Tooth Morphology
Tooth Morphology
Tooth Morphology
Eruption Ages and Sequence is importance for mcqs and ospe.
You should know how to number any given teeth in all numbering systems.
1. Give differences between two teeth. In that case you draw a table and give
2. If they ask you differentiating features between two teeth than it has to be in points
form like in tooth morpho book..
Therefore, in differences I will try kay I include the differentiating features so that u people
don’t have to learn double double
Maxillary Premolars
Occlusal: Hexagonal
Buccal/Facial: Pentagonal
Mandibular Premolars
Occlusal: Diamond shaped
Buccal/Facial: Pentagonal
Maxillary Molars
Occlusal: Rhomboidal or heartshaped
Buccal/Facial: Trapezoidal
Lingual: Trapezoidal
Mandibular Molars
Occlusal: Pentagonal
Buccal/Facial: Trapezoidal
Lingual: Trapezoidal
No. of cusps corresponds to pulp horns or mamelons in primary teeth.
Tooth Roots Pulp Canals Pulp Horns
Maxillary Central 1 1 3
Maxillary Lateral 1 1 2 or none
Maxillary Canine 1 1 None
Maxillary 1st Premolar 2 2 2
Maxillary 2nd 1 1 2
Maxillary 1st Molar 3 3 or 4. Mesiobuccal 4 (MB,DB, ML,DL)
root may have 2
canals in 60% of the
Maxillary 2nd Molar 3 3 4 (MB, DB, ML, DL
Maxillary 3 Molar 3 3 3 (MB, DB, Lingual)
Boundaries of Fossaes
Maxillary Premolars
Mesial triangular fossa
Bounded by the mesial marginal ridge, the transverse ridge, and the mesial cusp ridges of the buccal and lingual
Mandibular Premolars
Mesial and Distal fossas
Same boundaries as above maxillary premolars. Just the name is different cuz of shape. Mesial fossa is irregular
and distal fossa is round whereas for maxillary premolars as the name explains the fossaes are triangular.
Maxillary Molars
Central fossa
Bounded by the mesial cusp ridge of the DB cusp, the distal cusp ridge of the MB cusp, the oblique ridge and
the transverse ridge.
Distal fossa
It is continuous with the distal triangular fossa in its distobuccal portion, and otherwise bounded by the
oblique ridge on the mesial , and the mesial and distal cusp ridges of the DL cusp on the distal.
Mandibular Molars
Central Fossa
It is bounded by the triangular ridges of the MB, DB, ML and DL cusps, as well as the distal cusp ridges of
the MB and ML cusps and the mesial cusp ridges of the DB and DL cusps.