A UML-based Simple Function Point Estimation Method and Tool
A UML-based Simple Function Point Estimation Method and Tool
A UML-based Simple Function Point Estimation Method and Tool
Abstract—Function Point Analysis (FPA) is used to measure sum of the sizes of data and transactions is the size of the
the size of functional user requirements of software applications. application in Unadjusted Function Points (UFP).
However, the measurement process of FPA is slow, expensive and Organizations that develop software are interested in
complex. The Simple Function Point (SiFP) method has been Function Point measurement process that is reliable, rapid and
proposed as a replacement of FPA that is much faster and cheap, and that fits well in their development processes.
cheaper to apply. However, no tools supporting Simple Function However, performing FPA requires a thorough exploration of
Point measurement have yet been proposed. In this paper, we FUR, to identify and possibly weigh basic functional
aim at building a tool to facilitate SiFP measurement. components. Therefore, the measurement process can be quite
Specifically, we propose a measurement based on UML models of
long and expensive. In fact, FPA performed by a certified
requirements, including use case diagrams and domain model
function point consultant proceeds at a relatively slow pace:
(class diagrams). The proposed methodology –including a set of
guidelines for domain modeling and the mapping between SiFP between 400 and 600 function points (FP) per day, according
measure components and UML elements – makes SiFP to Capers Jones [5], between 200 and 300 FPs per day
measurement much easier to perform. In fact, the proposed according to experts from Total Metrics [6]. Consequently,
methodology is usable in the early requirements definition stage, measuring the size of a moderately large application can take
when only use case diagram and the primary class diagram too long, if cost estimation is needed urgently. Also, the cost of
illustrating the domain model (including classes' names and measurement can be often considered excessive by software
relationship among classes) are available. We used 17 academic developers.
sample applications to validate our proposal. The result shows In addition, at the beginning of a project, size estimation
that our method and tool can be used to replace manual Simple would be necessary for bidding and planning. But, FURs have
Function Point measurement in the early phases of the software not yet been specified in detail and completely, namely the
development cycle to measure the functional size of software available information is often incomplete and insufficient. So
project. the customer is only able to do approximate measurements.
The accuracy of a FP measure grows with the completeness
Keywords— Functional Size Measures; Simple Function Point; and precision of FUR specifications. When we can measure
SiFP; UML; Object-oriented measures. with the highest accuracy, we no longer need that measure. The
situation is described by the paradox illustrated in Fig. 1.
A. The case introduction diagram contains four components. The boundary defines the
We use as the case a reduced version of a real Information system of interest in relation to the world around it. The actors
System by Lavazza [15], since it is concise and its size is are usually individuals involved with the system defined
appropriate. Its functional size in FP is already measured, so according to their roles. The use cases are the specific roles
we do not need to do it again. In our case, a system class played by the actors within and around the system. The last
diagram that involves composition and component is the relationships between and among the actors
specification/generalization meets our needs. The only and the use cases. UML provides use case diagrams, which are
drawback of this system for our study is that the use case well suited for our purposes. The boundary of the use case
diagram is relatively simple; the relationships among the use diagrams can be directly taken as the boundary of the MSA.
cases just involve the general association. But, overall, it is The correspondence between the SiFP concepts and the
suitable for our objectives. elements of UML use case diagrams is schematically described
This GymIS is an information system for Gym in Table I.
management. The application offers annual and monthly
subscriptions. The client who subscripts the annual service
only needs to pay 12 times the cost of a month but have the SiFP UML
right of receiving 13 months service. The client and Boundary of the object that
Application boundary
owns the use cases
subscription data are stored in the system database. The former
is characterized by name, age, profession, address, and SSN. UGEP Use case
Clients can also be updated, but, once inserted, they are never User Actor
removed from the system. A subscription is characterized by UGDG locating out of the
the duration, the subscription date, the subscribing client, the system boundary
set of optional services to which the client subscribed (their
cost adds up to the cost of the basic subscription). Among the Step 2: Present UGEP using use case
optional services there is the possibility to get a monthly Use Case Diagrams indicate –as actors– the elements
medical check. outside the boundary with which the application interacts; most
The functions that the application must provide are the important, use case diagrams show the transactions. We
following: record a new client, update the client data, record a represent each UGEP as a use case.
new subscription, record the payment by a given client for a Rule 1: Each use case must represent the smallest unit of
given month, compute and print how much is due by every activity that is meaningful to the user(s), and must be self-
client for the previous months, compute the number of contained and leave the business of the application being
subscriptions that include the given service in a given period, counted in a consistent state.
and record the results of a health check. The detailed Rule 2: Relationship among the use case, extension, include,
requirements for the transactions are not presented here. The generalization, must be correctly presented.
complete FURs of the GymIS can be found in [15]; they were Rule 3:A use case that cannot be instanced must be noted
measured according to FPA rules on the basis of a traditional as "abstract" stereotype. The base use case of a cluster of use
description. The result was that the application is 67 FP. case formatted by generalization must be noted as "abstract"
B. SiFP-oriented modeling By applying the rules above to the GymIS the use case
UML-based SiFP estimation method works well only if the diagram reported in Fig. 5 is obtained.
given models incorporate all the required information at the
proper detail level and the modeling and measure rules are
defined according to the SiFP theory. In this sub-section we
define the SiFP-Oriented modeling methodology as a set of
guidelines. For the purpose of modeling, we use UML as
defined in [16]. We do not define extensions or force the
semantics of the language. This choice contributes to
minimizing the impact of the measurement-oriented modeling
on the development process, and to make the adoption of the
method as seamless as possible.
Usually, the activity of creating OO models is not
sequential; rather, it is often iterative, with several refinements, Fig. 5. Use case diagram of the GymIS
deletions, extensions, and modifications of the model. In order
to keep the presentation clear, we present the modeling Step 3: Present UGDG using domain class
methodology as a sequence of conceptual steps. Usually, the methods proposed in the literature for
measuring the functional size of UML models map the concept
Step 1: Present application boundary of data functions onto (sets of) classes. The difficulties in
The first objective of the model is to represent the matching classes and logic files are exemplified very well in
application boundaries and the external elements that interact [18], where four different manners of identifying logical files
with the system to be measured. are defined, according to the different possible ways to deal
A use case diagram is a graphic depiction of the with aggregations and generalization/specializations
interactions among the elements of a system. A use case relationships.
Although in several cases it is possible to identify a class as Rule 5: Entity classes that appear in the domain model
a logic file, it is also quite common that a single logic file diagram are the candidates for UGDG. Entity classes appear in
corresponds to a set of classes. domain model must be complete, namely, no entity class be
In object-oriented development process, such as ICONIX missed. Each entity class should have its name, and the
processes [17], the modeling process of static model can be relationships among the entity classes should be complete.
split into three stages: 1) requirements definition, 2) analysis, Rule 6: Each entity class must be noted as stereotype
conceptual design and technical architecture, 3) design and <<Entity>>.
coding. The obtained models are domain model, updated Rule 7: In general, a UGDG corresponds to an entity class
domain model and Class model -as shown in Fig. 6- which (see the class User and Payments in Fig.7). A relevant
separately correspond to three types of diagram: domain class exception is given by clusters of classes that are connected by
diagram, updated domain class diagram and class diagrams. composition relations (see the set classes consist of
HealthRecord and Result in Fig.7), or generalization relations
(see the classes Subscription, MonthScription and
AnnualScription in Fig.7). A cluster of classes that are
connected by composition or generalization relations is defined
as one UGDG.
or generalization relations (see Table IV), and according to company which holds the application (see Fig. 9), the measurer
SiFP rules, we define rule 9. that carries out the measurement are all recorded by the tool to
meet the needs for analysis and inquiries.
Type of UC Role of UC Complete Abstract measure
Base UC Yes No Yes
Inclusion Yes No Yes
Base UC Yes No Yes
Extension Yes No Yes
general UC No Yes No
Fig. 9. Information input interface of the tool
Generalization Specialized
Yes No Yes
We measure the GymIS software application using our tool
Rule 9:In general, a use case is counted as a UGEP. A SiFPOOTool: 5 UGDG and 7 UGEP were identified, thus the
total size is 67.2 SiFP.
relevant exception is that the use case noted as abstract is not
Rule 10: As defined by the rules 4-8, whether it is a single
class or a group of classes, as long as it is defined as a UGDG, We aimed to validate the two issues: the first one is
it is counted as a UGDG. whether the tool can be used to replace the manual SiFP
Rule 11:A class stereotyped <<XUGDG>> is counted as measurement, when a UML requirement model is available.
a UGDG. The second is to validate whether our SiFP-oriented UML
Once the UGEP and UGDG lists are complete, the scores modeling rules are correct. The validation overview is shown
are assigned to the individual BFCs and added together as in the Fig.10.
shown below. The scores to assign to each individual BFC are:
UGDG = 7.0 SiFP and UGEP = 4.6 SiFP.
So the size of a whole application is:
SiFP=M(UGEP)+M(UGDG)= #UGEP*4.6 + # UGDG*7.0.
Here #X means the number of X.
According to the conversion between SiFP and UFP
defined in the SiFP reference manual, we can draw the
following equation to calculate the FPA functional size from
the SiFP value:
UFP = #SiFP /0.998
Fig. 10. Validation overview
D. Measure Tool for SiFP
There are several UML modeling tools which support OO
We used 17 projects' models mainly prepared during
modeling, such as Visio, Rational Rose, Power Designs, EA
previous work [19]. The FURs, UML models (use case
and StarUML. These tools not only provide a graphical
diagram, class diagram, components diagram, and sequence
modeling function, but also export the model as XMI and/or
diagram) and size measures (in UFP) of those projects are
XML file. Measurement tools can be designed by parsing
XMI/XML document and using measurement rules. We
The experimental validation procedure was organized as
designed a measure tool SiFPOOTool to automatically
measure the SiFP size of an application by its UML model,
−Firstly, for each project, the use case diagrams are
precisely use case diagram and class diagram. The high-level
reviewed and modified according to the rules 1, 2 and 3
structure of the tool is shown in Fig.8.
defined in Section III.B.
−Second step: the class diagrams are reviewed and
modified according to the rules 4-8 in Section III.B.
−Third step: The activities involved in steps 1 and 2 are
repeated until all the projects' use cases and class diagrams
comply with the rules 1-8 in Section III.B. Using StarUML, the
XMI/XML files are exported from UML model.
Fig. 8. Theory of SiFPOOTool − The fourth step: those 17 projects are manually measured
using the SiFP method: the results are given in columns 2-4 of
The tool provides some functions, such as, reading and Table V. The correspond SiFP and UFP are also calculated
parsing XML file derived from UML model, recording and automatically and inserted in the 4th and 5th columns of the
reporting the measure result. Moreover, the related Table V. The UFP values are computed according to the
information about the application being measured, the
function SiFP = #UFP*0.998 described in the reference manual the manual measurement(Column 5) and the UFP(Column 10),
[13]. the datasets of measurement based on the tool(Column 9) and
− Then we use our tool SiFPOOTool to measure each UFP(Column 10), both the two-tailed test p-values are
model XMI/XML file obtained at step 4. The results and their approximately 0.001. Then we analyzed the average of
corresponding UFPs are inserted in columns 6-8 of Table V. absolute value of the ratio of UFP based on the tool(Column 9)
To automatically obtain the UFP values, the previous function and the UFP(Column 10), it is approximately 9.95%, which is
SiFP=#UFP*0.998 was used in our tool. less than 10%, so the results obtained based on the tool is
− Finally, we copied into Column 10 the functional size acceptable. Our approach (based on UML model) belongs to
measures in UFP manually measured in the previous work. the third level, detailed measurement level, of the six accuracy
When all the preparatory work was finished, we performed levels for software sizing defined in [20][21].
three paired sample t-Tests on the datasets of manual In conclusion, our estimation tool SiFPOOTool can be used
measurement (Column 5), of the measurement based on to replace manual SiFP measurement in the early phases of the
SiFPOOTool (Column 9) and of UFP values (Column 10) software development cycle, namely domain modeling phase,
obtained in the previous work. As usually the level of to measure the functional size of software project. As it turns
significance is set as 5%. Test results are as follows: on the out, our modeling and measure rules (Rules 1-11 presented in
datasets of manual measurement (Column 5) and of the Section III. B, C and D) lead to good experiment results.
measurement based on SiFPOOTool (Column 9), the two-
tailed test p-value is approximately 0.104. For the datasets of
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constructed according to such technique. [8] ISO/IEC 24570: 2004, "Software Engineering-NESMA Functional Size
Measurement Method version 2.1 - Definitions and Counting Guidelines
In [15] Lavazza et al. proposed a FPA-oriented UML for the Application of Function Point Analysis", International
modeling technique that can make FPA performed in a Organization for Standardization, Geneva, 2004.
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effectively used in place of IFPUG [14]. However, there has [11] M. Bundschuh, "Function Point Prognosis Revisited", FESMA 99,
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traditional process is expensive and time consuming. The SiFP
was proposed as a replacement of FPA. Functional size is [13] SiFPA, "Simple Function Point Functional Size Measurement Method -
Reference Manual, V. SiFP-01.00-RM-EN-01.01",
mainly used for estimating development costs and project http://www.sifpa.org/en/index.htm, retrieved: June, 2016.
planning. Many software developers use UML, hence they are [14] L. Lavazza and R. Meli, "An Evaluation of Simple Function Point as a
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The authors thank Prof. Luigi Antonio Lavazza from the with UML Theory and Practice", Apress, Berkeley, USA, 2007.
University of Insubria in Varese, Italy, for his constructive [18] G. Antoniol, C. Lokan, G. Caldiera, and R. Fiutem, "A Function Point-
suggestions and comments on this research. The authors also Like Measure for Object-Oriented Software", Empirical Software
thank Jun Wu for his contribution to the implementation of the Engineering , Volume 4, Issue 3, pp 263–287, Sept. 1999.
first version of the tool. The research presented in this paper [19] G. Liu, "Towards Making Function Size Measurement Easily Usable in
has been supported by the Start Project Foundation of Practice", PhD thesis, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 2014.
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