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Streambank and Shoreline

Protection Manual

Produced january 2002

Lake County Stormwater Management Commission
Lake County Planning, Building and Development Department
U.S.D.A. - Natural Resources Conservation Service
Lake County Stormwater Management Commission (847)918-5262
Lake County Planning, Building and Development Department - Engineering and Environmental Services (847)377-2600
U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service/Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District (847)223-1056
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Chicago District (312)353-6400

Additional Copies
The “Streambank and Shoreline Stabilization Manual” is available to download on SMC’s website at: www.co.lake.il.us\stormwater

The Native Plant Guide for Streams and Stormwater Facilities in Northeastern Illinois,
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Chicago Metro Urban and Community and Assistance Office
December 1997.

Front Cover Photos:

TOP PHOTO: Village of Northbrook’s riffles and pools project using rock rip rap, and deep-rooted native vegetation.

BOTTOM PHOTO: Deerfield High School’s streambank stabilization using natural vegetation and coconut fiber rolls.
Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 3

Soil Bioengineering
Live Stakes .................................................................. 7
Live Fascines .............................................................. 8
Vegetated Geogrids .................................................... 9
Live Cribwall/Lunker ....................................................10
Brushmattress ............................................................. 11
Live Siltation ................................................................12
Branchpacking ............................................................13
Reed Clumps ..............................................................14
Coconut Fiber Rolls. ...................................................15

Rock Riffle ...................................................................16
Tree Revetment ..........................................................17
Log, Rootwad, Boulder Revetment ............................18
Dormant Post Planting ................................................19
Rock Riprap ................................................................20
Rock Gabions .............................................................21
Stream Barbs/(Bendway Weir ....................................22
Practice Summary Table .............................................23


Information contained in this manual was reproduced from the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural
Resources Conservation Service “Engineering Field Handbook, Chapter 16, Streambank and Shoreline Protection,”
December 1996.

This manual is designed to give the reader an overview of effective soil bioengineering and structural practices to
stabilize streambank and shorelines. This information provided is based on careful research and input from
experienced professionals.

The reader must assume responsibility for adapting this information to fit his or her conditions. This guide is not
intended to replace the advice and guidance of an experienced professional. Permits are still required prior to any
construction. For more information, you may call the agencies listed on the previous page.

Streambank and shoreline protection consists of restoring

and protecting banks of streams, lakes, estuaries, and
excavated channels against scour and erosion by using
vegetative plantings, soil bioengineering, and structural
systems. These systems can be used alone or in

Categories of Protection:

The two basic categories of protection measures are those

that work by reducing the force of water against a
streambank or shoreline and those that increase their
resistance to erosive forces. These measures can be
combined into a system.
preference should be given to those methods that restore
the ecological functions and values of stream or shoreline
Revetment designs do not reduce the energy of the flow
significantly, so using revetments for spot protection may
move erosion problems downstream or across the stream
As a first priority consider those measures that:
• Are self sustaining or reduce requirements for future
Selecting streambank and shoreline protection human support;
measures: • Use native, living materials for restoration;
• Restore the physical, biological, and chemical
After deciding rehabilitation is needed, a variety of functions and values of streams or shorelines;
remedies are available to minimize the susceptibility of • Improve water quality through reduction of
streambanks or shorelines to disturbance-caused erosive temperature and chronic sedimentation problems;
process. They range from vegetation-oriented remedies, • Provide opportunities to connect fragmented riparian
such as soil bioengineering, to engineered grade areas;
stabilization structures. In the recent past, many • And retain or enhance the stream corridor or
organizations involved in water resource management shoreline system.
have given preference to engineered structures.
Structures may still be viable options; however, in a You can use the summary table on page 23 to assist you in
growing effort to restore sustainability and ensure diversity, selecting an appropriate streambank or shoreline
protection measure.

Planning and selecting streambank protection measures

(Data commonly needed for planning purposes):
• Watershed Data • Climatic and vegetative conditions
• Causes and extent of erosion • Habitat characteristics and desired
• Hydrologic / Hydraulic data habitat changes
• Stream reach characteristics • Environmental Data
• Stream classifications • Social and Economic Factors
• Soils

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Design & Protection
Design considerations for streambank protection: Soil Bioengineering Systems:

• Accessibility of site Properly designed and constructed soil bioengineering

• Channel grade systems have been used successfully to stabilize
• Discharge frequency streambanks. Soil bioengineering is a system of living
• Discharge velocities plant materials used as structural components. Adapted
• Future maintenance types of woody vegetation (shrubs and trees) are initially
• Alignment installed in specified configurations that offer immediate
• Stream type and hydraulic geometry soil protection and reinforcement. In addition, soil
• Sediment load and bed material bioengineering systems create resistance to sliding or
shear displacement in a streambank as they develop roots
• Protection against failure
or fibrous inclusions. Environmental benefits derived from
• Undermining
woody vegetation include diverse and productive riparian
• Ends of revetment habitats, shade, organic additions to the stream, cover for
• Debris removal fish, and improvements in aesthetic value and water
• Vegetative systems quality.

Protective measures for streambanks: The Native Plant Guide describes native plant materials,
Vegetative Plantings general design concepts, application and maintenance.
Conventional plantings of vegetation may be used alone Pages 7-15 of this manual briefly describe different types
for bank protection on small streams and on locations of bio-engineering designs and effectiveness.
having only marginal erosion, or it may be used in combi-
nation with structural measures in other situations. Structural Systems:
Considerations in using vegetation alone for protection
include: Structural measures include tree revetments; log, rootwad
and boulder revetments; dormant post plantings; rock
• Conventional plantings require establishment time, riprap; stream barbs and gabions.
and bank protection is not immediate.
• Maintenance may be needed to replace dead plants, Pages 16-23 briefly describe different types of structural
control disease, or otherwise ensure that materials designs and effectiveness.
become established and self-sustaining.
• Establishing plants to prevent undercutting and bank
sloughing in a section of bank below baseflow is often
• Establishing plants in coarse gravely material may be
• Protection and maintenance requirements are often
high during plant establishment.

Many deep-rooted species of plants are suitable for

streambank protection. Use locally collected native seed
or plugs as a first priority, after removing or thinning non-
native and undesirable tree and shrub species to decrease
shade canopy. The list on page 6 summarizes examples
of species which are considered to have high stabilization

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Common name Botanic name Plugging rate Seeding rate,
(on center) Pure Live Seed (PLS)
1. Banks and slopes (stabilizing matrix):
Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii 18-24” 5 lb/ac
Brown Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidia “ 0.25 lb/ac
Canada wild rye Elymus Canadensis “ 5 lb/ac
Streambank rye Elymus riparius “ 1 lb/ac
Silky Wild Rye Elymus villosus “ 1 lb/ac
Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus “ 3 lb/ac
Torrey’s Rush Juncus torreyi “ 0.01 lb/ac
Evening Primrose Oenothera biennis “ 0.25 lb/ac
Switch grass Panicum virgatum “ 8 lb/ac
Blue Vervain Verbena hastate “ 1 lb/ac

2. Toe of slope (lower banks):

Sweet Flag Acorus calamus “ N/A

Water Plantain Alisma subcordatum “ N/A
Bluejoint grass Calamagrostis canadensis “ N/A
Creeping Spike Rush Eleocharis acicularis “ N/A
Blue Flag Iris Iris virginica “ N/A
Torrey’s rush Juncus Torreyi “ N/A
Switch Grass Panicum virgatum “ N/A
Arrowhead Saggittaria latifolia “ N/A
Hardstem Bulrush Scirpus acutus ” N/A
Chairmaker’s rush Scirpus americanus “ N/A
Dark Green Rush Scirpus atrovirens “ N/A
River Bulrush Scirpus fluviatilis “ N/A
Prairie Cord Grass Spartina pectinada “ N/A
Blue vervain Verbena hastate “ N/A

3. Cover crops:

Annual ryegrass Lolium multiflorum N/A 60 lb/ac

Perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne N/A 25 lb/ac
Wheat N/A 60 lb/ac
Oats N/A 60 lb/ac

4. Brush for live stakes, brushmattresses, live fascines, live cribwalls, branchpacking, and
vegetated geogrids: (Plant lightly on south bank to prevent overshading to north bank)

Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis

Silky dogwood Cornus amonum
Red-osier dogwood Cornus stolonifera
White willow Salix alba
Peach-leaved willow Salix amygdaloides
Pussy Willow Salix discolor
Sandbar willow Salix interior
Elderberry Sambucus Canadensis

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual

Live Stakes - Live staking involves the insertion and Applications and effectiveness
tampering of live, rootable vegetative cuttings into the
ground (fig 1). If correctly prepared, handled and placed, • Effective streambank protection technique where site
the live stake will root and grow. conditions are uncomplicated, construction time
is limited, and an inexpensive method is needed.
A system of stakes creates a living root mat that stabilizes • Appropriate technique for repair of small earth slips
the soil by reinforcing and binding soil particles together and slumps that frequently are wet.
and by extracting excess soil moisture. Most willow • Can be used to peg down and enhance the
species root rapidly and begin to dry out a bank soon after performance of surface erosion control materials.
installation. • Enhance conditions for natural colonization of
vegetation from the surrounding plant community.
• Stabilize intervening areas between other soil
bioengineering techniques, such as live fascines.
• Produce streamside habitat.
• Recommended slope < 3:1. Practice is not applicable
for slopes > 2:1.
Fig. 1

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Live Fascine

Live Fascines - Live fascines are long bundles of branch • Protect slopes from shallow slides (1 to 2 foot depth).
cuttings bound together in cylindrical structures (fig. 2). • Offer immediate protection from surface erosion.
They should be placed in shallow contour trenches on dry • Capable of trapping and holding soil on streambank
slopes and at an angle on wet slopes to reduce erosion by creating small dam-like structures, thus reducing
and shallow sliding. the slope length into a series of shorter slopes.
• Serve to facilitate drainage where installed at an
Applications and effectiveness angle on the slope.
• Apply typically above bankfull discharge (stream- • Enhance conditions for colonization of native
forming flow) except on very small drainage area vegetation by creating surface stabilization and a
sites (generally less than 2,000 acres). microclimate conducive to plant growth.
• Effective stabilization technique for streambanks.
When properly installed, this system does not
cause much site disturbance.

Fig. 2

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Vegetated Geogrids

Vegetated Geogrids - Vegetated geogrids are similar to • Produce a newly constructed, well-reinforced
branchpacking except that natural or synthetic geotextile streambank.
materials are wrapped around each soil lift between the • Useful in restoring outside bends where erosion is a
layers of live branch cuttings (fig. 3). problem.
• Capture sediment, which rapidly rebuilds to further
Applications and effectiveness stabilize the toe of the streambank.
• Used above and below stream-forming flow • Function immediately after high water to rebuild the
conditions. bank.
• Drainage areas should be relatively small (generally • Produce rapid vegetative growth.
less than 2,000 acres) with stable streambeds. • Enhance conditions for colonization of native
• The system must be built during low flow conditions. vegetation.
• Benefits are similar to those of branchpacking, but a
vegetated geogrid can be placed on a 1:1 or
steeper slope.

Fig. 3

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Live Cribwall/Lunker

Live Cribwall or Lunker - A live cribwall or lunker • Useful where space is limited and a more vertical
consists of a box-like interlocking arrangement of structure is required.
untreated log or timber members. Once the live cuttings • Effective in locations where an eroding bank may
root and become established, the subsequent vegetation eventually form a split channel.
gradually takes over the structural functions of the wood • Maintains a natural streambank appearance.
members (fig. 4a and b). • Provides excellent habitat.
• Provides immediate protection from erosion, while
Applications and effectiveness
established vegetation provides long-term stability.
• Effective on outside bends of stream where strong
• Supplies effective bank erosion control on fast
currents are present.
flowing streams.
• Appropriate at the base of a slope where a low wall
• Should be tilted back or battered if the system is
may be required to stabilize the toe of the slope and
built on a smooth, evenly sloped surface.
reduce its steepness.
• Can be complex and expensive.
• Appropriate above and below water level where stable
streambeds exist.

Fig. 4a Live Cribwall

Fig. 4 b Lunker

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual

Brushmattress - A brushmattress is a combination of live Applications and effectiveness

stakes, live fascines, and branch cuttings installed to cover • Forms an immediate, protective cover over the
and stabilize streambanks (fig. 6). Application typically streambank.
starts above stream-forming flow conditions and moves up • Useful on steep, fast-flowing streams.
the slope. • Captures sediment during flood conditions.
• Rapidly restores riparian vegetation and streamside
• Enhances conditions for colonization of native

Fig. 6

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Live Siltation Construction

Live Siltation Construction - Live siltation construction Applications and effectiveness

is similar to brushlayering except that the orientation of Live siltation systems provide immediate erosion
the branches are more vertical. Ideally live siltation control and earth reinforcement functions, including:
systems are approximately perpendicular to the prevailing • Providing surface stability for the planting or
winds. The branch tips should slope upwards at 45 to 60 establishment of vegetation.
degrees. Installation is similar to brush layering. • Trapping debris, seed, and vegetation at the shoreline.
• Reducing wind erosion and surface particle
Live siltation branches that have been installed in the movement.
trenches serve as tensile inclusions or reinforcing units. • Drying excessively wet sites through transpiration.
The part of the brush that protrudes from the ground
• Promoting seed germination for natural colonization.
assists in retarding runoff and surface erosion from wave
action and wind (fig. 7).
• Reinforcing the soil with unrooted branch cuttings.
• Reinforcing the soil as deep, strong roots develop
and adding resistance to sliding and shear
Fig. 7

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual

Branchpacking - Branchpacking consists of alternating • Provides immediate soil reinforcement.

layers of live branches and compacted backfill to repair • Live branches serve as tensile inclusions for
small localized slumps and holes in streambanks (fig. 8). reinforcement once installed. As plant tops begin to
grow, the branchpacking system becomes increasingly
Applications and effectiveness effective in retarding runoff and reducing surface
• Effective and inexpensive method to repair holes in erosion. Trapped sediment refills the localized slumps
streambanks that range from 2 to 4 feet in height and or hole, while roots spread throughout the backfill and
depth. surrounding earth to form a unified mass.
• Produces a filter barrier that prevents erosion and • Typically branchpacking is not effective in slump areas
scouring from streambank or overbank flow. greater than 4 feet deep or 4 feet wide.
• Rapidly establishes a vegetated streambank.
• Enhances conditions for colonization of native

Fig. 8

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Reed Clump

Reed Clump - Reed clump installations consist of root Applications and effectiveness
divisions wrapped in natural geotextile fabric, placed in • Reduces toe erosion and creates a dense energy-
trenches, and staked down. The resulting root mat dissipating reed bank area.
reinforces soil particles and extracts excess moisture • Offers relatively inexpensive and immediate
through transpiration. Reed clump systems are typically protection from erosion.
installed at the water’s edge or on shelves in the littoral • Useful on shore sites where rapid repair of spot
zone (fig. 9).
damage is required.
• Retains soil and transported sediment at the
• Reduces a long beach wash into a series of shorter
sections capable of retaining surface soils.
Fig. 9 • Enhances conditions for natural colonization and
establishment of vegetation from surrounding plant
• Grows in water and survives fluctuating water levels.

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Coconut Fiber Roll

Coconut Fiber Rolls - Coconut fiber rolls are cylindrical Applications and effectiveness
structures composed of coconut husk fibers bound • Protect slopes from shallow slides or undermining
together with twine woven from coconut (fig. 10). This while trapping sediment that encourages plant growth
material is most commonly manufactured in 12-inch within the fiber roll.
diameters and lengths of 20 feet. It is staked in place at • Effective in lake areas where the water level
the toe of the slope, generally at the stream-forming flow fluctuates because it is able to protect the shoreline
stage. and encourage new vegetation.
• Flexible, product can mold to existing curvature of
The fiber rolls function as breakwaters along the shores of streambank.
lakes and embayments. In addition to reducing wave • Produce a well-reinforced streambank without much
energy, this product can help contain substrate and site disturbance.
encourage development of wetland communities. • Prefabricated materials can be expensive.
• Manufacturers estimate the product has an effective
life of 6 to 10 years.
Fig. 10

Fig. ----

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Rock Riffle

Rock Riffle - Also commonly referred to as pool riffle Applications and effectiveness
because it mimics a natural pool upstream of the installed • Limited to sites where grade is the main cause of soil
riffle. The slope/velocities are reduced upstream of the erosion.
riffle. At the point the velocity increases (across and • Improves fish habitat by increased oxygen levels.
through) the channel is stablized by the riffle. • Can be complex and expensive due to need for heavy

Fig. 5

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Tree Revetment

Tree Revetment - A tree revetment is constructed from • Not appropriate near bridges or other structures
whole trees (except rootwads) that are usually cable where there is high potential for downstream
together and anchored by earth anchors, which are buried damage if the revetment dislodges during flood
in the bank (fig. 11). events.
• Has a limited life and needs to be replaced periodi-
Applications and effectiveness cally, depending on climate and duration of tree
• Uses inexpensive, readily available materials to form species used.
semi-permanent protection. • May be damaged in streams where heavy ice flows
• Captures sediment and enhances conditions for occur.
colonization of native species. • Requires periodic maintenance to replace damaged
• Has self-repairing abilities following damage after or deteriorating trees.
flood events if used in combination with soil
bioengineering techniques.

Fig. 11

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Log, Rootwad, Boulder Revetment

Log, Rootwad and Boulder Revetment - These • Effective on meandering streams with out-of-bank
revetments are systems composed of logs, rootwads, and flow conditions.
boulders selectively placed in and on streambanks (fig. • Will tolerate high boundary shear stress if logs and
12). These revetments can provide excellent overhead rootwads are well anchored.
cover, resting areas, shelters for insects and other fish • Suited to streams where fish habitat deficiencies exist.
food organisms, substrate for aquatic organisms, and
• Should be used in combination with soil
increased stream velocity that results in sediment flushing
bioengineering system or vegetative plantings to
and deeper scour pools. Several of these combinations are
stabilize the upper bank and ensure a regenerative
described in Floyd Reynolds (1991), Rosgen (1992) and
source of streambank vegetation.
Berger (1991).
• Enhance diversity of riparian corridor when used
Applications and effectiveness combination with soil bio-engineering systems.
• Used for stabilization and to create instream • Have limited life depending on climate and tree
structures for improved fish rearing and spawning species used.

Fig. 12

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Dormant Post Plantings

Dormant Post Plantings - Dormant post plantings form • Enhance conditions for colonization of native
a permeable revetment that is constructed from rootable species.
vegetative material placed along streambanks in a square • Are self-repairing. For example, posts damaged by
or triangular pattern (fig. 13). beaver often develop multiple stems.
• Can be used in combination with soil bioengineering
Applications and effectiveness systems.
• Well suited to smaller, non-gravely streams where ice • Can be installed by a variety of methods including
damage is not a problem. water jetting or mechanized stingers to form planting
• Quickly re-establish riparian vegetation. holes or driving the posts directly with machine
• Reduce stream velocities and causes sediment mounted rams.
deposition in the treated area. • Unsuccessfully rooted posts at spacing of about 4
feet can provide some benefits by deflecting higher
streamflows and trapping sediment.
• Suited towards smaller stream systems.

Fig. 13

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Rock Riprap

Rock Riprap - Rock riprap, properly designed and Applications and effectiveness
placed, is an effective method of streambank protection • Provides long-term stability.
(fig. 14). The cost of quarrying, transporting, and placing • Has structural flexibility. It can be designed to self-
stone and the large quantity of stone that may be needed adjust to eroding foundations.
must be considered. Gabion baskets, concrete cellular • Has a long life and seldom needs replacement, low
blocks, or similar systems can be an alternative to rock maintenance.
riprap under many circumstances. • Is inert so does not depend on specific
environmental or climatic conditions for success.
• May be designed for high velocity flow conditions.
• Typically only recommended for toe protection (up to
baseflow line).
• Shade tolerant design.

Fig. 14

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Rock Gabion

Rock Gabions - Rock gabions begin as rectangular • Can be fabricated on top of the bank and then placed
containers fabricated from a triple twisted, hexagonal mesh as a unit, below water if necessary.
of heavily galvanized steel wire. Empty gabions are placed • Lower initial cost than a concrete structure.
in position, wired to adjoining gabions, filled with stones, • Tolerate limited foundation movement.
and then folded shut and wired at the ends and sides. • Have a short service life where installed in streams
NRCS Construction Specification 64, Wire Gabions, that have a high bed load. Avoid use where
provides detailed information on their installation. streambed material might abrade and cause rapid
failure of gabion wire mesh.
Vegetation can be incorporated into rock gabions, if • Not designed for or intended to resist large, lateral
desired, by placing live branches on each consecutive earth stresses. Should be constructed to a maximum
layer between the rock-filled baskets (fig. 15). These of 5 feet in overall height, including the excavation
gabions take root inside the gabion baskets and in the soil required for a stable foundation.
behind the structures. In time the roots consolidate the • Construction technique must ensure no water can flow
structure and bind it to the slope.
behind practice.
• Where gabions are designed as a structural unit, the
Applications and effectiveness
effects of uplift, overturning, and sliding must be
• Useful when rock riprap design requires a rock size
analyzed in a manner similar to that for gravity type
greater than what is locally available.
• Effective where the bank slope is steep (typically • Can be placed as a continuous mattress for slope
greater than 1:5:1 and requires structural support).
protection. Slopes steeper than 2:1 should be
Useful where space is limited.
analyzed for slope stability.
• Appropriate at the base of a slope where a low wall • Gabions used as mattresses should be a minimum of
may be required to stabilize the toe of the slope and
9 inches thick for stream velocities of up to 9 feet per
reduce its steepness.
second. Increase the thickness to a minimum of 1.5
feet for velocities of 10 to 14 feet per second.

Fig. 15

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Stream Barbs / Bendway Weir

Stream Barb/Bendway Weir - Stream barbs/bendway Applications and effectiveness

weirs are low rock sills projecting out from a streambank • Used in limited applications. Effective in control of
and across the stream’s thalweg to redirect streamflow bank erosion on small stream bends along the outer
away from an eroding bank (fig. 16). Flow passing over the bank.
barb/weir is redirected so that the flow leaving is • Requires less rock and stream disturbance than
perpendicular to the center line. jetties.
• Improve fish habitat (especially when vegetated).
• Can be combined with soil bioengineering practices.
• Can be complex and expensive due to need for heavy
Fig. 16

* For bendway weirs the slope angles

upstream 5° to 20°.
* For stream barbs the slope angles up-
stream 20° to 45°.

* For bendway weir slope

is negligible.

Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual
Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual

Type of Protection and Where Applicable Problems Addressed

Steep Banks Finished > 2:1

Toe Erosion, Undercutting

Natural Materials Present
Flat Banks Finished < 2:1
Immediate Protection

Holes, Local Slumps

Increase Resistance

Overbank Erosion
Protection Below
Decrease Force

Aquatic Habitat

Sediment Trap
Wildlife Habitat
or at Waterline

Saturated Soil
Water Quality

Ice Damage

Bare Bank
Streambank and Shoreline Protection Manual


Soil Bioengineering
Live Stakes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Live Fascines 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Branchpacking 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Vegetated Geogrids 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Live Cribwall / Lunkers 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Brushmattress 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Live Siltation 1 1 1 1
Reed Clumps 1 1 1 1 1 1
Coconut Fiber Rolls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Rock Riffle 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Tree Revetment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Log, Rootwad, Boulder Revetment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Dormant Post Planting 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Rock Riprap 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Rock Gabions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Stream Barbs / Bendway Weirs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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