Call Center Expressions.
Call Center Expressions.
Call Center Expressions.
Nimble- Ágil
Outcomes- resultados. .
. Never allow language to prevent you from hearing a customer. The way to deescalate a
highly concerned consumer is by allow them to vent as quickly as possible. If you maintain
a calm, non threatening posture and tone they will ordinarily feel they need to calm down.
2. Never say CALM DOWN! With a person that is escalated the way I typed calm down is
how they hear it. But the words they hear are You’re crazy sir/ma’am 3. In the case of a
company mistake it is absolutely imperative to accept responsibility. When you say things
like I’m sorry you feel that way it’s very likely they interpret that as you subtly implying
that they’re again- crazy. If it’s not your fault as you realize you shift to statements such as;
well let me see exactly what happened in this situation. What aisle did you say the price for
that product was in? Or do you remember the representative that indicated what you
described as our policy? Etc. You have to be subtle in pointing out the misunderstanding by
exposing the truth not by contention. 4. The LAST acronym does not include enough of the
thought processes involved in deescalating a highly concerned customer or even a mildly
concerned customer for that matter. You should; (a) listen (b) repeat what you heard to
agree on the language. Express your understanding of the matter after repeating the words
you heard expressed verbally. This is also buying you time to deescalate and assuring the
customer you intend to help. (c) critically think through a viable solution. If the dynamics
of the situation are unfamiliar you may want to legitimize their concern by empathizing
then asking if they can hold for one minute while you contact a senior employee or
manager to assist in the resolution (d) resolve; either personally based on your base of
knowledge or by proxy through the management. 4. Never say I’m here to help you. He
customer knows you work for the company and it sounds condescending to chide with a
concerned customer by pointing out your job in such a coy manner. It’s more effective to
say something along the lines of; in understand this is upsetting and as a customer I may
feel the same way, but I’m going to take as much time as is needed to help you resolve the
concern. This advice above is sure to escalate the customer and ultimately have you arguing
with a customer, having to go get a manager when you may have been able to assist/resolve
and losing you a customer through a bad customers experience twice; the original problem
and the problem the customer then has with you. Not to mention it costs the company
double for the manager to have to resolve issues customer service should be fully equipped
to manage.