff , Btfr++H r 4F fr1 +tA
ffi a,\E -.+ffil, 6+8fr,f+lE=l]fi{ilg_1, tsE.E 61HrtE. "
m €+iti EaFtr*rftElifr , &ttrrTrFtr" m gxiflFt+BlE^l*,*,
^w47 )6TtsrLA r+ "
@-d"6ti+ar\ @-r*r
W).qH y" fr1B4*", ffiintrreifrtrxE , N+^ffi+tj.+" ffi 6Eqn[E filtiFt\txaz, itrEfr 6ra]lF|,1.***EE.
m BA ffi S&, TtF,4iilE?.fr\*A€rsi6 l,lffi . wr, FEfr*rft]Ff , rqfrst&Tug"

UNIT 7-2 tr -o).r-e
tr -t;HL< (t*) ffi6ki,)\Y+Hffi+m, H-+fr+I.

tr -i;rfiD< -rffi,\,flfit4ifrTffi1€Af++8, 174fr\irwt!fril;alg.F17

]-X|dUb tr -rf,rur;
B&ffr,t+, uttM+FtfrfrIsEh:5,H+^tr7fifr" BJttribfr&AW6).*, FfrUfrX?ffi*71\.?ffi.\m.
tr -fEr\r tr -*TLr
4i ,l'1fr:EMT.+LV,*"
l+VlT, *d.+nl, 'ltrEl,l#EfirH-mffiF/'l-,-&.#m-t+.
n -t;txDlda,At\ tr .- (e) ah\-*l\h\
&AE€fr.+iI4r1F, EP.WbHE+jL&H!+F+. in6F*6it., 4kf4'fr1*F-, trElqix.
a -ttrat
4ft4flmE+ZfrErcA, -Eklk *tr14T" O- (e) ah\-*t\h\
n -trD*r\ ffi*frT, 4kfiA*.6ET:*, 6d, *Tdi6E,E-++, T
tr -r[*reurr, $xtr,L.EE6E46EE*, r6*r]-tzl.Et, 4frfr.818: F-4<W"
Z+,\fr1frfr+ffirvfriL1fi.4, E6EruA'EE-1. @-+h.3<
m trt.R6 -tl\Ef ElEtI'El, 4trfr,BWiLE-TW, TERtrEItH+.
@-t&< ffia:6Effi.lxlaEe.:ltEitrt,litE!)fra.fr9r
ffiffi-n-q&fl^t?.xL?,+\8trffiryw:ffils,?, fru,,Et+Eq4tl&.tr, e:f[trT. BEgffEltrtEH!)\vfr." TF,A+*,, &-tEE
EH(r1RffiE. +hfi\Eth\ti1"
m (efirF]F,Etr) )rBtriftH!UrFlFtr, tlA+Ef{ftHtyfr1|4")H @-*<L<
f[64. ffi'IEtz].,E, lFiSZKF!l!L![4! " "Erli,l, .itrE, firl.*tStr
@-C;lfiti< ffitr+llllFLLE +nfrtttu+""
ffiA,tiA,\llFUtrlii+, +RtE-?rAFlzkTfrY>lEH!, AEEI+ m,q,ltstTlfi,{snn ELXtfr., *.)^*T+hlMfgffinF;f+'ldt.

w,H+xIii, *HfA,fr4t.
ElutF+iEfll/EBF,E, re Bt+-*E *T ! iEff[AtsZrNe.
o-r;HLr (*) re-F.E€n-,H,fi4+r, .t+affi.
ffi4i{H!81,14, i#-Eqffit}E+itr" ffiA:tstal,E, r+@t1:7. -,fi.tLa[&E-ts,K.
w (,t+B!+EzrtEi) B: En9, ,F,f r_{tsZfln[sj"

Et]+i6. ffiBttrtTFzlvl'EiEH€i-AT. TF-nZ.EfrEEFt f .

@-r;ra1Da6ldu\ reEtrtfiii,EE^E, .t+&fin"-ffi|1fr7 "
@ (xirnie) ]a].6,frcww1+fr.7, $.EE1hfr+[1fr_r,iE,\E @-0)rr
tr,1'14.r, X&IfEittU, DiZfnlEEH/j,ER.ErEl+fEi&l+8.
tlEtrtfraj,f.r[,1+LLfi.FAq*.w" ffiiHlAiTtrFlEt,fr4, j.1E6firl1iTHffi, trEirlq*.
@-6.WUb o-tr\ah\-tt\ah)
6t+FItiEH. +e,l+"

@-tbat @-FEUrr*
mtu+fiatu*Wt^, -iEfuiFri, -Efrn*\g.1+-E-ifrirt7" mBifr,9ffi, nTBan+E!6+i, dFf,t+Etr,tF!.
reqE#.ZfirfiE*Hlifr, fi.F-ei.ffitz1itn+. gxt,\Fi,EAH!€i6+q{*r!T+1,-&.tUF4 tl,fi" ttrF., '.8:H.

@-trD*r\ i6tE,hrl..
ffiAHrFfilg1'fF, lRlg6+l''++ilr, Td, t--r. Hf.!+, ift
Eii:. UNIT 8-2
W Ef*r+ EAH+)E|,la,)I^5ffiT, F,fUqlEAHSfrC*,fr. tr -r<€
@-ft*reut, *EdTl€.fr1tun, Eltlfr?DHw*ffi, tll'"]- FrlT.
ry 1RH+ r, itrE HT4iftH trtki2.r,+fr112+, fi ,fi!.fn*ii, tr - L L\a €016aL\
)iT/^\17" 6€ffiT,8t1r" UHlrr61Rtrq"
W \+lq.Efi 1\1t AF *, T tilTyt tu, trtE Fffi 6EAl&7' fi'lH Z - lzbtc-t T

UNITS-I +*ffigxlalpt+, u:Txz-fre, r6eis,t,tnlqit"
! -[EUtt* tr -t;Lr€
qf4.ftii,, /;t\!nffi4'tt. Flr,iEA*T, +!!N_ir*1'H1AW6-Trlq.
) -tl\ah\ a -bDhtba
tuF.-IIEA\E, trE+4i+, €,1.t+,ElI6Ei-t,H!,\. +t,tr.'*FlnltfrEiSft'T, EEit/rtErFJ.
I -+E8r n -$ate6
UAH!rEA,it+tli1fi:€aj.rtH-fr,ffirl'*E6t6+m*+{n. fi+6EE*-it, E,ISEETLJH+EiitFI.

Z -Lti'tfc
ffiT, +xffiq#^H-r[4.

XtA' t++<, H+tt@l+7 "
s : BEEqH!AiL" di€+6r!,2,^1+*. TM#,+T, *,
W H 8/z^- fr uEEELI " t' +.+#, Z*x6. "" &i h6h*tn t(,.
@-t'o)/J A
u fi +El ])_r H! ifr , +tffi €Bf +ihfi El,,\e "
w " w&, H_EwwEfiI " iBiE+f if ,trE ! " " rnxac#ft,fr\1rt,
frt ffi#ft-T, t[F-)rx#Bx+t:7, rt7tr4HTrs""
m+7FE+,,\, -lfrfr?W+ffi.
w yn ffiFHnn *ruH )(, .1tr€, 4t /afiFIFHa tt s ft4t /t^w* "
Er F iH4++BtE1It*, H n+ *l+, ^8 tr+rfrEW1EJ++Ffi "
e 5?tIfEtr4H!-,H, DtEgi€tfrflc *fr\tJ.
m +if+*Et+d1&t, H€a* EE EmM.
g A : E# CD HZifH" flI]tAJ*HIFBET+"
s : ErB" fiUHlFBE+e6tr68ry51 !EB!l.
@-tzl,t .ZZT
W $.efr FaH ? EA4H, diEilK&,ZifEEq h&8.
p Etr+.Lt.fFH+dl, .fEE, rffitrH *D++fr?.,E+
ar Fp&EEffi , &,Mi^t+\rBffi. "
m dir$,f&,.f il, 1!,HWE r.,tEl€K rE "
X3A: iEI56&AEtr+Eg?
n : EB, lE,tr#[iffifrA " @tsffi#, MAE+-.{Tfr2!E!n[4.
B rFl, DrZE+H ll r[4" tst+filifi, *.lilik6 HflB/aE ka "

ffi FEtrEE @-h\btat
ffi A : o1 g,!, i+clZl^ldJ4?
B : ol F* BE, olrlr| alz| "lgvl?
UNIT 1.1 =4lE
&A : rla: -J4 trS., qnlol4 ? 6}ol^l al , ol Bgzlf
ll -h\6-{aa B : zl g;'g= -EE, oJg*.zl ?++11?
ol ol Eiol elE oI"I ul d "J
rl 4 . o -6 Lhr\
tr-<ri; m^l^IE614 9+r Zl.;+dld H.I rJflri.
*rI.J +alql ol a ,i aE_q €zl "I4. ffi e : d:4lglr} . ol ^J= . a* Ll+ +4BI+
ft-rJ B: + &LzlE 9+j1 ^I'14 rfll .

-trF Fol rz116}2+ ++4+ xl+LIEI . m + + 9lgzl q€rl lqE 6}zl ga, "l++El
=Z+ -t7l6J1)11't
tr -LL\Ztd
gPol+E +,1 -1!ol +BBq+. @-<tit.
n -t; L<t* gg A : qlE^l ri= 9 "J+El 9zl ?
,l+,1_r1= A6l:ig. B : rll4doJrll 1zl z)E -E-eLl ?

z-L-$h\htbbt *B .t :
"1oj , 9E +t7l7l 10 ?.lzolLl4 trzl
e"l .

EITI g=rlE €+6lr y*e eI i9i'14. B : rL !? _"Eg,g4 Eu}g4l gtl=rj]

^iBol .

tr .'6 LAr\
3 "J4E *5Ir. +g4a "J6I,l 9+9198 +4+. UNIT 1-2
lt-6b4->T tr--f (r)
+a€ Eel,ila F
+ql -"d trIEol "1qtr4. ErJol Al+
,Jg * 6J!4.
fl -rrL\ (ht) 6-ta =.olzlzl
O -Lt\Ztd Yq+ HElol ?t"l i]=*+q4.
ge.l 4E
ffi al^j iElol +E;Irl9. E -zZAL\
ffi ""l"lrlel .J" ol4E, T}LllolTsol rl9=zlEJ EI= .l 'J7ll Be +4, a}+ql elg + 9tg 47I gt+.
+ol"lE S*+q+. tr -Lr\a€0)i*
64: 9E ol? , Arl *e.e Aul -ilol sqq. += 7)+ 7lE HsIZl .Jqq.
=ol4= ^I+g
el )901 . J-ezz<t*frt\
B: r/l . +zl +ol4"J Ll+1I ,l7l t++ ,J 9_=rl . t eIEJ? El"J. lloJ ^lB:olq^l rg ol+71 $q .

@ -L;t)h\h\hbT tr -tid<*rB
ffiql q,J'Jql E E+6Ir 71 94.J,*rI= € + ct= 7l4e nl!+r. +4 *q?q .

.J4. tr -ri€L&u
$x a,?Ec +B'l ^J4ol +?l+qlE ++61_1 , djql^l *+ EColTlLle+ ^lHl^E +3 ++q+.
dqg g+]6lrl *alr +.Jr:ol 99EI . J-E+fr-ALZ
ffi(4 Fql !) 9E-o HluH4l c E+BI:1 , A^19 eqHol=oj gg6J+SEI .

+^l ^l "J "JE 'J^I.Jq q =iql =!all


@-6U>(oT @--f (T)

ffi(+a) +4 ql^l= el+g Eelrila A.J+ BBol d6}tl m A : ol Z4E dg ^I+ol tioJ"Jol El fl++.
11 at ala il;.-l El . B : +. TIAIE
=q goE qBrl gz| .

ge g tI E= Ezlrl EIT] E zll ol ^ 71 aJ dl4+Ll + =qETlsl6ia

ffi . ffi e : 94 d E^l+ "J=q +rl -e+= a"J4.
@ -t; L<t* B : +4oI .
^19 4g ;llElEI 6i:- EoJolq4.
ffie:6Jt sl4+ e4 4l zl r=, s=* +4 ++;J ffiol szl .E+= €+ 7l +ol +oI.1 +€ E€qe
*dlt. Eqaq.
B : 9=g ot= Hlol E Ed ql eLll . @-Lz6rt*ar\
ffi4 oldl +i. IECI^Jrl ,J.= g€ol ol "J€ 6gA : 471 , 'll"J Elalq Tlrl -e+gal ?
6IE E^l aFq^Jol=. =a=Jrl "J. ol qq r€
. B : El oJ , ++ +ql 4,? Bt.l .
ffi ola . rl7l19 rH ? rl4::zlr=. +4 HFg & A : -frlE ++ +jL +"Jql *+Aa}al Tlrl -e+gii
7) ?
rHolf . B:+4oi.g4strEI+ol ol^l *+4+ "l+flq.
o."r/ @ -r*d1tc'3
ffiA:21 7l ,'zJ+ gS.+? g$ ol 4 , ,I++ ,ili+i1 4dlEg +4 +61 .

B:Ez4rI .614+, +=F+ EoE ol 59 s_z ffi A : "JgE s z$ zlrllf ol .

Xl Lll B : +, olazl qgrl= nl4+a 9-=E +e. 5l7l

&(+a) oJeg 9dJalzl 9+g ^ldJ"l^l l gdql olqzL
B=' ,

+4il+Ll+. ffi (+4ql^l) +Be al4+r 99= ^146}4+qtrl.

&A: 4+7I 'l , Eel+*='i +Eltrl E a"J+= "JE @ -rr€L& u
Bl9'I. ffiol 7lll *e 7)lel 7lA)ql,!
= d"JE
E€ol Bol
B:qlElqE t? +l grl ?+Lll q=
E+ .

ru"J"J+ .Jg6IZl qq e"Jg EEol ZqeI 7I+E KA:4*H, s+==6ll6l}tl .

6J=HLl.l -JL]+. e :zztl . +6I+|+ olq+ ul]g6}=

o)9n71 ^I+qlZlE r"J€
@ -AlF.8l- ^ljL .

&++9 gEA4=^J46J ql iEliil Enl= illa {49 @-fi; (t*.) r\Ef,Lar\

+ Sq. &f (oJglql qlsll)
8EA I TIEE^7} +c + $,flH aol a+Llq.
^ldJql A : gr qq ?
B : Lll . ol eg r= ,I€ +7I glgq4g .
iltla=_ El4E-cg Etr grl 9::g +7I sq.
B : e]]+alE zl
@ -)Zfi.t\ &A €4^l *j1 9lq ?
: el
mA: oJgg,l+ ^lBol H+aol ql . B : rEllg -d^JHg g=C,rlg4B *zl ?]:l il.€ ?zl
B : s4a4 !? zlkld +?+dl*ul . .la4z} Bl"l . flq^l .

=+ ?19 4 sq.Eol^j 5zI .

SrEjlolEe.J^i%Iol @_r){I
6lL.Nzlz3-,r;2 r,J Z1, ++ ?C 47I S+q4. XCA : d.I 61e+olql rIqTI=qn g+ag C"J"loI?
@ -LL\a6O B : E=. . ++.J "l.t} r?J C4olot.
m ololei= ag +_Eg +,llE 'tl= a.JLl+. Eg .l+g xIrIE zloJg +61 614+L]+.
m ^J4rllE TIzl 9+= aol oJ"8"l4= aoJq+. m + H al+c + ol*, +.J6Izl ,7i+ +71 914.
@ -h\L\hrb)< @ _+ft;
t!s ZlgrJ ,lE*irl+, -.]^IE *5+ eg'.1 qq m E4 lt^JHrI= .Jdql +El "tl
olotzl5 *i.q+.
10?E +ol nnl--'14. =ola m A :rH, +-ilC 944+qq. Ee E4zl
m A : d4I ]tsg elol B i 9lq^l +9i4. s4+qq. =
B : $. olpT]o|4rl g BB:ol gl9+. B : ol' qlrl4E n*;q+. ++ g Elg 'Slql+E .

'i -h\bt'<
uNlr 2-r ul
re A : TIrl , 150 E dql ^Jaql .
n -I){-t B : r+d . +9 ,l+El E? E4 Ltl .

.J H *rla "J+ ol+ ulzlaJtlzl 6J d4.JL]4. m A : oi"Ir} rl , Ag6Ir dilql .

tr -+Ft; e : 3. t}.J;ll*q . "JF+EI d+ d4 54 .

EAql sd+ 4l.i= +

+^ll.q . @4f.ffi
ll -h'61,< 6n (+1)
zl g€s .B.l +zI + ag I i XIEI . +dq +5lzl *ql^J 4rlol 9Ifl+Ll r|. t!l+ CH7I
a-)Rffi Eqe= qlE d+6I4+LlEt.
"Jrll 5l= E4lt;q4.
rI,E.Je m A : zl . g2g t4l
tr --f t; (t*) t\6fLat\ B: =l *5Jq
EI . + =q*Ll4?
trJ 7l q4 +^tl-c . oli dl_e oJd

,,I7I r,;Zl EJ6Iz}EI4 rll= g+g Eltrq+. UNIT 2-2
l)-lf,.h\Uh' tr -rB o.J

,l?sl^I=olol zllul $$ +"J olq4g#Etlq4. -JEll=r"JFrl 9+=ol*.ol 7)4+H+rl 9]+Ll+.

tr -P6-\b 5 Z-3t)
old gg BI!B4. ol TlE]i= 2,C dql .Je rtlE.Jq+.
=Aol4=7I "]^I4E7I,E
ll -fclt*;Ati
o -,f, 5-{9 D Tlglg .J+"J dE -*6}zj olB.ll TIji drl .

SXoI++^l : Hg +El= .lBi.lz|? n -fi7*t,

?+:+tlol + "J=+slr}+-E ^l *ql +a + $= qq6la6gatllolrl"J++9iq=a+sEE+ddol4.
t+71 YluI tr -?tt(,\
9=g zl Ag 9lqEl 4Z+ +tlql ,tl ++Z+E CE
U -75+^doJrl , ol=^=J+.
Bol 9+. n -/Jt\€,o,
E.{ :_r+ql slgg i qq ? + q +e *H9 sgzl.
B :9=g slgel-!.J eielT} qq +4 . ,I"J.l+tr t]-{.ft,icT
+*rl+. ^l'Elql
"JEg +zlE €+6I4+qEl .

@ -D-/r.t\h'aab| ft -t*L6D<
B (E+rli= ts
^l+9 "J) +6I= i4z} Lla 1 Eol ,l*+ .]+g q 4= *zlzl Ed,? aol "*+ .

,l +zl 9+!l+ si= oI Eol *q .

2r= s^l gol gH+ c4zl g9l+ 6I= ^lol ql @-pEU
]"J+I *zl€ 9!+*4. m EIillE r"JFzl 9]:= + ol Tlag Hixl **qrl . "l
@-ldh\,')rtt Tljiql r+FE+ Lq4 +^ll.q.
&ts++= +Eeol Y+"1 s**g B+ "Iqel El{"J FE &A : "Jg dTlql 4rl g]olE q= tsIBe $,=agzy .

++-Jq+. B : zl?9 il^Iql ol qg Zot.

"J =+6I=
SA::a=5doJ'lzI? m(Ba4EdlB^l)
B:LllTloI=+g+77}elBzl grgl= a a+'14"J olagEl*71 uI+"I 6I?aolaEa+qlzl EitTl
AEg 6l,1 9+ea,J+.14. 4zl "l 8r....... q: aE 4471 qH++.

@-/ctr6o/i ffi(ol^lB "l) 99iF.J gA dol q^l ==' ol^l6f7l dJ=

*& + de- ol fl r? n'Jql +qBr 4+Ll+ . TIEE
,J7\ dJdl-il 9leq + rl g?g gq B.a 44. =E+.
$& ol O -1+Ar\
@-/cr\€o)r) ffi(gaJel +d7lE ^I+6ll)
*Xa : ;. trl E;Izll .JC g + ?l= "JHg 9=-- a.J 4. 4 : olf,-6|=: . 100 d ++6}ri.
B:?HJ€6lZl dl4.a 6JEI . B:lfl oJ,9lg+7i Sq. e/lq eI .

wA : olTl= 6J1} E*6I7-q. ffi oldg ql=6J + gl= oJol .Jq*rl"J _sF A+*q.
e : *. € q +olzl4 g= aoJ4. O -6*.t)
@ _t*L6r< ffi B"IE += 4X + LlElj(l a,J:IEtlTI +m}rt a ?+Llr+ .

ffiar+=q4=Elzll!4zl dq9+6I=rr1ol +-q;JqEl . ffi-r7l,7l+g+"rl -d^8He+=+"lzl +"1 "J9+lH+Ll+.

ffi*e qAE;-* 49 + 9lC a zgoq o1z1e;|z|. @_Ztttr6t
@-/jtr*u mr= BFg "Jol glrl"J, E,lloloITlTI gE zJzlzl "Jo1
ffi A 96I=
: olzl .J dHlql q a39 z|;<l $!|rI . rlula.l .

B:7J+ fl=aBoEq6Jol ot.+=olzl ol+r,llE *f,+U:^IB+rElzl EJ6I7I _e+=rj.

TIzl *ilq. &E^l qg "JE= +ol Anl 4"1 r +qlE +1"J,IoJ
& e : 49 ,l d4g *?trl+, +9lql flqq , {!*Ll ? +=q.t EIE CE^IE E=r}.
B : EE. *C i gl4= a +oE +6Jol oi.
O _c-tt>6
@-30j ffi^Irs .J+7I rl+ goJ 5ol +d;Irlr ilrl .

ffi'Jg6|i1+El= Eg + 1l "ldg gg-q olzl oI+aE ru 4=, ,lFrl.ll *"17i $,= d+ul7I ?i4.
Ezl g+*+qEI =q7Ia
@-rr* (-<tt)
ffi A :p-+ olEI4 4!eI "Jktll ? ffi.5izg E]TI LI4:i1= ril= oJol ol^l +€alzl g:g Ell

B:2+ dql 519ql^J+htg+|gEq"J+rl 9+91;'LlrI . -Jalzio1qa51 .

ffi ol TlEt 2 "J dql "Jg

"IoJLl+. reABC .lg ..I'r1 Bl^ECe]7i qiEi.
@-l;ft,icT= =+e ^ll
ffislgql '+^l HElg i7ll7\ il?+. ffi(.q4 EEr'J)
&^l6Jg ^l+6171 dl g^J tr3€Edl 919+. olltl s4E +tl ,lE dq+El .J.]EI . ilETI 1l.d6l-_1
@-:tdLr +^]. =lng *3'3 i xl+'l+.
mB€l,8e a47l +l+ adlol ?eq4 ?* ^ll apr /,t_1 weqc ql= olal TIzl "Jql sd6l +rtl_q. €sI6I7l +
4q++. gxls EErlEi. 6Irl"J, a^tr ,ldJ6}alol "JE Be.
m A : ol Trl== ol "l ? rLl , .7oJol= +o}rl9 oLlzI AC dlg + ,,= a.Jq+.
B : +. +l o;4+ oI=,Jzl g*Ll ? -ttD$Ofi
=* .l 7l @
&&+ol *"J4 3l
=q ig AdJul flq. ^I+9 mA :dI4 rl= +t_oE + ^ldJ"I ul€ i Blul"J. zI.J
olEdl+=7} +.Jol+=7I . +i4E +ga]] +a *+
uNrr 3-1 u ""u'flx :i:i;;?l-zr sl= L,rE e*a,l
Z-&r*l) +'J : ololT} +g ag 919 4-o g46}al 1'4= aol
*E+ 4q zl ^Illg 4 = a 3 .l "l tsl H+ . +t_$ rlelal tr olzl
Ll -i+/Jr\
'i7l ^Jg +EtU 9.19 +7I gt6q+. UNIT 3-2
tr -iJlcLr Z-/DlaA
3"JZ,IoJEFeI .J4l e;daC.l7l 4++9"Jqq. tsl 6JTIEazl .{+.doE'Jul o}zl a6}rl *a}a ?+.
Z-.ttft6t a-ti|taztv64
44 oJol 98, zlzl og o]r.!,?E 4c.J'14. +qg + ++,."rq= +.J+.
a-2266 tr -fttut\60)t
4z)= aAA +o}zlr 9J.;q+ . _tz| 4 €,d;l 6Ii9 o E .J+.
at-<Z< Z-<alta
zl^19 "JE rlot "JE ,tltllqlal 7ltsol aBgEi. oldqlolgE +E^l ++;ll Bol ,tl.+.
tr -f t* (-f t*) tr -/cL\Z8t,AU\
ail^J=zl+azl+j1=r\=^lol ql +ol71 4q*El . ^Jql=+617luJgd61 6IEolTlzl *Baggiq.
1-tt\abaf. z-tzt,z eLUz)
UIE 9leB
"rlE ?14. raol "J.€olri= aolEI . +s= a+= EFTI aeg +q1l+.
3 -ijfcLr ol ,Jg 4+ qElE 7lB q.J.l4 .


a-awtw,l- a-tEt\at)aa
olag ZlTlE a'z"I+4ql + tJ +9aiE+ 6I?l6Llq . TJ.Jql EslTI glrll ;121"j €"J rsJzl 4.J.Jq+.
tr -At\llEtJ
@ -Ll,Z-lzt-Z 714+ + rl 'll4zl ?+= .f, g4rl 9+g ZE ^34"JtrI .

ffioltsl zl "l "l

q= +E-Jql 7I= *"I4 ;ll F= €ol tr-t;llE:(
€uI .= q7l^]+El Fzl tol BoJr+r aIaEJ gEql .J6I ++ol
ffir.I= ^I,(l 9+= .J+ 7I4+e EoI F4. y+=.
@ -t;;A:( tr -t;,fizf
wol a9 dEql 44 qElE 71tr =l=ql +!+a47lZl7I rE {g 7l qlql B;ll tll+S}9l+.
il,=. iJzI ,ft€oJol+E ?lgz}
ffi A : .r1g'o1 rlol e -Ztfi(
B:FEql 44 A++ol ^l ?lgLlz} q: +zI9 +g ffi^l 6Joil^l= ulzl uJzlxl EJeJ6ll afrl "Ja a+6I4 Bg
olg4? 6lE+ 6}dls.
@-DtrA reoldg rll+"1 96J+ +Eol q*+q++ i+ + ^l+
ru("J'll E) ul Eol + +i7I ,l glzl 9+g 4J
.J-=- a13 +"Jg 6I=.J Sol "Ia i flfl+Ll+.

&3H :'llg g"llg= ABCd-g El a.JrlEI"J, 1^l7J ffiolelzlzl _il"J-J€.tl qlqlgql aclalTlE *+Ll+.
dql ^ltrti9tczlztfit)tl? ffi7lq1Al .Js"ll a+rl Bg€zl zIggr} .

4g:r?€ EE4,+!+. tTlEl aolq4a . Mr= =++ +"1 ,l cl ^}g ^J^l.Ial E Eg HH4l
@ -tU\Z86tU\ FlEl .

gX+4ol {9E 6}zl *6}a= $zl u.!, $ulz} i1otr tsEi cA-)2t-;
+ol +ol ffi ol3l ^l+ql qlrl *g aol+,j1 tsJ s7l6lB^l - g^I49,q
ffia : q5o1 €zI olaJ5I= ag 9l6J'61+a .? BHr]'.
B:jlell .+EHZI^I "JaI=aEsel=_e+zl"J,=* retl+al4j1 .IE^IErLiTldaol 4ol 6jiB1EI .

L]+ 4d++r- ^Jr+ul mB *EI7l =*211 +olzl E^lE.Jg + cAAl gTltrly

@ -(tA LL\60)fj
=q. + o E +Eg ,J€r+ .

ru(olEl zl I "J) ol nl lF*l 3 clEol Ll4 ++EJ s}rl @-t.FE?(

97 =?g *+rIeE ++. ffia :o1"151 ,l , "J gql . gzl4l'= 3x + a olqol?
W.t :9199, +E+El 214 ---4. B :olLl , rLl+=g r;J "Je $.9 ZoI .

B:+,+El ,I7ll 9E+44. m=.+6lql .^JF€"l"ll +dl "l El^i:17} .JqE+qzI

@ -rifiaztttba 0 -L Lr-ar\
mA : ul olg4olalg +F, 10 "Jsol 7I . &^Ij1E+El 10 "Jol eJrE++ ;l++E 'J4+.1 9+=
s:z-J74. 6lrl +, Yg *;= il"l ,:l =_- 6I=+Ll gc gt+q+.
e EllE 4E +4 +4 . ru q ++4]rl= €a jr Elc ts+z}7l ^lEfl7l "J , :--7 oJ
m ol97l ,l , ZlLI4ql +qi'J "J= .J q +6I'] . g.*trI
= ^IB' € =,6}rl .

@-<aftA @-Uit\at)Ao)
m*HI= qBrll ++= + +q .lrill.q. ffi 3 golz|-zE 6lzl + olzl +e B"l ol qdLlrl .

ffiol H ^l eql= atll .J4.tl

Bg Zot. re+Ag +rI= ^Ir,[ qrl= g.*zl + +E +"Jql7]l
@ -x*{#t;
E+g +H4.
ffi11+d qol "dA A+ A)7le olzl zlzllu|,82 q +dol
molTlr zl= ag t{-fl4r 6t7lEJ 1E q^l +6}4.
d*6IAl El9;q+ o-au\l3R0]
ffi olil t +E\71 714 oJ^Jol Elq,ll "14.+ AlTla r.JFZl re zl? ol^lE:"Jizl ?+= -"J ol;J ^g+g E6lrl 9*e4e1a
tl 9+L]+.
m.Je ^J'J6l A6Jgq ++6I,1 *= .J + i ?lg 2,1"14:r
uNlT 4-1 6Jq+.
Z-ta6ll(G) @-tztfrZT
4Elql +++ +Elj<l ^l^l + ag g6I Elfl+. 6XqlqC ql^JEg s+cl +6ll Er.l+ ol+ ^l+9 eA*+.
:a-Ztfr< ffirEel +Eql +.ll u|g {;il z} gFg
El"J5I= E Elol^l EJ€ola *r ol tsJgE {il+. El g+q+.
=+9 =4=
=aql ^l+6}7ll
tr -??6
94 .J"1.-I4l d4alE^lE 7l7lE ssZl zl= aol UNIT 4-2
.)-c.v c =qA+. a)-EA
ol El .J
^Iql= ^I*ol +_-- ^ltrIql 7I Hlrll
gag "JaI= ol rJ
^Ir.=.Jeql^lE.Jqg+ ?]+j1 ^gq*Llr+.
^t*ol s,+ tr -3t16
a - tl,< -rrt \ ol -JZl y+ol +zl,\l cl EC + Hq .

g"J4EsAxlrl+, i7 d^I++gE=^i+c $gq. n -zttit,

EEgl_79=g+asilzl.e]-nEE}E4.Ia7l.t. ffiA:-,rABCr 5gs=9lq-q?
B : El+6J!4. 'Ia*+q4.
a-Filr1- 'tl.J s EqCqEI .

.d7l;tlE= +49 EaloJ "J=! r+zl ++5uI

'rl-,5 + ffi€aol gol 9.1.9Ll4ula dt_q-e=+€is+.
llri .

L-)- th\ UNIT 5-l

6IEL,ll+=7I zlzlS gilql 7l= ag qull ? Jb*L)O-E
! -t;?3 q+4 qel^l **c B9+q+.
("J.ll+) 6J!l t^I +olq^] 5;JB + 91+q+. tr -h\tP",at ",J
tr-t;t*&tdat\ olTl=gB,=7I 498?HJ*71 sU I EpITlt6I+.
aEIETl il o Llzl 4tg gg= S+qEL oJd6li] a . tr -h\O&al-
tr -t;EjL\< r= "l7l ,l+ol4E + E ++l 7l +q *9rI .

ol a€ zlgS q€ HEql 5J;I7l r 9l6q4? n -r.*.|ta =

=7.1611 .J€9
(^le5.zl) duI rq^JE4ldql ql6ll 9a9^l€6}^ls.
@-'1+6 n -Lu\?/c
ffiA:4E zl119 t4.l d;q4"J, ^J4C tsIg i= r=il=+-E=Eol4=*eEHq e+g+gEla9.t,+.
9l+lrl? tr-(o)ztt:.h\b
B :^I3-9 t4€-
+ xl= a.JqL}. dlzlEJ,
HI€ rai7l ElloJ 6lot 9=
"JolL]4 r*g H= ae ++6}ll Elzl,l
9 Ell! Ei+a 4r+= ,*i'J 97171 gsdJq+ . 4+'l + .

& .t : .39o1 ++6J 7I+{g 9t9z}.q ? tr -OA-}frbt
,99 + 9l6qq. /olll 9, rag.lg +
B:u]l ol oJ+='JBeElo|!zlallel olr"lEsl]]l7l 9q4.
S+q+. tr -6r)Sbq
@ -t;€Lrr\( F ^I*e -sF -q-7 g+qlE E+5la zl.5 9lrl .

*++l ;.1= BEql

ffi cBtl4 iLrl .
&ol d ^1..I oldJg 68drl a!+ql a-b'a&aE
= ^Iqj "Jnltr =z;I &ts(+a) El,l tlal dzla= +ddla *= ail'J
d*+'l+. ^I€zl"J
a)-ELtLz +7++ + 9l= Zl"J'JLl+.
+91q. €-=-/I49 a+= Etil q"ll .ilol q+
ffiA:9E €+El
gitH ++
Well ?,1
= ail =J
B:+ . dl a cqlrl .JE+
,J4 iltrI H9+ .

ffi A : olEI+ rl , tri4uq7I +zl4 +F"J €,1qtr

. @ -6r)*rrtr
e ::*74 r= tr}+ El aE eo}+= aul ylg xx.q+ d,I +ql^l Eltg EE dag r.zl ?+tl qtlg
"J= 6J=4.U1 . aI= dC oi^"i+ 4+ tsr+.
@-th\ ref BCg +dol E= aE da4zl Slr E 4ql H"l
ffi A : 4*zI 4l= e= ?
+l q Eq r-tg 7*4.
B : 9-zl gJqq ? rr,ln Eq "l nl +"1 LI=6IEli1 O-r)L-F.aL
gr}fl"l . ffiol ^l 7l 5+9i=71 dgtr 'J471 ul z| ulzl = trtl 7t
ru(€zl ) + glqe ? olTl= E.7 * 9tq-q. EI4 rl .ll7l
9loq ++g 5j1 7lE q4l ?
59+q++ ^I,li 4l= ++ E i1Eql 9d f *+a ffig.c"Jtrll olBl zl = Ele 4 'JLl . oI4 Eolil=7}
Egqg. E ol+qlE Eel +41.q. 4?=',I E +r"l+.
@ -Zttil, @ -aLlfrbT
ffi("Its] i7I oI=ql 7tl) 9Eg "l "l ,,ls "I7l E !19.-l w("ta) zl?gold"Jol "Iq+tscErl++aol
,lE Blg Eol^l Htql B o il zJ4 ? gg6Jll+.
ffiA: qE6izl .4str= vlzltlzl 4€+ gt.Jl . +E.J ffia:rlzlH, B^IE++-Jdt+g HlElI"Jq+.
+oq'll.Jo}=Elol EE€4. e:z*Jir.A^I++olq4B^IzlzlE.JT|...+4E
B : :1e-Jzl dlE q "ll ? +g5}zl 9+98 + El 4J .

@-t:?3 @-LLr:/c
& ("Jr-oll EoJ +ol) ffi += ^l?4rl +E 4ol+ "Jillol^lo} ,Jg o}^lol
eld EqTl ItrI *9-E "J6ll g+ oJ+E 5qe8l-s ++E Eq ^IAg 4q *+q4.
ffi (+!lE) ul
^J+g "Jzll 8lr +zlE
'JEI6}zl tl!. ffi zl+ !.J"1= 71=. i 9t= o}+Eql^l= trzl+ aJaEl 29
9l+qq . 4e FEol zI+,JzlaEI .

@ -t;t*&tdldrr @ b*ua-t.
w A : zl \+d ql g fl +^Ig g= EBI E4 al 7In ffirl ^ItlH,^Irql ql6ll d6l Hl^Jol glaHi4 4'JzJol

4+.lq+, ^l+ol qezl g}l.q? gi+ql AA ElH+.

e : z'J7ll 6l€ gg 99dq4. E 9€ qi T|zlr -e-ils ffi+zl zlFzlql^l u}g rl dzl 4+rl= L,l++ oJ7l7l i,].ol
& A : i+9 6t= Sol ++qvl ? ^8+ul +l4Ezl *4= a
B : o1qg ._aeiA)vl7l6Jgs9+q4.EgELlgq4.q. O -L;tslra
@ -ttLA ffi €il elts Lll'il^l 'JqB +E ^Ir9 €dJge s zJe C:IzI

9q 9t+Ll+. @- (e) iTttlaurrr
W2010\lEql 9lq +Eg GDP=d,Jql ElBll 7O3vcg reEilH $zltlzl *aqvlEl+a?7lr) elX]+qrl?
^lzl nl 29171 9 aol 4ddlll rl9q. m(Etl) r}*"Irl 44 a"Jg gJ'i. _22.1 4 ^94"J al=
@- (o) zttiD, a+gE= anl$ allp=lzl 9+=rl . qEelE +,J+4
ffi rol_q7l 4lTIolzl _Szl gii6q4.r td*o} rLlolq4 g9_s rlolzlxl .*4.Y71?

ffitra614rlqlzl HE6IEqjlEItrqql ?r rrql .gqE XXA:7zl96171 96I^l=zI4ol il=€ol €g4g?

t6I=rLlLlzI 1^l+glgE6Jf glgzlol .r B: _77J ol a qlol qz| 9l= aol +4zl .q.617l +,

uNrrs-2 .:l?'lrlT=-T"l#,Tr";-#ir* *, **,,

sBJ ql 4.
tr -l't.Jg A "ll= +E^l Eq
tll ++ i gs"JE +e6ILl 7l zJ,3r++ 4+ql @*l,r
qg/l 6Jrl Adl +iil e. &s=*Ai..,lzl 9+4rl,i"i+ql "Jrll*+.
J-tt\aztl* ffiolnl i d 4^l +g EI^li geEiI "l*Bg#LlrI"J
30r4411tr+=rig 2"JdolE 6ddrlrl=aol=g. J+! z+"I^ltslHi..-l+.
tr -/Jt\zLt;tf
olTtE A4al,l geB oI+eE E f Bt+ UNIT 6-1
tr -EZ LtZL[*/et,t ay>*'1,-t,
I$6Izl -e+il grlB rABq +e ae gtq. 6ll el 7l !s4+ Ll++E ,J+.el* "Jql 5+a
tr -t;tEiE/Jt\ 9l+.

tr -ta-Ct*/Jt\r) :E 4ol 7l\++ ++ Eel j1"I+g 3 "Jl qtr} .

sr-- 6;9 Bdl ol rjg z|gg zlzJzlzl _e+4=7I . tr -X

z-&)$orrD y+"1 "J€oJ €ql rgg
.Je ^I= 11: -s] Fqr+.
E g4 alll4 71401 +E dle += €\]+ . Z -tittbcT
n-*L\ olq TIrl "J6l= += r++7| &l +tql ql dl +"1 e
+9 ol 9l q E + .J4 =
tr E "J++ 6}rl ?+gB Ll .

tr -"r){*
ol^Ie dl+ ulzl + dE qlqeg
@-/jt\ZLi;t* ^l+;I,l *?lrl
! + ^lBol ea g_a= rlEl= ^l+6J + gtEi.
&& tr _rr\6
&A:q,ql r j1? + 9+ a A.I? r= 19tg d-q rlolE .{rlE} eiq+=
B : +, 6ll -E-a *a= 'J f S"l . tr -.ZZD
@- (e) abafrb HI!!l^l qadql 717)=44 Ee "J ge'JE g;Ia 11+q4.
ffi+4 4 zllts Hi"llr'l =+ol tslE i47l E4E €++ tr -t*Lr\aL
7lllE 4=4. qtr+El oJ"l= €iI+Ll E++ +"+p- ,J="1
@ A :_H_z^] , Lll . r"J oJrl"l.I^l +f7l9
E4.z'dq4. =Eg
R : TlBg .Je4. 6}rl yl , :zJ ;19 6lE 3ql qlEp- rcr= qjl7} ^l+9 ol+9 i;l;lr *4.
ec i giq . & zl=7l= ol+E
u11oJ ola
t+ot g47l El?t}.
--tf &rel "J+ ag rlqg 7.1+.J'14.
=B+ "l+
ffiotol-E- 9-a a"JE olEgTl oltszl= Eol^l 4^l +d @-tz4h\
*++ql C6IEqB+LlzI?
zrol o|71
WolEtrll ol=71=71H7)+E€"1 44H+q4.
g-rlttE++.d6J^l+4 Edg6i4i=Ll+.r4jul re.1 +^gg EeJ.q=4€ gqE:l 96},l *6}='tl
qE "Jg dlrl €zl A6Id+Ll+. e4^J +4s +"JC ,^irt.
@-8r\a-Lt* o-x(o)
&'S"I 9l= ag 7l ++= 4+ "J"J = r"JeEql g^I=r++7lErl+qE}
aol oll] + rl E+.Jol + +l i*g=Ze
9.1 .

gE s.B6l E+ &:7=a^8+gql 7Jd6l +gql^l tdcPrll qq 94

E.IEol d.+= a.JLlr+ . zlrlel 7IllE 7Ie + gzl gfl+
EX A : El +-ll o .'I"J A47l zlzl *6izl gq^l .. . @6*t)1.t,
B :q,rqB'i93'IzI=4^J ?+l W("Jsl "Ja) q++E olE++ el_HaE4.
=Hl=6ILl =Erg€ aol+ ...
.J/ilEEg$ol t-Eol H+rl
@ -t;ffiie/dt\ ffi 1}+9 LJ++ +4oJdJ gslql Ea ?lzl.l slzl tt'|.
ffi(rll+) A: q7l ql ?101 gl= rlg
^I€.JLI4? o -tiltb=a
B : rll .
^l€oJol ffi oJTl T}zlt "J+ s4= *glHzl".I
LJ+ +ts] gq.
&E=^I+ aq-, olag r ^l qlql z4d :flo1 E€$rla &g:l= ^si"JoJ "J? arJ+4ql= ?46Iq.
Elq El . @ -t*Lr\a L

$q1+..1 1]ol ?l9rlr dJq4. += rql + ?=ol^l @-AU\ftfL\6f,LAU\
Tl-oj ololilTl xtl+q4+. mol +g Lfll-'l,l 9+a xtg + $qdLl4.
EXr "JEgE.uzI^I+;i=^ldl ql 4zll 9194. g+EHE=gtr += +dl zl E*.zl 4l Ecl +E d+gC
a-<L\6 EelE44 ga= 9lg i CtZl 99+.
mrEE Ed +4 +ag rH4. @-[EoJt*
re ol g i{ 7l "Jql irl +l 4+q +"J , 19s2 'J ql (3a€ d+e}g
= =E4^l11r + 4a+g
s}4tr 9+Ll + .
iJ q
++ gd "l 6}jl d+L] +
ol ,<l+6}= .

@-rr-ttrt; ffiHl4E.Irlrl 9+= eg el34lE;Iol ,Jql ,JqEI .

lI zl4zI +g +# "l Hql,ll d+= e= ae 6JE 2,1 7J4 .

E ++.J ETlEe ,rIE] +,17t gdg ++ 4dol dJ+6I+a UNIT 7-1

-zl=^I*9 tsl€ol +4. n-<Bt\/c6
Eg LI,1 ol ,J .q45 eg dEalB 471 7I +=y- €ol
uNtr 6-2 *q,.
tr-FEUr* a-)RHA
q7l .r1 9l= .l"J +*+q4, oJd6H +irls. .rlg B4ql 44 qqql azl €614.
l1-€6&.1*tsht-tta tr -<*f
r= ^l dJg +l6I ^l= €Fg +lrl ?+9 i 91fl4.
_ts-71 E-ol ta}tr^-143 "J6i4r= d46}rl 9+=4.
tr -rttr)ttrraL\ a-tz4x7)6t
ol fl agE gg.l E€g EeE a}g + s+ . gi 4l , c=B=51= ag trq d; a +a
^l "I E-g .

tr -<€61,)h\ztr.L\ tr-/aftE
s Eol4 10 ts dE4E
tl+gt+. .rl %lg 1+e_s +4EJ, EIEJE 94 Xl+qq.
fl -/Ju\-e[*!\5fuljL\ tr-0)6Lt
Ell+g gdJol 4€olq^J Eg tsq Tlrl 9+g + s9+. i zl= Ee$,ol ^ll +oJ o}4l^l 5J+4+a ^d4dLI .

tr -t;-ffltd n-$aa
,rE^l= lr+olEl+E rulE F3 ^J"l= oJ*,+ . ASqrl+ ulzl dJz4l +rl 9+=4.
n-E2W al-xEUbtt-<
dl { €= +aE Eg r4lE}+ 7}+ol o}Eq. ol ,JHg 5ag Hl*"I ge. E^lql^l ,I+9r gl+.
ol dql= zl€4 *+s.l *g +"&,-!.1 tsJE+4. o _tshs6
xx("J^19 "Ia"+) .
zJB;121"j, +6I t^Ie
@ -tz2Lt 6|?l+q + .

Ogd6l t+61=oldl SgBEol "Jg6Ii] dg€9+a e+449olol=oI4 2€oJqEI"J,7IE+elz\ .+gg

^J 4++ .
6IE1 olol ol zl + 4 € ol q ,j ?J+n,q .

. =
ffirl +He #gltzlql E"l E€9 gdl 1"J o -tt*ubtt-<
@-t;.ftute- ffi+4 El
^l-ql = 6+"Jg
El Edll "Jg 9at .rrl::_z}
xxol += +"Jg-q BE i+g +4 = +8l"JLlrl .
tsl 6J7l gl4.
m*llol trE 4e oJgTl E E=4+ 4E m7I+71= ElFBrl gg.Je dSEF+7I qlE^l ql ql dz
^I*ql zl =
r=jrl 9++L]EI . Pdilq.
O -€F':i23- @ -t,oa
ilE4ql +al$,ol .J4 iizl +.lliJ +++"JrlEso.i1 &olde ol aaEJ, +d4 ++ 5.Jts Hql /l ge
,+Li. r+^ll7} b}914. =
u7l4"l Hlrlr & a.I ^J+9tol q4= +g ?9 rll &^l+g tlq]7\ +ilrl "J 207J8€ zl ulzl- zJulzl pol
d4. +Zel4 EB i gtzl gHEl.
@ -(t*r)/JblJU\ @-O6ET
E+Hol zlzlzl **ilg g"Jsl ol+ RoE 9l^l= +9 ffi(*^I.Jg "Jal4) d^JH "Jql^l t+E g f ?l"l ^l
+ ct+. a"J +xl6q4.
E€e=I45zl 9EaI3fzl?tcl . m^I%I 9 ^J4g q!4 +E. "Jql 4*=7IE d6l
@ -d6aeftc\ *+a'I .

iIr=a" 3 qI"Jg *sv"zy ^8gol 6;E Slql qlq dqC @-tZZddAt

=7r -izr *3 i
g14a .Jq4. &X(?"IzI ul"lqal) +41= ol"l €l*q ? "Jg 6tzl
El .' ttq rtj1= +e}g sla +4ql E4l 7I gtflcll ?l=agBLl olzl ol++.,se1.I4.
9:'-z gg+flE} . ffi6Jd- €ol ^J7l HE oI"I *gl:. z;21 ";u1
= a€
@ -(€d t )Dzrr.L\ EH$.+.
II -! : = i: tlel EJoll= oI+aE u|,rlzl {t}rlz} ? @ aRH<
B:.">. 8"1+r}+tsEI^JEzl+ol S+q4. $l^lEg ql q4 +Zl BolTlE +!EZl HolTlE
El c' >-1..r-9 rqlE *+-llE ,ltr}ol 9,+. 6l= aolo} . +€' *dJgE ^d4a}4.

ffi ol +E E al= EJH.ll 44 + rl 94.J i glzl e+94 . o -f ti*r\
e-< 6t\/c6 ffi'Jeql 9l= E+ +zl 1lg -Hr. 4*+Ll++, q B4TI
s&51=cl= zl*s-tr d= .JdJ dE4E ol^IE r+E+-: +nBl,^l B4 *6Ir €*6qEI .

AgolzI 9.lqa 6Jq. ffir.;1 "; €+f,zl"J ga= 2a7l ggB oJ F]l^l qq.tlE
=_/ ,l.l
ffi rlA BrlqlAl 'l4E +oJ €EqE += €ol *trI . +"+-z #+4dq .

@-<*< @ -f t*taLtr:
ffitsB"1 zlTl 4eg *9,1 +,
=9 ^l^l7|7l e94r= m*+E 6la49rtl €it] 4t ol +E
-faol "l+qzl
^d46}rl ?+=EI . g- ololzl 9l+Ll LJ++E +t€d}rl *=7I .

ffi6lE^l , olBJql e}^lz}zl al.Jg 5}zl g+"lE 514 ! ffiF9'Jzl E4941 9Ir,l ul ol : ^Iol d7I lB "Jql
nl El Frl 7l ?lrl *+q4.
=*+q4. ?oje
nlzl -E-
UNIT 7-2 91fl+qE+.
n -t;ffi9a 11X;
F+B "ll= .Izllel ++ aol gg6lzl ELIEI .
UNIT 8-1
n -t;lfiLir ! -[EUrr*
stg +ql +dl olel +El rE + 9l+qq. 6loi^l 4qlzl €9ul so;-u cl"JqlE aJdlllqa.JLl+.
a-d$ab =dc tr -81\ar)
ol rI El Cl ,l +d +++ H 4ag El *.ll 16 ++7I rY Elr}.a ;Jul zlHrll Crl "Jg y+ol dl= BrI.Jq+.
+7I;Ir 9l+.=
tr -rF*r
tr .'riL\< ol d t^IE * 10qclE7l o}?Ers oJ rrr
++6171 9"tl,{l=+oE 5^lBJg0)7)714 gotrslgrl =::clcg
ql-lql -s-7 914=
'z;9 "J9lq.
tr-r;rfDa6ar\ tr -o).E'-e
LllT| ol oJg 6J f 9l= aE ol^l ol .d^JHg zlETl il*71 de+ dn= e sf,.J+ +q Z^I e .

4l E'J q E+
ll - t/;6 t .JrJel dgol +.cE9lzl +€, _Flg FEol + 4€ol
49 SISE zl4E EEe 6^I;J HJHoI S.+. eld.l 9q g aol+. =
tr -qD*r\ n -tfrrrrt;
qal=.J.1 44ilzl"J g+ ala oI+aE Ezl 9],n €+zl LITI gqalzl gg R.tl FFqlzl ql= zitsl *,rI .

++.lol gE+q olalalul 9*gzl

?+il=7} . lioJ Eol . tr -*-rL<
,JolvlTl 6ll.^l
*r+*=rll ErllTl el^J4= dq -J*r+.
o -+fi<
il+"I= "IelE+ iB4 oltlrE
tr - g,grl
m 6JE9^l"J , ulzl\tlzl "J6lzl "J€iizl+ a+ "J6Irl 9*9trl .

rI -Jg + flq ql"J+.Jq+.

ffi(zrl €ql^l) dH_EJ gF"Jg ^I-&+ aa; *4.J€ e - (e) aht-*t\h\
+irl.q. ffiElrll]z| tl "J7l "J€*.zl"J, ol aul4E rJ,3 ^I+g
o -t;1fi{-)< i 9l4r '28461 ^l7lE *+.
ffigi.I^l= oJE
?a4zl fllgol+ +4ql
a^ql^l F-ol ffiaJ"l 13 + ?tzl €zl 4dol q^J +oE + ^l + +,1
tr14 olzl i^= j1€ f q+qq.
"Jrl "J€q4.
&zlg-q rlEg 6lE ol+"lql qe} g.JE7I *t+ o -t&8-e
o-i;HLr (t*) ffi^la9+ql 3 + 9t= ^l,Jol giq! g,l "J,l "J€91"J
ffi^l E9 E qlql= HIE^I +6JsE rl?dl +illg. a+ 4zl 9+iI4.
ffi(dlq +) ec}? 4ta+ qlql= ol6IeI ag
=zlol & A : olasa +49 iJFql Eq6tl +d i iledLizI?
gt+LlrI . e q"J.J ++ql 4la6ll +rIs . s :"JiliLl tr} . ^IEI=€ EiTl 9Bll^Jq49.
@ -t;t*ra5lir\ Eg nBIa 715.J + EqaI4+Ll+.
m(++ "JEl+) oldql ++c g + gg.J ae.d+e} o -*rL(
aql E71 6I+71 9q flg -Ja7l "llE'.Jq+. m rzl TIZ] rA"Jol L,ll . 6}rl+, Ll=
.;q1 ol,J
=ol ^l 9"lr]l .r
ffi:21 + tilEJ ag "]+ *eol E*zl 'llEolrl . € ^l)l7l^l 4tr9 B.z dzl=. ?]:oI .r
@-AWUV) ffi a7= EleTl +j6ll^l Rg #714 6}zl+ += _felA)nl4
mol dz}^Idg .Jq= El<6I ^ql "Jq , ++q + olzl 6i] rl trIz f 'l 'l : ?]+.

eqql ql+6}r 9lLl .

@ -ati
re.Jgql 9,= F"Jg ddHc tsl *sll olqEol €.JE m ol a o E 4+Erl 9 H+ ! +a+71 r'?;ll ,g49IrI .

a=_6}7ll 6ll itrJ^'l d"J l"lgiulrl . &&"ll "J =?4 *+sll *l7l E"I
ull ol *JAl -J=B i
@ - t
ttsza 91g+q+.
ffi r= BFe =+6Jq
EluJ , al "; ol olzlzl 9H 4zlzl m A : "l qlqa, j1* + ?) +q .\lg+ tsIB'ol d6l +9rl
"Jol Y+olaEI .

ms4 d^3Hzl^l ll^la *6lalqtr ga}= El+= €ol B : +l of . rellil q iltrJ 7i ++ .

+dI .
@ -rdru t;
I*+ +.X+C "lqEl€ *ql a+e| +B'+ Szl q94. ,l 'l= X."JqEl .

Irl €Eol +++ *"I E5."IZI sl= Z4H.lH+qEI. @-Lahr66

B-{).Er ffi a=9 +rI d6l 7l€g E+qI-J a.l il+Llr} .

l*+ {qe +tr +"Jr+ rll++ +ql €-ll4u} -J4. A : ol C D +=. "lCg +i47I +"I .

ll?+i+€ q= "J+9 + +"J,* +ql +oJ6I +^l E5 B : j7 ej zl ? lLl I +iEl ql +971 E=

= ^l?'g
+q*94. Eq'J7l= aol glzl .

Z-a0raP-tr\)h\ @-l;l,F.tzza
l^^e 4j17lg*g "JEq B9lrl+, "*"1 LJ+ a6l+J mol ^J+ol q: aE ggrl ^Ia,ol+r 6ilE d4l= grl
Errq+qqaoJvl a=:olt}+*.1 gq Bl *+. *+rl .

l|,l ^IEl3 Cddl4r *xl HF €d6}qr dJrl d"l m+'llE9 ^I+g *rl .JrI;. ;1s "l ! dE +d=ol
E?'9 "J6IZ+ slzl ?++rlq. rrl=71 E=rl
! =-'J
rEl ,

e -EUrti o -t; L<t)

E "JE Eq S7.I +aid= "I4 ol-= .Jg , "l qqol Xl rI4.J4l BllE + q ^IqE ^Iq;IoI +rI .

4./EqEl . 8:4y 6llE E.;]lTl aqzl= ag rl"la 44rls.

Qt "Jg +}7I.I4] d4€aesd e^l+El s+e^ltl,l")lq. @ -A,ti.=tc
B, ,J;+ A+= olqlE= olHr]+. *8 A : s"g, ul4 *rl **.]:
e : *, f4 Bq^l . ol"J aol4d + q 94 elEg .,fl
UNIT 8.2 F= a.lgq.
n-<16 80I , + rJ ,S4 +s= aol 9+. rzl{ ol eJ21 aa6}a
P== aol 9l9E trli aq= 'J6IEj4E ?%l E= Eol golE B€ EJrtl .

tr -Lt\a€of6ldt\
ol 7l E El= lol olr-14. Lli &ol 696IEI .

a4gF€ ^l++q fd duIH9 B+c Eq jL*4.
9zll qzloJol +zl gol^] += 4qE *q-1 s]]^l EE
HI4rl 9+=+.
tr -El,<6
*zl $rla dlE a+ + 5+. €q9 -+qol -J+.
*€ ol zlv,)zl Sid4-,2
EJ^J .84alLl aol 914.
tr-toaD =€+
+^l 6J + 9EiE +^l,+ d :1F+i ^lAE EolTIa +l+.
oITI ! -S=+ ^Idol 996^IEI .

tr A : 4tH, CEol ee ta4+.
B : +-q+ El tsol q4 ,Jq^l+E
^ Tlrl ?+gtr sl5I.
t?e E/13|-7 q \l E S?l .

Ardq^1 9 -1dg ^I^l+E all=lr el= 4+ol 9la +

"+=+a c46ll .

I4;i}48 +^l + H oJ^Jg €olBl1 4rI .

!t=El , aJ= a +Lll . i=7}ql Eel g+z altr 711

4{? I rfq€ f 9lsB *qa}l 4.EJ sF E}rB}^l

+aolzl 9*gzl .r
lq€ol4_r. 6B+ElZl 9= aE .Iq+.
lE44 a+,(l= 43 ,lE +g aE
7l!q4EJ, d}+4ol+
l?q* {!eq gl"l 9 7l7l 4:4o1 9l7l qEql tul6l=
^r+d.{ Eg+il.q.
l=Eg 471"tr 9q 6-c+ ael 6I+=,\= Hg +4C


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