Answer D: MCQ: Set of Programs With Full Set of Documentation Is Considered As

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Types of software programs usually includes

A. application programs
B. replicate programs
C. mathematical operations
D. both a and b


Answer D

MCQ: Set of programs with full set of documentation is considered as

A. database packages
B. file package
C. software
D. software packages


wer D

MCQ: Specialized program that allows users to utilize in specific application is

classified as

A. relative programs
B. application programs
C. relative programs
D. replicate programs

Answer B ANS B

MCQ: Programs used to control system performance are classified as

A. experimental programs
B. system programs
C. specialized program
D. organized programs

wer B

MCQ: System programs examples includes

A. operating system of computer

B. trace program
C. compiler
D. all of above


Program which is readily available to computer users as part of software package is

classified as

A. library program
B. program library
C. software library
D. directory library


Answer A

MCQ: Process to exit from computer by giving correct instructions such as 'EXIT'
is classified as

A. log in
B. process out
C. process in
D. log out


Answer D

MCQ: Set of software authorized to specific users is considered as

A. software library
B. program library
C. directory library
D. library package


Answer B

MCQ: Function of running and loading programs and usage of peripherals is

function of

A. operating system
B. enquiry system
C. dump programs
D. function system


Answer A

MCQ: If program can cope data errors, program is called

A. robust
B. reliable
C. unreliable
D. stable functioning


MCQ: Commercial organization specializing preparation and design of software

package is classified as

A. library house
B. software houses
C. program houses
D. directory houses


Answer B
MCQ: Programs are fully tested and documented properly before including it into

A. library
B. directory
C. package
D. database


Answer A

MCQ: Program which is used to produce pictures and text and to organize it in
newspaper is classified as

A. text publishing package

B. desktop publishing package
C. experimental package
D. organizing publishing package


Answer B

MCQ: Several programs run at same time and storage is shared especially in

A. microcomputers
B. mainframe computers
C. enquiry computers
D. dump computers


Answer B
MCQ: Program which exactly perform operations that manual says is classified as

A. unreliable
B. stable functioning
C. robust
D. reliable


Special set of characters that computer associates with specific user identification
is classified as

A. password
B. identity code
C. enquiry code
D. dump code


Answer A

MCQ: System program which performs one simple task is classified as

A. utility programs
B. function program
C. compiling program
D. enquiry program

Answer A ANS A

MCQ: Record of programs recorded as they run is classified as

A. producing a log
B. producing enquiry
C. producing dump programs
D. producing system functions

Answer A ANS A

MCQ: Program provides users with grid of rows and columns is classified as

A. spreadsheet
B. column grid
C. rows grid
D. reliability grid

Answer ANS A

MCQ: Program packages that allows program users to design data files and select
information are called

A. file management
B. file enquiry
C. database package
D. all of above


Collection of useful working routines and programs and is only available to users
with authorization is classified as

A. directory library
B. library package
C. program library
D. software library

Answer C ANS C

MCQ: Programs written by programmer to help computer users are considered as

A. software
B. software packages
C. database packages
D. file package

Answer ANS A

MCQ: Set of software is held central by

A. computer installation
B. computer software
C. library files
D. directory files

Answer A ANS A

MCQ: Program used to transfer contents onto a printer from VDU screen is
classified as

A. utility dump
B. screen dump
C. function dump
D. enquiry dump

Answer B ANS B

MCQ: In microcomputers, operating system is usually stored on

A. random access memory

B. read only memory
C. permanent memory
D. temporary memory

System software's are supplied by the

A. text slots
B. payroll programmers
C. manufacturer
D. enquiry programmers

Answer C ANS C

MCQ: Slots in spreadsheet that can be copied to other slots are classified as

A. relative slots
B. replicate slots
C. complicate slots
D. column slots

Answer B ANS B

MCQ: Process of gaining access to a computer by giving correct user

identification is classified as

A. process in
B. log out
C. log in
D. process out

Answer C ANS C

MCQ: Typing of words on keyboard to drive program with help of

A. menu
B. command
C. function words
D. editor

Answer B ANS B

MCQ: Library program may comes from

A. computer manufacturer
B. within computer installation
C. software houses
D. all of above


Program produces experimental results for biologist research is classified as

A. specialized program
B. systematic programs
C. organized programs
D. experimental programs

Answer A ANS A

MCQ: Number and name system uses to identify user is called

A. user identification
B. operating identification
C. system identification
D. temporary identification

Answer A ANS A

MCQ: Slots in spreadsheet whose formula is not exactly copied are classified as

A. complicate slots
B. column slots
C. relative slots
D. replicate slots

Answer C ANS C

MCQ: Application program example includes

A. payroll program
B. desktop program
C. publishing program
D. editing program

Answer A ANS A

MCQ: Process of checking software suitability for any particular application is

classified as

A. evaluation of software
B. checking of software
C. directory of software
D. database of software


Software which controls general operations of computer system is classified as

A. dump programs
B. function system
C. operating system
D. enquiry system



MCQ: Application program used with all documentation is considered

A. applications package
B. replicate programs
C. application programs
D. systems programs

1. System software is classified into
a. Operating system
b. Language processor
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these
2. Which one of the following is not a type of a language processor?
a. Compiler
b. Interpreter
c. Application software
d. Assembler
3. Which one of the following utilities is used to store duplicate or multiple
copies of important files?
a. Antivirus
b. Disk defragmenter
c. Compression utility
d. Backup utility
4. Which one of the following software is developed according to the user
a. Operating system
b. System software
c. Customized software
d. Language processor

5. Which of the following language uses only numbers such as 0s and 1s?
a. First generation language
b. Second generation language
c. Third generation language
d. Fourth generation language
6. The assembly language uses symbols instead of numbers which are
known as
a. Compiler
b. Mnemonics
c. Interpreter
d. All of these

MCQ on Introduction to Computer Hardware - Test 1

MCQ: Word 'RAM' stands for

random access memory

read access memory
read arithmetic memory
random arithmetic memory
Answer A

MCQ: A teletypewriter terminal is an example of

input devices
output devices
input/output devices
storage devices
Answer C

MCQ: Devices that accept data from outside computer and transfer into CPU are

input devices
digital devices
analogue devices
truth table peripherals
Answer A

MCQ: Central Processing Unit (CPU) consists of

control unit
arithmetic and logic unit
main store
all of above
Answer D

MCQ: Devices that are used to receive data from central processing unit are
classified as

output/input devices
digital devices
signaled devices
output devices
Answer D

MCQ: Place where large amounts of data are stored outside central processing unit
is called

backing store
control unit
AL unit
Answer A

MCQ: Devices that are under control of computer and are directly connected to it
are said to be

off-line devices
on-line devices
IN gate device
IF gate device
Answer B

MCQ: If any instruction consists any arithmetic operation, data is transferred to

quantitative unit
qualitative unit
arithmetic and logical unit
central processing unit
Answer C

MCQ: Devices such as mercury thermometer and kitchen scales are classified as

digital devices
analogue devices
programmed devices
signal led devices
Answer B

MCQ: 'main store' of central processing unit is also called

main memory
temporary memory
immediate access store
both a and c
Answer D

MCQ: If some quantity in device can be treated as different set of separate values,
device is said to be

Answer A

MCQ: A material on which data is stored or an output is classified as

mini frame medium

micro medium
macro medium
Answer D

MCQ: Type of integrated circuit which consists of arithmetic unit, control unit and
some main store is called a

mega processor
micro processor
micro computers
mega computers
Answer B

MCQ: A visual display unit is an example of

output device
input/output devices
backup devices
Answer B

MCQ: Devices that are not connected to computers central processing unit are
classified as
IN gate device
IF gate device
off-line devices
on-line devices
Answer C

MCQ: A keyboard, a mouse and a documents reader are examples of

digital devices
analogue devices
truth table devices
input devices
Answer D

MCQ: A silicon piece with a circuit on it is called

logical gate
circuit network
Answer A

MCQ: Large computers with wide range of peripheral devices are classified as

mainframe computers
mini frame computers
mainframe processors
peripheral interface
Answer A

MCQ: A computer for which processing is used to be done with help of

microprocessors is called
micro processor
micro computers
mega processor
mega computers
Answer B

MCQ: Actual equipment of computer system that can be touched are called

computer system
computer accessories
Answer A

MCQ: Decoding and execution of instructions rapidly, one after another is called

AL unit
backup device
control unit
Answer D

MCQ: Input and output devices such as monitors and keyboards are classified as

arithmetic units
control unit devices
peripheral devices
main store devices
Answer C
MCQ: 'ROM' stands for

read only memory

random only memory
readily oral memory
random available memory
Answer A

MCQ: Line printer, a voice synthesizer and computer terminal screen are classic
examples of

logic circuit devices

analogue circuit devices
AND gate devices
output devices
Answer D

MCQ: All devices that are controlled by central processing unit but are not part of
it are called

peripheral devices
arithmetic units
control unit devices
main store devices
Answer A

MCQ: Main categories of peripheral devices are

input/output devices
on-line devices
backing storage devices
both a and c
Answer D

MCQ: Two type of memories 'RAM' and 'ROM' are part of

backup memory
main memory
shorter memory
long-term memory
Answer B

MCQ: Magnetic tape unit and magnetic disc unit are classic example of

storage devices
backing storage devices
on-line devices
off-line devices
Answer B

MCQ: A device in which data is represented by a continuous variable quantity is


analogue device
computer device
system programs
digital program
Answer A

MCQ: Small computers that are not microcomputers are classified as

micro computers
mini computers
mainframe computers
mega processors
Answer B

MCQ: Circuit consisting of different electronic components and connections in

them is called as

integrated circuit
interrelated circuit
inverting circuit
reversing circuit
Answer A

MCQ: Devices used to read to and write from central processing unit are classified

analogue circuit devices

AND gate devices
OR gate devices
backing storage devices
Answer D

MCQ: Microprocessors that are used for one particular job are classified as

dedicated microprocessors
dedicated computers
dedicated microcomputers
dedicated mega computers
Answer A
Basic Computer Terms


� ���- The physical parts of a computer -

Central processing unit; the brain of the computer; controls the other elements
of the computer
Disk Drive
A peripheral device that reads and/or writes information on a disk
Hard Drive
A device (usually within the computer case) that reads and writes information,
including the operating system, program files, and data files
A peripheral used to input data by pressing keys
A peripheral device used to connect one computer to another over a phone line
A device used to display information visually
A peripheral device used to point to items on a monitor
Network interface card; a board inserted in a computer that provides a physical
connection to a network
A peripheral device that converts output from a computer into a printed image


���� - Instructions executed by a computer -

Complete, self-contained programs that perform a specific function (ie.
spreadsheets, databases)
A computer's most basic unit of information
The process of loading or initializing an operating system on a computer;
usually occurs as soon as a computer is turned on
A program used to view World Wide Web pages, such as Netscape Navigator
or Internet Explorer
A part of a program that usually causes the computer to malfunction; often
remedied in patches or updates to the program
Small unit of data storage; 8 bits; usually holds one character
Occurs when a user presses a button on a mouse which in turn, generates a
command to the computer
A large structured set of data; a file that contains numerous records that contain
numerous fields
A small flexible disk used for storing computer data
Double Click
Occurs when a user presses a button on the mouse twice in quick succession;
this generates a command to the computer
Transferring data from another computer to your computer
Occurs when a user points the mouse at an icon or folder, presses the button
and without releasing the button, moves the icon or folder to another place on
the computer where the button is released
Software program that controls a piece of hardware or a peripheral
Frequently asked question; documents that answer questions common to a
particular website or program
Namable unit of data storage; an element of data storage; a single sequence of
A graphical representation used to organize a collection of computer files; as in
the concept of a filing cabinet (computer's hard drive) with files (folders)
Software provided at no cost to the user
1,073,741,824 bytes or 1,024 megabytes; generally abbreviated GB
Graphical user interface; uses pictures and words to represent ideas, choices,
functions, etc.
A small picture used to represent a file or program in a GUI interface
A network of computer networks encompassing the World Wide Web, FTP,
telnet, and many other protocols
IP number
Internet protocol; a computer's unique address or number on the Internet
1,024 bytes; usually abbreviated KB
1,048,576 bytes or 1,024 kilobytes; enough storage to approximately equal a
600 page paperback book; generally abbreviated Mb
Any device that holds computer data
A list of operations available to the user of a program
A collection of computers that are connected
Any of a number of hardware devices connected to a CPU
Random access memory; the type of storage that changes; when the computer is
turned off, the RAM memory is erased
Read-only memory; the type of storage that is not changed even when the
computer is turned off
Scroll Bar
Allows the user to control which portion of the document is visible in the
window; available either horizontally or vertically or both
Software provided at a minimal cost to users who are on their honor to send in
payment to the programmer
A program arranged in rows and columns that manipulates numbers
Tool Bar
A graphical representation of program activities; a row of icons used to perform
tasks in a program
Uniform resource locator; the address of a site on the World Wide Web; a
standard way of locating objects on the Internet
A deliberately harmful computer program designed to create annoying glitches
or destroy data
A screen in a software program that permits the user to view several programs
at one time
Word Processor
A program that allows the user to create primarily text documents

Measurements (summary) -
*a bit = one binary digit (1 or 0) *"bit" is derived from the contraction b'it
(binary digit) -> 8 bits = one byte
*1024 bytes = one kilobyte
*K = kilobyte
*Kb = kilobit
*MB = megabyte
*Mb = megabit
*MB/s = megabytes per second
*Mb/s = megabits per second
*bps = bits per second


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