Master of Engineering Programme: Revised Study and Evaluation Scheme

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(Examination 2013-14)
Scheme of Evaluation (Semester-wise)
M.E. (Computer Science &Engineering)
(Examination 2013-14)

1. Duration of the Programmes

i) For Regular M.Tech./M.E. Programmes
The normal duration of M.Tech./ME programmes including Thesis will be 2 academic years
(4 semesters). The maximum period of completion of the programme including Thesis shall
be 3 academic years (6 semesters).
ii) For Modular M.Tech. /M.E. Programmes

The normal duration of Modular M.Tech./M.E. Programmes including Thesis will be 3

academic years, (6 spells, each spell of 5 weeks duration including Saturdays/
&Sundays). The maximum period of completion of the programme including Thesis shall
be 5 academic years (10 spells).

Scheme for ME CSE

First Semester

Sr.No Course Course Title Hours / Credits University Internal Toatl

No. Week External Sessional
Marks Marks
1. CSE 8111 Advance Algorithms 4 4 50 50 100

2. CSE 8112 Network 4 4 50 50 100

3. CSE 8123 Digital Image 4 4 50 50 100
4. CSE 8114 Advanced Computer 4 4 50 50 100
5. CSE 8115 Database 4 4 50 50 100
6. CSE 8150 Software Lab-I 5 3 - 100 100
Total 25 23 250 350 600

Second Semester

Sr.No Course Course Title Hours / Credits University Internal Total

No. Week External Sessional
Marks Marks
1 CSE 8221 Business Intelligence 4 4 50 50 100
& Mining
2 CSE 8212 Research 4 4 50 50 100
3 CSE 8213 Software Testing and 4 4 50 50 100
Quality Management
4 CSE 8250 Software Lab-II 6 3 - 100 100
5 Branch Elective – I 3 3 50 50 100
CSE 8215 Parallel and Distributed
CSE 8216 Network Security
CSE 8217 Modeling & Simulation
6 Branch Elective –II 3 3 50 50 100
CSE 8218 Open Source Software
CSE 8219 Multimedia System
CSE 8220 Soft Computing
7. CSE 8251 2 2 - 100 100
Research Seminar
Total: 26 23 250 450 700

Third Semester

Sr.N Course Course Hours / Credits University Internal Total

o. No. Title Week External Sessional
Marks Marks
1 Elective III 3 3 50 50 100
CSE 8311 Natural
Language Processing
CSE 8312 Cloud
CSE 8313
CSE 8314 Information
CSE 8315 Wireless
2 Elective –IV 3 3 50 50 100
CSE 8316 Project
CSE 8317 Business
Process Re-Engineering
CSE 8318 Technology
CSE 8319 Human
Development and
Training Methods
3 CSE 8350 18 10 - - -
Thesis work
Total 24 16 100 100 200

Fourth Semester
Sr.N Course Course Hours / Credits University Internal
o. No. Title Week External Sessional
Marks Marks
1 CSE 8450 25 15 - -
Total 25 15 - -

No internal or external numerical marks are to be awarded for Thesis work preliminary (CSE 8350)
and Thesis/Dissertation (CSE 8450). On successful completion of these subjects, candidates will be
awarded ‘S’ grade (i.e. satisfactory) otherwise ‘X’ grade (i.e. unsatisfactory)


Spell - 1

Sessional Total
Code No. Subject Total Theory Credits
Core Subject - 1 4 50 50 100 4
Core Subject - 2 4 50 50 100 4
Total 8 100 100 200 8
Spell - 2

Sessional Total
Code No. Subject Total Theory Credits
Core Subject -3 4 50 50 100 4
Core Subject - 4 4 50 50 100 4
Software Lab-1 5 -- 100 100 3
Total 13 100 200 300 11

Spell - 3
Sessional Total
Code No. Subject Total Theory Credits
Core Subject -5 4 50 50 100 4
Core Subject - 6 4 50 50 100 4
Research Seminar - -- 100 100 2
Total 8 100 200 300 10

Spell - 4
Sessional Total
Code No. Subject Total Theory Credits
Core Subject -7 4 50 50 100 4
Core Subject - 8 4 50 50 100 4
Software Lab-II 6 -- 100 100 3
Total 14 100 200 300 11

Spell – 5

Sessional Total
Code No. Subject Total Theory Credits
Branch Elective 100
3 50 50 3
Subject -1
Branch Elective 100
3 50 50 3
Subject - 2
Thesis work –
-- -- -- 10
Preliminary CSE 8350
Total 06 100 100 200 16

Spell - 6

Sessional Total
Code No. Subject Total Theory Credits
Elective Subject -3 3 50 50 3
Elective Subject –4 3 50 50 100 3
CSE 8450
-- -- -- 15
Total 06 100 100 200 21

Paper Code:CSE 8111 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Credits: 4
Credits : 4 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Note: - Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, at least two from each section.

Objectives: This course will provide the in-depth knowledge of different algorithm design methodologies and the
various research concepts involved

Models of Computation and Algorithms (7)
Stored program model, Random Access Machines and Turing machines, Algorithms and their complexity,
Performance analysis: - Time and space complexity, asymptotic notation. Analyzing recursive algorithms
using recurrence relations: Substitution method, Recursion-tree method, Master method.
Divide and Conquer, and Greedy Algorithm Design Methodologies (8)
Introduction, Quick sort, Strassen’s matrix multiplication, Minimum spanning tree, Single source shortest
path problem and their performance analysis.
Branch-and-Bound, and Lower Bound Theory (7)
Introduction, 0-1 knapsack problem, Traveling salesman problem, comparison trees for sorting, searching
and merging.


Dynamic Programming and Backtracking Algorithm Design Methodologies (7)

Introduction, Traveling salesperson problem, Knapsack problem, multistage graphs, Floyd-Warshall
algorithm, N-Queens problem, and their performance analysis.

Parallel Random Access Machine Algorithms

Introduction, computation model, fundamental techniques and algorithms, selection, sorting, merging, (6)
graph problems.

Advanced String Matching Algorithms

Naïve string matching algorithm, Robin-Karp algorithm, string matching with finite automata, Knuth- (5)
Morris-Pratt algorithm.

P, NP and Approximation Algorithms

Basic Concepts, Non Deterministic algorithms, NP-Complete and NP-hard classes, introduction to (5)
approximation, absolute approximations, polynomial time approximation schemes.

Text Book:

1. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein : Introduction to algorithms, Prentice-Hall of INDIA.

2. Horowitz, Sahni and Rajsekaran Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia
: Publications

1. Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman The Design and analysis of algorithms”, Pearson
: Education.

Paper Code: CSE 8112 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Credits: 4
Credits : 4 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
LTP : 4 0 0

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least two from each section.

Objectives: This course is designed to discuss recent developments in various fields of networking,
including but not limited to, routing, flow control, performance evaluation, transport protocols, application
protocols, real-time protocols, and network architectures.

Overview of Computer Networks, seven-layer architecture, ISO-OSI and TCP/IP reference
models, MAC protocols for LANs, Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless LAN, ISDN, B-ISDN, ADSL (05)
Basic protocol, extensions and options, support for QoS, security, neighbor discovery, auto-
configuration. (05)
Flow and Congestion Control:
Model, Classification, Open-loop, Closed-loop and Hybrid flow control. (05)
Quality of Service:
Techniques to improve QoS, Integrated services model and Differentiated Services Model. (04)
Traffic Management:
Economic Framework, Traffic Models, Traffic Classes, Scheduling, Renegotiation, Signaling,
Admission Control, Peak Load Pricing and Capacity Planning (03)

Mobile Communication:
Mobile Communication, Mobile Computing, Mobile Computing Architecture, Mobile devices,
mobility management (05)
GSM-services and system architecture, radio interfaces, Protocols, localization, calling,
handover, security, GPRS. (04)
Mobility in networks:
Mobile IP and related issues like Route Optimization, Handoff, and Security (04)
Transport Layer:
Conventional TCP, TCP extensions for wireless networks (04)
Ad Hoc Wireless Networks:
Introduction to Adhoc networks, Issues in Adhoc networks and Pro-active and Reactive routing
protocols. (06)

Text Books:
1. W. R. Stevens : TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The protocols,
Addison Wesley
2. S. Keshav : An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking,
Pearson Education
3. C. Siva Ram Murthy and B.S Manoj : Adhoc Wireless networks, Pearson Education
4. Michael A. Gallo and William M. : Computer Communications and Networking
Hancock Technologies, ThomsonBrooks / Cole
5. Raj Kamal : Mobile Computing, Oxford
6. M. Gonsalves and K. Niles : IPv6 Networks, McGraw Hill

1. C. E. Perkins, B. Woolf, and S. R. Alpert : Mobile IP: Design Principles and Practices,
Addison Wesley
2. Requests for Comments (RFCs) & Internet Drafts, published by Internet Engineering Task Force
3. Proceedings of: ACM SIGCOMM Conference; IEEE Infocom ;
4. Journals:
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
IEEE Transactions on Communication
ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking


Paper Code:CSE 8123 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Credits: 4
Credits : 4 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, at least two from each section.

Objectives: Tointroduce the different low level and high level computer vision techniques. Students are also made
aware about the different image processing techniques

Introduction to Image Processing:
Digital Image representation, Sampling & Quantization, Steps in image Processing, Image acquisition, color (6)
image representation,
Image Transformation, Filtering & Restoration:
Intensity transform functions, histogram processing, Spatial filtering, fourier transforms and its properties, (12)
frequency domain filters, Homomorphic Filtering, color models, Pseudo coloring, color transforms, Basics
of Wavelet Transforms, Image Noise and Restorations, Inverse Filtering
Image Compression:
Coding redundancy, Interpixel redundancy, Psychovisual redundancy, Huffman Coding, Arithmetic coding, (6)
Lossy compression techniques, JPEG Compression

Image Morphological Processing:
Introduction to basic operation on binary and grayscale images: Dilation, Erosion, Opening & Closing,
Morphological Algorithms: Boundary & Region Extraction, Convex Hull, Thinning, Thickening, Skeletons,
Image Segmentation, Representation & Descriptions::
Point, Line and Edge Detection, Thresholding, Edge and Boundary linking, Hough transforms, Region (6)
Based Segmentation, Contour following, Boundary representations, Region Representations, shape
properties, Boundary Descriptors, Regional Descriptors, Texture representations, Object Descriptions
Object Recognition:
Patterns and Patterns classes, Recognition based on Decision Theoretic methods , Structural Methods (6)


Text Book:

1. Gonzalez and Woods : Digital Image Processing ISDN 0-201-600- 781, Addison
Wesley 1992.
2. Forsyth and Ponce : Computer Vision A Modern ApproachPearson Education
Latest Edition
Pak Pakhera Malay K Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recogination, PHI


1. Trucco&Verri : Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision, Prentice

Hall, Latest Edition
2 Jayaraman&Veerakumara : Digital Image Processing, McGraw Hill.
3. Low : Introductory Computer Vision and Image Processing,
McGraw-Hill 1991, ISBN 0-07-707403-3
4. Jain, Kasturi and Schunk : Machine Vision, McGraw-HiII. 1995 ISBN 0070320187.

5. Sonka, Hlavac, Boyle : Image -Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision 2nd ed.
ISBN 0-534-95393-X, PWS Publishing,1999


Paper Code: CSE-8114 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Credits: 4
Credits : 4 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions by selecting at least two from each section.
Objectives: This course offers a good understanding of various functional units of a computer system and prepares the
students to be in a position to design a basic computer system.

Introduction to Parallel Computer Models:
The State of Computing, Multiprocessors and Multicomputers, A Taxonomy of MIMD Computers, Multi- (04hrs)
vector and SIMD Computers, Vector Supercomputers, SIMD Supercomputers,Parallel Random Access
Machines, VLSI Complexity Model, Architectural Development Tracks: Multiple – Processor Tracks,
Multi-vector and SIMD Tracks, Multithreaded and Dataflow Tracks.
Program and Networks Properties:
Conditions of Parallelism, Data and Resource Dependences, Hardware and Software Parallelism, The (06hrs)
Role of Compilers, Program Partitioning and Scheduling: Grain Sizes and Latency, Grain Packing and
Scheduling, Static Multiprocessor Scheduling, Program Flow Mechanisms: Control Flow Vs Data Flow,
Demand-Driven Mechanism, Comparison of Flow Mechanisms, System Interconnect Architectures:
Network Properties and Routing, Static Connection Networks, Dynamic Connection Networks.
Principles of Scalable Performance:
Performance Metrics and Measures: Parallelism Profile in Programs, Harmonic Mean Performance, (06hrs)
Efficiency, Utilization and Quality, Standard Performance Measures, Speedup Performance Laws:
Amdahl’s Law for a Fixed Workload, Gustafron’s Law for Sealed Problems, Scalability Analysis and
Approaches:Scalability Metrics and Goals, Evolution of Scalable Computers.
Processors and Memory Hierarchy:
Advance Processor Technology: Instruction Set Architecture, CISC and RISC Scalar Processors, (06hrs)
Superscalar and Vector Processors: Superscalar Processors, The VLIW Architecture, Vector and
Symbolic Processors, Memory Hierarchy Technology: Hierarchical Memory Technology, Inclusion,
Coherence and Locality, Memory Capacity Planning.

Multiprocessors and Multicomputers:
Multiprocessor System Interconnects: Hierarchical Bus system, Crossbar Switch and Multiport Memory, (06hrs)
Multistage and Combining Networks, Cache Coherence and Synchronization Mechanisms:The Cache
Coherence Problem, Snoopy Bus Protocol, Hardware Synchronization Mechanisms.
Multivector and SIMD Computers:
Vector Processing Principles:Vector Instruction Types, Vector Access Memory Schemes, Multivector (05hrs)
Multiprocessors:Performance- Directed Design rules, Cray Y – MP, C-90 and MPP, SIMD Computer
Organization: Implementation Models, The CM-2 architecture.
Software for Parallel programming:
Shared-variable Model, Message-passing Model, Data-parallel Model, Object-Oriented Model, Functional (06hrs)
and Logic Models, Parallel Languages and Compilers: Language Features for Parallelism, Parallel
Language Constructs, Optimizing Compilers for Parallelism.
Parallel Programming Environment:
Software Tools and Environment, Y-MP, Paragon and CM-5 Environment, Visualization and
Performance Tuning, Synchronization and Multiprocessing Modes:Principles of Synchronization, (06hrs)
Multiprocessor Execution Modes, Shared-Variable Program Structures, Locks for Protected Access,
Semaphores and Applications, Monitors and Applications, Message-passing Program Development,
Distributing the Computation, Synchronous Message Passing, Asynchronous Message Passing, Mapping
Programs on to Multicomputers:Domain Decomposition Techniques, Control Decomposition Techniques,
Heterogeneous Processing.

Text Book:
1. Kai Hwang : Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability,
Programmability, Tata McGraw-Hill

1. Michael J. Quinn : Parallel Computing – Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition,
McGraw Hill,
2. S.G. Akl : Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms, Prentice Hall,
3. S. Lakshmivarahan and S.K. Dhall : Analysis and Design of Parallel Algorithms - Arithmetic and
Matrix Problems, McGraw Hill International Edition,
4. S.K. Ghosal : A Practical Approach to Parallel Computing, Universities
Press (India) Limited
Paper Code: CSE 8115 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Credits: 4
Credits : 4 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45

Note:Examiner will set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidates will be required to
attempt five questions, selecting at least two from each section.

Objectives: This course offers a good understanding of emerging database technologies and prepares students to be in
a position to design databases in variety of technologies like xml, object oriented etc.

Database System Concepts and Architecture, Data Independence, Data Models, SQL: DDL, DML, DCL,
Database Integrity, Normalization: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, 5NF. (06)

Advanced Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control:

Transaction Concepts, Concurrency Control: Locking Methods, Timestamping Methods, Optimistic
Methods for Concurrency Control, Concurrency Control in Distributed Systems. (06)

Object Oriented and Object Relational Databases:

Object Oriented Concepts with respect to Database Systems, Object Oriented Data Model, OODB,
OODBMS, ODMG, ODL, OQL, ORDBMS, ORDBMS Design, ORDBMS Query Language. (05)

Parallel and Distributed Databases:

Parallel Databases, Distributed Databases, Differences between them, Architecture of Distributed Databases,
Architecture of Parallel Databases, Key elements of Parallel Database Processing, Fragmentation,
Replication and Allocation for distributed databases, Intra-query parallelism, Inter-query parallelism, Intra-
operation parallelism, Inter-operation parallelism. (06)


Backup and Recovery Techniques:

Backup and Recovery Concepts, Types of Database Failures, Types of Database Recovery, Recovery
Techniques: Deferred Update, Immediate Update, Shadow Paging, Checkpoints, Buffer Management, (05)
Recovery Control in Distributed Systems.

XML and Internet Databases:

Structured, Semi Structured, and Unstructured Data, XML Hierarchical Data Model, XML Documents,
DTD, XML Schema, XML Querying: XPath, XQuery. 04)

Emerging Database Technologies:

Introduction to Deductive Database Systems, Temporal Databases, Multimedia Databases, Mobile
Databases, Main Memory Databases, Spatial and Multidimensional Databases. (08)

Data Warehousing and Mining:

Introduction to OLAP, OLTP and differences between them, Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse (05)
Architecture, Data Marts, Data Mining, Data Mining Process, Knowledge Discovery.

Text Book:
Fundamentals of Database Systems, Fifth Edition,
1. RamezElmasri, ShamkantNavathe : Pearson Education, 2007.
1. C.J. Date : An Introduction to Database Systems, Eighth Edition,
Pearson Education.
2. Alexis Leon, Mathews Leon : Database Management Systems, Leon Press.

3. S. K. Singh : Database Systems Concepts, Design and Applications,

Pearson Education.
4. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke : Database Management Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill.
5. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. : Database System Concepts, Tata McGraw-Hill.

Paper Code: CSE 8150 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 100
Credits: 03 LTP:005

Note:Students are required to perform at least 10 experiments/ case studies / programming assignments belonging to
the semester theory subjects selecting at least two from each subject.

Paper Title: Business Intelligence & Mining
Paper Code: CSE 8221 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 4 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 L T P: 4 0 0

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, at least two from each section.

Objectives: To impart knowledge of data warehousing and data mining for Business Processes.

Introduction to Business Intelligence: 6
Introduction to OLTP and OLAP, BI Definitions & Concepts, Business Applications of BI, BI Framework,
Role of Data Warehousing in BI, BI Infrastructure Components – BI Process, BI Technology, BI Roles &

Basics of Data Integration (Extraction Transformation Loading) 8

Concepts of data integration need and advantages of using data integration, introduction to common data
integration approaches, introduction to ETL, Introduction to data quality, data profiling concepts and

Introduction to Multi-Dimensional Data Modeling, 8

Introduction to data and dimension modeling, multidimensional data model, ER Modeling vs. multi
dimensional modeling, concepts of dimensions, facts, cubes, attribute, hierarchies, star and snowflake
schema, introduction to business metrics and KPIs, creating cubes using SSAS
Basics of Enterprise Reporting 5
Introduction to enterprise reporting, concepts of dashboards, balanced scorecards, and overall architecture.
Data Mining Functionalities: 10
Association rules mining, Mining Association rules from single level, multilevel transaction databases,
Classification and prediction, Decision tree induction, Bayesian classification, k-nearest neighbor
classification, Cluster analysis, Types of data in clustering, categorization of clustering methods
Introduction of Mining Complex Data: 8
Complex data objects, Mining spatial databases, Multimedia databases, Time Series and sequence databases,
Text databases and World Wide Web
Text Book:
1. Mike Biere : Business intelligence for the enterprise by Addison
: Weseley, Ausgust 2010

2. J.Han and M. Kamber : Data Mining: Concepts and TechniquesBy Morgan

Kaufman publishers, Harcourt Indiapvt. Ltd. Latest

1. David Loshin : Business Intelligence: The Savvy Manager's Guide.,
Latest Edition By Knowledge Enterprise.
2. Larissa Terpeluk Moss, ShakuAtre : Business Intelligence roadmap by Addison Weseley
3. CindiHowson : Successful Business Intelligence: Secrets to making Killer
BI Applications by Tata McGraw Hill

Paper Code:CSE8212 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50
Credits:4 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
L T P: 4 0 0

Note: Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, selecting at least two from each section.
Introduction to Educational Research
Concept, types-basic, applied and action, Need for educational research (04)

Reviewing Literature
Need, Sources-Primary and Secondary, Purposes of Review, Scope of Review, Steps in conducting review

Identifying and defining research problem

Locating. Analyzing stating and evaluating problem, Generating different types of hypotheses and evaluating (04)
Method of Research (06)
Descriptive research design-survey, case study, content analysis, Ex-post Facto Research, Correlational and
Experimental Research

Sampling Techniques (06)

Concept of population and sample’ sampling techniques-simple random sampling, stratified random sampling,
systematic sampling and cluster sampling, snow ball sampling, purposive sampling, quota sampling
techniques determining size of sample

Design and development of measuring instruments, Tests, questionnaires, checklists, observation
schedules, evaluating research instruments, selecting a standardized test. (08)

Procedure of data collection

Aspects of data collection, coding data for analysis (04)
Statistical Methods of Analysis
Descriptive statistics: Meaning, graphical representations, mean, range and standard deviation, characteristics
and uses of normal curve. (04)
Inferential statistics: t-test. Chi-square tests. Correlation (rank difference and product moment), ANOVA (one
Procedure for writing a research proposal (02)
Purpose, types and components of research proposal
Procedure for writing a research report (03)
Audiences and types of research reports, Format of Research report and journal
Strategies for evaluating, research, disseminating and utilizing research- An Overview

1. Borg, W and Gall, M. Educational Research: An Introduction, New York, Longman, 2003
2. Cohen, L. Educational Research in class rooms and schools! A Manual of Materials and Methods NY:
Harper and Row Publishers,2000
3. CPSC: Developing Skills in Technican Education Research Modules 1 to 11 Singapore,
ColomboPlanStaffCollege for Technician Education
4. Garrett, HE and Woodworth, RS Statistics in Psychology and
Education, Educational Research, Bombay: Vakils Fetter and Simons Ltd. 2003
5. Gay, LR, Educational Research, Ohio: Charles E. Merril Publishing Company 2000
6. Wiersma William Research Methods in Education- An Introduction London, Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 2000

Paper Code: CSE 8213 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 4 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 L T P: 4 0 0

Note:Examiner will set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidates will be required to attempt
five questions, selecting at least two from each section.

Objectives: This course offers a good understanding of methods and techniques of software testing and quality
management concepts and prepares students to be in a position to develop error free and quality software.

Software Engineering, Software Process Models, Management Process, Scheduling, Estimation, Software
Metrics. (05)
Software Quality:
Quality Concepts,Quality Control,Quality Assurance,Cost of Quality, SQA Activities, Total Quality
Management Principles,Software Reviews,Formal Technical Reviews,Software Reliability,Software Safety,
ISO Approaches to Quality Assurance Systems. (05)
Standards, Practices, Conventions and Metrics:
Quality Assurance Standards, ISO 9000,ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9126 Quality Factors, CMM, Six Sigma,
Software Quality Assurance Metrics,Advantages, QA Techniques, Introduction to SPICE. (06)
Risk and Software Configuration Management:
Software Risks, The RMMM Plan, Software Configuration Management Process: Version Control, Change
Control. (05)

Software Testing:
Testing, Test Strategies for Conventional and Object Oriented Software, Unit and Integration Testing,
Validation Testing, System Testing, Metrics for Source Code, Metrics for Testing, Debugging. (05)
Testing Techniques for Conventional and Object Oriented Software:
Black Box and White Box Testing, Basis Path Testing, Control Structure Testing, Object Oriented Testing
Methods: Applicability of Conventional Test Case Design Methods, Testing Methods Applicable at the Class
Level. (06)
Testing Process:
Test Plan development, Requirement Phase Testing, Design Phase Testing, Program Phase Testing, Execute
Test and Record Results. (06)
Testing Specialized Systems and Applications:
Testing Client/Server Systems, Testing Web based Systems, Testing in Multiplatform Environment, Testing
Off-the-Shelf Software, Testing for Real Time Systems, Testing Security. (07)

Text Books:

1. Ian Sommerville : Software Engineering, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education.

2. William E. Perry : Effective Methods for Software Testing, Second Edition, John
Wiley & Sons.

3. R.S. Pressman : Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, Sixth Edition,

Tata McGraw-Hill.


1. Boris Beizer : Software Testing Techniques, Second Edition, Dreamtech.

2. Nina S Godbole : Software Quality Assurance – Principles and Practice, Narosa.

3. S.L. Pfleeger, J.M. Atlee : Software Engineering: Theory and Practice, Second Edition,
Pearson Education.

4. K.K. Aggarwal, Yogesh Singh : Software Engineering, Second Edition, New Age International.
An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Second
5. PankajJalote : dition, Narosa.

Paper Code: CSE 8250 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 100
Credits: 03 LTP:006

Note:Students are required to perform at least 10 experiments/ case studies / programming assignments belonging to
the semester theory subjects selecting at least two from each subject.

Paper Code : CSE 8215 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 LTP:300

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions atleast two questions from each section.

Objectives: Students will learn about programming paradigms used in parallel computation, about the organization of
parallel systems, and about the application of programs and systems to solve interesting problems.


Fundamental Issues (8 hrs)

Basic issues and model Asynchrony, delay, failure concurrency, Communication topology, load
balancing, scaling

Basic Approaches (12 hrs)

Agreement and consensus problems, transactions, Algorithms for reduction, scans (also non-parallel
issues). Analysis: work/time complexity.


Shared Memory (10 hrs)

Models and primitives, PRAM, VRAM, semaphores, spin-locks, Barriers’ implementations, NESL,
Threads, distributed shared memory

Parallel Architectures (3 hrs)

Survey of Architectures KSR, TMC, MasPar, workstation clusters

Algorithm Development and Analysis (12 hrs)

Parallel algorithms, Connected components (dense and sparse case), Sorting, distributed algorithms,
Clock synchronization

Text Book:

1. Kai, Hwang : Computer Architecture and parallel processing, Tata McGraw

Hill Co.


1. F.T.Leighton : Introduction to Parallel Algorithms and Architectures:

Arrays, Trees, Hypercubes, Morgan Kaufinann Publishers,
San Mateo, California

2. Joseph JaJa : An Introduction to Parallel algorithms, Addison Wesley.

3 Patterson : Computer Architecture-Quantitative Analysis

Paper Code:CSE 8216 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 LTP:300

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, at least two from each section.

Objectives: Upon completion of this course, participants will have gained knowledge of information security concepts
and the following: Understanding of Information Security (InfoSec) principles and approaches
• Understanding of the basic components of InfoSec
• Understanding of basic InfoSec applications
• Ability to remain current with InfoSec literature
• Ability to progress to independent work in the field

Introduction: Network and computer security issues. Security attacks, Security Services, and
Security Mechanisms. Network security models. Basic concept of symmetric and asymmetric (3hrs)

Symmetric Key Cryptography: (10hrs)

Substitution and Transposition techniques. Block cipher principles. Data Encryption Standard
(DES), Triple DES. Block cipher modes of operation. Stream cipher structure and RC4
algorithm. Confidentiality using symmetric key encryption. Symmetric key distribution.
Asymmetric Key Cryptography:
Prime numbers overview. Fermat’s and Euler’s theorems. Principles of public key cryptosystems.
RSA algorithm. Distribution of public keys. Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
Message Authentication:
Authentication requirements and functions. Message Authentication Code. Hash functions. Hash and
MAC algorithms: MD5, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) and HMAC.

Digital Signatures and Authentication: (4hrs)
Digital Signatures. Authentication protocols. Digital Signature Standard. Authentication
Applications: Kerberos.

Email Security: (4hrs)

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) operation. S/MIME specifications and functionality.

IP Security : (5hrs)
Architecture, Authentication Header, Encapsulating, Security, Payload, Security associations, Key
Firewalls :
Design Principles, Characteristics, types of firewalls, firewall configuration, trusted system.'
Intrusion Defense Mechanisms:Intrusion Detection techniques. (4hrs)

Text Book:
1 Stallings, Willam Cryptography and Network Security-Principles and Practices,
: 4th edition. Pearson Education, PHI.
2 Kahate, Atul : Cryptography and Network Security, 2nd Edition, TMH
3 Tanenbaum, A.S. : Computer Networks, 4th Edition, Pearson Education
4 Forouzan, B.A. : Cryptography and Network Security, McGraw-Hill.


Paper Code::CSE 8217 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50

Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45

Note: Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, at least two from each section.

Objectives:This course should provide the students with good understanding of various techniques of Simulation. At
the end of this course students will be having good knowledge of simulation concepts and simulation languages.


What is modeling and simulation. application areas, definition and types of system, model and (2 hrs)
simulation, introduction to discrete-event and continuous simulation.

Simulation Methods:
Discrete-event Simulation, Time advance Mechanisms, Components and organization of Discrete- (10hrs)
event simulation, Flowchart of next-event time advance approach, Continuous Simulation, Random
Number generation methods.

Queuing Models: (8hrs)

Single server queuing system, introduction to arrival and departure time, flowcharts for arrival and
departure routine. Event graphs of queuing model. Determining the events and variables.


Distribution Functions :
Stochastic activities, Discrete probability functions, Cumulative distribution function, Continuous (10hrs)
probability functions. Generation of random numbers following binomial distribution, poisson
distribution, continuous distribution, normal distribution, exponential distribution, uniform

Programming in MATLAB:
Introduction, Branching statements, loops, functions, additional data types, plots, arrays,
inputs/outputs etc. (7hrs)

Programming in GPSS and C/C++:

Basic Introduction to Special Simulation Languages:-GPSS and Implementation of Queuing Models
(6 hrs)
using C/C++.

Introduction to Simulators: Introduction regarding features and usage of any Network simulator. (2 hrs)

Text Books:
1. Averill M. Law and W. David Kelton : “Simulation Modeling and Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill

2. Geoffery Gordon : “System Simulation”, Prentice-Hall of India.

3. D.S. Hira : “System Simulation”, S. Chand Publication.

4. Stephen J. Chapman :
“MATLAB Programming for Engineers”, Thomson
learning inc.

1. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson, Barry L. Nelson : “Discrete-Event System Simulation”, Prentice-Hall of
and David M. Nicol India.
2. RudraPratap : “Getting Started with MATLAB 7”, OxfordUniversity

Paper Code:CSE 8218 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 LTP:300

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, selecting at least two from each section.

Objectives:This course should provide the students with a fairly good knowledge and understanding of Open Source
Software. After completion of this subject students should be able to use copyright free Open Source Software (OSS)
products in research and collaborate in enhancement of these OSS products.

Open Source origins, Differences among Open Source, freeware, proprietary and other software.
Principle & Techniques of Open Source Development, Issues in Open Source Software Development (05)
Legal issues:
Copyright and IPR, Open Source Licenses, Open Standards (04)
Open Source Operating Systems: Linux's History and flavors, Installation of Linux: File system of
linux, Network & packages Configuration, LILO, GRUB, Linux's fdisk. Overview of Linux structure,
general purpose Linux commands; working with editor. Introduction to Open Office, Introduction to
c/c++ programming in linux environment, shell programming (12)

Internet - The technology:
Open standards. W3C Protocols. Role of XML in Open Source Software Development (04)
Open Source Database:
Introduction to MySQL, Database design and development using MySQL (07)
Open Source Web Development Tools:
PHP syntax (variables, control structures, functions), File Handling: Uploading files. Using PHP to
open, read, write and close external files and manipulate data. Security: Avoiding security pitfalls by
careful coding. (10)
Case Studies related to successful implementation of open source software. (03)

Text Book:
1. Elizabeth Naramore, Jason Gerner, Yann Le : Beginning PHP5, Apache, MySQL Web Development,
Scouarnec, Jeremy Stolz, Michael K. Glass Wiley Publishing Inc.
2. Graham Glass, King Ablas : Unix for Programmers and Users, Pearson Education

1. :
2. :

Paper Code: CSE 8219 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 L T P: 3 0 0

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, at least two from each section.

Objectives: This Course introduces the multimedia systems and their applications to students. This course covers the
different compression standards used in multimedia, some current technology and related issues.


Introduction: (4)
Multimedia and its types, Introduction to Hypermedia, Hyper Text, Multimedia Systems and their
Characteristics, Challenges, Desirable Features, Components and Applications, Trends in Multimedia

Multimedia Technology: (6)

Multimedia Systems Technology , Multimedia Hardware devices, Multimedia software development
tools, Multimedia Authoring Tools, Multimedia Standards for Document Architecture, SGML, ODA,
Multimedia Standards for Document interchange, MHEG, Multimedia Software for different media.

Storage Media : (4)

Magnetic and Optical Media, RAID and its levels, Compact Disc and its standards, DVD and its
standards, Multimedia Servers

Image,Graphics and Video: (6)

Graphic/Image File Formats, Graphic/Image Data, Colour in Image and Video, Colour Image and
Video Representations, Basics of Video ,Types of Colour Video Signals, Analog Video, Digital
Video, TV standards


Video and Audio Compression : (12)

Classifying Compression Algorithms, Lossless Compression Algorithms, Entropy Encoding, Run-
length Encoding, Pattern Substitution, Basics of Information theory, Huffman Coding, Huffman
Coding of Images, Adaptive Huffman Coding, Arithmetic Coding, Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW)
Algorithm, Source Coding Techniques , Transform Coding, Frequency Domain Methods, Differential
Encoding, Vector Quantisation, JPEG Compression, Video Compression, H. 261 Compression, Intra
Frame Coding, Inter-frame (P-frame) Coding, MPEG Compression, MPEG Video, The MPEG Video
Bitstream , Decoding MPEG Video in Software , Audio Compression, Simple Audio Compression
Methods, Psychoacoustics ,MPEG Audio Compression

Multimedia Communication: (6)

Building Communication network, Application Subsystem, Transport Subsystem, QOS, Resource
Management, Distributed Multimedia Systems
System Design issues:
Design considerations, Design steps, Feasibility analysis and Performance Evaluations, Different
ways to analyze performance, Multimedia System architecture and different components

Text Book:

1. Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt : Multimedia Computing Communications and

Applications By Pearson Educations


1. Prabhat K. Andleigh, KranThakkar : Multimedia System Design, PHI, Latest Edition

2. Li, Drew : Multimedia Computing, Pearson Education, Latest

3. Fred Halsall Multimedia Communications, Pearson Education,


Paper Code: CSE 8220 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lecture:45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 LTP:300

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, at least two from each section.

Objectives: To get basic knowledge of different soft computing techniques. Different problem solving techniques and
their implementations and applications are explained. Intelligent systems and learning techniques are introduced.

Intelligent Agents:
Agents Behavior and Environments, Structure of Agents, Planning Problem, Planning with (9)
state Space Search, Partial order Planning, GRAPHPLAN, Planning in logic, Planning in
non-deterministic domains, hierarchical task planning, Multi agent planning, execution.

Probabilistic Reasoning Fuzzy Logic: (12)

Knowledge representation under uncertainty, Bayesian theorem, Bayesian Networks,
Dempster Shafer theory, Representing vagueness, Fuzzy sets, operation on fuzzy sets,
reasoning with fuzzy logic, Fuzzy Automata, Fuzzy Control methods, Fuzzy decision
making, inference in temporal models, Hidden Markov Models, Kalman Filters


Neural Networks: (16)

Basic concepts, Single layer perception, Multilayer Perception, Supervised and
Unsupervised learning - Backpropagation networks - Kohnen'sself organizing networks -
Hopfield network.
Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems - Perceptron - Representation - Linear
separability - Learning – Training algorithm -Adaptive networks based Fuzzy interface
systems - Classification and Regression Trees - Data clustering algorithms - Rule based
structure identification - Neuro-Fuzzy controls - Simulated annealing

Genetic Algorithms: (8)

Evolutionary computation. Survival of the Fittest - Fitness Computations - Cross over –
Mutation, Reproduction - Rank method - Rank space method.

Text Book:

1. Stuart J.Russel, Norvig : AI: A Modern Approach, Pearson Education, Latest Edition
2. Michael Negnevitsky : Artificial Intelligence: A Guide to Intelligent Systems, 2/E,
Addison-Wesley, 2005

Neural Networks - Algorithms, Applications &
1. James Freeman A. and David Skapura M : ProgrammingTechniques Addison Wesley,1992.
Artificial Neural Networks, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.,
2. Yegnanarayana B : New Delhi, 1999.
3. Hagan, M.T., Demuth, Mark Beale : Neural Network Design By Cengage Learning

4. Goldberg, David E. : Genetic algorithms in search, optimization and machine

learning, Latest Edition, Addison Wesley

Paper Code:CSE 8311 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 LTP : 3 0 0

Note: Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, at least two from each section.

Objectives: This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts and ideas in natural language
processing (NLP),and to get them up to speed with current research in the area.


Introduction to NLP:Introduction and Survey of applications, Levels of linguistic processing: (4 hrs)

morphology, syntax, semantics

Language processors and Understanding: recognizers, transducers, parsers, generators, Language (10Hrs)
as a rule-based system,Language understanding as an inferential activity.
Resources for NLP: Introduction to lexicons and knowledge bases.

Computational morphology: lemmatization, Part-of-Speech Tagging, Finite-State Analysis. (5Hrs)


Syntactic Processing:Basic parsing: Top Down and Bottom Up parsing, Chart parsing, (8hrs)
Deterministic parsing, Statistical parsing, Grammars with features, Unification Grammars, The

Semantic Interpretation:Lexical semantics, Semantics and logical form, Resolving ambiguities:

Word Sense Disambiguation, Linking syntax and semantics, Linking syntax and semantics in
restricted domains

Context and World Knowledge:Discourse: linguistic context, Ellipsis; World knowledge,

Discourse structure Conversation and co-operation, Implementing "co-operative responses", (8 hrs)
Information Retrieval and Information Extraction

Text Book:
1. Allen, J.
: Natural language understanding, 2nd Edition, Redwood
City, CA: 1994. Benjamin/Cummings.


1. Covington, M.A : Natural Language Processing for Prolog . Programmers,

(1994), Prentice Hall

2. Jurafsky, D. and Martin : Speech and Language Processing, (2000), Prentice

3 Gazdar, G. &Mellish, C. : Natural Language Processing in Prolog: An Introduction
to Computational Linguistics,(1989), Addison Wesley


Paper Code:CSE 8312 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45

Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 L T P: 3 0 0

Note:Examiner will set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidates will be required
to attempt five questions, selecting at least two from each section.

Objectives: This course offers a good understanding of cloud computing concepts and prepares students to be
in a position to design cloud based applications for distributed systems.

Cloud Computing Basics
Cloud Computing Overview; Characteristics; Applications; Internet and Cloud; Benefits; Limitations;Challenges;
Cloud Computing Services and Deployment Models: Infrastructure as a Service; Platform as a Service; Software as
a Service; Private Cloud; Public Cloud; Community Cloud; Hybrid Cloud. (06)

Cloud Computing vs Other Computing Technologies

Overview of Grid, Peer-to-Peer, Pervasive and Utility Computing technologies; their characteristics and comparison
with Cloud Computing.Accessing the Cloud: Hardware and Infrastructure requirements; Access Mechanisms: Web
Applications, Web APIs, Web Browsers. (06)

Understanding Abstraction and Virtualization:

Virtualization Technologies, Load Balancing and Virtualization, Hypervisors, Machine Imaging.
Scheduling in Cloud:
Overview of Scheduling problem, Different types of scheduling, Scheduling for independent and dependent tasks, Static
vs. Dynamic scheduling, Optimization techniques for scheduling.

Cloud Storage and Cloud Standards
Overview; Storage as a Service; Cloud Storage Issues; Challenges; Standards.(05)

Cloud Security
Securing the Cloud, Securing Data, Establishing identity and presence. (05)

Mobile Cloud Computing:

Overview of Mobile Cloud Computing, Advantages, Challenges, Using Smartphones with the Cloud, Offloading
techniques - their pros and cons, Mobile Cloud Security.(06)

Developing Applications
Major Players in Cloud Business; Overview of Service Oriented Architecture; Tools for developing Cloud services and
applications. (06)

Text Book:

1. Anthony T. Velte, Toby J. Velte, and Robert : Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach, McGraw Hill,
Elsenpeter 2010.


1. RajkumarBuyys, James Broberg, : Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Wiley,

AndrzejGoscinski (Editors) 2011.
2. BarrieSosinsky : Cloud Computing Bible, Wiley, 2011.
3. Judith Hurwitz, Robin Bloor, : Cloud Computing for Dummies, Wiley, 2010.
4. BorkoFurht, Armando Escalante (Editors) : Handbook of Cloud Computing, Springer, 2010.

Paper Code:CSE 8313 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 LTP:300

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, at least two from each section.

Objectives: To introduce the different low level and high level computer vision techniques. Students are also made
aware about the different pattern recognition approaches.


Introduction: (6)
Camera Models, & Views, basics of image processing, introductions to image segmentation and

Early Vision : (8)

Vision goals, Linear Filters , Edge Detection, Texture, The Geometry of Multiple Views, Stereopsis,
Affine Structure from Motion, Projective Structure from Motion,

Mid Level Vision: (8)

Segmentation By Clustering, Segmentation By Fitting a Model, Segmentation and Fitting Using
Probabilistic Methods,Tracking with Linear Dynamic Models.


High-level Vision: Geometric Methods (7)

Model-Based Vision, Smooth Surfaces and their Outlines, Aspect Graphs, Range Data

High-level Vision: Probabilistic and Inferential Methods: (8)

Finding Templates using Classifiers, Recognition by Relations between Templates, Geometric
Templates from Spatial Relations

Applications: (8)
Digital Libraries, Image Rendering, Medical applications, Human activity recognition, Face

Text Book:
1. Forsyth and Ponce : Computer Vision A Modern ApproachPearson
Education Latest Edition

Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision,
1. Trucco&Verri : Prentice Hall, Latest Edition
Introductory Computer Vision and Image Processing,
2. Low : McGraw-Hill 1991, ISBN 0-07-707403-3
3. Jain, Kasturi and Schunk Machine Vision, McGraw-HiII. 1995 ISBN
: 0070320187.
4. Sonka, Hlavac, Boyle Image -Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision 2nd
: ed. ISBN 0-534-95393-X, PWS Publishing,1999

Information Retrieval
CSE 8314 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 L T P: 3 0 0

Note: - Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, at least two from each section.
Objectives: This subject will provide the knowledge of various concepts involved in efficient information retrieval
that leads to the development of efficient Web crawling techniques.

Introduction to Information Retrieval. Inverted indices and boolean queries. Query optimization. The 5
nature of unstructured and semi-structured text.
The term vocabulary and postings lists
Text encoding: tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, stop words, phrases. Optimizing indices with
skip lists. Proximity and phrase queries. Positional indices. 5
Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval
Dictionary data structures. Wild-card queries, permuterm indices, n-gram indices. Spelling correction
and synonyms: edit distance, soundex, language detection. 6
Index construction
Postings size estimation, sort-based indexing, dynamic indexing, positional indexes, n-gram indexes,
distributed indexing, real-world issues. 5

Term weighting and the vector space model. Parametric or fielded search. Document zones. The
vector space retrieval model. tf.idf weighting. The cosine measure. Scoring documents. 6
Computing scores in a complete search system
Components of an IR system. Efficient vector space scoring. Nearest neighbor techniques, reduced
dimensionality approximations, random projection. 6
Naive Bayes models. Spam filtering, K Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees, Support vector machine 6
Web Crawling
What makes the web different? Web search overview, web structure, the user, paid placement, search
engine optimization. Web size measurement, Crawling and web indexes. Near-duplicate detection,
Link analysis, Learning to rank, focused web crawler and its different architectures. 6

Text Book:

1. C. Manning, P. Raghavan, and H. Schütze Introduction to Information Retrieval,

: CambridgeUniversity Press,2008
2. R. Baeza-Yates, B. Ribeiro-Neto Modern Information Retrieval, Addison-Wesley, 1999

Paper Code:CSE 8315 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 LTP:300

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions, at least two from each section.

Objectives:This challenging and comprehensive course provides a broad perspective on the wireless networks.


Overview of wireless networks: 6

Introduction to wireless communication, architecture of wireless networks – 802.11, 2G, 3G, WLL,
Wireless ATM, 802.16 and 802.20.

Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM): 5

Evolution, mobile service, system architecture, radio interface, protocols, handover and security.

Introduction to GPRS, EDGE and CDMA2000 technologies and architectures.


WiMAX Networks:
Uses, architecture, MAC layer, physical layer, spectrum allocation issues, comparison with WiFi and 5


Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs): 4

Introduction to Ad hoc wireless networks and sensor networks, applications of Ad hoc networks,
Power management.

Media Access Control Protocols in Ad-hoc: 4

Issues in designing MAC protocols, deign goals and classifications of MAC protocols.

Transport layer issues in Ad-hoc networks: 4

Design goals of transport layer protocols, classification of transport layer solutions and TCP over
Ad hoc wireless networks.

QoS and Security issues in MANETs: 4

Network security requirements, issues and challenges in security and QoS provisioning,
classifications of QoS solutions.

Routing Protocols:
Issues in designing protocols, classifications of routing protocols, operation of multicast routing 5

Introduction to simulators: 4
NS2 and Qualnet.

Text Book:

1. William Stallings : Wireless Communication and Networks, Prentice Hall.

2. C. Siva Ram Murthy and B. S Manoj Adhoc Wireless Networks – Architecture and Protocols,
Prentice Hall.


1. C. Demorais and D. P Aggarwal : Adhoc Networks – Theory and Applications, World

Scientific Publications

2. Jochen Schiller : Mobile Communication, Pearson Education.

Paper Code: CSE 8316 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 LTP:300

Note:There are two sections in the syllabus. Paper setter will have to set 8 questions from them. Students must attempt
5 questions such that atleast 2 from each section.

Objectives: The objective of the subject is to provide a strategic perspective and demonstrating means to manage
projects. Emphasizing on various project aspects and problems related to them.


Introduction to project management: (5)

Introduction, Importance of software project management, Project and different types of project,
What is management?, Problems with software projects, Environmental Appraisal with Projects,
Requirement Specification, Management Control, Steps in project planning

Programme management and project evaluation: (8)

Programme Management, Managing resources within programme, Strategic programme
management, Aids to programme management, Evaluation / Assessment of projects, Cost-benefit
Analysis, Cash flow forecasting, Cost-benefit evaluation techniques, Risk evaluation

Project approach and Software effort estimation:

Selection of an appropriate project technology, Choice of process model, Data Structure, Delivery (10)
Model, Basis for software estimation, Problem with over and under estimates, Estimation
Techniques, Expert judgment, Albrecht Function Point Analysis, Function points Mark II, COSMIC
Function point, COCOMO Model


Activity Planning: (5)

Objective of Planning, Project Schedule, Activities – Sequencing and Scheduling, Development of
Project Network, Time Estimation, Forward and backward Pass, Critical Path and Activities.

Risk Management: (5)

Risk, Risk categories, identification, assessment, planning, management PERT and CPM Models,
Monte Carlo Simulation

Resource Allocation, Monitoring and Control:

Resources, Nature of Resources, Resource Requirement, Scheduling, Counting and Costing, (6)
Monitoring Framework, Cost Monitoring, Earned Value Analysis, Project targets, Change Control

Managing people and Organizing teams:

Management Spectrum, Associating human resource with job, Motivation, Oldham- job (6)
Characteristics Model, Decision Making, Leadership, Stress, Health and Safety

Text Book:

1. Bob Hughes & Mike Cotterell : Software Project Management, 4th, Tata McGraw Hill


1. Prasanna Chandra : Projects – Panning, Analysis, Selection, Financing,

Implementation and Review, 6th, Tata McGraw Hill

2. JeffreyPinto : Project Management, Pearson Publications

Paper Code: CSE 8317 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 L T P: 3 0 0

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions atleast two questions from each section.

Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students should be able:

• To use information technology (IT) for redesigning business processes and organizations
• To understand the assumptions embedded in changing business with IT
• To evaluate problems in the planning and implementation of organizational change
• To assess the relationship of process reengineering to other initiatives to improve the performance of
• To evaluate a variety of approaches to using IT to improve organizations
• To understand the behavioral and political issues surrounding the use of IT in organizational change.


Introduction: (5 hrs)
Definition of Business Process Reengineering

Implementation of Business Process Reengineering: (10 hrs)

Development of Process Objectives, Identification of Processes to be reengineered, Measurement of
existing Processes, Utilization of Information Technology, Design and Evaluation of Process

The Reengineering Structure: (10 hrs)

The Business Process Reengineering Leader, The Process Owner, The Reengineering Teams, Other
Employees involved


Change Management as an Enabler of Business Process Reengineering : (10 hrs)

Why Change Management?, Nature of Change, Process of Change, Roles of Change, Resistance to
Change, Commitment to Change ,Culture and Change, Resilience and Change

Common Mistakes in Business Process Reengineering: (10 hrs)

Reengineering too many Processes, Inadequate Training of Process Owners and Team Members,
Improper Monitoring, Wastage of Time, Delay in Showing Results, Discontinuance after

Text Book:

1. B.R. Dey : Business Process reengineering and change

management, Wiley


1. Jennifer Joksch : Business Process Reengineering and the important Role

of Change Management

2. VikramSethi, William King : Organizational Transformation Through Business

Process Reengineering : Applying Lessons Learned,
Pearson Education

Paper Code: CSE 8318 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 L T P: 3 0 0

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions atleast two questions from each section.

Objectives: To make the students aware of latest techniques for managing the upcoming technologies in the software


Introduction to Technology Management : (8hrs)

Business Strategy for New Technologies: Adding value, Gaining competitive advantage, Timing and
capability development.

Technology Forecasting (8hrs)

Techniques of Forecasting, Technology Forecasting alliance and Relevance strategic Practicality
and Technology transfer.

Management of Research, Development and Innovation (9hrs)

Technology mapping, Comparison of types of R&D projects and development approaches - radical
platform and Incremental projects, Innovation process. Management of Intellectual Property Rights
Strategic value of patents, Trade secrets and licensing


(20 hrs)
Managing Scientist and Technologists

Identification, Recruitment, Retention, Team work and Result orientation. Investment in Technology

Management roles and skills for New Technology

Technology for managerial productivity and Effectiveness, Just in time

Venture capital and Technology development

Text Book:

1. John Humbleton Elsevier, : Management of High Technology Research and


1. Charles W.L. HiIVGareth R. Jones : Strategic Management, Houghton Mifflin Co.

2. S.A.Bergn : R&D Management, Basil Blackwell Inc.,

3. Richard M. Burton &BorgeObel Elsevier : Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Organizations.

4. Spyros Maksidakis& Steven C. Wheelwright : The Handbook of Forecasting - A Management Guide,

John Wiley & Sons
5. C. Marie Crawford : New Product Management, IR WIN, USA
6. David Hutchin : Just-in-Time, Gower Technical Press
7. : Technology and Management, Cassell Educational
Ltd., London
Paper Code: CSE 8319 Max. Marks (Final Exam): 50 Total Lectures: 45
Credits: 3 Max. Marks (Sessional Exam): 50 L T P: 3 0 0

Note:Examiner shall set eight questions covering four questions from each section. Candidate will be required to
attempt five questions atleast two questions from each section.

Objectives: This course will provide students with an understanding of human development as a continual process,
with an ongoing requirement of adapting and adjusting to the environment. The course will also assist students in
developing a practical understanding of the process of human development.


Introduction to Human Resource Development: (6hrs)

Evolution , Mission and Purpose Components of HRD , HRD problems and issues related to Indian
Industry and technical education , HRD in the context of new Industrial Policy

Staff Development, Professional Development and Career Development : (6hrs)

Stages of HRD , Initial or Induction Training , Training for job-related/professional development ,
Training for horizontal and vertical mobility of employees

Concept of Training : (5hrs)

Assumptions for prevailing and alternative concept of training, action through training or action
through force.

Training Strategy : (5 hrs)

Strategic issues; Basic phases; Modalities in training; formulating a coherent strategy.


Training Methods: (6hrs)

Learning on the job - Training in the fields, Simulating real life - role playing and games,
Incidents and cases - Individualized training, Seminars and syndicates; Lecture method

Developing Group and the Climate : (5 hrs)

The Social process; Indicators of group development; training climate

Evaluation of Training: (6 hrs)

Issues for evaluations; Role of the Training System with evaluators from other constituencies

Systems Approach to HRD: (6 hrs)

Definition and importance of needs assessment, methods employed in needs

assessment,(Interviews, Questionnaire, Tests, Records and Reports Study, Job Analysis and
Performance Reviews), strategies for HRD: on the job, off the job, Programme Planning,
Design, Implementation and Evaluation .

Text Book:

1. : Principles of Human Resource Development

JW Gilley and SA Eggland

1. PP Arya and BB Tandon : Human Resource Development
2. RF Mayer and Peter Pipe : HRD Training and Development

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