Report 2: Genetics Laboratory
Report 2: Genetics Laboratory
Report 2: Genetics Laboratory
DATE : 25/04/2019.
- Trần Thị Vân Anh – BTARIU17031
- Phạm Quốc Tính – BTBTIU17150
- Hà Nghị Phong – BTBCIU17028
- Phan Minh Tuyền – BTBTIU17151
1)Explain the function of SDS buffer? Can we use SDS without grinding in
DNA extraction protocol ? Explain why?
- SDS stands for 'sodium dodecyl sulfate' is a solid anionic detergent that can solubilize the proteins
and lipids that form the membranes. It removes the negative ions from the protein and destroys its
confirmation. Because of loss of confirmation the protein loses its structure. The proteins from the
cell membrane get damaged and cell gets broken. This will help the cell membranes and nuclear
envelopes to break down and expose the chromosomes that contain the DNA. In addition, SDS
helps release the DNA from histones and other DNA binding proteins by denaturing them.
- We can not use SDS without grinding in DNA extraction protocol. This is because the plants
have DNA, RNA and proteins, we can not do experiment without grinding . When grinding in
DNA extraction protocol, the process in removing impurities such as proteins and RNA from the
sample is easier.
2)It is always recommended that organic extraction step should be repeated
three times. Explain why?
In a multiple extraction procedure, a quantity of solvent is used to extract one layer (often the
aqueous layer) multiple times in succession. The extraction is repeated two to three times, or
perhaps more times if the compound has a low partition coefficient in the organic solvent.
In a multiple extraction of an aqueous layer, the first extraction is procedurally identical to a single
extraction. In the second extraction, the aqueous layer from the first extraction is returned to the
separatory funnel,with the goal of extracting additional compound. Since the organic layer from
the first extraction had already reached equilibrium with the aqueous layer, it would do little good
to return it to the separatory funnel and expose it to the aqueous layer again. Instead, fresh diethyl
ether is added to the aqueous layer, since it has the potential to extract more compound.
The process is often repeated with a third extraction , with the aqueous layer from the second
extraction being returned to the separatory funnel, followed by another portion of fresh organic
solvent. In multiple extractions, the organic layers are combined together,as the goal is to extract
the compound into the organic solvent.
When an aqueous solution is extracted with an organic solvent that is denser than water (for
example dichloromethane, CH2Cl2CH2Cl2), the only procedural difference is that there is no need
to ever drain the aqueous layer from the separatory funnel. After draining the organic layer from
the first extraction, fresh solvent can be added to the aqueous layer remaining in the funnel to begin
the second extraction .
7) Show agarose gel picture in your report ? Do you find DNA in your sample
? Is it good? Explain how good it is?
- We can not find DNA in our sample . This is because smears happens above the well head . This
indicates that the DNA is contaminated with salt due to salt remaining in the DNA washing
process with ethanol 70%.
- In addition, there are long traces because the DNA is broken by the DNA extraction process. The
bright smear at the bottom is RNA because RNA has a smaller molecular weight than DNA, so it
runs faster than DNA