LP Quadratic Equation

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I. Objectives
A. Define and illustrate quadratic equation
B. Differentiate linear and quadratic equation
C. Write quadratic equation in general form

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Quadratic Equation
B. References: Math Builders 9 by Ulpina, et. al., 2014, p 4-6
Math Ideas and Life Applications 9 by Ponsones, et. al., 2013, p 105
Next Century Mathematics 9 by Diaz, et.al., 2014, p 10
C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation
D. Instructional Strategies: Discovery method, Cooperative Learning, Inquiry-based

III. Procedure
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of the Cleanliness/Orderliness of the Classroom
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Checking of the Homework/Assignment
B. Lesson Proper
1. Drill
Conduct a drill on multiplying polynomials.
2. Review
Recall the classification of polynomials according to degree
3. Motivation
(Think, Pair, Share)
Directions: Group the following equations into two.
a. 2x + 3 = 5 c. x2 - 9 = 0 e. 9 = x + 1
b. x - 5 = 6 d. x - x = 6
2 f. 9 - x2 = x
4. Presentation/Discussion
(Use the activity in motivation)
Guide Questions:
a. What is your basis of having these two groupings?
b. What is common to the first column? Second column?
c. What do you call the equations in the first column?
d. How will you describe the equations in the second column?
Discuss the process of writing quadratic equations in general form
a. 7 = 2x2 + 5 c. x(x + 1) = 10 e. (x + 4)2 – 5 = 0
b. 9x = 3x 2 d. x(x + 3) - 5x = 4
C. Generalization
1. What is a quadratic equation?
2. What is the difference between linear and quadratic equation?
3. How do we write quadratic equation to its general form?
D. Fixing Skills
Directions: Write the following quadratic equations in general form and identify the value of a, b and c.
1. 14 = -9x2 – 7 3. 2x(x + 3) = 9 5. (x + 2)2 – 6 = 0
2. -17x = 9x2 4. x(2x – 2) + 3x = 6
E. Application
In a quadratic equation, why is it that the value of “a” should not be equal to zero?
F. Evaluation
Directions: Write the following quadratic equations in general form and identify the value of a, b and c.
1. x(x + 3) = 6 3. (x + 1)2 = 5 5. 3(x + 4) + 8x2 = 4
2. 4 - 7x = 11x 2 4. (x - 1) - 10 = 0

IV. Homework
Refer to page Next Century Mathematics, p 10 (Exercise B), Diaz et. al.

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