Legislative Brief: The Constitution (122 Amendment) Bill, 2014 (GST)
Legislative Brief: The Constitution (122 Amendment) Bill, 2014 (GST)
Legislative Brief: The Constitution (122 Amendment) Bill, 2014 (GST)
Mandira Kala
The provisions of this Bill do not fully conform to an ideal GST regime.
[email protected] Deferring the levy of GST on five petroleum products could lead to
cascading of taxes.
Prianka Rao
[email protected] The additional 1% tax levied on goods that are transported across states
July 21, 2015 dilutes the objective of creating a harmonised national market for
goods and services. Inter-state trade of a good would be more
expensive than intra-state trade, with the burden being borne by retail
consumers. Further, cascading of taxes will continue.
The Bill permits the centre to levy and collect GST in the course of inter-
state trade and commerce. Instead, some experts have recommended a
modified bank model for inter-state transactions to ease tax compliance
and administrative burden.
Key Features
The Bill enables Parliament and state legislatures to frame laws on GST. The GST Council, that includes
representatives from the centre and all states, will make recommendations on the implementation of GST.
Scope of GST
GST is applicable on the supply of goods or services.
Alcoholic liquor for human consumption is exempt from GST.
Initially, GST will not apply to: (a) petroleum crude, (b) high speed diesel, (c) motor spirit (petrol), (d)
natural gas, and (e) aviation turbine fuel. The GST Council will decide when GST will be levied on them.
Tobacco and tobacco products will be subject to GST. The centre may also impose excise duty on tobacco.
Levy of GST
Both, Parliament and state legislatures will have the power to make laws on the taxation of goods and
services. A law made by Parliament in relation to GST will not override a state law on GST.
The central government will have the exclusive power to levy and collect GST in the course of interstate
trade or commerce, or imports. This will be known as Integrated GST (IGST).
A central law will prescribe the manner in which the IGST will be shared between the centre and states,
based on the recommendations of the GST Council.
Additional tax on supply of goods
An additional tax of up to 1% on the supply of goods will be levied by centre in the course of inter-state
trade or commerce. The tax will be collected by the centre and directly assigned to the states from where
the supply originates.
This tax will be levied for two years, or for a longer period as recommended by the GST Council. The
central government may exempt certain goods from such additional tax.
The principles for determining the place of origin from where the supply of such goods takes place will be
formulated by a law of Parliament.
GST Council
The GST Council will consist of: (a) the Union Finance Minister (as Chairman), (b) the Union Minister of
State in charge of Revenue or Finance, and (c) the Minister in charge of Finance or Taxation or any other
Minister, nominated by each state government. All decisions of the GST Council will be made by three-
fourth majority of the votes cast; the centre shall have one-third of the votes cast, and the states together
shall have two-third of the votes cast.
The GST Council will make recommendations on: (a) taxes, cesses, and surcharges to be subsumed under
the GST; (b) goods and services which may be subject to, or exempt from GST; (c) the threshold limit of
turnover for application of GST; (d) rates of GST; (e) model GST laws, principles of levy, apportionment of
IGST and principles related to place of supply; (f) special provisions with respect to the eight north eastern
states, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttarakhand; and (g) related matters.
The GST Council may decide the mechanism for resolving disputes arising out of its recommendations.
Compensation to states
Parliament may, by law, provide for compensation to states for revenue losses arising out of the
implementation of GST, based on the recommendations of the GST Council. Such compensation could be
for a maximum of five years.
Table 1: Comparison of tax under the current indirect tax system and the GST regime
Transaction Current system GST In this example, the cost of the raw material is 100.
Cost of raw material 100 100 The manufacturer and retailer add Rs 20 value each.
The tax rate is assumed to be 10% for all taxes.
Tax on raw material 10 10
Value added by Current tax regime: Both Excise and Sales Tax are
20 20 a VAT system, but the set off for taxes paid is not
applicable across these taxes. Therefore, sales tax
Tax payable by is applicable to the excise duty (CENVAT) paid.
2 (CENVAT: 10% of 20) 2 (GST: 10% of 20)
manufacturer Thus, tax paid is 12 (excise) plus 15.2 (sales tax).
Retailer’s cost 132 132 Note the ‘tax on tax’ effect where the final selling
Retailer’s margin 20 20 price not only has two taxes, but also a tax-on-tax.
15.2 (Sales Tax: 10% of GST regime: There is a single tax with input credit.
Tax payable 2 (GST: 10% of 20) This means that each person pays tax only on the
value added by him. Consequently, the total tax is
Final price paid incl.taxes 167.2 154
less, resulting in a lower price of the good.
Of which taxes 27.2 14
Several expert committees have examined the features of the current indirect tax regime against those envisaged
in an ideal GST system. We present this in the Table below:3, 4,5 Note that the GST in the proposed Bill differs
from the ideal GST outlined in Table 2. These differences include exemptions of certain goods and the inclusion
of a 1% additional (origin based) tax. The effect of these deviations is discussed in the following sections.
Table 2: Features and impact of current system with an ideal GST regime
Current regime of indirect taxes An ideal GST structure
Features Goods and services taxed separately* No differentiation between a good and a service; both
subject to one tax
VAT applies at manufacturing stage (CENVAT i.e. excise VAT applies at point of consumption. Set-off on the inputs
duty) as well as at sales stage (state VAT i.e. sales tax). gets credit through the production and distribution stages.
Input credit set-off not available across different taxes. For Input tax credit available across state and central tax
example, set off not available for CENVAT against state VAT. jurisdictions.
Some taxes (CENVAT, service tax) levied at the stage of Follows a destination based principle where tax is collected
production, while some (state VAT) levied on sale. on final consumption.
Many indirect taxes not included in central and state VAT.** Subsumes all indirect taxes under one tax.
Different tax rates levied across products and across states. Single tax rate to apply on all goods and services.
Certain sectors exempt from VAT.*** No goods or services are exempt from GST.
Intra-state transactions get input credit set off but not inter- Input credit set off to be available across intra-state and
state transactions. inter-state transactions.
Impact Cascading of taxes across manufacturing and distribution Eliminates cascading by providing for input credit set off at
chain increases cost of products making them uncompetitive. all stages of production.
Limited incentive for tax compliance Encourages voluntary compliance. A person in the supply
chain gets credit only when tax is paid by previous person.
Distinguishing between goods and services complicates the Single tax to apply to both goods and services, hence
taxation of certain products e.g. computer software. distinguishing between the two not necessary.
VAT does not apply uniformly across sectors and goods. No exemptions. All sectors, goods and services subject to
Sectors such as oil and gas production, real estate exempt. GST that broadens tax base.
States’ levy of entry tax/octroi when goods pass through Facilitates inter-state trade as transactions across state and
states result in bottlenecks at borders, raising inventory costs. municipal jurisdictions are free from tax.
Different tax rates across states leads to economic distortions. Single national tax rate reduces distortions.
Complex tax structure leads to higher administrative costs. Single tax reporting structure as all indirect taxes subsumed.
Sources: Report of the Task force on GST, 13th Finance Commission; Report of the Fourteenth Finance Commission, Chapter 13, „Goods
and Services Tax‟; First Discussion Paper on Goods and Services Tax in India, The Empowered Committee of State Finance Minister; PRS.
Notes: * Service tax cannot be levied by states. It is levied by the centre.
**CENVAT does not include additional excise duty, additional customs duty, central surcharges and cesses. State VAT does not include
luxury tax, entertainment tax, taxes on lottery, advertisements, entry tax etc. CENVAT applies only at the manufacturing stage, and does not
extend down to the distribution stage till the retail sale of goods.
***Exemptions under CENVAT and service tax include: oil and gas production, mining, agriculture, wholesale and retail trade, real estate
construction, and other services. Under state VAT, all services, real property, agriculture, oil and gas production, and mining are exempt.
This provision may impede a key objective of GST. The GST regime aims to create a harmonised national
market for goods and services, and the Bill reinforces this objective.9 Such a harmonised national market is
enabled by levying one tax rate across states to ensure free movement of goods whether within a state, or from
one state to another. The levy of the additional tax distorts the creation of a national market, as a product made
in one state and sold in another would be more expensive than one made and sold within the same state.
Also, the 1% tax will result in cascading of taxes. This effect will be magnified if the production and
distribution chain passes through several states, and if the 1% additional tax applies at each state.10 The burden
of the cascading tax will be borne by the final consumer of the product.
Comparison of the 2014 Bill with the 2011 Bill on introduction of GST
The Table below compares the provisions of the 2014 Bill with the 2011 Bill and the recommendations of the
Standing Committee on the 2011 Bill.
Table 4: Comparison of the 2014 Bill, 2011 Bill and the recommendations of the Standing Committee
Constitution (115th Amendment )Bill, Standing Committee Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill,
2011 recommendations on 2011 Bill 2014
Coverage of All goods or services except: No recommendation on goods to be All goods and services, except:
GST Alcoholic liquor for human exempt. Alcoholic liquor for human
consumption. Goods exempted from GST should consumption.
Petroleum crude, high speed diesel, not be specified in the Constitution GST is to be levied on petroleum
motor spirit, natural gas, aviation Amendment Bill as this would make crude, high speed diesel, motor spirit,
turbine fuel. the GST regime rigid. natural gas, aviation turbine fuel at a
Centre to impose additional levy on later date.
tobacco. Centre to impose additional levy on
Integrated Only centre to levy and collect tax. Instead, the Modified Bank Model Same as 2011 Bill.
GST Tax collected to be divided between recommended by 13th Finance
the centre and the states. Commission to be considered.
Additional Tax No provision. Not addressed. Tax (up to 1%) on the supply of
(in interstate goods in inter-state trade will be given
trade) to supply states, for two years or
Compensation No provision. An automatic and permanent GST Parliament may provide for
to states Compensation Fund under the GST compensation to states for a
Council could be created. maximum of five years.
GST Council Functions: Recommendations on Functions: Should include floor Functions: Also includes model GST
taxes to be subsumed, exempted rates, special provisions for some laws, principles of levy and place of
goods, threshold limits, rates. states. supply, apportionment of IGST.
Decisions: By consensus. Decisions: 3/4th weighted votes; Decisions: Standing Committee
1/3 weightage to centre, 2/3 to recommendations incorporated.
Dispute GST Dispute Settlement Authority to Omit GST Dispute Settlement Standing Committee
Resolution determine disputes between centre Authority. recommendations incorporated.
and states. GST Council to decide upon the
Parliament may restrict jurisdiction of modalities to resolve disputes.
all courts other than Supreme Court.
Sources: The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill, 2014; The Constitution (115th Amendment) Bill, 2011; 73rd Report, The Constitution
(115th Amendment) Bill, 2011, Standing Committee on Finance, 2013; PRS.
1. This Brief is based on the Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill, 2014 that was introduced in Lok Sabha on December 19,
2014 and passed by it on May 6, 2015.
2. First Discussion Paper on Goods and Services Tax in India, Empowered Committee on State Finance Ministers,
November 2009.
3. Poddar, Satya and Ehtisham Ahmad, GST Reforms and Intergovernmental Considerations in India, Working Paper
No.1/2009-DEA, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, March 2009.
4. GST Reforms and Intergovernmental Considerations in India, Working Paper No.1/2009-DEA, Department of Economic
Affairs, Ministry of Finance, March 2009.
5. Report of the Task force on GST, 13th Finance Commission, December 15, 2009.
6. Report of the 14th Finance Commission, Chapter 13, „Goods and Services Tax‟, February 24, 2015.
7. Comments of the Department of Revenue on the First Discussion Paper on GST, January 2010.
8. Report of the 13th Finance Commission, Chapter 5, „Goods and Services Tax‟, Ministry of Finance, December 2009.
9. Clause 12, The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill, 2014.
10. “1% tax above GST may hurt Make in India: CEA”, Business Standard, May 27, 2015, http://www.business-
11. 73rd Report, The Constitution (115th Amendment) Bill, 2011, Standing Committee on Finance, August, 2013.
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