GHTF Sg3 n99 8 Guidance On Quality 990629
GHTF Sg3 n99 8 Guidance On Quality 990629
GHTF Sg3 n99 8 Guidance On Quality 990629
GHTF website.
The document herein was produced by the Global Harmonization Task Force, a
voluntary group of representatives from medical device regulatory agencies and
the regulated industry. The document is intended to provide non-binding
guidance to regulatory authorities for use in the regulation of medical devices,
and has been subject to consultation throughout its development.
Issue No 7
August 1994
0. Introduction................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Scope........................................................................................................................................... 5
2. References.................................................................................................................................. 6
3. Definitions................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Advisory notice...................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Complaint.............................................................................................................................. 7
3.3 Contract................................................................................................................................. 7
3.4 Design................................................................................................................................... 7
3.5 Label...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.6 Labelling................................................................................................................................ 7
3.7 Product.................................................................................................................................. 8
3.8 Recall.................................................................................................................................... 8
3.9 Refurbishing.......................................................................................................................... 9
4. Quality system requirements.................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Management responsibility................................................................................................... 9
4.1.1 Quality policy................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.2 Organisation.................................................................................................................. 10
4.1.3 Management review..................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Quality system..................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.1 General......................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.2 Quality system procedures............................................................................................13
4.2.3 Quality planning............................................................................................................. 14
4.3 Contract review.................................................................................................................. 14
4.3.1 General......................................................................................................................... 14
4.3.2 Review.......................................................................................................................... 14
4.3.3 Amendment to contract.................................................................................................14
4.3.4 Records......................................................................................................................... 15
4.4 Design control.................................................................................................................... 15
4.4.1 General......................................................................................................................... 15
4.4.2 Design and development planning................................................................................15
4.4.3 Organisational and technical interfaces.........................................................................16
4.4.4 Design input................................................................................................................. 17
4.4.5 Design output................................................................................................................ 18
4.4.6 Design........................................................................................................................... 20
4.4.7 Design verification......................................................................................................... 21
4.4.8 Design validation........................................................................................................... 21
4.4.9 Design changes............................................................................................................. 21
4.5 Document and data control................................................................................................23
4.5.1 General........................................................................................................................ 23
4.5.2 Document and data approval and issue.......................................................................23
4.5.3 Document and data changes.......................................................................................23
4.6 Purchasing.......................................................................................................................... 24
4.6.1 General......................................................................................................................... 24
4.6.2 Evaluation of sub-contractors........................................................................................25
4.6.3 Purchasing data............................................................................................................ 26
4.6.4 Verification of purchased product..................................................................................27
4.7 Control of customer-supplied product..................................................................................27
4.8 Product identification and traceability.................................................................................27
4.9 Process control................................................................................................................... 28
4.10 Inspection and testing........................................................................................................... 33
4.10.1 General......................................................................................................................... 33
4.10.2 Receiving inspection and testing..................................................................................33
4.10.3 In-process inspection and testing.................................................................................33
4.10.4 Final inspection and testing.......................................................................................... 34
4.10.5 Inspection and test records..........................................................................................34
4.11 Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment..........................................................35
4.11.1 General......................................................................................................................... 35
4.11.2 Control procedure.......................................................................................................... 35
4.12 Inspection and test status................................................................................................... 36
4.13 Control of nonconforming product......................................................................................36
4.13.1 General......................................................................................................................... 36
4.13.2 Review and disposition................................................................................................. 37
4.14 Corrective and preventive action........................................................................................ 37
4.14.1 General......................................................................................................................... 37
4.14.2 Corrective action........................................................................................................... 39
4.14.3 Preventive action........................................................................................................... 41
4.15 Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery.....................................................42
4.15.1 General......................................................................................................................... 42
4.15.2 Handling........................................................................................................................ 42
4.15.3 Storage.......................................................................................................................... 42
4.15.4 Packaging.................................................................................................................... 43
4.15.6 Delivery........................................................................................................................ 44
4.16 Control of quality records...................................................................................................... 44
4.17 Internal quality audits............................................................................................................ 47
4.18 Training................................................................................................................................ 48
4.19 Servicing............................................................................................................................... 49
4.20 Statistical techniques........................................................................................................... 50
4.20.1 Identification of need.................................................................................................... 50
4.20.1 Procedures................................................................................................................... 50
Annex 1............................................................................................................................................... 52
Annex 2............................................................................................................................................... 54
0. Introduction
Regulatory control of medical device design and manufacture is developing in various ways in
different countries or blocs. One approach which is gaining wide acceptance is that of quality systems
which incorporate all the principles formerly known as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). A
consensus is growing that a suitable quality system should incorporate the principles of ISO 9001 plus
additional healthcare-related requirements specific to medical devices.
These additional health-care related requirements are embodied in the European standard EN 46001
and in the draft GMP Regulations of the USA, Japan and Canada.
This document provides guidance on the implementation of quality systems for medical devices,
based on ISO 9001 (1994 version) and is organised according to the clause numbering of ISO 9001.
For use in particular countries/blocs which may have GMP regulations of their own, the format and
paragraph numbering may be changed but the content should remain the same. A non-exhaustive list
of standards supportive of this guidance document is included as an Appendix.
It has been prepared by a group of representatives of industry and regulatory authorities from the
Canada, EC, Japan and USA. It is regarded as acceptable guidance on the quality system
requirements for medical devices in these countries.
The relationship of this document to other published guidance, and to the standards themselves, is
illustrated in the following diagram.
Requirements General ISO 9002 Q9001-91 29001 JIS Z 9902 C Q91
ISO 9003 Q9002-91 EN JIS Z 9903 ANSI/ASQ
Q9003-91 29002 C Q92
29003 C Q93
The text is based on ISO 9000-2 (1993) and extracts from EN 724, prEN 928 and prEN 61272. It
should be read in conjunction with ISO 9004-1.
1. Scope
This document provides general guidance on the implementation of quality systems for medical
devices based on ISO 9001. Such quality systems include those of the EU Medical Device Directives
and the GMP requirements currently in preparation in Canada, Japan and USA. [It may be used for
systems based on ISO 9002 by the omission of sub-clause 4.4].
The guidance given in this document is applicable to the design, development, production, installation
and servicing of medical devices of all kinds. [Specific additional guidance referring to particular
categories of medical device is given in Appendices.]
This document describes concepts and methods to be considered by medical device manufacturers
who are establishing and maintaining quality systems. It is not intended to be directly used for
assessment of quality systems.
This document describes examples of ways in which the quality system requirements can be met, and
it is recognised that there may be alternative ways that are better suited to a particular
2. References
ISO 9004-1:1994: Quality management and quality system elements - Part 1: Guidelines.
EN 46001:1993: Quality Systems - Medical Devices - Particular Requirements for the Application of
EN 29001.
ISO 9000-2:1993: Generic guidelines for the application of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003.
EN 724:1993: Guidance on the application of EN 29001/EN 46001 and EN 29002/ EN 46002 for non-
active medical devices.
prEN 928:1991: Guidance on the application of EN 29001/EN 46001 and EN 29002/EN 46002 for the
in-vitro diagnostics industry.
prEN 61272:1993: Guidance on the application of ISO 9001/EN 46001 and ISO 9002/EN 46002 for
the active medical device industry.
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document the definitions given in ISO 8402:1993 apply, together with those
given below.
3.1 Advisory notice
A notice issued to provide information and/or advice on what action should be taken in the use,
modification, disposal or return of a medical device.
3.2 Complaint
Any allegation, reported in any form to the supplier, of deficiencies related to the identity, quality,
durability, reliability, safety or performance of a medical device.
3.3 Contract
Any legally binding agreement between the supplier and the purchaser concerning the supply of
product or service. Note: a contract may be in writing, verbal or a combination of both.
3.4 Design
(Verb) To generate information from which a required product can become a reality.
(Noun) The set of instructions (eg specifications, drawings and schedules) necessary to construct a
3.5 Label
relating to identification, technical description or use of the medical device ut excluding shipping
3.6 Labelling
3.7 Product
Note: All generic product categories provide value to the customer only at the times
and places the customer interfaces with, and perceives benefits from, the product.
However, the value from a service often is provided primarily by activities at a
particular time and place of interface with the customer.
3.8 Recall
3.9 Refurbishing
The processing or reprocessing to specified requirements of a medical device which has been
previously released.
Note: Refurbishing applies also to repackaging and/or resterilization of medical devices, for
example when a container that maintains sterility has been opened or damaged.
When defining and documenting its quality policy, quality objectives and commitment to quality,
supplier management should consider the following points:
- ensuring the organisation's personnel understand and implement the quality policy;
- initiating, managing, and following up on the implementation of the quality policy, including
implementation of the quality system;
- not accepting deviations from quality policy or wasted resources in any part or aspect of the
- providing adequate resources and training to support quality system development and
See also 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.2.1 and 5.3.1 of ISO 9004-1.
4.1.2 Organisation
Individuals in the supplier organisation should be aware of the scope, responsibility and authority of
their functions and their impact on product or service quality.
Adequate authority should be delegated to individuals to allow them to carry out their designated
responsibilities. They should have clear understanding of their defined authority and freedom, and
designated channels to take action. Everyone in the organisation should be made aware of, the
quality objectives, and should feel responsibility for achieving them and for fulfilling the requirements
for the quality of its products. It is usual to designate one or more individuals to monitor and to report
the quality achieved. It is important that those so designated have access to the highest levels of
management in the organisation.
Responsibilities for key elements of the quality system may be defined in a combination of
organisation charts and written job descriptions. These key elements include (but are not limited to):
- the control and maintenance of the quality system, aimed at the identification and prevention
of quality deficiencies against the specified requirements for the product, process and quality system;
- the control of a corrective action system that prevents the recurrence of the quality
deficiencies, by ensuring that changes to the quality system intended to prevent manufacture of
nonconforming product are effective;
- organising formal and systematic management reviews of the quality system, to ensure that
it remains appropriate to the quality objectives;
- the expert assessment of any procedures for environmental control, and the validation
protocols for all processes where environmental control is of significance;
- managerial control of any special processes, and ensuring these operate within validated
parameters. Resources
Supplier management should recognise that adequate resources and personnel can involve the
- production schedules which allow time for activities such as inspection, test and verification;
- equipment;
- documented procedures;
Management may consider obtaining specialist professional advice through a sub-contract to another
organisation, while employing their own staff to implement agreed procedures in a routine manner. In
such cases records of the qualifications of the sub-contracted personnel should be readily available.
See also 5.2.4 and 18.3 of ISO 9004-1.
The management representative may have other functions. Where this is the case the responsibilities
and authorities for both the quality system and the other functions should be clearly defined. Potential
conflicts of interest should be examined to ensure that the effectiveness of the quality system is not
degraded. The organisational structure should show how the position of the management
representative is linked with line management in order that the duties of the management
representative can be effectively discharged.To ensure that the management representative's duties
remain clearly defined, he/she alone should be authorised to delegate his/her defined authority.
Management can fulfil its duty to monitor the continuing suitability and effectiveness of the quality
system by conducting periodic, systematic reviews.
Such management reviews are additional to, and use the findings of, internal quality audits (see 4.17)
conducted to ensure continued adherence to the system. Both management reviews and quality
audits should be performed regularly, and not only be conducted as a reaction after quality problems
have been identified.
The quality system review process and the reasons behind it should be known and understood by the
organisation. Reviews may include the following:
- the achieved quality of the end product or service in relation to the requirements for quality;
The management should review periodically the appropriateness of the review frequency. The
frequency depends on individual circumstances. (Some organisations have found that annual
management reviews are appropriate, but this interval is not mandatory).
Activities and results may be evaluated on a systemic and/or random basis. Chronic problem areas
should receive special attention. Results should be documented and analysed for trends that may
indicate systematic problems.
Required changes to the quality system determined during a management review should be
implemented in a timely manner. The effectiveness of any changes should be evaluated.
4.2.1 General
The implementation of a quality system by the supplier is most effective when those in the
organisation understand its intention and how it functions, in particular in the area of their
responsibility and its interface with other parts of the system.
The quality manual is an essential aid to this understanding by those both inside and outside the
supplier's organisation. The quality manual could be one document supported by several tiers of
documents, each tier becoming progressively more detailed. For example, there may be an overall
system manual and one or more specific procedural manuals. Together these documents define the
quality system.
Note: For general guidance on the content of a quality manual, it is recommended to refer to ISO
One of the tiers of documents supporting the quality manual is a " Device Master File" or " Device
Master Record" (DMR) for each product type (see 4.4.5). This contains, or gives reference to the
location of, documentation relevant to the design, manufacture, installation and servicing of that
product. Examples of such documentation may include:
- specifications for raw materials, labels, packaging materials, intermediate and finished
Such files may also contain quality records (see 4.16) such as:
All this documentation forms part of the quality system and should be subject to document control
procedures (see 4.5).
Documented procedures should exist which show how each element of the quality system
requirements is met. These procedures should reflect the supplier's quality policy and organisation
and the nature of the product(s) or service(s) being supplied.
The procedures may refer to work instructions that define how an activity is carried out in relation to a
specific product, or product type, or service.
4.2.3 Quality planning
Quality plans may be used to define how the quality system requirements will be met for a specific
class of products. Most of them will have a sequence of activities in relation to a time frame. Here
again the plans can be in several tiers, becoming progressively more detailed. An example could
include a detailed sequence of inspections, relating to a product (including service), along with type of
inspection equipment and quality record requirements.
Note: For general guidance on quality plans it is recommended to refer to ISO 9004-5
See also 4.4, 5.1, 5.2.5, 5.3.2 and 5.3.3 of ISO 9004-1.
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Review
The importance of a thorough understanding of the purchaser's needs during the tendering stage at
the formulation of the contract and in all subsequent stages, cannot be overstated. Often dialogue will
be necessary to achieve this understanding, that should clearly establish the purchaser's
requirements as to the product, delivery and other critical factors.
Medical devices may be supplied to customers via telephoned or written purchase orders, or on the
receipt of a standing order. Such orders are often based on information supplied to the customer in
the form of a sales catalogue. In some situations a documented contract may be agreed between the
parties concerned. In all these circumstances a legally binding contract may be deemed to exist and
the contract review process should be applied.
Contracts established to permit supply of product by Electronic Data Interchange need especially
careful review in order to ensure that the subsequent automatic processes can be operated safely.
Amendments to contracts may be introduced by the customer (eg. change of requirements) or by the
supplier (eg. inability to meet specification or dates). Changes introduced by the customer should be
subjected to the same review procedure as new contracts.
A documented system should exist for ensuring that changes are communicated to all affected parts
of the supplier's organisation. Changes introduced by the supplier should be agreed by the customer
and this agreement should be documented.
4.3.4 Records
In most cases it should be sufficient for records to be kept to show that a review has taken place. In
some cases, particularly where a contract has been amended, it may be advisable to keep more
detailed records.
4.4.1 General
The essential quality aspects and the regulatory requirements, such as safety, performance, and
dependability of a product (whether hardware, software, services, or processed materials) are
established during the design and development phase. Deficient design can be a major cause of
quality problems. ISO 9001 specifies design control requirements for the design process.
In considering design control, it is important to note that the design function may apply to various
facets of the operation in differing styles and time scales. Such facets are related to products,
including services and software, as well as to process design associated with product design. The
supplier should consider all phases of the design associated with product design. The supplier should
consider all phases of the design function process for which controlled procedures are necessary.
The nature of product evaluations, design reviews, process validations, etc, should be proportional to
the nature of the risks of the device. Use of techniques such as fault tree analysis and failure mode
and effects analysis can be helpful in determining the nature of possible design flaws and the risks
that they entail.
The design process may become a lengthy and costly process if the design activity is not properly
defined and planned.
The supplier's procedures for design and development planning should include such elements as:
- plans for evaluating the safety, performance, and dependability incorporated in the product
- assignment of responsibilities.
The design plan typically includes the specific quality practices, assessment methodology, record-
keeping, documentation requirements, resources, etc and sequence of activities relevant to a
particular design or design category. The plan should reference applicable codes, standards,
regulations and specifications. However, the plan should only be as comprehensive as needed to
meet the quality objectives.
If any clinical evaluation is necessary, the supplier should consider whether any special
documentation is required to comply with regulatory procedures.
The supplier should clearly assign responsibilities for specific design leadership and other design
work functions to designated personnel. The personnel in these functions should be qualified and
have access to information and the resources to complete the work.
Design activities should be specified at the level of detail necessary for carrying out the design
process and in a manner which permits verification that the design meets the requirements.
When input to the design is from a variety of sources, their inter-relationships and interfaces (as well
as the pertinent responsibilities and authorities) should be defined, documented, coordinated and
Many organisational functions contribute to the design process. These may include:
- marketing;
- purchasing;
- engineering;
- regulatory affairs;
- materials technology;
- production/manufacturing;
- service groups;
- facilities management;
- warehousing/transportation/logistics;
- communications facilities;
- information systems.
To function effectively the suppliers' design work groups, both internal and external, should establish:
This design description document should quantify all requirements wherever practicable. It lays the
foundation and provides a unified approach to the design. It also records the resolutions of any
incomplete, ambiguous or conflicting requirements which have been uncovered.
The design description document should identify those design aspects, materials, and processes
which may require development and analysis, including prototype testing to verify their adequacy.
The design description document should be prepared in a way that facilitates periodic updates. It
should also indicate "when" and "what criteria" will cause the document to be updated, and who is
responsible for the update. A design description document prepared in this way serves as the
definitive up-to-date reference document as the design progresses to completion.
The specified requirements for medical devices placed on the market are normally set by the supplier,
usually based on his perception of clinical need and the potential market. Design input data may also
include advice from an appropriately qualified practitioner. For example, consideration may need to
be given to anatomical and physiological implications of the intended use of the product. In
developing the specified requirements, the supplier should consider other likely uses of the device
and the needs for labels and customer training.
The design transfer process (see 4.4.5) will flow more smoothly if, during design input, consideration
is given to production (parts and materials availability, equipment needs, training, etc) and
assessment requirements (conformance assessment procedures, methods and equipment).
Throughout the design process, the requirements contained in the design description are translated
by the supplier into outputs, such as the following:
- drawings;
- work instructions;
- software;
- packaging and labelling specifications, including copies of approved labels, methods and
processes used.
Outputs of the detailed design are the final technical documents used for purchasing, production,
installation, inspection and testing, and servicing.
This information, or reference to the location of this information, constitutes the Device Master
Record (DMR) (see 4.2).
As part of, or in addition to, the DMR documents, it is good practice to maintain a file to demonstrate
that each design was developed and verified in accordance with the approved design plan. Such a
file includes or refers to the location of design documentation such as design input requirements,
design verification results, design review results, etc.
The DMR should normally be held (or be reasonably accessible) at each site where the product is
manufactured. The design file (if separate) need be held only at the design site.
Design Transfer
The transfer of a design to production typically involves review and approval of specifications and
procedures and, where applicable, the proving of the adequacy of the specification, methods and
procedures through process validation including the testing of finished product under actual or
simulated use conditions.
It may not be possible to determine the adequacy of full-scale manufacturing on the basis of
successfully building prototypes or models in a laboratory and testing these prototypes or models.
The engineering feasibility and production feasibility may be different because the equipment, tools,
personnel, operating procedures, supervision and motivation may be different when a company
scales up for routine production. One way to ensure that distributed devices have the quality
attributes established during the design phase, and that these are not adversely affected by the
production process, is to manufacture finished devices using the approved specifications, the same
materials and components, the same production and assessment equipment, and the same methods
and procedures that will be used for routine production. Where appropriate, this may be
accomplished by manufacturing " pilot runs" or " first production runs".
These devices, or samples from these runs, are then qualified through testing under actual or
simulated use conditions, and in the environment (or simulated environment) in which the device is
expected to be used. The extent of the testing conducted should be governed by the risk the device
will present to the user should it fail and the level of scientific knowledge.
Design reviews typically are the coordinating design control measure. Design review and/or type
testing by an authorised external organisation may be a regulatory requirement for certain types of
The competence of the participants in the design reviews should be adequate to permit them to
examine designs and their implications. Design reviews for the purpose of design verification can
consider questions such as the following:
a. Do designs satisfy all specified requirements for the product (including service)?
c. Has a risk analysis been carried out to ensure that safety considerations are covered?
d. Do designs meet functional and operational requirements, that is, performance and
dependability objectives?
g. Is the design satisfactory for all anticipated environmental and load conditions?
h. Are components or service elements standardised and do they provide for interchangeability,
maintainability and replacement?
i. Are plans for implementing the design, for example, purchasing, production, installation,
inspection and testing, technically feasible?
k. Where computer software forms part of the product, or has been used in design
computations, modelling, or analyses, has the software (and its configuration control) been
appropriately validated, authorised, and verified?
l. Have the inputs to such software, and the outputs, been appropriately verified and
m. What are the assumptions made during the design process and what is their validity?
Records of design review meetings should be retained. The records should identify those present at
the meeting and the decisions reached.
ISO 9001 describes design control measures (eg. alternative calculations, tests and demonstrations,
comparison with a proven design) which can be used in conjunction with design reviews to verify the
design. Design verification should ideally involve personnel other than those responsible for the
design work under review.
Once the design is translated into physical form, its safety, performance and reliability should be
verified by testing under simulated use conditions. Such verification may include in-vitro and in-vivo
When alternative calculations or comparison with a proven design are employed as forms of design
verification the appropriateness of the alternative calculation method, and/or the proven design should
be reviewed in relation to this new application.
See also 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7 and 8.9 of ISO 9004-1.
Design validation goes beyond the purely technical issues of verifying that the design output meets
the design input, and is intended to ensure that the product meets user requirements. This may
involve consideration of who the user really is, the operating instructions, and any restriction on the
use of the product.
Clinical evaluation may be involved in the validation of the design of medical devices. The conduct of
clinical investigations should conform to applicable regulations/standards.
- omissions or errors (eg, due to calculation, material selection, etc.) during the design phase
have been identified afterwards;
- manufacturing and/or installation difficulties are discovered after the design phase;
Changes during the design phase may require change to the d esign input (4.4.4). The design input
should be regarded as a controlled document and any such changes should be made in accordance
with the document change procedures (4.5.2).
All design changes should be reviewed to determine whether they influence previously approved
design verification results. Design changes in one component of a product should be evaluated for
their influence on the whole. Improving one characteristic may have unforeseen adverse influence on
When significant design changes are made, the verification procedures (4.4.7) should also be
reviewed and modified as appropriate.
Procedures should be established to communicate the new d esign output (4.4.5) to all concerned, to
record any design changes, and to ensure, as well as document, that only authorised design changes
have been made.
When the design of a medical device which has already been placed on the market is changed, the
supplier should consider whether the regulatory authorities should be notified.
4.5.1 General
Documents and data containing information and/or instructions can be recorded, transmitted or
received using a variety of media, such as hard copy or electronic media.
The supplier's system should provide a clear and precise control of procedures and responsibilities for
approval, issue, distribution, and administration of documentation, including the removal, and possibly
preservation, of obsolete documents. This can be accomplished, for example, by maintaining a
master list of documents identifying level of approval, distribution (location of copies), and revision
Document control should include those documents and/or computer records pertinent to design,
purchasing, work execution, quality standards, inspection of materials and the quality system
documents. The supplier's internal written procedures should describe:
- what is to be controlled;
Recognising that supplier documentation may be subject to revision and change, controls should exist
for the preparation, handling, approval, issue and recording of changes.
These document controls should apply not only to internal documentation but also to documents, such
as regulations and standards, which are generated and updated externally but which may form
important parts of the design and manufacturing process. The supplier should establish a continuing
mechanism for controlling changes in documentation. The mechanism should:
Changes that may affect quality should be verified or validated (as appropriate) before
Consideration should be given to the effect which the proposed changes may have on other parts of
the procedure, system, and product (including service). Actions may be needed before a change is
implemented to assess the effect of the change on other parts of the organisation, and notify them, as
Planned circulation of a change proposal to personnel in the affected functions can assist in avoiding
disruption. The timing of the implementation of the change may be an important factor, particularly
when several changes of documentation are to be coordinated.
Records of an approved change should include a description of the change, the identity of the
affected documents, a dated signature, and when the change becomes effective.
The master copy of withdrawn documents should be clearly marked and retained by storage in a
secure location. Other copies of withdrawn documents should be disposed of. The object of retaining
a single copy of obsolete or superseded documents is to provide a full picture of the product at
various stages of its life, from first design considerations through development to present status. It
may be possible to achieve this objective by maintaining detailed records of changes as they are
made, rather than retaining copies of each issue of every document.
4.6 Purchasing
4.6.1 General
A supplier may purchase, from a number of sources, products and services which may include:
- raw materials;
- completed product bearing the mark and/or name of the supplier; this may be ready for sale
or require some further processing such as packaging and/or sterilization;
The term ' sub-contractor' is taken to include all providers of materials, components, sub-assemblies,
finished product or services.
A distinction may be made between purchase of materials or services to the supplier's specification
and the purchase of standard commercially available materials. This can be useful in deciding on the
type and extent of control to be applied to purchased materials or services.
The supplier should establish an effective working relationship and feedback system with the sub-
The supplier may employ several ways of choosing satisfactory sub-contractors, given that technical
capabilities are satisfactory for the product to be delivered, for example:
- a review of previous performance in supplying similar products, processes or services;
The supplier's quality records concerning the evaluation should be sufficiently comprehensive to
demonstrate the ability of sub-contractors to meet contract requirements and should allow for
selection on the basis of quality capability.
Factors such as product compliance with specified requirements, the total cost for the supplier,
delivery arrangements, and the sub-contractor's own quality systems may be pertinent in this context.
The performance of sub-contractors should be reviewed at intervals consistent with the complexity
and technical requirements of the product and demonstrated sub-contractor performance.
Clarity in the specification documents and the sub-contractor's agreement that the product or service
can be supplied in accordance with the specification, are essential ingredients of success in sub-
contracting. The sub-contract should also include an agreement between both parties on the
methods of quality assurance that will be used to decide the acceptability of product or service.
The supplier's purchasing data should define the specified technical product requirements to the sub-
contractor to ensure the quality of the purchased product, process or service. This may be done, in
part, by reference to other applicable technical information such as national or international
standards, test methods, etc. Well-defined purchase orders can provide documented evidence.
Another option is for essential information to be clearly and precisely stated in the sub-contract.
Responsibilities for reviewing and approving the purchasing data should be clearly assigned to
appropriate personnel. Arrangements should be made to identify the revision status of documents
referenced in the purchasing data.
Where justified by the use of the device, the purchasing agreement should include a requirement for
the sub-contractor to give advance notice to the supplier of any changes (eg of materials) that could
affect the quality of the product or service supplied.
If the supplier's procedures under 4.6.1-4.6.3 are described and documented in sufficient detail, they
will provide satisfactory evidence that purchased product meets specified requirements.
If not, the supplier may find it difficult to satisfy the enquiries of customers or certification bodies. In
such cases, the supplier may have to arrange for the customer/certification body to verify directly the
sub-contractor's product and/or processes.
4.7 Control of customer-supplied product
"Customer-supplied product" is product owned by the customer and furnished to the supplier. The
supplier, upon delivery, accepts responsibilities for prevention from damage, and for identification,
maintenance, storage, handling and use while that product is in the supplier's possession.
For parts or medical devices provided by the customer to the supplier, the responsibility for their
conformity to an agreed specification lies with the customer. However, the supplier should not
knowingly incorporate nonconforming parts into any medical devices supplied to the customer.
The supplier can achieve product identification by marking or tagging the product or its container. For
example, on visually identical parts where the functional characteristics are different, different colours
can be used. For bulk products or product from continuous processes, the identification may be
limited to identification of batches or well-defined lots.
The supplier can achieve traceability by each individual product having an identifier (eg serial number,
date code, batch code, lot number) unique to the source of operation.
Separate identifiers could be required for changes in operative personnel, changes in raw materials,
changes in tooling, new or different machine set-ups, changes in process methods, etc. Traceability
identifiers should appear on applicable inspection and stock records.For example, adequate
traceability can avoid the unnecessary explant of implantable medical devices through precise
identification of those implants which incorporate a subsequently identified faulty component, or for
which some process control has subsequently been shown to be inadequate. This implies continuing
the traceability up to the point of implantation, although this may not always be within the capability of
the supplier.
The supplier's planning for the production and, where applicable, installation processes should
consider each of the controlled conditions described in ISO 9001. Control within the process to
prevent nonconformities from occurring is preferable to inspection of finished product or service alone.
The characteristics which are most critical to the product/service quality should be identified and
should be under the closest process control.
Both written and electronic media documentation methods should be recognised for documented
Process-control activities may include procedures for accepting materials or items into the process
and determining their characteristics while in the process. The amount of testing and inspecting
needed for process control may bear a relationship to the influence of nonconformities on the
downstream process. The adequacy of measurement processes should be considered in assessing
the adequacy of production process control.
Where suitable, process control should include statistical process-control methods, supplemented by
procedures to maintain the suitability of software, of in-process materials, and of activities needed for
appropriate storage, handling, and segregation.
Where the achievement of desired levels of process control is dependent upon consistent and stable
operation of process equipment and essential materials, the supplier should include within the scope
of the quality system the proper maintenance of such process equipment and essential materials.
Before and during the introduction of a new or significantly changed product (see also 4.4 of this
guidance), the manufacturing process, including any new manufacturing and test methods, should be
fully evaluated. The key variables and acceptance limits should be identified and validated for
processes, test methods and sampling plans. Similar procedures should be followed where any
significant change in processing occurs. The results of validation exercises should be documented.
Processes should be re-examined at appropriate intervals to ensure that they are operating within the
validated acceptance limits.
Work in Progress
Work-in-progress should be identified and/or segregated to avoid product mix-up and to ensure
traceability where necessary (see 4.8 of this guidance). For small parts, for bulk manufacture, and
where the parts cannot be marked, the bulk containers and/or process equipment may be identified
to indicate the product and/or batch. This identification need not be the code used on the finished
product, but it should be easily related to this code. Any previously used labels should be removed or
Ancillary materials should be adequately identified and labelled. Containers for temporary storage
and handling should be suitably constructed and cleaned as necessary.
Where automated production or quality control systems are used, any software and/or hardware
should be validated. Software and changes to software may be controlled in the same manner as
documents, i.e. program authorised on issue, master copy of the original program retained, control
and validation of changes to programs with revision levels, and retention of superseded copies (see
also section 4.5 of this guidance). ISO 9000-3 may be used as a reference in the control of software.
Maintenance of equipment
Documented procedures should be available for the maintenance and checking of all equipment used
in production and for environmental control. The determination of the necessary adjustments and
maintenance intervals should be established during the commissioning and validation of new
The design, construction and maintenance of premises can influence product quality. Buildings in
which manufacture, assembly, packaging, storage, inspection and test, and labelling are carried out
should be of suitable design and contain sufficient space to facilitate cleaning, maintenance and other
necessary operations.
The following are examples of features to be considered in the design and construction of premises:
lighting, temperature, humidity, ventilation, air pressure, filtration, airborne particulate contamination,
microbial contamination, and possibility of electrostatic discharge. Special handling procedures may
be required to protect circuit components from damage due to electrostatic discharges.
Features which can affect the quality of product, may include: cleanliness, environmental conditions,
segregation of materials, access for personnel, storage facilities, waste disposal arrangements, and
provision for eating, drinking and smoking areas. Some of the provisions that should be considered
where they may affect product quality are:
Documented cleaning procedures for all general areas and equipment may include:
- methods to be used;
- frequency of cleaning;
- designated personnel;
- records to be kept;
When cleaning operations are carried out by a sub-contractor, there should be a written contract
specifying the limits of responsibility of both parties. This contract should include details of the
documented cleaning procedure and specify the training to be given to cleaning staff (see also 4.18
of this guidance).
If a medical device has to be assembled or installed at the user's site, instructions should be provided
by the supplier to guide correct assembly, installation and/or calibration, which is the final stage of
manufacture. Special attention should be paid to correct installation of safety control mechanisms
and safety control circuits.
In certain cases, for example when required by regulation, where performance parameters of a
medical device have to be controlled, the supplier should provide instructions that allow the installer to
confirm correct operation of the device. The results of installation or commissioning tests should be
Special Processes
The supplier should give special consideration to "special processes". These are processes in which
the product quality characteristics cannot fully be verified in the finished product.
- the characteristics of interest do not exist until further downstream in the process;
All products are produced by processes, and "special processes" are found in all generic product
categories: hardware, software, processed materials, and services. However, "special processes" are
particularly common in producing processed materials.
Some examples where critical product quality characteristics fall within one or more of the three
process circumstances above include:
- strength, ductility, fatigue life, corrosion resistance of a metal part following welding, soldering,
heat treatment or plating;
Such products are typically the final result of a series of operations and require close adherence to
specified in-process procedures and sequences. For a processed material or hardware product these
can involve starting materials, temperature profiles, physical deformations, mixing and environmental
conditions. For a software or service product these can involve source data and documents,
intellectual and clerical correctness.
Special skills, capabilities and training of personnel may be needed and should be demonstrated.
4.10.1 General Receiving inspection is one means for the supplier to verify that sub-contractors
have fulfilled their contractual obligations relating to quality and that procured items entering the
supplier's facilities fulfil specified requirements for quality. This clause in ISO 9001 does not imply that incoming items have to be inspected and
tested by the supplier, if the necessary confidence in the product (including service) can be obtained
by other defined procedures.
The supplier's procedures or quality plan should specify the means of verifying that shipments
received are in accordance with specifications, are complete, have the proper identity and are
undamaged. The procedures should also include provisions for verifying that incoming items,
materials or services are accompanied by supporting documentation as, and if, required (eg.
certificates of analysis, test results). Appropriate action in the event of nonconformities should be
specified. Analysis of past receiving inspection data, in-plant rejection history or customer complaints
can influence the supplier's decisions regarding the need to reassess a sub-contractor. The supplier's procedures should define responsibilities and authority of personnel
who may allow incoming product(s) to be used without prior demonstration of conformance to
specified requirements for quality. The supplier's procedures should also define how such product(s)
will be positively identified and controlled in the event that subsequent inspection finds
In-process inspection and testing applies to all forms of products, including services. It allows early
recognition of nonconformities and timely disposition of the nonconforming items.
Where appropriate, statistical control techniques should be used to identify trends for both product
and process before nonconformities actually occur.
The supplier's procedures or quality plan should ensure the objectivity of the inspection and test
results, including situations where in-process inspection is carried out by production personnel.
Early identification of nonconformities, before arriving at the final inspection stage, increases the
efficiency of the entire operation by avoiding further processing of nonconforming items.
Final inspection involves the activities (examination, inspection, measurement or test) upon which the
final release of product (including service) is based with respect to specified characteristics. The
specified requirements forming the basis of final inspection and test should include all designated
release characteristics. These should be directly related to the type of medical device involved and its
intended use. Final testing may include, where practical, testing under simulated or actual conditions
of use of products selected from a lot or batch.
In the case of equipment which is assembled and/or installed at the user's premises, the final
inspection and testing can only be carried out after the completion of assembly/installation. In such
cases, the final inspection and test may not be carried out by the supplier but the supplier should
ensure the availability of all necessary information about the inspection and test procedure and the
results expected.
The supplier's inspection and test records should facilitate assessment of products having fulfilled the
requirements for quality. Helpful supporting evidence may be available from records of other
inspections and tests (eg raw materials, in-process). Regulatory requirements and product liability
should also be taken into consideration.
- identify the inspection/test procedure(s) and revision level used (see also 4.5);
- be signed and dated by the person responsible for the inspection or test;
- clearly identify the number of items examined and the number accepted;
- record the disposition of any items failing inspection or test, and the reasons for failure.
4.11.1 General
The requirements of this clause in ISO 9001 spell out in considerable detail what is to be
implemented. Although the requirements pertain explicitly to inspection, measuring and test
equipment, it is helpful to approach the subject from the perspective that measuring is itself a process
involving raw materials, equipment and procedures. The requirements of ISO 9001 explicitly involve
elements of the measurement process; elements whose collective purpose is to choose suitable
measurements, suitable measuring equipment, and suitable measurement procedures. These
elements are specified to provide confidence in the ability of the supplier's measuring systems to
control adequately the production and inspection of the product.
For both product- and process-measurement systems, statistical methods are valuable tools for
achieving and demonstrating fulfilment of requirements. In particular, statistical methods are the
preferred tools in fulfilling the requirement that "Inspection, measuring and test equipment shall be
used in a manner which ensures that the measurement uncertainty is known and is consistent with
the required measurement capability".
The requirements of this clause also should be applied by the supplier insofar as "demonstrating the
conformance of product to the specified requirements" contractually involves measurements
subsequent to production and inspection of a product (eg. during subsequent handling, storage,
packaging, delivery or servicing) as may be required under other clauses of ISO 9001.
The supplier's quality system and procedures should ensure that required inspections and tests are
performed. The system should provide a way of knowing the product (including service) status.
Status may be indicated by marking or tagging or signing, either physically or by electronic means.
Status should indicate whether a product has
not been inspected, has been inspected and rejected and on hold awaiting decision, or has been
inspected and rejected. Separate physical location of these categories of
product units is often the most certain method of assuring both the status and accurate disposition.
However, in an automated environment accurate disposition may equally be achieved by other
means, such as a computer data base.
4.13.1 General
When any intermediate or final product (including service) is found (eg by test or inspection) not to
conform to the technical specifications, inadvertent use or installation should be prevented. This is
applicable to nonconforming product occurring in the supplier's own production as well as
nonconforming product received by the supplier. Procedures are established and maintained by the
supplier for the following purposes:
- to determine and document which product units are involved in the nonconformity, for
example, what production time interval, or production machines, or product lots are involved;
- to mark the nonconforming product units to make sure that they can be distinguished from
conforming product units (see 4.12);
- to consider the alternatives for disposition of the nonconforming product units, to decide what
disposition should be made, and to record this disposition;
- to control (eg by physical segregation) the movements, storage and subsequent processing of
the nonconforming product consistent with the disposition decision;
- to notify other functions that may be affected by the nonconformity, including, where
appropriate, the purchaser.
Any product returned to the supplier should be treated as nonconforming product until it has satisfied
a documented acceptance procedure.
Before returned medical devices which may have been contaminated with biological material are
handled, they should be decontaminated according to appropriate, approved procedures.
4.14.1 General
It is important that the causes of detected (or potential) nonconformities be promptly identified in
order that a programme to prevent recurrence (or occurrence), may be developed.
- poor scheduling;
- lack of training;
The conditions resulting from these causes may be revealed by analysis of both internal and external
- nonconformity records;
- audit observations;
- sub-contract problems;
- service records;
- returned product;
- published literature.
Regulations may place requirements on suppliers to monitor the use of their products and inform
regulatory authorities of certain defined experience in use.
The supplier's procedures should clearly establish responsibility for taking corrective action, how this
action will be carried out, and verification of the effectiveness of the corrective action. An important
element in the programme is the dissemination of quality problem information to those directly
responsible for ensuring quality.
The procedures for dealing with nonconformities discovered in product which has already been
shipped as satisfactory can include, among others:
- giving advice to customers: this may take the form of checks to be carried out before use,
providing additional guidance on the use of the product or for the replacement of certain products;
Any complaint received by the supplier on a product which either i) fails to conform with its
specification, or ii) conforms with its specification but nevertheless causes a problem in use should fall
under the complaints system. For instance, a complaint with a conforming product may be caused by
a fault in the design.
records and statistical summaries, enabling the major causes of complaints to be determined;
- filing of customer correspondence and other relevant records; the retention time for
these should be defined.
The documentation of complaint investigations should contain enough information to show that the
complaint was properly reviewed. For example: a determination of whether there was an actual
product failure to perform per specifications; whether the product was being used to treat or diagnose
a patient; whether a death, injury or serious illness was involved; the relationship, if any, to the
reported incident or adverse event. An investigation record would typically include:
Where the technical staff who are responsible for an investigation are located at a site other than the
place of manufacture of the medical device, the supplier should copy the records of the complaint and
the investigation to the manufacturing plant, so that the staff at that plant can be fully informed of the
The nature and seriousness of the fault, the intended use of the product and the consequential
potential for patient injury or harm, will determine whether it will be necessary to issue an advisory
notice, to institute a recall and/or to report to local or national authorities. These factors will also
determine the speed and extent of the action.
A person, with nominated deputies to cover for periods of absence, should be designated to
coordinate the issue of each advisory notice or recall and the consequent actions.
The procedures for generating, authorising and issuing an advisory notice or recall should specify:
- the management arrangements that enable the procedure to be activated, even in the
absence of key personnel;
- the level of management that determines that the procedure should be initiated, and the
method of determining the affected products;
- the possible necessity to report to local or national authorities, the points of contact and
methods of communication between the supplier and national authorities.
The progress of a recall should be monitored and amounts of product received should be reconciled.
Documented procedures addressing the actions described in this sub-clause of ISO 9001 should be
developed by the supplier. In particular, they should establish responsibility for taking preventive
action, how this action is to be implemented and the verification of the effectiveness of the preventive
4.15.1 General
The supplier's system for handling, storage, packaging and delivery of materials should provide
proper planning, control, and documentation. This includes in-process materials and finished product.
4.15.2 Handling
Careful planning and appropriate operating procedures help to ensure that the handling of incoming
product, product in process and completed or released medical devices does not jeopardise quality.
The supplier's method for handling materials should consider providing transportation units (such as
pallets, containers, conveyors, vessels, tanks, pipelines and vehicles) so that damage, deterioration,
or contamination (due to vibration, shock, abrasion, corrosion, temperature variation, radiation or any
other conditions occurring during handling and storage) may be prevented. Maintenance of handling
equipment is another factor to be considered.
4.15.3 Storage
The supplier should plan for suitable storage facilities, considering not only physical security but also
environmental conditions (eg temperature and humidity). It may be appropriate to check periodically
items in storage to detect possible deterioration. The methods for marking and labelling should give
legible, durable information in accordance with the specifications. Consideration may need to be given
to administrative procedures for expiry dates, and stock rotation and lot segregation.
Orderly storage conditions enable rapid and accurate identification of stock and facilitate cleaning,
while minimising risk of damage. Storage management procedures should be reviewed by the
person responsible for quality assurance.
Raw materials and products which have been rejected, recalled or returned should be identified and
may be placed in quarantine to prevent confusion with other materials. Access to materials in
quarantine areas should be restricted to authorised persons. Release and disposition should be
carried out according to a defined procedure.
4.15.4 Packaging
The packaging of medical devices is intended to provide appropriate protection against damage,
deterioration or contamination, during storage and transportation up to the point of use. The various
forms of storage and the types of transportation that might be encountered therefore should be
considered, and the effectiveness of the packaging checked.
Where the packaging of the product has been subcontracted it remains the responsibility of the
supplier to ensure that the requirements of 4.15.4 are met.
The content of labels may be specified in regulations, general standards or product standards.
Where product is to be supplied to countries with different languages, and the language to be used on
the labels has been agreed, it is advisable for the label translations to be checked by a person whose
native language is the agreed language and who has some technical knowledge of the product.
Translation problems can be reduced by the use of internationally-agreed symbols.
Where appropriate a record should be retained of the identity of the person who confirms that the
correct label(s) has been fixed to and supplied with the medical devices.
The risk of labelling and packaging errors may be minimised by the introduction of appropriate
controls such as:
- segregation of packaging and labelling operations from other manufacturing (or other
packaging and labelling) operations;
- line identification;
- the destruction of unused batch coded materials on completion of packaging and labelling;
4.15.5 Preservation
Shelf-life commences during manufacture and may be influenced by the conditions of storage. The
identification of items with a limited shelf life, or which require special protection during storage, is
important to ensure that such items are not issued if their shelf life has expired. The supplier should
have means of informing the customer or user about any special storage conditions which may apply.
4.15.6 Delivery
The supplier should provide for protection of the quality of product during shipping
and other phases of delivery. For some products, including services, delivery time is a critical factor.
Consideration should be given to the various types of delivery and variations in environmental
conditions that may be encountered.
The traceability requirements of 4.8 may require the maintenance of distribution records.
4.16 Control of quality records
Quality records should contain evidence that the product (including service) meets technical
The supplier's quality records should provide evidence that the quality system elements of ISO 9001
have been implemented. If the results have not proved satisfactory, quality records should indicate
what has been done to correct the situation.
Quality records should be prepared, stored safely, protected from unauthorised access and protected
from alteration and maintained by the supplier. They should be readily accessible as and where
Quality records may be stored in any suitable form, for example, hard copy or electronic media. Such
copies of quality records should contain all the relevant information in the original quality records. The
system for record retention should allow retrieval of quality records without undue delay if required
for corrective action (see 4.14).
There may be circumstances in which the purchaser is required to store and maintain selected quality
records attesting to the quality of products (including services) for a specified part of the operating
lifetime. The supplier should make due allowance for the provision of such documents to the
1. those which relate to the design, and the manufacturing processes, affecting all products of a
particular type (pre-production records);
3. those which demonstrate the effective operation of the overall quality system ( system
Pre-production records
Manufacturing Records
Quality records of category 2 which facilitate traceability and review of the manufacture of a product
or batch, derived during the manufacture of that
product/batch should be collated or referenced in a single file. Such files can be referred to as
Device History Record, Batch Manufacturing Record, Lot History Record or Lot Record.
If it is not practical to include all the relevant documents in the manufacturing records then they should
list the titles of those documents and their location.
Manufacturing records should be prepared from the currently approved versions of the appropriate
The forms which constitute the manufacturing records are preferably designed and reproduced by an
appropriate method to avoid clerical errors. A manufacturing record should be identified by a unique
identifier relating to an individual product or manufacturing batch.
During manufacture, relevant information is entered on to the manufacturing record, such as:
- the quantity of the raw materials, components and intermediate products, and their batch
number, where appropriate;
- the date of start and completion of different stages of production, including sterilization
records where appropriate;
System records
- management review;
- contract review;
- complaint handling;
- training;
- internal audits;
- cleaning and maintenance of buildings and equipment;
- environmental monitoring;
Internal quality audits as required by ISO 9001 are carried out by the supplier in order to determine
whether the various quality system elements of the organisation are effective and suitable for
achieving the stated quality objectives. The internal audit plan should include the frequency of
periodic audits.
The supplier should select and assign competent auditors for the activity being audited.
- to determine the adequacy and conformity of the quality system elements with the
requirements for their documentation and implementation requirements;
- to determine the effectiveness of the implemented quality system in meeting the specified
quality objectives;
A well-established system of internal auditing is to examine the different sections of the operation
individually and in turn so that the entire operation is covered in the course of a reasonable period.
Such a system can be operated flexibly to give special, or repeat, attention to any areas of weakness.
In addition to the periodic internal audits, an internal audit may be initiated for any of the following
- to verify that the quality system continues to meet specified requirements, and is being
- when significant changes have been made in functional areas, for example, revisions of
organisations and procedures which affect quality processes;
- when safety, performance or dependability of the products (including services) are in, or are
suspected to be in, jeopardy due to nonconformities;
- when it is necessary to verify that required corrective actions have been taken, and have
been effective;
Only records which demonstrate that an effective internal audit system is in operation need to be
made available to third party auditors. This may be done by:
Note: For general guidelines for auditing quality systems it is recommended to refer to ISO 10011-1,
ISO 10011-2 and ISO 10011-3, but the guidance in ISO 10011 Parts 1, 2, 3 does not add to, or
otherwise change, the requirements of ISO 9001.
The training of personnel in an organisation is essential for the achievement of quality objectives.
This includes specific training necessary for performing assigned tasks and general training both to
build incentives and to heighten quality awareness. Personnel should be trained in the usage of, and
the underlying reasons for, the procedures and documents in the quality management approach of the
Training should be given as an introduction to new employees and for all personnel engaged in work
affecting quality at intervals, and should:
- identify quality problems which could arise from the inadequate or improper performance of
the specified tasks;
To achieve and maintain proficiency a number of steps can periodically be taken by the supplier as
- evaluation of the general education, experience and proficiency of the personnel for the
activities to be performed;
- identification of the individual training needs against those required for satisfactory
- recording of training and achievement so that records can be updated and gaps in training
can readily be identified and filled.
4.19 Servicing
Servicing is not an applicable requirement for many medical devices (such as single-use devices), but
when the functionality of products depends on regular maintenance and/or repair, the following
activities should be considered:
- planning of service activities and maintenance intervals, whether the servicing is carried out
by the supplier or by a separate agent;
- validation of the design and function of special-purpose tools or equipment for handling and
servicing products after installation;
- control of measuring and test equipment used in field servicing, testing and calibration, as in
the case of such equipment used in manufacture (see 4.11);
- provision and suitability of documentation for servicing the product, including parts lists and
circuit diagrams where appropriate;
- provision for adequate back-up, to include technical advice and support, customer personnel
training, and spares or parts supply;
- feedback of information that would be useful for improving product, manufacture or quality
Records of servicing activities should be maintained in sufficient detail to identify the reason for the
activity and to demonstrate that it was properly carried out.
Some medical devices may need to be cleaned and/or decontaminated prior to servicing. In such
cases they should be decontaminated by appropriate, approved procedures.
The use of statistical methods can be beneficial to the supplier in a wide range of circumstances,
including data collection, analysis and application. They assist in deciding what data to obtain, and in
making the best use of the data, to gain a better understanding of customer requirements and
expectations. Statistical methods may be useful in product, service, and process design, in process
control, nonconformity avoidance, problem analysis, risk determination, finding root causes,
establishing product and process limits, forecasting, verification, and measurement or assessment of
quality characteristics.
4.20.2 Procedures
- graphical methods (histograms, sequence charts, scatter plots, Pareto diagrams, cause and
effect diagrams, etc) that help to diagnose problems and suggest appropriate computational
approaches to further statistical diagnosis;
- statistical control charts for monitoring and controlling production and measurement
processes for all types of product (hardware, software, processed materials, and services);
- design of experiments for determining which candidate variables have significant influence on
process and product performance, and for quantifying the effects;
- regression analysis, which provides a quantitative model for the behaviour of a process or a
product when the conditions of process operation or product design are changed;
- analysis of variance (separating the total observed variability) leading to variance component
estimates useful for designing sample structures for control charts and for product characterisation
and release; the magnitudes of the variance components are also a basis for prioritizing quality
improvement efforts;
The documentation resulting from the application of statistical methods can be an effective means of
demonstrating conformance to requirements for quality, and can be used as a form of quality records.
The number of items sampled from any batch should be based upon an established statistical
rationale, the past history of the source of supply, and the quantity needed for analysis and retention.
Key to the use of the Guidance Document in conjunction with the Japanese Regulations of
Quality Assurance of Medical Devices.
Key to the use of the Guidance Document in conjunction with the US Good Manufacturing
Practice Regulation.