Bow in Art 7 (2nd QTR)

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Blessed Sacrament Catholic School

S.Y. 2017 - 2018


QUARTER: Second UNIT TOPIC: Arts and Crafts of MIMAROPA (Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, and Palawan) and the Visayas
No. of days: 8 Weeks
Reference/S: Our world of mapeh


Week 1and 2 Analyze elements and principles of art in the production one’s
arts and crafts inspired by the arts of MIMAROPA and the

Identify characteristics of arts and crafts in specific areas in

MIMAROPA and the Visayas, Marinduque (Moriones masks),
Palawan (Manunggul Jar), Mindoro (Hanunuo Mangyan
writing, basketry, and weaving), Bohol (churches), Cebu
(furniture), Iloilo (culinary arts and old houses), Samar (Basey
mats), etc.
Week 3 and 4 Reflect on and derive the mood, idea or message emanating
from selected artifacts and art objects

Appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of its utilization

and its distinct use of art elements and principles

Incorporate the design, form and spirit of artifacts and art

objects from MIMAROPA and the Visayas
Week 5 and 6 Trace the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences
that are reflected in the design of an artwork or in the making of
a craft or artifact

Create crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials,

guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, lilip, etc).

Derive elements from traditions/history of a community for

one’s artwork
Week 7 and 8 Correlate the development of crafts in specific areas of the
country, according to functionality, traditional specialized
expertise, and availability of resources (e.g., architecture,
weaving, pottery, accessories, masks, and culinary arts)

Show the relationship of MIMAROPA and Visayas arts and

crafts to Philippine culture, traditions, and history (Islamic
influences, Spanish heritage, and American legacies in
education, business, modernization, and entertainment, as well
as in indigenous practices, fiestas, and religious and social

Mount an exhibit using completed MIMAROPAVisayan-

inspired arts and crafts in an organized manner
4 - I know (can do) it well enough to make connections that weren’t taught.
3 - I know (can do) everything that was taught without making mistakes.
2- I know (can do) all the easy parts, but I don’t know (can’t do) the harder parts.
1- With help, I know (can do) some of what was taught.
0 - I don’t know (can’t do) any of it.

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:

Mr. Wilson E. Padillon Jr Miss Jane Palattao Miss Meddy L. Sanchez

Prefect of Discipline Coordinator School Principal, BSCS

A member school of Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches Educational System, Manila Ecclesiastical Province School Systems Association and
Catholic Education Association of the Philippines
J.P. Ramoy St. Brgy. Talipapa, Novaliches, Quezon City Tel. Fax No. 453-6223 Tel. No. 984-6099

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