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Mass of Christ The Savior
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Mass of Christ The Savior
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Mass of Christ The Savior
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Dan Schutte Mass of Christ The Savior a Gory To Gop INTRO (J =ea. 104) | D Alcé Bm | gee rt $3 RERAIN: tt te: Cano, Aree thereafter: AcE Bm FWA G Dirt Em A D ts eee Ta Glo-ty to God. Glo-zy to God. Glo-ry -.t0° “God “inthe high. ACh Bm FA SG DIFé Asust A = = oe jolt GB a pe q i-— 3s and’ on earth, fence near, peace 10 peo-ple—_ of goodwill. (Mex) |. We ” (Al) 2, ¢ A oe o omen) 3. poss * Ht tt [pose D Em DFE Em Asus4 A Dsusd D re Mote D Dirt Em/G (Women) fen) (Women) 4 = + = 3 = = 2 we bless you, wwe “a ~ doe you, wwe glo-ti-ty | : / DEE ate 6 foo Als Pay aaa = = 1 you vie give. you thks for your great plo - 1, Em Fe. Bm BrvA G Em Asus4 A ian fe a | oe — o Zs 1. Lord God, heav'n-ly King, God, almighty Fa= ther.Dan Schutte Mass of Christ The Savior 4 vensex A btstrier (dca. 96) CanterlCheie Asst AD bist BmiG Asst AD pire 2. Lord, Je = sis Christ, On. - ly Be-got - ten Son, Bm. AustA Di Bm prt og A G Asust A me ee 2. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the. Fa-the, you take, a-way the Bm Bm DE EMG A G Asust-A DIE FE ES i | , Ee Bm Em DEG ASS A a A prt 2worl, fe-cehté cur___ prayer you are seal: e@ at. the right hand, Ban Em Fe Bm BWA G Em, Aswd A Peco. poco ascel Ds. Cpe kat have mer-cy——— onus. the righthand of tho Fa-ther, ‘VERSE 3: CanonChoie En A D DFE mG A 4 (Wome M = === FEE =: FF — Faas (3..For) Joie are the Ho = ly One, you clone ate the Dp G A DFE EMG A ge SS == 3 = r aan a 4. Lord, youa-lone aes the Most. High, Je = sus Christ, a Bm A cE sigue = = wee eae 3. withthe Ho ~ ly Spir - it, in the glo-ty of God the Fa- thenDan Schutte Mass of Christ The Savior 5 GospeL ACCLAMATION: ALLELUIA Em D/FE G Asus4 A INTRO (4 =ca. 88) $6 REPRAIN: tot Cantethoe All eps thereat Al nal D Ace Bm FivA G Asust A Asust A \Dsusd D gga Stine: ml ns lovee ine S AL ~ le-ln-ia, AL - le-lu-ia, Al-le = ja ia, ia, VERSE 1: Cantor/Chote Bm AsustA/G DFE BmBm/AG DIFF Em DEG Asus A rit DS. al fine 1, Your words, © Lord, are Spir-it and life. You have the words of ev - er-last-ing life. ‘VERSE 2: Cantor/Chofe Em Asust AIG Dit Bm Em? DIFSG Asus4 A ity eae DiS. al fine 2.Your words, O Lord, give joy to my heart, your texch-ing is light to my eyes. ‘VERSE 3: Cantor/Choir Em A AIG) DiFE Bm Em? DFE G —Asusd Ea 3.1 wait for the Lord; my — soul waits for his word, ‘VERSE 4: Cantor/Choir Em Asus4 AIG DFE Bm Em? DIFEG Asus A rit 4.Your word is a lamp for my feet, and alight on my path,Mass of Christ The Savior LENTEN Gospel ACCLAMATION INTRO (d= ca. 88) Em DEG Assusd Dan Schutte S% REFRAIN: 1s Cantor AM pen here: D ANCE Bm FA (tempo) G Em? A Dsusd lust time: mati rit, > i Tina [2 D D st time: D.S (A). Fine)llo Verse! SS SaaS press 2 Glo-ry to you, Word of God, Lod Je - ous Christ aa VERSE 1: CantiCiir Em AwstA/G DIE, BmBa/AG Dike EmDMEG Asst A Diet, te DS. el fine 1, Your words, © Lord, are Spir-it and life, Holy Asust A D ACE Bm INTRO (4 ca, 84) Em D/FEG = You have the wordsof ev -er-last-ing life, Ho - ly, Ho - Wy, Ho - ly Bm BWA OG Dirt G pet e Lord. God) of hosts. Heav-en and earth are full, are full of your glo - Asus4 A Bm A Dirt G AIG DiFE Em D/F#G A Dsust D a last time: matto re Ho-san-na i ty. Ho - san - nat D Alc Bm Bnv/A 6 DFE G — Asust A (Fine) ? in the— high - est. who comes in the name of the Lord. Ho -Dan Schutte Mass of Christ The Savior 7 WE PROCLAIM YOuR DEATH (deed. 84) Dsus2 Asusd A D Arce Bm nan Soprano/A Alto | The mys-try of faith. We pro-claim your Death, O — Lord, BavA G Asus! A Pkn? Bm Em DIFEG A Dswt DD ‘okt rit 7 ? WHEN WE Eat THIS BREAD (=0a. 84) and pro. fess tun - til you come a - gain, Dsus2 Asus A D Arce Priest I " Seprano/All Alte ‘The mys-try of faith. ‘When we eat this Bm BA Em Die Em A AIG DIRE Bm Bava —, Breed and drink this Cup, we pro-elaim your Death, © G Dre Em DE GA Dsus D rol rit, gegen nae ane gout eae ce Save Us, SAVIOR (J=ca. 84) Dsus2 Asusd A D AICH Bm BWA G Asus4 A/G , Sooty aa - g Pohrp ae rie ‘The mys-try of faith. Save___ us, save____ us, Sav-ior of the Dirt D DICE Bm G DFE Bm Em DIFEG A Dswst D . malt rit = cr es | wosa, for by your Cross and Res - ur ~ ree-tion. you have set us free.Dan Schutte Mass of Christ The Savior DOxOLOGY AND AMEN D Asus4 DFH Bm G Asus4 A Priest an Through him, and with him, and in—_ him, ° Em A D Bm Em FE Bm God, al might - y Father, in the unity ofthe Ho = ly Spir - it, all tdeca.8) a AT Dire Em DFE G Asusd A glory and hon = or is yours, for (deca) D Act Soprano(Al - er, Bm Dit Dswst =D ie A omen. ADan Schutte INTRO (4 = cu, D Mass of Christ The Savior 9 LAMB OF Gop 80) ACh Bm BovA, G Em7 Asusd A Bm % op Arce Bm Baia 6 A AG Fin? ppSenrino = ial / 7 = € oe a ge oat ¥ ¢ if 1. Je ~ sus, Lamb of God, 2 Je - sus, Bread of Life, BL Je - ms, Cup — of Hope, : aot panier ieee you take a - way the sins. of the 5. Je - sus, Word of Love, Final Te - sus, Lamb of God, Repeat as needed Bm/A Em birt mG A ne Final Br BmvA Em Die G Asst AD Dewd D
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