Vegetables Raw?: Is It Better To Eat
Vegetables Raw?: Is It Better To Eat
Vegetables Raw?: Is It Better To Eat
Cooking has a mixed effect on nutrients, destroying How to use green vegetable tops
Use the green tops of the vegetables
vitamins and antioxidants in some foods, while increasing below as a flavorful addition to a salad,
them in others. For example, tomatoes release more of the sautéed alongside other greens, or
relatively rare antioxidant lycopene and carrots release more mixed in a soup or broth for extra bite.
beta-carotene when cooked, but vitamin C (also in tomatoes), Carrot • Radish • Turnip • Beet
several B vitamins, and certain enzymes are destroyed by
heating. To optimize health, it’s important to eat a variety
of cooked and raw vegetables. The chart below shows how
some vegetables retain important nutrients if eaten raw and Alkaloids in
others release valuable nutrients when cooked. carrot greens have
a peppery taste.