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Rahayu Puji Lestari

XI IPS 3 / 28
Topic : Passive smoking is a silent killer
Passive smoking is someone who breathes cigarette smoke from active smokers. Exposure to
cigarette smoke can cause serious illness until death. The impact of cigarette smoke is a serious
discussion by scientists. Responding to the dangers of cigarette smoke, rules were made regarding the
prohibition of smoking in various places such as restaurants, workplaces, and public spaces. Since the
early 1970s, the tobacco industry has seen public concern over passive smoking as a serious threat to
the development of the tobacco business. Although the tobacco industry has begun to care for passive
smoking cases in the 1980s, the tobacco industry provides biased research results to the public with
the aim of being able to maintain its business.

Passive smoking can be at risk of the same disease as active smokers, including cardiovascular
disease, lung cancer and respiratory diseases

 Cancer: Lung cancer, Breast cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Cervical cancer, Bladder cancer
 Circulatory system: Cardiovascular disease, Decreased heart rate

The following are a number of harmful substances contained in a cigarette:

 Tar In the human body, tar triggers lung irritation and cancer. In the body of passive smokers,
tar will be concentrated three times more than in the body of active smokers.
 Nicotine In the human body the effects of addiction or opiates trigger an increase in
consumption. In the passive smoker's body, nicotine will be concentrated three times more
than in the body of active smokers.
 Carbon Monoxide Is a dangerous gas that can reduce oxygen levels in the body. Binding of
oxygen by carbon monoxide is what then triggers the occurrence of heart disease. In the body
of passive smokers, this dangerous gas will be concentrated three times more than in the body
of active smokers.
 Hazardous chemicals Such as gases and harmful substances which number in the thousands.
In the human body, these dangerous chemicals increase the risk of cancer. In passive smokers,
these dangerous chemicals will be concentrated 50 times more than in the body of active

Quoting the results of WHO research, a smoke-free environment is the only effective strategy
to provide protection for passive smokers. Providing a smoking area also does not fully protect passive
smoking from the dangers of cigarettes."Provision of smoking area in the building is the same as
urinating in the corner of the pool, it will blend together," he said. "Smoke will still penetrate

Global Youth Survey data for 1999-2006, as many as 81 percent of children aged 13-15 years
in Indonesia are exposed to cigarette smoke in public places or become passive smokers. "Even though
the average percentage of the world is only 56 percent," he said. The survey also showed that more
than 150 million Indonesians became passive smokers at home, in offices, in public places, in public
transportation. While the 2004 National Socio-Economic Survey data shows, more than 87 percent of
active smokers smoke inside the house while they are with family members. The survey also found 71
percent of households had spending on smoking

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