Kaplan: Clinical Chemistry, 5 Edition: Clinical References - Methods of Analysis
Kaplan: Clinical Chemistry, 5 Edition: Clinical References - Methods of Analysis
Kaplan: Clinical Chemistry, 5 Edition: Clinical References - Methods of Analysis
CSF Proteins
Previous and current authors of this method:
First edition: Gayle Birkbeck
Methods edition: Gayle Jackson
Second edition: Not updated
Third edition: Not updated
Fourth edition: Gayle Jackson
Fifth edition: Danyel H. Tacker, Anthony O. Okorodudu
Like serum, CSF is a complex solution including ions, nutrients, and proteins. The entry of ions
present in CSF (H+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, bicarbonate, etc.) is specifically regulated by ion channels in
the membranes composing the BBB. However, nutrients and wastes (i.e., glucose, urea,
creatinine) diffuse freely through the BBB. Bilirubin is typically not present in CSF in
measurable quantities [1,2].
CSF has a number of functions in the CNS [1,2]. Firstly, CSF surrounds the brain in the
subarachnoid space, fills the ventricles, and surrounds the spinal cord, providing a fluid layer of
insulation against mechanical trauma to the fragile tissues of the CNS. Since it completely
surrounds these tissues, CSF also gives tissues ready access to nutrients, hormones, and other
factors within the CNS compartment. Further, the ions present in CSF allow for maintenance of
the ambient ionic charge needed for efficient CNS function. Finally, because there is no lymph
drainage in the CNS, the CSF provides an important route for the excretion of CNS waste.
The constant production of CSF in the CNS also aids in the maintenance of intracranial pressure
and homeostasis and delays alterations of these when acute changes in peripheral pressure and
homeostasis occur. In short, CSF provides protection against abrupt pathological change because
of its isolated location and highly regulated composition.
Preferred & Other Methods: Specific for each protein; see below.
B. Immunoassay (IA) – protein-specific antibodies bind target proteins in the CSF sample.
Depending on the type of IA, tagging of the detection antibody, and other analytical
specifications, the signal-to-concentration relationships vary. Examples of IA used in the
above-referenced publications include:
1. IA after high-performance affinity chromatography (for ultra-low, specific IgG
2. Enzyme IA – an example is fibronectin, but any enzyme-linked specific antibody used
for detection falls in this category. Enzyme-linked detection antibodies react with a
substrate added after the detection antibody has complexed with the target protein and
excess has been washed away. The reaction with the substrate produces a signal
(typically colorimetric) that is proportional to the target protein concentration and rate-
limited by the presence of the enzyme after the washing steps.
3. Radio IA – an example is β 2 microglobulin, but new and emerging assays often start
with RIA and then progress to other IA techniques. RIA is typically competitive in
nature, whereby a radioactive, tagged target protein is added to the sample. The tagged
protein and the native protein compete for antibody binding (typically to a solid
substrate). After thorough washing, the radioactivity on the substrate is measured,
The most common application of CSF electrophoresis is for the visualization of “oligoclonal”
bands in the gamma region of the gel. Banding in the gamma region suggests that in-situ
expression of monoclonal antibodies is taking place and occurs in a variety of CNS diseases,
including multiple sclerosis and malignancy.
B. Specialized detections using Western blot are usually limited to research but are possible as
long as specific antibodies are available. In Western blotting, proteins are extracted from the
Preparation: [2]
There are many side effects associated with the collection of CSF (typically via lumbar puncture,
also called a spinal tap) that are undesirable and even life-threatening. The risks associated with
CSF collection must be weighed against the need for diagnostic information, and volume of
collection must be kept to an absolute minimum for the testing required. Patients should remain
calm. Opening pressure should be between 90 and 180 mm of water (for normal adults) but is
dependent on postural changes and elevations, as well as patient physiological status and age [2].
An opening pressure greater than 200 mm of water in a relaxed patient suggests serious disease
and limits CSF collection volume to 2.0 mL.
Draw/Collection: [2,5]
When opening pressure allows for full collection, three tubes are typically drawn. The first tube
is used for chemistry and immunology (unless traumatic; bloody specimens will affect protein
measurements and determinations), the second tube is for culturing, and the third tube is for cell
counting/differentials. Tubes may be substituted or added, but volumes must be kept to a
minimum. Maximal volume drawn is 20 mL in an adult (total CSF volume typically 90 to 150
mL), and about 3 mL in a neonate (total CSF volume typically 10 to 60 mL). Collection of blood
samples for comparisons and index calculations is optimal; when collected 2 hours before the
CSF collection, the best comparisons are obtained (because of the delayed equilibrium of the
Storage: [2]
CSF degradation begins within 1 hour, so all efforts should be made to promptly store the sample
tubes properly. All samples should be centrifuged upon receipt. If analysis cannot take place
immediately, store CSF at 4°C for < 72 hours. Freezing CSF at −20°C keeps constituents stable
for up to 6 months. Freezing CSF at −70°C keeps constituents stable indefinitely. Blood samples
should be handled and stored normally.
Interferences [1,2]
The location and specific functions of CSF make it particularly susceptible to diurnal variation
and hormonal factors, which can affect specific protein levels. Such influences should be
considered accordingly when analyzing CSF.
Depending on the assay used for CSF analysis, a number of factors could cause interference. For
example, colorimetric techniques employing spectrophotometric detection can be susceptible to
interference from hemolysis, icterus, uremia, drugs with spectral activity, and high ammonium
Calculations: [1-3,20]
A. Albumin Index
B. IgG Ratio
Interpretation: For adults, an IgG ratio of 3.0 to 8.7 is normal. IgG ratios > 8.7 reflect
BBB impairment.
Interpretation: For adults, a CSF IgG index < 0.8 is normal. A CSF IgG index > 0.8
suggests intrathecal IgG production.
NOTE: With additional time-sensitive information about the samples used, IgG synthesis
rates may be calculated.
If the γ region shows multiple distinct bands, this is called an oligoclonal banding pattern.
Oligoclonal bands are typically associated with demyelinating disease. However, if the γ region
When CSF electrophoresis is performed alongside a serum sample from the same patient,
collected at generally the same time as the CSF sample, then an assessment of BBB integrity can
be made. Typically, the CSF lane on the electrophoresis will be faint when compared to the
serum lane. If the CSF lane appears to be equal in density or darker than the serum lane, then the
BBB is probably compromised. Calculation of the CSF IgG index and/or the albumin index
should always accompany CSF electrophoretic analysis; the calculations give a more exact
assessment of BBB integrity than the density of sample staining.
Disease-Specific Interpretation:
In CNS infection, the BBB is compromised, and increased CSF protein levels relative to plasma
protein/serum levels are observed. Other indicators, such as elevation of CRP and
immunoglobulins, aid in diagnosis. Electrophoresis of CSF can reveal oligoclonal banding
patterns of intrathecally produced immunoglobulins.
CNS Trauma:
Subarachnoid hemorrhage and other CNS trauma increases BBB permeability. Total protein will
be elevated in the CSF specimen relative to plasma protein concentrations, and typically absent
components such as bilirubin and methemoglobin are detectable.
Demyelinating Disease:
The intrathecal production of immunoglobulins in the choroid plexus occurs in demyelinating
diseases such as multiple sclerosis and produces oligoclonal banding patterns on electrophoresis.
The ratio of IgG in the CSF relative to that of the plasma will be elevated, and specific studies
for myelin basic protein in the CSF are typically positive.
Neoplastic Disease:
Different neoplasms produce different alterations of CSF protein content, the description of
which is beyond the scope of this summary. Markers used in diagnosing neoplasm in CSF fluid
include β 2 -microglobulin, fibronectin, myelin basic protein, and others.
Immunoassay performance will vary according to the detection technique measured. For
automated IA assays, CVs tend to be slightly wider than the serum/plasma version of the assay.
Depending on the availability of a reference material for a given protein, degrees of assay
standardization, and thus the resulting assay performance, will vary.
HPLC technique performance, when made semiquantitative through the use of internal and assay
controls, varies according to the targets being detected and the degree of automation used in
sample preparation and assay.
1 Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, Bruns DE, eds. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and
Molecular Diagnostics. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2006:577-595.
2 McPherson R, Pincus M, eds. Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory
Methods. 21st ed. Philadelphia/China: Saunders; 2007:426-434.
3 Wise BL. The quantitation and fractionation of proteins in cerebrospinal fluid. Am J Med
Technol 1982;48:821-7.
4 Bonate PL. Quantification of albumin in cerebrospinal fluid. Anal Biochem 1988;175:300-
5 Wu AHB, ed. Tietz Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders;
6 Arseneault JJ. An enzyme immunoassay for the quantitation of IgG in serum and
cerebrospinal fluid. Clin Chim Acta 1980;107:73-84.
7 Gerson B, Cohen SR, Gerson IM, Guest GH. Myelin basic protein, oligoclonal bands, and
IgG in cerebrospinal fluid as indicators of multiple sclerosis. Clin Chem 1981;27:1974-7.
8 Matikainen MT. Solid-phase immunoassay methods for quantitation of IgG and viral
antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid and its electrophoretic fractions. J Neurosci Methods
9 Rouah E, Rogers BB, Buffone GJ. Transferrin analysis by immunofixation as an aid in the
diagnosis of cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1987;111:756-7.
10 Zaret DL, Morrison N, Gulbranson R, Keren DF. Immunofixation to quantify beta 2-
transferrin in cerebrospinal fluid to detect leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from skull injury.
Clin Chem 1992;38:1908-12.
2. Read the corrected absorbance from the standard curve (see below) to obtain the protein
Controls and Standards
1. Since sulfosalicylic acid produces different degrees of turbidity with equal concentrations of
different types of CSF proteins, it is necessary to construct a curve using a standard that has
the same albumin-globulin ratio as the spinal fluid being tested. Usually spinal fluid and
serum have a very similar albumin-globulin ratio, so a normal serum control with the proper
dilutions can be used to construct the curve. The albumin-globulin ratio of the standard
should be between 1.0 and 1.5.
2. To prepare the standard curve, dilute a control serum of 70 g/L of total protein with saline
so that 5 dilutions with protein concentration between 100 and 1500 mg/L are prepared as