Purchasing The Land Estates in The Ottoman Empire During 15 - 19 Centuries
Purchasing The Land Estates in The Ottoman Empire During 15 - 19 Centuries
Purchasing The Land Estates in The Ottoman Empire During 15 - 19 Centuries
World Philosophy 53
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine)
e-mail: [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-4702-2560
changes that could be possibly interpreted as a creation aspects of land relations in the Ottoman Empire are
of private property in the Ottoman Empire long before the clarified.
19 th century (Cuno, 1980: 245). Even despite intense
criticism of traditional statements of the feudal theory with Results and Discussion
the vast and numerous examples from Ethiopia to Japan, It would be appropriate to begin with highlighting the
where acts of purchasing the land are also noticed and land system and land granting typology and its dynamics
documented (Khismatullin, B. R., 2014; Benti, A. H. and in the Ottoman Empire. Generally all lands, forests, water
Eleni, T. L. and Benti, A. P., 2016; Buluda, I., 1986; Sab- resources and other natural objects were divided into three
ra, A., 2004; Kulishenko, O. Yu., 2014; Krassov, O. Y., 2016), large groups of agricultural units:
soviet historiographical clichй about a rigid land system 1) Mьlk (mьlk arazi) - a private owned possession,
on the "the East" still exists, and an issue of existing which can be bought, sold, bequeath, or endowed (Pa-
"feudalsim" is still debatable among many researchers, kalin, 1998: 612).
who have made diametrically controversial and opposite 2) Vaqf (vaqf) - the land or another immovable property
statements upon the nature of Ottoman feudalism, namely, belonged to the endowment that could not be confiscated
on the one hand depicting it as a unique fact, and on the or taxed (Pamuk, 2005: 83-84).
other hand analyzing Ottoman feudalism throughout the 3) Miri (miri arazi) - both juridical and administrative
European analogues, having compared the elements in term, for indicating state property and income, which were
the light of their adaptation to the Islamic world (Matuz, put straight to the state treasury, (Somel, 2003: 192). The
1982: 281). term is almost comparable to a term "зift-hane" (a peasant
house holding with all the instruments and a couple of
The aim of this article is an endeavor to show the oxen, that plowed the land piece, estimating its size)
impropriety of Marxist-soviet interpretation of land relations (Somel, 2003: 68).
in the Ottoman Empire regarding to the new ideas and All these groups were divided into the smaller ones
theories in the state power and economics provided by distinguished from each other in a legal status, economic
European historians and according to the European data value and amount of collecting taxes.
(an epochal research of Medieval Europe and medieval In the Ottoman Empire as in any Muslim country all
land relations studied by Marc Bloch, Susen Reynolds, aspects of life from the state business to a private daily life
Richard Lachmann, Charles Tilly, Perry Anderson and were derived from Islam doctrines. The fact admitted the
others), and also based on Asian data that question an right of a human to exploit and use land goods, but not
ability of purchasing the land in the "the East" in general, provide a right of full possession. The status was formu-
and in the Ottoman Empire in particular. lated as a God-human connection. Truly ownership (ra-
qaba), land transferring or bequeathing depended on a
Methods spiritual connection and was legitimated by it (Sait, Lim,
The resource base of this research includes the Otto- 2006: 101). Simultaneously, property rights on land were
mans codes known as kanunname, the Ottomans land identified by Prophet's rules as well as by the contacts
registers and recollections of foreigners. between Muslim and non-Muslim world, especially with
Historiography of land tenure in the Ottoman Empire the Europeans; moreover the interactions prompted the
has been presented by the solid specialized researches fruitful thoughts of what the Muslim land Code would have
and also by the general articles with the substantial been if the Europeans have never had any impact on it
factography. Among the general studies, the monumental (Fachini, 2007: 9). Yet, the pragmatism, flexibility, ability
work edited by Ekmeledin Ihsanoğlu should be mentioned, and willingness to negotiate, adapted the existing institutes
where almost all sides of history and daily life of the Otto- for a new reality which permitted the Ottomans to preserve
man Empire are enlightened ( İhsanoğlu , 2006); never- their stable governmental status to the modern era, and
theless, there is a minimum amount of information dealing simultaneously was balanced by the limits of their system
with land tenure except the general data of land holding (Pamuk, 2009: 2). In concord with it the Ottoman's system
types and their quantity. The same descriptive article of of land usage had appeared long before the Ottoman's
Єevket Pamuk who is one of the leading expert in the state and collected Muslim principles as well as the
Ottoman economic history, scrutinized a village economy appropriate legacy heritage of their predecessors - Seljuk
in a broad context of the Ottoman economic system and Sassanid's countries and Turkic national tradition
(Pamuk, 2009). The property on land with a social back- (Biyik, Yavuz, 2003: 3).
ground is analyzed in the works of Kemal Karpat (1972), More or less the institutionalized division of land and
Norman Itzkowich (1972), Russian ottomanist Yuriy Pet- installation of rules were organized by the most profound
rosian (1992), the useful and combined material is given and glorious sultans - Мehmed ІІ Fatih (1451-1481) Selim
in the encyclopedias of Ottoman history, edited by Gabor І Yavuz (1512-1520) and Suleiman І Kanuni (1520-1566),
Agoston and Bruce Masters (2009) alongside with Selcuk who in the legal codes "Kanunname" combined the norms
Somel (2008). of a sharia law, Turkic customary law, and a compendium
Ukrainian historians have also involved in the investi- of sultan and government rescripts which could be used
gation. Among them Antonina Makarevich should be as the legal precedents. The earliest description of land
mentioned who deals with a unique form of land using usage can be found in a vaqf-name (a document, that
known as vaqf (Makarevych, 2016). The specialized works allowed some pieces of land or other property to be en-
are represented by a monography of Ismail Hьsrev Tцkin, dowed) issued by Ibrahim-bey a principality from Karaman
"Turkish village economy" (1972), where the social in 1432. The extract provides the following:
intercourses concerning land are analyzed on the basis of "…enlisted in the act pieces of land, plows, channels,
social history methods and throughout the extended farmstead with all it's revenues, dwellers, valleys, mountains,
historical period. Other proceedings are represented by meadows, trees, rivers, stones, hills, roads and all goods,
the articles in English and Turkish, where the various doors, sources with all internal and external rights from this
draft): Cancelled by Sultan's firman May 16, 1718" another by first invaders and their successors, and never by written law,
one "Nesfoyo village. Desolate. Entrusted on the right of left codifying before conquer" 11, the authors of a brochure set
wing gцnьliyan to Kolchak Ilias-agha march 22, 1716 (first strictly negative tone for the land property's relation in the
draft on the margins): mьlk-name is given in march 27 1717. Ottoman Empire. Notwithstanding, the following citation
(second draft): Cancelled by Sultan's firman May 16, 1718" 8. is absolutely in discord with the previous one:
(English translation is mine - A.C.) "…we present literery translation of defterdar's Mohammed
In this manner, there was a specific procedure of getting Chelebi-efendi declaration, who was appointed by Sultan
mьlk-name (a privatization voucher) but the content and Selim II in 1566 to fix the financial laws and bring together in
peculiarities of such documents were unknown. An ad- one ultimate law: All lands in muslim state could be divided
ditional change appeared in 1695, when the Ottoman into a three classes. First one - paying tithe (Ersi-ashrige)
government installed an institute of malikane - a hereditary granted to Muslims and consists their full and uncontested
right to cultivate and use land allotment, nevertheless the private property which they can buy, sold, bestow, or
act, did not change the course of a rapid crisis between endowed, this manors are not pay haradge by Muslim laws.
power, peasants and land-holders. The same situation Second one - manors, that pays Ersi haradgie, after the
was with the зiftliks, that began to appear swiftly and in conquering can be kept after its prevous owners with
abundance in the documents of the Ottoman correspon- obligation to pay not only tithe but also a Haradgie Nuiwasaf
dence from the beginning of the 18th century. They were (land tax) and Haradgie mukdesseta (building tax) Lands of
deliberately oriented on the foreign markets, and could be a second type are as well as the first class are being in full
conventionally regarded as the first private ventures and and uncontested property of their possessors which they
their owners as entrepreneurs (Scott, 1998, s. 32). The can buy, sold, bestow, or endowed (English translation
Ottoman document of the time of Selim III reign (1789- and text selection are mine - A.C.).12
1809) gives evidence: Consequently, the foreigners admitted the ownership
"If some land and householdings belonging to the mo- of land even by the standards of their own countries. They
nasteries or individuals from the ancient times, were violently were equipped with the documents certified the estab-
confiscated, and till our time is called rayat lands, should be lished order of things since the 16th century; nevertheless
meticulously investigated. In case this land are held with they had still interpreted the land relations in the Ottoman
offences, it should be returned to previous and truly owners" 9. Empire as the medieval and feudal ones. Regarding to
(English translation is mine - A.C.) the state lands a situation was ambiguous:
Abovementioned extract also stated a respectful atti- "Ottoman land belonging to this class are called crown
tude to the private property, whatever it was and whoever it lands. They can't be privatized and while it's user is
possessed. It should be mentioned that our understanding cultivating an keeps it safe and profitable, paying all taxes,
and interpretation depend on the translation correctness the land can't be taken off. The land transpassing to the
and accuracy in some terms' interpretation which sound heritors through man's line, and even when man-owners
in a different way in Ottoman and therefore have another are dead, the land don't return to treasury. Generally it
juridical meaning different from the present one. can't be sold and every deal are treated as invalid, accor-
The evidences of foreigners in the Ottoman Empire ding to the law" 13. (English translation and text selection
concerning a land question and its legal structure contained are mine - A.C.)
the obvious contradictions; the most demonstrative would According to these statements, the inability of buying
be a document of 1826: and selling the state lands did not make their temporary
"As for most of the Ottoman country is consists of ap- owners dependent, instead allowed them getting revenues
panages, it should be shown the character of land property from the land in accordance with fulfilling their obligations.
and supreme power, not only by Muslim rule but also by The groundbreaking shifts in the land relations appeared
Osman in particular" 10. (English translation is mine - A.C.) only in the 19th century. The first strike was made by Sultans
In the very first lines only one type of landholding Mahmud II (1808-1839) and his son Abdulmecid (1839-
was emphasized, which was not a dominant one at the 1861), by laws of 1831, 1834 and 1839 which cancelled a
19 th century. There were further contradictions embodied timar system and permitted to register it as a private
and developed in some paragraphs: "It can't be no doubt, property - mьlk. In 1848 the new land law introduced the
that in Turkey as well as in the rest muslim states of Asia, real elements of a free-market (the land could be purchased at
and hereditary land right protected by law never exists, right of the auctions) but remained the small owners alone with
possession grounds on the direct ownership, which were granted the old land elite (Tцkin, 1972: 173). And the final redaction
of the Ottoman Land Code (Arazi Kanunnamesi) practically
brought the European practice of land use into the Ottoman
Турецкие документы о состоянии Хотинской округи (Yахие) Empire in 1858 (Tцkin, 197: 119). All land was divided into
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Чалий Андрій,
Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка (м. Київ, Україна)
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]; ORCID 0000-0002-4702-2560
Ключові слова: Близький Схід; Османська імперія; земельні відносини; османське право; феодалізм.
© Chalyi Andrii
Надійшла до редакції: 27.06.2019
Прийнята до друку: 22.07.2019