Optimizing Hot Gas Defrost
Optimizing Hot Gas Defrost
Optimizing Hot Gas Defrost
Several methods are commonly used to remove accumulated frost from air cooling evaporators which operate
below freezing. They include; water, electric, and hot gas defrost. If designed and operated properly, hot gas defrost
offers the refrigeration system operator a method which is effective, automatic, reliable, and safe.
1. The evaporator becomes a condenser. During the hot gas defrost process, high pressure hot gas from the
discharge side of the compressor is introduced into the evaporator in a controlled fashion where it
condenses back to its liquid state.
2. The latent heat of the refrigerant is used. The process of condensing releases a large amount of energy,
equal to the mass flow rate of the hot gas entering the evaporator times the latent heat of vaporization of
the refrigerant. The heat released during condensing is called “latent” heat since there is no change in
temperature during the condensing process (the term latent means “hidden”). If the condensing pressure is
held constant, the condensing process will take place at a constant temperature. The amount of heat
released during the condensing process is much greater than the amount of heat released when
superheated gas is cooled without condensing (called “sensible” cooling).
3. The condensed liquid is “recycled” and sent directly back to other evaporators. The condensed liquid from
the defrosting evaporator is expanded into the wet suction line and returned to the Low Pressure Receiver
(LPR) or Intermediate Pressure Receiver (MPR) where it is “recycled” and pumped directly back out to
4. Hot gas defrost acts like a heat pump to “move” heat. A heat pump moves heat “uphill” by gathering energy
at a low temperature level in the evaporator, compressing the evaporated refrigerant to a higher pressure,
then releasing the energy at a higher temperature level during the condensing process. This process is 7 to
8 times more energy efficient than burning fossil fuel or electricity directly to produce the same heating
effect. In the same way the heat used for hot gas defrosting has actually been gathered from the
refrigerated space by the operating evaporators, then “moved” to the defrosting evaporators by the
compression process at a refrigerant pressure and temperature high enough to melt the frost. Hot gas
defrosting is very energy efficient!
Defrost efficiency is also reduced when some of the defrost heat is lost to the room as heated air (convection) and
radiation. Finally, hot gas bypassing the defrost regulator at the end of the defrost cycle represents another loss by
imposing a false load on the compressor, and further reduces defrost efficiency. Improving defrost efficiency by
reducing these last two types of defrost heat losses is the subject of the following discussion.
Cole (1989) observed that most freezer evaporators operate with defrost efficiency of only 15% to 20%. Of the total
defrost energy input he determined that:
Cole further suggested that the maximum theoretical defrost efficiency was probably in the range of 60% to 70%.
Defrost efficiency will be reduced as energy lost to the room during defrost increases. The amount of heat lost to the
room is directly affected by room temperature (a colder room will have larger convective losses), the duration of the
defrost (a longer defrost will result in more convective heat loss), and the temperature of the hot gas (higher
temperature hot gas will result in more convective losses). The frequency of defrosts and amount of accumulated
frost will also affect defrost efficiency, that is, more accumulated frost will directly increase defrost efficiency by the
equation shown above.
A heat transfer model was written for a typical industrial evaporator to examine how defrost efficiency is affected by:
- Room temperature,
- Hot gas temperature,
- Duration of defrost,
- Frost thickness, and
- Materials of construction
Room Temperature
As room temperature is reduced, the defrost heat lost to the room due to convective heating of air unavoidably
becomes greater. This means that defrost efficiency in a freezer room will always be less than defrost efficiency in a
medium temperature room. Figure 1 below illustrates the greater convective heat loss in the freezer (63%)
compared to the medium temperature room (46%), and the resulting lower defrost efficiency in the freezer (17%)
versus the medium temp room (32%). Note that the defrost efficiency is equal to the “Melt Frost” percentages
shown in the charts. This highlights the relatively large amount of heat that is lost to the room during defrost due to
convective air heating regardless of the room temperature. Reducing this convective heat loss by changing the
design of the evaporator cabinet therefore represents an opportunity to significantly improve defrost efficiency and
will be discussed later.
Since the amount of convective heat loss to the room is directly affected by the temperature difference between hot
gas temperature and room temperature, any increase in hot gas temperature above the absolute minimum required
to melt the frost results in a proportional increase in the convective loss. It is generally accepted that the practical
minimum hot gas temperature for effective defrosting is around 50F (a defrost regulator setting of 75 psig). Figure 2
illustrates how an increase in the hot gas temperature results in an increase in convective heat loss and reduction in
defrost efficiency. It is the author’s observation that in many facilities, the hot gas temperature is raised above the
minimum required 50F in an attempt to clear the coil of ice due to some design related issue(s) such as ice buildup
in drainpans, or improper defrost piping.
In a conventional hot gas control valve arrangement, hot gas pressure (and therefore defrost temperature) is
determined by the defrost regulator setting. It is important to recognize that some minimum pressure difference
between hot gas supply pressure and the defrost regulator setting must be maintained in order to provide enough
“push” to keep clearing the condensed refrigerant out of the coil. A pressure differential of 15 to 20 psig should be
sufficient to keep the coil clear of condensed refrigerant. If this pressure difference becomes too small (either hot
gas supply pressure falls too low or the defrost regulator setting is too high) then condensed liquid refrigerant can
accumulate in the coil tubes and become subcooled, typically in the bottom rows. Once the refrigerant liquid
becomes subcooled it loses its ability to melt the frost and ice will accumulate.
Also, coil manufacturers must properly design evaporators to continuously drain and clear condensed refrigerant
from the:
- Hot gas pan loop,
- Coil circuits, and
- Liquid header and connection
Designing the liquid header to effectively trap condensed refrigerant and form a liquid seal below the lowest tube in
the coil is particularly important to avoid the problem of accumulating subcooled liquid in the bottom coil tubes
mentioned above.
Duration of Defrost
Cole (1989) confirmed by his own measurements, and by the observation of others, that the minimum time required
to melt the frost on evaporator tubes and fins is only between 8 and 10 minutes. However, it is the observation of
the author that most evaporators in industrial refrigeration facilities have hot gas defrost duration settings in excess
of 30 minutes, that is, the period of time the hot gas solenoid is open. Figure 3 shows the significant reduction in
convective heat loss, and the increase in defrost efficiency, resulting from shortening the duration of defrost from 30
minutes to 10 minutes.
Defrost duration of longer than the minimum 10 minutes should not be needed, however, it is quite common to see
defrost durations of 30 minutes or longer. This being a result of deficiencies in either the design of the evaporator
(ice in drainpans or improperly trapped coil outlet connection), or in the defrost piping and/or controls.
Frost Thickness
The definition of defrost efficiency implies that increasing the amount of frost melted during defrost will directly
increase the efficiency. Reducing the number of defrosts per day will increase frost thickness and increase
efficiency of defrosting. Figure 4 shows the effect of increasing frost thickness from 1 mm to 2 mm, and confirms a
significant increase in efficiency.
Reducing the number of defrosts per day may or may not be possible with existing installations, depending on the
evaporator design. In order for evaporators to carry more frost on fin surfaces between defrosts, two design
characteristics are needed:
1. Wide fin spacing. A fin spacing of 3 fpi (8.5 mm/fin) will allow more accumulated frost between defrosts
compared to 4 fpi (6.4 mm/fin) with less restriction of airflow and less reduction in evaporator performance.
2. A large ratio of secondary (fin) to primary (tube) surface. Evaporators having very close tube spacing will
have reduced total surface area for a given cooling duty and reduced frost carrying capability. Evaporators
having tubes spaced farther apart will have greater total surface area and greater frost carrying capability.
For example, an evaporator with 50mm tube spacing and 3 fpi will allow longer run time between defrosts
than an evaporator with 38mm tube spacing and 4 fpi. More total surface area for a given cooling duty
allows fewer defrosts per day.
Materials of Construction
Nelson (2003) showed that more energy is required to heat and cool the metal in a galvanized steel evaporator
compared to an aluminum tube/aluminum fin evaporator during a defrost cycle. This is due primarily to the greater
mass of metal in the galvanized steel construction. Figure 5 shows the reduction in defrost efficiency for a
galvanized evaporator (Stl/Zn) compared to an all aluminum (Al/Al) one.
As shown above, reducing convective heat losses during defrost represents a significant opportunity to improve the
energy efficiency of hot gas defrosts. Figure 6 below from Cole (1989) shows field measured air movement patterns
and velocities taken during defrost.
Taken from: Cole, R.A. 1989. “Refrigeration Loads in a Freezer Due to Hot Gas Defrost and Their
Associated Costs.” ASHRAE Transactions, V.95, Pt.2.
The use of return air hoods, and fan discharge socks is a recent development now available as an option from
several evaporator manufacturers. Return air hoods in combination with fan discharge socks effectively eliminate
convective air movement and heat loss during defrost. Figure 7 shows typical return air hoods and fan discharge
socks installed on an evaporator.
Return air hoods such as those shown are very effective. However, if care is not taken to (a) insulate the hood, and
(b) actively heat the inside surfaces of the hood during defrost, then hoar frost and ice can build up on the inside
surfaces of the hood and either block airflow or fall to the floor below. Also, fan discharge socks may require
periodic removal for cleaning and de-icing.
Optimizing Hot Gas Defrost: Conclusions
From the above discussion, it can be seen that hot gas defrosting of evaporators can be made significantly more
efficient by doing the following:
Sequence of Operation
Referring to the piping diagram shown in Figure 8 below, a typical sequence of operation for hot gas defrosting is as
Reliable operation of the hot gas defrost system depends on an adequate supply of hot gas throughout the defrost
cycle. Remember to:
1. Correctly size and insulate hot gas lines according to IIAR guidelines (IIAR 2004).
2. Make sure 2 coils are running for every coil that is defrosting. This is because the evaporator has
approximately twice the condensing capacity as evaporating capacity during defrost.
3. Control the system head pressure to maintain a minimum hot gas supply pressure that is 15 to 20 psi above
the defrost regulator setting. For example, if the defrost regulator is set at 80 psig, then hot gas pressure
supplied to the hot gas solenoid at the coil should be maintained (throughout the year) at a minimum of 100
Reliable hot gas defrost operation also depends on correct selection and sizing of control valves. Control valve
manufacturers’ literature and guidelines should be consulted. Oversized hot gas control valves will typically
“chatter”, which can cause excessive noise and premature failure of valves.
Safety must always be a primary consideration when designing and operating an ammonia hot gas defrost system.
Remember, as a minimum, to do the following:
1. Use good piping practice per the IIAR Piping Handbook (2004).
2. Keep hot gas lines clear of liquid by pitching down toward liquid drainers.
3. Always equalize pressure after defrost before opening Suction Stop Valve.
4. On coils >15TR always use a Soft Start Hot Gas Solenoid to gradually come up to defrost pressure.
5. Develop and maintain a complete PSM-RMP (Process Safety Management – Risk Management Program)
for your ammonia refrigeration system.
6. Develop and maintain a culture of safety training and preparedness throughout all levels of your
Cole, R.A. 1989. “Refrigeration Loads in a Freezer Due to Hot Gas Defrost and Their Associated Costs.” ASHRAE
Transactions, V.95, Pt.2.
IIAR. 2004. Ammonia Refrigeration Piping Handbook. International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration.
Colmac Coil Manufacturing, Inc. 2003. Bulletin ENG00014424: “Unit Coolers, Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance.” Colmac Coil Manufacturing, Inc. Colville, WA.
Nelson, B.I. 2003. “Made for Ammonia.” Process Cooling & Equipment. July/August 2003.