PT Astra International Isuzu Tbk Makassar branch has a hierarchical organizational structure. The Branch Head oversees department heads including Admin, Parts, Workshop, and Sales. These department heads then manage various roles within their departments such as administrators, supervisors, advisors, and salespeople. The structure aims to efficiently manage the branch's administration, parts, workshop, sales, and customer service operations.
PT Astra International Isuzu Tbk Makassar branch has a hierarchical organizational structure. The Branch Head oversees department heads including Admin, Parts, Workshop, and Sales. These department heads then manage various roles within their departments such as administrators, supervisors, advisors, and salespeople. The structure aims to efficiently manage the branch's administration, parts, workshop, sales, and customer service operations.
PT Astra International Isuzu Tbk Makassar branch has a hierarchical organizational structure. The Branch Head oversees department heads including Admin, Parts, Workshop, and Sales. These department heads then manage various roles within their departments such as administrators, supervisors, advisors, and salespeople. The structure aims to efficiently manage the branch's administration, parts, workshop, sales, and customer service operations.
PT Astra International Isuzu Tbk Makassar branch has a hierarchical organizational structure. The Branch Head oversees department heads including Admin, Parts, Workshop, and Sales. These department heads then manage various roles within their departments such as administrators, supervisors, advisors, and salespeople. The structure aims to efficiently manage the branch's administration, parts, workshop, sales, and customer service operations.