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3 Act Math Worksheet: Mini-Lesson Plan Grade Level

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Mini-Lesson Plan

Grade Level


• 15.NS.2b recognize that integers can be divided,
provided that the divisor is not zero and every
quotient of integers (with a non-zero divisor) is a
rational number (if p and q are integers, then -
(p/q) = (-p)/q = p/(-q)); interpret quotients of
rational numbers by describing real world contexts
• Students will learn how to create quality
questions and problem solve.

Connection: Materials
In previous grades you learned how to divide whole
numbers and positives.
● 3 Act Math Worksheet
● Power point of three act mathematics.
Teaching Point/Purpose: Today, you will learn how to
divide integers to solve real world problems. You will also ● Anchor Chart
learn how to create good questions to help you solve

Warm Up: Directions: Read the following quote and explain what it means to you in a sentence. Be ready to share
after two minutes of time.

“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes
determining the proper question to ask… for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less
than five minutes.”-Albert Einstein
Have students share what they think this quote means. Highlight student response that emphasize the importance of
questioning and problem solving.

Part of today’s lesson will cover mathematics, but the other part of this lesson will teach you an important skill:
problem posing and questioning.

I will collect the worksheet at the end of the class.

[Transition Slide]
There are seven criteria for a good question. As teacher walks through each of the criteria of a good question, the
teacher should have this anchor chart made or create it in class for students to use. Refer to this anchor chart through
the lesson.

-1st is relevant- A relevant question is a question that pertains to the topic. In other words, if the topic is about
division, I would not ask questions about the cell biology. That is for another class or another period.
-2nd the question is clear. A clear question is a question that everyone in the room understands.
-3rd- Concise-. A good question is concise and gets to the point. It is not a trick question!
-4th- Purposeful- A good question must have a purpose. For example, an okay question is “What is the capitol of
Georgia?” A good question is “Why is Atlanta the capitol of Georgia?”
5th- A good question is not biased. For example, “Do you think Fortnite is the best game ever made?” that is a biased
Mini-Lesson Plan
Grade Level
6th – A good question stimulates thinking!- Can you survive without breathing? Is a question that does not stimulate
thinking. The answer does not stimulate any thinking at all! A better question is how long can people hold their
7th- A good question focuses on one concept at a time. Multiple questions should be broken up! When was Georgia
founded and why was it formed?” This is a great example of breaking up two concepts into two questions.

With this criteria outlined, we are going to practice creating good questions with an activity called 3 ACT math.

Transition Slide [4]

Active Engagement:

Write down one question you have about

this picture?

After two minutes, ask students to share out their questions aloud. Write their questions on the board as they

These are all great questions. Today we are going to answer the following question [Transition slide]:
How long will it take him to fall to Earth?
I’m putting this in the worksheet so that I know what question we want to answer by the end of the period.

Before we begin to answer this question, let’s take a guess in seconds!

Write down two numbers we know it cannot possibly be?

As students are writing down their guesses, record their answers on the board.
Highest Number:

Lowest Number:

Best guess?
Mini-Lesson Plan
Grade Level
Before we get into the problem, what information will we need to solve this problem?

How would this information help in solving this problem?

Continue to Act II
Reveal information piece meal. Ask students how would this information help in solving the problem, what else do
you need to solve?
Ask students:
What operation should we use to help solve this problem? Why?

Reveal the answer on ACT III.

Have students reflect if their answer was close. If it was close have them write how they knew how to approach the
problem. If the student answers are far off, ask students what they could have done to make it more accurate?
Students will get a rough estimate of the answer. As the person falling must accelerate up to 1,069 feet per second.
Also included in this time is whether we are including the parachute time. These variables can be discussed as a whole
class. Students should include this information in their reflection.
(Teacher observe students’ conversations to assess their understanding)


Language Arts Strategy Math Strategy

Making Connections Concrete with Manipulatives
Making Predictions Semi-Concrete- visual representation (drawing models
Visualizing to represent work with manipulative)
Questioning Semi-Abstract – Using visual models and/or numerals
Determining Importance Abstract – Using algorithms
Monitoring and Clarifying (place value, student generated etc.) or standard
Inferring algorithms
Strategies of Mathematical Practices
Make sense of problems and persevere in
solving them.
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique
the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically
Attend to precision
Look for and make use of structure
Look for and express regularity in
The teacher will think aloud during…
repeated reasoning.
Mini-Lesson Plan
Grade Level
1. Demonstration
2. Guided Practice
3. Explanation with Examples
4. Inquiry

Active Engagement: The teacher will notice what students do with new learning as they….
Students could
1. Continue the work on the next part of the demonstration text
2. Transfer what they have learned to do to another class text
3. Transfer what they have learned to their own writing/reading
4. Act as researchers, naming what you have done in the demonstration
5. Find and mark a place in their own writing where they could do the work of the demonstration

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