Fundamental Areas of Cyber Security On Latest Technology
Fundamental Areas of Cyber Security On Latest Technology
Fundamental Areas of Cyber Security On Latest Technology
Volume 3 Issue 5, August 2019 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
The latest technologies like cloud computing, mobile II. CYBER SECURITY
computing, E-commerce, net banking etc. also need a high In [5], Cyber security is the techniques of protecting
level of security. Enhancing cyber security and protecting computers, networks, programs and data from unauthorized
critical information infrastructures are essential to each access or cyber attacks that are aimed for exploitation. Cyber
nation's security and economic safety. Today many nations security is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and
and governments are imposing strict laws on cyber programs from digital attacks. These cyber attacks are
securities in order to prevent the loss of some important usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive
information. Every individual must also be trained on this information; extorting money from users; or interrupting
cyber security and save themselves from these increasing normal business processes.
cyber-crimes. The fight against cybercrime needs a In today’s connected world, everyone benefits from
comprehensive and safer approach. Given that technical advanced cyber defense programs. At an individual level, a
measures alone cannot prevent any crime, it is critical that cyber security attack can result in everything from identity
law enforcement agencies are allowed to investigate and theft, to extortion attempts, to the loss of important data like
prosecute cybercrime effectively. Public authorities within family photos. Everyone relies on critical infrastructures like
and across jurisdictions can use the elements as well to power plants, hospitals, and financial service companies.
guide their public policy, regulatory, and supervisory efforts. Securing these and other organizations is essential to
[2] keeping our society functioning. [5]
In today’s Internet-connected world where technologies
Implementing actual cyber security measures is particularly
support almost every feature of our society, cyber security
challenging today because there are more devices than
and forensic specialists are increasingly dealing with wide-
people, and attackers are becoming more innovative. A safe
ranging cyber threats in almost real-time conditions. The
and secure Internet is a global Internet governance priority.
capability to detect, analyze, and defend against such threats
There are many threats that can undermine the security and
in near real-time conditions is not possible without the
stability of cyberspace, impacting governments, business,
employment of threat intelligence, big data, and machine
civil society groups and individual users. Cyber-attacks, or
learning techniques. [3]
cybercrime, can come in many forms, resulting in loss of
services or loss of control over services, stolen personal
information (such as credit card details), fraud and identity
theft and receiving a high volume of spam messages. A range
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26550 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 981
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
of actors execute cyber-attacks, including national sensitive information from illegitimate access, usage,
governments, criminals, business, hacker groups or revelation, disruption, alteration, reading, inspection,
individual hackers. Attacks can be carried out by spreading damage or recording. This is an assurance that critical data is
computer viruses, denial of service attacks (DDoS), phishing, not lost when any issue like natural disasters, malfunction of
or hacking. [6] system, theft or other potentially damaging situation arises.
With the increasing use of digital technologies such as the [4]
cloud, big data, mobile, IoT (The Internet of Things) and
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in ever more areas of business and C. Network security
society and the growing connectivity of everything come Network security refers to comprehensive security policies
greater challenges on the level of security, compliance and and provisions adopted in an adaptive and proactive manner
data protection and regulations such as the GDPR (The by the network administrator for thwarting and monitoring
General Data Protection Regulation) that want to make sure unauthorized access, deliberate misuse, alteration, denial of
organizations effectively tackle them. Cyber security has service for a computer host and other network-accessible
developed a key strategic priority for digital business and is and interaction related resources. It involves checking the
a topic we need to be open about if we want to succeed in privilege rights of users to validate the legitimacy of users
digital transformation. Moreover, in order to be able to and grant them access to the network’s data or allow for the
update and realize their digital potential in regards to any exchange of information. Network security extends coverage
given business and customer goal, organizations want over diverse computer networks, encompassing private and
security approaches that enable them to focus on their public that is used for transacting and communicating among
business, a phenomenon which is changing the face of the organizations. The communication occurring among
cyber security industry. [8] network hosts can be encrypted to avoid eavesdropping.
Deployment of decoy network-accessible resources will
III. FUNDAMENTAL AREAS OF CYBERSECURITY serve as surveillance and early warning measures.
One of the most challenging elements of cyber security is the Techniques employed by attackers for compromising the
constantly evolving nature of security risks. The traditional decoy resources can be studied post-attack to understand
method has been to focus resources on crucial system their logic behind the development of new exploitation
components and protect against the biggest known threats, means. [4]
which meant leaving components undefended and not
protecting systems against less dangerous risks. In [4], the D. Disaster recovery/business continuity planning
researchers studied the major areas which are included in Business continuity is the process of summoning into action
cyber securities are as follows: planned and managed procedures which enable an
organization to carry out the operation of its critical business
A. Application security units, while a planned or unintentional disruption
Application security is the expenditure of software, hampering regular business operations is in effect. Once a
hardware, and procedural methods to protect applications cyber-attack has brought the business to a standstill by
from external threats. In software design, security is crippling the information systems, this disaster recovery
becoming an increasingly important concern during planning plays a vital role in keeping critical parts ticking to
development as applications become more frequently make the business survive. The planning assists in bringing
accessible over networks and are, as a result, vulnerable to a down the recovery cost and operational overheads. [4]
wide variety of threats. Security measures built into
applications and a sound application security routine E. Operational security
minimize the likelihood that unauthorized code will be able Operational security (OPSEC) is an analytical process that
to manipulate applications to access, steal, modify, or delete classifies information assets and determines the controls
sensitive data. Application security embraces steps taken required to protect these assets. OPSEC originated as a
through an information application’s lifecycle to thwart any military term that described strategies to prevent potential
attempts to transgress the authorization limits set by the adversaries from discovering critical operations-related
security policies of the underlying system. In the context of data. As information management and protection has
application security, an asset refers to a resource of value become important to success in the private sector, OPSEC
like information within a database or in the file system or processes are now common in business operations. [4]
system resource. The challenge is to identify the
vulnerabilities within the parent system which when F. End-user education
becomes exposed to the cyber attacker can be exploited to The human element in cyber security is the weakest link
provide valuable insights into the functioning of the that has to be sufficiently trained to make less vulnerable.
application. The risk can be mitigated by weaving security Comprehensive security policies, procedures and protocols
within the application. [4] have to be understood in depth by users who regularly
interact with the highly secure system and accessing
B. Information security classified information. Periodic end-user education and
Information security (InfoSec) is a set of strategies for reviews are imperative to highlight the organizational
managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to weaknesses, system vulnerabilities and security loopholes to
prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and the user. Sound security behavior of users should take
non-digital information. Infosec responsibilities include precedence over other aspects. Better human element
establishing a set of business processes that will protect protocols in the security chain can be established by gaining
information assets regardless of how the information is insights into the viewpoints of users regarding technology
formatted or whether it is in transit, is being processed or is and response to security threats. Training sessions will lead
at rest in storage. Information security includes safeguarding to further research in the region of human-machine
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26550 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 982
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
interactions. Cybercrimes are increasingly becoming social
engineering, wherein perpetrators of the crime invest 4. Deep learning
resources to gain knowledge about organizational Deep learning encompasses a number of technologies, such
stakeholders. Training will allow senior management to as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Regardless of
familiarize themselves with system users that will help to what it's called, there a great deal of interest in it for security
better nurture awareness regarding user-specific access purposes, the user behavior analytics, deep learning focuses
privileges and internal sources capable of providing access on anomalous behavior where malicious behavior deviates
to confidential information. User training will help eliminate from legitimate or acceptable behavior in terms of
resistance to change and lead to closer user scrutiny. [4] security.[8]
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26550 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 983