ESP8266 JQuery and AJAX Web Server
ESP8266 JQuery and AJAX Web Server
ESP8266 JQuery and AJAX Web Server
March 10, 2018 ESP8266, IoT Tutorials AJAX, ESP8266, jQuery, NodeMCU
This example shows how to use jQuery in ESP8266, NodeMCU ? There are two ways to use jQuery in
ESP8266 Web Sever, first is to use cdn server and second is directly putting jQuery on ESP Flash File
System. We will look into both examples. We make use of jQuery Knob to demonstrate real time
fading of LED control using jQuery and AJAX requests.
What is jQuery ?
jQuery is not a language, but it is a well written JavaScript code. As quoted on o icial jQuery website,
“it is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling,
animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development”.
1 /*
2 * ESP8266 NodeMCU jQuery CDN Demo
3 *
4 *
5 */
6 #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
7 #include <WiFiClient.h>
9 //ESP Web Server Library to host a web page
10 #include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
12 //---------------------------------------------------------------
13 //Our HTML webpage contents in program memory
14 const char MAIN_page[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
15 <!DOCTYPE html>
16 <html>
17 <head>
18 <script src="
19 <script>
20 $(document).ready(function(){
21 $("p").click(function(){
22 $(this).hide();
23 });
24 });
25 </script>
26 </head>
27 <body>
29 <p>If you click on me, I will disappear.</p>
30 <p>Click me away!</p>
31 <p>Click me too!</p>
32 <br><hr>
33 <a href=""></a>
34 </body>
35 </html>
36 )=====";
37 //---------------------------------------------------------------
39 //On board LED Connected to GPIO2
40 #define LED 2
42 //SSID and Password of your WiFi router
43 const char* ssid = "";
44 const char* password = "yourWiFipassword";
46 //Declare a global object variable from the ESP8266WebServer class.
47 ESP8266WebServer server(80); //Server on port 80
Open serial monitor and get the ip address and enter ip in web browser.
34 void handleWebRequests(){
35 if(loadFromSpiffs(server.uri())) return;
36 String message = "File Not Detected\n\n";
37 message += "URI: ";
38 message += server.uri();
39 message += "\nMethod: ";
40 message += (server.method() == HTTP_GET)?"GET":"POST";
41 message += "\nArguments: ";
42 message += server.args();
43 message += "\n";
44 for (uint8_t i=0; i<server.args(); i++){
45 message += " NAME:"+server.argName(i) + "\n VALUE:" + server.arg
46 }
47 server.send(404, "text/plain", message);
48 Serial.println(message);
49 }
51 void setup() {
52 delay(1000);
53 Serial.begin(115200);
54 Serial.println();
56 pinMode(LED,OUTPUT);
57 //Initialize File System
58 SPIFFS.begin();
59 Serial.println("File System Initialized");
62 //Connect to wifi Network
63 WiFi.begin(ssid, password); //Connect to your WiFi router
64 Serial.println("");
66 // Wait for connection
67 while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
68 delay(500);
69 Serial.print(".");
70 }
72 //If connection successful show IP address in serial monitor
73 Serial.println("");
74 Serial.print("Connected to ");
75 Serial.println(ssid);
76 Serial.print("IP address: ");
77 Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); //IP address assigned to your ESP
79 //Initialize Webserver
80 server.on("/",handleRoot);
Upload this code a er that you have to upload your SPIFFS FLASH data
Step 1: PWM_ESP8266_Ajax_Demo
Step 2: Put these files in data folder and this folder must be near to your .ino file
Step 3: Upload SPIFF using Arduino IDE ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload
A er uploading all you code and Web Pages, jQuery its time to test, get ip from serial monitor and
open it in web browser.
Rotate the knob and observer on board LED Fading.
Related Notes:
ESP8266 (ajax) update part of ESP8266 data logging with Web server on ESP32: How to
web page without refreshing real time graphs update and display sensor
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