The Peached Faced Love Birds
The Peached Faced Love Birds
The Peached Faced Love Birds
Blue x Blue = Normal Green (MALE) x Lutino binations and how they are inherited,
100% Blue (FEMALE) = we must realize that more than one
All babies produced in this pairing will Normal Green Females method of inheritance may be involved.
be visibly Blue colored. Normal Green/Lutino Males The beautiful Creamino (sometimes
In the beginning, with the first reces-Note all the birds in this pairing are mistakenly called Albino) is produced
sive mutations these genetic tables visibly green and no Lutinos are pro- by mating offspring from a Blue x
were an accurate means of predicting duced. Lutino. Thus both sex-linkage and
what offspring would be produced
and what pairings would produce the
best results. We did not want "POSSI-
BLE SPLITS," or the green colored birds
which mayor may not be able to pro-
Table Seven
recessive tables must be considered.
My point in introducing the genetics
of the Peach-faced Lovebird is not to con-
Normal Green/Lutino (MALE) x fuse you, but to give you a point of ref-
Lutino (FEMALE) = erence in how the mutations evolved and
duce Blues as seen in Table two. Normal Green Females what methods of inheritance were con-
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before we go Normal Green/Lutino Males tributed in the many combinations.
any further it is important for the Lutino Females As I introduce some of the many color
novice to understand that many of the Lutino Males varieties of the Peach-faced Lovebird,
visible colored birds we have today Note that in this pairing all four pos- I will utilize the names given and
are not pure mutations. They are COM- sibilities can be produced including accepted by the African Love Bird
BINATIONS and may be split for many Lutino Males. Society. I will try wherever possible to
different colors. Thus the confusion If two Lutinos, a male and a female, give commonly used names as well,
when a white bird may appear in a nestare crossed, all the babies will be however I advocate sticking with the
of a Blue x Blue. If this happened we Lutino, and both sexes will be pro- ALBS's nomenclature. To our foreign
would then know, that the parent birds duced. readers, I apologize in advance, as I
while being of a visible Blue color, The third method of inheritance in know that you have your own names
lovebirds is called a FACTOR. A factor for the mutations and combinations, and
were also split to white. There is, to some
degree, no limit to the number of com- is a dominant mutation and can be they may not coincide with ours.
binations that can be produced, and it carried by either sex. The American
Yellow Pieds are an example of a muta-
becomes increasingly difficult to under-
stand a bird's genetic background and tion produced by a single factor. When
predict the colors of its offspring. birds cany a factor there is no such thing MUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS
The next method of inheritance we as a split. They are either Pied or IN PEACH-FACED LOVEBIRDS
will examine is what is called SEX- Normal Green. If a Pied is mated with
LINKED. The example we will use a Normal Green, both Pieds and Normal Green Pied Peach-faced
here involved the Lutino. In a sex- Greens can be produced. The first mutation and still one of the
linked mutation we can have Lutinos of We also can examine the dark factors, most beautiful to occur was the Green
either sex, however ONLY THE MALES both single and double. For example, Pied, also called the American Green
a single dark factor green is called a Pied, or previously, Yellow Pied. It
can be split. This is a little more com-
plicated, because now we must not Medium Green or sometimes Jade. A was developed in the thirties in an
only look at the color of the birds double dark factor green is called a Dark aviary owned by a Mr. Ebert outside of
Green or sometimes Olive. Thus, with Los Angeles. According to the late
being paired, but the sex as well. Let's
look at some pairings. In these tables dark factors we have three Green pos- David West, Mr. Ebert was quite pos-
the male will be the first bird listed and sessive of the birds, however, he did fmal-
the female second. Normal Green - no factor ly part with a few to West on the
Medium Green - one dark factor condition that none be sold until he
Dark Green - two or double dark (Ebert) died. Many of the birds eventually
Table Five factor ended up in the hands of the late Mrs.
Lutino (MALE) x Normal Green Some pairings here may include: TM. Towne of Sunland and she raised
(FEMALE) = Normal Green x Medium Green = hundreds until deciding there was no
Normal Green Females Normal Green Offspring market for them, and sent them all to
Normal Green/Lutino Males Medium Green Offspring Japan. The Pieds are well established
Lutino Females Dark Green x Medium Green = today and some gorgeous birds with 9(Jl/o
As you can see, in this cross the Medium Green Offspring or more yellow coloration have been
females produced will he either Normal Dark Green Offspring produced. One important note with
Greens or Lutinos and he males pro- Dark Green x Normal Green = pieds is that they tend to increase their
duced will be split for Lutino. THERE Medium Green Offspring yellow coloration for up to three years.
IS NO SUCH THING AS A SPLIT Thus, a baby that may appear disap-
FEMALE. pointing on fledging may acquire addi-
tional "piedness" with subsequent molts.
As mentioned previously, Pied is a
dominant factor and only one colored
bird is necessary to produce Pied off-
24 July/August 1995
American White
Green Pied
Blue Peach-faced the American Yellow as it is now known once again it was the late David West
David West brought both the first probably originated in Australia. who really assured its establishment
Blues and American Yellow Peach- West did raise offspring from these in aviculture today. As you view these
faced to the United States in the mid- first birds, however we have come full birds today, try to remember that the first
sixties from Holland. The Blue is not a circle again with this mutation and it is Lutinos sold in excess of a thousand dol-
true blue as in the Blue Masked Lovebird
or the Blue Indian Ringneck Parakeet.
not as common as it once was. One
would hate to see a bird with such a col-
lars each! The mutation is sex-linked.
In Europe I believe it is called Par orful past disappear from our aviaries. The Creamino (combination)
Blue. The first Blues were produced in This mutation is recessive. Once the Lutino appeared we all
Europe in a novice's collection who sup- were curious to see what would hap-
posedly neither knew or appreciated Japanese Yellow Peach-faced pen if crossed to the Blue. In Budgerigars
what he had. The "blue" is more "green- The true Japanese Yellow never and Indian Ringnecks one could produce
ish" in color and the scarlet on the became well established in the United a true Albino, however remember the
forehead is replaced by a salmon pink. States. Lee Horton received several in Peach-faced Blue is not a true Blue. Thus,
Blue is a recessive mutation. It is rela- the late 70's (all hens) and stated they the bird first produced by Lee Horton
tively common today and can be pur- laid infertile or deformed eggs. It is of Vista, California was not white but a
chased in many pet stores. probably still raised in Japan, and very pretty pastel yellow-cream color.
reportedly exists in European collections. The eyes in this mutation are red as in
The American Yellow Peach-faced the Lutino. In pet shops I still see these
The Yellow Peach-faced has been COMBINATIONS birds incorrectly called Albinos, a muta-
known by a number of names, the All the mutations mentioned thus tion we have yet to produce. In pro-
most popular and common in the far were combined and the following ducing Creaminos from Lutinos and
United States was "Golden Cherryhead." were produced, some which became Blues one must consider both the sex-
In Japan where the mutation was orig- prevalent and others are rarely seen any- linked and recessive methods of inher-
inally thought to have occurred, it was more. itance. This means that when working
called "Imperial Cherryhead," although with splits, both sexes must be split blue
it is now known that this is not the same American White (Silver) no matter what color, however, if Green
mutation we see in this country today. The American White or Silver as it was or Blue, only males can be split to
The history of this mutation is real- initially known was first raised by David Lutino.
ly quite interesting. The late Mrs. Towne West. It is produced by first pairing At this point I begin to lose track of
claims to have had a dilute yellow bird the Blue with the American Yellow. If some of the chronological order of the
appear in her flock of Pieds. However, their "double" split offspring are paired, evolution of the mutations and combi-
she claims no one showed any interest an American White can be produced. nations because a "population explosion"
in the bird, and she sent it to Japan with The combination is recessive. was about to occur.
the Pieds. Could that bird have been the
founder for the Japanese Yellows Pied Crosses Dark Factors
(Imperial Cherryheads) produced there? Green Pied x Blue = With the arrival of the dark factors a
David West imported the first Yellows Pied Blue number of new combinations would be
from Europe at the same time he Green Pied x American Yellow = produced. I believe Lee Horton received
received Blues. A dealer named Mr. Pied American Yellow (Cherry the first of these. A single dark factor
D'Or assured him that he had birds Pied) Green was first called a Jade, how-
from Japan in quarantine and that West Green Pied x American White = ever is now called Medium Green. A
could have first option to them. Of 20 Pied American White (Silver Pied) double dark factor Green was called an
birds, only two survived and these At one time the Cherry Pieds and Olive, now called Dark Green. The
came to the United States. Admittedly, Silver Pieds were quite popular however, factors were immediately introduced to
West was somewhat disappointed when today one seldom sees them. On the the Blue. A single dark factor Blue was
the birds arrived, as they did not look other hand, the Pied Blue is quite pop- initially called a Cobalt and the double
like the birds' pictures he had seen ular and many gorgeous specimens a Mauve and later sometimes Slate. To
from Japan. Eventually we realized that have been produced. The method of this there was a great deal of dis-
they were not the true Japanese Yellow, inheritance is both a dominant factor and agreement in the Love Bird Society,
but a different dilute yellow entirely. In recessive. In other words a Green Pied as the names were the same as those
1981 a Miss Williams from Perth Australia must be split for Blue to produce a Pied used for single and double dark factor
visited the collection of Lee Horton in Blue. Blue Budgerigars. However, again the
Vista, California and was quite excited Blue Peach-faced is not a true blue, and
to prove her theory that the bird we were ADDITIONAL MUTATIONS AND it was felt those names should be held
calling Cherryhead at the time was COMBINATIONS for colors produced if and when a true
. indeed the same bird she had pur- Blue Peach-faced was produced. They
chased from a Mrs. Davies in Perth. The Lutino are now referred to as Medium Blue and
When she returned to Australia she In my opinion the most beautiful Dark Blue. The dark factors were intro-
asked Mrs. Davies where she sold her mutation ever produced in the Peach- duced to the Pieds as well and even
birds and was told she sold some to Mr. faced Lovebird is the Lutino. It originated today there is confusion as one sees ads
D'Or in Holland. This proved that in the aviaries of a Mrs. Schertzer in Chula for Cobalt and Slate Pieds. The correct
West's birds were not from Japan, and Vista, California in the sixties. However, names recognized by the African Love
26 July/August 1995
Bird Society are: Green ( ormal Green),
Medium Green (Jade), Dark Green
(Olive), Blue, Medium Blue (Cobalt),
Dark Blue ( late), Pied Green, Pied
Judge us by the company we keep
Medium Green, Pied Dark Green, Pied
Blue, Pied Medium Blue, Pied Dark
Dark factors as discussed previous-
ly are dominant. Again for example, a
pairing of Dark Blue with Medium
Blue will produce both Dark and
Medium Blue OffSPling. A pailing of Dark
Blue with Blue will produce Medium
Blue offspring.
Dark factors would be introduced to
virtually every mutation and combina-
tion from here forward.
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The Cinnamon is a mutation where Six Flags • Lion Country Safari • US. Army • US. Air Force • VA Hospitals
the melanin pigments have changed to Countless Zoos • Universities and Game Preserves throughout the Free World
brown. Thus, the body color will be
lighter and the flight feathers will be a
light brown or "cinnamon" color. The
Write for our free catalog!
rump is mud1 darker. Cinnamons are also
hom wid1 plum colored eyes which dark- The Humidaire Incubator Company
en as they mature. The Fallow, which Department W, P.O. Box 9, New Madison, OH 45346-0009
I will discuss later, retains the red eyes.
There are currently two different
Cinnamon mutations. One is known as
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the American Cinnamon and the other Serving the world for 61 years
me Australian Cinnamon. The Australian
Cinnamon is more yellowish in the
Green form. In me Blue combination me
birds are not quite as hlue, perhaps
described as a little "creamier" in the
Australian. All Cinnamons are sex-
In both the American and Australian
Cinnamons most of the other muta-
tions have been introduced in combi-
nation and are recognized in shows.
Many are beautiful birds including the
Pieds. The dark factors as well as the
White-faced and Orange-faced which I
will discuss later have been introduced
as well.
I first heard of the existence of the
Lacewing in the collection of Dr. Rainer
Erhart in the early eighties. Dr. Erhart
claims to have produced this in a cross
where the male is a CiI1namon split for
Lutino and Blue and me hen a Blue. He
produced a Yellow and a White
Lacewing from d1is pairing. He claimed
mat at first glance me Yellow resembled
a Lutino, however the feathers are
darker wim a slight Cinnamon overcast.
The flights are Cinnamon, not white a
in the Lutino although the eyes are
dark red. The rump is light blue. The
::tfa W ATCHBIRD 27
White resembles a Creamino but the
body feathers are less yellow and the
flight off-white. I do not believe thi
mutation wa ever firmly estahli hed.
Lee Horton reported in an article
for the African Love Bird Society mag-
azine in 1983 that a bird sold to him a
an American Yellow actually varied
greatly. The hird wa much more heav-
ily suffused with gr en and the flight
feathers were gray, in tead of near
white as in the American Yellow. The
bird was placed in a flight with Yellows
and it was several seasons before Lee
noticed there a variation in the suffusion
of green in his Yellows. orne of the
Graywings had also been paired off with
Blues, and suhsequently two Blue
Graywings appeared. It appears this
mutation is reces ive a is the American
bnperial Golden-cherryhead (American Yellow)
The Whitefaced actually flfSt appeared
in Belgium in the seventies, however it
was not until the early eighties that
28 July/August 1995
we began to establish them in the
United States. This mutation is a dom-
inant factor and occurs as both a single
and a double factor. The single factor
is known as a Seagreen while the dou-
ble factor is referred to as Whitefaced
Blue. A with tuany of the factored
birds there is some variation by degree
in the body colors of these birds. This
factor has been combined with dark fac-
tors to produce both Medium and Dark
Seagreen as well as Medium and Dark
Whitefaced Blue. It has been introduced
in combination as well to the American
Silver, Creamino, Pied Blue, and
American and Australian Cinnamons. The
mature Whitefaced Blue has a completely
white face and either white or only
faintly pink frontal band. The blue is
closer than any other to the "true blue"
we have been seeking. It is very pop-
ular and many are being bred today.
White-faced Blue
This offspring, instead of the normal Red sometimes parents from other pairs
salmon pink on the throat, was hright Occasionally one hears of red coloring will not appreciate young birds in prox-
orange. This new mutation was called particularly on the breast of the Peach- imity to their nest. The male will feed
Orangefaced. The young bird which faced Lovebird and one time they were the fledglings until weaned, and usu-
turned out to he a male was mated out even heing called red Pieds. However, ally the female will return immediate-
and a number of splits were produced while I have seen a couple of these birds, ly and lay another clutch. Two or three
which in turn in 1982 produced more I have never heard of the color being clutches should be the maximum to
Orangefaced. Since the original bird transferred from one generation to the maintain health and stamina in the
produced was split Blue, John had next. It appears the color is acquired and adults. Babies are mature at about nine
introduced the color to his Blue stock is not a mutation or comhination. months and can be hred at one year.
as well and in 1982 the first Yellowfaced The diet for Peach-faced is the same
as the Blue form was to he called Other Colors as for the rest of the family. A small hook-
appeared. The mutation is recessive. It We can hope to see the development bill mix forms the basis. Some greens,
has heen comhined with many other col- of other color mutations in the Peach- sprouted seed fruits and vegetables
ors and is quite striking. On a visit to Lee faced Lovebird. We eagerly await the like shredded carrot, along with a
Horton's I was particularly impressed to "true blue" and suhsequently a pure true vitamin-mineral supplement round it out.
see Orangefaced Dark Greens, a very Alhino and possibly a gray Peach- For those with an interest in Lovebirds,
pretty combination. faced. you might consider joining the African
Love Bird Society. Its address is PO. Box
Yellow Dark-Eyed Clear Breeding and Feeding 142, San Marcos, California 92079-0142.
The Yellow Dark-Eyed Clear origi- There is nothing particularly difficult Dues are $20 annually, and an excellent
nated in Australia and was called about breeding Peach-faced Lovebirds, journal is puhlished. Please indicate
Australian Pieds. Different from the and they make a great bird for the you heard of the Society through the AFA
American Pied, this mutation is reces- novice. They can be hred in a cage or Watchhird.
sive. When comhined with Blues it is an aviary, however 18 in. square would Most important, keep raising those
known as White Dark-Eyed Clear. he the smallest cage I would recommend. quality Lovebirds. The next new muta-
The main thing is to get a pair. Peach- tion could appear in your aviaries ...
Violet faced Lovehirds are not sexually dimor-
The Violet factors are prohably attract- phic, meaning there is no color difference Acknowledgments:
ing more attention than any mutation cur- hetween the sexes. So you must rely on Many people have helped me throughout
rently, and in the various combinations either a knowledgeahle experienced the years. David West was a friend, teacher and
a "mentor" in learning about the lovebirds. Lee
are producing some very attractive breeder, or one of the several methods
Horton and Roland Dubuc, co-founders of the
birds. Green Violets are primarily'dis- of sexing available. If hred in a group African Love Bird Society, continue to assure
tinguishable hy the deep violet color of the birds will find their own mates of the prevalence of lovebirds in American avi-
the rump. When comhined with the choice, however be careful as extra culture. Dr. Rainer Erhart, Mark Roberts,
Blue, one starts to see the more purple birds are not always welcome and seri- Nancy Polloreno and the staff at the San
colored birds which are sought after. ous fighting may occur. Diego lex) have been helpful and supportive.
There are certainly degrees of shading A wooden nest box, hudgie size or A big THANK YOU to all.
and two hirds of the same combination a little larger is desirahle. I do not rec-
Author's Note:
may not look the same. Whitefaced ommend Cockatiel boxes as they are too I want to tell you about a misfortune in my
Violets are a pretty combination with large. They need nesting material and collection in the hopes it will not happen to you.
striking contrast between the facial the section of the country you live in will
This year in the Nyasa colony 15 eggs were laid
color and hody. Violet Pieds can he determine what you use. In California in the first round by three pairs and 10
heautiful as well, however as in all we have an ample supply of palm hatched, a ratherpleasing accomplishment. It
Pieds, variance occurs. Some Violet fronds. However, willow branches, was not to last however, as the babies began
Pieds are so indistinguishable that one honeysuckle or acacia can be offered. dying offconsistently. I sent them in for post-
ing and the results came back Candida. The
must .look very closely to see if they carry One should avoid things like newspa-
the violet factor. The violet factors have per, string or hurlap as these provide no
vet and I ux>re baffled as to where it camefrom ...
and then realized the problem was probably
also been introduced to the American humidity in the nest, which is required. in the cooked beans Ifeed, which I have advo-
and Australian Cinnamons. The female will cut the nest material into cated and the birds relished. It was a costly les-
strips and carry them to the hox in son to leant, and I now recommend that if beans
Fallow her rump feathers where she will con- are fed, feed in separate sterile or disposable
The Fallow like the Cinnamon has containers, and remove uneaten portions
struct a pad and occasionally a semi-
a reduction of melanin which give~ it a domed nest. Four to five eggs are
within 30 minutes of offering. The Nyasas
were medicated and two babies have sur-
"wash" lightening the body color. average, laid every other day, and incu- vived so far. The prognosisfor these birds is still
However it retains the albinistic red hated for 21 days. The first egg laid will not very good. Their immune systems are
eye. One hreeder told me the eye is even hatch first, and if fertile, the others will weak and apparently they do notfare well in
redder than that of a Lutino. I believe hatch every other day in the order they proximity to other birds. A second round ofeggs
the bird first appeared in Germany in were laid. The babies will fledge in about have been laid, and now most ofthem are infer-
two different strains. So far in the tile (most ofthe first eggs werefertile), a prob-
seven to eight weeks, with the oldest out lem we sawyears ago in Nyasas. Ironically, their
United States, they have proven difficult first.
to estahlish and few birds have been pro- nearest rare cousin, the Black-eheeked Lovebird
If you choose to breed in a colony, is becoming well established now and theirfuture
duced. It is recessive. you should watch for fighting because looks secure. ,..
30 July/August 1995