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The Magazine Of

The Institution Of Engineers, Singapore

April 2016 MCI (P) 002/03/2016
Celebrating 50 Years of
Engineering Excellence www.ies.org.sg


368 Thomson

• Road Pavement Technology • Concrete Technology • Aerospace Engineering

Use of sedimentary rocks in road construction

in Singapore
by Ho Nyok Yong, Lee Yang Pin Kelvin and Moe Aung Lwin, Samwoh Corporation
Pte Ltd, and Leong Pei Ying Cherlyn and Zhang Weide, JTC Corporation
In Singapore, about 3.7 million m3 of sedimentary rocks have been excavated from the Jurong
was carried out on the use of sedimentary rocks in asphaltic concrete for road construction.
The study was conducted with respect to the asphalt wearing course and binder course. The
sedimentary rocks can provide a performance that is comparable to that of conventional asphaltic
concrete containing granite.
INTRODUCTION In Phase 2, laboratory tests were PROCESSING OF SEDIMEN-
In Singapore, an estimated 3.7 million conducted to evaluate the use of TARY ROCKS
m3 (equivalent to 6.2 million tons) of sedimentary aggregates in asphaltic As compared to granite (which is
sedimentary rocks have been exca- concrete. The mix design was de- a type of igneous rock), sedimen-
vated from the Jurong Rock Caverns termined for the asphaltic concrete tary rocks are formed in layers and
project. More sedimentary rocks containing 100% sedimentary ag- thus, the crushed sedimentary rocks
are anticipated to be generated in gregates. Performance proper ties EVI TVSRI XS FIMRK QSVI ¾EO] ERH
the future, with the increased inter- were evaluated to compare the elongated as compared to crushed
est in exploration of underground performance of asphaltic concrete granite rocks. The processing of the
developments within the Jurong containing sedimentary aggregates sedimentary rocks was carried out
Formation area. At present, most of versus asphaltic concrete contain- YWMRKEGVYWLMRKTVSGIWWGSR½KYVE-
these rocks are being stockpiled in ing granite which is typically used tion shown in Figure 1. The process
Jurong Island and this poses poten- in Singapore. The tests included the GSR½KYVEXMSR QE\MQMWIW EKKVIKEXI
tial storage problems. Hence, there indirect tensile strength test, mois- quality by feeding the material
is a need to use the rocks for ben- ture sensitivity test, dynamic creep through two stages of crushing, and
I½GMEP ETTPMGEXMSRW % WXYH] [LMGL test and rutting resistance test. the feed gradation is optimised to
was partially funded by JTC Corpo-
ration and the Singapore Govern-
ment Public-Private Co-Innovation
Partnership (CI Partnership) Pro-
gram, was carried out to investigate
the use of sedimentary rocks in as-
phaltic concrete for road construc-
tion. The study was conducted with
reference to the wearing course
Singapore’s Land Transport Author-
ity (LTA). The study was conducted
in two phases. In Phase 1, the rocks
were collected from Jurong Rock
Caverns and delivered to a pro-
cessing plant for processing into
aggregates. The properties of the
aggregates were determined and
compared to LTA requirements.
Figure 1: Processing of sedimentary rocks


the secondary crusher so that it can The three different sizes of pro- independent testing laboratories
produce better aggregate shapes. cessed aggregates, ranging from for testing. The test results are
The processing of the sedimentary 19 mm - 14 mm, 14 mm - 5 mm, shown in Tables 1 and 2.
rocks involved a few key stages, de- and 5 mm and below, were stock- All the test results met the LTA
scribed as follows: piled and samples of the aggregates requirements.
• Preliminary crushing: Rocks were were collected and tested for
crushed on-site into particle sizes TVSTIVXMIWMRGPYHMRKKVEHEXMSR¾EOM- One hundred percent sedimentary
smaller than 300 mm, via a jaw ness index and elongation index. aggregates were used for both the
AGGREGATE PROPERTIES W3B wearing course and B1 binder
• Screening: Crushed rocks were Petrographic analysis showed that course to maximise the usage of
screened to remove aggregate sedimentar y rock from the Jurong sedimentary aggregates. A series
sizes which are bigger than 19 mm. Rock Caverns project is mainly of test samples were prepared for
• Further crushing: Rocks retained siltstone. The processed sedimen- W3B and B1 asphaltic concrete
on the 19 mm sieve were fed into tar y aggregates were tested ac- mixes containing sedimentary ag-
a cone crusher to breakdown the cording to the LTA specifications. gregates, as shown in Table 3. Each
aggregates into smaller sizes. The three sizes of processed sedi- WIVMIW GSQTVMWIW ½ZI WIXW SJ XIWX
• Stockpiling processed aggregates: mentar y aggregates were sent to samples with different bitumen con-

Properties 19-14 mm 14-5 mm LTA Requirements

Particle density (oven dry) 2.72 Mg/m3 2.73 Mg/m3 Nil. Granite is about 2.6 to 2.7

Water absorption 0.4% 0.4% Max 1%(1)

Los Angeles abrasion 12% 12% Max 35%(1)

Flakiness index 20% 24% Max 35%(1)

Elongation index 28% 33% Max 35%(1)
Impact value N.A 5% Max 30%(1)
Crushing value N.A 15% Max 25%(1)

Percent fractured faces (at least 2 faces) 75% 81% Min 75%(2)

Soundess loss by magnesium sulfate 1% 1% Max 12%(2)

Silt content of raw aggregate 0.5% 1.4% Max 2%(1)
Polished stone value N.A 53 Nil. Granite is about 50 to 55

1) According to LTA Code of Practice for Works on Public Streets (10 Mar 2009)
Table 1:Test properties of coarse aggregates

Properties 5mm and below LTA Requirements

Los Angeles abrasion 24% Max 35%(1)

Soundess loss by magnesium sulfate 2% Max 12%(2)
Silt content 0.3% Max 0.3%(2)
Liquid limit 24% Max 25%(2)
Plasticity index N.A Max 6%(2)

1) According to LTA Code of Practice for Works on Public Streets (10 Mar 2009)


tents, ranging from 4.0% to 6.0% of tute (1997). The corresponding mix for B1-100% sedimentary aggre-
the total mass of asphaltic concrete, design properties at the respective gates was 60.5%. TSR results were
at 5% intervals. Each set of test sam- design bitumen content were evalu- found to be poor as both results
ple consisted of three replicates.The ated, as shown in Table 4. were less than the typical value of
Marshall mix design was carried out 70%-80%. These results indicated
Initial assessment
according to ASTM D1559-89 and that W3B and B1 mixes with sedi-
Initial tests were carried out for
Asphalt Institute Manual Series No mentary aggregates have a high po-
W3B and B1, using 100% sedimen-
2 (Asphalt Institute, 1997). tential for moisture-induced damage.
tary aggregates to replace granite
Determination of design bitu- aggregates. The moisture sensitivity Anti-stripping agent
men content test was conducted according to The primary goal of an anti-strip-
The design bitumen content of the BS EN 12697-12: 2007, to evaluate ping agent is to improve the mois-
asphaltic concrete mixes was se- the effect of water on the indirect ture sensitivity of the asphalt mix-
lected at the median of the required tensile strength of the asphaltic ture, through improving the bond
percentage of air voids (ie 3% to concrete. The tensile strength ratio between the asphalt binder and
5%) which is 4.0%, according to rec- (TSR) result for W3B-100% sedi- the aggregate. A commercially avail-
ommendations by the Asphalt Insti- mentary aggregates was 57.2% and able anti-stripping agent (Gripper
4131) was used in this study. In or-
Mix Classification Road Mixes der to achieve a higher success rate
in predicting moisture susceptibility
W3B B1 in asphaltic concrete, the recom-
Type of Mix
Wearing Course Binder Course mendation was to adopt a TSR of
Thickness of Course 40 - 65 mm 50 - 100 mm 80% (Kiggundu and Roberts, 1988).
Max Size of Stone 19 mm 35 mm A preliminary study was carried out
(BS) Passing 50 mm - - to verify the optimal anti-stripping
37.5 mm - 100 agent content to be used. Five bind-
25 mm - 95 - 100 er samples were prepared, at vari-
19 mm 100 84 - 92 ous anti-stripping agent contents,
13.2 mm 85 - 95 65 - 82 namely, 0%, 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.5% and
0.7% by mass of binder. The samples
9.5 mm - -
were then used for the preparation
6.3 mm 58 - 68 48 - 62
of W3B and B1 asphaltic concrete
3.35 mm 40 - 50 35 - 50
containing 100% sedimentary ag-
1.18 mm 21 - 31 22 - 35 gregates based on their design bi-
300 μm 11 - 17 12 - 19 tumen contents at 4.9% and 4.7%,
75 μm 4-8 3-8 respectively. The verification was
carried out based on the moisture
% Soluble Bituman Min Max Min Max
(60/70 Penetration Grade) sensitivity test which was conduct-
(% by Weight of Total Mix) 4.5 5.5 4.5 5.5 ed according to ASTM D4867-04,
as shown in Tables 5 and 6.

W3B - 100% Sedimentary B1- 100% Sedimentary LTA Requirement

Mix Properties
Aggregates Aggregates (Table 10.8, LTA, 2010)

Design bitumen content (%) 4.9 4.7 4.5 – 5.5

Bulk density (Mg/m3) 2.40 2.43 Nil

Stability (kN) 11.3 10.9 Minimum 9

Flow (mm) 3.8 3.8 2–4
Voids content (%) 4.0 4.0 3–5
Voids filled with bitumen (%) 76 75 75 – 82
Table 4: Mix design properties at the design bitumen content



Anti-stripping agent Except for W3B with 0.1% anti-

content (by mass of Wet ITS (kPa) Dry ITS (kPa) TSR stripping agent, most of the TSR
binder) results were above 80%. Therefore,
0% 319.2 718.9 44.4% the most optimal content of anti-
stripping agent recommended to be
0.1% 689.5 891.3 77.4%
used is 0.3% as it can achieve a TSR
0.3% 749.6 800.8 93.6% of at least 80% and save cost since
0.5% 855.6 969.9 88.2% it is evident that using more anti-
0.7% 967.1 979.3 98.8% stripping agent to increase TSR will
Table 5: Effect of anti-stripping agent content on the moisture sensitivity test results for W3B containing incur higher cost.
Verification of mix design
Anti-stripping agent properties at design bitumen
content (by mass of Wet ITS (kPa) Dry ITS (kPa) TSR content
Based on 0.3% anti-stripping agent
0% 489.9 787.2 62.2% dosage, Marshall mix design param-
0.1% 881.8 1022.8 86.2%
eters for W3B and B1 containing
100% sedimentary aggregates were
0.3% 910.2 1092.2 83.3%
evaluated. The results, as shown in
0.5% 981.5 1083.5 90.6% Table 7, indicate that all the mix de-
0.7% 954.6 1134.5 84.1% sign properties are within the LTA
sedimentary aggregates

W3B - 100% Sedimentary B1- 100% Sedimentary

LTA Requirement
Mix Properties Aggregates + 0.3% Aggregates + 0.3%
( LTA, 2010 )
Gripper 4131 Gripper 4131

Design bitumen content (%) 4.9 4.7 4.5 – 5.5

Bulk density (Mg/m3) 2.40 2.43 Nil

Stability (kN) 10.7 10.7 Minimum 9

Flow (mm) 3.4 3.5 2–4

Voids content (%) 3.9 3.7 3–5

Voids filled with bitumen (%) 75.5 75.2 75 – 82


Test Standard/ Method Test Temperature Test Objective

Wheel-tracking rate
Rutting resistance BS EN 12697-22: 2003 45˚C
Rut depth

Moisture sensitivity BS EN 12697-12: 2007 Tensile Strength Ratio
Wet Conditioning: 40˚C

Indirect tensile strength BS EN 12697-23: 2003 25˚C Indirect tensile strength

Dynamic creep BS EN 12697-25: 2005 40˚C Dynamic creep modulus

Maximum density BS EN 12697-5: 2009 25˚C Maximum density Gmm

Table 8:Test methods used for asphaltic concrete testing


PERFORMANCE TESTS Test results summary was carried out to evaluate the use
Performance tests were conduct- The tests results are summarised of sedimentary rocks in asphaltic
ed on the W3B and B1 containing as shown in Tables 9 and 10. The concrete for road construction. Ex-
100% sedimentary aggregates and results showed that most of the cavated sedimentary rocks obtained
0.3% anti-stripping agent as well as test proper ties of the asphaltic from Jurong Rock Caverns were
on W3B and B1 containing 100% concrete containing sedimentary processed and analysed. As com-
granite aggregates, for comparison. aggregates (and Gripper 4131 an- pared to granite rocks, sedimentary
These tests included rutting re- ti-stripping agent) are comparable VSGOWEVIQSVI¾EO]ERHIPSRKEXIH
sistance test, moisture sensitivity to those of asphaltic concrete con-
test, indirect tensile strength test, when they are crushed, due to
taining granite aggregates. their layered characteristics. Hence
dynamic creep test and maximum
density test, as shown in Table 8 and CONCLUSIONS a two-stage crushing process that
Figures 2 to 5. This article describes the work that maximises the aggregate quality

W3B- 100%
W3B- 100% Significance test
Properties Test method Granite using Student's
aggregates + 0.3%
(control) t-test at 5% level
BS EN 12697-22: No significant
Wheel-tracking rut depth 1.8 mm 1.8 mm
2003 difference

BS EN 12697-22: No significant
Wheel-tracking rate 0.31 micron/cycle 0.30 micron/cycle
2003 difference

Moisture sensitivity test – BS EN 12697-12:

89.4% 95.0% –
tensile strength ratio 2007

BS EN 12697-23: No significant
Indirect Tensile strength 1.15 MPa 1.12 MPa
2003 difference
BS EN 12697-25: No significant
Dynamic creep modulus 4.7 MPa 4.5 MPa
2005 difference

Maximum density BS EN 12697-5: 2009 2.45 Mg/m3 2.50 Mg/m3 Significant difference

Table 9. Asphaltic concrete tests on W3B

B1-100% Significance test
Properties Test method Granite using Student's
aggregates + 0.3%
(control) t-test at 5% level

BS EN 12697-22:
Wheel-tracking rut depth 1.5 mm 1.0 mm Significant difference

BS EN 12697-22:
Wheel-tracking rate 0.27 micron/cycle 0.20 micron/cycle Significant difference

Moisture sensitivity test – BS EN 12697-12:

93.4% 95.5% –
tensile strength ratio 2007

BS EN 12697-23: No significant
Indirect Tensile strength 1.25 MPa 1.26 MPa
2003 difference

BS EN 12697-25: No significant
Dynamic creep modulus 8.3 MPa 9.1 MPa
2005 difference

Maximum density BS EN 12697-5: 2009 2.46 Mg/m3 2.55 Mg/m3 Significant difference




Figure 2:Wheel tracking machine (left) and close-up view of test sample (right)

Figure 3: Universal testing machine (left) and dynamic creep test (right)

Figure 4: Indirect tensile strength test Figure 5: Uncompacted sample for Gmm measurement (left) and sample placed in a pyknometer (right)


(ie cubical shape) was employed. ping agent content to be used. The BS EN 12697-12:2007: Bituminous
In addition, the crusher operating results showed that the optimal mixtures. Test methods for hot mix
parameters were also optimised in content was at 0.3% (by mass of asphalt. Determination of the wa-
order to produce cubical aggregate binder). This was used for subse- ter sensitivity of bituminous speci-
shapes. The aggregate test results quent performance tests which in- mens. British Standards Institution,
WLS[IHXLEXEPPXLIGSEVWIERH½RI cluded the rutting resistance test, London, UK.
sedimentary aggregates met the moisture sensitivity test, indirect BS EN 12697-22:2003: Bituminous
08% WTIGM½GEXMSR VIUYMVIQIRXW JSV tensile strength test, dynamic creep mixtures. Test methods for hot mix
W3B and B1 asphaltic concrete. test and maximum density test. The asphalt. Wheel tracking. British Stan-
Hence, it was proposed that 100% results showed that most of the test dards Institution, London, UK.
of the processed sedimentary ag- properties of the asphaltic concrete
BS EN 12697-23:2003: Bituminous
gregates be used in the asphaltic containing sedimentary aggregates
mixtures. Test methods for hot mix
concrete study. (and anti-stripping agent) are com-
asphalt. Determination of the indi-
A laboratory study was carried parable to those of asphaltic con-
rect tensile strength of bituminous
out to evaluate the use of sedi- crete containing granite aggregates. specimens. British Standards Institu-
mentary aggregates in two types of 8SHEXI E ½IPH XVMEP LEW FIIR GSR- tion. London, UK
asphaltic concrete mixes, namely, ducted on the asphaltic concrete
BS EN 12697-25:2005. Bituminous
W3B and B1. In Phase 1, the mix containing sedimentary rock and its
mixtures. Test methods for hot mix
design of each type of asphaltic performance is still being monitored.
asphalt. Cyclic compression test.
concrete was determined using the The success of this project could
British Standards Institution, Lon-
Marshall design method according PIEH XS E WMKRM½GERX GSRXVMFYXMSR
don, UK.
to the LTA specification require- to the sustainable development of
ments. The design bitumen con- Singapore, as the sedimentary rocks Kiggundu B M and F L Roberts:
tents were determined for W3B can provide an alternative to granite Stripping in HMA Mixtures: State-
aggregates for road construction. of-the-Art and Critical Review of
and B1 at 4.9% and 4.7%, respec-
Test Methods. NCAT Report 88-2,
tively, which are quite similar to REFERENCES
National Center for Asphalt Tech-
that for conventional W3B and B1 ASTM D1559-89: Standard test
nology, 1988.
containing granite aggregates. method for resistance of plastic
Asphaltic concrete tests were car- ¾S[ SJ FMXYQMRSYW QM\XYVIW YWMRK LTA Code of Practice for Works
ried out to determine the perfor- Marshall apparatus. American Soci- on Public Streets, Mar 2009. Revi-
mance of the asphaltic concrete in ety for Testing and Materials. sion R1. Land Transpor t Authority,
comparison with that of asphaltic Singapore.
ASTM D4867/D4867M-04: Stan-
concrete containing granite aggregates. LTA Materials & Workmanship
dard test method for effect of
Preliminary tests revealed that
moisture on asphalt concrete pav- 7TIGM½GEXMSR JSV 'MZMP
the asphaltic concrete containing Works, June 2010. Revision A1.
ing mixtures. American Society for
sedimentary aggregates showed Land Transport Authority, Singapore
Testing and Materials.
poor resistance to moisture, based [This article is based on a paper au-
on the moisture sensitivity test. Asphalt Institute (1997): Mix design
thored by Ho Nyok Yong, Lee Yang
1SHM½GEXMSR[EWGEVVMIHSYXSRXLI methods for asphalt concrete, Man-
Pin Kelvin and Moe Aung Lwin, Sam-
asphaltic concrete using a type of ual Series No 2, Sixth Edition, As-
woh Corporation Pte Ltd, and Leong
anti-stripping agent to improve its phalt Institute, Lexington, Kentucky,
Pei Ying Cherlyn and Zhang Weide,
moisture resistance. Further asphal- USA, 40512-4052.
JTC Corporation, and presented at
tic concrete tests were then carried BS EN 12697-5:2009: Bituminous the 33rd Conference of the ASEAN
out on W3B and B1 containing sed- mixtures. Test methods for hot mix Federation of Engineering Organisa-
imentary aggregates and anti-strip- asphalt. Determination of the maxi- tions (CAFEO 33) which was held
ping agent. A study was conducted mum density. British Standards Insti- in Penang, Malaysia, from 22 to 26
to determine the optimal anti-strip- tution, London, UK. November 2015].


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