II All Bidding Documents
II All Bidding Documents
II All Bidding Documents
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Dear Sirs:
Recently, you were informed that you were prequalified to submit a bid for the above cited
Contract. A list of prequalified Applicants is attached to this invitation.
We now invite you and the other prequalified Applicants to submit sealed bids for the execution
and completion of the cited Contract.
You may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at our offices at the
address given below from [Insert office hours]. The procurement process for this contract will be
generally in compliance with World Bank guidelines.
A complete set of bidding documents in [Insert name of language] may be purchased by you
upon sending a written request to the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of [Insert
amount in local currency] or in [Insert amount in specified convertible currency]. The method of
payment will be [Insert method of payment]. The bidding documents will be sent by [Insert delivery
Bids must be delivered to the address set out below at or before the date set out in the timetable in
the Bid Data Sheet. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of [Insert amount of bid security] or
an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in
the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address and at the time set out in the
bidding documents.
Please confirm receipt of this letter immediately in writing by cable, fax, or telex. If you do not
intend to submit a bid, we would appreciate being so notified also in writing at your earliest opportunity.
Yours truly,
Authorized signature
SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION....................................................................1
1.1 Source of Funds................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Eligible Bidders................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Eligible Plant and Equipment and Services......................................................................................................1
1.4 Cost of Bidding.................................................................................................................................................2
(1) The Borrower named in the Bid Data Sheet has received/applied for a loan/credit (hereafter
called “loan”) from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) or the
International Development Association (IDA) (as identified in the Bid Data Sheet and hereafter
interchangeably called “the Bank”) of the U.S. dollar amount indicated in the Bid Data Sheet. The loan
will be used in various currencies toward the cost of the Project named in the Bid Data Sheet. The
Borrower intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract
for which these Bidding Documents are issued. Bidders shall note that the Borrower and the Owner
named in the Bid Data Sheet may, in many projects, be the same entity.
(2) Payment by the Bank will be made only at the request of the Borrower and upon approval by
the Bank, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the loan agreement, and will be subject in all
respects to the terms and conditions of that agreement. The loan agreement prohibits a withdrawal from
the loan account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of Plant and
Equipment, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of the Bank, is prohibited by a decision of the
United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party
other than the Borrower shall derive any rights from the loan agreement or have any claim to the loan
This Invitation for Bids, issued by the Owner named in the Bid Data Sheet, is open to
those Bidders that have prequalified to receive this Invitation for Bids through the prequalification
process conducted previously. The prequalified firms are listed in the Bid Data Sheet.
(1) For the purposes of these Bidding Documents, the words “Plant and Equipment” and
“Services” shall be construed in accordance with the respective definitions given to them in the Contract.
(2) All Plant and Equipment to be supplied and installed and Services carried out under the
Contract may have their origin in any country, as defined in the Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD
Loans and IDA Credits (May 2004 Edition) (“IBRD Guidelines for Procurement”) and subject to
Instructions to Bidders (“ITB”) Section 1.3(3), and all expenditures made under the Contract will be
limited to such Plant and Equipment and Services.
(3) In accordance with paragraph 1.8 of the IBRD Guidelines for Procurement, Bidders from an
eligible country may be excluded if,
(b) by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council
taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the Borrower’s
country prohibits any import of goods or contracting of works or services from
that country or any payments to persons or entities in that country.
(4) The list of ineligible countries is set out in the Bid Data Sheet.
(5) For purposes of this ITB Section 1.3, “origin” means the place where the Plant and
Equipment or component parts thereof are mined, grown, or produced. Plant and Equipment are
produced when, through manufacturing, processing or substantial and major assembling of components, a
commercially recognized product results that is substantially different in basic characteristics or in
purpose or utility from its components.
(6) The origin of the Plant and Equipment and Services is distinct from the nationality of the
The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid,
and the Owner will in no case be responsible for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
bidding process.
(1) The nature of the service area, the services, the site and facility that are to be designed, built,
managed, operated and maintained by the Operator, the procedures that are to be followed during the
bidding process and the contract terms and technical requirements are prescribed in the Bidding
Documents. The Bidding Documents consist of:
(e) Annex B to the Bidding Documents – the contract (the “Draft Contract”)
consisting of:
(f) Addenda to the documents listed in ITB Section 2.1(a) to (e), if any are issued by
the Owner.
(2) The documents listed in ITB Section 2.1(a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) are collectively the
“Bidding Documents”.
(3) Each Bidder shall examine all instructions, terms and conditions, forms, specifications and
other information contained in the Bidding Documents. If the Bidder,
(a) fails to provide all documentation and information required by the Bidding
Documents; or
(b) submits a Bid which is not substantially responsive to the terms and conditions of
the Bidding Documents,
such action is at the Bidder’s risk and the Owner may determine that the Bid is non-responsive to the
Bidding Documents and may reject it.
(1) A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Documents may notify the
Owner in writing by mail, courier, fax or hand delivery at the Owner’s mailing address indicated in the
Bid Data Sheet. Similarly, if a Bidder feels that any important provision in the Bidding Documents, such
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as those listed in ITB Section 3.3, will be unacceptable, such an issue must be raised during the
clarification stage.
(2) All such queries and requests for clarification shall be submitted using the Form for
Clarification Questions contained in Annex A to the Bidding Documents.
(3) The Owner will respond in writing to any request for clarification or modification of the
Bidding Documents that it receives on the Form for Clarification Questions no later than the date set out
in the timetable in the Bid Data Sheet. Written copies of the Owner’s response, including an explanation
of the query but not identification of its source, (the “Response to Questions Document”) will be sent to
all prospective Bidders that have received the Bidding Documents. If similar or repeated queries are
made by Bidders, the Owner may list those queries as one query and respond to such query only once.
(1) Each Bidder is advised to visit and inspect the site of the proposed solid waste facility (the
“Site Visit”) and its surroundings and obtain for itself on its own responsibility all information that may
be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into the Contract. The Owner will schedule a time on or
after the date set out in the timetable specified in the Bid Data Sheet and develop a procedure for Bidders
to conduct a Site Visit. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense.
(2) Each Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be granted permission by the Owner to
enter upon its premises and lands for the purpose of such a Site Visit, but only upon the express condition
that the Bidder, its personnel and agents will release and indemnify the Owner, the Borrower and their
personnel and agents from and against all liability in respect thereof and will be responsible for death or
personal injury, loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses incurred as
a result of the Site Visit.
(1) Unless otherwise stated in the Bid Data Sheet, the Owner will establish a data room (the
“Data Room”) with a collection of relevant data to be accessible to Bidders or their representatives from
the date set out in the timetable specified in the Bid Data Sheet until the deadline for submission of Bids
(the “Submission Deadline”), in accordance with a schedule established by the Owner.
(2) The Owner may provide prospective Bidders with a separate background information
document (the “Background Information Document”) if indicated in the Bid Data Sheet. The
Background Information Document is not a Bidding Document.
Each prospective Bidder is invited to attend a pre-bid meeting, which will take place at
the venue and time stipulated in the Bid Data Sheet. While attendance at the pre-bid meeting is not
mandatory, Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend. The purpose of the pre-bid meeting is to provide a
technical presentation and to clarify issues and answer questions on any matter that may be raised at the
meeting. Each prospective Bidder is requested, as far as possible, to submit any question in writing to
reach the Owner not later than one week before the pre-bid meeting. It may not be practicable at the
meeting to answer questions received late, but questions and responses will be transmitted as indicated
hereafter. Minutes of the pre-bid meeting will be transmitted without delay to all prospective Bidders that
have been issued Bidding Documents. All responses to questions raised at the pre-bid meeting will be
included in the Response to Questions Document.
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(1) At any time prior to the Submission Deadline, the Owner may, for any reason, whether at its
own initiative, or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, amend the Bidding
Documents by addendum. No other communications of any kind whatsoever, including, without
limitation, the minutes of the pre-bid meeting or the Response to Questions Document, shall modify the
Bidding Documents.
(2) Addenda, if any, will be sent in writing by air mail, courier or facsimile to all prospective
Bidders and will be binding on them. Bidders shall immediately acknowledge receipt to the Owner of
any such amendment, and it will be assumed that the information contained therein has been taken into
account by the Bidder in its Bid.
(3) In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendment into
account in preparing their Bids, the Owner may, at its discretion, extend the Submission Deadline, in
which case, the Owner will notify all prospective Bidders in writing of the extended deadline.
The prospective Bidders and Bidders shall contact only the persons named at the
addresses in the Bid Data Sheet for the purpose of requesting information and clarification or for any
other purpose relating to the bidding process. The prospective Bidders and Bidders shall not contact any
other person at the Owner during the bidding process. From the time of Bid opening to the time of
Contract award, if any Bidder wishes to contact the Owner on any matter related to the bidding process, it
may do so in writing.
(1) Each Bidder is solely responsible for conducting its own independent research, due diligence,
and any other work or investigations and for seeking any other independent advice necessary for the
preparation of Bids, negotiation of agreements, and the subsequent delivery of all services to be provided
by the Bidder that has been successful in the bidding process (the “Successful Bidder”).
(2) No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made and no responsibility of any kind
is accepted by the Owner or its advisors, employees, consultants or agents, for the completeness or
accuracy of any information contained in the Bidding Documents or the Response to Questions
Document, or provided during the bidding process or during the term of the Contract. The Owner and its
advisors, employees, consultants and agents shall not be liable to any person or entity as a result of the
use of any information contained in the Bidding Documents or the Response to Questions Document, or
provided during the bidding process or during the term of the Contract.
(3) Bidders shall not rely on any oral statements made by the Owner or its advisors, employees,
consultants or agents.
(4) All Bidders shall, prior to submitting their Bid, review all requirements with respect to
corporate registration and all other requirements that apply to companies that wish to conduct business in
the Owner’s country. The Bidders are solely responsible for all matters relating to their legal capacity to
operate in the jurisdiction to which this bidding process applies.
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2.9 Timetable
(1) The estimated timetable, from the issuance of the Bidding Documents to the identification by
the Owner of the Successful Bidder and the execution of the Contract, is set out in the Bid Data Sheet.
(2) The Owner may, in its sole discretion and without prior notice to the Bidders, amend the
estimated timetable specified in the Bid Data Sheet. Bidders shall not rely in any way whatsoever on the
estimated timetable specified in the Bid Data Sheet and the Owner shall not incur any liability whatsoever
arising out of amendments to the estimated timetable. The Owner shall give notice of timetable changes,
if any, by addenda.
The Bid prepared by the Bidder, all correspondence and documents related to the Bid
exchanged by the Bidder and the Owner and the bidding process shall be written in the language specified
in the Bid Data Sheet, provided that any printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be written in
another language, as long as such literature is accompanied by a translation of its pertinent passages in the
language specified in the Bid Data Sheet, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, the
translation shall govern.
(1) Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid which shall consist of,
(a) one Technical Section which contains the following parts in the following order:
(v) Part III – the Bid Form required by ITB Section 3.5(1), and, where
applicable, the information required by ITB Section 3.5(2);
(vi) Part IV – where applicable, the joint venture documents required by ITB
Section 3.6;
(b) one Financial Section which shall consist of the Price Schedules completed in
accordance with ITB Section 3.10.
(2) Each Bidder shall also submit an initialled Draft Contract, in accordance with ITB Section
3.15(2), in the same envelope as its Technical Section.
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(3) The Bid, excluding the initialized Draft Contract submitted in accordance with ITB Section
3.15(2)(c) is recommended not to exceed the number of pages set out in the Bid Data Sheet.
Part I of the Technical Section of the Bid shall consist of the following sub-parts in the
following order:
(A) a site plan showing the location of the landfill operator’s access
and egress, staging area and limits to the operator’s construction
(B) a site plan showing all proposed works listed in the Bid Data
For all items listed in ITB Section 3.3(b)(ii), the Bidders shall provide either
catalogue cuts or detailed information with respect to manufacturer and source,
model designation, primary specifications, and year of manufacture, as
(c) A detailed workplan (the “Operations Workplan”) setting out the manner in
which the Bidder proposes to carry out the operation of the solid waste disposal
facility as set out in the Draft Contract (the “Operations Services”) and meet the
operating technical standards in accordance with the Technical Standards
Appendix to the General Conditions. The Operations Workplan shall be divided
into the following sections:
(d) A detailed description of the Bidder’s plans and methodologies to ensure that the
requirements of the applicable Environmental Management Plan for the proposed
landfill facility and the Site will be implemented and monitored;
(e) A detailed staffing plan (the “Staffing Plan”) setting out the Bidder’s proposed
staffing arrangements for the carrying out of the Design-Build and Operations
Services. The Staffing Plan shall be divided into the following sections:
(i) two sub-sections, (one for the Design-Build Services and one for the
Operations Services) each entitled the “Staffing Chart” and each
consisting of a chart setting out a list of all proposed Operator’s
Personnel positions, the role of each position, the duration of existence of
the position, and the location of the staff person filling the position
during the periods of assignment to carry out the Design-Build and
Operations Services;
(A) for the Key Staff positions, the names of the Bidder’s employees
who will occupy the Key Staff positions; and
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(B) all proposed positions for the Operator’s Personnel and the
qualifications, years of experience and areas of expertise,
including a clear indication of the expertise that the staff will
provide consistent with the requirements set out in the Operator’s
Expertise Appendix of the Draft Contract, for each of the
proposed positions; and
(f) For the purpose of ITB Section 3.3(e)(ii)(A) and (iii), “Key Staff” means those
individuals that will fill the positions listed in the Bid Data Sheet; and
(1) In Part II of the Technical Section of its Bid, the Bidder shall furnish, as part of its Bid, a Bid
security in the amount stipulated in the Bid Data Sheet in the currency of the Owner’s country or in the
equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency (the “Bid Security”). The equivalency of this amount
shall be calculated as of the date and using the source set out in Bid Data Sheet.
(2) The Bid Security shall, at the Bidder’s option, be in the form of a certified cheque, but only if
the certified cheque shows a validity date, letter of credit or a bank guarantee from a reputable bank or
insurance company selected by the Bidder and located in any eligible country. If the institution issuing the
security is located outside the country of the Borrower, it shall have a correspondent financial institution
located in the country of the Borrower to make it enforceable. The format of any bank guarantee
provided by a Bidder shall be in accordance with the form of Bid Security contained in Annex A to the
Bidding Documents. Other formats may be permitted, subject to the prior written approval of the Owner.
The Bidder shall ensure that the Bid Security remains valid for a period of 30 days after the end of the
original Bid Validity Period, as defined in ITB Section 3.14(1), and 30 days after any extension
subsequently requested by the Owner in accordance with ITB Section 3.14(2).
(3) Any Bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security shall be rejected by the Owner as
being non-responsive. The Bid Security of a joint venture must be in the name of all of the participants in
the joint venture submitting the Bid.
(4) The Owner will return the Bid Securities of the unsuccessful Bidders as promptly as possible,
but not later than 30 days after the expiration of the Bid Validity Period.
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(5) The Bid Security of the Successful Bidder will be returned when the Bidder has signed the
Form of Contract pursuant to ITB Section 6.4 and has provided the required performance security as set
out in the Contract and ITB Section 6.5.
(6) The Bid Security may, in the discretion of the Owner, be forfeited,
(a) if the Bidder withdraws its Bid during the Bid Validity Period; or
(b) in the case of the Successful Bidder, if the Successful Bidder fails within the
specified time limit,
(i) to execute the Form of Contract in accordance with ITB Section 6.4; or
(ii) to furnish the performance security to the Owner in accordance with ITB
Section 6.5.
3.5 Technical Section – Part III – Bid Form and Updated Prequalification Information
(1) In Part III of the Technical Section of its Bid, each Bidder shall provide a completed Bid
Form in the same form and substance as the Bid Form contained in Annex A to the Bidding Documents.
(2) In Part III of the Technical Section of its Bid, Bidders shall update any information that has
changed since the Bidder’s submission to the Owner in connection with the Bidder’s Application for
Prequalification. Each Bidder must continue to meet the minimum threshold criteria set out in the
prequalification documents and the requirements in respect of changes to the Bidder’s Application as set
out in the Prequalification Documents.
(1) Bidders that have prequalified as joint ventures (“Joint Venture Bidders”) shall not change
their joint venture arrangements without the prior written approval of the Owner. Joint Venture Bidders
shall reiterate, in their Bids, the joint venture arrangements which were the basis on which the Joint
Venture Bidders were prequalified, and shall submit, with their Bid, a copy of the agreement entered into
by the Joint Venture Bidders in respect of the joint venture.
(2) Each Joint Venture Bidder shall submit, as Part IV of the Technical Section of its Bid, a
written commitment, in the form of a letter duly executed by an authorized officer of each joint venture
participant, which,
(a) confirms each joint venture participant’s commitment to the joint venture and
acceptance of the joint venture arrangements described in the Bid in accordance
with ITB Section 3.6(3);
(b) confirms each joint venture participant’s willingness to provide a joint and
several guarantee to the Owner to underwrite the performance of the joint venture
in respect of the Contract; and
(i) will assume the leading role on behalf of the other joint venture
participants; and
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(ii) will have the authority to commit all joint venture participants.
(3) If the Successful Bidder is a Joint Venture Bidder and the Contract is awarded to the
Successful Bidder, the Successful Bidder shall incorporate a separate legal entity (the “Joint Venture
Company”) which shall enter into the Contract with the Owner. At the time of Bid submission, only the
intention of the joint venture participants to incorporate a separate legal entity as required by this ITB
Section 3.6(3) needs to be demonstrated. The Successful Bidder shall ensure that the Joint Venture
Company has the full legal capacity to carry out its obligations under the Contract and that it meets all
requirements of the applicable law.
(4) If the Contract is executed between the Owner and a Joint Venture Company, a performance
security, in the amount and in the same form and substance as set out in ITB Section 6.5, will be required
from the Joint Venture Company. The shareholders of the Joint Venture Company and the shareholders’
parent companies may, in the sole discretion of the Owner, be required to submit performance securities
in the same form and substance as set out in ITB Section 6.5, which shall be in addition to the
performance security of the Joint Venture Company. The Joint Venture Company, the shareholders of the
Joint Venture Company and the shareholders’ parent companies shall be jointly and severally liable for the
execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms and conditions. The Owner may, in its
sole discretion, also require the shareholders or the parent companies of the shareholders, or both, to be
parties to the Contract and to retain equity in the Joint Venture Company at a level specified in the
Each Bidder shall provide, as Part V of the Technical Section of its Bid, a written power
of attorney in accordance with ITB Section 3.15(3).
In Part VI of the Technical Section of its Bid, each Bidder shall provide detailed
information listing all commissions and gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by the Bidder to agents
relating to this Bid or the Contract if the Bidder is awarded the Contract. The Bidder shall list the name
and address of any agents, the amount and currency paid or to be paid to the agents and the purpose of the
commission or gratuity. If no such commissions and gratuities have been paid, the Bidder shall provide
this information in Part VI of the Technical Section of its Bid.
If the Bidder wishes to provide pre-printed literature about the Bidder or the joint venture
participants, that pre-printed literature shall be contained in Part VII of the Technical Section of the Bid
only and shall be separately bound.
Each Bidder shall submit completed and properly executed Price Schedules in the forms
contained in Annex A to the Bidding Documents. Bidders shall complete the Price Schedules in full and
shall not amend or change the form in any way. The Financial Section of each Bidder’s Bid shall consist
of only completed and properly executed Price Schedules.
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(1) Bidders shall quote their Bid Price for the entire facility and all of the services on a “single
responsibility” basis such that the total Bid Price covers all of the Operator’s obligations mentioned in or
to be reasonably inferred from the Bidding Documents in respect of the design, manufacture, including
procurement and subcontracting, if any, delivery, construction, installation and completion of the facility
and the performance of the Services as set out in the Draft Contract. This includes all requirements under
the Operator’s responsibilities for testing, precommissioning and commissioning of the site and facility,
the acquisition of all permits, approvals and licences, the design, building, operation, maintenance and
training services, and such other items and services as may be specified in the Bidding Documents, all in
accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions of the Contract.
(2) For the purpose of submitting Bids, Bidders should note that the Bid Price shall include all
taxes, duties, levies or charges of the Owner’s country in accordance with the Contract. The Bid Price
shall not take into account any tax exemptions, reductions or privileges that may be available to the
Bidder in the Owner’s country.
(3) In the Price Schedules, Bidders shall give the required details and a breakdown of their prices
as follows:
(a) Design-Build Services shall be quoted separately and shall include a fixed price
for all labour, Operator’s Equipment (Design-Build), temporary works,
consumables and all matters and things of whatsoever nature, including
preparation of the Design-Build Documents and carrying out the building
responsibilities, where identified in the Bidding Documents, as necessary for the
proper execution of the Design-Build Services in accordance with the Contract;
(b) Operations Services shall be quoted separately and shall include a fixed price for
all labour, Operator’s Equipment (Operations), consumables and all matters and
things of whatever nature, including the preparation and implementation of plans,
programs and reports, and carrying out operations and maintenance services,
solid waste disposal operations services, training, customer service and financial
management services, as necessary for the proper execution of the Operations
Services in accordance with the Contract.
(4) Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the Contract
and shall not be subject to change on any account, except in accordance with the price adjustment
provisions set out in the Contract. A Bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation shall be treated as
non-responsive and shall be rejected. Except for discounts provided as modifications to the Bid in
accordance with ITB Section 4.4, discounts will not be considered.
(5) Bidders are strongly encouraged to review GC Section 5.6 and the Terms and Procedures of
Payment Appendix prior to completing their Price Schedules and submitting their Bid Prices.
Bidders may quote their price in the currency of any Bank member country up to a
maximum of three currencies.
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(1) The Bidders shall base their Bids on the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents and,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall,
(a) submit their prices based on the terms and conditions in the Bidding Documents;
(b) submit their Bids based on the assumption that the final Contract will be the same
as the Draft Contract and shall not base their Bids on the premise that they may
be able to change the Draft Contract; and
(c) include in their Bids a Form of Contract and Draft Contract initialled on each
page in accordance with ITB Section 3.15(2)(c).
(2) No Bidder shall submit a Bid that contains statements that are inconsistent with the Bidding
(3) A Bidder shall not submit a Bid that proposes an arrangement between the Owner and the
Bidder which, in the discretion of the Owner, is different than the arrangement set out in the Bidding
Documents (an “Alternative Bid”). The Owner intends to enter into a contract to design, build and
operate a solid waste disposal facility based on the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents. If a
Bidder submits an Alternative Bid it will be returned to the Bidder and will not be considered, in any way,
by the Owner.
(1) Bids shall remain valid for the period named in the Bid Data Sheet after the Submission
Deadline or any extension thereof prescribed by the Owner for the receipt of Bids, pursuant to ITB
Section 3.14(2) (the “Bid Validity Period”). A Bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the
Owner as being non-responsive.
(2) In exceptional circumstances, the Owner may solicit the Bidders’ consent to an extension of
the Bid Validity Period. The request and responses thereto shall be made in writing and sent by air mail,
courier or fax. If a Bidder accepts to prolong the Bid Validity Period, the Bid Security shall also be
suitably extended. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its Bid Security. A Bidder granting
the request will not be required nor permitted to modify its Bid, except as provided in ITB Section 4.4.
(1) Each Bidder shall prepare and submit one signed and initialled original of its Bid and the
number of copies of the Bid as set out in the Bid Data Sheet, clearly marking one each as “Original Bid”,
“Copy No. 1”, or “Copy No. 2”, etc. as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between the copies
and the original, the original shall govern.
(2) The original and all copies of the Bid, each consisting of the documents listed in ITB Section
3.2, shall be typed or written in indelible ink. The person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to
the Bid and Contract shall sign the Bid by,
(b) initialling all of the pages of the original of the Bid, except for unamended
printed literature; and
(c) initialling the Form of Contract and initialling all pages of the Draft Contract.
(3) The authority of the person or persons signing the Bid to bind the Bidder shall be
demonstrated by a written and duly notarized power of attorney included in the Bid and submitted as Part
V of the Technical Section of the Bid and which shall bind the Bidder for the full length of the Bid
Validity Period.
(4) The Bid shall contain no alterations, omissions or additions, unless such corrections are
initialled by the person or persons signing the Bid.
(1) Each Bidder shall seal the original and each copy of the Bid in separate envelopes, duly
marking the envelopes as “Original Bid” and “Copy No. [number]”. The envelopes shall then be sealed
in an outer envelope.
(a) be addressed to the Owner at the address specified in the Bid Data Sheet; and
(b) bear the Contract name indicated in the Bid Data Sheet and the statement “DO
NOT OPEN BEFORE ____________”, with the date and time specified in the
Bid Data Sheet pursuant to ITB Section 5.1.
(3) The inner envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the Bidder so that the Bid can be
returned unopened in the event that it is declared “late”.
(4) If the outer envelope or package is not sealed and marked as required by this ITB Section 4.1,
the Owner will assume no responsibility for the Bid’s misplacement or premature opening. If any of the
outer envelope or package discloses the Bidder’s identity, the Owner will not guarantee the anonymity of
the Bid but this disclosure shall not constitute grounds for Bid rejection.
(1) Bids must be received by the Owner at the address specified in the Bid Data Sheet no later
than the time and date stated in the Bid Data Sheet as the Submission Deadline.
(2) The Owner may, at its discretion, extend the Submission Deadline by amending the Bidding
Documents in accordance with ITB Sections 2.6 and 2.9(2), in which case all rights and obligations of
Owner and Bidders will thereafter be subject to the Submission Deadline as extended.
(3) Each Bidder shall deliver its Bid by hand or by courier. A Bidder shall not submit a Bid by
facsimile or electronic means. Each Bidder shall be responsible for the timely delivery of its Bid to the
address set out in the Bid Data Sheet irrespective of any delivery or local difficulties.
Page 15 of 21
Any Bid received by the Owner after the Submission Deadline prescribed by the Owner,
pursuant to ITB Section 4.2, will be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder.
(1) The Bidder may modify or withdraw its Bid after submission, provided that written notice of
the modification or withdrawal is received by the Owner prior to the Submission Deadline.
(2) The Bidder’s modifications, if any, shall be prepared, sealed, marked and dispatched as
(a) The Bidder shall provide an original and the number of copies specified in the
Bid Data Sheet of any modifications to its Bid, clearly identified as such, in two
inner envelopes marked “Bid Modifications – Original” and “Bid Modifications
– Copies” respectively. The inner envelopes shall be in an outer envelope, which
shall be duly marked, “Bid Modifications’; and
(b) Other provisions concerning the marking and dispatch of Bid modifications shall
be in accordance with ITB Section 4.1(2), 4.1(3) and 4.1(4).
(3) A Bidder wishing to withdraw its Bid shall notify the Owner in writing prior to the
Submission Deadline. The notice of withdrawal shall,
(b) be addressed to the Owner at the address named in the Bid Data Sheet; and
(c) bear the contract name, as set out in the Bid Data Sheet, and the words “BID
(4) Bid withdrawal notices received by the Owner after the Submission Deadline will be ignored,
and the submitted Bid will be deemed to be a validly submitted Bid.
(5) A Bidder may send a notice of withdrawal to the Owner electronically or by facsimile but it
must be followed by a signed confirmation copy postmarked no later than the Submission Deadline.
(6) No Bid may be modified or withdrawn in the interval between the Bid Submission Deadline
and the expiration of the Bid Validity Period. Withdrawal of a Bid during this interval may result in the
Bidder’s forfeiture of its Bid Security, pursuant to ITB Section 3.4(6).
(1) The Owner shall open the Bids, including withdrawals and modifications made pursuant to
ITB Section 4.4, that were submitted prior to the Submission Deadline,
(a) in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend the opening;
Page 16 of 21
(b) at the time, date and location specified in the Bid Data Sheet.
Bidders’ representatives who attend the opening of the Bids shall sign a register to record their
(2) Envelopes marked “Withdrawal” shall be opened first and the name of the Bidder shall be
read out. Bids for which an acceptable notice of withdrawal has been submitted pursuant to ITB Section
4.4 shall not be opened.
Subsequently, the Owner shall open and read, in appropriate detail as determined by the Owner, all
envelopes marked “Modification”. The Owner shall not reject any Bid at a Bid opening except for late
Bids in accordance with ITB Section 4.3.
(4) The Owner shall prepare minutes of the Bid opening including the information disclosed to
those present in accordance with ITB Sections 5.1(2) and 5.1(3).
(5) Bids not opened and read out at a Bid opening shall not be considered further for evaluation,
irrespective of the circumstances.
During Bid evaluation, the Owner may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its
Bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the price or substance of
the Bid shall be sought, offered or permitted.
(1) The Owner will examine each Bid to determine whether it is complete, whether any
computational errors have been made, whether required securities have been furnished, whether the
documents have been properly signed, and whether the Bid is generally in order.
(2) Arithmetical errors in the Bids will be rectified on the following basis:
(a) If there is a discrepancy between subtotals and the total price, the unit or subtotal
price shall prevail, and the total price shall be corrected; and
(b) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall
If the Bidder does not accept the correction of arithmetical errors, its Bid shall be rejected.
Page 17 of 21
(3) The Owner may waive any minor informality, nonconformity or irregularity in a Bid that
does not constitute a material deviation, and that does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any
Bidder as a result of the technical and price evaluation pursuant to ITB Sections 5.5 and 5.6.
(4) Prior to the detailed evaluation, the Owner will determine whether each Bid is of acceptable
quality, is complete and is substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents. For purposes of this
determination, a substantially responsive Bid is one that conforms to all the terms, conditions and
specifications of the Bidding Documents without material deviations, objections, conditionalities or
reservations. A material deviation, objection, conditionality or reservation is one,
(a) that affects in any substantial way the scope, quality or performance of the
(b) that limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding documents, the
Owner’s rights or the Successful Bidder’s obligations under the contract; or
(c) whose rectification would unfairly affect the competitive position of other
Bidders who are presenting substantially responsive Bids.
(5) If a Bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Owner, and may not
subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the nonconformity. The Owner’s
determination of a Bid’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the Bid itself without recourse to
extrinsic evidence.
(1) To facilitate evaluation and comparison, the Owner will convert all Bid Prices expressed in
the amounts in various currencies in which the Bid Price is payable to either,
(a) the currency of the Owner’s country at the selling exchange rate established for
similar transactions by the central bank or by a commercial bank in the Owner’s
country; or
(b) a currency widely used in international trade, such as U.S. dollars, at the selling
rate of exchange published in the international press for the amount payable in
foreign currency, and at the selling exchange rate established for similar
transactions by the central bank in the Owner’s country for the amount payable in
the currency of the Owner’s country.
(2) The currency selected for converting Bid Prices to a common base for the purpose of
evaluation, along with the source and date of the exchange rate, is specified in the Bid Data Sheet.
(1) The Owner will carry out a detailed evaluation of the Technical Sections previously
determined to be substantially responsive in order to determine on a pass/fail basis whether the technical
aspects are in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Bidding Documents. Bidders
acknowledge that, in order to reach such a determination, the Owner will examine and analyse the
technical aspects of each Bid on the basis of the information supplied by Bidders, taking into account the
completeness, consistency and level of detail of the following factors:
Page 18 of 21
(i) the Bidder’s ability to demonstrate how it will meet the Owner’s project
objective and requirements, the technical standards and the
Environmental Management Plan; and
(ii) the soundness of the proposed methodology and approach, and the extent
to which the Design-Build Workplan demonstrates an understanding of
the local conditions and specific project requirements;
(i) the extent to which the Operations Workplan addresses all of the
Operations Services that are to be provided in accordance with the
(ii) the soundness of the proposed methodology and approach, and the extent
to which the Operations Workplan demonstrates an understanding of the
local conditions and specific project requirements; and
(iii) the Bidder’s ability to demonstrate how it will meet the technical
standards; and
(ii) the overall quality of the Staffing Plan, including the depth and
organisational strength demonstrated by the Plan and the extent to which
it meets the expertise requirements set out in the Operator’s Expertise
Appendix of the Draft Contract.
(2) For the purpose of ITB Section 5.5(1)(c)(ii), the evaluation of the overall quality of the
Staffing Plan shall be based on,
(a) the clarity, comprehensiveness and level of detail of the Staffing Plan;
(b) the extent to which the expertise required by the Operator’s Expertise Appendix
of the Contract is included in the Staffing Plan; and
(c) the extent to which the Staffing Plan addresses the specific Services that are
required by the Design-Build and Operations Services Appendices to the General
(1) The Owner shall examine each Bidders’ Financial Section to determine whether such
Financial Section is complete and substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents.
(2) The Financial Sections, which are substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents, shall
be ranked from lowest to highest based on the Bid Price. For the purposes of comparing the Bidders’
Financial Sections only, the Owner shall multiply the Bid Prices for Operations Services by the number of
Page 19 of 21
months set out in the Bid Data Sheet. The actual total amount paid for the Operations Services will
depend upon the actual number of months of operations carried out by the Operator prior to the End Date.
(1) From the time of bid opening to the time of Contract award, if any Bidder wishes to contact
the Owner, it must do so in writing.
(2) Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Owner, its advisors, employees, consultants or agents,
in the Owner’s Bid evaluation, Bid comparison, or Contract award decision may, in the discretion of the
Owner, result in rejection of the Bidder’s Bid.
Subject to ITB Section 6.2, the Owner will award the Contract to the Bidder whose Bid
has been determined, by the technical and price evaluation, to be substantially responsive, has received a
“pass” in the technical evaluation, and has the lowest evaluated Bid Price.
(d) annul the bidding process and commence a new process; and
at any time prior to the award of the Contract without incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or
Bidders and without any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the
Owner’s actions.
(2) Nothing in ITB Section 6.2(1) is intended to permit the Owner to refuse to provide reasons
for rejection to an unsuccessful Bidder.
Prior to the expiration of the Bid Validity Period, the Owner shall notify the Successful
Bidder in writing by courier that its Bid has been accepted by the Owner (the “Notification of Award”).
The effectiveness of the Contract shall be as of the date of the Owner’s signing of the Contract contingent
on final approval by the Bank.
Page 20 of 21
(1) At the same time as the Owner sends the Successful Bidder the Notification of Award, the
Owner shall send the Successful Bidder,
(2) No later than 30 days after the Successful Bidder’s receipt of the Notification Award, the
Form of Contract and the other Contract Documents pursuant to ITB Sections 6.3 and 6.4(1), the
Successful Bidder shall sign and date the Form of Contract and initial each page of the Contract and
return them to the Owner.
No later than 30 days after the Successful Bidder’s receipt of the Notification of Award,
the Successful Bidder shall provide the Owner with the performance security in the amount given in the
Bid Data Sheet and in the substance and form set out in Annex A or in another form approved by the
6.6 Failure to Sign the Form of Contract or Provide the Performance Security
If the Successful Bidder fails to comply with the provisions of ITB Sections 6.4(2) or 6.5,
this failure shall constitute sufficient grounds for annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Bid
Security, and in which event the Owner may make the award to the next lowest evaluated Bidder or call
for new bids.
6.7 Adjudicator
The Owner proposes that the person named in the Bid Data Sheet be appointed as
Adjudicator under the contract, at an hourly fee stated in the Bid Data Sheet. A résumé of the named
person is attached to the Bid Data Sheet, as well as a description of the expenses that would be considered
reimbursable. If a Bidder does not accept the Adjudicator proposed by the Owner, it should so state in its
Bid Form and make a counterproposal of an Adjudicator and an hourly fee. If, on the day the Form of
Contract is signed, the Owner and the Operator have not agreed on the appointment of the Adjudicator,
the Adjudicator shall be appointed, at the request of either party, by the Appointing Authority specified in
the Special Conditions of Contract.
The Bank requires that the Borrower, including beneficiaries of Bank loans, as well as
Bidders, suppliers and subcontractors under contracts financed by the Bank, observe the highest standard
of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Bank,
(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
(b) will reject a Bid for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for
award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent collusive
or coercive practices in competing for the contract in question; and
(c) will sanction a firm or individual, including declaring them ineligible, either
indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a Bank-financed contract
if it at any time determines that they have engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, a Bank-financed
Page 1 of 5
The following bid-specific data for the facility and services to be procured shall amend or supplement the
provisions in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall
prevail over those in the ITB.
[The notes in italics text provide instructions for completing the Bid Data Sheet for the relevant ITB
[When applicable]
ITB 1.2 List of names and countries of origins of prequalified firms or joint
[Insert address of venue, or indicate that a meeting will not take place.]
ITB 2.7 Address of Owner and Owner’s alternate, and telephone and facsimile
numbers of contact persons:
[Insert the information of the Owner’s contact person and alternate
contact person or indicate if it is the same as ITB 2.2(1).]
Page 2 of 5
- [utility services;]
ITB 5.6(2) The Owner shall multiply the Bid Prices for Operations Services by [insert
the estimated number of months of the Operations Services]
ITB 6.5 Amount of Performance Security:
[Performance security amount shall normally be 10% of the contract price
(including the estimated price for Operations Services, i.e. the number of
months times the Bidder’s monthly Price for Operations Services.]
Loan/Credit No:
Contract No:
[Name of Contract]
Having examined the Bidding Documents, including Addendum Nos. [insert numbers], the receipt of
which is hereby acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to design, build, manufacture, test, deliver,
install, precommission and commission the New Facility and perform the Services under the above-
named Contract in full conformity with the said Bidding Documents for the sum of: [amount of currency
#1 in words], [amount in figures], and [amount of currency #2, if applicable, in words], [amount in
figures] and [amount of currency #3, if applicable, in words], [amount in figures] or such other sums as
may be determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. The above amounts are
in accordance with the Bidder’s Price Schedules attached herewith and are made part of this Bid.
We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to commence the New Facility and to achieve Completion within
the respective times stated in the Bidding Documents.
If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to provide an advance payment security and the Performance
Security in the form, in the amounts, and within the times specified in the Bidding Documents.
We accept the appointment of [name proposed in Bid Data Sheet] as the Adjudicator.
We do not accept the appointment of [name proposed in Bid Data Sheet] as the Adjudicator, and we
propose instead that [name] be appointed as Adjudicator, whose résumé and hourly fees are attached.
We agree to abide by this Bid, which consists of this letter and the other documents listed in ITB Section
3.2, for the period identified in the Bid Data Sheet as the length of the Bid Validity Period, and it shall
remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at any time before the expiration of that period.
Page 2 of 14
Until a formal contract is prepared and executed between us, this Bid, together with your written
acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive.
In the capacity of
1.0 General
1.1 The Price Schedules are divided into separate Schedules as follows:
1.2 The Price Schedules do not give a full description of the Plant and Equipment, Operator’s
Equipment (Operations) and Operator’s Equipment (Design-Build) to be supplied and the
Services to be performed under each item. Bidders are deemed to have read the Draft Contract,
including the Technical Specifications Appendix consisting of the Design-Build Appendix,
Operations Services Appendix and Technical Standards Appendix, and other sections of the
Bidding Documents to ascertain the full scope of the requirements of the Contract included in
each item prior to filling in the prices. The entered prices are deemed to include the full scope as
aforesaid, including overheads and profit.
1.3 If Bidders are unclear or uncertain as to the scope of any item, they shall seek clarification in
accordance with the Instructions to Bidders in the Bidding Documents prior to submitting their
2.0 Pricing
2.1 Prices shall be filled in indelible ink, and any alterations necessary due to errors shall be initialled
by the Bidder. As specified in the Bid Data Sheet, prices shall be fixed and firm for the duration
of the Contract, except as adjusted in accordance with the Contract.
2.2 The Bid Price shall be quoted in the manner indicated and in the currencies specified in the
Instructions to Bidders in the Bidding Documents. For each item, Bidders shall complete each
appropriate column in the respective Schedules, giving the price breakdown as indicated in the
Schedules. Prices given in the Schedules against each item shall be for the scope covered by that
item as detailed in the Draft Contract or elsewhere in the Bidding Documents.
2.3 The Owner will make payments to the Operator in the currency or currencies indicated under
each respective item.
2.4 When requested by the Owner for the purposes of making payments or part payments, valuing
changes or evaluating claims, or for such other purposes as the Owner may reasonably require,
the Operator shall provide the Owner with a breakdown of any composite or lump sum items
included in the Schedules.
3.1 The rules relating to adjustments to the Bid Price, if any, are set out in the Price Adjustment
Appendix to the Draft Contract.
Page 4 of 14
Service Prices
Currency Amount
Design-Build Services 1
Currency Amount 3
1. /month
Operations Services
2. /month
3. /month
3. For the purpose of evaluating Bids, this monthly amount will be multiplied by the estimated
number of months of Operations Services, as set out in the Bid Data Sheet for ITB 5.6(2).
Page 5 of 14
Notwithstanding that each Bidder has quoted its Price in up to three currencies in its Bidder’s Price
Schedules (Schedule 1), Bidders shall, when completing Schedule 2 – Breakdown of Prices,
(b) use the “Date for Calculation of the Equivalency of Bid Security and the Calculation Date for
Conversion to a Single Currency for Evaluation” that is set out in the Bid Data Sheet timetable
for the purpose of converting Prices in other currencies into [Local Currency].
Item Amount
1. Preliminaries
Owner's Requirements
Operator's Requirements
Temporary Accommodation
Temporary Services
Temporary Works
Deposition of Waste
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Management
Design Fees
Fencing/site security
Site clearing
Site formation
Engineered barrier
Page 7 of 14
Item Amount
Leachate collection system
On-site roads
Weighbridge facilities
Wheelwash facilities
Hardstandings/parking areas
Monitoring installations
Construction supervision
Environmental monitoring
Environmental management
Item Amount
1. Operation of New Facility
Item Amount
Spreading and compaction of waste
Leachate management
Environmental monitoring
3. Construction of Cell 2
Site formation
Engineered barrier
Construction supervision
Page 9 of 14
Item Amount
Construction quality assurance
Environmental monitoring
Environmental management
4. Closure of cells
Intermediate cover
Page 10 of 14
[The Bidder should insert the amount of the guarantee in words and in figures. This figure
should be the same amount as set out in ITB Section 3.4(1) and the Bid Data Sheet. The details
related to the Bid Security are set out in the same ITB Section 3.4.]
(1) if the Bidder withdraws its Bid during the Bid Validity Period; or
(2) if the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Owner during the
period of Bid validity,
(a) fails to sign the Form of Contract in accordance with and when required by ITB
Section 6.4; or
(b) fails to provide the performance security to the Owner in accordance with and
when required by ITB Section 6.5.
We undertake to pay to the Owner up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand,
without the Owner having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Owner will note that
the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or more of the conditions set out
above, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.
This Guarantee will remain in full force up to and including 30 days after the expiry of the Bid Validity
Period and it may be extended by the Owner in accordance with the Bidding Documents, notice of which
extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the
Bank not later than the above date or the extended date.
_________________________ ___________________________
(signature, name and address) SEAL
Page 11 of 14
We have been informed that [name of Operator] (hereinafter called “the Operator”) has
entered into Contract No. [reference number of the contract] dated with you,
concerning a contract to design, build and operate a solid waste disposal facility in [Name of Location]
(hereinafter called “the Contract”).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performance guarantee is
At the request of the Operator, we [name of Bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you
any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [amount in figures] ( ) [amount
in words], upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating
that the Contract is in breach of its obligations under the Contract, without your needing to prove or to
show grounds for your demand or the sum specified therein.
(a) six months after the End Date, as defined in the Contract; or
(b) six months after the date of termination of the Contract pursuant to its terms.
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at this office on or
before that date.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 458 except
that subparagraph (ii) of Sub-article 20(a) is hereby excluded.
Yours truly,
[Name of Bank]
Authorised Signature
Page 12 of 14
[Name of Contract]
We refer to the Contract Agreement (“the Contract”) signed on [date] between you and [name of
Operator] (“the Operator”) concerning the Services set out in the Contract to Design, Build and Operate a
Solid Waste Disposal Facility.
Whereas, in accordance with the terms of the Contract, the Owner agreed to pay or cause to be paid to the
Operator an advance payment in the amount of [number] percent (____%) of the Contract Price for the
Design-Build Period due to the Operator, namely a payment of: [amount of foreign currency in words],
[amount in figures], and [amount of local currency in words], [amount in figures].
By this letter we, the undersigned, [name of Bank], a Bank (or company) organised under the laws of
[country of Bank] and having its registered/principal office at [address of Bank], do hereby jointly and
severally with the Operator irrevocably guarantee repayment of the amounts upon the first demand of the
Owner without cavil or argument in the event that the Operator fails to commence or fulfil its obligations
under the terms of the Contract, and in the event of such failure, refuses to repay all or part (as the case
may be) of the advance payment to the Owner.
Provided always that the Bank’s obligation shall be limited to an amount equal to the outstanding balance
of the advance payment, taking into account such amounts that have been repaid by the Operator from
time to time in accordance with the terms of payment of the Contract as evidenced by appropriate
shipping documents or payments certificates.
This Guarantee shall remain in full force from the date upon which the advance payment is received by
the Operator until the date upon which the Operator has fully repaid the amount is advanced to the Owner
in accordance with the terms of the Contract. At the time at which the outstanding amount is nil, this
Guarantee shall become null and void, whether the original is returned to us or not.
Any claims to be made under this Guarantee must be received by the Bank during its period of validity.
Yours truly,
Authorized Signature
Page 13 of 14
Proposed Position:
Name of Firm:
Name of Staff:
Date of Birth:
Key Qualifications:
[Give an outline of staff member’s experience and training most pertinent to tasks on assignment.
Describe degree of responsibility held by staff member on relevant previous assignments and give dates
and locations. Use about half a page.]
[Summarize college/university and other specialized education of staff member, give names of schools,
dates attended, and degrees obtained. Use about one quarter of a page.]
Employment Record:
[Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held. List all positions held by
staff member since graduation, giving dates, names of employment organizations, titles of positions held,
and locations of assignments. For experience in last ten years, also give types of activities performed
and client references, where appropriate. Use about two pages.]
[For each language indicate proficiency: excellent, good, fair or poor in speaking, reading and writing.]
Page 14 of 14
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me,
my qualifications, and my experience. I also certify that I have only given permission for my CV to be
included in the Bid submitted by
[Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the firm] Day/Month/Year
Bidder’s Name:
Annex B
to the Bidding Documents