Atoms and Nuclei
Atoms and Nuclei
Atoms and Nuclei
In a communication system, the transmitter is located at one place, the receiver at some other place
separated from the transmitter and the channel is a physical medium that connects them.
Depending on the type of communication system, a channel may be in the form of wires or cables con-
necting the transmitter and the receiver or it may be wireless.
The purpose of the transmitter is to convert the message signal into a form suitable for the transmission
through the channel. If the output of the information source is a nonelectrical signal like a voice signal, a
transducer converts it into electrical form before giving it as an input to the transmitter. When transmitted
signal propagates along the cahnnel, it may get distorted due to channel imperfections.Moreover, noise adds
to the transmitted signal and the receiver receives a corrupeted version of the signal. The receiver has the
task of operating on the received signal. It reconstructs a recognisable form of the original message signal for
delivering in to the user of information.
There are two basic modes of communication:- (i) Point ot point and (ii) Broad cast.
In point to point mode, communication takes place over a link between a single transmitter and receiver.
Eg: Telephone.
In broadcast mode, there are a large number of receivers corresponding to a single transmitter. Eg: radio, TV etc.
It would be easy to understand the principles of any communication if we get knowledge about the
following basic terms:-
(i) Transducer: Any device that converts one form of energy into another can be termed as transducer.
(ii) Signal: Information converted in electrical form and suitable for transmission is called a signal.
Signals can be either analog or digital. Analog signals are continuous variations of voltage or current.
They are essentially single valued functions of time. Sine wave is a fundamental analog signal. Sound and
picture signals in TV are analog in nature.
Digital signals are those which can take only discrete stepwise values. Binary system that is extensively
used in digital electronics employs just two levels of signal. ‘0’ corresponds to low level and ‘1’ to a high level
of voltage/current.
(iii) Attenuation: The loss of strength of a signal while propagating through a medium is known as attenua-
(iv) Amplification: It is the process of increasing the amplitude of a signal using an electronic circuit called
the amplifier.
(v) Range: It is the largest distance between a source and a destination upto which the signal is received with
sufficient strength.
Vinodkumar M, St. Aloysius H.S.S, Elthuruth, Thrissur (2) Communication Systems
(vi) Bandwidth: Bandwidth refers to the frequency range over which an equipment operates or the portion
of the spectrum occupied by the signal.
(vii) Reveater: A repeater is a combination of a receiver and a transmitter. A repeater, picks up the signal from
the transmitter, amplifies and retransmits it into the receiver sometimes with a change in carrier frequency.
They are used to extend the range of communication system. A communication satellite is essentially a re-
peater station in space.
It is practically impossible.
v 3 x 108 3
v ; 20 x 103 15 x 10 m 4 3.7 km This demands that the audiosignal is
converted into a high frequency signal for transmission.
2. Effective power radiated by an antenna.
A theoritical study of radiation from a linear antenna (length ) shows that the power radiated is proportional
to . This shows that for the same antenna length, the power radiated increases with decreasing
wavelength. (increasing frequency) For a good transmission, we need high powers and hence this also points
out to the need of using high frequency transmission.
3. Mixing up of signals from different transmittors.
Suppose many people are talking at the same time or many transmitters are transmitting base band information
signals simultaneously, all these signals will get mixed up and there is no way to distinguish between them. This
problem can be solved by transmitting the audio signals in the form of high frequency signals and allottting a
band of frequencies to each message signal for its transmission.
To overcome all these difficulties, we make use of the technic called modulation. Modulation is the
process of super posing a low frequency (audio signal) information on to a high frequency wave
(carrier wave).
Carrier wave: - The carrier wave may be sinusoidal wave (continuous wave) or in the form of pulses.
A sinusoidan carrier wave can be mathematically period
expressed as C ( t ) A C sin (C t ) ; where Amplitude 25
C(t) is the signal strength { voltage or current} , A C
is the amplitude, C = 2C is the angular fequency Time
and is the initial phase of the carrier wave.
During the process of modulation, any of the
three parameters - AC, C and of the carrier wave Pulse duration
can be controlled by the message or information Pulse
Pulse Pulse
signal. This result in three types of modulation. rise fall
(i) Amplitude modulation (AM) (ii) frequency
modulation (FM) (iii) Phase modulation (PM).
Similarly the significant characteristics of a) Sinusoidal and (b) Pulse shaped signals.
a pulse are Pulse amplitude, pulse duration or
pulse width and Pulse position (denoting the
time of rise or fall of the pulse amplitude).
Hence different types of pulse modulation are
(a) Pulse amplitude modulation
(b) Pulse duration modulation or
pulse width modulation.
(c) Pulse position modulation.
Amplitude Modulation.
In amplitude modulatin, the amplitude of
the carrier
Vinodkumar M, St. Aloysius H.S.S, Elthuruth, Thrissur (4) Communication Systems
is varied in accordance with the information signal. Here we use a sinusoidal wave as carrier wave. Let the
sinusoidal carrier wave be represented as C( t ) A C sin C t .....(1)
A modulating signal (message signal) can be represented as m( t ) A m sin m t .....( 2) .
The message signal is added in such a way to change the amplitude of carrier wave. Hence the modulated
signal can be represented as C m ( t ) (A C A m sin m t ) sin C t
A C sin C t A m sin m t sin C t ......(3)
Amplitude Modulation.
In amplitude modulatin, the amplitude of the carrier is varied in accordance with the information signal.
Here we use a sinusoidal wave as carrier wave. Let the sinusoidal carrier wave be represented as
C( t ) A C sin C t .....(1)
A modulating signal (message signal) can be represented as m( t ) A m sin m t .....( 2) .
The message signal is added in such a way to change the amplitude of carrier wave. Hence the modulated
signal can be represented as C m ( t ) (A C A m sin m t ) sin C t
A C sin C t A m sin m t sin C t ......(3)
Take A called modulation index. So A m A C . Substitute in the above equation
Production of AM wave.
The block diagram showing the production of an amplitude modulated wave is given below.
Envelop output
AM wave Rectifier
(a) (b) (c)
The modulated signal is given to the rectifier. The rectifier removes the negative part of the A.M and gives the
positive part only. This output is given to the envelop detector. It will give an output of message signal.
Step V
The message signal from the detector is given to the amplifier. The amplifier, amplifies the signaland given to
the loud speaker.
Homework Problems.
1. A 5 kHz audio signal is used to frequency modulate a 100 MHz carrier causing a frequency deviation of 20
kHz. Determine the modulation index. {4}
2. In a diode AM detector, the output circuit consists of R = 1 k and C = 10pF. A carrier signal of 100
kHz is to be detected. Is it good? If not, what value would you suggest.
Answer: For demodulation f << RC,
Here 1/fC is not less than RC, For satisfactory circuits. C =1F and R = 1k would do.
3.A ground receiver station is receiving a signal at (a) 5MHz and (b) 100 MHz transmitted from a ground
Vinodkumar M, St. Aloysius H.S.S, Elthuruth, Thrissur (6) Communication Systems
transmitter at a height of 300m, located at a distance of 100 km. Identify whether it is coming via the propa-
gation of space wave or sky wave or satellite transponder. Radius of the earth = 6.4106m, Nmax of iono-
sphere = 1012 m3
Answer: Receiver transmitter distance = 100m, n Re = 6.4106m, height of tower h = 300 m, Nmax = 1012
Maximum distance covered by space wave communication. d = 2 R e h 2 6.4 106 300
= 62103 m
Since the receiver transmitter distance is 100 km and the maximum distance the space wave is fc = 9(Nmax)½,
where Nmax is the maximum electron density of the ionosphere.
Here, fc = 9(1012)½ = 9106Hz. Since 5Hz signal frequency is less than fc, it can be received via ionosphere
mode. But 100 MHz frequency can be received via satellite mode only.
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