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0. Introduction
0.1. The Stages
0.2. Mathematical Statistics
0.3. The Theory of Errors
0.4. The Statistical Method
0.5. Some nasty facts
1. The Antenatal Period
1.1. Randomness, Probability Expectation
1.2. Mathematical Treatment of Observations
2. The Early History
2.1. Stochastic Ideas in Science and Society
2.2. Mathematical Investigations
3. Jakob Bernoulli and the Law of Large Numbers
3.1. Bernoulli’s Works
3.2. The Art of Conjecturing (1713),
Part 4: Its Main Propositions
3.3. Bernoulli’s Contemporaries
4. De Moivre
and the De Moivre – Laplace Limit Theorem
4.1. The Measurement of Chance (1712)
4.2. Life Insurance
4.3. The Doctrine of Chances (1718, 1738, 1756)
4.4. The De Moivre – Laplace Theorem
5. Bayes
5.1. The Bayes Formula and Induction
5.2. The Limit Theorem
5.3. Additional Remark
6. Other Investigations before Laplace
6.1 Stochastic Investigations
6.2. Statistical Investigations
6.3. Mathematical Treatment of Observations
7. Laplace
7.1. Theory of Probability
7.2. Theory of Errors
7.3. Philosophical Views
7.4. Conclusions
8. Poisson
8.1. Subjective Probability
8.2. Two New Notions
8.3. The De Moivre – Laplace Limit Theorem
8.4. Sampling without Replacement
8.5. Limit Theorems for Poisson Trials
8.6. The Central Limit Theorem
8.7. The Law of Large Numbers
8.8. The Theory of Errors and Artillery
8.9. Statistics
9. Gauss, Helmert, Bessel
9A. Gauss
9A.1. The Method of Least Squares before 1809
9A.2. Theoria Motus (1809)
9A.3. Determining the Precision of Observations (1816)
9A.4. The Theory of Combinations (1823 – 1828)
9A.5. Additional Considerations
9A.6. More about the Method of Least Squares
9B. Helmert
9C. Bessel
10. The Second Half of the 19th Century
10.1. Cauchy
10.2. Bienaymé
10.3. Cournot
10.4. Buniakovsky
10.5. Quetelet
10.6. Galton
10.7. Statistics
10.8. Statistics and Natural Sciences
10.9. Natural Scientists
11. Bertrand and Poincaré
11.2. Poincaré
12. Geometric Probability
13. Chebyshev
13.1. His Contributions
13.2. His Lectures
13.3. Some General Considerations
14. Markov, Liapunov, Nekrasov
14.1. Markov: General Scientific Issues
14.2. Markov: His Main Investigations
14.3. Markov: His Personal Traits
14.4. Liapunov
14.5. Nekrasov
15. The Birth of Mathematical Statistics
15.1. The Stability of Statistical Series
15.2. The Biometric School
15.3. The Merging of the Continental Direction
and the Biometric School?
Index of Names
This book covers the history of probability up to Kolmogorov with
essential additional coverage of statistics up to Fisher. Based on my
work of ca. 50 years, it is the only suchlike book. Gorrochurn (2016)
is similar but his study of events preceding Laplace is absolutely
unsatisfactory. Hald (1990; 1998) are worthy indeed but the
Continental direction of statistics (Russian and German statisticians) is
omitted, it is impossible to find out what was contained in any
particular memoir of Laplace and the explanation does not always
explain the path from, say, Poisson to a modern interpretation of his
results. Finally, the reader ought to master modern math. statistics.
I included many barely known facts and conclusions, e. g., Gauss’
justification of least squares (yes!), the merits of Bayes (again, yes!),
the unforgivable mistake of Laplace, the work of Chebyshev and his
students (merits and failures) etc., etc.
The book covers an extremely wide field, and is targeted at the
same readers as any other book on history of science. Mathematical
treatment is not as difficult as it is for readers of Hald.
Farebrother’s book dwells on the treatment of observations. My own
booklet (2006/2009) is a collection of 832 short dictums, – of
pronouncements made by great many scholars over the centuries on
probability, statistics, theory of errors and randomness. I see it as a
very important scientific and methodological supplement to
“ordinary” treatises.
During the last years, quite a few worthless or mediocre
contributions to my subject have appeared which was apparently made
possible by unsatisfactory preliminary reviewing (and then justified by
subsequent superficial abstracting). I do not mention such literature
and I also note that in 1915 the Petersburg Academy of Sciences
awarded a gold medal to Chuprov for a review written on its request
(Sheynin 1990c/2011, p. 50). Then, I quote Truesdell (1984, p. 292):
Bände 1, 3, 4 and 5 are his correspondences with Bessel, Gerling,
Olbers and Schumacher respectively. Finally notation S, G, i means
that the source in question is available as a downloadable file i on my
website which is being copied by Google (Google,
Oscar Sheynin, Home). I attach this notation to a source if I have
provided its English translation from other languages or if that source
is rare.
When describing the contributions of previous years and centuries I
sometimes use modern terms but indicate them in square brackets.
Thus, [probability] implies that the appropriate author had not applied
that expression.
I have gathered the Notes at the end of the chapter in question. I am
mentioning many Russian sources; some of them, translated by myself
into English. A double date provided in a reference indicates the dates
of both the original and the later edition to which I refer.
I have managed to publish abroad a substantial number of papers
while still living under a dictatorial regime in Moscow, and the
difficulties which I had to overcome have been unknown to the
external world. Without Youshkevitch they would have been
insurmountable and in any case in addition to English texts (even of
the reviews for Zentralblatt MATH) I had to submit their Russian
versions for the censors. Add to this all the humiliation meted out to a
Jew, and you will begin to understand my former situation. I described
it in my Russian autobiography, see my site.
1. Since I also dwell on population statistics, I ought to mention J. & M.
Dupâquier (1985). Among other issues, they describe the history of national and
international societies and institutions.
2. Here is a typical case. In 1998 Desrosières stated that Poisson had formulated
the strong LLN, and Gauss had derived the normal distribution as the limit of the
binomial (see my review in Isis, vol. 92, 2001, pp. 184 – 185) whereas Stigler (1999,
p. 52) called him a first-class scholar.
0. Introduction
0.1. The Stages
Kolmogorov (1947, p. 54) “tentatively” separated the history of
probability into four stages: the creation of its “elements” (from
Pascal and Fermat to Jakob Bernoulli); the 18th, and the
commencement of the 19th century (from De Moivre to Poisson); the
second half of the 19th century (Chebyshev, Markov; Liapunov and
the origin of mathematical statistics); and the beginning of the 20th
century. Gnedenko (1958) and Prokhorov & Sevastianov (1999)
offered, roughly speaking, the same pattern and connected the fourth
period with the introduction of the ideas and methods of the set theory
and the theory of functions of a real variable.
I stress two points. First, I think that there existed an initial version
of the theory of probability whose acme were the LLN, the De
Moivre – Laplace theorem (in essence proved by the former), and the
inverse Bayes theorem (§ 5.2). Second, the modern stage of the
theory, considered up to Kolmogorov, began with Chebyshev, and
this fact should be here more clearly reflected. And so, my pattern of
the history of probability is as follows.
1. Its antenatal period (from Aristotle to the mid-17th century).
2. The creation of its initial version (finally achieved by Jakob
Bernoulli, De Moivre and Bayes).
3. Its development as an applied mathematical discipline (from
Bayes to Laplace and Poisson to Chebyshev).
4. A rigorous proof of its limit theorems (Chebyshev, Markov,
Liapunov) and its gradual transition to the realm of pure mathematics.
5. Axiomatization.
Laplace reasonably transferred the theory of probability from pure
(as understood by his predecessors) to applied mathematics and
Poisson and Poincaré followed suit. During the third, and partly the
fourth stage, mathematicians barely regarded the theory of probability
as a serious scientific discipline. And even now they barely recognize
the theory of errors.
0.2. Mathematical Statistics
Its separation from probability or from statistics in general is
difficult. It originated in the early years of the 20th century as the result
of the work of the Biometric school and the Continental direction of
statistics. Its aim is the systematization, processing and utilizing
statistical data (Kolmogorov & Prokhorov 1988/1990, p. 138). They
added a definition of statistical data:
For Pearson, statistics remained an applied mathematical discipline
whereas Fisher managed to create its theory, mathematical statistics.
0.3. The Theory of Errors
From its origin in the mid-18th century and until the 1920s the
stochastic theory of errors had been a most important chapter of
probability theory. Not without reason had P. Lévy (1925, p. vii)
maintained that without it his main work on stable laws of distribution
would have no raison d’être1. Actually, for the theory of errors that
book was meaningless (Sheynin 1995c) and it is incomprehensible
why he had not noticed it.
In turn, mathematical statistics borrowed its principles of maximum
likelihood and minimal variance from the error theory. Today, the
stochastic theory of errors is the application of the statistical method
to the treatment of observations2.
The history of the theory of errors has its own stages. In ancient
times, astronomers were dealing with observations as they saw fit. At
the second stage, beginning perhaps with Tycho Brahe, observations
ceased to be “private property”, but their treatment was not yet
corroborated by quantitative considerations. This happened during the
third stage (Simpson, Lambert), and the final, fourth stage was the
completion of the classical theory of errors (Laplace and especially
Gauss) although later Helmert fruitfully continued the relevant
The main peculiarity of the error theory is the usage of the notion of
real (true) value of the constant sought, see § 6.3.3 and Sheynin
(2007a), and I emphasize that it is really needed in experimental
science rather than being outdated and on its way out. Fourier
(1826/1890, p. 534) defined it as the limit of the arithmetic mean,
which, incidentally, provides a new dimension to the Gaussian
postulate of the mean [an expression due to Bertrand (1888a, p.
176)], see § 9A.2-2, and to the attempts to justify its usage by the
notion of consistency, cf. §§ 9A.4-7, 11.2-8, 13.2-7 and 14.4-2. See
also § 6.3.3. It is a peculiar fact that mathematicians neglected (and
still neglect) the reasonable basis of Gauss’ attitude and preferred
(prefer) the hardly useful Laplacean approach.
0.4. The Statistical Method
It might be thought that statistics and statistical method are
equivalent notions; it is usual, nevertheless, to apply the former term
when studying population and to use the latter in all other instances
and especially when applying statistics to natural sciences. However,
there also exist such expressions as medical and stellar statistics, and,
to recall, theory of errors (§ 0.3).
I understand that, respectively, they are applications of the
statistical method to medicine, stellar astronomy and treatment of
observations. This explanation is in line with Pearson’s statement
(1892, p. 15): The unity of all science consists alone in its method.
And to my mind the statistical method is mathematical (or theoretical)
statistics. It is tempting to suggest that mathematics is the application
of the mathematical method, i. e., of the introduction and study of
systems which possibly bear no relation to reality; a simple example:
complex numbers.
Three stages might be distinguished in the history of the statistical
method. At first, conclusions were being based on (statistically)
noticed qualitative regularities, a practice which conformed to the
qualitative essence of ancient science. Here, for example, is the
statement of the Roman scholar Celsus (1935, p. 19):
Careful men noted what generally answered the better, and then
began to prescribe the same for their patients. Thus sprang up the Art
of medicine.
Finally, no one will ever know how many worthy contributions have
not been published since their authors were unable to overcome the
sledgehammer law! See also my Preface.
The late professor Truesdell edited 49 volumes of his prestigious
periodical, Archive for History of Exact Science without standardizing
anything, and nothing bad had happened, but after his death that
journal was promptly driven into the general fold.
I have described all this in detail (Sheynin 2017) and insistently
recommend the readers to see it. My epigraph was a phrase from
Shakespeare: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
1. In 1887 Chebyshev (§ 13.1-4) indicated that the CLT can substantiate the
MLSq which had nothing to do with the Gaussian approach and Poincaré (§ 11.2-
8), in the last years of his life, stated that the theory of errors had naturellement been
his main aim in probability. However, his contribution to that theory is barely
2. I especially note its application to metrology (Ku 1969). There also existed a
determinate branch of the error theory, unconnected with stochastic considerations.
Here is one of its problems: Compile such a program for measuring angles in the
field that the unavoidable errors, both systematic and random, will least corrupt the
final results (the coordinates of the stations of the trigonometric network). Another
problem: bearing in mind the same goal, determine the optimal form of a triangle of
triangulation. It is opportune to mention Cotes (1722) who solved 28 pertinent
problems concerning plane and spherical triangles with various sets of measured
elements. I leave such problems aside although, in principle, they can be included in
the province of the design of experiments. The determinate error theory is also
related to the exploratory data analysis that aims at uncovering the underlying
structures (e.g., the systematic errors). Or, rather, that branch of the error theory was
swallowed by both of those new disciplines.
1. The Antenatal Stage
1.1. Randomness, Probability, Expectation
Is an infinite (much more difficult: finite) sequence random or not?
This is a fundamental problem which I leave aside. Chaitin (1975) is a
popular discussion of the efforts to answer this question. The role of
randomness (for example, in studying the evolution of species or in
the kinetic theory of gases) is obvious. In statistics, a random variable
ought to be stable (best of all, possess an invariable law of
distribution) which is not necessary in natural science1. Thus,
Kolmogorov (1983/1992, p. 515) stated:
Is that the offspring should become female instead of male; … as it
is possible for the male sometimes not to prevail over the female …
Chance is almost everything in the arts of the […] pilot, and the
physician, and the general, […] yet in a storm there must surely be a
great advantage in having the aid of the pilot’s art.
that the pace of each star should be exactly proportioned to the size of
its circle5.
The other part of the Talmud is made up of later commentaries on the
Mishna. The Jerusalem Talmud was essentially completed in the
fourth century and precedes the more influential Babylonian Talmud
by about a century. I have seen the English edition of the Babylonian
version (six volumes; London, 1951 – 1955) and I also refer to the
German edition of the Talmud (12 vols, Berlin, 1930 – 1936) and the
French edition of the Jerusalem Talmud (six volumes; Paris, 1960).
When referring to the Talmud, I abbreviate it; thus, T/Avoth means
treatise Avoth from the Talmud.
My reasoning is not linked with religious belief, but it might be
emphasized that the sacred texts represented the general feelings of
ancient communities. Therefore, any statements there, which
complement and sometimes precede Aristotle’s teaching, characterize
the contemporaneous knowledge stored by mankind.
Ancient commentators of the Mishna hardly set high store by
natural science or mathematics. Thus, Rabbi Elieser ben Chisma
(T/Avoth318) argued that the laws concerning
Several authors preceded me. Hasofer (1967) studied the use of lots
as described in the Talmud and Rabinovitch (1973), drawing on his
earlier papers, dwelt on stochastic considerations in the same source.
He aptly refuted an author of the Encyclpaedia Hebraica (Tel Aviv,
1962, XIV, pp. 920 – 921) who had maintained that
Ancient Jewish thought did not know [did not make use of] the
concept of probability.
If nine shops sell ritually slaughtered meat, and one sells meat that
is not ritually slaughtered [obviously, meat of cattle, twice] and he
[and someone] bought in one of them and does not know which one –
it is prohibited because of the doubt; but if meat was found [in the
street] one goes after the majority.
Both the Bible and the Talmud provide examples of attempts to
distinguish between randomness and causality and to act
accordingly. Genesis 41:1 – 6 discusses cows and ears of corn as seen
by the Pharaoh in two consecutive dreams. The dreams, essentially the
same, differed in form. Both described an event with an extremely low
probability (more precisely, a miracle), and they were thus divine
rather than random. Then, Job (9:24 and 21:17 – 18) decided that the
world was “given over to the wicked” [this being the cause] since the
alternative had a low pseudo-statistical probability: “their lamp was
put out rarely”. This statement possibly brought forward a
commentary (T/Avoth 415) to the effect that we are unable to explain
his conclusion.
A random event of sorts with a rather high probability seems
nevertheless to have been presented in Exodus 21:29: an attack by an
ox will be likely if, and only if, he “has been accustomed to gore”.
And here are several examples from the Talmud. If in three
consecutive days (not all at once, or in four days) three (nine) persons
died in a town “bringing forth” 500 (1500) soldiers, the deaths should
be attributed to a plague, and a state of emergence must be declared
(Taanid 34)9. The probability of death of an inhabitant during three
days was apparently considered equal to 1/2, see above, so that a
random and disregarded death of three people (in the smaller town)
had probability 1/8. The case of all three dying at once was for some
reason left aside. An early commentator, Rabbi Meir, lamely
explained the situation by mentioning the goring ox (the German
edition of the Talmud, Bd. 3, p. 707)10. A similar and simpler example
concerned an amulet (Sabbath 62): for being approved, it should have
healed three patients consecutively. No follow-up checks had been
The second example (Leviticus 6:3 – 10) concerned the annual Day
of Atonement when the High Priest brought up two lots, for the Lord
and “for Azazel”, one in each hand, from an urn. During 40 years, the
first lot invariably came up in the Priest’s right hand and that was
regarded as a miracle and ascribed to his special merit [to a cause]. A
special example concerned the redemption of the first born by lot
(Jerus. Talmud/Sangedrin 14). Moses wrote “Levite” on 22, 273
ballots and added 273 more demanding five shekels each. The
interesting point here is that only 22,000 “Levite” ballots were needed
so that Moses ran the risk of losing some of the required money.
Nevertheless, the losing ballots turned up at regular intervals, which
was regarded as a miracle. The existence of the superfluous ballots
was not explained; I believe that the Israelites were afraid that the last
273 of them to draw the lots will be the losers. Such misgivings are,
however, unfounded, see § 8.4 for an explanation based on subjective
probabilities and Tutubalin (1972, p. 12) for a real demonstration.
Rabinovitch (1977, p. 335) provided a similar example, again from
the Talmud. I cite finally the ruling about abandoned infants
(Makhshirin 27). A child, found in a town whose population was
mostly gentile, was supposed to be gentile, and an Israelite otherwise
(also when the two groups were equally numerous).
1.1.3. Medicine (Sheynin 1974, pp. 117 – 121). Hippocrates
described a large number of [case histories] containing qualitative
stochastic considerations in the spirit of the later Aristotle (and
ancient science in general). Thus (1952a, pp. 54 – 55): “It is probable
that, by means of […], this patient was cured”; or (1952b, p. 90),
Persons who are naturally very fat are apt to die earlier than those
who are slender.
… in those who are healthy […] the body does not alter even from
extreme causes; but in old men even the smallest causes produce the
greatest change.
Galen (1951, Book 1, Chapter 5, p. 13) also thought that a mean
state, a mean constitution were best, cf. § 1.1.1:
The diameter of the sun has to the diameter of the earth a ratio
greater than [… 19:3] but less than [… 43:6], –
Babbage (1874) seems to have been the only author in the new
times who paid special attention to various methods of doctoring. He
distinguished hoaxing or forging (downright deceiving), trimming
(leaving the mean intact but “improving” the precision of
measurement) and cooking (selecting observations at will). I return to
errors of observation below.
Theoretical considerations partly replaced measurements in the
Chinese meridian arc of 723 – 726 (Beer et al 1961, p. 26; Needham
1962, p. 42). At the end of their paper the authors suggested that it
was considered more suitable to present harmonious results.
Special attention was being paid to the selection of the optimal
conditions for observation; for example, to the determination of time
intervals during which an unavoidable error least influenced the final
result12. Thus (Ptolemy 1984, IX, 2, p. 421, this being the Almagest,
his main contribution): on certain occasions (during stations) the
motion of planets is too small to be observable. No wonder that he
(Ibidem, III 1, p. 137) “abandoned” observations “conducted rather
crudely”. Al-Biruni (1967, pp. 46 – 51), the only Arab scholar to
surpass Ptolemy and to be a worthy forerunner of Galileo and Kepler,
to whom I return below, rejected four indirect observations of the
latitude of a certain town in favour of its single and simple direct
Studying this aspect, Aaboe & De Solla Price (1964, pp. 2 and 3)
argued that
His reference is not exactly correct; it should have been Almagest (V
14, p. 252; H 417). The wording in the edition of 1984 is somewhat
Regular observations constituted the third main feature of ancient
astronomy. Neugebauer (1975, p. 659) credited Archimedes and
Hipparchus with systematic observation of the apparent diameters of
the sun and the moon. Moreover, otherwise Hipparchus could have
hardly been able to compile his star catalogue. Ptolemy (1984, III, 1,
pp. 132 and 136; IV, 9, p. 206) apparently made regular observations
as well. For example, in the second instance Ptolemy mentions his
“series of observations” of the sun.
Al-Biruni (1967) repeatedly tells us about his own regular
observations, in particular (p. 32) for predicting dangerous landslides
(which was hardly possible; even latitude was determined too crude).
Then, Levi ben Gerson (Goldstein 1985, pp. 29, 93 and 109)
indirectly but strongly recommended them. In the first two cases he
maintained that his regular observations proved that the declination of
the stars and the lunar parallax respectively were poorly known. Thus,
already in those times some contrast between the principle of regular
(and therefore numerous) observations and the selection of the best of
these began to take shape, also see § 1.2.2.
Astronomers undoubtedly knew that some errors, for example those
caused by refraction, acted one-sidedly (e. g., Ptolemy 1984, IX 2); I
also refer to Lloyd (1982, p. 158, n 66) who argues that Ptolemy
“implicitly recognized what we should describe as systematic errors”
and notes that he “has a [special] term for significant or noteworthy
differences”. Nevertheless, the separation into random and systematic
errors occurred only at the end of the 18th century (§ 6.3.1). But, for
example, the end of one of Ptolemy’s statements (1956, III, 2, p. 231)
hints at such a separation:
notions about treating observations, whose errors possess a “bad”
distribution, justify such an attitude, which, moreover, corresponds
with the qualitative nature of ancient science. Ptolemy’s cartographic
work corroborates my conclusion: he was mainly concerned with
semblance of truth [I would say: with general correctness] rather than
with mathematical consistency (Berggren 1991). A related fact
pertains even to the Middle Ages (De Solla Price 1955, p. 6):
Many medieval maps may well have been made from general
knowledge of the countryside without any sort of measurement or
estimation of the land by the ‘surveyor’.
We have hardly anything from Ptolemy that we could not with good
reason call into question prior to its becoming of use to us in arriving
at the requisite degree of accuracy.
Al-Biruni (1967, p. 152) was the first to consider, although only
qualitatively, the propagation of computational errors and the
combined effect of observational and computational errors:
Obtain all its times [phases] so that every one of these, in one of the
two towns, can be related to the corresponding time in the other. Also,
from every pair of opposite times, that of the middle of the eclipse
must be obtained.
(Rabinovitch 1973, p. 41) listed seven relevant ratios, i.e., seven
different probabilities of eating the forbidden food.
The Talmud also qualitatively discussed the estimation of prices for
quantities depending on chance (Franklin 2001, p. 261). It is
opportune to recall here that the Roman lawyer Ulpianus (170 – 228)
compiled a table of expectations of life, common for men and women
(Sheynin 1977b, pp. 209 – 210), although neither the method of its
compilation, nor his understanding of expectation are known. His
table was being used for determining the duration of some allowances
(Kohli & van der Waerden 1975, p. 515). At least methodologically
his table constituted the highest achievement of demographic statistics
until the 17th century.
Maimonides (Rabinovitch 1973, p. 164) mentioned expectation on
a layman’s level. He noted that a marriage settlement (providing for a
widow or a divorced wife) of 1000 zuz “can be sold for 100 [of such
monetary units], but a settlement of 100 can be sold only for less than
10”. It follows that there existed a more or less fixed expected value of
a future possible gain15.
A marriage settlement is a particular case of insurance; the latter
possibly existed in an elementary form even in the 20th century BC
(Raikher 1947, p. 40). Another statement of Maimonides (Rabinovitch
1973, p. 138) can also be linked with jurisprudence and might be
considered as an embryo of Jakob Bernoulli’s thoughts about
arguments (cf. §3.2.1):
One should not take into account the number of doubts, but rather
consider how great is their incongruity and what is their disagreement
with what exists. Sometimes a single doubt is more powerful than a
thousand other doubts.
Among contingent things some are very likely, other possibilities [of
other things?] are very remote, and yet others are intermediate.
In the new time one of the first to follow suit in natural science (not
in lotteries) was Maupertuis (1745, vol. 2, pp. 120 – 121) who
effectively explained instances when a child resembled one of his
remote ancestors, as well as [mutations] by non-uniform randomness.
At the same time, however, while discussing the origin of eyes and
ears in animals, he (1751, p. 146) only compared “une attraction
uniforme & aveugle” with some “principe d’intelligence” and came
out in favour of design.
An important digression from statistics is not out of order. While
considering a case of uncertain paternity, the Talmud (Makkot 315–16;
Rabinovitch 1973, p. 120) declared: “What we see we may presume,
but we presume not what we see not”, cf. the examples of direct and
contrary propositions at the beginning of this subsection. Compare
Newton (1729/1960, p. 547):
Casual and chance events are such as proceed from their causes in
the minority of cases and are quite unknown:
1.2. Mathematical Treatment of Observations
1.2.1. Theory of Errors: General Information. I introduce some
notions and definitions which will be needed in § 1.4. Denote the
observations of a constant sought by
ai x + bi y + ci z + … + si = 0 (2)
whose coefficients are given by the appropriate theory and the free
terms are measured. The approximate values of x, y, z, … were usually
known, or they could have been calculated by solving any subsystem
of k equations from (1) hence the linearity of (2). The equations are
linearly independent (a later notion), so that the system is inconsistent
(which was perfectly well understood). Nevertheless, a solution had to
be chosen which should have left small enough residual free terms
(call them vi). More precisely, those vi’s should have obeyed the
properties of usual random errors (approximately equal number of
positive and negative errors and more errors small in absolute value
than large errors).
The values of the unknowns thus obtained are their estimates (x0, y0,
…) and this problem, again with an evaluation of their errors, is called
adjustment of indirect measurements.
Since the early 19th century the usual condition for solving (2) was
that of least squares
W = vi2 = [vv] = v12 + v22 + … + vn2 = min19, (3)
so that
W/ x = W/ y = … = 0. (4)
had thought that they provided a means for averaging out “random,
instrumental and human error” (Wesley 1978, pp. 51 – 52). Note,
however, that both instrumental and human errors can well be partly
random which testifies to Wesley poor knowledge of the theory of
errors. Wesley also states that Tycho (somehow) combined
measurements made by different instruments and that exactly that
approach might have produced most favourable results20.
Nevertheless, it seems that, when compiling his star catalogues,
Flamsteed, the founder of the Greenwich observatory, made use of
only a part of his observations (Baily 1835, p. 376):
I […] give you the sun’s diameters, of which I esteem the first, third
and fourth too large […] the rest I esteem very accurate, yet will not
build upon them till I have made some further trials with an exacter
When several observations have been taken of the same star within
a few days of each other, I have either set down the mean result, or
that observation which best agrees with it.
Experiments ought to be estimated by their value, not their number;
[…] a single experiment […] may as well deserve an entire treatise
[…]. As one of those large and orient pearls may outvalue a very
great number of those little […] pearls, that are to be bought by the
ounce […].
discussed his book Rosa ursina sive Sol of 1626 – 1630. Much more
known is Galileo’s achievement (1613) who managed to separate the
regular rotation of the spots with the Sun itself from their random
proper movement relative to the Sun’s disk and estimated the period
of the Sun’s rotation as one lunar month; the present-day estimate is
24.5 – 26.5 days.
Humboldt (1845 – 1862, 1858, p. 64n) thought that sunspots could
have well been observed much earlier, for example “On the coast of
Peru, during the garua [?] […] even with the naked eye”, but he was
unable to substantiate his opinion.
Here, however, is the great traveller Marco Polo (Jennings 1985, p.
648). He described his conversation with the astronomer Jamal-ud-
Din, a Persian, and his team of Chinese astronomers. They discovered
the sunspots (and apparently observed them repeatedly) when “the
desert dust veiled the Sun”. Marco Polo narrative appeared in 1319
and his conversation with astronomers took place in the last quarter of
the 13th century somewhere near the present-day Chinese city Tianjin.
Marco Polo offered no comment, and it seems that he had not become
interested at all.
The subsequent history of sunspots is connected, first and foremost,
with their diligent observer, Schwabe, but it was Humboldt’s
description of his work that turned the attention of astronomers to
them (Clerke 1885/1893, p. 156).
While denying any possibility of an irregular motion of a heavenly
body, Galileo (1623/1960, p. 197) apparently denied randomness in
Those lines are called regular which, having a fixed and definite
description, have been susceptible of definition and of having their
qualities and properties demonstrated. […] But irregular lines are
those which have no determinacy whatever […] and hence
indefinable. […] The introduction of such lines is in no way superior
to the sympathy, antipathy, occult properties, influences and other
terms employed by some philosophers as a cloak for the correct reply,
which would be I do not know.
Aristotelian spirit (§ 1.1.1)22, occasioned by deviation from (Divine)
laws of nature. In this connection I quote Poincaré (1896/1912, p. 1)
who most clearly formulated the dialectical link between randomness
and necessity in natural sciences:
In the motion of the planets, the variables, if any (such as, in the
motion of the planets, the varying distance from the sun, or the
eccentricity), arise from the concurrence of extrinsic causes (Kepler
1609/1992, Chapter 38, p. 405).
development of states for which such circumstances as geographical
position, climate, etc., although not statistical data, should also be
taken into account. Cf. the approach of political arithmeticians (§
A few decades ago physicists and mechanicians began to recognize
randomness as an essentially more important agent, a fact which I am
leaving aside, as well as chaotic phenomena, that is, exponentially
deviating paths of, for example, a ball on a non-elliptical billiard table.
Owing to unavoidable small uncertainty of its initial conditions, the
path becomes a cloud which fills a certain region. This chaos defies
simple quantitative definition24.
I qualitatively explain the difference between ordinary randomness
and chaotic motion: however long and complicated is the fall of a
tossed coin, the outcomes of this toss do not change. However, the
instability of chaotic motion rapidly increases with time and an
uncountable infinity of possible paths (a cloud) inevitably appears.
Kepler had to carry out enormous calculations and, in particular, to
adjust both direct and indirect measurements. The most interesting
example in the first case (Kepler 1609/1992, p. 200/63) was the
adjustment of the four following observations (I omit the degrees)
some possibilities, and found out that that residual was equal to 8′
which was inadmissible, see his appropriate statement (1609/1992, p.
Since the first and the third position […] agree rather closely, some
less thoughtful person will think that it [the constant sought] should be
established using these, the others being somehow reconciled. And I
myself tried to do this for rather a long time.
1. See Note 22 (examples of randomness in the general sense).
2. I leave aside the views of Democritus, Epicurus and Lucretius since I think
that their works are not sufficiently understandable. Russell (1962, p. 83) considered
them “strict determinists”, but many other scholars were of the opposite opinion.
Thus, Kant (1755/1910, p. 344) remarked that the random mutual movement of the
Lucretius’ atoms had not created the world. Many ancient scientists reasoned on
randomness, see Note 3. And here is a strange statement of Strabo (1969, 2.3.7), a
geographer and historian:
Such a distribution of animals, plants and climates as exists, is not the result of
design – just as the difference of race, or of language, is not, either – but rather of
accident and chance.
Chrysippus (Sambursky 1956/1977, p. 6) held that chance was only the result of
ignorance and St. Augustinus, and, much later, Spinoza and D’Alembert expressed
similar thoughts (M. G. Kendall 1956/1970, p. 31, without an exact reference).
Kendall also maintains that Thomas (Sheynin 1974, p. 104) stated something
similar: a thing is fortuitous with respect to a certain, but not to a universal cause but
I think that that proposition is rather vague.
3. Bru (Cournot 1843/1984, p. 306) noted that a number of ancient scholars
expressly formulated such an explanation of chance. An example taken from ancient
Indian philosophy (Belvalkar & Ranade 1927, p. 458) admits of the same
The crow had no idea that its perch would cause the palm-branch to break, and
the palm-branch had no idea that it would be broken by the crow’s perch; but it all
happened by pure Chance.
When a traveller meets with a shower, the journey had a cause, and the rain had
a cause […]; but because the journey caused not the rain, nor the rain the journey,
we say they were contingent one to another.
He added, however, that the rain was a random event since its cause was
unknown, cf. above.
4. More interesting is a by-law pronounced in ancient India, between the 2nd
century BC and 2nd century of our era (Bühler 1886/1967, p. 267):
The witness [in law-suits pertaining to loans], to whom, within seven days after he
has given evidence, happens [a misfortune through] sickness, a fire or the death of a
relative, shall be made to pay the debt and a fine.
Many things are probable and […] though these are not demonstrably true, they
guide the life of the wise man because they are so significant and clear-cut.
8. Half-proofs were mentioned in law courts apparently in the 1190s (Franklin
2001, p. 18).
9. These numbers indirectly indicated the population of the towns. Deaths of
infants hardly counted here.
10. And here is Markov’s opinion of 1915 about graduates of Russian Orthodox
seminaries (Sheynin 1993a, p. 200):
11. To compare all this with the practice of the 19th and partly 20th century: Gauss
calculated his measured angles to within 0.001 (actual precision about 700 hundred
times lower); Karl Pearson kept to the same habit, even if not to the same extent,
and at least one similar example pertained to Fisher, see a discussion of this subject
in Science, vol. 84, 1936, pp. 289 – 290, 437, 483 – 484 and 574 – 575.
12. A good example about the determinate error theory (Chapter 0, Note 2).
13. And here is a general estimate of Ptolemy written by a Soviet dinosaur during
Russia’s brighter (!) years (Chebotarev 1958, p. 579): his system “held mankind in
spiritual bondage for fourteen centuries”.
14. In accordance with the Talmud (Kelim 176), the volume of a “standard” hen’s
egg, which served as the unit of volume, was defined as the mean of the “largest”
and the “smallest” eggs [from a large batch]. The Talmud also provided elementary
considerations about linear measurements and some stipulations regarding their
admissible errors (Sheynin 1998b, p. 196).
15. Large payments were thus valued comparatively higher and this subjective
attitude can also be traced in later lotteries up to our days: although large winnings
are unrealistic, gamblers are apt to hope for them. The expectations of the various
winnings in the Genoese lottery, which had been carried out from the mid-15th
century, confirm the conclusion made above: they decreased with the increase in the
theoretically possible gain (N. Bernoulli 1709/1975, p. 321; Biermann 1957;
Bellhouse 1981). Recent experiments (Cohen et al 1970, 1971) seem to suggest that
psychological subjective probabilities differ from objective statistical probabilities.
An embryo of the notion of expectation might be seen in the administration of
justice in 11th-century India (Al-Biruni 1887, vol. 2, pp. 158 – 160). Thus,
If the suitor is not able to prove his claim, the defendant must swear. […] There
are many kinds of oath, in accordance with the value of the object o the claim.
The oath apparently became ever more earnest as that value increased; the
probability of lying with impunity multiplied by the value in question was the
expectation of fraudulent gain. However, when
the object of claim was of some importance, the accused man was invited to drink
some kind of a liquid which in case he spoke the truth would do him no harm.
16. At least once Ptolemy (1984, III 4, p. 153; H 232) stated that a simpler
hypothesis “would seem more reasonable”.
17. Hardly anyone later recalled that doubtful example; Lamarck (1815, p. 133),
however, believed that there existed deviations from divine design in the tree of
animal life and explained them by “une … cause accidentelle et par consequent
variable”. In 1629, William Ames, a theologian, stated that random events might
occur even with probability p ≥ 1/2, see Bellhouse (1988, p. 71) who does not
elaborate and provides no exact reference.
18. The Laws of Manu (Ibidem) and the ancient Chinese literature (Burov et al
1972, p. 108) contain examples of decisions based on elementary stochastic
considerations, e.g., accept as true the statement of the majority.
19. I am using the Gauss apt notation
20. But how did Tycho treat his observations when one or even more of his
instruments had to be temporarily taken out of service? Its (their) removal from the
pool could have led to a systematic shift in the mean measurement.
21. Possibly somewhat exaggerating, Rabinovitch (1974, p. 355), who described
the legal problems and rituals of the Judaic religion, concluded that these
propositions (not formulated by Ptolemy) were known even in antiquity.
22. Chance also began to be recognized in biology (and even Aristotle thought
that monstrosities were random, see § 1.1.1). Harvey (1651/1952, p. 338) stated that
spontaneous generation (then generally believed in) occurred accidentally, as though
aimlessly, again see § 1.1.1:
Creatures that arise spontaneously are called automatic […] because they have
their origin from accident, the spontaneous act of nature.
2. The Early History
2.1. Stochastic Ideas in Science and Society
2.1.1. Games of Chance. They fostered the understanding of the
part of chance in life and, even in antiquity, illustrated practically
impossible events (§ 1.1.1) whereas mathematicians discovered that
such games provided formulations of essentially new problems.
Furthermore, although Pascal did not apply his relevant studies to any
other domain, he (1654b/1998, p. 172) had time to suggest a
remarkable term for the nascent theory, – Aleae geometria, La
Géométrie du hazard, – and to indicate his desire to compile a
pertinent tract. Later Huygens (1657/1920) introduced his study of
games of chance by prophetically remarking that it was not a simple
“jeu d’esprit” and that it laid the foundation “d’une spéculation fort
intéressante et profonde”. Leibniz (1704/1996, p. 506) noted that he
had repeatedly advocated the creation of a “new type of logic” so as to
study “the degrees of probability” and recommended, in this
connection, to examine all kinds of games of chance1. In 1703 he
wrote to Jakob Bernoulli (Kohli 1975b, p. 509):
Indeed, games of chance, and possibly only they, could have at the
time provided models for posing natural and properly formulated
stochastic problems. And, in addition, they were in the social order of
the day.
Rényi (1969) attempted to conjecture the essence of Pascal’s
proposed tract. He could have been right in suggesting its subject-
matter but not with regard to the year, – 1654, – when Pascal or rather
Rényi described it. Another shortcoming of Rényi’s attempt is that in
spite of treating philosophical issues, Pascal (again, Rényi) had not
mentioned Aristotle.
The theory of probability had originated in the mid-17th century
rather than earlier; indeed, exactly then influential scientific societies
came into being and scientific correspondence became usual. In
addition, during many centuries games of chance had not been
sufficiently conducive to the development of stochastic ideas (M. G.
Kendall 1956/1970, p. 30). The main obstacles were the absence of
“combinatorial ideas” and of the notion of chance events, superstition,
and moral or religious “barriers” to the development of stochastic
ideas, see also § 6.2.3. In essence, combinatorial analysis dates back to
the 16th century although already Levi ben Gerson (Rabinovitch
1973, pp. 147 – 148) had created its elements.
Montmort (1713/1980, p. 6) had testified to the superstition of
gamblers; Laplace (1814/1995, pp. 92 – 93) and Poisson (1837a, pp.
69 – 70) repeated his statement (and adduced new examples). When a
number has not been drawn for a long time in the French lottery,
Laplace says, “the mob is eager to bet on it” and he adds that an
opposite trend is also noticeable. The same illusions exist in our time
although Bertrand (1888a, p. XXII) had convincingly remarked that
the roulette wheel had “ni conscience ni mémoire”. Even a just game
(with a zero expectation of loss) is ruinous (§ 6.1.1) and is therefore
based on superstition while lotteries are much more harmful. Already
Petty (1662/1899, vol. 1, p. 64) stated that they were “properly a Tax
upon unfortunate self-conceited fools” and Arnauld & Nicole
(1662/1992, p. 332) indicated that an expectation of a large winning in
a lottery was illusory. In essence, they came out against hoping for
unlikely favourable events, cf. § 1.1.5, Note 15.
2.1.2. Jurisprudence. I mentioned it in §§ 1.1.1 and 1.1.5 and, in
particular, I noted that one of the first tests for separating chance from
necessity was provided for the administration of justice. It seems,
however, that the importance of civil suits and stochastic ideas in law
courts increased exactly in the mid-17th century2. Descartes
(1644/1978, pt. 4, § 205, p. 323) put moral certainty into scientific
circulation, above all apparently bearing in mind jurisprudence3.
Arnauld & Nicole (1662/1992) mentioned it; Jakob Bernoulli
(1713a/1999, pt. 4, Chapter 3) later repeated one of their examples
(from their pt. 4, Chapter 15). True, Leibniz (§3.1.2) doubted that
observations might lead to it.
In the beginning of the 18th century, Niklaus Bernoulli (§ 3.3.2)
devoted his dissertation to the application of the “art of conjecturing”
to jurisprudence. Elements of numerical measures in that science are
known even in the Roman canon law: it “had an elaborate system of
full proofs, half proofs, and quarter proofs” (Garber & Zabell 1979, p.
51, Note 23). On the Roman code of civil law see also Note 6 in
Chapter 1 and Franklin (2001, p. 211).
Leibniz (1704/1996, pp. 504 – 505) mentioned degrees of proofs
and doubts in law and in medicine and indicated that
Our peasants have since long ago been assuming that the value of a
plot is the arithmetic mean of its estimates made by three groups of
maintained that in the Middle Ages definite values were assigned to
risks in marine operations but he possibly meant just such estimates.
And here is a quote from the first English Statute on assurance
(Publicke Acte No. 12, 1601; Statutes of the Realm, vol. 4, pt. 2, pp.
978 – 979):
Wide research concedes that Life Insurance came into its own not
by a front-door entrance, but by marine insurance porthole.
Life insurance exists in two main forms. Either the insurer pays the
policy-holder or his heirs the stipulated sum on the occurrence of an
event dependent on human life; or, the latter enjoys a life annuity. Life
insurance in the form of annuities was known in Europe from the 13th
century onward although later it was prohibited for about a century
until 1423 when a Papal bull officially allowed it (Du Pasquier 1910,
pp. 484 – 485). The annuitant’s age was not usually taken into
consideration either in the mid-17th century (Hendriks 1853, p. 112),
or even, in England, during the reign of William III [1689 – 1702] (K.
Pearson 1978, p. 134). Otherwise, as it seems, the ages had been
allowed for only in a very generalized way (Sheynin 1977b, pp. 206 –
212; Kohli & van der Waerden 1975, pp. 515 – 517; Hald 1990, p.
119). It is therefore hardly appropriate to mention expectation here,
but at the end of the 17th century the situation began to change.
It is important to note that in the 18th, and even in the mid-19th
century, life insurance therefore hardly essentially depended on
stochastic considerations5; moreover, the statistical data collected by
the insurance societies as well as their methods of calculations
remained secret. A special point is that more or less honest business
based on statistics of mortality hardly superseded downright cheating
before the second half of the 19th century. Nevertheless, beginning at
least from the 18th century, the institute of life insurance strongly
influenced the theory of probability, see §§ 4.2 and 6.1.1c.
I single out the Memorandum of De Witt (1671). He separated four
age groups (5 – 53; 53 – 63; 63 – 73; and 73 – 80 years) and assumed
that the chances of death increased in a definite way from one group
to the next one but remained constant within each of them. According
to his calculations, the cost of an annuity for “young” men should
have been 16 times higher than the yearly premium (not 14, as it was
Eneström (1896/1897, p. 66) called De Witt’s exposition unclear.
Thus, the risk of dying always concerned a three year old infant,
which was not only not explained, but expressed in a misleading way;
and the proposed chances of death at various ages were contrary to
what was actually calculated.
An appendix to the main text (Hendriks 1853, pp. 117 – 118)
contains an interesting observation. Examining “considerably more
than a hundred different classes, each class consisting of about one
hundred persons”, De Witt found that
forth” [when needed]. In China, in 2238 BC or thereabouts, an
estimation of the population was attempted and the first census of the
warrior caste in Egypt occurred not later than in the 16th century BC
(Fedorovitch 1894, pp. 7 – 21). In Europe, even in 15th century Italy,
for all its achievements in accountancy and mathematics (M. G.
Kendall 1960),
Graunt (1662) studied the weekly bills of mortality in London
which began to appear in the 16th century and had been regularly
published since the beginning of the 17th century. For a long time his
contribution had been attributed to Petty. However, according to Hull
(Petty 1899, vol. 1, p. lii), Petty
And so, Graunt was able to use the existing fragmentary statistical
data and estimated the population of London and England as well as
the influence of various diseases on mortality. His main merit
consisted in that he attempted to find definite regularities in the
movement of the population. I only indicate that he established that
both sexes were approximately equally numerous (which contradicted
the then established views) and that out of 27 newly born about 14
were boys. When dealing with large numbers, Graunt did not doubt
that his conclusions reflected objective reality which might be seen as
a fact belonging to the prehistory of the LLN. Thus, the statistical ratio
14:13 was, in his opinion, an estimate of the ratio of the respective
Nevertheless, he uncritically made conclusions based on a small
number of observations as well and thought that the population
increased in an arithmetical progression. Many authors had since
replaced that law by the geometrical progression definitely introduced
by Süssmilch and Euler (§ 6.2.2).
In spite of the meagre and sometimes wrong information provided
in the bills about the age of those dying, Graunt was able to compile
the first mortality table (common for both sexes). He calculated the
relative number of people dying within the first six years and within
the next decades up to age 86. According to his table, only one person
out of a hundred survived until that age. Now, how exactly had Graunt
calculated his table? Opinions vary, but, in any case, the very
invention of the mortality table was the main point here. The indicated
causes of death were also incomplete and doubtful, but Graunt
formulated some important relevant conclusions as well (although not
without serious errors)6. His general methodological (but not factual)
mistake consisted in that he assumed, without due justification, that
statistical ratios during usual years (for example, the per cent of yearly
deaths) were stable.
It is generally known that Graunt had essentially influenced later
scholars and here are a few pertinent opinions (Huygens, letter of
1662/1888 – 1950, 1891, p. 149; Süssmilch, see K. Pearson 1978, pp.
317 – 318; Willcox, see Graunt 1662/1939, p. x; Hald 1990, p. 86).
4. Graunt, in his own words, reduced the data from “several great
confused Volumes into a few perspicuous Tables” and analysed them
in “ a few succinct Paragraphs” which is exactly the aim of statistics.
Hald could have referred here to Kolmogorov & Prokhorov, see §
Halley (1694a; 1694b), a versatile scholar and an astronomer in the
first place, compiled the next mortality table. He made use of
statistical data collected in Breslau7, a city with a closed population.
Halley applied his table for elementary stochastic calculations
connected with life insurance and he was also able to find out the
general relative population of the city. Thus, for each thousand infants
aged less than a year, there were 855 children from one to two years
of age, …, and, finally, 107 persons aged 84 – 100. After summing up
all these numbers, Halley obtained 34 thousand (exactly) so that the
ratio of the population to the newly born occurred to be 34. Until 1750
his table remained the best one (K. Pearson 1978, p. 206).
For a long time, the explanation of the calculations in his main
(first) paper had not been properly understood. Then, the yearly rate of
mortality in Breslau was 1/30, the same as in London, and yet Halley
considered that city as a statistical standard. If only such a notion is
appropriate, standards of several levels ought to be introduced.
Finally, Halley thought that the irregularities in his data
31*) called Halley’s contribution “the beginning of the entire
development of modern methods of life insurance”, and Hald (1990,
p. 141) stated that it “became of great importance to actuarial
Later scholars applied Halley’s contribution; the most important
example is De Moivre’s introduction (1725/1756/1967) of the uniform
law of mortality for ages beginning at 12 years.
In 1701 Halley (Chapman 1941, p. 5) compiled a chart of Northern
Atlantic showing the lines of equal magnetic declinations so that he
(and of course Graunt) might be called the founders of exploratory
data analysis, a most important, even if elementary stage of statistical
investigations, cf. § 10.8.3.
In 1680 – 1683 Leibniz wrote several manuscripts mostly
pertaining to the so-called statecraft (§ 6.2.1) and first published in
1866 (Leibniz 1986, pp. 340 – 349, 370 – 381, and 487 – 491), see
also Sheynin (1977b, pp. 224 – 227). He recommended the
publication of “state tables” (numerical or not?) of remarkable facts
and their comparison, year with year, or state with state. Their
compilation, as he suggested, should have been the duty of special
recording offices and, as it seems, for such offices Leibniz (disorderly)
listed 56 questions from which I mention the number of inhabitants of
a state and the comparison of the birth rate and mortality. Then, he
thought it advisable to collect information about scientific
achievements, “clever ideas” and medical and meteorological
observations, and to establish “sanitary boards” for compiling data on
a wide range of subjects (meteorology, medicine, agriculture).
One of Leibniz’ manuscripts (Leibniz 1986, pp. 456 – 467, or, with
a German translation, 2000, pp. 428 – 445) was devoted to political
arithmetic. There, he introduced the moyenne longueur de la vie
humaine8, necessary, as he remarked, for calculating the cost of
annuities; assumed without substantiation several regularities, for
example, that the ratio of mortality to population was equal to 1:40;
and wrongly stated that the mortality law for each age group including
infants was uniform. Following Arnauld & Nicole (1662/1992, pp.
331 and 332), he discussed apparence or degré de la probabilité and
apparence moyenne [expectation]. See §6.2.1 about the history of
university statistics.
Leibniz began by stating that in a throw of two dice the occurrence
of seven points is three times (actually six times) more probable than
of twelve points. Todhunter (1865, p. 48) indicated his second mistake
of the same kind. And Leibniz ended his essay by arguing that, since
hardly 1/9 or 1/10 of fertile women conceive yearly, the birth-rate can
be nine or ten times higher than it actually is. I simply do not
understand this argument.
Population statistics owed its later development to the general
problem of isolating randomness from Divine design. Kepler and
Newton achieved this aim with regard to inanimate nature, and
scientists were quick to begin searching for the laws governing the
movement of population, cf. K. Pearson’s appropriate remark in §
2.2. Mathematical Investigations
2.2.1. Pascal and Fermat. In 1654 Pascal and Fermat exchanged
several letters (Pascal 1654a) which heralded the beginning of the
formal history of probability. They discussed several problems; the
most important of them was known even at the end of the 14th century.
Here it is: Two or three gamblers agree to continue playing until one
of them scores n points; for some reason the game is, however,
ínterrupted on score a:b or a:b:c (a, b, c < n) and it is required to
divide the stakes in a reasonable way9. Both scholars solved this
problem (the problem of points; see Takácz 1994) by issuing from one
and the same rule: the winnings of the gamblers should be in the same
ratio(s) as existed between the expectations of their scoring the n
points, see for example Sheynin (1977b, pp. 231 – 239). The actual
introduction of that notion, expectation, was their main achievement.
They also effectively applied the addition and the multiplication
The methods used by Pascal and Fermat differed. In particular,
Pascal solved the above problem by means of the arithmetic triangle
composed, as is well known, of binomial coefficients of the
development (1 + 1)n for increasing values of n. Pascal’s relevant
contribution (1665) was published posthumously, but Fermat was at
least partly familiar with it. Both there, and in his letters to Fermat,
Pascal in actual fact made use of partial difference equations (Hald
1990, pp. 49 and 57).
The celebrated Pascal wager (1669/2000, pp. 676 – 681), also
published posthumously, was in essence a discussion about choosing a
hypothesis. Does God exist, rhetorically asked the devoutly religious
author and answered: you should bet. If He does not exist, you may
live calmly [and sin]; otherwise, however, you can lose eternity. In the
mathematical sense, Pascal’s reasoning11 is vague; perhaps he had no
time to edit his fragment. Its meaning is, however, clear: if God exists
with a fixed and however low probability, the expectation of the
benefit accrued by believing in Him is infinite.
2.2.2. Huygens. Huygens was the author of the first treatise on
probability (1657). Being acquainted only with the general contents of
the Pascal – Fermat correspondence, he independently introduced the
notion of expected random winning and, like those scholars, selected
it as the test for solving stochastic problems. Note that he went on to
prove that the “value of expectation”, as he called it, of a gambler who
gets a in p cases and b in q cases was
pa qb
. (1)
to Fermat, and one, to Pascal. He solved them later, either in his
correspondence, or in manuscripts published posthumously. In
essence, they demanded the use of the addition and multiplication
theorems, the actual introduction of conditional probabilities and the
formula (in modern notation)
P(B) = ΣP(Ai)P(B/Ai), i = 1, 2, …, n.
y = 1 – F(x),
assumed there that the law of mortality was uniform and that the
number of deaths will decrease with time, but for a distribution,
continuous and uniform in some interval, n order statistics will divide
it into (n + 1) approximately equal parts and the annual deaths will
remain about constant. In the second problem Huygens applied
conditional expectation when assuming that one of the two persons
will die first. Huygens never mentioned De Witt (§ 2.1.3) whose work
(an official and classified document) had possibly been remaining
When solving problems on games of chance, Huygens issued from
expectations which varied from set to set rather than from constant
probabilities. He was therefore compelled to compose and solve
difference equations (Korteweg, see Huygens 1888 – 1950, 1920, p.
135) and he (like Pascal, see § 2.2.1) should be recalled in connection
with their history. See also Shoesmith (1986).
While developing the ideas of Descartes and other scholars about
moral certainty (§ 2.1.2), Huygens maintained that proofs in physics
were only probable and should be checked by appropriate corollaries
and that common sense should determine the required degree of
certainty of judgements in civil life. In a letter of 1691 Huygens (1888
– 1950, t. 10, p. 739) had indeed mentioned Descartes and, without
justification, dismissed probabilities of the order of p = 10–11 although
he hardly applied this, or any other number as a criterion. Note that
Borel (1943/1962, p. 27) proposed p = 10–6 and 10–15 as insignificant
on the human and the terrestrial scale respectively. However, a single
value is hardly suitable for any event. Also see Sheynin (1977b, pp.
251 – 252).
2.2.3. Newton. Newton left interesting ideas and findings pertaining
to probability (Sheynin 1971a), but much more important were his
philosophical views. Here is the opinion of K. Pearson (1926):
Newton had not stated such an idea (although he thought that God
regularly delivered the system of the world from accumulating
corruptions, see below). In 1971 E. S. Pearson answered my question
on this point:
I have since found that K. Pearson (1978, pp. 161 and 653) had
attributed to De Moivre (1733/1756, reprint 1967, pp. 251 – 252) the
Divine stability of statistical ratios, that is, the original determination
or original design and referred to Laplace who (1814/1995, p. 37)
had indeed formulated a related idea:
Blind fate could never make all the planets move one and the same
way in orbs concentrick, some inconsiderable irregularities excepted,
which may have risen from the mutual actions of comets and planets
upon one another, and which will be apt to increase, till this system
wants a reformation. Such a wonderful uniformity in the planetary
system must be allowed the effect of choice. And so must the
uniformity in the bodies of animals.
The Greek Chronologers […] have made the kings of their several
Cities […] to reign about 35 or 40 years a-piece, one with another;
which is a length so much beyond the course of nature, as is not to be
credited. For by the ordinary course of nature Kings Reign, one with
another, about 18 or 20 years a-piece; and if in some instances they
Reign, one with another, five or six years longer, in others they reign
as much shorter: 18 or 20 years is a medium.
Newton derived his own estimate from other chronological data and
his rejection of the twice longer period was reasonable. Nevertheless,
a formalized reconstruction of his decision is difficult: within one and
the same dynasty the period of reign of a given king directly depends
on that of his predecessor. Furthermore, it is impossible to determine
the probability of a large deviation of the value of a random variable
from its expectation without knowing the appropriate variance (which
Newton estimated only indirectly and in a generalized way). K.
Pearson (1928a) described Newton’s later indication of the sources of
his estimate and dwelt on Voltaire’s adjoining remarks, and,
especially, on the relevant work of Condorcet.
I am now mentioning Newton’s manuscript (1967, pp. 58 – 61)
written sometime between 1664 and 1666. This is what he wrote:
Christians perhaps somehow differed from other people and, again,
that London was perhaps an exception. Graunt (1662, end of Chapter
3) had indeed stated that during 1650 – 1660 less than half of the
general population had believed that baptism was necessary.
And Arbuthnot had not known the comparative mortality of the
sexes. Nevertheless, later authors took note of his paper, continued to
study the same ratio m:f and, by following this subject, made
important stochastic findings (see especially § 4.4). Freudenthal
(1961, p. xi) even called Arbuthnot the author of the first publication
on mathematical statistics. From among many other recent
commentators I name Shoesmith (1987) and H. A. David & Edwards
(2001, pp. 9 – 11) and I note that Arbuthnot was the first to publish a
trick equivalent to the application of a generating function of the
binomial distribution although only for its particular case. Jakob
Bernoulli (§ 3.1.2) applied a generating function before Arbuthnot,
but his book only appeared in 1713.
In 1715, ‘sGravesande (K. Pearson 1978, pp. 301 – 303; Hald
1990, pp. 279 – 280) improved on Arbuthnot’s reasoning and
discussed it with Niklaus Bernoulli, cf. § 3.3.4.
Bellhouse (1989) described Arbuthnot’s manuscript written likely
in 1694. There, the author examined the game of dice, attempted to
study chronology (two examples, cf. § 2.2.3) and to a certain extent
anticipated his published note of 1712.
The study of the sex ratio at birth by most eminent scholars was
based on Arbuthnot’s data.
1. He himself began studying games of chance in 1675 (Biermann 1955). See
Gini (1946), Kohli (1975b) and Sylla (1998) for the main body of his
correspondence with Jakob Bernoulli (with comments). Also published (in the
original Latin) is the entire correspondence (Leibniz 1971, pp. 10 – 110; Weil et al
2. The volte-face of the public mood can be perceived when considering the
problem of absentees about whom nothing is known. So as not to violate God’s
commandment [which one?], Kepler (1610/1941, p. 238) as an astrologer refused to
state whether a particular absentee was alive or not. Jakob Bernoulli (1713/1999, p.
235), however, suggested to study, in such cases, the pertinent stochastic
considerations as also did Niklaus Bernoulli (§ 3.3.2).
3. This notion was introduced about 1400 for the solution of ethical problems
(Franklin 2001, p. 69). Recall also Thomas’ “conjectural probability” in § 1.1.5.
4. In 1705 he repeated his statement about the appraisal of lots (end of § 2.1.2) in
a letter to Jakob Bernoulli (Kohli 1975b, p. 512). Much earlier, he included it in a
Latin manuscript of 1680 – 1683 (Leibniz 2000, pp. 428 – 445, with a German
5. Several authors mentioned the practice of insuring a number of healthy infants
possibly substantiated by intuitive stochastic reasoning, see § 3.2.3.
6. It might be thought that Graunt attempted to allow for systematic corruptions
of the data. Thus, he reasonably supposed that the number of deaths from syphilis
was essentially understated [not only because of the difficulty in diagnosing but
also] out of ethical considerations.
7. He (as well as Leibniz) obtained them from Caspar Neumann, a Magister der
Philosophie and Member of the Societät der Wissenschaften in Berlin. In a letter of
1692 Leibniz (1970, p. 279) stated that the data were interesting. On Halley see
Böckh (1893), Chapman (1941) and Cook (1998).
8. Perhaps he was not acquainted with the correspondence of Huygens (§ 2.2.2).
9. About 1400 an anonymous Italian author (Franklin 2001, pp. 294 – 296)
correctly solved this problem for the case of two gamblers, but had not sufficiently
justified his solution and made a mistake in a more complicated instance. It is much
more important to note, however, that he had not introduced the notion of
expectation (cf. below).
10. The term probability does not appear in the extant part of the correspondence,
only chance is applied. De Méré, a man of the world, had unintentionally initiated
that correspondence by asking Pascal why the chances of two apparently equivalent
events were different. An elementary calculation shows that either the gamblers
were able to reveal a difference of probabilities equal to 0.0264, cf. § 1.2.3, or, as
Ore (1960, pp. 411 – 412) and van der Waerden (1976) believed, De Méré was
able to calculate the appropriate probabilities, – but still thought that achieving a six
in four throws of a die and two sixes in 24 throws of two dice should have been
equally probable since 24/36 = 4/6. Actually,
Who even before battle gains victory by military estimations has many chances
[…] who has many chances gains victory; who has few chances does
not gain victory; all the less he who has no chances at all.
3. Jakob Bernoulli and the Law of Large Numbers
I consider Bernoulli’s main work, the Ars conjectandi (AC)1,
published posthumously in Latin and touch on his Diary
(Meditationes) for 1684 – 1690. Only the stochastic part of the latter
was published together with the AC (both in their original Latin), with
other materials and comments (J. Bernoulli 1975). I also discuss
related topics and dwell on Bernoulli’s contemporaries. The AC was
translated into German and its separate parts have also appeared in
other living languages. In 1913 Uspensky translated Part 4 into
Russian (reprint: J. Bernoulli 1986). My own translation, or rather
rendition of the same part has also appeared (J. Bernoulli 2005). An
English translation of the entire Ars has been published; I reviewed it
(Sheynin 2006a) and concluded that the Cobbler should stick to his
last. In the sequel, I refer to the German translation of Bernoulli
(1899, reprinted in 1999).
3.1. Bernoulli’s Works
3.1.1. The Diary. There, Bernoulli studied games of chance and the
stochastic side of civil law. He (1975, p. 47) noted that the
probability2 of a visitation of the plague in a given year was equal to
the ratio of the number of these visitations during a long period of
time to the number of years in that period. I stress that Bernoulli thus
applied the definition of probability of an event (of statistical
probability!) rather than making use of chances. An interesting point
in this connection is that he (p. 46, marginal note) wrote out the
imprint of a review published in 1666 of Graunt’s book (§ 2.1.4)
which Bernoulli possibly had not seen; he had not referred to it either
in the Meditationes itself or in the AC. But the most important part of
his Diary is a (fragmentary) proof of the LLN. This fact means that
Bernoulli proved it not later than in 1690.
3.1.2. The Art of Conjecturing (1713a, b). Its Contents. The last
part of this book is entitled The use and application of the previous
doctrine to civil, moral and economic affairs (J. Bernoulli
1713a/1999, p. 229) but nothing of the sort had appeared there3.
Interesting problems are solved in parts 1 and 3 (the study of random
sums for the uniform and the binomial distributions, a similar
investigation of the sum of a random number of terms for a particular
discrete distribution, a derivation of the distribution of the first order
statistic for the discrete uniform distribution and the calculation of
probabilities appearing in sampling without replacement). The
author’s analytical methods included combinatorial analysis and
calculation of expectations of winning in each set of finite and infinite
games and their subsequent summing.
Part 1 is a reprint of Huygens’ tract (§ 2.2.2) including the solution
of his five additional problems, one of which Bernoulli (1713a/1999,
p. 167) had, however, carried over to Part 3, together with vast and
valuable commentaries. Nevertheless, this form again testifies that he
was unable to complete his contribution. Also in Part 1 Bernoulli (pp.
22 – 28), while considering a game of dice, compiled a table which
enabled him to calculate the coefficients of xm in the development of
(x + x2 + … + x6)n for small natural values of n.
Part 2 did not bear on probability. It dealt with combinatorial
analysis and it was there that the author introduced the Bernoulli
Part 4 contained the LLN. There also we find a not really formal
“classical” definition of probability (a notion which he had not applied
when formulating that law), a reasoning, in Chapter 2, on the aims of
the art of conjecturing (determination, as precise as possible, of
probabilities for choosing the best solutions of problems, apparently in
civil life) and elements of stochastic logic4.
Bernoulli likely considered the art of conjecturing as a
mathematical discipline based on probability as a measure of certainty
and on expectation and including (the not yet formally introduced)
addition and multiplication theorems and crowned by the LLN.
Bernoulli informed Leibniz about the progress in his work in a
letter of 3 Oct. 1703 (Kohli 1975b, p. 509). He was compiling it for
many years with repeated interruptions caused by his “innate laziness”
and worsening of health; the book still lacked its “most important
part”, the application of the art of conjecturing to civil life;
nevertheless, he, Bernoulli, had already shown his brother [Johann]
the solution of a “difficult problem, special in its own way” [§ 3.2.3],
that justified the applications of the art of conjecturing.
Most important both in that letter and in the following
correspondence of 1703 – 17055 (Ibidem, pp. 510 – 512) was the
subject of statistical probabilities, also see §§ 3.2.2 – 3.2.3. Leibniz
never agreed that observations could secure moral certainty but his
arguments were hardly convincing. Thus, he in essence repeated the
statement of Arnauld & Nicole (1662/1992, pp. 304 and 317) that the
finite (the mind; therefore, observations) cannot always grasp the
infinite (for example, God, but also, as Leibniz stated, any
phenomenon depending on innumerable circumstances).
These views were possibly caused by his understanding of
randomness as something “whose complete proof exceeds any human
mind” (Leibniz 1686/1960, p. 288). His heuristic statement does not
contradict a modern approach to randomness founded on complexity
and he was also right in the sense that statistical determinations cannot
definitively corroborate a hypothesis.
In his letter of 3 Dec. 1703 Leibniz (Gini 1946, p. 405) had also
maintained that the allowance for all the circumstances was more
important than subtle calculations, and Bortkiewicz (1923, p. 12) put
on record Keynes’ favourable attitude towards this point of view and
indicated the appropriate opinion of Mill (1843/1886, p. 353) who had
sharply contrasted the consideration of circumstances with “elaborate
application” of probability. Mill could have mentioned applied
mathematics in general; the circumstances there are the extents to
which its models are compatible with reality. Calculations (not
necessarily stochastic) are hardly more important than such
circumstances, cf. Gauss’ opinion in §§ 9A and 9A.5-2. But
circumstances should not be contrasted with calculations, the less so
because they can initially remain insufficiently known.
Bernoulli paid due attention to Leibniz’ criticism: more than a half
of Chapter 4 of Part 4 of the AC in essence coincided with the
respective passages from his letters to Leibniz; in that chapter,
Bernoulli (1713a/1999, p. 250), in particular, discussed the objections
made by “scientists”, that is, by Leibniz6.
3.2. The Art of Conjecturing, Part 4: Its Main Propositions
3.2.1. Stochastic Assumptions and Arguments. Bernoulli
examined these in Chapters 2 and 3 but did not return to them
anymore; he possibly thought of applying them in the unwritten pages
of his book. The mathematical aspect of his considerations consisted
in the use of the addition and the multiplication theorems for
combining various arguments.
Unusual was the non-additivity of the [probabilities]7. Here is one
of his examples (p. 244): “something” possesses 2/3 of certainty but
its opposite has 3/4 of certainty; both possibilities are probable and
their probabilities are as 8:9. Koopman (1940) resumed, in our time,
the study of non-additive probabilities whose sources can be found in
the medieval doctrine of probabilism that considered the opinion of
each theologian as probable. Franklin (2001, p. 74) attributed the
origin of probabilism to the year 1577, or, in any case (p. 83), to 1611.
Nevertheless, similar pronouncements on probabilities of opinion go
back to John of Salisbury (the 12th century) and even to Cicero
(Garber & Zabell 1979, p. 46).
I note a “general rule or axiom” concerning the application of
arguments (pp. 234 and 236): out of two possibilities, the safer, the
more reliable, or at least the more probable should be chosen8;
gamblers, however, always acted that same way (§ 1.2.3) if only they
did not follow superstitious beliefs (§ 2.1.1).
3.2.2. Statistical Probability and Moral Certainty. Before going
on to prove his LLN, Bernoulli (p. 246) explained that the theoretical
“number of cases” was often unknown, but what was impossible to
obtain beforehand, might at least be determined afterwards, i.e., by
numerous observations. The application of statistical [probabilities],
he maintained, was not new at all and referred to the “celebrated”
Arnauld, the co-author of Arnauld & Nicole (1662/1992)9. In his
Diary, Bernoulli indirectly mentioned Graunt (§ 3.1.1) and,
furthermore, quite to the point, in connection with the impossibility of
determining, without applying statistical data, how much more
probable was the case of a youth outliving an old man than the
opposite instance10.
He informed Leibniz about his opinion (cf. § 3.1.2) and added that
exactly that consideration led him to the idea of replacing, when
necessary, prior knowledge by posterior. Recall also Bernoulli’s
reasoning on the statistical probability of a plague epidemic (§ 3.1.1).
I discussed moral certainty in §§ 2.1.2 and 2.2.2. Bernoulli (p. 238)
maintained that it ought to be admitted on a par with absolute certainty
and that judges must have firm instructions about what exactly (for
example, 0.99 or 0.999 of certainty) constituted moral certainty. The
latter idea was hardly ever put into practice; furthermore, the
probability of a just sentence must be the higher the more important it
is. On p. 249 Bernoulli mentioned moral certainty once more. His
theorem will show, he declared, that statistical [probability] was a
morally certain [a consistent, in modern terms] estimator of the
theoretical [probability]11.
3.2.3. The Law of Large Numbers. Bernoulli proved a proposition
that, beginning with Poisson, is called the LLN (§ 8.7). Let r and s be
natural numbers, t = r + s, n, a large natural number, ν = nt, the
number of independent12 trials in each of which the studied event
occurs with [probability] r/t, µ – the number of the occurrences of the
event (of the successes). Then Bernoulli proved without applying
mathematical analysis that
r 1 1
P | | 1 (1)
t t 1 c
limP = | | = 1, ν → ∞, (2)
where, as also in (1), r/t was the theoretical, and µ/ν, the statistical
Markov (Treatise, 1924, pp. 44 – 52) improved Bernoulli’s
estimate mainly by specifying his intermediate inequalities and K.
Pearson (1925), by applying the Stirling formula, achieved a
practically complete coincidence of the Bernoulli result with the
estimate that makes use of the normal distribution as the limiting case
of the binomial law13. In addition, Pearson (p. 202) considered
Bernoulli’s estimate of the necessary number of trials in formula (1)
“crude” and leading to the ruin of those who would have applied it. He
also inadmissibly compared Bernoulli’s law with the wrong
Ptolemaic system of the world (and De Moivre with Kepler and
The very fact described by formulas (1) and (2) was, however,
extremely important for the development of probability and
statistics14; and, anyway, should we deny the importance of existence
And so, the LLN established a correspondence between the two
probabilities15. Bernoulli (p. 249) had indeed attempted to ascertain
whether or not the statistical probability had its “asymptote”; whether
there existed such a degree of certainty, which observations, no matter
how numerous, were unable to ensure. Or, in my own words, whether
there existed such positive numbers ε and δ < 1, that
lim P | | ≤ 1 – δ, ν → ∞.
He answered his question in the negative: no, such numbers did not
exist. He thus established, within the boundaries of stochastic
knowledge, a relation between deductive and inductive methods and
combined statistics with the art of conjecturing. Strangely enough,
statisticians for a long time had not recognized this fact. Haushofer
(1872, pp. 107 – 108) declared that statistics, since it was based on
induction, had no “intrinsic connections” with mathematics based on
deduction (consequently, neither with probability). A most noted
German statistician, Knapp (1872, pp. 116 – 117), expressed a
strange idea: the LLN was hardly useful since statisticians always
made only one observation, as when counting the inhabitants of a city.
And even later, Maciejewski (1911, p. 96) introduced a “statistical law
of large numbers” instead of the Bernoulli proposition that allegedly
impeded the development of statistics. His own law qualitatively
asserted that statistical indicators exhibited ever lesser fluctuations as
the number of observations increased.
All such statements definitely concerned the Poisson law as well
(European statisticians then hardly knew about the Chebyshev form
of the LLN) and Maciejewski’s opinion likely represented the
prevailing attitude of statisticians. Here, indeed, is what Bortkiewicz
(1917, pp. 56 – 57) thought: the expression law of large numbers
ought to be used only for denoting a “quite general” fact, unconnected
with any definite stochastic pattern, of a higher or lower degree of
stability of statistical indicators under constant or slightly changing
conditions and given a large number of trials. Even Romanovsky
(1912, p. 22; 1924, pt. 1, p. 15; 1961, p. 127) kept to a similar view.
Thus, in the last-mentioned contribution he stressed the natural-
scientific essence of the law and called it physical.
The LLN has its prehistory. It was thought, long before Bernoulli,
that the number of successes in n “Bernoulli” trials with probability p
was approximately equal to
µ = np. (3)
Cardano (Ore 1963, pp. 152 – 154 and 196), for example, applied
this formula in calculations connected with games of dice. When
compiling his mortality table, Halley (§ 2.1.4) assumed that
“irregularities” in his data would have disappeared had he much more
observations at his disposal. His idea can be interpreted as a statement
on the increase in precision of formula (3) with n, see however §
2.1.4. Also see Graunt’s reasoning (same subsection).
A second approach to the LLN took shape in astronomy when the
arithmetic mean became the universal estimator of the constant sought
(§ 1.2.4), cf. § 6.3.3. If the expectation of each of the magnitudes (1.1)
is equal to that constant, i.e., if systematic errors are absent, and if (as
always was the case) their variances are bounded, it could be thought
that a was approximately equal to the arithmetic mean of the
Similar but less justified statements concerning sums of magnitudes
corrupted by random errors had also appeared. Thus, Kepler (Sheynin
1973c, p. 120) remarked that the total weight of a large number of
metal money (the mean weight!) of the same coinage did not depend
on the inaccuracy in the weight of the separate coins. Then (§ 2.1.3),
when buying annuities “upon several young lives”, the expectation of
a gain Exi from each such transaction was obviously positive; if
constant, the buyer could expect a total gain of n∑Exi. Much later
Condorcet (1785a, p. 226) testified that those engaged in such
“commerce” (and apparently ignorant of the LLN) had regarded it as
There also likely existed a practice of an indirect participation of
(petty?) punters in many games at once. At any rate, both De Moivre
(1718/1756, reprint 1967, Problem 70) and Montmort (1708/1980, p.
169) mentioned in passing that some persons bet on the outcomes of
games16. The LLN has then been known but that practice could have
existed from much earlier times. And, finally, Gower (1993, p. 272)
noted that Boscovich (1758, § 481) had [somewhat vaguely]
maintained that the sum of random magnitudes decreased with an
increase in the number of terms.
The attitude of Kepler and Boscovich is understandable: a similar
wrong opinion about random sums had persisted at least until the 19th
century, so that Helmert (1905, p. 604) thought advisable to refute it
in his own field.
3.2.4. Randomness and Necessity. Apparently not wishing to
encroach upon theology, Bernoulli (beginning of Chapter 1) refused to
discuss the notion of randomness. Then, in the same chapter, he
offered a subjective description of the “contingent” but corrected
himself at the beginning of Chapter 4 where he explained randomness
by the action of numerous complicated causes. Finally, the last lines
of his book contained a statement to the effect that some kind of
necessity was present even in random things. He referred to Plato who
had taught that after a countless number of centuries everything
returned to its initial state. Bernoulli likely thought about the archaic
notion of the Great Year whose end will cause the end of the world
with the planets and stars returning to their positions at the moment of
creation. Without justification, he widened the boundaries of
applicability of his law and his example was, furthermore, too
complicated. It is noteworthy that Kepler (1596) believed that the end
of the world was unlikely. In this, the first edition of this book, his
reasoning was difficult to understand but later (1621) he substantiated
his conclusion by stating, in essence, like Oresme (1966, p. 247) did
before him, that two [randomly chosen] numbers were “probably”
incommensurable17. Bernoulli (end of Chapter 1) also borrowed
Aristotle’s example (§ 1.1.1) of finding a buried treasure, but, unlike
him, had not connected it with randomness.
3.3. Bernoulli’s Contemporaries
I dwell somewhat on the ideas and findings of some of Bernoulli’s
contemporaries but I postpone the discussion of De Moivre, whose
first publication had appeared before the AC did, until Chapter 4.
3.3.1. Arnauld. Arnauld & Nicole anonymously put out their book,
Art of Reasoning (1662/1992)18. Arnauld was its main author and I
mentioned him in Note 11 of Chapter 2 (in connection with the Pascal
wager), in § 2.1.2 (moral certainty) and § 2.1.1 (an advice to neglect
unlikely favourable events). Then (§§ 3.2.2 and 3.2.1), I noted that
Bernoulli mentioned him when justifying the use of statistical
probabilities and borrowed his principle of behaviour. Finally,
Arnauld repeatedly, although without a formal definition, applied the
term probabilité (for example, on pp. 331 and 332), and degrez de
probabilité. Recall that Leibniz (§§ 3.1.2 and 2.1.4), in turn, borrowed
from him a reasoning and a term.
3.3.2. Niklaus Bernoulli. He published a dissertation on the
application of the art of conjecturing to jurisprudence (1709/1975). An
utterly unsuitable English translation is available in the Internet: Latin
phrases up to 40 lines long are rendered in even longer sentences and
in general very much is incomprehensible.
The dissertation contained
a) The calculation of the mean duration of life for persons of
different ages.
b) A recommendation of its use for ascertaining the value of
annuities and estimating the probability of death of absentees about
whom nothing is known. He proposed to consider them dead when the
probability of their death is twice higher than that of the alternative.
c) Methodical calculations of expected losses in marine insurance.
d) The calculation of expected gains (more precisely, of expected
losses) in the Genoese lottery.
e) Calculation of the probability of truth of testimonies.
f) The determination of the life expectancy of the last survivor of a
group of men (pp. 296 – 297; Todhunter 1865, pp. 195 – 196).
Assuming a continuous uniform law19 of mortality, he calculated the
expectation of the appropriate [order statistic]. He was the first to use,
in a published work, both this distribution and an order statistic.
g) A comment on the introduction of expectation by Huygens (p.
291; Kohli 1975c, p. 542), see expression (2.1). Bernoulli interpreted
it as a generalized arithmetic mean and the centre of gravity “of all
probabilities” (this is rather loose).
Apparently in accordance with his subject he had not discussed the
treatment of observations, cf. § 2.1.4. Bernoulli’s work undoubtedly
fostered the spread of stochastic notions in society (cf. § 2.1.2), but I
ought to add that not only did he pick up some hints included in the
manuscript of the Ars conjectandi, he borrowed separate passages
both from it and even from the Meditationes (Kohli 1975c, p. 541),
never intended for publication. His numerous general references to
Jakob do not excuse his plagiarism.
3.3.3. Montmort. He is the author of an anonymous book
(1708/1980), important in itself and because of its obvious influence
upon De Moivre as well as on Niklaus Bernoulli, the correspondence
with whom Montmort included in 1713 in the second edition of his
work. In the Introduction (1708/1713, p. iii) he indicated that in
practical activities and considerations it was desirable to be guided by
“geometry” rather than by superstition, cf. § 2.1.1. However, he (p.
xii) added that, since he was unable to formulate appropriate
“hypotheses”, he was not studying the applications of [stochastic]
methods to civil life20.
Henny (1975) and Hald (1990) examined Montmort’s findings. The
latter, on his p. 290, listed Montmort’s main methods: combinatorial
analysis, recurrent formulas and infinite series; and on p. 209 Hald
added the method (the formula) of inclusion and exclusion
where A1, A2, …, An were events and i < j < k < …This formula is an
obvious stochastic corollary of a general proposition about arbitrarily
arranged sets.
Here are some problems solved by Montmort (1708/1980, pp. 244 –
246/NNo. 46 – 50 and 203 – 205/NNo. 200 – 202; 130 – 143), see
Hald (1990, pp. 196 – 198; 206 – 213; 292 – 297; and 328 – 336)
1) The problem of points. Montmort arrived at the negative
binomial distribution. He returned to this problem in his
correspondence with Niklaus Bernoulli (Hald 1990, pp. 312 – 314).
2) A study of throwing s points with n dice, each having f faces.
Montmort applied the combinatorial method and formula (4).
3) A study of arrangements and, again, of a game of dice. Montmort
arrived at the multivariate hypergeometric, and the multinomial
4) A study of occupancies. Tickets numbered 1, 2, …, n, are
extracted from an urn one by one without replacement. Determine the
probability that at least one ticket with number k, 1 ≤ k ≤ n, will occur
at the k-th extraction. Montmort derived the appropriate formulas
n/(m + f) = r, m/(m + f) = p, f/(m + f) = q, p + q = 1,
1. Bernoulli (1713a/1999, p. 233) had additionally explained this expression by
the Greek word stochastice which Bortkiewicz (1917, p. X), with a reference to
him, put into scientific circulation. Already Wallis (1685, p. 254) had applied the
expression stochastic (iterative) process and Prevost & Lhuilier (1799, p. 3)
mentioned stochastics, or “l’art de conjecturer avec rigueur sur l’utilité et l’étendue
[and the extensiveness] du principe par lequel on estime la probabilité des causes”.
Hagstroem (1940) indicated that Plato and Socrates had applied the term
stochastics and that the Oxford English Dictionary had included it with a reference
to a source published in 1662.
2. Bernoulli had not invariably applied this term, see § 3.1.2.
3. Bearing in mind the published subject of that part, it would have been
expedient to isolate the mentioned applications of the art of conjecturing.
4. Concerning the use of probable inferences in civil life see also the opinion of
Cicero in Note 6 to Chapter 1. And, in connection with Leibniz’ understanding of
randomness (below), I recall Cicero (1991, Buch 2, § 17, p. 149) once more:
“Nothing is more opposed to calculation and regularity than chance”.
The publishers appended to the AC the author’s French contribution Lettre à un Amy
sur les Parties du Jeu de Paume (J. Bernoulli 1975) in which he calculated the
expectations of winnings in a time-honoured variety of tennis.
5. I mentioned it in §§ 2.1.1 and 2.1.2.
6. In 1714, in a letter to one of his correspondents, Leibniz (Kohli 1975b, p. 512)
softened his doubts about the application of statistical probabilities and for some
reason added that the late Jakob Bernoulli had “cultivated” [the theory of
probability] in accordance with his, Leibniz’, “exhortations”.
7. On Bernoulli’s non-additive probabilities see Shafer (1978) and Halperin
8. See Arnauld & Nicole (1662/1992, p. 327): we should choose the more
9. I have found there only one appropriate but not really convincing example, see
§ 2.1.2. On their p. 281 these authors mention the possibility of posterior reasoning.
10. Cf. his Example 4 (Bernoulli 1713a/1999, p. 236).
11. Leibniz (1668 – 1669 (?)/1971, pp. 494 – 500 reasoned on the application of
moral certainty in theology. One of its chapters should have included the expression
“infinite probability or moral certainty”. In a later manuscript of 1693 he (Couturat
1901, p. 232), unfortunately, as it seems, isolated logical certainty, physical certainty
or “logical probability”, and physical probability. His example of the last-mentioned
term, the southern wind is rainy, apparently described a positive correlative
12. De Moivre (§ 4.1) was the first to mention independence.
13. Markov had not applied that formula apparently because Bernoulli did not
yet know it.
14. Strengthened by the prolonged oblivion of De Moivre’s finding (§ 4.3).
15. Throughout Part 4, Bernoulli considered the derivation of the statistical
probability of an event given its theoretical probability and this is most definitely
seen in the formulation of his Main Proposition (the LLN) in Chapter 5. However,
both in the last lines of that chapter, and in Chapter 4 he mentioned the inverse
problem and actually alleged that he solved it as well. I return to this point in my
Chapter 5.
16. Cournot (1843, §11) also mentions them vaguely.
17. For us, Oresme’s understanding of incommensurability is unusual, but I do
not dwell on this point. Before him, Levi ben Gerson (1999, p. 166) stated that the
heavenly bodies will be unable to return to their initial position if their velocities
were incommensurable. He had not, however, mentioned the end of the world.
18. Bernoulli possibly thought about that expression when choosing a title for his
book (and for the new discipline of the same name, the predecessor of the theory of
19. Huygens’ appropriate reasoning (§ 2.2.2) appeared in print much later.
20. Cf. Daniel Bernoulli’s moral expectation (§ 6.1.1).
21. Only in its reprint of 1970 (p. 232).
22. Nevertheless, A. P. Youshkevich (1986) reported that at his request three
mathematicians, issuing from the description offered by Hald, had concluded that
Bernoulli had come close to the local theorem. Neither had Hald (1998, p. 17)
mentioned that lacking factor.
23. See Daniel Bernoulli’s memoir of 1738 in § 6.1.1. He published it in
Petersburg, hence the name of the game.
24. O. Spieß (1975) dwelt on the early history of the Petersburg game and Jorland
(1987) and Dutka (1988) described later developments. Dutka also adduced the
results of its examination by means of statistical simulation.
4. De Moivre and the De Moivre – Laplace Limit Theorem
4.1. The Measurement of Chance (1712)
In his first probability-theoretic work De Moivre (1712/1984)
justified the notion of expected random gain by common sense rather
than defining it formally as has been done later, cf. § 2.2.2; introduced
the multiplication theorem for chances (mentioning independence of
the events) and applied the addition theorem, again for chances; and,
in solving one of his problems (No. 26), applied the formula (3.4) of
inclusion and exclusion. I describe some of his problems; I have
mentioned Problem 14 (repeated in De Moivre’s Doctrine of chances)
in § 2.2.2.
1) Problem No. 2. Determine the chances of winning in a series of
games for two gamblers if the number of remaining games is not
larger than n, and the odds of winning each game are a/b. De Moivre
notes that the chances of winning are as the sums of the respective
terms of the development of (a +b)n.
2) Problem No. 5. The occurrence of an event has a chances out of
(a + b). Determine the number of trials (x) after which it will happen,
or not happen, with equal probabilities1. After determining x from the
(a + b)x – bx = bx,
assumed a continuous uniform law of mortality for all ages beginning
with 12 years and a maximal duration of life equal to 86 years. I
describe some of those of his numerous findings which demanded the
application of the integral calculus.
1) Determine the expected duration of life for a man of a given age
if the maximal duration, or complement of life is n (n = 86 – age). The
answer is n/2 (p. 288). Reconstruction:
xdx / n = n/2.
[(n – z)/n]dz/p = 1 – p/2n.
3) Determine the expected time Eζ during which both men with the
same complements of life as in the previous problem do not die (p.
288). De Moivre only provided the answer; a reconstruction (Czuber,
Note 22 to the German translation of 1906 of De Moivre’s work) is as
P(x ≤ ξ ≤ x + dx or x ≤ η ≤ x + dx) =
[(n – x)/n]dx/p + [(p – x)p]dx/n,
contemplated both Lagrange and Laplace3, to remain barely known
for many decades. I refer to the reprint of its last edition.
In his Introduction, De Moivre listed his main methods:
combinatorial analysis, recurrent sequences (whose theory he himself
developed) and infinite series; in particular, he applied appropriately
truncated divergent series. Also in the Introduction, on pp. 1 – 2 he
provided the “classical” definition of probability, usually attributed to
Laplace, but kept to the previous reasoning on expectation (§ 4.1) and
even introduced the value of expectation (p. 3); formulated the
multiplication theorem for probabilities (not for chances, as
previously) and, in this connection, once more mentioned
independence. Two events, A and B, were independent, if, as he
(modern notation here and below). For dependent events (p. 6), three
in number (say),
4.4. The De Moivre – Laplace Theorem
In 1730 De Moivre published his Miscellanea analytica. Later he
appended two supplements; I am interested in the second one (1733)4,
which he printed in a small number of copies and sent out to his
colleagues. In 1738 De Moivre translated it into English and included
in the second, and then, in an extended form, in the third edition of the
Doctrine (pp. 243 – 254 in 1756). Its title includes the words binomial
(a + b)n which means that, although studying the particular case of the
symmetric binomial, De Moivre thought about the general case. He (p.
250) also expressly and justly stated that the transition to the general
case was not difficult. Strangely enough, even recently some authors
(Schneider 1988, p. 118) maintained that De Moivre had only
considered the particular case.
The date of the compilation of this supplement is known: on the
first page of its Latin original De Moivre stated that he had concluded
(at least its mathematical part) about 12 years earlier, i.e., much earlier
than he published his Misc. anal., but we can only follow that
contribution (Sheynin 1970a).
1) In Book 5 of the Misc. anal. De Moivre determined the ratio of
the middle term of the symmetric binomial to the sum of all of its
terms, and in the first supplement to that work he derived,
independently from, and simultaneously with Stirling, the so-called
Stirling formula. Only the value of the constant, 2π , the latter
communicated to him5.
2) In the same Book, De Moivre calculated the logarithm of the
ratio of the middle term of the binomial (1 + 1)n to the term removed
by l from it:
(m + l – 1/2)ln(m + l – 1) + (m – l + 1/2)ln(m – l + 1)
– 2mlnm + ln[(m +l)/m], m = n/2.
lim P[a ≤
≤ b] =
exp(–z2/2) dz. (6)
1. De Moivre thus made use both of chances and probability.
2. De Moivre’s symbolism soon became dated; the English language had been
little known on the Continent; Todhunter, the most influential historian of
probability of the 19th century, inadequately described De Moivre’s main finding (§
4.4); and, last but not least, Laplace (1814/1995, p. 119) did not sufficiently explain
3. Lagrange’s letter to Laplace of 30 Dec. 1776 in t. 14 of his Oeuvres (1892), p.
4. I call this memoir a supplement only for the sake of tradition: its extant copies
in large libraries were bound to the Misc. anal.
5. In the same supplement De Moivre included a table of lg n! for n = 10 (10) 900
with 14 decimals; reprinted: (1718/1756, p. 333). Eleven or twelve decimals were
correct; a misprint occurred in the value of lg 380!.
6. In 1740, Simpson directly dwelt on the general case (Hald 1990, pp. 21 – 23).
7. Regular 35-hedrons do not exist, but this is not here important. De Moivre
thought about 14 thousand yearly births with m:f = 18:17.
5. Bayes
5.1. The Bayes Formula and Induction
I dwell on the posthumous memoir (Bayes 1764 – 1765) complete
with the commentaries by Price. In its first part Bayes introduced his
main definitions and proved a few theorems; note that he defined
probability through expectation. There was no hint of the so-called
Bayes theorem
c 1
P(b r c) = u p (1 u ) q du ÷ v
(1 v )q dv (2)
b 0
probability of a student’s successful answer to the next question after
his previous successes.
I dwell somewhat on the above. The probability (this time, the
actual probability) of the next sunrise is
p 1
1 1
P = x p 1dx ÷ x
dx =
0 0
where (not indicated by Timerding) a = p/n = Eα, pq/n3 = varα.
The functions in the left sides of formulas (4.6) and (3) are random
variables, centred and normed in the same way, and it is remarkable
that Bayes, without knowing the notion of variance, apparently
understood that (4.6) was not sufficiently precise for describing the
problem inverse to that studied by De Moivre. Anyway, Price (Bayes
1764/1970, p. 135) stated that he knew
Later Stigler (1986, pp. 98, 132) recalled Hartley and his own
earlier paper of 1983, but did not definitively repeat his previous
inference. Then, however, he (1999, pp. 291 – 301) reprinted that
paper and added a tiny footnote brushing aside all the criticism
published by that time.
Stigler inferred that the author of the Bayes’ theorem was
Saunderson (1682 – 1739), and by applying formula (1), he even
found that his conclusion was three times more probable than the
former opinion. However, he based himself on subjective estimates
and in particular assumed that the prior probabilities of the authorship
of Bayes and Saunderson were the same. This means that the extra-
mathematical arguments (for example, the evidence of Price, a close
friend of Bayes) are not considered at all. And it is opportune to recall
the opinion of Gauss (§ 3.1.2): applications of the theory of
probability can be greatly mistaken if the essence of the studied object
is disregarded.
In addition, not only a honest personality like Saunderson, but
almost any pretender will be able to claim equal prior rights with an
established author (or a politician of the past). For my part, I have
argued that it was Bayes himself who communicated to Hartley the
solution “of the inverse problem”. Referring to later sources, Zabell
(1989, p. 316) concluded that Stigler’s opinion was not serious.
1. A modern encyclopaedia (Prokhorov 1999b) contains 14 items mentioning
him; for example, Bayesian estimator, Bayesian approach, etc. There also, on p. 37,
the author of the appropriate entry mistakenly attributes formula (1) to Bayes.
2. Bayes himself had not stated that this distribution was uniform, but it is
nevertheless necessary to make this assumption (K. Pearson 1978, p. 364). Without
any explanation provided, Mises (1919, § 9.2) remarked that Bayes had considered
the general case as well. Following Czuber, to whom he referred, Mises proved that
the influence of non-uniformity of the prior distribution weakens with the increase in
the number of observations.
6. Other Investigations before Laplace
6.1. Stochastic Investigations
6.1.1. Daniel Bernoulli. He published a number of memoirs
pertaining to probability and statistics, and, before that, he (1735)
provided a stochastic reasoning on the structure of the Solar system.
The inclinations of the orbits of the five (excepting the Earth) then
known planets with respect to the Earth (considered as random
variables with a continuous uniform distribution) were small, and the
probability of a “random” origin of that circumstance, as he
concluded, was negligible. I dwelt on the logic of such considerations
in § 1.1.1; here, however, enters a new dimension (see § 10.8.4): it
was possible to study, instead of the inclinations, the arrangement of
the poles of the orbits (Todhunter 1865, p. 223).
In this subsection, I consider only some of Bernoulli’s memoirs and
I postpone the study of his other work until §§ 6.2.3 and 6.3, but my
general conclusion is that he, together with De Moivre, was the main
predecessor of Laplace.
1) Moral expectation. While attempting to explain the paradoxical
nature of the Petersburg game (§ 3.3.4), Bernoulli (1738) suggested
that the gain y of a gambler was determined by his winnings x in
accord with the differential equation (the first such equation in
He indicated but had not proved (see § 7.1-9) that even a “just”
game with a zero expected loss for each participant became
disadvantageous because the moral expectation of winnings, again for
each, was negative, and that the infinite expected gain in the
Petersburg game (3.5) can be replaced by a finite moral expectation.
Then, applying his innovation to a study of marine shipping of freight,
he maintained (again, without proof, see same subsection below) that
the freight should be evenly distributed among several vessels.
Bernoulli appended the text of a letter of 1732 from Gabriel Cramer
to Nikolaus Bernoulli which contained his (not Daniel’s) term moral
expectation. Cramer also indirectly suggested the choice of
An entirely new science will emerge provided that as many
observations are made in politics as in physics.
and, “in the mean”, dq/dN = – q/(2N + 1/2). Assuming that the
solution of this equation passed through point N = 12 and q(12) as
defined above, he obtained
q = 1.12826/ 4 N 1 .
2 Na b 2 Na
Em = M =
ab ab
P(m = M + µ + 1) – P(m = M + µ) ≡ dπ =
2N M
π – (a/b)π dµ,
M 1
μ 1 μa /b
– dπ/π = dµ.
m μ 1
( a b) 2
P(m = M µ) = π = P(m = M) exp [– ],
hence (1). Note that Bernoulli had not applied the local De Moivre
(– Laplace) theorem.
Issuing from some statistical data, Bernoulli compared two possible
ratios a/b but had not made a final choice in favour of either of them.
He also determined such a value of µ that the sum of probabilities (1),
beginning from µ = 0, equalled one half. Applying summation rather
than integration, he had not therefore arrived at an integral limit
theorem and (also see above) he did not refer to, and apparently had
not known about De Moivre’s findings. This shows, once again (cf. §
4.4), that they had for a long time been forgotten.
3) Urn problems. I consider two of these. An urn contains n pairs of
white and black stripes. Determine the number (here and below,
actually, the expected number) of paired stripes left after (2n – r)
extractions without replacement. By the combinatorial method
Bernoulli (1768a) obtained
(1770) solved this problem by the same two methods. Thus, he issued
from the differential equation
A= [(n – 1)r + Cr3 (n – 1)r–3 + Cr6 (n – 1)r–6 + ...] ≈ ne– r/n S. (2)
n r 1
Sdr3/n3 = d3S
with α, β, γ being the values of 1.
Bernoulli’s x in his first problem, and his S and A from (2) depend
on discrete “time” r/n, which is characteristic of stochastic processes
with non-homogeneous time. The same is true about the ratio s/ in §
6.2.3 below.
6.1.2. D’Alembert. In the theory of probability, he is mostly known
as the author of patently wrong statements2. Thus, he (1754)
maintained that the probability of heads appearing twice in succession
was equal to 1/3 rather than to 1/4. Then, he (1768a) reasoned on the
difference between “mathematical” and “physical” probabilities3,
stating without justification that, for example, after one of two
contrary events had occurred several times in succession, the
appearance of the other one becomes physically more probable. He
was thus ridden by prejudices which Montmort had already
mentioned and which Bertrand later refuted by a few words (§ 2.1.1).
At the same time, D’Alembert recommended to determine
probabilities experimentally but had not followed his own advice
(which saved him from revealing his mistakes). Finally, he (1768b)
denied the difference (perfectly well understood by Huygens, § 2.2.2)
between the mean, and the probable durations of life and even
considered its existence as an (additional) argument against the theory
of probability itself.
It is opportune to recall Euler’s opinion as formulated in one of his
private letters of 1763 (Juskevic et al 1959, p. 221): D’Alembert tries
“most shamelessly to defend all his mistakes”. Anyway, D’Alembert
(1768d, pp. 309 – 310) did not ascribe the theory of probability to “a
precise and true calculus with respect either to its principles or
On the other hand, D’Alembert thought that, in a single trial, rare
events should be considered unrealizable (Todhunter 1865, § 473)
and that absolute certainty was qualitatively different from “the
highest probability”. It followed from the latter statement that, given a
large number of observations, an unlikely event might happen (cf. the
strong law of large numbers), and, taken together, his considerations
meant that the theory of probability ought to be applied cautiously.
D’Alembert (1768c) also reasonably objected to Daniel Bernoulli’s
work on prevention of smallpox and formulated his own pertinent
ideas (§ 6.2.3). I ought to add that D’Alembert was indeed
praiseworthy for his work in other branches of mathematics (and in
mechanics); note also that Euler had not elaborated his likely correct
remark. On D’Alembert’s work see also Yamazaki (1971).
6.1.3. Lambert. He was the first follower of Leibniz in attempting
to create a doctrine of probability as a component of a general
teaching of logic. Like D’Alembert (Note 3 to this Chapter), Lambert
explained randomness by ignorance of causes, but he also stated that
all digits in infinite decimal developments of irrational numbers were
equally probable, which was an heuristic approach to the notion of
normal numbers, and he formulated a modern-sounding idea about the
connection of randomness and disorder (Lambert 1771, § 324; 1772 –
1775), also see Sheynin (1971a, pp. 238 – 239; 1971b, p. 246; 1974,
pp. 136 – 137).
His considerations were forgotten, only Cournot (1851/1975, § 33
note) and Chuprov (1909/1959, p. 188) mentioned them.
Lambert did not go out of the confines of uniform randomness. To
put his ideas in perspective, I ought to add that the philosophical
treatises of the 18th century testify to the great difficulties experienced
in generalizing the notion of randomness, also see § 2.2.4. One
example: even in the 19th century, many scientists, imagining that
randomness was only uniform, refused to recognize the evolution of
species, and two authors (Baer 1873, p. 6; Danilevsky 1885, pt. 1, p.
194) independently mentioned the philosopher depicted in Gulliver’s
Travels (but borrowed by Swift from Raymond Lully, 13th – 14th
centuries). That “inventor”, hoping to get to know all the truths, was
putting on record each sensible chain of words that appeared from
among their uniformly random arrangements.
6.1.4. Buffon. He is mostly remembered for his definitive
introduction of geometric probabilities (§ 6.1.6). Then, he reasonably
suggested that the value of winnings in a game of chance diminished
with the increase of the gambler’s capital (cf. § 6.1.1) and
experimentally studied the Petersburg game (§ 3.3.4), proposed the
value 1/10,000 as a universally negligible probability, attempted to
determine the probability of the next sunrise (see Chapter 5)5, cf. §
7.1-5, and compiled tables of mortality which became popular.
Negligible, as he thought, was the probability of death of a healthy
man aged 56 during the next 24 hours, but his figure was apparently
too low; K. Pearson (1978, p. 193) thought that 1/1,000 would have
been more appropriate. In addition, negligibility ought to be only
chosen for a particular event rather than assigned universally. All the
above is contained in Buffon’s main work (1777). There also (§ 8,
Note) he published the text of his letter of 1762 to Daniel Bernoulli
which contained an embryo of Quelelet’s celebrated Average man
(see my § 10.5):
Mortality tables are always concerned with the average man, that
is, with people in general, feeling themselves quite well or ill, healthy
or infirm, robust or feeble.
I note however that, while discussing games of chance, Condorcet
(1785b/1847, p. 561) expressed himself rather unfortunately, and
stated on the next page without any justification that Daniel Bernoulli
had not removed all the objections to the “rule” of expectation and
that this was allegedly achieved by D’Alembert. In 1772, in a letter to
Turgot, he (Henry 1883/1970, pp. 97 – 98) told his correspondent that
he was “amusing himself” by calculating probabilities, had compiled
“a booklet on that subject” and was keeping to the opinions of
D’Alembert. That booklet is unknown. On Condorcet see also Zabell
(1988b) and Yamazaki (1971).
6.1.6. Geometric Probabilities. These were decisively introduced
in the 18th century although the definition of the notion itself, and, for
that matter, only on a heuristic level, occurred in the mid-19th century
(§ 10.3). Newton (§ 2.2.3) was the first to think about geometric
probability; Daniel Bernoulli (§ 6.1.1) tacitly applied it in 1735 as did
somewhat later (possibly even earlier) De Moivre (1725/1756, p.
323), and then T. Simpson (1757) (§ 6.3.1) and Bayes (§ 5.1).
Dealing with the continuous uniform distribution, De Moivre
assumed, for example, that if 0 < ξ < b and 0 < a < b,
then P (0 < ξ < a) = [0; a] ÷ [0; b].
Simpson noted that in his case (a continuous triangular distribution)
probabilities were proportional to the areas of the appropriate figures.
Bayes assumed that, for a continuous uniform distribution, the
probabilities of a ball falling on different equal segments were equal
to one another.
The Michell (1767) problem became classical: Determine the
probability that two stars from all of them, uniformly distributed over
the celestial sphere, were situated not farther than 1° from each other.
Choose an arbitrary point (A) on a sphere with centre O and imagine a
circle perpendicular to OA having distance 1° from A. The probability
sought is the ratio of the surface of the spherical segment thus
obtained to that of the sphere. Newcomb and Fisher calculated the
expected number of closely situated stars (§ 10.8-4) and general issues
were also debated by others. Thus, Proctor (1874, p. 99) wished to
P = 4r/πa (3)
of course, had to do with the limitations of mathematics in general.
Recall (§ 1.1.2) that Moses wished to find out not only whether the
population of Canaan was numerous or not, but also whether the
people there were “strong or weak”.
Tabular statistics which had originated with Anchersen (1741)
could have served as an intermediate link between words and
numbers, but Achenwall was apparently opposed to it. Anyway, he
(1752, Intro.) stated that he had “experienced a public attack” against
the first edition of that book (published in 1749 under a previous title)
by Anchersen. “Tabular” statisticians continued to be scorned, they
were even called Tabellenfabrikanten and Tabellenknechte (slaves of
tables) (Knies 1850, p. 23). When describing Russia in 1734, I. K.
Kirillov used many tables, but his work was only published in 1831
(Ploshko & Eliseeva 1990, pp. 65 – 66). Another contribution which I
have not seen is Golitzin (1807).
By the end of the 19th century, owing to the heterogeneity of its
subject, Staatswissenschaft disintegrated. K. Pearson (1978, p. 125)
remarked that political economy (Adam Smith) was the first
discipline to break off from it and that the “evolution of Political
Philosophers” had further curtailed the Staatswissenschaft. All this
means that statistics, in its modern sense, owes its origin to political
arithmetic. Consequently, I dwell below on contributions which had
not belonged to the former subject, but, to the contrary, were
mathematical or, in any case, issued from statistical data.
Apparently in the mid-19th century the Staatswissenschaft had
regenerated and partly transferred to political arithmetic. It exists
nowadays, at least in Germany, it is taught there in some universities
and it can be considered as the application of the statistical method to
the various aspects of the life of states.
K. Pearson ( p. 29) named Edward Chamberlayne (1616 – 1703)
as the “English Achenwall” but he also noted that Chamberlayne had
“copied” his book from a French work of 1661 (which he did not see).
6.2.2. Population Statistics. Süssmilch (1741) adhered to the
tradition of political arithmetic. He collected vast statistical data on
the movement of population and attempted (as Arbuthnot did, see §
2.2.4) to reveal in it divine providence but he treated his materials
rather loosely. Thus, when taking the mean of the data pertaining to
towns and rural districts, he tacitly assumed that their populations
were equally numerous; in his studies of mortality, he had not
attempted to allow for the differences in the age structure of the
populations of the various regions etc. Nevertheless, it is possible to
believe that his works paved the way for Quetelet (§ 10.5); in
particular, he studied issues which later came under the province of
moral statistics (e.g., illegitimate births, crime, suicides). And his
tables of mortality had been in use even in the beginning of the 19th
century. Like Graunt, Süssmilch discussed pertinent causes and
offered conclusions. Thus, he (1758) thought of examining the
dependence of mortality on climate and geographical position and he
knew that poverty and ignorance were conducive to the spread of
Süssmilch’s main contribution, the Göttliche Ordnung, marked the
origin of demography. Its second edition of 1765, included a chapter
“On the rate of increase and the period of doubling [of the
population]” written jointly with Euler. Partly reprinted in the latter’s
Opera omnia (in t. 7 of ser. 1, 1923), it served as the basis of one of
Euler’s memoirs (Euler 1767). Süssmilch naturally thought that the
multiplication of mankind was a divine commandment and that,
therefore, rulers must take care of their subjects. Quite consistently, he
condemned wars and luxury and indicated that the welfare of the poor
was to the advantage of both the state, and the rich. His collaboration
with Euler and frequent references to the latter in his Göttliche
Ordnung certainly mean that Euler had shared his general social
Both as a statistician and as a deeply religious person Süssmilch
opposed polygamy. In this, he followed Graunt and perhaps other
statisticians. And it seems that Daniel Bernoulli, the bachelor, was
the only partisan of that practice. He (1768c, p. 103) stated, without
any substantiation, that polygamy “certainly” fostered the
multiplication of population. His was a letter to Euler, another deeply
religious person, who likely did not comment on that point. The
biographers of Bernoulli were not at all sure that he was really
religious. On Süssmilch see Birg (1986) and Pfanzagl & Sheynin
Malthus (1798) picked up one of the conclusions made in the
Göttliche Ordnung, viz., that the population increased in a geometric
progression (which is still a more or less received statement).
Statisticians have been hard put to reconcile the Biblical command
(Genesis 1:28) Be fruitful and increase in number … with the
registered growth of the population. Pearson (1978, p. 337)
commented on this difficulty experienced by an early British
Apparently his view is that while the Creator would not approve of
starvation for thinning humanity, he would have no objections to
plague or war! It reminds me of the farmer’s wife. She saved an
earwig from her hot iron and threw it in the kitchen fire saying I
nearly killed ye with the hot iron!
we also see that they belonged to types IX and X of the Pearson
curves. Then, he formulated the problem concerning the duration of
marriages, statistically studied children’s mortality from smallpox and
the number of children in families (§ 108). See Sheynin (1971b) and
Daw (1980) who also appended a translation of Lambert’s discussion
of the smallpox issue.
When considering the last-mentioned subject, Lambert issued from
data on 612 families having up to 14 children and, once more without
substantiation, somehow adjusted his materials. It is remarkable that
he arbitrarily increased the total number of children by one half and
that the new data, as he maintained, were “smoother”. It might be
thought that Lambert attempted to allow for stillbirths and the death of
children. Elsewhere in his work he (§ 68) indicated that statistical
investigations should reveal [and explain] irregularities.
6.2.3. Medical Statistics. Population statistics was not closely
linked with any embryo of medical statistics, Graunt and Süssmilch (§
6.2.2) notwithstanding. Schlözer passed medical problems over in
silence. Statisticians have been ignorant of probability theory,
recognized only Bernoulli trials (§ 3.2.3). Interesting enough was
Poisson’s introduction of the (soon forgotten) term social arithmetic
(§ 8), i. e., population and medical statistics.
Medical statistics originated in the 19th century, partly because of
the need to combat the devastating visitations of cholera. Interestingly
enough, the expression medical probability appeared not later than in
the mid-18th century (Mendelsohn 1761, p. 204). At the end of that
century Condorcet (1795/1988, p. 542) advocated collection of
medical observations7 and Black (1788, p. 65) even compiled a
possibly forgotten “Medical catalogue of all the principle diseases and
casualties by which the Human Species are destroyed or annoyed” that
reminded of Leibniz’ thoughts (§ 2.1.4). Descriptions belonging to
other branches of natural sciences as well have actively been compiled
(mostly later) and such work certainly demanded preliminary
statistical efforts8. Some authors mistakenly stated that their
compilations ruled out the need for theories (cf. D’Alembert’s
opinion in Note 7). Until the beginning of the 20th century, the
partisans of complete descriptions continued to deny sampling in
statistics proper (§ 10.8-2).
Especially important was the study of inoculation, of the method of
preventing smallpox by communicating a mild form of smallpox from
one person to another. The history of smallpox epidemics and
inoculation is described in various sources (Condamine 1759, 1763,
1773; Karn 1931). In his first memoir, Condamine listed the
objections against inoculation, both medical and religious. He ended
his contribution thus:
In Basel, Messrs Bernoulli, whose name can by itself authorize
doubtful opinions on many points, have not rested content to declare
themselves publicly in favour of inoculation. They obtained approval
for the first experimentation from the faculties of medicine and
theology in Basel. The younger of the two brothers [Johann II, 1710 –
1790] and the only one of them married, decided to participate, and in
1756 he inoculated his two younger sons, and, a year ago, their elder
Johann II had indeed many sons, not all of them famous, whereas
his brother was Daniel Bernoulli. An approval from theologians was
really needed. White (1896/1898) described the “warfare of science
with theology” including, in vol. 2, pp. 55 – 59, examples of fierce
opposition to inoculation (and, up to 1803, to vaccination of
smallpox). Many thousands of Canadians perished in the mid-19th
century only because, stating their religious belief, they had refused to
be inoculated. White clearly distinguished between theology, the
opposing force, and “practical” religion.
Condamine (1773) includes the text of a third memoir on the same
subject (pp. 221 – 282) read in 1764 and the author’s correspondence,
in particular with Daniel Bernoulli. He had given Bernoulli data on
smallpox epidemics which the latter used in his research (below).
Karn stated at the very beginning of her article that
The method used in this paper for determining the influence of the
death-rates from some particular diseases on the duration of life is
based on suggestions which were made in the first place by D.
1 (m 1)e x / n
showed the relation between age x (in years) and the number of people
of the same age, ξ, of which s had not contacted smallpox. Also by
means of a differential equation he derived a similar formula for a
population undergoing inoculation, that is, for its 99.5% which safely
endured it and were not anymore susceptible to the disease. It
occurred that inoculation lengthened the mean duration of life by 3
years and 2 months and that it was therefore, in his opinion, extremely
useful. The Jennerian vaccination, –
The inestimable discovery by Jenner, who has thereby become one
of the greatest benefactors of mankind (Laplace 1814/1995, p. 83), –
was introduced at the end of the 18th century. Its magnificent success
had not however ruled out statistical studies. Thus, Simon (1887, vol.
1, p. 230) formulated a question about the impermanence of protection
against post-vaccinal smallpox and concluded that only
comprehensive national statistics could provide an answer.
D’Alembert (1761b; 1768c) criticized Daniel Bernoulli9. Not
everyone will agree, he argued, to lengthen his mean duration of life at
the expense of even a low risk of dying at once of inoculation; then,
moral considerations were also involved, as when inoculating
children. Without denying the benefits of that procedure, D’Alembert
concluded that statistical data on smallpox should be collected,
additional studies made and that the families of those dying of
inoculation should be indemnified or given memorial medals.
He also expressed his own thoughts, methodologically less evident
but applicable to studies of even unpreventable diseases. Dietz &
Heesterbeek (2002) described Bernoulli’s and D’Alembert’s
investigations on the level of modern mathematical epidemiology and
mentioned sources on the history of inoculation. For his part, K.
Pearson (1978, p. 543) stated that inoculation was
Said to have been a custom in Greece in the 17th century and was
advocated […] in the Phil. Trans. of the Royal Society in 1713.
Also see Sheynin (1972a/1977, pp. 114 – 116; 1982, pp. 270 –
6.2.4. Meteorology. In § 2.1.4 I noted that Leibniz recommended
regular meteorological observations. And, indeed (Wolf 1935, p. 312),
7.2-8. Then, Toaldo (1775; 1777) statistically studied the connections
between phenomena concerning meteorology and stated that the
weather depended on the configurations of the Moon. His opinion was
not abandoned until the mid-19th century (Muncke 1837, pp. 2052 –
2076), but either then, or later, in the second half of that century, for
example when the connection between cyclones and solar activity had
been studied (Sheynin 1984a, § 4.2), no embryo of correlation theory
was established, see § 10.7.
Lamarck, the most eminent biologist of his time, seriously
occupied himself with physics, chemistry and meteorology. In
meteorology, his merits had for a long time been ignored (Muncke
1837), but he is now remembered for his “pioneer work in the study of
weather” (Shaw & Austin 1942, p. 130) and I (Sheynin 1984b, § 6)
quoted several of his important pronouncements. He repeatedly
applied the term météorologie statistique (e.g., 1800 – 1811, t. 4, p. 1)
whose aim (Ibidem, t. 11, p. 9 – 10) was the study of climate, or, as he
(Ibidem, t. 4, pp. 153 – 154) maintained elsewhere, the study of the
climate, of regularities in the changes of the weather and of the
influence of various meteorological phenomena on animals, plants and
6.3. Mathematical Treatment of Observations
In modernity, mathematical treatment of observations became
necessary after regular astronomical observations (Tycho Brahe,
§ 1.2.2) had begun. A new problem of natural sciences, the
determination of the figure and the size of the Earth (of the Earth’s
ellipsoid of rotation), presented itself in the second half of the 18th
century. By means of meridian arc measurements the lengths of those
arcs were calculated (indirectly, by triangulation). After determining
the length of one degree of the meridian in two different and observed
latitudes it becomes possible to calculate both parameters of the
ellipsoid whereas redundant measurements lead to equations of the
type of (1.2) in these unknowns which can then be derived more
The term “Theory of errors” (Theorie der Fehler) is due to
Lambert (1765a, Vorberichte and § 321) who defined it as the study
of the relations between errors, their consequences, circumstances of
observation and the quality of the instruments. He isolated the aim of
the “Theory of consequences” as the study of functions of observed
(and error-ridden) quantities. In other words, he introduced the
determinate error theory (Note 2 to § 0.3) and devoted to it §§ 340 –
426 of his contribution. Neither Gauss, nor Laplace ever used the
new terminology, but Bessel (1820, p. 166; 1838b, § 9) applied the
expression “theory of errors” without mentioning anyone and by the
mid-19th century it became generally known. As far as that theory is
concerned, Lambert was Gauss’ main predecessor (see § 6.3.1).
I shall separately consider the adjustment of direct and indirect
measurements; note, however, that scientists of the 18th century
recognized the common character of these problems. Thus, in both
cases the unknowns were called by the same term, “Mittel” (Lambert
1765b, § 6) or “milieu” (Maire & Boscovich 1770, pp. 484 and 501),
also see the method of averages (§ 6.3.2).
6.3.1. Direct Measurements. The first to touch on this case was
Cotes (1722, see Gowing 1983, p. 107).Without any justification he
advised to regard the weighted arithmetic mean, which he compared
with the centre of gravity of the system of points, – of the
observations,– as the “most probable” estimator of the constant
– v, – v + 1, …, – 2, – 1, 0, 1, 2, …, v – 1, v
or to
(r–v + … + r0 + … + rv)n = r–vn(1 – r)–n(1 – r2v+1)n,
The left sides of these two equalities were generating functions with
unit coefficients in the first case, and coefficients
1, 2, …, v + 1, … 2, 1
discovered an air of self-sufficiency, ill-nature, and inveteracy,
unbecoming a gentleman (Simpson, posth. publ. 1775, p. 144).
When differentiating this function, Lambert had not indicated that the
argument here was the parameter xo, etc.
In a few years Lambert (1765a) returned to the treatment of
observations. He attempted to estimate the precision of the arithmetic
mean, but did not introduce any density and was unable to formulate a
definite conclusion. He also partly repeated his previous
considerations and offered a derivation of a density law of errors
occurring in pointing an instrument (§§ 429 – 430) in accordance with
the principle of insufficient reason: it was a semi-circumference (with
an unknown radius) simply because there were no reasons for its
Johann III Bernoulli (1785) published a passage from a
manuscript of Daniel Bernoulli (1769/1997) which he had received in
1769 but which was written, as its author had told him, much earlier.
There, Daniel assumed the density law of observational errors as a
semi-ellipse or semi-circumference of some radius r ascertained by
assigning a reasonable maximal error of observation and the [location
parameter] equal to the weighted arithmetic mean with posterior
pi = r2 – ( x – xi)2. (4)
Here, xi were the observations and x , the usual mean. If required,
successive approximations could have been made.
The first to apply weighted or generalized arithmetic means was
Short (1763). This estimator demanded a subjective selection of
weights and, moreover, it only provided a correction to the ordinary
arithmetic mean which tended to vanish for even density functions.
In his published memoir Daniel Bernoulli (1778) objected to the
application of the arithmetic mean which (§ 5) only conformed with
an equal probability of all possible errors and was tantamount to
shooting blindly13. Instead, he suggested [the maximum likelihood
estimator of the location parameter] and supported his idea (§ 9) by
indicating that, when one out of several possible and incompatible
events had occurred, it should be thought that it was the event that
possessed the highest probability.
Listing a few reasonable restrictions for the density curve (but
adding to these the condition of its cutting the abscissa axis almost
perpendicularly), he selected a semi-circumference with radius equal
to the greatest possible, for the given observer, error. He then (§ 11)
wrote out the [likelihood function] as
x x1 x x2
+ 2 +…=0
r 2 ( x x1 ) 2 r ( x x2 ) 2
[ px] 1
x0 = , pi = 2 (5; 6)
ip r ( x 0 xi )
densities. I also note that, according to Bernoulli, the properly normed
density was
He had not noticed that his requirement led to the choice of the
In the positive part of his commentary, Euler recommended, instead
of the arithmetic mean, the estimate (5) with posterior weights (4) and
he mistakenly assumed that Bernoulli had actually chosen these same
weights. While developing his thoughts, and denoting the n
observations by П + а, П + b, П + с, …, where
a + b + c + … = 0, (7)
[r2 – (xo – a)2]2 + [r2 – (xo – b)2]2 + [r2 – (xo – c)2]2 + … = max. (8)
(xo – a)2 + (xo – b)2 + (xo – c)2 + … = min, (9)
error of the pendulum accumulated after a large number of vibrations
had a normal distribution.
In his previous work Bernoulli (1770 – 1771) noted that, for
N = 10,000,
[2/ πN ] exp( x 2 N )dx
It was this calculation that caused his conclusion (above) about the
behaviour of random errors. Already in the 19th century, however, it
became known that such errors can possess other laws of distribution
(e.g., § 10.9.4).
Note also that Bernoulli came close to introducing the probable
error; to recall (§ 2.2.2), Huygens discussed the probable duration of
life. Bernoulli was also the first to introduce elementary errors. I do
not however set high store by this fact; indeed, this notion is not
necessary for proving the CLT. I conclude by remarking that
Bernoulli had not investigated the more general pattern of an unequal
number of the slower and the faster vibrations although it
corresponded to the case of unequal probabilities of male and female
births, also studied by him. Neither had he said anything about the
possible dependence between the periods of successive vibrations.
6.3.2. Indirect measurements. Here, I consider the adjustment of
redundant systems
unavoidable systematic errors and thus to ensure a (qualitative)
estimation of the order of random errors15.
In the 19th century, it was discovered that the MLSq led to the same
result as the method of combinations, although only if the particular
solutions were appropriately weighted (Whittaker & Robinson 1949,
p. 251).
2) For the case of three unknowns the method of combinations
becomes unwieldy. In an astronomical context, Mayer (1750) had to
solve 27 equations in three unknowns. He separated them into three
groups of nine equations each, calculated three particular solutions
(see below), and, finally, averaged them. The plausibility of the results
thus obtained depended on the expediency of the separation and it
seems (Stigler 1986, pp. 21 – 25) that Mayer had indeed made a
reasonable choice. Being mostly interested in only one unknown, he
included the equations with their greatest and smallest in absolute
value coefficients in the first, and the second group respectively. Note
also that Mayer believed that the precision of results increased as the
number of observations, but in his time this mistake was
Mayer solved each group of equations under an additional condition
Σvi = 0, (11)
the first of which determined the method of averages. It can be
allowed for by summing all the equations and eliminating one of the
unknowns from the expression thus obtained. The mean (milieu), as
Boscovich remarked, should be connected
ai x + y + si = vi. (14)
|vmax| = min,
with the minimum being determined from all possible and expedient
solutions18. In § 2.1.4 I indicated that Kepler had apparently made use
of some elements of this method (true, not even for algebraic
equations). It does not ensure optimal, in any sense, results, but allows
to check whether the theory, underlying the given system (10), is
correct. Indeed, any other method of its solution will lead to a greater
value of |vmax|, the gap between theory and observation will be wider,
and the correctness of the former might mistakenly be questioned.
Gusak (1961) described the history of the minimax method from
1778, when Euler had applied it to an important but, in my context,
irrelevant study, to Chebyshev. However, Euler (1749) made use of
the rudiments of that method much earlier. When solving systems of
the type of (10), he compared only a few “solutions” with each
other19. Then, Lambert (1765a, § 420) recommended the same
method but owned that he did not know how to apply it “in a general
manner and without many roundabout ways”. Laplace (1789/1895,
pp. 493, 496 and 506 and elsewhere) applied the minimax method for
preliminary investigations, – for checking whether or not the results of
meridian arc measurements and pendulum observations contradicted
the theory according to which the Earth was an oblate ellipsoid of
rotation. Since the method of minimax has no stochastic underpinning,
I am not describing the appropriate algorithms introduced by Laplace;
I note, however, that it is applied in the theory of statistical decision-
making (Lehmann 1959, Chapter 9).
5) Euler (1749, 1755, 1770) had to treat indirect measurements as
well. At least in the first two instances his goal was much more
difficult than that outlined in § 1.2.1 where the underlying theory was
supposed to be known for sure. Concerning the first of his
contributions, Wilson (1980, p. 262n) remarked that Euler was
The true value which we should like to know […] and to the particular
value at which we happen to arrive.
So the true value was then still alive and even applied, as in the
lines above, to objects having no existence in the real world.
Incidentally, the same can be said about Gauss (1816, §§ 3 and 4)
who repeatedly considered the true value of a measure of precision of
observations. And Hald (1998) mentioned the true value many times
in Chapters 5 and 6; on p. 91 he says: “the estimation of the true
value, the location parameter…”
So what is a true value? Markov (1924, p. 323) was the only
mathematician who cautiously, as was his wont, remarked:
This phrase first appeared in the 1908 edition of his Treatise (and
perhaps in its first edition of 1900). He did not attempt to define true
value, but this is exactly what Fourier (1826/1890, p. 534) had done
more than a century before him. He determined the véritable objet de
la recherche (the constant sought, or its “true” value) as the limit of
the arithmetic mean of n appropriate observations as n → ∞.
Many authors, beginning perhaps with Timerding (1915, p. 83) [and
including Mises (1919/1964a, pp. 40 and 46)], without mentioning
Fourier and independently from each other, introduced the same
definition. One of them (Eisenhart 1963/1969, p. 31) formulated the
unavoidable corollary: the mean residual systematic error had to be
included in that “true” value:
1. Lagrange (1777) solved a similar problem for a finite number of urns and balls
of two colours as well as some other stochastic problems by means of partial
difference equations.
2. He published many memoirs and papers on the theory of probability and its
applications (§ 6.2.3) and it is difficult to organize them bibliographically; on this
point see Paty (1988). Todhunter (1865) devoted an entire chapter to D’Alembert.
3. Cf. the D’Alembert – Laplace problem (Note 4 in Chapter 1). In 1750
D’Alembert declared that randomness was only caused by ignorance (Note 2 in
Chapter 1). The denial of randomness, also upheld by Kepler (§ 1.2.4) and Laplace
(§ 7.3), although only by mere words, proved fruitless.
4. Regarding his really strange attitude towards medicine see Note 7.
5. His unsubstantiated conclusion was absolutely wrong. Loveland (2001)
attempted to reconstruct Buffon’s reasoning.
6. Recall however (§ 3.3.4) that Condorcet reasonably remarked on the
Petersburg game.
7. D’Alembert (1759/1821, p. 163) should also be mentioned. The first edition of
this contribution published in 1759 apparently had not contained any such statement.
Note, however, that he died in 1783 so that he formulated his similar desire in the
18th century. D’Alembert even stated that a physician was a blind man who can
strike either the disease or the patient by his club and added, on p. 167, that the best
doctor was the one who least believed in medicine. See also § 10.8.
8. The same author, Black, appended a “Chart of all the fatal diseases and
casualties in London during […] 1701 – 1776” to his book. It will warn us to make
the best disposition and preparation for defence. However, in his previous book
Black (1782) stated contradictory ideas.
9. In the first case he discussed Bernoulli’s report; I stress that the latter’s memoir
appeared only in 1766. Later D’Alembert rewrote his memoirs. See Todhunter
(1865, pp. 265 – 271, 277 – 278 and 282 – 286) for a detailed description of his
10. Not the semiaxes of the ellipsoid, a and b (a > b), were determined, but rather
a and the flattening (a – b)/a. The flattening had also been derived from pendulum
observations; see § 10.9.1 where I describe the pertinent work of Ivory.
11. The distributions introduced by Simpson, if considered continuous, can be
directly compared with each other in the sense that the respective variances are v2/3
and v2/6.
12. In a letter of 1971 E. S. Pearson informed me that “curiously” his father’s
Lectures (1978), – then not yet published, – omitted Lambert. He explained:
It was not because [Lambert’s] writings were in German of which my father was
an excellent scholar. I suppose […] that he selected the names of the personalities
he would study from a limited number of sources, e.g., Todhunter, and that these did
not include Lambert’s name. [Todhunter did refer to Lambert but had not described
his work.] Of course, K. P. was over 70 by the time his history lectures passed the
year 1750, and no doubt his exploration was limiting itself to the four Frenchmen,
Condorcet D’Alembert, La Grange and Laplace.
We ought […] to resolve that which is common to all the stars […] into a single
real motion of the Solar system, as far as that will answer the known facts, and only
to attribute to the proper motions of each particular star the deviations from the
general law the stars seem to follow …
Such, he added, were “the rules of philosophizing”. Compare now Newton’s Rule
No. 1 of reasoning in philosophy (§ 1.1.5).
When treating direct measurements W. Herschel (1806) preferred the [median]
rather than the arithmetic mean (Sheynin 1984a, pp. 172 – 173).
18. It is remarkable that the minimax method corresponds, as Gauss (1809b,
§ 186) noted, to the condition
19. Stigler (1986, pp. 27 – 28) called Euler’s memoir (1749) a “statistical failure”
and, in his opinion, Euler was a mathematician who “distrusted” the combination of
equations. Without perceiving the main goal of the method of minimax, and
mentioning a classic in a free and easy manner, Stigler got into a mess. See Wilson’s
statement at the end of § 6.3.2. In his second book Stigler (1999, pp. 317 – 318)
unblushingly called Euler a great statistician but did not notice his lame argument
against the [method of maximum likelihood] (§ 6.3.1). Moreover, as stated there, in
the particular instance under discussion Euler should have opted for the not yet
named median (which he did not mention) rather than the mean (which he
For that matter, in the 18th century practitioners experienced difficulties when
deciding how to adjust their observations (Bru 1988, pp. 225 – 226); and at the turn
of that century Laplace and Legendre simply refused to adjust a triangulation chain
laid out between two baselines. Instead, likely fearing the propagation of large
errors, they decided to calculate each half of the chain starting from its own baseline
(Sheynin 1993b, p. 50). Much later Laplace (ca. 1819/1886, pp. 590 – 591) defended
their decision by the previous ignorance of the “vraie théorie” of adjustment and
added that his justification of the MLSq had changed the situation.
I supplement Bru’s description by indicating that Maupertuis (1738, p. 160;
1756b, pp. 311 – 319) calculated his triangulation twelve times (each time taking
into account differing sets of measured angles), selected two of his results and
adopted their mean value.
It is instructive to note that, before the adjustment proper of the Soviet primary
triangulation, each of its chains situated between baselines and astronomically
determined azimuths was replaced by an appropriate geodetic line (cf. beginning of
§ 9B). Only these lines were then adjusted after which each chain was finally dealt
with independently from one another. One of the benefits of this procedure was that
it prevented the systematic errors from “freely walking” over the entire network, as
Izotov, the leading assistant of Krasovsky, the calculator of the Krasovsky spheroid,
explained ca. 1950 in one of his lectures at the Moscow Geodetic Institute which I
7. Laplace
7.1. Theory of probability
Laplace devoted a number of memoirs to the theory of probability
and later combined them in his Théorie analytique des probabilités
(abbreviation: TAP) (1812). When referring to it, I often indicate only
the page numbers. I describe its second Livre; in the first one he
studied the calculus of generating functions with application to the
solution of ordinary and partial difference equations and the
approximate calculation of integrals.
1) In Chapter 1 Laplace provided the “classical” definition of
probability (introduced by De Moivre, see § 4.3), formulated the
addition and multiplication theorems for independent events as well as
theorems concerning conditional probabilities. He described the same
material in his Essai philosophique …1 where he (1814/1995, p. 10),
in addition, included the so-called Bayes theorem, see formula (5.1),
calling it a principle. Much earlier he (1774/1891, p. 29) introduced a
“fundamental principle”, – the same theorem for the case of constant
prior probabilities P(Ai):
P(Ai/B)/P(Aj/B) = P(B/Ai)/P(B/Aj).
a) In an astronomical context Laplace studied sampling with
replacement. Tickets numbered from 0 to n are extracted from an urn.
Determine the probability that the sum of k numbers thus extracted
will be equal to s (p. 257). Let these numbers be t1, t2, …, tk, then
t1 + t2 + ... + tk = s. (1)
(1 – ln+1)/(n + 1) (2)
ψ t ; t ;
1 2 ; tk φ1 t φ 2 t φ t dt1dt2 dtk
over all possible values of the variables; ψ is not yet chosen. Laplace
then generalizes his very general problem still more by assuming that
each function φi(t) can be determined by different formulas on
different intervals of its domain.
When solving this problem, Laplace made use of the same
discontinuity factor as above and derived the Dirichlet formula (an
expression for the n-tuple integral of the product of n power functions
over the area in which the sum of the arguments, i. e., of the bases of
those functions, is restricted by the interval [0, 1]), even in a more
general version. The case of ψ ≡ 1 enabled him to determine the
probability of equality (1) (which interested Laplace here also). He
then once more specified his problem by assuming that
φi(t) = a + bt + ct2.
When solving that problem, Laplace derived a multiple integral of
u, u1, u2, … over the area
0 ≤ u + u1 + u2 + … ≤ s
1 1 1
... .
n n 1 n r 1
P(|µ – np – z| ≤ l) =
(2/√π) exp(– t2)dt + α 1/π exp(–l2n/2xx′). (3)
|z| < 1, x = np + z, and x′ = nq – z.
Laplace indicated that his theorem was applicable for estimating the
theoretical probability given statistical data, cf. the Bayes theorem in
§ 5.2, but his explanation was not clear, cf. Todhunter (1865, pp. 554
– 556). Insufficiently clear is also Hald’s description (1990, § 24.6).
Already Daniel Bernoulli (§ 6.1.1) solved one of Laplace’s
problem: There are two urns, each containing n balls, some white and
the rest black; on the whole, there are as many white balls as black
ones. Determine the probability u that the first urn will have x white
balls after r cyclic interchanges of one ball. The same problem was
solved by Lagrange (1777/1869, pp. 249 – 251), Malfatti
(Todhunter 1865, pp. 434 – 438) and Laplace (1811; and in the same
way in the TAP).
Laplace worked out a partial difference equation, “mutilated it most
unsparingly” (Todhunter 1865, p. 558), and obtained a partial
differential equation with argument x
of the limiting state in this problem can be justified by the Markov
ergodic theorem for Markov chains. See also Sheynin (1972a/1977,
pp. 127 – 128).
4) I touch on Chapter 4 in § 7.2-4. Laplace devoted Chapter 5 to
the detection of constant causes (forces) in nature. Thus, he attempted
to estimate the significance of the daily variation of the atmospheric
pressure. K. Pearson (1978, p. 723) noted that nowadays the Student
distribution could be applied in such investigations, that some of the
assumptions which Laplace made proved wrong, etc. and, in addition,
that Laplace had unjustifiably rejected those days during which the
variation exceeded 4 mm.
Laplace remarked that the calcul des probabilités can be applied to
medicine and economics. It may be argued that he thought about
stochastic analysis of statistical data, see his Essai (1814/1995, p. 61).
He even inserted a section on the application of the probability
calculus to moral sciences.
Concerning geometric probability, Laplace only discussed the
Buffon problem and stated (p. 365) that geometric probability can be
applied to rectify curves “ou carrer leurs surfaces” (nowadays this
carrer certainly looks strange).To repeat (§ 6.1.6), a needle of length
2r falls from above on a set of parallel lines. The distance between
adjacent lines is a 2r and the probability p that the needle intersects
a line is
p = 4r/πa.
b 1
And so, Laplace actually estimated the probability x. For the curve
(4) the point of its maximum
α = p/(p + q) (6)
seems to be its natural estimator, but Ex, or, more precisely, the
expectation of a random variable ξ with distribution
p 1
Eξ= . (7)
1 1
[x + (1 – x)]2n and 2n = p + q.
P = (m + 1) ÷ (m + n + 1).
issuing from repeated observations and posterior probability, it was
impossible to guess the prior probability and he thus hardly
recognized the Bernoulli theorem.
Fries decided that the solution of the Price problem just as the
Laplacean solution of the D’Alembert – Laplace problem (Note 5 to
Chapter 1) is based on philosophical (not mathematical) probabilities
and philosophical induction. Finally and without any special study
Fries (p. 157/139) declared that the MLSq was completely subjective.
All this he briefly stated already in his Introduction. It is exactly the
Bernoulli theorem that answers Fries. Laplace (1814/1995, p. 10)
actually remarked that his formula was necessarily justified by the
principle of insufficient reason but with the increase of the number of
trials the accepted assumption should have been gradually specified.
He himself (§ 7.2-1) recommended a similar procedure.
Zabell (1989) comprehensively studied the Price problem but all
but ignored Fries. I note that it was Fries who had effectively
introduced philosophical probabilities before Cournot (1843)
considered them in detail.
Back to my main subject. Laplace determined the population of
France given sampling data, and, for the first time ever, estimated the
precision of (his version of) sampling. Suppose that N and n are the
known numbers of yearly births in France as a whole and in some of
its regions and m is the population of those regions. Laplace naturally
assumed that
M = (m/n)N.
He then had to estimate its error, the fraction (Hald 1998, p. 288)
1 1
xN+n (1 – x)m–n+M–N dx ÷
xn(1 – x)m–n dx.
k = nr/m + z,
Laplace derived a limit theorem
P(|k – nr/m| < z) = 1 – 2 exp(– m3z2/S)dz,
m r t
P [| |< (1 / k ) (1/n) ] > 1 – 1/t2, t > 0.
n k 2
a a
P = y (p + z) φ(z) dz ÷ φ(z) dz
a a
the urn not in an assigned order, but according to their random
extraction from an auxiliary urn, and still more reduced in case of
additional auxiliary urns. Laplace had not proved this statement, he
only justified it by a general principle: randomness diminished when
subjected to more randomness. This is perhaps too general, but
Laplace’s example was tantamount to reshuffling a deck of cards.
7) Chapter 8 was devoted to population statistics, to the mean
durations of life and marriages. Laplace did not apply there any new
ideas or methods. However, he studied anew the Daniel Bernoulli
model of smallpox (§ 6.2.3), adopted more general assumptions and
arrived at a more general differential equation (Todhunter 1865, pp.
601 – 602).
8) In Chapter 9 Laplace considered calculations made in
connection with annuities and introduced the “Poisson” generalization
of the Jakob Bernoulli theorem (as noted by Molina 1930, p. 372).
Suppose that two contrary events can occur in each independent (as he
clearly indicated) trial i with probabilities qi and pi respectively, qi + pi
= 1, i = 1, 2, …, s, and that these events signify a gain ν and a loss µ,
respectively. For constant probabilities q and p the expected gain after
all these trials will be s(qν – pµ), as Laplace for some reason
concluded in a complicated way. He then estimated this magnitude for
the case of a large s by means of his limit theorem (3). Then,
generalizing the result obtained to variable probabilities, he introduced
the characteristic function of the final gain
applied the inversion formula and obtained the normal distribution, all
this similar to the derivation of the law of distribution of a linear
function of observational errors (§ 7.2-4, see also his earlier memoirs).
9) In Chapter 10 Laplace described his thoughts about moral
expectation (§ 6.1.1). If the physical capital of a gambler is x, his
moral capital will be
(Sheynin 1972a/1977, pp. 111 – 113). Suppose that the capital of the
freightowner is a, the value of the freight, A, the probability of a safe
arrival of a vessel, p, and q = 1 – p. Then
a) If the freight is thus distributed on n vessels, the moral
expectation of the freightowner’s capital is (here and below 0 ≤ k ≤ n
and k is the number of the lost ships)
10) In the eleventh, the last, Chapter, and, in part, in Supplement 1
to the TAP, Laplace examined the probability of testimonies. Suppose
that an urn contains 1,000 numbered tickets. One of them is extracted,
and a witness states that that was ticket number i, 1 ≤ i ≤ 1,000. He
may tell the truth and be deceived or not; or lie, again being deceived
or not. Laplace calculated the probability of the fact testified by the
witness given the probabilities of all the four alternatives. In
accordance with one of his corollaries, the witness’s mistake or lie
becomes ever more probable the less likely is the fact considered in
itself (p. 460).
Laplace next introduced the prior probability of a studied event
confirmed by m witnesses and denied by n others. If it is 1/2 and the
probability of the truthfulness of each witness is p, then the probability
of the event was
p m n
P= .
p m n (1 p )m n
Suppose now that the probabilities of truthfulness are pi > 1/2 and
the prior probability of the event is 1/n. If the event is reported by a
chain of r witnesses, then (p. 466)
Laplace next examines verdicts brought in by s independent judges
(jurors) assuming that each of them decides justly with probability
p > 1/2. The probability of a unanimous verdict is
ps + (1 – p)s = i/n.
1 1
1/ 2
up(1 – u)qdu ÷ up(1 – v)qdv
(cf. formulas from Laplace’s Chapter 6). Laplace stated that the
verdicts were independent, but only in passing (1816, p. 523). Poisson
(1837a, p. 4) indicated that Laplace had considered the defendant
innocent unless and until pronounced guilty: his formulas had not
included any prior probability of guilt. In Poisson’s opinion, this
should be assumed to exceed 1/2. I note that his remark had nothing to
do with any individual case.
In § 8.9.1 I return to the application of probability in jurisprudence;
here, I additionally refer to Zabell (1988a).
7.2. Theory of Errors
Laplace’s work on the theory of errors can be easily separated into
two stages. While treating it in the 18th century, he was applying the
comparatively new tool, the density3, and trying out several rules for
the selection of estimators of the true values of the constants sought
(cf. § 6.3.3). His equations proved too complicated and he had to
restrict his attention to the case of three observations. Later Laplace
proved (not rigorously) several versions of the CLT and was able to
drop his restriction, but he had to adopt other conditions. Here is
Bienaymé’s precise conclusion (1853/1867, p. 161), also noticed by
Idelson (1947, p. 11):
For almost forty years Laplace had been presenting […] memoirs
on probabilities, but […] had not wanted to combine them into a
general theory.
ψ′(x2)/ψ′(x1) = ψ(x2)/ψ(x1)
and obtained
q = c – b. Issuing from the [likelihood function]
Laplace was not satisfied with these corollaries and had thus rejected
the [median]. Note that for a [random variable] ξ with density (10)
varξ = 2/m2 so that a small m really invites trouble.
He then studied the case of an unknown parameter m by applying
the principle of inverse probability, that is, by the so-called Bayes
formula (5.1) with equal prior probabilities, but made a mistake in his
calculations (Sheynin 1977a, p. 7). Stigler (1986, pp. 115 – 116)
explained its cause but wrongly indicated that, since Laplace had not
then read the Bayes memoir, he was unable to borrow the “Bayes
formula”. Yes, indeed unable, but simply because that formula was
lacking in the work of his predecessor. Neither had he mentioned my
2) The Year 1781. Laplace again issued from the [likelihood
function] of the type of (11) and put forward four possible conditions
for determining the real value of the constant sought: the integrals of
f(x) or xf(x) over [– N; 0] and [N; 0], where N was the greatest possible
error, should be equal to each other; or, the value of the second
integral over [– N; N] should be minimal; and his final condition was
the application of the [maximum likelihood principle]. Recall,
however, that the curve (11) did not include a location parameter so
that it should have been somehow inserted. Anyway, Laplace decided
in favour of his third condition (which coincided with the first one).
So as to select a density, Laplace examined a special problem
(§ 7.1-2), and, not really convincingly, obtained a “mean” law of error
the properties of “usual” errors; the restriction х ≠ 0 hardly bothered
Next Laplace studied what might be called the multidimensional
Bayes method. Suppose that observational errors εi, i = 1, 2, …, n,
having “facility” xi have occurred. Then the probability of the
observed system of errors is proportional to
x1 x2 ...xn
... x1x2 ...xn dx1dx2 ...dxn
where the integrals are taken over all possible values of each variable;
actually, Laplace considered a more general case in which each εi
occurred ki times. Multiplying the obtained expression by the product
of all the differentials, Laplace arrived at the probability element (of
the differential) of an n-dimensional random vector. It was now
possible for him to determine the law of distribution of observational
errors provided that the prior information stated above was available.
In connection with density (12) Laplace carried out a special study
introducing the Dirac delta-function which had already appeared in
Euler’s works, see Truesdell (1984, p. 447, Note 4, without an exact
reference). One of Laplace’s conditions for determining an estimator
xo of the real value of the constant sought given its observations x1, x2,
…, xn was (§ 7.2-1) that the integrals
If αx = t, then
and, obviously,
φ(t)dt = C ( = 1).
Laplace had not written these last equalities, but I think that he had
actually introduced the Dirac delta-function
| i | 3
lim P (
≤ s) =
exp(– x2/2σ2)dx, i = 1, 2, …, n, (13)
where σ2 = h2/3 was the variance of each ξi. He then generalized his
derivation to identically but arbitrarily distributed variables possessing
variance. When proving the [CLT] he (1810a/1898, p. 304) made use
of an integral of a complex-valued function and remarked that he
hoped to interest “géométres” in that innovation and thus separated
himself from (pure) mathematicians, see also similar reservations
elsewhere (Laplace 1774/1891, p. 62; 1812/1886, p. 365).
In a supplement to this memoir Laplace (1810b), apparently
following Gauss, turned his attention to the MLSq, and derived it
without making any assumptions about the arithmetic mean (cf.
§ 9A.2-2), but he had to consider the case of a large number of
observations and to suppose that the means of their separate groups
were also normally distributed.
Soon enough Laplace (1811) returned to least squares. This time he
multiplied the observational equations in one unknown
aix + si = εi, i = 1, 2, …, n,
where the right sides were errors rather than residuals, by indefinite
multipliers qi and summed the obtained expressions:
1 [qq]
P(m = α) = exp(– α2/2 σ 2m ), σ 2m = k″ , k″ = x2ψ(x)dx
σ m 2π [aq]2
|z|P(z)dz = min (14)
which led him to equalities q = µai, and then to the principle of least
squares (in the case of one unknown)
x = [as] ÷ [aa].
With regard to Gauss see § 9A. Here, I note that Tsinger lumped
together both justifications of the MLSq due to Gauss and that
practice demanded the treatment of a finite (and sometimes a small)
number of observations rather than limit theorems. Tsinger’s high-
handed attitude towards Gauss (and his blind respect for Laplace) was
not an isolated occurrence, see §§ 10.8.5 and 13.2-7. This was partly
occasioned by Gauss’ disrespect of Legendre (§ 9A.1.2) and,
consequently, by the (antiscientific) ignorance of Gauss by French
mathematicians including Poisson, and partly because they had been
unquestionably following Laplace’s approach (Tsinger was not the
only one so affected).
Even not so long ago Eisenhart (1964, p. 24) noted that the
existence of the second formulation of the MLSq
ai x + bi y + li = vi, i = 1, 2, …, s.
k s
[vv ] 2k 2 n 2 s
β2 =
kk 4 2k 2
, Q2
i 1
(ai ξ + bi η)2
and t =
Laplace calculated
Laplace also considered non-even distributions and recommended,
in such a case, to demand that the sum of vi be zero. Since [av] = 0 is
the first normal equation written down in another form, this demand is
fulfilled for ai = const (or bi = const); otherwise, it is an additional
normal equation corresponding to a fictitious unknown, the mean
systematic error of observations.
Finally, Laplace derived a formula for estimating the precision.
Without explanation (which appeared on p. 571 of his Supplement 2)
he approximated the squared sum of the real errors by the same sum
of the residuals and arrived at an estimator of the variance
m= .
were its expectation and density, θ2, the sum of n squares of the
triangular discrepancies. He computed the probability of the joint
realization of errors obeying the normal law in a triangle and
concluded that an equal distribution of the closing of the triangle
among its angles was advantageous. The MLSq leads to the same
conclusion, and for that matter, irrespective of the normal law. Then,
when adjusting a chain of triangles rather than a separate triangle, two
additional conditions (never mentioned by Laplace) have to be
allowed for, – those corresponding to the existence of two baselines
and, possibly, two astronomical azimuths, – and a preliminary
distribution of the closings is of course possible but not necessary.
And so, let the observational errors have density
Denote the closing of triangle i by Ti and suppose that the errors of the
angles αi, βi and γi already obey the condition
αi + βi + γi = Ti.
h n / 2 e ( h / 3)[TT ] 3n 2 3n
P(h) ~
, Eh = hP(h)dh = .
2 [TT ] 2 [TT ]
n / 2 ( h / 3)[TT ] 0
e dh
σ = 1/ 2h = [TT ] / 3n ,
y = ar/pr
with error – xr/pr, i.e., to the calculation of this second unknown from
one equation only. This latter is determined by inequalities
And so, these inequalities determine the sample median of the
fractions ai/pi. Suppose now that the observational errors have an even
density φ(x) and
k″ = x2φ(x)dx.
With subscripts 1 and 2 denoting the shorter and the longer chains
respectively, Laplace has
This calculation shows that, first, Laplace preferred to evaluate
[TT]1 by [TT]2 rather than use its actual value which was hardly
correct since the pertinent conditions of observations could well have
been different. Second, Laplace has thus qualitatively checked the
realization of the normal law.
Next Laplace considers the adjustment of equations
pi x = ai + miαi + niβi, i = 1, 2, …, n
analysis”, there would exist no randomness “and the future, like the
past, would be open” to it. Nowadays, this opinion cannot be upheld
because of the recently discovered phenomenon of chaos (§ 1.2.4);
however, other remarks are also in order.
a) Such a mind does not exist and neither is there any
comprehensive theory of insignificant phenomena, a fact which
Laplace undoubtedly knew. He therefore actually recognized
randomness (Dorfman 1974, p. 265).
b) In addition, there exist unstable movements, sensitive to small
changes of initial conditions, cf. § 11.2-9.
c) Already previous scholars, for example, Maupertuis (1756a, p.
300) and Boscovich (1758, §385), kept to the “Laplacean
determinism”. Both mentioned calculations of past and future (“to
infinity on either side”, as Boscovich maintained) but, owing to
obvious obstacles, see above Item a, both disclaimed any such
In his Essai Laplace (1814/1995, p. 37) additionally provided
examples of “statistical determinism”, – of the stability of the number
of dead letters and of the profits made by those who ran lotteries. He
explained all this by the action of the LLN (more precisely, by its,
then barely known, Poisson form, see § 7.1-8). Participation in
lotteries only depends on free will, cf. Quetelet’s similar statement in
§ 10.5 and Petty’s opinion (§ 2.1.1)7.
In his early memoirs, Laplace (e.g., 1776/1891, pp. 144 – 145), like
Newton (§ 2.2.3), had not recognized randomness and explained it by
ignorance of the appropriate causes, or by the complexity of the
studied phenomenon. He even declared that the theory of probability,
that estimated the degrees of likelihood of phenomena, was indebted
for its origin to the weakness of the mind and a similar statement
occurred in his Essai (1814/1995, p. 3). Thus, probability became for
him an applied mathematical discipline servicing natural sciences8 (cf.
§ 0.1) and, even for this reason alone, he had not separated
mathematical statistics from it, although he (1774/1891, p. 56) noted
the appearance of “un nouveau genre de problème sur les hasards”,
and even (1781/1893, p. 383) of “une nouvelle branche de la théorie
des probabilités”9.
A curious statement deserves to be included (Laplace 1796/1884, p.
Had the Solar system been formed perfectly orderly, the orbits of
the bodies composing it would have been circles whose planes
coincided with the plane of the Solar equator. We can perceive
however that the countless variations, that should have existed in the
temperatures and densities of the diverse parts of these grand masses,
gave rise to the eccentricities of their orbits and the deviations of their
movement from the plane of that equator.
planetary orbits, I deny his (and Kant’s, and Kepler’s, see § 1.2.4)
opinion concerning eccentricities.
Newton theoretically proved that the Keplerian laws of planetary
motion resulted from his law of universal gravitation. In my context, it
is necessary to stress: he also proved that the eccentricity of the orbit
of a given planet is determined by the planet’s initial velocity. For
some greater values of that velocity the orbit will become parabolic
(with its eccentricity equal to unity, rather than less than unity as in
the case of ellipses), for other still greater values, hyperbolic (with
eccentricities greater than unity). And for a certain value of that
velocity an elliptic orbit will become circular. But is it really
necessary to refer to a rigorous proof? Indeed, it is difficult to imagine
that such changes do not occur gradually, that, consequently, the
eccentricity does not vary continuously with the velocity.
All these findings, as Newton proved, persisted for planets (not
material points) having uniform density. So what should we think
about Laplace’s explanation? I believe that the variations of densities
(but hardly temperatures) peculiar to a given planet could have
somewhat corrupted the eccentricity caused by its initial velocity. I am
unable to say whether they could have also caused a corruption of
some other kind, but in any case I need not discuss this problem.
So it really seems that Laplace (and Kant) were mistaken (Kepler
was obviously ignorant of the law of universal gravitation). I am not
sure that Kant had studied Newton attentively enough, but Laplace
certainly did, although a bit later, in t. 1 of his Traité de Méc. Cél.
(1798/1878, Livre 2, chapters 3 and 4).
Witness finally Fourier’s comment (1829, p. 379) on Laplace’s
Exposition: it “is an ingenious epitome of the principal discoveries”.
And on the same page, discussing Laplace’s “historical works” (to
whose province the Exposition belonged):
7.4. Conclusions
Laplace collected his earlier memoirs in one contribution which
cannot, however, be regarded as a single whole. He never thought
about solving similar problems in a similar way (and his Essai was not
a masterpiece of scientific-popular literature, see Note 1 to this
Chapter). Then, many authors complained that Laplace had described
his reasoning too concisely. Here, for example, is what Bowditch
(Todhunter 1865, p. 478), the translator of Laplace’s Traité de
mécanique céleste into English, sorrowfully remarked:
The Laplacean definition of probability (to repeat: first introduced
by De Moivre, see § 4.3) was of course unsatisfactory, but nothing
better had appeared until the advent of the axiomatic theory (or, the
Mises debatable formula). Here is the testimony of Kamke (1933, p.
14): In 1910, it was said at Göttingen University that probability was a
number situated between 0 and 1 about which nothing more was
known. Similar statements were due to Mises in 1919, to Keynes in
1921, and to P. Lévy (who was born in 1886) in his earlier life
(Cramér 1976, § 2.1) as well as to Poincaré (§ 11.2-1) and Markov
(§ 14.1-5).
But the opinion of Doob (1989) was even more interesting. In 1946
All this means that Laplace is here exonerated. However, he had not
even heuristically introduced the notion of random variable and was
therefore unable to study densities or characteristic functions as
mathematical objects. His theory of probability quite properly
remained an applied mathematical discipline since he made
outstanding discoveries in mathematics, astronomy and physics.
However, it did not yield to development which necessitated its
construction anew. It is opportune to note that Maxwell referred to
Laplace only twice (§ 10.9.5), and Boltzmann did not mention him at
Laplace had not regarded himself as a pure mathematician (§ 7.2-3)
and I quote the opinion of Fourier (1829, pp. 375 – 376):
normally distributed observational errors and was therefore
unsuccessful. In the not yet existing mathematical statistics Laplace
investigated the statistical significance of the results of observation,
introduced the method of statistical simulation, studied his version of
sampling and extended the applicability of the Bayesian approach to
statistical problems.
He knew the Dirichlet formula (even in a generalized version),
introduced the Dirac delta-function and integrals of complex-valued
functions. He had also indicated (long before the strong law of large
numbers became known) that in probability theory limit was
understood in a special way. Molina (1930, p. 386) quoted his memoir
(1786/1894, p. 308) where Laplace had contrasted (although not
clearly enough) the “approximations” admitted in the theory of
probability with certainty provided in analysis.
It is my belief that a balanced opinion of a classic is needed, and I
am now discussing Laplace’s mistakes and shortcomings. That his
contributions are extremely difficult to understand is generally known,
see for example Bowditch’s opinion above. Then, Laplace was
“extremely careless in his reasoning and in carrying out formal
transformations” (Gnedenko & Sheynin 1978/2001, p. 224 with
examples attached). And here are some of my present comments.
1) See my comments just above the quotation from Doob.
2) Laplace made a mistake when studying the Buffon problem
(§ 7.1-4).
3) He applied an unsuitable model when calculating the population
of France (Ibidem). And he presented his final estimate (1812, pp. 399
and 401) in a hardly understandable way; in any case, Poisson (1812)
wrongly reported his result.
4) There also, Laplace bravely, and without any reservation,
calculated the probability of a certain demographic relation persisting
for a hundred years to come.
5) He made a mistake while discussing the treatment of
observations (§ 7.2-1).
6) Here is Laplace’s opinion (1814/1995, p. 81) about mortality
tables: “There is a very simple way of constructing” [them] from the
registers of births and deaths”. But the main point is to study the
plausibility of these registers, to single out possible corruptions and
exceptional circumstances etc. Then, the boundaries of the constructed
mortality table have to be determined both in time and territory.
7) Poisson (§ 8.9.1) noted that in applying probability theory to
jurisprudence, Laplace had not allowed for a prior probability of
defendants’ guilt. Such a probability has nothing in common with the
presumption of innocence in each individual case, cf. Quetelet’s
inclinations to crime (§ 10.5).
8) The method of least squares. The proper attitude for Laplace
would have been to acknowledge the Gaussian demand (§ 9A.2) for
studying the treatment of a small number of observations and to
restrict therefore the importance of his own results. Instead, he insisted
on his own approach and virtually neglected Gauss. Later French
scientists including Poisson followed suit and even the most eminent
mathematicians (or at least those of them who had not studied
attentively the treatment of observations) became confused. When
proceeding to prove the CLT, Chebyshev (§ 13.1-4) remarked that it
leads to the MLSq!
9) Laplace did not explain, for example in his Essai (1814), the
dialectic of randomness and necessity.
10) See my comments on the eccentricities of the planetary orbits in
§ 7.3. The last edition of his book of 1796 during his lifetime appeared
in 1813 without any corrections of that subject.
1. The Essai ran through a number of editions and was translated into many
languages. It attracted the public to probability, but the complete lack of formulas
there hindered its understanding. The appearance of Quetelet’s superficial
contributions written in good style (§ 10.5) had a negative effect on the fate of the
2. For a simpler derivation of its equation see Todhunter (1865, pp. 545 – 546).
3. Laplace applied several pertinent terms. In his TAP, he finally chose loi de
probabilité or loi des erreurs.
4. The quantities [εm] and [εn] which appeared here were not independent.
Without indicating this, Laplace correctly solved his problem.
5. In his Supplement 3 Laplace once more applied the variance as the main
measure of precision of observations.
6. Cf. Note 4. Retaining excessive decimals (see above) was of course traditional,
see Note 11 to Chapter 1.
7. Kant (1763/1912, p. 111) indicated that the relative number of marriages
(which obviously depended on free will) was constant.
8. The subjects discussed by Laplace in his Exposition (1796/1884) had not
demanded stochastic reasoning (see however end of this subsection), but he
undoubtedly applied them, for example, in the Traité (1798 – 1825), to say nothing
about the treatment of observations, and his determinism had not hindered him at all.
Thus, Laplace (1812/1886, p. 361) stated that a certain magnitude, although having
been indicated by [numerous] observation[s], was neglected by most astronomers,
but that he had proved its high probability and then ascertained its reality (although
did not provide his calculations). In general, unavoidable ignorance concerning a
single random event becomes a cognizable regularity.
9. Lagrange, in a letter to Laplace of 13.1.1775, see t. 14 of his Oeuvres, 1892, p.
58, used this latter expression. Inductive stochastic conclusions occurred in the
Talmud (§ 1.1.2) and Arbuthnot’s memoir (§ 2.2.4) and the work of many other
authors, especially Bayes, which had appeared before Laplace, might be today
attributed, at least in part, to mathematical statistics.
8. Poisson
Poisson’s publications concerning the theory of probability began to
appear in 1811 when he published abstracts of two of Laplace’s early
memoirs, and in 1812 he continued this work by an abstract of
Laplace’s Théorie analytique. These abstracts, published in Nouv.
Bull. des Sciences Soc. Philomatique de Paris, were not really
interesting, but who could have done better? Only Fourier. See Bru
(1981; 2013) for a description of the French mathematical community
during Poisson’s lifetime and his general and for many years dominant
role there. Bru also took care to explain much of Poisson’s
Like Laplace, Poisson had published a number of memoirs on the
theory of probability, then combined them in his monograph (1837a)
whose juridical title did not reflect its contents; only its subtitle
promised to discuss, as a preliminary, the general principles of the
calculus of probability. I describe both this contribution (referring
only to its page numbers) and his other works. First, however, I quote
Poisson’s statement (p. 1) about the place of probability in
mathematics and then describe the scope of the Elements of the
Calculus of Probability and Social Arithmetic as formulated by him
(Poisson 1837c, p. 26).
And so, probability became
Davidov (1854, p. 66) who was well acquainted with foreign
literature, noted:
m ( m 1) 2 m ( m 1) ... ( m n 1) n
P = pm{1 + mq + q +…+ q } = (1)
2! n!
= Xdx ÷ Xdx, X= , (2)
a 0
(1 x ) 1
P(ξ = m) = e-ωωm/m!.
n > m. (4)
s1 + s2 + … + sk = c.
n !( s n)! x1 ! x2 ! xi !
P= ...
s! a1 !( x1 a1 )! a2 !( x2 a2 )! ai !( xi ai )!
(s + 1) (1 y ) s Ydy,
a1 a2 ai
x1 ! y x2 ! y xi ! y
a1 !( x1 a1 )! 1 y a2 !( x2 a2 )! 1 y
ai !( xi ai )! 1 y
yt x1 yt 2 x2 yt i xi
(1 ) (1 ) ...(1 ) ,
1 y 1 y 1 y
Poisson noted that the probability sought was equal to the coefficient
of t in
(s + 1) (1 y yt ) x1 (1 y yt 2 ) x2 ...(1 y yt i ) xi dy.
b1 + 2b2 + … + ibi = z
further history is described in Sheynin (2002b). Here, I only mention
Chuprov. In a letter of 1921 he (Sheynin 1990/2011, p. 145) stated:
Also see Chuprov (1923, pp. 666 – 667; 1924, p. 490). The first to
consider sampling without replacement was Huygens (§ 2.2.2).
8.5. Limit Theorems for the Poisson Trials
Suppose that contrary events A and B occur in trial j with
probabilities pj and qj (pj + qj = 1). Poisson (p. 248) determined the
probability that in s trials event A occurred m times, and event B, n
times (m + n = s). He wrote out the generating function of the random
variable m (or, the bivariate generating function of m and n) as
consideration all the appropriate deliberations of Poisson. Those
proofs were methodically bad since the conditions of the theorems
were not provided whereas Hald remarked that that defect had then by
usual. Laplace (and Poisson) treated probability as a branch of applied
mathematics (§ 0.2 and elsewhere),but such omissions are still
unforgivable6. The proofs themselves were not really studied: Hald
somehow thought that they were rigorous.
Poisson (1824, §§ 8 – 10) also considered a linear function
Things of every kind obey a universal law that we may call the law
of large numbers. Its essence is that if we observe a very large number
of events of the same nature, which depend on constant causes and on
causes that vary irregularly, sometimes in one manner sometimes in
another, i.e., not progressively in any determined sense, then almost
constant proportions will be found among these numbers.
etc. sometimes connected with the LLN (Sheynin 1978b, p. 271, note
25) but they remained unnoticed.
Poisson then (pp. 138 – 142) formulated but did not prove three
propositions characterizing the LLN. These were based on the
standard formula (which Poisson had not written out)
There hardly exists such a theorem that had met with so many
objections as the law of large numbers.
Or take […] my last three-hour talk with Markov about the law of
sm. [small] numbers [§ 15.1.2]. It caused me nothing but irritation. He
again demanded that I change the title. With respect to this topic we
got into conversation about the law of l. nn. It happens that Markov
(like Chebyshev) attributes this term to the case when all the
probabilities following one another in n trials are known beforehand.
[…] In concluding, Markov admitted that perhaps there did exist
‘some kind of ambiguity’ in Poisson’s reasoning, but he believed that
it was necessary to take into account the later authors’ understanding
of the term ‘law of l. nn.’ …
8.8. The Theory of Errors and Artillery
In the theory of errors Poisson offered his proof of the CLT (§ 8.6)
and a distribution-free test for the evenness of the density of
observational errors (1829, § 10). He (1837b) also applied the theory
of probability and the error theory to artillery firing, although mostly
in a methodical sense7. He recommended the variance as the main
estimator of scattering which conformed to Laplace’s later idea, see
§ 7.2-6. In one of his problems Poisson (1837b, § 7) determined the
distribution of the square of the distance of some point from the origin
given the normal distributions of the point’s distances from the two
coordinate axes. He thus was perhaps the first to treat clearly the
densities as purely mathematical objects.
Poisson had not referred to the Gaussian theory of errors, had
therefore essentially lessened the importance of his contributions to
that discipline. Here, for example, is his opinion (1833, p. 36) about
the merits of Legendre:
A year later Double et al (1835, p. 174) stated that
Statistics carried into effect always is, after all, the functioning
mechanism of the calculus of probability, necessarily concerning
infinite [?] masses, an unrestricted number of facts; and (p. 176) [with
respect to the applicability of mathematics] the state of the medical
sciences is not worse than, not different from the situation with all the
physical and natural sciences, jurisprudence, moral and political
sciences etc.
The application of the theory of probability to jurisprudence
continued to be denied. Here are the two most vivid pertinent
statements (Mill 1843/1886, p. 353; Poincaré 1896/1912, p. 20):
In his book, that became very well known, Gavarret explained the
normal approximation to the binomial law and the calculation of
admissible discrepancies of frequencies in series of Poisson trials and
(p. 194) stressed the importance of checking null hypotheses. True,
their introduction was a logical consequence of Poisson’s
In Russia, in the 1850s, Davidov (Ondar 1971), who was well
acquainted with the work of Poisson and Cournot (§ 10.3),
popularized the application of the statistical method to medicine, see
Ondar (1971). I mention him again in §§ 8.1 and 10.4-8.
Poisson (1837a, p. VI) and Gavarret after him insisted on the need
to collect many observations. Here is Poisson:
Theoreticians rather often categorically tell us, practical
physicians, that all our inferences about the advantages or
shortcomings of some methods of treatment, so far as they are based
on results which have really taken place, simply remain up in the air if
only we do not apply rigorous rules of the theory of probability. […]
Until now physicians have applied that theory so seldom not so much
because they sometimes did not attach proper significance to it, but
mainly since its analytical arsenal was too imperfect and awkward.
[…] Mathematicians say: If you, physicians, wish to arrive at
plausible conclusions, you must invariably work with large numbers;
you ought to collect thousands and hundred thousands observations.
[…] This, however, is impossible for statistics of a general
practitioner. And, nevertheless, if this condition is fulfilled, it will
often be doubtful whether the theory of probability will be necessary
in the same pressing manner. […] Gavarret somewhat arbitrarily
presumed, as Poisson also did in several problems, that 0.9953 or
212:213 […] is a sufficient measure of probability. […] Suppose that
the successes of two methods of treatment are only as 10:1, would not
that be sufficient for preferring the first one?
1. When describing his attempt to generalize the normal law, De Morgan (1864,
p. 421) declared that if the probability of a certain event was 2.5, it meant that the
event “must happen twice with an even chance of happening a third time”. In 1842,
in a letter to John Herschel (Sophia De Morgan 1882, p. 147), he stated that
φ(x) dx = gi, Σgi = 1, ε → 0,
4. Poisson was unable to keep to his announced distinction between chance and
probability and I am therefore making use of the modern term.
5. Poisson referred to his p. 155 and to his memoir (1829, § 8), but, as I see it, the
situation remained unclear. Later he (1837a, pp. 312 – 313) repeated the formula of
the CLT for the mean value of a random variable without introducing any conditions
and even without demanding that its domain was restricted to a finite interval.
6. From Laplace to the 1930s the theory of probability had been developing as a
branch of applied mathematics (§ 0.1), see also Note 5. And here is Poisson (1837a,
§ 84):
There exists a very high probability that these unknown chances little differ from
the ratio …
Apply to the political and moral sciences the method based on observation and
the calculus, a method that has served us so successfully in the natural sciences.
It is difficult to say what exactly is included into moral sciences; see however
Poinsot’s statement below. Beginning at least with Quetelet, the study of
phenomena depending on free will (although only crimes, suicides, and marriages)
was considered to constitute the subject of moral statistics. Then, however, the
domain of that branch of statistics essentially broadened and includes now, for
example, philanthropy and professional and geographical mobility of the population.
9. Gauss, Helmert, Bessel
9A. Gauss
ln (1 x )
lim P(n; x) = , n → ∞.
ln 2
Nevertheless, he was not quite satisfied with this solution and asked
Laplace to have a look at the problem. He, Gauss, was sure that
Laplace will find a plus complete solution, – a pre-limiting expression.
A phrase from Gauss’ Mathematisches Tagebuch written in 1800 (p.
552 of the Werke) testifies that Gauss had already derived the equality
above – and had then been satisfied with his work.
Stäckel (Gauss, W-10/1, pp. 554 – 556) and then Kuzmin (1928)
proved this equality and the latter also derived an asymptotic
expansion for P(n; x).
Here, I also repeat in a few words Gauss’ general opinion (W-12,
pp. 201 – 204) about the applications of the theory of probability as
described by W. E. Weber in one of his letters of 1841. If only based
on numbers, Gauss reasoned, such applications could be greatly
mistaken; the nature of the studied subject ought also to be taken into
account. However, probability provides clues when nothing except
numbers is known, as for example when dealing with annuities; and in
jurisprudence and it can determine the desired number of witnesses
and jurors [but hardly without allowing for “the nature” of law courts].
See also Gauss’ opinion about the rejection of outlying observations in
§ 9A.5-2. As shown in the sequel, quite a few authors shared Gauss’
9A.1. The Method of Least Squares before 1809
It had been indirectly and inaccurately applied from the mid-18th
century (§ 6.3.2) and its peculiar version was possibly known even
earlier. When some point P was graphically intersected from three or
more given stations, a triangle, or a polygon of errors appeared on the
surveyor’s table sheet and it was apparently natural to select the
position of P by eye in such a manner that the sum of the squares of its
distances from the sides of the triangle (of the polygon) was minimal.
To a certain extent I can justify my opinion by mentioning an
experimental smoothing of a broken line by eye (Tutubalin 1973, p.
27): on the whole, the curves thus drawn were as accurate as if having
been determined by the MLSq.
Euler (1778) can be considered as Gauss’ predecessor in the
heuristic sense (§ 6.3.1), but Gauss possibly did not see that memoir (a
commentary on Daniel Bernoulli’s memoir of the same year). The
regrettably incomplete list of books which Gauss had borrowed from
the library of the Göttingen university (Dunnington 1955, pp. 398 –
404) does not include the volume of the contributions of the
Petersburg Academy in which those two papers were published.
However, in his letters Gauss expressed his surprise at the fact that the
principle of least squares was not discovered earlier.
9A.1.1. Huber. Many authors, for example Merian (1830, p. 148),
stated that somewhat before 1802 the Swiss mathematician and
astronomer Huber had discovered the principle of least squares, but
that, living far from scientific centres, he had not reported his finding
to anyone. However, Dutka (1990), who referred to a forgotten paper
(W. Spieß 1939), concluded otherwise. It occurs that Spieß quoted
Huber himself who had mentioned “Legendre’s criterion [Maßstab]
of least squares”.
9A.1.2. Legendre (1805, pp. 72 – 73) introduced the principle of
least squares:
which he revealed two mistakes in Laplace’s pertinent calculations
(1798 – 1825, t. 2, § 42 of Livre 3). The same year his derivation of
the length of the major semi-axis of the Earth’s ellipsoid of rotation
(1818b) appeared. Incidentally, that length (6378.629 km) was
sufficiently close to a determination of 1940 by F. N. Krasovsky
(6378.245 km).
Adrain’s main paper was first mentioned much later (C. Abbe
1871) but his second article had become known to Olbers (W/Erg-4,
No. 2, p. 711) who informed Gauss about it. An American author,
wrote Olbers to Gauss, had mentioned his previous paper and
“ascribed” the MLSq to himself. Gauss hardly made any comment;
the priority strife with Legendre was apparently enough for him.
Here are Adrain’s derivations of the normal distribution.
a) Lines a and b are measured in the field with errors x and y
respectively and
x + y = c. (2)
[φ′(x; a)/φ(x; a)]dx + [φ′(y; b)/φ(y; b)]dy = 0, φ′(x; a)/φ(x; a) = mxa, etc.
x2 + y2 = r2,
Adrain then wrote out the joint distribution of both these errors and
indicated that the appropriate contour lines of equal probabilities were
ellipses (ellipses of errors, as they were later called in the theory of
Conditions (1) and (2) hardly conform to reality; thus, the former
describes the action of systematic errors. Also arbitrary is the
condition applied in the second justification. Nevertheless, John
Herschel (1850), Maxwell (1860), Thomson & Tait (1867, p. 314)
and Krylov (1950, Chapt. 8) repeated that demonstration without any
references (Sheynin 1965). Later on Kac (1939) and Linnik (1952)
weakened the condition of independence.
Adrain was now able to prove quite simply that the arithmetic mean
of direct measurements was optimal; this, of course, conformed to the
principle of least squares in case of several unknowns. Finally, Adrain
showed how to adjust a traverse (a polygon with measured sides and
bearings) by the principle of least squares and, what is also
remarkable, he calculated corrections to directly measured magnitudes
rather than to their functions which were not independent from each
other, see Sheynin (1965), a paper which in general I am now
9A.1.4. Gauss. He (1809a; 1809b, § 186) applied the principle of
least squares from 1794 or 1795. In the second instance, he called it
“our principle”: Unser Princip, dessen wir uns seit dem Jahre 1795
bedient haben, and in both cases he mentioned Legendre. Much later
Gauss (1823a) once more mentioned Legendre, although not in his
main memoir of 1823.
Legendre (letter to Gauss 31.5.1809, see Gauss, W-9, p. 380) was
badly offended. He rightfully stated that priority is only established by
publication. Gauss did not answer him, and Legendre (1820, pp. 79 –
80) charged him with appropriating the MLSq.
Many authors commented on this episode, and I quote May (1972,
p. 309) and Biermann (1966, p. 18):
Gauss cared a great deal for priority. […] But to him this meant
being first to discover, not first to publish; and he was satisfied to
establish his dates by private records, correspondence, cryptic
remarks in publications. […] Whether he intended it so or not, in this
way he maintained the advantage of secrecy without losing his
priority in the eyes of later generations.
It seems that Legendre could have stated in 1820 that he was the
inventor of the MLSq and that, in spite of Gauss’ claim, everyone will
agree with him. Regrettably, this did not happen. Laplace (end of
§ 8.8) objectively described the discovery of the MLSq but did not
add that Legendre had not really substantiated it. Then, he offered his
own version of the theory of errors only suitable for a large number of
observations and for other conditions necessary for the CLT, and other
French mathematicians including Poisson followed him and Legendre
and did not even mention Gauss. This seriously diminished the
importance of their work.
In his letter to Gauss, Legendre also noticed that Euler rather than
Laplace, as Gauss (1809, § 177) stated, calculated the integral of the
exponential function of the negative square. Later Gauss (Monatliche
Correspondenz, Bd. 21, p. 280) explained that he noticed his mistake
when the printing of his book was almost completed and that it was
Laplace who provided the final formulation of the result. The Editors
of Gauss (1887), who noticed that explanation did not supply the year
of that Bd. 21.
On 30 Jan. 1912 Gauss (W-10/1, p. 373) only answered Laplace: he
had applied the MLSq long before 1805 but had no desire to publish a
fragment. Gauss’ preliminary reports had appeared in the Göttingische
gelehrte Anzeigen and Legendre hardly saw the report (1809a). Later
it was reprinted (W-6, pp. 59 – 60), and here is an excerpt:
The author has been applying the main principles which are here
considered for fourteen years now and long ago had communicated to
his astronomical friends. They lead to the same method which
Legendre […] published a few years ago.
Wolfgang Bolyai (the father of the cofounder of the non-Euclidean
geometry, Janos or Johann Bolyai), and Olbers about whom it was
known long ago. In 1812, Olbers promised Gauss to state publicly that
he came to know about the MLSq from Gauss a few years before
Legendre’s publication, but he only did so in 1816. In 1812 − 1815,
Olbers just did not publish anything suitable for inserting such a
remark, see the appropriate volume of the Catalogue of Scientific
Literature of the Royal Society.
9A.2. Theoria Motus (1809b)
In accordance with the publisher’s demand, this book appeared in
Latin. Its German original is lost and Gauss’ correspondence (letter
from Olbers of 27.6.1809, see W/Erg-4, No. 1, p. 436) proves that,
while translating, he essentially changed its text. The treatment of
observations occupies only a small part of the book.
1) The Boscovich method (see § 6.3.2-3). Suppose that n equations
(1.2) in m unknowns (n > m) are adjusted by that method. Then, as
Gauss (§ 186) remarked, equation (6.13) meant that exactly m residual
free terms will be zero. Somewhat below, in the same § 186, Gauss
qualified his statement by taking into account the other Boscovich
equation (6.12) but mistakenly attributed it to Laplace. In § 174 he
stated that the formulated corollary was undesirable although in §§
188 – 189 he apparently agreed that the Boscovich method (§ 6.3.2
might ensure a first approximation. His remark, that can be easily
proved, means that he knew an important theorem in linear
2) The [normal distribution] (§§ 175 – 177). Gauss (§ 177) assumed
“as an axiom” that the arithmetic mean of many observations was the
most probable value of the measured constant “if not absolutely
precisely, then very close to it”. He (§ 175) derived the density φ of
observational errors (although not introducing any new term)
believing that it was [unimodal] and “in most cases” even; this, then,
was his understanding of the properties of random errors. Finally, in
order to justify the principle of [maximal likelihood], Gauss (§ 176)
proved the “fundamental principle” of inverse probability, see my
§ 7.1-1, for the case of equal probabilities of the various hypotheses.
However, the principle of the arithmetic mean (above) already implied
this restriction (Whittaker & Robinson 1924/1949, p. 219).
And so, if the observations are denoted by xi, i = 1, 2, …, n, then,
according to the principle of maximal likelihood,
xi = x1 – nN, i = 2, 3, …, n,
N = (x1 – xo)/(n – 1),
φ′(x1 – xo)/φ(x1 – xo) = (1 – n)φ′(– N)/φ(– N) = – (1 – n)φ′(N)/φ(N),
φ′[N(n – 1)]/{(1 – n)φ[N(n – 1)]} = – φ′(N)/φ(N),
φ′(x)/xφ(x) = Const,
4) The precision of the arithmetic mean. Gauss, naturally, restricted
his attention to the case of the [normal distribution]. Later he (§ 9A.4)
certainly abandoned this restriction.
5) The precision of a random sum (marginal note to § 183, included
not in the German translation, but in Gauss’ W-7). Suppose that
x = a + b + c + ...,
Gauss did not explain his note; it might be supposed that the terms
above were normally distributed since he only introduced h for that
law. However, he may well have derived this formula in the general
case. Incidentally, it shows that at least in the case of the normal
distribution the random error of the sum increases as the square root of
the number of its terms.
6) The precision of the [estimators of the] unknowns (§ 182; 1811,
§ 13). Suppose that these estimators are determined by solving a
system of normal equations in accordance with the Gauss method of
successive eliminations. Then, assuming that the precision of a direct
measurement is unity, the precision of the estimator of the last
unknown is equal to the root of its coefficient in the last reduced
equation. Also see my § 9A.4-5.
9A.3. Determining the Precision of Observations (1816)
1) The precision of the measure of precision h in formula (3).
Suppose that the errors of m [independent] observations are α, β, γ, …
Then the most probable value of that magnitude is determined by the
where mKn is the most probable [the mean] value of Sn. In actual fact,
Gauss treated absolute moments and the formula for Kn should be
corrected. Formula (4) was proved by Helmert (1876b) and then by
Lipschitz (1890), but Cramér (1946, § 28.2) noted that it was a
particular case of the CLT.
Finally, Gauss derived a formula for the absolute moments of the
normal law
[m(K4 – K22)]1/2 = α2 2m
m2 =
µ = P(|ξ| ≤ λm) =
λ ≤ µ√3 for µ ≤ 2/3 and λ ≤ for ≤ µ ≤ 1.
3 1 μ
contradicted the Student – Fisher theorem on the independence of the
sample variance and the arithmetic mean.
Therefore, if some observation was common for two functions of
observational results, the errors of these functions will not be
independent from one another and the mean value of their product will
not therefore vanish4. In one of his examples, Gauss calculated the
variance of a linear form of independent random variables.
Gauss (1809b, § 175; 1823b, § 15) mentioned independence even
earlier but without explanation, and, later he (1826/1887, p. 200;
1828, § 3) described the mutual dependence of magnitudes known
from observation by the existence of functional connections between
them. This meant, for example, that the adjusted angles of a triangle,
since their sum was equal to 180° plus the spheroidal excess, were
dependent on one another. See also end of § 9A.2-2.
In mathematical statistics the definition of independence is
different. An orthogonal transformation of independent and normally
distributed magnitudes leads to their as though “adjusted” values, – to
their linear forms of a certain type, which are nevertheless
independent (the Fisher lemma; Cramér (1946, § 29.2)). Here is K.
Pearson’s appropriate statement (1920/1970, p. 187) which I do not
however understand: for Gauss
ai x + bi y = Gi = gi + εi, i = 1, 2, …, n
where εi is the error of the free term gi. The estimators of the
unknowns might be represented by linear forms, for example by x =
[αG] with unknown coefficients αi so that
where Q11 and Q12 are the Lagrange multipliers. Similar
considerations, and, in particular, an estimation of precision
resembling formula (5), are also possible for the other unknowns. It
occurs that the estimators of the unknowns are determined from the
normal equations and their weights are calculated by means of the
Lagrange multipliers of the type of Qii which, like the other
multipliers Qij, are determined from the same normal equations with
partly unit and partly zero free terms. Thus, in formula (5) [αα] = Q11.
According to the above, it follows that such formulas can be made
use of even before observation; the general layout of the geodetic
network and the crude values of its angles obtained during
reconnaissance make it possible to calculate the Qij. And (what Gauss
had not known) these multipliers are connected with covariations;
thus, Q12 = E(xy).
6) The estimator of the sample [variance]. Gauss (§§ 37 – 38)
proved that, for n observations and k unknowns, the unbiased sample
variance and its estimator were, respectively,
where vi were the residual free terms of the initial equations. Instead
of the mean value, the sum of squares [vv] itself has to be applied.
Coupled with the principle of maximal weight (of least variance),
formulas (6) provide effective estimators, as they are now called.
Gauss (1823a/1887, p. 199) remarked that the acceptance of his
formula (6b) instead of the previous expression (§ 7.2-5), whose
denominator was equal to n, was demanded by the “dignity of
Gauss stressed that the estimator (6) was unbiased; however, the
practically applied estimator is not m2, but the biased m. Furthermore,
unbiased estimators do not exist in every case and some bias is
allowed (Sprott 1978, p. 194). Finally, I note that Czuber (1891, p.
460) testified that Helmert had thought that varmo2/mo2 was more
important than varmo2 by itself and Eddington (1933, p. 280)
expressed the same opinion. Czuber also proved that, for the normal
distribution, that relative error was minimal for the estimator (6b).
7) The precision of the estimator of the sample variance. Gauss (§
40) directly calculated the boundaries of the var mo2 by means of the
fourth moment of the errors and indicated that for the normal
example in which his own estimate of σ2 was less than that provided
by Gauss. He forgot, however, that formula (6c) provided an unbiased
estimate whereas his own estimate was biased. Then, he calculated σ2
forgetting the Gauss formula for the case of normal distribution. It was
this episode that led Czuber to the discussion described in § 9A.4-6.
8) Other topics. Gauss also determined the variance of a linear
function of the estimators of the unknowns (which are not
independent) and provided expedient procedures for further
calculations after additional data become known or after the weights
of some observations have to be changed.
9) Another manner of adjusting observations. In the supplement
(1828a) to his memoir Gauss described the adjustment of observations
by the MLSq according to the pattern of conditional observations. In
geodetic practice, it is often expedient to issue from the directly
measured magnitudes and conditional equations rather than from
observational equations (1.2). Sometimes both kinds of equations are
made use of at the same time, but I leave this case aside and consider
now a (later) typical chain of, say, 10 triangles of triangulation. Each
angle is measured as are the lengths of two extreme sides (baselines)
whose directions (azimuths) are determined by astronomical
observations. The observational errors are such that both the baselines
and the azimuths might be considered exact; only the angles are
adjusted. Each measured angle qi provides an equation
xi – qi = vi (7)
where the first term is the true value of the angle and the right side is
the sought correction. Now, the condition of closing the first triangle
(I disregard its excess) is
x1 + x2 + x3 – 180° = 0. (8)
10) A new exposition of the memoir (Sheynin 2012a; 2014).
Gauss could have derived formulas (6) in the very beginning of the
memoir, just after he introduced the variance (§ 9A.4-2) since the
required conditions (linearity of the initial equations, (physical)
independence of their free terms and unbiasedness of the estimators of
the unknowns) were not connected with the further exposition. And
the MLSq directly followed from those formulas (6). Hundreds of
textbooks had been describing the MLSq as justified by Gauss in
1809: such an approach was incomparably easier. Now we see that it
is quite possible to follow the memoir of 1823. Its very existence had
been barely known, see Eisenhart (1964, p. 24) in § 7.1-3.
The most eminent scientists (Boltzmann 1896/1909, p. 570;
Chebyshev, see § 13.2-7) had been barely acquainted with the work of
Many authors beginning with Gauss himself had derived the
formula (6) which was not difficult. The main point, however, is that
the proof does not depend on the condition of least squares. On the
contrary, this condition can now be introduced at once since it means
minimum variance. The formulas derived by Gauss for constructing
and solving the normal equations and calculation of the weights of
xˆ , yˆ ,... and of their linear functions will still be useful.
Gauss had actually provided two justifications of least squares (of
which I only left the second one), but why did not he even hint at this
fact? I can only quote Kronecker (1901, p. 42) and Stewart (Gauss
1823b – 1828/1995, p. 235):
however, was only a hint at the real possibility of understanding
Gauss. Harter (1977, p. 28) stated almost the same.
9A.5. Additional Considerations
Having substantiated the MLSq, Gauss nevertheless deviated from
rigid rules; one pertinent example is in § 6.3.2. Here, I have more to
1) The number of observations. In his time, methods of geodetic
observations were not yet perfected. Gauss himself was successfully
developing them and he understood that a formal estimation of
precision can only describe the real situation after all the conditions (§
9A.4-9) were allowed for, i.e., only after all the field work was done.
It is no wonder, then, that Gauss continued to observe each angle at
each station until being satisfied that further work was useless, see the
very end of Chapter 6.
2) Rejection of outliers. This delicate operation does not yield to
formal investigation since observations are corrupted by systematic
errors, and, in general, since it is difficult to distinguish between a
blunder and a “legitimate” large error. Statistical tests, that had
appeared in the mid-19th century, have not been widely used in the
theory of errors. Here is the opinion of the authors (Barnett & Lewis
1978, p. 360) of a book on this subject:
When all is said and done, the major problem in outlier study
remains the one that faced the very earliest workers […] – what is an
outlier and how should we deal with it?
When the number of observations was not very large, and a sound
knowledge of the subject was lacking, rejection was always doubtful,
and in any case nothing should be concealed so that others will be
able to decide otherwise.
Bond (1857) had applied Gauss’ advice and Newcomb (1897a, p. 31)
followed suit.
As a calculator of the highest calibre (Maennchen 1918/1930, p. 3),
10.8.4). See also § 9C in which I describe the surprising attitude of
Bessel who had actually concealed such deviations.
And, independently from that fact, several authors came out against
the first substantiation. Markov (1899a), who referred to Gauss
himself (to his letter to Bessel, see my § 9A.4-2), is well known in this
respect but his first predecessor was Ivory (§ 10.9-1).
The second justification was sometimes denied as well. Thus,
Bienaymé (1852, p. 37) declared that, unlike Laplace, Gauss had
provided considerations rather than proofs (?); see also Poincaré’s
opinion in § 11.2-7.
2) When justifying the MLSq in 1823 in an essentially different
way, Gauss called the obtained estimators most plausible (maxime
plausibiles, or, in his preliminary report (1821), sicherste, rather than
as before, maxime probabile, wahrscheinlichste. For the case of the
normal distribution, these are jointly effective among unbiased regular
3) Mathematicians had not paid due attention to Gauss’ work on the
MLSq (§§ 9A.2-3 and 13.2-7), and neither did statisticians, see the
Epigraph to this book which apparently complements the following
passage (Eisenhart 1978, p. 382):
I really think that K. P. and Yule only discovered Gauss at a late stage
of their work.
9B. Helmert
It was Helmert who mainly completed the development of the
classical Gaussian theory of errors; furthermore, some of his findings
were interesting for mathematical statistics. With good reason
Schumann (1917, p. 97) called him “Master of both the niedere
[surveying and applied] geodesy and higher [triangulation etc.,
gravimetry, figure of the Earth] geodesy”. Until the 1930s, Helmert’s
treatise (1872) remained the best source for studying the error theory
and the adjustment of triangulation.
Indeed, its third, posthumous edition of 1924 carried a few lines
signed by a person (H. Hohenner) who explained that, upon having
been asked by the publishers, he had stated that the treatise still
remained the best of its kind. His opinion, he added, convinced the
Helmert (1886, pp. 1 and 86) was the first to consider appropriate
geodetic lines rather than chains of triangulation, and this innovation,
developed by Krasovsky, became the essence of the method of
adjustment of the Soviet primary triangulation (see Note 19 to Chapter
6 and Sakatow 1950, § 91). Another of his lesser known contributions
(Helmert 1868) was a study of various configurations of geodetic
systems. Quite in accordance with the not yet existing linear
programming, he investigated how to achieve necessary precision
with least possible effort, or, to achieve highest possible precision
with a given amount of work. Some equations originating in the
adjustment of geodetic networks are not linear, not even algebraic;
true, they can be linearized (§ 9A.4-9), and perhaps some elements of
linear programming could have emerged then, in 1868, but this had
not happened. Nevertheless, Helmert noted that it was expedient to
leave some angles of a particular geodetic system unmeasured, but
this remark was only academic: all angles have always been measured
at least for securing a check upon the work as a whole.
I describe now Helmert’s stochastic findings.
1) The chi-square distribution. I (1966) noted that E. Abbe (1863),
see also M. G. Kendall (1971), derived it as the distribution of the
sum of the squares of normally distributed errors. He wished to offer a
test for revealing systematic errors, and he required, in particular, the
distribution of the abovementioned function of the errors since it was
indeed corrupted by those errors. Exactly his test rather than the
distribution obtained was repeatedly described in the geodetic
literature whereas Linnik (1958/1961, pp. 109 – 113) introduced a
modified version of the Abbe test.
Helmert (1876b) provided his own derivation of the χ2 distribution
which he first published without justification (1875a). Neither then
nor much later (see Item 2) did he mention Abbe. Actually, he
continued after Gauss (1816), see § 9A.3, by considering
observational errors ε1, ε2, …, εn and the sum of their powers Σεin for
the uniform and the [normal] distributions and for an arbitrary
distribution as n → ∞. In the last instance, he proved the Gauss
formula (4) and then specified it for the abovementioned distributions.
He derived the χ2 distribution by induction beginning with n = 1 and
2; Hald (1952, pp. 258 – 261) provided a modernized derivation.
2) Much later Helmert (1905) offered a few tests for revealing
systematic influences in a series of errors which he wrote down as
where m was the mean square error of ξ (and thus restricted his
attention to the normal law): if the inequality in the left side of (10)
did not hold, then, as he thought, systematic influences were present.
When deriving his tests, Helmert considered Σvi, Σ|vi|, runs of signs of
the vi and functions of the errors εi themselves and in this last-
mentioned case he provided a somewhat modified version of the Abbe
3) The Peters formula (1856) for the mean absolute error. For n
normally distributed errors it was
θ = Σ|vi|/ n( n 1) , 1 ≤ i ≤ n (11)
with vi being the deviations of the observations from their arithmetic
mean. Helmert (1875a) derived this formula anew because Peters had
tacitly and mistakenly assumed that these deviations were mutually
independent. Passing over to the errors εi, Helmert calculated the
appropriate integral applying for that purpose the Dirichlet
discontinuity factor. However, since the normal distribution is stable,
it is possible to say now at once (H. A. David 1957) that formula (11)
is correct because
EΣ|vi| = n( n 1) /h√π
[vv ]
m= .
n 1
vi = εi – ε
This formula shows that, for the normal distribution, [vv], – and,
therefore, the variance as well,– and the arithmetic mean are
independent. Helmert had thus proved the important Student – Fisher
theorem although without paying any attention to it.
A special feature in Helmert’s reasoning was that, allowing for (6c),
he wrote down the Gauss formula 6b) for the case of direct
measurements (and, to repeat, for the normal distribution) as6
[vv ] 2
mo2 = [1 ± ]; (13)
n 1 n 1
that is, he considered the variance together with its mean square error.
Gauss (1816, §§ 6 and 8) sometimes, but not always, acted the same
way (although without applying that term, mean …, which I found in
the mid-19th century in the works of Chebyshev and Russian
In addition, Helmert noted that for small values of n the varmo2 did
not estimate the precision of formula (6b) good enough and derived
the following formula
[vv ] 2 (n / 2)
E[m – ] = (1/h2){1 – √2 }. (14)
n 1 [(n 1) / 2] n 1
that follows from formula (12), noted that the probability P(ε ≤ [vv] ≤
ε + dε) was equal to the appropriate integral, and introduced new
Note that [vv] = [tt] where, however, the first sum consisted of n
terms and the second one, of (n – 1) terms, and the Jacobian of the
transformation was √n. The derivation of formula (14) now followed
immediately since Helmert knew the χ2 distribution. Taken together,
the transformations from {ε} to {v} and from {v} to {t} are called
after him.
Kruskal (1946) transformed formula (12) by introducing a
bivariate “Helmert distribution” with variables
s= [vv ] / n , u = x – µ,
Finally, Helmert corrected the boundaries of the estimator (6b). As
indicated by Gauss they were
where ν4 was the fourth moment of the errors and s2 = Em2. Helmert
had discovered that the lower boundary was wrong and Kolmogorov
et al (1947) independently repeated his finding. Here is the final
result; Maltzev (1947) proved that the lower bound was attainable. For
non-negative and then non-positive (v4 – 3s4), the product
(n – k)var mo2 as it occurred, was contained within, respectively,
9C. Bessel
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784 – 1846) was an outstanding
astronomer and an eminent mathematician. He and Gauss were the
originators of a new direction in practical astronomy and geodesy
which demanded a thorough examination of the instruments and
investigation of the plausibility of observational methods. Each
instrument was accused of every possible defect and was only
exonerated after proving itself irreproachable. See an appropriate
quotation from Newcomb in Schmeidler (1984, pp. 32 – 34).
I mentioned Bessel in §§ 6.3 and 8.7. His achievements in
astronomy and geodesy are well known; I name the determination of
astronomical constants; the first determination of a star’s parallax; the
discovery of the personal equation; the development of a method of
adjusting triangulation (see however below); design and use of
metallic bars for measuring baselines, and the derivation of the
parameters of the Earth’s ellipsoid of rotation which enjoyed
international recognition (Strasser 1957, p. 39).
The personal equation is the systematic difference of the moments
of the passage of a star through the cross-hairs of an astronomical
instrument as recorded by two observers. When studying this
phenomenon, it is necessary to compare the moments fixed by two
astronomers at different times and, consequently, to take into account
the correction of the clock (if they use only one). Bessel (1823) had
indeed acted appropriately, but in one case he failed to do so, and his
pertinent observations proved useless. He made no such comment;
Bessel (1838a, §§ 1 and 2) determined the densities of two
functions of a continuously and uniformly distributed [random
variable], and, unlike Laplace, he clearly formulated this problem.
Nevertheless, he erred in his computations of the pertinent variances
and probable errors. He also determined the density of the total
observational error made up of many heterogeneous components but a
rigorous solution of such problems became only possible mush later (§
I have discovered 33 mistakes in arithmetic and elementary algebra
(except those noticed by the Editor) in his Abhandlungen (1876). They
did not influence his conclusions but they throw doubt on his more
serious calculations. Here is just one of them (1876, Bd. 2, p. 376):
√4:√5 = 1/1.409; actually, however, 1/1.118.
One more example, this time concerning Bessel’s reasoning (1818;
1838a). He presented three series of Bradley’s observations, 300, 300
and 470 in number, and stated that their errors almost precisely
obeyed normal distributions. Actually, he was wrong and it is difficult
to believe that he was mistaken (especially see below). Moreover, he
thus missed the opportunity to discover an example of long series not
quite normally distributed errors of precise observations. Later,
scientists gradually discovered such series, in the first place see
Newcomb (1886).
Bessel’s contribution (1838a) included a proof of a version of the
CLT (rigorously proved only by Liapunov and Markov). Bessel stated
that, given more observations, the deviation from normality will
disappear. Did not he notice that he thus undermined the essence of
that theorem? Did not he formulate his wrong conclusion to save that
It became customary to measure each angle of a chain of
triangulation an equal number of times and, which was more
important, to secure their mutual independence so as to facilitate the
treatment of the observations, – to separate the station adjustment
from the adjustment of the chain as a whole. Bessel, however, did not
keep to the abovementioned condition (and had to adjust all the
observations at once). There are indications that the actual rejection of
his method annoyed him8.
I have since discovered other examples of Bessel’s misleading
statements in his popular writings. True, at least one of them pertains
to the time of his fatal illness, but I venture to suppose that a very ill
person should all the more try to avoid mistakes.
1. Bessel (1843). This is his report of the same year read out to the
physical section of the Königsberg physical-economic society in
which he had been very active. Schumacher published the texts of
these reports (1848b), and Bessel (1848a), about which I say a few
words below, is included in that collection.
And so, Bessel (1843) described the life and work of William
Herschel. Among other things, he properly discussed Herschel’s hunt
for double stars and his attempt at counting the stars in the Milky
Way, but he did not explain that there are two types of double stars
nor did he say that the Milky Way is only one of the countless
Herschel came to understand that his telescope did not penetrate to
the boundaries of the Milky Way (F. G. W. Struve 1847, p. 34; Hoskin
1959) whereas Bessel (p. 474, left column) stated quite the opposite.
Another mistake concerned the discovery of the planet Uranus.
Contrary to Bessel’s statement (p. 469, left column), Herschel
discovered a moving body and decided that it was a comet. Finally,
Bessel (p. 470, right column) mentioned Caroline, the sister of
William, and remarked that she was still alive and assisted her brother.
Actually, Caroline died several decades later than he.
2. Bessel (1845). This is a newspaper article which had nothing to
do with astronomy. Bessel stated that under such parameters as
territory, climate etc. (political system not mentioned) only mental
development of the population determined its acceptable maximal
number. However, a territory becomes more or less populated when
people turn from hunting to farming (Bessel’s own example), but are
farmers more mentally developed than hunters?
Then Bessel turned his attention to the United States and provided
his own data about the population of Native Americans taken out of
thin air and damnably wrong.
3. Bessel (1848a). The date of the report is unknown. Bessel
mentioned Delambre’s Astronomy which was not quite definite, but
sufficient for stating that the report was read in 1821 or later.
The significance of Jakob Bernoulli’s law of large numbers was not
discussed, Lambert’s preference of maximum-likelihood estimators
over the arithmetic mean (p. 401) was mostly imagined and Laplace’s
Essai philosophique of 1816 was not even mentioned. Population
statistics studied, for example, by De Moivre, Nicolaus and Daniel
Bernoulli, was completely left out. It is difficult to conclude that
Bessel’s quite elementary exposition had satisfied his listeners.
In his correspondence, Gauss several times indicated Bessel’s
1. Gauss – Olbers, 2 Aug. 1817. Bessel had overestimated the
precision of some of his measurements. On 2 Nov. 1817 Olbers
confidentially informed Bessel about Gauss’ opinion.
2. Gauss – Schumacher, between 14 July and 8 Sept. 1826. He
stated the same about Bessel’s investigation of the precision of the
graduation of a limb.
3. Gauss – Schumacher 27 Dec. 1846. He negatively described
some of Bessel’s posthumous manuscripts. In one case he was
shocked by Bessel’s carelessness8.
I am at a loss: how was it possible to pass these statements over?
And, again, how was it possible for Bessel to be at once a great
scholar and a happy-go-lucky scribbler? Cf. Goethe (Faust, pt. 1, Sc.
2): Two souls are living in his breast.
1. This term should only be applied to the method as substantiated by Gauss in
1823; until then, strictly speaking, the principle of least squares ought to be thought
2. Adrain included his work in a periodical published by himself for the year
1808; however, its pertinent issue appeared only in 1809 (Hogan 1977). Adrain’s
library included a copy of Legendre’s memoir (Coolidge 1926) in which, however,
the normal distribution was lacking; furthermore, it is unknown when had Adrain
obtained that memoir. The term normal distribution appeared in 1873 (Kruskal
1978) and was definitively introduced by K. Pearson (1894).
3. Their opinion should not be forgotten. Here is another example. Encke (1851,
p. 2) believed that Gauss had applied the MLSq when determining the orbit of
Ceres, the first-discovered minor planet (Gauss did not comment). In Note 19 to
Chapter 6 I mentioned an inadmissible free and easy manner adopted by a certain
author (Stigler 1986) with respect to Euler. His attitude towards Gauss was not
better. Here are his statements: Legendre “immediately realized the method’s
potential” (p. 57), but “there is no indication that [Gauss] saw its great potential
before he learned of Legendre’s work” (p. 146); then (p. 143), only Laplace saved
Gauss’s argument [his first justification of the MLSq] from joining “an
accumulating pile of essentially ad hoc constructions”; and, finally (p. 145), Gauss
“solicited reluctant testimony from friends that he had told them of the method
before 1805”. I (Sheynin 1999a; 1999c) had refuted these astonishing declarations
(see also the very end of § 9A.1 about Olbers) which Stigler (1999), the first ever
slanderer of the memory of the great man, repeated slightly less impudently.
Regrettably, no one supported me; on the contrary, Stigler’s first book met with
universal approval although he, in addition, left aside the ancient history as well as
such scholars as Kepler, Lambert and Helmert. Hald (1998, p. xvi), whose
outstanding contribution deserves highest respect, called Stigler’s book “epochal”. I
am unable to understand suchlike opinions. The attitude of the scientific comunity
towards Stigler proves that it is seriously ill.
4. It is not amiss to add that the primary triangulation of the Soviet Union
consisted of chains independent one from another in the Gauss’ sense. This, together
with other conditions, enabled the geodesists to estimate realistically the precision of
the whole great net (Sakatow 1950/1957, pp. 438 – 440). And in general, geodesists,
not necessarily mentioning Gauss, were keeping to his opinion. I also note that
Kapteyn (1912), who had not cited Gauss and was unsatisfied with the then
originating correlation theory, proposed to estimate quantitatively the dependence
between series or functions of observations by issuing from the same notion of
independence, see Sheynin (1984a, § 9.2.1). His article went unnoticed.
5. Concerning this rarely mentioned concept see Cramér (1946, § 32.6).
6. In the theory of errors, the application of the mean square error with a double
sign became standard (§ 9B-4).
7. In 1839 Gauss informed Bessel (W-8, pp. 146 – 147) that he had read the
latter’s memoir with interest although the essence of the problem had been known to
him for many years.
8. In 1825, Gauss had a quarrel with Bessel but no details are known (Sheynin
2001d, p. 168). Even in 1817 Olbers (Erman 1852, Bd. 2, p. 69) regretted that the
relations between Bessel and Gauss were bad. In 1812, in a letter to Olbers, Bessel
(Ibidem, Bd. 1, p. 345) had called Gauss “nevertheless” the inventor of the MLSq,
but in 1844, in a letter to Humboldt (Sheynin 2001d, p. 168), he stressed
Legendre’s priority.
10. The Second Half of the 19th Century
Here, I consider the work of several scholars (§§ 10.1 – 10.6),
statistics (§ 10.7), and its application to various branches of natural
sciences (§ 10.8). The findings of some natural scientists are discussed
in § 10.9 since it proved difficult to describe them elsewhere.
10.1. Cauchy
Cauchy published not less than 10 memoirs devoted to the
treatment of observations and the theory of probability. Eight of them
(including those of 1853 mentioned below) were reprinted in t. 12, sér.
1, of his Oeuvres complètes (1900). In particular, he studied the
solution of systems of equations by the principle of minimax (§ 6.3.2)
and proved the theorem in linear programming known to Gauss
(§ 9A.2-1). He had also applied the method of averages (§ 6.3.2) and
Linnik (1958/1961, § 14.5), who cited his student L. S. Bartenieva,
found out that the pertinent estimators were unbiased and calculated
their effectiveness for the cases of one and two unknown(s). I briefly
describe some of Cauchy’s findings.
Cauchy (1853b) derived the even density of observational errors
demanding that the probability for the error of one of the unknowns,
included in equations of the type of (1.2), to remain within a given
interval, was maximal. Or, rather, he derived the appropriate
characteristic function
and noted that the cases µ = 1 and 0 led to the [normal law] and to the
“Cauchy distribution”, see § 8.6. The function (1) is characteristic
only when 1 < µ ≤ 1 and the appropriate distributions are [stable].
In two memoirs Cauchy (1853c; 1853d) proved the [CLT] for the
linear function
A = [mε] (2)
where 2s was close to σ2, the variance of (2), and, finally, arrived at
P(|А| ≤ α) ≈
σ π
exp(– x2/2σ2)dx.
(E|ξ|m)1/m ≤ (E|ξ|n)1/n, 0 ≤ m ≤ n.
4) The Bienaymé – Chebyshev inequality (Bienaymé 1853; HS, pp.
121 – 124; Gnedenko & Sheynin 1978/2001, pp. 258 – 262). This is
the name of the celebrated inequality
The celebrated scientist presented a method that deserves special
attention. It consists in determining the limiting value of the integral
[…] given the values of the integrals…
“Bienaymé is engaged”. Bru thought it highly probable that Cournot
had borrowed his study from Bienaymé.
8) An approach to the notion of sufficient estimator (Bienaymé
1840a; HS, pp. 108 – 110). When investigating the stability of
statistical frequencies (see also Item 3), Bienaymé expressed ideas that
underlie the notion of sufficient estimators. For m and n Bernoulli
trials with probability of success p the number of successes has
1.1.1). Cournot (§ 40) expressed the same idea, and, in § 43, indirectly
connected randomness with unstable equilibrium by remarking that a
right circular cone, when stood on its vertex, fells in a “random”
direction. This was a step towards Poincaré’s viewpoint (§ 11.2-9).
Cournot (1851, § 33, Note 38; 1861, § 61, pp. 65 – 66) also recalled
Lambert’s attempt to study randomness (see my § 6.1.3)3, and (1875,
pp. 177 – 179) applied Bienaymé’s test (§ 10.2-3) for investigating
whether the digits of the number π were random. He replaced its first
36 digits by signs plus and minus (for example, 3; 1; 4; 1 became – ;
+; –) and counted 21 changes in the new sequence. Comparing the
fractions 21/36 = 0.583 and [(2·36 + 1)/3·36] = 0.667, see the first of
the formulas (3), Cournot decided that the accordance was good
enough (?), but reasonably abstained from a final conclusion.
5) A mixture of distributions. Given the densities of separate groups
of ni, i = 1, 2, …, m, observations, Cournot (§ 81) proposed the
weighted mean density as their distribution. He had not specified the
differences between the densities, but in § 132 he indicated that they
might describe observations of different precision and in § 135 he
added, in a Note, that observational errors approximately followed the
[normal law]. I describe the attempts to modify the normal law made
by astronomers in § 10.8.4.
6) Dependence between the decisions of judges and/or jurors.
Cournot (1838; 1843, §§ 193 – 196 and 206 – 225) gave thought to
this issue. Suppose (§ 193) that in case of two judges the probabilities
of a correct verdict are s1 and s2. Then the probability that they agree
1 1
so that, if s1 = s2 = s > 1/2, s = .
2 2 2 p 1
to statistics (§ 113) and the “principe de Bernoulli” was its only
pertinent sound foundation (§ 115).
These statements were not at all unquestionable (§§ 6.2.1 and 9B).
Cournot, however, went further: the theory of probability might be
successfully applied in astronomy, and the “statistique des astres, if
such an association of words be permitted, will become a model for
every other statistics” (§ 145). He himself, however, statistically
studied the parameters of planetary and cometary orbits, but not the
starry heaven, and his statement was inaccurate: first (§ 10.8), by that
time statistics had begun to be applied in a number of branches of
natural sciences; second (Sheynin 1984a, § 6), stellar statistics had by
then already originated.
8) Explanation of known notions and issues. Cournot methodically
explained the notion of density (§§ 64 – 65) and the method of
calculating the density of a function of a (of two) [random variable(s)]
(§§ 73 – 74). He also described how is or should statistics be applied
in natural sciences and demography, discussed the treatment of data
when the probabilities of the studied events were variable, etc.
Taken as a whole, Cournot made a serious contribution to
theoretical statistics. Chuprov (1905/1960, p. 60), bearing in mind
mathematics as well as philosophy and economics, called him a man
of genius. Later he (1909/1959, p. 30) stated that Cournot was
One of the most profound thinkers of the 19th century, whom his
contemporaries failed to appreciate, and who rates ever higher in the
eyes of posterity.
Morgan (1845) might be named here; concerning the last-metioned
author see however Note 1 to Chapter 8. In Russia, Buniakovsky
(1846) achieved the same aim; his treatise was the first comprehensive
Russian contribution so that P. B. Struve (1918, p. 1318) called him
“a Russian student of the French mathematical school”. I discuss the
main issues considered by him both in his main treatise and elsewhere,
see also Sheynin (1991b), this being a general description of
Buniakovsky’s work. A practically complete list of his contributions is
in Materialy (1917).
1) The theory of probability. In accordance with its state in those
times, Buniakovsky (1846, p. I) attributed it to applied mathematics.
He (Ibidem) also maintained that
Anyone, who does not examine the meaning of the numbers, with
which he performs particular calculations, is not a mathematician.
might help to determine the values of special transcendental functions.
In the same connection, Laplace only mentioned the number π.
4) “Numerical” probabilities. Buniakovsky (1836; 1846, pp. 132 –
137) solved an elementary problem on the probability that a quadratic
equation with coefficients “randomly” taking different integral values
had real roots. Much more interesting are similar problems of later
origin, for example on the reducibility of fractions (Chebyshev, see
§ 13.2-8) or those concerning the set of real numbers.
5) A random walk. Buniakovsky (1846, pp. 143 – 147) calculated
the probability that a castle, standing on square A of a chessboard,
reached square B (possibly coinciding with A) in exactly x moves if its
movement was “uniformly” random. Before that, random walks (here,
it was a generalized random walk) had occurred only indirectly, when
studying a series of games of chance.
Buniakovsky’s problem was, however, elementary. The castle can
only be in two states,– it can reach B either in one move, or in two
moves; the case A ≡ B belongs to the latter, but might be isolated for
the sake of expediency. Buniakovsky divided the squares in three
groups: square A itself; 14 squares lying within reach of the very first
move from A; and the rest 49 squares and he formed and solved a
system of three pertinent difference equations for the number of cases
leading to success. It turned out that the mean probability (of its three
possible values) was equal to 1/64 and did not depend on x. He had
not interpreted his result, but properly indicated that it was also
possible to solve the problem in an elementary way, by direct
calculation. Note that the first n moves (n ≥ 1), if unsuccessful, do not
change anything, and this circumstance apparently explains the
6) Statistical control of quality. Buniakovsky (1846, Addendum;
1850) proposed to estimate probable military losses (actually, mean
losses, cf. beginning of § 11.2) in battle by sample data in each arm of
the engaged forces, – to use stratified sampling, as it is now called.
His study was hardly useful, the more so since he applied the
Bayesian approach assuming an equal prior probability of all possible
losses, but he (1846, pp. 468 – 469) also indicated that his findings
might facilitate the acceptance “of a very large number of articles and
supplies” only a fraction of which was actually examined.
Statistical control of quality was then still unknown although even
Huygens (§ 2.2.2) had solved a pertinent urn problem. Ostrogradsky
(1848), possibly following Buniakovsky4, picked up the same issue.
He stated, on p. 322, that the known solutions [of this problem] “sont
peu exactes et peu conformes aux principes de l’analyse des hasards”.
He did not elaborate, and his own main formula (p. 342) was
extremely involved (and hardly checked by anyone since).
Two other authors had preceded Buniakovsky who considered an
equivalent problem: Simpson (1740, Problem 6) and Öttinger (1843,
p. 231). Here is the former:
the probability that there shall come out precisely a given Number of
each Sort…
provided the first mathematical model of an epidemic (of measles). It
is now highly appreciated (Dietz 1988; Gani 2001) and it might be
regretted that Buniakovsky did not become interested in such issues.
9) Among other studies, I mention Buniakovsky’s solution of a
problem in the theory of random arrangements (1871) that, however,
hardly found application, and an interesting urn problem (1875a)
connected with partition of numbers. An urn contains n balls
numbered from 1 through n. All at once, m balls (m < n) are extracted;
determine the probability that the sum of the numbers drawn was
equal to s. This problem is due to Laurent (1873) who referred to
Euler (1748, Chapter 16).
The problem demanded from Buniakovsky the calculation of the
coefficient of tmxs in the development of
For several decades Buniakovsky’s treatise (1846) continued to
influence strongly the teaching of probability theory in Russia; in spite
of the work of previous Russian authors, he it was who originated the
real study of the theory beyond Western Europe.
Several authors expressed their opinion about Buniakovsky (1846).
Vasiliev (1921, p. 36) decided that
This thorough and clearly written book is one of the best from the
European mathematical literature on the theory of probability. It
much assisted the dissemination of the interest in this science among
Russian mathematicians and increased the significance of teaching
probability here as compared with the universities of other countries.
but Mansion (1904, p. 3) claimed that there were “peu de pays” where
instruction in that discipline had been on a par with Belgian practice
which fact he attributed to the lasting influence of Quetelet.
Quetelet’s writings (1869; 1871) contain many dozens of pages
devoted to various measurements of the human body, of pulse and
respiration, to comparisons of weight and stature with age, etc. and he
extended the applicability of the [normal law] to this field. Following
Humboldt’s advice he (1870), introduced the term anthropometry and
thus curtailed the boundaries of anthropology. He was possibly
influenced by Babbage (1857), an avid collector of biological data. In
turn, Quetelet impressed Galton (1869, p. 26) who called him “the
greatest authority on vital and social statistics”. While discussing
Galton (1869), K. Pearson (1914 – 1930, vol. 2, 1924, p. 89)
The plants and the animals have remained as they were when they
left the hands of the Creator.
Quetelet collected and systematized meteorological observations5
and described the tendency of the weather to persist by elements of the
theory of runs, see § 10.8.3. Keeping to the tradition of political
arithmetic (§ 2.1.4), he discussed the level of postal charges (1869, t.
1, pp. 173 and 422) and rail fares (1846, p. 353) and recommended to
study statistically the changes brought about by the construction of
telegraph lines and railways (1869, t. 1, p. 419). His special
investigation (1836, t. 2, p. 313; first noted in 1832) was a quantitative
description of the changes in the probabilities of conviction of the
defendants depending on their personality (sex, age, education) and
Yule (1900/1971, pp. 30 – 32) favourably, on the whole, commented
upon his work as the first attempt to measure dependence
Quetelet is best remembered for the introduction of the Average
man (1832a, p. 4; 1832b, p. 1; 1848a, p. 38), inclinations to crime
(1832b, p. 17; 1836, t. 2, p. 171 and elsewhere) and marriage (1848a,
p. 77; 1848b, p. 38), – actually, the appropriate probabilities, – and
statements about the constancy of crime (1829, pp. 28 and 35 and
many other sources). In spite of his shortcomings (below), the two
last-mentioned items characterized Quetelet as the originator of moral
statistics with Süssmilch as his predecessor.
The Average man, as he (1848a, p. 38) thought, had mean physical
and moral and intellectual features, was the alleged type of the nation
and even of the entire mankind. And he (1848a, pp. 91 – 92) properly
related the mean inclinations to the Average man. Reasonable
objections were levelled against this concept to which I add that
Quetelet had not specified the notion of average as applied here.
Sometimes he had in mind the arithmetic mean, in other cases (1848a,
p. 45), however, it was the median, and he (1846, p. 216) only
mentioned the Poisson LLN in connection with the mean human
stature. Cournot (1843, p. 143) stated that the Average man was
physiologically impossible (the averages of the various parts of the
human body [and of weight and height] were inconsistent one with
another), and Bertrand (1888a, p. XLIII) ridiculed Quetelet:
Chuprov (1909/1959, p. 23) neatly summed up the arguments of
Quetelet’s followers and opponents:
10.6. Galton
Being influenced by his cousin, Darwin, Galton began to study the
heredity of talent and published an important treatise (1869) on that
subject; incidentally, he introduced the term eugenics. In a letter of
1861 Darwin (1903, p. 181) favourably mentioned it. He (1876, p. 15)
also asked Galton to examine his investigation of the advantages of
cross-fertilization as compared with spontaneous pollination. Galton
(Ibidem) compared the two processes with regard to their
characteristics and, in particular, to the ordered heights of the
seedlings. In the latter instance, it occurred that the signs of almost all
the differences between the corresponding heights coincided. See a
similar study by Seidel in § 10.8.1.
Galton (1863) devised an expedient system of symbols for weather
charts and immediately discovered the existence of previously
unknown anticyclones. From the point of view of statistics, he had
thus reasonably studied his initial data. Galton (K. Pearson 1914 –
1930, vol. 2, Chapter 12) also invented composite photographs of
kindred persons (of people of a certain nationality or occupation, or
criminals), all of them taken on the same film with an appropriately
shorter exposure. In any case, his innovation was much more justified
than Quetelet’s Average man.
Galton(1892) became the main inventor of fingerprinting. Because
of its reliability, it did not demand statistical analysis and superseded
the previous system of identification developed by Alph. Bertillon
(1893). This latter procedure was partially based on anthropometry
and made use of from the 1890s to the beginning of the 20th century.
Another of Galton’s invention (1877) was the so-called quincunx, a
device for visually demonstrating the appearance of the normal
distribution as the limiting case of the binomial law (Stigler 1986, pp.
275 –281). A special feature of that device was that it showed that the
normal law was stable. Galton’s main statistical merit consisted,
however, in the introduction of the notions of regression and
correlation. The development of correlation theory became one of the
aims of the Biometric school (§ 14.2), and Galton’s close relations
with Pearson were an important cause of its successes.
Recall (§§ 1.1.1 and 1.1.3) that reasoning in the spirit of qualitative
correlation was not foreign to ancient scholars which was in
conformity with the qualitative nature of the science of those days.
And what about modernity? In the 1870s, several scientists (C.
Meldrum, in 1872 and 1875; J. N. Lockyer, in 1873; H. F. Blanford, in
1880, see Sheynin (1984a, p. 160)) took notice of the dependence
between solar activity and elements of terrestrial magnetism and on
meteorological phenomena but not a word did they say about
developing a pertinent quantitative theory. And even though Seidel, in
1865 – 1866 (§ 10.8.1), quantitatively studied the dependence between
two, and then three factors, he did not hint at generalizing his findings.
Galton was meritorious indeed! For the sake of comprehensiveness I
repeat (Note 4 to Chapter 9) that in 1912 Kapteyn provided an
“astronomical” version of the correlation coefficient.
10.7. Statistics
Here, I discuss the situation in statistics in the 19th century. Related
material is in §§ 6.2 and 10.5.
The Staatswissenschaft held its ground for many decades. In
France, Delambre (1819, p. LXVII) argued that statistics was hardly
ever engaged in discussions or conjectures and did not aim at
perfecting theories, and that political arithmetic ought to be
“distinguished” from it. Under statistics he understood geodetic,
meteorological and medical data, mineralogical descriptions and even
art expositions. I believe however that the two last-mentioned items
were rather soon excluded from such lists6.
The newly established London Statistical Society declared that
statistics “does not discuss causes, nor reason upon probable effects”
(Anonymous 1839, p. 1). True, they denied that “the statist [!] rejects
all deductions, or that statistics consists merely of columns of figures”
and stated that “all conclusions shall be drawn from well-attested data
and shall admit of mathematical demonstration”. This announcement
was thus ambiguous; the Society attempted to adhere to its former
statement, but in vain. Anyway, Woolhouse (1873, p. 39) testified that
See, however, § 14.1-4.
4) Apart from the error theory the variance began to be applied in
statistics only after Lexis (§ 15.1), but even later Bortkiewicz (1894 –
1896, Bd. 10, pp. 353 – 354) stated that the study of precision was an
accessory goal, a luxury, and that the statistical flair was much more
important, cf. the opinion of Gauss in § 9A.5-1. This point of view
had perhaps been caused by the presence of large systematic
corruptions in the initial materials.
5) Not just a flair, but a preliminary data analysis (which, however,
does not call off the definitive estimation of the plausibility of the
final results and which received general recognition only a few
decades ago) is necessary, and should be the beginning of the
statistician’s work. Splendid examples of such analysis had occurred
much earlier and to these I attribute the introduction of contour lines
(Halley, in 1701, see § 2.1.4, drew lines of equal magnetic
declinations over North Atlantic, also see § 10.8.3, the discoveries
made by Humboldt in § 10.8.3 and by Galton in § 10.6).
6) Econometrics originated only in the 1930s.
I list now the difficulties, real and imaginary, of applying the theory
of probability to statistics.
7) The absence of “equally possible” cases whose existence is
necessary for understanding the classical notion of probability.
Statisticians repeatedly mentioned this cause, also see § 3.2.3. True,
Cournot (§ 10.3-7 and -8) explained that equipossibility was not
necessary (and, in the first place, mentioned the “Bernoulli
principle”), but his advice was hardly heard. Lexis (report of
1874/1903, pp. 241 – 242; 1886, pp. 436 – 437; 1913, p. 2091) also
cited equipossibility. In the second case, in a paper devoted to the
application of probability theory to statistics, he even added that the
introduction of equipossibility led to the subjectivity of the theory of
probability. Elsewhere, however, Lexis reasoned differently; he had
no integral viewpoint. Thus, statistics is mainly based on the theory of
probability (1877, p. 5); if the statistical probability tends to its
theoretical counterpart, equally possible cases might be assumed
(Ibidem, p. 17); and the “pattern” of the theory of probability is the
highest scientific form in which statistics might be expressed
(1874/1903, p. 241).
8) Disturbance of the constancy of the probability of the studied
event and/or of the independence of trials. I repeat (§ 3.2-3) that
before Lexis statisticians had only recognized the Bernoulli trials; and
even much later Kaufman (1922/1928, pp. 103 – 104) declared that
the theory of probability was applicable only to these trials, and, for
that matter, only in the presence of equally possible cases. He
mentioned several allegedly likeminded authors including Markov
and Yule, but did not supply the exact references and I am inclined to
believe that these authors wished to investigate whether or not the
given statistical trials were Bernoullian. As to the equally possible
cases, see Item 7 above. After all, Kaufman’s opinion about
correlation theory (Item 3) can be understood, but this time he proved
himself hopelessly lagging behind life.
9) The abstract nature of the (not yet axiomatized) theory of
probability. As I noted in § 6.3.3, the history of mathematics testifies
that the more abstract it became, the wider had been the range of its
applicability. Nevertheless, statisticians had not expected any help
from the theory of probability. Block (1878/1886, p. 134) thought that
it was too abstract and should not be applied “too often”, and Knapp
(1872, p. 115) called it difficult and hardly useful beyond the sphere
of games of chance and insurance.
There also, on pp. 116 – 117, he added a sound statement:
Statisticians had not been armed and did not trust mathematicians.
Even in 1911 G. von Mayr, an eminent statistician of the old school
stated that mathematical formulas were unnecessary for statistics and
then privately confessed that he cannot endure mathematics
(Bortkevich & Chuprov 2005, Letter 109). And mathematicians, if not
playing with statistics, had not always understood statistics (§ 8.9-2).
It is not amiss to mention here the pioneer attempt to create
mathematical statistics (Wittstein 1867). He compared the situation in
statistics with the childhood of astronomy and stressed that statistics
(and especially population statistics) needed a Tycho and a Kepler to
proceed from reliable observations to regularities. Specifically, he
noted that statisticians did not understand the essence of probability
theory and never estimated the precision of the results obtained. The
term mathematical statistics is apparently due to him.
10.8. Statistics and Natural Sciences
In the 19th century, the statistical method gave rise to a number of
disciplines and I discuss the relevant situation in several branches of
natural sciences. First, I cite the opponents of that method; as
described in § 10.5, their stance can be explained by ignorance, by
attaching mean indicators to individuals. Thus, Comte (1830 – 1842, t.
3/1893, No. 40, p. 329): the use of statistics in medicine is a “profonde
dégénération directe de l’art médicale”. Also see similar statements in
§ 8.9.
To begin in earnest, however, I note the existence of the so-called
numerical method usually attributed to the French physician Louis
(1825) who introduced it by calculating the frequencies of the
symptoms of various diseases so as to facilitate diagnosing. No
stochastic considerations or estimations of the reliability of the
conclusions were involved. Louis (pp. xvii – xviii) even thought that,
given observations, any physician ought to make the same conclusion.
His method remained in vogue for a few decades.
He and his adherents attempted to replace qualitative descriptions
by directly obtained statistical data (cf. Petty’s statement in § 2.1.4).
Bouillaud (1836), who inserted numerous passages from Laplace’s
Essai philosophique (1814) in his book, favourably described the
numerical method and called it a supplement to other methods (pp.
190 – 191), and (p. 187) added only a few words about the “calcul
approximatif ou des probabilités”. That method, as he stated, was
almost always the only means for generalizing the results obtained;
and the advantages of this “kind of calculus” are such that its
discussion was not necessary. Also see Proctor’s statement in § 10.8.4.
Bouillaud (pp. 186 – 187) thought that the calculus of probability was
approximate, but almost always the only means for generalizing the
obtained results, whereas medicine, if only based on probability, will
remain a game of chance of sorts since physicians ought to consider
the personality of their patients. And he also stated that medical
statistics was yet in its cradle, but is still applied with some success
and will considerably develop, cf. § 10.8.1.
And here is D’Alembert (1759/1821, p. 163):
Biometric school (§ 15.2). Greenwood (1936, p. 139) indirectly
praised it, perhaps excessively:
The data I have adduced […] have been objected to on the ground
that they are collected from too many different hospitals, and too
many sources. But, […] I believe all our highest statistical authorities
will hold that this very circumstance renders them more, instead of
less, trustworthy.
probabilities of conviction of defendants depending on their
personality showed a monotonous increase of those probabilities (cf.
§ 10.5).
At about the same time Pirogov introduced anaesthesia in military
surgery and began to compare the merits of the conservative treatment
of the wounded versus amputation. Much later he (1864, p. 690)
called his time “transitional”:
Statistics shook the sacred principles of the old school, whose views
had prevailed during the first decades of this century, – and we ought
to recognize it,– but it had not established its own principles.
Note finally Pirogov’s possibly correct statement (1864, pp. 5 – 6):
without the not yet existing doctrine of individuality, real progress in
medical statistics is impossible.
Pirogov participated in the Crimean war, in which Florence
Nightingale, on the other side, showed her worth both as a medical
nurse and a statistician, cf. Pearson’s relevant statement in § 2.2.3.
She would have wholeheartedly approved of Pirogov’s conclusion
(above) concerning the success of treatment.
Such new disciplines as epidemiology and public hygiene, the
forerunner of ecology, appeared within medicine in the 19th century. I
discussed the inoculation of smallpox in § 6.2.3 and mentioned
Enko’s essential finding at the end of § 10.4. In 1866, Farr
(Brownlee 1915) preceded Enko; his study of cattle plague only
methodically belonged to epidemiology, and, interestingly enough,
Brownlee published his note in a medical journal. Farr indicated that
he had also investigated the visitations of cholera and diphtheria of
1849 and 1857 – 1859 respectively.
Here is his reasoning. Denote the number of attacks of the plague
during a period of four weeks by s. He noted that the third differences
of lns were constant, so that
It was Brownlee who supplied this formula because Farr was unable
to insert it in his newspaper letter. Farr’s calculated values of s did not
agree with actual figures, but at least he correctly predicted a rapid
decline of the epidemic.
It seems that epidemiology was properly born when cholera
epidemics had been ravaging Europe. The English physician Snow
(1855) compared mortality from cholera for two groups of the
population of London, – for those whose drinking water was either
purified or not. He ascertained that purification decreased mortality by
eight times, and he thus discovered how did cholera epidemics spread,
and proved the essential applicability of the first stage of the statistical
method (§ 0.4). Pettenkofer (1886 – 1887) published a monstrous
collection of statistical materials pertaining to cholera, but he was
unable to process them. He (1865, p. 329) stressed that no cholera
epidemic was possible at a certain moment without a local
“disposition” to it and he attached special importance to the level of
subsoil water. His view does not contradict modern ideas about the
necessary threshold values. However, Pettenkofer did not believe in
contemporary bacteriological studies and opposed Snow. For an
estimate of his views see Winslow (1943/1967, p. 335).
Seidel (1865) arranged the years 1856 – 1864 in the decreasing
order of the first, and then of the second series of numbers describing
two phenomena. The conformity between the two series was, in his
opinion, striking so that Seidel thus, like Galton later on, applied rank
He (1865 – 1866) investigated the dependence of the monthly cases
of typhoid fever on the level of subsoil water, and then on both that
level and the rainfall. It occurred that the signs of the deviations of
these figures from their mean yearly values coincided twice more
often than not and Seidel quantitatively (although indirectly and with
loss of information) estimated the significance of the studied
connections. His work remained, however, completely forgotten and
Weiling (1975) was likely the first to recall it.
Already Leibniz (§ 2.1.4) recommended to collect and apply
information concerning a wide range of issues, which, as I add now,
pertained to public hygiene. Condorcet (1795/1988, pp. 316 and 320)
described the aims of “mathématique sociale” [social statistics] and
mentioned the study of the influence of temperature, climate,
properties of soil, food and general habits on the ratio of men and
women, birth-rate, mortality and number of marriages. Much later, M.
Lévy (1844) considered the influence of atmosphere, water and
climate as well as of the suitable type of clothes and appropriate food
on man.
From its origin in the mid-19th century, public hygiene began
statistically studying a large number of problems, especially those
caused by the Industrial Revolution in England and, in particular, by
the great infant mortality. Thus, in Liverpool only 2/3 of the children
of gentry and professional persons lived to the age of five years
(Chadwick 1842/1965, p. 228).
Pettenkofer (1873) estimated the financial loss of the population of
Munich ensuing from such diseases as typhoid fever and his booklet
can be attributed to this discipline. In Russia his student Erismann
(1887) published a contribution on sanitary statistics.
At the turn of the 19th century Jenner introduced smallpox
vaccination instead of inoculation. It had not, however, preclude the
need for solving statistical problems about the estimation of various
possible versions of vaccination and inoculation was not ruled out at
once. See also § 6.2.3.
10.8.2. Biology. The attempts to connect the appearance of leaves,
flowers and fruits on plants of a given species with the sums of mean
daily temperatures began in the 18th century (Réaumur 1738) and
Quetelet (1846, p. 242) proposed to replace those sums by the sums
of squares, but he was still unable to compare both procedures
quantitatively. Also in the 19th century, vast statistical materials
describing the life of plants were published (Aug. P. DeCandolle
1832), and Babbage (1857) compiled a statistical questionnaire for
the class of mammalia. I mentioned his similar work in § 10.5. In
Russia, Baer (1860 – 1875) with associates conducted a large-scale
statistical investigation of fishing.
Humboldt created the geography of plants (Humboldt & Bonpland
1815; Humboldt 1816) which was based on collection and estimation
of statistical data. Alph. DeCandolle (1855, t. 1, p. vi) however also
mentioned Linné, his own father Aug. DeCandolle and Brown;
Darwin (1903, vol. 2, p. 26, letter of 1881) only mentioned Humboldt.
Darwin had to study various statistical problems, for example on
cross-fertilization of plants (§ 10.6), the life of earthworms (§ 12-2)
and on the inheritance of a rare deformity in humans (1868/1885, vol.
1, p. 449). In the last-mentioned case Stokes provided the solution
(apparently by applying the Poisson distribution) at his request.
Statistical tables and summaries with qualitative commentaries occur
in a number of Darwin’s writings and he also collected statistical data.
Being the main author of the hypothesis of the origin of species, he
made use of such terms as variation and natural selection without
defining any of them. And, when reasoning about randomness, he
understood it in differing ways. In the problem concerning the
deformity Darwin decided that it was not random (not merely
possible, cf. Kolmogorov’s statement in § 1.1). In two other cases in
which he discussed the hypothesis of evolution he understood
randomness as ignorance of causes (1859/1958, p. 128), cf. Laplace
(§ 7.3), and, in 1881, as lack of purpose (1903, p. 395), cf. Aristotle
(§ 1.1.1). It is also remarkable that Darwin (1859/1958, p. 77) actually
described randomness as the effect of complicated causes, cf.
Poincaré (§ 11.2-9):
An essentially new stage in the development of the Darwinian ideas
had occurred at the end of the 18th century (De Vries 1905) and
somewhat later (Johannsen 1922/1929). De Vries stressed the
importance of sports (although did not explain their relation to
mutations, a term which he himself introduced somewhat earlier)
which considerably strengthened the theory of evolution.
Andersson (1929), who briefly discussed the work of Johannsen,
quoted him, regrettably without indicating the source:
“show us the constancy in the changes”. He himself (1817, p. 466)
introduced isotherms and climatic belts (known to ancient scholars
who had only possessed qualitative knowledge of temperature). He
thus separated climatology from meteorology and he also noted the
existence of local corruptions of the temperature.
Much later he (1845 – 1862, Bd. 4, p. 59) added that he had
borrowed the idea of contour lines from Halley (§ 2.1.4) [and had
therefore also applied a splendid particular instance of exploratory
data analysis].
Humboldt (1817, p. 532) also recommended the application of
contour lines for winter and summer. It is somewhat strange that,
when offering a definition of climate, he (1831, p. 404) had not
directly linked it with mean states but later scholars have formulated
this tie ever more explicitly (Körber 1959, p. 296). Chuprov
(1922b/1960, p. 151), for example, had identified climate with a
system of certain mean values.
Humboldt (1843, t. 1, p. 83) also formulated a statement which
could have shown that the time for passing from mean values to
distributions had not yet come:
as the means of their extreme values (Cotte 1788, p. 9) so that the
occurred introduction of the arithmetic mean of all of their values was
an essential step forward.
Meteorological observations multiplied, and they had been
published without being of use to the general readership of scientific
periodicals. Biot (1855, pp. 1179 – 1180), for example, had opposed
that practice and Mendeleev (1876/1946, p. 267) remarked that the
prevailing “collecting” school of meteorologists needed nothing but
“numbers and numbers”. Later he (1885/1952, p. 527) optimistically
decided that a new meteorology was being born and that “little by
little” it had begun, basing its work on statistical data, to “master,
synthesize, forecast”.
Lamont (1867, p. 247) maintained that the irregular temporal
changes of the atmosphere were not random “in the sense of the
calculus of probability” and (p. 245) recommended his own method of
studying, instead, simultaneous observations made at different
localities. Quetelet (1849, t. 1, Chapter 4, p. 53) remarked that the
differences of such observations conformed to accidental errors, but
he did not elaborate. Much earlier Lamont (ca. 1839, p. 263) indicated
that the air pressure and temperature are very changeable and their
mean values are barely reliable. Again, he did not elaborate and stated
without proof that a year of simultaneous observations is tantamount
to 30 years of usual observations.
Quetelet (1846, p. 275) resolutely contended that meteorology was
alien to statistics: unlike the “physicist”, the statistician wishes to
know, first of all, everything that can influence man and contribute to
his welfare. In addition to meteorology, he cited other “alien”
sciences, such as physical geography, mineralogy, botany. His
statement is correct only insofar as statistical meteorology, stellar
statistics etc. belong to the appropriate sciences.
The study of densities of the distributions of meteorological
elements began in the mid-19th century; Quetelet, for example, knew
that these densities were asymmetric (§ 10.5). At the end of the
century Meyer (1891, p. 32), when mentioning that fact, stated that the
theory of errors was not applicable to meteorology. However,
mathematical statistics does not leave aside the treatment of
asymmetric series of observations, and already K. Pearson (1898)
made use of Meyer’s material for illustrating his theory of asymmetric
Lamarck was one of the first scholars to note the dependence of the
weather on its previous state, see for example t. 5, pp. 5 and 8 and t.
11, p. 143 of his Annuaries (1800 – 1811). In t. 11, p. 122 he
essentially repeated his first pronouncement and formulated it as an
The entire state of things in the atmosphere […] results not only
from an ensemble of causes which tend to operate, but also from the
influence of the previous state.
(1852; 1857) analysed that phenomenon applying elementary
stochastic considerations and concluded that the chances of the
weather persisting (or changing) were not independent. Köppen’s
analysis (1872) was more mathematically oriented, see Sheynin
(1984b, p. 80).
Quetelet was also praiseworthy for compiling and systematizing
meteorological observations. Köppen (1875, p. 256) noted that
observations made since the early 1840s at the “entire network of
stations” in Belgium “proved to be the most lasting [in Europe] and
extremely valuable”. And Faraday praised Quetelet’s observations of
atmospheric electricity (Note 5).
10.8.4. Astronomy. Here, I only discuss the events of the 19th
century. Already Daniel Bernoulli (§ 6.1.1) and Laplace (§ 7.1-2)
stochastically studied regularities in the Solar system. In actual fact,
they considered the planets as elements of a single population, and this
approach was vividly revealed in the later investigations of the
asteroids. Newcomb (1861a and elsewhere) repeatedly compared the
theoretical (calculated in accordance with the uniform distribution)
and the real parameters of their orbits; true, he was yet unable to
appraise quantitatively his results. Poincaré (§ 11.2-5) stochastically
although worthlessly estimated the total number of the small planets.
Of special interest are Newcomb’s considerations (1862) on the
distribution of the asteroids, likely based on his later published and
even more interesting statement (1881). His former contribution
makes difficult reading mostly because of its loose style. As I
understand him, Newcomb intuitively arrived at the following
proposition: a large number of independent points A1 = (B1 + b1t),
A2 = (B2 + b2t), … where t denoted time, and the other magnitudes
were constant, will become almost uniformly distributed over a
circumference. In 1881 Newcomb remarked that the first pages of
logarithmic tables wore out “much faster” than the last ones and set
out to derive the probability that the first significant digits of
empirically obtained numbers will be n1, n2, … Without any proof he
indicated that, if numbers s1, s2, …, sn were selected “at random”, the
positive fractional parts of the differences (s1 – s2), (s2 – s3), … will
tend, as n → ∞, to a uniform distribution over a circumference, and
that the empirical magnitudes, to which these differences conform,
will have equally probable mantissas of their logarithms. Newcomb’s
reasoning heuristically resembles the Weyl celebrated theorem that
states that the terms of the sequence {nx}, where x is irrational, n = 1,
2, …, and the braces mean “drop the integral part”, are uniformly
distributed on a unit interval. In the sense of the information theory,
Newcomb’s statement means that each empirical number tends to
provide one and the same information. Several authors, independently
one from another, proved that Newcomb was right. One of them
(Raimi 1976, p. 536) called his statement an “inspired guess” and
reasonably noted that it was not, however, universally valid.
By the mid-century, after processing observations made over about
a century, a rough periodicity of the number of sunspots was
established (cf. § 1.2.3). Newcomb (1901), who studied their
observations from 1610 onward, arrived at T = 11.13 years. The
present-day figure is T ≈ 11 years but a strict periodicity is denied. In
any case, it might be thought that the numbers of sunspots constitute a
time series, an object for stochastic studies. I note that Newcomb
considered the maxima and the minima of that phenomenon as well as
half the sums of the numbers of the sunspots “corresponding to the
year of minimum and the following maximum, or vice versa” (p. 4).
He determined the four appropriate values of T and their mean without
commenting on the possible dependence between them.
The variation of the terrestrial latitudes is known to be caused by
the movement of the pole about some point along a curve resembling
a circumference with period 1.2 years. Newcomb (1892) checked the
then proposed hypothesis that the movement was periodic with T =
1.17 years and he assumed that the pole moved uniformly along a
circumference. Some of his calculations are doubtful (and not
sufficiently detailed, a feature peculiar to many of his works), but he
correctly concluded that the hypothesis was [apparently] valid.
In 1767 Michell (§ 6.1.6) attempted to determine the probability
that two stars were close to each other. By applying the Poisson
distribution, Newcomb (1859 – 1861, 1860, pp. 437 – 439) calculated
the probability that some surface with a diameter of 1° contained s
stars out of N scattered “at random” over the celestial sphere and
much later Fisher (Hald 1998, pp. 73 – 74) turned his attention to that
problem. Boole (1851/1952, p. 256) reasoned on the distinction
between a uniform and any other random distribution:
hoped to determine its configuration but later understood his mistake
(§ 9C).
In one of its sections he (1784/1912, p. 158) counted the stars in six
fields selected “promiscuously” and assumed the mean number of
them as an estimate for the entire section. Much later Herschel (1817)
proposed a model of a uniform spatial distribution of the stars. He
fixed the boundaries for the distances of the stars of each magnitude
but allowed the stars to be randomly distributed within these
Herschel thus provided an example of randomness appearing
alongside necessity; cf. Poincaré’s statement in § 1.2.4. When
estimating the precision of his model for the stars of the first seven
magnitudes, Herschel calculated the sum of the deviations of his
model from reality. For the first four magnitudes that sum was small
although the separate deviations were large. Recall (§ 6.3.2) that,
when adjusting observations, Boscovich applied a similar test with
respect to absolute deviations. Herschel himself (1805) made use of it
when determining the direction of the Sun’s movement (cf. Note 17 to
Chapter 6).
Herschel (1817/1912, p. 579) indicated that
Any star promiscuously chosen […] out of [14,000 stars of the first
seven magnitudes] is not likely to differ much from a certain mean size
of them all.
He certainly did not know that, with regard to size, the stars are
incredibly different; its mean value is a worthless quantity, and, in
general, stochastic statements, made in the absence of data, are hardly
useful. A formal check in accordance with the Bienaymé –
Chebyshev inequality would have revealed Herschel’s mistake. But in
any case it occurred that the stars, even earlier than the asteroids, had
been considered as elements of a single population (in the last-
mentioned instance, wrongly).
Stellar statistics really originated in the mid-19th century with the
study of the proper motions of hundreds of stars (until 1842, when
astronomers started to use the Doppler’s invention, only in the
directions perpendicular to the appropriate lines of sight).
Argelander (1837, p. 581) considered 560 stars with perceptible
proper motions and determined the Sun’s motion more reliably than it
was achieved previously. Otto Struve (1842; 1844), then F. G. W.
Struve (1852, pp. clxxxii – clxxxv) made the next steps. For the first
of his studies the Royal Astronomical Society awarded O. Struve its
gold medal (Airy 1842).
When studying the Sun’s motion, astronomers beginning with
Herschel thought that the peculiar motions of the stars (their motions
relative to the Sun) were [random variables] and Kapteyn (1906a, p.
400) called the random distribution of the direction of the peculiar
motions a fundamental hypothesis.
The calculated mean proper motions for stars of a given magnitude
proved, however, almost meaningless since the magnitudes depended
on distances. Beginning with W. Herschel, astronomers thought that
the proper motions were random, but they understood randomness in
different ways. Newcomb (1902a) assumed that their projections on
an arbitrary axis were normally distributed. He derived, although
without providing his calculations, the density laws of their
projections on an arbitrary plane and their own distribution. Both
these laws were connected with the χ2 distribution.
The general statistical study of the starry heaven became more
important than a precise determination of the parameters of some star
(Hill & Elkin 1884, p. 191):
Calculation and adjustment of observations, their reasonable
comparison has always been important for astronomy. Here, I again
ought to mention, in the first place, Newcomb. Benjamin (1910) and
many other commentators stated that he had to process more than 62
thousand observations of the Sun and the planets and that his work
included a complete revision of the constants of astronomy. He
necessarily discussed and compared observations obtained at the main
observatories of the world but he hardly had any aids except for
logarithmic tables. In addition he published some pertinent theoretical
studies. He was of course unable to avoid the perennial problem of the
deviating observations. At first he regarded them with suspicion, then
(1895, p. 186), however, became more tolerant. If a series of
observations did not obey the normal law, Newcomb (1896, p. 43)
preferred to assign a smaller weight to the “remote” observations, or,
in case of asymmetric series, to choose the median instead of the
arithmetic mean. He had not mentioned Cournot (§ 10.3-3), and, in
two memoirs published at the same time, he (1897a; 1897b) called the
median by two (!) other, nowadays forgotten, terms.
Mendeleev (§ 10.9.3) objected to combining different summaries of
observations; Newcomb, however, had to do it repeatedly, and in such
cases he (1872) hardly managed without subjective considerations and
assigned weights to individual astronomical catalogues depending on
their systematic errors. Interestingly enough, he then repeated such
adjustments with weights, depending on random errors.
After determining that the normal law cannot describe some
astronomical observations necessarily made under unfavourable
conditions, Newcomb (1886) proposed for them (and, mistakenly, for
all astronomical observations altogether) a generalized law, a mixture
of normal laws with differing measures of precision occurring with
certain probabilities. The measure of precision thus became a discrete
random variable, and the parameters of the proposed density had to be
selected subjectively. Newcomb noted that his density led to the
choice of a generalized arithmetic mean with weights decreasing
towards the “tails” of the variational series. I (§ 6.3.1) have remarked,
however, that that mean was hardly better than the ordinary arithmetic
He had also introduced some simplifications, and Hulme & Symms
(1939, p. 644) noted that they led to the choice of the location
parameter by the principle of maximum likelihood. Newcomb hardly
knew that his mixture of normal laws was not normal (Eddington
1933, p. 277). In turn, two authors generalized Newcomb’s law
(Lehmann – Filhès 1887; K. F. Ogorodnikov, three English papers in
1928 – 1929), see Sheynin (1995c, pp. 179 – 182), but their work was
of little practical importance.
Like Mendeleev (§ 10.9.3), Newcomb (1897b, p. 165) thought that
the discrepancy between two empirical magnitudes was essential if it
exceeded the sum of the two appropriate probable errors, and it seems
that this rigid test had been widely accepted in natural sciences. Here
is Markov’s relevant pronouncement from a rare source (Sheynin
1990b; pp. 453 – 454): he
Like[d] very much Bredikhin’s rule according to which ‘in order to
admit the reality of a computed quantity, it should at least twice
numerically exceed its probable error’. I do [he does] not know,
however, who established this rule or whether all experienced
calculators recognized it.
mathematical statistics. Here is a passage from his archival letter of
1903 to Pearson (I have supplied the reference):
You are the one living author whose production I nearly always
read when I have time and can get at them, and with whom I hold
imaginary interviews while I am reading.
physicists certainly applied the LLN indirectly. Fourth, Khinchin said
nothing about positive results achieved in physics (formulation of the
ergodic hypothesis, use of infinite general populations, Maxwell’s
indirect reasoning about randomness). My first remark is indeed
essential; here is an extract from Maxwell’s letter of 1873 (Knott
1911, p. 114):
W = ax = (e–x), > 0
= 1 + 2 + … + m
all these functions are identical, and F(s), the integral distribution
function of , is therefore infinitely divisible.
Distribution functions had first appeared (or were easy to be derived
from the correspondence of) Huygens (§ 2.2.2), from De Moivre (§
4.2) and Davidov (1885) and directly in Poisson (§ 8.2).
Clausius’ achievements were interesting, but he did not attempt to
construct the kinetic theory of gases on a stochastic basis.
Nevertheless, his role in this direction, at least from the viewpoint of
probability theory, had not yet ben studied. See Schneider (1974) who
reviewed his concrete physical research by stochastic considerations.
His great merit is seen in Maxwell’s statement (1875/1890, p. 427):
φ(x) = exp( x 2 /α 2 ).
α π
f(x) = 3
v 2 exp(v 2 /α 2 )dv.
α π
2 v dv
dφ sin θdθ
0 0
t 2 exp( t 2 /α 2 ) dt.
The form and dimensions of the orbits of the planets […] are not
determined by any law of nature, but depend upon a particular
collocation of matter. The same is the case with respect to the size of
the earth.
At the very end of his life Maxwell (1879/1890, pp. 715 and 721)
introduced a definition for the probability of a certain state of a system
of material particles:
[…]. In the statistical investigation of the motion, we confine our
attention to the number of these systems which at a given time are in a
phase such that the variables which define it lie within given limits.
Then, however, he (1886/1905, p. 28) indicated that the 19th century
will be the age of “mechanical perception of nature, the age of
Darwin”, and (1904a/1905, p. 368) that the theory of evolution was
understandable in mechanical terms, that (1904b, p. 136) it will
perhaps become possible to describe electricity and heat mechanically.
The possible reason for his viewpoint was that he did not recognize
objective randomness. Another reason valid for any scholar was of
course the wish to keep to “abstract dynamics”, see Maxwell’s
statement on the “new kind of regularity” (§ 10.8.5-3) and the opinion
of Hertz (1894, Vorwort): “Physicists are unanimous in that the aim of
physics is to reduce the phenomena of nature to the simple laws of
mechanics”. And here is a lucid description of this point as far as
Boltzmann was considered (Rubanovsky 1934, p. 6): in his works
available observations, – up to 31%, see Ivory (1826b, p. 242), – and
even began doubting whether it was possible to derive a single
flattening. Local anomalies are indeed extremely troublesome (also
see § 10.8.3 where I indirectly mentioned local perturbations of
temperature) but Ivory attempted to get rid of them too radically.
Finally, when estimating the precision of his results, he had not
applied the variance.
Before adjusting pendulum observations it is possible to replace
stations having almost the same latitude by one fictitious mean station
(which Ivory had not done). If, however, the longitudes of such
stations are also almost the same, all of them could have been
corrupted by the same local gravimetric anomaly so that the weight of
the mean station should not be increased as compared with either of
I ought to add two remarks. First, his final result (1828, p. 242) was
sufficiently close to the flattening of the Krasovsky ellipsoid of 1940
(Sakatov 1950, p. 364): e = 0.00333 – 0.00338 and 0.00335,
respectively. In addition, Ivory (1825, p. 7), without, however,
mentioning Gauss, maintained that the MLSq should be substantiated
by the principle of maximum weight. Second, Ivory actually wished to
solve two problems at once: to find out whether the observations were
consistent with an ellipsoidal Earth, and to adjust them. It is the
minimax method (§ 6.3.2) rather than the MLSq that is best for
solving the first problem.
10.9.2 Fechner. He (1860) was the founder of psychophysics and
therefore became one of the first to introduce the statistical method
into physics, although not in the crucial direction. He (1860, Bd. 1, p.
8, see also 1877, p. 213) defined it as an “exact doctrine on the
functional correspondence or interdependence of body and soul”.
And here is a modern down to earth definition (New Enc. Brit., 15th
ed., vol. 9, 1997, p. 766): psychophysics is a
Fechner himself (1877, p. 215) figuratively estimated his own work
(and made known the existence of opposition to it):
The Tower of Babel was not completed because the workers were
unable to explain to each other how should they build it. My
psychophysical structure will probably survive because the workers
cannot see how they might demolish it.
least me [Mises], to adopt a new viewpoint”. Two more passages by
K. Pearson (1905, p. 189) and Freud (1925/1963, p. 86) are in order:
I was always open to the ideas of Fechner and have followed that
thinker upon many important points.
occurs that the studied difference is essential when it is equal to its
standard deviation. Mendeleev’s (or Bredikhin’s, or Newcomb’s)
rule seems to be too rigid. A different rule was recommended more
recently (Dorsey & Eisenhart 1969, p. 50) in which the probable
errors of individual measurements were involved instead.
Mendeleev had not mentioned the second Gaussian justification of
the MLSq and made a few mistakes in his theoretical considerations.
One of them was an excessive belief in the arithmetic mean
(1856/1937, p. 181; 1877/1949, p. 156; 1895/1950, p. 159): he thought
that that estimator ought to be chosen if nothing was known about the
precision of the individual results; cf. § 7.2-6.
1. He published many very short notes and insufficiently described his findings,
sometimes, like in this case, without proof.
2. Cournot only explained his understanding of the distinction between chance
and probability in § 48 and not clearly enough, see his §§ 12 and 240/3. True, in his
Préface he published Poisson’s letter of 1836 where its author had indicated that
with regard to that point they were unanimous, cf. § 8.1.
3. No one apparently recalled it before Cournot; and only Chuprov (1909/1959,
p. 188) mentioned it afterwards.
4. He read his work in 1846, but the existing materials testify that already then he
could have known Buniakovsky’s book, and exactly him did Ostrogradsky
apparently criticize (see next sentence). He barely busied himself with probability,
but he (1858) made the calculations necessary for the work of a society of mutual
insurance. In § 7.1-9 I mentioned his attempt to generalize the notion of moral
expectation. On Ostrogradsky see Gnedenko (1951).
5. Over the years, Faraday (1991 – 2008) several times expressed his high
opinion about Quetelet’s measurements of atmospheric electricity, and I especially
note two of his letters (to Quetelet, No. 1367 of 1841 in vol. 3, 1996, p. 42, and to
Richard Taylor, the then Editor of the Lond., Eduinb. and Dublin Phil. Mag.,
No. 2263 of 1850, 1999, p. 270):
1) You are indeed a worthy example in activity & power to all workers in science
and if I cannot imitate your example I can at least appreciate & value it.
2) Faraday approvingly remarked on the absence of “imagination or hypothesis”
in Quetelet’s work and added: Such was the true method by which advances in
science in this very difficult part could be really made.
estimated France’s agricultural production by sampling, but apparently
unsuccessfully (Moreau de Jonnès 1847, pp. 53 – 54).
Lagrange (1796), see Pearson (1978, pp. 628 – 635), published an essay on
political arithmetic in which he had to use sampling.
10. Private communication (2003) by Prof. Walter Mann, a grandson of Mendel’s
nephew, Alois Schindler, and a typographic text of the latter’s manuscript (of his
report of 1902). That manuscript was, however, published (Krizenecky 1965, pp. 77
– 100).
11. Still earlier the problem of allowing for local anomalies presented itself when
pendulum observations began to be used for determining the flattening of the Earth’s
ellipsoid of rotation, see § 10.9.1.
11. Bertrand and Poincaré
Passing now to Bertrand, I disturb the chronology of description,
but not its logic: he was not interested in the work of Chebyshev. This
is also true with regard to Poincaré who never mentioned
Chebyshev’s followers in probability (Markov and Liapunov) either.
11.1. Bertrand
In 1855 Bertrand had translated Gauss’ works on the MLSq into
French1, but his own work on probability began in essence in 1887 –
1888 when he published 25 notes in one and the same periodical as
well as his main treatise (1888a), written in great haste and carelessly,
but in a very good literary style. I take up its main issues and state
right now that it lacks a systematic description of its subject.
1) “Uniform” randomness. By several examples Bertrand proved
that the expression “at random”, or even “uniformly” random, was not
definite enough. Thus, he maintained that the Michell problem
(§ 6.1.6) should have been generalized: remarkable was not only a
small distance between stars, but some other features of their mutual
arrangement as well. One of his examples (p. 4) became classical.
Determine the probability, Bertrand asked, that a randomly drawn
chord of a given circle was longer than the side of an equilateral
triangle inscribed in the circle. He listed three possible answers:
a) One endpoint of the chord is fixed; p = 1/3.
b) The chord’s direction is fixed; p = 1/2.
c)The location of the centre of the chord in any point of the circle is
equally probable; p = 1/4.
A curious statement about this problem is due to Darboux
(1902/1912, p. 50):
[p1mp2n] ÷ [p2mp1n],
occurrence of an event after it had happened once was too high (cf. the
problem about the sunrise in § 5.1). This conclusion was too hasty,
and the reader was again left in suspense: what might be proposed
instead? Note that Bertrand (p. 151) mistakenly thought that the De
Moivre – Laplace theorem precisely described the inverse problem,
the estimation of the theoretical probability given the statistical data.
3) Statistics of population. Bertrand indicated that there existed a
dependence between trials (or their series) and that the probabilities of
the studied events could change. He referred only to Dormoy and had
not provided any concrete examples, but he (p. 312) noted that, when
studying the sex ratio at birth, both Laplace and Poisson had assumed
without justification that the probability of a male birth was constant
in time and space. Yes, but their mistake was only methodological
since they could not have failed to understand this circumstance (as I
mentioned in § 7.1-5).
Bortkiewicz (1930, p. 53) concluded that Dormoy was much less
important than Lexis; see however end of § 15.1.1.
4) Mathematical treatment of observations. Bertrand paid much
attention to this issue, but his reasoning was amateurish and
sometimes wrong. Even if, when translating Gauss (see above), he
had grasped the essence of the MLSq, he barely remembered that
subject after more than 30 years. Thus, he (pp. 281 – 282) attempted
to prove that the sample variance (9.6b) might be replaced by another
estimator of precision having a smaller variance. He failed to notice,
however, that, unlike the Gauss statistic, his new estimator was biased.
Furthermore, when providing an example, Bertrand calculated the
variance of (9.6b) for the case of the normal distribution instead of
applying the Gauss formula (9.6c).
At the same time Bertrand formulated some sensible remarks. He
(p. 248) expressed a favourable opinion about the second Gauss
justification of the MLSq but indicated (p. 267) that, for small errors,
the even distribution
φ(x) = a + bx2
the sample will contain (np – k) white balls (p. 94). Bertrand solved
this problem applying the [hypergeometric distribution] and obtained,
for large values of s and n, an elegant formula
P= s /( s n ) exp[– k2s/2pqn(s – n)].
11.2 Poincaré
In the theory of probability, Poincaré is known for his treatise
(1896); I refer to its extended edition of 1912. I note first of all that he
had passed over in silence not only Russian mathematicians, but even
Laplace and Poisson, and that his exposition was imperfect.
Commenting on the first edition of his treatise, Bortkiewicz
(Bortkevich & Chuprov 2005, Letter 19 of 1897) noted:
( x ) ( x )dx
( x0 )
lim = ,n→∞ (2)
( x ) ( x )dx ( x0 )
where Ф(x) was a restricted positive function, xo, the only point of its
maximum, and the limits of integration could have been infinite
(although only as the result of a formal application of the Bayesian
approach). Poincaré (p. 178) only traced the proof of (2) and, for
being true, some restrictions should perhaps be added. To place
Poincarè’s trick in the proper perspective, see Erdélyi (1956, pp. 56 –
57). I discuss now some separate issues mostly from Poincaré’s
1) The theory of probability. Poincaré (p. 24) reasonably stated that
a satisfactory definition of prior probability was impossible, cf. § 7.4.
Strangely enough, he (1902/1923, p. 217) declared that “all the
sciences” were nothing but an “unconscious application” of the
calculus of probability, that the theory of errors and the kinetic theory
of gases were based on the LLN and that the calculus of probability
“will evidently ruin them” (les entrainerait évidemment dans sa
ruine). Therefore, as he concluded, the calculus was only of practical
importance2. Another strange pronouncement is in his treatise (1896,
p. 34). As I understand him, he maintained that a mathematician is
unable to understand why forecasts concerning mortality figures come
In a letter of ca. 1899 partly read out at the hearing of the notorious
Dreyfus case (Le procès 1900, t. 3, p. 325; Sheynin 1991a, pp. 166 –
167) Poincaré followed Mill (§ 8.9.1), even generalized him to
include all “moral sciences” and declared that the appropriate findings
made by Condorcet and Laplace were senseless. And he objected to
a stochastic study of handwriting for identifying the author of a certain
The interest in application of probability to jurisprudence is now
revived. Heyde & Seneta (1977, p. 34) had cited several pertinent
sources published up to 1975; to these I am adding Zabell (1988a),
Gastwirth (2000) and Dawid (2005) who emphasized the utmost
importance of interpreting background information concerning
stochastic reasoning, cf. § 3.1.2.
2) Poincaré (1892a) had published a treatise on thermodynamics
which Tait (1892) criticized for his failure to indicate the statistical
nature of this discipline. A discussion followed in which Poincaré
(1892b) stated that the statistical basis of thermodynamics did not
satisfy him since he wished to remain “entirely beyond all the
molecular hypotheses however ingenious they might be”; in
particular, he therefore passed the kinetic theory of gases over in
silence. Soon he (1894/1954, p. 246) made known his doubts: he was
not sure that that theory could account for all the known facts. In a
later popular booklet Poincaré (1905/1970, pp. 210 and 251) softened
his attitude: physical laws will acquire an “entirely new aspect” and
differential equations will become statistical laws; laws, however, will
be shown to be imperfect and provisional.
3) Geometric probability. On its previous history see § 6.1.6; its
further development is described in Chapter 12. Here, I only indicate
that Poincaré explained the paradoxical nature of the Bertrand
problem (§ 11.1-1).
4) The binomial distribution. Suppose that m Bernoulli trials with
probability of success p are made and the number of successes is α.
Poincaré (pp. 79 – 84), in a roundabout and difficult way, derived (in
modern notation) E(α – mp)2 and E|α – mp|. In the first case he could
have calculated Eα2; in the second instance he obtained
EN ≈ n/p.
He was not satisfied with this pseudo-answer and assumed now that
p was unknown. Again applying the Bayesian approach and supposing
that p took with equal probability all values within the interval [0; 1],
he derived instead
EN = (M/m)n.
Poincaré considered the unknown number of the minor planets as a
random variable.
6) Without mentioning Gauss (1816, § 5), Poincaré (pp. 192 – 194)
derived the moments of the [normal] distribution
(2 p )!
Ey2p = (4)
h p p! 2 2 p
and proved, by issuing from formula (2), that the density function
whose moments coincided with the respective moments of the
[normal] law was [normal]. This proposition was, however, due to
Chebyshev (1887a), see also Bernstein (1945/1964, p. 420).
Then Poincaré (pp. 195 – 201) applied his investigation to the
theory of errors. He first approximately calculated E y 2p for the mean
y of a large number n of observations having Eyi = 0 and Eyi2 =
Const, equated these moments to the moments (4) and thus expressed
h through Eyi2. This was a mistake: y , being a mean, had a measure
of precision nh rather than h. Poincaré (p. 195) also stated that Gauss
had calculated E y 2; actually, Gauss (1823b, §15) considered the
mean value of ∑yi2/n.
The main point here and on pp. 201 – 206, where Poincaré
considered the mean values of (y1 + y2 + … + yn)2p with identical and
then non-identical distributions of the terms and Eyi = 0, was a non-
rigorous proof of the CLT: for errors of sensiblement the same order
and constituting une faible part of the total error, the resulting error
follows sensiblement the Gauss law (p. 206)3.
Also for proving the normality of the sum of errors Poincaré (pp.
206 – 208, only in 1912) introduced characteristic functions which did
not conform to their modern definition. Nevertheless, he was able to
apply the Fourier formulas for passing from them to densities and
back. These functions were
uniformly scattered across it. Denote the longitude of a certain minor
planet by l = at + b where a and b are random and t is the time, and,
by φ(a; b), the continuous joint density function of a and b. Issuing
from the expectation
Maxwell (§ 10.8.5-3) assumed that the distribution of the velocities of
molecules set in after a great number of collisions among a great
number of particles, but he did not mention randomness. And once
more Poincaré was the first to do so. He (pp. 7 – 8) maintained that
the molecular motion was random because of the combined action of
instability and complexity of causes, but he then mentioned the
shuffling of cards, the mixing of liquids and powders and (p. 15)
“even” of molecules in the kinetic theory of gases.
c) Small causes leading to small consequences. Poincaré (p. 10)
provided only one example, that, furthermore, did not belong to
natural sciences: small causes led to small errors of measurement; he
also indicated that these errors were considered random because their
causes were too complicated.
d) Intersection of chains of determinate events. I mentioned this
explanation in §§ 1.1.1 and 10.3-4. Poincaré (p. 10) allowed it, but his
first two explanations were his main ones; and he apparently forgot
here about the third one.
e) Randomness and necessity. Poincaré (see § 1.2.4) formulated a
highly proper idea on the combined action of randomness and
necessity. Regrettably, he had not mentioned the appearance of
necessity in mass random phenomena.
For Poincaré, the theory of probability remained an accessory
subject, and his almost total failure to refer to his predecessors except
Bertrand testifies, as mentioned by Bortkievicz, that he was not duly
acquainted with their work. Furthermore: in 1912 he was already able
to, but did not apply the arsenal of Markov chains. At the same time,
however, he became the author of a treatise that for about 20 years had
remained the main writing on probability in Europe. Le Cam’s
declaration (1986, p. 81) that neither Bertrand, nor Poincaré
“appeared to know“ the theory was unjust: he should have added that,
at the time, Markov was apparently the only one who did master
probability. On Bertrand see end of § 11.1.
1. The title-page of the French translation carried a phrase “Translated and
published avec l’autorisation de l’auteur”, but Bertrand himself (C. r. Acad. Sci.
Paris, t. 40, 1855, p. 1190) indicated that Gauss, who had died the same year, was
only able to send him “quelques observations de détail”.
2. Poincaré always applied the term “calcul” rather than “théorie” of probability.
It is hardly amiss to note that in 1882 – 1891 Markov had published five
mimeographed editions of his lectures called Theory of probability, but that he
called his treatise (1900 and later editions) Calculus of probability (in both cases, in
Russian). Another point: at least in 1892 Poincaré was not prepared to believe in the
statistical nature of the second law of thermodynamics; in addition to § 11.2-2
above, see Sheynin (1991a, p. 141).
3. For Poincaré the theory of probability remained a branch of applied
mathematics (§ 0.1 and Note 6 to Chapter 8).
4. In the same context Poincaré (p. 171) argued that everyone believed that the
normal law was universal: experimentalists thought that that was a mathematical
fact and mathematicians believed that it was experimental. Poincaré referred to the
oral statement of Lippmann, an author of a treatise on thermodynamics.
12. Geometric Probability
On the development of the notion of geometric probability in the
18th century and earlier see § 6.1.6, and on its definition by Cournot
see § 10.3-4; I described the Bertrand problem on the length of a
random chord in § 11.1-1. Here, I discuss the further history of the
same notion.
1) Cournot (1843, § 74) applied geometric probability for deriving
the distribution of a function of several random arguments. Here is
one of his examples. The arguments of the function u = |x – y| are
uniformly distributed on segment [0; 1]. After calculating the areas of
the appropriate figures, he concluded that
P(u ≥ a) = (1 – a2), 0 ≤ a ≤ 1.
xdx /a 1/ 2.
P(MN > NA) =
Indeed, suppose that the points A, M, N, B are situated in that order
from left to right. (The other possible case can be considered
likewise.) Then, if MN > NA, move M towards N until MN < NA,
which is always possible, QED.
5) Poincaré (1896, p. 97; 1912, p. 118) noted that the probability
that a point (x; y) was situated within some figure was equal to the
appropriate integral
φ(x; y) dx dy
dωdα ≠ dρdθ
Fig. 1. De Montessus (1903).
A point moves along the axis
from D to infinity, and,
correspondingly, the probability
sought in the Bertrand problem is
seen to have an uncountable set of
values. OD = 1/2, OC = 1.
points M2(x) and M3(x) are situated on the same semiaxis, between the
two circles and beyond the larger of them respectively. Tangents A2B2
and A3B3 to the smaller circumference pass through M2 and M3
respectively, and M3T is the tangent to the larger circumference with
point of contact T. Finally, M1(x) is an arbitrary point on the same
semiaxis inside the smaller circle.
For points M2 and M3 the probability sought is, respectively,
transforming that system into another one (with the appropriate
Jacobian being of course allowed for)2.
And so, commentators have finally agreed that the probability
sought was 1/2 which was tantamount to ignorance and could have
been stated from the very beginning.
For a modern viewpoint on geometric probability see M. G.
Kendall & Moran (1963); in particular, following authors of the 19th
century (e.g., Crofton 1869, p. 188), they noted that it might
essentially simplify the calculation of integrals. Then, Ambartzumian
(1999) indicated that geometric probability and integral geometry are
connected with stochastic geometry.
1. Darwin thus considered several possibilities of a “random” dragging of
triangles and in that sense his study forestalled the Bertrand problem on the length
of a random chord. Darwin attempted to ascertain whether or not the worms acted
somewhat intelligently, and he concluded that they had not seized the triangles
2. Prokhorov (1999b) believed that, from the geometrical point of view, the most
natural assumption in the Bertrand problem was that θ and ρ were independent and
uniformly distributed, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1.
13. Chebyshev
13.1. His Contributions
1) His Master’s dissertation (1845). It was intended as a manual for
students of the Demidov Lyceum in Yaroslavl and Chebyshev gave
there an account of the theory of probability barely applying
mathematical analysis; for example, he replaced integration by
summing. Already then, however, he consistently estimated the errors
of pre-limiting relations. The dissertation apparently had an addendum
published somewhat later, see § 13.1-2.
Incidentally, I doubt that this manual was a proper textbook. A
general survey of the theory of probability and its applications would
have been more useful the more so since Chebyshev’s reasoning was
necessarily burdensome.
2) The Poisson LLN (Chebyshev 1846); see Prokhorov (1986) for
a detailed exposition. Chebyshev solved the following problem. In n
[independent] trials the probability of success was p1, p2, …, pn.
Determine the probability that the total number of successes was µ.
By clever reasoning he obtained the formula
n m 1
m( n m) ns n(1 s )
P(µ ≥ m) ≤
2 n m ns m nm
§ 10.2-4, repeat the derivation for the latter instance; actually, already
Sleshinsky (1893) had done it.
Chebyshev immediately derived a corollary, which, in somewhat
different notation, was
and he (1879 – 1880/1936, pp. 166 – 167, translation pp. 155 – 156)
specified this formula for the case in which the [random variables]
coincided one with another. Chebyshev thus obtained a most
important and very simple corollary: the arithmetic mean was a
[consistent] estimator of the expectation of a random variable. Both
corollaries assume that the expectations and variances of the
appropriate variables are uniformly restricted and Chebyshev had
indeed indicated this restriction (in another language). In the last-
mentioned source, and even earlier in another context, he (1867, p.
183) introduced indicator variables (taking values 0 and 1 with
respective probabilities) but not the term itself.
4) [The central limit theorem]. The title of the appropriate memoir
(1887b) mentions two theorems the first of which was the proposition
on the arithmetic mean (see Item 3) and Chebyshev only repeated its
formula. He then went on to the CLT noting that it “leads” to the
MLSq, – leads, as I comment, in accordance with the Laplacean
Chebyshev first of all referred to his inequalities for an integral of a
non-negative function whose moments up to some order coincided
with the same moments of the appropriate, in a definite sense, normal
distribution. He (1874) had published these inequalities without proof
and Markov (1884) and then Stieltjes substantiated them. Chebyshev
himself also justified them afterwards but without mentioning his
predecessors. A detailed history of these inequalities is due to Krein
(1951). Later Stieltjes (1885) expressed regret that he had overlooked
that Markov paper.
Chebyshev considered [random variables] u1, u2, …, un having
densities φi(x) and moments
Eu 2
≠ 0, i = 1, 2, …, n, n → ∞. (2)
On the other hand, it was not necessary to demand that the moments
were uniformly bounded and Chebyshev possibly did not express such
a restriction. Here is Liapunov’s indirect testimony (1901b, p. 57): it
occurs that Chebyshev sometimes used the singular form instead of
the plural. Liapunov provided a few examples and, in particular,
quoted Chebyshev’s expression “the absolute value of the
mathematical expectations” from his formula of the CLT.
Chebyshev noted that the density f(x) of the fraction
x = Σui/√n (3)
extended over the values of the variables at which the fraction above
is situated within the interval [x; x + dx]. He multiplied both parts of
(4) by esx where s was some constant and integrated them over
(– ∞; + ∞) so that the right side became separated into a product of n
integrals with the same limits of integration. Chebyshev then
developed both parts in powers of s (the right side, after taking its
logarithm) and equated the coefficients of the same powers of that
magnitude to each other. Thus the integrals
where 1/q2 was the arithmetic mean of the second moments of ui and
it is here that the condition (2) was needed. Applying his previously
mentioned estimates of the integral of a non-negative function,
Chebyshev now completed his proof:
lim P(α ≤
u i
lim Eun2 ≠ 0, n → ∞.
In addition, Markov wrote out the expression that Chebyshev had
actually applied in his investigation:
ui 1
tmexp(– t2)dt, n → ∞. (7)
2 Eui 2
2) The limit theorem for Poisson trials (p. 167 and 201ff/156,
187ff). Determine the probability Pn, m that in n trials an event having
probabilities pi, i = 1, 2, …, n, respectively, occurred m times.
Applying a little known formula from the first section of his lectures
(p. 59/63)
Am = (1/2π)
f[eφi]e–mφidφ, (9)
for the coefficients of the series
Pn, m = (1/π) exp(– nQφ2/2)cos[(np – m)φ]dφ
P[|m/n – p| < t 2Q /n ] = (2/√π) exp(– z2)dz
(without the sign of limit!) and noted that formula (8), or, as he
concluded, the Poisson LLN, followed from it. He naturally did not
here admonish his predecessor.
3) The Bernoulli pattern (pp. 168 – 175/157 – 163). Chebyshev
wrote out the generating function of the binomial distribution (in usual
modern notation)
events were equally probable so that each had probability 1/k.
Suppose that event Ai happened mi times, and
knPs = (1/2π)
eφi(n–s){[ekφi – 1] ÷ [eφi – 1]}ndφ,
so that
1 φ
Ps =
cos{([n(k – 1) – 2s]
}{[sinkφ/2] ÷ [ksinφ/2]}ndφ,
P(|s – kn/2| < ku n /6 ) = (2/√π) exp (– t2)dt.
numbers p and q (notation as in formula (5.2)), probability P takes its
maximal value at
b = p/(p + q) – w, c = p/(p + q) + w
which is natural. After that Chebyshev (p. 142) had indeed derived
formula (5.3), but in his Lectures he had not mentioned Bayes at all.
In the second problem he (pp. 193 – 201/181 – 187) studied the
probability of a subsequent result in Bernoulli trials. An event
occurred m times in n trials; determine the probability that it will
happen r times in k new trials. Only guiding himself mostly by the
Stirling theorem, Chebyshev non-rigorously derived an integral limit
theorem similar to that obtained by Laplace (§ 7.1-5). His formula
(again without the sign of limit) was
r m m 1 1
P | | t 2 (1 ) ( ) = (2/√π) exp(– z2)dz. (12)
k n n n n k 0
Denote the probability that a prime number m cannot be cancelled out
of A/B by pm. Then
P = p2 p3 p5 … pm.
pm = 1 – 1/m2,
P = (1 – 1/22) (1 – 1/32) (1 – 1/52) … (1 – 1/m2) …, (13)
1/P = 1 + 1/22 + 1/32 + 1/42 + … = π2/6, (14)
P = 6/π2.
Chebyshev did not explain the transition from product to series, but
it was known to Euler (1748, Chapter 15, §§ 275 – 277). Chebyshev
determined the sum (14) by two different methods. One of them
consisted in equating the coefficients of x2 in two different expansions
of ln(sinx/x) of which at least the second one was again known to
Euler (Ibidem, Chapter 9, § 158):
Chebyshev was the first to appreciate clearly and use the full power
of the concepts of random variable and [its] expectation.
I take issue with the full power. Indeed, Chebyshev had not made use
of Poisson’s heuristic definition of random variable (§ 8.2), had not
applied this term5 and did not study densities or generating functions
as mathematical objects. Then, the entire development of the theory of
probability might be described as an ever fuller use of the power of
the abovementioned concepts; thus, it had since began to study
dependent random variables, their systems and chains.
Here also is Bernstein’s conclusion (1945/1964, p. 432):
It is difficult to say what exactly did he mean. His words must have
been known; I found later references to them (Maciejewski 1911, p.
87; Gnedenko & Gikhman 1956, p. 487). On the Petersburg school
of the theory of probability see also Bernstein (1940).
But why neither Poisson nor Poincaré had not attempted to prove
rigorously their statements? With respect to the CLT Poisson
apparently was unable to act differently, but I have indicated the main
reason in Notes 5 and 6 to Chapter 8 and in § 7.4. Neither densities
nor characteristic functions had hardly been treated as mathematical
And the destiny of probability theory not less depended on the
proper handling of those two objects which had only occurred in the
1920s (P. Lévy). True, Poisson (1837a, p. 1) indicated that in the 18th
century did the calculus (not the theory) of probability
Still, this does not contradict the statements above. And here is a
suitable statement of Markov from his report of 1921 (Sheynin 2006a,
p. 152):
One of the most distinguished [Russian] mathematicians […] had the habit of
expressly telling his students that he did not advise [them] to engage in the
philosophical aspect of mathematics since this was not very helpful for acquiring the
knowledge of mathematics, and even rather harmful.
Prudnikov added that Latyshev had certainly meant Chebyshev. Recall (§ 5.1)
that Chebyshev formulated the problem on the next sunrise in everyday language.
2. Chebyshev (1845/1951, p. 29) provided a similar definition of the aims of the
theory of probability much earlier. It is hardly amiss to remark that for Laplace the
theory served for discovering the laws of nature. Boole (1851/1952, p. 251)
expressed ideas similar to those formulated by Chebyshev:
The object of the theory of probabilities may be thus stated: Given the separate
probabilities of any propositions to find the probability of another proposition.
He (1854, p. 288) was also the first to argue that the theory should be
axiomatized, see Supplement. On Boole’s probability see Hailperin (1976) who
does not, however, dwell on axiomatization.
3. Note however Chebyshev`s unqualified statement (1879 – 1880/1936, p. 214,
translation p. 198): Different lotteries are equally fair if the expected gains are the
same and equal to the [equal] stakes. This contradicts the reasonable opinion of both
D’Alembert and Buffon (§§ 6.1.2 and 6.1.4) that a low probability of a single
[favourable] event be disregarded.
4. I refer to the German translation of his Treatise (1912, p. 148) from the Russian
edition of 1908 and to p. 241 of its last edition of 1924.
5. The term “random quantity” appeared at the end of the 19 th century (Vasiliev
1885, pp. 127 – 131; Nekrasov 1888, p. 77) whereas the English expression
“random magnitude” was possibly introduced later (Whitworth 1901, p. 207). I had
not, however, seen the previous editions of that book. The present English term is of
course random variable.
14. Markov, Liapunov, Nekrasov
I consider here the work of three outstanding scholars; with regard
to Markov and Nekrasov, however, qualification remarks will
14.1. Markov: General Scientific Issues
I consider his main results in § 14.2; here, I briefly treat some
additional matters, but see § 15.1.3 for his study of statistical series.
Finally, in § 14.3 I describe Markov’s personality.
1) History of the theory of probability. Markov undoubtedly paid
attention to it. He investigated the Bernoulli LLN (§ 3.2.3); in 1913
he initiated a jubilee meeting of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences
celebrating the bicentenary of that law, as well as the publication of a
Russian translation of pt. 4 of the Ars Conjectandi (see § 3). Markov
left several statements about the history of the Bienaymé –
Chebyshev inequality (§ 10.2-4), somehow argued for the second
Gauss justification of the MLSq (as mentioned in § 9A.6-1),
introduced an apt term, “De Moivre – Laplace limit theorem”
(Treatise 1924, p. 53) and stressed De Moivre’s part in establishing
the “Stirling formula”. This last edition of his Treatise includes many
interesting historical remarks. As far as his number-theoretic papers
collected in his Selected works (1951) are concerned, I can at least add
that they contain many references to his predecessors.
2) Insurance of life. In his Treatise (1900a), Markov described the
pertinent theory but did not add any new findings. However, he
actively collaborated with pension funds scrupulously considering all
practical details of their work (Sheynin 1997d), and in 1906 he
published two newspaper articles destructively criticizing a proposed
scheme for insuring children (reprinted in the same later translated
3) Calculations. “Markov liked calculating and was good at it”
(Linnik et al 1951, p. 615). In the theory of probability, most
important is his table of the normal distribution (1888) giving it to 11
digits for the argument x = 0 (0.001) 3 (0.01) 4.8 and adduced the
differences of all the necessary orders (for example, with the first
three differences for x ≤ 2.649). According to a reputed reference book
(Fletcher et al 1962), two tables of the normal distribution, one of
them Markov’s, and the other, published ten years later, remained
beyond compare up to the 1940s. In an indirect way, Markov (1899b,
p. 30) made known his attitude toward calculation:
interested, but did not “attract” him, and (p. 58) did not “like it very
Also in 1912, Slutsky exchanged a few letters with Markov and, in
particular (Sheynin 1990c/2011, p. 64) stated:
on, since I know that one can argue endlessly on the basic principles
even of a precise science such as geometry.
So here we are! His axiom (many pages apart, not displayed in the
text and difficult to find!), never mentioned by any later author,
allegedly transformed the theory of probability1 …
6) Mathematical statistics. In 1910 Markov (Ondar 1977/1981, p. 5)
had denied Pearson, but by the end of his life he somewhat softened
his attitude. Here is a passage from Chuprov’s letter, written
apparently in 1924, to Isserlis (Sheynin 1990c/2011, p. 76):
The choice of questions on which attention is concentrated is
fortuitous, their treatment within the bounds of the chapter on the
method of least squares is incomplete, the connection made between
the theory of correlation and the theory of probability is inadequate…
law and coefficient of correlation were likewise absent in his works.
As the Russian saying goes: “The whole company broke step, the
lieutenant alone is in step”. Markov’s literary style was pedestrian and
sometimes hardly understandable (1906/1951, p. 341) and, from one
edition to another, the structure of his Treatise became ever more
complicated. A few more remarks are in §14.2-1.
14.2. Markov: His Main Investigations
1) Mathematical treatment of observations. Linnik et al (1951, p.
637) believed that, when substantiating the MLSq, Markov had “in
essence” introduced concepts “equivalent” to the modern concepts of
unbiased and effective statistics for estimating parameters of the laws
of distribution. Markov, however, only indirectly estimated
parameters (he never used such an expression), and, which is more
important, it is just as possible to attribute those concepts to Gauss.
Nor do I agree with Idelson (1947, p. 14) who mentioned the Gauss
method, developed by Markov “up to the highest logical and
mathematical perfection”. In § 9A.6-1 I mentioned Markov’s resolute
stand for the second Gauss substantiation of the MLSq; this (and his
remark on the [consistency] of the arithmetic mean being inadequate,
see § 11.2-8) is all that he really accomplished here. Neyman (1934,
p. 595) erroneously attributed that justification to Markov and F. N.
David & Neyman (1938) repeated that statement, but then Neyman
(1938/1952, p. 228) recognized his mistake. Nevertheless, the
mysterious Gauss – Markov theorem is still alive and kicking. It was
Scheffé (1959, p. 14) who introduced that term (H. A. David, see H.
A. David & Edwards 2001, p. 218) although Plackett (1949) had noted
that mistake.
And I add now that Markov (1899a/1951, p. 246) had at the same
time denied any optimality of the MLSq, so why did he feel necessary
to substantiate it at all?
In his Treatise (1900) Markov in essence combined the treatment of
observations with the study of correlation (§ 14.1-4), statistical series
and interpolation; this, perhaps, reflected his attempt to include the
MLSq into the then originating mathematical statistics, but his
innovation was methodically doubtful.
The discussion of statistical series was rather involved for an
educational aid and did not mention Chuprov’s relevant papers
(1916; 1918 – 1919) the first of which Markov himself had
communicated to the Izvestia of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
Note that Chuprov (1925b/1981, pp. 154 and 155) politely remarked
that Markov had left out the works of other authors not belonging to
the “stream” of his own contributions. I would say that this criticism
was too mild.
In connection with statistical series Markov (Treatise 1924, pp. 349
– 353) considered Weldon’s experiment with 26,306 throws of 12 dice
(K. Pearson 1900) and decided, after applying the CLT and the Bayes
theorem with transition to the normal law, that the probability of a 5 or
a 6 was higher than 1/3. Unlike Pearson, he had not used the chi-
squared test and he could have left an impression that (although
suitable for a small number of trials as well) it was not needed at all.
As to interpolation, the only point of contact with the MLSq was
the calculation of the empirical coefficients according to the principle
of maximal weight.
Markov passed over in silence the Pearsonian curves perhaps owing
to their insufficient substantiation. However, again in 1924, he
reprinted the Introduction to the edition of 1913 where he had stated
that the use of approximate methods in applied mathematics was
unavoidable even when an estimation of their error was impossible,
and (1915a, p. 32) maintained that “empirical” formulas did not
demand theoretical proof. I think that Markov followed here (as he did
with his chains which he left without any applications to natural
sciences) his own rigid principle hardly worthy of exact imitation
(Ondar 1977/1981, Letter 44 to Chuprov of 1910): “I shall not go a
step out of that region where my competence is beyond any doubt”.
The explication of the MLSq proper was involved, and Markov
himself knew it. In a letter of 1910 to Chuprov he (Ibidem, p. 21)
wrote: “I have often heard that my presentation is not sufficiently
clear”. In 1893, his former student, Koialovitch (Sheynin 2006b, p.
85), writing to Markov, formulated some puzzling questions:
The chapter on the MLSq in Markov’s Treatise was hardly inviting
either for mathematicians or geodesists. Both would have been
disappointed by the lack of discussion of Pearson’s work whereas the
latter, in addition, had not needed interpolation or investigation of
statistical series but would have wished to see much more about
correlation. And the absence of the Gauss brackets (Note 19 in my
Chapter 1) as well as the appearance of the long-ago dated term
practical geometry instead of geodesy (p. 462) would have annoyed
I also mention that Markov destructively criticized a paper
(Galitzin 1902) devoted to the study of the solidity of glass tubes. His
review was extant as a manuscript and I (Sheynin 1990b) published it.
Markov had not applied any new method, but he thoroughly treated
Galitzin’s data and allowed for every possible circumstance. It was in
connection with the discussion of Galitzin’s paper that Markov stated
his opinion about the “Bredikhin rule” (§ 10.8.4).
2) The LLN. Markov (1906/1951, p. 341) noted that the condition
limE [(ξ1 + ξ2 + … + ξn) – (Eξ1 + Eξ2 + … + Eξn)]2 = 0, n → ∞ (1)
was sufficient for the sequence ξ1, ξ2, …, ξn, … of [random variables]
to obey the LLN; or, in accordance with his formula, to comply with
the condition
Then Markov (Ibidem, pp. 342 – 344; Treatise, 1913, pp. 116 –
129) derived a few relevant sufficient conditions for sequences of
independent, and, especially, dependent random variables and
(1906/1951, p. 351; Treatise 1913, p. 119; Treatise, 1924, p. 174)
provided examples of sequences not obeying the law, and, in addition
(Treatise, 1913, p. 129), proved that apart from condition (1),
independent variables obeyed the LLN if, for every i, there existed the
lim|Eunk| < + ∞, n → ∞. (2)
limEun2 ≠ 0, n → ∞. (3)
limE[(u1 + u2 + … + un)2] = ∞,
lim[E(u1 + u2 + … + un)2/n] ≠ ε. (4; 5)
limEun2 = ∞, n → ∞ (6)
and the values of ui remained finite. Restrictions (4) and (6) certainly
Finally, Markov (1908a) essentially extended the applicability of
the method of moments by replacing his conditions by Liapunov’s
single restriction (1901a/1954, p. 159)
E | u | i
var u
lim 2 1 / 2
= 0, δ > 0, n → ∞. (7)
L = ε1 + 1/3ε2 + 1/5ε3 + …
In this example
take place and he mentioned Poisson without adducing the exact
The appearance of condition (5) remains, however, unclear.
Nekrasov (1900 – 1902, 1902, pp. 292 and 293) introduced it for
independent variables instead of restriction (3). Liapunov
(1901a/1954, p. 175) maintained that it was not sufficient (but was he
then acquainted with the third part of Nekrasov’s contribution?) and
mentioned Markov’s examples. Seneta (1984, p. 39) indicated,
however, that Markov’s published papers had not contained such
examples and that condition (3) was necessary and sufficient for the
CLT in the case of uniformly restricted variables.
4) Markov chains. This term is due to Bernstein (1926, §16);
Markov himself (1906/1951, p. 354) called them simply chains. He
issued from a paper by Bruns of the same year, but the prehistory of
Markov chains is much richer. Here are the main relevant issues.
a) The Daniel Bernoulli – Laplace urn problem, the predecessor of
the Ehrenfests’ model (§ 7.1-3).
b) The study of the Brownian motion (Brush 1968).
c) The problem of the extinction of families (§ 10.2-7).
d) The problem of random walks (Dutka 1985).
e) Some of Poincaré’s findings (§ 11.2-6).
f) The work of Bachelier, for example, Bachelier (1900) on
financial speculations, also see Courtault et al (2000) and Taqqi
Markov (1906/1951, pp. 345 and 354) considered simple
homogeneous chains of random events and discrete [random
variables] and proved that the LLN was applicable both to the number
of successes and to the sequences of these variables. Later he
(1910/1951, p. 476) extended the first of these findings to simple
nonhomogeneous chains.
Markov proved the CLT for his chains by means of condition
(13.7). He considered simple homogeneous chains of events (1906)
and of [random variables] (1908b); simple nonhomogeneous (1910)
and complex homogeneous (1911a; 1911b) chains of [random
variables]; simple homogeneous chains of indirectly observed events
(1912a). While studying the chains, Markov established important
ergodic theorems but had not paid them any special attention; in this
connection, I mentioned one of his solved problems in § 7.1-3.
It is difficult to imagine that Markov had not grasped the essential
importance of the chains for various applications, but he did not say
anything about that, and his only relevant and mostly methodical
example (Treatise, 1913) was a study of the alternation of consonants
and vowels in the Russian language, see Petruszewycz (1983). In 1910
Markov himself, in his letters to Chuprov, remarked more than once
that he was restricting his field of work by what was well known to
him, see § 14.2-1. I note also that at the time physics was not yet duly
studied in Russia (Kolmogorov 1947, p. 59).
5) In concluding, I ought to add that Markov widely applied the
method of moments, and only he who repeats some of his
investigations (for example, of his study of the limiting behaviour of
the terms obtained by decomposing algebraic fractions), will be able
to estimate the obstacles which he overcame. Bernstein (1945/1964,
p. 427) contrasted Markov and Liapunov. The latter had applied the
classical transcendental analysis as developed by that time whereas
the method of moments, Bernstein maintained,
Did not facilitate the problem [of proving the CLT] but rather
transferred all its difficulties elsewhere.
We should regard stories about incredible events allegedly having
occurred in bygone times with extreme doubt
His request was not granted; the Synod resolved that Markov “had
seceded from God’s church” (Emeliakh 1954, pp. 400 – 401 and 408).
This paper provides, in particular, the text of an internal letter of the
Synod which stated that excommunication would have been too
honourable for Markov. I think that it was the notorious Beilis case (a
blood libel) which prompted Markov’s request.
Markov’s last and certainly useless protest took place in 1921
(Grodzensky 1987, p. 137) when 15 professors of the Petrograd
University declared that applicants ought to be chosen according to
their knowledge rather than to class or political considerations;
Markov was the first to sign their statement.
Markov’s attitude towards other scholars had not rarely been
wrong. The excessive sharpness of his statements is generally known
and here is a passage from a letter of Zhukovsky, the then President
of the Moscow Mathematical Society, of 23.11.1912 to Markov (S,
G, 16, section 5.1, Letter 47):
In his own scientific work, Markov had been too rigid, see §§ 14.1-
4, 14.1-5 (the statement of A. A. Youshkevich), 14.2-1 and 14.2-4,
which negatively influenced his work. During his last years, in spite of
extremely difficult conditions of life in Russia and his worsened
health, he completed (?) the last edition of his Treatise (published
posthumously) but hardly sufficiently described the new findings of
the Biometric school. Such scholars as Yule and Student (Gosset)
were not mentioned, Fisher was also ignored.
14.4 Liapunov
The theory of probability remained an episode in his scientific
work. He (1900; 1901a) proved the [CLT] assuming a single condition
(7). I briefly repeat (Bernstein 1945/1964, pp. 427ff) that a
characteristic function determines the sought law of distribution
independently from the existence of the relevant moments and that the
expansion in powers of s which Chebyshev (§ 13.1-4) made use of
did not anymore lead to difficulties after replacing that argument by is.
Liapunov proved that under his condition the characteristic function of
a centred and normed sum of random variables tended to the
characteristic function of a normed normal law. I also mention
Lindeberg (1922b, p. 211) whose proof of the CLT was simpler and
became better known5. He referred to his previous paper (1922a) and
A special point is connected here with the CLT for large deviations.
Chebyshev thought that the limits of integration, α and β in formula
(13.6) describing that theorem, were “any”. Nekrasov (1911, p. 449)
arbitrarily interpreted that expression as “variable”. I discuss
Nekrasov in § 14.5; here, I say that he could have well indicated that,
on the contrary, he had generalized the Chebyshev theorem. In his
previous polemic paper Liapunov (1901b, p. 61) declared that he had
assumed that these limits were given beforehand and that otherwise
the probability, written down in the left side of formula (13.6), could
have no limit at all, – but nevertheless be asymptotically expressed by
the normal law of distribution6.
14.5. Nekrasov
Nekrasov’s life and work are clearly separated into two stages.
From 1885 and until about 1900 he had time to publish remarkable
memoirs both in Russia and Germany and to become Professor and
Rector of Moscow University; I mentioned him in § 10.2. In 1898 he
sketched the proof of the [CLT] for sums of [lattice random variables].
Then, however, his personality changed. His writings (only on
probability and statistics) became unimaginably verbose, sometimes
obscure and confusing, and inseparably linked with ethical, political
and religious considerations. Here is a comparatively mild example
(1906, p. 9): mathematics accumulated
Psychological discipline as well as political and social arithmetic
or the mathematical law of the political and social development of
forces which depend on mental and physiological principles.
internet a story about his statement to the effect that, had he been a
Jew, he would himself killed the Christian boy. He spoke about the
notorious blood libel of Beilis (who was later acquitted).
I shall now dwell on some concrete issues.
1) Teaching the theory of probability. In § 14.1-7 I mentioned
Nekrasov’s proposal for teaching probability in school and the
rejection of the curriculum drawn up by him. I add now that already in
1898 Nekrasov made a similar proposal concerning the Law Faculty
of Moscow University, also rejected or at least forgotten; however
(Sheynin 1995a, p. 166), during 1902 – 1904 the theory of probability
was not taught there even at the Physical and Mathematical Faculty,
and hardly taught during 1912 – 1917.
2) The MLSq. Nekrasov (1912 – 1914) mistakenly attributed to
Legendre an interpolation-like application of the method and (1914)
acknowledged his failure to notice, in 1912, the relevant work of
Yarochenko (1893a; 1893b), but still alleged (wrongly) to have
considered the issue in a more general manner. Yarochenko justified
the arithmetic mean and the MLSq in general by a reference to
Chebyshev’s memoir (1867), – that is, by the Bienaymé – Chebyshev
inequality (§ 9A.4-3). Note that the first such statement appeared
simultaneously with the Chebyshev memoir (Usov 1867). Recall also
Nekrasov’s strange pronouncement about Laplace and Gauss quoted
3) [The CLT]. It was Nekrasov who had considered the CLT for
large deviations, – for the case that began to be studied only 50 years
later. Suppose that independent [lattice] random variables (linear
functions of integral variables) ξi, i = 1, 2, …, n, have finite mean
values ai and variances σi2 and
m = ξ1 + ξ2 + … + ξn.
|x(m)| = |m – Σai|/(Σσi2)1/2.
Nekrasov restricted his attention to the case in which |x| < np,
0 < p < 1/6 and stated that, for all values of m1 and m2 which
conformed to that condition,
He himself was only able to suggest that Nekrasov had indeed
proved his theorems and he reminded his readers that Markov had
indicated some mistakes made by Nekrasov. Furthermore, Soloviev
(pp. 356 – 357) remarked that Nekrasov had wrongly understood the
notion of lattice variables (not like I described above). In his general
conclusion Soloviev (p. 362) stated that Nekrasov had imposed on the
studied variables an excessively strict condition (the analyticity of the
generating functions in some ring, which was much stronger than
presuming the existence of all of the moments) and that it was
generally impossible to check his other restrictions. Both Soloviev,
and the first of the modern commentators, Seneta (1984, §6), agree in
that Nekrasov’s findings had not influenced the development of the
theory of probability8. This regrettable outcome was certainly caused
both by Nekrasov’s inability to express himself intelligibly and by the
unwieldiness of his purely analytical rather than stochastic approach
(Soloviev, p. 363).
Chuprov (Bortkevich & Chuprov 2005, letter to Bortkiewicz of 22
Nov. 1896) actually proved that Nekrasov did not study mathematical
statistics at all or even sufficiently mastered the theory of probability:
1. Still, Markov had a forerunner: Donkin (1851) expressed a quite similar
statement apparently based on the principle of insufficient reason which Keynes
(1921/1973, p. 44) later renamed the principle of indifference. Boole (1854b/2003,
p. 163) thought that perhaps [Donkin’s principle] might […] be regarded as
axiomatic. Neither Donkin, nor Keynes mentioned that that principle or axiom
transforms the theory of probability.
2. Until he began to study his chains, Markov had always introduced these two
conditions. In one case (1899a/1951, p. 240) he apparently had not repeated them
from his p. 234.
3. A misprint occurred in the Russian translation of the French original.
4. Grodzensky regrettably had not adduced an index of the letters he discovered
and did not indicate which of them had indeed been published at once.
5. Thus, Gnedenko (1954/1973, pp. 254 – 259) proves the theorem under the
Lindeberg condition and then explains that the Liapunov restriction leads to the
6. Liapunov’s correspondence with K. A. Andreev in 1901 (Sheynin 1989b)
testifies that he had initially wished to publish his note in the Matematichesky
Sbornik, that the leadership of the Moscow Mathematical Society (Bugaev,
Nekrasov (!)) opposed his desire, and that he essentially expanded his first draft on
Andreev’s advice.
7. Here is K. A. Andreev’s opinion (letter of 1901 to Liapunov; Gordevsky
1955, p. 40): Nekrasov
Reasons perhaps deeply, but not clearly, and he expresses his thoughts still more
obscurely. I am only surprised that he is so self-confident. In his situation, with the
administrative burden weighing heavily upon him, it is even impossible, as I
imagine, to have enough time for calmly considering deep scientific problems, so
that it would have been better not to study them at all.
Here is an example of Nekrasov’s deep thought (1916b, p. 23): he mentioned
almost all the problems of the yet not existing theory of catastrophes and introduced
that very term, catastrophe.
8. It might be added, however, that Markov (1912b, p. 215) sometimes
considered the refutation of Nekrasov’s mistaken statements as one of the aims of
his work. A similar explanation is contained in one of his letters of 1910 to
Chuprov (Ondar 1977/1981, p. 5).
15. The Birth of Mathematical Statistics
15.1. The Stability of Statistical Series
By the end of the 19th, and in the beginning of the 20th century,
statistical investigations on the Continent were mostly restricted to the
study of population. In England, on the contrary, the main field of
application for statistical studies at the time had been biology. It is
possible to state more definitely that the so-called Continental
direction of statistics originated as the result of the work of Lexis
whose predecessors had been Poisson, Bienaymé, Cournot and
Quetelet. Poisson and Cournot (§ 8.6) examined the significance of
statistical discrepancies “in general” and assuming a large number of
observations, – without providing concrete examples. Cournot (§
10.3-6) also attempted to reveal dependence between the decisions
reached by judges (or jurors). Bienaymé (§ 10.2-3) was interested in
the change in statistical indicators from one series of trials to the next
one and Quetelet (§ 10.5) investigated the connections between causes
and effects in society, attempted to standardize statistical data
worldwide and created moral statistics.
All this had been occurring against the background of statements
that the theory of probability was only applicable to statistics if, for a
given totality of observations, “equally possible cases” were in
existence, and the appropriate probability remained constant (§ 10.7).
15.1.1. Lexis. He (1879) proposed a distribution-free test for the
equality of probabilities in different series of observations; or, in other
words, a test for the stability of statistical series. Suppose that there
are m series of ni observations, i = 1, 2, …, m, and that the probability
of success was constant throughout and equal to p. If the number of
successes in series i was ai, the variance of these magnitudes can be
calculated by two independent formulas (Lexis 1879, § 6)
where n was the mean of ni, vi, the deviations of ai from their mean,
and q = 1 – p. Formula (2) was due to Gauss, see (9.6b); he also knew
formula (1), see a posthumously published note: W-8, 1900, p. 133.
The frequencies of success could also be calculated twice. Note
however that Lexis applied the probable error rather than the variance.
Lexis (§ 11) called the ratio
Q = σ2/σ1 (3)
But how exactly, in Lexis’ opinion, could the probability vary? No
universal answer was of course possible. He (1876, pp. 220 – 221 and
238) thought that the variations followed a normal law, but then he
(1877, § 23) admitted less restrictive conditions (evenness of the
appropriate [density function]) and noted that more specific
restrictions were impossible. Moreover, I am not sure that Lexis had
firmly broken off with previous traditions, see § 10.7-7.
Then, Lexis (1879) discussed this issue once more, and even
mentioned “irregular waves” (§ 22), but it is very difficult to follow
him. Time and time again he interrupted himself by providing
statistical examples and never gave precise formulations. Recall (my §
10.8.4) that Newcomb introduced a mixture of normal laws instead of
one single distribution and that at the very least his exposition was
quite definite. At the same time Lexis made a common mistake by
believing that the relation between the mean square error and the
probable error remained constant irrespective of the appropriate
He had not calculated either the expectation, or the variance of his
coefficient (which was indeed difficult), neither did he say that that
was necessary. Recall (§ 9A.4) that Gauss, after introducing the
sample variance, indicated that it was [unbiased] and determined its
variance. Lexis’ main achievement was perhaps his attempt to check
statistically some stochastic model; it is apparently in this sense that
Chuprov’s remark on the need to unite him and Pearson (§ 15.2)
should be understood.
I note finally that Lexis (1879, § 1) qualitatively separated
statistical series into several types and made a forgotten attempt to
define stationarity and trend.
A French actuary Dormoy (1874; 1878) preceded Lexis, but at the
time even French statisticians (who barely participated in the
development of the Continental direction of statistics) had not noticed
his theory. It was Lexis who first discovered Dormoy (Chuprov
1909/1959, p. 236) and Chuprov (1926, p. 198, Russian translation
1960, p. 228, English translation 2004, p. 78) argued that the Lexian
theory of dispersion ought to be called after Dormoy and Lexis. He
thus opposed a later opinion of Bortkiewicz (1930, p. 53) who ranked
Dormoy far below Lexis. Be that as it may, later statisticians had only
paid attention to Lexis.
15.1.2. Bortkiewicz. I mentioned him in § 8.7 in connection with
the LLN and, in § 10.7-4, I dwelt on his statement about the
estimation of precision of statistical inferences. Of Polish descent,
Vladislav Iosifovich Bortkevich was a lawyer by education. He was
born and studied in Petersburg, but at the end of the 19th century he
continued his education in Germany (he was Lexis’ student) and in
1901 secured a professorship in Berlin and remained there all his life
as Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz. In 1912 the Russian statistician P. D.
Azarevich (Fortunatov 1914, p. 237) mentioned him thus: “Each time
I see him, I feel sorry that he was lost to Russia. There’s a genuine
man of science”. In a letter of 1905 to Chuprov (Sheynin 1990c/2011,
p. 56) Bortkiewicz indicated that in Germany he felt himself
“perfectly well”, whereas a cataclysm was possible in Russia.
Bortkiewicz had indeed published most of his contributions in
German (which he knew hardly worse than Russian), but he did not
lose his ties with Russia. He (1903) sharply criticized Nekrasov for
the latter’s statements that the theory of probability can soften “the
cruel relations” between capital and labour (p. 215) and (p. 219)
exonerate the principles of firm rule and autocracy as well as for
Nekrasov’s “sickening oily tone” (p. 215) and “reactionary longings”
(p. 216)1. Then, Slutsky (1922) referred to a letter received from
Bortkiewicz, see also Sheynin (2007f), and, finally, at least during his
last years he was connected with the then existing in Berlin Russian
Scientific Institute and Russian Scientific Society (Sheynin 2001f, p.
228; Bortkevich & Chuprov, 2005, pp. 9 – 12).
Bortkiewicz achieved interesting findings and his example is
extremely instructive since he was not initially acquainted with
mathematics. In 1896, in a letter to Chuprov (Sheynin 1990c/2011, p.
58), he declared that the differentiation of an integral with respect to
its (lower) limit was impossible. Many authors deservedly praised him
for his scientific work. Thus (Woytinsky 1961, pp. 452 – 453), he was
called “the statistical Pope” whereas H. Schumacher (1931, p. 573)
explained Bortkiewicz’ attitude towards science by a quotation from
the Bible (Exodus 20:3): “You shall have no other gods before me”.
Here is how Chuprov’s student and the last representative of the
Continental direction, Anderson2 (1932, p. 243/1963, Bd. 2, p. 531)
described his achievement in studying statistical series:
Yes, but neither the former (§ 15.1.1) nor the latter (see below) had
successfully overcome the occurring difficulties. Later Anderson
included Chuprov.
Bortkiewicz’ work is insufficiently known mostly because of his
pedestrian style and excessive attention to details but also since
German statisticians and economists of the time (Bortkiewicz was also
a celebrated economist) had been avoiding mathematics. He did not
pay attention to improving his style. Chuprov (Bortkevich & Chuprov
2005, Letter 35 of 1898) criticized his friend for a methodically
unfortunate paper on Pareto but Bortkiewicz refused to mend his
ways. And Winkler (1931, p. 1030) quoted a letter from Bortkiewicz
(date not given) who was glad to find in him one of the five expected
readers of his work (which one?)! Here is what Anderson (1932, p.
245/1963, Bd. 2, p. 533) had to say:
Bortkiewicz did not write for a wide circle of readers […] and was
not at all a good exponent of his own ideas. In addition, he made very
high demands on the readers’ schooling and intellect. With
stubbornness partly caused by his reclusive life, […] he refused to
follow the advice of […] Chuprov …
His Italian papers of 1908 – 1909 written as a defence of his law of
small numbers (see below) are virtually unknown. The initial German
text of one of them is kept at Uppsala and copied in S, G, 25.
Bortkiewicz had determined EQ and EQ2. Chuprov several times
mentioned this fact (Sheynin 1990c/2011, pp. 87, 93, 139) and in 1916
Markov (Ondar 1977/1981, p. 93) stated that Bortkiewicz’ “research
[…] while not fully accurate, is significant” and (Markov 1911c/1981,
p. 153) that “some” of his relevant studies “deserve greater attention”.
It is most interesting that Bortkiewicz introduced his law of small
numbers (1898a) for studying the stability of statistical series3. He
argued that a series consisting of independent observations with
differing probabilities of the occurrence of a rare event might be
considered as a sample from a single totality. This fact, or, more
precisely, the decrease of the pertinent coefficient of dispersion to
unity with the decrease of the number of observations he had indeed
called the law of small numbers.
From the very beginning his publication aroused debates (Sheynin
1990c/2011, pp. 59 – 62). Chuprov (Bortkevich & Chuprov 2005,
Letter 2 of 1896) advised Bortkiewicz to refer to Poisson, but in 1909
– 1911, in his letters to Chuprov, Bortkiewicz stressed the distinction
between his law and the Poisson formula. The low value of
probability, as he argued, was not his main assumption; the rarity of
the event might have been occasioned by a small number of
observations. Incidentally, this explanation raises doubts about the
applicability here of the Poisson distribution, and, for that matter,
Bortkiewicz had never comprehensively explained his law. Here is
what Chuprov wrote to Markov in 1916 (Sheynin 1990c/2011, pp. 91
– 92):
that Bortkiewicz had wrongly combined his materials and reported
that Yastremsky (1913) had also proved Markov’s main statement.
Then, Quine & Seneta (1987) described Bortkiewicz’ law and
indicated more definitely that for small independent and integral
random variables a large value of Q was unlikely.
No one ever noted that the Bortkiewicz coefficient Q1 differed from
Q (so that some comments had been wrong) and that it was the ratio of
two dependent random variables, call tem ξ and η: Q1 = Eξ/Eη, and,
consequently, no one noted that Bortkiewicz wrongly assumed that
Eξ/Eη = E(ξ/η). Chuprov was an exception, but he said nothing in
public whereas Bortkiewicz arbitrarily answered him that that wrong
equality holds approximately.
I ought to add that after 60 years of its neglect Bortkiewicz was the
author who picked up Poisson’s law (also Newcomb, see § 10.8.4,
and Chebyshev) and that for a long time his contribution (1898a) had
remained the talk of the town. Thus, Romanovsky (1924, book 17, p.
15) called Bortkiewicz’ innovation “the main statistical law”.
Bortkiewicz invariably defended his law but it is difficult to study it
thoroughly; commentators whom I mentioned above did not examine
it comprehensively (and neither did other authors), and I refer readers
to my paper (2008). I have minutely studied his contribution and
decided that he did nothing except (as Kolmogorov stated) recalling
Poisson. Here, I only say that his coefficient of dispersion differed
from the Lexian Q which meant that some conclusions of the
commentators mentioned above became meaningless.
Another point here is that the decrease of the coefficient of
dispersion with the decrease of the number of observations tells us
nothing about the underlying probability (probabilities) of the studied
event. Chuprov (1909/1959, p. 277) noted this fact but only mentioned
Lexis, not Bortkiewicz, and did not repeat his remark in any later
Russian or German paper.
15.1.3. Markov and Chuprov. In his letters of 1910 to Chuprov,
Markov (Ondar 1977) proved that Lexis’ considerations were wrong.
Thus, it occurred that the dispersion could also be normal when the
observations were dependent. In addition, he constructed an example
of independent observations which, when being combined into series
in different ways, were characterized either by super- or subnormal
dispersions. However, later Chuprov, in a letter of 1923 to his former
student Chetverikov (Sheynin 1990c/2011, p. 139), remarked that
stability was only determined for concrete series.
Also in 1910, Chuprov, in a letter to Markov, provided examples of
dependences leading to super- and sub-normality of dispersion; in
1914 he even decided that the coefficient of dispersion should be
“shelved” to which Bortkiewicz strongly objected (Sheynin
1990c/2011, p. 140). Then, in 1916 both Markov and Chuprov proved
that EQ2 = 1 (see details Ibidem, pp. 140 – 141). Finally, Chuprov
(1918 – 1919; see Ibidem, pp. 113 – 114) definitively refuted the
applicability of the coefficient of dispersion.
I cannot understand why, even in 1921 Chuprov (2009, p. 88) wrote
to Gulkevich (a noted Russian diplomatist who refused to return to the
Soviet Union and became the assistant of F. Nansen at the League of
All this was almost forgotten. Thus, Särndal (1971, pp. 376 – 377),
who briefly described the work of Lexis and noted that it prompted
Charlier “to look […] into questions of non-normality of data”, did
not mention either it or any later developments.
Here is what Anderson (1926/1963, Bd. 1, p. 31) stated, and what
significantly complements his own opinion cited in § 15.1.2: Chuprov
n n
(1/n)E ( xi Ei ) 2 =
i 1 i 1
n n
(1/n2) E(ξi – Eξi)2 + (1/n2) [E(xixj)– Eξi Eξj].
i 1 i 1 j i
results, see Seneta (1987). On the other hand, since he considered
problems of the most general nature, he inevitably derived awkward
formulas, and the same Romanovsky (1930, p. 216) noted that
Chuprov’s formulas, although “being of considerable theoretical
interest”, were “almost useless” due to complicated calculations
involved. And, on the next page: the estimation of the empirical
coefficient of correlation for samples from arbitrary populations was
possible almost exclusively by means of Chuprov’s formulas, which
however were “extremely unwieldy […], incomplete and hardly
15.2. The Biometric School
That name itself recalls the periodical Biometrika whose first issue
appeared in 1902 with a subtitle Journal for the Statistical Study of
Biological Problems. Its first editors were Weldon (a widely educated
biologist who died in 1906), Pearson and Davenport5 “in
consultation” with Galton. The editorial there contained the following
We looked upon Darwin as our deliverer, the man who had given
new meaning to our life and the world we inhabited.
Note that almost all the disciplines mentioned above were included
in Pearson’s main field of interests and that he had not found a single
kind word for Continental statisticians.
Here is a peculiar passage (Pearson 1907, p. 613):
Unexpectedly, at least for me, Tee (2003, 15 May) noted that
Pearson’s Grammar of Science (1892) denied the existence of atoms
and only repented in 1911, in the third edition of that book. Tee (from
University of Auckland) is an extremely careful reviewer; I had not
checked his statement which nevertheless seems at least partly
doubtful (all atoms […] have begun etc., see a bit above).
Pearson (1857 – 1936) was an applied mathematician and a
philosopher, but in the first place a co-founder of biometry. The
beginning of his scientific work can be connected with his Grammar
of science which earned him the brand of a
That was Lenin’s conclusion (1909/1961, pp. 190 and 274). Note
that the latter term is tantamount to Mach’s philosophy, i.e., to a
variety of subjective idealism. It is, however, difficult to imagine that
Pearson evaded reality. But at the same time Mach’s followers define
the aim of science as description rather than study of phenomena and
Pearson separated experience (statistical data) from theory (from the
appropriate stochastic patterns), although he did not at all keep to the
tradition of the Staatswissenschaft (§ 6.2.1).
Pearson’s Grammar became widely known8 and he was elected to
the Royal Society. Newcomb, as President of the forthcoming
International Congress of Arts and Sciences (St. Louis, 1904), invited
him to read a report on methodology of science9. Such scholars as
Boltzmann and Kapteyn had participated there. Newcomb’s attitude
towards Pearson was also reflected in one of his pronouncements of
1903, see § 10.8-4.
S. L. Zabell somewhere noticed that Mach (1897, Introduction) had
mentioned Pearson’s Grammar…:
resolutely disagreed with the main conclusion of the second one. In
two more articles Pearson (1920; 1928b) studied the history of
correlation and maintained that some authors including Gauss could
have applied the ideas and methods of correlation theory, but that it
would be nevertheless wrong to attribute to them its beginnings. He
often successfully attempted to introduce the statistical method and
especially the theory of correlation into many branches of science. See
however Bernstein’s statement about that theory in § 14.1-4.
The work of Pearson and his followers [Student (real name,
Gosset), Yule and others] is partly beyond the boundaries of my
investigation and I shall only sketch the main directions of Pearson’s
subsequent (after about 1894) studies, of the person who (Hald 1998,
p. 651)
y′ = y (4)
a bx cx 2
Bernstein (1946, pp. 448 – 457) indicated a stochastic pattern
(sampling with balls being added) that led to the most important
Pearsonian curves. He referred to Markov and, on p. 337, to Polya
(1931) as his predecessors. Markov (1917) had indeed considered the
abovementioned pattern and mentioned the Pearsonian curves on his
very first page; Bernstein, however, mistakenly indicated another of
his papers.
Pearson (E. S. Pearson 1936 – 1937, vol. 29, p. 208 with reference
to his record of the lectures of his father) paid special attention to the
notion of correlation and stated that
Fisher (1922, pp. 311 and 329n) also indicated that Pearson had
been confusing theoretical and empirical indicators. Similar
pronouncements were due to Anderson (Sheynin 1990c/2011, p.
149), but I shall only quote Bernstein and Kolmogorov. Bernstein
(1928/1964, p. 228), when discussing a new cycle of problems in the
theory of probability which comprises the theories of distribution and
of the general non-normal correlation, wrote:
Irwin (p. 410) also quoted Fisher: Gosset was the Faraday of
statistics. Note that the German statistician Lüroth was the first to
introduce the t-distribution (Pfanzagl & Sheynin 1996).
15.3. The Merging
of the Continental Direction and the Biometric School?
So, did the two statistical streams merge, as Chuprov would have
it? In 1923 he had become Honorary Fellow of the Royal Statistical
Society and in 1926, after his death, the Society passed a resolution of
condolence (Sheynin 1990c/2011, p. 156) which stated that his
In the years before the war [before WWI] it had seemed to me that
continental mathematicians and the Anglo-Saxon statisticians were
working without sufficient mutual contact, and that it might be useful
to try to join both these lines of research.
1. Bortkiewicz’ paper appeared in a rare Russian political periodical published
abroad. I discovered that journal in the Rare books section of the (former) Lenin
State Library in Moscow. A few other copies of the periodical’s same issue, which I
since found in Germany, do not, however, contain the paper in question; perhaps it
was only included in a part of the edition.
2. Oskar Nikolaevich Anderson (1887 – 1960), a Russian German, emigrated in
1920. In 1924 – 1942 he lived and worked in Bulgaria, then in Germany (in West
Germany), was the leading statistician in both these countries and a founder-member
of the international Econometric Society (Anderson 1946). Also see Sheynin
(1990c/2011, pp. 80 – 82), H. & R. Strecker (2001) and his collected works
(Anderson 1963). Anderson was the last representative of the Continental direction.
3. In 1897 Bortkiewicz also unsuccessfully attempted to publish his work in
Russian, in a periodical of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences. His request was
refused since the contribution was to appear elsewhere (although only in German),
see Sheynin (1990c/2011, p. 61).
4. This charge was not proved; furthermore, it contradicts our perception of his
5. An author of a paper published in 1896, of a book devoted to biometry which
appeared in 1899, and of two subsequent notes (M. G. Kendall & Doig 1968).
6. Already in Darwin’s times, a theory was supposed to be quantitatively
corroborated. Darwin, however, provided nothing of the sort and it would be more
proper to say, as in § 10.8.2, “hypothesis of the origin of species”.
7. In 1912, Slutsky had submitted two manuscripts to Pearson who rejected both.
Three letters from Slutsky to Pearson (but no replies) are extant (Univ. College
London, Pearson Papers 856/4 and 856/7; Sheynin 1999c). In this connection
Slutsky had corresponded with Chuprov (Sheynin 1990c/2011, pp. 65 – 67) and
soon published elsewhere (1914) one of his manuscripts, – the one, whose refusal by
Pearson he called a misunderstanding. It was Chuprov who recommended him a
proper outlet.
8. Here is Neyman’s remarkable recollection (E. S. Pearson 1936 – 1937, vol.
28, p. 213): in 1916, he read the Grammar of Science on advice of his teacher at
Kharkov University, S. N. Bernstein, and the book greatly impressed “us”. I note
that, in turn, see below, Pearson (1978, p. 243) had mentioned Lenin: Petersburg
Has now for some inscrutable reason been given the name of the man who has
practically ruined it.
It is not difficult to imagine that Pearson was given a hostile reception in the
Soviet Union. This issue is beyond my chronological boundaries and I only mention
two episodes (Sheynin 1998c, pp. 536 and 538, note 16).
a) Maria Smit, the future Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences (!),
1930: the Pearsonian curves are based
b) A. Ya. Boiarsky, L. Zyrlin, 1947: they blasphemously charged Pearson with
advocating racist ideas that “forestalled the Göbbels department”.
Only somewhat more reserved was the anonymous author in the Great Sov. Enc.,
2nd ed., vol. 33, 1955, p. 85.
Soviet statistics and statisticians endured real suffering. The same Smit, in 1931
(Sheynin 1998c, p. 533, literal translation): “the crowds of arrested saboteurs are full
of statisticians”. She herself had probably helped to assure the success of that
And let us recall Schlözer (1804, § 15): Statistics and despotism do not get along
9. Pearson refused to come because of his financial problems and unwillingness
to leave his Department at University College London under “less complete
supervision” (Sheynin 2002b, pp. 143 and 163, Note 8).
10. Here is a passage from the extant part of an unsigned and undated letter
certainly written by Slutsky to Markov, likely in 1912 (Sheynin 1999c, p. 132):
…are not independent in magnitude from the sum of the already accumulated
deviations or that the probabilities of equal deviations are not constant, we shall
indeed arrive at the formula [Slutsky wrote down formula (4) with k = 0 and F(x)
instead of the trinomial in the denominator]. […] Much material [already shows that
the Pearsonian curves are useful but] […] it seems desirable also for the
asymmetric Pearson curves […] to provide a theoretical derivation which would put
[them] in the same line as the Gauss curve on the basis of the theory of probability
(hypergeometric series).
Supplement: Axiomatization
I present a bibliographic survey of some important points.
The main essays are Barone & Novikoff (1978) and Hochkirchen
(1999) and among the lesser known authors is Bernstein (1917). After
Hilbert (1901), Kolmogorov (1933) made the decisive step and
Freudenthal & Steiner (1966, p. 190) commented: he came with the
Columbus’ egg. As the legend goes, Columbus cracked an egg which
enabled it to stand firmly on his table. Among the new sources I list
Hausdorff (2006) who left an important unpublished contribution, see
Girlich (1996), Shafer & Vovk (2001) and Krengel (2011) who
stressed the role of Bohlmann. Vovk & Shafer (2003, p. 27)
characterized their book:
The claim to rank among the pure sciences must rest upon the
degree in which it [the theory of probability] satisfies the following
conditions: 1° That the principles upon which its methods are founded
should be of an axiomatic nature.
Barone J., Novikoff A. (1978), History of the axiomatic formulation of
probability from Borel to Kolmogorov. Arch. Hist. Ex. Sci., vol. 18, pp. 123 – 190.
Bernstein S. N. (1917, in Russian), An essay on the axiomatic justification of the
theory of probability. Sobranie Sochineniy (Works), vol. 4. N. p., 1964, pp. 10 – 60.
Boole G. (1854), On the conditions by which the solution of questions in the
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AHES = Arch. Hist. Ex. Sci.
Hist. Scient. = Historia Scientiarum (Tokyo)
IMI = Istoriko-Matematicheskie Issledovania
ISI = Intern. Stat. Inst.
ISR = Intern. Stat. Rev.
JNÖS = Jahrbücher f. Nationalökonomie u. Stat.
MS = Matematich. Sbornik
OC = Oeuvr. Compl.
PT = Phil. Trans.
UMN = Uspekhi Matematich. Nauk
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German transl.: Leipzig, 1908. Reprint of pt. 1: Biometrika, vol. 45, 1958, pp. 293 –
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measurement of risk. Econometrica, vol. 22, 1954, pp. 23 – 36.
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Lucien Le Cam. New York, 1997, pp. 358 – 367.
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--- (1778; 1982, pp. 361 – 375, in Latin), The most probable choice between several
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Index of Names
This Index does not cover the General Literature and my own name is also absent.
The numbers refer to subsections rather than to pages.
Aaboe, A. 1.1.4
Abbe, C. 9A.1.3
Abbe, E. 9B, 15.2
Achenwall, G. 6.2.1, Notes to chapter 10
Adrain, R. 9A.1.3, Notes to chapter 9
Afanasieva – Ehrenfest, T. A. 7.1, 14.2
Airy G. B. 10.8.4
Al-Biruni (973 – 1048) Preface, 1.1.4, 1.2.4, Notes to chapter 1
Al-Khazini, 1.1.4
Ambartsumian, R. V. 12
Ames, W. Notes to chapter 1
Anchersen, J. P. 6.2.1, 10.7
Anderson, O. 15.1.2, 15.1.3, 15.2, Notes to chapter 15
Andersson T. 10.8.2
André, D. 11.1
Andreev, A. V. 14.5,
Andreev, K. A. 14.3, Notes to chapter 14
Arago, F. Notes to chapter 8
Arbuthnot, J. 2.2.4, 6.2.2, Notes to chapter 7
Archimedes (ca. 287 – 212 BC), 1.1.4, 7.4
Argelander F., 10.8.4
Aristarchus (end of 4th c. – first half of 3rd c. BC), 1.1.4
Aristotle (384 – 322 BC) 0.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.5, 1.2.4, Notes to chapter 1,
2.1.1, 3.2.4, 10.8.2, 11.2
Arnauld, A. 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.4, Notes to chapter 2, 3.1.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.1, Notes to
chapter 3
Asarevich, P. D. 15.1.2
Augustinus, St. (354 – 430) Notes to chapter 1
Austin, E. 0.5, 6.2.4, 10.8.3
Azarevich P. D. 15.1.2
Babbage, C. 1.1.4, 10.5, 10.8.2
Bachelier, L. 14.2
Baer, K. 6.1.3, 10.8.2
Baily, F. 1.2.2
Barbier, E. 12
Barnard, G. A. 5.1
Barnett N. 9A5
Bartenieva, L. S. 10.1
Bateson, W. 15.2
Bauer, R. K. 15.3
Bayes, T. 0.1, 2.2.3, chapter 5, 6.1.6, 7.1, 7.2, Notes to chapter 7, 10.4, 11.1, 11.2,
Beer, A. 1.1.4
Beilis, M. 14.3, 14.5
Bellhouse, D. R. Notes to chapter 1, 2.2.4, 3.3.4
Belvalkar, S. K. Notes to chapter 1
Benjamin, M. 10.8.4
Bentley, R. 2.2.3
Berggren, J. L. 1.1.4
Bernoulli, Daniel Notes to chapter 3, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.4 – 6.1.6, 6.2.2 – 6.2.4, 6.3.1,
Notes to chapter 6, 7.1, 9C, 10.3, 10.4, 10.8.4, 14.2
Bernoulli, Jakob 0.1, 1.1.5, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2.2, 2.2.4, Notes to chapter 2, 3, 4.3, 4.4,
5.2, 7.1, 8, 8.6, 8.7, 9C, 10.2, 10.3, 10.7, 11.2, 13.2, 14.1
Bernoulli, Johann I 3.1.2
Bernoulli, Johann II 6.2.3
Bernoulli, Johann III 6.3.1
Bernoulli, Niklaus Notes to chapter 1, 2.1.2, 2.2.4, Notes to chapter 2, 3.3.2, 3.3.3,
3.3.4, 6.1.1, 8.9.2, 9C
Bernstein, S. N. 0.5, 11.2, 13.1 – 13.3, 14.1, 14.2, 14.4, 15.2, Notes to chapter 15
Bertillon, Alph. 10.6
Bertrand, J. 0.3, 2.1.1, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.6, 8.7, 9A.2, 9A4, 10.2, 10.5, 10.8.4, 11,
11.1, 11.2, Notes to chapter 11, 12, Notes to chapter 12
Besikovitch, A. S. 14.3
Bessel, F. W. Preface, 6.3, 8.7, 9A.1.4, 9A.3 – 9A.6, 9C, Notes to chapter 9
Bienaymé, I. J. 7.1, 7.2, 8.7, 9A.4, 9A.6, 10.2, 10.3, 10.8.4, 11.1, 13.1, 14.1, 14.5,
Biermann, K.-R. Notes to chapter 1, Notes to chapter 2, 9A, 9A.1.4
Biot, J. B. 6.3.2, 10.8.3
Birg, S. 6.2.2
Black, W. 6.2.3, Notes to chapter 6
Blanford, H. F. 10.6
Block, M. 10.7
Bobynin, V. V. 10.4
Böckh, R. Notes to chapter 2
Bohlmann G. 9A.4
Boiarsky, A. Ya. Notes to chapter 15
Boltzmann, L. 7.4, 9A.4, 10.8.2, 10.8.5, 12, 15.2
Bolyai, J. 9A.1.4
Bolyai, W. 9A.1.4
Bomford, G. 9A.3
Bond, G. P. 9A.5
Bonpland, A. J. A., 10.8.2
Boole, G. 8.1, 10.8.4, Notes to chapter 13, Notes to chapter 14
Borel, E. 2.2.2, 12
Bortkiewicz, L. von, 3.1.2, 3.2.3, Notes to chapter 3, 8.7, 10.4, 10.7, 11.1, 11.2,
14.2, 14.5, 15.1.1, 15.1.2, 15.1.3, Notes to chapter 15
Boscovich, R. J. 1.1.4, 1.2.3, 3.2.3, 6.3, 6.3.2, Notes to chapter 6, 7.2, 7.3, 9A.2,
10.8.4, 10.8.5
Bouillaud, J. 10.8
Bowditch, N. 7.2, 7.4
Boyle, R. 1.2.2, 10.9.3
Bradley, J. 1.2.2, 9C
Brahe, T. 0.3, 0.4, 1.2.2, 1.2.4, Note to chapter 1, 6.3, Notes to chapter 6, 10.7
Bredikhin, F. A. 10.8.4, 10.9.3, 14.2
Brendel, M. 9A.1.4
Brown, R. 7.1, 14.2
Brownlee, J. 10.8.1
Bru, B. Notes to Chapt. 1, Notes to chapter 6, 8, 10.2, 11.1
Bruns, H. 14.2
Brush, S. G. 10.8.5, 14.2
Bühler, G. Notes to chapter 1
Buffon, G. L. L. 3.3.4, 6.1.4, 6.1.6, Notes to chapter 6, 7.1, 7.4, 10.4, Notes to
chapter 13
Bugaev, N. V. Notes to chapter 14
Bull, J. P. 8.9.2
Buniakovsky, V. Ya. 1.2.3, 8.7, 10.4, Notes to chapter 10
Burov, V. G. 1.1.1, Notes to chapter 1, Notes to chapter 2
Buys Ballot, C. H. D. 10.8.3
Byrne, E. F. 1.1.5, Notes to chapter 1
Caesar 9A.4
Campbell, L. 10.8.5
Cantor, G. Notes to chapter 2
Cardano, G. 3.2.3
Cauchy, A. L. 8.6, 8.9, 10.1, 11.2, 13.1
Celsus, A. C. (ca. 25 BC – ca. 50 AD) 0.4
Chadwick E. 10.8.1
Chaitin, G. J. 1.1
Chamberlayne, E. 6.2.1
Chaplygin, S. A. 14.3
Chapman, S. 2.1.4, Notes to chapter 2
Charlier, C. V. L. 10.2, 15.1.3, 15.2
Chatterjee S. K. 6.3.3
Chaufton, A. 2.1.3
Chauvenet, W. 8.9.2
Chebotarev, A. S. Notes to chapter 1
Chebyshev, P. L. 0.1, Notes to chapter 0, 3.2.3, 5.1, 6.3.2, 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 8.7, 9A.4,
9B, 10.2 – 10.4, 10.8.4, 11, 11.2, chapter 13, 14.1, 14.2, 14.4, 14.5
Chekhov, A. P. 0.5
Chetverikov, N. S. 15.1.3
Chirikov, M. V. Preface, Notes to chapter 14
Chrysippus (208 or 205 – 280) Notes to chapter 1
Christie, A. 0.5
Chuprov, A. A. Preface, 6.1.3, 8.4, 8.7, 10.3, 10.5, 10.7, 10.8.3, Notes to chapter 10,
10.5, 10.7, 11.2, 14.1, 14.2, Notes to chapter 14, 14.5, 15.1.1 – 15.1.3, 15.2, 15.3,
Notes to chapter 15
Cicero M. T. (106 – 43 BC) 1.1.1, 1.2.4, Notes to chapter 1, 3.2.1, Notes to chapter
Cioffari, V. 1.1.1
Clairaut, A. C. 10.9.1
Clausius, R. 10.8.4
Clerke, Agnes M. 1.2.3
Clifford, W. K. 15.2
Cohen, J. Notes to chapter 1
Colebrooke, H. T. Notes to chapter 1
Columbus Chr. 2.1.4
Commelin, C. 2.1.3
Comte, A. 10.8
Condamine, C. M. de la 6.2.3, 6.3.1
Condorcet, M. J. A. N. 2.2.3, 3.2.3, 3.3.4, 6.1.5, 6.2.3, 6.2.4, Notes to chapter 6, 7.2,
8.9.1, 10.8.1, 11.1, 11.2
Confucius (ca. 551 – 479 BC) 1.1.1
Cook, A. H. Notes to chapter 2
Coolidge, J. L. Notes to chapter 9
Copernicus, N. 1.2.4
Cornfield, J. 5.1
Cotes, R. Notes to chapter 0, 6.3.1
Cotte, L. 6.2.4, 10.8.3
Cournot, A. A. Notes to chapter 1, Notes to chapter 3, 5.1, 6.1.3, 7.1, 8.1, 8.6, 8.7,
8.9.2, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.7, 10.8.4, Notes to chapter 10, 11.1, 11.2, 12, 15.1
Courtault, J.-M. 14.2
Couturat, L. Notes to chapter 3
Cramer, G. 3.3.4, 6.1.1
Cramér, H. 7.4, 9A.3, 9A.4, Notes to chapter 9, 15.2, 15.3
Crofton, M. W. 12
Cubranic, N. 6.3.2
Czuber, E. 4.2, Notes to chapter 5, 9A4, 10.2, 10.7, 12
D’Alembert, J. Le Rond, Notes to chapter 1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.5, 6.2.3, Notes to
chapter 6, 7.1, 10.3, 10.8, Notes to chapter 13
D’Amador, R. 10.8
Danilevsky, N. Ya. 6.1.3
Darboux G. 11.1
Darwin, C. 10.5, 10.6, 10.8.2, 10.8.5, 12, Notes to chapter 12, 15.2, Notes to chapter
Davenport, C. B. 15.2
David, F. N. 1.2.3, 14.2
David, H. A. 2.2.4, 3.3.3, 5.1, 9B, 10.9.2, 14.2
Davidov, A. Yu. 8.1, 8.2, 8.7, 8.9.2, 10.4, 10.8.5
Daw, R. H. 6.2.2
Dawid, Ph. 11.2
Daxecker, F. 1.2.3
DeCandolle Alph. 10.8.2
DeCandolle, Aug. P. 10.8.2
Delambre, J. B. J. 9C, 10.7, Notes to chapter 10
De Mére, C. 2.2.3, Notes to chapter 2
Demidov, P. G. 13.1
Democritus (ca. 460 – ca. 370 BC) Notes to chapter 1
De Moivre, A. 0.1, 2.1.4, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 3.2.3, 3.3, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, Notes to chapter 3,
chapter 4, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1.1, 6.1.6, 6.3.1, 7.1, 7.4, 9C, 10.8.5, 11.1, 13.2, 14.1
De Montessus, R. 12
De Morgan, A. 4.4, 8.1, Notes to chapter 8, 10.4
De Morgan, Sophia Notes to chapter 8
Derham, W. 2.2.3, Notes to chapter 2
Descartes, R. 2.1.2, 2.2.2, 7.4
De Solla Price, D. J. 1.1.4
Desrosières, A. Notes to Preface
De Vries H. 10.8.2
De Vries, W. F. M. Notes to chapter 10
De Witt, J. 2.1.3, 2.2.2, Notes to chapter 2
Dietz, K. 6.2.3, 10.4
Dirac, P. A. M. 7.2, 7.4, Notes to chapter 8
Dirichlet, P. G. L. 7.1, 7.4, 8.6, 9B, 13.2
Doig, A. G. Notes to chapter 15
Donkin, W. F. Notes to chapter 14
Doob, J. L. 7.4
Doppler, C. 10.8.4
Dorfman, Ya. G. 7.3
Dormoy, E. 11.1, 15.1.1
Dorsey, N. E. 10.8.4, 10.9.3
Double, F. J. 7.2, 8.9, 10.8.1
Dove, H. W. 10.8.3
Dreyfus, A. 11.2
Drinkwater Bethune, J. E. 10.4
Dufau, P. A. 10.7
Dunnington G. W. 9A.1
Dupâquier, J. Note to Preface
Dupâquier, M. Note to Preface
Du Pasquier, L. G. 2.1.3
Dutka, J. Notes to chapter 3, 9A.1.1, 9A.1.3, 9A.1.4, 14.2
Ebbinghaus, H. 10.9.2
Eddington, A. S. 9A4, 10.5, 10.8.4
Edgeworth, F. Y. 10.9.2, 15.2
Edwards, A. W. F. 2.2.4, 3.3.3, 5.1, 14.2
Eggenberger, J. 4.4
Ehrenfest, P. 7.1, 14.2
Ehrenfest, T., see Afanasieva-Ehrenfest T.
Eisenhart, C. Preface, 1.2.4, 6.3.3, 7.2, 9A4, 9A.6, 10.8.4, 10.9.3, 15.2, 15.3
Ekeland, I. Notes to chapter 1
Eliseeva, I. I. 6.2.1
Elkin, W. L. 10.8.4
Ellis R. L. 7.2
Emeliakh, L. I. 14.3
Encke, J. F. 9A.2, 9A4, Notes to chapter 9
Eneström G. 2.1.3
Enko, P. D. 10.4, 10.8.1
Epicurus (342 or 341 – 271 or 270 BC) Note to chapter 1
Erathosthenes (ca. 276 – 194 BC), 1.1.4
Erdélyi, A. 11.2
Erismann, F. F. 10.8.1
Erman, A. Notes to chapter 9
Ermolaeva, N. S. 13.2, 14.2
Euler, L. Preface, 2.1.4, 6.1.2, 6.2.2, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, Notes to chapter 6, 7.1, 7.2, 9A1,
9A1.1, 9A.1.4, Notes to chapter 9, 10.4, 13.2
Faraday, M. 10.8.3, Notes to chapter 10, 15.2
Farebrother, R. W. Preface
Farr, W. 10.8.1
Fechner, G. T. 6.1.1, 7.1, 10.9.2
Fedorovitch, L. V. 2.1.4
Feller, W. 7.1, 11.1
Fermat, P. 0.1, 2.2.1, 2.2.2
Filliben 1.2.4
Fisher, R. A. Preface, 0.2, Notes to chapter 1, 5.1, 6.1.6, 6.3.3, 9A.4, 9B, 10.7.2,
10.8.2, 10.8.4, 10.7.4, 14.3, 15.2, 15.3
Flamsteed, J. 1.2.2
Fletcher, A. 14.1
Florensky, P. A. 14.5
Forsythe, G. E. 9A.5
Fortunatov, A. 15.1.2
Fourier, J. B. J. 0.3, 6.3.3, 7.1, 7.3, 7.4, 8, 9, 9A, 10.2, 10.5, 10.8, 11.2
Franklin, J. 1.1.1, 1.1.5, Notes to chapter 1, 2.1.2, Notes to chapter 2, 3.2.1
Fraenkel, A. Notes to chapter 2
Fréchet, M. 10.5
Freud, S. 10.9.2
Freudenthal, H. 2.2.4, 3.3.4, 8.9.2, 10.1, 10.5, 13.1
Fries, J. F. 7.1, 10.3
Fuss, N. I. 7.1
Fuss, P. N. 6.1.1
Galen, C. (129 – 201?) 1.1.3, 11.2
Galilei, G. 1.1.4, 1.2.3, Notes to chapter 6, 7.4
Galitzin, B. B. 14.2
Galle, A. 9A.1.4
Galton, F. 10.2, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8.1, 10.8.2, 10.9.2, 15.2
Gani, G. 2.2.3, 10.4
Garber, D. 2.1.2, 3.2.1
Garnett, W. 10.8.5
Gastwirth, J. L. 11.2
Gatterer, J. C. 10.7
Gauss, C. F. Preface, Notes to Preface, 0.3, Notes to chapter 1, 3.1.2, 5.1, 5.3, 6.3,
6.3.1 – 6.3.3, Notes to chapter 6, 7.2, 7.4, 8.8, chapter 9, 10.1, 10.7, 10.8.4, 10.9.1,
10.9.2, Notes to chapter 10, 11.1, 11.2, Notes to chapter 11, 13.2, 14.1, 14.2, 14.4,
14.5, 15.1.1, 15.2, Notes to chapter 15
Gavarret, J. 8.9.2, 10.8
Gerardy, T. 9A.1.4, 9A.5
Gerling, C. L., Preface, 9A.5
Gikhman, I. I. 13.3
Gingerich, O. 1.1.4
Gini, C. Notes to chapter 2, 3.1.2
Gnedenko, B. V. 0.1, 7.4, 8.4, 10.2, Notes to chapter 10, 13.3, 14.3, Notes to chapter
14, 15.3
Goebbels, J. P. Notes to chapter 15
Goethe, I. W. 9C
Goldstein, B. R., 1.1.4
Golitsin I. 6.2.1
Gordevsky, D. Z. Notes to chapter 14
Gower, B. 3.2.3
Gowing, R. 6.3.1
Gram, J. P. 10.2
Graunt, J. 0.4, 1.1.2, 2.1.4, 2.2.2 – 2.2.4, Notes to chapter 2, 3.1.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 6.2.2,
6.2.3, 10.7, Notes to chapter 10
‘sGravesande, W. J. (1688 – 1742), 2.2.4
Greenwood, M. 2.1.4, 10.8
Gridgeman, N. T. 7.1
Grodsensky, S. Ya. 14.3, Notes to chapter 14
Gul’kevich,K. N. 15.1.3
Gusak, A. A. 6.3.2
Guy, W. A. 10.8
Hagstroem, K.-G. Notes to chapter 3
Hald, A. Preface, 1.2.3, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.4, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, Notes to chapter
3, 4, 4.1 – 4.3, Notes to chapter 4, 5.1, 6.3.3, 7.1, 8.6, 8.7, 9A1.2, 9A4, 9B, Notes to
chapter 9, 10.2, 10.8.4, 15.2, 15.3
Halley, E. 2.1.4, Notes to chapter 2, 3.2.3, 4.2, 10.7, 10.8.3
Halperin, T. Notes to chapter 3, 8.1, Notes to chapter 13
Harter, H. L. 9A4
Hartley, D. 5.3
Harvey, W. Notes to chapter 1
Hasofer, A. M. 1.1.2
Haushofer, D. M. 3.2.3
Heesterbeek, J. A. P. 6.2.3
Hegel, G. W. F. 1.1.1
Hellman, C. D. 1.2.4
Helmert, F. R. 0.3, 3.2.3, 9A.2 – 9A.4, 9B, Notes to chapter 9, 11.1, 15.2
Hendriks, F. 2.1.3
Henny, J. 3.3.3
Henry, M. Ch. 6.1.5
Hermite, C. 7.1, 13.1
Herschel, Caroline 9C
Herschel, J. Notes to chapter 8, 9A.1.3
Herschel, W. Notes to chapter 6, 9C, 10.8.4
Hertz, H. 10.8.5
Heuschling, X. 10.5
Heyde, C. C. 8.7, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.2, 13.1, 15.3
Hill, D. 10.8.4
Hipparchus (180 or 190 – 125 BC) 1.1.4
Hippocrates (460 – 377 or 356 BC) 1.1.3
Hobbes, T. Notes to chapter1
Hogan, E. R. Notes to chapter 9
Hohenner, H. 9B
Holden, E. S. 10.8.4
Hoskin, M. A. 9C
Hostinský, B. 7.1
Hoyrup, J. Notes to chapter 1
Huber, D. 9A.1.1
Hudde, J. H. 2.1.3
Hulme H. R. 10.8.4
Humboldt, A. 1.2.3, Notes to chapter 9, 10.3, 10.5, 10.7, 10.8.2, 10.8.3
Huygens, C. 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, Notes to chapter 2, 3.1.2, 3.3.2, Notes to
chapter 3, 4.3, 6.1.2, 6.3.1, 8.4, 10.4, 10.8.5
Huygens, L. 2.2.2
Idelson, N. I. 7.2, 9A.4, 14.1, 14.2
Imshenetsky, V. G. 14.3
Irwin, J. O. 15.2
Isotov, A. A. Notes to chapter 6
Isserlis, L. 14.1
Ivory, J. Notes to chapter 6, 9A.6, 10.9.1
Jamal-ud-Din, 12th century, 1.2.3
Jenner E. 6.2.3, 10.8.1
Jennings, J. 1.2.3
John of Salisbury (1115 or 1120 – 1180) 3.2.1
Johannsen, W. 10.8.2
Jongmans F. J. 11.1
Jorland, G. Notes to chapter 3
Junkersfeld, J., 1.1.1
Juskevic, A. P., see Youshkevitch, A. P.
Kac, M. 9A.1.3
Kagan, V. F. 13.3
Kamke, E. 7.4
Kant, I. 1.2.4, Note to chapter 1, 7.3, Notes to chapter 7, 15.2
Kapteyn, J. C. Notes to chapter 9, 10.6, 10.8.4, 15.2
Karn, M. Noel, 6.2.3
Kaufman, A. A. 10.7
Kendall, D. G. 10.2
Kendall, M. G. (Sir Maurice) Note to chapter 1, 2.1.1, 2.1.4, 9B, 10.9.3, 12,
15.2, Notes to chapter 15
Kepler, J. Preface, 1.1.2, 1.1.4, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, Notes to chapter 1, 2.1.4, 2.2.3,
Notes to chapter 2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 6.3.2, Notes to chapter 6, 7.3, Notes to chapter 9,
Keynes, J. M. 3.1.2, 7.4, Notes to chapter 14
Khinchin, A. Ya. 10.8.5, 11.2
Kiaer, A. N. 10.8.4
Kington, J. A. 6.2.4
Kirillov I. K., 6.2.1
Klein, F. 13.3
Knapp, G. F. 3.2.3, 10.5, 10.7
Knauer, K. 10.4
Knies, C. G. A. 6.2.1
Knott, C. G. 10.8.5
Kohli, K. 1.1.5, 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.2.2, Notes to chapter 2, 3.1.2, 3.3.2, 3.3.4, Notes to
chapter 3
Koialovitch, B. M. 14.2
Kolmogorov, A. N. Preface, 0.1, 0.2, 1.1, 2.1.4, 7.2, 7.4, 9A4, 9B, 10.8.2, 10.8.5,
13.1, 13.3, 14.1, 14.2, 15.1.2, 15.2
Koopman, B. O. 3.2.1
Köppen, W. 10.8.3, Notes to chapter 10
Körber, H.-G. 10.8.3
Korteweg, D. J. 2.2.2
Kowalski, M. A. 10.8.4
Krasovsky, F. N. Notes to chapter 6, 9A.1.3, 9B, 10.9.1
Krein, M. G. 13.1, 14.2
Krengel, U. 9A.4
Krizenecky, J. Notes to chapter 10
Kronecker, L. Notes to chapter 2, 9A4, 13.2
Kruskal, W. 1.1.5, 9B, Notes to chapter 9
Krylov, A. N. 9A.1.3, 13.2
Ku, H. H. Note to Chapt. 0
Kuzmin, R. 9A
Lacroix, S. F. 10.4
Lagrange, J. L. 4.3, Notes to chapter 4, 6.3.1, Notes to chapter 6, 7.1, Notes to
chapter 7, 9A.4, 9A.5, Notes to chapter 10
Lamarck, J. B. Notes to chapter 1, 6.2.4, 10,5, 10.8.3
Lambert, J. H. 0.3, 6.1.3, 6.2.2, 6.2.4, 6.3, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, Notes to chapter 6, Notes to
chapter 9, 9C, 10.3
Lamont, J. 10.8.3
Langevin, P. 10.8.5
Laplace, P. S. Preface, 0.1, 0.3, 1.1.4, Note to chapter 1, 2.1.1, 2.2.3, 4.3, 4.4, Notes
to chapter 4, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1.1, 6.1.5, 6.1.6, 6.2.3, 6.3, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, Notes to chapter 6,
7, 8, 8.3, 8.5, 8.6, 8.8, 8.9.1, Notes to chapter 8, 9A, 9A.1.3, 9A.1.4, 9A.6, 9A.2,
9A.5, Notes to chapter 9, 9C, 10.1, 10.3 – 10.5, 10.7, 10.8, 10.8.2, 10.8.4, 10.8.5,
11.1, 11.2, 13.1, 13.2, Notes to chapter 13, 14.1, 14.2, 14.4, 14.5
La Placette, J. 10.3
Latyshev, V. A. Notes to chapter 13
Laurent, H. 10.4, 12
Le Cam, L. 11.2
Legendre, A. M. Notes to chapter 6, 7.2, 8.8, 9A.1.1 – 9A.1.4, Notes to chapter 9,
Lehmann, E. L. 6.3.2, 9A.2
Lehmann-Filhès, R. 10.8.4
Leibniz, G. W. 2.1.1 – 2.1.4, Notes to chapter 2, 3.1.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.1, Notes to chapter
3, 6.1.3, 6.2.1, 6.2.3, 6.2.4, 7.4, 8.1, 10.8, 10.8.1, Notes to chapter 10, 11.2
Lenin, V. I. 15.2, Notes to chapter 15
Levi ben Gerson (1288 – 1344) 1.1.1, 1.1.4, Note to chapter 1, 2.1.1, Notes to
chapter 3
Lévy, M. 10.8.1
Lévy, P. 0.3, 7.4, 13.3
Lewis, T. 9A5
Lexis, W. 10.2, 10.7, 11.1, 15.1, 15.1.1, 15.1.2, 15.1.3, 15.2
Liapunov, A. M. 0.1, 8.2, 9C, 10.2, 11, 13.1 – 13.3, 14, 14.1, 14. 2, 14.4, 14.5, Notes
to chapter 14
Libri-Carrucci, G. B. I. T. 8.9
Liebermeister, C. 8.9.2
Lindeberg, J. W. 14.4, Notes to chapter 14
Linnik, Yu. V. 9A.1.3, 9B, 10.1, 14.1, 14.2
Lippmann, G. Notes to chapter 11
Lipschitz, R. 9A.3
Lloyd, G. E. R. 1.1.4
Lluilier, S. A. Notes to chapter 3
Lobachevsky, N. I. 13.3
Lockyer, J. N. 10.6
Louis, P. C. A. 10.8
Loveland, J. Notes to chapter 6
Lubbock, W. 5.1, 10.4
Lucretius (I century BC) Note to chapter 1
Lueder, A. F. 10.7
Lully, R. (ca. 1235 – ca. 1315) 6.1.3
Lüroth J. 15.2
Mach, E. 15.2
Maciejewski, C. 3.2.3, 13.3
MacLaurin, C. 7.1
Maennchen, Ph. 9A.5
Mahalanobis, P. C. 15.2, 15.3
Maievsky, N. V. 11.2, 13.3
Maimonides M. (1135 – 1204) 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.5, Note to chapter 1
Maire, C. 6.3, 6.3.2
Maistrov L. E. 1.2.3
Makovelsky, A. O. 1.1.1
Malfatti, F. 7.1
Malthus, T. R. 6.2.2
Maltsev, A. I. 9B
Mandryka A. P. 13.3
Mann, W. Notes to chapter 10
Mansion, P. 10.5
Mariotte, E. 1.2.2, 10.3
Markov, A. A., Sr Preface, 0.1, Notes to chapter 1, 3.2.3, Notes to chapter 3, 4.4,
6.1.1, 6.3.3, 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 8.6, 8.7, 9A.6, 9C, 10.2 – 10.4, 10.7, 10.8.4, 11, 11.2,
Notes to chapter 11, 13.1 – 13.3, 14, 14.1, 14.5, Notes to chapter 14, 15.1.2, 15.1.3,
15.2, 15.3, Notes to chapter 15
Markov, A. A., Jr 14.3
Marsden, B. G. 9A.1.4
Matthiesen, L. Notes to chapter 1
Maupertuis, P. L. M. 1.1.5, 6.1.1, Notes to chapter 6, 7.3
Maxwell, J. C. 7.4, 9A.1.3, 9A.6, 10.8.5, 11.2, 12
May, K. O. 9A.1.4
Mayer, T. 6.3.2
Mayr, G. von 10.7
Meadowcroft, L. V. 7.2
Meldrum, C. 10.6
Mendel, J. G. 10.8.2, Notes to chapter 10, 15.2
Mendeleev, D. I. 1.2.2, 9A.3, 10.8.3, 10.8.4, 10.9.3
Mendelsohn, M. 6.2.3
Merian, P. 9A.1.1
Merrington, M. 15.2
Meyer, H. 10.8.3
Michell, J. 6.1.6, 10.8.4, 11.1
Mill, J. S. 3.1.2, 8.9.1, 11.2
Mises, R. von Notes to chapter 5, 5.2, 6.3.3, 7.4, 10.2, 10.9.2, 14.1, 14.4
Molina, E. C. 7.1, 7.4
Mondesir, E. 8.4
Montmort, P. R. 2.1.1, 3.2.3, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 4.3, 6.1.2, 6.3.1, 8.3
Montucla, J. E. 10.4
Moore, P. G. 10.2
Moran, P. A. P. 12
Morant, G. M. 15.2
Moreau de Jonnès, Notes to chapter 10
Mouat, F. J. 10.5
Muncke, G. W. 6.2.4, 10.8.3
Nansen, F. 15.1.3
Needham, J. 1.1.4
Nekrasov, P. A. 8.6, 10.2, Notes to chapter 13, 14, 14.1 – 14.5, Notes to chapter 14,
14.5, 15.1.2
Neugebauer, O. 1.1.4
Neumann, C. Notes to chapter 2
Newcomb, S. 1.1.4, 6.1.6, 9A.5, 9A3, 9A.6, 9C, 10.8.4, 10.9.3, 15.1.1, 15.2
Newton, I. Preface, 1.1.2, 1.1.5, 2.1.4, 2.2.3, 3.2.3, 4.3, 6.1.6, 6.3.1, Notes to chapter
6, 7.1, 7.3, 7.4, 11.2
Newton, R. R. 1.1.4
Neyman, J. 5.1, 14.2, 14.3, Notes to chapter 15
Nicole, P. 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.4, Notes to chapter 2, 3.1.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.1, Notes to chapter
Nicomachus of Gerasa (ca. 100 BC) 1.1.1
Nieuwentit, B. (1654 – 1718) 2.2.3, Notes to chapter 2
Nightingale, F. 2.2.3, 10.8.1
Novikov, S. P. 13.3
Novoselsky, S. A. 10.4
Occam W. 1287 – 1347, 1.1.5
O’Donnell 2.1.3
Ogorodnikov, K. F. 10.8.4
Olbers, H. W. Preface, 9A.1.3, 9A.1.4, 9A.2, 9A4, 9A.5, 9C Notes to chapter 9,
Ondar, Kh. O. 8.9.2, 10.4, 14.1, 14.2, Notes to chapter 14, 15.1.2, 15.1.3, 15.2
Ore, O. Notes to chapter 2, 3.2.3
Oresme, N. (ca. 1323 – 1382) 3.2.4, Notes to chapter 3
Ostrogradsky, M. V. 7.1, 10.4, Notes to chapter 10
Öttinger, L. 10.4
Paevsky, V. V. 6.2.2
Pannekouk, A. 1.2.4
Pareto, W. 15.1.2
Pascal, B. 0.1, 2.1.1, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, Notes to chapter2, 3.3.1, 4.1
Paty, M. Notes to chapter 6
Pearson, E. S. 0.5, 2.2.3, Notes to chapter 6, 15.2, 15.3, Notes to chapter 15
Pearson, K. 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, Note to chapter 1, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, Notes to
chapter 2, 3.2.3, 4.2, 4.3, Notes to chapter 5, 6.1.4, 6.2.1 – 6.2.3, 6.3.1, Notes to
chapter 6, 7.1, 7.2, 9A.4, 9A.6, Notes to chapter 9, 10.5, 10.6, 10.8.1, 10.8.3, 10.8.4,
10.9.2, Notes to chapter 10, 14.1, 14.2, 15.1.1, 15.2, 15.3, Notes to chapter 15
Peter the Great Note to chapter 1
Peters, C. A. F. 6.3.2, 9B, 10.9.2
Petruszewycz, M. 14.2
Pettenkofer, M. 10.8.1
Petty, W. 1.1.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.4, 7.3, 10.8, Notes to chapter 10
Pfanzagl, J. Preface, 6.2.2, 15.2
Picard, J. 6.3.1
Pickering, E. 10.8.4
Pirogov, N. I. 10.8.1
Pitman, E. J. G. 7.2
Plackett, R. L. Notes to chapter 1, 14.2
Plato (429 – 348 BC) 1.1.1, 3.2.4, Notes to chapter 3
Plato, J. von 11.2
Ploshko V. G., 6.2.1
Poe, E. 0.5
Poincaré, H. Notes to chapter 0, 1.2.4, 6.1.3, 6.3.1, 7.4, 8.9.1, 9A.6, 9B, 10.3, 10.8.2,
10.8.4, 10.8.5, 11, 11.1, 11.2, 12, 13.2, 13.3, 14.2
Poinsot, L. 8.9, Notes to chapter 8
Poisson, S.-D. Note to Preface, 0.1, Note to chapter 1, 2.1.1, 3.2.3, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1.5,
7.1 – 7.4, 8, Notes to chapter 8, 10.1, 10.2, 10.5, 10.8.2, 10.8.4, 10.8.5, 10.9.2,
Notes to chapter 10, 11.1, 11.2, 12, 13.1 – 13.3, 14.2, 15.1, 15.1.2
Polo, Marco 1.2.3
Polya, G. 4.4, 5.1, 15.2
Postnikov, A. G. 13.2
Prevost, P. Notes to chapter 3
Price, R. 2.2.3, 5.1 – 5.3, 7.1
Proctor, R. A. 6.1.6, 10.8, 10.8.4
Prokhorov, Yu. V. 0.1, 0.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, Notes to chapter 5, 10.8.5, Notes to chapter
12, 13.1, 13.2
Prudnikov, V. E. 10.4, 13.2, 13.3, Notes to chapter 13
Ptolemy, C. (IIc.) Preface, 1.1.4, 1.2.4, Note to chapter 1, 3.2.3
Ptukha, M. V. Notes to chapter 10
Quetelet, A. 2.2.3, 6.1.4, 6.2.2, 7.3, 7.4, Notes to chapter 7, 8.9, Notes to chapter
8, 9A.6, 10.2, 10.5, 10.7, 10.8.1 – 10.8.3, 10.9.2, Notes to chapter 10, 15.1, 15.1.1,
15.1.2, 15.2
Quine, M. P. 15.1.2
Rabbi Elieser ben Chisma, 1.1.2
Rabbi Meir, 1.1.2
Rabbi Schlomo ben Adret, 1235 – 1310, 1.1.2
Rabinovitch, N. L. 1.1.2, 1.1.4, Note to chapter 1, 2.1.1
Radelet de Grave P. 6.2.4
Radlov, E. L. 14.5
Raikher, V. K. 1.1.5
Raimi, R. A. 10.8.4
Ranade R. D. Note to chapter 1
Rao, C. R. 7.1
Réaumur, R. A. 10.8.2
Rehnisch, E. 10.5
Rényi, A. 2.1.1
Riemann, B. 13.3
Rigaud, S. P. 1.2.2
Robinson, G. 6.3.2, 9A.2, 13.2
Romanovsky, V. I. 3.2.3, 14.2, 15.1.2, 15.1.3, 15.2
Rosental, I. S. 1.2.4
Rubanovsky L. M. 10.8.5
Rümelin, G. 10.5
Russell, B. Note to chapter 1
Sakatov, P. S. 9A5, 9B, Notes to chapter 9, 10.9.1
Sambursky, S. 1.1.1, Note to chapter 1,
Särndal, C.-E. 15.1.3
Sartorius von Waltershausen, W. de 9A.4
Saunderson, N. 5.3
Scheffé, H. 14.2
Scheiner, Chr. 1.2.3
Schell, E. D. 2.2.3
Schiller, F. 1.1.1
Schindler, A. Notes to chapter 10
Schlözer, A. L. 6.2.1, 6.2.3, Notes to chapters 10 and 15
Schmeidler, F. 9C
Schmidt, O. Ju. 12
Schneider, I. 4.4, 10.8.5
Schreiber, O. 6.3.3
Schumacher, H. Preface, 9A4, 9C, 15.1.2
Schumann R. 9B
Schumpeter J. A. 15.2
Schwabe, H. 1.2.3
Seal, H. L. 9A.4
Seidel, L. 10.6, 10.8.1
Seneta, E. 4.1, 8.7, 8.9.2, 10.1, 10.2, Notes to chapter 10, 11.1, 11.2, 12, 13.1, 14.2,
14.3, 15.1.2, 15.1.3, 15.3
Sevastianov, B. A. 0.1, 13.2
Shafer, G. Notes to chapter 3
Shakespeare W. 0.5
Shaw, N. 0.5, 6.2.4, 10.8.3
Shiyanov, A. N. 10.4
Shoesmith, E. 2.2.2, 2.2.4, 3.3.4, 6.3.1
Short, J. 6.3.1
Simon, J. 6.2.3
Simplicius (died 549) 1.1.1
Simpson, J. Y. 10.8.1
Simpson, T. 0.3, 4.2, Notes to chapter 4, 6.1.6, 6.3.1, Notes to chapter 6, 7.1, 8.2,
Sleshinsky, I. V. 13.1
Slutsky, E. E. 14.1, 15.1.2, 15.3, Notes to chapter 15
Smit, M. Notes to chapter 15
Smith, A. 6.2.1
Snow, J. 10.8.1
Socrates (470 or 469 – 399 or 390 BC) Notes to chapter 3
Sofonea, T. 2.1.3
Sokolov, V. S. 1.2.4
Soloviev, A. D. 14,2, 14.5
Soloviev, V. S. 14.5
Spieß, O. Notes to chapter 3
Spieß, W. 9A.1.1
Spinoza, B. Note to chapter 1
Sprott D. A. 9A4
Stäckel, P. 9
Steiner, H.-G 8.9.2
Steklov, V. A. 7.1, 10.4
Stewart G. W. 9A4
Stieltjes, T. J. 13.1
Stigler, S. M. Preface, Note to Preface, 5.3, 6.3.2, Notes to chapter 6, 7.2, Notes to
chapter 9, 10.6, Notes to chapter 10
Stirling, J. 3.2.3, 4.4, 13.2, 14.1
Stokes, G. G. 10.8.2
Strabo (64 or 63 BC – 23 or 24 AD) Note to chapter 1
Strasser G. 9C
Strecker, H. Notes to chapter 15
Strecker, R. Notes to chapter 15
Struve, L O. 9A3
Struve F. G. W. 9C, 10.8.4
Struve O. 10.8.4
Struve, P. B. 9C, 10.4
Student (Gosset, W.S.) 7.1, 9A4, 9B, 14.3, 15.2
Subbotin, M. F. 9A.5
Süssmilch, J. P. 1.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.2.3, 6.2.1 – 6.2.3, 10.5
Swift, J. 6.1.3
Sylla, E. D. Notes to chapter 2
Sylvester, J. J. 12
Symms S. L. T. 10.8.4
Tait, P. G. 9A.1.3, 11.2
Takácz (Takács), L. 2.2.1, 3.3.4, 11.1
Taqqi, M. S. 14.2
Taylor, R. Notes to chapter 10
Tee, J. O. 15.2
Thatcher, A. R. 3.3.4
Thomas Aquinas (1225 or 1226 – 1274) 1.1.5, Notes to chapters 1 and 2
Thomson, W. 9A.1.3
Thorndike, L. Note to chapter 1
Tikhomandritsky, M. A. 13.3
Tikhomirov, E. I. 6.2.4
Timerding, H. E. 5.2, 6.3.3
Toaldo, J. 6.2.4
Todhunter, I. 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 3.3.2, 4.4, Notes to chapter 4, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.5, Notes to
chapter 6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, Notes to chapter 7, 8.3, 15.2
Tolstoy, L. N. 0.5, 14.3
Tonti, L. 2.1.3
Toomer, G. J. 1.1.4
Truesdell, C. Preface, 0.5, 7.2, 10.8.5
Tsinger, V. Ya. 7.2, 9A4
Turgot, A. R. J. 6.1.5
Tutubalin, V. N. 1.1.2, 9A.1
Ulpianus D. (ca. 170 – 228), 1.1.5, 2.1.3
Urlanis, B. Ts. 2.1.4
Usov, N. A. 14.5
Uspensky, J. V. 3
Vasiliev, A. V. 10.4, 10.5, Notes to chapter 13
Vauban, Sebastein le pretre de, Notes to chapter 10
Virchow R. von 10.8.1
Voltaire (Arouet, M. E.) 2.2.3
Waerden, B. L. van der, 1.1.5, 2.1.3, 2.2.2, Notes to chapter 2, 10.8.2
Wallace, A. R. 10.5
Wallis, J. Notes to chapter 3, 6.1.1
Waterston J. J. 10.8.5
Weber, E. H. 6.1.1, 7.1, 10.9.2
Weber, W. E. 9A
Weil, A. Notes to chapter 2
Weiling, F. 10.8.1
Weldon, W. F. R. 14.2, 15.2
Wesley, W. G. 1.2.2
Weyl, H. 10.8.4, 11.2
White, A. D. 6.2.3
Whiteside, D. T. Preface, 6.3.1
Whittaker, E. T. 6.3.2, 9A.2, 13.2
Whittaker, L. 15.1.2
Whitworth, W. A. Notes to chapter 13
Willcox W. F. 2.1.4
Wilks, S. S. 7.1
William III 2.1.3
Wilson, C. 1.1.4, 6.3.2, Notes to chapter 6
Winkler, W. 15.1.2
Winslow, C.-E. A. 10.8.1
Wittstein, Th. 10.7
Wolf, Abr. 6.2.4
Woolhouse, W. S. B. 10.7
Woytinsky W. S. 15.1.2
Wren Ch. Preface
Yamazaki, E. 6.1.2, 6.1.5
Yarochenko, S. P. 14.5
Yastremsky, B. S. 15.1.2
You Poh Seng 10.8.4
Youshkevitch, A. A. 14.1, 14.3
Youshkevitch, A. P. Preface, Notes to chapter 3, 6.1.2
Yule, G. U. 9A.5, 9A.6, 10.5, 10.7, 10.9.3, 14.3, 15.2
Zabell, S. L. 2.1.2, 3.2.1, 5.3, 6.1.5, 7.1, 11.1, 11.2, 15.2
Zach, F. X. von 9A.1.4
Zermelo, E. 10.8.5
Zhukovsky, N. E. 14.3
Zoch, R. T. 9A.2
Zyrlin, L. Notes to chapter 15