Compliance Sheet: Key Skills

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Key Skills

 Knowledge of ASME & PDE Codes and Standards – YES

 Knowledge of Engineering Drawing Standards – YES / ASME & ISO Standards
 Layout Design and detailed Fabrication Drawings – YES / AutoCAD

Key Accountabilities

1 Yes. This includes design in compliance

with ASME Sec VIII Div 1&2 , PD 5500 , API
650 , API 620 , TEMA.
2 Yes, the design of pressure vessels
considering the Internal and External fluid
Pressure , Seismic and Wind loads (ASCE)
and test pressures.
3 Documentations for ASME U Stamp, CE
Marking, ISO 9001; 2008, preparation of
MDR (Manufacturers Design Report) .
4 Knowledge of preparing TDR (technical
delivery req) & BOM for procurement.
Experience in SAP ERP.
5 Knowledge; TDR preparation for
outsourcing design and CAD. Experienced
in Evaluation of CAD drawings & Design
report as per standards.
6 Excellent communication with the peer
departments : Projects , Planning , QA&AC
,Inspection, Procurement , Accounts,
Transports etc.
7 Skills in preparing fabrication drawings in
compliance with ASME, BS and ISO
8 Work Experience in Project Management,
technical evaluation, Inspection and
completion report. Prepared check lists
and progress sheets for projects and
provided all technical supports.
9 Carried out Technical evaluation of
materials according to the material
standards and customer specs. Technical
evaluation of scope of supply during
subcontracts and vender qualification.
10 Designer is the complete technical
authority of the design and responsible for
any queries from customer, Third party
inspector, ASME Inspector for U Stamping
and ISO auditing .
11 Knowledge in CE marking procedures.
DIN EN ISO 3834 knowledge

12 ISO 9001:2008 internal auditor


1 Responsible for managing and updating

design documents as per ISO 9001 quality
standards and directives. Obtained
training in BS OSHAS 18001:2007 and ISO
2 Trained in ISO9001:2008 internal auditing.
Maintained all the design documentations
as per the ISO Quality manual.

3 Received on –the-job training on Codes &

Standards and Design software.
4 All the documentations and
communications were performed with
strict compliance with company standards,
organisation charts and quality manual.


The data protection Act 1998 was not applicable in the territory of work during my tenure.
Yet there were internal policies to ensure the inter company data protection especially
dealt with the IT policies and legal obligations with the services offered.

1 Maintained the strict data protection

policies within organisation, especially with
the Standards, costing data, design and
drawings. The information shared were
using the FTP for data protection.
2 The services and facilities offered were
within the manufacturing capacity of the
company and the certification obtained to
the company. Eg: ASME U1 & U2 Stamp,
ASME “S” stamp, National Board “R” and
“NB” stamp etc.
3 The functional requirements were
thoroughly studied before the quotation
and the services offered were as per the
Scope of Work during the project. The
quality policy is maintained throughout the
project and TPI services were provided as
per request.
4 The relevant references as per the
available standards were provided to
ensure quality. Eg. The design report is
manually verified as per Standards to
ensure the quality of information and
facilities used during the project.
5 The design performed for the lethal
facilities were strictly in compliance with
the standards to ensure safety.
The design for general purpose operations
were performed with “Good Engineering
Practice” as such process does not require
compliance to standards. Eg: Vessels for
6 Not Applicable

7 -


1 Qualification: MSc Mechanical

Engineering; NQF Level -7.

Design of Pressure Equipments in Oil &

Gas Industry : - YES , Quality International
LLC, UAE – Design and Estimation
Engineer.( Jan 2009- Jun 2010)

Design of Heat Exchanger & tube Sheet : -

YES , Experience in Design with TEMA
Standard ( Tubular Exchangers
Manufacturers’ Associations) ,ASME ,API
PED Standards.
2 Vessel Design Software: PV Elite,
Compress, Tank.

Design CAD packages: AutoCAD,

Solidworks, Pro-E, CATIA & Inventor.

FEA: Ansys, STAAD.

Project Management: MS Project,


3 Area of Expertise: Oil & Gas, Machine tools

and Manufacturing.
Key Cross Functional experience:
Experience in production & Manufacturing
Technology, Product development,
Planning, Assembly, Maintenance and

4 I have managed a small team of engineers

and draughtsmen during the machine
development project in HMT Machine
 Spline Shaft Grinding Machine.
 SBCNC80/3000CD BEML Machine
 STC30/1000CD IMTEX Machine

I have managed a team of technicians and

draughtsmen during the Project in Quality
International LLC,UAE


1 Qualification: MSc Mechanical

Engineering; NQF Level -7.

Total Experience : 8 Years

Experience in Design and Pressure

Equipment Applications : 5 Years

2 Experience in Heat Exchanger design with

Quality international LLC, UAE.

3 Experience in design evaluation for

estimation using the ASME Code for
Pressure Piping B31 series: ASME B31.1
to B31.8.

 Design experience in ASME B31.3-

Process Piping: Performed the design
evaluation (design was outsourced) and
preparation of fabrication- isometric
drawing for piping project.

 Attended demonstration of Coade-

Caeser II training and evaluated
the design along with design

4 Experience in Structural Analysis using

STAAD Pro – has used to Design evaluation
of Tanks and structures for Al-Dur Project.


1 Recent Experience: HMT Machine Tools.

 Initiated Lean inventory movement
in the assembly plant.
 Developed fully functional PDM
system for SBCNC variants.
 Developed applications for design

2  Have experience in working with

cross functional team for projects and
demonstrated effective data
communication among the team
members and peer groups.
Eg: Fuel Gas conditioning system Project/
OXY : The project involved in dealing with
Project Management ,Design, Inspection,
Procurement, Manufacturing, Sub
Contracts and Transportation.

3 Project : Fuel Gas Conditioning

System/OXY / Quality international LLC

The project involved development of Fuel

Gas Conditioning system for Gas turbines
for Oman.
 Design of Pressure Vessels – ASME
U Stamp
 Design of Piping.
 Design of Skid and Structures.

The whole design was developed to

manufacture 3 skids from P&ID to occupy
the existing plant facility as per customer
requirements and standards.
The design was improved by creating the
3D of the skid using PDMS software to
evaluate the boundary conditions.
4 Demonstrated excellent spoken and
written communication skills within the
company departments, suppliers and

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