Power Generation
Power Generation
Power Generation
submitted by
I hereby declare that the in-plant training report entitled “” submitted by me to VIT
University - Chennai Campus, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award
of the degree of B.TECH in EEE is a record of bonafide industrial training
undertaken by me under the supervision of Rajaram . I further declare that the
work reported in this report has not been submitted and will not be submitted, either
in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or diploma in this institute or any
other institute or university.
Date: 27.7.18
This is to certify that the in-plant training report entitled “POWER GENERATION
submitted SASIDHAR.R.A(16BEE1148) to VIT University - Chennai Campus, in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of B.TECH in EEE is
a record of bonafide in-plant training undertaken by him/her under my supervision. The
training fulfills the requirements as per the regulations of this Institute and in my opinion
meets the necessary standards for submission. The contents of this report have not been
submitted and will not be submitted either in part or in full, for the award of any other
degree or diploma in this institute or any other institute or university.
To begin with, I wish to convey my heartfelt gratitude to Training Center of TNPL for helping
Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL) for providing me such opportunity to accomplish my
Industrial Training .
I would specially thank to Chief General Manager-HR of TNPL, who gave me the permission to do
internship work. I want to thank all those people who helped to complete my Internship Report
successfully. In this process, my special thanks goes to coordinators of my internship program and
who helped me to get acquainted with other engineers. I also want to thank each and every
I am also grateful to all of my teachers and friends for their cooperation and encouragement
Date :
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Quality Standards 4
1.3. Environment Protection Measures 4
1.4. TNPL Effluent Water Lift Irrigation Society 5
1.5. TNPL Plantation Programme 5
1.6. Farm Forestry 5
1.7. Captive Plantation 5
1.8. Clonal Propagation and Research Centre 6
1.9. Forestry research and development 6
1.10. Solid Waste Management 6
1.11. Energy Management Policy 7
1.12. Methane Extraction and Fuel Conservation Project 7
1.13. Technology / Process 8
1.14. TNPL’s Products 8
3.1. Introduction to Sub Station 15
3.2. Equipments in Sub Station 15
3.2.1. Bus Bars 15
3.2.2. C.T (Current Transformer) 15
3.2.3. P.T (Potential Transformer) 16
3.2.4. Transformer 16
3.2.5. Insulator 18
3.2.6. Isolator 18
3.2.7. Lightning Arrestor 18
3.2.8. Sub Station Auxiliary Supply 19
3.3. Circuit Breaker 19
3.4. Relay 20
1.1 Introduction:
The Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL) was established by the
Government of Tamil Nadu to produce newsprint and writing paper using bagasse, a
sugarcane residue. The Government of Tamil Nadu listed the paper mill in April
1979 as one of the most environmentally compliant paper mills in the world under
the provisions of the Companies Act of 1956. The factory is situated at
Kagithapuram in the Karur District of Tamil Nadu. The registered office of the
company is located in Guindy, Chennai.
All the three modern high-speed paper machines are capable of producing variety of
Writing and Printing Papers and are equipped with state-of-the art automation to
ensure consistent quality. The Company has earned a reputation as a pre-eminent
player of manufacturing paper from bagasse having a world-wide creditability in the
trade. Today, TNPL Unit-I is self sufficient in terms of power and pulp.
A total of 874 acres of land was acquired in Mondi Patti and nearby area in
Manapparai Taluk, Trichy District to set up a Board Plant. TNPL Unit-II was
designed to produce 200,000 MT per annum high grade Paper Board for usage in
pharmaceutical, health care, food, cosmetics and other consumer product industries,
in various GSM ranging from 170 to 450.
Civil construction for the project was started in April 2014. Machinery erection was
completed in December 2015 and the Board was reeled on January 21, 2016, in a
record time of 22 months. The commercial production has commenced from
01.05.2016. The plant was constructed using cement manufactured by TNPL in its
Cement Plant in Kagithapuram. With the completion of Board Project in January
2016, the total production capacity of TNPL has increased to 600,000 MT per
The state-of-the-art multilayer double coated paper board machine with an annual
capacity of 200,000 MT supplied by VOITH, Germany has advance features like
tandem shoe press, Speed sizer for surface sizing, three on-line coating stations, hard
and soft nip calendering and a winder. The machine has on-line quality control
system for monitoring and controlling the end product quality requirements like
GSM, Moisture, Bulk, Thickness and PPS, Stiffness etc.
The finished reel is stretch filmed and then Kraft wrapped in Raumaster,
Finland. Based on the market demand, the reels are converted into sheets through 4
Nos modern and fully automatic sheet cutting machines, MILTEX imported from
Italy. The cut sheets are packed in Ream packing machine sourced from MARUISI,
Japan. The Automatic Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) supplied by PESMEL
from Finland is capable of storing 30,000 MT of finished Paper Board in reel form
and 6,000 MT in sheet form.
TNPL paper board products are marketed under the brand name AURA
Inspired by Nature, has a wide range of product applications, which includes
STOCK in uncoated segment. FBB has different variants like Aura Fold Plus, Aura
Fold Eco, Aura Fold Premium and Aura Fold Blu. Aura Grafik and Aura Ace are a
few variants of SBS and Aura Flute, Aura Flute Plus and Aura Cup Base are the
variants in Cup Stock.
To meet the steam and power requirements, 2 Nos. of 90 TPH Boilers capable of
generating steam at 105 Ata and 515˚C, designed and supplied by THERMAX and a
30 MW Turbo Generator(TG) set supplied by BHEL, have been installed.
A modern Effluent Treatment Plant has been installed to treat the waste water. The
treated waste water is being used to irrigate 570 acres of land in the adjacent factory
area earmarked to develop Green cover. Environmentally conscious TNPL has
already planted 680,000 trees in 68 varieties including teak wood, mango, neem,
coconut and many other flowering trees. The treated waste water is being used for
the plantation, through drip irrigation. This would transform the area in a thick
Green cover over a period time facilitating a visible improvement in the
environmental standards.
TNPL has installed the first wind farm of 15 MW capacity during 1993-94 at
Devarkulam, Perungudi of Tirunelveli District. Since then the Company has
increased the wind farm capacity to 35.5 MW in stages. The wind farm power is
exported to the grid besides meeting the power requirements for its Corporate Office
in Chennai and Perugamani water head works by wheeling.
TNPL has also setup a “Conversion Centre of Paper and Packaging Board (CCPPB)
Unit” in 38 acres of land at Mayanur in Karur District. An industrial shed measuring
120,000 square feet has been made ready for occupation for paper conversion centre
and units related to paperboard/paper industry. TNPL has installed a core paper
manufacturing unit to meet the requirements of its Unit I and II. A poly coating
facility for paper cup manufacturing is also functioning in this facility. More
ancillary units are expected at this site.
TNPL has obtained the ISO 9001 - 2000 certification from RWf UV
of Germany for development, manufacture and supply of Newsprint and Printing
& Writing Paper. TNPL uses automated process control facilities for various
process till final packing and dispatch. It is implemented by The Online
Integrated Information System (OIIS) a mini ERP package developed by CMC
Ltd for integrated flow of information from all the sections of the company
covering production, materials, finance, marketing etc. The TNPL using
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) business management software to integrate
all facets of an operation, including prod uct planning, development,
manufacturing , sales, marketing etc., (from 2012 itself).
Under the TNPL Effluent Water Lift Irrigation Scheme, the farmers will be
provided treated effluent water for irrigation purpose. TNPL uses a state-of-the-art
sludge treatment system for treatment of Effluent water. TNPL 's effluents have to
comply with the norms set by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board .
As per the National Forest Policy, 1988, forest based Industries should raise the
raw material needed for meeting their own requirements . In accordance with the
law, TNPL has embarked upon development of a plantation inthe year 2004-05
and launched two plantation schemes, namely Farm Forestry and Captive
Plantation .
1.6 Farm Forestry
Under the farm forestry scheme, the Company motivates and facilitates the
marginal and small farmer to take up pulpwood plantation. The salient f e a t u r e s
of the Scheme are a supply of quality planting material at subsidized cost,
arranging credit facilities for the needy people through banks, providing timely
technical advice through a team of qualified professionals, and buy back
arrangement with minimum support prices or prevailing market rate at the time of
felling, whichever is higher, and harvesting and transport of pulpwood from the
farmer's field to Factory at company's cost.
In the captive plantation scheme, Captive plantations are raised in the lands
belonging to the Company, Government Departments, and Educational institutions
and in the large land-holding individuals on a revenue sharing basis or on a
lease rental basis. The minimum criteria for captive plantation is that the land
should be a block of 25 acres (I 00,000 m2) & above in a single location whereas
less than25 acres (100,000 m2) is also considered only in the case of adjoining
lands of existing captive plantations, provided the adjoining areas should be
contiguous to the existing plantation . TNPL enters into a MoU with the owners of
such lands for raising a Captive Plantation and undertaking the responsibility of
land development, establishment of plantations, maintenance of plantation and
harvesting the pulpwood at TNPL's expense. The land would be taken either on
long term lease spanning over a period of 6 to 30 years lease or on a gross revenue
sharing basis. In the revenue sharing pattern, if the plantation is raised in a
barren land, the produce is shared between TNPL and the landowner on a 70:30
basis and in case of wet lands, the revenue sharing pattern is 60:40. In the case of
lease mode, the lease rent for a barren land is Rs.1000/- per acre, whereas for an
irrigated land it is Rs.3000/- per acre every year paid to landowner and the entire
product is taken By TNPL.
In the last five years of operation (2004-05 to 2008-09), TNPL has raised
plantation in 37,556 acres (151.98 km2) involving 8235 farmers in twenty eight
districts in Tamil Nadu under the Farm Forestry scheme and 2,735 acres (11.07
km2) under the Captive Plantation Scheme. In all, TNPL has established
pulpwood plantations in about 40291 acres (as on 31 March 2009).
To cater to the need for a huge amount of planting material to the tune of 15 million
plants to cover 15,000 acres (61 km2) every year, TNPL established a state-of-
the-art clonal propagation and research centre (CPRC) to achieve self-sufficiency
in planting material and production of quality clonal/ seedling plants with a
capacity of 15 million plants per annum. The clonal production centre was started
with a mini clonal hedge garden of 4000 Sq. Mtr, a mist chamber of 8000 Sq. Mtr,
5300 Sq. Mtr of hardening chamber and 20000 Sq. Mtr of open nursery with
updated technological innovations as per international standards. The clonal
production center was established at an outlay of about 500 lakhs. This is
considered to be a milestone in the plantation activities and assures quality planting
material availability throughout the year The above plantation schemes are being
implemented throughout Tamil Nadu through 10 regional offices in Karur,
Manaparai, Tirunelveli, Karaikudi , Pudukottai, Namakkal , Trichy, Tanjore,
Jayangondam and Panruti providing advice and technical assistance to tree
TNPL has partnered with the NAIP-ICAR sponsored project titled "A value chain on
industrial Agro-forestry in Tamil Nadu" for Promotion of tree husbandry with
improved short rotation clones/genotypes through contract farming. Forest
College & Research Institute (FC & RI), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Mettupalayam is the Consortium Leader of this project.
1.10 Solid waste management
Fly ash generated at the power boilers is being util ized in TNP L C ement
Effluent sludge is being sold out to the Board Manufacturing Units. Lime sludge
generated is being recycled in the Lime Kiln
TNPL has obtained the prestigious ISO 1400 I Certification from RMTUV,
Germany for "Successfully establishing and applying environmental management
system for development, manufacture and supply of paper". This certification
duly acknowledges TNPL's commitment for environment protection and
sustained efforts to minimize the overall environmental impact.
TNPL obtained the 3 Leaves Award under the Green Rating project of the
Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi during October 2004, in
recognition of the Environment Management System.
TNPL has installed its own power generating facility to make it 100% self-
sufficient through the installation of 61.18 MW Power Generating
equipments (TG Sets) installed at the paper mill site. The surplus power
generated is being exported to the State Grid. TNPL also generates green
power through the 18 MW wind farm installed at Devarkulam and Perungudi of
Tirunelveli district. The entire power generated at the wind farm is being
exported to the State Grid. The wind farm capacity has been enhanced to 21.75
MW in March 2004 by installing 3 wind turbine generators of 1250 kW
capacity each. It has installed a Bio-methanation plant to generate methane
gas from the effluent water (bagasse wash water) and use it as fuel as substitute
for furnace oil in the lime kiln saving 10 KL of furnace oil every day. During
the year 2004-05 TNPL generated 34.12 lakh m3 methane gas from its bio-
methanation plant and used the same in lime-kiln replacing 1886 KL of
furnace oil valuing Rs.2.02 Crores. The confederation of Indian Industry has
recognized the bio-methanation project implemented by TNPL as an
Innovative Project. This project contributes to sustainable development in
terms of generating in-house renewable energy and reducing greenh ouse
TNPL commissioned a special kind of reactor concept for the "high rate"
anaerobic treatment of wastewater called the Up flow Anaerobic Sludge
Blanket (UASB) reactor which uses anaerobic granular sludge bed
technology. The most common Bagasse Wash Water (BWW) treatment system
used in India consists of a pond or a lagoon treatment system, which undergoes
anaerobic digestion that releases a significant amount of greenhouse gases
(GHG) into the atmosphere. In addition, the project also involves a system for
utilization of extracted biogas which gained CDM benefits for the project from
the closed reactor as fuel in a lime kiln, which had been using furnace oil (fossil
fuel). Installation of a closed reactor by TNPL for anaerobic.
TNPL has ventured with nearby sugar mills such as M/s Sakthi Sugar Mills for
continued supply of Bagasse for the Paper mill where Steam will be provided to the
sugar mill in exchange of bagasse.
The paper produced by TNPL is eco- friendly as the pulp is manufactured out
of renewable raw material and is subjected to Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF)
bleaching. As the paper is acid free, it has a longer colour stability and enhanced
permanency in terms of strength characteristics. TNPL caters to the requirements of
multifunctional printing processes like sheet-fed, web offset, and digital printers.
The paper reels have uniform profile with strength properties to cope even with
high speed machines. TNPL manufactures Printing and Writing Papers in
substances ranging from 50 GSM to 90 GSM. Newsprint is normally manufactured
in 49 Gsm reels and directly sold by the company to the various newspaper
establishments such as The Hindu, Malayala Manorama, Ananda Bazaar Patrika
and so on. Printing & Writing paper (PWP) is manufactured in reel and sheet
forms with the GSM (Grams per Square Meter - basis weight of the paper)
varying from 50 to 80. Various sizes of reels and sheets are also cut to suit the
customer requirements. Some of the major end-use segments of PWP are printing
applications, note books, computer stationery, office stationery, etc.
Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL) uses gas as fuel to generate the
heat. This heat is used to heat water and create steam. Then the steam passes
through turbine which transfers the thermal energy of the steam to the mechanical
energy. A generator rotor is attached with this turbine and generator transfer
mechanical energy to the electrical energy. There are six steam turbine power
plants in TNPL. Installed capacity of steam turbine power plant in TNPL is 122.12
2.2 Air collection
To bum gas in the boiler house, oxygen is needed. This oxygen is collected from
2.2.1 Forced draft fan
Force Draft (FD) fan is used to collect air from nature. In every steam power plant
there are two FD fan. There are FD fan inlet vane actuators which control air
collection. When load is increased then it also increases air collection from
Gas heater is used to dry gas. Gas pipe is taken through the steam chamber so gas
is heated by steam. This heat removes moisture and different particle from gas.
In the steam turbine power plant water is one of the important things. Boiler
requires clean and soft water for longer life and efficiency. The source of boiler
water is generally river or lake. TNPL collects water from river Cauvery and
treats this water to make demineralized water which i s used in boiler to produce
2.4.1 Pump
In TNPL there are three circulating water pumps for collecting water from river. In
every place there are two pumps one is working and another is standby. There is a
discharge valve behind the pump which is driven by oil. This valve works as
either 0% close or 100% open. If it takes time from 0% close to I 00% open more
than 90 sec then the pump will trip. This water which collects from river goes to
condenser to condensate steam. Rest of the water goes to purify then goes to river
Water comes from river in the water purifying basin directly. This water is purified
in two stages in the basin. Different particle and waste are fallen under the basin.
Next this purified water goes to the water filter house.
2.4.3 Water filter house
In the water filter house there are different type tanks and filters which purify the
water. There are four polyelectrolyte tanks where two is used for checking ph.
There are two gravel filters. It works very effectively by pulling water down
through the gravel, where the solid debris is trapped close to the surface, and the
soluble waste is broken down by bacteria that grow on the gravel surface further
down. The clean water is then taken back to the surface. The lower level of
impurities not only reduces corrosion rates in the boiler but reduces the erosion of the
turbine blades
2.5 Boiler
The basic purpose of a boiler is to turn water into steam, in this case super-heated
steam. This operation sounds relatively simple but is actually more complicated.
The boilers utilized on campus are of the stack drum type, which means there are
drums within the boilers and flue gas through the stack to atmosphere. The upper
drum is called a boiler drum and is where saturated steam leaves the boiler. While
the lower drum is called the mud drum and is where liquid feed water enters. Tubes
called rises and down comers are used to connect the two drums. All the energy
required within the boiler is produced by the combustion of a fuel.
The tubes contain water and the hot gases produced by combustion of fuel flow
outside. A bank of water tubes is connected with steam-water drum through two
sets of headers. The hot flue gases from the furnace are made to flow around the
water tubes a sufficient number of times. The gases thus give up their heat to an
appreciable extent, get cooled and are discharged to the stack. The steam formed
separates from water in the drum and gets accumulated in the steam space. In
TNPL water tube boiler is used. In every steam power plant there are three stage
water tube boilers.
2.5.2 Ignition
The ignition coil is the component that connects directly with electricity line and
includes two transformer windings. The primary winding feeds into the distributor,
while the secondary winding connects to the spark plugs. When enough energy has
been created, the spinning cam opens a breaker, which causes a high-voltage jump in
the ignition coil. This voltage surge is transported to the spark plugs, resulting in the
necessary electric spark to begin ignition. At the beginning of the firing of the burner
small amount of natural gas and air is needed. This small amount of gas is known as
ignition gas which is supplied into the burner by ignition pipe or line. After the
burner is on the ignition line is turned off and main line for fuel and air supply is
turned on.
2.5.3 Burner
Burner is the chamber in the boiler where natural gas or coal is burned with
the presence of air for producing heated gas or flue gas. In Tamilnadu
Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL) natural gas is burned with the presence
of air for generating heat for making steam. In steam turbine power plant of
TNPL each furnace chamber has nine furnaces. The temperature inside the
furnace chamber is 1200-l500°C. The treated water from the feed water tank
through economizer enters into the boiler through tubes and the flue gas
produced inside the furnace passes through the tubes.
It is the place where the water is reserved which comes through the
economizer. Inside the drum upper and lower level of amount of water is
measured by the level transmitters .If the level crosses the upper limit or goes
below the lower limit then the plant will trip. So it is very important to control
the level of the water. This is done by an automatic system. From the boiler
drum the saturated steam is transferred into super heater.
2.5.5 Safety valve
The function of the safety valve is to permit the steam in the boiler to escape to
atmosphere when the pressure in the steam space exceeds a certain specified
limit. Thus the safety valve prevents the building up of excessive pressure in
the boiler. The safety valve is located above the steam space in the boiler. The
safety valves operate on the principle that a valve is pressed against its seat
through some agency such as studs, screws or spring by external weights or
force. When the steam force due to boiler pressure acting under the valve
exceeds the external force, the valve gets lifted off its seat and some of the
steam rushes out until normal pressure is restored again.
Boiler efficiency is defined as the ratio of heat energy utilized by feed water in
converting it into steam in the boiler to the heat energy realized by complete
combustion of fuel during the same time.
2.5.8 Stack
Stack or chimney is a passage through which flue gas escape from a fire or
furnace. From the furnace flue gas is produced .This flue gas is used to create
the steam for rotating the turbine . The flue gas passes through several
equipments and finally goes into the nature through stack.
The term substation may define as assembly of apparatus installed to change some
characteristic of electric supply such as voltage, frequency, power factor etc. The
purpose of substation is to take power at high voltages from the transmission or sub
transmission level, reduce its voltage and supply it to a number of primary voltage
feeders for distribution area. Besides that, it performs operational and emergency
switching and protection duties at both the transmission and feeder lines.
Depend upon the type of sub-station in TNPL it required various type of equipment.
Whatever, more commonly equipments are given below:
A bus bar is used for a conductor carrying current to which many connections are
made. These are generally used in sub-stations where the need number of incoming
and outgoing lines at a same voltage. Normally bus bars used in the substations are
of copper or aluminum and they are basically round and solid.
Figure 3-2-1:A typical bus bar of TNPL
A current transformer also isolates the measuring instruments from what may be
very high voltage in the monitored circuit. Current transformers are commonly used
in metering and protective relays in the electrical power industry.
3.2.3 P.T (Potential transformer)
3.2.4 Transformer
Transformer is a static device used to transform power from one voltage level
without changing the frequency. There are different parts of a transformer given
Oil level meter: This meter indicates the oil level of transformer. If oil is low
than a certain amount it makes an alarm that means that transformer have to feed
Silica gel: It works like breathing. There have a little amount oil under the silica gel
which suck the moisture of air and further sends this air to silica gel which further
sucks the rest of the moisture of the air.
Figure 3-2-4: Silica gel in a cylinder
Voltage Exchanger: Regulate voltage through winding selection between primary &
secondary side. viii. PRD (Pressure relief device): release the oil pressure by
releasing oil when oil pressure is high .
3.2.5 Insulator
3.2.6 Isolator
Isolators are used for isolating the circuit when the current has already been
interrupted. They allow currents into the circuit until circuit is repair again.
Isolators re used for connecting and disconnecting parts of electrical installation
after de-energizing.
Figure 3-2-6: Isolator used in TNPL
All equipment those are feeding from power stations should be protected against
direct lightning stroke. When stroke lightning stroke happens, a huge amount of
surge voltage is created on the transmission line and this high voltage can damage
any equipment within a short time. So this huge amount of lighting voltage are
directly grounded through lightni ng arrester hence equipment are remains safe.
Circuit breakers are generally located so that each generator, transformer , bus,
Transmission line, etc., can be completely disconnected from the rest of the
system. These circuit breakers must have sufficient capacity so that they can carry
momentarily the Maximum short-circuit current that can flow through them, and
then interrupt this current; they must also withstand closing in on such a short
circuit and then interrupting it according to certain prescribed standards. In the
Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL) use MCB (Miniature Circuit
Breaker), MCCB (Molded Case Circuit Breaker), ACB (Air Circuit Breaker),
Vacuum Circuit Breaker, SF6 Circuit Breaker, Oil Circuit Breaker, Air Blast
Circuit Breaker and Air Blast Circuit Breaker hear all of these circuit breaker
working principle are descried.
Figure 3-3: High Voltage Circuit Breakers in TNPL
3.4 Relay
There are four different types of control room in Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers
Limited (TNPL).
Control system of unit 1 and 2 is analog in TNPL. Unit 1 and 2 of TNPL was
developed. Power plant operators operate by pushing the button or changing the
position of switch on control broad in these two control rooms. As the oldest power
plant it is operated by senior engineer of TNPL.
Control system of unit 3 and 4 is digital in TNPL. Unit 3 and 4 was developed. All
the metering and operation are done by using digital technology. Digital metering is
more accurate than analog. So due to the advance technology and availability of
devices less problems are faced to operate this unit.
Control system of unit 5 is totally digitalized and controlled by PC. It needs little bit
fewer operators than other power plant unit. This unit is controlled by PLA software.
Combustion controls are used to adjust the amount o air and fuel supplied to the
furnace to respond to the changes in boiler steam pressure. Three combustion
controls are on-off, positioning, metering.
On-off controls, the simplest, are used on fire-tube and small water- tube boilers.
The on-off control system supplies a pre- determined amount of fuel and air. On-off
controls cannot supply a steady steam pressure because they work on a cyclic basis.
Positioning controls, used on many boilers, are more flexible and can provide better
combustion efficiency than can on-off controls. These controls operate on a
continuous basis, providing smoother changes in fuel and air feed allowing the
boiler to maintain a more uniform steam pressure. The amount of air and fuel feed
can be adjusted manually to change the air to fuel ratio.
In the TNPL, boiler has several valve, they are set to pop at different pressure.
Boilers are designed to operate at certain maximum pressures .IF the operating
pressure is exceeded, the boiler may explode. Therefore, all boilers are equipped
with at least one or more safety valves will open, releasing steam if the pressure in
the drum becomes too high.
Safety valves can also be popped manually by using hand levers. For large boilers,
each super heater and re-heater will have one or more safety valves. The safety
valves are located near the outlets of these tube sections.
In TNPL, pressure gauges are used to measure steam and water pressure in steam
drums, feed water heaters, steam headers, and other boiler equipment. The Bourdon
tube is the most common gauge used on a boiler. It consists of a curved tube that is
sealed at one end. The sealed end is connected to a pointer by linkage.
The open end of the gauge is the pressure connection. As pressure increases in the
tube, the tube straightens out, moving the pointer. As the pressure decreases the tube
returns to the normal curved position. Bourdon pressure gauges can measure
pressures of steam, air, oil, water, or other fluids. These gauges require careful
handling and proper maintenance to keep them operating accurately. They should be
removed from their mountings, disassembled and cleaned with a suitable regularly.
Steam gauges for a small boiler are usually mounted on top of the water column.
The gauge will directly read the pressure of the boiler. In many boilers, so that they
can easily be reads by the operator. At this level, the true steam pressure is the value
read of the gauge minus the hydraulic head. For each foot of vertical distance
between the connection at the drum and the ground level, the gauge reading must be
corrected by subtracting a value of 0.433 psi per foot of head. Gauges can also be
mounted above the point of pressure measurement. In this case the pressure due to
the hydraulic head must be added to the gauge reading.
Ignition burner
Flame detectors, or scanners, monitor burner flames on all boilers and ignitors
on coal or natural gas and oil- fired boilers. If the flame in a burner or ignitor goes
out, a flame detector sends a signal to the fuel feed controls that automatically stop
the flow of fuel into the boiler. Thus, the boiler is prevented from operation or
igniting while explosive conditions in the furnace exist.
Three flame detectors used of boilers are photocell, ultraviolet, and infrared
detectors. Photocells detect visible light, ultraviolet sensors detect ultraviolet light,
and infrared sensors detect infrared light in the burner flame or ignitor. These
devices are installed in the furnace wall as shown in figure.
Junction boxes are used where many wire connection are in a same node or same
place. It removes the risk of wire shortage or leakage . Junction box also makes
maintenance easier.
There are several fire alarms in TNPL for emergency purpose. If any accident
happens then any one of operators should press the fire alarm button which blow
the alarm that indicates that an accident occurred.
During the period of internship, I had learn a lot of things and get more