Gandhi Group Poster
Gandhi Group Poster
Gandhi Group Poster
. Jaipur . Ranthambore
Is riding elephants ethical? Dhonk
Environmental Ethics: Riding elephants is Mission Statement: Dhonk is a responsible
less environmentally harmful than using cars social enterprise that aims at providing
and creates a role for elephants in a modern sustainable livelihoods to the “Tigers’
society, but also takes them out of their Neighbors” through arts and crafts, thus
natural environment and infringes on animal decreasing local villagers’ dependence on
rights. the forest for resources.
Gandhian Ethics: There are ethical issues Embodying Gandhian Ethics & Justice
with the treatment of the elephants and their Theory: By protecting women and their
use for modern tourism, but at the same right to work as well as have economic
time, they provide for the working dignity of stability after their family members have
the local people involved in the industry. been jailed for poaching, this organization
Utilitarian: The economic need of the also seek to balance the environmental
people to use elephants outweighs animal concerns of the region.
rights, since natural resources are for the
economic benefit of the people.
. Bharatpur
Ahmedabad Can we in good conscience pay taxes or
Manav Sadhna participate politically when government
Mission Statement: Manav Sadhna is misbehaves?
dedicated to uplifting those in marginalized Gandhian Ethics: People should live in
communities, like the slum areas of small self-governing communities of
Ahmedabad, through love and Gandhi’s solidarity; in a less idealized society,
teachings such as “Love all, serve all.” Gandhi’s emphasis on civil disobedience
Embodying Gandhian Ethics: The key shows that non-cooperation is an important
pillars of Gandhian philosophy are present in facilitator of change.
community living, Ahimsa (non-violence), Utilitarianism & Catholic Social Teaching:
Satyagraha (Truth), and religious pluralism. On one hand, paying taxes is important
Their initiatives include running Manav funding for social services and providing
Golzar: a program for children in the slums; care for those in need. On the other hand,
creating a worker-owned initiative for the Christian Anarchists such as Tolstoy and
40,000 women who make their livelihood Dorothy Day emphasized grassroots
rag-picking; and creative development and subsidiarity and noncooperation with
interfaith outreach. government because it is coercive and
Thank you to Dr. John Eby and Dr. Aditi Sinha for their support and guidance on this trip. engages in warfare.