An Analysis of The Companion Performance of The Hopeful Family Program To Alleviate Poverty in Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia
An Analysis of The Companion Performance of The Hopeful Family Program To Alleviate Poverty in Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia
An Analysis of The Companion Performance of The Hopeful Family Program To Alleviate Poverty in Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia
ABSTRACT:- The companion of the hopeful family program (HFP)is a primary element in
theimplementation of the HFP program. The purpose of this study is to know and analyze factors affecting the
companion performance of the hopeful family program (HFP) in Medan city and to know the elements that have
the gap between sub-districts with high-performance rate with sub-districts which having a low-performance
rate. This research is descriptive analytical that aims to obtain an overview of research objectives. The result of
the study shows that individual, psychological, and organizational factors have a significant effect on the
companion performance of the hopeful family program (HFP) in Medan city. Gap analysis of organizational
variable was found in demographic dimensions. Gap analysis of psychological variable was found in dimensions
of perception, attitude, personality, learning, and motivation while the gap analysis on organizational variable
was in the aspects of leadership, reward, structure, and job design.
Poverty is one of the complex problems facing Indonesia. This condition cannot be separated from the
long chain of poverty that is difficult to decide. Poverty is not just talking about individuals, but it will lead to a
broad family, group, and society. Government programs have been launched to address the poverty problem in
this country. Any program run by the government to minimize poverty is usually temporary.
In order to cope with poverty, the Indonesian government issued a hopeful family program (HFP). This
program is being implemented in Indonesia and is included in one cluster of poverty alleviation instruments.
The program is part of the target groups, and social protection groups of the target group and the Ministry of
Social Affairs of Indonesia is given the responsibility to implement it. The International World recognizes this
social protection program with the term Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) which is considered to be quite
successful in tackling poverty in many countries, especially chronic poverty.
Conditional cash assistance is an innovative and more popular social assistance program. According to
Fiszbein, Ariel, and Schady (2009), "conditional cash transfer program is one that transfers cash to poor
households if they make the prespecified investment in the human capital of their children. In general, this has
involved attaching "conditions" to transfers. "
This mechanism of social assistance program is done by giving a certain amount of money to low-
income families and they are required to conduct certain behaviors. The behavior is usually done by building a
positive attitude in strengthening the independence of the family. Examples of such behaviors include keeping
children routinely on school and checking expectant and toddlers in health services (Hibullah and Ivo 2013).
This conditional cash aid program is not only a tool for the eradication of poverty in the short term. This
program is included in the effort to achieve the goals of long-term economic growth and human resource
development. This approach has been applied internationally and in some countries. Additionally, the program
has become a permanent component of the strategy of poverty eradication.
The hopeful family program (HFP) has begun being implemented in Indonesia since 2007 and those
targeted by the program are called the beneficiary family. The beneficiary family who becomes HFP
participants are given access to utilize the health and education services available around them. Since 2016, the
benefits of HFP have been enhanced to reach persons with disabilities and elderly to maintain their social
welfare status under the mandate of the constitution and Nawacita from the President of the Republic of
The great purpose of this hopeful family program is becoming increasingly apparent given the poor
population data in Indonesia. In 2017 the poverty rate decreased from 10.64% in March 2017 to 10.12% in
September 2017. As seen from the total population of Indonesia in March 2017 totaled 27,771,220 people to
*Corresponding Author: Nonivili Julianti Gulo 99 | Page
An analysis of the companion performance of the hopeful family program to alleviate poverty in…
26,582,990 inhabitants in September with a total reduction of 1,188,230 poor people. If calculated then there is a
decrease of the poor population by 0.58% (BPS, 2017).
Progress from HFP can be seen from various results of research conducted by various parties.
Bappenas (2009) concluded that HFP succeeded in increasing the monitoring of child growth and immunization
activities. However, it is relatively small in terms of education indicators. Meanwhile, the results of the SMERU
Research Institute (2008) which conducted the Qualitative Baseline Study of PNPM and HFP in the Provinces
of East Nusa Tenggara and West Java concluded that several factors inhibiting households from accessing
services and health are seen from the availability and use of health facilities themselves (Hibullah and Ivo
This success is undoubtedly inseparable from the supporting devices in the form of institutions and
human resources. The companion of the hopeful family program (HFP) is a principal element in the
implementation of the HFP program.
The hopeful family program is one of the social welfare activities of community development. HFP
facilitators as parties working in the program can be referred to as social workers. Midgley (2005) argues that
for carrying out social welfare activities at the community level such as HFP Program, professionals are needed.
These professionals play a role in carrying out social welfare businesses because they understand and can
implement social development strategies. However, there are some differences of opinion regarding the type of
professional power needed. Some experts such as Margaret Hardiman and James Midgley believe that the task
of social development is the best way by social development professionals who are specifically trained in this
Community-based social development strategies generally see the need for highly skilled professionals.
On the contrary, they chose the social worker of society who worked on the ground and came from the
community itself. This case is a gap that occurs in the implementation of this program. HFP companion is
generally not a social education background and thus cannot be expressed as a professional social worker. It has
become an important part to be scrutinized, whether the education background affects HFP's companion
According to Ife (2008), there are four key roles and skills that a social worker should have, among
others, the role and facilitation skills; educational roles and skills, representational roles and skills, and roles and
technical skills. Isbandi Adi (2008) believes that facilitative and educational roles are fundamental and
immediate in the effort of planned social change at the community level, whereas representatives and technical
roles have less impact on target communities than facilitation and education (Habibullah 2011). Empirical
research results by Habibullah (2011) on the role of HFP companion in Karawang District. It was concluded that
the HFP companion was more technical to achieve the success of the program administratively and its role was
still lacking in the facilitative, representative, and educational. This gap is also a research material to see the
performance of HFP companion in Medan City, whether the same condition or not occur.
The role of the companion in implementing this program great determines the sustainability and
success of this program, either directly or indirectly. The HFP companion as a party directly in contact with
KPM to meet, see their living conditions directly, motivate, and strive for the best solution if KPM is having
The city of Medan has started running the HFP Program in 2008. In 2008, the number of KPMs was
only 17,417 and did not cover all sub-districts in Medan City. In 2009 there was an expansion since that KPM
amounted to 20,586 and had reached all areas in Medan City. Expansion continues until 2016-2017 KPM City
Medan has reached 42,915. Increasing the number of KPMs will undoubtedly affect the addition of HFP
companion numbers in Medan City.
within an organization. Then Pasolong (2008) concludes performance as a result of work that can be achieved
by employees or groups of employees within an organization by their respective authorities and responsibilities,
to achieve the objectives of the organization concerned.
Therefore, as mentioned earlier of performance, it can be understood that performance is the
achievement of work, or the work result, either quality or quantity achieved by human resource unity of period
in the execution of task duties based on the tasks and responsibilities given.
Theoretical framework
The theoretical framework is a conceptual model that shows the logical relationship between factors or
variables that have been identified to analyze the research problem. Theoretical framework explains the pattern
of relationships between all the factors or variables associated or described in the theoretical basis (Sinulingga,
2015).This research is intended to understand the concept of Henry Simamora about factors that influence
performance as a benchmark in describing HFP's companion performance in Medan City. The variables used in
this research are individual factors, psychological factors, and organizational factors. Individual variable
dimensions consist of capabilities, backgrounds, and demographics. Likewise, with psychological variables,
dimensions to be examined are seen from perceptions, attitudes, personality, learning, and motivation. The
dimension organization variables to be investigated consist of resources, leadership, awards, structures, and job
design. For companion performance, its dimensions consist of productivity, service quality, responsiveness,
responsibility, and accountability.
Based on the test results presented in Table 1, it is concluded that individual factors have a positive and
significant effect on performance. Testing of this data is also in line with interviews with stakeholders who state
individual factors profoundly influence that performance. Indicators included in this individual factor are ability,
background, and demographics. The influence of the organization will return to the individual response itself. If
the individual has a positive attitude, focus, willingness to work, have good intentions and assume this work is
devotion, whatever the surrounding conditions will not affect his commitment in working. The wheel of the
organizational drive is the individual itself.
Psychological factor
Table2The results of t-test (Psychological factor)
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 15.290 4.837 3.161 .002
Psychologica .690 .112 .610 6.152 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Performance
Based on Table 2 it can be concluded that psychological variables have a positive and significant effect on
performance. Furthermore, further explanation on this test result is a better psychological (perception, attitude,
personality, learning, motivation) from all program companion, the higher the performance of poverty
alleviation in Medan City, and vice versa
Organizational Factor
Table3 The results of t-test (Organizational factor)
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 33.466 5.260 6.362 .000
Organizational .316 .144 .264 2.193 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Performance
Based on Table 3, it can be concluded that organizational factor variables have a positive and
significant effect on performance. As for the further explanation of this test result is the better organizational
factors (resources, leadership, awards, structure, and job design) perceived by all program partners, the higher
the performance of poverty alleviation in Medan City and vice versa.
Based on the results of the research, some suggestions can be presented as follows: the key stakeholder
of the hopeful family programs should improve from the demographic side of HFP companions.Associated with
this section is to evaluate the recruitment of a companion, especially the age and marital status.In order to
improve the personality and motivation of HFP companions, it is necessary to carry out well-planned training.
The training materials provided relate to basic training in the social field. The training is aimed at increasing the
knowledge of the companion in communication and the formation of good character.Improvements on the
organization side are also needed. Leaders of the hopeful family programs should build a close relationship with
all the companions capable of good cooperation. Giving the reward to the companion should also be sustainable
since it is expected to improve the performance of the companion itself.
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Correspondence Author: Nonivili Julianti Gulo
Postgraduate Program, Magister Management, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan,
North Sumatra, Indonesia