Potestas Delegate Non Delegari Potest Exceptions:: Important Enumerations
Potestas Delegate Non Delegari Potest Exceptions:: Important Enumerations
Potestas Delegate Non Delegari Potest Exceptions:: Important Enumerations
Facial Challenge
As Applied Challenge
ONLY when:
a. It is complete in itself, setting forth
therein the policy to be executed,
carried out, or implemented by the
delegate; and
b. Fixes a standard—the limits of
which are sufficiently determinable
and determinate
Savings (4 Principles)
1. Congress wields the power of the purse and
therefore chooses how the budget shall be
2. The executive is expected to faithfully
implement the PAPs which Congress
allocated for.
3. To make the power of the President to
augment operative under the GAA Congress
recognizes the need for flexibility in budget
4. Savings should be actual, something real and
substantial. Not possible, potential and