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The following is multiple choice. Please highlight the best answer below:

In the “Puzzle” video cell H3 was 12-27-2007, where did the dates below it (cells H4,H5 etc) come from?

a) They were random numbers.

b) They were from taking the day counts in column D and adding it to the prior date in column H.
c) They came from column C.
d) They were from taking the day counts in column D and adding them to column C

How was the move from 12-27-07 to 1-19-08 found in the market?

a) They were found by going through the data and looking for a high to low or low to high that was
about 23 days in length.
b) They weren’t found they were always there.
c) The instructor knew them from before.
d) Through the use of Fibonacci retracement and Angles.

The ephemeris was used to do what?

a) Find the number of days between 2 dates.

b) Find out how many revolutions of the planets Venus/Mars occurred during that time.
c) Find the number of degrees Venus and Mars moved from the 2 start dates 4-17-06 and 12-27-07.
d) The ephemeris was used to confuse the listener.

How much orb did the presenter use when working with the pattern?

a) 7 day orb between turns

b) 2-3 days at most
c) There was no orb, all turns were exact.
d) 1 day consistently.

Why did the presenter not deal with price at all?

a) The presenter believes that time must first be understood before price can be forecast.
b) The presenter did give price instructions.
c) The presenter believed that there is no way price could be forecast.
d) The presenter believed W.D. Gann did not use price.

When you have highlighted your answers above, turn the homework assignment into your administrator
for the next lesson. Please note that you are required to wait a minimum of 3 days from receipt of the
lesson to when you turn in your homework. During this period read the remainder of “The Tunnel Thru
The Air by W.D. Gann.”

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