MedFit Form (JAL)
MedFit Form (JAL)
MedFit Form (JAL)
Transport of medical patient by aircraft is, in most cases, the quickest and convenient way. Transport by aircraft has an comparative
advantages in smoothness, with less vibration and motion. However, passenger's (patient's) state of health may deteriorate consequently
from long flight time and high altitude. For these reasons, not all passengers (patients) are suitable for air travel.
Aircraft fly at an altitude of 9,000-12,000 meters (30,0000-40,000 feet) through the stratosphere at almost the speed of sound,
900km per hour (560 miles per hour). At high altitude and where barometric pressure is much lower than on ground, aircraft cabin
is mechanically pressurized during the flight. The cabin air pressure during the cruise is maintained at equivalent to that of
1,500-2,100 meters (5,000-7,000 feet) . However, cabin air pressure changes greatly during 15-30 minutes after takeoff and landings.
Air pressure:
As air pressure becomes lower, the gas trapped in the body, which dose not get discharged, expands during flight.
This may put pressure on affected parts or internal organs, and may cause pain and/or difficulty in breathing.
Oxygen density:
Person having problems with respiratory organs, heart, cerebral blood vessel and serious anemia will be affected by
decreasing oxygen density at high altitudes. Also expected mother in the final stage of pregnancy and newborn babies
From above reasons, in order to assess the fitness of the passenger (patient) for air travel, person travelling with
any of the following conditions will be requested to prepare a medical certificate and submit when making a reservation.
① Person whose medical condition requires Oxygen supply (inhalation), carriage and/or use of medical equipment and/or
④ Person who comes under any one of the categories listed on the following page.
⑤ Other than above, person whose fitness for air travel is in doubt, as evidence by recent instability, treatment or surgery.
A credible medical certificate for an air travel must be issued within 14 days, including the day of departure, but excluding the cases below.
* For use of stretchers Must be issued within 10 days, including the day of departure
Pregnant woman whose confinement may be expected
* Must be issued within 7 days, including the day of departure
in less than 28 days
1) EDD(estimated delivery date) is within 28days from departure date
2) EDD unknown
3) Expecting multiple birth
4) Experienced premature delivery and miscarriage in the past
* For newborn baby Must be issued within 2 days, including the day of departure
If the company determines that adverse change of the passenger's (patient's) medical condition is observed, we shall ask the
passenger (patient) to submit a new medical certificate to reconfirm the fitness for air travel.
For passengers:
Please complete "Necessary Arrangement Request", the third page of this form, including your signature
You are not required to present the medical information form upon check-in,
Please be sure to send the medical information form the Priority Guest Center 48 hours prior to departure.
Please determine the fitness of the passenger (patient) for the purpose of air travel by taking the whole itinerary into
consideration. We would also appreciate any comments about the current condition and suggestion for the proposed
(Ver. SEP16)
Guidance for the attending physician
Person who are suffering and/or suspected of having any infections or/and contagious disease shall not be accepts for air travel
Persons under the following conditions are generally considered unfit for air travel.
However, if the medical conditions or the state of health of the person is considered stable and the physician certifies the person as "Fit to Travel"
with the prognosis, passenger may be accepted for air travel after airline assessment, thus please consult with our reservation representative.
1, Critical cardiac diseases: severe cardiac failure, unstable angina pectoris, within 6 weeks after acute myocardial
infarction, uncontrolled severe arrhythmia; unstable condition after cardiac surgery including catheterization (within 21 days),
within 72 hours after angiography, within 4 days after angioplasty, pulmonary edema,
2, Thrombophlebitis of legs, deep vein thrombosis which has not been treated, pulmonary embolism.
3, Severe respiratory failure, severe COPD, severe bronchial asthma, pneumothorax that lungs are not fully inflated, haemopneumothorax,
4, Acute phase of stroke (cerebral infarction, subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral bleeding, TIA) within 4 weeks, increased intracranial
pressure, uncontrolled cramped seizure (epileptic), within 14days after cranial surgery and air remains in cranium,
6, GIT bleed, gastro-intestinal disease with possible risk of bleeding and melena (acute phase of gastric or duodenal ulcer), ileus, within
1 week after colon polypectomy, colon tested on the day, within 14 days after major abdominal surgery including appendectomy and
7, Acute phase of ENT disease (otitis media, sinusitis), within 14 days after middle ear surgery and tonsillectomy, wired jaw, difficulty
opening mouth,
8, Within 14 days after surgery and injury that any gas remains in globe (intra-ocular surgery, penetrating eye injury), cataract surgery,
9, Postoperative wound does not recover completely, any gas remains in the inside of the body after surgery.
11, Within 48hours after severe fracture with full plaster cast, burns.
12, Communicable illness which has a risk of transmission during flight (influenza, whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox,
pharyngoconjunctival fever, tuberculosis, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, meningococcal meningitis).
As a rule of prohibition from attending school in Japan, same rule is applied for air travel. The medical certificate is not required for rubella,
chickenpox, meningococcal meningitis, tuberculosis, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, or acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis cases after
11 daysfrom onsets.
10 Tuberculosis
11 Meningococcal meningitis
13, Pregnant woman whose EDD (estimated delivery date) is within 28 days from departing date. Escort byan obstetrician is required if EDD is
within 14 days for international flight and 7 days for domestic flight. Escort is not required if EDD is out of the above periods and obstetrician
14, Newborn baby within the first 7 days after birth. End
(Ver. SEP16)
MEDICAL INFORMATION FORM (MEDIF) To be completed by the attending physician
The attending physician is requested to answer all questions.
Enter a cross "X" in the appropriate "Yes" or "No" boxes, and/or give precise and concise answers.
Completion of this MEDIF form in BLOCK LETTERS or by TYPEWRITER will be appreciated.
<Note1> As for MEDA3, please write so that non medical personnel are able understand. As for MEDA4, please consider the effect of flight.
Cabin Attendants are not authorized to provide personal care services, such as assistance in using lavatory facilities, with eating and drinking etc.
Additionally they are trained only in FIRST AID and are not authorized to administer medical care service
<Note3> Additional charges will be applied for carrier provided equipments and arrangements. (To be paid by the patient)
Patient's Name,
MEDA1 Initial(s), age, gender:
Age: Gender:
We would appreciate any general comment about the patient's condition and suggestion for the proposed air travel.
Prognosis as above.
Date: Attending Physician: Signature (Attending Physician):
(Ver. MAR17)
Necessary Arrangement Request <To be completed by the passenger>
6. Ambulance use
Company Name
(Departure) No □ and Contact Details
Yes □ From:
Company Name
(Arrival) No □ and Contact Details
Yes □ Destination
I here by authorize (Name of nominated attending physician)
to provide the airlines with the information, required by those airline's medical department for the purpose of determining my fitness for carriage by air and inconsideration there of,
I hereby relieve that physician of his/her professional duty of confidentiality in respect of such information and agree to meet such physician's fees in connection therewith.
(for Airline use) Original copy of the "MEDIF" and "Necessary Arrangement Request" shall be returned to the passenger.
Departure airport shall create a copy, deliver one set to the Cabin Crew and retain another set at the departing station. (Retain for one year)
Cabin Crew shall deliver the copy to the arrival station.
(Ver. SEP16)