Astm D6565

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Designation: D 6565 – 00 (Reapproved 2005)

Standard Test Method for

Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil by the
Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Method1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6565; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D 2216 Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water

1.1 This test method covers the determination of water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
content (or moisture content) in soil by the use of the D 4643 Test Method for Determination of Water (Moisture)
electromagnetic technique called Time-Domain Reflectometry Content of Soil by the Microwave Oven Method
(TDR). D 4700 Guide for Soil Sampling from the Vadose Zone
1.2 This test method was written to detail the procedure for D 4944 Test Method for Field Determination of Water
conventional TDR measurements of soil. Other TDR applica- (Moisture) Content of Soil by the Calcium Carbide Gas
tions exist for the purpose of quantifying water content in soil Pressure Tester Method
and are not covered here, such as flat probe technologies and D 5220 Test Method for Water Content of Soil and Rock
wetting front advance methods. In-Place by the Neutron Depth Probe Method
1.3 Commercial TDR applications exist which automate the 3. Terminology
TDR methodology and are not detailed in this test method. It is
likely that overlap exists in the automated commercial systems 3.1 Definitions:
versus this applied method, and the user is encouraged to 3.1.1 time domain reflectometry (TDR)—an electromagnetic
adhere to this test method when applicable. method used in the determination of water content of soil.
1.4 This test method is one of a series on vadose zone 3.1.2 Definitions of other terminology used in this guide
characterization methods. Other standards have been prepared may be found in Terminology D 653.
on vadose zone characterization techniques. 4. Summary of Test Method
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 4.1 A specially constructed, multi-wave-guide TDR probe is
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- inserted into the soil. The electronic cable tester (or automated
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- commercial TDR electronics) is used to send a pulsed wave-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. form to the probe. The cable tester then receives a return signal
which was influenced by the dielectric constant of the soil,
2. Referenced Documents which in turn is a function of water content. An analysis of the
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 waveform trace supplies the necessary information to calculate
D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained the water content of the soil.
Fluids 5. Significance and Use
D 1452 Practice for Soil Investigations and Sampling by
Auger Borings 5.1 The determination of the water-content, or moisture
content, of soil is one of the fundamental needs in the soil
physics and hydrology disciplines. The need arises from
requirements for defining the optimal time for irrigation, the
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and infiltration rate, the soil-moisture flux, contaminant transport
Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.21.02 on Vadose Zone
Monitoring. rates, and evaluating the potential for leakage from a waste site
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2005. Published December 2005. Originally or a surface or subsurface barrier.
approved in 2000. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as D 6565 – 00.
5.2 The TDR application covered in this test method is that
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
used for point measurements of moisture content in soil. The
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on application is either through manual insertion into the soil or by
the ASTM website. burying a probe in the subsurface to acquire moisture content

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 6565 – 00 (2005)

Fig. 1(a) Properly installed probe Fig. 1(b) Improperly installed probe
FIG. 1 Properly and Improperly Installed TDR Probes

data at a specific location. In addition, core samples may be exposure. In addition, the dielectric of the soil changes as a
tested with TDR at a drill site to acquire real-time soil moisture function of temperature.
data. 6.5 A static charge on the coaxial cable may cause damage
to the TDR cable tester unit. To avoid possible damage to the
6. Interferences electronics, always dead-short the TDR probe leads to each
6.1 TDR measurements in conductive soils are hampered by other. This will discharge the static charge in the cable prior to
the conductivity of the soil and the resulting signal attenuation. connecting the cable assembly to the TDR cable tester unit.
Typically, the amplitude of the voltage pulse reflected back to 6.6 Voids in the path of, or adjacent to, the probe can cause
the TDR instrument is diminished in proportion to the soil’s the soil moisture to appear lower than it actually is. This same
electrical conductivity. When the soil’s electrical conductivity effect can be seen when the top of the probe is not seated
is high enough, there is insufficient signal strength for the TDR properly (see Fig. 1(b)).
instrument to detect. TDR probes employing a balancing balun 6.7 This test method is not appropriate for measuring the
transformer are particularly susceptible to this effect. The balun moisture content of frozen soils.
transformer compounds the problems in analyzing the signals 6.8 Metals of natural (for example, ores) or manmade (for
from probes with rod lengths of 15 cm or less (1).3 example, barrels) origin may affect measurements if they are
6.2 Clay soils also attenuate a TDR probe signal. Conduc- present in sufficient quantity and are within the volume of soil
tive soils which have a significant amount of clay attenuate the tested by the device.
signal the most. A partial solution to signal loss is to reduce the 6.9 As the moisture content decreases below 5 % by vol-
length of the probe (2). However, as the probe length shrinks, ume, the difference in dielectric between the soil and water
the precision of the moisture content estimates worsens. diminishes and the ability of the TDR technique to quantify
6.3 A solution to the problem is to use a probe rod length of moisture content with any degree of certainty is compromised.
15 cm and to electrically insulate the probe (3). This can be
accomplished by spraying the probe rods with a clear resin 7. Apparatus
coating or applying a very thin layer of marine epoxy resin. 7.1 The basic TDR system consists of a Tektronix4 1502B
The marine epoxy resin is a hard, non-conductive, and non- cable tester (or comparable unit) and a cable/probe assembly,
absorbing coating which adheres well to the metallic rods. The as shown in Fig. 2. The cable tester generates a fast rise time
rods should be slightly abraded to enhance resin adhesion. The pulse which propagates along the coaxial transmission line
coating should have a minimal effect upon the accuracies until it reaches an impedance change. At this point, a portion of
observed if applied in an even thickness about the rods. The the signal is reflected back to the cable tester and is displayed
coatings should be inspected on a regular basis for wear. as a change in amplitude. If the reflection point is lower in
6.4 Temperature effects have been observed when using impedance than the cable, then the reflection will be displayed
TDR in the field. Temperature effects are particularly trouble- as a drop in amplitude. If it is higher in impedance, then it will
some for systems where the user has predefined a probe be displayed as a rise in amplitude. The cable tester measures
beginning point within the software and employs long TDR the time for a pulse to travel the distance between the
probe cable lengths (;30 m or more). The cable shrinks and beginning and end points of the probe, as displayed on the
contracts as a function of temperature. Naturally the maximum screen, and converts this time to a distance. Fig. 3 shows a
and minimum cable lengths occur during the warmest, and typical TDR trace with the probe connected to the instrument
coolest times of the day, respectively. The solution is to avoid and inserted into a wet soil sample. It should be noted that the
defining a beginning point of the cable tester trace within the impedance of the probe assembly in the wet soil is lower than
users software. Also, thermal effects can be minimized by the cable, hence the amplitude of the return signal is lower. At
burying the cable or otherwise protecting the cable from

The Tektronix 1502B is the instrument around which the TDR probe technol-
The boldface numbers given in parentheses refer to a list of references at the ogy has been developed. With rare exception, commercial companies selling a TDR
end of the text. probe system employ this instrument in their systems.

D 6565 – 00 (2005)

FIG. 4 Typical 3-Rod TDR Probe Configuration

FIG. 2 Basic TDR System

FIG. 5 Typical 2-Rod TDR Probe With Balun Transformer

FIG. 3 Typical TDR Trace When the TDR Probe is Inserted Into
Moist Soil stored data, and real time data acquisition and control by
computer through an RS232 serial interface.
the end of the probe assembly the impedance again changes 7.3 With the use of a computer, and a series of multiplexers,
(impedance increases) and is reflected in Fig. 3 as a gradual a large number of TDR probes may be queried in a sequential
rise in amplitude. fashion, and the data stored for later retrieval and analysis.
7.2 TDR probes are typically divided into two categories:
Two rod probes employing a balancing balun transformer, and 8. Preparation of Apparatus
multi-rod probes which do not require a balancing balun 8.1 Determining the proper propagation velocity (Vp) to be
transformer. Fig. 4 is an example of a multi-rod TDR probe used in conjunction with the TDR probe is an important item in
while Fig. 5 is a typical two rod/balun TDR probe. Typically setting up a TDR probe system. The first step is to accurately
rod lengths, materials, diameters, and rod spacings vary from measure the length of the cable and probe assembly. The
probe to probe. These parameters are chosen as a function of propagation velocity may then be determined by performing
the soil to be tested, the longevity of the test, and the the following procedure.
sensitivities required from the probe. 8.1.1 After attaching the TDR probe cable to the TDR cable
7.2.1 The two-rod balun probe makes use of a signal tester, adjust the distance/division control to the appropriate
balancing balun. A balun (also known as a balancing trans- setting. For example, if the cable/probe assembly is 1 m, adjust
former) allows the user to connect two wires of dissimilar the distance/division control to 1 m/div.
impedances. A typical example of impedance mismatch appli- 8.1.2 Turn the position adjustment until the distance reading
cable to TDR probes is the 50 ohm coaxial cable connected to is the same as the cable/probe assembly length.
twin lead 185 ohm antenna wire. The balun transformer5 is 8.1.3 Turn the propagation control (Vp) until the cursor is
inserted at this junction so as to balance the impedance resting on the first rising portion of the reflected pulse, that is,
mismatch. the end of the probe. Shorting the ends of the probe together
7.2.2 The balun transformer used in two rod probes has will aid in determining the end of the probe as reflected in the
typically been a source of signal loss. A new type of balun has TDR trace. The Vp controls of the instrument are now set to the
been developed (4) which alleviates the problems encountered Vp of the cable/probe assembly.
with the typical balun.
7.2.3 Multi-rod, or multi-waveguide, probes employ, at a 9. Calibration and Standardization
minimum, three conductive rods arranged in a symmetric 9.1 For best results, the TDR system should be calibrated to
pattern. The diameter of the rods, length, rod material, and the soil to be tested. This can be accomplished by acquiring a
spacing may vary. sufficient quantity of the soil to be tested, so as to provide a
7.2.4 Some commercially available systems offer the user minimum of seven soil samples, mixed to a uniform volumetric
multi-probe configurations, direct digital read out, data storage water content, as shown in Table 1.
capabilities, probe lengths up to 120 cm long, time tagging of 9.2 Use an oven-drying or microwave-drying technique to
remove any residual water from the soil samples. Periodic
weighing of the sample is required to establish when the soil is
A typical balun used here is the Type T.P. 103 Balun as sold by the dry. Two successive measurements of equal weight should be
Adams-Russel Co., of Burlington, MA. sufficient.

D 6565 – 00 (2005)
TABLE 1 Example of Volumetric Moisture Content of Calibration If the probe is found to be in proper working order, reinsert the
Sam probe into the calibration sample, and again note the beginning
5% 10 % 15 % 20 % 25 % 30 % 35 % and end points.
10.6 If the beginning point is the same as that found in air
then continue with the sampling; if not, cease sampling, and
9.3 Using the dry soil, prepare seven soil samples having the check the system for damage or improper instrument settings.
volumetric water content as outlined in Table 1. Place the Repair or readjust as required.
calibration samples into a plastic container. Do not use a metal 10.7 Insert the probe into the sample following instructions
container for the calibration samples. The calibration container 10.3-10.6. Determine the apparent trace length, la, as shown on
should be of a sufficient size such that the radius of influence the TDR instrument. It is very important to be able to properly
of the TDR probe is not affected by the container or surround- determine the correct beginning and end points of the probe
ing air. when inserted into a soil sample. The end point, as observed on
9.4 Insert the probe into the calibration sample and, using the TDR instrument, will vary with water content. Improperly
the procedure outlined in Section 11, and calculate the volu- determining the trace end point will introduce gross errors in
metric water content. Repeat this procedure until all samples the predicted water content. Traditionally, the end points are
have been sampled at least three times. determined graphically by the user. More recently, various
9.5 Use an oven-drying or microwave-drying technique to algorithms have been developed to automate the processing of
quantify the actual water content of the soil samples used in the the data to determine the endpoints through mathematical
TDR calibration (as outlined in Test Methods D 2216 or analyses. The application of these automated analysis tech-
D 4643). niques is beyond the scope of this standard. Using the
9.6 If inaccuracies are noted then conduct a regression equations outlined in Section 11, calculate the volumetric water
analysis. Inaccuracies are defined as repeated errors greater content.
than plus or minus 2 % (for example, the calibration sample is
10.8 Leave the probe in the sample and repeat the measure-
mixed to a 15 % volumetric water content and the user
ment and the calculation. The soil should be sampled a
continuously arrives at a volumetric water content of 13 % or
minimum of three times to ensure repeatability and accuracy.
less, or 17 % or greater). The number of samples and the
The same sampling rate is applied to soils sampled in the field.
volumetric water percentages listed in Table 1 have been
chosen so as to allow the user to conduct a representative 10.9 For systems which have been set-up for long term
regression analysis. A regression analysis will yield a math- monitoring, a periodic operational check of the system should
ematical relationship between the laboratory sample analyses be conducted.
of water content and the theoretical TDR calculations of water
content (from Eq 2). Should it be necessary to work with soils 11. Calculation
having a significantly large volumetric water content (approxi- 11.1 Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is a method which
mately >35 %), then the user is encouraged to conduct a can be used to measure the volumetric water content of soil, uv
non-linear regression analysis. (where: uv = Vw/Vt, Vw = volume of water [L3], and Vt = total
9.7 No commercial calibration standards presently exist by volume of soil [L3]). A unique relationship exists between the
which to calibrate the TDR probe. volumetric water content of soil (uv) and its dielectric constant,
Ka, where: uv = f (Ka) (5).
10. Procedure 11.1.1 The dielectric constant, Ka, is related to the apparent
10.1 Set the propagation velocity (vp) as outlined in Section length (la) of the probe as shown in Eq 1:
Ka 5 [la/~lp*vp!#2 (1)
10.2 With the probe in air, record the beginning and end
points of the probe as indicated by the TDR instrument. where:
10.3 If small soil samples are to be tested, ensure that the lp = actual probe rod length [L],
containers used are large enough to allow insertion of the probe la = apparent length of the probe rod as determined from
without touching either the bottom or sides of the container. the TDR trace [L], and
10.4 Insert the probe into the soil sample, taking care to vp = propagation velocity of the signal [L/T].
ensure that no air gaps exist between the probe rods or the 11.1.2 la is determined by subtracting the beginning point of
interface between the soil and probe base. Fig. 1(a) depicts a the probe, lbegin, from the end point of the probe, lend, while the
TDR probe properly inserted into a soil sample while Fig. 1(b) probe is inserted into the soil sample. Once the apparent length
depicts a TDR probe improperly inserted into a soil sample. Air of the probe, la, is calculated, this information is used to
gaps decrease the accuracies observed. In addition, care should determine the dielectric constant (Ka) of the soil (Eq 1). Topp
be taken to ensure that the waveguides remain parallel. If the (5) determined that the dielectric constant of soil is related to
waveguides are not parallel, inaccuracies will result. Record the volumetric moisture content by the empirical relationship:
the beginning and end points of the probe while inserted in the
uv 5 –0.053 1 ~0.0292!Ka – ~5.5310–4!Ka2 1 ~4.3310–6!Ka3 (2)
10.5 The beginning point should be the same as noted with 11.1.3 Other equations have been used to determine mois-
the probe in air. If the beginning point is not the same, remove ture content from TDR data, but the Topp equation is the most
the probe from the calibration sample, and check for damage. widely used. In reality, the relationship between actual and

D 6565 – 00 (2005)
predicted moisture content has some uncertainty due to differ- configuration, technique used to analyze the TDR data, and
ences in the dielectric of the media. Therefore a regression operator skills and experience.
analysis is typically performed to develop a calibration rela- 13.1.2 A calibration procedure, as outlined in Section 9, is
tionship for better accuracy between observed versus TDR recommended for optimum performance of a TDR system. A
results. regression analysis of laboratory moisture content values
versus theoretical TDR calculated moisture content (as defined
12. Report by Eq 2) should yield a relationship that will estimate moisture
12.1 Report the following information: contents within 61 % by volume.
12.1.1 The volumetric water content to the first decimal 13.2 Precision:
(tenths of a percent) when the average of replicate values 13.2.1 Precision of this test method is established by statis-
permits, tical analysis of repeated measurements of a TDR system.
12.1.2 The repeatability of the measurements. Accuracies Holding all experimental conditions constant, thirty (30) TDR
should not vary by more than 62 % volumetric water content, measurements of moisture content are made on a soil sample
12.1.3 The mean, standard deviation, and the standard error, within a range of interest for moisture. The mean and standard
deviation are calculated from these data. Experience has shown
12.1.4 The calibration equation used and the method used to
that experiments holding all variables constant have resulted in
determine the equations coefficients,
measurement errors of 6 2 % for uv. If the data are calibrated
12.1.5 The date, time, and location where the sampling
to actual soil analyses through regression, then 61 % precision
occurred, and
may be expected (7). If variations larger than 6 2 % are
12.1.6 The probe configuration, that is, two-rod with balun,
encountered for multiple runs using standard calibration tech-
three rod, rod length, and so forth.
niques, results should be considered suspect, and the tests
should be repeated.
13. Precision and Bias 13.3 Multilaboratory Precision—There is no multilabora-
13.1 Bias: tory precision information at this time.
13.1.1 The resolution of the TDR measurement depends on
the resolution of the TDR instrument, the properties of the soil 14. Keywords
(electrical properties and dielectric constant), cable length 14.1 Balun transformer; multiplexers; propagation velocity;
(long cables attenuate the amplitude of the return signal and soil samples; TDR probes; time domain reflectometry (TDR);
contribute to noise (for example, antenna effects)), probe volumetric water (moisture) content


(1) Zegelin, S.J., White, I, and Jenkins, D.R., “Improved Field Probes for (5) Topp, G.C., Davis, J.L., and Annan, A. P. “Electromagnetic Determi-
Soil Water Content and Electrical Conductivity Measurements using nation of Soil Water Content: Measurements in Coaxial Transmission
Time Domain Reflectometry,” Water Resource Research, Vol. 25, Lines,” Water Resource Research, Vol. 16, 1980, pp. 574-582.
1989, pp. 2367-2376. (6) Jacobsen, O.H., and Schjonning, P., “A Laboratory Calibration of Time
(2) Dalton, F.N., and van Genuchten, M., “The Time Domain Reflectom-
Domain Reflectometry for Soil Water Measurement Including Effects
etry Method Measuring Soil Water Content and Salinity,” Geoderma,
of Bulk Density and Texture,” Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 151, 1993,
Vol. 38, 1986, pp. 2370250.
pp. 147-157.
(3) Hokett, S.L., Chapman, J.B., and Cloud, S.D. “Time Domain Reflec-
tometry Response to Lateral Soil Water Content Heterogeneities,” Soil (7) Zegelin, S.J., White, I, and Russell, G.F., “A Critique of the Time
Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 56, 1992, pp. 313-316. Domain Reflectometry Technique for Determining Field Soil-Water
(4) Spaans, E.J.A. and Baker, J.M., “Simple Baluns in Parallel Probes for Content”, Advances in Measurement of Soil Physical Properties:
Time Domain Reflectometry,” Soil Science Society of America Jour- Bringing Theory into Practice. Soil Science Society of America,
nal, Vol. 57, 1993, pp. 668-673. Special Publication no. 30, 1992, pp. 187-208.

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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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