Effect of HHO Gas On Fuel Consumption An PDF
Effect of HHO Gas On Fuel Consumption An PDF
Effect of HHO Gas On Fuel Consumption An PDF
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 13, Issue 2 Ver. III (Mar- Apr. 2016), PP 74-80
Abstract: In this study, HHO gas was produced by the process of water electrolysis. Electrolytes such that
KOH is used as an electrolyte which reacts with electrode and produce the hydrogen. HHO gas was used as a
supplementary fuel in a single cylinder, four strokes, spark ignition (SI) engine without any modification. In this
experiment the HHO gas was supplied with intake air. The control valve was used for control the supply of
HHO gas. The range of amount of HHO gas was placed between 2.57% to 2.74% with intake air. Also
compression ratio was arranged at 7, 8 and 9 turn by turn. At this condition load was set at different condition
at 1kg, 3kg, 5kg, 7kg and 9kg. After completing this experiment, an analysis was done. The fuel consumption
was decreased when compression ratio and % of HHO gas was increased. Also the brake thermal efficiency
was increased when compression ratio and % of HHO gas was increased.
Key words: Brake thermal efficiency,Compression ratio, Electrolyte,Engine performance, Four Stroke SI
engine, Fuel consumption, HHO gas.
I. Introduction
The reserve of petroleum over the world is limited. Decreasing supplies of fossil fuels and steadily
rising concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and levels of atmospheric pollutants are
some of major challenges to the modern society. The scientific community is addressing these problems by an
attempt to replace fossil fuels with cleaner and renewable sources of energy [4]. Hydrogen gas is an example of
a renewable energy source that can be used to partially supplement petrol fuel by enriching supply air.
Advantages of introducing hydrogen gas include higher net heating value and diffusivity of hydrogen in air
when compared to fossil fuels [5]. In addition, better diffusivity produces a much faster flame velocity that can
lead to a better acceleration and torque output from the engine.
Electrolysis Process:
Thisisthe simplest methodof hydrogenproduction.Electrolyzers make hydrogen by passing an electric
current through water containing an electrolyte as shown in Fig 1 [5]. The figure represents a schematic view of
the HHO gas electrolyzer. The electromagnetic field changes the atomic structure of the hydrogen (H2) and
oxygen (0) found in water from diatomic to monatomic [5]. In addition, the neutron bond holding H & 0
together releases [5]. As H & 0 separate, H is drawn to the positive and 0 to the negative terminal of the
electrolyzer [5]. This is called disassociation. As the process continues, volume increases, and the H & 0 gas
bubbles which stick to the fins of the electrolyzer become dislodged and float to the top [5]. As the monatomic
hydrogen and oxygen gas bubbles break the surface of the water they recombine in the air space in the top of the
electrolyzer as Brown's gas [5].
Fig. 3(a) Load Vs Fuel Consumption at CR 7 Fig. 3(b) Load Vs Fuel Consumption at CR 8
Figure 3(a) shows the effect on fuel consumption at different load (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 kg)at Compression ratio 7.
Figure 3(b) shows the effect on fuel consumption at different load (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 kg)at Compression ratio 8.
Figure 3(c) shows the effect on fuel consumption at different load (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 kg)at Compression ratio 9.
The fuel consumption increased when load increase in the both case at different compression ratio.
When the HHO gas used in Petrol engine, fuel consumption decreased compare to Petrol engine.
Fig.4(a) Load Vs Indicated Thermal Efficiency at CR 7 Fig.4(b) Load Vs Indicated Thermal Efficiency at CR 8
Figure 4(a) shows the effect on Indicated Thermal Efficiency at different load (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 kg)at Compression
ratio 7
Figure 4(b) shows the effect on Indicated Thermal Efficiency at different load (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 kg) at Compression
ratio 8.
Figure 4(c) shows the effect on Indicated Thermal Efficiency at different load (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 kg) at Compression
ratio 9.
Indicated thermal efficiency increased in low load conditions and then decrease for Petrol engine and
HHO + Petrol engine. When the HHO gas used in Petrol engine, indicated thermal efficiency inceased
compare to Petrol engine.When the compression ratio increased 7 to 9, indicated thermal efficiency increased
in low load conditions then after decreased using Petrol and HHO + Petrol.
Fig.5(a) Load Vs Brake Thermal Efficiency at CR Fig. 5(b) Load Vs Brake Thermal Efficiency at CR 8
The Brake Thermal Efficiency increased when load increases for Petrol engineand HHO + Petrol
engine. Brake thermal efficiency indicates the fraction of heat supplied that is transformed into engine shaft[5].
A Graph has shown the increase in the brake thermal efficiency for Petrol with HHO gas. It indicates that the
engine performance increase by addition of HHO gas.
Mechanical Efficiency
Fig. 6(a) Load Vs Mechanical Efficiency at CR 7 Fig. 6(b) Load Vs Mechanical Efficiency at CR 8
Figure 6(a) shows the effect on Mechanical Efficiency at different load (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 kg) at Compression ratio 7.
Figure 6(b)shows the effect on Mechanical Efficiency at different load (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 kg) at Compression ratio 8.
Figure 6(c) shows the effect on Mechanical Efficiency at different load (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 kg) at Compression ratio 9.
Figure 6(a), 6(b), and 6(c) shows the load Vs. Mechanical Efficiency graph which indicates the effect on
Mechanical Efficiency at CR 7, 8 and 9 using Petrol + HHO. Mechanical efficiency increased when load
increases for Petrol engine and HHO + Petrol engine. As the graph 6(a) shown that load increased mechanical
efficiency of the engine fuelled with Petrol + HHO give poor results of performance.As the graph 6(b) shown
that load increased mechanical efficiency of Petrol engine as well as HHO + Petrol engine.As the graph 6(c)
shown that mechanical efficiency of HHO + Petrol engine given better performance compared to Petrol engine
V. Conclusion
Experimental investigation of the effect of HHO gas on the performance test on 661 cc single cylinder
spark ignition engine carried out. From experiment work the following conclusions are made:
DOI: 10.9790/1684-1302037480 www.iosrjournals.org 79 | Page
Effect of HHO gas on fuel consumption and brake thermal efficiency of four stroke spark ignition
The use of 2.57 %, 2.60% and 2.74 % HHO gas in Petrol engine at different compression ratio (7, 8, 9)
reduce fuel consumption by 3.58 %, 2.06 and 1.95 % respectively.
Use the 2.57%, 2.60% and 2.74 % HHO gas in Petrol engine brake thermal efficiency of engine increase
around 0.61%, 0.34% and 0.74 at compression ratio (7,8,9) respectively.
When compression ratio increased, the % of HHO gas also increased with CR. There for the effect of both
these parameters, occurs on mechanical efficiency. The mechanical efficiency increase with increasing the
compression ratio and % of HHO.
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