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Relating to the accreditation of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in me-

chanical engineering, process engineering and chemical engineering
(09 December 2011)
The following specifications complement the “ASIIN General Criteria for the Accreditation of
Degree Programmes”.

1 Classification

1.1 Function
The Subject-Specific Criteria (SSC) of the Technical Committee for Mechanical Engineering and
Process Engineering have the premise that the intended learning outcomes framed by Higher
Education Institutions in their own responsibility and according to their academic profile con-
cerning the programmes submitted for accreditation build the main scale for their curricular
Above this the Subject-Specific Criteria of all ASIIN Technical Committees meet a number of
important functions:
The SSC are the result of an assessment, regularly performed by ASIIN Technical Committees,
which summarize what is considered as good practice by a professional community formed
equally by academics and professional practitioners in higher education and is required as fu-
ture-oriented quality of training in the labour market. The expectations outlined in the SSC for
the achievement of study objectives, learning outcomes and competency profiles are not devel-
oped statically. They are rather subject to constant review in close cooperation with organiza-
tions of the professional community, such as associations of faculties and university depart-
ments, professional societies and federations relating professional practice. Applicant universi-
ties are asked to study critically the interaction between the intended learning outcomes they
strive for, the curricula and their relating quality expectations by using SSC and to position
themselves in the light of their own higher education goals.
In their role in the accreditation process the SSC also provide a professionally elaborated basis
for discussion among experts, Higher Education Institutions and bodies of ASIIN. By this they
make an important contribution to the comparability of national and international accreditation
procedures, since it should not be left to chance of the characters of the individual evaluators
which technical parameters find their way into discussion and individual assessment. Simulta-
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 09/12/2011 2 of 15
neously the SSC enumerate those abilities, skills and competencies which may typically be con-
sidered as state of the art of a discipline, but which can always be exceeded and varied, and
also should be in accordance with the objectives of the university.
For inter- and multidisciplinary studies the SSC of ASIIN can provide orientation for presenta-
tion and evaluation. However, they are basically aligned on the core subjects of particular disci-
The SSC of the ASIIN are positioned and coordinated internationally and thus contribute to the
achievement of the unified European Higher Education Area. They act on requirements of the
"Bologna 2020" European strategy to formulate subject specialized, discipline-oriented learning
outcomes as one of the most important means for the promotion of academic and professional
mobility in Europe as quality requirement. The SSC consider, among others, the many prepara-
tions in the context of European projects (e.g. "Tuning") and professional networks.

1.2 Collaboration of the Technical Committees

The Technical Committee 01 – Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering works together
with the other Technical Committees of ASIIN, mostly to give consideration to the requirements
of interdisciplinary study programmes. The universities are called upon to submit their assess-
ment of the assignment of one or several Technical Committees in the course of the application
for an accreditation procedure.
Degree programmes with a proportion of more than 50 percent of mechanical engineering
and/or process engineering contents are overseen by the Technical Committee Mechanical En-
gineering/Process Engineering. The latter is, as a rule, in charge of the accreditation procedure
and seeks advice of auditors from other areas, if needed. When it comes to interdisciplinary
study programmes with a weighted share of mechanical engineering and/or process engineer-
ing contents (below and up to and including 50%) the Technical Committee Mechanical Engi-
neering/Process Engineering and the disciplines involved are jointly responsible or simply pro-
vide auditors.

2 Educational Objectives and Learning Outcomes

The educational objectives are outlined by the description of the learning outcomes required by
the graduates for practising their profession or for post-graduate studies. The outcomes vary in
extent and intensity in accordance with the differing objectives of Bachelor’s and Master’s pro-
In line with the Europe-wide comparability of different profiles of degree programmes as in-
tended by the so-called Bologna process – “in order to accommodate a diversity of individual,
academic and labour market needs” 1 – the Technical Committee supposes the existence of at
least two typical general profiles in mechanical engineering, process engineering and chemical
engineering with relevance for the labour market, education and research: one profile stressing
the scientific fundamentals and research and one profile stressing the scientifically-based appli-
cation; to be designated in the following for short as research-oriented and application-
oriented. The Technical Committee recognizes that both profiles overlap and include common

See. “Realising the European Higher Education Area”, Communiqué of the Conference of Ministers responsible for
Higher Education in Berlin on 19 September 2003, p. 4.
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 09/12/2011 3 of 15
This differentiation also underlies the following presentation of ideal learning outcomes for
Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in mechanical engineering, in process engineering and in chemi-
cal engineering. These are to be understood as an orientation guideline for higher education
institutions in the writing of educational objectives and learning outcomes.

2.1 Requirements on Bachelor’s Degree Programmes

Successfully completed Bachelor’s degree programmes in mechanical engineering / process
engineering / chemical engineering are to facilitate early professional careers (professional
qualification) as well as qualify the graduates for advanced scientific degree programmes or
additional degree programmes other than in engineering sciences.

1. Knowledge and Understanding

Graduates of more research-oriented Bachelor’s degree programmes have in par-

◦ gained a broad and sound knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering,
enabling them to understand the complex phenomena peculiar to mechanical
engineering / process engineering / chemical engineering;
◦ gained an understanding for the broader multi-disciplinary context of Engineering

Graduates of more practice-oriented Bachelor’s degree programmes have in par-

◦ gained extensive technical knowledge as to engineering, mathematics and natural
science with a view to mechanical engineering / process engineering / chemical
engineering, enabling them to carry out scientifically substantiated work and act
responsibly in their professional activities;
◦ gained an understanding of the multi-disciplinary context of Engineering Sciences.

2. Engineering Analysis
Graduates of more research-oriented Bachelor’s degree programmes are in par-
ticular qualified to:
◦ identify, abstract, formulate and holistically solve problems peculiar to mechanical
engineering / process engineering / chemical engineering in their complexity with
an orientation on the fundamentals;
◦ penetrate, analyse and assess products, processes and methods forming part of
their discipline on the basis of system technology;
◦ choose, apply and (further) develop suitable methods of analysing, modelling,
simulating and optimising.
Graduates of more practice-oriented Bachelor’s degree programmes are in par-
ticular qualified to:
◦ identify, formulate and solve problems peculiar to mechanical engineering / process
engineering / chemical engineering based on the application of established scientific
◦ analyse and assess products, processes and methods used in their discipline based
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 09/12/2011 4 of 15
on scientific facts;
◦ choose suitable methods of analysing, modelling, simulating and optimising and
apply them with a high degree of competence.

3. Engineering Design
Graduates of more research-oriented Bachelor’s degree programmes have in par-
◦ the ability to conceive the design of complex machinery, devices, EDP programmes
or processes correspondent to the status of their knowledge and understanding and
according to specified requirements;
◦ a well-founded understanding of design methods and the ability to apply and
(further) develop them.
Graduates of more practice-oriented Bachelor’s degree programmes have in par-
◦ the ability to conceive designs for machinery, devices, EDP programmes or
processes correspondent to the status of their knowledge and to develop them
according to specified requirements;
◦ a practically orientated understanding of design methods and the ability to apply
them in a competent manner.

4. Investigations and Assessment

Graduates of Bachelor’s degree programmes are in particular able to:
◦ carry out literature research in accordance with the status of their knowledge and
understanding and to use data bases and other sources of information for their
◦ plan and carry out suitable experiments correspondent to the status of their
knowledge and understanding, to interpret the data and draw suitable conclusions.

5. Engineering Practice
Graduates of more research-oriented Bachelor’s degree programmes have in par-
◦ the ability to combine theory and practice with the aim to analyse and solve
problems peculiar to engineering sciences with an orientation on methods and
◦ an understanding of applicable techniques and methods and their limits;
◦ the ability to responsible apply and independently consolidate their knowledge in
different fields under consideration of economic, ecologic and safety requirements
as well as sustainability and environmental compatibility;
◦ an awareness of the non-technical effects of engineering activities.

Graduates of more practice-oriented Bachelor’s degree programmes are in par-

◦ able to transfer new findings in engineering and natural sciences to industrial and
commercial production under consideration of economic, ecologic and safety
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 09/12/2011 5 of 15
requirements as well as sustainability and environmental compatibility;
◦ able to plan, control and monitor processes and to develop and operate systems
and equipment;
◦ able to independently consolidate the knowledge gained;
◦ aware of the non-technical effects of engineering activities.

6. Transferable Skills
Transferable skills required for practical engineering activities and beyond are developed
and extended within the study programme.
Graduates of Bachelor’s degree programmes are able to
◦ function effectively as an individual and as a member of a team, including where
relevant coordination of the team;
◦ use diverse methods to communicate effectively with the engineering community
and with society at large;
◦ demonstrate awareness of the health, safety and legal issues and responsibilities of
engineering practice, the impact of engineering solutions in a societal and
environmental context, and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and
norms of engineering practice;
◦ demonstrate an awareness of project management and business practices, such as
risk and change management, and understand their limitations;
◦ recognise the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent, life-long
◦ work and communicate in national and international contexts.

2.2 Requirements on Master’s degree programmes

As a continuation of an initial university degree the Master’s degree programmes lead to the
acquisition of advanced analytic-methodical and technical competences with a view to mechani-
cal engineering / process engineering / chemical engineering.
The educational objectives of Master’s degree programmes ought to integrate the specific
strengths in the field of R&D of the respective university offering the programme.

1. Knowledge and understanding

Graduates of more research-oriented Master’s degree programmes have in par-

◦ extensive advanced knowledge of mathematic-scientific and engineering principles
of mechanical engineering / process engineering / chemical engineering and their
interdisciplinary expansion;
◦ as well as a critical awareness of the latest findings in their discipline.

Graduates of more practice-oriented Master’s degree programmes have in particu-

◦ consolidated knowledge of mathematic-scientific and engineering principles of
mechanical engineering / process engineering / chemical engineering as well as
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 09/12/2011 6 of 15
deepened practice-oriented knowledge in special subjects;
◦ a critical awareness of the newer findings in their discipline.

2. Engineering Analysis

Graduates of more research-oriented Master’s degree programmes are particularly

qualified to:
◦ analyse and solve problems scientifically, which are unusual and/or incompletely
defined and show competing specifications;
◦ abstract and formulate complex problems arising from a new or emerging field of
their discipline;
◦ apply innovative methods to problem-solving based on fundamentals and to
develop new scientific methods.

Graduates of more practice-oriented Master’s degree programmes are particularly

qualified to:
◦ analyse and solve problems scientifically, which are incompletely defined and show
competing specifications;
◦ formulate practice-oriented problems arising from a new or emerging field of their
specialised subject,
◦ use innovative methods for practice-oriented problem-solving (EUR-ACE).

3. Engineering Design

Graduates of more research-oriented Master’s degree programmes are particularly

qualified to:
◦ develop concepts and solutions for fundamentally orientated and partially unusual
problems under broad consideration of other disciplines;
◦ use their creativity to develop new and inventive products, processes and methods;
◦ apply their scientific ability to judge in order to work with complex, technologically
impure or incomplete information.

Graduates of more practice-oriented Master’s degree programmes are particularly

qualified to:
◦ develop solutions for practice-oriented and partially unusual problems also under
consideration of other disciplines;
◦ use their creativity to develop new and inventive practical solutions;
◦ apply their scientific ability to judge in order to work with complex, technologically
impure or incomplete information.

4. Investigations and Assessment

Graduates of Master’s degree programmes are in particular qualified to:

◦ identify, find and procure necessary information;
◦ plan and carry out analytic, model and experimental investigations;
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 09/12/2011 7 of 15
◦ critically assess data and draw conclusions;
◦ investigate and assess the application of new and emerging technologies in their

5. Engineering Practice

Graduates of more research-oriented Master’s degree programmes are in particu-

lar able to:
◦ classify and systematically combine knowledge of different fields and handle
◦ familiarise themselves speedily, methodically and systematically with the new and
◦ assess applicable methods and their limits;
◦ reflect non-technical effects of engineering activities systematically and to integrate
them into their actions in a responsible manner.

Graduates of more practice-oriented Master’s degree programmes are in particu-

lar able to:
◦ combine knowledge in different fields for fast realisation and to handle complexity;
◦ familiarise themselves in a fast and targeted way with the new and unknown;
◦ assess applicable techniques on the basis of their imminent knowledge and to
assess their limits;
◦ recognise non-technical effects of engineering activities systematically and to
integrate them into their actions in a responsible manner.

6. Transferable Skills
Transferable skills required for practical engineering activities and beyond are developed
and extended within the study programme.
Graduates of Master’s degree programmes are able to:
◦ fulfil all the Transferable Skill requirements of a First Cycle graduate at the more
demanding level of Second Cycle;
◦ function effectively as leader of a team that may be composed of different
disciplines and levels;
◦ work and communicate effectively in national and international contexts.

3 Curriculum

3.1 Practical Education (industrial placements)

Carrying out a practical activity is an essential element of engineering education and is prefera-
bly completed on the basis of realistic problems prior to and during the study period in the form
of industrial placements.

The aim of a pre-study industrial placement is the familiarisation with the industry from a
technical perspective prior to studies in a Bachelor’s Degree Programme. Preferable activities
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 09/12/2011 8 of 15
are i. a. the work on and processing of metallic and non-metallic materials, assembly and main-
tenance, laboratorial and pilot plant work in the industrial environment. In accordance with this
aim, the qualified pre-study industrial placement is ideally completed prior to studies and thus
constitutes an admission requirement. As it does not form part of the curriculum and is not su-
pervised by the university, no credit points are awarded.

In an industry placement forming part of the degree programme, the technical and me-
thodical competences gained at university level are to be applied to, extended and deepened in
an industrial environment within the framework of typical engineering activities. Preferred fields
are i. a. development, construction, planning and application technology. Technical laboratories
are supervised by the universities as part of the curriculum, are completed by colloquia and are
awarded credit points.

3.2 Compulsory Elective Subjects, Fields of Studies and Focal Subjects

In the field of compulsory elective subjects there is a clear target orientation for the stu-
dents for the creation of focal points of studies, which is documented through the stipulation of
educational goals. Correspondent exemplary study schedules facilitate the students’ orientation.
If the students are free to prepare individual study schedules, the university employs means for
ensuring a technically sensible composition of the individual schedules in line with the level and
intended competence profile of the relevant degree.

The above paragraph applies correspondingly, if fields of studies or focal subjects or simi-
lar can be chosen.

3.3 Master’s degree programmes

The curricula of Master’s degree programmes reflect the specific R&D competence of the re-
spective university and consistently operate on Master’s level.
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Appendix – Exemplary curricular contents
The appendix relating subject-specific criteria (SSC) of the Technical Committee 01 – Mechani-
cal Engineering/Process Engineering takes up learning outcomes and educational objectives for
graduates of bachelor and master degree programmes, specified in SSC outlined concerning
mechanical, process and chemical engineering. The appendix comprises an exemplary list of
curricular contents and possible education and training forms. The following summary should
be regarded as orientation for the composition of degree programmes. Its intention is to sup-
port higher education institutions in their endeavour to create self-responsibly concrete pro-
gramme objectives, profile types and forms of particular degree programmes, to underline
them with curricular contents and types of adequate education, training and examination. The
Technical Committee 01 – Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering welcomes any innova-
tive development of contents or didactic concepts. Ideally, any chosen forms of learning and
teaching aim at cultivating intrinsic motivation of students.
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 09/12/2011 10 of 15
1 General Mechanical Engineering

1.1 Bachelor’s degree programmes: mechanical engineering

Subject-related competences Exemplary curricular contents

Broad and sound knowledge in mathematics Mathematical and natural sciences fundamen-
and natural sciences applicable to engineering tals, e.g. mathematics, physics, computer sci-
Advanced knowledge and methodological Engineering fundamentals, e.g. technical me-
competence of sub-disciplines of engineering chanics, machine dynamics, vibration theory,
fluid mechanics, technical thermodynamics
including heat and material transfer, electrical
engineering and electronics, materials science,
measurement and control engineering
Ability to apply methodological competence of Engineering applications, e.g. machine engi-
engineering to specific machines and equip- neering, construction/ product development,
ment manufacturing/ production technology

Acquisition and enhancement of specific Advanced subject, focal subject:– electives

knowledge in special disciplines of engineering oriented on fundamentals or application
Transferable competences Exemplary curricular contents
Ability to evaluate technical products and pro- Interdisciplinary content: Economics, non-
cedures relating e.g. their economic and eco- technical electives (if not integrated already in
logic effects the curriculum)

Ability to work in national and international Self-, time- and project management, team
teams development, communication, languages (if
not integrated already in the curriculum)
Competences in work methodology Exemplary curricular contents
Knowledge and skill to work independently on Study projects, bachelor’s thesis
scientific tasks in engineering and to present
work results
Ability of autonomous processing of practical practical training, professional training
engineering taskswithin a professional envi-
1.2 Master’s degree programmes: mechanical engineering, research-oriented

Subject-related competences Exemplary curricular contents

Advanced knowledge in mathematics, sci- In-depth mathematical, sciences and engi-
ences and engineering for the solution of neering: mathematical methods, higher me-
complex tasks chanics, heat and mass transfer, technical
computer science, higher construction the-
ory, tech. physics
Knowledge, skills and methodical compe- in-depth engineering applications: machine
tence in engineering for analysis and synthe- theory, production technology, energy tech-
sis of products and systems nology, process technology, handling tech-
nology, materials science, laboratory practi-
Specific knowledge and competence of Advanced subject, focal subject: fundamental
methods to enhance or broaden topics of electives
engineering science
Transferable competences Exemplary curricular contents
Ability to judge and evaluate how engineer- Interdisciplinary contents: Subjects in the
ing problems are dealt with area of economics, non-technical elective
subjects, (if not integrated in curriculum in
an other way)
Ability to work and communicate confidently Project management, team development,
in national and international teams leadership and facilitation, communication,
languages (if not integrated in the curriculum
in other way)
Competences in work methodology Exemplary curricular contents
Knowledge and capacity to work on autono- Scientific projects, master thesis
mously research and development tasks us-
ing scientific engineering methods, to docu-
ment them and to present work results
Ability to work practically on demanding en- Engineering practice: professional placement,
gineering tasks in the field of research if not accomplished already during previous
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 08/12/2006 12 of 15

1.3 Master’s degree programmes: mechanical engineering, application oriented

Subject-related competences Exemplary curricular contents

In-depth knowledge in mathematical and In-depths mathematics, sciences and engi-
scientific areas and in the field of engineering neering and engineering applications:
sciences for the solution of complex tasks mathematical methods, higher mechanics,
heat and mass transfer, technical computer
science, higher construction theory
Knowledge, skills and methodical compe- In-depth engineering application: Motors and
tence in engineering for analysis and synthe- machines, laboratory practicals, application
sis of products and systems oriented elective subject (power engineering,
conveyor engineering, logistics, etc.)
Specific knowledge and engineering methods Advanced subject, focal subject: application
to enhance or broaden topics of engineering oriented electives
Transferable competences Exemplary curricular contents
Ability to judge and evaluate how engineer- Interdisciplinary contents: Subjects in the
ing problems are dealt with area of economics, non-technical elective
subjects, (if not integrated in curriculum in an
other way)
Ability to work and communicate confidently Projekt management, team development,
in national and international teams control and moderation, communication, lan-
guages (if not integrated in the curriculum in
other way)
Competences in work methodology Exemplary curricular contents
Knowledge and skills to work independently Scientific projects, master thesis
with methods of engineering on application
oriented research and development tasks, to
document them and to present work results
Knowledge and skills to operate practically on Engineering practice: professional placement,
demanding engineering tasks in the profes- if not comprised already in previous studies
sional environment of industry, research in-
stitutions or university
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 08/12/2006 13 of 15

2 Process engineering, biological and chemical engineering

2.1 Bachelor’s degree programmes: process engineering, biological and chemical


Subject-related competences Exemplary curricular contents

Broad and sound knowledge in mathematics Mathematical and scientific fundamentals,
and natural sciences applicable to engineer- e.g. mathematics, chemistry/biology, physics,
ing computer science
In-depth knowledge and methodological Engineering fundamentals, e.g. technical me-
competence of sub-disciplines of engineering chanics, fluid mechanics, technical thermody-
namics including caloric and mass transfer,
electrical engineering and electronics, materi-
als science, system dynamic range and con-
trol engineering
Knowledge and skills in process operations Subjects of process engineering: reaction
technology, fluid and solid materials process
engineering, biotechnology, and other topics
according to the technical orientation
Ability to apply engineering methods to spe- Engineering applications, e.g. production,
cific machines and equipment process and plant technology, safety engi-
neering, environmental engineering, con-
struction and apparatus engineering, supply
and waste technology, CAD/CAE-systems
Acquisition and enhancement of specific Advanced subject, focal subject: basis or ap-
knowledge in special disciplines of engineer- plication oriented electives
Interdisciplinary competences Exemplary curricular contents
Ability to evaluate technical products and Interdisciplinary contents: Subjects in the
procedures relating e.g. their economic and area of economics, non-technical elective
ecologic effects subjects, (if not already integrated by sub-
jects mentioned before)

Ability to work and communicate in national Self-, time- and project management, team
and international teams development, communication, languages (if
not integrated otherwise in the curriculum)
Competences in work methodology Exemplary curricular contents
Knowledge and skill to work independently Studies projects, bachelor’s thesis
on scientific tasks in engineering sciences
and to present work results
Ability of autonomous processing of practice practical placement, professional practice
tasks in engineering within a professional
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 08/12/2006 14 of 15

2.2 Master’s degree programmes: Process engineering, biological and chemical

engineering, research oriented

Subject-related competences Exemplary curricular contents

In-depth knowledge in mathematical and In-depth mathematical, natural and engineer-
scientific areas and in the field of engineering ing sciences: mathematical methods, heat
sciences for the solution of complex tasks and mass transfer, technical chemistry/ biol-
ogy/ physics, technical computer science
Enhanced knowledge, skills and methodical in-depth engineering applications: separation
competence in engineering science for analy- processing, production technology, energy
sis and synthesis of process technological engineering, process engineering, instru-
products and processes ments technology, materials science, labora-
tory practicals
Specific knowledge and competence of Advanced subject, focal subject: fundamental
methods to enhance or broaden topics of electives
engineering science
Transferable competences Exemplary curricular contents
Ability to judge and evaluate how engineer- Interdisciplinary education contents: Subjects
ing problems are dealt with in the area of economics, non-technical elec-
tive subjects, (if not already educated by sub-
jects mentioned before)

Ability to work in national and international Project management, team development,

teams control and moderation, communication, lan-
guages (if not integrated in the curriculum in
other way)

Competences in work methodology Exemplary curricular contents

Knowledge and skills to work independently Scientific projects, master thesis
with methods of engineering on research and
development tasks, to document them and to
present work results
Ability to work practically on demanding en- Engineering practice: professional placement,
gineering tasks in the fields of research if not comprised already in previous studies
SSC 01 Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, 08/12/2006 15 of 15

2.3 Master’s degree programmes: Process engineering, biological and chemical

engineering, practical orientation

Subject related competences Exemplary curricular contents

In-depth knowledge in mathematical and In-depth mathematical, natural and engineer-

scientific areas and in the field of engineering ing sciences and applications: mathematical
sciences for the solution of complex tasks methods, fluid mechanics, technical chemis-
try/ biology/ physics, caloric and mass trans-
fer, automation and process control, technical
computer science
Specific knowledge and skills to apply opera- In-depth and broadended process engineer-
tions in process engineering ing: Unit Operations of chemchal, biological,
mechanical and thermal process engineering
Knowledge, skills and methodical compe- In-depth engineering applications: system
tence in engineering for analysis and synthe- technology, environment and safety engie-
sis of products and systems neering, CAD/CAE-systems, process simula-
tion technology, construction and apparatus
engineering, plant construction
Specific knowledge and competence of Advanced subject, focal subject: application
methods to enhance or broaden topics of oriented electives
Transferable competences Exemplary curricular contents
Ability to judge and evaluate how engineer- Interdisciplinary contents: Subjects in the
ing problems are dealt with area of economics, non-technical elective
subjects, (if not already educated by subjects
mentioned before)

Ability to work and communicate confidently Project management, team development,

in national and international teams control and moderation, communication, lan-
guages (if not otherwise integrated in the
Competences in work methodology Exemplary curricular contents
Knowledge and skills to work independently Scientific projects, master thesis
with scientific engineering methods on appli-
cation oriented research and development
tasks, to document them and to present
work results
Knowledge and skills to work practically on Engineering practice: professional placement,
demanding engineering tasks in professional if not comprised already in previous studies
fields of industry, research institutions or

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