Glossary FA

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Glossary oF Accounting

Account ‐‐ a record of financial transactions; usually refers to a specific

category or type, such as travel expense account or purchase account.

Accountant ‐‐ a person who trained to prepare and maintain financial


Accounting ‐‐ a system for keeping records in business, using rupee


Accounting period ‐‐ the period of time over which profits are

calculated. Normal accounting periods are months, quarters, and years
(financial or calendar).

Accounts payable ‐‐ amounts payable by the company for the goods or

services it has purchased from outside suppliers. This is also called Trade

Accounts receivable ‐‐ amounts receivable to the company from its

customers. This is also called Trade Receivables.

Accrual basis, system, or method ‐‐ an accounting system that records

revenues and expenses at the time the transaction occurs, not at the
time cash received or paid. If you buy a coat and charge it, the store
records or accrues the sale when you walk out with the coat, not when
you pay your bill. Cash basis accounting is used by individuals.

Accrued expenses, accruals ‐‐ an expense which has been incurred but

not yet paid for. Salaries are a good example. Employees earn or accrue
salaries each hour they work. The salaries continue to accrue until
payday when the accrued expense of the salaries is eliminated. This is
also called expenses outstanding.

Aging ‐‐ a process where accounts receivable are sorted out by age

(typically current, 30 to 60 days old, 60 to 120 days old, and so on.)
Aging permits collection efforts to focus on accounts that are long

Amortize ‐‐ to charge a regular portion of an expenditure over a
fixed period of time. For example if something cost Rs.100000
and is to be amortized over ten years, the financial reports will
show an expense of Rs.10000 per year for ten years. If the cost
were not amortized, the entire 100000 would show up on the
financial report as an expense in the year the expenditure was

Appreciation ‐‐ an increase in value. If a building cost Rs.10 Lacs

last year and is now worth Rs.12 lacs, it has appreciated in value
by Rs.2 lacs. (The opposite of depreciation.)

Assets ‐‐ things of value owned by a business. An asset may be a

physical property such as a building, or it may be a right, such as
the right to use a patented process.

Current Assets are those assets that can be expected to turn into
cash within a year or less. Current assets include cash,
marketable securities, accounts receivable, and inventory.

Fixed Assets cannot be quickly turned into cash without

interfering with business operations. Fixed assets include land,
buildings, machinery, equipment, furniture etc. It is also called
Property ,Plant & Equipment ( PPE )

Intangible Assets are items such as patents, copyrights,

trademarks, licenses, franchises, and other kinds of rights or
things of value to a company, which are not physical objects.
These assets may be the most important ones a company owns.
Acquired Intangible assets are allowed to show in the Balance
sheet. Self generated are not allowed.

Audit ‐‐ a careful review of financial records to verify their accuracy.

Bad debts ‐‐ amounts owed to a company that are not going to

be paid. An account receivable/Trade receivable becomes a bad
debt when it is recognized that it won't be paid. Sometimes, bad
debts are written off when recognized. This is an expense.

Sometimes, a reserve is set up to provide for possible bad debts.
Creating or adding to a reserve is also an expense.

Balance sheet ‐‐ a statement of the financial position of a

company at a single specific time. last day of the financial year
i.e on 31st March every year. The balance sheet normally lists
all assets on the top while liabilities and capital are listed on the
bottom. The total of all numbers on the top must equal or
balance the total of all numbers on the bottom. A balance sheet
balances according to this equation: Assets = Liabilities + Capital.

Bond / Debentures ‐‐ a written record of a debt payable more

than a year in the future. The bond shows amount of the debt,
due date, and interest rate.

Book value ‐‐ total assets minus total liabilities. (See also net
worth.) Book value also means the value of an asset as recorded
on the company's books or financial reports. Book value is often
different than true value. It may be more or less.

Capital ‐‐ money invested in a business by its owners. (See

equity.) On the bottom side of a balance sheet. Capital also refers
to buildings, machinery, and other fixed assets in a business. A
capital investment is an investment in a fixed asset with a
long‐term use.

Capitalize ‐‐ to capitalize means to record an expenditure on the

balance sheet as an asset, to be amortized over the future. The
opposite is to expense. For example, research expenditures can
be capitalized or expensed. If expensed, they are charged against
income when the expenditure occurs. If capitalized, the
expenditure is charged against income over a period of time
usually related to the life of the products or services created by
the research.

Cash ‐‐ money available to spend now.

Cash flow ‐‐ the amount of actual cash generated by business
operations, which usually differs from profits shown.

Contingent liabilities ‐‐ liabilities not recorded on a company's

financial reports, but which might become due. If a company is
being sued, it has a contingent liability that will become a real
liability if the company loses the suit.

Cost of sales, cost of goods sold ‐‐ the expense or cost of all items
sold during an accounting period. Each unit sold has a cost of
sales or cost of the goods sold. In businesses with a great many
items flowing through, the cost of sales or cost of goods sold is
often computed by this formula: Cost of Sales = Beginning
Inventory + Purchases During the Period ‐ Ending Inventory.

Credit ‐‐ an accounting entry on the right or bottom of a balance

sheet. Usually an increase in liabilities or capital, or a reduction in
assets. The opposite of credit is debit. Each credit in a balance
sheet has a balancing debit. Credit has other usages, as in "You
have to pay cash, your credit is no good." Or "we will credit your
account with the refund."

Debit ‐‐ an accounting entry on the top of a balance sheet.

Usually an increase in assets or a reduction in liabilities. Every
debit has a balancing credit.

Deferred income ‐‐ a liability that arises when a company is

paid in advance for goods or services that will be provided
later. For example, when a magazine subscription is paid in
advance, the magazine publisher is liable to provide magazines
for the life of the subscription. The amount in deferred income
is reduced as the magazines are delivered.

Depreciation ‐‐ an expense that is supposed to reflect the loss in

value of a fixed asset. For example, if a machine will completely
wear out after ten year's use, the cost of the machine is charged
as an expense over the ten‐year life rather than all at once, when

the machine is purchased. Straight line depreciation charges the
same amount to expense each year.

Written Down Value charges more to expense in early years, less

in later years. Depreciation is an accounting expense. In real life,
the fixed asset may grow in value or it may become worthless long
before the depreciation period ends.

Dividend ‐‐ a portion of the after‐tax profits paid out to the

owners of a business as a return on their investment.

Double entry ‐‐ a system of accounting in which every

transaction is recorded twice ‐‐ as a debit and as a credit.

Earnings per share ‐‐ a company's net profit after taxes for an

accounting period, divided by the average number of shares
outstanding during the period.

Equity ‐‐ the owners' share of a business.

Expenditure ‐‐ an expenditure occurs when something is acquired

for a business ‐‐ an asset is purchased, salaries are paid, and so
on. An expenditure affects the balance sheet when it occurs.
However, an expenditure will not necessarily show up on the
income statement or affect profits at the time the expenditure is
made. All expenditures eventually show up as expenses, which do
affect the income statement and profits. While most expenditures
involve the exchange of cash for something, expenses need not
involve cash. (See expense below.)

Financial /Fiscal year ‐‐ an accounting year than begins on 1st

April and ends on 31st March.

Fixed asset ‐‐ as mentioned in the term assets , by using them business

generates income.

Fixed cost ‐‐ a cost that does not change as sales volume changes
(in the short run.) Fixed costs normally include such items as rent,
depreciation, interest, and any salaries unaffected by ups and
downs in sales.

Goodwill ‐‐ in accounting, the difference between what a

company pays when it buys the assets of another company and
the book value of those assets. Sometimes, real goodwill is
involved ‐ a company's good reputation, the loyalty of its
customers, and so on.

Income ‐‐ the amounts received by or due a company for goods or

services it provides to customers..

Interest ‐‐ a charge made for the use of money.

Inventory ‐‐ the supply or stock of goods and products that a

company has for sale. A manufacturer may have three kinds of
inventory: raw materials waiting to be converted into goods,
work in process, and finished goods ready for sale.

Inventory obsolescence ‐‐ inventory no longer salable. Perhaps

there is too much on hand, perhaps it is out of fashion. The true
value of the inventory is seldom exactly what is shown on the
balance sheet. Often, there is unrecognized obsolescence.

Invested capital ‐‐ the total of a company's long‐term debt and equity.

Journal ‐‐ a chronological record of business transactions.

Ledger ‐‐ a record of business transactions kept by type or

account. Journal entries are usually transferred to ledgers.

Liabilities ‐‐ amounts owed by a company to others. Current

liabilities are those amounts due within one year or less and
usually include accounts payable, accruals, loans due to be paid
within a year, taxes due within a year, and so on. Long‐term
liabilities normally include the amounts of mortgages, bonds,

debentures and long‐term loans that are due more than a year in
the future.

Liquid ‐‐ having lots of cash or assets easily converted to cash.

Net worth ‐‐ total assets minus total liabilities. Net worth is

seldom the true value of a company.

Overhead ‐‐ a cost that does not vary with the level of production
or sales, and usually a cost not directly involved with production
or sales. The chief executive's salary and rent are typically

Post ‐‐ to enter a business transaction into a journal or ledger or other

financial record.

Prepaid expenses, deferred charges ‐‐ assets already paid for, that

are being used up or will expire. Insurance paid for in advance is a
common example. The insurance protection is an asset. It is paid
for in advance, it lasts for a period of time, and expires on a fixed

Profit ‐‐ the amount left over when expenses are subtracted

revenues. Gross profit is the profit left when factory cost of sales
is subtracted from sales, before any operating expenses are
subtracted. Operating profit is the profit from the primary
operations of a business and is sales minus cost of sales minus
operating expenses. Net profit before taxes is operating profit
minus non‐operating expenses and plus non‐operating income.
Net profit after taxes is the bottom line, after everything has been
subtracted. Also called income, net income, earnings.

Retained earnings/Reserve & Surplus/Other Equity‐‐ profits not

distributed to shareholders as dividends, the accumulation of a
company's profits less any dividends paid out.

Return on investment (ROI) ‐‐ a measure of the effectiveness and
efficiency with which managers use the resources available to
them, expressed as a percentage. Return on equity is usually net
profit after taxes divided by the shareholders' equity. Return on
invested capital is usually net profit after taxes plus interest paid
on long‐term debt divided by the equity plus the long‐term debt.
Return on assets used is usually the operating profit divided by the
assets used to produce the profit. Typically used to evaluate
divisions or subsidiaries. ROI is very useful but can only be used to
compare consistent entities ‐‐ similar companies in the same
industry or the same company over a period of time. Different
companies and different industries have different ROIs.

Revenue ‐‐ the amounts received by or due a company for

goods or services it provides to customers. Receipts are cash
revenues. Revenues can also be represented by accounts

Risk ‐‐ the possibility of loss; inherent in all business activities.

High risk requires high return. All business decisions must
consider the amount of risk involved.

Sales ‐‐ amounts received or due for goods or services sold to

customers. Gross sales are total sales before any returns or
adjustments. Net sales are after accounting for returns and

Shares ‐‐ a certificate (or electronic or other record) that indicates

ownership of a portion of a corporation; a share of stock.
Preference shares promises its owner a dividend that is usually
fixed in amount or percent. Preference shareholders get paid first
out of any profits. They have preference. Equity shares has no
preference and no fixed rate of return.

Trial balance ‐‐ at the close of an accounting period, the

transactions posted in the ledger are added up. A test or trial
balance sheet is prepared with assets on one side and liabilities

and capital on the other. The two sides should balance. If they
don't, the accountants must search through the transactions to
find out why. They keep making trial balances until the balance
sheet balances.

Variable cost ‐‐ a cost that changes as sales or production change.

If a business is producing nothing and selling nothing, the variable
cost should be zero. However, there will probably be fixed costs.

Working capital ‐‐ current assets minus current liabilities. In most

businesses the major components of working capital are cash,
accounts receivable, and inventory minus accounts payable. As a
business grows it will have larger accounts receivable and more
inventory. Thus the need for working capital will increase.

Write‐down ‐‐ the partial reduction in the value of an asset,

recognizing obsolescence or other losses in value.

Write‐off ‐‐ the total reduction in the value of an asset,

recognizing that it no longer has any value. Write‐downs and
write‐offs are non‐cash expenses that affect profits.

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