Analog Simulation Manual - 2

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Introduction to SPICE

Simulation using EDWinXP


Albi Easo
Principal Application Engineer
Visionics India Pvt Ltd, Technopark, Trivandrum
Introduction to SPICE Simulation using EDWinXP
First Edition

Albi Easo

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Published by

Visionics India Pvt. Ltd.,

Trivandrum - 695 581.
Kerala. Tel : +91 471 2700673.
E-mail: [email protected]
This eBook is compiled for the easier illustration of SPICE simulation of Analog Simulation
lab to cater the B.Tech syllabus (EC010 307 ANALOG CIRCUITS LAB) of M.G
University, Kerala. The experiments are described in a step by step manner.

The EDSpice simulation experiments describes the Aim, Components required for the
simulation, the circuit diagram, procedure, steps for the simulation and finally the result of
the simulation. The Components required for the experiment is given as Type of Component
– EDWinXP Component Name (Number of Components). The procedure section describes
the method of simulating the circuit with the values to be assigned to each component in the
circuit and the steps for simulating the circuit for the specified analysis. The result is obtained
in the Waveform viewer.
Introduction to SPICE............................................................................................ 1
About EDWinXP ……………………………………………………………….. 2
Introduction to Simulation .................................................................................... 3
EDSpice Simulator ……………………………………………………………… 3
Introduction ……………………………………………………………... 3
Types of Analysis supported by EDSpice Simulator ………………………........ 5
1. Transient Analysis...................................................................................... 5
2. Fourier Analysis.......................................................................................... 5
3. Small Signal AC Analysis ......................................................................... 6
4. DC Transfer Function.................................................................................. 6
5. Distortion Analysis .................................................................................... 7
6. Operating Point Analysis ........................................................................... 8
7. Noise Analysis ........................................................................................... 8
8. DC/ AC Sensitivity Analysis ..................................................................... 9
9. Transfer Function Analysis ........................................................................ 10
10. Pole Zero Analysis ..................................................................................... 11
Model Libraries in EDSpice .................................................................................. 12
EDSpice Simulation ……………………………………………………………… 16
1. Integrator …………………………………………………………….. 16
2. Differentiator ………………………………………………………… 19
3. Diode Characteristics ………………………………………………... 22
4. BJT Input Characteristics – Common Emitter Configuration ………. 24
5. BJT Input Characteristics – Common Base Configuration ………….. 26
6. BJT Output Characteristics – Common Base Configuration ……….. 29
7. FET Input Characteristics …………………………………………… 32
8. FET Output Characteristics ………………………………………….. 34
9. MOSFET Input Characteristics ……………………………………... 36
10. MOSFET Output Characteristics ……………………………………. 38
11. Full Wave Rectifier …………………………………………………. 40
12. Bridge Rectifier ……………………………………………………... 47
13. Series Voltage Regulator ……………………………………………. 50
14. Series Voltage Regulator – 2 ..………………………………………. 52
15. Sweep Generator …………………………………………………… 55
16. Bootstrap Sweep Circuit ……………………………………………. 57
17. RC Coupled Amplifier …………………………………………….... 60
18. JFET Amplifier ……………………………………………………. 66
Introduction to SPICE
SPICE is an acronym for Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis.
This is a sort of node description language which is used to describe the circuits, especially
analog circuits.
Simulation is the process by which the intended output is analyzing without actually
fabricating the circuit.
Why it is required ?
Any circuit can be analyzed by means of any type of available analysis.
There is no need of real life components and instruments.
There is no risk of damaging components and instruments etc.
SPICE can perform various analysis for:
Evaluating effects of variations in elements
Assessment & performance/degradation
Evaluating effects of noise
Fourier analysis
DC analysis
Transient analysis
Operating point analysis
AC analysis
Noise analysis
Input for simulation
1. Through .CIR file
A circuit is described by statements that are stored in a file called a circuit file.
The circuit file is read by the SPICE simulator .Each statement in circuit file is self contained
and independent.
2. By Schematic capturing of the circuit diagram
Capture the components available in the library and interconnect to make the
The circuit must contain the descriptions for following:
• Circuit elements
• Sources

• Nodes
• Element values
• Element models
• Types of Analysis
• Output variables
• Output Commands
• .END
Format of a circuit file
• .Title
• Circuit description
• .model
• .Analysis description
• output description
• .End

About EDWinXP
EDWinXP (Electronic Design for Windows) is a PCB design CAD/CAE package. It can be
also used for circuit simulation purposes. An electronic design engineer can use the
computerized tools provided in EDWinXP to create an electronic circuit, design the PCB and
fabricate PCB. Due to the integrated structure of EDWinXP database, a design may be started
from either the schematic diagram or the PCB layout and design information is annotated
automatically to other modules. This front and back annotation makes EDWinXP a fully
integrated package.
EDWinXP may be visualized as a package comprising of five task oriented modules such as
Schematic Editor, Layout Editor, Fabrication, Simulation and Library modules.
Introduction to Simulation
Analysis is an important part of any design process. The soundness of a design
should be tested to ensure proper functioning of the final PCB. Circuit Analysis involves
testing the performance of the circuit for different DC operating points and with signal
applied, over a range of output levels, supply voltages and temperatures.
Simulators allow testing of the circuits without having to build them thereby
reducing the development time and cost. Further simulators allow testing of the circuits over
a wide parameter range easily.
EDWinXP provides two types of simulators one is EDWinXP Mixed Mode
Simulator and other is EDSpice Simulator which adheres to the SPICE standards. Here we
emphasis more about EDSpice Simulator. The user must specify the source and the mode of
analysis prior to running a simulator.

EDSpice Simulator:
EDSpice is a SPICE-like simulator. It is solely based on Berkeley SPICE3 with a
number of extensions and improvements. It provides users with the facility to analyze and
validate the functionality and behavior of circuits captured in the form of Schematic
The interactive module of EDSpice, provides seamless integration between the
simulator and the rest of the system. The core of the package is the EDSpice Simulation
Engine, which performs the simulations and outputs the results. The user communicates with
the engine through the interactive module. This module includes a set of function tools to
prepare circuits for simulation, initiate the execution of analyses, and review the results.
Waveform Viewer is used to display and post process the results of analyses in graphical
form. If required, the results may be also presented textually.

To Setup Simulator Variables (options)

Certain global parameters, preset options and conditions for analyses are passed to the
simulation engine in the netlist. Dialog windows for defining the contents such lines as
.OPTIONS (Simulator variables), .IC (Initial Condition) and .NODESET (Initial Node
Voltage Guesses) may be accessed from the Analysis menu of Simulation
Setup of the .OPTIONS line involves either including keywords in the line (clicking
the parameter in the table toggles the selection "Yes/ No") or defining non-zero values of the
variables (clicking the parameter in the table opens an edit box for typing in the values). Only
variables not equal to zero will be included in the .OPTIONS line. Click ACCEPT to accept
these values.

To Setup Initial Node Voltage Guesses

Certain global parameters, preset options and conditions for analyses are passed to the
simulation engine in the netlist. Dialog windows for defining the contents such lines as
.OPTIONS (Simulator variables), .IC (Initial Condition) and .NODESET (Initial Node
Voltage Guesses) may be accessed from the Analysis menu of Simulation.
The procedure of setting up the contents of the .IC and .NODESET lines involves
selection of nets and specifying their voltage values. Nets may be selected from the check
boxes against each net name. To specify the voltage value, click the Voltage column in the
table. The voltage value for the selected net may be typed in the edit box. The operation of
specifying a voltage value is confirmed by pressing <Enter> key. Click ACCEPT to accept
these values.

To Setup Transient Initial Conditions

Certain global parameters, preset options and conditions for analyses are passed to the
simulation engine in the netlist. Dialog windows for defining the contents such lines as
.OPTIONS (Simulator variables), .IC (Initial Condition) and .NODESET (Initial Node
Voltage Guesses) may be accessed from the Analysis menu of Simulation.
The procedure of setting up the contents of the .IC and .NODESET lines involves
selection of nets and specifying their voltage values. Nets may be selected from the check
boxes against each net name. To specify the voltage value, click the Voltage column in the
table. The voltage value for the selected net may be typed in the edit box. The operation of
specifying a voltage value is confirmed by pressing <Enter> key. Click ACCEPT to accept
these values.

Types of Analysis supported by EDSpice Simulator.
1. Transient Analysis
A Transient Analysis examines the time domain response of a circuit within a time
frame specified by the user, and reports the variation of any voltage or current over this time.
General Form
.TRAN 1NS 1000NS 500NS
TSTEP is the printing or plotting increment for line-printer output. For use with the post-
processor, TSTEP is the suggested computing increment. TSTOP is the final time, and
TSTART is the initial time. If TSTART is omitted, it is assumed to be zero. The transient
analysis always begins at time zero. In the interval <zero, TSTART>, the circuit is analyzed
(to reach a steady state), but no outputs are stored. In the interval <TSTART, TSTOP>, the
circuit is analyzed and outputs are stored. TMAX is the maximum step-size that SPICE uses;
for default, the program chooses either TSTEP or (TSTOP-TSTART)/50.0, whichever is
smaller. TMAX is useful when one wishes to guarantee a computing interval which is smaller
than the printer increment, TSTEP.

2. Fourier Analysis
Fourier Analysis generates information used to expresses any complex, periodic
waveform as a Fourier Series, provided it satisfies the Dirichlet Conditions. In other words, a
Fourier Analysis gathers information about the harmonic contents of the waveform.
Fourier Analysis can also be used to characterize the Distortion in linear circuits that
occur due to part non-linearities, provided the distortions are not too small.
General Form
.FOUR 100K V(5)

The Four (or Fourier) line controls whether SPICE performs a Fourier analysis as a
part of the transient analysis. FREQ is the fundamental frequency, and OV1, ..., are the output
variables for which the analysis is desired. The Fourier analysis is performed over the interval
<TSTOP-period, TSTOP>, where TSTOP is the final time specified for the transient analysis,
and period is one period of the fundamental frequency. The dc component and the first nine
harmonics are determined. For maximum accuracy, TMAX (see the .TRAN line) should be
set to period/100.0 (or less for very high-Q circuits).

3. Small Signal AC Analysis

Small Signal AC Analysis is a linear analysis, over a user defined frequency range,
based on the linearized small signal AC model values of all circuit components at the
Operating point. It is used to obtain the small signal AC behavior of the circuit. Both AC
currents and voltages at various nodes can be obtained.
General Form
.AC DEC 10 1 10K
.AC DEC 10 1K 100MEG
.AC LIN 100 1 100HZ
DEC stands for decade variation, and ND is the number of points per decade. OCT stands for
octave variation, and NO is the number of points per octave. LIN stands for linear variation,
and NP is the number of points. FSTART is the starting frequency, and FSTOP is the final
frequency. If this line is included in the input file, SPICE performs an AC analysis of the
circuit over the specified frequency range. Note that in order for this analysis to be
meaningful, at least one independent source must have been specified with an ac value.

4. DC Transfer Function
DC Transfer Function Analysis is used to obtain the variation in circuit voltages
and/or currents, with respect to variations in either one or two, independent source/s, at DC
Bias conditions. It is used for obtaining the small signal DC bias solution of a circuit, as one
(or two) independent sources sweep over a range of values. It is also often used for obtaining
the characteristic output curves of semiconductor devices.
General Form
.DC VIN 0.25 5.0 0.25
.DC VDS 0 10 .5 VGS 0 5 1
.DC VCE 0 10 .25 IB 0 10U 1U
The DC line defines the dc transfer curve source and sweep limits (again with capacitors
open and inductors shorted). SRCNAM is the name of an independent voltage or current
source. VSTART, VSTOP, and VINCR are the starting, final, and incrementing values
respectively. The first example causes the value of the voltage source VIN to be swept from
0.25 Volts to 5.0 Volts in increments of 0.25 Volts. A second source (SRC2) may optionally
be specified with associated sweep parameters. In this case, the first source is swept over its
range for each value of the second source. This option can be useful for obtaining
semiconductor part output characteristics.

5. Distortion Analysis
Signal distortions like Crossover distortion, Failure-to-follow distortion, Frequency
distortion, Phase distortion can be viewed and analysed by running an appropriate AC small
signal analysis.
However, Harmonic distortion and Inter modulation distortion can be studied in
SPICE only by running a Distortion analysis. Harmonic Distortion is the change in a signal at
the output, compared to the input, due to the frequency components that get introduced into
the output as a result of part non-linearity. The additional frequencies are integer multiples of
the input frequency.
General Form
.DISTO DEC 10 1kHz 100Mhz
.DISTO DEC 10 1kHz 100Mhz 0.9
The Disto line does a small-signal distortion analysis of the circuit. A multi-
dimensional Volterra series analysis is done using multi-dimensional Taylor series to
represent the nonlinearities at the operating point. Terms of up to third order are used in the
series expansions.

6. Operating Point Analysis

Operating Point Analysis is used to determine the DC behavior of a circuit. It is
performed using DC values, at which inductors are effectively short circuits and capacitors
are open circuits.
The program must be informed about the results you wish to know. The default
selection is "As Marked". This means that results will be displayed at all Voltage, Current
and Logic State Markers placed on the circuit schematic. After analysis, the results will be
presented by updating the markers. If you wish to know the values at all nodes and branches
of the circuit, select "All Points". The results will be available in the default .raw file
RAWSPICE.RAW located at \..\EDS_WRK. You may view it by selecting "File → View
EDSpice Files → Rawfile"
General Form
The inclusion of this line in an input file directs EDSpice to determine the dc operating point
of the circuit with inductors shorted and capacitors opened. Note: a DC analysis is
automatically performed prior to a transient analysis to determine the transient initial
conditions, and prior to an AC small-signal, Distortion, and Pole-Zero analysis to determine
the linearized, small-signal models for nonlinear parts (see the KEEPOPINFO variable on the
.OPTIONS control line).

7. Noise Analysis
SPICE is capable of modeling the following kinds of electronic noise:
* Thermal noise
* Shot noise, and
* Flicker noise
Noise analysis is used to analyze the noise existing at any point in a circuit, due to the
combined effect of all noise sources in the circuit.
General Form
.NOISE V(5) VIN DEC 10 1kHZ 100Mhz
.NOISE V(5,3) V1 OCT 8 1.0 1.0e6 1
The Noise line does a noise analysis of the circuit. OUTPUT is the node at which the total
output noise is desired; if REF is specified, then the noise voltage V(OUTPUT) - V(REF) is
calculated. By default, REF is assumed to be ground. SRC is the name of an independent
source to which input noise is referred. PTS, FSTART and FSTOP are .AC type parameters
that specify the frequency range over which plots are desired. PTS_PER_SUMMARY is an
optional integer; if specified, the noise contributions of each noise generator is produced
every PTS_PER_SUMMARY frequency points.
The .NOISE control line produces two plots - one for the Noise Spectral Density curves and
one for the total Integrated Noise over the specified frequency range. All noise
voltages/currents are in squared units (V /Hz and A /Hz for spectral density, V and A for
integrated noise).

8. DC/ AC Sensitivity Analysis

Signals at any point of a circuit are affected by the rest of the circuit. The dependence
of any circuit current or voltage, on parameters of all other parts in the circuit can be
measured by means of a Sensitivity Analysis. Sensitivity Analysis provides information about
the circuit parameter/s which is mostly affected by the specified current or voltage. This
information can be used to decide the maximum variations in the values of various parts and
parameters. In other words, acceptable tolerances for part values can be determined.
In order to run DC or Small-Signal AC Sensitivity Analysis, specify the analysis
parameters by selecting Analysis/ DC or Small-Signal AC Sensitivity Analysis from the tree
view. Specify the simulation parameters. If you require only a DC Sensitivity Analysis, make
sure the "AC Sensitivity" check box is not selected. (However, make sure it is checked if you
want an AC Sensitivity Analysis.). If ‘As Setup’ is checked, the analysis is performed at the
temperature set from the menu Setup/ Temperatures. If this option is not checked, the
operating temperature is taken as 27° C. Select the type of presenting results from ‘Results’
dropdown and set the parameters as per the selection made for Waveform Viewer. Click
ACCEPT button to accept these values and on RUN button to execute the analysis.
After analysis, the results will be presented as follows:
* The results of a DC Sensitivity Analysis will be presented in the .raw file
* The results of AC Sensitivity Analysis will be presented in the Waveform Viewer. The full
results can be examined by selecting "File → View EDSpice Files → Rawfile".
General Form
.SENS V(OUT) AC DEC 10 100 100k
The sensitivity of OUTVAR to all non-zero part parameters is calculated when the
SENS analysis is specified. OUTVAR is a circuit variable (node voltage or voltage-source
branch current). The first form calculates sensitivity of the DC operating-point value of
OUTVAR. The second form calculates sensitivity of the AC values of OUTVAR. The
parameters listed for AC sensitivity are the same as in an AC analysis. The output values are
in dimensions of change in output per unit change of input (as opposed to percent change in
output or per percent change of input).

9. Transfer Function Analysis

The magnitudes of the following quantities can be obtained by means of a Transfer
Function Analysis:
* Voltage Gain
* Current Gain
* Transfer Impedance
* Transfer Admittance
In order to run Transfer Function Analysis, specify the analysis parameters by
selecting Analysis/ Transfer Function Analysis from the tree view. Specify the simulation
parameters. Click ACCEPT button to accept these values and on RUN button to execute the
analysis. After analysis, the results will be presented in the .raw file RAWSPICE.RAW.
General Form
.TF V(5, 3) VIN
The TF line defines the small-signal output and input for the dc small-signal analysis.
OUTVAR is the small signal output variable and INSRC is the small-signal input source. If
this line is included, SPICE computes the dc small-signal value of the transfer function
(output/input), input resistance, and output resistance. For the first example, SPICE would
compute the ratio of V(5,3) to VIN, the small-signal input resistance at VIN, and the small-
signal output resistance measured across nodes 5 and 3.

10. Pole-Zero Analysis

A Pole-Zero analysis is used to compute poles and zeroes of a small signal AC
transfer function of the circuit. Pole-zero analysis is most commonly used for determining the
stability of control circuits.
In order to run Pole-Zero Analysis, specify the analysis parameters by selecting
Analysis/ Pole-Zero Analysis from the tree view. Specify the simulation parameters. Click
ACCEPT button to accept these values and on RUN button to execute the analysis. After
analysis, the results will be presented in the .raw file RAWSPICE.RAW.
General Form
.PZ 1 0 3 0 CUR POL
.PZ 2 3 5 0 VOL ZER
.PZ 4 1 4 1 CUR PZ
CUR stands for a transfer function of the type (output voltage)/(input current) while
VOL stands for a transfer function of the type (output voltage)/(input voltage). POL stands
for pole analysis only, ZER for zero analysis only and PZ for both. This feature is provided
mainly because if there is a non-convergence in finding poles or zeros, then, at least the other
can be found. Finally, NODE1 and NODE2 are the two input nodes and NODE3 and NODE4
are the two out-put nodes. Thus, there is complete freedom regarding the output and input
ports and the type of transfer function.

Model Libraries in EDSpice

The Model Parameter Editor in EDWinXP eases the management and creation of
model libraries. It can be used in a variety of ways including extracting .MODEL lines from
existing SPICE netlist, loading existing models from the model libraries allowing you to
modify and re-save them, and the creation of new models.
There are three kinds of model libraries used by EDSpice. The first two types
facilitate the simulation of a wide range of circuit elements whose functionality is defined by
software extensions to the simulation engine. The behavior of the element is encoded in a
dedicated software module, which is dynamically linked to the simulation engine during
runtime. This feature of the EDSpice Simulator is called code models. The program modules
which contain this functionality, and currently available in EDSpice, are stored in a separate
subdirectory on the hard disk. This library of code models is automatically created while the
EDSpice package is installed on the user's machine.
The EDSpice Code Model Library contains program modules allowing for simulation
of more than a hundred digital and analog circuit elements. Extensions of XSPICE to SPICE
and its gaining popularity will bring more models available on the market from sources other
than Visionics. This will allow sharing of models between the users of XSPICE based
simulators without the involvement of the original vendors.
Similarly, the second type - library of User-Defined Nodes - is also available with the
EDSpice Simulator. User-Defined Node types allow you to specify nodes that propagate
arbitrary data structures and data other than voltages, currents, and digital states. User-
Defined Nodes communicate with the simulation engine in the same manner as the code
models. The User-Defined Nodes Library is automatically installed with the rest of the
EDSpice package.
According to SPICE convention, the characteristics of a circuit element are defined by
part parameters, on the element line of a netlist, representing an instance of the element.
However, some complex elements, such as transistors, are characterized by both part
parameters, defined on the element line, and model parameters, grouped in a .MODEL
statement. The model statement allows you to specify only one set of parameters common to
a number of elements, for example, the parameters of all transistors with the same geometry
integrated on one silicon chip. Therefore, you can have multiple instances of a model.
All part and model parameters of circuit elements should be properly set before
simulation is executed. It applies without difference to elements defined by external code
models and models implemented internally by SPICE. For the same type of element, each set
of different parameter values describe characteristics of a specific, real life electronic
component. These values are normally listed in data books and catalogs supplied by
manufacturers. In many cases, associated with BJT's, MOSFETs and other more complicated
circuit elements, the process of setting up these parameters may be quite tedious, very often
requiring a good knowledge of the internal working of the component.
The EDSpice package allows for the maintenance of a preset model parameters
library. Parameters of every model once set for simulation in one circuit may be stored on the
hard disk in a selected library file and reused in other circuits. This library is called Model
Parameters Library and is the third type of library of the EDSpice package.
Anticipating problems with model parameter setup, the manufacturers of electronic
components supply data files in SPICE compatible format with the appropriate model
parameters describing characteristics of their products. The interactive module of EDSpice
includes features which can extract .MODEL lines from files compatible with the SPICE
netlist format and append the set of parameters contained in one line as a single item in the
Model Parameters Library. This feature is also useful for designers who already use other
SPICE simulators and wish to add models from existing netlist files. The feature is called the
Model Library Editor.

It is assumed that users will enhance the Model Parameters Library. During
installation of the package, the subdirectory intended for this library is automatically created
on the hard disk.
EDSpice Model Parameters Library may contain any number of library files, each
capable of storing up to 2048 models.
The model parameters are stored in the library, using an internal format, and are
accessible only for usage by a circuit elements setup features within the interactive module.
For identification purposes, the models are tagged with library names, which may be up to 15
characters long. Within one library file, the names must be unique and must conform to
certain naming conventions. According to this convention, aimed for easier recognition of the
models, the general format of the model library name is as follows:
Prefix (with a maximum length of 7 characters) is automatically added to the model
library name. It is always the type of the model according to SPICE syntax. For example, all
models containing parameters for NPN transistors will be assigned the prefix NPN#. Users
may add their own ID to the model name, so that the total number of characters including the
prefix# does not exceed 15. Apart from the name, each model in the library may contain a
description provided as additional identification of the models.
The model library structure also supports the family approach of grouping the models.
There are two purposes to group model parameters family libraries.
1. The user may find the models easier.
2. It may happen that model parameters may have the same identifier. For example
BC807 from two manufacturers, Motorola and NS. In such cases they may be stored
with the same identifier in different family library file and still be unique.
The grouping of models from a particular manufacturer are made to a single .Sparam file. For
example transistors from MOTOROLA have been saved to MOTOBJTS.Sparam under the
directory /../EDS_MOD. Likewise the grouping is done for models from different
Apart from the .Sparam files representing models from different manufacturers, there
are two more files - MISC.Sparam and MIXMODE.Sparam. SAMPLES.Sparam contains
model parameters used by samples. MIXMODE.Sparam is used by the system.
Family Prefix, may be used (optionally) to connect a part to specific model parameter library
file. EDSpice Reference for models looks in following way:
Where MMM is Model Type (ex PNP) and IIIII is identifier (ex BC807). When
PNP#BC807 is coded as EDSpice Ref then the program would search through all library files
in the Model Parameters Library until it finds or not finds the PNP#BC807.
The Family Prefix is optional (settable in EDSpice Symbol Editor) and is nothing else but
model parameters library file name (no extension). Hence if it is decided to use Family prefix
and if the parameters are stored in MOTOBJTS.Sparam then the EDSpice Reference would
be as follows:
The program will try to load this parameters from MOTOBJTS.Sparam. If unsuccessful then
it would work like without family prefix - meaning that it will search through other files in
this subdirectory.
The model library name may be used as the Simulation References to assign these models to
parts. Such components created as parts with appropriate Simulation Reference set
automatically attaches model parameters corresponding to these Simulation Parameters while
preprocessing is done. This is a one time activity, i.e., model parameters pointed to by the
Simulation Reference is loaded only if the component does not have any model parameters
set. Once model parameters are changed by the user, the new parameter set always overrides
the default ones set using Simulation Reference.
Note: EDSpice Simulation References are assigned to parts and not to symbols.

To simulate an integrator circuit.
Components Required
Resistor- RC05 (1), Capacitor- CK05 (1), AC Voltage Source-VGEN (1), Ground- SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

A circuit in which output voltage is directly proportional to the integral of the input is
known as an integrating circuit. An integrating circuit is a simple RC series circuit with
output taken across the Capacitor C.
In order that circuit renders good integration, the following conditions should be full-filled.
1. The time constant RC of the circuit should be very large compared to the time period
of the input wave.
2. The value of R should be 10 or more times larger than Xc.
Let ei be the input alternating voltage and let i be the resulting alternating current. Since R
is very large compared to capacitive reactance Xc of the capacitor, it is reasonable to assume
that the voltage across R(i.e. eR) is equal to the input voltage.i.e.

The charge on the capacitor at any instant is

output voltage,

(RC is constant)

Thus the output is proportional to the time integral of the input.

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. Assign net names for
connections wherever necessary. Preprocess the circuit by invoking Simulation →
Preprocess. Place waveform markers on input and output nodes. For placing waveform
markers, select Tools → Instruments → Set wave form Contents → Voltage waveform →
Click on the required net and place the waveform marker. Run transient analysis after setting
up required parameters.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
Resistor : 1k
Capacitor : 0.1µF
VGEN : Select the source function as PULSE and set its Properties as follows
V1 (Initial value) : 0V
V2 (Pulsed Value) : 5V
Pulse width : 0.5m
Period : 1m (All other values are zero)
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select Transient analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
Step : 1µ
Final time : 5m
Results : Select Waveform from drop down menu.

Click on Accept. Expand the Transient Analysis and select Waveform viewer, Select
As Marked. Click on Accept. Select Transient Analysis. Run Analysis by clicking on Run
In order to obtain the response as low pass filter, the small signal AC analysis has to
be carried out. For performing the Small Signal AC Analysis, select Simulation → Analysis.
Select Small Signal AC Analysis from the tree view.
Enter the values as
Variation : Decade
Total Points : 100
Start Frequency : 10Hz
End Frequency : 10MHz
Results : Select Waveform for displaying the output.
Click Accept button after entering the values to automatically switch to Analysis.
Click Run button to start simulation. The output is obtained as given in the second


Integrator Output

Integrator as Low Pass Filter

To simulate a Differentiator circuit
Components required
Resistor-RC05 (1), Capacitor – CK05 (1), AC voltage source – VGEN (1), Ground- SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

A circuit in which output voltage is directly proportional to the derivative of input is known
as a differentiating circuit. A differentiating circuit is a simple RC series circuit with output
taken across the resistor R.
In order to achieve good differentiation, the following conditions should be satisfied:
1. The time constant RC of the circuit should be smaller than the time period of the input
2. The value of Xc should be 10 or more times larger than R at operating frequency.

Let ei be the input alternating voltage and i be the resulting alternating current. The charge q
on the capacitor at any instant is


C ec

Since capacitive reactance is very much larger than R, the input voltage can be considered to
be equal to the capacitor voltage with negligible error. i.e. ec = ei

Output Voltage, eo = iR

ei ei

Hence the output is proportional to the time derivative of the input.
Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. Assign net names for
connections wherever necessary. Preprocess the circuit by invoking Simulation →
Preprocess. Place waveform markers on input and output nodes. For placing waveform
markers, select Tools → Instruments → set wave form Contents → Voltage waveform →
Click on the required net and place the waveform marker. Run transient analysis after setting
up required parameters.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
Resistor : 10k (1)
Capacitor : 25nF (1)
VGEN : Select the source function as PULSE and set its Properties as follows
Initial value : 0V
Final Value : 5V
Pulse width : 0.5m
Period : 1m (All other values are zero)
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select Transient analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
Step : 1µ
Final time : 5m
Results : Select Waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the Transient Analysis and select Waveform viewer, Select
As Marked. Click on Accept. Select Transient Analysis. Run Analysis by clicking on Run
For performing the Small Signal AC Analysis, select Simulation → Analysis. Select
Small Signal AC Analysis from the tree view.
Enter the values as
Variation : Decade
Total Points : 100
Start Frequency : 10Hz
End Frequency : 10MHz
Results : Select Waveform for displaying the output.
Click Accept button after entering the values to automatically switch to Analysis.
Click Run button to start simulation

a) Transient Analysis

b) Small Signal AC Analysis

To simulate the VI characteristics of a diode.
Components required
Diode – IN4001 (1), Resistor – RC05 (1), DC Voltage Source – VDC (2), Ground – SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram to plot the VI characteristics of a pn junction diode is shown. Applying a
positive potential to the anode and a negative potential to the cathode of the pn junction diode
establishes a forward bias condition on the diode. As the applied potential is increased the
depletion region width decrease and conduction of electron increase. In general the
characteristics of the semiconductor diode can be defined by the equation

Where IS = reverse saturation current, k=11600/h with h =1 for Ge and 2 for Si.
TK=TC+273, TK = Temperature in ° Kelvin, TC = Temperature in ° Centigrade
VD = Applied potential , ID = Diode current
For positive values of VD, ID is positive and increases exponentially. At VD=0, ID is also zero
(ref: equation). For negative values of VD,

which is a horizontal line. This explains the VI characteristics of pn junction diode.

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. Assign net names for
connections wherever necessary. The resistor R is assigned a proper value. Preprocess the
circuit by invoking Simulation → Preprocess. The VI characteristics may be obtained by
performing DC Transfer function Analysis. The current waveform marker is placed at the
positive terminal of the dummy voltage source VDC/2. For placing waveform markers, select
Tools → Instruments → set wave form Contents → Current waveform → Click on the
required net and place the waveform marker. The sweep parameter (voltage) for input source
is set in the Analysis window. The applied voltage is swept from an initial value to final value
with the steps provided. To get VI characteristics, the currents corresponding to varying input
voltages are noted. The VI graph is observed in the Waveform Viewer.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
Diode : 1N4001 (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
Resistor : R = 1k
VDC/1 : 1V
VDC/2 : 0V
Note: For input/output characteristics plot of Diode, BJT, FET, MOS etc, it is not necessary
to place a waveform marker in the diagram. Its because the sweep variable of the VI
parameters are being plotted. The current through a net can be obtained by enabling the
Vx#branch in the waveform. Please ensure the connectivity of dummy voltage source having
(0V) for obtaining the direction of current.
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select DC Transfer function analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
First Source : VDC/1
Start voltage : - 6V
Stop Voltage : 6V
Step : 500m
Results : Select waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Run Analysis by clicking on Run button
The output waveform can be observed in the waveform viewer.

BJT INPUT CHARACTERISTICS (Common Emitter Configuration)

To simulate the BJT input characteristics in Common Emitter configuration
Components required
Transistor - BC107A (1), DC Voltage source - VDC (3), Ground – SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. A DC source with 0
V is placed as the dummy voltage source to obtain the current waveform. Wiring and proper
net assignment has been made. The circuit is preprocessed. The VI characteristics may be
obtained by performing DC Transfer function Analysis. Place the current waveform marker
at the positive terminal of the dummy voltage source (Voltage = 0 Volts). For placing
waveform markers, select Tools → Instruments → Set wave form Contents → Current
waveform → Click on the required net and place the waveform marker. The sweep parameter
(voltage) for input source is set in the Analysis window. The applied voltage is swept from an
initial value to final value with the steps provided. To get VI characteristics, the currents
corresponding to varying input voltages are noted. The VI graph is observed in the Waveform
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
Transistor : BC107A (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
VDC/1 : 0V
VDC/2 : 1V
VDC/3 : 10V
Note: For input/output characteristics plot of BJT, FET, MOS etc, it is not necessary to place
a waveform marker in the diagram. Its because the sweep variable of the VI parameters are
being plotted. The current through a net can be obtained by enabling the Vx#branch in the
waveform. Please ensure the connectivity of dummy voltage source having (0V) for obtaining
the direction of current.
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select DC Transfer function analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
First Source : VDC/2
Start voltage : 0V
Stop voltage : 2V
Step : 100m
Results : Select waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the DC transfer function and select Waveform viewer, Select
dummy voltage source branch. Click on Accept. Select DC Transfer function analysis. Run
Analysis by clicking on Run button


To simulate the BJT input characteristics in common base configuration
Components required
Transistor - BC107A (1), Resistor – RC05 (2), DC Voltage source - VDC (3), Ground - SPL0
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. A DC source
(VDC/2) with 0 V is placed as the dummy voltage source to obtain the current waveform.
Wiring and proper net assignment has been made. The circuit is preprocessed. The VI
characteristics may be obtained by performing DC Transfer function Analysis. Place the
current waveform marker at the positive terminal of the dummy voltage source VDC/2
(Voltage = 0 Volts). For placing waveform markers, select Tools → Instruments → set wave
form Contents → Current waveform → Click on the required net and place the waveform
marker. The sweep parameter (voltage) for input source is set in the Analysis window. The
applied voltage is swept from an initial value to final value with the steps provided. To get VI
characteristics, the currents corresponding to varying input voltages are noted. The VI graph
is observed in the Waveform Viewer.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
Transistor : BC107A (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
Resistors : R1 = 100 Ohm, R2 = 100 Ohm
VDC/1 : 10V
VDC/2 : 0V
VDC/3 : 10V
Note: For input/output characteristics plot of BJT, FET, MOS etc, it is not necessary to place
a waveform marker in the diagram. Its because the sweep variable of the VI parameters are
being plotted. The current through a net can be obtained by enabling the Vx#branch in the
waveform. Please ensure the connectivity of dummy voltage source having (0V) for obtaining
the direction of current.
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select DC Transfer function analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
First Source : VDC/1 [V2]
Start voltage : 0V
Stop voltage : 5V
Step : 5m
Results : Select waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the DC transfer function and select Waveform viewer, Select
dummy voltage source branch. Click on Accept. Select DC Transfer function analysis. Run
Analysis by clicking on Run button.

To simulate the output characteristics of the BJT with common base configuration.
Components required
Transistor – BC107A (1), DC Current Source – IDC (1), Resistor – RC05 (2), DC Voltage
source – VDC (2), Ground – SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. A DC source with 0
V is placed as the dummy voltage source to obtain the current waveform. Wiring and proper
net assignment has been made. The circuit is preprocessed. The VI characteristics may be
obtained by performing DC Transfer function Analysis. Place the current waveform marker
at the positive terminal of the dummy voltage source VDC/1 (Voltage = 0 Volts). For placing
waveform markers, select Tools → Instruments → Set Wave Form Contents → Current
waveform → Click on the required net and place the waveform marker. The sweep parameter
(voltage) for input source is set in the Analysis window. The applied voltage is swept from an
initial value to final value with the steps provided. To get VI characteristics, the currents
corresponding to varying input voltages are noted. The VI graph is observed in the Waveform
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
Transistor : BC107A (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
Resistors : RES/1 = 1k, RES/2 = 1k
IDC : 20mA
VDC/1 : 0V
VDC/2 : 12V
Note: For input/output characteristics plot of BJT, FET, MOS etc, it is not necessary to place
a waveform marker in the diagram. Its because the sweep variable of the VI parameters are
being plotted. The current through a net can be obtained by enabling the Vx#branch in the
waveform. Please ensure the connectivity of dummy voltage source having (0V) for obtaining
the direction of current.
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select DC Transfer function analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
First Source : VDC/2 [V4]
Start voltage : -500m
Stop voltage : 10
Step : 20m
Second Source : IDC/1 [I1]
Start voltage : -1m
Stop voltage : 10m
Step : 100µ
Results : Select waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the DC transfer function Analysis and select Waveform
viewer. Select dummy voltage source branch. Click on Accept. Select DC Transfer function
analysis. Run Analysis by clicking on Run button

After running the analysis, Click on the Common Units option in the Waveform viewer.

To simulate the FET input characteristics
Components required
FET - 2N3819 (1), DC Voltage Source – VDC (3), GND – SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. A DC source with 0
V is placed as the dummy voltage source to obtain the current waveform. Wiring and proper
net assignment has been made. The current waveform marker is placed at the positive
terminal of the dummy voltage source VDC/2 (Voltage = 0 Volts). The values are assigned
for relevant components. The circuit is preprocessed. The DC Transfer function Analysis
parameters have been set. The DC transfer function Analysis is executed and output
waveform is observed in Waveform Viewer.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
NFET : 2N3819 (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
VDC/1 : 1V
VDC/2 : 0V
VDC/3 : 10V

Note: For input/output characteristics plot of BJT, FET, MOS etc, it is not necessary to place
a waveform marker in the diagram. Its because the sweep variable of the VI parameters are
being plotted. The current through a net can be obtained by enabling the Vx#branch in the
waveform. Please ensure the connectivity of dummy voltage source having (0V) for obtaining
the direction of current.
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select DC Transfer function analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
First Source : VDC/1 [V2]
Start voltage : -5V
Stop voltage : 0V
Step : 100m
Results : Select waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the DC transfer function Analysis and select Waveform
viewer, Select dummy voltage source branch. Mark branch voltage of second voltage source
(dummy voltage source) VDC/2. Click on Accept. Select DC Transfer function analysis. Run
Analysis by clicking on Run button

To simulate the output characteristics of an FET.
Components required
FET - 2N3819 (1), DC Voltage Source - VDC (3), Ground - SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. A DC source with 0
V is placed as the dummy voltage source to obtain the current waveform. Wiring and proper
net assignment has been made. The values are assigned for relevant components. The circuit
is preprocessed. The test points and waveform markers are placed in input and output of the
circuit. The DC Transfer function Analysis parameters have been set. The DC Transfer
function Analysis is executed and output waveform is observed in Waveform Viewer.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
NFET : 2N3819 (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
VDC/1 : 0V
VDC/2 : 0V
VDC/3 : 10V

Note: For input/output characteristics plot of BJT, FET, MOS etc, it is not necessary to place
a waveform marker in the diagram. Its because the sweep variable of the VI parameters are
being plotted. The current through a net can be obtained by enabling the Vx#branch in the
waveform. Please ensure the connectivity of dummy voltage source having (0V) for obtaining
the direction of current.
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select DC Transfer function analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
First Source : VDC/3 [V4]
Start voltage : 0V
Stop voltage : 50V
Step : 10V
Second Source : VDC/1 [V2]
Start voltage : -50V
Stop voltage : 0V
Step : 1V
Results : Select waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the DC transfer function Analysis and select Waveform
viewer, Select dummy voltage source branch. Mark branch voltage of second voltage source
(dummy voltage source) VDC/2. Click on Accept. Select DC Transfer function analysis. Run
Analysis by clicking on Run button. Display wave form in Common Units.

To simulate the MOSFET input characteristics.
Components Required
NMOSFET- NMESFET (1), DC Voltage Source – VDC (3), Ground - SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. A DC source with 0
V is placed as the dummy voltage source to obtain the current waveform. Wiring and proper
net assignment has been made. The values are assigned for relevant components. The circuit
is preprocessed. The test points and waveform markers are placed in input and output of the
circuit. DC Transfer Analysis parameters have been set. The analysis is executed and output
waveform is observed in Waveform Viewer.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
NMOSFET : NMESFET (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
VDC/1 : 0V
VDC/2 : 0V
VDC/3 : 10V

Note: For input/output characteristics plot of BJT, FET, MOS etc, it is not necessary to place
a waveform marker in the diagram. Its because the sweep variable of the VI parameters are
being plotted. The current through a net can be obtained by enabling the Vx#branch in the
waveform. Please ensure the connectivity of dummy voltage source having (0V) for obtaining
the direction of current.
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select DC Transfer function analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
First Source : VDC/1 [V2]
Start voltage : -5V
Stop voltage : 5V
Step : 100m
Results : Select waveform from drop down menu.

Click on Accept. Expand the DC transfer function Analysis and select Waveform
viewer. Select dummy voltage source branch. Mark branch voltage of second voltage source
(dummy voltage source) VDC/2. Click on Accept. Select DC Transfer function analysis. For
plotting the DC transfer function analysis, the current waveform marker/plot (Vx#branch)
should be taken from the dummy voltage source - VDC (additional dc voltage source
included in the path of current flow having dc voltage set to 0) Run Analysis by clicking on
Run button.

To simulate the MOSFET output characteristics.
Components required
MOSFET – NMESFET (1), DC Voltage Source – VDC (3), Ground - SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. A DC source with 0
V is placed as the dummy voltage source to obtain the current waveform. Wiring and proper
net assignment has been made. The values are assigned for relevant components. The circuit
is preprocessed. The test points and waveform markers are placed in input and output of the
circuit. The DC Transfer function Analysis parameters have been set. The analysis is
executed and output waveform is observed in Waveform Viewer.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
NMOSFET : NMESFET (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
VDC/1 : 0V
VDC/2 : 0V

VDC/3 : 10V
Note: For input/output characteristics plot of BJT, FET, MOS etc, it is not necessary to place
a waveform marker in the diagram. Its because the sweep variable of the VI parameters are
being plotted. The current through a net can be obtained by enabling the Vx#branch in the
waveform. Please ensure the connectivity of dummy voltage source having (0V) for obtaining
the direction of current.
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select DC Transfer function analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
First Source : VDC/3
Start voltage : 0V
Stop voltage : 15V
Step : 100m
Second Source : VDC/1 [V2]
Start voltage : -1V
Stop voltage : 1V
Step :1
Results : Select waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the DC transfer function Analysis and select Waveform
viewer. Select dummy voltage source branch. Mark branch voltage of second voltage source
(dummy voltage source) VDC/2. Click on Accept. Select DC Transfer function analysis. For
plotting the DC transfer function analysis, the current waveform marker/plot (Vx#branch)
should be taken from the dummy voltage source – VDC/2 (additional dc voltage source
included in the path of current flow having dc voltage set to 0). Run Analysis by clicking on
Run button.

To simulate a Full Wave Rectifier circuit.
Components required
Transformer – TRANSFORMER (2), Resistor – RC05 (1), Diode – 1N4007 (1), AC Voltage
Source – VGEN (1), Ground - SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

A Full Wave Rectifier is a circuit, which converts an ac voltage into a pulsating dc voltage
using both half cycles of the applied ac voltage. It uses two diodes of which one conducts
during one half cycle while the other conducts during the other half cycle of the applied ac
During the positive half cycle of the input voltage, diode D1 becomes forward biased and D2
becomes reverse biased. Hence D1 conducts and D2 remains OFF. The load current flows
through D1 and the voltage drop across RL will be equal to the input voltage.
During the negative half cycle of the input voltage, diode D1 becomes reverse biased and D2
becomes forward biased. Hence D1 remains OFF and D2 conducts. The load current flows
through D2 and the voltage drop across RL will be equal to the input voltage.
Rectifier with Filter
The output of the Full Wave Rectifier contains both ac and dc components. A majority of the
applications, which cannot tolerate a high value ripple, necessitates further processing of the
rectified output. The undesirable ac components i.e. the ripple, can be minimized using

The output of the rectifier is fed as input to the filter. The output of the filter is not a perfect
dc, but it also contains small ac components.
Some important filters are
1. Inductor Filter
2. Capacitor Filter
3. LC Filter
4. CLC or  Filter
Inductor Filter
The figure shows an inductor filter. When the output of the rectifier passes through an
inductor, it blocks the ac component and allows only the dc component to reach the load.
Ripple factor of the inductor filter is given by .
The above equation shows that ripple will decrease when L is increased and RL is
decreased. Thus the inductor filter is more effective only when the load current is high (small
RL). The larger value of the inductor can reduce the ripple and at the same time the output dc
voltage will be lowered as the inductor has a higher dc resistance.
The operation of the inductor filter depends on its property to oppose any change of current
passing through it. To analyze this filter for full wave, the Fourier series can be written as

The dc component is .
Assuming the third and higher terms contribute little output, the output voltage is

The diode, choke and transformer resistances can be neglected since they are very small

compared with RL. Therefore the dc component of current

The impedance of series combination of L and R L at 2 is

Therefore for the ac component,

Therefore, the resulting current i is given by,

The ripple factor which can be defined as the ratio of the rms value of the ripple to the dc
value of the wave, is

If , then a simplified expression for  is

In case, the load resistance is infinity i.e., the output is an open circuit, then the ripple factor

is .
This is slightly less than the value of 0.482. The difference being attributable to the omission
of higher harmonics as mentioned. It is clear that the inductor filter should only be used
where RL is consistently small.
Capacitor Filter

A capacitor filter connected directly across the load is shown above. The property of a
capacitor is that it allows ac component and blocks dc component. The operation of the
capacitor filter is to short the ripple to ground but leave the dc to appear at output when it is
connected across the pulsating dc voltage.
During the positive half cycle, the capacitor charges upto the peak vale of the transformer
secondary voltage, Vm and will try to maintain this value as the full wave input drops to zero.
Capacitor will discharge through RL slowly until the transformer secondary voltage again
increase to a value greater than the capacitor voltage. The diode conducts for a period, which
depends on the capacitor voltage. The diode will conduct when the transformer secondary
voltage becomes more than the diode voltage. This is called the cut in voltage. The diode
stops conducting when the transformer voltage becomes less than the diode voltage. This is
called cut out voltage.
Referring to the figure below, with slight approximation the ripple voltage can be assumed
as triangular. From the cut-in point to the cut-out point, whatever charge the capacitor
acquires is equal to the charge the capacitor has lost during the period of non-conduction, i.e.,
from cut-out point to the next cut-in point.

The charge it has acquired

The charge it has lost

If the value of the capacitor is fairly large, or the value of the load resistance is very large,
then it can be assumed that the time T2 is equal to half the periodic time of the waveform.

From the above assumptions, the ripple waveform will be triangular and its rms value is
given by

The ripple may be decreased by increasing C or RL (both) with a resulting increase in the
dc. output voltage.
LC Filter: - The ripple factor is directly proportional to the load resistance R L in the inductor
filter and inversely proportional to RL in the capacitor filter. Therefore if these two filters are
combined as LC filter or L section filter as shown in figure the ripple factor will be
independent of RL.

If the value of inductance is increased it will increase the time of conduction. At some critical
value of inductance, one diode, either D1 or D2 will always conducting.
From Fourier series, the output voltage can be expressed as

The dc output voltage,

The ripple factor

CLC or π Filter

The above figure shows CLC or  type filter, which basically consists of a capacitor filter,
followed by LC section. This filter offers a fairly smooth output and is characterized by
highly peaked diode currents and poor regulation. As in L section filter the analysis is
obtained as follows.

The circuit diagram is drawn by loading components from the library. Wiring and proper net
assignment has been made. The values are assigned for relevant components.

The circuit is preprocessed. The test points and waveform markers are placed in input and
output of the circuit. GND net is set as reference net. The Transient Analysis parameters have
been set. The Transient Analysis is executed and output waveform is observed in Waveform
The output waveform for Full Wave Rectifier with filter and without filter may be observed
in the waveform viewer.

To simulate a Bridge Rectifier circuit.
Components Required
Resistor - RC05 (1), Transformer – TRANSFORMER (1), Diode - 1N4007 (4), Ac voltage
source - VGEN (1), Ground – SPL0 (1)
The Bridge rectifier is a circuit, which converts an ac voltage to dc voltage using both half
cycles of the input ac voltage. The Bridge rectifier circuit is shown in the figure. The circuit
has four diodes connected to form a bridge. The ac input voltage is applied to the diagonally
opposite ends of the bridge. The load resistance is connected between the other two ends of
the bridge.
For the positive half cycle of the input ac voltage, diodes D1 and D3 conduct, whereas diodes
D2 and D4 remain in the OFF state. The conducting diodes will be in series with the load
resistance RL and hence the load current flows through RL.
For the negative half cycle of the input ac voltage, diodes D2 and D4 conduct whereas, D1
and D3 remain OFF. The conducting diodes D2 and D4 will be in series with the load
resistance RL and hence the current flows through RL in the same direction as in the previous
half cycle. Thus a bi-directional wave is converted into a unidirectional wave.

Peak Inverse Voltage
Peak inverse voltage represents the maximum voltage that the non- conducting diode must
withstand. At the instance the secondary voltage reaches its positive peak value, Vm the
diodes D1 and D3 are conducting, where as D2 and D4 are reverse biased and are non-
conducting. The conducting diodes D1 and D3 have almost zero resistance. Thus the entire
voltage Vm appears across the load resistor RL. The reverse voltage across the non-conducting
diodes D2 (D4) is also Vm. Thus for a Bridge rectifier the peak inverse voltage is given by

Ripple Factor
The ripple factor for a Full Wave Rectifier is given by

The average voltage or the dc voltage available across the load resistance is

RMS value of the voltage at the load resistance is

Efficiency, is the ratio of the dc output power to ac input power

The maximum efficiency of a Full Wave Rectifier is 81.2%.

EDWin 2000 -> Schematic Editor: The circuit diagram is drawn by loading components from
the library. Wiring and proper net assignment has been made. The values are assigned for
relevant components.

The circuit is preprocessed. The test points and waveform markers are placed in input and
output of the circuit. GND net is set as reference net. The Transient Analysis parameters have
been set. The Transient Analysis is executed and output waveform is observed in Waveform
The output waveform may be observed in the waveform viewer .

To simulate a series voltage regulator circuit.
Components Required
Transistor- BC107A (1), Resistor- RC05 (2), Zener-1N3016A (1), DC voltage source- VDC
(1), Ground- SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. Assign net names for
connections wherever necessary. Preprocess the circuit by invoking Simulation →
Preprocess. Place waveform markers on input and output nodes. For placing waveform
markers, select Tools → Instruments → set wave form Contents → Voltage waveform →
Click on the required net and place the waveform marker. Run transient analysis after setting
up required parameters.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation
parameters→ Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
Transistor : BC107A (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
Zener diode : Breakdown Voltage = 10V
Resistors : 1k (1), 1.5k (1)
VDC/1 : 15V

For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select Transient analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
Step : 1µ
Final time : 10m
Results : Select Waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the Transient Analysis and select Waveform viewer, Select
As Marked. Click on Accept. Select Transient Analysis. Run Analysis by clicking on Run
For setting up DC Transfer function Analysis, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select DC Transfer function analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
First Source : VDC/1 [V5]
Start Voltage : 0V
Stop Voltage : 15V
Step : 500m
Results : Select waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the transient tree view and select waveform viewer, click on
As marked. Click on Accept. Run Analysis by clicking on Run button

a) Transient Analysis

b) DC Transfer function Analysis


To simulate the series voltage regulator.
Components required
Resistor - RC05 (4), Transistor – BC107A (1), 2N3055 (1), Zener diode- 1N3016A (1), DC
voltage source – VDC (2), Ground – SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. Assign net names for
connections wherever necessary. Preprocess the circuit by invoking Simulation →
Preprocess. Place waveform markers on input and output nodes. For placing waveform
markers, select Tools → Instruments → set wave form Contents → Voltage waveform →
Click on the required net and place the waveform marker. Run transient analysis after setting
up required parameters.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
Transistors : 2N3055, BC107A (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type.
Click on Accept to get the default values assigned)
Resistors : 330 Ohm, 470 Ohm, 620 Ohm, 390 Ohm
Zener diode : 1N3016A, Break down voltage = 5.6V
VDC/2 : 15V
VDC/1 : 0V

For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select Transient analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
Step : 10µ
Final time : 10m
Results : Select Waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the Transient Analysis and select Waveform viewer, Select
As Marked. Click on Accept. Select Transient Analysis. Run Analysis by clicking on Run
For setting up DC Transfer function Analysis, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select DC Transfer function analysis from tree view.
Enter following values
First Source : VDC/2
Start Voltage : 5V
Stop Voltage : 25V
Step : 500m
Results : Select waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the transient tree view and select waveform viewer, click on
As marked. Click on Accept. Run Analysis by clicking on Run button

Transient Analysis

DC Transfer Characteristics

To simulate a transistor sweep generator circuit.
Components Required
Transistor- BC107A (1), Resistor - RC05 (2), Capacitor - CC0805 (1), Voltage Generator -
VGEN (1), Voltage source - VDC (1), Ground-SPL0 (1)
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. Assign net names for
connections wherever necessary. Preprocess the circuit by invoking Simulation →
Preprocess. Place waveform markers on input and output nodes. For placing waveform
markers, select Tools → Instruments → set wave form Contents → Voltage waveform →
Click on the required net and place the waveform marker. Run transient analysis after setting
up required parameters.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
Transistor : BC107A (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
Resistors : 33k (2)
Capacitors : 10nF (1)
VDC/1 : 9V
VGEN : Select the source function as PULSE and set its Properties as follows
V1 (initial value) : 0V
V2 (final value) : 5V
PW (Pulse width) : 0.5m
PER (Period) : 1m (All other values are zero)
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select Transient analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
Step : 1µ
Final time : 5m
Max. Step : 1µ
Results : Select Waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the Transient Analysis and select Waveform viewer, Select
As Marked. Click on Accept. Select Transient Analysis. Run Analysis by clicking on Run

To simulate a bootstrap sweep circuit.
Components Required
Transistor- BC107A (2), Diode – 1N4001 (1), Resistor - RC05 (3), Capacitor - CC0805 (3),
AC Voltage Generator - VGEN (1), DC Voltage source - VDC (2), Ground-SPL0 (3)
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. Assign net names for
connections wherever necessary. Preprocess the circuit by invoking Simulation →
Preprocess. Place waveform markers on input and output nodes. For placing waveform
markers, select Tools → Instruments → set wave form Contents → Voltage waveform →
Click on the required net and place the waveform marker. Run transient analysis after setting
up required parameters.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
Transistor : BC107A (2) (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)

Diode : 1N4001 (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
Resistors : 100k, 5.6k, 4.7k
Capacitors : 10µF, 47µF, 0.47µF
VDC/1 : 10V
VDC/2 : -10V
VGEN : Select the source function as PULSE and set its Properties as follows
V1 (initial value) : -5V
V2 (final value) : 5V
PW (Pulse width) : 0.5m
PER (Period) : 1m (All other values are zero)
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select Transient analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
Step : 10µ
Final time : 10m
Results : Select Waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the Transient Analysis and select Waveform viewer, Select
As Marked. Click on Accept. Select Transient Analysis. Run Analysis by clicking on Run

To simulate an RC coupled amplifier.
Components required
Transistor – BC107A (1), Resistor – RC05 (5), Capacitor – CK05 (2), CASE-AA100 (1), AC
Voltage Source – VGEN (1), DC Voltage Source – VDC (1), Ground – SPL0 (2)
Circuit Diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. Assign net names for
connections wherever necessary. Place waveform markers on input and output nodes. For
placing waveform markers, select Tools → Instruments → Set Wave form Contents →
Voltage waveform → Click on the required net and place the waveform marker to view the

Preprocess allows the simulator to recognize components and their simulation models
used in the circuit. Preprocess must be done before performing analysis, or after any update
to the circuit schematic. To preprocess, select Simulation → Preprocess, check and close the
Info window that pops up.

To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows.

Select Tools → Components → Component properties → Change simulation parameters →
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
Transistor : BC107A (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)

Resistors : R1 = 47k, R2 = 10k, RC = 2.2k, RE = 680 Ohm, RL = 820 Ohm
Capacitors : CC1 = 15µF, CC2 = 10µF, CE = 22µF
VDC/1 (+Vcc) : 10V
VGEN : Select the source function as SIN and set its Properties as follows
VA (Amplitude) : 10mV
FREQ (Frequency) : 10kHz
Various analysis can be performed on the circuit to study the circuit behavior
Transient Analysis
Transient analysis is used to view input and output with respect to time.
1. Select Simulation → Analysis.
2. Select Transient Analysis from the tree view.
3. Expand Transient Analysis and select Waveform Viewer.
4. Click on the As Marked button and then on Accept.

5. Click on Transient Analysis
6. Enter the values as
Step : 10µ
Final time : 10m
Start time :0

7. Select Waveform from the Results field for displaying the output
8. Click Accept button after entering the values.
9. Click Run button to start simulation.
Small Signal AC Analysis
This analysis is used to obtain the small signal AC behaviour of the circuit.
1. Select Simulation → Analysis.
2. Select Small Signal AC Analysis from the tree view.
3. Expand Small Signal AC Analysis and select Waveform Viewer.
4. Click on As Marked button.
5. Select the required Complex values and then click on Accept.

6. Enter the values for the Small-Signal AC Analysis as

Variation : Decade
Total points : 100
Start frequency : 10 Hz
End frequency : 10G

7. Select Waveform for displaying the output.

8. Click Accept button after entering the values to automatically switch to Analysis.
9. Click Run button to start simulation

Operating Point Analysis

Operating Point Analysis is used to determine the DC behaviour of a circuit. This is done
automatically when an AC analysis and Transient Analysis is done.
1. Select Simulation → Analysis.
2. Select Operating point Analysis from the tree view.

3. The default selection is ‘As marked’ means that results will be displayed at all
markers placed on the circuit schematic. After analysis, the values will be
presented by updating the markers.
4. If we want to know the values at all nodes and branches of the circuit, select ‘All
Points’ the results can be viewed in the RAWSPICE.RAW file, For that Select
Options → View EDSpice Files → Raw file, from that Open rawspice.raw file.

To simulate a JFET Amplifier
Components required
JFET - 2N3819 (1), Resistors - RC05 (4), Capacitors – CK05 (3), AC Voltage Source -
VGEN (1), DC Voltage Source – VDC (1), Ground – SPL0 (2)

Circuit diagram

Draw the circuit diagram after loading components from library. Assign net names for
connections wherever necessary. Preprocess the circuit by invoking Simulation →
Preprocess. Place waveform markers on input and output nodes. For placing waveform
markers, select Tools → Instruments → set wave form Contents → Voltage waveform →
Click on the required net and place the waveform marker. Run transient analysis after setting
up required parameters.
To proceed with the simulation, the steps are as follows
Select Tools → Components → Component properties→ Change simulation parameters→
Click on the required component and change its values.
The values to be provided to the components are
JFET : 2N3819 (Click on the Set up Model of the Model Type. Click on
Accept to get the default values assigned)
Resistors : 2.7k (1), 4.7k (1), 1 M (1), 1k (1)
Capacitors : 22nF (2), 15µF (1)

VDC/1 : 12V
VGEN : Select the source function as SIN and set its Properties as follows
VA (Amplitude) : 100mV
FREQ (Frequency) : 1kHz
For setting up simulation time and analysis types, select Simulation menu, choose
Analysis. In the window pops up, select Transient analysis from tree view.
Enter following values:
Step : 5µ
Final time : 5m
Results : Select Waveform from drop down menu.
Click on Accept. Expand the Transient Analysis and select Waveform viewer, Select
As Marked. Click on Accept. Select Transient Analysis. Run Analysis by clicking on Run

1. EDWinXP Help File
2. Electronics Lab Manual – K. A. Navas
3. Wikipedia


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