Bebop Hacking Guide 1.7.2

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An unofficial Bebop drone hacking guide 1.7.

Latest update: 15 January 2018

Table of contents

Foreword 4.3. Tests and results

4.3.1. Editing
0. Back to the good old times 4.3.2. Launching dragon-prog from a shell script
4.3.3. Protecting the wifi network
1. Before we start 4.3.4. Improving GPS accuracy
1.1. The Bebop operative system 4.3.5. Editing a dragon-prog configuration file
1.2. The Bebop filesystem 4.3.6. Turning on the black box
1.3. Files and directories of interest 4.3.7. Changing RTH altitude
1.4. Camera 4.3.8. Softer landing
1.5. Sensors 4.4. Power to the power button
1.5.1. GPS chip 4.4.1. Additional power button scripts
1.5.2. Barometer 4.4.2. Forcing GPS cold start
1.5.3. Sonar 4.4.3. On-the-go USB file transfer
1.5.4. Vertical camera 4.4.4. The lazy shortpress 4
4.4.5. Custom camera settings
2. Connecting to the Bebop 4.5. Scripts for saving and retrieving GPS data
2.1 Requirements 4.5.1. ARDrone3 v 2.0.57
2.2 Setup 4.5.2. ARDrone3 v 3.1.0
2.3 Connecting via telnet 4.6. Dragon-prog replacement
2.4. Connecting via FTP 4.7. Bebop Webconfig
2.5. Retrieving flight data 4.8. Fixing battery drain
2.5.1. Downloading pud files 4.9. Fixing motor shut down

3. Reversibly changing dragon-prog options 5. In case of emergency

3.1 Killing the dragon 5.1. How to hard reset the Bebop
3.2. Restarting dragon-prog 5.2. Using a failsafe script
3.3. Dragon-prog options 5.3. USB networking
3.3.1. General options 5.3.1. How to connect via UART
3.3.2. Camera options 5.4. Forcing firmware reinstall
3.3.3. Other options 5.4.1. Reinstall before v. 4.0.4
3.4. Back to piloting 5.4.2. Reinstall from v. 4.0.4 and above
3.5. Additional onboard software 5.5. Crash debugging
3.5.1. BLDC_Test_Bench 5.6. Disconnections
3.5.2. Diagnostic 5.6.1. Types of disconnections
3.5.3. Dos2unix
6. SkyController
4. Irreversibly changing the Bebop behavior 6.1. SkyController software
4.1. Backing up and copying files 6.1.1. The SkyController filesystem
4.1.1. Making local file copies 6.2. SkyController hardware
4.1.2. Copying files to and from a computer 6.2.1. USB mouse
4.2. Editing Bebop files 6.3 Resetting the SkyController
4.2.1. Online file editing
4.2.2. Offline file editing 7. Acknowledgements


Even if we tried to explain each procedure in detail, this guide is intended for advanced users who
have some background in unix shell commands. If you are not in this category, use Google and
build yourself a geek culture before reading further. Modifying the Bebop files in the onboard
memory can cause serious damage and make your precious aircraft unusable.
Furthermore, be aware that irreversible changes to the onboard software invalidate the warranty.
We take no responsibility for any damage
you may cause to your bebop by hacking into its internal memory.

Most of the information in this guide can be found in different forums, websites and languages.
As users, we felt the need to cluster as much information as possible in one place. This was
originally meant to be a personal record of useful information, and only subsequently evolved in a
more structured text that we thought could be useful to others.
We herewith acknowledge all the Bebop users who have shared their tests and comments online;
we apologize for not mentioning the names of these pioneers. This was often impossible because
we have edited the original information, merged suggestions coming from several different
sources and added our own tests. At any rate, if you recognize your work in this guide, post a
comment and we will be happy to acknowledge your name in the corresponding section. For the
same reasons we do not hold any right on this text, and anyone is free to copy, distribute and edit
this guide.
It is crucial to underline that the information gathered in this guide does not come from Parrot, but
rather from independent experimentation of Bebop users largely based on a trial-and-error
approach. The whole content of this guide should therefore be considered as an educated guess of
what is going on inside the Bebop software and how the user can influence it. We wrote here what
we and others have understood, hypothesized and experimented this far. Consequently, keep in
mind that what you read in this guide might not be true nor applicable to your own case.
All comments, corrections and additions to the guide contents are welcome. To send your
comments please reply to the post where you found the link to this file. You will be contacted in
case your suggestions involve extensive modifications.
Most of the mods discussed in this guide were originally tested on the Bebop Drone, running
ARDrone3 version 2.0.57. Following Bebop 2 introduction and the new ARDrone 3 release (3.x,
4.x) for both models, Old and new mods are being tested and added. Specific remarks in the text
indicate which firmware/hardware version a particular mod is known to work with. In any case, be
aware that some of the mods might not work with your specific firmware/hardware.

0. Back to the good old times

Firmware update 3.3.0 introduced several changes to the Bebop operative system, and in
particular to its core executable Dragon-prog. Such changes severely affected the possibility of
Bebop users to play with the most interesting parameters (see par. 3.3) that govern the onboard
software. While we are aware that part of the blame is to be put on us advanced users and on the
publicity we made of our advances in the official Parrot forum (probably not the smartest move,
looking back to it), it is really a pity that Parrot chose to shut that door in our face. The old Bebop
was just a lot more interesting than it is today and we believe that our little games and tricks might
give Parrot good suggestions on how to improve or simply give access to beautiful options that
just lay inactive in the software (have a look at the table below). We shall only mention here the
possibility to get a wider viewing angle out of your video stream. Does that sound appealing?
Then keep on reading.
Dragon-prog options in firmware 3.2.0 Dragon-prog options in firmware 3.3.0
-h | Print this message
h | --help Print this message -V | (0: legacy, 1: priority on recording, 2: priority on streaming, 3: priority on recording
--version Print version informations (with half-720p stream)
-c | WidthxHeight dimensions of the horizontal camera stream -b | br video recording bitrate in Kbit/s
-s | WidthxHeight dimensions of the horizontal h264 video live stream -p | p video record encoding preset (0: maximize encoding time, 1: maximize quality)
-r | WidthxHeight[inWidthxInHeight] dimensions of the horizontal h264 video record stream. -q | br video streaming maximum bitrate in Kbit/s
[inWidthxInHeight] is optional and set the video encoder input resolution. When -s | deactivate the video streaming bitrate adaptation
inWidth and inHeight are set, the video encoder crops the video to WidthxHeight. -f | fps video framerate; can be 30 (forced to 29.97), 25 or 24 (forced to 23.976)
-a | ratio ratio (<1) between camera output dimensions and acquisition window dimensions -R | reprojection mode. can be 'off', 'cpu' or 'gpu'
-b | br live video bitrate in Kbit/s -I | Time Noise Reduction mode. can be 'off', 'on', 'half' (side by side with&without
-f | fps video framerate in frame per second TNR), 'luma' (TNR on luma only) 'chroma' (TNR on chroma only)
-R | reprojection mode. can be 'off', 'cpu' or 'gpu' -S | On if On=0 disable stabilization else enable stabilization
-H | On if On=0 disable sensor multiple configuration mode -F | Dump path dump h264 to path
-S | On if On=0 disable stabilization else enable stabilization -d | path dump raw video (bayer) to path
-V | fov set horizontal FOV for reprojection (in degree) -e | exp max exposition for horizontal camera in ms (if aewb is off, exp is set)
-F | path dump h264 to path -g | gain max gain for horizontal camera (if aewb is off, gain is set)
-d | path dump raw video (bayer) to path -m | mode DxO ae mode (0-AUTO 1-MODE_MANUAL 2-ISO_PRIORITY 3-
-e | exp max exposition for horizontal camera in ms (if aewb is off, exp is set) SHUTTER_SPEED_PRIORITY)
-g | gain max gain for horizontal camera (if aewb is off, gain is set) -x | exp Force DxO exposure time to exp ms
-m | mode DxO ae mode (0-AUTO 1-MODE_MANUAL 2-ISO_PRIORITY 3- -y | Dgain Force DxO digital gain
SHUTTER_SPEED_PRIORITY) -z | Again Force DxO analog gain
-x | exp Force DxO exposure time to exp ms -u | nb Select number of rois used in ROI_FOCUSED mode
-y | Dgain Force DxO digital gain -E | Bias Choose EV bias in f-stops
-z | Again Force DxO analog gain -A | mode DxO awb mode (0-AUTO 1-MANUAL 2-PRESET 3-WHITE CHART)
-E | Bias Choose EV bias in f-stops -P | Choose white balance preset
-A | mode DxO awb mode (0-AUTO 1-MANUAL 2-PRESET 3-WHITE CHART) -G | gr gb Force white balance red and blue gains
-P | Choose white balance preset -C | enable horizontal camera colorbar
-G | gr gb Force white balance red and blue gains --jpeg_quality q Quality of JPEG in percent (100)
-C | enable horizontal camera colorbar --jpeg_path path Path where JPEG are stored (/mnt/mmc)
--jpeg_quality q Quality of JPEG in percent (100) -M | Force motor spin direction
--jpeg_path path Path where JPEG are stored (/mnt/mmc) -i | IP host IP
-M | Force motor spin direction --bcm_country_rev Returns revision for country (return value is < 0 if country was not found)
-i | IP host IP -k | print debug informations in video stream (-kk for emmc debug log)
--bcm_country_rev Returns revision for country (return value is < 0 if country was not found) -n | dump the frameInfo into emmc
-k | print debug informations in video stream -o | serialize the frameInfo in the video streaming
-v | info level to display (0:none, 1:low, 2:medium, 3:high) -O | serialize the frameInfo in the video recording
-t | execute predefined test -v | info level to display (0:none, 1:low, 2:medium, 3:high)
-l | configuration file -t | execute predefined test
-B | Blackbox -l | configuration file
-T | cpu charge analyse -B | Blackbox
-N | [] enable navdatas (default file is "%s") -T | cpu charge analyse
-D | : dump VCam -D | : dump VCam
-U | us dump -U | us dump

Comparison between Dragon-prog options in firmware 3.2.0 and 3.3.0

To cut a long story short, the only way to re-enable those powerful Dragon-prog options is to
downgrade the firmware to version 3.2.0. This comes at a price: a few nifty video settings and
other amenities will be lost, but hey, choose your priorities. On the good side, firmware 3.2.0 was
a very solid release.
If you decide to follow our steps, you will find all the required information in par. 5.4, which
describes how to force-reinstall firmware 3.2.0.

1. Before we start

The Bebop user guide provided in the box or available for download from the Parrot web site
gives rather succinct information on several aspects of the Bebop software and hardware
functioning. This makes sense, if one considers that Parrot does not want to scare their customers
off with complex manuals and rather present their product as an easy to fly drone. Nevertheless,
as soon as you start piloting the Bebop you realize there is a lot more going on under the cover
than you are aware of. If you are willing to experiment a bit and customize the Bebop controls,
some of this information is crucial for you to anticipate the effect of any modification you may
introduce to the software.

1.1. The Bebop operative system

The Parrot Bebop is essentially a battery operated computer, specialized in flying and shooting
video. The Bebop OS, called ARDrone3, controls a number of devices and interacts via wifi with
a remote controller, and ultimately the pilot. ARDrone3 is a customized UNIX-based system (in
an Android incarnation). As such, it maintains the typical UNIX filesystem hierarchy as well as its
open architecture, allowing any user to introduce changes to practically anything, which is both
exciting and very dangerous to do on a pricey flying machine.
All of the instructions that allow ARDrone3 to interact with on-board sensors and actuators, as
well as the control device, are stored in the directories that populate the Bebop internal memory.
This is where you want to connect in order to introduce any change and customize the Bebop
behavior to your own needs. The way into the Bebop memory is through its wifi connection and
the use of communication protocols such as telnet and FTP.
In short, before you take any step into Bebop hacking, get yourself a minimal expertise in UNIX
shell and FTP commands.

1.2. The Bebop filesystem

A complete list of the Bebop filesystem can be obtained after connecting to the drone via telnet
(see section 2) and typing:

ls -R

Most of such files and directories are anyway of little interest to the scope of this guide. The
following paragraph offers an inexhaustive list of the files and directories that have shown useful
so far.
It is important to stress that since the 3.0 release of ARDrone, the whole filesystem is write-
protected. As a consequence, before introducing any change to the onboard files, you need to
change the filesystem permissions to read/write (see also par. 4.4). This can be easily done from a
telnet connection (see section 2)

1.3. Files and directories of interest

The Bebop filesystem contains a number of configuration and service files, located in different
directories. Once you access the filesystem every change you introduce affects the software
performance. It is therefore vital to understand the function of each file and directory before
stepping onto this dangerous ground.
Editing a configuration file introduces irreversible changes: you will only be able to restore the
original condition by changing back the configuration file to its previous form.

WARNING: Be extremely careful before you edit such files,
because the risk of bricking your drone is very high.

/bin/onoffbutton is a directory containing four shell scripts that are run by pressing the
Bebop power button. See section 4 to learn how to edit and expand this set of scripts.

This file stores all the values for the FreeFlight controller software settings. Since these
parameters can be set through the FreeFlight software, editing this file makes little sense, but it
can be useful to make a backup copy of your settings, just in case.
It may anyway be interesting to edit the following:

"absolute_control" sounds like a very intriguing hint at a piloting mode where the
controller stick commands are not relative to the drone orientation but ‘absolute’, or rather
relative to the pilot position: moving the left stick forward pushes the drone away from you
and pulling the stick moves the drone closer. Unfortunately this feature -which is available
for other drones - does not seem to be implemented in the current version of the control
software, so we do not recommend changing this line. Hopefully future releases could
include this option.

"picture_format" : 0, changes the photo recording options so that when you take a
picture you will get both a JPG and a raw DNG of the fisheye. Such a choice cannot be
operated from the FreeFlight settings window, and as soon as you change the recording
options through the software, dragon.conf will be modified accordingly.

"preferred_home_type" : 0, suggests the “return to home” destination can be set (e.g. to

the take-off location, rather than current controller position). This has not been tested yet.

This is the directory you can access via FTP protocol. It originally contains a single directory
called internal_000.
The ftp directory can also be used to make backup copies of file that you want to edit or download
to your personal computer via FTP (see section 4).

/data/ftp/internal_000 contains several interesting directories:

/Bebop_Drone contains three directories where the Bebop stores your Drone
Academy data (academy), videos and photos (media) and the
tiny preview icons that appear in FreeFlight (thumb). You can
easily download these files to your personal computer using
the FTP command get.

/Debug contains log files for the latest power-on sessions (see par.

/flightplans is where your flight plan data are uploaded from the
FreeFlight app

/gps_data contains .bin and .md5 files with GPS information

/log contains lengthy files with feedback messages generated by

the onboard software. Likely more useful for developers than
end users.

The use of the /data/ftp directory is anyway not completely straightforward, and before you use
this directory to store files that you may want to keep onboard, do read the following.
As it turns out, /data/ftp only has about 8MB of allocated space, so it fills up quickly and when
it does, config data like FreeFlight settings or magnetometer calibration data cannot be written
(they just get skipped with no obvious notification of the failure). This may cause all kinds of
issues (e.g. hard landings with bouncing was shown to be the result as an empty magnetometer
calibration file being written). A secondary issue is that files that if you copy a file to /data/ftp
from a different location, the file will be truncated (without notice) as soon as the 8MB limit is
Now for the good news. The /data/ftp/internal_000 directory accesses memory allocation on a
different device (/dev/mmcblk0) than /data and has way more allocated space, about 8GB. This is
in fact where recorded videos and photos are stored, and can more appropriately be intended as a
user managed storage area.
The only issue is that if for any reason you reset the Bebop (see section 5), /data (and its
underlying structure) and /data/ftp/internal_000 (and its underlying structure) get wiped and re-
initialized to factory default config - meaning all user stored data is gone.
For these reasons, /data/ftp/internal_000 should be the directory to use for writing debug info
or other sort of output data such as live video record, raw video, etc (see par. 3.3).

This file contains a few system parameters. We recommend to leave the file untouched.

This configuration file contains a number of options, originally useful for Parrot developers
during software debugging. The options set in this file include blackbox function (see par. 4.3.6)
and can be activated by editing the file or by launching the script:

These files contain the factory presets that are restored upon hard resetting the Bebop (see section

This file is run during the Beebop booting process and controls a number of features that can be
edited (see par. 4.3.5).

This file is also run during Beebop boot-up and sets the behavior of the GPS chip, including
where GPS data are saved (see par. 4.4.4).

This file is created during each bootup by /etc/init.d/rcS_gps and gives you a live display of the
NMEA records the Furuno GPS is currently sending while you are watching.
The following command:
cat /tmp/gps_nmea_out | grep GNRMC

will give you "the Recommended Minimum Navigation Information". The free NMEA online
Decoder ( can be used to view a graphical representation of the Bebop
raw GPS track.
Also see par 4.5 for automatically saving and retrieving full GPS data.

Runs control tests on the brushless motor controllers (see par. 3.5.1)

Runs a sensor diagnostic test and outputs the results (see par. 3.5.2).

This is a utility that converts files to unix-compatible format (see par. 3.5.3)

Dragon-prog is the main Bebop process governing the whole system of flight control and data
management. This is the process you interfere with if you want to change the Bebop behavior (see
par. 3).

This is a script that starts dragon-prog “and stop what need to be stopped when it stops..." (sic!).
The first lines contain succinct instructions on the options that can be activated when launching
this script:

echo " Dragon Starter start dragon prog and stop what need to be stopped when it stops..."
echo " By default, core dump are enabled."
echo " Options :"
echo " -h show this help"
echo " -nfs Use nfs dir as base directory"
echo " -prog <prog> Use <prog> instead of default prog \"$DEFAULT_PROG\""
echo " -gdb Start dragon with gdbserver"
echo " -nogdb Do not start dragon with gdbserver"
echo " -out2null Send std and stderr output to /dev/null"
echo " -noout2null Do not send std and stderr output to /dev/null"
echo " -nocoredump Do not enable coredump"
echo " -coredump Enable coredump"
echo " -B Enable Blackbox"
echo " -b Disable Blackbox"
echo " -N Enable Navdata"
echo " -n Disable Navdata"
echo "---------"

The following line is of particular interest:


dragon-prog option strings can be placed between the double quotes to permanently change
dragon-prog execution (see section 4).

This executable controls the whole wi-fi connectivity of the Bebop. Launching:
bcmwl -h

Produces a long help screen including all the commands that can be run from within bcmwl.

Even if an HTML server is not active by default in the Bebop, the www directory contains this
file, where you can find a long list reporting information on the Bebop software version, build
date, compiler, etc.

1.4. Camera

The main Bebop camera (also called horizontal camera) faces

forward and is the camera you see in the front of the Bebop nose. It is
equipped with a fish-eye lens, but the camera will normally grab and
stream only part of the fisheye field of view. This trick allows the
amazing Bebop image stabilization (which is performed via software
and image manipulation algorithms; option -S) as well as the capability to virtually orient the
camera up, down left or right.
The camera sensor is turned vertically, not horizontally as in most digital cameras. As a
consequence, raw video appears turned by 90° and has to be rotated via software before the live

stream is sent over to your device. This is achieved via a process called reprojection (options -R;
-I). The original orientation and reprojection are important aspects to keep in mind when
changing the camera resolution, because image formats such as 1024x768 refer to vertical (1024)
and horizontal (768) dimensions of the image (not horizontal x vertical as in most digital cameras
or displays).
As in any digital camera, the exposure time, white balance, gain values, etc. can be set
automatically or manually. Several dragon-prog options (see par. 3.3.2) concern this kind of
adjustments (e.g. -m; -A; -E).

1.5. Sensors

The onboard software controls Bebop flight by combining inputs from several sensors. These

1.5.1. GPS chip

After removing the Bebop plastic nose, the Furuno GN-87F GPS chip (or
Ublox Neo 8M in Bebop 2) is located on top of the camera mount block.
The antenna is directly plugged on the chip.
The GPS connects to several satellites to determine the Bebop position in
latitude, longitude and altitude. The use of different satellite networks can
be changed by editing a configuration file (see section 4).

1.5.2. Barometer
This sensor is fixed to the same board that hosts the GPS, but on the lower side. The sensor is easy
to recognize as a small metal component (about 2x5mm). The MS5607 barometer mounted
onboard the Bebop has a known problem with light: when hit by strong light, the barometer
undergoes a sudden shift. This generates important altitude changes when flying between lit and
shaded areas (e.g. among trees or buildings). The acknowledged solution is to cover the barometer
with a small piece of dense black foam and fix the foam to the GPS board or the metal scaffold
using tape. The barometer chip is used by the Bebop software to estimate relative changes in
altitude that are too small to be measured by the GPS and compensate for unwanted vertical drifts,
normally due to wind.

1.5.3. Sonar
This sensor is located under the belly of the Bebop, next to the
small lens of the vertical camera. It is integrated to the main
board. It is used to measure the Bebop height from the ground or

any ultrasound-reflecting surface. The sonar range is limited to 8mt; above this height the GPS
and barometer take over. The sonar grid should be kept clean of dust and particles and never

1.5.4. Vertical camera

Bebop drones have a second second camera pointing down to the ground (vertical camera), which
is used by the Bebop software to maintain the drone position when hovering below an altitude of 8
mt. Above this altitude, the Bebop will only rely on its GPS sensor.
You can find the tiny camera under the belly of your Bebop, just beside the ultrasound sensor
(used for ground distance measurements). The vertical MT9V117 camera is reported to shoot a
frame every 25 ms. By comparing each frame with the previous one, the software adjusts the
Bebop orientation and X-Y position. Since such images have only a temporary use, they are not
normally stored in the Bebop memory. Nevertheless, dragon-prog can be set to save a selection of
these images (dragon-prog option -D).

2. Connecting to the Bebop

In order to introduce any temporary or stable change to your Bebop behavior you need to access
its internal filesystem. This can be done through the Bebop own wifi network, via standard
protocols such as telnet or FTP. Please refer to online information about the use of each of these

2.1 Requirements

- A fully functional Parrot Bebop Drone

- A device (personal computer, tablet or smartphone) with wifi connectivity*
* specific software may be required for portable devices

2.2 Setup

- turn on you Bebop by pressing on the power button. As the cooling vent starts spinning
(ARdrone3 2.x) or restarts for the second time (ARdrone 3 3.x), the Bebop wifi network should
be operational. Turn on wifi on your device to connect to the Bebop wifi (no password
- If your drone is running ARDrone v. 3.x, the telnet daemon is not running at startup. To
launch it you should press the Bebop power button four times in a quick sequence (see par.
- You can now start a telnet session:
OSX: go to /Applications/Utilities/ and launch Terminal.
Windows: Click Start. Enter cmd in the Search field in the Start menu. A command
prompt is displayed.
Unix-based OS: open a shell window.
Mobile devices: you need to install a telnet or FTP capable application. Find one in your
app store and follow its instructions to open a telnet session.

2.3 Connecting via telnet

Once you have opened a shell window and started the telnet daemon via power button, type:

telnet and press ENTER

The display will output a few lines meaning you are now connected to the internal Bebop memory
and you are able to explore its directories.
As we mentioned above, since the 3.0 release of ARDrone, most of the filesystem is write-
protected, with the esception of part of the /data directory. As a consequence, before introducing
any change to the onboard files, you need to change the filesystem permissions to read/write (see
also par. 4.4).

To do so, just type:

mount –o remount,rw /
WARNING: you now have full permissions to edit, move or delete any file.
If you have are not familiar with unix or have any doubts STOP HERE

FURTHER WARNING: you should be aware that after the remount command, any file copies
you make get read/write permissions by default. So, if you make copies and want the copied files
to work like the originals, you must first check file permissions of each original file and then set
the same permissions to the copied file (e.g. chmod 775 for executable scripts, see par. 4.2.2).

2.4. Connecting via FTP

In a new shell window, type:

ftp and press ENTER

You will be asked to login. Just press ENTER again. You now have access to the /data/ftp
directory in the Bebop filesystem (see section 1).

Due to factory settings, FTP access does not allow you to navigate the whole filesystem, but only
the ftp directory, which is where images and videos are recorded, together with other useful files.
Please see par. 1.4 for more details and refer to a guide to FTP commands (Google can help you
with that) to know how to manage files and directories via the FTP protocol.
The limited FTP access can be taken over by editing the file /etc/inetd.conf (you must first
enable read/write permissions as described in the previous paragraph). After the following lines,
where the first number is the TCP port:

21 stream tcp nowait root ftpd ftpd -wSS /data/ftp

51 stream tcp nowait root ftpd ftpd -wSS /update
61 stream tcp nowait root ftpd ftpd -wSS /data/ftp/internal_000/flightplans

just add:

71 stream tcp nowait root ftpd ftpd -SS /

Since the next reboot, 71

will give you FTP access to the whole filesystem. Make sure you omit the w in the added line, to
prevent the authorization to overwrite any file via FTP. Use with caution!!!

2.5. Retrieving flight data

Since we have seen how to access the drone memory, it may be interesting to download the flight
data that it stores. There are two sets of files that provide details about your Bebop's flight. The
first is positional data in the form of pud files. A new pud file is written on every flight but they
are all deleted at startup, so if you need the data, get it before shutting down the drone.
A second type of files record more detailed information but only appear after you turn on an
option called blackbox in the drone internal configuration files (see par. 4.3.6).

2.5.1. Downloading pud files

Low resolution flight data are recorded for every flight in files that bear a .pud extention and are
saved in:

To download pud files, just open an FTP session, navigate to:


Take a look at the directory contents with ls and use the get command to download the file you
want to your home directory on your PC. For example:

get 0901_2016-04-02T193216+0000_B45B95.pud

Such pud files can be used with the beautiful FlightData Manager tool (unfortunately only
available for windows PC), which allows you to overlay flight track and other data to your
recorded videos. Also refer to this clear post on the Parrot blog.

3. Reversibly changing dragon-prog options

This section explains how to modify the Bebop behavior in a reversible way: switching off and on
again the Bebop will reset it to its original setup.
In order to change the Bebop behavior you must stop the Bebop control software called dragon-
prog and relaunch it with the desired options. Before doing anything, read carefully paragraph 3.3,
where all known options and their effects are listed.

3.1 Killing the dragon

Once you know what options you want to activate, proceed with the following.
Connect to the Bebop via telnet (see section 2), then type:

ps and press ENTER

A list of all active processes will be displayed. Search for the dragon-prog process, which should
be somewhere between lines 600-800 (highlighted in bold in the example below) and remember
the corresponding process number.

658 root 0:00 [flush-ubifs_0_0]

659 root 0:00 [flush-ubifs_2_0]
660 root 0:00 [flush-179:0]
672 root 0:00 poll_file -w /sys/devices/platform/ci_hdrc.0/udc/ci_hdrc.
677 root 0:00 /usr/bin/bcm-watchdog
680 root 0:00 {DragonStarter.s} /bin/sh - /usr/bin/ -ou
688 root 2:50 //usr/bin/dragon-prog
697 root 0:00 init
698 root 0:00 init
/ #

To stop the dragon-prog process, type:

kill -9 [NUMBER]

In our example:

kill -9 688

3.2. Restarting dragon-prog

You can now restart dragon-prog and activate the desired option(s). To do so, type the following
and press ENTER:

/usr/bin/dragon-prog [OPTIONS] &

Where [OPTIONS] should be replaced with a string of characters that activates the desired
options, as discussed in paragraph 3.3.
For example:

/usr/bin/dragon-prog -S 0 &
Disables image stabilization.

/usr/bin/dragon-prog -S 0 -s 1024x768 &

Disables image stabilization and switches the resolution of streamed video to 1024 x 768 pixels

You can use a single option or several of them in a raw. Just remember respecting the UNIX
syntax (e.g. putting blank spaces before and after each option and argument). The final & sign
ensures that dragon-prog keeps running after you close the telnet session.

After hitting ENTER, the display will fill up with output lines (reporting on different phases of the
process startup) and eventually stop.
The Bebop is now ready for FreeFlight to connect.

3.3. Dragon-prog options

Not all commands and options have been fully understood by the community yet. The following
paragraphs present our understanding of dragon-prog hacking and can be used as a reference to
proceed with your own experiments. Please share your results with the community.

3.3.1. General options

Displays a list of all available options with a short comment to each.

Displays information on the software version.

3.3.2. Camera options

This option sets the front camera resolution. The resolution is set by two numbers, separated by an
x mark. Remember that the camera is turned on one side, so the sensor longer side is vertical and
the shorter side is horizontal. Consequently, by setting:
/usr/bin/dragon-prog -c 1280x2048
1280 and 2040 represent the vertical and horizontal resolution, respectively. The raw image
acquired by the camera based on the -c option argument is then reprojected (see -R) and streamed
according to the -s option. As a consequence, the final image aspect depends on the combination
of -c and -s options, making the results difficult to predict. Trial and error is the way to go if you
want to adjust the camera settings to suit your needs. Par. 4.4.5. Describes a few scripts that
exploit these options to obtain full-frame fisheye video recording and FPV-friendly video stream.
The maximum tested values for -c are 3744x3744.

This option sets the resolution of the live video stream. The resolution is set by two numbers,
separated by an x mark.
Example: /usr/bin/dragon-prog -s 1280x720

Similarly to -c, changing the values in the -s argument may result in oddly shaped images, no
image at all, or diagonal stripes. In such cases just restart the Bebop and try again with different
numbers. The camera (and the h264 video compression) do not like just any number: standard
resolutions for digital videos are a good start (e.g. 1280, 1024, 640).
This parameter has revealed particularly interesting for adjusting video settings for FPV piloting.
By setting a lower resolution, the video stream may be more fluid. Furthermore, an appropriate
horizontal/vertical ratio should be set to best fit with the field of view resulting from changing
the-V option. Try with:

/usr/bin/dragon-prog -s 1024x520 -V 115

This option sets the resolution of the recorded video. This option works in concert with -c and sets
the final resolution of the recorded video. Also in this case any number can not be entered, and x
and y dimensions should fit with digital video standards.

The short explanation given for this option in the -h screen is rather obscure:
ratio (<1) between camera output dimensions and acquisition window dimensions
This sounds intriguing, but testing values of 1, 0.9 and 0.8 gave identical results in the live video
stream. Smaller values appeared to crash dragon-prog.

In ARDrone3 v. 2.x, this option sets the bitrate for live streaming (useful for adjusting streaming
fluidity), but firmware upgrades have introduced an automatic adjustment depending on the wifi
signal quality, so this option appears of little use right now. The argument is expressed in bits per
second, so 30Kbps video streaming is set by:
/usr/bin/dragon-prog -b 30000

Since ARDrone3 v. 3.x, -b sets video recording bitrate, expressed in Kbps, so 30Mbps video
recording is set by:
/usr/bin/dragon-prog -b 30000

In ARDrone3 v. 3.x, sets the video streaming bitrate in Kbps.
-q 100 (0.1 Mbit) for ultra long range flights using low wifi bitrate
-q 5000 (5 Mbit) for best streaming quality and short distance drone racing

This sets the video frame rate. By default, Bebop videos run at 30 (or rather 29) frames per
This sets the reprojection process on and off (see section 1). Reprojection can be disabled by -R
off (resulting in a 90° turned image) or activated as by default via GPU (-R gpu) or CPU (-R cpu).
CPU option anyway returned a black screen in our tests. A successful attempt at using this option
is presented in paragraph 4.4.5.

This changes the settings of an image manipulation filter that the Bebop applies before streaming
or recording. During reprojection a noise reduction filter is applied by default to smoothen down
camera noise. Beside turning the filter off with -I off , it is possible to visualize the effect of
image filtering by entering -I half . This generates a video where half of the image is filtered and
half unfiltered: a tool for developers, a curiosity for users.
The combined use of -I off and an edited version of dragon-prog that increases the recorded
video bitrate (see par. 4.5) has been proposed to improve overall video quality, but the results in
terms of image quality have not been published so far.
Since ARDrone3 3.0, two more arguments are possible: -I luma and -I chroma, respectively
enabling noise reduction on image luminosity or color.

Switches image stabilization (see section 1) on or off. Turning stabilization off with -S 0 is
considered essential for FPV piloting, where a direct feeling for the aircraft orientation in space is
required. As a curiosity, this option can be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the image
stabilization algorithm.

This option changes the field of view captured by the camera. The Bebop fisheye lens is capable
of almost 180° field of view (FOV). The camera will anyway capture only a portion of this,
correct the image for the wide-angle distortion, stabilize it and stream it to the SkyController or
device. Adjusting the -V option allows the user to have a narrower or wider FOV, similar to a
tele- or wide-angle objective. A narrower FOV can be useful to get zoomed-in images of distant
objects; a wider FOV can be precious for FPV setup, because a wider view allows the pilot so see
more objects and obstacles surrounding the lens and provides an overall more immersive

Example: /usr/bin/dragon-prog -V 111

Sets the camera FOV to 111°. Smaller values reduce the FOV: the image looks more
natural (reducing the wide angle distortion) but the screen frames a smaller portion of the
lens view. Higher numbers squeeze the image sides in (increasing the wide angle
projection). Highest numbers also produce black semi-circles in the left and right sides of
the screen (see par. 1.1). Such black areas are more or less evident depending on the size
ratio of the device you are using for live video streaming. For example, if you use an iPad,

-V 115 generates a wide FOV image that will fill the screen without any black area on the
sides. Nevertheless, the black areas will appear in the recorded video.

This option records the live streamed video to the Bebop memory, in the location defined by the
path argument.
The Bebop front camera generates both a low resolution video (only used for streaming to your
device), and a high resolution video (recorded in the Bebop memory). If for some reason you want
to save the low resolution streaming, this option may come in handy.

Example: /usr/bin/dragon-prog -F /data/ftp/internal_000/

Should save the live-streamed video in the internal_000 directory (see par. 1.3). Anyway,
we have no information of successful attempts at this so far.

This option is stated to record a raw video to the memory location indicated in the argument. This
should be a cool option for video professionals who prefer post-processing to the limited
capabilities of the onboard Bebop hardware. We have not reports of successful tests yet.

Sets a maximum limit to the exposure time (in milliseconds). This option puts a limit to the
automatic image adjustments for video and photo acquisition. It can be useful to avoid
oversaturated highlights (sky, clouds, artificial lights...) in high contrast conditions.
Example : -e 20

Sets a maximum limit to the camera sensitivity, or gain (in gain units). This option puts a limit to
the automatic image adjustments for video and photo acquisition. It can be useful to avoid
oversaturated highlights under high contrast conditions.
Example: /usr/bin/dragon-prog -g 2

Switches camera mode from automatic to manual or semi-automatic. Such features should be
familiar to expert photographs. Briefly, the Bebop will normally use automatic image adjustments
to obtain the best image exposure. Under particular conditions (e.g high contrast due to a bright
sky with setting sun and dark shadows in the trees below), the resulting image may not suit the
user taste. This is when semi-automatic or manual modes come in handy. With -m 1 the camera
operates in fully manual mode: exposure time and sensitivity have to be set with the
corresponding options (see -x, -y, -z). With -m 2 the user can only set the camera sensitivity,
while exposure time selection will be automatic. With -m 3 the user sets shutter speed, sensitivity
is automatic.

Example: /usr/bin/dragon-prog -m 1 -x 20 -y 2
Will set the camera to manual mode and images are acquired with an exposure time of 20
ms and gain 2.

/usr/bin/dragon-prog -m 2 -y 2
Sets the camera to manual sensitivity mode (ISO priority): images are acquired with gain 2
and automatic exposure. Manual mode could also be interesting for shooting photos at
night, with long exposures.

Sets the exposure time (shutter speed) - in milliseconds - when manual mode is on (see -m).

Sets the digital gain when manual mode is on (see -m).

Sets the analog gain when manual mode is on (see -m). It is recommended to stay within the 1-3
range: higher values introduce strong noise.
Sets the number of regions of interest (ROI) used for autofocus. This option has not been tested.

Shifts the exposure time up or down by the number of EV (exposure value) stops indicated in the
argument. EV stops is professional photography jargon, indicating units that increase or reduce the
camera sensitivity by a power of 2. For the rest of us, this simply means that positive values
generate brighter images, negative values generate darker images.
It is not clear yet if this option applies to automatic mode or all modes (see -m).

Sets the white balance mode to automatic, manual or different presets (see -P). It remains unclear
where the presets are stored in the internal memory.

To be used in combination with -A . This option should allow the selection of white balance
presets, but their definition or file location in the Bebop memory remain unclear.

Unclear option to separately set the white balance for red and blue channels.

According to the dragon-prog help message, this option should overlay a color bar to the camera
images. This does not seem to work in our hands, and might be obsolete or require debug mode
activation (see par. 1.3).

Sets the compression quality for JPG photos in percent units (maximum quality is obtained with -
-jpeg_quality 100)

Sets the location where JPG photos are saved. Not tested yet.

3.3.3. Other options
This is a potentially harmful option to change motor rotation. This option has not been tested so

Sets the IP address for the Bebop. This option is potentially dangerous, as changing the IP might
hamper connections between your control device and the Bebop.

This option provides information on country-specific software versions. Not very exciting in our

This overlays several technical info to the recorded video. Such on-screen data only appear in the
streamed and recorded video, not in photos. The displayed info include:
Time since boot-up, in seconds (including decimals down to millionths of a second)
Camera exposure time and gain
White balance
Magnetometer-measured orientation: phi (roll), theta (pitch) and psi (yaw) angles
Image cropping position (likely with reference to the full 180° frame)
And a couple of more obscure parameters

This option sets the verbosity (amount of information) displayed in the telnet terminal window
during dragon-prog startup. The argument can range between 0 (no information) and 3 (full

/usr/bin/dragon-prog -v 2

Running dragon-prog with this option active starts a preset test routine, but the routine must be set
in the option argument and no info is currently available about this.

This option sets which configuration file will be used by dragon-prog. By default this file is
dragon.conf in the /data folder (see par. 1.3 and 4.3.8).

Activates blackbox recording (see par. 4.3.6). All flight data are saved to a file located in

Activates usblackbox recording. At present it is not clear what is different compared to -B.

When activated, this option generates a more verbose output during dragon-prog startup,
apparently monitoring the CPU, if we trust in the -h information: cpu charge analyse

Saves images recorded by the vertical camera to the Bebop internal memory. The argument
<fWait>:<fDump> defines how many frames are skipped (<fWait>) and how many are saved
(<fDump>). In our hands this option did not work, but it might be active only in debug mode (see
par. 1.3).

Obscure option related to multiple sensor configuration:
0 disable sensor multiple configuration mode
Whatever the option activates or deactivates, we do not recommend to fiddle with tsensors that are
responsible for flight control.

Is reported to ‘dump the frameInfo into eMMC memory’ (ARDrone3 v. 3.x only)

Is reported to ‘serialize the frameInfo in the video streaming’ (ARDrone3 v. 3.x only)

Is reported to ‘serialize the frameInfo in the video recording’ (ARDrone3 v. 3.x only)
What exactly is FrameInfo remains to be understood

3.4. Back to piloting

Once you have relaunched dragon-prog you can now exit the telnet session. Verify that your
device is still connected to the Bebop wifi and launch FreeFlight.
If you have used a personal computer to run the telnet session, disconnect it from the Bebop wifi
and connect your mobile device or SkyController as usual.
After the normal connection dialog windows, you should be ready to go.
If anything goes wrong at this point (no image, no connection, etc.) a problem must have occurred
during dragon-prog restart (either a mistyped command or an invalid argument for the selected
options). Switch the Bebop off and back on, and repeat the whole procedure correcting your
command line.

Remember that when you manually restart dragon-prog with options, all your changes will be
canceled at power-off. This is both a security (if you mess things up, you can easily restore the
Bebop to its original settings) and a hassle, because if you often need a customized setup, you
have to go through the dragon-prog restart procedure at each startup or battery replacement.

Permanent changes to the Bebop behavior can be introduced by editing the configuration files (see
section 4).

3.5. Additional onboard software

We present here a few things that can be done by launching other pieces of onboard software. The
corresponding executables are located in /usr/bin and can be launched from within a telnet
session, by simply entering the executable file name.

3.5.1. BLDC_Test_Bench
This executable runs a series of tests on the Bebop brushless direct current (BLDC) motors.
Before playing around with this, it is critical to remove all the propellers: during such tests the
motors will do all sort of odd things (like oscillating between min and max speed, running
backwards, etc) and will be completely out of your control, so you better have the bird’s four feet
on solid ground.

Slow motion
Two of the Bebop motors rotate clockwise and the remaining two counterclockwise. During
stationary flight, this ensures that motor activity will virtually transmit no effective rotation to the
drone. Unfortunately, high rotation speed makes appreciating propeller spin direction almost
impossible to the naked eye. Nevertheless, there is a command for that. After setting up a telnet
connection (see section 2), place the drone in a clear area for the propellers to rotate freely and
enter the following command (all in one line):

BLDC_Test_Bench -S > /dev/null;sleep 15;BLDC_Test_Bench -H >


This will give you 15 seconds of motor rotation, at very slow RPM. No effective lift is generated
and you can sit back and enjoy the show. Yes, this is an exception to the recommendation we gave
above: only for this test you can be safe with the propellers in place. In fact you will not
appreciate motor rotation (albeit slow) without the propellers.
If the command doesn't work the first time, try again. BLDC_Test_Bench is reported to be a little

Calling Elvis
Brushless motors can be used to generate sounds. This is what the Bebop does at every startup:
four short beeps confirming each motor is armed. In fact the Parrot engineerss have found room
for some improvement. Try this:

BLDC_Test_Bench -M 3

The bebop motors will start playing the first notes of Elvis Presley’s success ‘Be-bop-a-lula’.
Something totally useless but not to be missed by any Bebop geek owner.
For your curiosity, -M 1 plays the ordinary startup beep, -M 2 plays a more acute, short sound.
And that is it. Parrot engineers appear to have run out of fantasy after 1-2-3.

There’s one more thing you can do, anyway:

BLDC_Test_Bench -M -3

starts an endless loop, until you cancel with

BLDC_Test_Bench -M 0

Other BLDC options

BLDC_Test_Bench can do more than this, but most of the remaining options are aimed at testing
motor funcionality and appropriate connection during product development or post-assembly.
WARNING: If you want to explore the BLDC universe, we recommend you first remove all four
propellers to prevent shooting your drone around the room. Remember you are bypassing both
remote and internal controls: generating rotor lift without control is guaranteed
to crash your Bebop and can damage objects and/or hurt you or other people
In case you are curious, typing

BLDC_Test_Bench -h

In a telnet session will output a list of all available options. Among them, the -f option, is stated to
activate the use of a Futaba RC with serial bus protocol and might deserve further attention.

3.5.2. Diagnostic
This executable runs a series of diagnostic tests and if launched with the -v option will output the
results on screen. Open a telnet session, then enter:
diagnostic -v
The resulting output will give you diagnostic info on several onboard systems such as motor
control (BLDC), barometer (MS5607), accelerometers (MPU6050), compass (AK8963), CPU
(P7MU), including min/max reference values. diagnostic can likely be launched during flight
too, but down here no one dared trying yet.

3.5.3. dos2unix
This small command line utility is extremely useful for Windows users. It converts any text file
(including scripts and configuration files) that has been edited on a Windows PC to a format that
is compatible with the unix standard. In particular, the invisible characters that mark line breaks
(carriage returns / line termination) use different encoding in dos-based vs unix-based operative
systems, and this can cause an edited script to crash with unpredictable consequences. There is a
desktop version of dos2unix too, but having it onboard means that you can upload your files right
after editing, and then run dos2unix from a telnet connection.
To convert your file, open a telnet session, navigate to the directory where you have saved your
file, then type:

dos2unix -u FILENAME

The same utility can be launched with the -d option instead of -u to convert a file from unix to dos

4. Irreversibly changing the Bebop behavior

This section explains how to introduce changes to existing files that will not be canceled at the
next power-up, but are maintained until you change the files back to their original version. We
also discuss the creation of additional scripts that can be loaded to the Bebop memory and then
launched by the user to perform specific tasks.
WARNING: in case of serious problems that require drone replacement by Parrot
the presence of altered files may invalidate your warranty

4.1. Backing up and copying files

Before you introduce any change it is essential to make a backup copy of all the files you are
about to edit. This can be achieved in different ways.

4.1.1. Making local file copies

This procedure allows you to save a copy of your file of interest in the same directory as the file
you want to edit. The method is particularly useful if you plan to edit the file via telnet.
Open a telnet session and activate read/write permissions if you are running ARDrone3 v 3.0 or
above (see section 2), then go to the directory that contains the file you want to edit and type:

cp filename filename.old

where filename is the name of the file you want to backup. This will create a copy of the file and
add the .old suffix to its filename. From now on, any modification to filename will affect the
Bebop behavior, while the file tagged with .old will not be recognized by the Bebop software and
just sit there as a local backup copy.
In case you want to restore the pristine condition, all you have to do is delete the edited file:

rm filename

and create a new copy of the original untouched filename.old file:

cp filename.old filename

We strongly suggest to create copies of all the files you are about to edit in an emergency
directory, and first of all create (and keep updated) a failsafe script that will restore the original
files in case things go terribly wrong. See par. 5.2 for more details.

4.1.2. Copying files to and from a computer

An alternative option is to transfer a copy of the files you want to edit to your personal computer
hard drive. This has several advantages: you can open, edit and manage your files when you are
not connected to the Bebop; you can make further copies or save different edits for future use.

To copy a file to your hard drive, anyway, you have to use an FTP connection (see section 2), and
FTP connections only provide you an access to the /data/ftp directory in the Bebop filesystem.
Consequently, any file you want to copy to your hard disk must first be copied to the /data/ftp
directory (or a sub-directory). As previously mentioned (see par. 1.3), it is recommended to use
the /data/ftp/internal_000 directory for file transfers and storage, because of its larger memory
To this aim, open a telnet session, navigate to the directory containing the file you want to copy
and type:
cp filename /data/ftp/internal_000/filename

This will create a copy of your file in the /data/ftp/internal_000 directory.

You can then open an FTP session and download your copied file to your hard drive:

get filename

Will transfer a copy of the file to your home directory.

4.2. Editing Bebop files

Once you have created a backup copy of the original files (see par. 4.1), editing can be done either
online, directly in the Bebop memory - during a telnet session - or offline, by editing a copy of the
file in your hard drive and then copying back the edited file to the appropriate directory within the
Bebop filesystem.

Important notes on file editing

ARDrone3 is a unix-derived system. As a consequence, it is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE
that all files edited on your personal computer are saved in unix-compatible encoding, in
particular concerning the line termination characters (invisible characters that encode a
carriage return). If this is not the case, all sort of odd behaviors can appear and make
your hacking experience very frustrating. Some scripts will simply not launch, in other
cases they will be run, but come to an early stop. So, always remember to save your files in
a unix-compatible format, or convert them before uploading the edited file back on the
Bebop. This should not be an issue for Linux and Mac users, but Windows users should
take advantage of a conversion utility such as dos2unix (see par. 3.5.3).

If you choose to copy and paste the text from any of the scripts and files presented in this
guide, beside the above comment on line termination characters, pay extra attention to
wrapped text: some code lines can be longer than the page width, forcing the extra text to
drop down in the following line. In all such cases, verify that the code line is kept together
after pasting it into your text editor, or the file execution will end with an error.

Under ARDrone3, remember to enable read/write permissions to the whole file system (see
par. 2.3)

4.2.1. Online file editing
To edit a configuration file during a telnet session, you should use the file editor called vi, which
is included in the Bebop operative system.
Navigate to the directory containing your file and type:

vi filename

If you are not familiar with vi use and commands (which are not very intuitive), information can
be found on the internet.

It should be possible to install a more friendly editor, such as nano. A suitable version of nano can
be downloaded from this forum.

4.2.2. Offline file editing

Once you have a copy of the file you want to edit in your hard drive, it is recommended to make a
further backup copy before editing.
All files can be opened and edited by any text editor. Introduce the desired changes and save the
edited file.
The edited file must then be copied back to the Bebop filesystem, but first, please read the
Important notes on file editing in the previous pargraph.
Place the edited file in your home directory. Open an FTP session, navigate to the target directory
in the Bebop filesystem that contains the original file.

put filename

This copies the edited file from your home directory on the computer to the target directory in the
Bebop filesystem.

After replacing the original file with the one you have edited on your personal computer you have
to change the file permissions, or the Bebop software may not be able to use it. The same applies
to any new file you create and upload, such as scripts that perform specific tasks when launched
by the user.
In a telnet session, navigate to the directory containing your file and type:

chmod 755 filename

to give appropriate reading, writing and executing permissions to the edited file.
Verify that permissions are ok with:

ls -la

Hitting enter will list the contents of the current directory, including permission information. For
example, ls -la of the /data directory gives:

/data # ls -la
total 68
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 800 Jan 1 00:00 .
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 1528 Jan 1 00:06 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 798 Jan 1 00:00 dragon.conf
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8192 Jan 1 00:00 eeprom.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 45655 Jan 1 00:00 eeprom.dat.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 160 Jan 1 00:00 exceptions
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 376 Jan 1 00:00 ftp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 232 Jan 1 00:00 lib
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 47 Feb 14 2016 magneto_calibration.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 495 Jan 1 00:00 system.conf
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 240 Jan 1 00:00 updater
/data #

configuration files like dragon.conf should have -rw-r--r-- permissions, while shell scripts like should display a -rwxr-xr-x tag (like eeprom.dat in the example above).
You can also add the ‘executable’ tag to any chosen file with:

chmod +x filename

WARNING: Always double check permissions if you edit the files offline:
an error here can hamper script execution and block the Bebop boot-up process.
Also note that all files must be saved as raw text files and use UNIX-compatible
encoding for end-of-line marks etc., otherwise they may not be executed (see par. 3.5.3)

4.3. Tests and results

This section presents a few examples of edits that may address common problems or add custom
features. This list is obviously not exhaustive, and is meant to inspire further experiments and
modifications. Please share your own results with the community.

4.3.1. Editing

The script, residing in the /usr/bin directory can be edited to make it launch
dragon-prog with the desired options active. To this aim, the line

must be edited by adding the desired string of options commands (see par. 3) between the
quotation marks.

For example:
POST_CMD="-S 0 -k -I off"

will cause dragon-prog to always run with image stabilization off, on screen data display, noise
reduction filter off.
To go back to the original settings, just replace the edited line with


4.3.2. Launching dragon-prog from a shell script

There are alternative ways to change the dragon-prog launch procedure. For example open a
telnet session and go to the directory:

/ etc/init.d/

T hen create a file called containing the following lines:

kill -9 `ps | grep dragon | grep '/' | awk '{print $1}'`
/usr/bin/dragon-prog -S 0 -k -I off &

When launched, your will kill dragon-prog and restart it with the desired
options, in analogy to the manual procedure described in section 3.

If you want the script to be run every time the Bebop is powered up, you can now edit the
following file:


After the line

sleep 1

add the following line:


The result is the same as editing, but you can save several different scripts in the
init.d directory, each with different settings and then choose which one to apply by editing the rcS

4.3.3. Protecting the wifi network

ARDrone3 v. 3.x has introduced WPA password protection to the Bebop wifi network. Before
that, the default Bebop wifi network was not password-protected and alternative methods to
improve wifi security were developed, such as hiding the network SSID and/or restricting wifi
access to a preset list of devices, identified by their MAC address. Both strategies can still be
valid, especially because wifi password protection via WPA is expected to reduce the signal range
and quality. Hidden SSID and MAC address filtering can both be activated transiently or
In order to reversibly hide the wifi SSID, open a telnet session and enter the following command:

bcmwl closed 1

This makes it more difficult for others to connect to your drone, since the wifi network will not
appear in the list of available networks. This does not affect the ability of your own control device
to connect to the Bebop. Nevertheless, concerns have been raised by users about possible issues
when the drone is flying close to the wifi range limits, or upon temporary disconnections.
To activate MAC address filtering, you should enter the following commands:

bcmwl mac MA:CA:DD:RE:SS:01 MA:CA:DD:RE:SS:02

where you enter all the MAC addresses you want to authorize (including the SkyController, if you
own one), followed by

bcmwl macmode 2

which sets MAC filtering to only accept connections from the previous list of devices. MAC
filtering and hidden SSID can both be activated by entering all three commands.
The same command lines can be written inside a script and run by launching the script.
WARNING for SkyController users: the SkyController generates two distinct networks, one for
the Bebop and one for your device. It therefore has two MAC addresses, and the one you should
enter in the bcmwl list can only be found by using network analysis software such as Wireshark.

In order to permanently change the wifi settings you should edit the following file:


The command lines described above should be entered after the line that reads:
bcmwl sgi_tx 0

WARNING: Be extremely careful, because this introduces permanent changes in a file that will
NOT be reset to its original version ( by the hard reset procedure (see section
5). Furthermore, do not forget to introduce as many MAC addresses as possible, to cover all the
devices that you own and can connect to the Bebop (e.g. in case you lose your smartphone).

4.3.4. Improving GPS accuracy

The Bebop GPS chip can recognize and connect to a number of different GPS satellite networks.
The settings that select which networks it should use are stored, with other parameters, in the file


at the line that reads:


This is what the parameters that follow GNSS indicate:

GPS mode
QSZZ mode
SBAS mode

The talker_id is how the system identifies itself, and it is set to GN. We do not have to bother
about this.
The four following digits configure how the chip interacts with each of the four global positioning
satellite networks called GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, QZSS and SBASS. Such geostationary
satellite networks have been put in orbit by different countries: GPS (USA) has global coverage;
GLONASS (Russia) has global coverage too; GALILEO (Europe) is planned to be partially
operational in 2016 with 8 satellites and achieve global coverage in the following years; QZSS
(Japan) is planned to have four operational satellites in 2018; SBAS is a system that coordinates
the networks of several countries, including the US-based WAAS, Indian GAGAN, and others.
By editing the PERDAPI line you can set the GPS chip to access to each of these networks,
depending on what digits you enter in the corresponding position.

This is what the digits mean:

-1 keep current configuration
0 disable
1 enable tracking but do not use for position fix
2 enable tracking and use for position fix
3 enable tracking and use for position fix only after first fix

By factory settings, then, the Bebop drone uses GPS for tracking and position fix (2); does not use
GALILEO (0), which makes sense, since the network is not yet operational; and keeps the
‘current configuration’ (-1) for QZSS and SBAS. These last two settings likely act on upstream
choices linked to the location that you select in FreeFlight.
In other words, the GPS is always used, while Japanese and international networks are activated
when you tell the piloting application that you are located in a specific country (e.g. Japan or
India) where it can be useful to exploit local satellite networks.
By editing this line you can however force the chip to also use these last two satellite networks
(and GALILEO, if your drone survives until the network gets operational).
All you have to do is change the corresponding digits.

For example:

can be useful to activate SBAS connectivity, because you simply make a larger number of
satellites potentially available to the drone for position fix and tracking. In short, this can speed up

the GPS fix (green GPS icon) and also provide higher precision when using return-to-home or
flight plan functions.
Note that all this has only been tested on ARDrone3 v 2.0.57.

4.3.5. Editing a dragon-prog configuration file

Part of the settings used to configure dragon-prog are recorded in this configuration file:

As mentioned in section 1, most dragon.conf settings can be adjusted from the FreeFlight options
screen. Nevertheless a few hidden options are present and one in particular is worth considering.
By changing the picture format value to 0 (zero), in fact, every time you press the photo button,
a 180° image will be shot and saved in two formats: JPG plus DNG raw format. This
uncompressed image file format dramatically improves picture quality (and proportionally
increases file size). A semi-professional image editor is required for opening and rendering a
DNG image, but the results are far better than the JPG standard.
To achieve this, you must edit the original dragon.conf file, located in the /data directory, by
changing the picture format line to:
"picture_format" : 0,

Then turn off the Bebop. At next power-up, the edited .conf file will be used.
Video recording will not be affected and you will simply have to stop it before you can shoot 180°
DNGs + JPG pictures. Remember anyway that as soon as you change the video/photo settings in
FreeFlight options, the picture format value will be changed back and your modification will be
cancelled. Just do not touch the recording options in FreeFlight or, if you do so, go through file
editing again.

You can also create a script that restores your dragon.conf editing at every startup. In this way, if
you change the recording options in FreeFlight (either because you want to shoot a normal
picture or just by mistake), reboot will set the picture format option back to zero.
To this aim you should create a copy of your edited dragon.conf file in the /data directory with:

cp dragon.conf dragonBKP.conf

Then create a script like the following:

echo "Restoring picture format to 0"
# Copy dragonBKP.conf file over dragon.conf
cp /data/dragonBKP.conf /data/dragon.conf

and save it as in /etc/init.d/

Now edit the following file:


After the line

sleep 1

add the following line:


Upon each power-up, rcS will run the script for you and replace the dragon.conf file with your
edited version.
The same approach can be adapted to run any script at startup, but should be used with extreme
care, since a flawed script might crash the software at every startup and hamper your attempts at
recovering the original conditions.

4.3.6. Turning on the black box

While the bebop software normally records low resolution flight data in pud files (see par. 2.5),
higher resolution flight data can be obtained by editing the configuration file debug.conf to
activate the blackbox function. The file is located in the /etc directory.
Near the bottom of the file, change


Now, at each takeoff, a file named light_run_* will be written with highly detailed flight
information in the /data/ftp/internal_000/blackbox directory. The file can directly be retrieved
via an FTP connection (see section 2).
Each light_run file starts with an ASCII header, which contains two sections. The first section
reports the firmware version and some additional information; the second lists the headers
corresponding to the data columns that follow in the recording. There are over 120 columns
including raw sensor data, position, wind estimates, motor commands and more. A data header
precedes the block of recorded data. Pyton scripts are available online to convert blackbox files to
comma separated value files (csv) that can be opened and edited in any spreadsheet application.
Blackbox recording can also be transiently activated by launching dragon-prog with the -B option
active (see par. 3.3).

4.3.7. Changing RTH altitude

Return to home (RTH) has saved many a disconnected drone, but also caused quite a few crashes,
since the bebop will fly back to the take off position in a straight line and at a fixed altitude, paying
no attention to trees, buildings or hills that may be along her shortcut.
Default settings will have the bebop rise to a minimum altitude of 20m (with reference to the take
off point) before heading back home; alternatively, if a higher altitude was reached before
disconnection, the model will reach that altitude and fly back. While the latter option appears to

make sense and provide an acceptable degree of flexibility, the unchangeable 20m is definitely not
safe if you are flying around a tall tree or among other conspicuous obstacles.
The fix lays in a small configuration file called reference.cfg. The file location has changed with
firmware updates, but as far as we understand it you should find it here:

Firmware 3.x.x

Firmware 4.x.x

After making a backup copy of this file (see par. 4.1), find the following line:
heightToReturnHome = 20.0;

and change it to:

heightToReturnHome = 50.0;

or whatever altitude (in meters) you wish to set.

Restarting the drone will make the change irreversible.

4.3.8. Softer landing

The same file described in the previous paragraph can also be used to edit other interesting
parameters. While we discourage you from a trial-and-error approach (which could be harmful to
your bebop, other people and yourself), a few positive tests have shown that changing the landing
speed should not generate major issues. In fact several users complain about the excessive speed
their Bebop shoots to the ground when landing. The Parrot team must have had their good reasons
for making their choices (compensating ground effect? unpredictable behaviour during slower
descents? …), but this does not mean that we cannot disagree. And have it our own way.
In fact, if you scroll the reference.cfg file, you will easily locate the following line:

landingNormalSpeed = 1.1; # in m.s-1

A simple reduction of the set value to 0.5 - 0.6 (or whatever you like best) will have your Bebop
gently come down as if an experienced helicopter pilot was onboard.

landingNormalSpeed = 1.1; # in m.s-1

Just keep in mind that smaller values (normally below 0.5) may trigger a bumping behaviour and
delay motor switch-off. So we suggest you run a couple of preliminary tests.

4.4. Power to the power button

The only physical interface between the user and the Bebop is the power button. Not surprisingly,
Parrot has introduced the possibility to activate different tasks by pressing the power button,
including a few that are crucial under critical circumstances (see section 5). Beside turning the
drone on and off, in fact, the power button can be used to start different scripts depending on how
the button is pressed. As described in par. 1.3, the /bin/onoffbutton directory contains scripts that
are launched this way. is launched when the button is pressed for 3 seconds. The script
switches the wifi band from 2.4 to 5 GHz and back, as reported in the Parrot user guide. shuts down the Bebop. Do not edit this script. activates telnet and usb networking. Do not edit this script. activates USB networking (see par. 5.3). Do not edit this script. launches a Bebop hard reset to factory defaults when the power
button is pressed for 10 seconds. This is a very useful way to bring a bricked Bebop back
to life. Do not edit this script.

If you do not find the wifi band switch function useful, you could edit to have it
launch the startup_script described in par. 4.3.2. This allows you to have a standard Bebop startup
at powerup, and switch to your special configuration with a 3 sec pressure of the power button.
This is obtained by editing the file:


as follows:

echo "Restarting dragon-prog via startup_script" | logger -s -t "LongPress" -p
# Orange LED for 2 seconds
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 1 0 >/dev/null; sleep 3; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0 >/dev/null) &
./etc/init.d/startup_script &

A more direct - albeit possibly less versatile - way to trigger dragon-prog relaunch upon long
power button pressure can be:

echo "Restarting Dragon for FPV" | logger -s -t "LongPress" -p
# Red LED for 3 seconds
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 0 >/dev/null; sleep 3; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0 >/dev/null) &
kill -9 `ps | grep dragon | grep '/' | awk '{print $1}'`
/usr/bin/dragon-prog -S 0 -s 1024x520 -V 115 -I off &

Always remember to set the correct permissions to the files you edit or create, with chmod 755
filename (see par. 4.2.2).

Furthermore, it is possible to create extra scripts and start them with a combination of button
presses, as described below.

4.4.1. Additional power button scripts

In addition to editing the script, more scripts can be created that are started by
different numbers of repeated short pressures of the power button. A native example is the script, but it is not a good idea to edit this script. Instead, create the script that
does the job you need and save it with the following file name:

Where X is replaced by the number of button presses you want to use to launch the script.
In fact you can add as many scripts as you want in the /bin/onoffbutton directory and run them
on demand by ‘dialing’ the corresponding number of button presses. For example you could make
a failsafe script like the one described in par. 5.2 and name it

to have it launched by 9 short pressures of the power button, instead of editing the 3 second long
press script.

4.4.2. Forcing GPS cold start

If you travel a long distance between flight sessions, this may cause the Bebop to spend minutes
in search of the GPS satellites before the GPS icon turns green. The reason is that by default the
Bebop is not performing a so-called GPS cold start when booting and will therefore search for the
satellites it used last time.
To force a GPS cold start when the power button is pressed 7 times you should first telnet to your
Bebop (and activate read/write permissions) and enable input to the GPS chip configuration file
by typing:
chmod 0+rw /dev/ttyPA1

Note that this operation only needs to be done once.

You can then upload the following script to /bin/onoffbutton/

echo "Cold Resetting GPS" | logger -s -t "shortpress_7" -p
# Orange LED for 3 seconds
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 1 0 >/dev/null; sleep 3; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0 >/dev/null) &
echo -e "$PERDAPI,STOP*6F" > /dev/ttyPA1
echo -e "$PERDAPI,START,COLD*1F" > /dev/ttyPA1

Since next reboot, a 7 presses of the power button will force the GPS cold start and quickly find
your GPS fix.

4.4.3. On-the-go USB file transfer
NOTE: The following procedure has only been developed for ARDrone3 v. 2.0.57.
Version 3.x and above manage USB thumb drives in a different way, automatically copying the
whole /data/ftp/internal_000/Bebop_Drone directory to the USB memory stick. More tests are
needed before we can propose a reliable script-operated method for the new operative system.
If you think the internal Bebop memory is too small to host all the videos and pictures you record,
and you do not have your laptop within reach, it can be very useful to plug a large USB stick into
the Bebop and have the drone move all your files to the device.
You will need a passive USB OTG cable (easy to find on eBay), with a male micro USB plug at
one end and a female USB socket at the other. When such a cable is used to plug a USB stick, the
stick memory is mounted in the Bebop filesystem, inside the /data/ftp directory, and a few
directories are created on the stick:

You can now open a telnet session from your device and manually copy the content of the Bebop
/data/ftp/internal_000/Bebop_Drone/media directory to the corresponding USB stick directory.
You can anyway prepare a couple of scripts that do the job for you and have them run by specific
power button press codes, as described for other scopes in previous paragraphs.
In this case we suggest to use one script for copying the files to the USB stick and a second script
to delete the originals from the Bebop memory. This allows you to unplug the stick after the first
script has finished, plug it into your mobile device to check that all files are OK, and only then run
the second script that frees the Bebop memory.
Please note that this procedure has been successfully tested with Kingston 64mb and 16mb USB
Here is a tested example of what the scripts may look like.

Script 1 (copy): /bin/onoffbutton/

#! /bin/sh
# This script copies your media files to an external USB stick
# Red LED = script starts
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 0 >/dev/null) &


# search for USB OTG directory using pattern *_nnn

for directory in $(find /data/ftp/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex ".*_[0-9][0-9]*"); do
if [ "$directory/" != "$INT_MEM_DIRECTORY"Bebop_Drone/media/ ]; then
# copy the files if we have USB OTG drive mounted
if [ -d "$USB_OTG_DIRECTORY" ]; then
echo "Moving media to USB OTG drive ($USB_OTG_DIRECTORY)..."
# Orange LED during copy

(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 1 0 >/dev/null) &

# Green LED = copy finished
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0 >/dev/null) &
#creates copy_ok file when the copy process is finished
touch "$INT_MEM_DIRECTORY"Bebop_Drone/copy_ok
echo "USB OTG drive not mounted!"
# Red LED flashes for 3 seconds to notify the error
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 1 >/dev/null; sleep 3; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0 >/dev/null)

Since the name of the USB stick directory in /data/ftp may change, the first part of the script
searches for the corresponding file name pattern (an underscore followed by three numbers). File
copy starts only if such a directory is found. The power button LED will give the following
feedback on the script execution: red light on when script starts; orange light on during copy;
green light on when copy is completed successfully; alternatively, red light flashing if copy was
not successful (the USB stick was not mounted).

Script 2 (delete): /bin/onoffbutton/

#! /bin/sh
# This script deletes your media files if they have previously been copied to a USB stick
# Red LED = script starts
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 0 >/dev/null) &


if [ -e "$INT_BOP_DIR"copy_ok ]; then
echo "Previous copy was successful"
# delete the files
echo "Deleting contents of media directory"
# Orange LED flashing during deletion
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 1 1 >/dev/null) &
# delete all media files
rm -R "$INT_BOP_DIR"thumb/*
# delete all thumb files
rm -R "$INT_BOP_DIR"media/*
# delete file copy_ok
rm -f "$INT_BOP_DIR"copy_ok
# Green LED flashes= delete OK
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 1 >/dev/null; sleep 3; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0 >/dev/null) &
echo "Media were not previously copied! Nothing has been deleted"
# Red LED flashes for 3 seconds
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 1 >/dev/null; sleep 3; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0 >/dev/null) &


Note that the delete script checks for the existence of a file called copy_ok in the directory
/data/ftp/internal_000/Bebop_Drone before deleting videos and photos from the internal
memory. Since copy_ok is created by the copy script at the end of successful copy process and

deleted by the delete script at the end of the delete process, this check should ensure that you do
not accidentally erase your media directory.
During the delete script execution, the power button LED gives the following feedback: red light
on when script starts; orange light flashing during media file deletion; green light flashing when
all files have been deleted; alternatively, red light flashing if the copy_ok file was not found.

USB transfer is also the fastest way to get data out of your Bebop. As a reference, transferring
4.04gb of data from the Bebop memory takes:

Connection time speed

WiFi 5 GHz 8min 50sec 7.63 MBps
WiFi 2.4 GHz 10min 46sec 6.25 MBps
USB Transfer 5min 30sec 12.24 MBps

An update of the above scripts that works on both Bebop 1 and Bebop 2 has been developed by
Petetum, who also published a video tutorial on youtube:
and assembled a self-extracting installer for Windows users (
A short description of how Petetum scripts work follows.

The installer will place 2 scripts on your drone:

- TO COLD START GPS. press power button 2 times.
- TO MOVE MEDIA FILES from internal memory to USB pendrive press power button 3 times.
This will also move thumbnails, navdata, academy and blackbox files.

BEBOP DRONE 1 feedback:

Green and orange light will flash during the moving process.The drone will also emit 4
sounds when task is complete.
In case of any error the drone will emit 5 louder alarm sounds and the LED going to turn
and stay solid red. At this point you can run the script again or just power off the

BEBOP 2 feedback:
Flashing light (like a heartbeat) indicates that the script is running until task is
complete. The drone will also emit 4 sounds when task is complete.
In case of any error the drone will emit 5 louder alarm sounds and the LED light will
flash on an off.
At this point you can run the script again or just power off the drone.

TO RECORD to the USB there is no need for a script.

All you need to do is to format your USB drive with this utility.You can format pendrives
up to 2TB. Once formatted it is ready to use!
Every time you want to record to USB turn on your drone without the USB drive inserted!
Once it boots up then insert the flash drive.
All done ready to fly! :)
Turn off your drone before removing the USB drive!

There are issues when recording directly to USB drive.
If drone looses power while recording to USB drive then you lost the video for good.
There will be some temporaly files left on the pendrive but you cannot convert them to
video file.
The same thing happens if the pendrive gets removed before the drone finishes writing to
the pendrive.


There is no COPY and DELETE script anymore. Unnecceserry. The MOVE script is safe to use.
Also there is no need to set recording location with a script (like in previous versions).
Just format the flash drive using this utility and off you go.

4.4.4. The lazy shortpress 4

As you already know, under ARDrone3 v. 3.x, the telnet daemon is launched by four presses of
the power button. This is achieved through the script /bin/onoffbutton/
WARNING: by editing you are fiddling with the lock of your
main door to the Bebop filesystem: if you introduce an error here, you might
permanently lose the ability to connect via telnet!
Safety precautions are described at the end of this paragraph:
read them carefully and ponder your decision!!!
You should also know that before you can edit or move files, you must activate read/write
permissions to the whole filesystem by entering the folowing command in a telnet session:

mount -o remount,rw /

Repeating this sequence at every connection appears rather annoying to some of us, and we
propose here a mod that includes the mount command within the script, as


echo "Button activating..." | ulogger -t "ShortPressDebug" -p I

echo "Button activated" | ulogger -t "ShortPressDebug" -p I
echo "activating read-write permissions"
mount -o remount,rw /
echo "write permissions active"

The mod is highlighted in bold. Replacing the original script with this edited version, makes sure
that by pressing four times the power button, both telnet and write permissions will be activated
Before you jump on the train of happy lazy hackers, anyway consider very well the following
● Read only permissions on the file system have been introduced by Parrot as a safety
measure that prtevents unwanted damage (possibly after they have realized how common
it used to be hacking into the original Bebop system). If you decide to force that at every
connection, never forget you did or you migh get in big trouble.
● We have already highlighted the importance of checking exec permissions and line-
termination characters in the scripts that you modify. Since we are now dealing with

modifying the only script that opens your way into the file system, such aspects deserve
your full attention.

Since, anyway, one can never be 100% safe, here is a strategy that will save your telnet access in
case you make any mistake while editing shortpress_4:
Before doing anything else to the script, create a backup copy with the following command (you
must activate write permissions first, of course):

cp /bin/onoffbutton/ /bin/onoffbutton/

Followed by:

chmod 755 /bin/onoffbutton/

It is not over yet: turn your Bebop off and on again, then verify that the telnet daemon starts by
pressing the button 12 times. If everything is ok, you can go on and edit
After the edit, in case the new script does not run and the telnet connection is not open, you can
press the button 12 times to launch the backup script and you are ready to go again.

4.4.5. Custom camera settings

The camera options of dragon-prog are powerful tools to change the aspect of the streamed as
well as the recorded video. We present here a few scripts that can be used to relaunch dragon-prog
with alternative camera settings, but a number of other combinations can be used to suit specific

Wide-angle video
While the Bebop camera can shoot beautiful circular 180° pictures, videos are restricted to a more
standard form factor. By default, in fact, the camera is set to frame a small portion of the 180°
field of viev (FOV) of the lens, which is also involved in the software process of image
stabilization (see par. 1.4).
It is anyway possible to open the camera field of view until it eventually embraces the whole lens
viewing angle. This can be done by restarting dragon-prog (see section 3) with the appropriate
For example:
/usr/bin/dragon-prog -c 1280x2560 -s 1024x600 -V 115

Will set a 115° FOV and adjust camera settings (-c and -s) to cover the new viewing angle.

The same (and alternative) settings can be written in a shell script that can be run on demand, for
example by using the power button press system (see par. 4.4). Let us explore a couple of

#! /bin/sh
# This script restarts dragon-prog with camera settings for full frame fisheye video
# Red LED for 2 seconds
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 0 >/dev/null; sleep 3; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0 >/dev/null)

kill -9 `ps | grep dragon | grep '/' | awk '{print $1}'`

/usr/bin/dragon-prog -c 1280x3072 -s 1024x600 -V 140 &

Once you have placed this script ìn the /bin/onoffbutton/ directory and changed its permissions
to make it executable, 7 presses of the power button will relaunch dragon-prog and generate
stunning 140° videos.
You may want to consider adding an options to disable noise filtering (resulting in sharper
images). To do so, replace the last line in the script with:

/usr/bin/dragon-prog -c 1280x3072 -s 1024x600 -V 140 -I off &

First Person View

Wide angle lenses (not as extreme as the one we have on our Bebop) are of common use in racing
drones and analogous FPV setups. In fact, wider viewing angles allow the pilot to better
appreciate which objects surround the drone and how far they are, reducing the occurrence of
unavoidable crashes. If you want to go this way with your Bebop, the following script can be a
starting point:

#! /bin/sh
# This script restarts dragon-prog with FPV-friendly camera settings
# Red LED for 2 seconds
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 0 >/dev/null; sleep 3; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0 >/dev/null)

kill -9 `ps | grep dragon | grep '/' | awk '{print $1}'`

/usr/bin/dragon-prog -c 1280x3072 -s 1024x600 -V 120 -S 0 -I off &

This sets a FOV of 120° (quite common for FPV) and disables camera stabilization, to make your
piloting experience more realistic and immersive. It also disables noise filtering (-I) to reduce
CPU load and help streaming fluidity.
Also consider the use of the -q option (par. 3.3.2) to further improve video streaming.
Remember to change permissions with chmod 755 /bin/onoffbutton/

Disabling lens correction
As mentioned above, the onboard software performs a reprojection of the images coming from the
fisheye camera. This process corrects the image, removing the fish-eye deformation and also turns
the image on its side by 90°, to correct for the camera orientation. By combining the use of
different dragon-prog options, it is possible to record a video of the original uncorrected frame,
even if this will inevitably appear turned by 90° and further video editing will be needed to
reorient it correctly. The following script does the job:

#! /bin/sh
# This script restarts dragon-prog fisheye camera settings
# Red LED for 2 seconds
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 0 >/dev/null; sleep 3; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0 >/dev/null)

kill -9 `ps | grep dragon | grep '/' | awk '{print $1}'`

/usr/bin/dragon-prog -s 1280x1400 -c 3744x3744 -R off -r 1280x1400 -I off &

As you can appreciate from the images above, the non-reprojected image does not have a wider
angle than the original image, but horizontal and vertical lines appear bent as for the lens
properties. In theory, by increasing the -r resolution, it should be possible to embrace a wider field
of view, but in our hands the above setting was the widest that did not cause a dragon-prog crash
due to data overflow. It is anyway possible to experiment with different image formats, such as
1024x2048, which generates a wider (but shorter) image, where the horizontal field of view is
indeed broader than with the default settings. As a side comment, disabling reprojection with -R
also makes -V ineffective, so it is not possible to widen the field of view with this approach.

4.5. Scripts for saving and retrieving GPS data

On the Bebop(s), data from the GPS hardware are accessible via a Linux FIFO. You can think of
the FIFO as a live access point located at /tmp/gps_nmea_out. Data is not recorded from here by
default, but a script can be written to capture the NMEA GPS data into a file in a directory that
can later be accessed via FTP. How we do this depends on which Bebop we are working with.

4.5.1. ARDrone3 v 2.0.57
The Original Bebop uses a Furuno GN-8715 GPS receiver. This receiver is configured to send
standard NMEA sentences plus several proprietary sentences, all of which are ASCII text. The
Furuno terminates all sentences with a CR/LF, so viewing the data will display correctly in a DOS
environment and other machines will require conversion with the dos2unix utility or equivalent
(see par. 4.2.2).

The following method has been tested on Bebop Drone running ARDrone3 v 2.0.29 and 2.0.57. It
involves a one time change to a Bebop system startup file and an external trigger file that allows
convenient switching of GPS data capture on/off through a special power button sequence.

Here’s an outline of the data capture process.

1) With the Bebop powered on, pressing the power button eight times will launch a script that
creates the trigger file.
2) To start GPS data capture you now need to reboot your Bebop and during next startup,
your edited rcS_gps script will find the trigger file and activate data capture.
3) At the end of your flight, press the power button eight times: the script
will delete the trigger file disabling GPS data capture as of the next power-up cycle.
4) You can now use FTP to retrieve the furuno-nmea-out.txt file from

To make the process easier to follow, we will deal with the power button script first.
The power button script creates or deletes the trigger file on demand. This is achieved by creating
the following script in /bin/onoffbutton/

#! /bin/sh
# This script creates or deletes an empty file called furuno_data in /data/ftp
# Flashing red LED = script starts
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 1 >/dev/null; sleep 3) &

if [ -e "$INT_BOP_DIR"furuno_data ]; then
echo "Trigger file found – toggle capture off"
# delete the file
echo "Deleting trigger file"
rm -R "$INT_BOP_DIR"furuno_data
Echo “Trigger file deleted”
# Orange LED flashes= delete OK
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 1 1 >/dev/null; sleep 3; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0
>/dev/null) &
echo "Trigger file not found"
# create trigger file – toggle capture on
echo "Creating trigger file"
touch "$INT_MEM_DIRECTORY"furuno_data
Echo “Trigger file created”
# Green LED flashes= create OK
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 1 >/dev/null; sleep 3; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0
>/dev/null) &


Remember to change permissions with:

chmod 755 /bin/onoffbutton/

And ensure that line termination characters are Linux. If there is any doubt, run dos2unix utility on

Now for the second part, editing the rcS_gps file (which is run during startup) so that it will check
for the trigger file created by the script and activate GPS data capture.
Edit /etc/init.d/rcS_gps and, after the lines:
eRide_aiding /data/ftp/internal_000/gps_data/eRide_data.bin &

add the following block of code:

# furuno data capture if trigger file exists
if [ -f /data/ftp/furuno_data ]
cat /tmp/gps_nmea_out >> /data/ftp/internal_000/log/furuno-nmea-out.txt &
echo "${name} logging gps nmea out" | logger -s -t ${name} -p

The new code, checks for the existence of the ‘trigger file’ furuno_data in the /data/ftp/
directory. If the trigger file is found at startup, rcS_gps will use the cat utility, run as a
background task, to append the GPS FIFO data to file:

which can directly be retrieved via FTP.

If the trigger file does not exist, rcS_gps will skip the highlighted block of code and the Bebop
boot-up will proceed as usual.

Note that this capture strategy creates files that will all have the same name, which implies that
data from a new flight will overwrite older data. You should therefore retrieve your file after each
We can anyway introduce an extra mod to add a timestamp to the data file name, so that data will
be protected from overwrite. To achieve this, we have to edit 2 more files.
First of all, create the following script and save it in /bin:

# extract the GNRMC date & UTC time from NMEA file
# supplied via cmdline or from
# /data/ftp/internal_000/Debug/current/myfileNmea.txt if it exists or file
passed in as a script parameter

# we want the date/time from the first & last GNRMC sentence
# output as ddmmyy-hhmm-hhmm
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
file=$1 # using cmdline file

# find first GNRMC in file

first=`awk -F, '$1=="$GNRMC"{print $10 "-" substr($2,1,4) "-";exit;}' ${file}`
#echo ${first}

# find last GNRMC in file

last=`awk '/GNRMC/{k=$0}END{print k}' ${file} | awk -F ',' '{print
#echo ${last}
echo ${first}${last}

Remember to set permissions with chmod 755 and ensure that text line termination is Linux. This
script pulls the date/time from the first and last GNRMC sentence that it finds in the
myfileNmea.txt GPS debug file.

The last file to edit is the Bebop shutdown script:


After the lines:

# Shut down the GPS
echo '!' > /tmp/gps_debug &



#check for furuno-nmea-out.txt, if file exists, use the

script to insert a time stamp in the file name

if [ -e ${gps_file_path}${gps_file} ]
#echo ${gps_file_path}${new_gps_filename}
mv ${gps_file_path}${gps_file} ${gps_file_path}${new_gps_filename}

4.5.2. ARDrone3 v 3.1.0

The following method has only been tested on the Bebop 2 running ARDrone3 v 3.1.0. More tests
are needed with v 3.2.0 and Bebop 1. Bebop 2 uses a u-blox Neo M8N GPS receiver. This

receiver is configured to send a number of standard NMEA sentences plus a number of binary
data packets. Although the GPS data can be captured in the same manner as the Bebop, handling
the mix of ASCII and binary is a challenge. A better data capture method is provided by the
Bebop 2 developers, as of FW 3.1.0. In using this method, the developers have converted the
binary data to a hex ASCII format (with Linux line terminations), so that all available data is
ASCII and readable in common viewers.
Before editing any file in the bebop 2, remember to enable read/write permissions to the whole
file system, as described in par 4.2.1.

In Bebop 2, a GPS capture parameter has been added to the /etc/debug.conf file. This
NMEA_DUMP parameter defaults to 0, which disables GPS data capture. By editing debug.conf
and changing NMEA_DUMP=1, GPS data capture is enabled:

# Record nmea gps data into emmc


This records a copy of the NMEA GPS data in:


In order to prevent this from being overwritten at next startup, we need to copy myfileNmea.txt
into a safe directory for later FTP retrieval. The file will be renamed and timestamped to make it
unique and prevent overwriting.
We will deal with the required changes in reverse order. First the time stamping script (same as
the one desribed above for ARDrone3 v 2.0.57).
The following script must first be created and saved in /bin:

# extract the GNRMC date & UTC time from NMEA file
# supplied via cmdline or from
# /data/ftp/internal_000/Debug/current/myfileNmea.txt if it exists or file
passed in as a script parameter
# we want the date/time from the first & last GNRMC sentence
# output as ddmmyy-hhmm-hhmm
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
file=$1 # using cmdline file

# find first GNRMC in file

first=`awk -F, '$1=="$GNRMC"{print $10 "-" substr($2,1,4) "-";exit;}' ${file}`
#echo ${first}

# find last GNRMC in file

last=`awk '/GNRMC/{k=$0}END{print k}' ${file} | awk -F ',' '{print

#echo ${last}
echo ${first}${last}

Remember to set permissions with chmod 755 and ensure that text line termination is Linux. This
script pulls the date/time from the first and last GNRMC sentence that it finds in the
myfileNmea.txt GPS debug file.

You should then edit the Bebop shutdown script:


After the lines:

# Shut down the GPS
echo '!' > /tmp/gps_debug &

# start of gord's mods...
# copy out nmea debug file if it's active
echo "copying Gord's debug files to eMMC internal_000/log/..." | ulogger -t
"shutdown" -p I
if [ -s /data/ftp/internal_000/Debug/current/myfileNmea.txt ]
cp /data/ftp/internal_000/Debug/current/myfileNmea.txt
sleep 3
sync # sync below comes after emmc release...
# end of gord's mods...

When you shut down your drone, this code checks for non-zero length myfileNmea.txt file and if
found, copies the file to

to make it unique. This file will not be deleted by the Bebop software, unless you do a reset (see
par. 5.1) and can be retrieved at a later time via a FTP connection.

4.6. Dragon-prog replacement

Expert software developers have tried to edit the dragon-prog file itself to replace the original
with a revised version that includes extra functions. Since this kind of editing is not accessible to
the target users of this guide and openly violates software copyright, we have chosen not to
present such modifications here. Those interested can easily find the necessary information on the
web, including the official Bebop forum.

4.7. Bebop Webconfig

A very useful web interface has been created by

Reely340 that can be installed on the Bebop and grants
access to key information, files and dragon-prog options
via any web browser. Please search the official Bebop
forum for its latest release and detailed installation
instructions. Among other functions, the current Bebop
Webconfig release allows you to launch the telnet
daemon, access internal directories (media, academy,
debug), copy media to a USB drive, cold-boot the GPS
and display several diagnostic parameters.

4.8. Fixing battery drain

Since the introduction of the new Bebop 2 Power model (and firmware 4.4.0), which sports a high
voltage / high capacity battery, users have recorded a rapid battery drain from about 40% to 0. In
fact, since the firmware has to manage this higher capacity (the Power battery has literally a
higher voltage at full charge), Parrot has redefined the conversion table that the onboard software
uses to convert the read voltage values into percent ratios. Unfortunately for us (and for Parrot),
the same 4.4.0 firmware runs on both Power models and a number of different hardware versions
of Bebop 2, and the revised conversion table does not appear to conform to all of them as
efficiently. In fact, while the Power version shows a nice linear decrease in its battery charge, this
is not always the case for model 2 drones. Hopefully a future release will fix this, but until then
you can apply this nice trick. All you have to do is replace the original conversion table with an
edited one that better represents the actual drain curve of the original Bebop 2 batteries.

WARNING: this mod has only been tested on Bebop2 running firmware 4.4.0
and should not be used on any other combination

The conversion table is contained in the /etc/colibry/milosboard/estimator.cfg file. The

easiest way to replace the table is to replace the whole file. To do so, create a plain text file
containing the following lines (just copy/paste):

# Estimators

# Global
#Sensor Monitoring Algorithm
#Vision Monitoring
altitudeVisionSensorToGround = 0.04; # [m]
#Pressure observation
heightGroundEffect = 0.5; # [m]
durationLandingWithoutPress = 5.0; # [s]

# Vertical Model

verticalModelInitCz = 0.9; # [s-1]

# Battery

batteryPercentageTableVoltage =[9.3051,

batteryPercentageTablePercentage = [0.0,


and upload it to the /data/ftp/internal_000 directory via FTP (see par. 2.4). In short, the
edited part is the list of voltage values.

Then launch a telnet session (see par. 2.3). Type:

mount -o remount,rw /


cp /etc/colibry/milosboard/estimator.cfg /etc/colibry/milosboard/old_estimator.cfg

This will save a copy of the the original estimator.cfg file as old_estimator.cfg
The next step is to replace the original file with the edited version. Type:

cp /data/ftp/internal_000/estimator.cfg /etc/colibry/milosboard/estimator.cfg

A reboot will make the change effective.

4.9. Fixing motor shut down

Another issue that several users have observed since firmware 4.4.0 is related to sudden motor
shutdown during flight. This problem is causing serious trouble and appears to be related to an
excessively high threshold that is set to protect the battery from excessive drain. The threshold has
been reset with firmware 4.4.0, likely to suit the new Bebop Power batteries. In short, if the
voltage drops below a given value, the software stops the rotors to prevent battery damage.
Unfortunately, such drops are common when the motors suddenly drain more energy (because of
wind or a rapid direction change) from a regular Bebop 2 battery that is getting low in charge (or
just aging). Since this condition happens during flight, the motors will stop and the drone will fall
from whatever altitude: in our opinion, battery damage is your less relevant trouble, under such
So if you run 4.4.0 on a Bebop 2, you better lower this value by editing the corresponding
configuration file. Here is how you can proceed:

Launch a telnet session (see par. 2.3), make the file system editable with:

mount -o remount,rw /

and create a copy of the configuration file by typing:

cp /etc/colibry/common/estimator.cfg /etc/colibry/common/old_estimator.cfg

Then edit estimator.cfg using vi:

vi /etc/colibry/common/estimator.cfg

Once the file is open, use the arrow keys to reach line 238, where you will read:

shutdownVoltage = 9.3;

Move the cursor under the semicolon (;) character and press i to enter editing mode. Use the
delete key to erase number 3 and replace it with 0. This will reset the voltage threshold to pre-
4.4.0 value: 9.0 V.
To be on the safe side (assuming you prefer to risk damaging a battery than dropping your drone),
you can enter an even lower value (e.g. 8.0).
Once you have set the desired threshold value, press the esc key to exit the editing mode, then


to save your changes and quit vi.

As usual, changes will be effective at next drone boot.

WARNING: this mod may cause damage to the batteries by causing excessive
battery stress if motor power requests peak while the battery charge is low.
Always check your batteries after every flight, before and after recharging them!
Stressed Lipo batteries can be very dangerous:
they explode and set fire to surrounding objects, so be extremely careful!!!

5. In case of emergency

Hopefully you are reading this section to follow your curiosity while downloading the latest
videos from your Bebop after an amazing flight session. If this is not the case, anyway, and you
think you have messed up something, or the Bebop simply does not behave as expected, you can
consider trying one of the following escape strategies.

5.1. How to hard reset the Bebop

One relatively frequent problem with Bebop is the lack of wifi connectivity after powerup. This
may happen because of some problems during last shutdown (like unplugging the battery before
the drone was completely shut down), or other oddities that sometimes happen even in the best
operative systems.
Wifi connection problems are major issues, because you not only lose the ability to pilot the drone
(either via Skycontroller or smartphone/tablet), but also cannot establish a telnet or FTP session to
try and sort things out the geek way.
The Bebop user guide instructs you to reset your Bebop to factory settings by pressing the power
button for 10 seconds. This activates the script which restarts the drone
software by using factory copies of the configuration files.

As a visible feedback, the power button led goes through a series of flashes in different colors and
the Bebop eventually shuts down (you can hear the fan stop) and reboots. This procedure has
saved the life of several Bebops according to forum reports, and even restored malfunctioning
files that caused odd behavior, so use it with confidence.
Remember anyway that a hard reset will erase your media files from the internal memory.

5.2. Using a failsafe script

A brilliant modification can save your day in case the Bebop wifi connection is unavailable as a
consequence of some changes you have introduced. The idea is to save a copy of all the original
configuration and service files that you intend to edit, in a dedicated directory in the Bebop
filesystem; a power button-operated script (see par. 4.4) can then be used to replace all the files
you have edited (likely causing the system failure) with the pristine version and reboot the Bebop.
If the lack of wifi connectivity was due to your changes, you should now have fully recovered
your Bebop functionality.
First of all create a directory to store a copy of the original files. We suggest to create it in the
/data/ftp/internal_000 directory (see par. 1.3), so that you can access it from your device or
personal computer. We will call our directory emergency.
Open a telnet session, navigate to /data/ftp/internal_000 and type:

mkdir emergency

Now copy all the files you want to backup with commands such as the following:

cp /usr/bin/

Repeat for each file you plan to edit.

Now check that all your backup copies are in position with:

ls /data/ftp/internal_000/emergency

If we have created a backup of these files:

We will now enter their respective paths in the following script:


echo "Restoring pristine files" | logger -s -t "Shortpress_9" -p

# Red-Orange-Green LED
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 0 >/dev/null; sleep 2; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 1 0 >/dev/null;
sleep 2; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 0 1 0 >/dev/null) &

# Remount filesystem with wrirte permissions

mount -o remount,rw /

# Copy saved files over edited/damaged files

### adjust this list to your own needs ###
cp /data/ftp/internal_000/emergency/ /bin/
cp /data/ftp/internal_000/emergency/dragon.conf /data/dragon.conf
cp /data/ftp/internal_000/emergency/system.conf /data/system.conf
cp /data/ftp/internal_000/emergency/ /usr/bin/

# Red-Orange-Red LED
(BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 0 >/dev/null; sleep 2; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 1 0 >/dev/null;
sleep 2; BLDC_Test_Bench -G 1 0 0 >/dev/null; sleep 2) &

# reboot
./bin/ &

The final step is to save this script in the /bin/onoffbutton directory with an appropriate file
name (par 4.4.1). For example, /bin/onoffbutton/
After restart, 9 short presses on the power button will launch the failsafe script and restore the
included files from the backup you made in the emergency directory.

Unfortunately this strategy is preemptive: you must set everything up when the Bebop is fully
functional for the script to be ready in case of necessity. But if you go this way you should be able
to reset your Bebop to its pristine conditions with a simple action on the power button.

5.3. USB networking

USB networking creates a TCP/IP network through the UART port (see par. 5.3.1). When the wifi
connection is in place, USB networking can be activated by launching the script:


The same script is run by short pressing 13 times the Bebop power button, which is what you
should do in case you have definitely lost wifi connectivity. The Bebop's IP address on the
USB/UART network is This action is also reported to force-start the telnet daemon,
enabling telnet connectivity through the wifi network in case it was lost due to previous issues.

In Bebop 2 running ARDrone3 v 3.0.6, USB networking has been reported to be activated over
the normal micro-USB port, but this remains to be verified for the Bebop Drone.

5.3.1. How to connect via UART

An extreme measure in case you are still unable to connect to
your Bebop is to exploit a hardware hijack that implies plugging
cables into unused contacts on the the Bebop motherboard
(UART port). This port has direct access to the motherboard and
can be used to connect the Bebop to a USB cable when no other
method can establish a connection via wifi. The whole
procedure is explained in full detail here (scroll down to the end
of the page).

5.4. Forcing firmware reinstall

Possibly the most powerful action to restore a damaged filesystem, e.g. in case you are not able to
connect via wifi any more, is to reinstall the whole software. It is normally impossible to reinstall
ARDrone once you already have the latest release. Nevertheless, a couple of very smart users
have found workarounds that will actually let you even reinstall older firmware versions.
Old firmware files can be found with a simple google search, but a collection can be found here.

Bebop 1: Bebop 2:
Firmware Bebop Drone – 1.32.0 Firmware Bebop 2 – 4.0.3
Firmware Bebop Drone – 1.98.8 Firmware Bebop 2 – 4.0.4
Firmware Bebop Drone – 1.98.10 Firmware Bebop 2 – 4.0.5
Firmware Bebop Drone – 2.0.28 Firmware Bebop 2 – 4.0.6
Firmware Bebop Drone – 2.0.29 Firmware Bebop 2 – 4.2.0
Firmware Bebop Drone – 2.0.57 Firmware Bebop 2 – 4.2.1
Firmware Bebop Drone – 3.2.0 Firmware Bebop 2 – 4.3.1
Firmware Bebop Drone – 3.3.0 Firmware Bebop 2 – 4.4.0
Firmware Bebop Drone – 4.0.4
Firmware Bebop Drone – 4.0.5
Firmware Bebop Drone – 4.0.6

WARNING: as for any firmware upgrade, it is recommended to go through a
hard reset (see par. 5.1)both before and after the reinstall procedure
SECOND WARNING: older versions of the firmware may not be compatible with the
newest releases of FreeFlight Pro. If you want to install such versions, you
should either use a third party piloting software, or install an old version of FreeFlight.
Different operations are required to downgrade FreeFlight, depending on
your smartphone operative system, and go beyond the scope of this guide.

5.4.1. Reinstall before v. 4.0.4.

With the release of firmware update 4.0.4. some of the configuration files have changed, so a
different procedure must be followed (see par. 5.4.2). For Bebops running previous firmware
versions, read on.

Procedure A (tested on Bebop 1)

Download the desired firmware update file and save it to your computer hard drive.
Now use a hex editor like UltraEdit or any other equivalent software (there are several free to
download) to open and edit the .plf file containing the firmware.
Once you have opened the file, search for the offset 36 and set it to a higher value. For example,
in ARDrone3 v 3.x, offset 36 reads 03 and is followed by three 00 (highlighted in red below).

50 4c 46 21 0d 00 00 00 38 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 68 00 00 00
5c 64 55 2a 03 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 58 7a 1c 01 0b 00 00 00 58 02 00 00
74 50 0e c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Changing 03 to 04 will make this file appear to the Bebop system as a more recent update (to
version 4.x).
You can now choose two different strategies:

1) copy the .plf file to a USB stick (must be in FAT32 format); plug it into the micro-USB
port of your drone using a suitable cable, then turn the drone on. During boot-up, a check
is made on the USB bus and if a suitable .plf file is found, the install procedure is
launched. Bingo!

2) Alternatively, if FTP connectivity over wifi is still available, you can open a terminal
window, then type:

ftp 51 (note the space before 51)

This will open a telnet session over port 51, granting access to a directory that is used for
software updates. Copy your edited file to your computer home directory, then type:

put filename.plf (use the name of the file you edited)

This will copy your file to the Bebop memory.

You can now close your FTP connection and reboot the drone. You will see from blinking
LED colours that the firmware is being installed. Bingo, again!
WARNING: it is not recommended to switch back and forth between firmware updates.
Apparently some files may get corrupted and cause dramatic and critical misbehavior
in your Bebop. Refer to the official Bebop forum for further details

Procedure B (tested on Bebop 1 and Bebop 2)

An alternative way is to do the following.
Download the firmware update you want to install. Launch a telnet session (par. 2.3). Type:

mount -o remount ,rw /

This will make the file system editable. Now enter:

vi version.txt

To edit the version.txt file that sits in the Bebop home directory. This file has been removed
since version 4.0.4. (see next paragraph).

You are now editing the file using a shell editor called vi. Type:


To modify the first character to 0 (zero). This will make the Bebop believe it is running a version
0 of the software and allow the update.
Now enter:


To exit vi and save the changes to the version.txt file.

Now open an FTP session (see par. 2.4) and upload the firmware update file
updater_payload.plf in the Bebop directory called internal_000.

Close the FTP session and go back to telnet.Enter:

/bin/updater/ /data/ftp/internal_000

(pay attention to the blank spaces)

You should get the following feedback:


Scanning /data/ftp/internal_000
for updates ...
Testing /data/ftp/internal_000/updater_payload.plf
PLF:1.32.0 VER:0.98.8
Sending /data/ftp/internal_000/updater_payload.plf
to the Update partition

Now enter:


And wait for the whole update procedure to deploy. The drone will reboot, then the fan will stop
and the led will go through a long series of different flashes (in both green and orange).
Eventually the drone will reboot again. Bingo!

5.4.2. Reinstall from firmware 4.0.4 or above

Download the desired firmware update file. And upload it via FTP to the internal_000
directory (see par. 2.4).
Close the FTP session and launch a telnet session (see par. 2.5). Type:
mount -o remount ,rw /
This will make the file system editable. Now enter:

vi /bin/updater/dgwl.txt

This will use the vi editor to open the file dgwl.txt, which contains information about the
firmware versions that are accepted for installation:

# List of firmware versions to which a downgrade is allowed

# Regexps are basic regular expressions (BRE). See grep(1) manpage on a
# linux desktop to get the correct syntax (especially metacharacters escapes).

Now press i to enter editing mode and use arrow keys to move after the last character (the + sign).
Add a carriage return by pressing ENTER and type the number of the firmware version you want
to install (e.g. 4.0.6). In our example the file should now look like this:

# List of firmware versions to which a downgrade is allowed

# Regexps are basic regular expressions (BRE). See grep(1) manpage on a
# linux desktop to get the correct syntax (especially metacharacters escapes).

Press ESC to exit editing mode, then type:


To save changes and close the file.

Last step is launching the update procedure. This should start automatically after you switch the
drone off and back on. Alternatively, you may want to force it immediately by typing:

/bin/updater/ /data/ftp/internal_000

which will scan the internal_000 directory for legitimate installer files and start the installation.
The drone will reboot, go through the installer led-flashing routine and reboot again.

5.5. Crash debugging

As a flying computer, your bebop is not immune to bugs and crashes that can affect its hardware
and software. While your desktop PC will at worst freeze or shut off, when such problems arise
during flight, the consequences can be varied, but always stressful.
Assuming you are abe to recover your drone and access its internal memory, you may want to
investigate on what cused the problem.
In both models, .zip files are produced during each power-on session and contain a lot of useful
information about the use of sensor inputs and software status before, during and after flights.
Such files are cyclically replaced and the bebop Drone will always keep the last 4 files, whereas
this number was raised to 10 in Bebop 2. They are stored in:


It is therefore easy to access and download them via FTP to your personal computer for
Files must be decompressed (unzipped) and extracted (tar) to obtain a binary file named
The binary contains several readable ascii strings, which give useful hints for your investigation.
If you are using Linux or MacOS, running the strings command on ckcm.bin from a shell window
extracts and prints out all the ascii strings contained in the file (20-30,000 lines). A search (grep)
on this output can bring the useful information in sight.

5.6. Disconnections

The unfortunate case of a wifi disconnection during flight is a frustrating experience that most
pilots have experienced at least once. So, even if this guide is devoted to hacks and modifications,
a short discussion on how to prevent and respond to disconnections may be of use to everyone.

5.6.1. Types of disconnections
The most feared type of disconnection is the so-called flyaway, i.e. when the Bebop banks or
drifts out of your control and into an obstacle, the sea, or beyond your line of sight. This type of
problem may be caused by radio interference, GPS problems, local geo-magnetic conditions, or a
malfunction in the software that manages such sensors. Your best chance in such cases is that the
drone bumps into a nearby soft object. In most cases video connection is still active, so you can
‘see’ where your drone is going and - hopefully - where it fell.
Occasional reports can be found on the internet of Bebops suddenly falling from the sky. What
causes this is not clear: a software crash could be held responsible, but hardware problems, such
as a stuck motor, a broken blade or the collision with a bird, have also been envisaged. In such
cases your problem is not really the disconnection, but the cost of spare parts and possible damage
to others.
A more common - and far less dramatic - type of disconnection leaves some hope, anyway.
Symptoms are crystal clear: loss of video feedback; loss of control from the Skycontroller sticks;
if you are using a direct connection from your smartphone or tablet, you will also get a connection
lost error message. Eventually, a message ‘connecting to Bebop…’ will make your nightmare
come true. What happens then in most cases is that the Bebop will hang in the air for a few eternal
minutes, until the battery drains out and the drone lands elegantly and undamaged, assuming it
was hovering above a clear area; if this happens over water… well, YouTube is a great source of
videos with desperate pilots that plunge into cold waters trying to catch their drones before the
fatal splash (this is not limited to Bebops). What else can you do? In fact there are a few hints that
can be useful in such situations.

Keep calm and think

The Bebop extraordinary self-control will keep it from drifting with the wind. The combined input
by the GPS chip, vertical camera and accelerometers will make your drone stick to its position
quite impressively. So, unless it is hovering a few feet from an obstacle or in wild winds, you can
take your time and use the remaining battery life for something more practical than just stamping
your feet in despair.
Disconnections happen because of various causes. Wifi congestion and radio interference appear
to be the most frequent. The Bebop and the controller are set to consider the respective wifi
network as the strongest signal in the area. Anyway, they both scan the wifi spectrum in search for
less congested channels to switch to, and so on. As soon as the drone-controller signal is weaker
than another wifi signal present in the area, both the drone and the controller will start pondering
whether the stronger signal is the network they should actually be connected to, send over a
handshaking to the router,etc. All such activity engages the wifi band, further weakening the true
connection. In fact, if you fly in an isolated place, the chances to get disconnected are very close
to zero - think about this when you choose your next flight site.
In all such disconnection cases, the Bebop hovers on site, waiting for a new connection. The
problem is, your device may not ‘want’ to reconnect, even if onscreen messages say the opposite.
This may be caused by errors in the wifi settings files that took place during the loss of signal.

What to do
One easy - albeit counterintuitive - possibility is to power off your Skycontroller and switch your
device’s wifi off. Remember the Bebop has a return-to-home function, and 60 seconds after
disconnection (you can adjust this timer in the FreeFlight preferences), it will raise to 20m (or the

highest altitude reached before disconnection) and fly back to you autonomously, coming to a
stable hover 2m off the ground. The reason you should switch your devices off line is that the
drone might ‘sense’ their attempts to reconnect and stop the RTH timer each time.

In some cases, though, the disconnection takes place just a few

meters from your position. RTH does not engage in such short
ranges. In fact, short-range disconnections have been related to
the infamous wifi black hole, rather than radio congestion or
interference. In short, the antennas that lay in the feet of your
Bebop generate a wifi field that has the shape of a tall donut,
with a ‘hole’ more or less placed underneath the drone (and
wobbling around depending on the drone pitch and roll);
consequently, if your controller falls within the wifi black
hole, it will just lose its connection. In this case it is
recommended to walk several meters away from your Bebop,
in order to get out of the hole and be in condition to try and

Assuming you have your drone sitting in the sky several meters away, not returning to home on its
own aven after you have switched off your controller and device, how can you get back in
control? The most successful strategy appear to be the following (assuming you are using a

- Go to your device wifi settings and remove the drone and Skycontroller wifi IDs from your
list of preferred networks, or whatever they are called in your operative system. You must
have your device forget it has ever connected to them.
- Then reconnect to the Bebop wifi, if you see it, directly from your device. If not, connect
to the Skycontroller.
- If you are lucky, the Skycontroller will beep its connection to the Bebop as usual.
- If this does not happen, close and relaunch FreeFlight. Since it cannot connect, you will
see the wifi manager window in the top left frame. Open it. Delete your drone wifi ID
from the list of known networks.
- Close and relaunch FreeFlight. If it does not reconnect on its own, open the wifi manager
again and manually select your Bebop ID.

If all this proves unsuccessful, be conscious that you have done your best and you have been able
to keep your temper and act reasonably in a situation of emergency. You have become a better
person. This will undoubtedly comfort you from seeing your drone diving in the ocean.

6. SkyController

We only refer here to the original SkyController (SC), the big one, the one that comes in yellow,
red, blue or black colour. Skycontroller 2 (SC2) is little more than a basic RC radio with a USB
plug to connect with a smartphone or tablet.
The SC is unfortunately inaccessible to hacks and mods, since it has no telnet running by default.
We anyway present here a bunch of information that can turn out useful to advanced users.

6.1. SkyController software

Similarly to the Bebop user guide, also the SC user guide from Parrot is pretty poor of
information. One thing you should know is that also the SC (here intended as the SkyController 1
and SkyController Black versions) is an android-operated computer. As such it has its own OS
(based on Android 4.2.2), which is booted every time you activate the power button (the flashing
LED dance is the equivalent of a progress bar).
In fact, the SC can run apps, and is set to run FreeFlight at startup. As a matter of fact, when you
use your mobile device with the SC, your device FreeFlight app is communicating to the SC
FreeFlight app through a short-range wi-fi network (wlan1); in turn, the SC FreeFlight app is in
control of the Bebop through a second, long-range wi-fi network (wlan0); the video from the
Bebop is streamed through the long-distance network, then passed through to your tablet or
smartphone. Device-to-SC communication also includes the transmission of touch controls
operated on the screen.
You should already know that the HDMI port can be used to plug FPV goggles or an HDMI
monitor/TV. If you do so, the screen will show the SC FreeFlight interface, which is similar but
clearly distinct from the android or iOS version. One of the SC knobs can be used for moving a
pointer on the screen and navigate through the app menus and launch a flight session. The use of
HDMI goggles or monitors strongly reduces lags in live video because - by plugging directly into
the SC - the second step of wi-fi video broadcast is avoided.

6.1.1. The SkyController filesystem

Parrot ARDrone3 SDK is a free software package that is meant for Android app developers and
grants access to the SC file system via an adb connection over USB. The file system is extensive
and there could be hidden treasures (e.g. setting files abilitating extra features).
In particular, the /system/xbin directory shown below appears to contain interesting files,
although we have no indication that this kind of access is of any use to non-developers.

add-property-tag cpustats flock kill mount renice stat uptime
appWatchdog cut free killall mpstat reset strace usleep
ash date fsck klogd mv resize strings uudecode
ath6kl_reload dc fsync latencytop nanddump rev stty uuencode
ath6kl_usb_loader dd ftpd led_bootanim nandwrite rm su vi
atmegCheckUpdate deallocvt ftpget less nbd-client rmdir sulogin vlock devmem getopt librank netstat rmmod switch_root volname
awk dexdump grep linuxrc omxregister-bellagio route sync watch
base64 df groups ln opcontrol run-parts tail wc
basename dfu-programmer gunzip logcol openvt rx tar wget
blockdev dhcprelay gzip logkeeper oprofiled sane_schedstat tee which
bootchartd diff halt ls passwd scriptreplay telnet whoami
btool dirname head lsattr pidof sed telnetd whois
busybox dmesg hexdump lsmod ping setWifiBitrate test
cat dos2unix hwclock lsof pinst_trigger setWifiParameters time wpa_supplicant_launcher
chattr du i2ctool lspci pinst_version set_reg_domain top xargs

check-lost+found dumpleases id lzop pmap setleds touch xz
checkData echo ifconfig lzopcat poweroff setserial traceroute xzcat
checkProperties ed init md5sum powertop setsid true yes
checkplf egrep initAccessPoint mdev procmem sh tty
chgrp env insmod micro_bench procrank sha1sum udhcpc zcat
chmod expr install mkdir ps showmap udhcpd
chown false iostat mke2fs pstree showslab umount
chroot fbset ip mkfs.ext2 pwd sii5293_tools uname
chvt fdformat ipaddr mknod pwdx sleep uniq
clear fdisk iplink mktemp rawbu smemcap unix2dos
cmp fgconsole iproute modinfo rawjsread sort unlzop
countryCodeConverter fgrep iprule modprobe readlink sqlite3 unxz
cp find iptunnel more reboot start-stop-daemon

Since the SC is our ‘hand in the sky’ guiding the Bebop, we strongly discourage fiddling with SC
internal files unless you know very well what you are doing.

6.2. SkyController hardware

The SC sports its own sensors, including a magnetometer, accelerometer, gyroscope. A

combination of sensor output is used to calculate the SC orientation in space, which is used by
Parrot as well as third party apps.

6.2.1. USB mouse

You can plug a USB mouse in the SC USB port and use it to navigate the Freeflight app, which -
for bench work such as software updates etc. - is far more practical than using the little black

6.3 Resetting the SkyController

Some forum posts report that different combinations of button presses are supposed to factory
reset the SkyController. None of them seemed to be doing anything in our tests, and it is possible
that this function has been removed in recent firmware updates.
Nonetheless, a post reports the reply obtained from Parrot support, which is interesting and worth
mentioning here. The problem reported by the user concerned an abnormal behavior of the
joysticks, leading to drone drifting to one direction when the right stick was centered. Here is
Parrot’s reply:

Joystick calibration offset reset is now possible (see procedure below)

--- Do not touch the Skycontroller's joysticks during the whole procedure ---
1) Update your SkyController to 1.3.8 version (this was the latest version available at the time)
2) Create an empty text file "calibrate_me.txt" on a USB key
3) Plug the USB key into your SkyController
4) Turn on the SkyController and wait until FreeFlight is launched: do not touch the SkyController joysticks
5) Unplug the USB key
6) Reboot the SkyController

This procedure has successfully been used also on 1.6.6 firmware and is likely to fix your
joysticks in case you are experiencing similar issues but, most importantly, it tells us that an
empty text file with the right name is able to access the SkyController system. It will be
interesting to experiment with alternative file names that could for example open a telnet
connection over the wifi network and avoid the SDK approach.

7. Acknowledgements

We herewith acknowledge the whole community of Parrot Bebop users who published the
information that we assembled in this guide in several official and unofficial forums, websites and
The Unofficial Bebop hacking Guide includes contributions from:

AO kfj4100 Reely340
coolys Matthewlloyd rodsantos
enderffx mbarnes ShellDude
Eric78 mountkidd SilentException
Foomanchu nicknack videokahuna
Foundobjectwind Parrot_Axel Volodiaja
Facebook user groups Parrot developers blog zeroprobe
ICARUS23 Petetum
Island_Bob RAR69

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