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Data Modeling using E-R Model

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At the end of this exercise, students must be able to:

a) Examine business rules
b) Analyze and model relationship based on a set of information requirements
c) Use a relationship matrix to track the existence or relationships between entities
d) Draw an ERD using Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler


Logical Data Model

The goal of a logical data model is to develop an entity relationship diagram that
represents the information requirements of the business. Logical data modeling is
independent of the hardware or software to be used for the implementation.

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a detailed, logical and graphical representation of

the entities, associations and data elements for an organization or business area.

Table 2.1 Components of an ERD

Component Purpose Example

Entity An object or concept about which you - DEPARTMENT
want to store information. - EMPLOYEE
Relationship A natural association that exists between - DEPARTMENT may contain
two or more entities. one or many EMPLOYEEs.
- An EMPLOYEE must be
assigned to one and only one
Attributes Description of entities and specific EMPLOYEE
pieces of information that must be - First name
known. - Last name
- Email

Associative entity is an entity type that associates the instances of one or more entity
types and contains attributes that are peculiar to the relationship between those entity
instances. It is a relationship that can be modeled as an entity type.

Relationship Types
 One-to-One (1:1)
 One-to-Many (1:M) or Many-to-One (M:1)
 Many-to-Many (M:M)
Cardinality is the minimum and maximum number of values in the relationship.
 Minimum values can be either optional (zero) or mandatory (at least one).
 Maximum values can be either one or many.

Figure 2.1 Cardinalities

Step-by-Step Construction of ERD

1. Identify entities
2. Find relationships
3. Draw rough ERD
4. Fill in cardinality
5. Define primary keys
6. Draw key-based ERD
7. Identify attributes
8. Map attributes
9. Draw fully attributed ERD
10. Check results



Prepare an E-R diagram for a real estate firm that lists property for sale. The following
describes this organization:

 The firm has a number of sales offices in several states. Attributes of sales office include
Office_Number (identifier/key) and Location.
 Each sales office is assigned one or more employees. Attributes of employee include
Employee_ID (identifier/key) and Employee_Name. An employee must be assigned to
only one sales office.
 For each sales office, there is always one employee assigned to manage that office. An
employee may manage only the sales office to which he/she is assigned.
 The firm lists property for sale. Attributes of property include Property_ID (identifier)
and Location. Components of Location include Address, City, State, and Zip_Code.
 Each unit of property must be listed with one (and only one) of the sales offices. A sales
office may have any number of properties listed, or may have no properties listed.
 Each unit of property has one or more owners. Attributes of owners are Owner_ID
(identifier) and Owner_Name. An owner may own one or more units of property. An
attribute of the association between property and owner is Percent_Owned.
Task 1
Analyze the business rule and fill-in the relationship matrix in Table 2.2 to track the
existence of relationships between entities.

Table 2.2 Relationship Matrix

Task 2

Draw a fully attributed ERD with keys based from the relationship matrix you have created
in Task 1.

Note: Be sure to include all attributes, relationships, and minimum and maximum

Task 3

Draw the ERD in Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler based from the design that you have
created in Task 2.

Department Information Technology

Subject Code CCS0014
Description Information Management
Term/Academic Year 1 / SY20182019

Topic Data Modeling using E-R

Lab Activity No 2
Lab Activity Data Modeling using E-R

Note: The following rubrics/metrics will be used to grade students’ output in the lab
Criteria Descriptions Points
Relationship Matrix The entities and the relationship of 40
entities should be properly identified
and labeled on the Relationship Matrix
table in Task 1

Completeness of the Entity The ERD should have complete 40

Relationship Diagram attributes with keys based on the
relationship matrix done in Task 1. It
should also include relationships, and
minimum and maximum cardinalities.
Proper implementation Proper use of symbol for entities with 20
complete attributes and primary keys
and relationships applied on SQL
developer data modeler.
Total 100%

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