Aim 565-DG
Aim 565-DG
Aim 565-DG
AIM – 565-DG
1. Safety Information
2. Alert Boxes
3. Warnings
4. Introduction
5. Specifications
6. Unpacking
7. Installation
11. Accessories
15. Warranty
Important Information
Safety Information
This manual contains important operating and safety information. You must carefully read, familiarize and understand
the contents of this manual prior to the use of this Digital Ductility Apparatus, to achieve optimum performance. Retain
this instruction manual in an easily accessible place near this Digital Ductility Apparatus for further reference.
Your AIMIL Digital Ductility Apparatus has been designed with function, reliability, and safety in mind. It is
the user’s responsibility to install it in conformance with local electrical codes. For safe operation, please
pay attention to the alert boxes throughout the manual.
Alert Boxes
Warning alerts apply when there is a possibility of personal injury
1. Use a properly grounded electrical outlet of correct voltage and current handling capacity.
2. Disconnect the machine from the power supply prior to maintenance and servicing.
1. Do not try to install this instrument in any other way except in the way it is mentioned in this manual.
2. Entrust servicing to qualified personnel.
Electrical safety
Before removing any covers or performing maintenance repair and service, isolate the machine from electrical supply by
removing the mains plug. Where mains supply is required during these activities, only competent persons should perform
the work.
Check that the power supply is compatible with the requirements stated on the label and connect the machine in ccordance
with lEC regulations or to local requirements. Local isolation of machines is required.
The power cable is coded as follows:
The equipment meets the requirements of IS:1208-1978 and is for determining the ductility of asphaltic bitumen,
fluxed native asphalt, cut back bitumen and blown type bitumen. This apparatus is designed to test three
specimens simultaneously.
The machine consists of a carriage moving over a lead screw. An electric motor driven reduction gear unit
ensures smooth constant speed & continuous operation. The entire assembly is mounted with water bath
completely encased in metal bound SS. It is equipped with an electrically operated circulating pump & heater.
The temperature is controlled by a digital temperature controller. One rate of travel of 5cm/min is provided. The
machine is suitable for operation on a 220 volts 50 Hz. single phase, AC supply.
The scope of this manual cover the operating Instructions for Digital Ductility Apparatus Model
AIM – 565-DG
This Digital Ductility Apparatus is suitable for indoor operation only and should be used strictly used in
accordance with the details contained in this manual. The apparatus is required to be placed at a suitable
foundation, keeping in mind the comfort of the user.
The instrument can be identified by a Catalogue No. and Serial No. plate on the rear panel of the instrument. This manual
applies to the instrument with the Catalogue No. and Serial No. as indicated on the title page.
Product Specifications
Carefully inspect the package containing the Digital Ductility Apparatus for any external damage during transit.
If there are any signs of external damage, do not open the package, note the damage observed on the
transporter’s receipt and call your Aimil representative / Authorized Aimil Distributor to appraise them of damage
to the package.
If there are no external damage to the package, carefully unpack the container and relieve all the packing
materials. If you observe any damage / dents, inform Aimil or the Authorized Aimil Distributors through whom
the oven was purchased giving details of your purchase order and Aimil’s invoice / packing list details
If the Digital Ductility Apparatus is required to be returned to Aimil for future services, the instrument should be
packed in a manner similar to the manner in which the instrument was originally packed when it was received.
The Digital Ductility Apparatus is intended for indoor use only. Do not install the machine in a place open to the
sky or direct sunlight can fall or where there is a possibility of rain or shower can fall on to it. The apparatus
should be installed / placed on a firm platform. The power should be connected to the apparatus through a three
wire Line, Neutral and Ground supply. Ensure that the location where you install the apparatus is kept is
having ample space around for the user to work with.
Installation Requirements
The Aimil Digital Ductility Apparatus is intended for indoor operation only.
The Digital Ductility Apparatus requires 220V~, 50Hz, Single Phase in AC power supply with its ground
contact properly earthed, conforming to relevant specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).,
preferably with a switch, a fuse and an indicator. Maximum power consumption of the instrument is stated
in the product specification page. Please refer to the page for details and ensure proper wiring.
Connecting the Power to the Equipment
Connect the digital head panel to water bath panel and then connect the supply to the Digital Ductility
Apparatus through the wall outlet as specified above.
The equipment is illustrated in the General Assembly Drawing and the numbers given against the components
of the machines in the description below pertain to this General Assembly Drawing.
It consists of a non-ferrous water bath (7) surrounded by a stainless steel frame (2) and two brackets (09 & 12)
with pins to hold clips of three Ductility Moulds. A provision has been made to hold three specimens at a time.
One bracket (12) is fixed to the water bath (07). The second bracket (09) moves on a lead screw (08) rotated
by a chain drive, the speed of which is regulated by a reduction gear system coupled to a fractional horse power
motor inside the cover (05).
A single rate of travel of 5cm/min. is incorporated. Inside indicates distance traveled show to the display (13)
power, heater & pump on off switch (14). A locked type Handle arrangement is provided by which the
movement of the movable bracket can be arrested or restored without switching off the motor. If the handle (3)
is engaged, when the lead screw is rotating, the movable bracket starts moving. It stops when the lever is
disengaged. A plate with rate of travel marking 5cm/min. is fixed on the top of gear and motor box (10) cover.
The water bath is provided with Digital Temperature controlled heater (06). A temperature sensor controls the
bath temperature to 27°C. An in-built pump is fitted to circulate water in the bath for keeping the temperature
uniform throughout the bath. Sometimes air gets entrapped and the pump does not work. In such cases to
remove entrapped air, connect the discharge copper pipe of the pump to a rubber or any other suitable tube and
suck water from the other end.
Clean three Ductility Moulds and three base plates. Assemble the moulds on base plates. Coat the top surface
of the plates and interior surfaces of the sides of the moulds with a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and
Take enough bituminous material to be tested to fill three moulds. Completely melt the material to a
temperature of 76°C to 100°C above the approximate softening point until it becomes thoroughly fluid. Then
strain it through 300 Micron IS : Sieve, and after thorough stirring pour into three moulds. In filling each mould,
pour the material in a thin stream back and forth from end to end of the mould until it is more than level full.
Leave the moulds to cool at room temperature for 30 to 40 minutes, then place them in water-bath of the Digital
Ductility Testing Machine previously set ready and maintained at 27° ± .5°C (unless testing temperature other
than this is specified) for 30 minutes. For setting the water bath ready, the procedure is as follows:-
Fill the water-bath with water to the extent that it would stand about 10cm above the bitumen material briquettes
when fitted at a later stage on the brackets. Put on the switches marked 'Motor' and 'Heater' on the switch
board. In summer when room temperature of water is higher than 27°C the heater need not be put to use,
control the temperature at 27°C by adding cold water whenever temperature tends to rise above 27°C. By all
arrangement keep the temperature in the water-bath uniform 27°C ± 0.5°C.
After lapse of 30 minutes, take out the moulds from the water bath and cut off the excess bitumen by means of
a hot, straight-edged putty knife of spatula so that each mould is just level full. Place back the base plate and
mould with briquette specimen in the water bath and keep at the specified temperature for about 85 to 95
After 85 to 95 minutes, remove the base plates with moulds containing briquette specimens from the water
bath. Remove the briquette mould from the base plate, detach the side pieces and let the end clips remain
fitted to the briquette specimens. Mount the briquette specimens on the brackets. The holes in the clips of the
moulds should slide into the pins on the opposite brackets. Note the initial reading on the scale. Before starting
the motor, confirm that the water in the water-bath is at a level of about 10cm above the top surface of the
briquettes. If necessary add more water at about 27°C into the water bath to achieve this objective. The water
bath is already set to maintain the temperature of 27°C. Ensure that the temperature in the water bath is
maintained at 27°C ± 0.5°C under all circumstances.
Press the RESET button on the Display Unit to set all the initial readings to zero. Switch on the motor. Pull
the handle to start the rotation of the lead screw. The movable bracket begins to move stretching the
bituminous material briquettes held between the clips until they are ruptured. Take the final reading on the
scale as indicated by the pointer when each briquette is ruptured. From the initial reading and the final reading
calculate the distance in centimeters through which the clips of each briquette have been pulled to produce
rupture. When the last briquette ruptures arrest the movement of the movable bracket by operating the clutch to
disengage position. Take the average of the elongation in centimeters of the three briquettes specimens as the
ductility of the sample.
Clean the moulds from sticking material. Empty the water from the bath if the instrument is not likely to be used
for some time. Keep the lead screw well lubricated with oil or light grease. Keep the instrument clean.
There are no Internal component that can be serviced by the user, except changing the fuses from the rear panel. In case
of difficulty, the user is advised to contact the nearest AIMIL office for assistance, giving the details of the difficulties
encountered. The contact information of all AIMIL offices has been provided at the end of this manual.
Corporate Headquarters :
“Naimex House”
A-8, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate,
Mathura Road, New Delhi - 110 044, India
Tel: +91-11-2695 0001-04, 30810200 Fax : +91-11-2695 0011, 2644 0866
e-mail : website :
Regional Offices :
Naimex House, 88/1, Outer Ring Road, Nagavara, Bengaluru-560 045
Tel.: 91-080-30080129, 30080139, 30080149, Fax : 91-080-2543 5003, 2543 5004
email :
Tower ‘C’ IIIrd Floor, DLF Info City Developers Chandigarh Ltd.Plot No. 22-23
Rajiv Gandhi Technology Park, Chandigarh - 160 101
Tel. No. : +91 172 - 3042049, Telefax : +91 172 - 3042048
“ NOSTALGIA” Ist Floor, New No.4,Old No.14, Soundarapandiyan Street, Ashok Nagar,Chennai-600 083,
Tel: 044 - 23718111 to 14 Fax: 91-44-23711629
315 & 316,3rd Floor, Swapnalok Complex, S.D. Road, Secunderabad –500 003 (A.P.)
Tel: 91-40-30280500 to 30280519, Fax: 91-40-30280520
2, Saket Nagar, Indore - 452018
Tel. : 91-731-2565 944, 2565111 Fax : 91-731-2565 944
Shrachi Tower,6th Floor, C&D Block, 686 Anandapur, E.M. By pass (Near Ruby General Hospital)
Kolkat - 700 107
Tel.: 033-30280410, Fax No. 033 24433305
Saran, 22/330 A, University Road, Cochin University (P.O.), Trikkakara, Kochi - 682 022 Kerala
Tel.: 0484-2577292 e-mail :,
B-101, Arif Apartment, Rai Behari Lal Road, New Hyderabad, Lucknow-226007
Tel: 0522-3208750, Fax: 0522-2781287
“NAIMEX HOUSE“ BSEL Tech Park, B Wing 906, Sector 30A, Plot No. 39/5 & 39/5A, Opp. Vashi
Railway Station, Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
Tel:022-39183554/5,39183564 , Fax: 91-022-39183562
901-902 Gunjan Towers, OFF Alembic - Gorwa Road, Subhanpura,Vadodara – 390 023
Ph. No.: +91 265 3058800, Fax No.: +91 265 3058810