Protsahan Puraskar Application Form: National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology
Protsahan Puraskar Application Form: National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology
Protsahan Puraskar Application Form: National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology
[An autonomous Scientific Society under Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India]
Plot No.3, P.S.P Pocket, Sector-8, Dwarka, New Delhi-110077
Documents to be attached: Self-Attested copies of a) Registration Proof b) Mark Sheet c) Income Certificate issued by
SDM/Tehsildar d) Person with Disability Certificate (for PwD candidates only) e) Caste Certificate (for SC/ST Candidates
Only) must be attached, otherwise the form shall be treated as incomplete and will be summarily rejected.
1. Name of the Candidate (As in the Registration Identity Card issued by NIELIT, in Capital Letters, Leave one blank space between words)
3. Parents/Guardian Name (whose Income Certificate is enclosed and the name & relation is also recorded during Registration)
4. Mailing Address:
Pin Code:
E-mail ID:
5. Gross Annual Income: (of concerned as per Sl.No.3 above during the preceding financial year from all sources should not exceed Rs.2,50,000/-)
Amount: Rs. Financial Year: -
Authorised Signatory
(Without the Seal and Authorised Signature of the Accredited Institute, the application will be summarily rejected)
7. SC/ST/OBC/PwD: Certificate No. ____________________ Dated: __________________
(Enclose self certified Certificate issued by Competent Authority)
8. Aadhaar linked Bank details of the Candidate:
Aadhaar No (Mandatory):
Name of the Bank (Mandatory): _________________________________________________________________________________
Branch Name (Mandatory): ______________________________________________________________________________________
Account No (Mandatory): _______________________________________________________________________________________
IFSC Code (Mandatory): _________________________________________________________________________________________
The Society has introduced a Protsahan Puraskar Scheme (erstwhile Scholarship Scheme) for SC/ST/PwD and
Female students pursuing NIELIT (DOEACC) O/A/B/C level Courses w.e.f. January, 2019 Examinations.
i) The Scheme will be applicable to SC/ST/PwD and Female candidates those are pursuing O/A/B/C level
Courses of the NIELIT (DOEACC) as a full time course through an institute authorised to conduct the DOEACC
accredited courses.
ii) Candidates shall have to clear the papers in the first attempt and complete the courses in number of
attempts given in subsequent paragraphs.
iii) Income of the parents of the student from all sources shall not be more than Rs.2.50 Lakh per annum.
A candidate has to apply for the Protsahan Puraskar along with the following:-
i) Proof of registration/up-gradation
ii) Proof of passing the examination of relevant level
iii) Proof of pursuing O/A/B/C level as a full time course
iv) Proof of income
The amount of Protsahan Puraskar shall be four times the examination fee paid per module paper i.e. Rs.500/- ***
as at present or in other words Rs.2,000/- ***per module. Course-wise amount of Protsahan Puraskar and the number of
is as under:-
Level Duration Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
amount of instalment instalment instalment instalment
Protsahan (in Rs) (in Rs) (in Rs) (in Rs)
(in Rs)
O 1 year 12,000/- 6,000/- 6,000/-
A/1st part 1 year 30,000/- 9,000/- 9,000/- 12,000/-
of B level
B 2 years (after 45,000/- 9,000/- 9,000/- 9,000/- 18,000/-
'A' level/1st
part of 'B'
C*** level)level)
1½ years 36,000/- 12,000/- 12,000/- 12,000/-
*** The rate has been revised w.e.f July, 2019 examination
*** Total 12 papers w.e.f. 4th revised syllabus w.e.f. July, 2011 Exams
'O' Level
At 'O' Level, a candidate should have completed that course within next two consecutive examinations after
registration. On successful clearance of first two papers, a candidate shall be reimbursed Rs.6,000/- and balance
Rs.6,000/- shall be paid on successful completion of the balance papers in the subsequent examination.
At 'A' level or part I of 'B' level, a candidate shall have to complete the entire course in three examinations
commencing from the examination stated in the registration allotment letter. Amount of Protsahan Puraskar shall be
paid in two installments as stated above. First installments on clearing three papers, second installment on clearing
next three papers and balance on successful completion of the course.
‘B’ Level
At 'B' level for the remaining papers, candidates shall have to complete the balance 15 papers after clearing 10
papers of 'A' level in four consecutive attempts and shall be paid Protsahan Puraskar in four installments’. First, Second
and third installments on clearing five papers in each attempt and balance in the fourth instalment on successful
completion of the course.
‘C’ Level
At 'C' Level, a candidate has to complete the entire course in three examinations and shall be paid Protsahan
Puraskar in three installments. Each instalment shall be paid on clearing six papers each attempt.
It may be noted that if at any point of time, any of the above criteria is violated, the Protsahan Puraskar shall be
rendered void and further installments of Protsahan Puraskar shall not be paid.
A) Any SC/ST/PwD or Female candidates who are pursuing NIELIT (DOEACC) O/A/B/C level courses through an
institute authorized to conduct NIELIT (DOEACC) accredited course are eligible for NIELIT (DOEACC) Protsahan
Puraskar, Subject to the following:
i) Income of the family of the student from all sources should not be more than Two lakh Fifty thousand per annum.
ii) Candidate shall have to clear all the papers of his/her level in the first attempt itself.
A. The amount of Protsahan Puraskar is Rs.3,000/- *** per module. Course-wise amount of Protsahan Puraskar and the
number of installments is as under:-
• This amount is Rs.9,000/- less than the amount of Rs.30,000/- for 'A' level, as the candidate in this case is assumed to
have already availed the Protsahan Puraskar at 'O' level. The amount of each instalment may vary depending upon
the no. of modules/papers cleared in each Examination.
Q3. How shall the Protsahan Puraskar be released to the students?
A. O' level :-
At 'O' level, a candidate should have completed that course within next two consecutive examinations after
registration. On successful clearance of first two papers, a candidate shall be reimbursed Rs.4,000/- and balance
Rs.4,000/- shall be paid on successful completion of the balance papers in the subsequent examination.
At 'A' level or part I of 'B' level, a candidate shall have to complete the entire course in three examinations
commencing from the examination stated in the registration allotment letter. Amount of Protsahan Puraskar shall be
paid in two installments as stated above. First instalment on clearing three papers, second instalment on clearing next
three papers and balance on successful completion of the course.
i) This amount is Rs.6000/- less than the amount of Rs.20000/- for 'A' level, as the candidate in the case is
assumed to have already availed the Protsahan Puraskar at 'O' level. The amount of each instalment may
vary depending upon the no. of modules/papers cleared in each Examination.
‘B’ Level :
At 'B' level for the remaining papers, a candidate shall have to complete the balance 15 papers after clearing 10
papers of 'A' level in four consecutive attempts and shall be paid Protsahan Puraskar in four installments. First, Second
and third installments on clearing five papers in each attempt and balance in the fourth installments on successful
completion of the course.
‘C’ Level :-
At 'C' level, a candidate has to complete the entire course in three examinations and shall be paid Protsahan
Puraskar in three installments. Each instalment shall be paid on clearing four papers in each attempt.
A. If you fail in one paper in between, the Protsahan Puraskar scheme shall discontinue with immediate effect.
Q5. Which documents are to be submitted while applying for Protsahan Puraskar?
A. A candidate should apply to executive Director, NIELIT (formerly DOEACC SOCIETY) within 45 days of declaration
of result of the relevant level through NIELIT (formerly DOEACC) approved institute where the candidate has
undergone/is undergoing training.
Q7. Where do they have to go for obtaining income certificate?
A. One has to go to the office of Sub-divisional Magistrate (SDM)/Block Development officer (BDO) in whose
jurisdiction one residence.
A. Income certificate issued by the Sub-divisional magistrate/Circle Officer/Block Development officer in whose
jurisdiction one resides shall be a valid document as a proof of income of parents through all sources.
Q7.2 Which papers/documents/fee one has to carry while going for obtaining income certificate from SDM/BDO?
A. Following documents are to be carried while going for obtaining income certificate from SDM/BDO
i) Application on a plain paper
ii) Copy of Ration Card
iii) Affidavit regarding residence occupation, property owned and income
A. Local enquiry is conducted through the staff of the office of SDM/BDO to verify the particulars mention in the
application and affidavit. The certificate is issued after the receipt of the report.
Q7.4 How much time is taken by the authority to issue income certificate?
Q 8. What is Person with Disability Certificate and from where to obtain it?
A. Person with Disability identity card is issued by sub-Divisional Magistrate to handicapped persons. Who are
orthopedically handicapped, mentally handicapped or are blind or deaf or dumb.
Q 8.1 Where do I have to go and during which hours for obtaining the Person with Disability Certificates?
A. To the office of Sub-Divisional Magistrate in whose jurisdiction you reside during working hours on any working day.
Q 8.2 Which papers/documents/fees, do I take with me for obtaining Person with Disability Certificate?
A. Following is the list of documents/papers you should take along with you to obtain Person with Disability
Filled in application form
Attested photo copy of the first three pages of ration card showing proof of three years of residence.
Attested photo copy of medical certificate in respect of disability from authorised hospital, e.g., All India Institute
of Medical Sciences, Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital, Hindu Rao Hospital, Safdarjung Hospital, Guru Teg Bahadur
Hospital, Ram Manohar Lohia. Hospital, Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences in Delhi.
Two passport size photographs one photograph should be attested from Gazetted officer. Ration card is required
at the time of submission of application form.
Identity card shall be given to the applicant only after getting his/her signatures on the card.
Q 8.3 What will be the criteria used while deciding my case for the issue of Person with Disability Certificate?
A. After receiving the application form, attested medical certificate and a copy of the Ration Card with a
photograph of applicant, an Identity card is issued to the applicant.
Q 8.4 When will I get a response for obtaining my Person with Disability Certificate?
(Application must be received in the office of the society within 45 days of declaration of result. Candidates are
advised to carefully read, understand and follow the instructions before filling up the form)
How to fill in the form: (Fill in the form in block letters with one alphabet in one box leaving a box blank between the
Item no. 1. Write your name as mentioned in your Registration allocation cum Identity Card issued by NIELIT
(Formerly DOEACC SOCIETY) at the time of registration.
Item no. 2. Write the registration number, validity of course and level as mentioned in your Registration allocation
cum Identity Card issued by NIELIT (Formerly DOEACC SOCIETY) at the time of registration.
Item no. 3. Write the name of your father/mother/guardian/husband whose Income Certificate is enclosed and
the name & relation is also recorded during registration.
Item no. 4. Write the mailing address including contact no. at which future correspondence be made regarding
Protsahan Puraskar. Filling up your Email ID is mandatory as all the future correspondence will be made
through email only.
Item no.5. Write the total annual income of parents/Self/Spouse from all sources legibly and neatly attach income
certificate issued by the District Magistrate of the District where you reside. In case the gross annual
income for the preceding financial year of parents/self/spouse exceeds Rs. Two Lakh and Fifty
Thousand, the candidate will not be eligible for the Protsahan Puraskar.
Item no. 6(a) Write the Accreditation No. of the Institute along with date of admission.
Item no. 6(b) Write name of the institute.
Item no. 6(c) Write the module of the paper(s), month & year of exam in the table given in the form.
Item no. 7 Write your Caste/PwD Certificate no. and the date on which the same got issued.
Item no. 8 Mention your Aadhaar no. and Bank A/c details. A candidate must keep in mind that since the
Protsahan Puraskar scheme (erstwhile Scholarship Scheme) is DBT based, Aadhaar no. is mandatory.