EMT-Special Skill Curriculum Intravenous Therapy: Revised December 2011
EMT-Special Skill Curriculum Intravenous Therapy: Revised December 2011
EMT-Special Skill Curriculum Intravenous Therapy: Revised December 2011
Intravenous Therapy
PREFACE ....................................................................................................................... iv
Required Instruction for Intravenous Therapy Training......................................... v
EMT-IV Special Skill Curriculum – Instructor Guidelines ................................................. 1
Washington State Training Course Forms ............................................................ 1
Course Length ...................................................................................................... 2
Washington State Clinical/Field Internship Rotation Requirements ...................... 2
EMT IV Special Skill Practical Skill Evaluation Process ....................................... 3
Intravenous Therapy Training Endorsement ........................................................ 3
Training Program Personnel ................................................................................. 4
Program Director/Course Coordinator ....................................................... 4
Program Faculty/Instructors ....................................................................... 4
Course Medical Director ............................................................................ 5
Facilities ............................................................................................................... 5
Equipment and Supplies ....................................................................................... 5
How to Use the Curriculum ................................................................................... 6
Objectives .................................................................................................. 6
Declarative ................................................................................................. 6
EMT-Intravenous Therapy Special Skill Curriculum ........................................................ 1
Lesson 1: Overview of Human Systems ............................................................... 2
Lesson 2: Patient Assessment & Clinical Decision Making ................................ 11
Lesson 3: Assessment and Management of Shock ............................................ 17
Lesson 4: Intravenous & Intraosseous Line Placement and Infusion ................. 27
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 43
Appendix A - EMT-Intravenous Therapy Special Skill Estimated Course Hours .. 1
Appendix B - Possible Abandonment Situations - Student Handout..................... 1
Appendix C – IV Technician Skill Maintenance Requirements ............................. 1
IV Related Skills Maintenance Requirements for the CME Method ........... 3
IV Related Skills Maintenance Requirements for the OTEP Method ......... 4
Appendix D – Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets . 1
Flow Chart - EMT-IV Provider Course Practical Skill Evaluation Process.. 3
Narrative - EMT-IV Provider Course Practical Skill Evaluation Process .... 3
Patient Assessment - Medical.................................................................... 7
Patient Assessment - Trauma.................................................................... 9
Bleeding Control/Shock Management ..................................................... 11
Intravenous Therapy ................................................................................ 13
Intravenous Bolus Administration ............................................................ 13
Intraosseous Infusion .............................................................................. 15
Required Scores for Successful Completion............................................ 19
EMT-IV Therapy Special Training: Washington State
DOH 530-136 December 2011
The purpose of EMT-IV Therapy special training is to provide specific, limited life-saving
skills to rural areas that are unable to develop or maintain full paramedic service. This EMT-
IV Therapy Special Skill Curriculum represents the minimum required information to be
presented within a course leading to endorsement for EMT-IV Therapy. EMTs who take
this course must have a minimum of one (1) year of field experience as an EMT to
complete this training. This level is not a substitute for paramedics in existing services.
Approval of this course and endorsement of personnel shall be based on the Regional
EMS/TC Plan, and shall result in an improved level of care. People who successfully
complete the training are allowed to use the skills only upon approval of the County Medical
Program Director (MPD). Caution should be used when considering the number of
EMT-IV providers trained in an area because of the skill maintenance requirements.
There is additional education that will be required of EMT-IV providers who operate in the
field, i.e. ambulance driving, heavy and light rescue, basic extrication, special needs, and so
on. This information may differ among communities. Each training program or system
should identify and provide special instruction for these training requirements. This
curriculum is intended to prepare a medically competent EMT-IV Therapy provider to
operate in the field.
Enrichment programs and continuing education will help meet other specific needs for the
EMT-IV Therapy provider’s education. The training must also meet skill maintenance
requirements for continued MPD approval to use the skill. Skill maintenance requirements
for the CME and OTEP methods are provided in Appendix C.
For any patient requiring care beyond the BLS level, it is also intended that when paramedic
service is available, EMT-IV personnel shall contact medical control for advice about
rendezvous with paramedics as soon as possible.
EMT-IV Therapy Special Training: Washington State
DOH 530-136 December 2011
Required Lessons
Lesson 1: Overview of Human Systems
Lesson 2: Patient Assessment & Clinical Decision Making
Lesson 3: Assessment and Management of Shock
Lesson 4: Intravenous & Intraosseous Line Placement and Infusion
EMT-IV Therapy Special Training: Washington State
DOH 530-136 December 2011
EMT-IV Therapy Special Training: Washington State
DOH 530-136 December 2011
Course Schedule:
The EMT-IV Therapy Special Skill Course Schedule, DOH Publication 530-134, must
be completed and submitted with the Training Course Application.
Course Length
EMT with IV training should be based on the competency of the individual and not the
length of the training. The time involved in educating an EMT-IV provider to an acceptable
level of competence depends on many factors. It is expected that the average program,
with average students, will achieve average results in approximately 42 hours.
Course Knowledge Clinical/Field
Didactic Lab/Eval & Skill Evaluations Total Internships
The length of this course will vary according to a number of factors, including, but not limited
• student’s basic academic skills competence
• faculty to student ratio
• student motivation
• the student’s prior emergency/health care experience
• prior academic achievements
• clinical and academic resources available
• quality of the overall educational program
The student should interview and assess a minimum of the clinical/field experiences listed
below. In addition, the student should record the patient history and assessment on a
prehospital care report; i.e., Washington State Medical Incident Report (MIR), just as if
interacting with this patient in a field setting. The prehospital care report should then be
reviewed by the Primary Instructor to assure competent documentation practices in
accordance with minimum data requirements. The training course must establish a
feedback system to assure that students have acted safely and professionally during their
training. Students should receive a written report of their performance by clinical or
ambulance staff.
Students who have been reported to have difficulty in the clinical or field setting must
receive remedial training. Students are required to repeat clinical or field setting
experiences until they are deemed competent by meeting the standards of the County
Medical Program Director.
EMT-IV Therapy Special Training: Washington State
DOH 530-136 December 2011
These identified roles and responsibilities are a necessary part of each EMT-IV provider
program. The individuals carrying them out may vary from program to program and from
area to area as the exact roles interface and overlap. In fact, one person, if qualified, may
serve in multiple roles.
Program Director/Course Coordinator
The Program Director is the individual responsible for course planning, organization,
administration, periodic review, program evaluation, continued development, and
effectiveness. The program Director should contribute an adequate amount of time to
assure the success of the program. The program director shall actively solicit and require
the cooperative involvement of the medical director of the program.
The program director must have appropriate training and experience to fulfill the role. They
should have at least equivalent academic training and preparation and hold all credentials
for which the students are being prepared, or hold comparable credentials, which
demonstrate at least equivalent training and experience.
Program Faculty/Instructors
Washington State requires one the following for the instructional personnel:
The lead instructor must be:
• An Advanced EMT with SEI Approval, or
• A certified paramedic, or
• Paramedic Training Program instructional staff, when training is provided by an
accredited paramedic training program, or
• An RN, and
• Approved by the Medical Program Director.
Content experts may be used to instruct, however, the lead instructor is responsible for all
instruction provided. The lead instructor may also be the program director/course
coordinator if they meet the requirements listed under Program Director/Course Coordinator
listed above.
The Lead Instructor/SEI should have training and education in education and evaluation and
be knowledgeable in administration of education and related legislative issues for EMS
provider education. The Lead Instructor/SEI should assume ultimate responsibility for the
administration of the didactic, clinical, and field internship phases of the program. It is the
Lead Instructor/SEI’s responsibility to monitor all phases of the program and assure that
they are appropriate and successful.
EMT-IV Therapy Special Training: Washington State
DOH 530-136 December 2011
The Course Medical Director can assist in settling questions of medical protocol and acting
as a liaison between the course and the medical community. During the program the
Medical Director will be responsible for reviewing the quality of care rendered by the EMS
provider student in the clinical and field setting. The Course Medical Director should review
all course content material and examinations. The medical director should periodically
observe lectures and practical laboratories, field and clinical internships. The medical
director should participate in clinical instruction, student counseling, psychomotor and oral
testing, and summative evaluation.
Most importantly, the Course Medical Director is responsible to verify student competence in
the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Students should not be awarded course
completion certificates unless the medical director and program director can assure through
documentation of completion of terminal competencies that each student has completed the
full complement of education. Documentation of completion of course competencies should
be affixed to the student file with signatures of the medical director and program director at
the completion of the course.
The physical environment for the provision of the EMT-IV provider program is a critical
component for the success of the overall program. The facility should sufficient space for
seating all students. Abundant space should be made available for demonstration during
the presentation of the course material. Additional rooms or adequate space should be
available to serve as a practice area. The facility should be well lit for adequate viewing of
various types of visual aids and demonstrations. Heating and ventilation should assure
student and instructor comfort and the seats should be comfortable with availability of desk
tops or tables for taking notes. There should be an adequate number of tables for display of
equipment, medical supplies, and training aids. A chalkboard (flip chart, grease board)
should be in the main hall. A projection screen and appropriate audiovisual equipment
should be located in the presentation facility. Practice areas should be carpeted and large
enough to accommodate six students, one instructor, and the necessary equipment and
medical supplies. Tables should be available for practice areas, with appropriate and
sufficient equipment and medical supplies.
EMT-IV Therapy Special Training: Washington State
DOH 530-136 December 2011
Lesson 1 Page 2
EMT-IV Therapy Special Training: Washington State
DOH 530-136 December 2011
At the end of this lesson the EMT-IV student will be able to explain how the anatomy and
physiology of each body system relates and provides the foundation for the clinical practice
of out of hospital emergency medicine.
C=Cognitive P=Psychomotor A=Application
3=Problem Solving Level
At the completion of this lesson, the EMT-IV student will be able to use the principles of
anatomy and physiology as a foundation for the clinical practice of out of hospital
emergency medicine.
The Senses
7. Explain referred pain and its importance. (C-1)
8. Explain the importance of baroreceptor. (C-1)
9. Describe the composition and explain the functions of blood plasma. (C-1)
10. State the function of red blood cells, including the protein and the mineral involved. (C-1)
11. State what platelets are, and explain how they are involved in hemostasis. (C-1)
Lesson 1: Page 3
Lesson 1: Overview of Human Systems
The Heart
12. Describe the cardiac cycle. (C-1)
13. Explain stroke volume, cardiac output. (C-3)
None defined
None defined
Lesson 1 Page 4
EMT-IV Therapy Special Training: Washington State
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DECLARATIVE – Anatomy and Physiology Focused on IV therapy
I. Tissues
A. Epithelial tissue and glands
B. Connective tissue
1. Blood
a) Plasma
b) Blood cells
(1) Red blood cells
(2) White blood cells
(3) Platelet
2. Cardiac muscles
a) Involuntary muscle
II. Integumentary system
A. The epidermis
B. The dermis
1. Receptors
2. Glands
3. Blood vessels
C. Subcutaneous tissue
D. Nervous system
1. Afferent impulses
2. Efferent impulses
3. Divisions of the spinal cord
a) Cervical
b) Thoracic
c) Lumbar
4. Level of injury or disease of spinal cord
a) More serious the closer to the brain stem they occur
b) Dynamics of neurogenic shock
5. Nerve root control
a) Cervical (shoulder girdle C5)
b) Thoracic
(1) Sensation at nipple level (T4)
(2) Sensation at the umbilicus level (T10)
c) Lumbar
d) Sacral
E. The peripheral nervous system
1. Peripheral Nerves
a) Categories
(1) Somatic sensory
(a) Pain
Lesson 1: Page 5
Lesson 1: Overview of Human Systems
(b) Temperature
(c) Touch
(d) Pressure
(e) Position or muscle sense
(2) Somatic motor
(3) Visceral sensory - from glands and structures composed of somatic or
cardiac muscle
(4) Visceral motor
b) Brachial plexus
(1) collection of nerves at the posterior triangle of the neck
(2) May be injured at birth, or in injuries causing permanent disability
(3) Major nerves
F. The autonomic nervous system
1. Function - beyond conscious control
2. Division and effects of each
a) Sympathetic division
(1) More widespread effects
(2) Stimulation causes increased heart rate, increased BP, rise in blood
sugar, bronchodilation
(3) “Fight or flight”
b) Parasympathetic division
(1) Effects more apparent in quiet state
(2) Body conservation processes, i.e., digestion and storage of materials
for well-being
(3) Complementary effects
III. Blood
A. Characteristics of blood
1. Amount
2. Color
B. Plasma
C. Blood cells
1. Red blood cells
a) Function
b) Production and maturation
c) Blood types
2. White blood cells
a) Functions
3. Platelet
a) Function
4. Blood clotting
IV. The heart
A. Chambers, vessels, and valves
1. Right atrium
Lesson 1 Page 6
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a) Vena cava
(1) Superior vena cava
(2) Inferior vena cava
b) Tricuspid valve
2. Left atrium
a) Pulmonary veins
b) Mitral valves/bicuspid
3. Right ventricle
a) Pulmonary artery
b) Pulmonary semilunar valve
4. Left ventricle
a) Aorta
b) Aortic semilunar valve
5. Coronary vessels
B. The cardiac cycle
1. Systole
2. Diastole
C. Cardiac output
1. Heart rate
a) Baroreceptor - sensory nerve endings that adjust blood pressure as a result
of vasodilation or vasoconstriction
2. Stroke volume
a) The amount of blood pumped into the cardiovascular system as a result of
one contraction
V. The vascular system
A. Layers of blood vessels
1. Tunica intima/endothelium
2. Tunica media
3. Tunica externa
B. Arteries
C. Veins
1. Valves
D. Capillaries
E. Exchange in the capillaries
1. Gas exchange
2. Fluid exchange
F. Blood pressure
VI. Respiratory system
A. The mechanics of breathing
1. Inhalation
2. Exhalation
B. Exchange of gases
Lesson 1: Page 7
Lesson 1: Overview of Human Systems
1. Diffusion of gasses
C. Transportation of gases in the blood
D. Pulmonary volumes
1. Tidal volume
2. Minute respiratory volume
3. Inspiratory reserve
4. Expiratory reserve
5. Vital capacity
6. Residual air
E. Regulation of respiration
1. Nervous control
2. Chemical control
Lesson 1: Page 9
Lesson 1: Overview of Human Systems
Lesson 1 Page 10
Lesson 2: Patient Assessment & Clinical Decision Making
Lesson 2: Clinical Decision Making
C=Cognitive P=Psychomotor A=Application
3=Problem Solving Level
At the completion of this topic, the EMT-IV student will be able to:
1. Explain and demonstrate critical thinking skills(C-1, C-3)
2. Explain and demonstrate decision making skills(C-1, C-3)
3. Explain and demonstrate assessment Based Patient Care(C-1, C-3)
I. Introduction and key concepts
A. The cornerstones of effective EMT-IV practice
1. Gathering, evaluating, and synthesizing information
2. Developing and implementing appropriate patient management plans
3. Apply judgment and exercise independent decision making
4. Thinking and working effectively under pressure
B. The prehospital environment
1. Unlike other environments where medical care is traditionally rendered
2. Unique - heavily influenced by factors that don’t exist in other medical settings.
C. The spectrum of patient care in prehospital care
1. Obvious, critical life threats
a) Major, multi-system trauma
b) Devastating single system trauma
c) End stage disease presentations
d) Acute presentations of chronic conditions
2. Potential life threats
a) Serious, multi-system trauma
b) Multiple disease etiologies
3. Non-life threatening presentations
D. Providing guidance and authority for EMT-IV action and treatments
1. Protocols, standing orders, and patient care algorithms
a) Can clearly define and outline performance parameters
b) Promote a standardized approach
2. Limitations of protocols, standing orders & patient care algorithms
a) Only addresses “classic” patient presentations
(1) Non-specific patient complaints don’t follow model
(2) Limited clarity of presenting patient problems
b) Don’t speak to multiple disease etiologies
c) Don’t speak to multiple treatment modalities
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Section 2: Page 13
Lesson 2: Clinical Decision Making
b) Patient’s with obvious life threats pose limited critical thinking challenges
c) Patient’s who fall on the acuity spectrum between minor and life threatening
pose the greatest critical thinking challenge
B. Thinking under pressure
1. Hormonal influence i.e. “fight or flight” response impacts EMT-IV decision
making both positively and negatively
a) Enhanced visual and auditory acuity
b) Improved reflexes and muscle strength
c) Impaired critical thinking skills
d) Diminished concentration and assessment ability
2. Mental conditioning is the key to effective performance under pressure
a) Skills learned at a pseudo-instinctive performance level
b) Automatic response for technical treatment requirements
C. Mental checklist for thinking under pressure
1. Stop and think
2. Scan the situation
3. Decide and act
4. Maintain clear, concise control
5. Regularly and continually reevaluate the patient
D. Facilitating behaviors
1. Stay calm, don’t panic
2. Assume and plan for the worst; err on the side of the patient
3. Maintain a systematic assessment pattern
4. Balance analysis, data processing and decision making styles
a) Situation analysis styles: reflective vs. Impulsive
b) Data processing styles: divergent vs. Convergent
c) Decision making styles: anticipatory vs. Reactive
E. Situation awareness
1. Reading the scene
2. Reading the patient
F. Putting it all together - “The Six R’s”
1. Read the patient
a) Observe the patient
(1) Level of responsiveness/consciousness
(2) Skin color
(3) Position and location of patient - obvious deformity or asymmetry
b) Talk to the patient
(1) Determine the chief complaint
(2) New problem or worsening of preexisting condition?
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Section 2: Page 15
Lesson 2: Clinical Decision Making
Page 16
Lesson 3: Assessment and Management of Shock
Lesson 3: Assessment and Management of Shock
C=Cognitive P=Psychomotor A=Application
3=Problem Solving Level
At the conclusion of this lesson, the EMT-IV student will be able to:
1. Describe the epidemiology, including the morbidity/mortality and prevention strategies,
for shock and hemorrhage. (C-1)
2. Discuss the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. (C-1)
3. Predict shock and hemorrhage based on mechanism of injury. (C-3)
4. Discuss the various types and degrees of shock and hemorrhage. (C-1)
5. Emphasize that placing an IV should not delay transport of the patient.
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36. Apply epidemiology to develop prevention strategies for hemorrhage and shock. (C-1)
37. Integrate the pathophysiological principles to the assessment of a patient with
hemorrhage or shock. (C-1)
38. Synthesize assessment findings and patient history information to form a field
impression for the patient with hemorrhage or shock. (C-2)
39. Develop, execute and evaluate a treatment plan based on the field impression for the
hemorrhage or shock patient. (C-1)
Section 2: Page 19
Lesson 3: Assessment and Management of Shock
40. Demonstrate the assessment of a patient with signs and symptoms of hemorrhagic
shock. (P-2)
41. Demonstrate the management of a patient with signs and symptoms of hemorrhagic
shock. (P-2)
42. Demonstrate the assessment of a patient with signs and symptoms of compensated
hemorrhagic shock.(P-2)
43. Demonstrate the management of a patient with signs and symptoms of compensated
hemorrhagic shock. (P-2)
44. Demonstrate the assessment of a patient with signs and symptoms of uncompensated
hemorrhagic shock.(P-2)
45. Demonstrate the management of a patient with signs and symptoms of uncompensated
hemorrhagic shock. (P-2)
46. Demonstrate the assessment of a patient with signs and symptoms of external
47. Demonstrate the management of a patient with signs and symptoms of external
hemorrhage. (P-2)
48. Demonstrate the assessment of a patient with signs and symptoms of internal
49. Demonstrate the management of a patient with signs and symptoms of internal
hemorrhage. (P-2)
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I. Pathophysiology, assessment, and management of hemorrhage
A. Hemorrhage
1. Epidemiology
a) Incidence
b) Mortality/morbidity
c) Prevention strategies
2. Pathophysiology
a) Location
(1) External
(2) Internal
(a) Trauma
(b) Non-trauma
(i) Common sites
(ii) Uncommon sites
b) Anatomical type
(1) Arterial
(2) Venous
(3) Capillary
c) Timing
(1) Acute
(2) Chronic
d) Severity
(1) Amounts of blood loss adults, children and infants can tolerate
e) Physiological response to hemorrhage
(1) Clotting
(2) Localized vasoconstriction
f) Stages of hemorrhage
(1) Stage 1
(a) Up to 15% intravascular loss
(b) Compensated by constriction of vascular bed
(c) Blood pressure maintained
(d) Normal pulse pressure, respiratory rate, and renal output
(e) Pallor of the skin
(f) Central venous pressure low to normal
(2) Stage 2
(a) 15-25% intravascular loss
(b) Cardiac output can not be maintained by arteriolar constriction
(c) Reflex tachycardia
(d) Increased respiratory rate
(e) Blood pressure maintained
Section 2: Page 21
Lesson 3: Assessment and Management of Shock
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Section 2: Page 23
Lesson 3: Assessment and Management of Shock
(a) Pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic and diastolic
pressures, i.e., Pulse pressure = systolic - diastolic
(b) Pulse pressure reflects the tone of the arterial system and is more
sensitive to changes in perfusion than the systolic or diastolic alone
(7) Orthostatic hypotension
(8) Dry mucosa
(9) Complaints of thirst
(11)Possible delay of capillary refill
b) Late or progressive
(1) Extreme tachycardia
(2) Extreme pale, cool skin
(3) Diaphoresis
(4) Significant decrease in level of consciousness
(5) Hypotension
(6) Dry mucosa
(7) Nausea
(8) Cyanosis with white waxy looking skin
5. Differential shock assessment findings
a) Shock is assumed to be hypovolemic until proven otherwise
b) Cardiogenic shock is differentiated from hypovolemic shock by one or more
of following
(1) Chief complaint, e.g., Chest pain, dyspnea, tachycardia
(2) Heart rate, i.e., Bradycardia or excessive tachycardia
(3) Signs of congestive heart failure, i.e., Jugular vein distention (JVD), rales
(4) Dysrhythmias
c) Obstructive shock (filling or outflow obstruction) is differentiated from hypovolemic
shock by presence of signs and symptoms suggestive of
(1) Cardiac tamponade
(2) Tension pneumothorax
d) Distributive shock (Vasogenic) is differentiated from hypovolemic shock by
presence of one or more of following
(1) Mechanism that suggests vasodilatation, e.g., Spinal cord injury, drug
overdose, sepsis, anaphylaxis
(2) Warm, flushed skin, especially in dependent areas
(3) Lack of tachycardia response (not reliable, though, since significant
number of hypovolemic patients never become tachycardic)
B. Management/Treatment Plan
1. Airway and ventilatory support
a) Ventilate and suction as necessary
b) Administer high concentration oxygen
2. Circulatory support
a) Hemorrhage control
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Page 26
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
C=Cognitive P=Psychomotor A=Application
3=Problem Solving Level
At the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:
1. Define the term intravenous cannulation. (C-1)
2. Describe universal precautions and body substance isolation (BSI) procedures when
performing an intravenous cannulation. (C-1)
3. Discuss medical asepsis. (C-1)
4. Differentiate among the different solutions and intravenous cannulation devices used
when administering intravenous cannulations for the management of trauma and
medical emergencies. (C-3)
5. Identify anatomic landmarks utilized in administering intravenous cannulations. (C-1)
6. Correctly locate three appropriate sites for intraosseous needle insertion. (C-1)
7. Describe the equipment needed, indications, contraindications, complications, and
procedures for the preparation and administration of intravenous cannulations, including
saline locks. (C-1)
8. Identify the equipment needed and procedures used for discontinuing an intravenous
cannulation. (C-1)
9. Describe the procedures, the preparation and administration of a fluid challenge.(C-1)
10. Describe on-line and off-line medical direction/control for intravenous cannulation. (C-1)
11. State the indications and contraindications for insertion of an intraosseous line. (C-1)
12. List the necessary equipment for an intraosseous insertion. (C-1)
13. Describe the steps required for intraosseous needle insertion and confirmation of correct
placement. (C-1)
14. Describe the process of securing the intraosseous needle. (C-1)
15. Compare the rate of fluid infusion through a peripheral line versus an intraosseous line,
and describe methods of increasing the rate of infusion through an intraosseous line. (C-
16. Describe the concept of fluid limitation in patients under 100 pounds. (C-1)
17. State the potential complications of intraosseous needle insertion and infusion. (C-1)
18. Differentiate among the different techniques for obtaining a blood sample. (C-3)
19. Identify locations utilized in obtaining a blood sample. (C-1)
20. Describe the equipment needed, techniques utilized, complications, and general
principles for obtaining a blood sample. (C-1)
21. Describe and understand the use and testing of blood glucose monitoring devices. (C-1)
22. Describe disposal of contaminated items and sharps. (C-1)
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23. Comply with universal precautions and body substance isolation (BSI). (A-1)
24. Serve as a model for disposing contaminated items and sharps. (A-3)
25. Perform universal precautions and body substance isolation (BSI) procedures. (P-1, P-
26. Perfect clean technique during intravenous cannulation, blood draws and glucose
monitoring. (P-3)
27. Demonstrate preparation and techniques for performing an intravenous cannulation. (P-
1, P-2)
28. Demonstrate the procedures, the preparation and administration of a fluid challenge.(P-
1, P-2)
29. Demonstrate preparation and techniques for performing an intraosseous needle
insertion and confirmation of correct placement. (P-1, P-2)
30. Locate sites utilized in obtaining a blood sample. (P-1, P-2)
31. Demonstrate preparation and techniques for obtaining a blood sample. (P-1, P-2)
32. Demonstrate preparation and techniques for using blood glucose monitoring devices.
(P-1, P-2)
33. Perfect disposal of contaminated items and sharps. (P-3)
Page 29
Lesson 4: Intravenous & Intraosseous Line Placement and Infusion
I. Intravenous Cannulation
A. Definition:
1. The placement of a catheter into a vein. It is used to administer fluids, or
medications directly into the circulatory system. It can also be used to obtain
venous blood specimens for laboratory determinations.
2. Because IV fluids are drugs, on-line medical direction/control or standing
orders are required for the EMT-IV to administer IV fluids.
B. Indications
1. Replacement of circulatory volume
2. To establish a medication administration route
C. Contraindications - Cannulation of a particular site is contraindicated in:
1. Sclerotic veins
2. Burned extremities
D. Universal Precautions and Body Substance Isolation (BSI) in Medication
E. Equipment
1. Intravenous (IV) solutions
a) Types of solutions
(1) Crystalloids
(2) Colloids - Informational only - not for field use
b) Types of containers
c) Variety of volumes
2. Intravenous (IV) administration sets
a) Components
(1) Piercing spike
(2) Drip Chamber
(a) Macrodrip chamber-type
(b) Microdrip chamber-type
b) Flow clamp
c) Drug administration port
d) Connector end
e) Variety of extensions and other pieces of equipment
f) Some IV administration sets are manufacturer specific
3. Needles/Catheters
a) Types
(1) Over the needle
(2) Through the needle
b) IV catheter size
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Page 31
Lesson 4: Intravenous & Intraosseous Line Placement and Infusion
g) IF you are not seeing a vein that you are confident you can cannulate, don’t
hesitate to look at the other arm.
14. Stabilize the vein by anchoring it with the thumb and stretching the skin
15. Perform the venipuncture without contaminating the equipment or site.
a) Tell the patient there will be a small poke or pinch as the needle enters the
b) Hold the end of the venipuncture device between thumb and the
index/middle fingers:
(1) Maintain visualization of the flashback chamber.
(2) Avoid touching any portion of the catheter, because a contaminated
device is not usable.
c) Depending on the type of venipuncture device and manufacturer
recommendations, hold the needle at a 15, 30 or 45 degree angle to the
d) Penetrate the skin with the bevel of the needle pointed up.
(1) If significant resistance is felt, do not force the catheter.
(2) Instead, withdraw the needle and catheter together as a unit.
e) If possible, penetrate the vein at its junction or bifurcation with another vein,
because it is more stable at this location.
f) Enter the vein with the needle from either the top or side.
(1) Normally, a slight “pop” or “give” is felt as the needle passes through
the wall of the vein.
(2) Be careful not to enter too fast or too deeply, because the needle can
go through the back wall of the vein.
g) Note when blood fills the flashback chamber.
h) Lower the venipuncture device and advance it another 1 to 2 cm until the tip
of the catheter is well within the vein.
i) Advance the catheter into the vein following the manufacturer’s
j) Once the catheter is within the vein, apply pressure to the vein beyond the
catheter tip with the little finger to prevent blood from leaking out of the
catheter hub once the needle is completely withdrawn.
k) It may be necessary to use the drawback technique to determine patency.
16. Draw a blood sample. The tourniquet should be left in place while drawing
blood samples.
a) Stabilize the catheter with one hand, and attach a Vacutainer holder with a
multi-sample IV Luer-lock adapter or a syringe to the hub.
(1) Be careful not to disrupt the catheter placement while connecting the
Vacutainer or syringe.
(2) Once the device is connected, release the finger pressure at the distal
tip of the catheter
b) If using a Vacutainer device, insert the blood collection tube fully into the
holder and allow its internal vacuum to draw blood out of the vein.
c) If using a syringe, slowly withdraw the plunger to fill the syringe with blood.
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Lesson 4: Intravenous & Intraosseous Line Placement and Infusion
(1) If blood flow into the syringe stops, it usually means that the sucking
pressure of the syringe is collapsing the vein.
(2) To correct this problem, slow the rate at which the plunger is being
17. Once enough blood collection tubes have been filled or the syringe is
completely full, release the tourniquet from the patient’s arm.
a) Next reapply pressure to the vein beyond the catheter tip with the little
finger to prevent blood from leaking out of the catheter hub once the blood
drawing device is disconnected.
b) Disconnect the syringe or Vacutainer device from the hub of the catheter by
holding the hub between the first finger and thumb and pulling the device
free with the other hand.
18. Connect the IV tubing to the catheter hub. Be careful not to contaminate either
the hub or connector prior to insertion.
19. Open the IV flow control valve and run the IV for a brief period of time to ensure
the line is patent. To ensure proper IV flow rates, the IV container must hang at
least 30 to 36 inches above the insertion site.
20. Cover the IV site with povidone-iodine ointment and a sterile dressing or a
21. Secure the catheter, administration set tubing, and sterile dressing in place with
a) Tubing should be looped and secured with tape above the IV cannulation
b) This gives the tubing more play, making the catheter less likely to be
dislodged by accidental pulls on the tubing.
c) Do not make the loop so small that it kinks the tubing and restricts fluid flow.
22. Adjust the appropriate flow rate for the patient’s condition.
23. Dispose of the needle(s) in a proper biomedical waste container.
24. If a syringe was used to draw the blood:
a) The necessary blood collection tubes must be filled by attaching needle to
the syringe and inserting it into each blood tube.
b) The tubes should then be labeled and stored in a safe location.
H. Using an armboard. Armboards may be:
1. Avoided simply by choosing a venipuncture site well away from any flexion
2. Necessary when a venipuncture device is inserted near a joint or in the dorsum
of the hand
3. Used along with restraints in confused or disoriented patients.
I. Regulating fluid flow rates
1. Flow rates should be adjusted as ordered by medical control/direction.
2. The EMT-IV must know the volume to be infused, the period of time over which
the fluid is to be infused, and the number of drops per milliliter the infusion set
a) The following formula can be used to calculate IV solution drip rates per
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4. Hematoma or infiltration
5. Phlebitis or infection
6. Extravasation
7. Air in tubing/air embolism
8. Circulatory overload and pulmonary edema
9. Allergic reaction
10. Pulmonary embolism
11. Failure to infuse properly
M. Steps in changing to the next container of IV solution
N. Steps to discontinue an intravenous infusion
1. Equipment
a) Gloves
b) Sterile gauze pad
c) adhesive bandage
2. Technique
a) Close the flow control valve completely
b) Taking care not to disturb the catheter, carefully untape and remove the
c) Hold the sterile gauze pad just above the site to stabilize the tissue and
withdraw the catheter by pulling straight back until the catheter is
completely out of the vein
d) Immediately cover the site with the sterile gauze pad and hold it against the
puncture site until the bleeding has stopped
e) Tape the dressing in place or cover with an adhesive bandage
II. Drawing Blood
A. Purpose - to obtain blood samples from a patient for analysis
B. Equipment needed for obtaining a blood sample:
1. Variety of sizes and types of blood tubes are available to collect and store blood
a) The rubber caps on the tubes come in several colors and patterns denoting
the specific tests that are conducted with the blood that is stored in them
b) Most commonly used in the field are the red, purple, green, or “jungle” blue,
and gray tops
(1) Blood collection tubes may vary by manufacturer.
(2) Check with your local medical facility.
c) Some tubes have small amounts of liquids or agents inside the tube to
prevent blood coagulation or to aid in preserving the blood in a way
necessary for a particular type of test
d) During manufacture of blood tubes, a vacuum is created in the tube that
acts to “suck blood” into the tube
C. Locations from which to obtain a blood sample
1. Anatomical sites
2. From the established intravenous catheter
3. Other locations
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Lesson 4: Intravenous & Intraosseous Line Placement and Infusion
A. Following intravenous cannulation of normal saline at a KVO rate give a 250 to 500
cc fluid challenge if called for by medical direction/control or local protocols
V. Intraosseous Line Placement and Infusion.
A. The chief indications for intraosseous line insertion are:
1. Compensated and Uncompensated Shock
a) Shock is usually the result of:
(1) Hypovolemia
(2) Sepsis
(3) Cardiac problems
b) Children respond to shock by:
(1) an increase in heart rate
(2) an increase in respiratory rate
(3) peripheral vasoconstriction
c) Signs of compensated (early) shock are:
(1) Tachycardia
(2) Tachypnea
(3) cool clammy extremities
d) Note 1: The child’s blood pressure does not decrease until later, when the
child is no longer able to compensate by an increase in heart rate and
e) Note 2: Major symptoms to indicate a need for intervention with IV/IO fluids
would include:
(1) “Quiet” tachycardia (rate over 170)
(2) Altered level of consciousness
(3) Decreased perfusion
f) Signs of uncompensated shock are:
(1) Decreased level of consciousness
(2) Weak or absent pulses
(3) Hypotension
2. Cardiac Arrest:
a) A protocol for obtaining vascular access is helpful in making a decision
about the use of an intraosseous line when venous access cannot be
obtained rapidly. An intraosseous line is usually attempted after other
means of vascular access are unsuccessful or unavailable.
(1) Peripheral intravenous access often requires more time to insert than
an intraosseous line. A median time of 10 minutes is required to
achieve peripheral vascular access during cardiac arrests; only 18% of
these attempts are successful within 90 seconds.
(2) If peripheral access is not achieved within 90 seconds, attempts to
insert an intraosseous line should be initiated.
(3) The intraosseous route delivers fluids and medications into the bone
marrow cavity, which acts as a non-collapsible vein and permits access
to the central circulation. Patients with medications other than IV fluids
are beyond the scope of EMT-IV Therapy providers.
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(4) All fluids and medications that are administered through a peripheral IV
can be administered through an intraosseous line. It is generally
recommended that hypertonic and alkaline solutions be diluted prior to
B. Contraindications for insertion of an intraosseous line
1. An intraosseous line should not be inserted when there is a known fracture of
the bone chosen for line placement.
2. An intraosseous line should not be inserted when there is infection present in
the leg chosen for line placement.
3. Insertion of an intraosseous needle should not be attempted on the same leg
two times, as the hole made by the attempted insertion does not close rapidly
and fluid will extravasate.
C. Sites for Intraosseous Needle Insertion
1. There are three potential sites for intraosseous needle insertion:
a) Proximal Tibia
(1) The proximal tibia is the preferred location for intraosseous insertion in
a child six years and under because:
(a) The site is easily identified.
(b) A large marrow cavity exists with no adjacent structures that are
likely to be damaged.
(2) The site of insertion is on the flat medial surface of the anterior tibia,
one to two finger breadths below and medial to the tibial tuberosity.
b) Distal Femur
(1) The site of insertion is midline, approximately three centimeters above
the lateral condyle.
c) Distal Tibia
(1) The site of insertion is just above the medial malleolus.
D. Equipment for Intraosseous Infusion
1. Needles:
a) Either an intraosseous or bone marrow aspiration needle may be used.
They are preferable because of the following:
(1) They may contain a trocar or stylet, which minimizes the risk of
occlusion from bone marrow.
(2) They are shorter, sturdier and less flexible.
(3) They are less likely to be dislodged in transport because they are
threaded and shorter.
(4) Some of these needles have side infusion ports within the threads so a
stylet or trocar is not necessary.
(5) Some needle lengths can be adjusted.
b) A spinal needle can be substituted when an intraosseous or bone marrow
needle is not available; however it is less stable because of the needle’s
length and flexibility.
2. Other Equipment:
a) Iodine solution - for cleaning insertion site
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d) Bone marrow aspirate can be used for various lab studies such as
hemoglobin, electrolytes, bilirubin, gluclose, creatinine and bicarbonate.
e) 5 - 10 cc of normal saline may used to initially flush the syringe and
intraosseous needle while observing for extravasation. This fluid should
flush easily. If no extravasation occurs, placement is confirmed.
f) If the needle placement cannot be confirmed, remove the needle.
g) Do not attempt to re-insert the needle on the same site, as this will cause
leakage of fluids from the insertion site into the surrounding tissue.
h) If the needle is removed, apply pressure for 5 minutes and cover the
insertion site with a sterile dressing.
F. Securing the intraosseous needle
1. Connect the IV tubing to the hub of the correctly placed needle.
a) IV fluid should flow without obstruction when the needle is correctly
b) IF the IV fluid is not flowing and correct insertion cannot be verified, remove
the intraosseous needle and attempt insertion at another location.
2. When correct insertion is confirmed, tape the tubing onto the child’s leg to assist
in preventing dislodgment.
3. Carefully monitor the insertion site for signs of infiltration.
a) Remove the needle if infiltration is observed.
b) The needle should not be left in place for over 12 hours.
G. Increasing the Rate of Infusion
1. The flow rate through the intraosseous needle may be a little slower than
through a peripheral line. If fluids need to be administered rapidly, two methods
may be used to increase the flow rate:
a) Pressure bag
(1) To increase the rate of fluid infusion, a pressure bag may be applied to
the IV solution and inflated to 300 torr.
b) A syringe with a three-way stopcock directly attached to the IV line flowing
to the intraosseous needle will allow administration of fluid boluses.
(1) Attach an empty 30 or 60 cc Luer-Lok™ syringe (with the plunger
depressed) to the three-way stopcock.
(2) Close the stopcock valve allowing IV flow to the patient, and open the
valve from the IV bag to the syringe.
(3) Withdraw the plunger to fill the syringe with the desired amount of IV
fluid from the IV bag.
(4) Close off the flow to the IV bag and open the valve allowing fluid to flow
from the syringe to the patient.
(5) Depress the plunger of the syringe to administer the desired amount of
IV fluid to the patient.
(6) Repeat steps (2)-(5) above as necessary until the full amount of fluid
bolus has been administered.
(7) Reopen the valve to the patient so that the IV continues to flow; check
flow rate.
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Lesson 4: Intravenous & Intraosseous Line Placement and Infusion
(8) Reassess the patient to determine need for additional fluid, repeating
steps (2)-(6) above, if appropriate.
2. Carefully monitor the amount of fluid administered to the pediatric patient to
prevent fluid overload. The use of small volume IV bags (i.e., 250-500 cc bags)
may be helpful in this monitoring process.
3. A child in shock may require several 20 cc/kg boluses of fluid. Frequent
reassessments are necessary.
H. Potential Complications
1. Potential complications from intraosseous insertion and infusion include:
a) Extravasation of fluid:
(1) This is generally the result of improper needle placement or multiple
insertion attempts.
(2) Collection of fluid in the tissue can lead to compartment syndrome.
b) Skin infection:
(1) The infection rate for intraosseous is lower than that found with
intravenous cannulation.
(2) Osteomelitis (very rare).
2. Overall, complications from intraosseous insertion and infusion are rare.
VI. Blood Glucose Monitoring
A. To properly perform a finger-stick blood sugar determination:
1. Use either the patient’s index or middle finger
2. Clean the fingertip with an alcohol swab
3. Gently squeeze the finger at the joint below the fingertip
4. At the same time, use either a small needle or special finger-stick lancet to
pierce the skin of the fingertip
a) The tip should not go in more than 1 to 2 mm
b) Do this in a rapid “in and out” fashion
c) Do not leave the lancet or needle in place or twist it around
5. Immediately remove the lancet or needle
6. Using a gloved hand, gently squeeze the fingertip to express a drop of blood
from the wound
7. Place the drop of blood on the chemical reagent strip; begin timing
8. When the proper period of time has passed (this depends on the type of
reagent strip), use a cotton ball and wipe the remaining blood from the strip
9. Use either a measuring device (glucometer) or the color scale on the reagent
container to determine the patient’s blood sugar
VII. Disposal of Contaminated Items and Sharps - Follow local protocol for disposition of
contaminated items and sharps
VIII.Medical/legal considerations
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Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
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Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
Appendix A: Page 2
Revised – December 2011
Practical Lab/
Lesson Topic Didactic Evaluation
Section 1 – Essentials
Appendix A: Page 3
Appendix A: EMT-Intravenous Therapy Special Skill Estimated Course Hours
Appendix A: Page 2
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
Appendix B: Page 2
EMT-IV Special Skill Training: Washington State
DOH 530-136 December 2011
Student Handout
Highest Level of Skill Performance Indicated By
Current or Anticipated Clinical Circumstances
Revised December 2011
EMT with an IV or SGA endorsement ------- Care is released to an EMT without the
appropriate endorsement or a First
Responder when an IV or SGA has been
initiated and is required to maintain the
continuum of care.
Appendix B: Page 3
Appendix B - Possible Abandonment Situations - Student Handout
Appendix B: Page 4
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
The most current statutes and rules are located on our web site at:
Appendix C: IV Technician Skill Maintenance Requirements
Appendix C: Page 2
EMT-IV Special Skill Training: Washington State
DOH 530-136 December 2011
"X" Indicates an individual must demonstrate proficiency of the skill to the satisfaction of the MPD.
Appendix C: Page 3
Appendix C: IV Technician Skill Maintenance Requirements
"X" Indicates an individual must demonstrate proficiency of the skill to the satisfaction of the MPD.
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Appendix D: Page 1
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
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Appendix D: Page 3
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
must appear on each evaluation. Students must achieve the required score for each skill
listed on page D-19, and receive NO check marks in the Critical Criteria section.
EMT-IV Course Practical Skills Evaluation Summary Sheet:
The EMT-IV Special Training Practical Skills Evaluation Summary Sheet located on page D-
17 is to be used to document the final results of each student’s performance following
individual practical skill evaluations. The instructor or MPD signature is required on the
summary sheet to confirm the results.
The program director or medical director must establish appropriate relationships with
various clinical sites to assure adequate contact with patients and initiate written
agreements with each clinical/field site.
The student should interview and assess a minimum of the clinical/field experiences listed
below. In addition, the student should record the patient history and assessment on a
prehospital care report; i.e., Washington State Medical Incident Report (MIR), just as if
interacting with this patient in a field setting. The prehospital care report should then be
reviewed by the Primary Instructor to assure competent documentation practices in
accordance with minimum data requirements. The training course must establish a
feedback system to assure that students have acted safely and professionally during their
training. Students should receive a written report of their performance by clinical or
ambulance staff.
IO line placement
Field internship
Students who have been reported to have difficulty in the clinical or field setting must
receive remedial training. Students are required to repeat clinical or field setting
Appendix D: Page 4
EMT-IV Special Skill Training: Washington State
DOH 530-136 December 2011
experiences until they are deemed competent by meeting the standards of the County
Medical Program Director.
Appendix D: Page 5
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
Appendix D: Page 6
Patient Assessment - Medical
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Scenario #:
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: Points Awarded
Takes or verbalizes body substance isolation precautions 1
Determines the scene/situation is safe 1
Determines the mechanism of injury/nature of illness 1
Determines the number of patients 1
Requests additional help if necessary 1
Considers stabilization of spine 1
Verbalizes general impression of the patient 1
Determines responsiveness/level of consciousness 1
Determines chief complaint/apparent life-threats 1
Assesses airway and breathing
-Assessment (1 point)
-Assures adequate ventilation (1 point)
-Initiates appropriate oxygen therapy (1 point)
Assesses circulation
-Assesses/controls major bleeding (1 point) -Assesses skin [either skin color, temperature, or condition] (1 point) 3
-Assesses pulse (1 point)
Identifies priority patients/makes transport decision 1
History of present illness
-Onset (1 point) -Severity (1 point)
-Provocation (1 point) -Time (1 point) 8
-Quality (1 point) -Clarifying questions of associated signs and symptoms as related to OPQRST (2 points)
-Radiation (1 point)
Past medical history
-Allergies (1 point) -Past pertinent history (1 point) -Events leading to present illness (1 point) 5
-Medications (1 point) -Last oral intake (1 point)
Performs secondary assessment [assess affected body part/system or, if indicated, completes rapid assessment]
-Cardiovascular -Neurological -Integumentary -Reproductive 5
-Pulmonary -Musculoskeletal -GI/GU -Psychological/Social
Vital signs
-Pulse (1 point) -Respiratory rate and quality (1 point each) 5
-Blood pressure (1 point) -AVPU (1 point)
Diagnostics [must include application of ECG monitor for dyspnea and chest pain] 2
States field impression of patient 1
Verbalizes treatment plan for patient and calls for appropriate intervention(s) 1
Transport decision re-evaluated 1
Repeats primary survey 1
Repeats vital signs 1
Evaluates response to treatments 1
Repeats secondary assessment regarding patient complaint or injuries 1
Actual Time Ended: TOTAL 48
Failure to initiate or call for transport of the patient within 15 minute time limit
Failure to take or verbalize body substance isolation precautions
Failure to determine scene safety before approaching patient
Failure to voice and ultimately provide appropriate oxygen therapy
Failure to assess/provide adequate ventilation
Failure to find or appropriately manage problems associated with airway, breathing, hemorrhage or shock [hypoperfusion]
Failure to differentiate patient’s need for immediate transportation versus continued assessment and treatment at the scene
Does other detailed history or physical examination before assessing and treating threats to airway, breathing, and circulation
Failure to determine the patient’s primary problem
Orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
Failure to provide for spinal protection when indicated
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
Appendix D: Page 7
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
Evaluation Notes:
Appendix D: Page 8
Patient Assessment - Trauma
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Scenario #:
Failure to initiate or call for transport of the patient within 10 minute time limit
Failure to take or verbalize body substance isolation precautions
Failure to determine scene safety
Failure to assess for and provide spinal protection when indicated
Failure to voice and ultimately provide high concentration of oxygen
Failure to assess/provide adequate ventilation
Failure to find or appropriately manage problems associated with airway, breathing, hemorrhage or shock [hypoperfusion]
Failure to differentiate patient’s need for immediate transportation versus continued assessment/treatment at the scene
Does other detailed history or physical exam before assessing/treating threats to airway, breathing, and circulation
Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
Appendix D: Page 9
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
Evaluation Notes:
Appendix D: Page 10
Bleeding Control/Shock Management
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Did not take or verbalize body substance isolation precautions
Did not apply high concentration of oxygen
Did not control hemorrhage using correct procedures in a timely manner
Did not indicate the need for immediate transportation
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items
on the reverse side of this form.
Appendix D: Page 11
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
Evaluation Notes:
Appendix D: Page 12
Intravenous Therapy
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: Points Awarded
Checks selected IV fluid for:
-Proper fluid (1 point)
-Clarity (1 point)
-Expiration date (1 point)
Selects appropriate catheter 1
Selects proper administration set 1
Connects IV tubing to the IV bag 1
Prepares administration set [fills drip chamber and flushes tubing] 1
Cuts or tears tape [at any time before venipuncture] 1
Takes or verbalizes body substance isolation precautions [prior to venipuncture] 1
Applies tourniquet 1
Palpates suitable vein 1
Cleanses site appropriately 1
Performs venipuncture
-Inserts stylette (1 point)
-Notes or verbalizes flashback (1 point)
-Occludes vein proximal to catheter (1 point)
-Removes stylette (1 point)
-Connects IV tubing to catheter (1 point)
Disposes/verbalizes proper disposal of needle in proper container 1
Releases tourniquet 1
Runs IV for a brief period to assure patent line 1
Secures catheter [tapes securely or verbalizes] 1
Adjusts flow rate as appropriate 1
Actual Time Ended Total 22
NOTE: Check here ❑ if candidate did not establish a patent IV within 3 attempts in 6 minutes. Do not evaluate the candidate in IV Bolus.
Critical Criteria
Failure to establish a patent and properly adjusted IV within 6 minute time limit
Failure to take or verbalize appropriate body substance isolation precautions prior to performing venipuncture
Contaminates equipment or site without appropriately correcting the situation
Performs any improper technique resulting in the potential for uncontrolled hemorrhage, catheter shear, or air embolism
Failure to successfully establish IV within 3 attempts during 6 minute time limit
Failure to dispose/verbalize disposal of blood-contaminated sharps immediately in proper container at the point of use
Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT-IV provider
Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
Critical Criteria
Failure to continue to take or verbalize appropriate body substance isolation precautions
Failure to begin administration of bolus within 3 minute time limit
Contaminates equipment or site without appropriately correcting the situation
Failure to adequately dispel air resulting in potential for air embolism
Injects improper fluid or dosage [wrong fluid, incorrect amount, or pushes at inappropriate rate]
Failure to turn-on IV after injecting fluid bolus
Recaps needle or failure to dispose/verbalize disposal of syringe and other material in proper container
Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT-IV provider
Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
Appendix D: Page 13
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
Evaluation Notes:
Appendix D: Page 14
Intraosseous Infusion
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: Points Awarded
Critical Criteria
___ Failure to establish a patent and properly adjusted IO line within 6 minute time limit
___ Failure to take or verbalize appropriate body substance isolation precautions prior to performing IO puncture
___ Contaminates equipment or site without appropriately correcting the situation
___ Performs any improper technique resulting in the potential for air embolism
___ Failure to assure correct needle placement [must aspirate or watch closely for early signs of infiltration]
___ Failure to successfully establish IO infusion within 2 attempts during 6 minute time limit
___ Performs IO puncture in an unacceptable manner [improper site, incorrect needle angle, holds leg in palm
and performs IO puncture directly above hand, etc.]
___ Failure to properly dispose/verbalize disposal of blood-contaminated sharps immediately in proper container at
the point of use
___ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
___ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
___ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form
Appendix D: Page 15
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
Appendix D: Page 16
EMT-IV Special Training
Candidate Name:
Appendix D: Page 17
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
Appendix D: Page 18
Required Scores for Successful Completion
Appendix D: Page 19
Appendix D: Approved EMT-IV Practical Evaluation Guidelines & Skill Sheets
Appendix D: Page 20