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Automatic Genset Controller, AGC-4

• Functional description
• Display unit and menu structure
• PID controller
• Procedure for parameter setup
• Parameter list

DEIF A/S · Frisenborgvej 33 · DK-7800 Skive

Tel.: +45 9614 9614 · Fax: +45 9614 9615 Document no.: 4189340686P
[email protected] · SW version: 4.74.x or later
1. General information
1.1 Warnings, legal information and safety......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1.1 Warnings and notes.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1.2 Legal information and disclaimer.................................................................................................................................................................................9
1.1.3 Safety issues........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.1.4 Electrostatic discharge awareness............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1.5 Factory settings................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
1.2 About the Designer's Reference Handbook............................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.2.1 General purpose.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.2.2 Intended users.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.2.3 Contents and overall structure................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

2. General product information

2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Type of product......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Options.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Options................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.4 PC utility software warning................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.4.1 PC utility software warning...........................................................................................................................................................................................11

3. Functional descriptions
3.1 Standard functions................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1.1 Standard functions.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.2 Operation modes............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1.3 Engine control................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.4 Generator protection (ANSI)....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.5 Busbar protection (ANSI)............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1.6 Display..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
3.1.7 M-Logic................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2 Terminal strip overview........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.1 Slot #1, #2, #5 and #6................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.2 Slot #3, #4, #7 and #8................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Measurement systems..........................................................................................................................................................................................................15
3.3.1 Three-phase system.......................................................................................................................................................................................................16
3.3.2 Split phase system.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.3.3 Single phase system...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 Nominal settings...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.4.1 Nominal settings...............................................................................................................................................................................................................17
3.4.2 Switch between the nominal settings...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.4.3 Scaling..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................19
3.5 Applications............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.5.1 Applications and genset modes................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
3.5.2 AMF (no back synchronisation)................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
3.5.3 AMF (with back synchronisation).............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
3.5.4 Island operation................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
3.5.5 Power ramp........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
3.5.6 Q ramp................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
3.5.7 Fixed power/base load.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
3.5.8 Warm up ramp.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25


3.5.9 Peak shaving..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.5.10 Load takeover................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
3.5.11 Mains power export (fixed power to mains)....................................................................................................................................................... 28
3.5.12 Mains power transducer............................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
3.5.13 Mains reactive power or voltage transducer......................................................................................................................................................30
3.6 Running mode description.................................................................................................................................................................................................31
3.6.1 Semi-auto mode............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.6.2 Test mode........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
3.6.3 Manual mode.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................33
3.6.4 Block mode (OFF button)............................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
3.7 Single-line diagrams.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
3.7.1 Application illustration.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
3.7.2 Automatic Mains Failure............................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
3.7.3 Island operation................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
3.7.4 Fixed power/base load.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
3.7.5 Peak shaving..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
3.7.6 Load takeover................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
3.7.7 Mains power export........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
3.7.8 Multiple gensets, load sharing (option G3 required)......................................................................................................................................... 38
3.7.9 Multiple gensets, power management (option G5 required)......................................................................................................................... 38
3.8 Flowcharts...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................41
3.8.1 Mode shift........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
3.8.2 MB open sequence......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
3.8.3 GB open sequence......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
3.8.4 Stop sequence.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
3.8.5 Start sequence..................................................................................................................................................................................................................46
3.8.6 MB close sequence........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 47
3.8.7 GB close sequence.........................................................................................................................................................................................................48
3.8.8 Fixed power........................................................................................................................................................................................................................49
3.8.9 Load takeover................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
3.8.10 Island operation............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 51
3.8.11 Peak shaving...................................................................................................................................................................................................................52
3.8.12 Mains power export...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
3.8.13 Automatic Mains Failure.............................................................................................................................................................................................54
3.8.14 Test sequence................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 55
3.9 Sequences...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................55
3.9.1 Start sequence..................................................................................................................................................................................................................56
3.9.2 Start sequence conditions............................................................................................................................................................................................57
3.9.3 Running feedback........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
3.9.4 Start-up overview.............................................................................................................................................................................................................60
3.9.5 Start-up overview with idle run................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
3.9.6 Stop sequence.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
3.9.7 Breaker sequences......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
3.9.8 AMF timers and set points........................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
3.10 Nominal settings................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 68
3.10.1 Nominal settings............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 68
3.10.2 Switch between the nominal settings................................................................................................................................................................... 68
3.10.3 Scaling............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 70


4. Standard protections
4.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
4.2 Phase sequence error and phase rotation................................................................................................................................................................ 72
4.2.1 Single DG applications.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 72
4.2.2 Standard/multiple controller applications...............................................................................................................................................................74
4.3 Loss of excitation.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 76
4.4 Voltage-dependent over-current..................................................................................................................................................................................... 77
4.5 Unbalanced current................................................................................................................................................................................................................78
4.6 Unbalanced voltage............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
4.7 Over-excitation......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
4.8 Decision of measurements................................................................................................................................................................................................ 80

5. Display unit and menu structure

5.1 Presentation............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 81
5.2 Display unit (DU-2).................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 81
5.2.1 Push-button functions.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 81
5.2.2 LED functions.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
5.3 Menu structure..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................83
5.3.1 Entry window..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
5.3.2 View menu.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 84
5.3.3 Setup menu........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 84
5.4 Mode overview.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
5.5 Mode selection..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................89
5.6 Password..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 89
5.6.1 Password............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 89
5.6.2 Parameter access........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90

6. Additional functions
6.1 Start functions...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................92
6.1.1 Digital feedbacks..............................................................................................................................................................................................................92
6.1.2 Analogue tacho feedback.............................................................................................................................................................................................93
6.1.3 Oil pressure........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 94
6.1.4 Double starter....................................................................................................................................................................................................................95
6.2 Breaker functions.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 96
6.2.1 Breaker types.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 96
6.2.2 Breaker position failure................................................................................................................................................................................................. 97
6.2.3 Breaker spring load time...............................................................................................................................................................................................97
6.2.4 Breaker spring load time Principle............................................................................................................................................................................98
6.2.5 Racked out breaker........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 99
6.3 Alarm inhibit............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 101
6.3.1 Run status (6160)......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 102
6.4 Access lock.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 103
6.5 Overlap....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 103
6.6 Digital mains breaker control......................................................................................................................................................................................... 104
6.7 Command timers................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
6.8 Running output...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
6.9 Frequency-dependent droop.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 106
6.9.1 Frequency-dependent droop.................................................................................................................................................................................... 106
6.10 Power and cos phi offsets.............................................................................................................................................................................................108


6.10.1 Power offsets................................................................................................................................................................................................................108
6.10.2 Cos phi offsets............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 108
6.11 Derate genset........................................................................................................................................................................................................................108
6.11.1 Input selection.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 109
6.11.2 Derate parameters..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 109
6.11.3 Derate characteristic.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 110
6.12 Idle running............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 110
6.12.1 Description..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 111
6.12.2 Examples........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 111
6.12.3 Configuration of digital input...................................................................................................................................................................................112
6.12.4 Temperature-dependent idle start-up................................................................................................................................................................. 113
6.12.5 Inhibit................................................................................................................................................................................................................................114
6.12.6 Running signal............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 114
6.12.7 Idle speed flowcharts................................................................................................................................................................................................ 114
6.12.8 Start.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 114
6.12.9 Stop.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 115
6.13 Engine heater........................................................................................................................................................................................................................115
6.13.1 Engine heater alarm.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 116
6.14 Master clock.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 116
6.14.1 Compensation time.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 117
6.15 Battery test............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 117
6.15.1 Input configuration...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 119
6.15.2 Auto configuration.......................................................................................................................................................................................................119
6.15.3 Battery asymmetry (6430 Batt. asymmetry).................................................................................................................................................... 119
6.16 Ventilation...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................122
6.16.1 Max. ventilation alarm...............................................................................................................................................................................................122
6.17 Summer/winter time.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 122
6.18 Switchboard error.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 122
6.18.1 Block swbd error (menu 6500)..............................................................................................................................................................................123
6.18.2 Stop swbd error (menu 6510)............................................................................................................................................................................... 123
6.19 Not in auto.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 123
6.20 Fuel pump logic...................................................................................................................................................................................................................123
6.20.1 Fuel fill check................................................................................................................................................................................................................124
6.21 Fail class................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 125
6.21.1 Fail class........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 125
6.21.2 Engine running............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 125
6.21.3 Engine stopped........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 126
6.21.4 Fail class configuration.............................................................................................................................................................................................126
6.22 Trip of non-essential load (NEL)................................................................................................................................................................................ 127
6.22.1 Trip of NEL.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 127
6.23 Service timers...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 128
6.24 Wire fail detection.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 128
6.25 Digital inputs.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................129
6.25.1 Function descriptions................................................................................................................................................................................................ 131
6.26 Outputs.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 136
6.26.1 Function description.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 136
6.27 Limit relay............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 137


6.27.1 Limit relay.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................137
6.28 Multi-inputs............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 138
6.28.1 4 to 20 mA..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 139
6.28.2 0 to 40 V DC................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 139
6.28.3 Pt100/1000.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 139
6.28.4 RMI inputs..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 139
6.28.5 RMI oil............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 139
6.28.6 RMI water.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................140
6.28.7 RMI fuel.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 141
6.28.8 Illustration of configurable inputs......................................................................................................................................................................... 142
6.28.9 Configuration................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 142
6.28.10 Scaling of 4 to 20 mA inputs............................................................................................................................................................................... 143
6.28.11 Digital.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................145
6.29 Manual governor and AVR control............................................................................................................................................................................146
6.29.1 Manual mode................................................................................................................................................................................................................146
6.29.2 Semi-auto mode..........................................................................................................................................................................................................146
6.29.3 Auto and test mode................................................................................................................................................................................................... 146
6.30 Input function selection.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 147
6.31 Language selection........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 147
6.32 Texts in status line.............................................................................................................................................................................................................147
6.32.1 Standard texts.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 148
6.32.2 Texts only related to power management (option G5)................................................................................................................................ 150
6.33 Internal battery.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................151
6.33.1 Memory backup...........................................................................................................................................................................................................151
6.34 Service menu........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 152
6.35 Event log................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 153
6.35.1 Logs..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................153
6.35.2 Display............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 153
6.36 Counters..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................154
6.37 Pulse input counters........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 155
6.38 kWh/kvarh counters.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 155
6.39 Quick setup............................................................................................................................................................................................................................155
6.40 Parameter ID......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 156
6.41 M-Logic.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 157
6.42 GSM communication........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 157
6.43 USW communication........................................................................................................................................................................................................158
6.44 Step-up and step-down transformer........................................................................................................................................................................159
6.44.1 Step-up transformer.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 159
6.44.2 Vector group for step-up transformer................................................................................................................................................................. 160
6.44.3 Setup of step-up transformer and measurement transformer................................................................................................................. 165
6.44.4 Vector group for step-down transformer........................................................................................................................................................... 167
6.44.5 Setup of step-down transformer and measurement transformer........................................................................................................... 168
6.45 Demand of peak currents.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 169
6.45.1 I thermal demand........................................................................................................................................................................................................169
6.45.2 I max. demand............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 169
6.46 Fan logic..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................169
6.46.1 Fan parameters........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 170
6.46.2 Input for fan control....................................................................................................................................................................................................170


6.46.3 Fan start/stop............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 171
6.46.4 Fan output..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 171
6.46.5 Fan start delay............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 172
6.46.6 Fan running feedback............................................................................................................................................................................................... 172
6.46.7 Fan failure......................................................................................................................................................................................................................172
6.46.8 Fan priority (running hours).................................................................................................................................................................................... 173
6.46.9 Fan priority update..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 174
6.47 Oil renewal function.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 174
6.48 Differential measurement.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 175
6.48.1 Differential measurement........................................................................................................................................................................................ 175
6.49 AC average.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................177
6.49.1 AC average................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 177

7. Protections
7.1 Voltage-dependent (restraint) over-current............................................................................................................................................................ 178

8. PID controller
8.1 Description of PID controller.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 179
8.2 Controllers................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 179
8.3 Principle drawing.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 180
8.4 Proportional regulator........................................................................................................................................................................................................180
8.4.1 Speed range....................................................................................................................................................................................................................180
8.4.2 Dynamic regulation area............................................................................................................................................................................................ 181
8.4.3 Integral regulator........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 181
8.4.4 Derivative regulator...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 182
8.5 Load share controller......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 183
8.6 Synchronising controller.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 184
8.7 Relay control........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 184
8.7.1 Relay adjustments........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 185
8.7.2 Signal length................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 185
8.8 Droop mode............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 186
8.8.1 Principle and setup....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 186
8.8.2 Voltage droop example............................................................................................................................................................................................... 187
8.8.3 High droop setting.........................................................................................................................................................................................................187
8.8.4 Low droop setting..........................................................................................................................................................................................................188
8.8.5 Compensation for isochronous governors..........................................................................................................................................................188

9. General purpose PID

9.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................189
9.1.1 General purpose PID analogue loop.................................................................................................................................................................... 189
9.1.2 GP PID interface in USW.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 190
9.2 Inputs...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................190
9.2.1 Inputs..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................190
9.2.2 Dynamic input selection............................................................................................................................................................................................. 192
9.3 Output......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 193
9.3.1 Explanation of output settings................................................................................................................................................................................. 193
9.4 Kp gain compensation....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 198
9.4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 198
9.4.2 Load change gain compensation........................................................................................................................................................................... 198
9.4.3 Set point deviation compensation.......................................................................................................................................................................... 200


9.5 M-Logic....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 202
9.5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 202
9.5.2 Events................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 202
9.5.3 Commands.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................203
9.6 Example......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................203

10. Synchronisation
10.1 Synchronisation principles...........................................................................................................................................................................................207
10.2 Dynamic synchronisation..............................................................................................................................................................................................207
10.2.1 Close signal.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 208
10.2.2 Load picture after synchronising.......................................................................................................................................................................... 208
10.2.3 Adjustments.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 209
10.3 Static synchronisation.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 210
10.3.1 Phase controller...........................................................................................................................................................................................................211
10.3.2 Close signal...................................................................................................................................................................................................................211
10.3.3 Load picture after synchronisation...................................................................................................................................................................... 212
10.3.4 Adjustments.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 212
10.4 Close before excitation................................................................................................................................................................................................... 213
10.4.1 Flowchart 1, GB handling........................................................................................................................................................................................214
10.4.2 Flowchart 2, TB handling (option G5)................................................................................................................................................................ 215
10.4.3 Genset start actions.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 215
10.4.4 Breaker sequence...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 216
10.4.5 "Close before excitation" failure........................................................................................................................................................................... 217
10.4.6 Close before excitation – additional control parameters............................................................................................................................217
10.5 Separate synchronising relay..................................................................................................................................................................................... 219
10.6 Inhibit conditions before synchronising mains breaker.............................................................................................................................. 220

11. Parameter list

11.1 Related parameters........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 222


1. General information

1.1 Warnings, legal information and safety

1.1.1 Warnings and notes

Throughout this document, a number of warnings and notes with helpful user information will be presented. To ensure that these are
noticed, they will be highlighted as follows in order to separate them from the general text.


This highlights dangerous situations. If the guidelines are not followed, these situations could result in death, serious
personal injury, and equipment damage or destruction.

This highlights potentially dangerous situations. If the guidelines are not followed, these situations could result in personal
injury or damaged equipment.


Notes provide general information, which will be helpful for the reader to bear in mind.

1.1.2 Legal information and disclaimer

DEIF takes no responsibility for installation or operation of the generator set. If there is any doubt about how to install or operate the
engine/generator controlled by the Multi-line 2 unit, the company responsible for the installation or the operation of the set must be

The Multi-line 2 unit is not to be opened by unauthorised personnel. If opened anyway, the warranty will be lost.


DEIF A/S reserves the right to change any of the contents of this document without prior notice.

The English version of this document always contains the most recent and up-to-date information about the product. DEIF does not
take responsibility for the accuracy of translations, and translations might not be updated at the same time as the English document.
If there is a discrepancy, the English version prevails.

1.1.3 Safety issues

Installing and operating the Multi-line 2 unit may imply work with dangerous currents and voltages. Therefore, the installation should
only be carried out by authorised personnel who understand the risks involved in working with live electrical equipment.

Be aware of the hazardous live currents and voltages. Do not touch any AC measurement inputs as this could lead to injury
or death.

1.1.4 Electrostatic discharge awareness

Sufficient care must be taken to protect the terminal against static discharges during the installation. Once the unit is installed and
connected, these precautions are no longer necessary.


1.1.5 Factory settings

The Multi-line 2 unit is delivered from factory with certain factory settings. These are based on average values and are not
necessarily the correct settings for matching the engine/generator set in question. Precautions must be taken to check the settings
before running the engine/generator set.

1.2 About the Designer's Reference Handbook

1.2.1 General purpose

This Designer's Reference Handbook mainly includes functional descriptions, presentation of display unit and menu structure,
information about the PID controller, the procedure for parameter setup and reference to parameter lists.

The general purpose of this document is to provide useful overall information about the functionality of the unit and its applications.
This document also offers the user the information he needs in order to successfully set up the parameters needed in his specific

Read this document before starting to work with the Multi-line 2 unit and the genset to be controlled. Failure to do this could
result in human injury or damage to the equipment.

1.2.2 Intended users

This Designer's Reference Handbook is mainly intended for the panel builder designer in charge. On the basis of this document, the
panel builder designer will give the electrician the information he needs in order to install the Multi-line 2 unit, for example detailed
electrical drawings. In some cases, the electrician may use these installation instructions himself.

1.2.3 Contents and overall structure

This document is divided into chapters, and in order to make the structure simple and easy to use, each chapter will begin from the
top of a new page.


2. General product information

2.1 Introduction
This chapter will deal with the unit in general and its place in the DEIF product range.

The AGC is part of the DEIF Multi-line 2 product family. Multi-line 2 is a complete range of multi-function generator protection and
control products integrating all the functions you need into one compact and attractive solution.

The concept of the AGC is to offer a cost-effective solution to genset builders, who need a flexible generator protection and control
unit for medium to large genset applications. Being part of the Multi-line product family, the standard functions can be supplemented
with a variety of optional functions.

2.2 Type of product

The Automatic Genset Controller is a micro-processor based control unit containing all necessary functions for protection and
control of a genset.

It contains all necessary 3-phase measuring circuits, and all values and alarms are presented on the LCD display.

2.3 Options
2.3.1 Options

The Multi-line 2 product range consists of different basic versions which can be supplemented with the flexible options needed to
provide the optimum solution. The options cover e.g. various protections for generator, busbar and mains, voltage/VAr/PF control,
various outputs, power management, serial communication, additional operator display, etc.

A complete list of available options is included in the data sheet. Please see

2.4 PC utility software warning

2.4.1 PC utility software warning

It is possible to remote-control the genset from the PC utility software or M-Vision by use of a modem. To avoid personal
injury, make sure that it is safe to remote-control the genset.


3. Functional descriptions

3.1 Standard functions

3.1.1 Standard functions

This chapter includes functional descriptions of standard functions as well as illustrations of the relevant application types.
Flowcharts and single-line diagrams will be used in order to simplify the information.

The standard functions are listed in the following paragraphs.

3.1.2 Operation modes

• Automatic Mains Failure

• Island operation
• Fixed power/base load
• Peak shaving
• Load takeover
• Mains power export

3.1.3 Engine control

• Start/stop sequences
• Run and stop coil
• Relay outputs for governor control

3.1.4 Generator protection (ANSI)

• 2 × reverse power (32)

• 5 × overload (32)
• 6 × over-current (50/51)
• 2 × over-voltage (59)
• 3 × under-voltage (27)
• 3 × over-/under-frequency (81)
• Voltage-dependent over-current (51V)
• Current/voltage unbalance (60)
• Loss of excitation/overexcitation (40/32RV)
• Non-essential load/load shedding, three levels (I, Hz, P>, P>>)
• Multi-inputs (digital, 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 40 V DC, Pt100, Pt1000 or RMI)
• Digital inputs

3.1.5 Busbar protection (ANSI)

• 3 × over-voltage (59)
• 4 × under-voltage (27)
• 3 × over-frequency (81)
• 4 × under-frequency (81)
• Voltage unbalance (60)


3.1.6 Display

• Prepared for remote mounting

• Push-buttons for start and stop
• Push-buttons for breaker operations
• Status texts

3.1.7 M-Logic

• Simple logic configuration tool

• Selectable input events
• Selectable output commands

3.2 Terminal strip overview

The terminal strip overview shows I/Os for selectable standard and optional hardware.

Refer to the data sheet for accurate information about possible configurations for the AGC.

Refer to the input/output lists in the installation instructions for detailed information about the I/Os of the specific


3.2.1 Slot #1, #2, #5 and #6


3.2.2 Slot #3, #4, #7 and #8

The hardware shown in slot #3 is option M12 and G3. For a detailed description of these options, please refer to the option

3.3 Measurement systems

The AGC-4 is designed for measurement of voltages between 100 and 690V AC. For further reference, the AC wiring diagrams are
shown in the Installation Instructions. In menu 9130, the measurement principle can be changed between three-phase, single phase
and split phase.

The settings can be changed using the display. Press the JUMP push-button and go to menu 9130 or use the USW.

The menu for adjustment of the measurement principle looks like this:


Automatic Gen-set Controller

multi-line AGC

G 0 0 0V
9130 AC config.
3 phase L1L2L3

Use the or push-button to choose between 1-phase, 2-phase or 3-phase. Press the push-button until SAVE is
underscored, and then press to save the new setting.

Configure the AGC-4 to match the correct measuring system. When in doubt, contact the switchboard manufacturer for
information about the required adjustment.

3.3.1 Three-phase system

When the AGC is delivered from the factory, the three-phase system is selected. When this principle is used, all three phases must
be connected to the AGC.

The table below contains the parameters to make the system ready for three-phase measuring.

The example below is with 230/400 V AC, which can be connected directly to the AGC's terminals without the use of a voltage
transformer. If a voltage transformer is necessary, the nominal values of the transformer should be used instead.

Adjust to
Setting Adjustment Description

6004 G nom. voltage Phase-phase voltage of the generator 400 V AC

6041 G transformer Primary voltage of the G voltage transformer (if installed) 400 V AC

6042 G transformer Secondary voltage of the G voltage transformer (if installed) 400 V AC

6051 BB transformer set 1 Primary voltage of the BB voltage transformer (if installed) 400 V AC

6052 BB transformer set 1 Secondary voltage of the BB voltage transformer (if installed) 400 V AC

6053 BB nom. voltage set 1 Phase-phase voltage of the busbar 400 V AC

The AGC has two sets of BB transformer settings, which can be enabled individually in this measurement system.

3.3.2 Split phase system

This is a special application where two phases and neutral are connected to the AGC. The AGC shows phases L1 and L3 in the
display. The phase angle between L1 and L3 is 180 degrees. Split phase is possible between L1-L2 or L1-L3.

The table below contains the parameters to make the system ready for split phase measuring.

The example below is with 240/120 V AC, which can be connected directly to the AGC's terminals without the use of a voltage
transformer. If a voltage transformer is necessary, the nominal values of the transformer should be used instead.


Adjust to
Setting Adjustment Description

6004 G nom. voltage Phase-neutral voltage of the generator 120 V AC

6041 G transformer Primary voltage of the G voltage transformer (if installed) 120 V AC

6042 G transformer Secondary voltage of the G voltage transformer (if installed) 120 V AC

6051 BB transformer set 1 Primary voltage of the BB voltage transformer (if installed) 120 V AC

6052 BB transformer set 1 Secondary voltage of the BB voltage transformer (if installed) 120 V AC

6053 BB nom. voltage set 1 Phase-neutral voltage of the busbar 120 V AC

The measurement UL3L1 shows 240 V AC. The voltage alarm set points refer to the nominal voltage 120 V AC, and UL3L1
does not activate any alarm.

The AGC has two sets of BB transformer settings, which can be enabled individually in this measurement system.

3.3.3 Single phase system

The single phase system consists of one phase and the neutral.

The table below contains the parameters to make the system ready for single phase measuring.

The example below is with 230 V AC, which can be connected directly to the AGC's terminals without the use of a voltage
transformer. If a voltage transformer is necessary, the nominal values of the transformer should be used instead.

Adjust to
Setting Adjustment Description

6004 G nom. voltage Phase-neutral voltage of the generator 230 V AC

6041 G transformer Primary voltage of the G voltage transformer (if installed) 230 V AC

6042 G transformer Secondary voltage of the G voltage transformer (if installed) 230 V AC

6051 BB transformer set 1 Primary voltage of the BB voltage transformer (if installed) 230 V AC

6052 BB transformer set 1 Secondary voltage of the BB voltage transformer (if installed) 230 V AC

6053 BB nom. voltage set 1 Phase-neutral voltage of the busbar 230 V AC

The voltage alarms refer to UNOM (230 V AC).

The AGC has two sets of BB transformer settings, which can be enabled individually in this measurement system.

3.4 Nominal settings

3.4.1 Nominal settings

The AGC holds four sets of nominal settings, configured in channels 6001 to 6036. It is possible to switch between the nominal
settings 1 to 4, to match different voltages and frequencies. Nominal settings 1 (6001 to 6007) are the nominal settings that are used
as default. See paragraph "Switch between the nominal settings" for more information about this feature.


The AGC holds two sets of nominal settings for the busbar, configured in channels 6051 to 6063. Each set consists of a nominal as
well as a primary and secondary voltage value. The "U primary" and "U secondary" are used to define the primary and secondary
voltage values, if any measurement transformers are installed. If no voltage transformer is installed between generator and busbar,
select "BB Unom = G Unom" in channel 6054. With this function activated, none of the BB nominal settings will be considered.
Instead, the nominal BB voltage will be considered equal to nominal generator voltage.

3.4.2 Switch between the nominal settings

The four sets of nominal settings can be individually configured. The AGC is able to switch between the different sets of nominal
settings, which enables the use of a specific set of nominal settings related to a specific application or situation.

If no busbar voltage transformer is present, the primary and secondary side values can be set to generator nominal value,
and channel 6054 is set to "BB Unom = G Unom".

Typically, it is the rental industry that makes use of the possibility to switch nominal parameter settings. The feature is very useful
with mobile gensets, where switching in frequency and voltage is required. Stationary gensets can make use of this feature as well.
For example, in the event of an AMF situation, it may be desirable to increase the nominal power and current settings to achieve
increased tolerance regarding the protections.


Manual switching between the nominal set points can be done in three ways: digital input, AOP or menu 6006.

When using M-Logic, any event can be used to activate an automatic switching of nominal parameter sets.

Digital input

M-Logic is used when a digital input is needed to switch between the four sets of nominal settings. Select the required input among
the input events, and select the nominal settings in the outputs.


Event A Event B Event C Output

Dig. input no. 23 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 1

Not Dig. input no. 23 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 2

See the "Help" file in the PC utility software for details.


M-Logic is used when the AOP is used to switch between the four sets of nominal settings. Select the required AOP push-button
among the input events, and select the nominal settings in the outputs.


Event A Event B Event C Output

Button07 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 1

Button08 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 2


See the "Help" file in the PC utility software for details.

Menu settings

In menu 6006, the switching between settings 1 to 4 is made simply by choosing the desired nominal setting.

Four nominal settings of GOV/AVR offsets

In menu 6006, the selection of nominal setting is made. The nominal setting of GOV/AVR offset will follow the setting in 6006,
meaning: nominal setting 1 (6001 to 6005) will follow the GOV/AVR offset in 2550.

Switching between the two "BB nominal settings" (6050 and 6060) is done in the same way as explained above (channel

3.4.3 Scaling

Default voltage scaling is set to range 100 V to 25000 V (parameter 9030). To be able to handle applications above 25000 V and
below 100 V, it is necessary to adjust the input range so it matches the actual value of the primary voltage transformer. This makes it
possible for the unit to support a wide range of voltage and power values. Master password level access is required to change this

Changing the voltage scaling will also influence the nominal power scaling:


Nom. settings 1 to 4 (power) will Nom. settings 1 to 4
Scaling Transformer ratio settings
change according to parameter (voltage) will change according to
parameter 9030 parameters 6041, 6051 and 6053
9030 parameter 9030

10 V to 2500 V 1.0 to 900.0 kW 10.0 V to 2500.0 V 10.0 V to 2500.0 V

100 V to 25000 V 10 to 20000 kW 100 V to 25000 V 100 V to 25000 V

0.4 kV to 75 kV 0.10 to 90.00 MW 0.4 kV to 75.00 kV 0.4 kV to 75.00 kV

10 kV to 160 kV 1.0 to 900.0 MW 10.0 kV to 160.0 kV 10.0 kV to 160.0 kV

All nominal values and the primary VT settings must be corrected after the scaling has been changed in parameter 9030.

3.5 Applications
3.5.1 Applications and genset modes

This section about applications is to be used for reference using the particular genset mode as starting point. It is not
suitable for reading from beginning to end.

The unit can be used for the applications listed in the table below.

Application Comment

Automatic Mains Failure (no back sync.) Standard

Automatic Mains Failure (with back sync.) Standard

Island operation Standard

Fixed power/base load Standard

Peak shaving Standard

Load takeover Standard

Mains power export (fixed power to mains) Standard

Multiple gensets, analogue load sharing Requires option G3

Multiple gensets, power management Requires option G5

Remote maintenance Requires option H8.x and a remote maintenance box from DEIF A/S

Genset mode Running mode

Auto Semi Test Man Block

Automatic Mains Failure (no back sync.) X X X X X

Automatic Mains Failure (with back sync.) X X X X X

Island operation X X X X X

Fixed power/base load X X X X X

Peak shaving X X X X X

Load takeover X X X X X

Mains power export X X X X X

Multiple gensets, analogue load sharing (G3) X X X X X


Genset mode Running mode

Multiple gensets, power management X X (X) X X

Remote maintenance X X

For a general description of the available running modes, please refer to the chapter "Running mode description".

3.5.2 AMF (no back synchronisation)

Auto mode description

The unit automatically starts the genset and switches to generator supply at a mains failure after an adjustable delay time. It is
possible to adjust the unit to change to genset operation in two different ways.

1. The mains breaker will be opened at genset start-up.

2. The mains breaker will remain closed until the genset is running, and the genset voltage and frequency is OK.

In both cases, the generator breaker will be closed when the generator voltage and frequency is OK, and the mains breaker is open.

When the mains returns, the unit will switch back to mains supply and cool down and stop the genset. The switching back to mains
supply is done without back synchronisation when the adjusted "Mains OK delay" has expired.

Semi-auto mode description

When the generator breaker is closed, the unit will use the nominal frequency as the setpoint for the speed governor. If AVR control
(option D1) is selected, then the nominal voltage is used as setpoint.

For a general description of the available running modes, please refer to the chapter "Running mode description".

3.5.3 AMF (with back synchronisation)

Auto mode description

The unit automatically starts the genset and switches to generator supply at a mains failure after an adjustable delay time. It is
possible to adjust the unit to change to genset operation in two different ways:

1. The mains breaker will be opened at genset start-up.

2. The mains breaker will remain closed until the genset is running, and the genset voltage and frequency is OK.

In both cases, the generator breaker will be closed when the generator voltage and frequency is OK, and the mains breaker is open.

When the mains returns, the unit will synchronise the mains breaker to the busbar when the "Mains OK delay" has expired. Then the
genset cools down and stops.

The automatic mains failure mode can be combined with the "Overlap" function. In that case, the generator breaker and the
mains breaker will never be closed at the same time for a longer period than the adjusted "Overlap" time.

Semi-auto mode description

When the generator breaker is closed and the mains breaker is opened, the unit will use the nominal frequency as the setpoint for
the speed governor. If AVR control (option D1) is selected, the nominal voltage is used as the setpoint.


When the generator is paralleled to the mains, the governor regulation will no longer be active. If AVR control (option D1) is selected,
then the setpoint will either be adjusted power factor or reactive power (7050 Fixed power set).

For a general description of the available running modes, please refer to the chapter "Running mode description".

3.5.4 Island operation

Auto mode description

The unit automatically starts the genset and closes the generator breaker at a digital start command. When the stop command is
given, the generator breaker is tripped, and the genset will be stopped after a cooling down period. The start and stop commands
are used by activating and deactivating a digital input or with the time-dependent start/stop commands. If the time-dependent start/
stop commands are to be used, then the auto mode must also be used.

Semi-auto mode description

When the generator breaker is closed, the unit will use the nominal frequency as setpoint for the speed governor. If AVR control
(option D1) is selected, the nominal voltage is used as setpoint.

For a general description of the available running modes, please refer to the chapter "Running mode description".

3.5.5 Power ramp

"Power ramp up" (channel 261x) and "Power ramp down" (channel 262x) are used when the genset is connected to another supply

2610 Power ramp up

Ramp speed 1 Defines the slope of ramp up 1

Delay point At this point, the ramp up is cancelled until the delay has expired

Delay When this delay has expired, the ramp up is continued from the delay point

Island ramp Enable ramping in Island mode

Steps Defines the number of ramp steps

Ramp speed 2 Defines the slope of ramp up 2

2620 Power ramp down

Ramp speed 1 Defines the slope of ramp down 1 (used for de-load as well)

Breaker open point The amount of power accepted when opening the breaker

Ramp speed 2 Defines the slope of ramp down 2 (not used for de-load)

Automatic ramp selection When "Auto ramp select" is disabled, ramp 2 can only be enabled with M-Logic


Delay, step 3

Delay, step 4
Delay, step 1

Delay, step 2

Delay, step 5
Stop signal

Power Set point

Power [kW]

Power ramp

GB closed Time [sec]

Ramp down
From load share
Ramp up, read


Ramp up with load steps

When the GB is closed, the power set point continues to rise in ramp-up steps, determined by the number of steps in menu 2615. If
the delay point is set to 20 % and the number of load steps is set to 3, the genset will ramp to 20 %, wait the configured delay time,
ramp to 40 %, wait, ramp to 60 %, wait and then ramp to the present power set point.

Freeze power ramp

A way to define the ramp up steps is to use the freeze power ramp command in M-Logic.

Freeze power ramp active:

The power ramp will stop at any point of the power ramp, and this set point will be maintained as long as the function is active. If the
function is activated while ramping from one delay point to another, the ramp will be fixed until the function is deactivated again.

1. The power ramp will stop at any point of the power ramp, and this set point will be maintained as long as the function is active.
2. If the function is activated while ramping from one delay point to another, the ramp will be fixed until the function is deactivated
3. If the function is activated while the delay timer is timing out, the timer will be stopped and will not continue until the function is
deactivated again.

The delay starts running when the GB has been closed.

Power ramp 1

This is the primarily used power ramp. Power ramp 1 is only ignored during "frequency-dependent power droop" or if power ramp 2
is activated with M-Logic.

Power ramp 2


Channels 2616 and 2623 define the slope of the second power ramp. This is a secondary power ramp mostly used for "frequency-
dependent power droop", but it can also be activated with any M-Logic event. Channel 2624 (automatic ramp selection) determines
if the ramp 2 is activated by droop or M-Logic. If automatic "ramp selection" is activated, then the second ramp is enabled during
power droop. If it is disabled, then the second ramp can only be activated by M-Logic.

3.5.6 Q ramp

A ramp function for reactive power regulation can be activated. This ramp is used when ramping up after the breaker is closed. The
ramp is also used to ramp down during de-loading before the breaker is opened. Configure these parameters in the parameter list.

Table 3.1 Parameters

Text Parameter Default Range Description

Q ramp to setp. 2821 2 %/s 0.1 to 20 %/s Ramp up for reactive power

Q ramp to zero 2822 2 %/s 0.1 to 20 %/s Ramp down for reactive power

Q ramp enable 2823 OFF Activation/deactivation of the function

There is no ramp for cos phi regulation.

3.5.7 Fixed power/base load

Auto mode description

The unit automatically starts the genset and synchronises to the mains when the digital input "auto start/stop" is activated. After the
generator breaker closure, the unit ramps up the load to the set point level. When the stop command is given, the genset is de-
loaded and stopped after the cooling down period. The start and stop commands are used by activating and deactivating a digital
input or with the time-dependent start/stop commands. If the time-dependent start/stop commands are to be used, then the auto
mode must also be used.


Start signal

Stop signal

Diagram, fixed power - principle

Semi-auto mode description

When the generator breaker is closed and the mains breaker is opened, the unit will use the nominal frequency as the set point for
the speed governor. If AVR control (option D1) is selected, the nominal voltage is used as set point.


When the generator is paralleled to the mains, the generator power will be increased to the fixed power set point. If AVR control
(option D1) is selected, then the setpoint will either be adjusted power factor or reactive power (7050 Fixed power set).

7050 Fixed Power Set

Power set The amount of power the genset will produce.

The values in menu 7050 set the cos phi. This is not the PF value displayed in the display. Cos phi and PF are only equal if
it is a true sinusoidal wave.

For a general description of the available running modes, see the chapter "Running mode description".

3.5.8 Warm up ramp

Warm up ramp is a function that limits the power output until a pre-configured condition has been met, like, for example, the engine
has reached operating temperature which will greatly reduce stress on the engine.
Power [kW]

GB closed Warm up thresh. reached

Power set point

Power ramp up
set point

Time [sec]

Power ramp up Warm up ramp Power ramp up

[%/s] [%/s]

The warm up ramp activation is enabled and the input is configured via "Warm up type" (channel 2961). The activation of the warm
up ramp input limits the available power of the genset to the percentage level configured in "Power ramp up" (channel 2612).

If the type is configured as M-Logic, the input must go low before warm up ramp is deactivated. If the type is configured as a multi-
input or an EIC temperature input, the deactivation occurs when the temperature is above the threshold configured in "Warm up
thresh." (channel 2962).

When warm up ramp is activated, the standard function "Power ramp up" is replaced, which means that the load/steps and
the timer are disabled.

3.5.9 Peak shaving

Auto mode description


The genset will start at a pre-defined mains import level and run at a fixed minimum load, for example 10 %. When the mains import
increases above the maximum mains import set point, the genset will supply the extra load in order to maintain the mains import at
the maximum import level.

When the load drops below the maximum mains import set point, the genset will run at min. load again. When the mains import and
the generator load decrease below the stop set point, the genset will cool down and stop.

A 4 to 20 mA transducer is used for indication of the power imported from the mains, see "Mains transducer" description later in this



Max. mains import level

Mains power

Genset start level

Genset stop level

Generator power

Genset minimum load


Diagram, peak shaving – example

Semi-auto mode description

When the generator breaker is closed and the mains breaker is opened, the unit will use the nominal frequency as set point for the
speed governor. If AVR control (option D1) is selected, the nominal voltage is used as set point.

When the generator is paralleled to the mains, the generator will be controlled according to the peak shaving set point. So the
maximum mains import will not be exceeded in spite of the semi- auto mode. If AVR control (option D1) is selected, then the setpoint
will either be adjusted power factor or reactive power (7050 Fixed power set).

Set points related to peak shaving

7000 Mains power

Day and night: The mains power import limits for the peak shaving.

7010 Daytime period

These settings define the daytime period. The hours outside the daytime period are considered to be the night-time period.


Parameters 7020 and 7030 are used to define the starting and stopping point of an application without power management
(option G5). If power management is used, then load-dependent start and stop parameters will be used. For additional
information on load-dependent start and stop, see the power management manual, "Description of options G4, G5 and

7020 Start generator

Start set point: The start set point is in percent of the day and night settings in menu 7000 Mains power.
Delay: The genset will start when the start set point has been exceeded and this delay has expired.
Load: The minimum load the genset will produce when parallel to mains.

7030 Stop generator

Stop set point: The stop set point is in percent of the day and night settings in menu 7000 Mains power.
Delay: The genset will stop when the stop set point has been exceeded and this delay has expired.

For a general description of the available running modes, see the chapter "Running mode description".

3.5.10 Load takeover

Auto mode description

- Back synchronising ON

The purpose of the load takeover mode is to transfer the load imported from the mains to the genset for operation on generator
supply only.

When the start command is given, the genset will start and synchronise the generator breaker to the busbar that is being supplied by
the mains. When the generator breaker is closed, the imported load is decreased (the power is being transferred to the genset) until
the load is at the open breaker point. Then the mains breaker opens.

When the stop command is given, the mains breaker is synchronised to the busbar and after closure the genset is deloaded, cooled
down and stopped.

A 4-20 mA transducer is used for indication of the power imported from the mains, please see "Mains transducer" description later in
this document.

Mains power
Generator power

Start signal

Stop signal
MB opens

GB opens


Diagram, load takeover - example

The load takeover mode can be combined with the overlap function. In that case, the generator and the mains breakers will
never be closed at the same time for a longer period than the adjusted "overlap" time.

If the imported load is higher than the nominal genset power, an alarm appears and the load takeover sequence is paused.

- Back synchronising OFF

When the start command is given, the genset will start. When the frequency and voltage is OK, the mains breaker is opened and the
generator breaker is closed. Now, the generator supplies the load until the stop command is given. Then, the generator breaker
opens and the mains breaker closes. The genset cools down and stops.

If the imported load is higher than the nominal genset, an alarm appears and the load takeover sequence is paused.

Semi-auto mode

When the generator breaker is closed and the mains breaker is opened, the unit will use the nominal frequency as setpoint for the
speed governor. If AVR control (option D1) is selected, the nominal voltage is used as setpoint.

When the generator is paralleled to the mains, it will be controlled so the imported power from the mains will be kept at 0 kW. If AVR
control (option D1) is selected, then the setpoint will either be adjusted power factor or reactive power (7050 Fixed power set).

For a general description of the available running modes, please refer to the chapter "Running mode description".

3.5.11 Mains power export (fixed power to mains)

Auto mode description

The mains power export mode can be used to maintain a constant level of power through the mains breaker. The power can be
exported to the mains or imported from the mains, but always at a constant level.

If a fixed level of imported power must be used, it is still the mains power export mode that must be selected! This mode
covers import as well as export.

The genset starts as a result of a digital start command. It synchronises to the mains and will start to export power to the mains. The
amount of power exported will be kept at a fixed level regardless of the load on the busbar (the factory).

The stop command will cause the genset to deload and trip the generator breaker. Afterwards, it will cool down and stop.

A 4-20 mA transducer is used for indication of the power exported from the mains, please see "Mains transducer" description later in
this document.


Start signal

Stop signal

Ramp up

Ramp down

Mains power export



Diagram, mains power export - example

Please notice that the setpoint of the mains power export can be adjusted to 0 kW. This means that the genset will be
parallel to the mains but no power import or export.

Semi-auto mode description

When the generator breaker is closed and the mains breaker is opened, the unit will use the nominal frequency as setpoint for the
speed governor. If AVR control (option D1) is selected, the nominal voltage is used as setpoint.

When the generator is paralleled to the mains, it will be controlled according to the mains power export setpoint. If AVR control
(option D1) is selected, then the setpoint will either be adjusted power factor or reactive power (7050 Fixed power set).

For a general description of the available running modes, please refer to the chapter "Running mode description".

3.5.12 Mains power transducer

In applications where export/load takeover is used (mains power export, peak shaving, load takeover), it is necessary to know the
power flow on the primary side of the mains breaker. When one controller is used for the application or if a transducer signal is
preferred in a power management system, it is possible to use multi-input 102 or CIO 308 1.14 for this purpose.

Below is a single line diagram where a TAS-331 DG transducer is used for measuring the voltage and current before the mains
breaker, this is used to calculate the power and based upon this gives a 4-20 mA output.




Mains Controller



Diesel generator set

How to set up

As mentioned, it is necessary to use multi-input 102 or CIO 308 1.14 for this purpose.

Set up the input for 4-20 mA, and define the range of the transducer in parameter 7261 and 7262. The range is defined with a min.
and max. setting where the min. setting corresponds to 4 mA and the max. setting to 20 mA.

Table 3.2 P measurement from a transducer

Text Parameter Default Range Description

Transducer Range 7261 0 kW 0 to 20000 kW Maximum active power

Transducer Range 7262 0 kW -20000 to 0 kW Minimum active power

Multi input 102 (transducer)

Mains P measure 7263 Multi input 102 Selection of the analogue input
CIO308 1.14 (transducer)

As soon as transducer max. or min. settings are changed to a value different from 0, the controller will use the transducer
signal, even in a power management system with a mains controller.

3.5.13 Mains reactive power or voltage transducer

It is also possible to use transducers to measure mains voltage or reactive power. To set-up these transducers use menu 7270
(Mains reactive power) and 7280 (Mains voltage).

To be compliant with national grid codes it is often necessary to measure in the grid connection point. Using transducers are the
practical solution in case of long distance. See documentation for option A10 for more information.

Table 3.3 Q measurement from a transducer

Text Parameter Default Range Description

Transducer Range 7271 0 kvar -20000 to 20000 kvar Maximum reactive power

Transducer Range 7272 0 kvar -20000 to 20000 kvar Minimum reactive power

Multi input 102 (transducer)

Mains Q measure 7273 Multi input 102 Selection of the analogue input
CIO308 1.17 (transducer)


Set up the input for 4-20 mA, and define the range of the transducer in parameter 7271 and 7272. The range is defined with a min.
and max. setting where the min. setting corresponds to 4 mA and the max. setting to 20 mA.

Table 3.4 U measurement from a transducer

Text Parameter Default Range Description

Transducer Range 7281 0V 0 to 25000 V Maximum voltage

Transducer Range 7282 0V 0 to 25000 V Minimum voltage

Multi input 102 (transducer)

Mains U measure 7283 Multi input 102 Selection of the analogue input
CIO308 1.20 (transducer)

Mains U Ext Nom 7284 400 V 100 to 25000 V Nominal grid voltage for the transducer

Set up the input for 4-20 mA, and define the range of the transducer in parameter 7281 and 7282. The range is defined with a min.
and max. setting where the min. setting corresponds to 4 mA and the max. setting to 20 mA.

3.6 Running mode description

3.6.1 Semi-auto mode

The unit can be operated in semi-auto mode. Semi-auto means that the unit will not initiate any sequences automatically, as is the
case with the auto mode. It will only initiate sequences, if external signals are given.

An external signal may be given in three ways:

1. Push-buttons on the display are used

2. Digital inputs are used
3. Modbus command

The standard AGC is only equipped with a limited number of digital inputs, please refer to "Digital inputs" in this document
and the data sheet for additional information about availability.

When the genset is running in semi-auto mode, the unit will control the speed governor and the AVR, if option D1 is selected.

The following sequences can be activated in semi-auto:

Command Description Comment

The start sequence is initiated and continues until the genset starts or the maximum
Start number of start attempts has been reached. The frequency (and voltage) will be
regulated to make the GB ready to close.

The cooling down time

The genset will be stopped. After disappearance of the running signal, the stop
is cancelled if the stop
Stop sequence will continue to be active in the ‘"extended stop time" period. The genset is
button is activated
stopped with cooling down time.

When AMF mode is

The unit will close the generator breaker if the mains breaker is open, synchronise selected, the unit will
Close GB
and close the generator breaker if the mains breaker is closed. not regulate after
breaker closure.

The unit will ramp down and open the generator breaker at the breaker open point if
Open GB the mains breaker is closed. The unit will open the generator breaker instantly if the
mains breaker is open or the genset mode is island mode.


Command Description Comment

The unit will close the mains breaker if the generator breaker is open, synchronise
Close MB
and close the mains breaker if the generator breaker is closed.

Open MB The unit opens the mains breaker instantly.

The regulator is deactivated and the governor output is activated as long as the GOV
Manual GOV UP
input is ON.

Manual GOV The regulator is deactivated and the governor output is activated as long as the GOV
DOWN input is ON.

The regulator is deactivated and the governor output is activated as long as the AVR
Manual AVR UP Option D1 is required.
input is ON.

Manual AVR The regulator is deactivated and the governor output is activated as long as the AVR
Option D1 is required.
DOWN input is ON.

3.6.2 Test mode

The test mode function is activated by selecting test with the MODE push-button on the display or by activating a digital input.

The settings for the test function are set up in menu 7040.

Related parameters:

7040 Test

Parameter Item Range Default Notes

7041 Set point 1 to 100 % 80 % Load set point when paralleling to mains.

7042 Timer 0.0 to 999.0 min 5.0 min Engine run time during the test period.

DG: Semi auto, Auto, Manual, No

DG: No change When the test is completed, the unit will return to
7043 Return change
Mains: Auto the selected mode.
Mains: Semi auto, Auto, No change

Selection of one of the three types of tests: Simple,

7044 Type Simple test, Load test, Full test Simple test
Load or Full.

If the timer is set to 0.0 min, the test sequence will be infinite.

If the DG unit is in the stop sequence in test mode and the mode is changed to semi-auto, the DG will continue to run.

Test mode in island operation (genset mode selected to island mode) can only run "Simple" and "Full" test.

Power management (option G4): Test mode is not available.

Simple test

The simple test will only start the genset and run it at nominal frequency with the generator breaker open. The test will run until the
timer expires.


Load test

The load test will start the genset and run it at nominal frequency, synchronise the generator breaker and produce the power typed
in the set point in menu 7041. The test will run until the timer expires.

To run the load test, it is required that ”Sync. to mains” is enabled in menu 7084.

When running a load test sequence, the overlap function is ignored.

Full test

The full test will start the genset and run it at nominal frequency, synchronise the generator breaker and transfer the load to the
generator before opening the mains breaker. When the test timer expires, the mains breaker will be synchronised, and the load is
transferred back to the mains before the generator breaker is opened and the generator is stopped.

To run the full test, it is required that ”Sync. to mains” is enabled in menu 7084.

3.6.3 Manual mode

When manual mode is selected, the genset can be controlled from the display and with digital inputs. The following commands are

Command Description Comment

The start sequence is initiated and continues until the genset starts or the
Start No regulation.
maximum number of start attempts has been reached.

The genset will be stopped. After disappearance of the running signal, the stop
Stop sequence will continue to be active in the "extended stop time" period. The
genset is stopped with cooling down time.

No regulation.
The unit will close the generator breaker if the mains breaker is open, and
Close GB Sync. failure is
synchronise and close the generator breaker if the mains breaker is closed.

Open GB The unit will open the generator breaker instantly.

No regulation.
The unit will close the mains breaker if the generator breaker is open, and
Close MB Sync. failure is
synchronise and close the mains breaker if the generator breaker is closed.

Open MB The unit will open the mains breaker instantly.

Manual GOV UP The unit gives increase signal to the speed governor.

Manual GOV DOWN The unit gives decrease signal to the speed governor.

For AGC-4, option D1 is

Manual AVR UP The unit gives increase signal to the AVR.

For AGC-4, option D1 is

Manual AVR DOWN The unit gives decrease signal to the AVR.

It is possible to open and close both the generator breaker and the mains breaker in manual mode.


3.6.4 Block mode (OFF button)

When block mode is selected, the unit is locked for certain actions. Block mode can either be selected by pressing the MODE button
on the display or by using a digital input. If a digital input is used for block mode, it is important to keep in mind that the input
configured to block mode is a constant signal. This means that when the input is ON the unit is in a blocked state, and when it is
OFF the unit returns to the mode it was in before block mode was selected.

When activating BLOCK mode from the display on an AGC 200, it is as a minimum required to log in as customer.

When changing from BLOCK mode to any other operating modes from the AGC's display, it is as a minimum required to log in as

Block mode on a genset controller

If the genset controller is in block mode, it cannot start the genset or perform any breaker operations. If the genset is running when
block mode is selected, the breaker will be opened and the genset will shut down without cooling down.

The purpose of the block mode is to make sure that the genset does not start during maintenance work, for example.

Block mode on a mains controller

If the mains controller is in block mode, it cannot perform any breaker operations. If any breaker is closed when the mains controller
is put into block mode, the mains breaker will be opened, but the tie breaker will remain closed to ensure the genset's ability to
support the load.

The purpose of block mode is to make sure that the mains breaker cannot close onto a transformer that is momentarily non-
functional due to performance of service. When block mode is used on a mains controller in a power management setup, the system
will know that the blocked mains controller will not be available.

Block mode in single DG application

If a genset, which is running in a single DG application with an MB and a GB, is set in block mode, the DG will stop and the GB will
open. When block mode is active the DG, the GB and the MB will not be operational, but if the MB was closed when block mode
was activated, the MB will stay closed.

If block mode is selected by using the display after the digital block input is activated, the AGC will stay in block mode after
the block input is deactivated. The block mode must now be changed using the display. The block mode can only be
changed locally via display or digital input.

Alarms are not influenced by block mode selection.

Before the running mode is changed, make sure that nobody is near the genset and that the genset is ready for operation.

The genset can be started from the local engine control panel, if such is installed. Therefore, DEIF recommends to avoid
local cranking and starting of the genset.

The genset will shut down if block mode is selected while the genset is running.


3.7 Single-line diagrams
3.7.1 Application illustration

In the following, the various applications are illustrated in single-line diagrams.

3.7.2 Automatic Mains Failure



3.7.3 Island operation




3.7.4 Fixed power/base load



3.7.5 Peak shaving


P/4-20 mA




3.7.6 Load takeover


P/4-20 mA



3.7.7 Mains power export


P/4-20 mA




3.7.8 Multiple gensets, load sharing (option G3 required)


Controller Controller


3.7.9 Multiple gensets, power management (option G5 required)

Figure 3.1 Island mode application

Display 1 Display 2



Controller Controller
Generator Generator
breaker breaker
(GB 1) (GB 2)


Diesel generator set 1 Diesel generator set 2


Figure 3.2 Parallel to mains application

Display mains


breaker Controller



Display 1 Display 2



Generator Controller Generator Controller

breaker breaker
(GB 1) (GB 2)


Diesel generator set 1 Diesel generator set 2


Figure 3.3 Multi-mains with two mains, two tie breakers, one bus tie breaker and four gensets

Optional Optional


Display Display Display Display

Mains 17 Mains 18


Mains Mains
breaker Controller breaker Controller
(MB 17) (MB 18)


Load Load

Tie Tie
Breaker Breaker
(TB 17) (TB 18)

Display 1 Display 2 Display BTB 33 Display 3 Display 4

BTB 33
Busbar Busbar

CANbus CANbus

Generator Controller Generator Controller Controller Generator Controller Generator Controller

breaker breaker breaker breaker
(GB 1) (GB 2) (GB 3) (GB 4)


Diesel generator set 1 Diesel generator set 2 Diesel generator set 3 Diesel generator set 4

The diagram shows four generators, but the system supports up to 32 generators. See the option G4, G5 and G8 manual
for further description of multi mains.


Figure 3.4 ATS plant, mains unit


Mains okay

Consumers ON/OFF


Display 1 Display 2 Display 3



Controller Controller Controller


Diesel generator set 1 Diesel generator set 2 Diesel generator set 3

Figure 3.5 Remote maintenance



The diagram shows a setup using the remote maintenance box. See the operator’s manual of the remote maintenance box
for further description.

3.8 Flowcharts
Using flowcharts, the principles of the most important functions will be illustrated in the next sections. The functions included are:

• Mode shift
• MB open sequence
• GB open sequence
• Stop sequence
• Start sequence
• MB close sequence
• GB close sequence
• Fixed power
• Load takeover


• Island operation
• Peak shaving
• Mains power export
• Automatic Mains Failure
• Test sequence

The flowcharts on the following pages are for guidance only. For illustrative purposes, the flowcharts are simplified in some

3.8.1 Mode shift


Mode shift No


Plant mode not No

Island and AMF


Mains failure


Initiate AMF

Mains OK timer Yes Initiate mains MB close Continue in
timed out return sequence sequence selected mode



3.8.2 MB open sequence


MB closed


Load take No
Mains failure


Deload MB


No Load too Yes

Load = 0 Alarm


Open MB

No Alarm ”MB
MB open
open failure”



3.8.3 GB open sequence


Stop conditions No


Is GB No


No Fail class
Soft open

Deload DG


Load < open Ramp down
set point timer expired


Open GB

GB open Alarm




3.8.4 Stop sequence


Stop conditions No


GB open No
seq OK



No Cooldown
timer run out


Run coil No Stop relay


Deactivate Activate stop

”stop” relay relay

Genset No



3.8.5 Start sequence


Start condition No


Start prepare No

Start relay

Start relay timer No No

Genset started


Off relay Run feedback No

ON detected


Stop relay timer No No

timed out

Yes Yes

No Max start Ready to

attempts close GB


Start failure


3.8.6 MB close sequence


Is MB open


Voltage on No


Voltage on No


GB closed

Yes Direct close OK

No GB open No
Back sync ON

Yes Yes

Sync timer Yes Alarm sync. Alarm GB

Sync MB
runout failure open failure

Synchronised No


Close MB

No Close failure
MB closed




3.8.7 GB close sequence


Is GB open


Start seq OK


Single DG No

Yes No Voltage on
No No Yes
Island mode All GBs OFF

Yes Yes

No No
Voltage on bus MB close TB Present
Yes Yes Yes

TB open

Yes Yes
MB open
Direct closing Yes
Sync GB Time runout

DG freq match No
BB freq Alarm sync

Close GB

GB closed Alarm



3.8.8 Fixed power


Activate start


GB close

Ramp-up to
load set point

start input

GB open




3.8.9 Load takeover


Activate start


GB close

No Ramp-up
Mains load = 0 kW
genset load


MB open Genset
sequence operation

start input

MB close GB open Stop

sequence sequence sequence End


3.8.10 Island operation


Start input


GB close

Start input

GB open




3.8.11 Peak shaving


Mains power
above start
set point


GB close
produce power
above set point

Mains power
below stop
set point

GB open




3.8.12 Mains power export


Activate start


Close GB

Ramp up to
MPE set point

start input

GB open




3.8.13 Automatic Mains Failure


Mains failure


#7065: start No
eng + open MB


Open MB Start sequence

Start sequence Open MB

GB close GB close
sequence sequence

Mains ok


MB close
Time out End


3.8.14 Test sequence


Select test

Start sequence

Test timer

Timer run out Engine running No

Yes Yes

Stop sequence Freq/voltage OK


Sync of GB No
Engine stopped

No Yes
Return to
running mode, Sync GB
menu 7043

Opening og MB No Ramp up to
allowed P setpoint


No Yes
End P Mains = 0kW Open MB

3.9 Sequences
The following contains information about the sequences of the engine, the generator breaker and, if installed, the mains breaker.
These sequences are automatically initiated if the auto mode is selected, or if the commands are selected in the semi-auto mode.

In the semi-auto mode, the selected sequence is the only sequence initiated (e.g. press the START push-button: The engine will
start, but no subsequent synchronising is initiated).

The following sequences will be illustrated below:

• START sequence
• STOP sequence
• Breaker sequences


If island operation is selected, the digital input "MB closed" must NOT be activated with a 12/24 volt input signal. A "mains breaker
failure" will occur if the wiring of the mains breaker feedback inputs is wrong.

Refer to our application notes or installation instructions for information about the required breaker wiring.

We recommend not using small relays for stop coil output. If small relays are used, a resistor must be mounted across the
relay coil to prevent undesirable closing of the relay. This is caused by the wirebreak function.

3.9.1 Start sequence

The following drawings illustrate the start sequences of the genset with normal start prepare and extended start prepare.

No matter the choice of start prepare function, the running coil is activated 1 sec. before the start relay (starter).

Start sequence:
Normal start prepare

Start prepare

Crank (starter) tOFF tOFF

Run coil

1 sec.

Stop coil

Running feedback

1st start attempt 2nd start attempt 3rd start attempt


Start sequence:
Extended start prepare

Start prepare

Crank (starter) tOFF tOFF

Run coil

1 sec.

Stop coil

Running feedback

1st start attempt 2nd start attempt 3rd start attempt

Run coil can be activated from 1...600 sec. before crank (starter) will be executed. In the above example, the timer is set to
1 sec. (menu 6150).

3.9.2 Start sequence conditions

The start sequence initiation can be controlled by the following conditions:

• Multi-input 102
• Multi-input 105
• Multi-input 108

This means that if, for example, the oil pressure is not primed to the sufficient value, the crank relay will not engage the starter

The selection is made in setting 6185. For each of the RMI settings, the rule is that the value (oil pressure, fuel level or water
temperature) must exceed the set point of setting 6186 before starting is initiated.

If the value in 6186 is set to 0.0, the start sequence is initiated as soon as it is requested.

The diagram below shows an example where the RMI signal builds up slowly and starting is initiated at the end of the third start


Start sequence
Cranking depends on RMI

Start prepare
(3 start attempts) 1 2 3

Stop relay

Crank relay

Run coil

Running feedback

measurement OK

RMI value

Cranking starts

3.9.3 Running feedback

Different types of running feedback can be used to detect if the motor is running. Refer to menu 6170 for selection of the running
feedback type.

The running detection is made with a built-in safety routine. The running feedback selected is the primary feedback. All configured
running feedbacks are used at all times. If, for some reason, the primary choice is not detecting any running feedback, the starter
relay will stay activated for one additional second. If a running feedback is detected based on one of the secondary choices, the
genset will start. This way, the genset will still be functional even though a tacho sensor is damaged or dirty.

As soon as the genset is running, no matter if the genset is started based on the primary or secondary feedback, the running
detection will be made based on all available types.

The sequence is shown in the diagram below.

Running feedback failure

Primary running

Secondary running

Start relay (crank)



Interruption of start sequence


The start sequence is interrupted in the following situations:

Event Comment

Stop signal

Start failure

Remove starter feedback Tacho set point.

Running feedback Digital input.

Running feedback Tacho set point.

Frequency measurement above 32 Hz.

The frequency measurement requires a voltage measurement of 30 % of UNOM.
Running feedback
The running detection based on the frequency measurement can replace the running feedback
based on tacho or digital input or engine communication.

Running feedback Oil pressure set point (menu 6175).

Running feedback EIC (engine communication) (option H5 or H7).

Emergency stop

Alarm Alarms with "shutdown" or "trip and stop" fail class.

Stop push-button on display Only in semi-auto or manual mode.

Modbus stop command Semi-auto or manual mode.

Binary stop input Semi-auto or manual mode.

Auto mode in the following genset modes:

Deactivate the "auto start/stop"
Island operation, fixed power, load takeover or mains power export mode.

Activating "BLOCK" while running will work in the same way as pushing the emergency stop, but
Running mode
it will also prevent the genset from starting afterwards.

If the MPU input is to be used to remove the starter, it must be set up in menu 6174.

The only protections that can stop the genset/interrupt the start sequence when the "shutdown override" input is activated,
are the digital input "emergency stop" and the alarm "overspeed 2". Both of these must have the fail class "shut down".


3.9.4 Start-up overview

Run status
Inhibit status: Not running (0-300 sec)

Oil pressure inhibit


detection level
(20-35 Hz)
(0-4000 RPM)
400 6174
Remove 6160
starter Run status
6351 (0-300 sec)
6180 Running 2740 4560
Start detection Delay of Hz/ V failure
prepare within Regulation (1-99 sec)
Run coil
(0-600 sec) (0-1200 sec) (0-9900 sec)
(0-600 sec)
Activate Nominal
Start Starter Remove
regulation speed

Set points related to the start sequence

- Start prepare (6180 Starter)

Normal prepare: The start prepare timer can be used for start preparation purposes, for example prelubrication or preglowing. The
start prepare relay is activated when the start sequence is initiated and deactivated when the start relay is activated. If the timer is
set to 0.0 s, the start prepare function is deactivated.

Extended prepare: The extended prepare will activate the start prepare relay when the start sequence is initiated and keep it
activated when the start relay activates, until the specified time has expired. If the extended prepare time exceeds the start ON time,
the start prepare relay is deactivated when the start relay deactivates. If the timer is set to 0.0 s, the extended prepare function is

Start ON time: The starter will be activated for this period when cranking.

Start OFF time: The pause between two start attempts.

- Run coil timer (6150 Run coil)

The timer for the run coil is a set point that sets how long time the run coil will be activated before cranking the engine. This gives
the ECU time to start up before cranking.

- Remove starter (6174 Remove starter)


The starter is removed when the RPM set point is reached. This will only work, if MPU or EIC RPM is selected in 6172 Run detect

- Running detection RPM level (6173 Running detection level)

This is the set point where the running detection level is defined in RPM. This will only work, if MPU or EIC RPM is selected in 6172
Run detect type.

- Running detection (6351 Running detection)

This timer can be set to the needed level. This will make sure that the engine goes from the RPM level set in 6174 Remove starter
and 6173 Running detection level. If the timer is exceeded and the level is not reached, the start sequence will start over and will
have used a start attempt. If all start attempts (6190 Start attemps) are used, the 4570 Start failure will occur. This timer will only
be active, if MPU or EIC RPM is selected in 6172 Run detect type.

If other running detection types than MPU or EIC RPM are used, the starter will be on until 6165 Frequency detection
level is reached.

- Frequency level (6165 Frequency detection level)

This set point is in Hz and can be set to the needed level. When the level is reached, the regulators will start working and make sure
to reach the nominal values. The regulators can be delayed using 2740 Delay of regulation. See below.

- Run status (6160 Run status)

The timer in this set point is started when 6173 Running detection level is reached, or when 6165 Frequency detection level is
reached. When the timer is exceeded, the inhibit status Not running will be deactivated, and the running alarms and failures will be
enabled (see the related failures below).

- Delay of regulation (2740 Delay of regulation)

By using this timer, the regulation start can be delayed. The timer will start when 6165 Frequency detection level is reached.

If the setup is running on nominal settings and 2740 Delay of regulation is set to 0, the genset will overshoot the nominal
frequency on start-up, as the regulators start increasing as soon as they are turned on. If this timer is used, the regulation
can wait until the genset is already at nominal frequency before starting to regulate.

Failures related to the start sequence

- Crank failure alarm (4530 Crank failure)

If MPU is chosen as the primary running feedback, this alarm will be raised if the specified RPM is not reached before the delay has

- Run feedback failure (4540 Run feedb. fail)

This is an alarm, in case there is no primary running feedback (6172), but the secondary feedback detects running. There is a failure
on the primary running feedback, and therefore this alarm will be raised with a delay. The delay to be set is the time from the
secondary running detection and until the alarm is raised.

- Hz/V failure (4560 Hz/V failure)

If the frequency and voltage are not within the limits set in 2110 Blackout df/dUmax after the running feedback is received, this
alarm is raised when the delay has expired.


- Start failure alarm (4570 Start failure)

The start failure alarm occurs, if the genset has not started after the number of start attempts set in menu 6190.

- Engine externally stopped (6352 Ext. Eng. Stop)

If running sequence is active and the engine goes below 6173 Running detection and 6165 Frequency detection level without
any command from the AGC, it will set an alarm if this parameter is enabled.

3.9.5 Start-up overview with idle run

Run status
Inhibit status: Not running (0-300 sec)

Oil pressure inhibit


detection level
(20-35 Hz)
800 Running detection level
(0-4000 RPM)
Idle run 6160
400 6174 Run status
(0-300 sec)
300 starter
6351 2740 4560
6180 Running Delay of
Start detection Regulation Hz/ V failure
prepare within (0-9900 sec) (1-99 sec)
Run coil
(0-600 sec) (0-600 sec) (0-1200 sec)
Start Starter Remove Idle start Idle Activate Nominal
starter finished regulation speed

The set points and failures in this overview are the same as described in the chapter "Start-up overview", except for the idle run
function. This function is described in the chapter "Idle running".

3.9.6 Stop sequence

The drawings illustrate the stop sequence.


Stop sequence
Run coil

Cooling down time tCOOL

Run coil

Running feedback

Sequence initiated

Stop sequence
Stop coil

Cooling down time tCOOL

Stop coil tstop

Running feedback

Sequence initiated

The stop sequence will be activated if a stop command is given. The stop sequence includes the cooling down time if the stop is a
normal or controlled stop.

Description Cooling down Stop Comment

Auto mode stop X X

Trip and stop alarm X X

Semi-auto or manual. Cooling down is interrupted if the stop button is activated

Stop button on display (X) X

Remove "auto start/stop" X X Auto mode: Island operation, fixed power, load takeover, mains power export.

Emergency stop X Engine shuts down and GB opens.

The stop sequence can only be interrupted during the cooling down period. Interruptions can occur in these situations:

Event Comment

Mains failure AMF mode selected (or mode shift selected ON) and auto mode selected.

Start button is pressed Semi-auto mode: Engine will run in idle speed.


Event Comment

Binary start input Auto mode: Island operation and fixed power, load takeover or mains power export.

Exceeding set point Auto mode: Peak shaving.

GB close button is pressed Semi-auto mode only.

The stop sequence can only be interrupted during the cooling down period.

When the engine is stopped, the analogue speed governor output is reset to the offset value. Please refer to the mentioned
option descriptions.

set points related to the stop sequence

- Stop failure (4580 Stop failure)

A stop failure alarm will appear if the primary running feedback or the generator voltage and frequency are still present after the
delay in this menu has expired.

- Stop (6210 Stop)

Cooling down:

The length of the cooling down period.

Extended stop:

The delay after the running feedback has disappeared until a new start sequence is allowed. The extended stop sequence is
activated any time the Stop button is pressed.

Cool down controlled by engine temperature:

The engine temperature-controlled cool down is to ensure that the engine is cooled down below the set point in menu 6214 "Cool
down temperature" before the engine is stopped. This is particularly beneficial if the engine has been running for a short period of
time and therefore not reached normal cooling water temperature, as the cool down period will be very short or none at all. If the
engine has been running for a long period, it will have reached normal running temperature, and the cool down period will be the
exact time it takes to get the temperature below the temperature set point in menu 6214.

If, for some reason, the engine cannot get the temperature below the temperature set point in 6214 within the time limit in parameter
6211, the engine will be shut down by this timer. The reason for this could be high ambient temperature.

If the cooling down timer is set to 0.0 s, the cooling down sequence will be infinite.

If the cooling down temperature is set to 0 deg., the cooling down sequence will be entirely controlled by the timer.

If the engine stops unexpectedly, please refer to the chapter "Running feedback".


3.9.7 Breaker sequences

The breaker sequences will be activated depending on the selected mode:

Mode Genset mode Breaker control

Auto All Controlled by the unit

Semi-auto All Push-button

Manual All Push-button

Block All None

Before closing the breakers it must be checked that the voltage and frequency are OK. The limits are adjusted in menu 2110 Sync.

set points related to MB control

7080 MB control
When enabled, the AGC will perform the AMF sequence in case of a mains failure regardless of the
Mode shift:
actual genset mode.

MB close delay: The time from GB OFF to MB ON when back synchronisation is OFF.

Back sync.: Enables synchronisation from mains to generator.

Sync. to mains: Enables synchronisation from generator to mains.

After opening of the breaker, the MB ON sequence will not be initiated before this delay has expired.
Load time:
Please refer to the description of "Breaker spring load time".

If no MB is represented, then the relays and inputs normally used for MB control become configurable. The power plant
constructor (USW) is used for configuration of the plant design if the application does not include an MB.

AGC without back synchronisation: The GB can only be closed if the mains breaker is open. The MB can only be closed if
the generator breaker is open.

AGC with back synchronisation: If the GB or MB push-button is activated, the AGC will start synchronising if the generator
or mains voltage is present. The GB can close directly if the MB is open. The MB can close directly if the GB is open.

AMF MB opening (menu 7065)

It is possible to select the functionality of the mains breaker opening function. This is necessary if the unit operates in Automatic
Mains Failure (AMF).

The possibilities in menu 7065 are:


Selection Description

Start engine + open mains

When a mains failure occurs, the mains breaker opens, and the engine starts at the same time.

When a mains failure occurs, the engine starts. When the generator is running and the frequency
Start engine
and voltage are OK, the MB opens and the GB closes.

3.9.8 AMF timers and set points

The time charts describe the functionality at a mains failure and at mains return. Back synchronisation is deactivated. The timers
used by the AMF function are indicated in the table below:

Timer Description Menu number

7071 f mains failure

tFD Mains failure delay
7061 U mains failure

tFU Frequency/voltage OK 6220 Hz/V OK

7072 f mains failure

tFOD Mains failure OK delay
7062 U mains failure

tGBC GB ON delay 6231 GB control

tMBC MB ON delay 7082 MB control

The timer tMBC is only active if back synchronisation is deactivated.

Example 1:

7065 Mains fail control: Start engine and open MB

Mains OK


Gen start seq

Gen stop seq

Gen running

Gen f/U OK
Mains failure Mains OK

Example 2:

7065 Mains fail control: Start engine


Mains OK

Gen start seq
Gen stop seq
Gen running

Gen f/U OK
Mains failure Mains OK

Set points for the AMF sequence

The timers must have some set points to indicate when they are to start. The Multi-line 2 product has different set points for the
different situations. The limits that the mains voltage must be within before the failure timer starts, are set in parameters 7063 and
7064. There is a low (7063) and a high (7064) limit. Furthermore, the Multi-line 2 product has limits for the frequency. This also has a
low limit (7073) and a high limit (7074). If the mains voltage or frequency has exceeded one of these limits and the relevant fail timer
has expired, the AMF sequence will be started.

When the mains voltage/frequency has returned, some hystereses can be adjusted. The Multi-line 2 controller has four separate
hystereses which are located in menu 7090. The first hysteresis is for the “low voltage limit”. If the mains “low voltage” is set at 90 %
(7063), the Multi-line 2 will start the “Automatic Mains Failure” sequence when the voltage is lower than 90 % of the nominal voltage.
By default, the hysteresis is set at 0 % (7091), which means, in this example, that when the voltage has increased above 90 %, it is
allowed to feed the load from the grid again. If the hysteresis had been set at 2 %, it would not be allowed to go back to grid until the
mains voltage had increased above 92 %.

If, for example, the “mains low voltage” was set at 85 % and the hysteresis was set at 20 %, the calculation would imply that it was
not allowed to go back to grid operation until the mains voltage was 105 %. The Multi-line 2 controller can be 100 % of nominal at
the most. This is the same for “mains high voltage” and both frequency limits. The hysteresis can be at 100 % nominal at the most.

Conditions for breaker operations

The breaker sequences react depending on the breaker positions and the frequency/voltage measurements.

The conditions for the ON and OFF sequences are described in the table below:

Table 3.5 Breaker close conditions

Conditions for breaker operations

Sequence Condition

Running feedback
GB ON, direct closing Generator frequency/voltage OK
MB open

Mains frequency/voltage OK
MB ON, direct closing
GB open

Running feedback
Generator frequency/voltage OK
GB ON, synchronising
MB closed
No generator failure alarms

MB ON, synchronising Mains frequency/voltage OK


Conditions for breaker operations

GB closed
No generator failure alarms

Table 3.6 Breaker open conditions

Conditions for breaker operations

Sequence Condition

GB OFF, direct opening MB open

Alarms with fail classes:

MB OFF, direct opening
Shut down or Trip MB alarms

GB OFF, deloading MB closed

Alarms with fail class:

MB OFF, deloading
Trip and stop

3.10 Nominal settings

3.10.1 Nominal settings

The AGC holds four sets of nominal settings, configured in channels 6001 to 6036. It is possible to switch between the nominal
settings 1 to 4, to match different voltages and frequencies. Nominal settings 1 (6001 to 6007) are the nominal settings that are used
as default. See paragraph "Switch between the nominal settings" for more information about this feature.

The AGC holds two sets of nominal settings for the busbar, configured in channels 6051 to 6063. Each set consists of a nominal as
well as a primary and secondary voltage value. The "U primary" and "U secondary" are used to define the primary and secondary
voltage values, if any measurement transformers are installed. If no voltage transformer is installed between generator and busbar,
select "BB Unom = G Unom" in channel 6054. With this function activated, none of the BB nominal settings will be considered.
Instead, the nominal BB voltage will be considered equal to nominal generator voltage.

3.10.2 Switch between the nominal settings

The four sets of nominal settings can be individually configured. The AGC is able to switch between the different sets of nominal
settings, which enables the use of a specific set of nominal settings related to a specific application or situation.

If no busbar voltage transformer is present, the primary and secondary side values can be set to generator nominal value,
and channel 6054 is set to "BB Unom = G Unom".

Typically, it is the rental industry that makes use of the possibility to switch nominal parameter settings. The feature is very useful
with mobile gensets, where switching in frequency and voltage is required. Stationary gensets can make use of this feature as well.
For example, in the event of an AMF situation, it may be desirable to increase the nominal power and current settings to achieve
increased tolerance regarding the protections.


Manual switching between the nominal set points can be done in three ways: digital input, AOP or menu 6006.

When using M-Logic, any event can be used to activate an automatic switching of nominal parameter sets.

Digital input


M-Logic is used when a digital input is needed to switch between the four sets of nominal settings. Select the required input among
the input events, and select the nominal settings in the outputs.


Event A Event B Event C Output

Dig. input no. 23 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 1

Not Dig. input no. 23 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 2

See the "Help" file in the PC utility software for details.


M-Logic is used when the AOP is used to switch between the four sets of nominal settings. Select the required AOP push-button
among the input events, and select the nominal settings in the outputs.


Event A Event B Event C Output

Button07 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 1

Button08 or Not used or Not used Set nom. parameter settings 2

See the "Help" file in the PC utility software for details.

Menu settings

In menu 6006, the switching between settings 1 to 4 is made simply by choosing the desired nominal setting.

Four nominal settings of GOV/AVR offsets

In menu 6006, the selection of nominal setting is made. The nominal setting of GOV/AVR offset will follow the setting in 6006,
meaning: nominal setting 1 (6001 to 6005) will follow the GOV/AVR offset in 2550.

Switching between the two "BB nominal settings" (6050 and 6060) is done in the same way as explained above (channel


3.10.3 Scaling

Default voltage scaling is set to range 100 V to 25000 V (parameter 9030). To be able to handle applications above 25000 V and
below 100 V, it is necessary to adjust the input range so it matches the actual value of the primary voltage transformer. This makes it
possible for the unit to support a wide range of voltage and power values. Master password level access is required to change this

Changing the voltage scaling will also influence the nominal power scaling:

Nom. settings 1 to 4 (power) will Nom. settings 1 to 4

Scaling Transformer ratio settings
change according to parameter (voltage) will change according to
parameter 9030 parameters 6041, 6051 and 6053
9030 parameter 9030

10 V to 2500 V 1.0 to 900.0 kW 10.0 V to 2500.0 V 10.0 V to 2500.0 V

100 V to 25000 V 10 to 20000 kW 100 V to 25000 V 100 V to 25000 V

0.4 kV to 75 kV 0.10 to 90.00 MW 0.4 kV to 75.00 kV 0.4 kV to 75.00 kV

10 kV to 160 kV 1.0 to 900.0 MW 10.0 kV to 160.0 kV 10.0 kV to 160.0 kV

All nominal values and the primary VT settings must be corrected after the scaling has been changed in parameter 9030.


4. Standard protections

4.1 General
The protections are all of the definite time type, that is a set point and time is selected.

If, for example, the function is over-voltage, the timer will be activated if the set point is exceeded. If the voltage value falls below the
set point value before the timer runs out, the timer will be stopped and reset.

Timer setting


Timer Timer Timer Alarm
start reset start

When the timer runs out, the output is activated. The total delay will be the delay setting + the reaction time.

When parameterising the DEIF controller, the measuring class of the controller and an adequate "safety" margin
must be taken into consideration.

An example:

A power generation system must not reconnect to a network when the voltage is 85 % of Un +/-0 % < U < 110 %
+/-0 %. In order to ensure reconnection within this interval, a control unit’s tolerance/accuracy (Class 1 of the
measuring range) has to be taken into consideration. It is recommended to set a control unit’s setting range 1 to 2
% higher/lower than the actual set point, if the tolerance of the interval is +/-0 %, to ensure that the power system
does not reconnect outside the interval.

Phase-neutral voltage trip

If the voltage alarms are to work based on phase-neutral measurements, you must adjust menus 1200 and 1340 accordingly.
Depending on the selections, either phase-phase voltages or phase-neutral voltages will be used for the alarm monitoring.

Phase-neutral Phase-phase

UL3-L1 UL1-N UL1-L2 UL3-L1 UL1-N UL1-L2

-N 2-N -N 2-N
U L3 U L3

UL2-L3 UL2-L3

As indicated in the vector diagram, there is a difference in voltage values at an error situation for the phase-neutral voltage and the
phase-phase voltage.


The table shows the actual measurements at a 10 % under-voltage situation in a 400/230 volt system.

Phase-neutral Phase-phase

Nominal voltage 400/230 400/230

Voltage, 10 % error 380/207 360/185

The alarm will occur at two different voltage levels, even though the alarm set point is 10 % in both cases.


The below 400 V AC system shows that the phase-neutral voltage must change 20 %, when the phase-phase voltage changes 40
volts (10 %).

Example: 20%
UNOM = 400/230 V AC

Error situation: UL3-L1 UL1-L2

UL1L2 = 360 V AC
UL3L1 = 360 V AC UL1-N

UL1-N = 185 V AC -N
U L3 2-N

ΔUPH-N = 20 %

Phase-neutral or phase-phase: both the generator protections and the busbar/mains protections use the selected voltage.

4.2 Phase sequence error and phase rotation

The AGCs is able to monitor the rotation of the voltage, and to give an alarm if the voltage is rotating in the wrong direction. The
AGC can monitor the rotation in both direction. From the alarm it is possible to set different failclasses, which give different
possibilities. The documentation about phase sequence error can divided into two sections, where the first chapter will be about
Single DG applications, and the other chapter will be about standard/multiple controller applications.

4.2.1 Single DG applications

A single DG application is able to handle up to one genset, one generator breaker and one mains breaker. An application like this is
shown below:

Genset Load



When the AGC is mounted correctly, the gensets voltage measurements are mounted between the Generator Breaker (GB) and the
genset. The other voltage measurements are mounted between the Mains Breaker (MB) and the incoming grid connection. On the
different controllers the voltage terminals is shown below:

Controller type Genset voltage terminals Mains voltage terminals

AGC 200 61-67 68-74

AGC-4 79-84 85-89

The table above is only for Single DG application!

In the AGC there are two different alarms concerning the phase sequence error, and hereby two different failclasses. The alarm for
phase sequence error and phase rotation is set in parameter 2150. The menu numbers is described in the table below:

Menu text Description

2151 Output A Relay output if the AGC detecs a phase sequence error on the genset voltage terminals.

2152 Output B Relay output if the AGC detects a phase sequence error on the genset voltage terminals.

Determines how the AGC reacts if the AGC sees a phase sequence error on the genset voltage
2153 Failclass

Determines the rotation of the voltages the AGC is measuring on. This is both for the Genset
2154 Rotation
voltages and Mains voltages.

Relay output if the AGC detects a phase sequence error on the mains voltage terminals. Since
2155 Output A
there is no output B on this alarm, it has been configured that output B is the same as output A.

Determines how the AGC reacts if the AGC sees a phase sequence error on the mains voltage
2156 Failclass


In a SingleDG application with GB and MB (like the application shown on previous page), the parameters are set like in the table

Menu/parameter no. Menu text Description

2151 Output A Not used

2152 Output B Not used

2153 Failclass Trip+Stop

2154 Rotation L1L2L3

2155 Output A Not used

2156 Failclass Trip MB

An alarm is activated if no relay output A/B is selected. Do not chose Limits/Limit relay if you want that an alarm is raised
together with a relay output A/B.

If the controller is set to Load Take Over (LTO) and the start signal is given the genset will start up. If there have been performed a
service of the alternator, and two of the phases have been switched when the alternator has been assembled again, the AGC will
now discover a phase sequence fail. Since this is on the genset voltage terminals, the failclass set in parameter 2153 will be used.
The failclass is set to Trip+Stop, which will trip the breaker (If the breaker is not closed, the controller will not send a trip signal), and
then afterwards go into the stop sequence. If the alarm is acknowledged, the genset will start up again, if the start signal is still


In this plant there could be a situation where there is some changing in the grid. If the grid company is coupling in the grid, and the
phase sequence in changed on the grid connection, and the Mains fail timers does not react on the small blackout, the failclass in
parameter 2156 will be used. At the moment there is a phase sequence error on the mains voltage terminals, and the failclass is Trip
MB. When the MB is tripped, the genset is started, since there is a trip alarm MB, and load does not have any power at the moment.
In the same plant it can be possible to that a service of the transformer is going to happen. To test the Automatic Mains Failure
(AMF) sequence, the technician removes the fuses, and the AGC will then discover the voltage is not present and afterwards start
up the genset and take the load. When the technician is assembling the transformer again he accidentally switches two phases.
When the fuses is set into place again, the AGC will discover a phase sequence error on the mains voltages, and by this it will still
keep running, until the phase sequence has been fixed.

4.2.2 Standard/multiple controller applications

In these applications there are different types of controllers. The three different types are: Genset, Bus Tie Breaker (BTB) and Mains.
The phase sequence alarms are located at parameter 2150. From here it is possible to configure both the alarms for phase
sequence errors and also the phase rotation.

The alarms refer to different voltage terminals. The different types and models of controllers have different terminals. To know which
voltage terminals the different alarms refers to, the drawing and tables below can be helpful.

MB 17 MB 18

Mains controller

TB 17 TB 18

BTB 33 BTB 34

GB 1 GB 2
Genset controller


For mains controllers the table below is applicable:


Controller type Mains voltage terminals Busbar voltage terminals

AGC 100 33-38 28-32

AGC 200 (245/246) 61-67 68-74

AGC 3/4 79-84 85-89

The table above is only for Mains controllers in standard plants!

For BTB controllers the table below is applicable:

Controller type Bus A voltage terminals Bus B voltage terminals

AGC 200 (244) 61-67 68-74

AGC 3/4 79-84 85-89

The table above is only for BTB controllers in standard plants!

For Genset controllers the table below is applicable:

Controller type Genset voltage terminals Mains voltage terminals

AGC 100 33-38 28-32

AGC 200 (242/243) 61-67 68-74

AGC 3/4 79-84 85-89

The table above is only for Genset controllers in standard plants!

Parameter 2150 is consisting of two alarms, and the phase rotation direction setting. The phase rotation setting is the same for the
both terminal sets. The two alarms refer to the voltage terminals. To know which alarm refers to voltage measurement, the table
below has been made to make an overview:

Menu/Parameter no. Mains controller BTB controller Genset controller

2153 Mains voltage Bus A voltage Genset voltage

2156 Busbar voltage Bus B voltage Busbar voltage

The diagram made earlier, can be helpful in locating where the different location of each voltage measurement is made.

The table above shows on which terminal set the phase sequence error occurs to activate the failclass set in the parameter 2153
and 2156. This can also be shown in a diagram like this:


2153 2153

MB 17 MB 18

Mains controller

TB 17 TB 18
2156 2156

BTB 33 BTB 34
2153 2156 2153 2156

2156 2156

GB 1 GB 2
Genset controller
2153 2153


When setting up the phase sequence alarms, it can be helpful to activate MB fail start (8181) in some of the mains controllers. This
gives the possibility if e.g. the phase sequence error for mains voltage (2153) appears, and the failclass is Trip MB, then the gensets
will start. If then autoswitch is enabled also (8184) the other grid connection can supply as backup load, before the gensets will start.
If the other mains do not have a phase sequence error, the other mains will keep on supplying the load, and the gensets will not


On genset 1, parameter 2153 is set to trip+stop. Genset 1 has recently been out for service, and two phases has accidently been
switched. A mains fail now occurs on mains 17, and genset 1 will start up. The controller for genset 1 sees a phase sequence error
here, and activates its failclass. GB1 will never be closed. BTB33 will now close, and genset 2 will start up and supply the load. If
there also is a phase sequence error on the B side of BTB33, and 2156 in BTB 33 is set to trip BTB, the system will close BTB34
instead, since this is a system with wrapped busbar.

4.3 Loss of excitation

To prevent damage to the generator because of a pole slip, the AGC has a protection that can trip a breaker for example if loss of
excitation occurs. The protection is located in parameters 1521 to 1526.

The percentage set in parameter 1521 is the maximum percentage of imported kvar compared to the nominal kW of the genset.


Example: The genset has a nominal of 1000 kW. The percentage in parameter 1521 is set to 15 %. This means that if the genset is
150 kvar capacitive or more, the timer set in parameter 1522 will start. When the timer has expired, an action will occur. This action/
fail class is decided in parameter 1526.

To set the percentage correctly, a calculation must be made. For this purpose, the operating chart for the generator is needed. An
operating chart for a generator is shown below.

The alternator 100 % load is the outer circle, and the engine 100 % load is the blue dotted line. With the operating chart it is possible
to see where the alternator-safe line is closest to the 1.0 PF line. This is marked with a red arrow. In this operating chart each
vertical line represents 10 %, and by this, the dot closets to 1.0 PF has been read to 18 %. With the nominal alternator values and
the nominal engine values, the calculations can be made.

Example: The reading of 18 % is used. The alternator has a nominal power of 2500 kVA, and the engine has a nominal power of
2000 kW. The distance between the dot and the 1.0 PF line represents a power, and this is calculated to: 2500 kVA*18 % = 450 kvar

The setting of parameter 1521 can now be calculated: 450 kvar/2000 kW = 22.5 %

4.4 Voltage-dependent over-current

The voltage-dependent over-current is a protection for generators without permanent magnets. This protection occurs when a short
circuit is present and the voltage drops. When a short circuit occurs, the voltage will make a drop and the current will rise for a very
short period and then drop to a lower level afterwards. The short circuit current level can drop below the rated current of the
generator, and thus the short circuit will not be tripped, which may result in personal injury or damaged equipment. When the short
circuit is present, the voltage will be low. This can be used for tripping at a lower current, when the voltage is low.

The parameters for this are 1101 to 1115. The set points for the different levels are set in parameters 1101 to 1106. The set point
refers to six different current levels and voltage levels. All values are in percentage to the rated values that are set in parameters
6000 to 6030. The six voltage levels are already determined, so only the current levels must be set. The six set points will create a
curve, which will be explained by an example:

The six different set points have been set to the values shown in the table below.

Parameter 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106

Voltage level
50 60 70 80 90 100
(Fixed/not adjustable)

Current level
50 55 65 80 100 130
(Set point/adjustable)

The six values can then be transferred to a curve, which is more readable:


When the actual values represent a point above the curve, the breaker should be tripped. The curve shows that the generator
breaker will trip when two requirements are met: The generator voltage is below 50 % of rated, and the current is above 50 % of

Timer, outputs, enable and fail class are set in parameters 1111 to 1115. The timer in 1111 decides how long the fault will exceed the
limits, before an action will take place. The action/fail class is decided in parameter 1115 and can be set from a warning to a
shutdown. As a default, this will be set to trip the generator breaker. The outputs can be used to activate a relay. This will make it
possible to send a signal to external equipment regarding this specific alarm. It is possible to configure two relay outputs for the
alarm. The protection function is activated as a default, but can be disabled in parameter 1114.

4.5 Unbalanced current

The generator can be in a situation where it is not delivering its rated load, but the current is very high in one of the phases. This can
be caused by an unbalanced load. When a generator load is unbalanced, the stress on the generator will be higher than normal.
The heat in one of the windings can also be very high. Unbalanced load can also develop if a cable has been damaged or dropped
off, or if a fuse to a single phase has blown. To protect the generator from unnecessary stress, the protection against unbalanced
load can be used. It is located in parameters 1501 to 1506. Parameter 1203 is also related to these parameters. Parameter 1203
defines how the calculations should be done, and it can be set to nominal or average.

If parameter 1203 is set to nominal, the AGC uses the maximum and the minimum current and subtracts the values. Then it will
compare this to the nominal current typed in parameter 6003, 6013, 6023 or 6033, depending on which of the nominal settings is
activated. The comparison to the nominal current will give a percentage that is related to parameter 1501.

Example: A genset is rated at 400 A and is supplying a load. The currents of the three phases are: 115 A, 110 A and 100 A. The
AGC will use the maximum and the minimum current, in this case 115 A and 100 A. The calculation will now be: ((115 -
100)*100)/400 = 3.75 %. If parameter 1501 is set to 4 %, the genset will keep running. If parameter 1501 is set to 4 %, and the
genset's rated current is 400 A, it can be calculated how unbalanced the genset is allowed to be: (4*400)/100 = 16 A. When the
phases are loaded more than 16 A, the generator breaker will be tripped. This is independent of the size of the load.

Parameter 1203 can also be set to average. The AGC will then calculate an average of the phases and compare how unbalanced
the load is between them.

Example: An genset is rated at 400 A and is supplying a load. The currents of the three phases are: 115 A, 110 A and 100 A. The
AGC will now calculate an average of these currents, take the one that differs most from the average and calculate a percentage of
deviation: (115 + 110 + 100)/3 = 108.3 A. Then the AGC will analyse which of the currents that differs most. In this example, it will be
the 100 A. The maximum difference will be compared to the average current: ((108.3 - 100)*100)/108.3 = 7.7 %. If the load had been
bigger, this calculated percentage would have been smaller. If the phase currents were 315 A, 310 A and 300 A, the average would
be: (315 + 310 + 300)/3 = 308.3 A. This would give a deviation of:

((308.3 - 300)*100)/308.3 = 2.7 %.


4.6 Unbalanced voltage
As well as having an unbalanced current protection, the AGC also has an unbalanced voltage protection. The AGC will measure on
each of the phase voltages and compare them to each other. If the genset is mounted in an application with capacitors to
compensate and a failure occurs in one of the capacitors, a difference in voltage may appear. The windings for this phase will be
overheated and thus exposed to heavy stress. To prevent this, the unbalanced voltage protection can be set.

The percentage set in parameter 1511 is a percentage of deviation compared to the average voltage in the three phases. The
average comparison is described with an example below.

Example: Phase L1 to L2 is 431 V, phase L2 to L3 is 400 V and phase L3 to L1 is 410 V. The three voltages must be added up to
find an average voltage: (431 + 400 + 410)/3 = 414 V. Now the voltage with the biggest voltage difference must be subtracted, in this
case L1 to L2: 431 - 414 = 17 V. Now the biggest voltage deviation in percent can be calculated: (17/414)*100 = 4.1 %.

This means that if parameter 1511 is set to 4.1 %, it is allowed to have a voltage difference of 31 V in this application, before the
unbalanced voltage protection can be activated.

In the example, phase-phase measurements have been used. Phase-phase is selected as default, but it can also be phase-neutral
measurements, and this can be changed in parameter 1201. (Parameter 1201 will be described later).

Be aware that when parameter 1201 is changed, it will influence other protections.

In parameter 1512 the timer can be set, and in parameter 1515 this protection is enabled. In parameter 1516 the fail class is
decided. It is also possible to enable two relay outputs when the alarm occurs. The two relay outputs can be set in parameters 1513
and 1514.

4.7 Over-excitation
When heavy inductive loads are connected, over-excitation of the generator can occur. Alternatively, over-excitation can occur if the
load of a generator quickly changes from inductive to capacitive. Over-excitation can also occur in an application with more than one
generator if one of the generators' exciter fails. Over-excitation can overheat windings in the generator and create a failure over

Example: Setting over-excitation

The engine is 2000 kW, and the alternator is 2500 kVA.

Calculate how many kvar the genset can export:

Use the kvar to calculate the percentage for parameter 1531: kvar/kW = 1500/2000 = 75 %.

When parameter 1531 is 75 %, the genset can export up to 1500 kvar. The alarm is activated when the load has crossed
the set point for the time in parameter 1532.

Option C2 includes capability curve protection with 12 configurable points. If this simple over-excitation protection is not
good enough, use Option C2.


4.8 Decision of measurements
The protection for unbalanced voltage, for example, can be set to either a phase-phase or a phase-neutral measurement. These
settings also influence other protections and settings in the AGC. There are three parameters that can change how the
measurements are done in the AGC: 1201, 1202 and 1203.

In parameter 1201 it can be set how the voltage measurements should be done for example on generator voltage protection. It can
be set to either phase-phase or phase-neutral; by default it is set to phase-phase. When this parameter is set, it should be taken into
account how the loads in the application are connected. If many of the loads are connected as phase-neutral, the setting of
parameter 1201 should be set to phase-neutral. On a generator unit it will be the voltage measurements on the generator side of a
breaker, and on a mains unit it will be the voltage measurements on the mains feeder side of the mains breaker.

Parameter 1201 influences:

1150, 1160 Generator over-voltage protection 1 and 2

1170, 1180, 1190 Generator under-voltage protection 1, 2 and 3
1510 Generator unbalanced voltage protection
Mains time-dependent under-voltage 1 and 2
1660, 1700
(Measured on mains feeder side of mains breaker. Only in mains units)

Parameter 1202 is similar to 1201. It is also considering how the measurements should be made. But this parameter refers to the
other voltage measurements. On a generator unit it will be the busbar voltage measurements, and on a mains unit it will be the
voltage measurements after the mains breaker. This parameter can also be set to phase-phase measurement or phase-neutral

Parameter 1202 influences:

1270, 1280, 1290 Busbar over-voltage protection 1 and 2

1300, 1310, 1320, 1330 Busbar under-voltage protection 1, 2 and 3
1620 Busbar unbalanced voltage protection
Busbar time-dependent under-voltage 1 & 2
1660, 1700
(Measured on busbar side of generator breaker. Only in generator units)
7480, 7490 Busbar over-voltage average protection 1 and 2

Parameter 1203 refers to the current measurement as described earlier in this chapter, under "Unbalanced current".

Parameter 1203 influences:

1500 Unbalanced current 1

1710 Unbalanced current 2


5. Display unit and menu structure

5.1 Presentation
This chapter deals with the display unit including the push-button and LED functions. In addition, the unit menu structure will be

5.2 Display unit (DU-2)

The display has four different lines, each with 20 characters, and holds a number of push-button functions.

Display dimensions are H x W = 115 x 220 mm (4.528” x 9.055”).

5.2.1 Push-button functions

The display unit holds a number of push-button functions which are described below:

1 2 3 4

Alarm Automatic Gen-set Controller Power

Self check ok
Alarm multi-line AGC
Alarm Inh.

G-L1 50.0 Hz 400V SEL 5

G 0.90I PF 150kW
SETUP V1 V2 V3 6
Run On On Auto



11 10 9 8 7

1. Shifts the first line displaying in the setup menus. Push 2 seconds to switch to master display in case more than one display is
2. Moves the cursor left for manoeuvring in the menus.
3. Increases the value of the selected set point (in the setup menu). In the daily use display, this button function is used for scrolling
the view lines in V1 or the second line (in the setup menu) displaying of generator values.
4. Selects the underscored entry in the fourth line of the display.
5. Moves the cursor right for manoeuvring in the menus.
6. Decreases the value of the selected set point (in the setup menu). In the daily use display, this button function is used for
scrolling the second line displaying of generator values.
7. Changes the menu line (line four) in the display to mode selection.
8. Jumps one step backwards in the menu (to previous display or to the entry window).
9. Displays the LOG SETUP window where you can choose between the Event, Alarm and Battery logs. The logs are not deleted
when the auxiliary supply is switched off.
10. Manual activation of close breaker and open breaker sequence if "SEMI-AUTO" is selected.
11. Manual activation of close breaker and open breaker sequence if "SEMI-AUTO" is selected.


12. Stop of the genset if "SEMI-AUTO" or "MANUAL" is selected.
13. Start of the genset if "SEMI-AUTO" or "MANUAL" is selected.
14. Enters a specific menu number selection. All settings have a specific number attached to them. The JUMP button enables the
user to select and display any setting without having to navigate through the menus (see later).
15. Shifts the display three lower lines to show the alarm list. By holding the button, all alarms will be acknowledged.

5.2.2 LED functions

The display unit holds 10 LED functions. The colour is green or red or a combination in different situations. The display LEDs are
indicating as follows:

Alarm Automatic Gen-set Controller Power 1

Self check ok 2
Alarm multi-line AGC
Alarm Inh. 3

G-L1 50.0 Hz 400V SEL

G 0.90I PF 150kW LOG
Run On On Auto


9 8 7 6 5

1. LED indicates that the auxiliary supply is switched on.

2. LED indicates that the unit is OK.
3. See "Alarm inhibit" in the chapter "Additional functions".
4. LED indicates that auto mode is selected.
5. LED is green if the mains is present and OK. LED is red at a measured mains failure. LED is flashing green when the mains
returns during the "mains OK delay" time.
6. LED indicates that the mains breaker is closed. LED is flashing yellow if the "MB spring loaded" signal from the breaker is
missing or the MB load time has not expired.
7. LED green light indicates that the generator breaker is closed. LED yellow light indicates that the generator breaker has received
a command to close on a black bus, but the breaker is not yet closed due to interlocking of the GB. LED is flashing yellow if the
"enable GB black close" or the "GB spring loaded" signal is missing or the GB load time has not expired.
8. LED green light indicates that the voltage/frequency is present and OK.
9. LED indicates that the generator is running.
10. LED flashing indicates that unacknowledged alarms are present. LED fixed light indicates that ALL alarms are acknowledged,
but some are still present.

In the AGC there are configured two colour schemes for the display LEDs. In parameter 6082 it is possible to toggle between the to
schemes. In the table below are the LEDs and their interpretation in the two colour schemes.

Breaker or bus status Colour scheme 1 Colour scheme 2

Breaker closed Green Red

Breaker open White/no color Green

Mains fail 0-30% Red Green

Mains above 30% but not inside “Hz/V

Red Red
OK” window.


Breaker or bus status Colour scheme 1 Colour scheme 2

Mains inside “Hz/V OK” window Green Red

Busbar fail 0-30% No color Green

Busbar above 30% but not side “Hz/V OK”

Red Red

Busbar inside “Hz/V OK” window Green Red

DG fail 0-30% No color Green

DG above 30% but not inside “Hz/V OK”

Red Red

DG inside “Hz/V OK” window Green Red

5.3 Menu structure

The display includes two menu systems which can be used without password entry:

View menu system

This is the commonly used menu system. 15 windows are configurable and can be entered by using the arrow push-

Setup menu system

This menu system is used for setting up the unit, and if the user needs detailed information that is not available in the view
menu system. Changing of parameter settings is password protected.

5.3.1 Entry window

When the unit is powered up, an entry window appears. The entry window is the turning point in the menu structure and as such the
gateway to the other menus. It can always be reached by pressing the BACK push-button three times.

The event and alarm list will appear at power up if an alarm is present.

The priority "P00", shown in the lower right corner, is related to the power management option G4 and G5.


5.3.2 View menu

The view menus (V1, V2 and V3) are the most commonly used menus of the unit.

Automatic Gen-set Controller

multi-line AGC
1 G 400 400 400V
2 G-L1 50 Hz 440V
3 G-L1 50 Hz 440V
4 SETUP V3 V2 V1

1. First display line: Operational status or measurements

2. Second display line: Measurements relating to operational status
3. Third display line: Measurements relating to operational status
4. Fourth display line: Selection of setup and view menus

In the view menus various measured values are on display.

The menu navigating starts from the fourth display line in the entry window and is carried out using the , , and


The entry window above displays view 1.

Moving the cursor left or right offers the following possibilities.

• Setup menu – access to the following sub-menus:

◦ Protection setup
◦ Control setup
◦ I/O setup
◦ System setup
• View 3 – window displays operational status and selectable measurements
• View 2 – window displays selectable measurements. The same as view 1
• View 1 – access to up to 15 selectable windows displaying selectable measurements

The factory settings for view 1 and view 2 are identical.

5.3.3 Setup menu

The setup menu system is used for parameter setup of the unit, and if the user needs detailed information that is not available in the
view menu system. So, this menu can be used for both daily use and setup purposes. The menu is entered from the entry window
by selecting the entry SETUP in the fourth display line.


Automatic Gen-set Controller

multi-line AGC
1 G 400 400 400V
2 f-L1 50.00HZ

1. First display line

(Daily use) The first line is used to display generator and bus values

2. Second display line

(Daily use) Various values can be displayed
(Menu system) Information about the selected channel number
(Alarm/event list) The latest alarm/event is displayed

3. Third display line

(Daily use) Explanation for the fourth line cursor selection
Presents setting of the selected function, and, if changes are made, the possible max. and min. values for
(Setup menu)
the setting

4. Fourth display line

(Daily use) Entry selection for the setup menu. Press SEL to enter the underscored menu
(Setup menu) Sub-functions for the individual parameters, e.g. limit

Possible values in second display line

View line/second display line configuration

For generator For bus/mains

G f-L1 frequency L1 (Hz) M f-L1 frequency L1 (Hz)

G f-L2 frequency L2 (Hz) M f-L2 frequency L2 (Hz)

G f-L3 frequency L3 (Hz) M f-L3 frequency L3 (Hz)

Gen. active power (kW) Mains active power (kW)

Gen. active power (kW) Gen. voltage L1-N (V)

Gen. reactive power (kVAr) Mains reactive power (kVAr)

Gen. apparent power (kVA) Mains apparent power (kVA)

Power factor Power factor

Voltage angle between L1-L2 (deg.) Voltage angle between L1-L2 (deg.)

Voltage angle between L2-L3 (deg.) Voltage angle between L2-L3 (deg.)

Voltage angle between L3-L1 (deg.) Voltage angle between L3-L1 (deg.)





View line/second display line configuration





BB U-Min BB U-Min

BB f-L1 BB f-L1

BB AngL1L2-180.0deg BB AngL1L2-180.0deg

BB-G Ang -180.0deg BB-M Ang -180.0deg

U-Supply (power supply V DC) U-Supply (power supply V DC)

Energy counter, total (kWh) Energy counter, total (kWh)

Energy counter, daily (kWh) Energy counter, daily (kWh)

Energy counter, weekly (kWh) Energy counter, weekly (kWh)

Energy counter, monthly (kWh) Energy counter, monthly (kWh)

G U-L1N (voltage L1-N) M U-L1N (voltage L1-N)

G U-L2N (voltage L2-N) M U-L2N (voltage L2-N)

G U-L3N (voltage L3-N) M U-L3N (voltage L3-N)

G U-L1L2 (voltage L1-L2) M U-L1L2 (voltage L1-L2)

G U-L2L3 (voltage L2-L3) M U-L2L3 (voltage L2-L3)

G U-L3L1 (voltage L3-L1) M U-L3L1 (voltage L3-L1)

G U-Max (voltage max.) M U-Max (voltage max.)

G U-Min (voltage min.) M U-Min (voltage min.)

G I-L1 (current L1) M I-L1 (current L1)

G I-L2 (current L2) M I-L2 (current L2)

G I-L3 (current L3) M I-L3 (current L3)

Run abs. (absolute run time)

Run rel. (relative run time)

Next prio (next priority shift)

Run ShtD O (shutdown override run time)

Mains power A102 P TB A105

Number of GB operations Number of TB operations

Start attempts

P available P available

P mains P mains

P DGs tot P DGs tot

Number of MB operations Number of MB operations

Service timer 1

Service timer 2


Multi-input 1 Multi-input 1


View line/second display line configuration

Multi-input 2 Multi-input 2

Multi-input 3 Multi-input 3

Battery asym 1 Battery asym 1

Battery asym 2 Battery asym 2

Power factor Power factor

Cos Phi Cos Phi

Cos Phi reference (current) Cos Phi reference (current)

Power reference (actual)

Power reference (current) Power reference (current)

Active PID regulator

Setup structure

AGC V.4.00.0

2010-01-02 09.35.54


G 400 400 400V G 400 400 400V G 400 400 400V G 400 400 400V
f-L1 50.00HZ f-L1 50.00HZ f-L1 50.00HZ f-L1 50.00HZ


G 400 400 400V G 400 400 400V G 400 400 400V G 400 400 400V

Setup example

The following example illustrates how a specific setting is changed in the setup menu. In this case Reverse power is the selected


G 400 400 400V
G f-L1 50.00HZ


G 400 400 400V G 400 400 400V

1000 G -P> 1 1010 G -P> 2
Setpoint -5.0% Setpoint -5.0%


G 400 400 400V Increase no.

YES Enter passw. 2010
First entry Decrease no.


G 400 400 400V Increases setting

1001 G -P> 1
Decreases setting
-50.0 -5.0 0.0%
RESET SAVE Moves the cursor

5.4 Mode overview

The unit has four different running modes and one block mode. For detailed information see chapter "Application".


In auto mode the unit will operate automatically, and the operator cannot initiate any sequences manually.


In semi-auto mode the operator has to initiate all sequences. This can be done via the push-button functions, Modbus commands or
digital inputs. When started in semi-automatic mode, the genset will run at nominal values.


The test sequence will start when the test mode is selected.


When manual mode is selected, the binary increase/decrease inputs can be used (if they have been configured) as well as the start
and stop push-buttons. When starting in manual mode, the genset will start without any subsequent regulation.


When the block mode is selected, the unit is not able to initiate any sequences, e.g. the start sequence.

Block mode must be selected when maintenance work is carried out on the genset.

The genset will shut down if block mode is selected while the genset is running.


5.5 Mode selection
The following drawings illustrate how the mode selection is carried out.

Pushing the MODE push-button will change the displayed text. After pushing "MODE", the fourth display line indicates the selectable
modes. In the third display line, the underscored (fourth line) selection will be displayed.

Two possibilities are now available:

If "BACK" is pushed, the display returns to the original text without changing the mode.

1. push 2. push
AGC V 4.00.0 MODE
AGC V 4.00.0
2010-01-02 13:45:18 2010-01-02 13:45:18 BACK




1st push 2nd push

G 0 0 0V MODE
G 0 0 0V
F-L1 0.00HZ F-L1 0.00HZ BACK



If "SEL" is pushed, the underlined mode is selected, and the display returns to the original text. In this example the SEMI-AUTO
mode is selected.

3rd push 4th push

AGC V 4.00.0 MODE
AGC V 4.00.0 SEL
2010-01-02 13:45:18 2010-01-02 13:45:18


3rd push 4th push

G 0 0 0V MODE
G 0 0 0V SEL
F-L1 0.00HZ F-L1 0.00HZ

5.6 Password
5.6.1 Password

The unit includes three password levels. All levels can be adjusted in the PC software.

Available password levels:


Password level Factory setting Access

Customer Service Master

Customer 2000 X

Service 2001 X X

Master 2002 X X X

A parameter cannot be entered with a password that is ranking too low. But the settings can be displayed without password entry.

Each parameter can be protected by a specific password level. To do so, the PC utility software must be used. Enter the parameter
to be configured and select the correct password level.

The password level can also be changed from the parameter view in the column "Level".

5.6.2 Parameter access

To gain access to adjust the parameters, the password level must be entered:


If the password level is not entered, it is not possible to enter the parameters.

The customer password can be changed in jump menu 9116. The service password can be changed in jump menu 9117.
The master password can be changed in jump menu 9118.

The factory passwords must be changed if the operator of the genset is not allowed to change the parameters.

It is not possible to change the password at a higher level than the password entered.


6. Additional functions

6.1 Start functions

The unit will start the genset when the start command is given. The start sequence is deactivated when the remove starter event
occurs or when the running feedback is present.

The reason for having two possibilities to deactivate the start relay is to be able to delay the alarms with run status.

If it is not possible to activate the run status alarms at low revolutions, the remove starter function must be used.

An example of a critical alarm is the oil pressure alarm. Normally, it is configured according to the shutdown fail class. But if the
starter motor has to disengage at 400 RPM, and the oil pressure does not reach a level above the shutdown setpoint before 600
RPM, then, obviously, the genset would shut down if the specific alarm was activated at the preset 400 RPM. In that case, the
running feedback must be activated at a higher number of revolutions than 600 RPM.





Oil pressure

Remove starter

6.1.1 Digital feedbacks

If an external running relay is installed, then the digital control inputs for running detection or remove starter can be used.

Running feedback

When the digital running feedback is active, the start relay is deactivated and the starter motor will be disengaged.



Run. feedback

Firing speed


The diagram illustrates how the digital running feedback (terminal 117) is activated when the engine has reached its firing speed.

Remove starter

When the digital remove starter input is present, the start relay is deactivated and the starter motor will be disengaged.



Run. feedback

Remove starter

Firing speed Running

The diagram illustrates how the remove starter input is activated when the engine has reached its firing speed. At the running speed,
the digital running feedback is activated.

The remove starter input must be configured from a number of available digital inputs.

The running feedback is detected by either the digital input (see diagram above), frequency measurement above 32 Hz,
RPM measured by magnetic pick-up or EIC (option H5/H7).

6.1.2 Analogue tacho feedback

When a magnetic pick-up (MPU) is being used, the specific level of revolutions for deactivation of the start relay can be adjusted.

Running feedback

The diagram below shows how the running feedback is detected at the firing speed level. The factory setting is 1000 RPM (6170
Running detect.).



Run. feedback,
menu 6173

Firing speed

Notice that the factory setting of 1000 RPM is higher than the RPM level of starter motors of typical design. Adjust this
value to a lower value to avoid damage of the starter motor.

Remove starter input


The drawing below shows how the set point of the remove starter is detected at the firing speed level. The factory setting is 400
RPM (6170 Running detect.).



Run. feedback,
menu 6173

Remove starter,
menu 6174

Firing speed Running

The number of teeth on the flywheel must be adjusted in menu 6170 when the MPU input is used.

6.1.3 Oil pressure

The multi-inputs on terminals 102, 105 and 108 can be used for the detection of running feedback. The terminal in question must be
configured as a RMI input for oil pressure measurement.

When the oil pressure increases above the adjusted value (6175 Pressure level) then the running feedback is detected and the
start sequence is ended.

Running feedback

RPM / Oil pressure


Run detection
Oil pressure
menu 6175

Firing speed

Remove starter input

The drawing below shows how the setpoint of the "remove starter input" is detected at the firing speed level. The factory setting is
400 RPM (6170 Running detect.).


RPM / Oil pressure


Run detection
Oil pressure
menu 6175

Remove starter,
menu 6174

Firing speed Running

The remove starter function can use the MPU or a digital input.

6.1.4 Double starter

In some emergency installations, the prime mover is equipped with an extra start motor. Dependent on the configuration, the
"Double starter" function can toggle between the two starters or try several attempts with the standard starter before switching to the
"Double starter".

The "Double starter" function is set up in channel 6191-6192, and a relay for cranking with the alternative starter is chosen in the
configuration of inputs/outputs.

Remember to write the settings when changing the I/O configuration.


Channel Menu text Explanation

6191 Standard attempts Accepted total number of start attempts before a "start failure" alarm is activated

6192 Double attempts The number of start attempts before redirecting the start signal

The "Double starter" function is enabled by choosing a value higher than zero in channel 6192. This value determines the amount of
attempts on each starter before switching to the next. The "standard starter" has first priority. When the maximum allowed number of
attempts, defined in channel 6191, is reached, the start attempts stop and the alarm "Start failure" appears.

- A value of 1 in channel 6192 results in a toggle function with 1 attempt on each starter between toggling.

- A value of 2 in channel 6192 results in a toggle function with 2 attempts on each starter between toggling.


6191 Std attempts 6192 Dbl attempts 1st attempt 2nd attempt 3rd attempt 4th attempt 5th attempt

3 1 Standard Double Standard Alarm -

5 1 Standard Double Standard Double Standard

5 2 Standard Standard Double Double Standard

4 5 Standard Standard Standard Standard Alarm

6.2 Breaker functions

6.2.1 Breaker types

There are five possible selections for the setting of breaker type for both mains breaker and generator breaker.

Continuous NE and Continuous ND

This type of signal is most often used combined with a contactor. When using this type of signal, the AGC will only use the close
breaker relays. The relay will be closed for closing of the contactor and will be opened for opening of the contactor. The open relay
can be used for other purposes. Continuous NE is a normally energised signal, and Continuous ND is a normally deenergised


This type of signal is most often used combined with circuit breaker. With the setting pulse, the AGC will use the close command
and the open command relay. The close breaker relay will close for a short time for closing of the circuit breaker. The open breaker
relay will close for a short time for opening of the breaker.

External/ATS no control

This type of signal is used to indicate the position of the breaker, but the breaker is not controlled by the AGC.


This type of signal will most often be used combined with a compact breaker, a direct controlled motor driven breaker. With the
setting compact, the AGC will use the close command and the open command relay. The close breaker relay will close for a short
time for the compact breaker to close. The breaker off relay will close for the compact breaker to open and hold it closed long
enough for the motor in the breaker to recharge the breaker. If the compact breaker is tripped externally, it is recharged automatically
before next closing.


If compact breaker is selected, the length of breaker open signal can be adjusted. This can be done in menu 2160/2200.

6.2.2 Breaker position failure

At any time, the controller must receive the feedback from the breaker regarding its position whether it is in opened or in closed
position. When the controller fails to receive a position feedback from the breaker, the alarm “Position Failure” is generated.

Position failure alarm will be generated in the following cases:

• When the AGC is receiving neither open nor close feedback from the breaker.
• When the AGC is receiving both open and close feedbacks from the breaker simultaneously

Unit type Breaker Parameter

DG Generator Breaker "GB Pos fail" (Channel 2180)

DG Mains Breaker "MB Pos fail" (Channel 2220)

MAINS Tie Breaker “TB Position fail” (Channel 2180)

MAINS Mains Breaker "MB Pos fail" (Channel 2220)

BTB Bus Tie Breaker “BTB Position fail” (Channel 2180)

When a controller has position failure alarm on its breaker, the symbolic representation of breaker in the application supervision will
be disappeared stating it is a position failure as the picture below illustrates.

The fail class of alarm "breaker Pos. fail" is configured to warning as standard which allows the breaker to retry the action
that it was previously doing before the alarm occurred.

6.2.3 Breaker spring load time

To avoid breaker close failures in situations where breaker ON command is given before the breaker spring has been loaded, the
spring load time can be adjusted for GB/TB and MB.

The following describes a situation where you risk getting a close failure:

1. The genset is in auto mode, the auto start/stop input is active, the genset is running and the GB is closed.
2. The auto start/stop input is deactivated, the stop sequence is executed and the GB is opened.


3. If the auto start/stop input is activated again before the stop sequence is finished, the GB will give a GB close failure as the GB
needs time to load the spring before it is ready to close.

Different breaker types are used, and therefore there are two available solutions:

1. Timer-controlled

A load time setpoint for the GB/TB and MB control for breakers with no feedback indicating that the spring is loaded. After the
breaker has been opened it will not be allowed to close again before the delay has expired. The setpoints are found in menus 6230,
7080 and 8190.

On the AGC mains unit (option G5), the spring load feedback from the tie breaker can be connected instead of the GB
spring load feedback.

2. Digital input

Two configurable inputs to be used for feedbacks from the breakers: One for GB/TB spring loaded and one for MB spring loaded.
After the breaker has been opened it will not be allowed to close again before the configured inputs are active. The inputs are
configured in the ML-2 utility software. When the timers are counting, the remaining time is shown in the display.

If the two solutions are used together, both requirements are to be met before closing of the breaker is allowed.

Breaker LED indication

To alert the user that the breaker close sequence has been initiated but is waiting for permission to give the close command, the
LED indication for the breaker will be flashing yellow in this case.

If the breaker needs time to reload the spring after it has opened, then the AGC can take this delay into account. This can be
controlled through timers in the AGC or through digital feedbacks from the breaker, depending on the breaker type.

6.2.4 Breaker spring load time Principle

The diagram shows an example where a single AGC in island mode is controlled by the AUTO start/stop input.

This is what happens: When the AUTO start/stop input deactivates, the GB opens. The AUTO start/stop is reactivated immediately
after the GB has opened, for example by the operator through a switch in the switchboard. However, the AGC waits a while before it
issues the close signal again, because the spring load time must expire (or the digital input must be activated - not shown in this
example). Then the AGC issues the close signal.

GB closed

GB open

Auto Start/stop ON

Auto Start/stop OFF

t [sec]

Spring load time


6.2.5 Racked out breaker

Racked out breaker is a function which is used when the breaker's test mode is active or when the breaker is out for maintenance.
The feature “racked out breaker” informs the system that the physical position of the breaker is open no matter the position feedback
of the actual breaker, which makes it possible to operate the racked out breaker without interfering with the rest of the system.

When the feature "Racked Out Breaker" is activated, the specific controller expects the breaker to physically be
disconnected from the busbar, and thereby the breaker can be opened and closed instantly without any synchronisation
check no matter the busbar state.

When the breaker is out for maintenance, the position feedback might not be present on the controller which causes a "position
failure" alarm, and while the breaker is in test mode, the technician might operate the breaker manually which causes a "breaker Ext.
tripped" alarm.

If the above mentioned alarms are triggered while the “racked out breaker” is active, alarms are suppressed by changing the fail
class of the specific alarms to "Warning". This ensures that the alarm will not interfere with other breakers in the system.

A DG or mains controller that has the "breaker racked out" feature active, will inform the other controllers in the system that the
breaker is open but also that the power source is not available on the busbar.

In the input list from the USW, the tag “breaker racked out” is assigned to specific inputs. See screenshot below.

Depending if it is a DG, mains or BTB controller, GB, TB, MB or BTB -"racked out" is shown in the input list.

Several conditions have to be fulfilled before the “Racked out breaker” function will come active.

1. Controller should either be in semi-auto or manual running mode

2. "Breaker pos. feedback OFF" is active, or a position failure on the specific breaker is present
3. The input for racked out breaker is high

If all the above conditions are fulfilled, the status text and the USW will show “BREAKER RACKED OUT”.

If a "position failure" or "breaker ext. trip" occurs while the breaker is racked out and the input for the feature is high, the
alarms will show but the fail class will be inhibited.

The pictures below show an illustration of a mains with both MB, and TB racked out, 1 feedback ON and 1 feedback OFF still it is
recognised as an open signal while the breaker racked out input is high.


It is important to physically check that the breaker is actually racked out/ disconnected from the busbar or is physically in
the test position. When the racked out signal is active, no synchronisation is present, and if the breaker is not physically
removed, a close command to the breaker from the controller could potentially connect a generator and a live BB out of

When a genset controller is in racked out breaker mode it will not be possible to use ground relay function. See
documentation for option G4, G5 and G8 for more information about ground relay.

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6.3 Alarm inhibit
In order to select when the alarms are to be active, a configurable inhibit setting for each alarm has been made. The inhibit
functionality is only available via the PC utility software. For each alarm, there is a drop-down window where it is possible to select
which signals that have to be present in order to inhibit the alarm.

Selections for alarm inhibit:

Function Description

Inhibit 1

Inhibit 2 M-logic outputs: Conditions are programmed in M-logic

Inhibit 3

GB ON (TB ON) The generator breaker is closed

GB OFF (TB ON) The generator breaker is open

Run status Running detected and the timer in menu 6160 expired

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Function Description

Not run status Running not detected or the timer in menu 6160 not expired

Generator voltage > 30% Generator voltage is above 30% of nominal

Generator voltage < 30% Generator voltage is below 30% of nominal

MB ON The mains breaker is closed

MB OFF The mains breaker is open

Parallel Both GB and MB are closed

Not parallel Either GB or MB is closed, but not both

The timer in 6160 is not used if binary running feedback is used.

Inhibit of the alarm is active as long as one of the selected inhibit functions is active.

In this example, inhibit is set to Not run status and GB ON. Here, the alarm will be active when the generator has started. When the
generator has been synchronised to the busbar, the alarm will be disabled again.

The inhibit LED on the unit and on the display will activate when one of the inhibit functions is active.

Function inputs such as running feedback, remote start or access lock are never inhibited. Only alarm inputs can be

The tie breaker unit has no running detection that can be configured, so the only inhibit functions are the binary input and
the TB position.

6.3.1 Run status (6160)

Alarms can be adjusted to activate only when the running feedback is active and a specific time delay has expired.

The diagram below illustrates that after activation of the running feedback, a run status delay will expire. When the delay expires,
alarms with Run status will be activated.

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Run. feedback

Alarms active

The timer is ignored if digital running feedback is used.

6.4 Access lock

The purpose of access lock is to deny the operator the possibility to configure the unit parameters and change the running modes.

The input to be used for the access lock function is defined in the ML-2 PC utility software (USW).

Access lock will typically be activated from a key switch installed behind the door of the switchboard cabinet. As soon as access lock
is activated, changes from the display cannot be made.

Access lock will only lock the display and will not lock any AOP or digital input. AOP can be locked by using M-Logic.

It will still be possible to read all parameters, timers and the state of inputs in the service menu (9120).

It is possible to read alarms, but not any alarms when access lock is activated. Nothing can be changed from the display.

This function is ideal for a rental generator, or a generator placed in a critical power segment. The operator does not have the
possibilitiy to change anything. If there is an AOP-2, the operator will still be able to change up to 8 different predefined things.

The stop push-button is not active in semi-auto mode when the access lock is activated. For safety reasons it is
recommended to install an emergency stop switch.

AOP buttons are not locked when access lock is activated.

6.5 Overlap
The purpose of the overlap function is to be able to define a maximum paralleling time between the generator and the mains supply.

The function is typically used if there are local requirements to maximum allowed paralleling time.

The overlap function is only available in the automatic mains failure and load takeover genset modes.

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t t


The diagram shows that when the generator breaker is synchronised, the mains breaker will be opened automatically after a time
delay (t). Later the mains breaker is synchronised, and the generator breaker is opened after the time delay (t).

The time delay is measured in seconds and can be adjusted from 0.10 to 99.90 seconds.

The same time delay is used for both generator and mains breaker synchronisation.

If the function is used in a Power Management (option G5) application, then the overlap will occur between the mains
breaker and the tie breaker on the AGC mains.

The time delay typed in the setpoint is a maximum time. This means that if 0.10 seconds are used, the two breakers will
never be closed at the same time for a longer delay than the setpoint.

The short time parallel function is set up in 2760 Overlap.

6.6 Digital mains breaker control

The unit will normally execute the automatic mains failure sequence based on the settings adjusted in the system setup. Besides
these settings it is possible to configure a digital input that can be used to control the mains return sequence. This input is the
"mains OK" input. The purpose of this function is to let an external device or an operator control the mains return sequence. The
external device can e.g. be a PLC.

The flowchart below shows that if the input is configured, it needs to be activated (by a pulse) in order to initiate the mains return
sequence. The load will continue on generator supply if the input is not activated.

The mains OK delay is not used at all when the "Mains OK" input is configured.

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Mains OK

No MB input Yes

Mains OK MB control
delay input

No No
Expired ON

Yes Yes

MB and GB


6.7 Command timers

The purpose of the command timers is to be able to for example start and stop the genset automatically at specific times each
weekday or certain weekdays. If auto mode is activated, this function is available in island operation, load takeover, mains power
export and fixed power operation. Up to four command timers can be used for start and stop for instance. The command timers are
available in M-Logic and can be used for other purposes than starting and stopping the genset automatically. Each command timer
can be set for the following time periods:

• Individual days (MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU)

• MO, TU, WE, TH
• MO, TU, WE, TH, FR
• MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU
• SA, SU

To start in AUTO mode, the "Auto start/stop" command can be programmed in M-Logic or in the input settings.

The time-dependent commands are flags that are raised when the command timer is in the active period.

6.8 Running output

6160 Run status can be adjusted to give a digital output when the genset is running.

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Select the correct relay number in output A and output B and enable the function. Change the relay function to limit in the I/O menu.
Then the relay will activate, but no alarm will appear. Note that to avoid an alarm, both output A and output B need to be configured
to a relay.

If the relay function is not changed to "limit" function, an alarm will appear at every running situation.

6.9 Frequency-dependent droop

6.9.1 Frequency-dependent droop

This droop function is a mains aid function. It can be used when the genset is running parallel to the mains in the following modes:
"Fixed power", "Mains power export" and "Peak shaving". In case the frequency drops or rises due to instability of the mains, the
curve for frequency-dependent droop is made to compensate the power set point. The power set point will be reduced with greater
mains frequency and increased when the mains frequency is lower than specified.

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This example and diagram is based on the parameters from the table below. With a nominal frequency of 50 Hz and an actual
frequency of 51.5 Hz, there is a deviation of 1.5 Hz which is equal to a 3 % deviation from the nominal setting. The genset will then
droop to 400 kW according to the below diagram.

P [KW]




Fixed Power Setpoint




(Fnom-fact)*100/fact [%]
10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%

The curve can be designed inside MIN/MAX [kW] area.

Menu Settings Name Description

7051 450 kW Fixed power set point.

7121 2 DBL[%] Deadband low in percentages of nominal frequency.

7122 2 DBH[%] Deadband high in percentages of nominal frequency.

Hysteresis low in percentages of nominal frequency. If HYSL is set above DBL, the hysteresis low
7123 1 HYSL[%]
is disabled.

Hysteresis high in percentages of nominal frequency. If HYSH is set above DBH, the hysteresis
7124 1 HYSH[%]
high is disabled.

7131 150 MIN[kW] Minimum output of droop handling.

7132 900 MAX[kW] Maximum output of droop handling.

Slope low. The setting determines the increase/decrease of power reference per percentage the
7133 50 SLPL[kW/%]
actual frequency drops below nominal frequency.

Slope high. The setting determines the increase/decrease of power reference per percentage the
7134 -50 SLPH[kW/%]
actual frequency rises above nominal frequency.

7143 ON Enable Enable droop curve function.

AGC-4: The frequency dependent droop curve is not configured in "parameters", but in "Advanced protections" under the
tab "Droop curve 1". Compliance with new grid code rules are possible with a combination of AGC-4 and option A10. See
option A10 documentation for more information.

This droop function is performed based on the actual value for the power set point in the moment the droop is activated. If the
function for an example is activated during ramping and the actual power value at this moment is 200 kW, the droop is performed
based on 200 kW as the "Fixed Power Setpoint" stated in the diagram.

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The slopes (7133/7134) are used, as long as the mains frequency has a direction away from nominal settings. When the mains is
starting to recover and the frequency is heading towards the nominal settings, the power set point is waiting to be restored until the
frequency is within the hysteresis limits. If the hysteresis is disabled, the power set point will simply be restored using the slope.

When drooping, the slopes will be scaled based on size of the actual power at the droop start, compared to the specified nominal
power. For example, if a DG of nominal 1000 kW is producing 500 kW when droop is activated, then only 50 % of the slope values
will be used. To achieve a nominal droop of 40 % per Hz, a 1000 kW (50 Hz) DG should be configured with slopes of 200 kW/%. If
DG then only is producing 500 kW when droop is activated, the actual slope will be experienced as 100 kW/%.

If "Auto ramp selection" is enabled (channel 2624), the secondary pair of ramps will be used during frequency-dependent power
droop. In order to prevent a new situation with faulty mains, it may be advantageous to use slower ramps in or after a situation with
an unstable mains. The secondary ramps will automatically be disabled again when the frequency-dependent power droop is no
longer active, and the specified power set point is reached. If "Auto ramp selection" is disabled, it is only possible to activate the
secondary ramps using M-Logic. Parameters used for the secondary ramps are stated in the table below.

Menu Default Name Description

2616 0.1[%/s] Ramp up speed 2 Slope of ramp 2 when ramping up

2623 0.1[%/s] Ramp down speed 2 Slope of ramp 2 when ramping down (not used for deload)

2624 ON Auto ramp selection Activate or disable automatic selection of secondary ramps

6.10 Power and cos phi offsets

6.10.1 Power offsets

This function is for making a power offset from Pnom, 3 offsets are available. It is possible to enable offsets in M-Logic, where
offsets can be used as an event or an output where offsets can be activated or deactivated. The offset can be set in menu
7220-7225. The enabled power offsets will be added/subtracted from the fixed power setpoint in menu 7051, which refers to Pnom.

The adjusted fixed power setpoint will be limited to be inside the values in menu 7023 "Minimum load", and maximum value
is Pnom.

6.10.2 Cos phi offsets

This function is for making a power offset from Pnom, 3 offsets are available. It is possible to enable offsets via M-Logic, where
offsets can be used as an event or an output where offsets can be activted or deactivated. The cos phi offsets can be set in menu
7241-7245. The enabled cos phi offsets will be added/subtracted from the fixed cos phi setpoint in menu 7052.

The adjusted fixed cos phi setpoint will be limited to be inside the values in menu 7171 "Cos phi (x2)", and maximum value
is in menu 7173 "Cos phi (x2)".

The values in menu 7050 set the cos phi. This is not the PF value displayed in the display. cos phi and PF are only equal if
it is a true sinusoidal wave.

6.11 Derate genset

The purpose of the derate function is to be able to reduce the maximum output power of the genset if specific conditions require this.
An example of such a condition is the ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature increases to a level where the cooling water
coolers decrease in cooling capacity, it will be necessary to reduce the power of the genset. If the genset is not derated, alarms and
shutdown events will very likely occur. Up to three derate curves can be made to derate the genset independent of each other. The
first curve active will derate the genset to the adjusted setpoint.

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The derate function is typically used when cooling problems are expected.

6.11.1 Input selection

The derate function can be configured to one of the following inputs:

Input Comment

Multi-input 102 (slot #7) 0-40V DC

4-20 mA
Multi-input 105 (slot #7)
Multi-input 108 (slot #7)

Analogue input (M15.X) 4-20 mA

0-5V DC
Multi-input (M16.X) 4-20 mA

External analogue input (H8.X)

Water temp.
EIC (only with option H5/H7/H13)
Oil temp.


Select the needed inputs in 6240-6250- 6260 Power derate.

Refer to the type label for information about engine interface selection.

6.11.2 Derate parameters

The parameters that define the derate characteristics are the following:

Start derate point (6240/6250/6260 Power derate)

This is the setting where the derating must start. The setting can be in mA (max. 20 mA) or in centigrades ºC (max. 200ºC).

Slope (6243/6253/6263 Power derate)

Adjust the derating speed. The adjustment is in percent per unit, i.e. if the 4-20 mA input is used, then the derating will be in
%/mA, and if the Pt100/Pt1000/RMI input is used, then the derating will be in %/C.

Be aware that the 4-20 mA input can be configured with different minimum and maximum settings. In this case the settings
"start derate point" and "slope" use these new settings.

Derate limit (6246/6256/6266 Power derate)

This is the lowest derate level.

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0 10 16 20

6.11.3 Derate characteristic

It can be selected whether the characteristic of the derating should be proportional or inverse proportional. The drawing above
shows the inverse characteristic.

The proportional characteristic is illustrated below.



0 10 16 20

The genset is derated when the control value is lower than the setpoint (in the example above the control value is an mA signal).

The derate characteristic is selected in 6240/6250/ 6260 Power derate

Setting OFF: Inverse characteristic

Setting ON: Proportional characteristic

6.12 Idle running

The purpose of the idle run function is to change the start and stop sequences to allow the genset to operate under low temperature

It is possible to use the idle run function with or without timers. Two timers are available. One timer is used in the start sequence,
and one timer is used in the stop sequence.

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The main purpose of the function is to prevent the genset from stopping. The timers are available to make the function flexible.

The speed governor must be prepared for the idle run function if this function is to be used.

The function is typically used in installations where the genset is exposed to low temperatures which could generate starting
problems or damage the genset.

6.12.1 Description

The function is enabled and configured in 6290 Idle running. It has to be noted that the governor itself must handle the idle speed
based on a digital signal from the unit (see the principle diagram below).

When the function is enabled, two digital inputs are used for control purposes:

No. Input Description

This input is used to change between idle speed and nominal speed. This input does not prevent
1 Low speed input
the genset from stopping - it is only a selection between idle and nominal speed.

Temperature control When this input is activated, the genset will start. It will not be able to stop as long as this input is
input activated.

If the idle run function is selected by means of timer, the low speed input is overruled.

The input must be configured through the PC software at commissioning.

One extra relay output must be available on the unit. Notice that this is option-dependent.

Turbo chargers not originally prepared for operating in the low speed area can be damaged if the genset is running in "idle
run" for too long.


Low speed
input Idle run input
Multi-line 2 GOVERNOR
control input


6.12.2 Examples

Idle speed during starting and stopping

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In this example both the start and the stop timers are activated.

The start and stop sequences are changed in order to let the genset stay at the idle level before speeding up. It also decreases the
speed to the idle level for a specified delay time before stopping.





Start Stop

Idle speed with a digital input configured to low speed

In this example, both timers must be deactivated. The idle speed with low speed activated will run in idle speed until the low speed
input is deactivated, and subsequently the genset will regulate to nom. values.

If the genset is to be prevented from stopping, then the digital input "temp control" must be left ON at all times. In that case the
characteristic looks like this:




Start Stop

The oil pressure alarm (RMI oil) will be enabled during idle run if set to "ON".

6.12.3 Configuration of digital input

The digital input is configured via the PC software.

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6.12.4 Temperature-dependent idle start-up

This is an example of how to set up a system that will start up in idle speed, if the coolant temperature is below a specified value.
When the temperature exceeds the specified value, the genset will ramp up to nominal values.


The function is made with delta analogue 1 (menus 4601, 4602 and 4610) and one M-Logic line. After starting, when the coolant
temperature is below 110 degrees, the unit will idle. Once the temperature reaches 110 degrees, the unit will automatically ramp up
to full speed. See the settings below.

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In order for this function to work, 6295 Idle active must be enabled, and the relay output must be configured. Otherwise the low
speed function will not work.

6.12.5 Inhibit

The alarms that are deactivated by the inhibit function are inhibited in the usual manner, except for the oil pressure alarms; RMI oil
102, 105 and 108 which are active during "idle run" as well.

6.12.6 Running signal

The running feedback must be activated when the genset is running in idle mode.

The running detection level (parameter 6173) must be below the idle speed. See Start-up overview with idle run.

6.12.7 Idle speed flowcharts

The flowcharts illustrate the starting and stopping of the genset by use of the inputs "temp control" and "low speed".

6.12.8 Start



Yes No
Temp control ON No starting
Start the

Idle timer on No Start the

Yes No
Lowspeed ON

No Yes
Timer expired


Genset running
Genset running at f Nom
at idle speed


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6.12.9 Stop


No Temp control No Genset running
OFF at Nom. speed

Yes Yes

No Idle timer on

Lowspeed ON No Yes


Genset running No Idle timer

at idle speed expired


Genset stop


6.13 Engine heater

This function is used to control the temperature of the engine. A sensor measuring the cooling water temperature is used to activate
an external heating system to keep the engine at a minimum temperature.

The set points adjusted in menu 6320 are:

Set point: This set point +/- the hysteresis is the start and stop points for the engine heater.

Output A: The relay output for the engine heater.

Input type: Multi-input to be used for temperature measurement.

Hysteresis: This decides how big a deviation from the set point is needed to activate/deactivate the engine heater.

Enable: Enables the engine heater function.

Principle diagram:

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Engine heater

Start attempt

DG running

The engine heater function is only active when the engine is stopped.

6.13.1 Engine heater alarm

If the temperature keeps dropping after the start set point has been exceeded, an alarm will be raised if configured in menu 6330.

6.14 Master clock

The purpose of the master clock is to control the frequency of the genset in order to obtain the correct number of periods.

This function can only be used if island operation is selected.

In a 50 Hz system one period lasts 20 ms. If this changes, e.g. due to the dead band setting of the frequency controller, a difference
will exist between the actual number of periods and the theoretical number of periods.

Equipment that works based on the zero crossings will be affected by the surplus or missing zero crossings. The most common
example of such equipment is alarm clocks.

The unit’s internal clock is a timekeeper which is included in the battery backed memory circuit. The timekeeper function works
based on an oscillating crystal instead of zero crossings of the AC measurements. Due to the accuracy of the timekeeper, it is
recommended to synchronise the clock on a regular basis, e.g. once every month.

Setting Description Comment

The compensation period starts at the adjusted

6401 Start Start time.

The compensation period stops at the adjusted

6402 Stop Stop time.

The setpoint in seconds that initiates the

6403 Difference

Frequency difference when the compensation is

6404 Compensation +/- value.

6405 Enable Enables the function.

The compensation frequency must be adjusted to a value higher than the dead band setting.

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6.14.1 Compensation time

The time for the compensation can easily be calculated at a given adjustment of 6403 and 6404 (example):

• 6403 = 30 seconds
• 6404 = +/- 0.1 Hz

6.15 Battery test

This function gives the possibility to test the condition of the battery. The battery test can be initiated with a digital input and is
available when the genset is in semi-auto and auto mode.

If a mains failure occurs during the battery test sequence, the test will automatically be interrupted, and the automatic mains failure
start up sequence will be activated.

During the test, the battery voltage will decrease and an alarm will occur if it drops to the set point that has been configured in
"Battery test" (channel 6411).




Cancel test

Test 1 Test 2

The drawing shows that test #1 is carried out without a large voltage drop of the battery voltage, whereas test #2 reaches the alarm
set point.

As there is no reason to wear the battery down even more, the test stops when the battery test alarm occurs.

The test is typically used at periodical intervals, for example, once every week. The engine must be at a standstill when the test is
started. Otherwise, the test command will be ignored.

The stop relay will act depending on the coil type:

Stop coil: The stop relay activates during the test.

Run coil: The stop relay stays deactivated during the test.

The drawing below shows that when the test is started, the start relay activates, making the engine turn.

The engine will turn in the time period that has been configured in "Battery test" (channel 6412).

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Start relay

Stop coil

Run coil

Start test

Battery test “X + Start sequence”

If the set point in "Battery test" (channel 6413) has been configured to "X + Start sequence", the genset will run the defined start
attempts (without activating run coil). This function is used to test that the battery can withstand more than one start attempt.

Battery test
X + Start Sequence

Start Prepare 1 2 3
(3 start attempts)

Start relay

Stop coil relay

Start failure alarm

A battery test configured as “X + Start sequence”, as shown in the above example, will use: “Start prepare” timer, “Start on time” and
“Start off time”. In this example, the genset will crank three times with “Start prepare” and “Start off time” delay in between each
crank. When the test has finished, a start failure alarm will be present.

If at any point the battery voltage is lower than the set point “Battery test” (channel 6411), the test will be cancelled.

Description Comments

“Battery test” (channel 6411) Minimum voltage level

“Battery test” (channel 6413) Set point: X + Start sequence

“Battery test” (channel 6415) Enable/disable

“Battery test” (channel 6416) Fail class

“Start Prepare” (channel 6181) Timer before crank

“Start on Time” (channel 6183) Start relay ON timer

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Description Comments

“Start off Time” (channel 6184) Stop coil relay ON timer

“Start attempts” (channel 6190) Number of start attempts

For normal operation, the start failure alarm must be acknowledged after the test has ended.

6.15.1 Input configuration

If this function is to be used, it is necessary to configure a digital input that initiates the function. This is done in the dialogue box

If AUTO mode is selected, the mains failure sequence will be initiated if a mains failure occurs during the battery test.

6.15.2 Auto configuration

If the automatic battery test is used, the function must be enabled in menu 6420. When the function is enabled, the battery test will
be carried out with a specified interval, for example, once a week. Completed battery tests will be logged in a separate battery test

The factory setting in menu 6424 is 52 weeks. This means that the automatic battery test will be executed once a year.

If "Battery test" (channel 6413) is configured to "X + Start sequence", the alarm "Start failure" (channel 4570) will occur at
the end. If the alarm is left unacknowledged, the genset will not be operational.

6.15.3 Battery asymmetry (6430 Batt. asymmetry)

The reason for making the battery asymmetry test is to determine if one of the batteries is getting weak. The battery asymmetry is a
combination of measurements and calculations.

Set points available:

T1: The input type to be used for calculation of battery asymmetry 1.

RF1: Reference of asymmetry measurement no. 1.
T2: The input type to be used for calculation of battery asymmetry 2.
RF2: Reference of asymmetry measurement no. 2.

The following seven battery applications are supported. The shown applications are merely examples – the choice of multi-input (MI)
or power supply input is configurable in menu 6410.

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Application 2:
Application 1:
Multi-line 2
Multi-line 2
MI 1 MI 1

- + - +
- + - +
- + - +
battery Start/Manoeuvre

Application 3:
Application 4:

Multi-line 2 Multi-line 2
MI 1 MI 3 MI 1

- + - + - + - + - + - +
Manoeuvre battery Start battery
Manoeuvre battery

Application 5:

Multi-line 2
MI 2
MI 1

- + - +
- + - +
Manoeuvre battery

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Application 6: Application 7:

Multi-line 2 Multi-line 2
MI 2 MI 2
AUX MI 1 MI 1 MI 3

- + - + -+ -+ - + - + - + - +
- + - + -+ -+ - + - + - + - +
Manoeuvre battery Start battery Manoeuvre battery Start battery

Looking at battery application 1 as an example:

Application 1:

Multi-line 2
MI 1

- + - +

The power supply measurement is used as the reference RF1 (points A and B) in menu 6432 and multi-input 1 is used as the type
T1 (points A and E) in menu 6431. By making these measurements, it is possible to calculate the voltage between E and B. This
gives a full picture of battery voltages, for example:

Measured value A/B (RF1) = 21 V DC

Measured value A/E (T1) = 12 V DC

Calculated value E/B (RF1 – T1) = 9 V DC

Battery asymmetry = E/B – (RF1*1/2) = 9 – (21*1/2) = -1.5 V DC

If application 3, 6 or 7 is used, it is expected that one of the multi-inputs is used for the battery test of the starter battery.

It is expected that the multi-inputs used for the battery asymmetry are configured to "0 to 40 V DC".

The selection power supply is referring to the supply on terminals 1 and 2.

Battery asymmetry alarm

Alarms for battery asymmetry 1 and 2 are set up in menus 6440 and 6450.

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The set point in menus 6440 and 6450 is only set in positive values, however, it will also trigger if the battery asymmetry
calculation results in a negative value.

6.16 Ventilation
This function can be used to control the cooling of the engine. The purpose is to use a multi-input for measuring the cooling water
temperature and that way activate an external ventilation system to keep the engine below a maximum temperature. The
functionality is shown in the below diagram.

Set points available (6460 Max ventilation):

Set point: The limit for activation of the relay set in OA.

Output A (OA): The relay activated when the set point is exceeded.

The number of degrees the temperature has to be below the set point in order to deactivate the relay set in

Enable: Enable/disable the ventilation function.

The type of input to use for the temperature measurement is selected in menu 6323 Engine heater.




6.16.1 Max. ventilation alarm

Two alarms can be set up in menu 6470 and menu 6480 to activate if the temperature keeps rising after the start set point has been

6.17 Summer/winter time

This function is used to make the AGC unit automatically adjust the clock in the unit according to summer and winter time. The
function is enabled in menu 6490.

The function only supports the Danish rules.

6.18 Switchboard error

The switchboard error function is handled in two different menus: 6500 "Block swbd error" and 6510 "Stop Swbd error". The
functions are activated by using one configurable input (switchboard error) which is configured with the PC utility software

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The functionality of the “switchboard error” input is active as soon as the input is configured. The “enable” in menus 6500
and 6510 only refers to the alarm function.

6.18.1 Block swbd error (menu 6500)

When activated, this function will block the start sequence of the genset in case the genset is not running.

Setpoints available:

Delay: When the input is active, the alarm will be activated when this delay has expired.

OFF: Only AMF start sequence is blocked when the input is active.
ON: All start sequences, regardless of running mode, are blocked when the input is active.

Output A: Relay to activate when the delay has expired.

Output B: Relay to activate when the delay has expired.

Enable: Enable/disable the alarm function.

Fail class: The fail class of the alarm.

6.18.2 Stop swbd error (menu 6510)

When activated, this function will stop the genset if the genset is running in Auto mode.

Setpoints available:

When the input is active and the delay has expired, the genset will trip the breaker, cool down and stop. The
function is active regardless of the "Enable" setting.

Output A: Relay to activate when the delay has expired.

Output B: Relay to activate when the delay has expired.

Enable: Enable/disable the alarm function.

Fail class: The fail class of the alarm.

6.19 Not in auto

This function can be used for indication or to raise an alarm in case the system is not in Auto. The function is set up in menu 6540.

6.20 Fuel pump logic

The fuel pump logic is used to start and stop the fuel supply pump to maintain the fuel level in the service tank at predefined levels.
The start and stop limits are detected from one of the three multi-inputs.

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Parameter Name Function

6551 Fuel pump log. start Fuel transfer pump start point in percentage.

6552 Fuel pump log. stop Fuel transfer pump stopping point in percentage.

6553 Fuel fill check Delay timer before activating fuel fill check alarm.

The output relay to be used for control of the fuel pump. The selected relay activates below the
6554 Output A
start limit and deactivates above the stop level.

The multi-input or external analogue input to be used for the fuel level sensor.
6555 Type Choose multi-input if 4-20 mA is used.
Choose "auto detection" if an RMI is used.

6556 Fail class The fail class of the fuel fill alarm.

Setpoints available in menu 6550:

The fuel pump relay can be activated via M-Logic.

The output relay should be configured as a limit relay. Otherwise, an alarm will be raised whenever the output is activated.

The below drawing shows how the fuel pump is activated when the level reaches 20% and stopped again when the level has
reached 80%.

Fuel level
Fuel service tank level




Fuel pump start level Fuel pump stop level

6.20.1 Fuel fill check

The fuel pump logic includes a Fuel fill check function.

When the fuel pump is running, the fuel level must increase by 2% within the fuel fill check timer set in menu 6553. If the fuel level
does not increase by 2% within the adjusted delay time, then the fuel pump relay deactivates and a Fuel fill alarm occurs.

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∆ level, 2%

∆ level, 2%

tFill check

The level of increase is fixed at 2% and cannot be changed.

6.21 Fail class

6.21.1 Fail class

All activated alarms must be configured with a fail class. The fail classes define the category of the alarms and the subsequent
alarm action.

Nine different fail classes can be used. The tables below illustrate the action of each fail class when the engine is running or

All fail classes trigger the alarm "Warning", which is shown in the active alarm log.

6.21.2 Engine running

Alarm horn Trip of gen. Trip of mains Cooling-down

Fail class Action Alarm display De-load Stop genset
relay breaker breaker genset

1 Block X X

2 Warning X X

3 Trip GB X X X

4 Trip + stop X X X X X

5 Shutdown X X X X

6 Trip MB X X X

7 Safety stop* X X (X) X X X

8 Trip MB/GB X X (X) X

9 Controlled stop* X X X X X X

* In the table above, Safety stop and Controlled stop are illustrated to be identical, but they will act differently: Safety stop
will de-load and stop the genset if other power sources are able to take the load; if not, the genset will not stop. Controlled
stop will de-load the genset, but if no other power sources are available to take the load, the genset will trip the breaker and
stop. This means that Controlled stop will prioritise protection of the genset, whereas Safety stop will prioritise the load.

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The table illustrates the action of the fail classes. If, for example, an alarm has been configured with the "Shutdown" fail class, the
following actions occur.

• The alarm horn relay will activate

• The alarm will be displayed in the alarm info screen
• The generator breaker will open instantly
• The genset is stopped instantly
• The genset cannot be started from the unit (see next table)

The fail class "Safety stop" will only de-load the genset before opening the breaker if option G4 or G5 (power management)
is used. If power management is not active, the "Safety stop" will have the same function as "Trip and stop".

The fail class "Trip MB/GB" will only trip the generator breaker if there is no mains breaker present.

6.21.3 Engine stopped

Fail class Action Block engine start Block MB sequence Block GB sequence

1 Block X

2 Warning

3 Trip GB X X

4 Trip + stop X X

5 Shutdown X X

6 Trip MB X

7 Safety stop X

8 Trip MB/GB (X) X (X)

9 Controlled stop X X

In addition to the actions defined by the fail classes, it is possible to activate one or two relay outputs if additional relays are
available in the unit.

The fail class "Trip MB/GB" will only block engine start and GB sequence if there is no mains breaker present.

6.21.4 Fail class configuration

The fail class can be selected for each alarm function either via the display or the PC software.

To change the fail class via the PC software, the alarm function to be configured must be selected. Select the desired fail class in the
fail class roll-down panel.

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6.22 Trip of non-essential load (NEL)
6.22.1 Trip of NEL

The two terms "trip of non-essential load" and "load shedding" describe the same functionality.

The trip of Non Essential Load (NEL) groups (load shedding) is carried out in order to protect the busbar against an imminent
blackout situation due to either a high load/current or overload on a generator set or a low busbar frequency.

The unit is able to trip three NEL groups due to:

• the measured load of the generator set (high load and overload)
• the measured current of the generator set
• the measured frequency at the busbar

The load groups are tripped as three individual load groups. This means that the trip of load group no. 1 has no direct influence on
the trip of load group no. 2. Only the measurement of either the busbar frequency or the load/current on the generator set is able to
trip the load groups.

Trip of the NEL groups due to the load of a running generator set will reduce the load on the busbar and thus reduce the load
percentage on the running generator set. This may prevent a possible blackout at the busbar caused by an overload on the running
generator set. The current trip will be selected in case of inductive loads and unstable power factor (PF <0.7) where the current is

Trip of the NEL groups due to a low busbar frequency will reduce the real power load at the busbar and thus reduce the load
percentage on the generator set. This may prevent a possible blackout at the busbar.

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For output setup, please refer to the description of outputs.

6.23 Service timers

The unit is able to monitor the maintenance intervals. Four service timers are available to cover different intervals. The service
timers are set up in menus 6110, 6120, 6300 and 6310.

The function is based on running hours. When the adjusted time expires, the unit will display an alarm. The running hours is
counting when the running feedback is present.

Set points available in menus 6110, 6120, 6300 and 6310:

Enable: Enable/disable the alarm function.

The number of running hours to activate the alarm. The service timer alarm will be activated as soon as the
Running hours:
running hours have been reached.

The number of days to activate the alarm – if the running hours are not reached before this number of
Day: days, the alarm will still be activated. The service timer alarm will be activated at 8:00 AM on the day the
alarm expires.

Fail class: The fail class of the alarm.

Output A: Relay to be activated when the alarm is activated.

Reset: Enabling this will reset the service timer to zero. This must be done when the alarm is activated.

6.24 Wire fail detection

If it is necessary to supervise the sensors/wires connected to the multi-inputs and analogue inputs, then it is possible to enable the
wire break function for each input. If the measured value on the input is outside the normal dynamic area of the input, it will be
detected as if the wire has made a short circuit or a break. An alarm with a configurable fail class will be activated.

Input Wire failure area Normal range Wire failure area

4-20 mA < 3mA 4-20 mA > 21 mA

0-40V DC ≤ 0V DC - N/A

RMI Oil, type 1 < 1.0 ohm - > 195.0 ohm

RMI Oil, type 2 < 1.0 ohm - > 195.0 ohm

RMI Temp, type 1 < 4.0 ohm - > 488.0 ohm

RMI Temp, type 2 < 4.0 ohm - > 488.0 ohm

RMI Temp, type 3 < 0.6 ohm - > 97.0 ohm

RMI Fuel, type 1 < 0.6 ohm - > 97.0 ohm

RMI Fuel, type 2 < 1.0 ohm - > 195.0 ohm

RMI configurable < lowest resistance - > highest resistance

P100 < 82.3 ohm - > 194.1 ohm

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Input Wire failure area Normal range Wire failure area

P1000 < 823 ohm - > 1941 ohm

Level switch Only active if the switch is open


The illustration below shows that when the wire of the input breaks, the measured value will drop to zero. Then the alarm will occur.

Input signal
(mA, °C,b, %)

Wire failure
Upper failure

Lower failure
Wire failure

Wire break

MPU wire break (menu 4550)

The MPU wire break function is only active when the genset is not running. In this case an alarm will be raised if the wire connection
between the AGC and MPU breaks.

Stop coil wire break (menu 6270)

The alarm will occur when the stop coil is not activated (generator is running) and the input is deenergised.

6.25 Digital inputs

The unit has a number of digital inputs, some of which are configurable and some are not.

Engine interface card Available digital inputs – not configurable Available digital inputs – configurable

M4 (standard) 1 6

Input function Auto Semi Test Man Block DG Mains BTB Input type

1 Shutdown override X X X X X X X Constant

2 Remote start X X X Pulse

3 Remote stop X X X Pulse

4 Semi-auto X X X X X X X Pulse

5 Test X X X X X X Pulse

6 Auto X X X X X X X Pulse

7 Manual X X X X Constant

8 Block X X X X X X X Constant

9 Remote GB/TB/BTB ON X X X X X Pulse

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Input function Auto Semi Test Man Block DG Mains BTB Input type

10 Remote GB/TB/BTB OFF X X X X X Pulse

11 Remote MB ON X X X X X Pulse

12 Remote MB OFF X X X X X Pulse

Remote alarm
13 X X X X X X X X Constant

14 Auto start/stop X X X Constant

15 Mains OK X X X X X X X Pulse

16 External f control X X X X Constant

17 External P control X X X X X Constant

18 External U control X X X X Constant

19 External cos phi control X X X X Constant

20 External var control X X X X Constant

21 Remove starter X X X X X Constant

Reset analogue GOV/AVR

22 X X X X X X Pulse

23 Manual GOV up X X X X X Constant

24 Manual GO down X X X X X Constant

25 Manual AVR up X X X X X Constant

26 Manual AVR down X X X X X Constant

27 Battery test X X X Pulse

28 GB/TB/BTB close inhibit X X X X X X X X Constant

29 MB close inhibit X X X X X X X Constant

30 Low speed X X X X Constant

31 Temperature control X X X X Constant

32 Enable mode shift X X X X X X X Constant

33 Enable GB black close X X X X X X Constant

34 Enable sep. sync. X X X X X X X X Constant

35 Binary running detection X X X X X Constant

36 Access lock X X X X X X X X Constant

37 Alternative start X X X X X X X Constant

38 Switchboard error X X X X X X X Constant

39 Total test X X X X X X X Constant

40 Start enable X X X X X X Constant

41 GB/TB/BTB spring loaded X X X X X X X X Constant

42 MB spring loaded X X X X X X X Constant

43 Deload X X Constant

44 GB OFF and BLOCK X X Pulse

49 Secured ON X X X X X X Pulse

50 Secured OFF X X X X X X Pulse

51 Base load X X Constant

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Input function Auto Semi Test Man Block DG Mains BTB Input type

52 Ground breaker ON X X X X X X Constant

53 Ground breaker OFF X X X X X X Constant

54 CBE activate AVR one X X Constant

55 CBE activate AVR two X X Constant

56 GB/TB/BTB racked out X X X X X Constant

57 MB racked out X X X X Constant

From software version 4.70.0 onwards, AGC-4 does not have dedicated heavy consumer inputs and outputs. Use an
ALC-4 to control heavy consumers.

6.25.1 Function descriptions

1. Shutdown override

This input deactivates all protections except the overspeed protection and the emergency stop input. The number of start attempts is
seven by default, but it can be configured in 6180 Start. Also a special cool down timer is used in the stop sequence after an
activation of this input.

2. Remote start

This input initiates the start sequence of the genset when semi-auto or manual mode is selected.

3. Remote stop

This input initiates the stop sequence of the genset when semi-auto or manual mode is selected. The genset will stop without
cooling down.

4. Semi-auto

Changes the present running mode to semi-auto.

5. Test

Changes the present running mode to test.

6. Auto

Changes the present running mode to auto.

7. Manual

Changes the present running mode to manual.

8. Block

Changes the present running mode to block.

When block mode is selected, the running mode cannot be changed by activating the digital inputs.

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9. Remote GB/TB/BTB ON

GB: The generator breaker ON sequence will be initiated and the breaker will synchronise if the mains breaker is closed, or close
without synchronising if the mains breaker is opened.

TB: The Tie breaker ON sequence will be initiated and the breaker will synchronise if the mains and generator breaker are closed, or
close without synchronising if the generator breaker is open.

BTB: The bus tie breaker ON sequence will be initiated and the breaker will synchronise if voltage is available on either or both sides
of the breaker, or close without synchronising if both sides of the busbar are dead.

10. Remote GB/TB/BTB OFF

GB: The generator breaker OFF sequence will be initiated. If the mains breaker is opened, then the generator breaker will open
instantly. If the mains breaker is closed, the generator will be deloaded to the breaker open limit followed by a breaker opening.

TB: The tie breaker will be opened irrespective of the mains and generator breaker positions.

BTB: The bus tie breaker will be open instantly dividing the busbar into two different sections.

11. Remote MB ON

The mains breaker ON sequence will be initiated and the breaker will synchronise if the generator breaker is closed, or close without
synchronising if the generator breaker is opened.

12. Remote MB OFF

The mains breaker OFF sequence will be initiated, and the breaker will open instantly.

13. Remote alarm acknowledge

Acknowledges all present alarms, and the alarm LED on the display stops flashing.

14. Auto start/stop

The genset will start when this input is activated. The genset will be stopped if the input is deactivated. The input can be used when
the unit is in island operation, fixed power, load takeover or mains power export and the AUTO running mode is selected.

15. Mains OK

Disables the "mains OK delay" timer. The synchronisation of the mains breaker will happen when the input is activated.

16. External frequency control

The nominal frequency set point will be controlled from the analogue inputs terminal 40/41. The internal set point will not be used.
Note that a -10 V to 10 V signal is used to control and that the nominal frequency value will be located at 0 V.

With M-Logic "Gov/AVR control" it is possible to change the analogue input source to CIO 308 1.8 (4-20mA)

17. External power control

The power set point in fixed power will be controlled from the analogue inputs terminal 40/41. The internal set point will not be used.
Note that a 0 V - 10 V is used for control.

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With M-Logic "Gov/AVR control" it is possible to change the analogue input source to CIO 308 1.8 (4-20mA)

18. External voltage control

The nominal voltage set point will be controlled from the analogue inputs terminal 41/42. The internal set point will not be used. Note
that a -10 V to 10 V signal is used for control.

With M-Logic "Gov/AVR control" it is possible to change the analogue input source to CIO 308 1.11 (4-20mA)

19. External cos phi control

The cos phi set point will be controlled from the analogue inputs terminal 41/42. The internal set point will not be used. Note that a 0
V to 10 V signal is used for control.

With M-Logic "Gov/AVR control" it is possible to change the analogue input source to CIO 308 1.11 (4-20mA)

20. External var control

The reactive power set point will be controlled from the analogue inputs terminal 41/42. The internal set point will not be used. Note
that a -10 V to 10 V signal is used for control.

With M-Logic "Gov/AVR control" it is possible to change the analogue input source to CIO 308 1.11 (4-20mA)

21. Remove starter

The start sequence is deactivated. This means the start relay deactivates, and the starter motor will disengage.

22. Reset analogue GOV/AVR outputs

The analogue +/-20 mA controller outputs will be reset to 0 mA.

All analogue controller outputs are reset. That is the governor output and the AVR output if option D1 is selected.

If an offset has been adjusted in the control setup, then the reset position will be the specific adjustment.

23. Manual GOV up

If manual mode is selected, then the governor output will be increased.

24. Manual GOV down

If manual mode is selected, then the governor output will be decreased.

25. Manual AVR up

If manual mode is selected, then the AVR output will be increased.

26. Manual AVR down

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If manual mode is selected, then the AVR output will be decreased.

The manual governor and AVR increase and decrease inputs can only be used in manual mode.

27. Battery test

Activates the starter without starting the genset. If the battery is weak, the test will cause the battery voltage to drop more than
acceptable, and an alarm will occur.

28. GB/TB/BTB close inhibit

When this input is activated, the breaker cannot close.

29. MB close inhibit

When this input is activated, then the mains breaker cannot close.

30. Low speed

Disables the regulators and keeps the genset running at a low RPM.

The governor must be prepared for this function.

31. Temperature control

This input is part of the idle mode function. When the input is high, then the genset starts. It starts at high or low speed, depending
on the activation of the low speed input. When the input is deactivated, then the genset goes to idle mode (low speed = ON), or it
stops (low speed = OFF).

32. Enable mode shift

The input activates the mode shift function, and the AGC will perform the AMF sequence in case of a mains failure. When the input
is configured, the setting in menu 7081 (mode shift ON/OFF) is disregarded.

33. Enable GB black close

When the input is activated, the AGC is allowed to close the generator on a black busbar, providing that the frequency and voltage
are inside the limits set up in menu 2110.

34. Enable separate sync.

Activating this input will split the breaker close and breaker synchronisation functions into two different relays. The breaker close
function will remain on the relays dedicated for breaker control. The synchronisation function will be moved to a configurable relay
dependent on the options configuration.

This function is option-dependent. Option M12 or M14.x is required.

35. Binary running detection

The input is used as a running detection of the engine. When the input is activated, the start relay is deactivated.

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36. Access lock

Activating the access lock input deactivates the control display push-buttons. It will only be possible to view measurements, alarms
and the log.

37. Alternative start

This input is used to simulate an AMF failure and this way run a full AMF sequence without a mains failure actually being present.

38. Switchboard error

The input will stop or block the genset depending on running status.

39. Total test

This input will be logged in the event log to indicate that a planned mains failure has been made.

40. Start enable

The input must be activated to be able to start the engine.

When the genset is started, the input can be removed.

41. GB/TB/BTB spring loaded

The AGC will not send a close signal before this feedback is present.

42. MB spring loaded

The AGC will not send a close signal before this feedback is present.

43. Deload

A running genset will start to ramp down the power.

44. GB OFF and BLOCK

The generator breaker will open, the genset will activate the stop sequence and when the genset is stopped, it will be blocked for

49. Secured mode ON

Secured mode adds an extra generator to the system, i.e. one generator too many will be running when comparing with the actual
power requirement.

50. Secured mode OFF

Ends secured running mode (see 55).

51. Base load

The generator set will run base load (fixed power) and not participate in frequency control. Should the plant power requirement drop,
the base load will be lowered so the other generator(s) on line produces at least 10 % power.

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52. Ground breaker ON

When this input is activated, it indicates that ground breaker is closed.

53. Ground breaker OFF

When this input is activated, it indicates that ground breaker is open.

54. CBE activate AVR one

When this input is activated , the generator controller is informed by the group controller to activate close before excitation.
(Redundant of CBE AVR two)

This function is option-dependent. Option G7 is required

55. CBE activate AVR two

When this input is activated, the generator controller is informed by the group controller to activate close before excitation.
(Redundant of CBE AVR one)

This function is option-dependent. Option G7 is required

56. GB/TB/BTB racked out

The breaker will be considered as racked out when pre-requirements are met and this input is activated (for more info, see Racked
out breaker)

57. MB racked out

The breaker will be considered as racked out when pre-requirements are met and this input is activated (for more info, see Racked
out breaker)

The input functions are set up with the PC utility software. Please refer to the "Help".

6.26 Outputs
The unit has a number of output functions which can be configured to any available relay.

Output function Auto Semi Test Man Block Configurable Output type

Trip NEL 1 X X X X X Configurable Pulse

Trip NEL 2 X X X X X Configurable Pulse

Trip NEL 3 X X X X X Configurable Pulse

6.26.1 Function description

Trip NEL 1

This output is used to trip load groups.

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Trip NEL 2

This output is used to trip load groups.

Trip NEL 3

This output is used to trip load groups.

For more information, see Trip of NEL.

6.27 Limit relay

6.27.1 Limit relay

For all alarm functions, it is possible to activate one or two output relays as shown below. This paragraph explains how to use an
alarm function to activate an output without any indication of alarm. ON and OFF delay timers are described as well.

If no alarm is needed, it is possible to do one of the following things:

1. Set both output A and output B to Limit.

2. Set both output A and output B to the same specific terminal. If terminal alarm is not required, the set point in the specific relay is
set to Limit relay.

In the example below, the relay will close when the generator voltage is above 103 % for 10 seconds, and no alarm will appear on
the screen because both output A and output B are configured to relay 5, which is configured as "Limit relay".

The timer configured in the alarm window is an ON delay that determines the time during which the alarm conditions must be met
before activation of any alarms or outputs.

When a relay is selected (relay on terminal 5 in this example), it must be set up as a limit relay as shown below, otherwise an alarm
indication will still appear.

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The timer in the image above is an OFF delay, meaning that when the alarm level is OK again, the relay will remain activated until
the timer runs out. The timer is only effective when it is configured as "Limit relay". If it is configured to any "Alarm relay", the relay is
deactivated instantly when the alarm conditions disappear and it is acknowledged.

6.28 Multi-inputs
The AGC unit has three multi-inputs which can be configured to be used as the following input types:

1. 4 to 20 mA
2. 0 to 40 V DC
3. Pt100
4. Pt1000
5. RMI oil
6. RMI water
7. RMI fuel
8. Digital

The function of the multi-inputs can only be configured in the PC utility software.

Two alarm levels are available for each input, the menu numbers of the alarm settings for each multi-input is controlled by the
configured input type as seen in the following table.

Input type Multi-input 102 Multi-input 105 Multi-input 108

4 to 20 mA 4120/4130 4250/4260 4380/4390

0 to 40 V DC 4140/4150 4270/4280 4400/4410

Pt100/Pt1000 4160/4170 4290/4300 4420/4430

RMI oil 4180/4190 4310/4320 4440/4450

RMI water 4200/4210 4330/4340 4460/4470

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Input type Multi-input 102 Multi-input 105 Multi-input 108

RMI fuel 4220/4230 4350/4360 4480/4490

Digital 3400 3410 3420

Only one alarm level is available for the digital input type.

6.28.1 4 to 20 mA

If one of the multi-inputs has been configured as 4 to 20 mA, the unit and range of the measured value corresponding to 4 to 20 mA
can be changed in the PC utility software in order to get the correct reading in the display.

6.28.2 0 to 40 V DC

The 0 to 40 V DC input has primarily been designed to handle the battery asymmetry test.

6.28.3 Pt100/1000

This input type can be used for heat sensor, for example cooling water temp. The unit of the measured value can be changed from
Celsius to Fahrenheit in the PC utility software in order to get the desired reading in the display.

6.28.4 RMI inputs

The unit can contain up to three RMI inputs. The inputs have different functions, as the hardware design allows for several RMI

These various types of RMI inputs are available for all multi-inputs:

RMI oil: Oil pressure

RMI water: Cooling water temperature
RMI fuel: Fuel level sensor

For each type of RMI input it is possible to select between different characteristics including a configurable.

6.28.5 RMI oil

This RMI input is used to measure the lubricating oil pressure.

RMI sensor type

Pressure Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

Bar psi Ω Ω Ω

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RMI sensor type

0 0 10.0 10.0

0.5 7 27.2

1.0 15 44.9 31.3

1.5 22 62.9

2.0 29 81.0 51.5

2.5 36 99.2

3.0 44 117.1 71.0

3.5 51 134.7 Type 3 is not available when RMI

4.0 58 151.9 89.6 oil is selected

4.5 65 168.3

5.0 73 184.0 107.3

6.0 87 124.3

7.0 102 140.4

8.0 116 155.7

9.0 131 170.2

10.0 145 184.0

The configurable type is configurable with eight points in the range 0 to 480 Ω. The resistance as well as the pressure can
be adjusted.

If the RMI input is used as a level switch, then be aware that voltage must not be connected to the input. If any voltage is
applied to the RMI input, it will be damaged. Refer to the Application Notes for further wiring information.

6.28.6 RMI water

This RMI input is used to measure the cooling water temperature.

RMI sensor

Temperature Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4

°C °F Ω Ω Ω Ω

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RMI sensor

40 104 291.5 480.7 69.3

50 122 197.3 323.6

60 140 134.0 222.5 36.0

70 158 97.1 157.1

80 176 70.1 113.2 19.8

90 194 51.2 83.2 Type 4 is not available when RMI

100 212 38.5 62.4 11.7 water is selected

110 230 29.1 47.6

120 248 22.4 36.8 7.4

130 266 28.9

140 284 22.8

150 302 18.2

The configurable type is configurable with eight points in the range 0 to 480 Ω. The temperature as well as the resistance
can be adjusted.

If the RMI input is used as a level switch, then be aware that voltage must not be connected to the input. If any voltage is
applied to the RMI input, it will be damaged. Refer to the Application Notes for further wiring information.

6.28.7 RMI fuel

This RMI input is used for the fuel level sensor.

RMI sensor type

Type 1

Value Resistance

0% 78.8 Ω

100 % 1.6 Ω

RMI sensor type

Type 2

Value Resistance

0% 3Ω

100 % 180 Ω

If the RMI input is used as a level switch, then be aware that voltage must not be connected to the input. If any voltage is
applied to the RMI input, it will be damaged. Refer to the Application Notes for further wiring information.

RMI sensor type

Value Type configurable

% Resistance

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RMI sensor type











The configurable type is configurable with eight points in the range 0 to 480 Ω. The value as well as the resistance can be

6.28.8 Illustration of configurable inputs


Setpoint 8

Setpoint 7

Setpoint 6

Setpoint 5

Setpoint 4

Setpoint 3
Setpoint 2
Setpoint 1 Value
(bar, °C or %)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


6.28.9 Configuration

The eight curve settings for the configurable RMI inputs cannot be changed in the display, but only in the PC utility software. The
alarm settings can be changed both in the display and in the PC utility software. In the PC utility software, the configurable inputs
are adjusted in this dialogue box:

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Adjust the resistance of the RMI sensor at the specific measuring value. In the example above, the adjustment is 10 Ω at 0.0 bar.

6.28.10 Scaling of 4 to 20 mA inputs

The scaling of the analogue inputs is made to ensure that the readout of the inputs is made with a resolution that fits the connected
sensor. It is recommended to follow the list below when changing the scaling of the analogue inputs.

1. Set up the multi-input for 4 to 20 mA. This is done in menus 10980-11000 for multi-inputs 102-108 and in menus 11120-11190 for
option M15 or M16.
2. Now the scaling parameters are available in menus 11010-11110.
3. Activate the AUTO SCALE enable checkbox when setting up the inputs. This means that the reading remains the same - but
decimals are added.
4. Deactivating AUTO SCALE will make the reading smaller by a factor of 10 for each decimal added.
5. Then the alarm parameters for the multi-inputs can be configured.
6. A parameter file (usw file) should always be saved without the AUTO SCALE enabled.

The setup of the multi-inputs and alarm parameters must be done in the above order. If not, the alarm levels will be wrong.

Setting up decimals:

No decimals:

0 to 5 bar oil pressure transducer (4 to 20 mA)

Decimals = 0

Without use of decimals, the set point can only be adjusted in steps of one bar, which gives a very rough range of setting.

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The display will show 0 to 5 bar in the measuring range 4 to 20 mA.

One decimal:

0 to 5 bar oil pressure transducer (4 to 20 mA)

Decimals = 1

Auto scale = enable

Decimals = 1, AUTO SCALE = enabled

Decimals = 1, AUTO SCALE = disabled

Regarding AUTO SCALE: if the number of decimals is changed without enabling the set point, the 4 to 20 mA will be
presented as 0.4 to 2.0 mA (0.0 to 0.5 bar). In other words, the "Auto scaling" bit decides where the decimal point is

Setting up the measuring range of the sensor:

The measuring range of the multi-input is set up inside the actual alarm:

The three dots to the left of the figures is a button. Scale the input as required, for example 0 to 5 bar:

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The display will then show 0 at 4 mA.

In order to get the alarm input to work again after changing the "decimal setting", it is necessary to make a readjustment of the

Change it to match the new selection of decimals.

Therefore, when selecting decimals, the selection of AUTO SCALE depends on whether the alarm inputs are already set up. If they
are set up, it is a good idea to select AUTO SCALE. If they are not set up, it is voluntary if AUTO SCALE is selected.

Reload parameters:

It is necessary to upload the parameters from the device to the computer after changing the scale (no decimal/one decimal/two
decimal) settings. This is in order to refresh the parameter list so the alarm settings present the correct value:

In the example shown above, the value can be adjusted with one decimal. If the parameters were not refreshed, it would still only be
possible to adjust the set point without decimals.

Save the parameter file:

A parameter file (usw file) should always be saved without the AUTO SCALE enabled.

After having set up the 4 to 20 mA inputs (HW as well as alarms), the parameter file should be uploaded from the device to the PC
and then saved. In this way, the AUTO SCALE is deactivated (automatically cleared by the device), and the settings will not be
modified again if the parameters are reloaded to the device.

If the file is saved with the AUTO SCALE enabled, the minimum and maximum values of the alarm will be affected (multiplied by 10
or 100) at the next use of the parameter file (under certain conditions).

6.28.11 Digital

If the multi-inputs are configured to "Digital", they become available as a configurable input.

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6.29 Manual governor and AVR control

The manual governor and AVR control function can be activated by pressing more than two seconds, or by activating the
digital inputs or AOP buttons for governor or AVR control in semi-auto mode. The intention of this function is to give the
commissioning engineer a helpful tool for adjustment of the regulation.

When using the display arrows for increasing or decreasing, the output will change as long as the button is active. For the digital
input and AOP buttons, there is a timer so that it is possible to choose how long one pulse should be; the timer can be set to 0.1 to
10 sec. For the governor, the timer parameter is 2782 and for AVR, it is 2784. If for example the timer is set to 5 sec., then one push
on the AOP or one pulse from digital input will give 5 sec. increase or decrease of the output.

The function of the regulation window depends on the selected mode:

G 0 0 0V
P-Q Setp 100 % 100 %
P-Q Reg. 50 % 60 %

6.29.1 Manual mode

In manual mode the regulation is deactivated. When activating the up or down arrows, the output value to GOV or AVR is changed,
this is the Reg. value in the display. The up and down arrows have the same function as the digital inputs or AOP buttons for
governor and AVR control when the window is open. To exit the regulation window press "back".

6.29.2 Semi-auto mode

As in manual mode, the up and down arrows have the same function as the digital inputs or AOP buttons for governor or AVR
control when the window is open.

The value Setp can be changed by pressing the arrow up or down. When GOV is underlined, the governor setpoint will be changed,
and vice versa when the AVR is underlined. When changing the Setp value, an offset will be added to or subtracted from the
nominal value. The Reg. value is the output value from the regulator. If the genset is running in parallel, the active or reactive
nominal power setpoint value will be changed. If it is a stand-alone genset not parallel to the mains, the nominal frequency or
voltage setpoint will be changed and also displayed. When the "back" button is activated, the regulation setpoint returns to nominal.

If the digital inputs or AOP buttons are activated in semi-auto, the regulation window is automatically opened.

6.29.3 Auto and test mode

Like semi-auto, except from the fact that activating the digital inputs or AOP buttons for governor or AVR control will change the
regulation setpoint but not open the regulation window. When the digital inputs or AOP buttons are deactivated, the regulation
setpoint returns to nominal.

AVR setpoint manipulation requires option D1.

Regarding AOP setup, please refer to "Help" in the PC utility software.

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6.30 Input function selection
Digital input alarms can be configured with a possibility to select when the alarms are to be activated. The possible selections of the
input function are normally open or normally closed.

The drawing below illustrates a digital input used as an alarm input.

1. Digital input alarm configured to NC, normally closed

This will initiate an alarm when the signal on the digital input disappears.
2. Digital input alarm configured to NO, normally open

This will initiate an alarm when the signal on the digital input appears.

The relay output function can be selected to be ND (Normally Deenergised), NE (Normally Energised), Limit or Horn.

+ V DC


Multi-line 2
Dig in


6.31 Language selection

The unit has the possibility to display different languages. It is delivered with one master language which is English. This is the
default language, and it cannot be changed. In addition to the master language 11 different languages can be configured. This is
done via the PC utility software.

The languages are selected in the system setup menu 6080. The language can be changed when connected to the PC utility
software. It is not possible to make language configuration from the display, but the already configured languages can be selected.

6.32 Texts in status line

The status texts must be self-explanatory. If the operator does something wrong, then the status line must indicate it. The table
below indicates the texts in the status line.

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6.32.1 Standard texts

Status text Condition Comment

BLOCK Block mode is activated


LOAD TEST Test mode is activated


SIMPLE TEST ###.#min

LOAD TEST ###.#min Test mode activated and test timer counting down

FULL TEST ###.#min

ISLAND MAN Genset stopped or running and no other action taking


READY ISLAND AUTO Genset stopped in Auto

ISLAND ACTIVE Genset running in Auto

AMF MAN Genset stopped or running and no other action taking

AMF SEMI place

READY AMF AUTO Genset stopped in Auto

AMF ACTIVE Genset running in Auto

FIXED POWER MAN Genset stopped or running and no other action taking

READY FIXED P AUTO Genset stopped in Auto

FIXED POWER ACTIVE Genset running in Auto

PEAK SHAVING MAN Genset stopped or running and no other action taking

READY PEAK SHAV AUTO Genset stopped in Auto

PEAK SHAVING ACTIVE Genset running in Auto

LOAD TAKEOVER MAN Genset stopped or running and no other action taking

READY LTO AUTO Genset stopped in Auto

LTO ACTIVE Genset running in Auto

MAINS P EXPORT MAN Genset stopped or running and no other action taking

READY MPE AUTO Genset stopped in Auto

MPE ACTIVE Genset running in Mains power export mode

DG BLOCKED FOR START Generator stopped and active alarm(s) on the generator

Generator running, GB open and an active "Trip GB"


SHUTDOWN OVERRIDE The configurable input is active

The configurable input is activated, and the operator tries

to activate one of the blocked keys

An external trip is logged in the event

GB TRIP EXTERNALLY Some external equipment has tripped the breaker

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Status text Condition Comment

An external trip is logged in the event

MB TRIP EXTERNALLY Some external equipment has tripped the breaker

The "Idle run" function is active. The genset will not stop
until a timer has expired

IDLE RUN ###.#min The timer in the "Idle run"’ function is active

The frequency is not at the nominal

COMPENSATION FREQ. Compensation is active

Aux. test ##.#V ####s Battery test activated

Decreasing the load of the genset in order to open the


START DG(s) IN ###s The start genset setpoint is exceeded

STOP DG(s) IN ###s The stop genset setpoint is exceeded

START PREPARE The start prepare relay is activated

START RELAY ON The start relay is activated

START RELAY OFF The start relay is deactivated during the start sequence

MAINS FAILURE Mains failure and mains failure timer expired

The timer shown is the Mains failure

MAINS FAILURE IN ###s Frequency or voltage measurement is outside the limits
delay.Text in mains units

The timer shown is the Mains OK

MAINS U OK DEL ####s Mains voltage is OK after a mains failure

The timer shown is the Mains OK

MAINS f OK DEL ####s Mains frequency is OK after a mains failure

When the timer runs out it is allowed to

Hz/V OK IN ###s The voltage and frequency on the genset is OK
operate the generator breaker

COOLING DOWN ###s Cooling down period is activated

COOLING DOWN Cooling down period is activated and infinite Cooling down timer is set to 0.0 s

GENSET STOPPING This info is shown when cooling down has finished


This info is shown if the language file is downloaded from

the PC utility software

TOO SLOW 00<------------- Generator running too slow during synchronising

-----------> 00 TOO FAST Generator running too fast during synchronising

There is no failure on the mains during

EXT. START ORDER A planned AMF sequence is activated
this sequence

Power management has been deactivated and no other

SELECT GEN-SET MODE Option G5 must be available
genset mode has been selected

QUICK SETUP ERROR Quick setup of the application failed

MOUNT CAN CONNECTOR Connect the power management CAN line

The AGC is receiving the application that it has just been

connected to

SETUP IN PROGRESS The new AGC is being added to the existing application

SETUP COMPLETED Successful update of the application in all AGC units

REMOVE CAN CONNECTOR Remove the power management CAN lines

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Status text Condition Comment

The power ramp is ramping in steps, and the next step

RAMP TO #####kW that will be reached after the timer has expired will be

DERATED TO #####kW Displays the ramp down set point

PREPARING ETHERNET Preparing Ethernet connection


PROGRAMMING MLOGIC Downloading M-Logic to the unit

CBE is enabled in parameter 2254, but no AVR relay or

CBE config. relay/DVC CBE sequence will not be executed
DVC 310/D510C is configured

Another generator breaker is closed on to the busbar This indicates that other breakers
UNEXPECTED GB ON BB (due to a GB position failure) while no voltage is present cannot close to the busbar because of
on the busbar position failure on one or more GBs

The available power is limited until the

pre-defined temperature is reached, or
WARM UP RAMP Warm up ramp is active
when the input that activated warm up
ramp is set low


GB RACKED OUT Breaker racked out for maintenance or

Dig input: breaker racked out active
BTB RACKED OUT Pos. failure and ext. trip alarms from
racked out breaker will not interfere
GB and MB RACKED OUT with the rest of the system.

6.32.2 Texts only related to power management (option G5)

Status text Condition Comment

DG unit

This info is shown if a CAN failure is present in a power

management application.

If redundant mains units are present, this message is shown

on the redundant unit.

DG units are load sharing asymmetrically to de-load BTB XX

dividing two sections in an island application.

BTB XX DIVIDING SEC. BTB XX is dividing two sections in an island application.

SYNCHRONISING TB XX TB XX is synchronising.

SYNCHRONISING MB XX MB XX is synchronising.


Mains unit

If redundant mains units are present this message is shown on

the redundant unit.

An external trip is logged in the

TB TRIP EXTERNALLY Some external equipment has tripped the breaker.
event log.

BTB unit

DIVIDING SECTION A BTB unit is dividing two sections in an island application.

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Status text Condition Comment

BTB unit in Auto and ready for breaker operation (no active
BTB trip" alarm).


BTB unit in Auto, but not ready for breaker operation (active
"BTB trip" alarm).

BLOCKED FOR CLOSING Last open BTB in a ring bus.

An external trip is logged in the

BTB TRIP EXTERNALLY Some external equipment has tripped the breaker.
event log.

## is replaced by A or B depending
on where the problem is located.

All units

Broadcasts one of the four

applications from one unit to the
BROADCASTING APPL. # Broadcast an application through the CAN line.
other AGCs in the power
management system.

RECEIVING APPL. # AGC receiving an application.

BROADCAST COMPLETED Successful broadcast of an application.

RECEIVE COMPLETED Application received successfully.

BROADCAST ABORTED Broadcast terminated.

RECEIVE ERROR Application is not received correctly.

This status text is shown when a pos. failure connected to a The ID of the specific controller
power source is present in the section. replaces the ##

6.33 Internal battery

6.33.1 Memory backup

When changing the internal battery for the memory, all settings will be lost. The memory backup feature gives the possibility to back
up the controller settings, and after replacing the battery the settings can be restored.

DEIF recommends that a backup is made at least when the commissioning is tested and done. The following settings will be stored
in the backup:

Type Stored

Identifiers X

Counters X

Views configuration X

Inputs configuration X

Outputs configuration X


M-Logic configuration X

AOP-1 configuration X

AOP-2 configuration X

DESIGNER'S REFERENCE HANDBOOK 4189340686P UK Page 151 of 222

Type Stored

Application configuration X

Parameters X

Modbus configuration X

Permissions X


If new firmware is flashed to the controller, the backup will be erased.

The controller will reboot after a backup has been restored.

The backup is found in parameter 9230 Memory backup with the jump menu. In this parameter you are able to backup or restore.

Internal battery alarm

If the internal battery is dismounted during operation, a failure will appear on the display.

6.34 Service menu

The purpose of the service menu is to give information about the present operating condition of the genset. The service menu is
entered using the "JUMP" push-button (9120 Service menu).

Use the service menu for easy troubleshooting in connection with the event log.

Entry window

The entry shows the possible selections in the service menu.

Automatic Gen-set Controller

multi-line AGC

G 400 400 400V

9120 Service menu
Time In Out Misc

Available selections:


Shows the alarm timer and the remaining time. The indicated remaining time is minimum remaining time. The timer will count
downwards when the setpoint has been exceeded.

Automatic Gen-set Controller

multi-line AGC

G 400 400 400V

1000 -P>
Remaining time 10.0s
Up Down

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IN (digital input)

Shows the status of the digital inputs.

Automatic Gen-set Controller

multi-line AGC

G 400 400 400V

Digital input 54
Input = 0
Up Down

OUT (digital output)

Shows the status of the digital outputs.

Automatic Gen-set Controller

multi-line AGC

G 400 400 400V

Relay 5
Output A 0
Up Down

MISC (miscellaneous)

Shows miscellaneous messages.

Automatic Gen-set Controller

multi-line AGC

G 400 400 400V

M-Logic enabled
Various = 0
Up Down

6.35 Event log

6.35.1 Logs

The logging of data is divided in three different groups:

• Event log containing 500 loggings.

• Alarm log containing 500 loggings.
• Battery test log containing 52 loggings.

There are 500 event and alarm logs in application 4.40.x or later, and in USW 3.36 or later. If older SW is used, it is only
150 event and 30 alarm logs.

The logs can be viewed in the display or in the PC utility software. When the individual logs are full, each new event will overwrite
the oldest event following the "first in - first out" principle.

6.35.2 Display

In the display it looks like this when the "LOG" push-button is pressed:

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Now it is possible to select one of the three logs.

If the "Event" is selected, the log could look like this:

The specific alarm or event is shown in the second line. In the example above the fuel level alarm has occurred. The third line shows
the time stamp.

If the cursor is moved to "INFO", the actual value can be read when pressing "SEL":

The first event in the list will be displayed if the cursor is placed below "FIRST" and "SEL" is pressed.

The last event in the list will be displayed if the cursor is placed below "LAST" and "SEL" is pressed.

The keyUP and keyDOWN push-buttons are used for navigating in the list.

6.36 Counters
Counters for various values are included, and some of these can be adjusted if necessary, for instance if the unit is installed on an
existing genset or a new circuit breaker has been installed.

The table shows the adjustable values and their function in menu 6100:

Description Function Comment

6101 Running time Offset adjustment of the total running hours counter. Counting when the running feedback is present.

Offset adjustment of the total running thousand hours

6102 Running time Counting when the running feedback is present.

Offset adjustment of the number of generator breaker

6103 GB operations Counting at each GB close command.

Offset adjustment of the number of mains breaker

6104 MB operations Counting at each MB close command.

Automatically resets to OFF after the reset. The reset

6105 kWh reset Resets the kWh counter.
function cannot be left active.

6106 Start attempts Offset adjustment of the number of start attempts. Counting at each start attempt.

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Additional counters for "Running hours" and "Energy" can be read out from the PC utility software.

6.37 Pulse input counters

Two configurable digital inputs can be used for counter input. The two counters can, for example, be used for fuel consumption or
heat flow. The two digital inputs can ONLY be configured for pulse inputs via M-Logic, as shown in the example below.

Scaling of pulse input can be set in menu 6851/6861. It is possible to determine the scale value to be pulse/unit or unit/pulse.

Counter values can be read out in display, and the number of decimals can be adjusted in menu 6853/6863.

6.38 kWh/kvarh counters

The controller has two transistor outputs, each representing a value for the power production. The outputs are pulse outputs, and
the pulse length for each of the activations is 1 second.

Term. number Output

20 kWh

21 kvarh

22 Common terminal

The number of pulses depends on the actual adjusted setting of the nominal power:

Generator power Value Number of pulses (kWh) Number of pulses (kvarh)

PNOM <100 kW 1 pulse/kWh 1 pulse/kvarh

PNOM 100 to 1000 kW 1 pulse/10 kWh 1 pulse/10 kvarh

PNOM >1000 kW 1 pulse/100 kWh 1 pulse/100 kvarh

The kWh measurement is shown in the display as well, but the kvarh measurement is only available through the transistor

Be careful - the maximum burden for the transistor outputs is 10 mA.

6.39 Quick setup

Both the PC utility software and the quick setup menu can be used to set up a plant.

The quick setup menu is made to provide easy setup of a plant. Entering the quick setup menu 9180 via the DU-2 display gives the
possibility to add or remove e.g. mains and MB without using the utility software. It is only possible to do the same basic setup as via
the application configuration in the utility software.

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Menu 9180 Quick setup

9181: Mode.

OFF: When the mode menu is set to "OFF", the existing application of the genset will not be changed.

Setup plant: The setup plant mode is used in G5 applications.

Please refer to the option G5 manual.

Setup stand- When the mode menu is set to "Setup stand-alone", the AGC will change the application configuration.
alone: The settings in menu 9182-9185 are used for the new configuration.

If "Setup stand-alone" is activated while the genset is running, an info text, "Quick setup error", will appear.

6.40 Parameter ID
This parameter can be used to identify which parameter file is used in the unit.

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6.41 M-Logic
The M-Logic functionality is included in the unit and is not an option-dependent function; however, selecting additional options, such
as option M12 which offers additional digital inputs and outputs, can increase the functionality.

M-Logic is used to execute different commands at predefined conditions. M-Logic is not a PLC but substitutes one, if only very
simple commands are needed.

M-Logic is a simple tool based on logic events. One or more input conditions are defined, and at the activation of those inputs, the
defined output will occur. A great variety of inputs can be selected, such as digital inputs, alarm conditions and running conditions. A
variety of the outputs can also be selected, such as relay outputs, change of genset modes and change of running modes.

The M-Logic is part of the PC utility software, and as such, it can only be configured in the PC utility software and not via
the display.

The main purpose of M-Logic is to give the operator/designer more flexible possibilities of operating the generator control system.

Refer to the "Help" function in the PC utility software for a full description of this configuration tool.

6.42 GSM communication

The GSM modem communication is used to send a GSM message to up to five cellular telephones when an alarm appears on the

System single-line diagram




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DEIF recommends using a MOXA OnCell G2150I, Wavecom WMOD2 or Westermo GDW-11 terminal, as the application
has been tested with these terminals.

Serial connection

The serial connection to the GSM modem is done via the null-modem cable (option J3).

Basic parameter settings

Setting no. Name Function Set to

GSM GSM PIN code Set PIN code for GSM modem None

GSM 12345678901 Set phone no. for SMS to cellular phone 1 None

GSM 12345678901 Set phone no. for SMS to cellular phone 2 None

GSM 12345678901 Set phone no. for SMS to cellular phone 3 None

GSM 12345678901 Set phone no. for SMS to cellular phone 4 None

GSM 12345678901 Set phone no. for SMS to cellular phone 5 None

For calling a foreign number type "+" and country code instead of "00", for example dial +45 99999999 for a Danish

The phone number can only be dialed using the PC utility software.

The SIM card used in the cellular telephone must support data transfer.

PIN code configuration

After each auxiliary supply power up, the unit will send the required PIN code to the modem if this is necessary. The PIN code is
adjusted in the PC utility software.

6.43 USW communication

It is possible to communicate with the unit via the PC utility software. The purpose is to be able to remote monitor and control the
genset application.

It is possible to remote control the genset from the PC utility software if a modem is used. Take precautions that it is safe to
remote operate the genset to avoid personal injury or death.

Serial connection

The serial connection to the GSM modem is via the null-modem cable (option J3).

Because of the RS232 communication the GSM function is only available with option H9.2.


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The Modbus protocol type can be changed from RTU to ASCII (9020 Service port). This menu can only be reached using the
JUMP push-button. When set to 1, the ASCII protocol type is used, and the unit will allow for the slower modem communication.

9020 Service port

No. Setting Min. setting Max. setting Factory setting

9021 Service port Setpoint 0 (normal USW) 1 (modem USW) 0 (normal USW)

If setting 9020 is set to 1, the PC utility software cannot communicate with the unit when it is connected directly to the PC
and a modem is not used.

Application settings

Please refer to the PC utility software help file.


If communication fails, the unit will operate according to the received data. If e.g. only half of the parameter file has been
downloaded when the communication is interrupted, the unit will use this actual data.

6.44 Step-up and step-down transformer

6.44.1 Step-up transformer

In certain cases, the use of a generator with step-up transformer (called a block) is required. This may be to adapt to the closest grid
voltage or to step up the voltage to minimise the losses in cables and also to bring down the cable size. The applications where a
step-up transformer is needed, is supported by the ML-2. The functions available in this application are:

1. Synchronising with or without phase angle compensation

2. Voltage measurement displayed
3. Generator protections
4. Busbar protections

A diagram of a block is shown below

Generator/transformer block:

Typically the synchronising breaker is on the high voltage (HV) side, and there is no breaker (or only a manually operated one) on
the low voltage (LV) side. In some applications, the breaker could also be placed on the LV side. But this does not influence on the
setting in the ML-2, as long as the breaker and the step-up transformer are both placed between the generator and busbar, and
mains voltage measuring points for the ML-2. The measuring points are shown as black dots in the figures above and below.

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The phase angle compensation would not be an issue if there was no phase angle shift across the step-up transformer, but in many
cases there is. In Europe, the phase angle shift is described using the vector group description. Instead of vector group, this could
also be called clock notation or phase shift.

When voltage measurement transformers are used, these must be included in the total phase angle compensation.

When an ML-2 is used for synchronising, the device uses the ratio of the nominal voltages for the generator and the busbar, to
calculate a set point for the AVR and the voltage synchronising window (dUMAX).


A 10000 V/400 V step-up transformer is installed after a generator with the nominal voltage of 400 V. The nominal voltage of the
busbar is 10000 V. Now, the voltage of the busbar is 10500 V. The generator is running 400 V before synchronising starts, but when
attempting to synchronise, the AVR set point will be changed to:

UBUS-MEASURED * UGEN-NOM/UBUS-NOM = 10500 * 400/10000 = 420 V

6.44.2 Vector group for step-up transformer

Vector group definition

The vector group is defined by two letters and a number:

The first letter is an upper case D or Y, defining if the HV side windings are in delta or wye configuration.

The second letter is a lower case d, y or z, defining if the LV side windings are in delta, wye or zigzag configuration.

The number is the vector group number, defining the phase angle shift between HV and LV side of the step-up transformer. The
number is an expression of the LV side lag compared to the HV side voltage. The number is an expression of the lag angle divided
by 30 degrees.


Dy11 = HV side: Delta, LV side: Wye, vector group 11: Phase shift = 11 × (–30) = -330 degrees.

Typical vector groups

LV lag degrees
Vector group Clock notation Phase shift
compared to HV

0 0 0° 0°

1 1 -30 ° 30 °

2 2 -60 ° 60 °

4 4 -120 ° 120 °

5 5 -150 ° 150 °

6 6 -180 °/180 ° 180 °

7 7 150 ° 210 °

8 8 120 ° 240 °

10 10 60 ° 300 °

11 11 30 ° 330 °

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Vector group 0

The phase shift is 0 degrees.

Yy0 example:

HV side LV (generator) side

1L1 2L1

1L3 1L2 2L3 2L2

1L1 to 2L1 phase angle is 0 degrees

Phase compensation setting:

Parameter Function Setting

9141 BB (mains)/generator angle compensation 0 degrees


2L1 Busbar
Generator 1L2

AGC 3/ AGC 4/ PPU/

79 81 83 85 87 89

AGC 200 61 63 65 68 70 72

The connection shown in the diagram should always be used when an ML-2 is used for a genset.

Vector group 1

The phase shift is -30 degrees.

Dy1 example:

DESIGNER'S REFERENCE HANDBOOK 4189340686P UK Page 161 of 222

HV side LV (generator) side


1L3 1L2 2L2

1L1 to 2L1 phase angle is -30 degrees.

Phase compensation setting:

Parameter Function Setting

9141 BB (mains)/generator angle compensation 30 degrees


2L1 Busbar
Generator 1L2

AGC 3/ AGC 4/ PPU/

79 81 83 85 87 89

AGC 200 61 63 65 68 70 72

The connection shown in the diagram should always be used when an ML-2 is used for a genset.

Vector group 11

The phase angle shift is 11 × (-30) = -330/+30 degrees.

Dy11 example:

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HV side LV (generator) side


1L3 1L2

1L1 to 2L1 phase angle is -333/+30 degrees.

Phase compensation setting:

Parameter Function Setting

9141 BB (mains)/generator angle compensation -30 degrees


2L1 Busbar
Generator 1L2

AGC 3/ AGC 4/ PPU/

79 81 83 85 87 89

AGC 200 61 63 65 68 70 72

The connection shown in the diagram should always be used when an ML-2 is used for a genset.

Vector group 6

The phase angle shift is 6 × 30 = 180 degrees.

Yy6 example:

HV side LV (generator) side

1L1 2L2 2L3

1L3 1L2 2L1

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1L1 to 2L1 phase angle is -180/+180 degrees.

Phase compensation setting:

Parameter Function Setting

9141 BB (mains)/generator angle compensation 180 degrees


2L1 Busbar
Generator 1L2

AGC 3/ AGC 4/ PPU/

79 81 83 85 87 89

AGC 200 61 63 65 68 70 72

The connection shown in the diagram should always be used when an ML-2 is used for a genset.

Select 179 degrees in parameter 9141 when vector group 6 is used.

Comparison table between different terminologies:

LV lag degrees
Vector group Clock notation Phase shift LV side lagging LV side leading
compared to HV

0 0 0° 0° 0°

1 1 -30 ° 30 ° 30 °

2 2 -60 ° 60 ° 60 °

4 4 -120 ° 120 ° 120 °

5 5 -150 ° 150 ° 150 °

6 6 -180 °/180 ° 180 ° 180 ° 180 °

7 7 150 ° 210 ° 150 °

8 8 120 ° 240 ° 120 °

10 10 60 ° 300 ° 60 °

11 11 30 ° 330 ° 30 °

In the following, the name vector group will be used.

Table to read parameter 9141 compared to a step-up transformer:

Vector group Step-up transformer types Parameter 9141

0 Yy0, Dd0, Dz0 0°

1 Yd1, Dy1, Yz1 30 °

2 Dd2, Dz2 60 °

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Vector group Step-up transformer types Parameter 9141

4 Dd4, Dz4 120 °

5 Yd5, Dy5, Yz5 150 °

6 Yy6, Dd6, Dz6 180 °

7 Yd7, Dy7, Yz7 -150 °

8 Dd8, Dz8 -120 °

10 Dd10, Dz10 -60 °

11 Yd11, Dy11, Yz11 -30 °

DEIF does not take responsibility that the compensation is correct. Before closing the breaker, DEIF recommends that
customers always measure the synchronisation themselves.

If voltage measurement is connected incorrectly, the setting in parameter 9141 will be wrong.

The setting shown in the table above does not include any phase angle twist made by measurement transformers.

The settings shown in the table above are not correct if a step-down transformer is used. These settings are shown later.

6.44.3 Setup of step-up transformer and measurement transformer

If the HV side of the transformer is transforming the voltage up to a voltage level higher than 690 V AC, it will be necessary with
measurement transformers. The setup of all these parameters can be done from the utility software, and will be explained by an

DESIGNER'S REFERENCE HANDBOOK 4189340686P UK Page 165 of 222

Busbar 10 kV

Dz4 transformer
10/0.4 kV 10/0.1 kV

400 V AC
direct input
Current transformer
300/5 A

UGEN = 400 V
IGEN = 250 A

The transformer is a Dz4 step-up transformer, with nominal settings of 10/0.4 kV.

The generator has a nominal voltage of 0.4 kV, nominal current of 250 A, and a nominal power of 140 kW.

The measurement transformer has a nominal voltage of 10/0.1 kV, and no phase angle twist.

The nominal voltage of the busbar (BB) is 10 kV.

Because the generator’s nominal voltage is 400 V, there is no need for a measurement transformer on the LV side in this example.
The ML-2 can handle up to 690 V. But it is still required to set up current transformers on the LV side. In this example, the current
transformers have a nominal current of 300/5 A.

Due to the fact that the step-up transformer is a Dz4, there will be a phase angle twist of -120 °.

These settings can be programmed via the display or the utility software. These settings must be put into the parameters shown in
the table below:

Parameter Comment Setting

6002 Generator nominal power 140

6003 Generator nominal current 250

6004 Generator nominal voltage 400

6041 LV measurement transformer primary side (There is none here) 400

6042 LV measurement transformer secondary side (There is none here) 400

6043 Current transformer primary side 300

6044 Current transformer secondary side 5

6051 HV (BB) measurement transformer primary side 10000

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Parameter Comment Setting

6052 HV (BB) measurement transformer secondary side 100

6053 Nominal HV setting of step-up transformer 10000

9141 Phase angle compensation 120 °

The ML-2 controller can directly handle voltage levels between 100 and 690 V. If the voltage level in the application is
higher or lower, it is required to use measurement transformers that transform the voltage into a number between 100 and
690 V.

6.44.4 Vector group for step-down transformer

In some applications, there may also be a step-down transformer. This could be to transform a grid voltage down, so the load can
handle the voltage level. The ML-2 controller is able to synchronise the busbar with the mains, even if there is a step-down
transformer with a phase angle twist. The transformer must be between the measuring points for ML-2. If a step-down transformer is
used, these settings will must be set in parameter 9141 to compensate the phase angle twist.

Vector group Step-up transformer types Parameter 9141

0 Yy0, Dd0, Dz0 0°

1 Yd1, Dy1, Yz1 -30 °

2 Dd2, Dz2 -60 °

4 Dd4, Dz4 -120 °

5 Yd5, Dy5, Yz5 -150 °

6 Yy6, Dd6, Dz6 180 °

7 Yd7, Dy7, Yz7 150 °

8 Dd8, Dz8 120 °

10 Dd10, Dz10 60 °

11 Yd11, Dy11, Yz11 30 °

If a step-down transformer is mounted with an ML-2 genset unit, the settings shown in the table above should also be used.

If a step-down transformer and an ML-2 for the mains breaker are mounted, note how the measurements are mounted on the ML-2.
The correct connection is shown below.

Load Optional
Mains HV LV Busbar
1L1 2L1

1L2 2L2

1L3 2L3

AGC 3/ AGC 4/ PPU/

79 81 83 85 87 89

AGC 200 61 63 65 68 70 72

The connection shown in the picture should always be used when an ML-2 is used for a mains breaker.

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6.44.5 Setup of step-down transformer and measurement transformer

If the HV side of the transformer has a voltage level higher than 690 V AC, it will be necessary with measurement transformers. In
this example, the HV side is 690 V, and therefore there is no need for a measurement transformer. The step-down transformer can
have a phase angle twist, which must be compensated for. The setup of all the parameters can be done from the utility software,
and will be explained by an example:

Busbar 400 V

Dy1 400 V
690/400 V

690 V AC
direct input
Current transformer
500/1 A

UGEN = 690 V
IGEN = 500 A

The transformer is a Dy1 step-down transformer, with nominal settings of 690/400 V.

The generator has a nominal voltage of 690 V, nominal current of 500 A and a nominal power of 480 kW.

There is no measurement transformer in this application, because the ML-2 is able to handle the voltage levels directly.

The nominal voltage of the busbar (BB) is 400 V.

It is still required to set up current transformers. In this example, the current transformers have a nominal current of 500/1 A.

Due to the fact that the step-down transformer is a Dy1, there will be a phase angle twist of +30 °.

These settings can be programmed via the display or the utility software. These settings must be put into the parameters shown in
the table below:

Parameter Comment Setting

6002 Generator nominal power 480

6003 Generator nominal current 500

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Parameter Comment Setting

6004 Generator nominal voltage 690

6041 HV measurement transformer primary side (There is none here) 690

6042 HV measurement transformer secondary side (There is none here) 690

6043 Current transformer primary side 500

6044 Current transformer secondary side 1

6051 LV (BB) measurement transformer primary side (There is none here) 400

6052 LV (BB) measurement transformer secondary side (There is none here) 400

6053 Nominal LV setting of step-up transformer 400

9141 Phase angle compensation -30 °

6.45 Demand of peak currents

6.45.1 I thermal demand

This measurement is used to simulate a bimetallic system, known from the Maximum Demand ammeter, which is specifically suited
for indication of thermal loads in conjunction with cables, transformers, and so on.

It is possible to have two different readouts shown in the display. The first readout is called I thermal demand. This readout shows
the average maximum peak current over an adjustable time interval.

Be aware that the calculated average is NOT the same as the average current over time. The I thermal demand value is an
average of the MAXIMUM PEAK current in the adjustable time interval.

The measured peak currents are sampled once every second, and every 6 seconds an average peak value is calculated. If the peak
value is higher than the previous maximum peak value, it is used to calculate a new average. The thermal demand period will
provide an exponential thermal characteristic.

The time interval in which the average maximum peak current is calculated can be adjusted in parameter 6840. The value can also
be reset. If the value is reset, it will be logged in the event log and the readout in the display is reset to 0.

6.45.2 I max. demand

The second readout is called I maximum demand, and shortened in the unit, I max. demand. The readout displays the newest
maximum peak current value. When a new maximum peak current is detected, the value is saved in the display. The value can be
reset in menu 6843. If the value is reset, it will be logged in the event log.

The two reset functions will also be available as commands through M-Logic.

Display readout is updated with an interval of 6 seconds.

6.46 Fan logic

The AGC is able to control four different fans. This could for example be air supply fans for supplying air to a genset in a closed
enclosure, or radiator fans for switching on and off cooling fans for air coolers.

There are two features in the fan control of the AGC.

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1. Priority rearranging depending on running hours of the fans
2. Temperature-dependent start and stop

A priority routine ensures that the running hours of the available fans are evened out and the priority shifts between them.

The functionality behind the temperature-dependent start/stop is that the AGC measures a temperature, for example cooling water
temperature, and based on this temperature it switches on and off relays that must be used for engaging the fan(s) itself.

The fan control function is active as long as running feedback is detected.

6.46.1 Fan parameters

Each fan has a group of parameters that defines their scheme of operation. It is recommended to use the PC utility SW for the
setup, because then it is possible to see all parameters. The setup of the fan control is done in the menus 6561-6620 and by using
M-Logic in the PC utility SW.



6.46.2 Input for fan control

The fan control requires a temperature input in order to start and stop the fans based on a temperature measurement.

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Fan temperature input is set up in parameter 6561, and this input can be selected between these inputs:
• Three multi-inputs in slot #7 are available
• EIC measurement (engine interface communication)
• External analogue input 1-8 (H8.X)
• Analogue inputs (M15.X)
• Multi-inputs (M16.X)

The multi-inputs can be configured to e.g. a Pt100 sensor that measures an engine- or ambient temperature. If EIC is selected, this
is defined as the highest measured temperature of either cooling water or oil temperatures.

Based on the measurement of the selected input, the fan(s) is (are) started and stopped.

6.46.3 Fan start/stop

The start and stop settings of the fan(s) are set up in parameters 6563 to 6574. With the settings in the table below, the illustrative
curve can be observed.

A hysteresis (abbreviation: hyst.) ensures that there is a range between the start and stop.

The following start/stop curve will be generated if a bow setting is used:

6.46.4 Fan output

At parameter 6581 to 6584, the output relays for fans A to D are selected. The purpose of these relays is to issue a signal to the fan
starter cabinet. The relay must be energised for the fan to run.

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6.46.5 Fan start delay

If two or more fans are requested to be started at the same time, it is possible to add a start delay between each fan start. The
reason for this is to limit the peak start current, so all fans will not contribute with a start current at the same time. This delay is
adjusted in the menu 6586.

6.46.6 Fan running feedback

To make sure that the fan is running, it is possible to assign a digital input as a running feedback. The running feedback has to be
programmed through M-Logic, below is an example of how to programme it.

The "Fan A/B/C/D running command" output tells the AGC that the fan is running. The output is found under Output and Command
as shown in the screenshot above.

6.46.7 Fan failure

It is possible to activate an alarm if the fan does not start. The fan failure alarm appears if the running feedback from the fan does
not appear. In parameters 6590 to 6620, the fan failure alarms are set up for fans A to D.

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6.46.8 Fan priority (running hours)

The priority of the fans A to D rotates automatically from 1st to 4th priority. This is done automatically, because the running hours of
the fans are detected and are used for the rearranging.

M-Logic setup:

If the fan unit is raising a signal that is led to a digital input on the AGC when it is running, the following M-Logic must be

When it is not possible to get a running feedback from the fan unit, the internal relay of the AGC must be used to indicate that the
fan is running. If, for example, R57 is the relay for FAN A, the following M-Logic must be programmed:

The running hour can be reset by entering parameter 6585 and then selecting the desired fan hours to be reset.

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Only reset is possible. It is not possible to add an offset to the run hour counter.

6.46.9 Fan priority update

In parameter 6562, the priority update rate (hours between priority rearrange) is selected:

If the fan priority update is set to 0 hours, the order of priority will be fixed at: Fan A, fan B, fan C and fan D.

6.47 Oil renewal function

The purpose of the oil renewal function is to give the possibility to exchange a small portion of the lubricating oil of the engine with
fresh or new oil. This means that the quality of the oil is kept at a satisfactory level without significant degrading of the oil (e.g.
contamination and TBN value) in the entire period between the oil changes.

The time interval between the oil changes is assumed to be 1000 hours of operation. The renewal function will read the engine
hours from the engine interface communication (EIC). The running hours counter in the AGC is only used if the EIC counter is not

The function in the AGC is to activate a relay under defined conditions. Then the relay must be used for the oil renewal system (not
part of the DEIF scope of supply) where lubricating oil is removed and added to the engine. Any freely configurable relay is available

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for this feature. In parameter 6890 a setpoint is available, which can be set between 1 and 999 hours to define when the relay
should close, and it is possible to choose which relay should be used. Furthermore, this parameter can be inversed, meaning that
the relay will remain closed until the setpoint is reached.

When the running hours counter has reached 1000 hours, the AGC will reset the hours just for the oil renewal function. If for
example the setpoint has been set to 750 hours and inverse is not enabled, the relay will close at 750 hours and remain closed until
1000 hours is reached, and then the hours counter starts from 0 hours again.

6.48 Differential measurement

6.48.1 Differential measurement

With the differential measurement function, it is possible to compare two analogue inputs and trigger on the difference between the
two values.

If the differential function is for example air filter check, the timer will be activated if the set point between PA (analogue A) and PB
(analogue B) is exceeded. If the differential value drops below the set point value before the timer runs out, then the timer will be
stopped and reset.

Before filter Differential Differential

limit Alarm


PA After filter


Six different differential measurements between two analogue input values can be configured.

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Differential measurements between two sensors can be configured in menus 4600-4606 and 4670-4676. As an example, the figure
below shows the two parameters for input selection for differential measurement 1.

Inputs are selected from the input list as shown below, avaible inputs are:

• Multi-inputs

• EIC measurements

• External inputs (option H8)

• Analogue input (M15.X, only AGC-4)

• Multi-input (M16.X, only AGC-4)

The relevant alarm set point is chosen in parameters 4610-4660 and 4680-4730. Each alarm can be configured in two alarm levels
for each differential measurement between analogue input A and input B. The figure below shows the two parameters to configure
alarm level 1 and 2, for differential measurement 1.

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6.49 AC average
6.49.1 AC average

This function is intended for giving an alarm if the average of a specific measurement exceeds a set point in a certain time frame.

There are two levels of alarms in U> L-L, U< L-L, U> L-N, U< L-N, f>, f< and I>.

In principle, the average calculation is done, for example, every time the main voltage measurement updates.

The average is calculated based on the RMS value of the three phases.

Parameter Item

14000 Avg G U> L-L 1

14010 Avg G U> L-L 2

14020 Avg G U< L-L 1

14030 Avg G U< L-L 2

14040 Avg G U> L-N 1

14050 Avg G U> L-N 2

14060 Avg G U< L-N 1

14070 Avg G U< L-N 2

14080 Avg G f> 1

14090 Avg G f> 2

14100 Avg G f< 1

14110 Avg G f< 2

14120 Avg I> 1

14130 Avg I> 2

It is not possible to configure the alarms from the display, only from the USW.

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7. Protections

7.1 Voltage-dependent (restraint) over-current

This protection is used when the generator must be tripped due to a fault situation that creates a reduced generator voltage, e.g. a
voltage collapse. During the voltage collapse, the generator can only produce part of its usual rating. A short-circuit current during a
voltage collapse can even be lower than the nominal current rating.

The protection will be activated based on the overcurrent setpoint as a function of the measured voltage on the generator voltage

The result can be expressed as a curve function where the voltage setpoints are fixed values and the current setpoints can be
adjusted (menu 1100). This means that if the voltage drops, the overcurrent setpoint will also drop.



% Nominal Current








50 60 70 80 90 100

% Nominal Voltage

The voltage values for the six points on the curve are fixed; the current values can be adjusted in the range 50-200%.

Voltage and current % values refer to the nominal settings.

Timer value can be adjusted in the range 0.1- 60.0 sec.

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8. PID controller

8.1 Description of PID controller

The unit controller is a PID controller. It consists of a proportional regulator, an integral regulator and a derivative regulator. The PID
controller is able to eliminate the regulation deviation and can easily be tuned in.

See "General Guidelines for Commissioning".

8.2 Controllers
There are three controllers for the governor control and, if option D1 is selected, also three controllers for the AVR control.

Controller GOV AVR Comment

Frequency X Controls the frequency

Power X Controls the power

P load sharing X Controls the active power load sharing

Voltage (option D1) X Controls the voltage

VAr (option D1) X Controls the power factor

Q load sharing (option D1) X X Controls the reactive power load sharing

The table below indicates when each of the controllers is active. This means that the controllers can be tuned in when the shown
running situations are present.

Governor AVR (option-dependent) Schematic

Frequency Power P LS Voltage VAr Q LS










Load sharing mode is option-dependent (option G3/G5).

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8.3 Principle drawing
The drawing below shows the basic principle of the PID controller.

P-part I-part + +
Set point Σ Σ Output
(Kp) (Ti) +


As illustrated in the above drawing and equation, each regulator (P, I and D) gives an output which is summarised to the total
controller output.

The adjustable settings for the PID controllers in the AGC unit are:

Kp: The gain for the proportional part.

Ti: The integral action time for the integral part.
Td: The derivative action time for the derivative part.

The function of each part is described in the following.

8.4 Proportional regulator

When the regulation deviation occurs, the proportional part will cause an immediate change of the output. The size of the change
depends on the gain Kp.

The diagram shows how the output of the P regulator depends on the Kp setting. The change of the output at a given Kp setting will
be doubled if the regulation deviation doubles.

P regulator

100 4% 2%

Output (%)


0.5 %

0 10 20 30 40 50 60


8.4.1 Speed range

Because of the characteristic above it is recommended to use the full range of the output to avoid an unstable regulation. If the
output range used is too small, a small regulation deviation will cause a rather big output change. This is shown in the drawing

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kP 1% regulation


5 10 15 20 25

A 1% regulation deviation occurs. With the Kp setting adjusted, the deviation causes the output to change 5 mA. The table shows
that the output of the AGC changes relatively much if the maximum speed range is low.

Max. speed range Output change Output change in % of max. speed range

10 mA 5 mA 5/10*100% 50

20 mA 5 mA 5/20*100% 25

8.4.2 Dynamic regulation area

The drawing below shows the dynamic regulation area at given values of Kp. The dynamic area gets smaller if the Kp is adjusted to
a higher value.

Dynamic regulation band




Frequency 0
[Hz] 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56




Output [%]

8.4.3 Integral regulator

The main function of the integral regulator is to eliminate offset. The integral action time Ti is defined as the time the integral
regulator uses to replicate the momentary change of the output caused by the proportional regulator.

In the drawing below the proportional regulator causes an immediate change of 2.5 mA. The integral action time is then measured
when the output reaches 2 x 2.5 mA = 5 mA.

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Integral action time, Ti

5 Ti = 10 s Ti = 20 s

mA 3

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


As shown in the drawing, the output reaches 5 mA twice as fast at a Ti setting of 10 s than with a setting of 20 s.

The integrating function of the I-regulator is increased if the integral action time is decreased. This means that a lower setting of the
integral action time Ti results in a faster regulation.

If the Ti is adjusted to 0 s, the I-regulator is switched OFF.

The integral action time, Ti, must not be too low. This will make the regulation hunt similar to a too high proportional action
factor, Kp.

8.4.4 Derivative regulator

The main purpose of the derivative regulator (D-regulator) is to stabilise the regulation, thus making it possible to set a higher gain
and a lower integral action time Ti. This will make the overall regulation eliminate deviations much faster.

In most cases, the derivative regulator is not needed. However, for very precise regulation situations, for example, static
synchronisation, it can be very useful.

The output from the D-regulator can be explained with the equation:

D = Regulator output

Kp = Gain

de/dt = Slope of the deviation (how fast does the deviation occur)

This means that the D-regulator output depends on the slope of the deviation, the Kp and the Td setting.


In the following example it is assumed that Kp = 1.

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5 Deviation 2

D-output 2, Td=1s
2 Deviation 1
D-output 2, Td=0.5 s
D-output 1, Td=0.5 s
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time [s]

Deviation 1: A deviation with a slope of 1.

Deviation 2: A deviation with a slope of 2.5 (2.5 times bigger than deviation 1).
D-output 1, Td=0.5 s: Output from the D-regulator when Td=0.5 s and the deviation is according to Deviation 1.
D-output 2, Td=0.5 s: Output from the D-regulator when Td=0.5 s and the deviation is according to Deviation 2.
D-output 2, Td=1 s: Output from the D-regulator when Td=1 s and the deviation is according to Deviation 2.

The example shows that the bigger deviation and the higher Td setting, the bigger output from the D-regulator. Since the D-regulator
is responding to the slope of the deviation, it also means that when there is no change the D-output will be zero.

When commissioning, please keep in mind that the Kp setting has influence on the D-regulator output.

If the Td is adjusted to 0 s, the D-regulator is switched OFF.

The derivative action time, Td, must not be too high. This will make the regulation hunt similar to a too high proportional
action factor, Kp.

8.5 Load share controller

The load share controller is used in whenever load sharing mode is activated. The load share controller is a PID controller similar to
the other controllers in the system and it takes care of frequency control as well as power control.

Adjustment of the load share controller is done in menu 2540 (analogue control) or 2590 (relay control).

The primary purpose of the PID controller is always frequency control because frequency is variable in a load sharing system as well
as the power on the individual generator. Since the load sharing system requires power regulation as well, the PID controller can be
affected by the power regulator. For this purpose a so-called weight factor is used (PWEIGHT).

The regulation deviation from the power regulator can therefore have great or less influence on the PID controller. An adjustment of
0% means that the power control is switched off. An adjustment of 100% means that the power regulation is not limited by the
weight factor. Any adjustment in between is possible.

The difference between adjusting the weight value to a high or low value is the speed at which the power regulation deviation is
eliminated. So if a firm load sharing is needed, the weight factor must be adjusted to a higher value than if an easy load sharing is

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An expected disadvantage of a high weight factor is that when a frequency deviation and a power deviation exist, then hunting could
be experienced. The solution to this is to decrease either the weight factor or the parameters of the frequency regulator.

8.6 Synchronising controller

The synchronising controller is used in the AGC whenever synchronising is activated. After a successful synchronisation the
frequency controller is deactivated and the relevant controller is activated. This could e.g. be the load sharing controller. The
adjustments are made in the menu 2050.

Dynamic synchronising

When dynamic synchronising is used, the controller "2050 fSYNC controller" is used during the entire synchronising sequence. One of
the advantages of dynamic synchronising is that it is relatively fast. In order to improve the speed of the synchronising further, the
generator will be sped up between the points of synchronisation (12 o’clock to 12 o’clock) of the two systems. Normally a slip
frequency of 0.1 Hz gives synchronism each 10 seconds, but with this system on a steady engine the time between synchronism is

Static synchronising

When synchronising is started, the synchronising controller "2050 fSYNC controller" is activated and the generator frequency is
controlled towards the busbar/mains frequency. The phase controller takes over when the frequency deviation is so small that the
phase angle can be controlled. The phase controller is adjusted in the menu 2070 ("2070 phase controller").

8.7 Relay control

When the relay outputs are used for control purposes, the regulation works like this:


45Hz 50Hz 55Hz


Fix up signal Up pulse No reg. Down pulse Fix down signal

The regulation with relays can be split up into five steps.

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# Range Description Comment

The regulation is active, but the increase relay will be constantly activated because of the
1 Static range Fix up signal
size of the regulation deviation.

The regulation is active, and the increase relay will be pulsing in order to eliminate the
2 Dynamic range Up pulse
regulation deviation.

In this particular range no regulation takes place. The regulation accepts a predefined dead
3 Dead band area No reg.
band area in order to increase the lifetime of the relays.

The regulation is active, and the decrease relay will be pulsing in order to eliminate the
4 Dynamic range Down pulse
regulation deviation.

The regulation is active, but the decrease relay will be constantly activated because of the
5 Static range Fix down signal
size of the regulation deviation.

As the drawing indicates, the relays will be fixed ON if the regulation deviation is big, and they will be pulsing if it is closer to the
setpoint. In the dynamic range the pulses get shorter and shorter when the regulation deviation gets smaller. Just before the dead
band area the pulse is as short as it can get. This is the adjusted time "GOV ON time"/("AVR ON time"). The longest pulse will
appear at the end of the dynamic range (45 Hz in the example above).

8.7.1 Relay adjustments

The time settings for the regulation relays can be adjusted in the control setup. It is possible to adjust the "period" time and the "ON
time". They are shown in the drawing below.

Adjustment Description Comment

Period time Maximum relay time The time between the beginnings of two subsequent relay pulses.

The minimum length of the relay pulse. The relays will never be activated for a shorter time
ON time Minimum relay time
than the ON time.

As it is indicated in the drawing below, the length of the relay pulse will depend on the actual regulation deviation. If the deviation is
big, then the pulses will be long (or a continued signal). If the deviation is small, then the pulses will be short.

Relay ON



t [sec]


8.7.2 Signal length

The signal length is calculated compared to the adjusted period time. In the drawing below the effect of the proportional regulator is

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P regulator

100 4% 2%

Output (%)


0.5 %

0 10 20 30 40 50 60


In this example we have a 2 percent regulation deviation and an adjusted value of the Kp = 20. The calculated regulator value of the
unit is 40%. Now the pulse length can be calculated with a period time = 2500 ms:

The length of the period time will never be shorter than the adjusted ON time.

8.8 Droop mode

8.8.1 Principle and setup

Droop mode can be used when a new genset is installed together with existing gensets which operate in droop mode in order to
make equal load sharing with the existing gensets. This regulation mode can be used where it is required/allowed that the generator
frequency drops with increasing load.

The droop mode parameters can be adjusted between 0-10% droop. If the value is different from 0%, the droop percentage will be
applied on top of the regulation output of the governor (f) or AVR (U).

Droop regulation parameters

Parameter number Name Description

2514 f droop Droop setting for frequency regulator with analogue output

2573 f droop relay Droop setting for frequency regulator with relay regulation

2644 U droop Droop setting for voltage regulator with analogue output

2693 U droop relay Droop setting for voltage regulator with relay regulation

When using droop mode, the frequency PID (f) and voltage PID (U) is active

Activating droop regulation

The following M-Logic commands are used to activate droop regulation. This gives more options to activate the regulation i.e. a
digital input, AOP button or an event.

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M-Logic output M-Logic command Description

GOV/AVR control Act. frequency droop regulation Activates the use of frequency droop parameters mentioned above

GOV/AVR control Act. voltage droop regulation Activates the use of voltage droop parameters mentioned above

Application configuration

When operating in droop mode, the AGC has to be configured with a Single DG application drawing. This is done through the utility
software or with quick setup.

Please see the utility software help function (F1) for details about application configuration.

8.8.2 Voltage droop example

The diagram below shows an example for one generator where the voltage droop setting is 4% and 10% in proportion to the
reactive power, Q (kVAr). As it is shown in the example, the voltage drops as the load increases. The principle is the same with
generators in parallel where the generators will use the droop to share the load and allow the voltage/frequency to drop accordingly.

U [V]


4% droop

360 10% droop

0 % Q [kVAr]
0 50% 100%

8.8.3 High droop setting

To illustrate the influence of a high droop setting, the diagram below shows how a frequency variation gives a change in the load, the
principle is the same with voltage regulation. The load change is marked as ΔP.

Freq (Hz)




This can be used if the generator must operate base-loaded.

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8.8.4 Low droop setting

To illustrate the influence of a low droop setting, the diagram below shows how a frequency variation gives a change in the load, the
principle is the same with voltage droop regulation. The load change is marked as ΔP.

In this diagram, the load change (ΔP) is larger than before. This means that the generator will vary more in loading than with the
higher droop setting.

Freq (Hz)




This can be used if the generator must operate as a peak load machine.

8.8.5 Compensation for isochronous governors

When the genset is equipped with a governor only providing isochronous operation, the droop setting can be used to compensate
for the missing droop setting possibility on the governor.

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9. General purpose PID

9.1 Introduction
The general purpose PID controllers are principally similar to the PID controllers for AVR and governor output. They consist of a
proportional, integral and derivative part, and the integral and derivative parts are dependent on the proportional gain. A functional
description of the principle can be found in the chapter about controllers for AVR and governor. The GP PIDs are slightly less
responsive, though. They are meant for purposes such as temperature regulation, controlling fans, valves, and so on. The principle
of relay control is also described in the chapter about AVR/governor control. Configuration of the GP PIDs is documented by
describing the possibilities of the GP PID interface, and with examples of configuration for different purposes.


GP: General Purpose

SP: Set Point

PV: Process Variable

9.1.1 General purpose PID analogue loop

The analogue regulation in the general purpose PIDs is handled by a PID loop. The diagram below shows which elements the PID
loop consists of.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Reference + + Output
Kp Ti ∑ Offset
- +


1. Input: This is the analogue input that measures the process the controller is trying to regulate. See under Input later in this
document for more details.
2. Reference: This is the set point that the controller is trying to bring the input to match. See under Input later in this document for
more details.
3. Kp: The proportional gain of the PID loop. See under Output later in this document for more details.
4. Ti: The integral gain of the PID loop.
5. Td: The derivative gain of the PID loop.
6. Inverse: Enabling inverse will give the output a negative sign. See under Output later in this document for more details.
7. Offset: The offset is added on the function and displaces the regulation range. See under Output later in this document for more
8. Output: This is the final output from the PID, controlling the transducer.

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9.1.2 GP PID interface in USW

Configuration of the GP PID’s input and output settings is done with the “PID” interface in the DEIF USW, it cannot be done from the
display of the controller.

9.2 Inputs
9.2.1 Inputs

Each output holds the possibility of up to three inputs. Only one input at a time is used for calculation of output signal. It is described
in “Dynamic input selection” how the selection is handled.

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Explanation of GP PID settings

1: Activation drop-down

Enables the PID or allows it to be enabled from M-Logic.

2: Top drop-down

The source of this input is chosen here.

3: “Input 1 min.” and “Input 1 max.”

Defines the scale of the input value evaluated.

4: “Reference 1”

The set point for this particular input (30 °C).

5: “Weight 1”

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The weight factor is multiplied by the input value. A weight factor of 1 means that the real input value is used in calculations. A
weight factor of 3 means that the input value is considered three times as big in calculations.

6: Bottom drop-down

On: This input will be evaluated. Off: This input will not be evaluated.

9.2.2 Dynamic input selection

Each GP PID holds the possibility of up to three active inputs. All activated inputs are evaluated constantly, and the input causing the
greatest or smallest output is selected. Priority of great or small output is selected in the output settings.

Example explaining dynamic input selection

Ventilation of a container fitted with a genset inside is a realistic example for use of the dynamic input selection. The following three
variables depend on the ventilation, hence it makes sense to let them share the output.

• The container is fitted with a temperature sensor for internal container temperature. Due to lifetime of electronics inside the
container, maximum maintained temperature is desired to be 30 °C. (Input 1).
• The engine air intake is located inside the container, hence turbo compressor inlet temperature depends on the air temperature
in the container. Maximum maintained intake air temperature is 32 °C. (Input 2).
• The alternator is cooled by air in the container, hence the alternator winding temperature depends on the air temperature in the
container. Maximum maintained winding temperature is 130 °C. (Input 3).

This is the data that is used to configure the inputs in the screenshot in the previous paragraph (Inputs). All inputs are configured
with both full range of measurement (0 to 100 %) and a weight factor of 1. The common output to the ventilator speed drive is
configured to prioritise maximum output as explained in the next chapter, “Output”. This configuration is meant to ensure that none
of the input set points are continuously exceeded, unless maximum ventilation is reached.

A scenario of operation could be that the controller has been using input 1, and a temperature of 30 °C is maintained in the
container. At a point, the air filter housing is heated by radiation from the engine, causing input 2 to rise more above 32 °C than input
1 is above 30 °C. This means that input 2 now has the greatest positive deviation. All inputs are configured with a weight factor of 1
and maximum output is prioritised, hence the greatest positive deviation results in maximum output, or, to put it in another way, input
2 is now the one selected.

The genset is running at full load with a maximum of reactive load, and the alternator windings heat up beyond the 130 °C set point
due to high currents. At some point, input 3 will result in maximum output and hence be selected as the input used in output
calculation. Ventilation is increased and the winding temperature may reach a steady state of 130 °C with a container room
temperature of 27 °C and a compressor inlet temperature of 30 °C. As long as this is the situation, input 3 will remain the selected
input, as this is the input causing the greatest output.

In case of high ambient temperatures, the ventilation might not be able to influence the temperature enough, and the temperatures
start to rise above set point. The output will stay at 100 % as long as any of the inputs are continuously above their set points.

Weight factor applies to dynamic input selection as well. In the event that different weight factors have been configured for any of the
three inputs, maximum deviation cannot be equated to maximum output. If two inputs with similar deviation to their respective set
points are configured with weight factors of 1 and 2 respectively, the latter will result in twice the output as the first.

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9.3 Output
9.3.1 Explanation of output settings

1: Priority

This setting determines whether it is min. or max. output that is prioritised. This setting is used for the dynamic input selection
feature. “Maximum output” results in selection of the input that gives the greatest output. “Minimum output” results in selection of the
input that gives the smallest output.

2: Output type

Choose between relay or analogue output. The following parameters marked “analogue” only apply to the use of analogue
regulation, in the same way as parameters marked “relay” only apply to relay regulation.

3: Analogue Kp

This is the proportional gain value. Increasing this value gives a more aggressive reaction. Adjusting this value also affects the
integral and derivative output. If Kp needs adjustment without affecting the Ti or Td part, adjust these accordingly.

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4: Analogue Ti

Increasing the Ti results in less aggressive integral action.

5: Analogue Td

Increasing the Td gives more aggressive derivative action.

6: Analogue output

Choose the physical internal or external output.

7: Analogue output inverse

Enabling this inverses the output function.

Output [%]

Direct reg. Output

Invers reg. Output
100 Result of output


0 t

Direct error = SP - PV

Inverse error = PV - SP

Direct output is used in applications where a rise in analogue output increases the process variable.

Inverse output is used in applications where a rise in analogue output decreases the process variable.

Example explaining direct and indirect regulation:

Typically, heating applications use direct output and cooling applications use inverse output. Imagine a container of water, which
must be kept at a set point of 20 °C at all times. The container can be exposed to temperatures between 0 and 40 °C, hence it is
fitted with both a heating coil and a cooling coil. See the illustrations of this below here.

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Cooling circuit
Heating circuit

Controller output
Controller output

Process Variable


Set point

For this application, two controllers must be configured: one with direct output for the heating pump and one with inverse output for
the cooling pump. To achieve the illustrated inverse output, an offset of 100 % is needed. See the sections about “Analogue offset”
and “Example of inverse output with 100 % offset” for more information regarding offset.

Temperatures below 20 °C then result in a positive output for the heating pump, in the same way as temperatures above 20 °C
result in a positive output for the cooling pump, and the temperature is maintained around the set point.

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40 °C

20 °C Set point

0 °C
Direct Inverse
Output Output Output
(Heating) (Cooling)
100 %

0% Time
8: Analogue offset

Determines the output starting point. The full range of output can be seen as values in the range between 0 and 100 %. The offset
displaces this range. 50 % offset centres the range of output at the set point. 0 and 100 % offset result in having the full range of
output above or below the set point. See the table below for illustration of how the output behaves according to the input and with
different offsets.

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Analogue offset: 0% 50 % 100 % 0% 50 % 100 %
Input: Output:
Direct Inverse
0% 100 %

Above setpoint 50 % 0% 50 % 100 %

Setpoint 100 % 50 % 0% 50 %
0% 100 %

Below setpoint 100 % 50 % 0% 50 %

100 % 0%

100 % offset is commonly used with inverse output, like in the previous cooling example. For an example of other use, see “Example
of inverse output with 0 % offset”.

9: M-Logic min event set point

Determines the output of M-Logic function "PID1 force min. Outp."

10: M-Logic max event set point

Determines the output of M-Logic function "PID1 force max. Outp."

11: Relay Db

Deadband setting for relay control.

12: Relay Kp

Proportional gain value for relay control.

13: Relay Td

Derivative output for relay control.

14: Relay min on-time

Minimum output time for relay control. Set this to the minimum time that is able to activate the controlled actuator.

15: Relay period time

Total time for a relay activation period. When the regulation output is above this period time, the relay output is constantly activated.

17: Relay increase

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Choose the terminal for the relay used for positive activation.

18: Relay decrease

Choose the terminal for the relay used for negative activation.

9.4 Kp gain compensation

9.4.1 Introduction

This document describes the functionality regarding the “Kp gain compensation”, so it is possible to utilise the function parameters
and help with setting up the function. This function is intended to be used when the AGC is controlling the cooling water system for
the genset.

As it is today, there are two situations in which the engine is in danger of ending in an oscillation that could shut down the engine:

1. Load impacts
2. Cold start of engine

In both situations, it is desired to have a higher gain when the change is needed, but a lower gain when the system has to stabilise.
Without "Kp gain compensation", the PID settings need to be balanced between reaction and stability. The “Kp gain compensation”
function allows slower PID settings for when there are no changes or stabilising, and when there are significant changes in the
system it will increase the reaction of the PID.

The "Kp gain compensation" consists of two separate functions:

1. The load change gain compensation.

2. Set point deviation compensation.

These two functions, the load-dependent compensation and the set point deviation compensation, can be used separately or
together. If they are used together, it is always the one with the highest returned gain that is used.

9.4.2 Load change gain compensation

In case of large load impacts or rejections, it can create large deviation in the need of cooling, and thereby create some instability in
the cooling system. To alleviate some of this instability, the load change gain compensation will instantaneously increase the gain in
relation to the load gain. Larger load changes give a bigger increase in gain. This increase in gain will decrease over a set time till it
reaches the nominal gain.

Explanation of settings

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1: Generator load change

Enables/disables load change compensation.

2: Generator load change activation

Load change limit. The controller needs to detect a load change larger than this limit before activating the gain compensation. For
example, if the limit is set for 10 %, there must be a load impact or rejection of at least 10 % of the genset nominal power before this
function activates.

3: Generator load change weight

The gain increase is based on the load change compared to nominal, and this ratio is multiplied by the load weight.

4: Generator load change timer

The gain increase will be instantaneous, but it will decrease linearly over the set time until it reaches nominal gain.

Example of load change gain compensation

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% of nom. load


0 Sec.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

PID gain

The diagram above shows the reaction of the gain, based on two load changes.

In the first situation, there is a large load impact that triggers the load change gain compensation and increases the gain
instantaneously. This increase will decrease, in this case over 15 seconds, and bring the gain back to nominal.

After some seconds, the system drops some load again, but only half of the former impact. Gain is again instantaneously increased,
but this time only half as much because the load change is only half as big. The increase will still decrease over 15 seconds.

9.4.3 Set point deviation compensation

This function is intended to help minimise overshoots. Especially in a cooling water system where the set point is often very close to
the shutdown limit, it is difficult for a slow system to react in time to avoid a shutdown. This function will drastically increase the gain
when the actual value overshoots the set point more than the set deadband, but the further the actual value is from the set point, it
will decrease. If the value drops below the set point, the function works reversed. Close to set point, the gain increase is small, but
the further the actual value is from the set point, it will increase. This is to avoid that the system starts hunting.

Explanation of settings

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1: Set point deviation

Enables/disables set point deviation compensation.

2: Set point deviation activation

Deviation deadband. As long as the actual value does not deviate more than the deadband in this parameter, the function is not

3: Set point deviation weight

The gain increase is based on the set point deviation compared to nominal, and this ratio is multiplied by the weight factor.

Example of set point deviation compensation

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Temperature Deadband
Set point Gain

The diagram above shows how the reaction to a set point deviation could look.

This situation could be rising cooling water temperature in a genset. Below the set point, the gain is very high, but as the
temperature is getting closer to the set point, it decreases the gain compensation. Within the activation limit, the gain is at nominal

As the temperature keeps rising, it exceeds the activation limit again, and when it is above set point the gain is increased
instantaneously. As the temperature keeps rising, the gain compensation decreases again.

9.5 M-Logic
9.5.1 Introduction

All functions of the GP PIDs can be activated and deactivated by means of M-Logic. In the following, events and commands
regarding the GP PIDs are described.

9.5.2 Events

PID active

This event is active when the related PID is activated.

PID at min output

This event is active when the output is below the output parameter “M-Logic min event set point”.

PID at max output

This event is active when the output is above the output parameter “M-Logic max event set point”.

PID using input 1

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This event is active when dynamic input selection has selected input 1 for output calculation.

PID using input 2

This event is active when dynamic input selection has selected input 2 for output calculation.

PID using input 3

This event is active when dynamic input selection has selected input 3 for output calculation.

PID Modbus control

This event is active when remote Modbus control of this PID is requested.

9.5.3 Commands

PID activate

This command activates the PID controller.

PID force min. outp.

This command forces the output to the value set in the output parameter “Analogue min outp.”

PID force max. outp.

This command forces the output to the value set in the output parameter “Analogue max outp.” (for example, for post-cooling

PID reset

This command forces the output to the value set in the output parameter “Analogue offset”.

PID Freeze

This command freezes the output at the current value.

9.6 Example
An example for use of a GP PID could be analogue fan control. The fan in this example is mounted on a radiator “sandwich”
construction. The fan drags air through two radiators, one for cooling of the intercooler coolant and one for cooling of the jacket
water. As these two systems have different temperature set points, the dynamic set point selection is used. PID2 is used in this
example, and the picture shows an example of input settings.

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In this example, the ECM (Engine Control Module) measures both the intercooler coolant temperature as well as the jacket cooling
water temperature. The generator controller receives these values by an EIC option (Engine Interface Communication).

EIC Intercool temp. is selected as input 1, and EIC Cooling water temp. as input 2. Min. and max. values are configured for full
range. Input 1 reference set point is set at 500 to achieve a temperature set point of 50.0 °C for intercooler coolant. Input 2 has a
reference set point set at 900 to achieve a set point of 90.0 °C jacket water coolant. To achieve equal weighting of the inputs when
calculating the output, both weight factors are set to a value of 1. Both desired inputs are activated, leaving input 3 to be

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In this application, it is desired to ensure that none of the temperatures permanently exceed their set points. This is achieved by
selecting maximum output as priority for the dynamic input selection.

In this example, “Analogue” is selected as output type, and the physical output is selected to be “transducer 68”. Inverse output is
activated to obtain a rise in analogue output to the fan when the temperature rises.

An offset of 100 % is chosen to achieve 100 % output at the set point.

Full range of output is selected. As this is output for a fan, it may be preferred to use a minimum output.

Standard settings are used for M-Logic min./max. events.

No relay settings are configured, as this is an analogue function.

Below is an example of M-Logic lines for this application. Logic 1 makes sure that the regulation is active and the output is
calculated as long as the engine is running. Logic 2 forces the fan to maximum speed during cool-down to ensure efficient cool-

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The fan then functions as in the description below.

When the engine is started and running, the regulation is activated and an output is calculated. When either the intercooler or jacket
water coolant exceeds their set point, the output starts to increase from 0 %. The input that results in calculation of greatest output is
prioritised at all times, making sure that both systems are supplied with adequate cooling. During stop sequence, the fan is forced to
max. output, ensuring most possible cooling. The output remains at 0 % until the engine is started again.

This is an example that uses inverse output combined with 0 % offset. The application is an engine with electric thermostat control.
During engine start-up, it is preferred to start the output before the set point is reached, to help avoid overshooting the set point too
much. This is obtained by using inverse output with no offset. The diagram below illustrates this function if the controller is
configured as straight proportional without integral or derivative action. With these settings, the output is 100 % when the set point is
reached, and the beginning of the output is determined by the proportional gain.

Temp. Output
90° C 100 %


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10. Synchronisation

10.1 Synchronisation principles

The unit can be used for synchronisation of generator and mains breaker (if installed). Two different synchronisation principles are
available, namely static and dynamic synchronisation (dynamic is selected by default). This chapter describes the principles of the
synchronisation functions and the adjustment of them.

In the following, the term "synchronisation" means "synchronising and closing of the synchronised breaker".

10.2 Dynamic synchronisation

In dynamic synchronisation, the synchronising genset is running at a different speed than the generator on the busbar. This speed
difference is called slip frequency. Typically, the synchronising genset is running with a positive slip frequency. This means that it is
running with a higher speed than the generator on the busbar. The objective is to avoid a reverse power trip after the

The dynamic principle is illustrated below.

Synchronisation principle – dynamic synchronisation



Speed: Speed:

1503 RPM 1500 RPM

G G 50.00 Hertz
50.1 Hertz

Synchronising generator Generator on load

L2 L3
L2 L3 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1

L1 L1

L1 L3 L2 L3 L2 L3 L2 L3 L2 L3 L2
L3 L2




0° ∆t [s]
0s 2.5 s 5.0 s 7.5 s

In the example above, the synchronising genset is running at 1503 RPM ~ 50.1 Hz. The generator on load is running at 1500 RPM ~
50.0 Hz. This gives the synchronising genset a positive slip frequency of 0.1 Hz.

The intention of the synchronising is to decrease the phase angle difference between the two rotating systems. These two systems
are the three-phase system of the generator and the three-phase system of the busbar. In the illustration above, phase L1 of the
busbar is always pointing at 12 o’clock, whereas phase L1 of the synchronising genset is pointing in different directions due to the
slip frequency.

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Of course both three-phase systems are rotating, but for illustrative purposes the vectors for the generator on load are not
shown to be rotating. This is because we are only interested in the slip frequency for calculating when to release the
synchronisation pulse.

When the generator is running with a positive slip frequency of 0.1 Hz compared to the busbar, the two systems will be synchronised
every 10 seconds.

Observe the chapter regarding PID controllers and the synchronising controllers.

In the illustration above, the difference in the phase angle between the synchronising set and the busbar gets smaller and will
eventually be zero. Then the genset is synchronised to the busbar, and the breaker will be closed.

10.2.1 Close signal

The unit always calculates when to close the breaker to get the most accurate synchronisation. This means that the close breaker
signal is actually issued before being synchronised (read L1 phases exactly at 12 o’clock).

The breaker close signal will be issued depending on the breaker closing time and the slip frequency (response time of the circuit
breaker is 250 ms, and the slip frequency is 0.1 Hz):

The synchronisation pulse is always issued, so the closing of the breaker will occur at the 12 o’clock position.

The length of the synchronisation pulse is the response time of the breaker + 20 ms.

10.2.2 Load picture after synchronising

When the incoming genset has closed its breaker, it will take a portion of the load dependent on the actual position of the fuel rack.
Illustration 1 below indicates that at a given positive slip frequency, the incoming genset will export power to the load. Illustration 2
below shows that at a given negative slip frequency, the incoming genset will receive power from the original genset. This
phenomenon is called reverse power.

To avoid nuisance trips caused by reverse power, the synchronising settings can be set up with a positive slip frequency.

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PGen1 GB

0% 100%



PGen2 GB

0% 100%

Illustration 1, POSITIVE slip frequency



PGen1 GB

0% 100%



PGen2 GB

0% 100%

Reverse power

Illustration 2, NEGATIVE slip frequency

10.2.3 Adjustments

The dynamic synchroniser is selected in 2000 Sync. type in the control setup and is adjusted in 2020 Synchronisation.

Setting Description Comment

Adjust the maximum positive slip frequency where

"Sync dfMAX" (channel 2021) Maximum slip frequency
synchronising is allowed.

Adjust the maximum negative slip frequency where

"Sync dfMIN" (channel 2022) Minimum slip frequency
synchronising is allowed.

Maximum voltage difference (+/- The maximum allowed voltage difference between the busbar/
"Sync dUMAX" (channel 2023)
value) mains and the generator.

Minimum voltage difference (+/- The minimum allowed voltage difference between the busbar/
"Sync dUMIN" (channel 2024)
value) mains and the generator.

"Sync tGB" (channel 2025) Generator breaker closing time Adjust the response time of the generator breaker.

"Sync tMB" (channel 2026) Mains breaker closing time Adjust the response time of the mains breaker.

The speed of the slip frequency is determined by two settings, "Sync dfMAX" and "Sync dfMIN". The calculation from the examples
below illustrates why it is important to configure the slip frequency speed correctly.

Example 1: The slip frequency speed of the genset is 0.15 Hz faster than the frequency of the busbar or the grid that the genset is
trying to synchronise to.

This means that the phase angle difference between the genset and the busbar or the grid will decrease and eventually be within the
GB closing window.

Example 2: The slip frequency speed of the genset is 0 Hz.

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This means that the phase angle difference between the genset and the busbar or the grid will not decrease. In this example, the
genset will never reach the GB closing window because it will never catch up on the grid or the busbar.

It is obvious that this type of synchronisation is able to synchronise relatively fast because of the adjusted minimum and maximum
slip frequencies. This actually means that when the unit is aiming to control the frequency towards its set point, synchronising can
still occur as long as the frequency is within the limits of the slip frequency adjustments.

Dynamic synchronisation is recommended where fast synchronisation is required, and where the incoming gensets are
able to take load just after the breaker has been closed.

Static and dynamic synchronisation can be switched by using M-Logic.

10.3 Static synchronisation

In static synchronisation, the synchronising genset is running very close to the same speed as the generator on the busbar. The aim
is to let them run at exactly the same speed and with the phase angles between the three-phase system of the generator and the
three-phase system of the busbar matching exactly.

It is not recommended to use the static synchronisation principle when relay regulation outputs are used. This is due to the
slower nature of the regulation with relay outputs.

The static principle is illustrated below.

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Synchronisation principle – static synchronisation



1500.3 RPM 1500 RPM
50.01 Hertz G G 50.00 Hertz

Synchronising generator Generator on load

α α α
L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1

L3 L3
L3 L2 L3 L2 L3 L2 L3 L2 L3 L2
L2 L2 L2



0° t [s]

10.3.1 Phase controller

When the static synchronisation is used and the synchronising is activated, the frequency controller will bring the genset frequency
towards the busbar frequency. When the genset frequency is within 50 mHz of the busbar frequency, the phase controller takes
over. This controller uses the angle difference between the generator system and the busbar system as the controlling parameter.

This is illustrated in the example above where the phase controller brings the phase angle from 30 deg. to 0 deg.

10.3.2 Close signal

The close signal will be issued when phase L1 of the synchronising generator is close to the 12 o’clock position compared to the
busbar which is also in 12 o’clock position. It is not relevant to use the response time of the circuit breaker when using static
synchronisation, because the slip frequency is either very small or non-existing.

To be able to get a faster synchronisation, a "close window" can be adjusted. The close signal can be issued when the phase angle
UGENL1-UBBL1 is within the adjusted setpoint. The range is +/-0.1-20.0 deg. This is illustrated in the drawing below.

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± close window

Max. dU difference
UBB Direction of
Max. dU difference rotation


The synchronisation pulse is sent dependent on the settings in menu 2030. It depends on whether it is the GB or the MB that is to
be synchronised.

10.3.3 Load picture after synchronisation

The synchronised genset will not be exposed to an immediate load after the breaker closure if the maximum df setting is adjusted to
a low value. Since the fuel rack position almost exactly equals what is required to run at the busbar frequency, no load jump will

If the maximum df setting is adjusted to a high value, then the observations in the section about "dynamic synchronisation" must be

After the synchronising, the unit will change the controller setpoint according to the requirements of the selected genset mode.

Static synchronisation is recommended where a slip frequency is not accepted, for instance if several gensets synchronise
to a busbar with no load groups connected.

Static and dynamic synchronisation can be switched by using M-logic.

10.3.4 Adjustments

The following settings must be adjusted if the static synchroniser is selected in menu 2000:

Setting Description Comment

2031 The maximum allowed frequency difference between the

+/- value.
Maximum df busbar/mains and the generator.

2032 The maximum allowed voltage difference between the

+/- value related to the nominal generator voltage.
Maximum dU busbar/mains and the generator.

2033 The size of the window where the synchronisation pulse can
+/- value.
Closing window be released.

2034 Minimum time inside the phase window before sending a

Static sync close command.

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Setting Description Comment

"Infinite sync" will close the MB to the busbar and

"Breaker" or "Infinite sync" can be chosen. run the generator in sync with the mains. The GB
Static type GB
is not allowed to close.

"Infinite sync" will close the GB to the busbar and

"Breaker" or "Infinite sync" can be chosen. run the generator in sync with the mains. The MB
Static type MB
is not allowed to close.

2061 Adjustment of the proportional factor of the PI phase

Phase KP controller.
Only used during analogue regulation output.
Adjustment of the integral factor of the PI phase controller.
Phase KI

2070 Adjustment of the proportional factor of the PI phase

Only used during relay regulation output.
Phase KP controller.

10.4 Close before excitation

It is possible to adjust the AGC to start up the genset with the excitation switched off. When the gensets are started up, the breakers
will be closed and the excitation started. It is also possible to close the breaker before the engine is started. This function is called
"Close Before Excitation" (CBE).

The purpose of the "close before excitation" is that the gensets are able to be ready for the load very quickly. All of the gensets will
be connected to the busbar as soon as they are started, and as soon as the excitation is switched on, the gensets are ready for
operation. This is faster than the normal synchronising, because in that case the breakers will not be closed until the generator
voltage is in the synchronised position, and it takes some time to achieve that position.

The "close before excitation" function can also be used if the load requires a "soft" start. This can be the case when the gensets
connect to a transformer.

As soon as the excitation is activated, the generators will equalise the voltage and frequency and will eventually run in a
synchronised system. When the excitation is activated, the regulators of the AGC will be switched on after an adjustable delay.

The function can be used in the single AGC but also the AGC with option G4 or G5.

The excitation must be increased slowly when this function is used.

This function can only be used with a magnetic pickup (MPU) or EIC speed signal.

The principle is described in the flowcharts below.

Flowchart abbreviations

Delay 1 = Parameter 2252

Delay 2 = Parameter 2262
Delay 3 = Parameter 2271

SP1 = Parameter 2251

SP2 = Parameter 2263

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10.4.1 Flowchart 1, GB handling


Start DG(s)


RPM > SP1 Delay 1 expired


Close GB Yes


No Yes Start
RPM > SP2 Delay 1 expired Trip GB


Delay 1 expired
on all DG(s) No

Yes No

Start Yes Activate

Delay 2 expired Delay 2 expired
excitation regulators No

No Yes

Delay 3 expired UBUS OK

Yes No

”Close before UBUS OK Delay 3 expired
excitation” No
failure Yes Yes
”Close before
End Sync GB excitation”

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10.4.2 Flowchart 2, TB handling (option G5)


No TB Open


Any GB closed




”GB + TB” No




Close TB Sync TB


10.4.3 Genset start actions

The start sequence of the AGC is changed in order to achieve the function "close before excitation". The following parameters must
be adjusted:

Menu Description Comment

The generator breaker will close at the adjusted level. The range is from 0-400 RPM. If it is adjusted
RPM set point for
2251 to 0, the breaker will be closed when the start command is given.
breaker closing
In the example below the setting is adjusted to 400.

The genset must reach the set point (menu 2263) within the adjusted delay.
2252 RPM timer When the delay expires and the RPM is above the set point, the excitation will be started. If the
RPM is below the set point, the GB will be tripped.

Select the relay output that must be used to start the excitation.
2253 Output A Configure the relay to be a limit relay in the I/O setup.
For best possible CBE behaviour, it is recommended to use relay 5, 8 or 11.

2255 Enable Enable the function "close before excitation".

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The relay that is used for close before excitation must be a non-configured relay that is not used for anything else.

Vo lt age

Nom in al RPM

Nom in al Voltage

Hz an d V OK
Exc. st art RPM (2263)

CBE close RPM (2251)

Rem ove start er (6174)

t [s]

St art er/ cran k

If t im er expires and RPM in 2263 is not

reached, t he AGC will break out of t he
CBE break. lim . (2252) Tim er CBE sequence.

GB clo se

AVR ON relay (2253) The relay will not be act ivat ed im mediately in
Power M anagement system s. All DGs will need
t o have 2252 expired and 2263 reached.

CBE Reg. d elay (2262) Tim er

Regu lat io n ON

Cl.b ef (2271) Tim er

When Hz/ V OK is present , t he t imer will be reset. Ot herwise,

t he AGC will act ivat e t he alarm (2270)

10.4.4 Breaker sequence

The "close before excitation" function can be used in three applications:

1. AGC single genset plant

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2. AGC power management plant - no tie breaker present
3. AGC power management plant - tie breaker present

In one of the applications a tie breaker is present, and it must be adjusted in the menu 2261 whether only the generator breaker
must be closed or both the generator breaker and also the tie breaker.

The breaker sequence adjustments are the following:

Menu Description Comment

2261 Breaker selection Select breakers to close: GB or GB + TB.

The timer defines the period from the excitation is started and until the regulation is activated. The
2262 Timer
alarms with inhibit set to "Not run status" will be activated after this timer has expired.

2263 Excitation start level The setting defines at what minimum level of RPM the excitation can be started.

This timer delays the closing of the GB after removing excitation. The intention of this delay is to let
2264 Voltage discharge the voltage of the generator discharge, so that only remanence voltage is present when the GB is

10.4.5 "Close before excitation" failure

If the starting of the genset does not succeed, then the alarm menu 2270 "" will occur, and the selected fail class will be

10.4.6 Close before excitation – additional control parameters

If the application has been configured to use “Close Before Excitation” (CBE) during start, the Multi-line 2 unit can do additional
things to handle the sequence correctly.

If, for example, the application is made for backup power (AMF), it can be chosen what the Multi-line 2 unit should do during
cooldown. The Multi-line 2 unit is able to make a rerun, which means that if a new start request comes during cooldown, the
genset(s) can perfom the CBE sequence again without stopping the genset(s). To handle the functionality for the rerun and
cooldown, some parameters must be set correctly.

Excitation control during cooldown: At parameter 2266, it is possible to decide how the Multi-line 2 unit should react during
cooldown. At this parameter, it is possible to select between three settings:

• Excitation follow busbar

• Excitation constant OFF
• Excitation constant ON

A short description of each selection is made below:

Excitation follow busbar: By default, the parameter is set to “Excitation follow busbar”. This means that if there is voltage on the
busbar during cooldown of the specific genset, the excitation is ON. If the voltage on the busbar disappears, the excitation is shut

Excitation constant OFF: If the parameter is set to “Excitation constant OFF”, the excitation will be switched OFF, as soon as the GB
is open during cooldown. This feature can be handy if the genset fans are pulled mechanically by the genset. Then the genset will
be able to make a rerun faster.

Excitation constant ON: If the parameter is set to “Excitation constant ON”, the excitation will be ON until the genset stops or a new
start request comes. This feature can be handy if the genset fans are driven by the voltage from the genset.

DESIGNER'S REFERENCE HANDBOOK 4189340686P UK Page 217 of 222

Parameter Item Range Default Note

Excitation control during Excitation follow busbar Parameter is not shared

2266 Excitation follow busbar
cooldown Excitation constant ON between gensets!

Voltage rerun level:

At parameter 2265, it is set how low the voltage must be, before it is allowed to close the breaker during the rerun. If the voltage is
not below the “voltage rerun level” before the “voltage discharge timer” has expired, the specific genset will be excluded from the
CBE rerun sequence.

Parameter Item Range Default Note

30 % Parameter is not shared

2265 Voltage rerun level 30 %
100 % between gensets!

Voltage discharge timer:

The timer can be found at parameter 2264 and represents how long time it takes from the excitation is removed until the voltage is
below “voltage rerun level”. The voltage discharge timer can be started either from a new start request or from when the generator
breaker opens. The different reactions are dependent on the selection of “excitation control during cooldown”. The two rerun
sequences shown below may enhance the understanding:

New start
% of nominal request
voltage CBE Break Lim
GB open GB close (2252) expired


Voltage rerun
level (2265)

0 Time

In the diagram above, the excitation is shut off as soon as the breaker is opened. Shortly after the breaker is opened, a new start
request appears. The Multi-line 2 unit will wait with the closing of the GB until the “voltage discharge timer” has expired.

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% of nominal
voltage New start CBE Break Lim
GB open request GB close (2252) expired



Voltage rerun
level (2265)

0 Time

In the diagram above, the excitation is ON during cooldown. Then a new start request is made, which means that the excitation will
be shut off. When the excitation is shut off, the voltage discharge timer starts.

Comparing the two situations shows that the first example is the fastest. This is because the excitation is already off when the next
start request appears. If the new start request had appeared a little later, the voltage discharge timer could already have expired.
This means that the generator breaker could have closed very shortly after the new start request.

Parameter Item Range Default Note

1.0 s Parameter is not shared

2264 Voltage discharge timer 5.0 s
20.0 s between gensets!

10.5 Separate synchronising relay

When the AGC gives the synchronising command, then the relays on terminal 17/18/19 (generator breaker) and terminal 11/12/13
(mains breaker) will activate, and the breaker must close when this relay output is activated.

This default function can be modified using a digital input and extra relay outputs depending on the required function. The relay
selection is made in the menu 2240, and the input is selected in the input settings in the utility software.

The table below describes the possibilities.

DESIGNER'S REFERENCE HANDBOOK 4189340686P UK Page 219 of 222

Relay selected Relay not selected
Input Relay
Two relays used One relay used

The breaker ON relay activates when
The breaker ON relay and the sync. relay activate at the same time
synchronising is OK.
when synchronising is OK.
Not used Blackout closing:
Blackout closing:
The breaker ON relay activates when the
The breaker ON relay and the sync. relay activate at the same time
voltage and frequency are OK.
when the voltage and frequency are OK.
DEFAULT selection

Synchronising: Synchronising:
Not possible. Not possible.
Low Blackout closing: Blackout closing:
The breaker ON relay and the sync. relay activate at the same time The breaker ON relay activates when the
when the voltage and frequency are OK. voltage and frequency are OK.

The relays will activate in two steps when the synchronising is
selected: Synchronising:
1. Breaker ON relay activates. Not possible.
High 2. When synchronised the sync. relay activates. Blackout closing:
See note below! The breaker ON relay activates when the
Blackout closing: voltage and frequency are OK.
The breaker ON relay and the sync. relay activate at the same time
when the voltage and frequency are OK.

When two relays are used together with the separate sync. input, then please notice that the breaker ON relay will
be activated as soon as the GB ON/synchronising sequence is activated.

Care must be taken that the GB ON relay cannot close the breaker, before the sync. signal is issued by the sync.

The selected relay for this function must have the "limit" function. This is adjusted in the I/O setup.

10.6 Inhibit conditions before synchronising mains breaker

This function is used to inhibit the synchronising of the mains breaker after blackout. After blackout, the timer in menu 2291 ("Delay
activate recovery 2") will start to run, and if the mains voltage and frequency are inside the limits (2281/2282/2283/2284) before the
timer runs out, the short interruption timer (menu 2292 "Recovery del. 1") will be started. When the timer has run out, the
synchronising of the MB will start.

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Mains failure

Delay act. rec2


Mains condition Yes

Ok 2281-2284


Delay act. rec2

Expires 2291

Mains condition
Ok 2281-2284


Recovery del.2 Recovery del.1

2294 2292

Close Mains

If the "Delay activate recovery 2" timer runs out, the long interruption timer (menu 2294 "Recovery del. 2") will start to run.


Recovery timer 1 (short interruption timer)

Menu 2291 = 3 s

Menu 2292 = 5 s

That means: if the short interruption timer is set to < 3 s, and the grid is back and voltage and frequency are inside the acceptable
range stated above, then after 5 s the MB can be closed.

Recovery timer 2 (long interruption timer)

Menu 2291 = 3 s

Menu 2294 = 60 s

The long interruption timer will allow the MB to reconnect as soon as the mains voltage and frequency have been uninterrupted
within the timer setting in menu 2294 ("Recovery del. 2"). Then the MB can be closed.

The inhibit parameters for synchronising the MB are disabled by default.

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11. Parameter list

11.1 Related parameters

The Designer’s Reference Handbook relates to the parameters 1000-1980, 2000-2780, 3000-3490, 4120-4990, 5000-5270,
6000-6900 and 7000-7120.

For further information, please see the separate parameter list, document number 4189340688.

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